• Consent agenda
• Appointment of Officer Evan Ricker, effective August 15, 2022
• Renewal of School Resource Officer Memorandum of Understanding with Camp Hill School District
• HRG to perform Sewer System Rate Study in the approximate amount of $12,400
• Traffic signal easement agreement with Lamont Group LLC at 2026 Market Street
• Sidewalk & traffic signal easement agreement with 2101 Market Street Assoc., LLC at 2101 Market Street
• Sidewalk easement agreement with Ray Harber at 2502 Market Street
• Revised Zoning Ordinance to be sent to the Borough Planning Commission for review
• Ordinance #2022-4 to prohibit parking on the south side of 1801 Market Street
• Advertising of an ordinance to revise regulations relating to eating and drinking establishment registration
• Advertising of an ordinance amending Chapter 187 on the minimum height of overhanging shade tree branches
• Appointing of Civil Service Commissioner, Tim Jackson
• Appointing of Robert Forbes as Emergency Management Coordinator
• Utility bill collection policy amendment to forward delinquent payers to collections after three quarters of non-payment
• Resolution #2022-10 to amend the fee schedule relating to permits for eating and drinking establishments
• Contribution to the Lion Foundation in the amount of $3,500.00
• Payment of checks in the amount of $870,097.38
• Consent agenda
• Crossing Guard Contract with All-City Management Services
• HRG contract for engineering construction oversight for the Eisenhower walkway HATS project
• Memorandum of Understanding with Downtown Camp Hill Association through 6/30/23
• Advertisement of the Stormwater Management Ordinance
• Ordinance #2022-05 to amend regulations for eating and drinking establishments
• Tabling of Ordinance #2022-06 to amend Chapter 187 regarding overhanging height of shade trees
• Appointment of Joshua Levitsky to fill an opening on the Shade Tree Commission
• Payment of checks in the amount of $269,297.04
• Consent agenda
• Contract for Siebert Park Pump Station Replacement Project to HRI, Inc. in the amount of $896,365.00
• Decline of bid option to construct improvements at the Creek Road pump station for $88,040
• Payment #9 of $28,390.02 to Pipe Services Corporation to close the on-call CCTV sanitary sewer contract
• Advertisement of solicitation for bids of refuse and recyclables collection and processing
• Eagle Scout project by Jaerren Stever
• Memorial bench replacement in Willow Park
• Solicitor to prepare an ordinance to permit the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in a Borough Park for Borough sponsored events with Council approval
• Ordinance #2022-06, amending Chapter 187
• Tabling of Stormwater Management Ordinance
• Appointment of Bee City USA Committee leaders
• Promotion of Sergeant Todd Harrer to the rank of Lieutenant, effective September 19
• Authorization of the sale of phones and card printer on Municibid
• MMO $20,218 for Plan #21-003-3N1 (Nonpolice employees hired prior to 4/1/16)
• MMO for pension for Plan #21-003-3N2 (Non-police employees hired after 4/1/16) in the amount of $62,921
• MMO for pension for Plan #21-003-3P (Police) in the amount of $171,339
• 2022 Audit
• Payment of checks in the amount of $382,913.50
Sammi Parylak is our new Office Assistant. She is originally from the Philadelphia area and moved to the Camp Hill area after graduating from Bloomsburg University in 2020. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies with a concentration in Interpersonal Communication and has a wide variety of working experience in customer service and banking. She enjoys binge-watching television, taking walks, and playing with her dog Henry.
6 – Daylight Savings ends
8 – Election Day
9 – Council Meeting – 7pm
11 – Veterans Day- Borough Offices closed
15 – Planning Commission – 6:30pm*
20 – Candy Cane Walk – 12pm
24 & 25 – Thanksgiving Holiday –Borough Offices closed
1 thru 3 – Parade of Lights – Siebert Park- 6pm to 8:30 pm
8 – Twas the Night before 5pm-8pm
8 – Tree Lighting Ceremony 6pm
10 – Miracle on 24th Street 2 – 8 pm
14 – Council Meeting – 7 pm
20 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm*
26 – Christmas- Borough Offices Closed
2 – New Years – Borough Offices closed
10 – Recreation Commission – 6 pm
11 – Council Meeting – 7 pm
16 – Martin Luther King Jr Day-Bor ough Offices closed
17 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm*
8 – Council Meeting – 7 pm
20 – President’s Day – Borough Offices closed
21 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm* *meetings are held as needed
These meetings are held at the Borough of Camp Hill Municipal Offices, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 and are open to the public. If you are a person with a disability, please note: 48 hours notice is requested for any individual with a disability who needs an accommodation to participate in a borough meeting, program, service, or employment procedure. Individuals wishing to attend these public meetings who require an auxiliary aid service or other accommo-dations to participate in the meetings please contact the Borough of Camp Hill at (717) 737-3456 or via e-mail: flymch@camphillborough.com. Residents requiring TDD service should call 1-800-654-5984.
JAN 6th
Submit to Audrey Logar at alogar@camphillborough.com
Emergency............................................. 911
Mayor – Mark Simpson ............... 737-8596
Police Chief – Stephen Margeson Police Dept (non-emergency) 737-1570 Fire Chief – Mark Simpson 737-4623 Fire Dept (non-emergency) 737-4623
Camp Hill Borough Office Main Telephone ...................... 737-3456 Fax .......................................... 730-3961 TDD 1-800-654-5984
Camp Hill Borough Office Hours
Monday–Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Mailing Address: 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 website: camphillborough.com general email: info@camphillborough.com
Borough Manager Sara Gibson ext 1042 Recreation Director – Audrey Logar ext 1019
Codes Enforcement Officer ext 1014 Sewer, Trash & Storm Water Billing ........................................ext 1022
Public Works Department 730-3694
Borough Council Alissa Packer President Bonnie Bentz Vice-President Jennifer Hoover, Mercedes Evans, Michele Forbes, Emily Smith,Sherry Bowman Solicitor – E. Lee Stinnett
All council members are accessible by email through the Borough website or at the montly Council meeting (2nd Wed at 7 pm)
Tax Collector – Amy Baron 737-2731 camphilltaxcollector@gmail.com
District Justice Court ................... 761-0583
Camp Hill Post Office 737-1461
Camp Hill School District 901-2400
Cleve J Fredricksen Library 761-3900
Humane Society 564-3320
Camp Hill Pool 909-3887
Chamber of Commerce ................ 761-0702
Cumberland County
Courthouse Directory 1-888-697-0371
Elections Bureau 240-6385
County Tax Assessment 240-6350
Cumberland Co Tax Bureau 590-7997
County Recycling Authority 240-6489
State Representative – Greg Rothman ..................... 975-2235 or 783-2063
State Senator – Mike Regan 432-1730 or 787-8524
Attorney General Office Consumer Protection 1-800-441-2555
Contractor Problems .................... 772-2425
Utilities Penn Waste 1-866-575-8720
PA American Water 1-800-565-7292
PPL/Street Light Problems 1-800-342-5775
Unless indicated otherwise, all telephone numbers are 717 area code.
• check the local weather forecasts and be ready for road conditions to change quickly.
• minimize driving as much as possible during and immediately following a winter weather storm. Clean up operations can progress much quicker with less traffic to work around.
• remove vehicles and trailers from the roadway prior to a winter storm allowing plows to clean the street from curb to curb.
• keep extra distance from all vehicles providing winter maintenance.
• place basketball goals within the Borough right-of-way.
• push, blow, or shovel snow onto a roadway.
• clear the end of your driveway until the road is completely cleared of snow. Operators will make multiple passes on the same street until snow is pushed back to the curb lines.
• Leaf collection begins October 24
• Leaf collection will end on or about December 9. This may change due to early winter weather events.
• Leaf collection is the day after your trash collection, weather permitting.
• Leaves should be windrowed along the curb or road edge the day prior to collection.
• Do NOT place branches or grass clippings in the leaf piles, leaf collection is just for leaves.
• Do NOT place any other debris in the leaf piles. Rocks, bricks, and scooters can cause severe injuries to personnel and catastrophic damage to the equipment.
• Parked cars on the street may prevent the collection of leaves around that car.
• Keep all trees along the curb line trimmed to a minimum of 14 feet above the street to allow the leaf collection equipment to operate along the curb line.
• Please check the Public Works page on the Borough’s website for any updates that may occur.
• Pool water should be dechlorinated prior to discharging onto your property.
• Never dispose of pool water through a storm sewer, which will discharge to a stream.
• If lowering the water level of the pool, let it drain to a lawn to prevent it from running off into a storm sewer.
• Pool water may be used for irrigation if it does not run off the property or into a storm sewer.
Keep an eye out for inlet markers around the Borough, they were installed this year by the “My Work Crew”. These markers are part of the Borough’s Public Education and Illicit Discharge, Detection, and Elimination (IDD&E) portions of the MS4 program.
Shovel and remove the snow and ice in a timely manner. If you have a sidewalk in the right-of-way, it is to be cleared within 8 hours of cessation of the accumulation. Sidewalk shoveling should provide a minimum 3’ wide pathway. Fines may be up to $300, and every day can constitute a new separate violation. Even if a plow truck unfortunately pushes snow back onto a cleared sidewalk, you will still need to shovel again. Please be aware of the direction you are discarding the snow. Do not throw snow into the street.
Signs relating to a singular event are to be removed within thirty (30) days after conclusion of the event. This includes yard sales, election signs, etc. Please also remember
The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank will be giving food to all qualified Camp Hill residents in need of food assistance at the Christian Life Assembly Church, 2645 Lisburn Rd. in Lower Allen Twp. Please stop by between 9am – 12 noon on the following Tuesdays: October 11th, November 8th, December 13th, and January 10th. A utility bill from your residence is the only requirement. Please stop by if your family is in need!
signs on your property are limited to two in the yard, and no more than one in a window. Refer to the ordinance for size limits. Content is not the concern. Just be sure it is not in the road right-of-way (generally between the sidewalk and the curb) and not exceeding the size limitation. Enforcement focuses on size, quantity, and timing of placement.
Please be sure to prevent your pets from roaming off your property. You could be subjected you to a citation if your pet damages another property. Be sure to pick up waste that your pet leaves behind when walking. Your pet is to be under your physical control when off your property. This applies to dogs, cats, ferrets, lizards, and fish!
Additional considerations: Be sure to have your furnace serviced. If your heating source runs off fossil fuels, be sure to have a carbon monoxide detector. Carbon monoxide detectors should be located outside of every bedroom and within 15 feet of the appliance.
The Camp Hill Police Department would like to congratulate Todd Harrer, who was selected as the new Lieutenant of Camp Hill Police Department. Lieutenant Todd Harrer attended Harrisburg Area Community College where he obtained an associate degree in Police Science. He also graduated from the Municipal Police Academy in 2009.
Prior to coming to Camp Hill Police, he worked part time as a Police Officer for Annville Township Lebanon County and Paxtang Borough Dauphin County. Lt. Harrer also worked for Derry Township Police Department as a Community Service Officer.
Lt. Harrer started his career at Camp Hill Police Department on June 14, 2010. He worked in patrol until Jan 01, 2020, when he was promoted to Patrol Sergeant. Camp Hill Police Department promoted Sgt. Todd Harrer to Lieutenant on Sept 19, 2022. We are very happy to have Lt. Todd Harrer in
this position.
In Lt. Harrer’s free time he enjoys spending time with his family and watching the Phillies, Flyers, Sixers and the Eagles. He loves Camp Hill because it is a nice safe community to live, work, play and raise a family.
Thank you to all the residents of Camp Hill for supporting our 2022 chicken BBQS! Without your help, your all-volunteer fire company would have a tough time maintaining the high standards we set for ourselves. We have had a busy spring and summer responding to our community and local emergency calls. The contributions that we receive during the year go directly to our equipment maintenance.
If you’re interested in finding our more information or thinking of becoming involved with the fire company, please stop by the Fire Hall any Monday evening at 7:00 and/or email Dave Apgar at a1fireman@ comcast.net.
Thank you for your continued support!
The Camp Hill Borough Public Safety Committee, along with the Camp Hill Police Department, Camp Hill Fire Department, Camp Hill School District, and the Cumberland County District Attorney’s Office’s new Forensic Laboratory will offer a family-friendly safety education seminar on Tuesday, November 15 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Prosser Hall called “Law and Order Safety First.”
Please plan to join us for this free seminar, which will feature:
• Presentations by Camp Hill Police officers on first aid and emergency bleeding response, as well as active shooter planning.
• Home fire safety tips provided by Fire Department volunteers.
• Guests from the Cumberland County Forensic Laboratory demonstrating equipment and techniques used to investigate crimes all over the County
and guests can hear about how Camp Hill officers can access these resources to solve crimes in the Borough.
• Meet our safety professionals and learn ways to keep yourself and your family safe!
“Law and Order Safety First” is FREE, but pre-registration is requested to assist in planning. Please pre-register online at camphillborough.com through active net.
Commuter Services of Pennsylvania has been coordinating with the Borough’s Climate Action Plan Task Force to promote “green” trips, including walking, biking, carpooling, and using public transit to get to work and school. Commuter Services of Pennsylvania offers FREE transportation resources to help you save money on your commute! Download the Commute PA app to find carpool matches, get information on transit routes, and access resources for biking and walking. Plus, when you record your green trips, you earn rewards!
Exciting things are happening through the Borough of Camp Hill Human Relations Commission. We have a new logo which we believe reflects our commitment to ensuring Camp Hill remains a welcoming community. The Borough’s Human Relations Commission receives, processes and mediates complaints of discrimination in employment, housing and commercial property, and public accommodation based on actual or perceived race, color, religious creed, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap, disability or use of guide or support animals because of blindness, deafness or physical handicap of the user or because the user is a handler or trainer of support or guide animals, or because of an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. All complaints must be received by the Borough within 180 days of the occurrence of the last act giving rise to the complaint. A complaint must be filed in person at the office of the Borough Manager or by mailing a complaint to the attention of the Borough Manager or to the attention of the Commissioner designated for intake at the above address. Please visit the borough webpage to learn more about us or reach out to Commission chairperson, Jennifer Storm at jenniferstorm119@gmail. com or Borough Manager Sara Gibson, sgibson@camphillborough.com with any questions.
Post 43 has been helping veterans in and around Camp Hill since 1919 the same year The American Legion was created. Post 43 received the first charter in Cumberland County, PA. Ever since, we all have one mission: To enhance the wellbeing of America’s veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.
Today we are well known for the annual Camp Hill Memorial Day Service and Parade, which we’ve been involved in since 1920, just a few months after our creation. The Memorial Day Service is one of the best known across the Commonwealth, and it isn’t just because of the Legion, it is because of the support of the community gathered to honor the fallen who committed themselves in service to our country.
Some of the programs that make us who we are include youth programs like supporting scholarships, Scouting, essay and oratorical competitions and awarding deserving High School seniors. Other programs we take part in are supporting veterans through financial hardships, fighting for veterans rights and housing for homeless veterans.
The Medical Equipment Loan Program offers residents of Camp Hill Borough, at no cost, the loan of wheelchairs, walkers, portable toilets, shower seats, and crutches. Inquire at the Borough Administrative Office or call (717) 737-3456.
Members of the Commission took part in our annual National Night Out held in August with rock painting for children and informational pamphlets for the adults. The Borough is seeking volunteers to serve on the Commission in 2023.
Post 43 now has a website: https:// camphillpost43.org/ The website has links and one of them is called Service Officer Request which is a link that provides the opportunity for veterans in need to contact the Post 43 Veterans Service Officer. There are also links to join the Post, renew American Legion membership, and to donate funds. For other questions please Contact us.
Christmas is coming and so are the Lions Club trees. Trees will be available starting the Sunday after Thanksgiving at the West Shore Plaza. We appreciate all the wonderful people who support our sale. All proceeds go towards charities we support. Also, during the holiday season we will be busy cleaning our adopted part of Trindle Road and ringing the bells for the Salvation Army.
The borough doesn’t promote, endorse or recommend any contractor or business advertised in the newsletter or in general practice.
If you have a senior at Camp Hill High School or Trinity High School, we are offering two scholarships to seniors who attend these schools. One is in the amount of $2,500.00, payable only to HAAC. It is based on scholastic scores. The other is the Richard Gulden Memorial scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 payable to ANY college. This scholarship will be based strictly on community service. If you have a student who wants to apply, you may get more information from the HS Guidance Departments. With all this good work in the community we are still in need of new members. Thank you for all your support and may you all have a happy, healthy and blessed holiday season.
Riparian buffers are natural vegetation that grow at the edges of streams and bodies of water. These trees, bushes and grasses are critically important to the health of the waterway and the life it supports. They shield the sensitive ecological environment of any waterway, such as the Willow Creek, Cedar Run, Blackberry Spring Run and Conodoguinet Creek, from pollutants and disturbances from human activity. They do this by slowing down water runoff, allowing excess water to be absorbed by plant roots and absorbed into the groundwater and by stabilizing waterway banks helping to reduce erosion. Riparian Buffers are considered among the best protection a freshwater ecosystem has against external influences.
Paul Garrett and Lydia Hack planting trees on October 8
Our only goal is to try to preserve/ improve Camp Hill’s water, air, land, and flora.
Some of our current projects include picking up trash on borough streets, cleaning the Conodoguinet Creek, promoting recycling at borough athletic fields and planting trees in the Conodoguinet
Creek riparian buffer area.
If you would like to join us or get additional information on what we do, visit the borough website www.camphillborough.com or contact Paul Garrett at 717- 514-3546 or paulgarrett40n@gmail.com
The Penn-Cumberland Garden Club (PCGC) will hold the 53rd PCGC Holiday Market on Monday, November 28, 2022 at the Penn-Harris Hotel Harrisburg. They will also hold the Holiday Luncheon on that date. For all the details on both events please visit the Camp Hill Borough website.
The Camp Hill Woman’s Club, established in 1950, is a very active philanthropic and social organization of women from Camp Hill and the surrounding areas. Our primary object is to raise money through various fundraisers, which we distribute annually to local charities. A homemade soup sale is scheduled for Saturday, January 28 from noon to 3 pm at the Borough Building. Then our huge BINGO fundraiser will be held on Saturday, April 22.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday, December 13th at 7 p.m. at the Borough Building. Please stop in; make new friends; get involved in our community outreach activities. We’d love to see you there! Visit us at www.chwclub.com.
You’ve heard of us!
One of our interesting activities produced the History Banners that flew from our Market Street utility poles for so many years. We’ve been involved with establishing memorials in Willow Park, etc. We’ve conducted walking tours in our Borough, and most recently a bus trip around local Civil War sites. (Yes, Camp Hill is the site of the northern-most intrusion of Rebel Troops!) You’ve cheered when our member drove his early mail truck in the Memorial Day Parade. You may have attended the Gala Concert introducing our beautiful historic Wurlitzer Harp to the community. We hold three Soup ‘n Sandwich general meetings each year in Prosser Hall (March, May, and August) featuring speakers, plus our Annual Dinner Meeting (November) the months’ first Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
• Learn about the famous, infamous and unusual people of our borough.
• Receive a newsletter with interesting information about our history.
• Hear and read personal histories of events and activities of our citizenry and families.
• Gain perspective into how people lived and thought in years past and how they handled problems and issues of their day.
• Help our children learn of the heritage of their hometown and what they might do to help preserve it.
Join us as we build on our rich past.
Make your check out to the Historical Society of Camp Hill -- individual membership $10, family membership $20, supporting membership $50 per year. Send a check with your name, address, phone number, e-mail – to the Historical Society c/o 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011
On October 24th, we held our Halloween and Activity Night. We were excited to have the parade back and had a great turn out! There were many fantastic costumes and every year there are some that we have not had before. A big thank you to Linda Walton and Melanie Gurgiolo for all their help prior to the parade. Special thanks, goes out to the Recreation Commission, Borough Council, the Key Club at Camp Hill High School, Police Dept., Fire Dept., Fire Police, Public Works Dept, Camp Hill Lion’s Club, Camp Hill Woman’s Club, Junior Civic Club and members of the community.
100 N. 19th Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 • 717-761-3900
Hours: Mon Tues Thu Fri 9-9, Wed 9-6, Sat & Sun 1-5
98 S. Enola Drive, Enola, PA 17025 • 717-732-4274
Hours: Mon & Fri 11-4, Tues - Thu 10-8, Sat 10-2, Closed Sun
fredricksenlibrary.org eastpennsborobranch.org
Join us for our Book Discussions via Zoom. You must have read or listened to the book to attend. Ages 18 and older. Registration begins November 1.
DEC 13, 7 - 8 PM: True Biz by Sara Novic JAN 23, 7-8 PM: Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb FEB 27, 7 - 8 PM: Fast Girls by Elise Hooper
Learn short, easy 15 minute meditations to calm the mind. Meditation is an ancient tool to calm anxiety, worry, depression, and more. Led by Buddhist nun, Kelsang Chondzin, a teacher and practitioner of almost 20 years, these meditations are suitable for people of any religion. Everyone is welcome!
We are now offering language immersion conversation groups on a regular basis. Our expert leaders will guide you through discussion, conversation and culture of your chosen language. Some experience in the language is necessary.
Italian via Zoom
2ND & 4TH THURSDAYS, 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Spanish - Beginner & Intermediate Conversation
Spanish – Fluent Speakers Conversation
French - All levels
Join us for Moving Forward, a book discussion series, in cooperation with Hospice of Central PA, geared towards those who have suffered a loss or tragedy and could use an infusion of hope. We will focus on the redemptive power of the human spirit. You must have read or listened to the book to attend. Ages 18 and older. Registration for all sessions begins November 1.
DEC 7: Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner
JAN 4: Wintering: The Power of Rest & Retreat in Difficult Times by Katherine May
FEB 1: Book to be announced
1ST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH, 10 - 11 AM Hybrid (Small Meeting Room and Zoom) Join us as we discuss the Classics! You must have read or listened to the book to attend. Ages 18 and older. Registration for all sessions begins November 1.
DEC 6: Oh, Money! Money! by Eleanor H. Porter
JAN 3: The Crucible by Arthur Miller
FEB 7: The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Join us online via Zoom as we discover and discuss The Odyssey, “Homer’s epic in which Greek hero Odysseus makes his long and treacherous journey home after the Trojan War.” You must have read or listened to the sections to attend. Ages 18 and older. Registration begins November 1.
The War Room: Military History Roundtable
Small Meeting Room, lower level. Join your fellow military history aficionados in a meaningful discussion about battles and other military events ranging from circa 1000 BCE up to recent military history. Registration suggested, but not required. Ages 16+.
DEC 9, JAN 6, FEB 24 9 - 9:45 AM
Community Room, Lower Level. Join, Ann Fields, founder of Peaceful Poses Kids Yoga, for an adult slow flow yoga class. This new class at Fredricksen will explore yoga poses, breathing techniques and ways to deal with stress and anxiety. Open to all levels and no experience is necessary.
6 THURSDAYS: FEB 2 – MARCH 9, 6 -7:30 PM
During this class you will learn about the history of photography and cameras, the science behind how a DSLR camera works, the exposure triangle - aperture, shutter speed and ISO, many different composition techniques, lenses, and much, much more. In order to participate you need to have a DSLR or mirrorless camera. $150 fee covers all six classes. Ages 13+; Seating is very limited. Register online, via phone or in the library.
FRI, DEC 2, JAN 6, FEB 3, 11 AM - 6:30 PM
Please visit 717giveblood.org, call 1-800-771-0059 or cpbb.org. Walk-Ins are welcome; however, donors with appointments will be taken first. This may result in a significant wait time. Masks are required. If you aren’t wearing a mask, we will provide one for you.
Enjoy step-by-step instruction with our experienced and enthusiastic instructor. You’ll leave with a one-ofa-kind creation to enjoy! Cost: $5 per person. All art materials supplied. Ages 18 & up.
DEC 17 & 18, 1 - 3 PM: Snowman Sunset
JAN 28 & 29, 1 - 3 PM: Sunny Winterscape FEB 25 & 26, 1 - 3 PM: Floral Vase
Our Indie & Foreign Film Fridays are continuing through the winter. Sponsored by Bill and Jane Murray. Join us for our film discussions too! Much like a book group, you will watch the film then join us for an optional moderated discussion. Watch the film at the library or watch it on your own. Registration required.
FRI, DEC 9, 2 - 4 PM: Jinn followed by discussion
FRI, DEC 9, 7 – 9 PM: Jinn
FRI, JAN 13, 2- 4 PM: Sink or Swim followed by discussion
FRI, JAN 13, 7 - 9 PM: Sink or Swim
FRI, FEB 10, 2 - 4 PM: Menashe followed by discussion
FRI, FEB 10, FOM 7 - 9 PM: Menashe
JAN 24, 31, FEB 7, 21, 28, MAR 7, TIME:6:30 PM
If you’ve got an iPad and you are pretty sure that you’re not using it to its full potential, come to this class. Join experienced teacher James Gates in this face-to-face class. Register online or at the library.
This round table discussion will apply the Socratic Method to help delve into philosophical discussions and give you an opportunity to share your opinions in a neutral and respectful way without interruption.
JANUARY 12, 7 - 8:30 PM
Join Suzanne with Happily Decluttered to learn about simple changes you can make to reduce incoming clutter and strategies you can implement to address the clutter you already have.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 12 AT 7:00 P.M. Enjoy an evening of carols and holiday music. Louis Lynch (harpist) and the First UMC Handbell Choir will transport you from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season with a variety of music to soothe your soul.
Show your love for Fredricksen Library by playing Bingo on Beanstack. Earn spaces by reading, coming to the library, attending programs,
DEC 11: Decorate a Gingerbread House & watch Elf
JAN 22: Pendulum Painting
TUE, DEC 13, JAN 10, FEB 14, 6 - 7:30 PM
The Teen Writers’ Meetup is open to writers of comics, manga, novels and poetry.
THUR, DEC 8, JAN 12, FEB 9, 6 - 8 PM
We meet once a month, via Zoom, to discuss a great YA or classic book. This program is for ages 15-18.
Explore the sciences with awesome hands-on activities and STEAM crafts.
DEC 7: Healing Plants: We’ll explore using herbs and botanicals in cooking, aromatherapy and body care.
JAN 4: Recycling Projects: We are recycling old paper into beautiful new handmade paper
FEB 1: Project to be decided
THUR, DEC 15, JAN 19, FEB 16, 7 - 7:45 PM
TAG is a service oriented group of teens whose members help plan teen programs and perform service projects around the library. We meet monthly via Zoom. The group will also meet in person for special library projects.
Check back for more details as we finalize our plans for this one-shot RPG game.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 5 - 7:30PM
You received a mysterious invitation to an escape room party. The party address is a leased vacation home, so the host could be anyone in the fog-covered town of Noxhelm’s Crossing. You have no idea who invited you, but you are familiar with everyone on the guest list. The invitation says you will work as a team to escape the room before time runs out. Dinner will be served.
Monthly meetup to explore the sciences through cool projects.
DEC 14 & 21: We are making Ice Lanterns in this 2 part program. You must be able to attend both December 14th and 21st sessions.
JAN 18: Look to the stars as we explore constellations. FEB 15: Theme to be decided
Meetup with other LEGO mega-fans. We have loads of bricks and specialty pieces so you can create amazing builds. Each session will also feature a Challenge build.
Don’t miss this special version of BINGO where we will play for specialty LEGO pieces, accessories, minifigures and more. Plus we will play rounds for whole LEGO sets!!
Recommended ages 2 and up. Registration required.
American Girl Book Club
TUE, JAN 24 & FEB 28, 6:30-7:30 PM
Each month we will read about an American Girl character, then meet to discuss each girl. Recommended ages 8-12. Registration required.
Chess Club
FRI, DEC 2, JAN 6, FEB 3, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Volunteers from the Harrisburg/West Shore Chess Club will be on hand to assist young chess players and match up competitors. Recommended ages 5-13.
All Year Long in the Children’s Library
Bring your little ones to play with our developmental toys and take part in special activities during the mornings. All ages welcome.
Santa’s elves have brought a workshop to Fredricksen Library just for kids! Help Santa’s elves by making gifts for your family. Enjoy holiday music, hot chocolate, and the season of giving. The teen activities are Snowflake Paper Lanterns and Marble Painted Ornaments. Ages 4-18. Registration required.
Enter the land of dragons and mythical creatures! Join us for our Dragons & Mythical Creatures Party with songs, stories, crafts, and more. Wear your favorite mythical creature costume and join us for a fun event. Ages 4-18. Registration required.
Eloise’s “Rawther” Chic Library Party!
You are invited to Eloise’s “Rawther” Chic Library Party! A hilarious book character, six-year-old Eloise, will travel all the way from the Plaza hotel in NYC (and the pages of her books) to spend the afternoon at Fredricksen. Ideal for ages 6 and up. Registration required.
Family Paint & Pix!
FRI, DEC 16, JAN 20, FEB 17, 6 - 8 PM
Join us for a night of creativity and cinemas. Kids are invited to participate in a movie-based guided painting before the family film starts. Films will be rated G or PG. Registration required.
3RD FRIDAY OF THE MONTH: DEC 16, JAN 20, FEB 17 11 AM - 12:30 PM
Bring your preschooler (ages 4+) to Library for Lunch! This award-winning program was designed to help your child get ready for school by enjoying some learning activities and practicing having lunch at “school.” This program is recommended for preschoolers ages 4 – 6, but younger and/or older siblings may attend. Registration is required.
Library AFTER Lunch
3RD FRIDAYS, 1 - 2:30 PM
DEC 16, JAN 20, FEB 17, MAR 17
Help your child with their kindergarten readiness. Mission Transition allows your child to practice skills that will benefit them in kindergarten, meet other students from their school, and build their confidence as they begin their educational journey. Registration required.
FRI, DEC 2, 9, JAN 6, FEB 24, 10 - 10:45 AM
Join Ann Fields, founder of Peaceful Poses Kids Yoga, for some mindful movement, deep breaths, and ways we can learn about our feelings. Recommended ages 2 1/2 - 5 years old. Registration required.
Join us for parachute play where children develop language and social skills through singing and rhyming while incorporating movement. Ages 3-5. Registration required.
DEC 6, 20, JAN 3, 17, FEB 7, 21, 6:30 - 8 PM
Specially trained dogs from K-PETs will be at the library to listen to children read aloud. For budding readers. Ages 6 - 12. Registration required.
Explore the world and learn about different cultures and people around the globe. Recommended ages 6 to 8 years old. Registration required
DEC 12: Iceland
JAN 9: China
FEB 13: Columbia
2ND SAT OF THE MONTH, 1:30 - 2:30 PM
JAN 14: Mythological Creatures from around the world
FEB 11: Humpback Whales
This Young Explorers group will learn about art, science, history, and more in their quest to learn more about the world around them. Ages 6 to 8 years old. Registration required.
DEC 5, JAN 2, FEB 6
This program developed by Jane Goodall is a youth service program which helps empower young people to become leaders who build a better world. Recommended ages 5-8. Registration required.
Join us for a Science-based story followed by the opportunity to uncover objects by asking questions. Ages 8-10 years old. Registration required
Get ready to explore, create, learn, and experiment in our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) monthly meetups. Recommended ages 8-10 years old. Registration required.
DEC 13: Experiment with making model-sized rubber-band and air-powered cars from everyday materials.
JAN 10: How and why Geysers shoot hot water into the air.
FEB 14: Learn about the multi-chamber organ, the heart.
Storytime is a beloved tradition that helps set the foundation for the joy of reading. It engages participants with fun dynamic early learning activities with books, songs, and movement.
Winter Baby & Toddler Storytime
Recommended ages 0-2. Registration required.
Bring your preschooler (ages 4+) to Library AFTER Lunch! We’ll have learning activities and centers set up around the room for your preschooler (with your help) to play and practice their get-ready-for-school skills. This program is recommended for preschoolers ages 4 – 6, but younger and/or older siblings may attend. No registration required.
DEC 8, 15 & 29, JAN 12 & 19, FEB 9 & 16, 10 - 11 AM
Meet our favorite library pups, Calvin & Hobbes. Registered therapy team Mr. Gregg and Calvin & Hobbes offer children the opportunity to interact with dogs and build self-esteem. No Registration Required.
An easier way to donate your books and media! Please park in the lower parking lot off Walnut Street close near the sidewalk. Donations all other times are limited to one box or less at the Reference Desk when open.
Happy Fall to Everyone! This is a great time of year to get outside and use our recreational facilities like the Goddard Trail, tennis courts, stadium, etc.
This fall we continued to offer “School of Hoops” basketball program. We appreciate the instructors, especially the parents, who ran this program.
In October, we had our Halloween Parade and Activities Night. We had a lot of great costumes again this year and the creativity was amazing! All winners for costumes are in the newsletter and are posted on our website, www.camphillborough.com. I would like to thank all the volunteers from the Camp Hill High School, all businesses and clubs that support the Camp Hill Recreation Department. Without all of you these community events would not be possible. Please look for more details in this newsletter.
If you thought the Halloween Parade and Activities were fun, wait
till you see what we have in store for December. We have many holiday community events planned and you can read about them all in this newsletter and on our website.
Please remember that Camp Hill Recreation programs require pre-registration. All registrations are to be done online. If you need assistance, please call the Recreation Office. Also remember to look us up on Facebook and like our page to find out the latest news and reminders. Our page is Camp Hill Parks And Recreation. I am a one person office, so I am not always able to answer my phone when it rings. If I am not available to answer your call, please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible (usually within one business day).
Thank you, Audrey J. Logar, CPRPCamp Hill Borough will be holding the state award-winning Parade of Lights for Toys for Tots through Siebert Park during the evening hours (6 p.m.-8:30 p.m.) on December 1, 2, and 3. This event is sponsored in part by Centric Bank. Any individual, group, organization or business that would like to get involved can find fillable form on our website. The guidelines include information about setting up displays between Nov. 27th and Nov. 29th in preparation for the event. From November 27th through December 4th, the park will be completely closed to all activity, including tennis courts and stadium for public safety reasons. This is a drive thru event for all to enjoy. People must remain in their vehicle. A new unwrapped toy donation is our request for admission to the event. The US Marines and volunteers will be collecting your toy at the entrance of the light display. We look forward to seeing everyone! This is a great cause that enables children in Central PA to receive a toy for the holidays. Any questions please email Audrey Logar, Recreation Director: alogar@camphillborough.com.
Tree Lighting: December 8th
Camp Hill Recreation has teamed up with DCHA and we will be holding a Holiday Tree Lighting on December 8 at 6 pm during their “Twas the Night Before..” event. The Camp Hill Cheer Band will be performing and all are welcome to go downtown after tree is lite for hot chocolate, cookies and Santa. Hope you can join us!
Camp Hill Recreation in partnership with Blooms by Vickrey will be having our Annual Holiday Decorating Contest. The Holiday Home Decoration Contest, includes not only the front door, but windows, lawn and landscaping. Anyone who decorates the front of their home for the holidays is automatically entered. The week of December 12th some of us will be driving around admiring all the homes here in Camp Hill Borough. If you want us to look at your outdoor decorations, just have your lights on outside this week and we will check them out. Winners will be notified by a knock at their door. Be sure to check out the winners posted on our website and drive by their homes and check out their decorations.
There are three openings on the Recreation Commission for the term 20232025. Cover letter and resume are due to the Recreation Office by December 1, 2022. This volunteer position is a way that you can give back to your community and help make decisions about programs and projects supported by the Borough. The Recreation Commission meets 4 times a year for about an hour, or as needed, and assists the Rec reation Department during programs and special events.
Camp Hill Recreation Commission will conduct its meetings at 6 pm at the Borough Building of Camp Hill Municipal Office in the community room, 2145 Walnut Street, on the following date: January 10th, April 4th, July 11th and October 3rd
For your convenience, we have ONLINE REGISTRATION for programs or to rent a facility. Of course, you are always welcome to stop by the Borough offices to register in person, but you should make an account first so when you come in we can register you.
A refund will not be granted for any cancellation of a session $50 or less. This includes any program offered by the Rec reation Department.
For all programs greater than $50, a refund will be granted according to this schedule:
PLEASE NOTE: If you already have an account, please don’t create a new account, just login and if you forgot your password, just click forgot password. Be sure to read over the Refund Policy prior to Registering as well. More details can be found on our website.
To obtain access to the stadium when it is not being used for an event, you need to fill out an application at the Borough Office. One application per family. To enter the sta dium access the Siebert Park Stadium near the Athletic House. Just swipe your card and push on the access gate. It will turn to let one person enter. If you lose your card, you need to notify the Borough immediately, so we can deactivate your card. Replacement cards, are $5.00 each.
Both the Thomas J. Prosser Hall and EERC are available to rent for private events. You can find general information on our website and if you would like to request a date please go on our active net site.
Thank you to The Foundation for En hancing Communities for the donation from the Harry and Nancy Preis Siebert Park
Kids Creative Art Classes • Allison Juliana
Mondays • Session 1: November 7 –28; Session 2: Jan. 9 – 30 and Session 3: February 6 – 27 • Grades: 1-3 • 6:30 – 7:30 pm • Community Room • Cost per session: resident $82 / non-resi dent $88
3rd – 8th Grade Basketball
The 3rd through 8th grade basketball program is under way and the children will be starting practices in November and games run from January through February. Most games are on Saturday afternoons at Eisenhower gym.
Information about Summer Camps 2023!
Camp information for summer 2023 will be available in early February! Keep your eye on our website for more information.
Bootcamp • Megan Lesko Bootcamp information was not available for this publication, so please watch for information on social media and website.
Jacki’s Aerobic Step • Sandy Cronin
Tuesday -Thursday: January 10–March 23 • 6-7 pm • Hoover All Purpose Room • resident $220/ non-resident $225
LaBlast Dance Class • Anne K Myers
Mondays • Jan. 9 – February 27th, no classes Jan. 16th or Feb. 20th • 10 am – 11 am • Camp Hill Community Room • Register for Free classes online or call Recreation Office for assistance
ZUMBA • Tim Poole
Due to the planning and coordinating of summer camps there will be no refunds for any cancellations of summer camps.
If any program or summer camp is can celed by the Recreation Department at no fault of the participant, a full refund will be granted.
Fund. Camp Hill Borough is grateful for the contribution to be used in Siebert Park. We were able to replace and install more bol lards in the park, which will help protect our grassy areas.
Thursday: November 3 – December 29; no class 11/24 or 12/1 • 5:45-6:45 pm • Cabin in Siebert Park • Drop in $5 • PLEASE contact the instructor by 3pm the day of class to indicate your intent to participate and ensure that class will take place. Call Tim at 717-798-3334 (voice only) or email zumba@hbh2.net
Camp Hill Animal Hospital
3804 Market Street
Camp Hill, PA 17011 Phone (717) 737 8669 www.camphillanimalhospital.com
Susquehanna Valley Veterinary Clinic 2235 Kohn Road Harrisburg, PA 17110 Phone (223) 322 7894 www.susqvvc.com
The 2022 2023 school year is off to a great star t, a fresh new beginning. We’re capitalizing on that positive energy to enhance learning and growth for all students. The par tnerships and natural integration between the Camp Hill community and the school district continue to bolster all areas of the Camp Hill educational system. To be sure, this is an incredible hallmark of Camp Hill.
Please know that we are extremely cognizant of, and sensitive to, the impact that the last few years have had on many of our educational community students, families, and staff Identifying the per tinent ramifications and appropriate remediations is a primar y focus for all school districts presently We’ve taken a series of proactive measures to appropriately address these issues These include enhancing:
• Academic inter ventions for unfinished learning, as well as, offering enrichment oppor tunities
• District wide communications, safety and security, and school culture.
• Student engagement through classroom instruction, extra curricular activities, faculty/staff mentorships.
• Positive Behavior and Multi Tiered System of Suppor ts, and school based counseling.
As we approach the holiday season, I am extremely proud of our students, faculty and staff! The ongoing suppor t of the entire Camp Hill community is greatly appreciated, as together, we continue to improve upon the excellent education and life readiness of our students
Daniel D SerfassSuperintendent, Camp Hill School District
Robert E Latham, President
Melanie W. Gurgiolo, Vice President
Laurie S. Kennedy, Treasurer
Gregory E. Lamay, Assistant Secretary
Josceylon R Buchs
Neil O Connelly
Randall G Gale
Karen Mallah
Geoffrey S. McInroy
Daniel D Serfass, Superintendent
Jeff Ammerman, Director of Business & Operations and Board Secretary
Autumn Reely, Director of Student Services & Special Education
Mark Ziegler, High School Principal
Leslee DeLong, Middle School Principal
Nicholas Snider, MS/HS Assistant Principal
Dr Sandra Fauser, Eisenhower Elementary Principal
Eileen Czarnecki, Hoover Elementary Principal
418 South 24th Street
Camp Hill, PA 17011 (717) 901 2400 www.camphillsd.k12.pa.us
3 MS Mini THON, 6 PM
5 Trick or Trot 5K, 9 AM
7 School Board Work Session, DAO Board Room, 7PM
8 Election Day
10 Delayed Opening (2 hour), Modified Kindergarten
11 Eisenhower Mini Mini THON, 3 PM
14 School Board Meeting, DAO Board Room, 7 PM
17 K 12 Parent/Teacher Conferences (Evening)
18 19 High School Fall Play, PAC, 7 PM
20 High School Fall Play, PAC, 2 PM
21 K 12 Parent/Teacher Conferences (Evening)
21 22 No Kindergarten classes (Conferences)
22 Grades 1 12 Parent Conferences (Afternoon)
22 Grades 1 12 Early Dismissal
23 28 SCHOOLS CLOSED (Thanksgiving Break)
School Board Meeting, if neccessar y, DAO BR, 7 PM
Elementar y Band & Chorus Concert, PAC, 7 PM
MS & HS Band Concert, PAC, 7 PM
MS & HS Choral Concert, SFA , 2 PM
2 SCHOOLS CLOSED (Winter Break)
9 School Board Work Session, DAO Board Room, 7 PM
12 Delayed Opening (2 hour), Modified Kindergarten
16 SCHOOLS CLOSED (Martin Luther King, Jr Day)
16 School Board Meeting (tentative), DAO Board Room, 7 PM
20 5th Grade Musical, PAC, 7 PM
21 22 5th Grade Muscial, PAC, 2 PM
26 Grades 1 & 2 Concert, SFA , 6:30 PM
27 Hoover Mini Mini THON, 9:30 AM
Willow Dixon for placing 2nd at the Girls Golf PIAA • District 3 Championship Tournament
Sundhar Sekhar for earning the Rachel Carson Healthy • Planet Award
Jonah Spotts for earning the Letter of Commendation • for his 2021 PSAT performance and placing among the top 5% of students in the countr y.
Student MiniTHON leaders & CH faculty! CHHS • Mini THON has been selected as the recipient of the 2022 Mini THON award for Excellence in Faculty Par ticipation
For the first inclement weather day, where schools must be closed to in person learning, a traditional snow day will be called and the weather makeup day as listed in the board approved calendar will be used for instruction (June 7, 2023). Additional snow days, up to 5, will be FID (flexible instruction day) remote learning days If there are additional days beyond that, days will be added after June 7, 2023
If you are a senior citizen (65 yrs of age or older) and a resi dent of Camp Hill borough, you are eligible for a free Gold Pass Gold Passes allow cardholders to attend school district sponsored concerts, plays and home athletic events free of charge. To receive a Gold Pass, bring a photo ID with your address and DOB to the Admin Building at 418 S 24th St
For further information about Athletic Spor ting Passes, please visit the CHSD website at: https://www camphillsd k12 pa us/Page/127
The Winter Celebration is back, and we couldn’t be more excited! We are already planning away, and can let you in on this little secret: it’s going to be something special, because 2023 marks our 20th anniversary.
Many more fun details to come, but until then, save this date: February 4, 2023.
Join in the fun on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, for Giving Tuesday! Make a gift, tag a friend, and challenge them to #HEARUSROAR by either ROARING, making a gift, or both! Watch social media for more details on how to join us!
It was wonderful to be a part of the home coming festivities this year on what turned out to be a beautiful night at the stadium in Siebert Park.
We loved seeing new and old friends, and honoring our Camp Hill alums with a spe cial button . Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hello!
Another beautiful day on the links for our 14th Annual Golf Outing. Congratulations to The 2022 Winning
Team: Cory Lehman, Kyle Kepner, Adam Miller & Ryan Nittinger. Our putting con test winner was Matt Sadler!
Thanks to our generous sponsors and dedicated players for making it a highly successful fundraising event.
Last spring, our ‘21-’22 Lion Foundation Intern, Emma Chaplin, interviewed Jennifer Klos, Middle School and High School Gifted Support and High School Environmental Science Teacher.
EMMA CHAPLIN- Hi Mrs. Klos! Thank you for talking with me about your recent Middle School Science Olympiad Grant. Could you please describe the Science Olympiad?
KLOS- Sure! There are 23 different events, but we work as a team, so if the team does well in anatomy and physiology, it helps the whole group go on to the next level. There are study events, and building and engineering events, so it’s a whole mix! We have everything from bridge building, to things like map reading, to anatomy and physiology. We also have crime busters, which is more of a lab-based event solving crimes using chemistry, and understanding different chemicals in order to identify them. It’s kind of a plethora of different types of sciences!
CHAPLIN- Very fun! How many students are on the team?
KLOS- There are 15 that will compete, and then 3 support team members.
CHAPLIN- Nice! How will the Science Olympiad help students in later science classes and later in life?
KLOS- I think that this hits at the heart of what science is. They have to take on the learning - they’re given the big picture, and they have to figure out how to get to that end product, whether it’s a building event or a study event. I think with the building events, there’s so much trial and error and problem-solving, and that’s really at the heart of what science is.
CHAPLIN- That sounds great. And, how has funding from The Lion Foundation helped this program?
KLOS- We would not be able to have the Science Olympiad without The Lion Foundation funding, because getting the team started, there’s a lot that goes into it. Just the basic supplies are prob ably a thousand dollars. So we would not have been able to have this team without The Lion Foundation. We’re very grateful.
CHAPLIN- That’s fantastic. One last question: what is your favorite thing about your job?
KLOS- Watching the kids as they prob lem solve! Seeing the processes that they go through to get the end result, and then getting really excited when they see something, like yay, it worked out! Or like “Look I finally put this together”, or “I did a practice test and I got most of them right!”
CHAPLIN- That’s great, thank you again! New Honorarium/Memorial Donations
In Memory of Michael R. Acey Stephen and Gina Nudel
In Memory of Earl Besch Bob and Kathy Hamilton
In Memory of Joanne Engard James and Marilyn Green
In Memory of Mary Green James and Marilyn Green
In Memory of Ken Maxwell Nancy Black
It’s not too late to join our Lion Pride Society! You can join as an individual or as a family. With your membership, you become part of a growing community of parents, teachers, students, supporters, and friends who want nothing more than to see our students grow and achieve!
Learn how to become a member: www.thelionfoundation.org/ lion-pride-society