N ov e m b e r 2 0 21
Camp Hill newsletter
w w w . c a m p h i l l s d . k 1 2 . p a . u s
w w w . c a m p h i l l b o r o u g h . c o m
PARADE OF LIGHTS 2021 DATES: DECEMBER 2 - 4 TIMES: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM LOCATION: Siebert Park 2414 Cumberland Blvd. Camp Hill, PA 17011
Admission: An unwrapped toy benefiting Toys for Tots
Special thank you to: CAMPHILLBOROUGH.COM
A p p rov e d Ac t i o n s o f C o u n c i l JULY
• Regular June 9, 2021 Meeting Minutes and the June 29, 2021 Special Meeting Minutes • Payment of checks for June 2021 in the amount of $386,461.94 • 2021 audit • 2022 budget timeline • Trick or Treat Policy, details on the website & in the Recreation section • Tabling of the motion to advertise the Nuisance Noise Ordinance and the Fire Ordinance to make adjustments • Restriping of crosswalks across Market and 31st Streets and a study for a stop sign at Westerly and 31st Streets • Appointment of Bonnie Bentz as alternate representative to Capital Council of Governments. • Appointment of Sean Murphy, John Dernbach, Jennifer Klos, Jennifer Hoover, Kim Hoover and Sherry Bowman to the Climate Action Plan Committee
• July 14, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes • Adoption of Resolution 2021-06, the updated Emergency Operations Plan • Payment in the amount of $223,738.90 & a change order in the reduction of $15,142.18 to Mobile Dredging and Video Pipe, Inc. for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project • Retainer agreement with HRG for the 34th and Walnut Sanitary Sewer Replacement in the amount of $28,600, plus construction administration and resident representative services on a time and materials basis • Authorization of the renewal letter from PennDOT for 2021-2022 Municipal Snow Removal • Payment of checks for July 2021 in the amount of $702,424.81 • Adoption of Resolution 2021-07 to give the Borough Manager authority to sign the PennDOT Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement • Jordan Mermelstein’s Eagle Scout Project for the reconstruction of the Camp Hill Cemetery Memorial Day stage platform, with the conditions to meet the Memorial Day 2022 deadline, secure funding, and figure out how the railing will be able to be reused • Advertising of the Nuisance Noise
Ordinance & the Fire Prevention Ordinance • Appointment of Kevin Mock, 1910 Enfield Street and Tim Hawkins, 303 N. 23rd Street to the Climate Action Plan Committee • Appointment of Jared Wolfgang as the Borough’s Finance Director, effective August 30, 2021 • COVID Hazard Pay in the amount of $49,841.18 • Side letter of agreement with the Camp Hill Borough Police Associations & the Laborer’s International Union of N.A., AFL-CIO, Local 158 to memorialize the change in the pay schedule
• August 11, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes • Final payment of $36,271.29 for the 2020 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project to Mobile Dredging & Video Pipe, Inc. • Payment of checks for August 2021 in the amount of $312,661.60 • 2022 MMO police pension plan in the amount of $100,496 • 2022 MMO non-uniform pension plan for employees hired prior to 2016 in the amount of $44,072 • 2022 MMO non-uniform pension plan for employees hired post 2016 in the amount of $34,831 • Property owner responsibility for replacement of sidewalks in the Streetscape Project, according to the Borough Code • 50% Façade Grant match for a new sign at Serenity Skin Care, not to exceed $750 • Glosser Steel Corporation building addition at 3802 Industrial Park Road and inclusion of a 3-way agreement • Nuisance Noise Ordinance #2021-007 & the Fire Prevention Ordinance #2021-008 • CAPCOG contract with the Cohen Law Group to update the Zoning Ordinance at a cost not to exceed $6,000
FEBRUARY ISSUE DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES JANUARY 4 Submit to Audrey Logar at alogar@camphillborough.com
2 – Election Day 7 – Daylight Savings ends 10 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 11 – Veterans Day Observed – Borough Offices Closed 16 – Planning Commission – 6 :30 pm 21 – Downtown Camp Hill Candy Cane Walk 12–4 pm 25 & 26 – Thanksgiving Day Observed – Borough Offices Closed 29 – Public Works Department Closed
2 thru 4 – Parade of Lights – Siebert Park – 6-8:30 pm 8 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 9 – Twas the Night Before… 5-8 pm 15 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm* 24 – Christmas – Borough Offices closed 31 – New Years – Borough Offices closed
3 – Borough Council Reorganization 7pm 4 – Recreation Commission – 6 pm 8 – Holiday Tree Curbside Pick-up 12 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 17 – Martin Luther King Jr Day – Borough Offices closed 18 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm*
9 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 15 – Planning Commission – 6:30 pm* 21 – President’s Day – Borough Offices closed * meetings are held as needed These meetings are held at the Borough of Camp Hill Municipal Offices, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 and are open to the public. If you are a person with a disability, please note: 48 hours notice is requested for any individual with a disability who needs an accommodation to participate in a borough meeting, program, service, or employment procedure. Individuals wishing to attend these public meetings who require an auxiliary aid service or other accommodations to participate in the meetings please contact the Borough of Camp Hill at (717) 737-3456 or via e-mail: flymch@camphillborough.com. Residents requiring TDD service should call 1-800-654-5984.
CONTACT DIRECTORY Emergency ...........................................911 Mayor – Mark Simpson ............ 737-8596 Police Chief – Stephen Margeson Police Dept (non-emergency).....737-1570 Fire Chief – Mark Simpson........737-4623 Fire Dept (non-emergency) ........737-4623 Camp Hill Borough Office Main Telephone.......................737-3456 Fax ..........................................730-3961 TDD ..............................1-800-654-5984 Camp Hill Borough Office Hours Monday–Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Mailing Address: 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 website: camphillborough.com general email: info@camphillborough.com Borough Manager Sara Gibson ....ext 1042 Recreation Director – Audrey Logar ...........................................ext 1019 Codes Enforcement Officer – Chris Miller ...........................................ext 1014 Codes Inspector – John Brenner ..ext 1023 Sewer, Trash & Storm Water Billing ...........................................ext 1022 Public Works Department.........730-3694 Borough Council Leigh Twiford President Carl Schultz Vice-President Bonnie Bentz, Richard Guerin, Alissa Packer, David Still, Zach Williard Solicitor – E. Lee Stinnett All council members are accessible by email through the Borough website or at the montly Council meeting (2nd Wed at 7 pm)
Tax Collector – Diane Neiper ....737-5324
District Justice Court...................761-0583 Camp Hill Post Office .................737-1461 Camp Hill School District ..........901-2400 Cleve J Fredricksen Library.........761-3900 Humane Society...........................564-3320 Camp Hill Pool ............................909-3887 Chamber of Commerce...............761-0702 Cumberland County Courthouse Directory .....1-888-697-0371 Elections Bureau ..........................240-6385 County Tax Assessment...............240-6350 Cumberland Co Tax Bureau .......590-7997 County Recycling Authority .......240-6489 State Representative – Greg Rothman ....................975-2235 or 783-2063 State Senator – Mike Regan ....................432-1730 or 787-8524 Attorney General Office Consumer Protection .......1-800-441-2555 Contractor Problems...................772-2425 Utilities Penn Waste........................1-866-575-8720 PA American Water ..........1-800-565-7292 PPL/Street Light Problems1-800-342-5775 Unless indicated otherwise, all telephone numbers are 717 area code.
Jared Wolfgang was hired as the Finance Director for Camp Hill Borough. Jared has over seven years of experience in governmental accounting working with a wide variety of governments while working in public accounting. Jared is a graduate of Bloomsburg University and currently holds his CPA license. Jared and his wife moved to the Camp Hill area in 2016. When he is not working Jared enjoys hiking, kayaking, and fishing. Tammy Fischbach is our new Administrative Receptionist. She recently moved here from Hanover, PA and has a wide range of background experience including county government in Maryland. She likes swimming, biking, hiking, fishing, photography, painting and visits to her son in college. Always eager to say Hello. Camp Hill Borough welcomes them!
• Street Sweeping will continue on an as needed basis during the leaf collection season. We will sweep the borough after fall leaf collection has concluded, weather permitting. • Please Do Not Sweep, Rake or Blow Debris into the street. This will cause damage to the sweeper, increased maintenance costs and cause delays in the sweeping schedule. • Property owners must keep trees at the curb-line trimmed to a minimum of 12 feet above the street so that the sweeper can work close to the curb without damaging the machine.
Located at 422 S. 24th Street. • Daily (Monday-Sunday) 6 am to 6 pm (for material drop off and pick up). • Yard waste such as leaves, garden debris, tree limbs, bushes and plants may be dropped at the facility. • Leaves may be left in brown compost bags only-NO PLASTIC BAGS! • Items not accepted include grass, topsoil, sod, tree stumps, bamboo or any form of dimensioned lumber. • Staff will load your truck or trailer on Mondays and Fridays from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. • The borough may close the facility at any time to process/haul material. • It is a citable offense to drop materials at the facility when it is closed. • Residents may place yard waste items curbside on the 1st Saturday from April thru November. Holidays may affect the date - Please check the Borough calendar to verify yard waste collection dates.
Plowing borough streets after a snow event is a time consuming process. Following a few simple guidelines can make the operator’s job safer and more efficient: • Pay attention to local forecasts as winter weather and road conditions can change very quickly. If it is necessary for you to drive, please do so responsibly. • Minimize driving as much as possible during and immediately after a snow event. The fewer the vehicles on the roadway allows the roadway to be cleared more quickly and efficiently. • Remove vehicles and trailers from the street prior to a winter event. This will allow the operator to clear the street from edge-to-edge. • Remove basketball hoops from the borough right-of-way. • Keep a safe operating distance from all vehicles providing winter maintenance. • If you have a mailbox along the roadway, periodically check to ensure that the post and mailbox are in good condition. The post and mailbox must be sturdy enough to withstand snow coming off the plow blade. • Never push, blow or shovel snow into a cleared roadway. • Never attempt to stop or flag down a
Codes Department
truck driver while plowing. • Clearing a space along the curb or edge of road before your driveway will reduce the amount of the snow placed in your driveway. • Wait until the street is completely cleared before shoveling the end of your driveway. • Operators will often make multiple passes on the same street. • Plow drivers cannot direct snow as it comes off of a plow. Plow blades are fixed to dump snow to the right.
Rain barrels provide many useful tools that can be utilized around y o u r property. They provide a water source for watering landscaped areas, lawns, and gardens. The best part is that it is free water. All you have to do is to connect a
downspout to a rain barrel and you’ll have free water all year long. Well, besides winter. Winterizing your rain barrel is a very important part to lengthen the life of your rain barrel. During the winter any water within it has the potential to freeze and then crack the sides of the rain barrel. Over time, this will create holes and ruin your rain barrel’s ability to hold water. It is important to remove your rain barrel from its downspout and tuck it away for winter. The winter temperatures will also impact your exterior units, such as hoses being split or tearing your mosquito netting. See the stormwater page of the Borough website for more information.
As a reminder to our residents, shade tree branches must adhere to clearance requirements. Please trim trees so there is a clear line of sight with all street and stop signs according to the following ordinance: 187-7. Branches over street and sidewalks. [Amended 8-13-1997 by Ord. No. 964, approved 8-13-1997] The Shade Tree Commission requires trimming of branches from any trees overhanging the sidewalks, streets and highways of the Borough so that the trees shall not obstruct the light from any streetlight and so that in the center of the street there shall be a clear height of eighteen (18) feet above the surface of the street; from a distance of six feet from the curb a clear height of twelve (12) feet from the surface of the street; and over the sidewalks a clear height of eight (8) feet. Find more info on the Shade Tree Commission at camphillborough.com
As a reminder to residents, leaf collection began October 25. Only leaves are to be placed on the street (no grass clippings). Please do not place any other items in with your leaves to be collected. These can cause harm to the staff, as well as the machine! Grass and leaves blown into the street is a violation of section 174-38 of the Borough’s Stormwater Ordinance. This creates a traffic hazard and may cause an accident. This is a citable offense.
Within eight (8) hours after snow or ice has stopped falling, sidewalks must be cleared their entire length with a path no less than three (3) feet wide. The hours between 9 pm and 7 am are not figured into this eight-hour period. It is prohibited for snow, ice and/or liquids to be shoveled, blown, plowed or discharged into the streets or alleys. This is a citable offense.
Want to help save our environment? Join the Environmental Club! Our only goal is to try to preserve/improve Camp Hill’s water, air, land, and flora. Of particular interest is that, in 2018, the U.S. generated 35 Million Tons of plastic waste and less than 10% was recycled. Yikes! Here are some CR suggestions: • Soda and water bottles and milk-type jugs with a 1 or 2 in the recycling triangle are the most economically viable plastics (Penn Waste currently only accepts these plastics). • Try to eliminate “wishcycling” or tossing every type of plastic in the recycling bin and hoping for the best. • Take reusable bags to the store to eliminate the need for plastic bags. • Evaluate your behavior and try to move away from unnecessary consumption and living a throwaway lifestyle. For more information on CHEC on how to join and see what we do or get involved, please visit the Borough website www.camphillborough.com. The CHEC also helps the Conodoguinet Creek Watershed Association clean out sections of the Creek. Contact Paul Garrett at 717-514-3546 or paulgarrett40n@gmail.com for details.
No One Should Be Hungry! The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank will be giving food to all qualified Camp Hill residents in need of food assistance at the Christian Life Assembly Church at 2645 Lisburn Rd in Lower Allen Twp. Please stop by between 9 am and 12 noon on the following Tuesdays: November 9th, December 7th, January 11th and February 8th. A utility bill from your residence is the only requirement. Please stop by if your family is in need ! Pennsylvanians in uniform have served their nation in every conflict. Today hundreds of Pennsylvanians in every branch of the service have been injured defending their country in the past decade. The late Maj. Gen. Gerald Sajer and his wife, Helen, have been on the front-lines of aiding veteran families. They founded the non-profit PA Wounded Warriors in 2006. PA Wounded Warriors focuses on the long recovery process. PA Wounded Warriors is a true grassroots effort. Everyone in the organization is a volunteer. Many diverse organizations raise money for this necessary and worthy cause. No salaries, building rent, consultant fees or professional fundraiser fees
have ever been paid by Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors, Inc. and much of their printed materials, awards and other sup-
plies are donated. If you wish to make a donation, please make the check out to: “Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors, Inc. and send to 1117 Country Club Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011. We are an independent statewide non-profit 501(c)(3) organization providing support to Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors and their families and Veterans in Crisis. E.I.N. #743225326 www.pawoundedwarriors.org/ www.facebook.com/pawounded/
Once Upon a Time, there were two fine department stores in Harrisburg. Before they built second stores on the West Shore, they had delivery trucks – much like Amazon delivery vans. This delivery service was so helpful for the shoppers who rode to Harrisburg on one of the frequent buses. No need to lug your purchases back to The Square in Harrisburg (at Second and Market Streets) and then climb back on the bus while hefting your parcels with you, and then walking, arms full, from your stop on Market Street to your home! What a struggle! Of course, there were accidents. Two of them are chronicled here. Both occurred at the intersection of 32nd and Market Streets. One shows Three Gables Service Station in the background. (North east corner.) There is still a gas station at that location, although only gas is on offer now – no service. And there are only snack
foods offered, rather than the full restaurant service that accompanied Three Gables. The second accident was located directly across 32nd Street at the site of today’s Rite Aid Drug S t o r e . There had been some attractive l a r g e homes on that site for many years. (Similarly, there had also been some lovely three-story homes facing 32nd Street, on the block between Market Street and Trindle Road.) Well, let’s get back to our online shopping!
PENN-CUMBERLAND GARDEN CLUB 2021 HOLIDAY MARKET BENEFIT Monday November 29 • 9 am - 12 pm Penn Harris Hotel, 1150 Camp Hill Bypass, Camp Hill, PA 17011 The event is free and open to the public, and will include multiple vendors, greens and garden items, bakery goods, unique gifts, and raffles.
The Penn-Cumberland Garden Club (PCGC) will hold the 52nd PCGC Scholarship & Community Projects Benefit on Monday, November 29, at Penn Harris Hotel, 1150 Camp Hill Bypass, Camp Hill. The event will commence with a 12 noon luncheon and floral demonstration to follow, by Reservation, only. The floral demonstration theme is, “A European Christmas”, and will be presented by floral designer Sarah-Campbell-Needham. The ticket donation is $38, and the ticket purchase deadline is November 17th. To secure tickets, please send a check payable to PCGC and a SASE to Betty Pisano, 15 Wetherburn Road, Enola, PA 17025, or refer questions to Bepisano@aol.com. ,or (717) 732-4631.
Mark your calendars for our 2022 events, or visit downtown Camp Hill anytime to enjoy a cup of coffee, great food, shopping, salons & so much more!
2022 EVENTS:
• Spring Fling – 3/26 @ 10-4 • Plein Air – 5/14 @ 10-4 • Harvest Hop – 9/17 @ 10-4 • Candy Cane Walk – 11/20 @ 12-4 Interested in being a DCHA Event Sponsor? See some of the benefits below: • DCHA will automatically promote all sponsors on social media and in all printed advertising materials; however, DCHA works with you to cater what you would like to get out of sponsoring an event. • Get suggestions from the board on how you can easily be involved OR be creative and let us know how you would like to be involved. • Enjoy a FUN event that is also working to promote your business. • Be a part of an amazing community that allows for great networking opportunities during the event. • DCHA offers multiple levels of sponsorships - Invest the amount you are comfortable with. If you would like to get involved, sponsor an event or be added to our email list, please contact jhill@camphillborough.com. camphillborough.com/business facebook.com/DowntownCampHill instagram.com/downtown_camp_hil l_association
Camp Hill Lions Club is a club doing great things! They donate to food banks, Beacon Lodge and Leader Dogs for the Blind, Camp Hill Fire Company, Meals on Wheels, and other local charities. They have a tradition of selling Christmas Trees to help raise money and will do so again this year in the West Shore Shopping Center parking lot. The sales begin Sunday, November 28th and will sell until gone. Hours of tree sales are Sundays: 12-5pm, Monday – Thursdays: 2-7pm, Fridays: 2-8pm and Saturdays: 9am-8pm. Want to know more about the club? Reach out to Joan Bailey (717) 761-8129.
Camp Camp HillHill Borough Borough would would likelike to to thank thank Tristan Tristan Walters Walters Simpson Simpson for for building building twotwo bocce bocce courts courtsin inSiebert SiebertPark. Park.WeWe appreciate appreciate thethe addition addition in in thethe park park andand they they areare ready ready forfor some some activity. activity. Congratulations Congratulations Tristan Tristan on on earning earning your your Eagle Eagle Scout Scout Award. Award. Well Well Done! Done!
Show Show your your support support for for ourour 4th4th & 6th & 6th graders graders triptrip to Canadensis! to Canadensis! Decorate Decorate your your home home for for thethe holiday holiday season season while while helping helping to to support support their their outdoor outdoor education education triptrip to Canadensis. to Canadensis. SaleSale is going is going on on now now for for poinsettias poinsettias andand ends ends on on Nov. Nov. 11th. 11th. Additional Additional questions questions cancan be be emailed emailed to to cgallaher@camphillsd.k12.pa.us cgallaher@camphillsd.k12.pa.us
12 12
Halloween On Tuesday, October 26th, the weather didn’t cooperate but we adjusted and were able to have our costume and pumpkin judging in the Fire House and some activities and refreshments for all to enjoy. We had many fantastic costumes and every year there are some that we have not had before. A big thank you to Linda Walton and Melanie Gurgiolo for all their help prior to the parade. Special thanks, goes out to the Recreation Commission, Borough Council, the Key Club at Camp Hill High School, Fire Dept., Fire Police, Public Works Dept, the Camp Hill Lion’s Club and members of the community.
1st – Cliff – Vivian Lazarcheff & Nina Lopatic 2nd – Pippa – Lee Family 3rd – Lucy the Bat – Lee Family
1st – Carson Reich – Chicken Pox 2nd – Samuel Nunemaker – Sexy Saxophone Man 3rd – Elise Kern – Fire Dragon
1st – Sere Quesenberry – Murder Bride 2nd – Owen Witt – Scarecrow Reaper 3rd – Zoe Shenk – Day of the Dead
1st – Nina Lawruk – Aphrodite 2nd – Amayra Sethi – Anna 3rd – Jordynn Young – Cinderella
1st – Thea Robinson – Amelia Earhart 2nd – Fritz Bogdan – Mario 3rd – Wyatt Ensor – Ghost Buster
1st – Lucas Strawser – Phantom of the Opera 2nd – Lorelei Hulstein – JoJo Siwa on her unicorn 3rd – Ella Myers – Gus the cat 1st – The Weaver Family – Pirate & the Viking 2nd – Macy Murphy & Ruth Clark - Zombies 3rd – Lyter Family – Scooby Doo Gang
Jilli Hoke and Ella Myers
Eloise Charland – Alice in Wonderland after she ate the “Eat Me” cake
R R ee cc rr ee aa tt ii oo n n D D ee pp aa rr tt m m ee n n tt
Happy Happy Fall Fall Everyone... Everyone... In InSeptember Septemberand andOctober Octoberwe wewere wereable abletotohold holdsome someprograms programs for forthe thecommunity communityand andititisisgreat greattotosee. see.AAspecial specialthanks thankstotoDustin Dustin Chapman Chapmanfor forrunning runningour ouryouth youthbasketball basketballclinics clinicsfor forthe thechildren. children. In InOctober, October,we wehad hadour ourHalloween HalloweenEvent EventNight. Night.We Weweren’t weren’t able abletotohave havethe theparade paradeportion portionofofevent eventbut butwe wehad hadfun funand andititwas was great greattotosee seethe thecommunity communityenjoying enjoyingthis thisevent eventagain againand andthe thecoscostumes tumeswere weresosocreative! creative!All Allwinners winnersfor forcostumes costumesare areininthe thenewsletnewsletter terand andare areposted postedon onour ourwebsite, website,www.camphillborough.com. www.camphillborough.com.II would wouldlike liketotothank thankall allofofthe thevolunteers volunteersfrom fromthe theCamp CampHill HillHigh High School SchoolKey KeyClub, Club,all allbusinesses businessesand andCommission Commissionthat thatsupport supportthe the Camp CampHill HillRecreation RecreationDepartment. Department.Without Withoutall allofofyou youthese thesecomcommunity munityevents eventswould wouldnot notbe bepossible. possible.
Please Pleaseremember rememberthat thatCamp CampHill HillRecreation Recreationprograms programsrequire require pre-registration. pre-registration.All Allregistrations registrationsare aretotobe bedone doneonline. online.IfIfyou youneed need assistance assistanceplease pleasecall callthe theRecreation RecreationOffice. Office.Also Alsoremember remembertotolook look ususup upon onFacebook Facebookand andlike likeour ourpage pagetotofind findout outthe thelatest latestnews newsand and reminders. reminders.Our Ourpage pageisisCamp CampHill HillParks ParksAnd AndRecreation. Recreation.IIam amaa one oneperson personoffice, office,sosoIIam amnot notalways alwaysable abletotoanswer answermy myphone phonewhen when ititrings. rings.IfIfIIam amnot notavailable availabletotoanswer answeryour yourcall, call,please pleaseleave leaveaamesmessage sageand andIIwill willreturn returnyour yourcall callasassoon soonasaspossible possible(usually (usuallywithin within one onebusiness businessday). day).
Audrey Audrey J.J. Logar, Logar, CPRP CPRP
Thank Thankyou, you,
Jon JonArosell, Arosell,Dustin DustinChapman, Chapman,Nick NickDecker, Decker,William WilliamForrey, Forrey,Borough BoroughManager ManagerSara SaraGibson, Gibson,Patty PattyGilroy, Gilroy,Melanie MelanieGurgiolo, Gurgiolo, Superintendent SuperintendentDaniel DanielSerfass, Serfass,Mayor MayorMark MarkSimpson, Simpson,Doug DougSnyder, Snyder,Councilman CouncilmanDavid DavidStill Stilland andPaul PaulWhite White look lookforward forwardtotoseeing seeingeveryone! everyone!This Thisisisaagreat great cause cause that that enables enables children children inin Central Central PA PA toto receive receiveaatoy toyfor forthe theholidays. holidays.Any Anyquestions questionsplease please email email Audrey Audrey Logar, Logar, Recreation Recreation Director: Director: alogalogar@camphillborough.com. ar@camphillborough.com.
Camp CampHill HillBorough Boroughwill willbe beholding holdingthe theParade Parade ofofLights Lightsfor forToys Toysfor forTots Totsthrough throughSiebert SiebertPark Park during during the the evening evening hours hours (6(6 p.m.-8:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.) p.m.) on on December December2,2,3,3,and and4,4,2021. 2021.This Thisevent eventisissponsored sponsoredininpart partby by Centric CentricBank. Bank. Any Anyindividual, individual,group, group,organization organizationororbusiness businessthat thatwould wouldlike liketoto get getinvolved involvedcan cango gototoour ourwebsite websitewww.camphillborough.com www.camphillborough.comread read over overthe theregistration registrationguidelines guidelinesand andfill fillout outaaregistration registrationform. form.The The guidelines guidelinesinclude includeinformation informationabout aboutsetting settingup updisplays displaysbetween between Nov. Nov. 28th 28th and and Nov. Nov. 30th 30th inin preparation preparation for for the the event. event. From From November November28th 28ththrough throughDecember December5th, 5th,the thepark parkwill willbe beclosed closedtoto vehicle vehicle traffic, traffic, except except during during the the parade parade ofof lights lights hours hourson onDecember December2,2,3,3,and and4.4.We Wewill willhave have the theentrance entrancefrom fromthe thebypass bypassand andupper upperpool pool parking parkinglot lotclosed closedwith withbarricades barricadesbut butwill willkeep keep the theentrance entranceatatthe thelower lowerpool poolparking parkinglot lotoff off North North25th 25thStreet Streetopen openfor forthose thosewho whowould wouldlike like totopark parkthere thereand andutilize utilizeany anyfacilities facilitiesduring duringthe thetime time when whenvehicle vehicletraffic trafficfor forthe therest restofofthe thepark parkisisrestricted restrictedfor forthe the event. event.This Thisisisaadrive drivethru thruevent eventonly onlyfor forall alltotoenjoy. enjoy.People Peoplemust must remain remain inin their their vehicle. vehicle. AA new new unwrapped unwrapped toy toy donation donation isis our our request requestfor foradmission admissiontotothe theevent. event.The TheUS USMarines Marinesand andvolunteers volunteers will willbe becollecting collectingyour yourtoy toyatatthe theentrance entranceofofthe thelight lightdisplay. display.We We
Camp CampHill HillRecreation Recreationininpartnership partnershipwith withBlooms Bloomsby byVickrey Vickrey will will be be having having our our Annual Annual Holiday Holiday Decorating Decorating Contest. Contest. The The Holiday Holiday Home Home Decoration Decoration Contest, Contest, includes includes not not only only the the front front door, door,but butwindows, windows,lawn lawnand andlandscaping. landscaping.Anyone Anyonewho whodecorates decorates the thefront frontofoftheir theirhome homefor forthe theholidays holidaysisisautomatically automaticallyentered. entered. The Theweek weekofofDecember December13th 13thsome someofofususwill willbe bedriving drivingaround around admiring admiringall allthe thehomes homeshere hereininCamp CampHill HillBorough. Borough.IfIfyou youwant want usustotolook lookatatyour youroutdoor outdoordecorations, decorations,just justhave haveyour yourlights lightson on outside outsidethis thisweek weekand andwe wewill willcheck checkthem themout. out.Winners Winnerswill will be benotified notifiedby byaaknock knockatattheir theirdoor. door.Be Besure suretotocheck checkout outthe the winners winners postposted edon onour ourwebsite website and and drive drive by by their their homes homes and and check check out out their their decoradecorations. tions.
19 19
There is one opening on the Recreation Commission for the term 2022-2024. Cover letter and resume are due to the Recreation Office by December 1, 2021. This volunteer position is a way that you can give back to your community and help make decisions about programs and projects supported by the Borough. The Recreation Commission meets 4 times a year for about an hour, or as needed, and assists the Recreation Department during programs and special events.
In 2022, the Camp Hill Recreation Commission will conduct its meetings at 6 pm at the Borough Building of Camp Hill Municipal Office in the community room, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011, on the following date: January 4th, April 5th, July 5th and October 4th.
For your convenience, we have ONLINE REGISTRATION for programs, camps and pool memberships. Of course, you are always welcome to stop by the Borough offices to register in person but you should make an account first so when you come in we can register you. PLEASE NOTE: If you already have an account please don’t create a new account, just login and if you forgot your password, just click forgot password. Be sure to read over the Refund Policy prior to Registering as well. More details can be found on our website.
If you are interested in having access to utilize the stadium when it is not being used for an event, you need to stop by the Borough Office and fill out an application. One application per family. To enter the stadium access the Siebert Park Stadium near the Athletic House. Just swipe your card and push on the access gate. It will turn to let one person enter. If you lose your card, you need to notify the Borough immediately, so we can deactivate your card. Replacement cards, are $5.00 each.
Thomas J. Prosser Hall and EERC are available to rent for private events. You can find general information on our website and if you would like to request a date please reach out to the Recreation Department at this time.
We continue to sell bricks for the Lion’s Den playground at Siebert Park. Funds raised go towards our playgrounds in the parks. Information can be found on our website: www.camphillborough.com
If you are interested in volunteering for a community event or teaching a class, please email alogar@camphillborough.com. Active People, Healthy Nation is a national initiative led by CDC to help 27 million Americans become more physically active by 2027. Increased physical activity can improve health, quality of life and reduce healthcare costs. Camp Hill Borough is a bike and pedestrian friendly community with lots of parks and facilities to help our residents and visitors stay active! For more information about our parks and facilities please visit our website www.camphillborough.com. If you are interested in learning more about Active People, Healthy Nation please visit https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/active peoplehealthynation
ADULT CLASSES Full description of all classes and items needed is on website and active net. We are following CDC guidelines for all programs.
BARRE CLASSES (Instructor: Megan Lesko) Barre is a total body workout consisting of lower and upper body strength training that uses mostly bodyweight, raises your heartrate, and finishes up with core training. Barre is not a dance class; it activates
and strengthens the muscles. Sundays: November 21 – December 19 Time: 8:30 am – 9:20 am Location: Borough Parking; if inclement weather inside Borough Building Cost per class: $10 and register for each week individually
HIGH FITNESS CLASSES (Instructor: Megan Lesko) High Fitness Aerobics is back and bigger, better, higher! High transforms old school aerobics into a highly addictive new fitness experience that combines simple, modern fitness techniques (i.e. HIIT, plyometrics, etc.) with music you know & love! Thursdays: November 4, 11 & 18 Times: 6 – 7 pm Location: Borough Parking Lot; if inclement weather inside Borough Building Cost: $10 per class, register for each class separately
JACKI’S AEROBIC DANCE (Instructor: Sandy Cronin) This class provides a one hour fun class of well-choreographed routines to upbeat music. All routines can be geared to anyone’s fitness level. Tuesday -Thursday: Jan. 4 – March 24 Time: 6-7 pm Location: Hoover All Purpose Room Cost: resident $235/ non-resident $240
Get geared up and ready for winter with borough resident and educator Sarah Dressler, as she shares her favorite winter essential oil recipes, blends and DIYs. This class is FREE and open to the public; seating is limited to 15, and pre-registration is required online. So be sure to reserve your seat today! Wednesday: December 15 Time: 6:30-7:30 pm Location: CH Community Room
Have you seen the cute succulents and want to learn how to make your own just in time for winter? Join borough resident, Sarah Dressler, as she shares simple ways to make succulent diffusers for your home. Participants will create their own succulent diffuser to take home. The class space is
Recreation Department limited to 15 spaces and pre-registration is required online. Cost is $22 which covers the cost for materials. Registration ends on Jan. 25th due to ordering of supplies. Wednesday: February 2 Time: 6:30-7:30 pm Location: CH Community Room Cost for supplies: $22
LABLAST DANCE CLASS (Instructor: Anne K Myers) LaBlast is a partner-free dance fitness workout for both men and women. Designed for all levels, from the absolute beginner to the experienced dancer. LaBlast is an eclectic mix of classic ballroom dances set to a variety of music genres. Do the Cha Char, Salsa and Jive to everything from pop to rock-n-roll to country. Whether you want to tone your body, maintain a healthy lifestyle, learn to dance, or just have a great time, LaBlast offers something for everyone. Mondays: Jan. 10 – February 28th, no classes Jan. 17th or Feb. 21st Times: 10 am – 11 am Location: CH Community Room Cost: Register for Free classes online or call Rec. Office for assistance
(Instructor: Tim Poole) This will be an OUTDOOR Zumba Fitness class with a varied 45-50 minute playlist featuring Zumba classics, Latin and pop favorites. This class is suitable for all levels of fitness and dance ability. Thursdays: Nov. 11 – Jan. 27 no class 11/25 & 12/2 Time: 5:45-6:45 pm Location: In front of cabin in Siebert Park, if inclement weather class is in cabin. Cost: resident $42.00 / non-resident $50.00. Drop in $5 a class
KIDS CREATIVE ART CLASSES (Instructor: Allison Juliana) An opportunity for young art enthusiasts who are looking to enhance their artist skills. We will explore various drawing and painting techniques with a variety of art materials. Original artwork will be created each week to take home upon completion. All supplies are included in the cost of the program. Please wear clothing that is appropriate to get a little messy! Mondays: Session 1: Jan. 10 – 31 Session 2: February 7 - 28 Grades: 1-3 Times: 6:30 – 7:30 pm Location: Community Room Cost per session: resident $82 / non-resident $88
A refund will not be granted for any cancellation of a session $50 or less. This includes any program offered by the Recreation Department. For all programs greater than $50, a refund will be granted according to this schedule:
Refund Request Date
Amount of Refund
>90 days before program
75% program cost
60-90 days before program
50% program cost
30-59 days before program
25% program cost
Less than 30 days before program
No refund
If any program or camp is canceled by the Recreation Department at no fault of the participant, a full refund will be granted.
The 3rd through 8th grade basketball program is under way and the children will be starting practices in November and games run from January through February. Most games are on Saturday afternoons at Eisenhower gym.
INFORMATION ABOUT SUMMER CAMPS 2022! Camp information for summer 2022 will be available in early February! Keep your eye on our website for more information.
For more information how you can get involved, contact Dana Little 717-805-8748 / Dana@DanaLittle.com
The Lion Foundation 2021-2022 Board Of Directors
Making Things Happen in Camp Hill
Secretary Melissa Corbin Assistant Secretary Jen Chaplin
President Lisa Reeves Vice President DJ Healey Assistant Treasurer Dave Berkebile
Board Members
Tom Beckley Robbe Bendick Jennifer Branstetter Angela Couloumbis Vera DiPietro Crissy Dopkowski Randy Gale, School Board Representative Kirsten Jones
Lydia Keller, CHEA Representative Carrie Knight Tate Livelsberger Janice Mullin Vlad Serdar Dan Serfass, Superintendent Doug Snyder
Kelly Falck, Executive Director Shari Sponic, Project Manager Julia Hoke, Office Administrator Contact The Lion Foundation for more information or to donate: office@thelionfoundation.org The Lion Foundation 2627 Chestnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to see the impact of your donations! Like! Share! Retweet!
Our Children, Our Community, Our Future Today, Tomorrow and the Future It has been wonderful to be back in the rhythm of the school year. Students have been busy with academics and activities, teachers are full of excitement and creativity, and The Lion Foundation is eagerly striving to support their needs within the district. Every day, our board and staff work hard to maintain a high quality of educational and community excellence – for today, tomorrow and the future. Today: Through individual contributions, business sponsorships, and grants from other foundations, we bring dollars to the district to help cover the costs of the excellent education we all expect here in Camp Hill. Every donor is important, and every contribution helps us have a greater impact. This fall, we were proud to welcome EITC business sponsorship from Orrstown Bank and Pennian Bank. We were also excited to have had a great day on the links for our 13th Annual Golf Outing – it was great fun for a great cause! We are also proud to have the support of individual donors like you! Tomorrow: We welcome grant applications from teachers, staff, or administration anytime throughout the year. But twice a year – in the summer and fall – we consider the majority of the grant applications. This past summer we funded over $72,000 in grants for projects large and small. Our second round of grant applications is currently under review, and awards will be made in early January to support the work of our teachers and students in the spring semester and beyond. Into the Future: A quieter, but no less important aspect of our work, is maintaining oversight of several long-term investments. We manage the Siebert Park Endowment fund, which helps build the district’s capacity to maintain the park; a separate fund for the long-term viability of the foundation itself; and most notably, the Pollock Center Endowment. Under the careful care and guidance of The Lion Foundation’s board and staff, the interest from the Pollock Center Endowment now covers the majority of the operating costs of the center. None of this could happen without continued support of our mission. Thank you! Executive Director
We were thrilled to be part of the celebration! We set up a table at Siebert Park, and were excited to have students, parents, teachers, friends and alumni join us at our makeshift photo booth.
What a great day to be a LION!
We are proud to recognize the contributions and achievements of two wonderful Camp Hillians: Jill Williamson, long-time school board member and community volunteer; and Dan Fickes ‘81, Emmy Award winner and co-owner of Ocean One Productions. Watch for more details about these deserving recipients later in 2022.
OUR FAVORITE TIME OF THE YEAR: AWARDING GRANTS! So far this school year, The Lion Foundation has awarded over $80,000 to more than 25 grant projects, and we couldn’t be more excited for this year’s winners! THANK YOU to all our supporters — it is because of YOU that these amazing programs have been funded! Among the inspiring and essential projects around the district we were able to fund because of you: a $10,000 grant to the Band Program for the purchase of a new set of timpani. These new drums will help Camp Hill percussion students make beautiful music for the next 30 years — and the old drums will
be used by the Marching Band … a win-win! Band director Armon Raygani had this to say: “Thanks to the Lion Foundation, percussion students at Camp Hill will be able to play on their brand new Majestic Timpani! These drums will see use by every percussionist Grade 6-12 for many years to come. A quality pair of timpani can greatly change the sound of a band, and we’re excited for our future with these drums!”
Middle School Math teacher Mr. Barrows designed a math card game to help his students, and our grant turned it into a reality. Way to go, Mr. Barrows!
Our 13th annual Golf Outing was a success yet again because of your sponsorship and support! It was a great day for our more than 120 players to hit the green! Thank you to all our sponsors, and especially to our Title Sponsors: Hilton Diminick Orthodontics and Wood & Myers Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Title Sponsors:
Eagle Sponsors:
Anastasio Family Beckley & Madden, LLC Shauna Boscaccy, Class of 2001 Creston Environmental Mette, Evans & Woodside Planet Fitness PNC Institutional Asset Management
Cart Sponsors:
Dave Berkebile, Ameriprise Financial The Foundation for Enhancing Communities
Cornerstone Coffeehouse The Healey Group/Donald M. Healey Jr. Dilks Properties FirstLight Home Care and the Twiford Hole in One Sponsors: Family Sutliff Volkswagen HAAS Printing Company, Inc. Other Sponsors: Jim & Missy Hepfer Classic Drycleaners and Laundromats Heritage Builders, Tate Livelsberger Gunn-Mowery, LLC Holmes Cycling & Fitness Pizza Boy Brewing Co. Hoover Rehabilitation Services, Inc. Troegs Brewing Company Kirsten & Mike Jones Wilsbach Distributors, Inc. The Knight Family Krevsky Bowser Employment Law Hole Sponsors: La Torre Communications Ball, Murren & Connell, LLC Megan Lesko Fitness Attorneys-at-Law Happy Birthday Karen Mallah! Ethan & Drew Branstetter Geoff McInroy Law Brown Schultz Sheridan & Fritz Burke and Barbara McLemore Caldwell & Kearns, PC MJM Strategies LLC Camp Hill School Board Phyl Mowery Chaplin Properties Diane & Thomas Neiper The Chulick Family
Bar Sponsors:
HONORARIUM/MEMORIAL DONATIONS (7/07/2021 – 10/12/2021) In Memory of Michael Hillegas, Class of 1954
Elizabeth Hillegas
In Honor of Phyllis Mowery’s 90th Birthday
Betsy Gayner
In Honor of Robin Jones
Jill Williamson
In Honor of Peggy Curran-Hays
Jill Williamson
Congratulations to the Earl Besch Project volunteers for their tireless work on the 2nd Annual Trick or Trot 5k and Walk including, a 1 Mile Monster Dash Fun Run. It was a fun day and a huge success! Onward into the future!
Pennsylvania Ballet Academy PFM Financial Advisors LLC The Plum William Sharpley The Sponic Family Tucker Arensberg, PC Underneath It All
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Camp Hill Truffle Collection 12 Distinctive Handcrafted Truffles Telling the Story of What Makes Camp Hill a Special Place!
18 S 18th Street Camp Hill 717-697-6950 CocoaCreekChocolates.com
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