Camp Hill
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newsletter N OV E M B E R 2 018
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• Approval of Vouchers for June in the amount of $1,265,177.74 • Approved the assignment of the sewer line at 3310 Trindle Road to Consolidated Properties • Accepted the proposal from Moorefield Communications for audio and visual improvements made to Prosser Hall. • Approved the DCED grant resolution for the Borough’s Downtown Streetscape and master plan • Approved Peter K. Eshelman’s Eagle Scout Bat Project • Approved the advertisement of a public hearing concerning the petition to vacate the alley at 2919 Market Street and 15 S. 30th Street (Olive Alley) • Approved the request made by Penn Waste to change the garbage collection routes in certain Borough alleys.
AUGUST • Approval of Vouchers for July in the amount of $858,291.79 • Approved a motion to schedule and advertise a public meeting to address the petition to Vacate Olive Alley • Approved the application for Payment No. 2 for the 2017 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $189,417.80 to Farhat Excavating, LLC • Approved the application for Payment No. 2 for the 207 Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Inspection Project in the amount of $8,834.23 to Utility Services Group, Inc. • Approved the motion for consideration of the Change Order No. 2 to the 2017 Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Inspection Project for an increase in payment of $5,992.00 for off-road and right-of-way work not included in the original contract
SEPTEMBER • Approval of Vouchers for September in the amount of $1,441,919.71 • Approved the application of Change Order 3-FINAL to the 2017 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project for an increase in Contract Price of $9,910.00 for reconciliation of actual quantities installed by the contractor • Approved the application for Payment No. 3-FINAL for the Sanitary Sewer
Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $15,586.20 to Farhat Excavating, Inc. • Approved the application for Payment No 2 for the 2018 Paving Project in the amount of $210,986.82 to E.K. Services, Inc. • Approved the Change Order No 1 to the 2018 Paving Project for an increase in Contract Price of $30,942.59 for leveling course on Country Club Place and an increase in Contract Times of 30 days due to weather delays • Approved the application of Payment No 2 for the 2018 Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $44,397.45 to MacMor Construction, Inc. • Approved the Change Order No 1 and 2 to the 2018 Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project. Change Order No 1 is an increase in Contract Price of $3,140.50 for additional repairs in the Logan Cemetery and Change Order No 2 is an increase in Contract Price of $1,384.25 for utility conflicts on May Drive • Approved the application for Payment No 1 for the Willow Park Stream Improvements Project in the amount of $59,823.45 to Flyway Excavating, Inc.
On behalf of the Camp Hill Fire Department I would like to thank the community for the tremendous support of our annual chicken BBQ and we look forward to seeing you next year! I hope to see everyone at the Toys for Tots Parade and Annual Tree Lighting on Saturday December 1 at 4pm. Fall and winter is a fun and festive time in Camp Hill as we all spend time with friends and family. The CHFD firefighters urge everyone to be safe this winter. Did you know: • 890 people die in winter home fires each year in the U.S. • $2 billion in property loss occurs each year from winter home fires • Winter home fires account for only 8% of the total number of fires in the U.S, but result in 30% of all fire deaths • Cooking is the leading cause of all winter home fires and heating is the
CALENDAR NOVEMBER – FEBRUARY November 2018 6 – Election Day – 7 am to 8 pm 11 – Veterans Day 12 – Veterans Day Observed – Borough Offices Closed 14 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 18 – Candy Cane Walk 12 – 4 pm 20 – Planning Commission – 6 pm* 22 & 23 – Thanksgiving Observed – Borough Offices Closed December 2018 1 – Toys for Tots Parade – 4 pm 12 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 18 – Planning Commission – 6 pm* 25 – Christmas – Office Closed January 2019 1 – New Year’s Day – Office Closed 8 – Recreation Commission Meeting – 7 pm 9 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 12 – Holiday Tree Curbside Pick-up 15 – Planning Commission – 6 pm* 21 – Martin Luther King Jr Day – Office Closed February 2019 13 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 18 – Presidents Day – Office Closed 19 – Planning Commission – 6 pm* Note: All meetings are held at Borough Hall * Meetings are held only as needed
These meetings are held at the Borough of Camp Hill Municipal Offices, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 and are open to the public. If you are a person with a disability, please note: 48 hours notice is requested for any individual with a disability who needs an accommodation to participate in a borough meeting, program, service, or employment procedure. Individuals wishing to attend these public meetings who require an auxiliary aid service or other accommodations to participate in the meetings please contact the Borough of Camp Hill at (717) 737-3456 or via e-mail: Residents requiring TDD service should call 1-800-654-5984.
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CONTACT DIRECTORY Emergency ...........................................911 Mayor – Mark Simpson ............ 737-8596 Police Chief – Stephen Margeson Police Dept (non-emergency).....737-1570 Fire Chief – Mark Simpson EMS Supervisor – Fred Wadlinger Fire Dept (non-emergency) ........737-4623 Ambulance Membership.............737-4623 Borough Manager – Patrick Dennis Camp Hill Borough Office Telephone.................................737-3456 Fax ..........................................730-3961 TDD ..............................1-800-654-5984 Utility Administrator – Lauri Becker Sewer & Trash Billing ..................901-9534 Code Enforcement.......................737-3456 Codes Enforcement Officer – Chris Miller ...........................................ext 1014 Codes Enforcement Officer – John Brenner ...........................................ext 1023 Recreation Director – Audrey Logar Recreation Dept ...........................737-4548 Public Works Director – Sam Robbins ...737-3456 (push “6” from menu) Downtown Coordinator – Mary Beth Brath ...........................737-3456 ext 1018 Camp Hill Borough Office Hours Monday–Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 Borough Council Peter Robelen President Leigh Twiford Vice-President Mike Berney, Richard Guerin, Carl Schultz, Kim Snell-Zarcone & Zach Willard Tax Collector – Diane Neiper ....737-5324 2626 Lincoln St, Camp Hill 17011 District Judge – Elizabeth Beckley District Justice Court...................761-0583 Camp Hill Post Office .................737-1461 Camp Hill School District ..........901-2400 Camp Hill Pool ............................909-3148 Cleve J Fredricksen Library.........761-3900 Humane Society...........................564-3320 Cumberland County Courthouse Directory .....1-888-697-0371 Elections Bureau ..........................240-6385 County Tax Assessment...............240-6350 Cumberland Co Tax Bureau .......590-7997 County Recycling Authority .......240-6489 State Representative – Greg Rothman ....................975-2235 or 783-2063 State Senator – Mike Regan ....................432-1730 or 787-8524 Attorney General Office Consumer Protection .......1-800-441-2555 Contractor Problems...................772-2425 Penn Waste........................1-866-575-8720 PA American Water ..........1-800-565-7292 PPL/Street Light Problems1-800-342-5775 Chamber of Commerce...............761-0702
Mayor/Fire Chief second leading cause • A heat source too close to combustibles is the leading factor contributing to the start of a winter home fire • 5pm to 8pm is the most common time for winter home fires
WINTER FIRE SAFETY TIPS • Have your furnace checked and cleaned by a qualified professional • Have your chimney checked and cleaned by a qualified professional • Test your smoke detectors and CO detectors • Always cover your fireplace with a screen • Beware of lit candles – only light them when you are alert and able to watch them • Beware of space heaters - keep all people and combustible materials at least 3 feet away. Always make sure that the heater has an automatic shutoff switch which forces the heater to shut down as soon as it reaches dangerously high heat level • Never use an oven to heat your home
WHAT IS CARBON MONOXIDE? Carbon monoxide, also known as CO, is called the “Invisible Killer” because it's a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. More than 150 people in the Unites States die every year from accidental non-fire related CO poisoning associated with consumer products, including generators. Other products include faulty, improperly used or incorrectly vented fuel-burning appliances such as furnaces, stoves, water heaters and fireplaces.
KNOW THE SYMPTOMS OF CO POISONING Because CO is odorless, colorless, and otherwise undetectable to the human senses, people may not know that they are being exposed. The initial symptoms of low to moderate CO poisoning are similar to the flu (but without the fever). They include: Headache, Fatigue, Shortness of breath, Nausea, and Dizziness. High level CO poisoning results in progressively more severe symptoms, including: Mental confusion, Vomiting, Loss of muscular coordination, Loss of consciousness and Ultimately death.
CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS • Install and maintain Carbon Monoxide (CO) detectors inside your home to provide early warning of CO. • Install CO alarms in a central location outside each separate sleeping area and on every level of your home. • Use portable generators outdoors in well-ventilated areas away from all doors, windows and vents. • Make sure vents for the dryer, furnace, stove and fireplace are clear of snow and other debris. • Remove vehicles from the garage immediately after starting. • Test CO alarms at least once a month. On behalf of my family, the Camp Hill Fire Department, and the Camp Hill Police Department I would like to wish each and every one a joyous and safe holiday season.
Willow Park Stream Improvements
The stream improvement project began in August 2018. Portions of the stream were realigned and a number of step pools have been installed. Also, a large variety of plantings have been installed to complete the riparian buffer. The riparian buffer will play a key role in increasing water quality in the stream thus providing a number of environmental benefits. The stream modifications and improvements will improve the control, the direction and velocity of the water and will improve the bank stability. We ask that you minimize walking through the new planted areas on both sides of the stream. The large boulders along the stream help identify the edge of the riparian buffer. The orange construction fence will remain in place until spring of 2019. The project is funded by a DEP grant from the Growing Greener program.
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CURBSIDE LEAF COLLECTION SCHEDULE Leaf collection will begin on Thursday, November 1, 2018. Leaves may be raked into the street five (5) days prior to your regular scheduled curbside collection schedule. Leaves should be windrowed along the curb or edge of the roadway. • Leaves can be brought to the Compost Facility prior to the November 1st start date. • Street sweeping and leaf collection will be done weekly during the month of October. • DO NOT blow or rake grass, sticks or other yard debris in the street at any time. This is a violation under Ordinance § 176-10 regarding the prohibition of creating obstructions on the streets & sidewalks. • DO NOT place branches, grass clippings, rocks or other debris in with leaves. Any foreign objects placed in leaf piles may result in fines and suspension of leaf collection service. • DO NOT leave park cars along the street the day of your leaf collection. • DO NOT park vehicles on or near leaf piles or the driver can’t vacuum the leaves. • Residents are encouraged to place leaves curbside in cans or brown leaf bags on the 1st and 3rd Saturday through November for Penn Waste to collect. • PLEASE remember that inclement weather will cause delays in the leaf collection schedule. Residents are encouraged to take leaves to the Compost Facility located next to the Public Works Facility at 422 S. 24th Street. The Compost Facility hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from
Public Works 8:30 am to 3:00 pm and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
WINTER MAINTENANCE Plowing borough streets after a snow event is a time consuming process. Following a few simple guidelines can make the operator’s job safer and more efficient: • Pay attention to local forecasts as winter weather and road conditions can change very quickly. If it is necessary for you to drive, please do so responsibly. • Minimize driving as much as possible during and immediately after a snow event. The fewer the vehicles on the roadway allows the roadway to be cleared more quickly and efficiently. • Remove vehicles and trailers from the street prior to a winter event. This will allow the operator to clear the street from edge-to-edge. • Remove basketball hoops from the borough right-of-way. • Please keep a safe operating distance from all vehicles providing winter maintenance. • If you have a mailbox along the roadway, periodically check to ensure that the post and mailbox are in good condition. The post and mailbox must be sturdy enough to withstand snow coming off the plow blade. • Never push, blow or shovel snow into a cleared roadway. • Never attempt to stop or flag down a truck driver while plowing. • Clearing a space along the curb or edge of road before your driveway will reduce the amount of the snow placed in your driveway.
NO ONE SHOULD BE HUNGRY! The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank will be giving food to all qualified Camp Hill residents in need of food assistance at the Christian Life Assembly Church at 2645 Lisburn Rd in Lower Allen Twp. Please stop by between 9 am and 12 noon on the following Tuesdays: November 13th, December 11th, January 15th, February 15th and March 12th. A utility bill from your residence is the only requirement. Please stop by if your family is in need !
Mini-THON® is modeled after Penn State’s THON™, and they have been on the rise in schools across PA over the last 25 years. Like THON, Mini-THON’s are student lead. They are meant to inspire teamwork, leadership and creativity, while empowering young people through philanthropy and service in the fight to conquer childhood cancer. The funds raised are donated to Four Diamonds, who cover 100% of the cost of treatment for children with cancer receiving their treatment at Penn State Children’s Hospital. Camp Hill Mini-THON® has raised over $185,000 for Four Diamonds in just 3 years. Our goal each year is to raise as much money as we can to support as many children as possible at the Children’s Hospital. Please consider attending our fundraisers or donating to our efforts to find a cure for childhood cancer. FTK (For The Kids™) Please encourage your kids to attend our District Mini-THON’s: 11/9 Middle School Mini-THON® 12/7 Hoover Mini-THON® 2/14 Eisenhower Mini-THON® 2/23 High School Mini-THON® Follow us on social media to see our upcoming events, pictures, and our journey to help end childhood cancer! Instagram @camphillminithon Facebook @Camp Hill Mini-THON Twitter @CHminiTHON If you would like to donate to Camp Hill Mini-THON, please make checks payable to Camp Hill Mini-THON or donate online (Camp Hill High School) We thank the community for their continued support and helping us reach our goal that is all For The Kids!
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Codes Enforcement
Our volunteer spotlight this quarter recognizes Ward Adams. Ward has dedicated his life to volunteering in the borough of Camp Hill and in the surrounding area in various capacities. • A Long-time director on the Board of the Camp Hill Historical Society. • He’s active in Boy Scout Troop 51, sponsored by Trinity Lutheran Church in Camp Hill, serving as a merit badge counselor and member of the troop committee. • Director of Emergency Management for the Borough of Camp Hill, having been appointed by Governor Tom Ridge and Borough Council. He is also a member of local Emergency Management for Cumberland County. • Ward has been very active in Republican politics over the years, in local, state and national levels, serving on numerous campaigns. He can still be seen working long hours at the local polling places here in the Borough. • Most of the Camp Hill residents know Col. Ward Adams in the district and state levels for the American Legion, having served as the Vice-Commander of American Legion Post 43 and for the past ten years serving on the Camp Hill Memorial Day Committee for the American Legion. He presides over the Memorial Day Services at the Camp Hill Cemetery. Ward has been married to Ruby for 57 years and is a 1954 graduate of Camp Hill High School. A lifelong resident of Camp Hill, his commitment to his community is threaded throughout his lifetime. If you would like to recognize someone submit a short write-up to Jon Arosell at
• Wait until the street is completely cleared before shoveling the end of your driveway. • Operator’s will often make multiple passes on the same street. • Plow drivers cannot direct snow as it comes off of a plow. Plow blades are fixed to dump snow to the right.
Within eight (8) hours after snow or ice has stopped falling, sidewalks must be cleared their entire length with a path no less than three feet wide. The hours between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. are not figured into this period of eight hours. Of equal importance: it is prohibited for snow, ice and/or liquids to be shoveled, blown, plowed or discharged into the streets or alleys; this is a citable offense.
DISCHARGE OF LIQUIDS § 176-2 ON TO STREETS OR ALLEYS PROHIBITED It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to dump or discharge any liquid or semiliquid substance in or on any of the streets or alleys in the Borough of Camp Hill, so as to constitute a public nuisance or a menace to public health. This section shall not be construed to mean the natural drainage of surface water produced by rain or the melting of snow or ice on a building or property.
OUTDOOR BURNING § 66-7 EXCEPTION TO RESTRICTIONS ON BURNING Patio and yard wood-burning units used as chimneas, patio warmers and other portable wood-burning devices used for recreational purposes, provided the following shall apply: (1) only clean wood may be
used and burned, (2) patio and yard woodburning units must be located at least 50 feet from the nearest structure which is not on the same property as the patio woodburning unit and (3) use of patio and yard wood-burning units shall not cause a nuisance to neighbors.
FIRE PREVENTION § 113-11 SMOKE DETECTORS AND MEANS OF EGRESS Smoke detectors save lives. But did you know most homeowners and renters do not check their detectors or replace spent batteries? Smoke detectors must be kept in working order according to the Borough Code. To insure the safety of yourself, family, friends and pets, check smoke detectors in your home annually to make sure they are functioning properly, and replace the batteries at the same time. Also, do not paint over smoke detectors or obstruct them in any manner. Of equal importance is to maintain a clear path of escape (egress) from homes and buildings in the event of an emergency. This means keeping entrances/exits and fire escapes free of obstructions (furniture, plants, rubbish, garbage, etc.) that would impede occupants from evacuating quickly and delay emergency responders from entering the premises.
ANIMALS § 71-11 DISTURBANCE OF THE PEACE Any animal or bird in the custody of a borough resident which makes any noise continuously and/or incessantly for a period of ten (10) minutes or makes such noise intermittently for ½ hour or more is considered a nuisance.
ANIMALS § 71-12 NUISANCES When not confined to the owner’s premises, all animals must be under the physical control of their owner or custodian and constrained at all times. Any ani-
THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS HAVE OFFERED THEIR SNOW REMOVAL SERVICES TO CAMP HILL BOROUGH RESIDENTS FOR THE 2018-19 SEASON: Sean and Jason Talbott (717) 343-5070 (Monica Smith, mother) Travis Lauchman • (717) 736-5672 (mobile)
Jeffrey Hanshaw • (717) 554-3378 (mobile) or (717) 732-2261 (home)
Those listed are not Borough employees. Advertising their services in this newsletter is a courtesy, not an endorsement. Payment for services rendered is between residents and service providers.
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Storm Water A dvisory mal waste deposited on the ground other than the animal owner’s own private property must be removed immediately and disposed of properly. If you observe violations of these or any Borough code, please call the Code Enforcement Division at (717) 737-3457 or email at *Note: As of October 1, 2018, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry has adopted the 2015 International Building Code (IBC). Going forward, any permit applications submitted to the Borough Office will be subject to the new Code during plan reviews.
Camp Hill Borough is taking a proactive approach for addressing issues related to stormwater management in order to better protect the public health, properties, stormwater infrastructure, and downstream waterways from the adverse effects that can result from stormwater runoff.
Borough Council feels the best approach to stormwater management is through a partnership with the citizens, businesses, industries and institutions in the Borough. Development of that partnership resulted in the creation of a stormwater Stakeholder Advisory Committee (or SAC), which was formed in September 2018, to provide technical and value based input on stormwater issues in the Borough. The SAC serves as a sounding board on matters related to the stormwater management program and issues. It also offers the opportunity to collaborate and network together on stormwater related topics that affect the Borough, as well as to serve as liaisons between Borough and the community. The SAC is comprised of representatives of the residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional sectors, and is charged with: • Providing feedback on the Borough’s Stormwater Management Program, including stormwater infrastructure needs and level of service. • Evaluating and recommending priorities for stormwater program capital improvement expenditures.
Camp Hill Band news The Camp Hill marching band, “When an Astronomer Dreams” is off to a great start this season! With a 3rd place finish at Big Spring followed by two 1st place finishes at Cumberland Valley and Carlisle the students’ long hours and dedication are being rewarded. We have only 2 tournaments left and then Championships in Allentown on November 10th. We hope you had a chance to see this spectacular show! Fall and winter Community events You can see and hear the band at the Toys for Tots Parade and Tree Lighting (December 1st), Winter Band Concert (December 13th). We love sharing our music with the community! 41st annual jazz Fest Our 41st annual Jazz Festival will be held at the Pollock Center on Saturday, April 13th, 2019. Please plan to come by and listen to some great jazz music from middle school and high school bands from all over Central Pennsylvania. Giant and Karns GiFt Cards How can you support the Camp Hill music program all year long? A very easy way is to purchase Giant or Karns gift cards. Everybody has to grocery shop! For every $100 gift card purchased, you receive $100 and the band earns $5. To purchase gift cards, you can visit Orrstown Bank (Market Street and Orrs Bridge Road) or contact Maura Caddell (717-574-2985 or to make arrangements for delivery. Thank you for your support! or 11
The purpose of the Camp Hill Arts Alliance (CHAA) is to promote and provide administrative, volunteer and moral support to the Fine Arts Programs within the Camp Hill School District.
K-12 DISTRICT ART SHOW OPENING • March 1st, 6-8 pm, The Pollock Center. Refreshments, parent/student art scavenger hunt to earn prizes, art demos, and music groups
ELEMENTARY CHORUS & BAND • Grades 1 & 2 Concert, November 1st, 7:00 pm, Sutliff Auditorium • Band and Choral Concert December 13, 7:00 pm, TPC
MS & HS CHORUS • Winter Choral Concert, December 16th, 2 pm, Sutliff Aududitorium
CAMP HILL MARCHING BAND November 3 - New Oxford HS November 10 - Championships in Allentown They are also in the Halloween Parade and the Toys for Tots Parade!
BAND FUNDRAISERS–FUDGE Look out in November for Band Kids roaming the Camp Hill Streets, selling band fudge. It's irresistible and holds up well in the freezer too! Middle School and High School Winter Band Concert is at 7:00 p.m. at the Grace Milliman Pollock Center on Wednesday, December 12th
DRAMA High School Fall Play The Illusion November 17 & 18 Middle School Musical Alice in Wonderland January 11 – 13 High School Musical Once Upon a Mattress March 15 – 17 Auditions: November 27 & 28 5th Grade Musical The Little Mermaid May 17 – 19 Auditions: TBD Visit the Grace Milliman Pollock website at for more information.
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TOWN HALL MEETING The Borough will hold a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 7 pm in Prosser Hall. The Borough’s Engineer, Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. will present the Schaeffer and Beverly Park designs. Please come join us in this informative and educational meeting regarding the park and storm water designs.
Clubs and Events • Reviewing and evaluating the proposed Stormwater Management Fee structure and its implementation. • Evaluating the appeal process and credit policy. • Engaging and educating the public. The SAC will meet once a month through February 2019 at the Borough Building, 2145 Walnut Street, to discuss the stormwater management program, stormwater program fees, implementation procedures, and potential impacts on the Borough community. The SAC agendas and presentations are posted on the Borough website.
The Downtown Camp Hill Association (DCHA) is a volunteer main street organization that was formed to strengthen the Camp Hill Business District along Market Street between 25th and 15th Streets and 1 block north and south off from Market Street. A 7 member Board of Directors was established in September of 2018 and includes Ben Agostino, Tony Conte, Janine Galati, Anne Gallaher, Rick Jordan, Sue Pera and Mark Vickrey. The Board and various committees meet on a monthly basis. If you would like to get involved or be added to our email list to receive event information, contact Mary Beth Brath at
UPCOMING EVENT 20th Annual Candy Cane Walk Sunday, November 18th Noon to 4pm The Annual Candy Cane Walk is celebrating its 20th Anniversary in downtown Camp Hill. Kick off the Holidays with a Sunday afternoon of shopping on November 18th from Noon to 4pm. Over 20 businesses will be ready to give you a delightful experience with specials, refreshments, music and more. Check with your favorite shops for exact opening times as some may be opening even earlier than Noon! Maps will be available on the day of the event at the event
booth and at participating businesses. For more details, go to the Facebook Event Page.
CONTACT INFORMATION Downtown Camp Hill Association Mary Beth Brath – Downtown Coordinator/Director 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hil Office: 717-737-3456 Email:
The Club’s only goal is to try to preserve /improve Camp Hill’s water, air, land, flora and fauna for our children & grandchildren. The Camp Hill Environmental Club (CHEC) generally meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in Prosser Hall. However, the next meeting will be held on January 15, 2019, 7:00 PM at 40 N. 19th Street, Camp Hill. This will be our annual meeting to plan our activities for 2019. We are always looking for new members who share our interests in the environment and to energize our organization. Membership dues are $10 for students and $20 for adults with a maximum of $50 per family. Applications for membership can be picked up in the Recreation Office, calling 737-4548, emailing or at a CHEC meeting. This fall we have continued our efforts to recycle at the Siebert Park athletic events and Fall Little League Baseball games. We also clean up the borough streets throughout the year and clean out sections of the Conodoguinet Creek five different times during the summer months. Camp Hill’s recycling efforts had a major setback earlier this year when Penn Waste advised that many of their markets for recyclables had collapsed or disappeared. They have now “returned to basics” asking only for cans, bottles, newspapers and corrugated cardboard. Plus, the materials have to be free of food contaminants, e.g. the bottom half of a pizza box covered with grease. At the present time, Penn Waste has promoted the motto, “when in doubt, throw it out”. On a more positive note, more plastic packaging material is now eligible for
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Clubs and Events recycling. At least one food store, Wegmans, is accepting bread bags, bath tissue wrap, produce bags, plastic outer wraps, newspaper bags, dry cleaning bags, shipping pillows, food storage bags and cereal box liners, in addition to their own plastic grocery bags. Please visit the Borough website for more information on the Environmental Club. For additional information or to suggest future program ideas, call Paul Garrett at 717- 514-3546 or
The Camp Hill Woman’s Club, established in 1950, is a philanthropic organization of women from Camp Hill and surrounding areas including New Cumberland, Mechanicsburg, East Pennsboro, Enola, Shiremanstown, and Harrisburg. We are women committed to helping community organizations by raising money through fundraisers to donate to several charities each year. Some charities we support include: Camp Hill HS Scholarship, PA Wounded Warriors, Bethesda Mission, New Hope Ministries, Camp Hill Fire Dept., Caitlin Smiles, West Shore Meals on Wheels, Downtown Daily Bread, Salvation Army, River Rescue, Children’s Cancer Recovery, and more. We extend an invitation to guests to attend our monthly programs and meetings at the Camp Hill Borough Hall, the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Our meetings run from September to April and include a program and desserts following every meeting. The September meeting includes a covered dish prepared by our Social committee. When you join, you will receive a Yearbook, member names (85 current) and a copy of the monthly Newsletter The Grapevine. Our fundraisers include: • Italian Lasagna Dinner, October 19th at 6:00 pm in the Borough Hall • Fashion Show Luncheon, November 17th - 10:00 - 2:30 at the West Shore Country Club • Cash Bingo Event -2019, April 13th - Noon - 4:00 at the Borough Hall, and more. Some Club activities include: Pinochle,
Lunch Bunch, Bus Trip, Book Club, Community Service including Bell Ringing at Christmas. Our current Board members are: Joann Bobincheck President Maryke Clark President-Elect, Carole Ward Vice President, Lori Heenan - Recording Secretary, Joy Cruttenden - Corresponding Secretary, Amy Barrick - Treasury Come join us to have some fun, meet new friends and support the cause. An application for membership is listed on our website at:
The Camp Hill Lions Club did a lot of great things throughout the year. • Gave a scholarship to a senior going to HAAC • Helped a young man financially who was chosen to be in the Lions Band at a convention in Las Vegas, • Financially assisted a young man with eye surgery. • Cleaned the portion of Trindle Road that we adopted.
Girl Scouts is not just about Cookies…
While Cookie season is just around the corner, our Camp Hill Girl Scouts have kicked off their year with their Bridging, Investiture & Rededication Ceremony. They are now busy reaching into their inner G.I.R.L. (Gogetter, Innovator, Risk-taker and Leader) to accomplish & learn in many areas of our community. Please join them by bringing a toy to the Toys for Tots Parade on December . We hope to see you there! For additional information, contact Dana Little at
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Clubs and Events
CALLING ALL GIRLS AGES 4-14!! SOFTBALL CLINICS AND REGISTRATION COMING SOON! Camp Hill Girls Softball League is already getting excited for our Spring 2019 season!! We would love to have your daughters join us! Girls ages 414 are welcome and no experience is necessary. Registration will open in January!! Register online at or in-person at CH Borough Hall at any one of the registration sessions below: Saturday 1/12: 9:30am – 11:30am Wednesday 1/16: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Saturday 1/26: 1:00pm – 3:00pm Not sure if softball is for you or want to brush up on those skills – join us for our indoor clinics being held at Hoover Elementary starting in January! For more information, visit or questions can be directed to
• Collected eye glasses and helped supply glasses to people less fortunate. • Donated to the Recreation Department, Fire Company, Meals on Wheels, Domestic Abuse, Wounded Warriors, Leader dogs, The Riverboat, Ronald McDonald, Leukemia, Diabetes and Bethesda Mission. That is just an overview of some of the charities which we have supported. You would think with all that we spent, we are a wealthy club. But much to the contrary, we are always trying to earn money by having fundraisers. We have two coming up soon. • Annual Christmas Tree Sale: November 23rd till all gone at the West Shore Plaza across from Karns. For times please call Jo Bailey at 717761-8129. • Pancake Jamboree: February 23rd 7am-12 pm at Trinity Lutheran Church. Being part of this club can be very rewarding by the great people that you meet along the way and helping the community that you live in and near. If you would like to be part of this fun community club that truly lives up to their motto “We Serve” please call Jo Bailey 761-8129.
Getting to and from medical appointments can be one of the greatest barriers cancer patients face during treatment. To ensure patients get to those much-needed treatments, the American Cancer Society provides free transportation through its Road To Recovery® program. Through this program, the Society connects volunteer drivers with those who need rides to and from their treatment appointments. The Society is looking for volunteer drivers in our area so that all patients have transportation when they need it. Road To Recovery volunteers have flexible schedules and can choose to drive when it works for them. Just a few hours a month can make a big difference in the life of a cancer patient. If you would like to additional information about training to become a part of this worthwhile program, please contact Liz Emerick @ or call 570-326-4149
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THE 3V3 UNDER THE LIGHTS! Look for information to come regarding Sunday, Hoover Indoor.
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15TH ANNIVERSARY OF BACKYARD BASH SETS FUNDRAISING RECORD A few new twists were thrown into the annual backyard fundraising event known as “Guys Night Out” that took place on September 8th. The first new feature was a live music “happy hour” to welcome the arriving attendees into the compound. Three of the four band members (Chris Matherne, Greg Ulsh, Tony Rini) who made a surprise appearance to play a couple songs during the half time of last year’s event reunited to play an entire set this year. Despite the minimal rehearsal time (Tony lives out of state and arrived only one hour prior to the event), the three did an amazing job with a set that covered a variety of musical genres. Based on the success and positive feedback from this year’s event, the organizers are hoping to make the “GNO Happy Hour Jam” a permanent addition to future GNOs! Another change to this year’s event was to the main course of the menu. Traditionally, a few of the main course offerings were prepared by the host (… actually, the host’s wife), with the remaining options cooked by attendees who volunteered to take a shift on the grill. But this year, the organizers hired Pig Tails Barbeque to provide pulled pork sandwiches and fresh cut fries for the event – a decision they wish they would have made years ago, because the pork and fries were absolutely AMAZING! The deep “charity Platinum Sponsor Pig Tails Barbeque Gold Sponsors David Buell Chemical Solutions, Ltd. The Fitzpatrick Family HAAS Printing Co. Inc. The Hall Foundation Leggett, Inc. The Osevala Family Papa John's Sutliff Volkswagen Silver Sponsors Bountiful Blessings William, Samantha and Henry Dilks Camp Hill Men's Walking Society Camp Hill Soccer Club Consumers Ins. Agency John Brosius Curran-Hays Family Ever Grain Brewing Company
discount” provided by Pig Tails earned them Platinum level sponsorship and greatly increased the amount of money that GNO was able to donate to our causes this year. The organizers have already asked Pig Tails to put GNO on their calendar for 2019! A variety of snacks donated by Martin’s Potato Chips and delicious desserts donated by the Pennsylvania Bakery rounded out the menu. Newcomer Ever Grain Brewing Co., along with returners Millworks Brewery, Pizza Boy Brewing Co., Rubber Soul Brewing Co. and Great Lakes Brewing Co. provided the beverages for the night. Glenn Millers Beer and Soda Warehouse in Lemoyne donated the use of their refrigerated draft party trailer for the event again this year. GNO is happy to announce that they shattered their previous fundraising effort of $9000 by raising over $11,000 this year! Proceeds from this year’s event help fund two separate causes. The first was to help buy warm-up uniforms for the Camp Hill High School girls field hockey team. The team had already raised most of the money
The Flanagan Family Scott and Betsy Gayner Glenn Miller's Beer and Soda Warehouse Heritage Builders - Tate Livelsberger The Indefatigable Carpenter Brad and Robin Jones Family The La Torre Family The Little Family Marcus Creative Martin's Potato Chips The Millworks Burke & Barbara McLemore Patrick Myers Family Optima Technology Associates Peak Solutions - Keith Einig The Pennsylvania Bakery Pizza Boy Brewing Co. Reese Engineering Great Lakes Brewing Co. Greg Rothman Rubber Soul Brewing Co.
they needed to buy the uniforms themselves, but they came up a little short so GNO made a donation to the Camp Hill Athletic Boosters Club to help them reach their goal. Additional donated funds will help the Booster Club fund other uncovered sport-related expenses in the school district. The second cause contributed to by GNO was a fund set up to help students and families in our Camp Hill community who are struggling to make ends meet. GNO made a donation to The Earl Besch Fund at the Lion Foundation to help with this very worthy cause. The organizers of GNO, along with the Camp Hill Athletic Boosters Club, the CHHS Girls Field Hockey team and the Lion Foundation would like to thank all the men and women who volunteered their time and talents to put on GNO 2019 - without your help, GNO could not have happened. GNO would also like to thank all the attendees and the following sponsors who donated generously to make GNO 2019 such a successful and profitable event, bringing the total raised to date by GNO to over $72,000!
Carl & Lisa Schultz SOHO Legal Bronze Sponsors The Artz Family Associated Products Services Dave Berkebile Family Mike and Beth Berney Ricky Bobby Kyle and Elaine Bonds Duane Bower Family The Cole Family Chad Gallaher Landscaping The Denny Family The Freed Family The Freedenberg Family Get Clear Windows, LLC Dino Tozzi The Healey Family The Marsters Family The Mooney Family The Naylor Family, Willie and Anita
Mike Newman, SAI Consulting Engineers The Pickering Family The Powars Family Charles R. Ruhl, CPA, MBA The Sastre Family Schultz Landscaping LLC Mike and Jen Schwalm The Shamash Family The Shank Family Joe Sheva Mark and Lisa Simpson Tim Smith The Doug Snyder Family The Spiegel Boys Today's Home and Leisure Products Kevin Utsick Douglas Weber Family West Shore Barbershop Dave and Betti Witmer
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The Historical Society takes you back to Seventy, or so, years ago Once Upon a Time (mid-20th century) 32nd and Market Streets was a fairly major crossroads for north/south traffic on Routes 11 and 15. Regular travelers were delighted when J.C. Penny built his gas station on the north-east corner of that intersection. (Site of today’s Sunoco Station)
It was a full-service station, complete with mechanics, gas pumping employees, AND a full-service restaurant! You could have a nice sit-down meal while your gas
and oil were topped up, tire pressure checked, windows cleaned, and an assortment of small details attended to. New tires? Of course. Adjust the timing belt? Certainly. By the 1950’s, the tow truck was joined by a three wheeled motorbike. A Three Gables employee could ride to your home, attach the motorbike to your car, then drive your car to the station for an oil change or state inspection or whatever your car needed to have done. Then the motorbike would be hooked up to your car again and the attendant would drive back to your home, unhook it and off he’d go back to Three Gables. Wonderful service. Once in a while there would be an acci-
dent at the intersection, even though there was a traffic light. Pictured below is a damaged P o m e r o y ’ s Department Store Delivery Truck. What do you suppose the other vehicle looked like?!?!
Halloween parade & activity night On Tuesday, October 23rd we held our Halloween Parade and Activity Night. We had awesome weather and had over 200 children register for the parade. We had many fantastic costumes and every year there are some that we have not had before. A big thank you to Linda Walton for all of her help prior to the parade. Special thanks, goes out to the Recreation Commission, Borough Council, the Volunteens at Camp Hill High School, Police Dept., Fire Dept., Fire Police, Public Works Dept, High School Band, Trinity Lutheran Church, Junior Civic Club, Woman’s Club and members of the community. The Camp Hill Recreation Department would also like to thank the following businesses that donated towards this event: Joy Daniels Real Estate Group, GMH Mortgage Services LLC, Cornerstone Coffee House, Karns Quality Foods, Ltd., Pennsylvania Bakery, Hershey Bears, Twin Ponds, Centric Bank, Giant Foods, Harrisburg Area Riverboat Society, Monkey Joe’s, Wink 104, 105.7 The X, Red 102.3, BJ’s, Harrisburg Senators, L.B. Smith, CarisaK Photography, Pronto Plumbing / Secco Home Services, Rohrer Bus, Patient First, Friendly’s, Homeland at Home, Service 1st, Rina Singh DDS, Tiger Rock Martial Arts, The Gardens of Camp Hill and Express Employment Professionals.
Mady Veit – Cracked Crane
1st – Addys Farm – Chicken, Sheep & Egg 2nd – Pippa & Lucy Lee – Fluffin Nutten Sand & Hershey 3rd – “Pete” Kessel – Horse with Jockey
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1st – Caroline Cunningham – Zombie Softballer 2nd – Jacob Hoke – Demonic Doctor 3rd – Collin Doonan – Tarantula
1st – Genevieve Kern – Hearts 2nd – Tegan Hoffer – Warrior 3rd – Cass Swartz – Unicorn
1st – Estelle & Ivy Livelsberger – When Animals Attack 2nd – Milly Connell-Lankey – Pinkalicious 3rd – Austin Antonetti – Octopus Baby
1st – Harlow Klinger – Eleven 2nd – Braelyn Heck – Bee Good 3rd – Daniel Walters – Spiderman
The B Bakers
1st – Addie Guerra – Unicorn 2nd – Braydon Caboot – Gravedigger 3rd – Jacob Butcher – ET
1st – The Soda Sisters 2nd – The Hunting Group 3rd – Camp Hill Crazies
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A Strong Team FOR TODAY â&#x20AC;&#x2122; S LEGAL CHALLENGES S To oday â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s diverse and complex legal challenges require a robust team of professionals. At Nauman Smith, our attorneys have the complementary skills and experience to handle your business or personal legal needs. â&#x20AC;˘ Business & Employment Law
â&#x20AC;˘ Real Estate Law â&#x20AC;˘ Ta ax, Trusts & Estates â&#x20AC;˘ Litigation For more information, contact J. Stephen Feinour, a resident of Camp Hill for over 37 years.
The Camp Hill Borough Newsletter gets seen by 3,000 residents every issue. To advertise in this newsletter, contact Jen Smith. X s JEN THINKGRAPHTECH COM
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Fredricksen Library December 2018, January & February 2019 Events Main: &OHYH - )UHGULFNVHQ /LEUDU\ 1 WK 6WUHHW &DPS +LOO 3$ Â&#x2021; 717-761-3900
Branch: East Pennsboro Branch Library 6 (QROD 'ULYH (QROD 3$ Â&#x2021; 717-732-4274
Hours: Mon - Tues 9-9, Wed 9-6, Thurs - Fri 9-9, Sat & Sun 1-5
Hours: Mon 11-5, Tues, Wed & Thurs 10-8, Fri 11-5, Sat 10-2, Closed Sun
WINTER Programs & Events Adult Programs For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 225. Holiday Closings Monday, Dec. 24 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Closed Christmas Eve Tuesday, Dec. 25â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Closed Christmas Day Monday, Dec. 31â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Closing early at 5 pm New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve Tuesday, Jan. 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Closed New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Fredricksen Library Holiday Book Tree November & December in the Fredricksen Atrium - For a donation in the amount you choose (minimum $10), patrons can have a name or family name placed on the spine of a book for the 2018 holiday season. What a wonderful way to honor your family or loved one, and your donations will support Fredricksen Library. Fredricksen Writes Mondays from 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm December 3 and 17 - Register Nov. 1 and 15 January 7 and 21 - Register Dec. 1 and 15 February 4 and 18 - Register Jan. 1 and 15 This writers group provides aspiring writers a forum for their literary work and feedback from their peers in a friendly environment. Curl Up with the Classics* First Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am December 4 - Gift of the Magi by O. Henry Register Nov. 1 January 8 - The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Register Dec. 1. February 5 - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Register Jan. 2 You must have read or listened to the book in order to attend. Language at the Library* Language Immersion Conversation Groups Spanish - Every Thursday, 10:00 am - 11:00 am German - First and Third Thursdays, 11:30 am 12:30 pm (12/6 and 12/20, 1/3 and 1/17, 2/7 and 2/21) Intermediate French Study Group - Every Thursday, 11:15 am - 12:00pm French - First and Third Thursdays, 1:00 pm 2:00 pm (12/6 and 12/20, 1/3 and 1/17, 2/7 and 2/21) Russian - Second and Fourth Thursdays, 9:00 am - 9:45 am (12/13 and 12/27, 1/10 and 1/24, 2/14 and 2/28) Italian - Second and Fourth Thursdays, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (12/13 and 12/27, 1/10 and 1/24, 2/14 and 2/28) Brazilian Portuguese - Last Saturdays, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm (12/29, 1/26, 2/23) Trivia After Hours - (B.Y.O.B.) Second Saturdays from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm December 8 - Holiday Pop Culture & Ugly Sweater Contest! Register Nov. 1. January 12 7KH 2á&#x201A;&#x2C6;FH ± 5HJLVWHU 'HF February 9 $OFRKRO 7ULYLD ± 5HJLVWHU -DQ Trivia nights right in the middle of the library! Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll
provide snacks, corkscrews, bottle openers and prizes! Cheaters Never Prosper will supply the IXQ $JHV XS 5HJLVWUDWLRQ 5(48,5(' ± NO WALK-INS. Philosophers Roundtable* Mondays, Dec. 10, Jan. 14 and Feb. 11 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm 7KLV URXQG WDEOH GLVFXVVLRQ OHG E\ -LP /RJXH will apply the Socratic method to help delve into philosophical discussions and give you an opportunity to share your opinions in a neutral and respectful way without interruption. Ages 18 DQG XS 5HJLVWHU 1RY 'HF -DQ Twisted Stitchers Knitting Group Second Mondays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm December 10, January 14 and February 11 16 years and older. Registration now open. Harp and Handbells Concert Monday, December 10 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in the Atrium We welcome back Louis Lynch (harpist) and the First UMC Handbell Choir, who will delight your senses and transport you from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season with a variety of music to soothe and rest your soul. Hot apple cider and homemade treats too. No registration necessary.
Foreign/Indie Film Fridays
Fridays, 2 pm to 4 pm & 7 pm to 9 pm December 14 %\H %\H *HUPDQ\ ± )520 GERMANY Not Rated January 11 +RWHO 6DOYDWLRQ ± )520 ,1',$ 1RW Rated January 25 - Loving - FROM USA Rated PG-13 February 8 - The Wedding Plan - FROM ISRAEL 5DWHG 3* 6SRQVRUHG E\ -DQH DQG %LOO 0XUUD\ Blood Pressure Screenings â&#x20AC;&#x201C; by Geisinger Holy Spirit - Third Thursdays, December 20 DP WR SP 8SSHU /HYHO QHDU 5HI 'HVN German Language Film Group* Thursdays, December 27, January 24, February 28 from 2 pm to 4 pm 1R (QJOLVK VXEWLWOHV Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHG VR VRPH H[SHULHQFH in the language is necessary. No registration. Italian for Beginners I - Winter Session 10 Thursdays, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm (January 3 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; March 7) Italian for Beginners II â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Winter Session 10 Thursdays, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm (January 3 - March 7) Ages 16 and older. Cost: $110 for 10 classes. *HW PRUH LQIR RU UHJLVWUDWLRQ RQOLQH 'HF Citizenship Preparation Tutoring Winter Sessions: Mondays & Tuesdays, (January 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; April 16) 10:00 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12:00 pm Get more info and register at 717-232-0568. Poetry: Read It, Write It - Tuesday, January 8* 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm Learn how to read and appreciate poetry, as well as get started in writing poetry of your own. Ken Gibble, a retired pastor and former English teach-
er is your instructor, whose poetry has appeared in poetry journals and published. 5HJLVWHU 'HFHPEHU Blood Drive at Fredricksen Friday, January 11 from 4 pm to 7:30 pm In the Lower Parking Lot, Walnut St. side For more info call Central PA Blood Bank at 1-800-771-0059 or visit Vision Board Workshop Saturday, January 12 - 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Professional Life Coach, Artist and Author, Nicole Pertillar, will lead you through activities to help you shift your thinking and pursue your dreams ZLWK FRQ¿GHQFH LQ WKH SURFHVV RI PDNLQJ \RXU vision board. Cost: $10.00 per person. Ages 18 DQG XS SOHDVH 5HJLVWHU 'HFHPEHU The Music of Los Monstros Sunday, January 13 - 1:30-3 pm in the Atrium Heat up a cold winter day with the hot Latin & Caribbean tunes of Los Monstros! Melt those winter blues away with popular American love songs to classic salsa, bachata & merengue, and classic reggae standards in a way youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve never heard them before! No registration necessary. Pennsylvania Books: The Story of Our State Tuesday, January 15 - 6 pm - 7 pm -RLQ XV DV ZH KRVW %ULDQ /RFNPDQ 3UHVLGHQW and CEO of the Pennsylvania Cable Network. PCN has produced more than 800 episodes of Brianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s popular interview show, PA Books. He will share some of his favorite books and stories from 20 years of talking with authors. Sponsored by Friends of Fredricksen Library. No registration necessary. Friends of Fredricksen Annual Meeting Tuesday, January 15 at 7 pm Meet others who share a common interest in assisting and supporting the library. The annual HOHFWLRQ RI Rá&#x201A;&#x2C6;FHUV ZLOO WDNH SODFH DW WKLV PHHWLQJ Game Day for All! Sundays, January 20, February 17 & March 17 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm We will have board games available to play, but please feel free to bring your own too! All ages are welcome; ages 12 & under must be accompanied by an adult. No registration necessary. Fredricksen Reads Fourth Mondays from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm January 28 'LQQHU ZLWK (GZDUG E\ ,VDEHO 9LQFHQW ± 5HJLVWHU 'HF February 25 - The Other Einstein by Marie %HQHGLFW ± 5HJLVWHU -DQ Please read or listen to the book to attend. Wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t You Meet My Neighbor? Monday, January 21 - 9:30 am to 11:00 am ,Q FHOHEUDWLRQ RI 0DUWLQ /XWKHU .LQJ -U 'D\ WDNH WLPH WR JDWKHU WRJHWKHU 'URS LQ DQ\WLPH GXULQJ the program to enjoy juice and breakfast snacks. Take a moment to talk to your neighbors and get to know the people in your community. For ages ± ZLWK QR UHJLVWUDWLRQ QHFHVVDU\
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What You Missed in History: MLK - the Man, the Myth, the Martyr - Monday, January 21 18 years and up: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm * All ages: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we will hear from Joseph Robinson, president of the Martin Luther King Leadership Development Institute, who will delve into the layers of who MLK was beyond the surface. Come expecting an engaging, eye-opening, and interactive discussion of Dr. Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life and lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work. Discussion and book-signing follow the presentation. No registration necessary. Two presentations available for GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HULQJ DJH JURXSV SP \HDUV DQG XS SP DOO DJHV How to Escape Common Money Traps: A Two-Part Series - Tuesdays, January 22 & 29 - 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Join Invariant Investment Management, LLC WR JHW VWDUWHG RQ WKH ULJKW IRRW ¿QDQFLDOO\ <RX ZLOO OHDUQ KRZ WR EHFRPH EHWWHU SUHSDUHG IRU UHWLUHPHQW PHHW ¿QDQFLDO JRDOV LQWHOOLJHQWO\ invest, and sensibly handle money in these two IUHH VHVVLRQV 5HJLVWHU 'HFHPEHU Adult Crafternoon: Book Page Mania!* Sunday, January 27 - 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm Come join the Ladies of DIY, professional crafters, as they lead you through making some beautiful book page crafts. Basic supplies provided by WKH OLEUDU\ SHU SHUVRQ DJHV DQG ROGHU 5HJLVWHU 'HFHPEHU Lincoln - Lies, Legends, and Myths Saturday, February 2 - 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm We welcome highly-acclaimed Abraham Lincoln D¿FLRQDGR DQG DFWRU -DPHV +D\QH\ DV 3UHVLGHQW $EUDKDP /LQFROQ 7KH VL[WHHQWK 3UHVLGHQW ZLOO VHW WKH UHFRUG VWUDLJKW VHSDUDWLQJ IDFW IURP ¿FWLRQ Great Decisions 2019 Eight sessions: every other Monday, starting February 4 - 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Great Decisions is Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest discussion SURJUDP RQ ZRUOG Dá&#x201A;&#x2021;DLUV 7KH SURJUDP PRGHO LQYROYHV UHDGLQJ WKH *UHDW 'HFLVLRQV %ULH¿QJ Book, watching the DVD and meeting expert speakers in a Discussion Group to discuss the most critical global issues facing America today. ,Q SDUWQHUVKLS ZLWK WKH :RUOG $á&#x201A;&#x2021;DLUV &RXQFLO RI +DUULVEXUJ 5HJLVWUDWLRQ VWDUWV -DQ What You Missed in History: The Radical Rosa Parks Tuesday, February 5 - 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm :H DOO NQRZ WKDW 5RVD 3DUNV ZDV RQH RI WKH PRVW LPSRUWDQW ¿JXUHV RI WKH FLYLO ULJKWV PRYHPHQW 3DUNV KDG RYHU D GHFDGH RI DFWLYLVP XQGHU her belt before she made her bus stance, and VKH¶G DFWLYHO\ VWUXJJOH IRU EODFN IUHHGRPV IRU ¿YH decades afterwards. Say Burgin of Dickinson College will enlighten us to the longer, more radiFDO OLIH KLVWRU\ RI 0UV 5RVD 3DUNV 1R UHJLVWUDWLRQ necessary. Keating Jazz Orchestraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Two-Beat Dames Saturday, February 9 - 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm For your entertainment, KJOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Two-Beat Dames ZLOO EH SHUIRUPLQJ PXVLF IURP WKH V DQG Dixieland! They have played all over the Central 3$ DUHD DW YHQXHV VXFK DV 7KH +RWHO +HUVKH\ 7KH (PHUDOG )RXQGDWLRQ 7KH *DV +RXVH 'DQFH +DOO 6ZLQJ .DW (QWHUWDLQPHQW 7HOOXV 7KH Carlisle Vault and Dardanellaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Great Gatsby /DZQ 3DUW\ :H KRSH \RX KDYH D KRWV\ WRWV\ time! What You Missed in History: An Afternoon with Martha Washington* Sunday, February 10 - 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm 3UHVLGHQWV¶ 'D\ LV DOPRVW KHUH EXW ZKDW DERXW the First Ladies? Did you know that - unlike most ZRPHQ LQ 9LUJLQLD LQ WKH HDUO\ V 0DUWKD Washington learned to read and write? Martha also stayed at George Washingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s winter encampments throughout much of the Revolutionary War! Join Alisa Dupuy from Ladies of +LVWRU\ ZLWK KHU ¿UVW SHUVRQ SRUWUD\DO RI 0DUWKD Dandridge Curtis Washington. She will wow you
with insider knowledge of this intricate and formiGDEOH ¿UVW ODG\ 1R UHJLVWUDWLRQ QHFHVVDU\ Gardening with Nature Series: Open House Tuesday, February 19 - 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Join us for a preview of the workshops to be presented on the third Tuesday of every month from March through October of this year. Learn DERXW HYHQWV WR EH KHOG DW WKH $GDPV 5LFFL 3DUN %XWWHUÃ&#x20AC;\ *DUGHQ DQG JHW DQVZHUV WR JDUGHQing questions. Free. Light refreshments will be served. No registration required. Oscar Nominated Short Films Friday, February 22, 2 pm - 5 pm Documentary Short Films* Friday, February 22, 7 pm- 9 pm Live Action Short Films* Saturday, February 23, 2 pm - 4 pm Animated Short Films The Oscars are almost here and we have your opportunity to see the Oscar-Nominated Short Films before the awards are given! Fredricksen Library gives you a chance to choose the winners before the Academy announces them. 1RW UHFRPPHQGHG IRU DJHV XQGHU ZLWKRXW parental permission. No registration necessary. Sponsored by Jane and Bill Murray. Device Advice Tuesdays 10 am - 12 pm; Thursdays 5:30 pm - 8:30pm Reference Desk, Main Floor Reserve up to one hour with one of our trained Reference Librarians who will assist you with downloading eBooks and basic help with your tablet. You must have the device, login and SDVVZRUG 7R UHJLVWHU FDOO [ &Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HH &RUQHU :HHNGD\V DP WR SP &Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HH 7HDV +RW &RFRD :DWHU 6QDFNV Donation Station Book Donations - First Saturday of every month from 1 pm to 3 pm 7R GURS Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; GRQDWLRQV SOHDVH SDUN LQ WKH ORZHU parking lot nearest to the sidewalk. * The Daytime Academy is made possible by a grant IURP +DUVFR &RUSRUDWLRQ KRQRULQJ WKH PHPRU\ RI 'HUHN & +DWKDZD\ DQG KLV SDVVLRQ IRU OLIH ORQJ OHDUQLQJ
3ROORFN &KLOGUHQ¶V /LEUDU\ 3URJUDPV For more details or to register go to IUHGULFNVHQOLEUDU\ RUJ RU FDOO [ Winter Reading Program &RPH FKHFN RXW RXU :LQWHU 5HDGLQJ 3URJUDP Register online or stop by the childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s desk to pick up a program card. It will feature fun activities and prizes designed to inspire reading GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQW JHQUHV ZKLOH DOVR H[HUFLVLQJ DFDGHPLF skills in language, writing, and S.T.E.A.M. For DJHV . UHJLVWHU 'HFHPEHU Mission Transition 2018/2019 Preparing for Kindergarten One Monday per month during the 2018/19 school year from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Registration is open; the last day to register is -DQXDU\ 6HVVLRQV UXQ RQH KRXU *HW PRUH info online. Adventures in 3D Printing and Modeling @ the KCS Tuesdays, December 4 & 18 - 5 pm - 6:30 pm Tuesdays, January 15 - 5 pm - 6:30 pm Tuesdays, February 5 & 19 - 5 pm - 6:30 pm $UH \RX H[FLWHG DERXW ' SULQWLQJ" &RPH WR the Kunkel Creation Station and learn all about SXWWLQJ DQ LGHD RQ SDSHU WXUQLQJ LW LQWR D ' model using TinkerCAD, and then bring it to OLIH ZLWK RXU 5RER & ' SULQWHU )RU FKLOGUHQ DJHV ± ZLWK UHJLVWUDWLRQ UHTXLUHG EHJLQQLQJ 1RYHPEHU 'HF -DQ
Youth Chess Night - Fridays, December 7, January 4, February 1 - 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm $JHV DOO VNLOO OHYHOV 1R UHJLVWUDWLRQ required. Library for Lunch â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Gingerbread Man! Monday, December 10, Tuesday, December 11 and Friday, December 14 - 12 pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1 pm Monday, December 10 - Evening Edition! NEW TIME! 6 pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7 pm A Fredricksen Library tradition! Children ages DFFRPSDQLHG E\ DQ DGXOW ZLOO KHDU VWRULHV about this classic holiday storybook character and decorate their very own gingerbread cookie. 3DUWLFLSDQWV VKRXOG EULQJ WKHLU RZQ EDJJHG PHDO Cookie, icing, candies and beverages will be SURYLGHG &RVW LV SHU FKLOG 5HJLVWUDWLRQ LV UHTXLUHG EHJLQQLQJ 1RY Introduction to Beatboxing Tuesday, December 11 - 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm Come and learn the basics of beatboxing, making beats and music with your voice. This Introductory program will feature a real deal beatboxer who will teach you how to start your EHDWER[ MRXUQH\ )RU FKLOGUHQ DJHV ± ZLWK UHJLVWUDWLRQ UHTXLUHG EHJLQQLQJ 1RY 6QRZÃ&#x20AC;DNH 67(0 :HGQHVGD\ 'HFHPEHU or 19 - 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm Join your friends at the KCS and learn about VQRZ LFH HYHU\WKLQJ ZLQWHU ZLWK IXQ KDQGV RQ 67(0 DFWLYLWLHV )RU FKLOGUHQ DJHV ± ZLWK UHJLVWUDWLRQ UHTXLUHG EHJLQQLQJ 1RYHPEHU Drop-In Family Story Times Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 7 pm December 13 & 27, January 10 & 24, February 7 & 28 5HFRPPHQGHG IRU DJHV FHOHEUDWH RXU GLá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHQFHV ZLWK PXOWLFXOWXUDO OLWHUDWXUH 1R registration req. Watercolor Salt Painting Friday, December 14 - 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm See what amazing designs you can make with a IHZ KRXVHKROG PDWHULDOV )RU FKLOGUHQ DJHV ± ZLWK UHJLVWUDWLRQ EHJLQQLQJ 1RY Seasonal Snowman Thursday, December 20 - 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm Listen to a snowman story and then decorate your very own snowman (who never melts!) for a gift or a decoration. Enjoy him all winter long! )RU FKLOGUHQ DJHV ± ZLWK UHJLVWUDWLRQ UHTXLUHG EHJLQQLQJ 'HFHPEHU Family Movie Nights Friday, December 21 - Paddington 2 Friday, January 18 - Incredibles 2 at 6:30 pm $ * RU 3* UDWHG PRYLH ZLWK )UHH SRSFRUQ All ages welcome and all children must be accompanied by an adult. No registration necessary. Music Together Monday, January 7 - 9:30 am and 10:30 am Kathy Eckhaus will present an introduction to her program of movement activities set to songs. For babies through kindergartners. Visit www. Registration EHJLQV 'HFHPEHU Hawaiian Luau Tuesday, January 8 - 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Listen to island music, play games, and feel free WR ZHDU \RXU IDYRULWH YDFDWLRQ RXW¿W )RU FKLOGUHQ DJHV ± ZLWK UHJLVWUDWLRQ UHTXLUHG EHJLQQLQJ 'HFHPEHU Library for Lunch â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A New Year of Unity Celebration Wednesday, January 9 OR Friday, January 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12 pm to 1 pm &KLOGUHQ DJHV ZLOO FHOHEUDWH WKH 1HZ <HDU focusing on friendship and kindness as our New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resolutions. Children must bring a bag OXQFK &RVW LV 5HJLVWUDWLRQ LV UHTXLUHG DQG EHJLQV 'HFHPEHU
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Winter Story times - 6-week sessions January 14 through February 23 Register Dec. 27 for Baby and Me; Dec. 28 for all others - Registration includes ALL sessions Join us at these age appropriate programs WKDW SURPRWH OLWHUDF\ DQG SURYLGH D IXQ ÂżUVW experience at the library. These story times will help increase childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vocabulary, comprehension and ability to interact socially. Sessions are as follows: Just Baby & Me (ages 0-2) - Monday- 9:30, Tuesday- 10:15, Thursday- 9:30 & 10:15, Friday- 11:00 Twos â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Monday - 10:30, Tuesday- 9:30, Wednesday 9:30 & 10:15 Threes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tuesday - 11:00, Wednesday- 11:00, Friday- 10:15 Picture Book Time (age 4-K)- Monday 1:15 pm, Friday 9:30 Petite Penguins - Thursday, January 17 - 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm Learn about these adorable arctic animals and FUHDWH \RXU YHU\ RZQ SHWLWH VWXá&#x201A;&#x2021;HG SRODU SHQJXLQ complete with jazzy scarf. For children ages 7 10 with registration required beginning January 2. READ to Dogs - Thursdays - 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm January 17 - Register Jan. 3 February 21 - Register Feb. 7 Specially trained dogs from K-PETs will be at the library to listen to children read aloud. This program is helpful to children who may be reluctant to read aloud. For readers 12 and under. Book vs. Movie â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The BFG Saturday, January 19 - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Book vs. Movie â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Paddington Saturday, February 9 - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Each month, we will choose a new book and movie to enjoy and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll decide which is better! You must have the book read before attending the event. For children ages 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12 with no registration necessary. Wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t You Meet My Neighbor? Monday, January 21 - 9:30 am to 11:00 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; See description under Adult Programs Engineering Design Challenge: Watercrafts Tuesday, January 22 - 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm Find out if you can build an unsinkable boat out of straws and plastic wrap! For children ages 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12 with registration required beginning January 8. Little Yogis Thursday, January 24 - 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll read Babarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Yoga for Elephants and copy his moves. Parents are encouraged to participate alongside! For children ages 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 with registration required beginning January 10. Wiggle Time Thursday, January 31 - 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm Get those wiggles out for a movement-and-music oriented story time and dance party! For children ages 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 with no registration necessary. Welcome to the Virtual Library Thursday, January 31 - 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Learn how to access and utilize the vast electronic resources available at our library: digital books, read-alikes, read-alouds, biographies, science, history, and more Recommended children ages 8-12 and their parents. No registration necessary.
Teddy Bear Sleepover Saturday, February 2 - 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Have you ever wondered what happens in the OLEUDU\ DW QLJKW" %ULQJ D VSHFLDO VWXá&#x201A;&#x2021;HG DQLPDO who will sleep over at the library Saturday night. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll make a special blanket to keep them warm! Children under 7 may need adult help making the
blanket. Come back on Sunday between 1:30 pm DQG SP WR SLFN WKHP XS DQG ÂżQG RXW ZKDW kind of mischief they got into while we were gone! For children under 10 with registration required beginning January 19. Library for Lunch â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Groundhog Day! Wednesday, February 6 OR Friday, February 8 - 12 pm to 1 pm Children ages 3 - 6 will learn about groundhogs, shadows, and Groundhog Day. Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow? The event ZLOO EH ÂżOOHG ZLWK VWRULHV VRQJV DQG DFWLYLWLHV Children must bring a bag lunch. Cost is $1. Registration is required and begins January 23. I Love STEM: Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Science Wednesday, February 6 OR February 13 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm :H ZLOO EH PDNLQJ /(' SDSHU Ă&#x20AC;RZHUV SOD\LQJ Heart Bingo and more! For children ages 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 with registration required beginning January 21. Preschool Drive-In Movie Tuesday, February 12 OR Friday, February 15 - 5 pm to 7 pm Come join us for a drive-in movie in your own homemade car! We will start by making a box FDU WKHQ ZDWFK Âł&OLá&#x201A;&#x2021;RUGÂśV %LJ 0RYLH´ )RU FKLOdren ages 2 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5. Register January 29. Love and Kindness is in the Air Thursday, February 14 - 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm Surprise someone you know with an encouraging decorated written message to thank them for being in your life. For children ages 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12, Register January 31. Engineering Week Mystery Challenge Wednesday, February 20 at 4:30 pm Put your teamwork skills to the test - Design a bridge? Build a tower? Create a catapult? Stop E\ WKH .&6 DQG ÂżQG RXW ZKDW \RX FDQ LQYHQW For ages 9 -12. Register Feb. 4. Engineering Design Challenge: Paper Structures - Tuesday, February 26 - 5 pm - 6:30 pm Find out if you can build weight bearing structures just out of paper. For children ages 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12. Register February 11. Stop Motion Animation Thursday, February 28 OR Thursday, March 7 - 5 pm to 6 pm Come learn about stop-motion animation, make your own Lego character and practice by makLQJ \RXU RZQ YHU\ VKRUW ÂżOP )RU FKLOGUHQ DJHV 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12. Register February 14. 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Reading aloud to your child is one of the best ways to prepare them for kindergarten. With 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, parents are challenged to read to their children to get them ready to read. Get more info at Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Desk.
Hour of Code Day** Wednesday, December 5 - 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in over 180 countries. Registration starts November 19. Limited number of laptops will be available; participants are encouraged to bring their own. For teens ages 12 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 18. Coding Club @ Fredricksen Library** Information Night - Thursday, December 6 7:00 pm Computing skills are the most sought-after in the US job market, with demand growing 3X the national average. Computing is used all around XV DQG LQ YLUWXDOO\ HYHU\ ÂżHOG ,W LV IRXQGDWLRQDO knowledge that all students need, but is often overlooked. We need to improve access for all studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where The Coding Club @ Fredricksen Library can help. Have any questions or are interested in becoming a volunteer for this program? Email the Teen Programmer/STEM Coordinator at Teen Gingerbread Extravaganza Sunday, December 9 - 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm Join us for our annual Gingerbread Extravaganza. Create your own Gingerbread House with kits and lots of extras to make a unique ginger wonder. Plus holiday movies, hot cocoa and awesome book prizes! For teens ages 12-18 with a $3.00 fee to be paid at the event. Register starting Nov. 1. The Plot Twisters Thursday, December 13 & 27, January 10 & 24, February 7 & 21 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Join us to share your work, your struggles, your successes and lots of laughs as we work through plot problems, editing issues and seek constructive feedback. Quiet individual work from 6:30 pm - 7 pm. Shared work from 7 pm - 8:30 pm. For teens ages 15-18. Teen writers ages 1214, please contact the Teen Programmer, Colleen Pease - to submit a writing sample for consideration to join Plot Twisters. Coding Club @ Fredricksen Library** (Session 1: Mondays, January 7 to March 11) Mondays, January 7, 14, 21 & 28 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm Coding Club will help develop important digital literacy skills all while having fun. For ages 12 ,QWHUHVWHG WHHQV FDQ DSSO\ WR DWWHQG VWDUWLQJ Dec. 6. Contact Teen Programmer/STEM Coordinator at for more info. Session 2 - Every Monday, 4:30 pm - 6:30pm March 18 - May 20 Register February 4.
Teen Programs
Teen Makerspace Week @ the KCS Tuesday, January 29, Wednesday, January 30 - 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm & Thursday, January 31 - 6 pm to 8 pm This week the Kunkel Creation Station will serve as an idea lab and creation space for teens to explore their creativity and cultivate their imaginations in interactive, hands-on ways! For ages 12 -18. Activities will include building a Chaos Tower, creating things out of cardboard and duct tape, and working with the 3D printer!
For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 225.
Blind Date with a Book - February 1 - 28 See the website for more info!
Teen Volunteer Opportunity: Become a STEM Mentor! December, January, February STEM programs in the Kunkel Creation Station Are you looking for a volunteering opportunity? Are you interested in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM)? Work with the STEM/Teen Programmer to help mentor kids in STEM programs at the Kunkel Creation Station! For ages 13 to 18. Contact the STEM Coordinator/Teen Programmer, Colleen Pease, at FSHDVH#FFSD QHW WR ÂżQG RXW PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ
Cardboard Crew Sunday, February 10 - 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm *RW ',< VNLOOV" 6KRZ WKHP Rá&#x201A;&#x2021; DQG KHOS XV EXLOG play structures for library littles! Dress for a FUHDWLYH PHVV :H ZLOO EH PDNLQJ ÂłFDUERDUG FDUV´ for the little kidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s drive-in movie theater! Materials will be provided. For ages 12 -18. No registration necessary. **Sponsored by The Anne M. and Phillip H. *ODWIHOWHU ,,, )DPLO\ )RXQGDWLRQ
3URJUDPV Rá&#x201A;&#x2021;HUHG DUH VSRQVRUHG E\ JHQHURXV VXSSRUW IURP LQGLYLGXDOV DQG EXVLQHVVHV LQ RXU FRPPXQLW\ and from the Friends of Fredricksen Library & Friends of East Pennsboro Branch Library.
November18.qxp_Layout 1 10/28/18 5:40 PM Page 22
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Recreation Department
A Message From the Director... Dear Friends Happy Fall to Everyone! It is great to see the leaves changing and temperatures getting cooler. I hope you take the time to walk, bike or run around to enjoy the fall foliage. In October, we had our Halloween Parade and Activities Night. We had a lot of great costumes again this year and the creativity was amazing! All winners for costumes and pumpkin carving are in the newsletter and are posted on our website, I would like to thank all of the volunteers from the Camp Hill High School, all businesses and clubs that support the Camp Hill Recreation Department. Without all of you these community events would not be possible. Please look for more details in this newsletter. If you thought the Halloween Parade and Activities were fun, wait till you come to the Toys for Tots Parade and Annual Tree Lighting. Camp Hill Borough has teamed up with Centric Bank again this year and we have a great parade in store for everyone. The Quaker City String Band is returning. Mark your calendar this year, you don’t want to miss out on this great band. We will also be having our Friendly Float Competition again this year. We have planned a great afternoon for everyone to benefit children in need.
I hope you take a few minutes and read the information about this year’s parade in this newsletter. There is also information about the Annual Home Decorating Contest. Can’t wait to see how festive everyone gets! We have some great prizes donated by Blooms by Vickrey. Please remember that Camp Hill Recreation programs require pre-registration. All registrations are to be done online and if you need assistance please call the Recreation Office. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas for new programs, please contact the recreation office by phone at 737-4548 or by email Also remember to look up us on Facebook and like our page to find out the latest news and reminders. Our page is Camp Hill Parks AndRecreation. I am a one person office, so I am not always able to answer my phone when it rings. If I am not available to answer your call, please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible (usually within one business day). Thank you,
Audrey J. Logar Recreation Director
RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBERS Jon Arosell, Superintendent Patty Craig, Borough Manager Pat Dennis, William Forrey, Patty Gilroy, Melanie Gurgiolo, David Hershey, Mayor Mark Simpson, Doug Snyder, Council Person Leigh Twiford and Paul White
THE FOUNDATION FOR ENHANCING COMMUNITIES GRANT RECEIVED Camp Hill Recreation received a $1,101.00 donation from the Harry and Nancy Preis Siebert Park Fund of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities to be used in Siebert Park. Camp Hill Recreation would like to thank Harry and Nancy Preis and The Foundation for Enhancing Communities for the generous donation and we will be putting it to good use in Siebert Park.
A SPECIAL THANK YOU The borough would like to thank the Don Edwards, Jr. Memorial Foundation for the contribution of sunscreen dispensers that were placed at the pool & park area to help protect us all from Melanoma. We would also like to thank Dr. Campbell for coming and helping with dogs during our Doggy Swim on Labor Day.
REGISTRATION IS ONLINE FOR PROGRAMS, CAMPS, RENTALS AND MEMBERSHIPS For your convenience, we have ONLINE REGISTRATION available! Of course, you are always welcome to stop by the Borough offices to register in person but you should make an account first so when you come in we can register you. Please remember if you forget your password, don’t recreate a new account. Click I forgot password and the system will send you a temporary one to use. Be sure to read over the Refund Policy prior to Registering as well. More details can be found on our website.
ACCESS TO SIEBERT PARK STADIUM If you are interested in having access to utilize the stadium when it is not being used for an event, Borough residents can to stop by the Borough
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Recreation Department Office and fill out an application. One application per family. To enter the stadium access the Siebert Park Stadium near the Athletic House. Just swipe your card and push on the access gate. It will turn to let one person enter. If you lose your card, you need to notify the Borough immediately, so we can deactivate your card. Replacement cards, are $5.00 each.
CAMP HILL BANQUET FACILITY Thomas J. Prosser Hall in the Camp Hill Borough Building is available to rent for parties, wedding receptions, meetings, etc. Our elegant community room seats 200 people, has a large kitchen, and a garden patio right outside. For general information or make a reservation please go to our web site:
ENVIRONMENT, EDUCATION, AND RECREATION CENTER This center which is located at Siebert Park in Camp Hill is available to rent for meetings, parties, etc. The EERC can accommodate up to 65 people, has a kitchen, and two restrooms. For general information or make a reservation please go to our web site:
YOU CAN STILL PURCHASE A BRICK If you have not yet purchased a brick at Siebert Park, there is still time. Bricks will continue to be sold even though The Lion’s Den is complete to make additions to playgrounds in the borough. If you are interested in purchasing a brick for yourself or a loved one, please contact the Recreation Department at 737 - 4548. Forms can be found on our website.
RECREATION COMMISSION MEETINGS 2019 In 2019, the Camp Hill Recreation Commission will conduct its meetings at 7 pm at the Borough Building of Camp Hill Municipal Office in the conference room, 2145 Walnut Street, on the following dates: Tuesdays, January 8, April 9, July 2 and October 1, (Dates may be added as needed.)
VOLUNTEERS? / INSTRUCTORS? If you are interested in volunteering for a community event or teaching a class, we are always looking for volunteers and different class ideas. Please email if interested.
ADULT CLASSES A full description for all classes can be found on our website under Recreation.
JACKI’S AEROBIC DANCE Camp Hill Borough and Centric Bank are teaming up for the Toys for Tots Children’s Benefit Parade. The Quaker City String Band – Mummers is returning this year. The purpose of this parade is to gather toys for children. We would like anyone who would like to contribute a toy to bring it to the parade or bring your toy to area businesses ahead of time. This event will take place on December 1, 2018. At 4 pm a parade will start at 24th and Market Street and heading east to North 21st Street and then turning onto Walnut Street and ending at the Borough Building. Following the parade we are planning on having our Annual Holiday Tree Lighting and Caroling. The High School Cheer Ensemble will perform for us and there will be caroling and of course we will have a special guest coming for all the children to see. If you are interested in having a group in the parade or would like to volunteer please call Audrey Logar, Recreation Director at 7374548 or email
HOLIDAY HOME DECORATING CONTEST Camp Hill Recreation in partnership with Blooms by Vickrey will be having our Annual Holiday Decorating Contest. The Holiday Home Decoration Contest, includes not only the front door, but windows, lawn and landscaping. Anyone who decorates the front of their home for the holidays is automatically entered. The week of December 10th we will be driving around admiring all the homes here in Camp Hill Borough. If you want us to look at your outdoor decorations, just have your lights on outside this week and we will check them out. Winners will be notified by a knock at their door. Be sure to check out the winners posted on our website and drive by their homes and check out their decorations.
This class provides a one hour fun class of well choreographed routines to upbeat music. This dance workout class includes a warm up, abdominal work and vertifirm for the hips and thighs. Hand held weights (max. 6 pounds per hand) and ankle weights (2 ½ pounds per leg) are optional. All routines, including the booster, six aerobic dances and cool down can be geared to anyone’s fitness level. Tues. / Thurs.: January 8 – March 28 Time: 6 pm – 7 pm Location: Hoover All-Purpose Room Cost: residents $154/non-residents $164 (Drop in - $9)
ZUMBA GOLD® (Instructor: Jenn Dusart) Zumba Gold® uses Latin and international rhythms such as salsa, merengue, cumbia, and many more to create a fun fitness program for the active older adult population or the true beginner. It addresses the anatomical, physiological and psychological needs specific to these populations. Tues. and Thurs.: January 8 – March 28 Time: 10-11 am Location: Community Room Pay as go: $5.00
BEFIT BODY & MIND YOGA Individualized yoga taught in a group setting - aka Mysore style classes. Learn how to individualize a yoga practice to your needs and desires. In this process you learn your yoga practice and can practice it anytime anywhere, even developing a home practice. This is very EMPOWERING :) Mysore style classes are the ideal way for beginners to learn but we also offer a begin-
HOLIDAY LIGHTING & CAROLING DRAWING Bring this form along with you to the Parade and Tree Lighting and you could win a prize. Name:____________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________________________________________ You must be present to win. Thank you Blooms by Vickrey for the Door Prize!
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Please read Refund Policy before registering. ner class where the entire class will learn together. The teachers at BeFit Yoga follow a much gentler and individualized framework that loosely follows the ashtanga yoga system where appropriate. And where necessary will build individualized therapeutic practices, or specific practices for how you want to use your yoga. Instructor: Sabrina Kish Tuesdays: January 8 – March 26 Time: 6 – 8 pm
Instructor: Chelsea Parcels Thursdays: January 3 – March 28, No class 2/14 Time: 4:30 – 6 pm Location: Cabin Cost: resident $66 / non-resident $72 Drop in: $10 per class
BEFIT BODY & MIND BEGINNER YOGA Instructor: Chelsea Parcels In this class feel how breathing calms your nervous system, learn to move in rhythm with your breath, and learn some of the foundational yoga poses in beginning your yoga journey. Thursdays: January 3 – March 28, No class 2/14 Time: 6 – 7 pm Location: Cabin Cost: resident $66 / non-resident $72 Drop in: $10 per class
LED PRIMARY SERIES OF ASHTANGA YOGA Instructor: Sabrina Kish Students are cued through the Primary Series of Ashtanga yoga learning the breathing/moving synchronicity and how to get in and out of the poses staying with your breath. Modifications can be given where necessary. The class is appropriate for anyone who has learned primary series mysore style or who has a consistent practice. Primary series is known as Yoga Chikitsa, which means yoga therapy — it is specifically designed to help our bodies detox and relax. Sundays: January 6 – March 31, No class 1/13 Time: 6 – 7:30 pm Location: Cabin Cost: resident $60.50 / non-resident $66.50 Drop in: $10 per class
NEW YEAR'S TOXIN-FREE LIVING CLASS "New Year's Resolution" to reduce toxins and teach them step by step how to do that (like a calendar style) along with some great recipes! This class is FREE and open to the public, be sure to reserve your seat today, as the class is limited to 15. Call the Recreation Office: 737-4548. Thursday: January 17 Time: 6:30-7:30 pm Location: Community Room
AARP DRIVER SAFETY CLASS This AARP Driver Safety Class teaches preventive measures to use when driving that can help save lives. Produced by the American Associated of Retires Persons (AARP) and conducted throughout the country. The curriculum also is designed to remind you of skills and techniques you once learned but perhaps fail to use regularly, and update you on the rules of the road. This class is offered to motorists age 50 and older. There are no driving tests or written tests given. If you do complete this class you will receive a certificate which you can give to your insurance company and receive 5% off your insurance rates. Dates: March 4 Time: 8:30-12:30 pm What to Bring: Drivers License & AARP Membership Card Location: Community Room Cost: $15.00 for AARP Members / $20.00 for Non-members. Make checks payable to AARP
YOUTH/TEEN PROGRAMS PEACEFUL POSES KIDS YOGA Instructor: Ann Fields Ann Fields, founder of Peaceful Poses Kids Yoga, has her RYT-200 (registered yoga teacher) certification and is a member of Yoga Alliance. She has a BFA in Ballet and has taught children of all ages in the ballet world for over 20 years. She is also an adjunct professor at Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) where she teaches yoga and Pilates. She resides in Camp Hill, with her husband and three boys. Yoga classes designed just for children ages 3-7!We will be exploring themes such as Snowball Yoga, Love Yoga and hopefully some Garden Yoga!All classes explore simple yoga poses, improve balance and flexibility, enhance creativity and promote
love and kindness. A positive environment cultivating compassion, respect and mindfulness. Peaceful Poses Kids Yoga provides yoga mats for children or they may bring their own. A liability waiver signature is required and distributed at the first class. Parents are asked to stay during classes. You are welcome to visit our website at or email Ann at Mondays: January 14, February 4 & 11, March 4, 11 & 25 Ages: 3-7 Times: 12:30 – 1:15 pm Location: Community Room Cost: resident $60/ non-resident $70 Drop In: $10.00 per class, cash only
STEM CLUB WITH SYLVAN-CODING/GAME DESIGN Students in grades 1-8 will explore the world of coding, specifically as it pertains to game design. Future coders will become familiar with using coding blocks to create their own worlds, storyboards, and video games! Participants need to bring their own laptop with wireless internet capability and the ability to run the Google Chrome
REFUND POLICY A refund will not be granted for any session $50 or less. This includes any program (one day programs, camps, or multi session programs) offered by the Recreation Department. For all sessions greater than $50, a refund will be granted according to this schedule:
Refund Request Date Amount of Refund >90 days before program 75% of program cost 60-90 days before program 50% of program cost 30-59 days before program 25% of program cost Less than 30 days before program No refund No refund will be granted for any camps after July 1st. If any program is cancelled by the Recreation Department due to insufficient participation, a full refund will be granted.
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Please read Refund Policy before registering. browser. A limited number of laptops are available to borrow on a first-come, firstserve basis. Bring a snack and drink. Thursdays: December 6 – 20 Grades: 1-2 and 3 - 8 Times: 4 – 5:30 PM Location: Community Room Cost: resident $75/ non-resident $85
STEM CLUB WITH SYLVAN – ROBOTICS The STEM Club is back and better than ever! Sylvan will be featuring a brand-new robotics curriculum featuring tons of new and exciting builds. As always, the robotics program will use LEGO to design, create, and program robots of all kinds, from walking gorillas to X-W ing fighter planes! Thursdays: January 3 – 31 Grades: 1 - 3 and 4 - 6 Times: 4-5:30 pm Location: Community Room Cost: resident $125 / non-resident $135
STEM CLUB WITH SYLVAN – ENGINEERING Students in grades 1-3 & 4-6 will take an in-depth look at engineering and the workings behind it. You will learn simple
machines first, then apply that base knowledge to design more complex machines! Everyone will get fun, hands-on experience using LEGO®. Bring a snack and drink. Thursdays: February 7 – 28 Grades: 1 - 3 and 4 - 6 Times: 3:30 -5 pm Location: Community Room Cost: resident $99 / non-resident $109
(Instructor: Allison Juliana) An opportunity for young art enthusiasts who are looking to enhance their artist skills. This class will outline various drawing and painting techniques as well as experimentation with a wide variety of art materials. Original art work will be created to take home upon completion. All supplies are included in the cost of the program. Please wear clothing that is appropriate to get a little messy! Mondays: February 4 – 25 Grades: 3 - 6 Times: 6:30 – 7:30 pm Location: Community Room Cost: resident $82 / non-resident $88
During the months of September and October some of the 2nd – 4th Graders of the Borough have been learning about basketball on Sunday afternoons. A special thank you goes out to Alison Goodwin and Dustin Chapman for running these clinics for the kids.
The 3rd through 8th grade basketball program is under way and the children will be starting practices in November and games run from January through February. Most games are on Saturday afternoons at Eisenhower gym. If you have some free time come out to Eisenhower Gym and support our teams. Admission is free!
SUMMER CAMPS 2019! Parent’s camp information for summer 2019 will be available in early February and registration will start in March! Keep your eye on our website for more information.
Nobody Knows Yoou o Better Thaan Yoourself That’s why it makkes sense to make your o own pre-arrangem ments. If you leave it up to someone else, you may not get the type of seervice you want. Taalk with h us today about makiing arrangements in advan nce nce.
Gilbert J. Parthemore, Super ervisor
717-774-7721 721
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The Lion Foundation 2018-19 Board Of Directors
Making Things Happen in Camp Hill
Officers President Jen Branstetter
Assistant Treasurer Lisa Reeves
Vice President Paul Bruder
Secretary Ken Serafin
Treasurer Aaron Boor
Assistant Secretary Melissa Corbin
Our Children, Our Community, Our Future
News to Roar About!
Staff Robin Jones, Executive Director Shari Sponic, Office Administrator
Learn more about The Lion Foundation, or donate, at: 2627 Chestnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 717-775-5170
Thanks to the continued support of our many donors, we recently distributed more than $31,000 in grant awards to our schools! This included funding for the new Camp Hill High School Emergency Response Internship Program, physics lab equipment, career readiness field trips for 8th and 9th grades, and transportation for the 5th grade field trip to Philadelphia. We also funded a modern replacement for the Sutliff Family Auditorium sound system (which dated back to the 1970s). None of this would be possible without the support of our donors and volunteers who make it a priority to support our children, our community and our future. You will find a full list of grants in the following pages. Thank you for your donations and support!
Robin Jones, Executive Director
Follow The Lion Foundation on social media: Note: The Lion Foundation operates as a 501(c)3 nonprofit, charitable organization in support of the school district, funding programs and projects not covered by taxpayer dollars.
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YOUR DONATIONS AT WORK! The Lion Foundation Awards More than $31,000 in Grants Thanks to ongoing donor support, The Lion Foundation awarded approximately $31,499 in grants on September 26 in support of academic and cultural programs as well as additional technology in Camp Hill School District, bringing the total amount of grants awarded during 2018 to more than $144,700. Jen Branstetter, President of The Lion Foundation, and Doug Snyder, Lion Foundation Board Member, presented grants to faculty and staff, together with Patty Craig, Camp Hill FALL 2018 GRANT AWARDS School District superinEmergency Response Internship Program $6,825 tendent, Robin Jones, Physics Lab Equipment $6,507 The Lion Foundation’s AP US History Speaker $260 executive director, board Career Readiness Field Trips $400 members and school MS Graphing Calculators $700 principals. Each year, The Lion 3rd-5th STEAM Days $600 Foundation allocates a 5th Grade Phila Field Trip $2,460 sum of money for grant Nat. Foreign Lang. Exam Fees $1,473 requests. Members of 3-5 Postive Behavior Incentive Program $800 the Allocation Sutliff Auditorium–Sound Shell Replacement $10,030 Committee review and Language Arts (6-8) Doc Camera $130 prioritize requests on a MS Track and Field Club Uniform T-Shirts $575 first-come, first-served basis.
Archery Club Curtain/Equipment
GOLF OUTING A HOLE IN ONE! Thank you for all those who sponsored and played in The Lion Foundation’s golf outing 2018 Golf Outing Winners: Glen Franklin, held at the West Shore Country Club on Columbus Day. This year’s golf outing had a record Casey Shore, Ken Mast and Den Bitner number of 118 players! Congratulations to this year’s winners Glen Franklin, Casey Shore, Ken Mast and Den Bitner. 2018 Golf Outing Sponsors Hole–in-One Sponsors BROWN SCHULTZ SHERIDAN & FRITZ KENNEDY PC, Law Offices Sutliff Chevrolet The Bruder Family The Massie Family (as of 10-4-18) Sutliff Volkswagen Caldwell & Kearns, P.C. Joe & Janet McNally Title Sponsors: Camp Hill School Board Mette, Evans & Woodside Other Sponsors Diane & Thomas Neiper Chaplin Properties Appalachian Brewing Company Pennsylvania Health Care Association Chemical Solutions, Ltd. Chesapeake Energy PFM Financial Advisors LLC Conexus, Inc. Gunn Mowery, LLC The Pickering Family Peg & Dixon Earley Middleswarth Quality Copy Products, Inc. Environmental Equipment and Supply, LLC Planet Fitness S&T Bank The Freed Family Eagle Sponsors Wilsbach Distributors, Inc. SAC Energy The Freedenberg Family Becker Chiropractic Xerox - Mark Browning Service 1st Restoration & Remodeling GUNN MOWERY, LLC Team We Care Orthopedic Institute of Pennsylvania
Hole Sponsors
Cart Sponsors The Kirchhoff Family The Novinger Families
Beckley & Madden Mike and Beth Berney Hallowell & Branstetter Consumers Insurance Agency, Inc.
HAAS Printing Company, Inc. Jim & Missy Hepfer Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Rick & Liz Jordan K Novinger Jewelry Design
Setzer Personal Physicians, LLC Tom and Barb Sexton Stratis Gayner Plastic Surgery Strock Insurance The Foundation for Enhancing Communities
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Our Grants Make Things Happen… Eagle Scout Supports Eisenhower Elementary Fun As part of his Eagle Scout Project, Emmett Lentz built three new picnic tables and planted three shade trees at the Eisenhower Elementary Playground, making the playground area much more family friendly for all. His efforts also complete the Eisenhower Shade Tree project, funded by The Lion Foundation, focused on adding shade trees to the school’d playground area. Stop by and enjoy the new tables, custom built by Emmett!
Archery Club Remember the MS/HS Archery Club we helped start a few years ago? It is going strong! This year we have 24 middle school students and 27 high school students making this a regular part of their days. This often involves coming in before school to practice. This year, The Lion Foundation allocated a new grant to expand materials for the program to support the growing interest.
McInnes Family Library at Hoover Elementary The Lion Foundation allocated a grant that made it possible to acquire new furniture in the McInnes Family Library at Hoover Elementary. The new furniture has already had a positive impact on learning for our youngest students. This new furniture allows for flexible seating and configuration for multiple uses of the space that better fit our curriculum and kids.
XC Team Training Day Experience
Some of our area’s youngest runners joined the CHHS High School Cross Country team for a Training Day Experience auctioned off at The Lion Foundation’s Winter Celebration Silent Auction. Each year, the event exposes our youngest runners to what it will be like competing on the high school team.
Ways of Giving…
Banners Honor Seniors at Siebert Field If you had a chance to visit the Siebert Stadium during fall, you likely saw the athletic and band leadership banners recognizing this year’s seniors. A special thank you goes to the Camera Box for taking the photos and helping make this project possible!
Thanks for donating to The Lion Foundation for these important causes: Earl Besch Needy Student Fund Fall fundraisers to date have generated $9,178 for needy students in Camp Hill. This includes $7,100 raised during Guys Night Out 2018 and $2,078 raised by the “Student Coin Wars.” Thanks for your generousity! Honorarium & Memorial Donations (6/28/18 to 9/30/18) • Nancy Besch in Memory of Earl Besch • Bob and Kathy Hamilton in Memory of Earl Besch • Elizabeth Hillegas in Memory of Michael Hillegas, Class of ‘54 • Phyllis Mowery in Memory of Pat Anastasio
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Educational Excellence
Community Strength
Student Success
Stephen B. Karl, President Randalll G. Galle, Vice President Arthur C. Pursel, Treasurer Gregory E. Lamayy, Assistant Secretary Beth A. Ellis Melanie W. Gurgiolo Laurie S. Kennedy Robert E. Latham Mollie A. McCurdy 2018 ADMINIST TRATION RA A
Patricia S. Craig Superintendent Tina Darchicourt Business Manager & Board Secretary Tracey Quigley-Jones Director of Speciall Education & Student Services
I remember reading Jim Collins best-seller “Good to Great” years ago and being introduced to the metaphor of ensuring The right people in the right seats on the bus. Hiring, supporting, and sustaining effective teachers is one of the most important responsibilities of school leaders, arguably the most imoprtant responsibility. As a Leadership Team, we believe and understand why a rigorous teacher selection process is absolutely indispensable to supporting Camp Hill School District’s vision of Educational Excellence, Community Strength, Student Success.
The process currently embraced in the Camp Hill School District involves several phases including: careful screening of applicant employment packets, first round face-to-face candidate inter views, second round candidate demonstration lessons with live students, telephone reference checks and a final one-on-one inter view with the Superintendent. This process has ser ved us well in our pursuit to find the best possible candidate for each position.
This past year, the candidate search and hiring process began in early spring and concluded in mid-August. We are ver y proud and honored to introduce to the Camp Hill Community our distinguished New Teacher Class of 2018:
Mark Ziegler High School Principall Leslee DeLong Middle School Principal Heather Haiirhoger MS/HS Assistant Principall Sandra Fauser Eisenhower Elementary Principall Eileen Czarnecki Hoover Elementary Principal
Heather Bowser 3rd Grade
Julia DeCesar ESL Teacher
Brittney Gottdiner 4th Grade
Travis Kreider Latin Teacher
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @CampHillSD @GoCHAthletics @CampHillHighSc1 @PrincipallCHMS @IKEelem_chsd @HooverES_CHSD
Erik Novak MS Social Studies
Jon Peterson HS Science
Kurt Waldner HS Math
On behalf of the entire District, we thank you for your continued support, for partnering with us to empower our students to achieve their full potential, and for helping us to make ever y day a great day to have Lion PRIDE!
2627 Chestnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 • (717) 901-2400 •
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1 2 9 12 15 17 18 19
Grades 1 & 2 Concert, SFA , 7 PM SCHOOL CLOSED, Professional Learning day Middle School Mini-THON, 6 PM School Board Work Session, 7 PM, Green Room, TPC K-12 Parent/Teacher Conferences (evening) High School Fall Play, TPC, 7 PM High School Fall Play, TPC, 2 PM K-12 Parent/Teacher Conferences (evening) School Board Meeting, 7 PM, Green Room, TPC 21-26 SCHOOL CLOSED, Thanksgiving Break
School Board Reorganization Meeting followed by Work Session, 7 PM, Green Room, TPC Hoover Mini Mini-THON School Board Meeting, 7 PM, Green Room, TPC
7 10 12
MS/HS Band Concert, 7 PM, TPC
Elementar y Band & Chorus Concert, 7 PM, TPC
MS/HS Choral Concert, 2 PM, SFA
Early Dismissal K-12
24-31 SCHOOL CLOSED, Holiday Recess 1 10 11, 12 13 14 21
SCHOOL CLOSED, Holiday Recess Delayed Opening (2 hour), Modified Kindergarten Middle School Musical, 7 PM, TPC Middle School Musical, 2 PM, TPC
School Board Work Session (tentative), 7 PM, Green Room, TPC
SCHOOL CLOSED, Martin Luther King Jr. Day School Board Meeting (tent.), 7 PM, Green Room, TPC
In case of school closings, makeup days will be as follows: 11/26, 2/18, 4/18. If necessar y, additional days will be added to the end of the school year, after the last day of school. Please check for updates on the school website and listen to area radio and tv stations.
In early October, Hoover Elementar y students in grades K-2 participated in the 3rd Annual Hoover Mile Fun Run. This is a running/walking event where each grade level travels a different distance; from 1/4 mile for kindergarten to a full mile for 2nd grade. As each grade completed laps around the school, all other classes were outside cheering on their peers. At the end of the event, students enjoyed a healthy, smart snack and received a ribbon for a job well done.
The Hoover Mile is designed to promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. It is fun to see the excitement as the kids get up and moving and finish the run. As part of the event, students donated new to lightly used shoes that were given to Inside Track’s shoe drive. MEET OFFICER JOE CAPERS, SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER
Officer Joe Capers joined CHSD at the start of the 18-19 school year as the district-wide School Resource Officer (SRO). The Camp Hill Police Department, the Borough and CHSD collaborated to establish an SRO program, which was created to ensure a safe learning environment for students, faculty and staff. It is also intended to bridge the gap between the police department and the community.
Officer Capers has been with the Camp Hill Police Department for the past 4 years. Prior to coming to Camp Hill he was a Police Officer and Detective for 15 years with the West Shore Regional Police Department. As the SRO, he will perform a variety of roles to include law enforcement, problem solving, mentoring, being a positive role model, and most importantly, to assist in providing a safe environment. Welcome Officer Capers! SENIOR CITIZEN GOLD PASSES AVAILABLE If you are a senior citizen (65 years of age or older) and a resident of Camp Hill borough, you are eligible for a free Gold Pass. Gold Passes allow cardholders to attend school district sponsored concerts, plays and home athletic events free of charge. To receive a free Gold Pass, bring a photo ID with your address and DOB to the Administration Building at 2627 Chestnut Street.
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CONGRATULATIONS TO: • 6th grader Callie Dayton who was selected to the York Junior Symphony Orchestra. • Gloria Givler who is a 2018-19 National Merit Semifinalist. She scored in the top 1% in the nation on the PSAT. • Eliza Kuller who was honored with a Letter of Commendation for her performance on the PSAT. She placed in the top 5% in the nation. • Mr. Jason Jack and Mrs. Carrie Budman on their selection as Shippensburg University’s Outstanding Teachers for the Camp Hill School District. Additionally, Mr. Jack was selected to be a guest lecturer at the Shippensburg University College of Education. • The 200 Middle School students who completed the Summer Reading Challenge this year. • The High School students whose work was selected to hang in a Pop-Up show sponsored by Artistic Expressions at the 30th Annual Harrisburg Galler y Walk in September. • The Camp Hill Marching Band for placing first in a Cavalcade of Bands competition at Cumberland Valley High School in September. • Sheridan Reid who broke the CH girls soccer record by picking up her 132nd career point during the Chambersburg Girls Soccer Tournament. • Laura Sakol for winning the individual championship at the Big Valley Cross Countr y Invitational in September. She had the fastest finish for any Camp Hill runner, boy or girl, in the 45 year histor y of this invitational. • The Girls Cross Countr y Team for winning the championship trophy at the Big Valley Invitational in September. • The Field Hockey Team for winning the championship title at the Big Spring Tournament in September. • Camp Hill Athletes, Coaches, and Staff for winning the PennLive Cup. The trophy is awarded to the top athletic program in the Mid-Penn. Points are awarded for state, district, Mid-Penn titles and runner-up performances. Also considered are player of the year picks, athlete and coach of the year selections, and Travers Award winners. Way to go Lions! Newsletter photos courtesy Samuel Getty, Meg Murphy, & CHSD Homecoming photos courtesy Camera Box & Vicki Vellios Briner
NEWS AROUND THE DISTRICT: • New 6th graders participated in the first “Moving up to Middle School” program in August. They met teachers, walked their schedule, tried their lockers and ate lunch in the cafeteria. • Students at Hoover, Eisenhower and the Middle School participated in Annual PBIS Kick-off assemblies where they learned about Lion PRIDE, played games, and met the Lion mascot. • High School students participated in a club kickoff where they learned about HS club offerings. • Each school held Back-to-School Nights where parents and guardians had the opportunity to meet teachers and visit their child’s classroom. • 42 Eisenhower students received orientation and began their duties as safety advisors. • 7th grade Life Science students shared their insect collections with 2nd grade students in September. • Over 100 Eisenhower students participated in Run Club where they trained for a 5K and finished the season in October by running in the Bark in the Park 5K in Harrisburg. • Officer Capers, Dr. Fauser, and a crossing guard met with Eisenhower students to review walking and biking safety t i p s. • Eisenhower students participated in a STEAM day in October called “Eisenhower Wonders”. Parents and volunteers shared their knowledge on anything STEAM (science, technology, arts, engineering, and mathematics). THANK YOU! Thank you to ever yone for sharing your #CHlionpride with us this summer. In case you missed it, pictures are still available at 89,068 miles 3 continents 13 countries 20 states
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Camp Hill High School partnered with the Camp Hill Fire Department and HACC to offer 2 new internship opportunities for Juniors and Seniors during the 18-19 school year. The EMR internship began this fall and the Fire/Rescue/HazMat internship will begin in the spring. Both courses provide students the opportunity to develop leadership skills, life saving skills, and gain exposure to various careers. The Emergeny Medical Responder (EMR) course focusus on understanding the emergency medical ser vices system, providing immediate care for life-threatening injuries, controlling the scene, and preparing for the arrival of an ambulance. Students who successfully complete this course will be certified in EMR.
The Fire/Rescue/HazMat course focuses on emergency management, entr y level fire training, hazardous materials, rescue operations, the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the Incident Command System (ICS). Students who successfully complete this course will be certified in Fire/Rescue/Hazmat. This project was fully funded by The Lion Foundation, with help from Camp Hill Borough; Jim Novinger ; Ser vice 1st Restoration & Remodeling, LLC; K Novinger Jewelr y Design, LLC and Capital Region Insurance Agency, Inc. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM OUR ALUMNI!
Tell us how the Camp Hill School District and/or Lion PRIDE has positively impacted you since graduating from Camp Hill High School. If you are a CHHS alumni, you can share your story on Twitter using the hashtag #CHlionpride or send an email to (please include your graduation year). We will tweet/re-tw weet posts and share stories on our website,
Congratulations to Homecoming Queen, Abigail Sohonage and Maid of Honor, Passion Bragg!
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