Camp Hill Newsletter - August 2017

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Camp Hill

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newsletter Au g u s t 2 017


Late this spring the Public Works staff installed a Gaga Pit in Siebert Park across from the tennis courts. This octagon pit is used for a high energy game like dodgeball. The more players the better! This game is played with a soft ball like you would find in the center isle of the freezer section of the grocery store. It combines the skills of dodging, throwing, running, and jumping, while trying to hit opponents with a ball below the knees. Players need to keep moving to avoid getting hit by the ball. Fun and easy! The official rules are posted on the side of the Gaga Pit and are available online at

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Your Y our m mammogram ammogram image image may may be be the the most most important important picture p icture ever ever taken taken of of you. you. The why The clearer, clearer, more more precise, precise, more more accurate accurate itit is—the is—the better. better. That’s That’s why PinnacleHealth uses most P innacleHealth u ses 3D 3D ttomosynthesis omosynthesis breast breast imaging—the imaging—the most u p-to-date method method of breast breast cancer cancer screening screening and and diagnosis. diagnosis. up-to-date C hoose advanced advanced technology technology today, today, for for your your healthiest Choose healthiest tomorrow. tomorrow. o sschedule chedule an an appointment, appointment, p lease call call (717) (717) 230-3700. 230-3700. please TTo

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actions of council



• Voted on DCNR and DCED grant applications for Schaeffer • Voted to create a Human Rights Commission • Voted to pay Farhat Construction for Storm Water rehabilitation project.


I hope that everyone is having a terrific summer! Before long our streets and sidewalks will be bustling with students walking and biking to school. Motorists please slow down, obey the speed limits, and completely stop at all stop signs. It’s that time of year again for the Camp Hill Fire Department to sell tickets for the annual chicken BBQ. Ticket sales will begin on Monday August 14th. Ticket costs are $8 for adults and $6 for children. The BBQ will be held on Saturday September 16th from 11am to 7pm. We greatly appreciate the support that we receive from the community and we look forward to seeing everyone at the BBQ. Firefighting requires a lot of specialized equipment which is very expensive. One such piece of equipment is the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) which provides a firefighter with breathing air when inside a hazardous environment such as a house fire. SCBA has a 15-year lifespan and must be replaced at the end of the lifespan. The Camp Hill Fire Department applied for a FEMA grant to replace the SCBA. I am very pleased to announce that we have been awarded the grant in the amount of $146,000.00 to replace our SCBA! The annual Camp Hill Fire Department Open House will be held on Saturday October 21st from 11am to 2pm. Please plan to stop by and visit!


We would like to thank all of our sponsors, businesses and citizens who came out and helped us celebrate National Night Out!! Our annual event continues to grow each year and we could not do it without our wonderful businesses who donate their

products and our citizens who support and attend our event each year. We would also like to remind residents about the Camp Hill Borough Police Department Facebook page. We try to keep residents up to date on what is happening in the Police Department and any informational news items we feel the public should be alerted to. We would like to ask that if you have any questions or an emergency please do not post questions or comments on the Facebook page, as time may pass before someone looks at the page. If you have questions, concerns or need immediate help please call either 911 or our office phone (717) 737-1570. Also please be aware of school starting later this month. We urge citizens to watch for bicycles and children in school zones and to please be considerate of the crossing guards. They have a very important job to keep our children safe!!



Street sweeping will continue through the fall. The last week of street sweeping will be the week of October 23rd. Sweeping will take place the day AFTER your regular scheduled trash collection on the second and fourth weeks of the month. Please avoid placing any debris in the street. This can cause damage to the sweeper and down-time for the operator resulting in an inability to maintain the sweeping schedule. Property owners are also asked to keep trees at the curb-line trimmed to a minimum of 12 feet above the street so that the sweeper can work close to the curb without damaging the machine. Please make every effort to move parked cars, trailers and basketball hoops from the roadway/street Right-of-Way so the operator cannot effectively clean the street.

CALENDAR AUGUST – NOVEMBER August 2017 1 – National Night Out – Willow Park - 6 to 8 pm 4 – Box Lunch Review – 11:30 am to 1 pm 9 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 15 – Planning Commission – 7 pm 22 – CHSD school year begins

September 2017 4 – Labor Day – Borough Office closed 13 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 19 – Planning Commission – 7 pm

October 2017 3 – Recreation Commission Meeting – 7 pm 9 – Columbus Day – Borough Office closed 11 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 17 – Planning Commission – 7 pm 21 – Penn Waste curbside yard waste pick-up 24 – Halloween parade & festivities – 6 pm 31 – Trick-or-Treat – 6 to 8 pm

November 2017 7 – Election Day – polls open 7 am to 8 pm 8 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 11 – Veterans Day - Borough Office closed 21 – Planning Commission – 7 pm 23 – Thanksgiving – Borough Office closed 24 – Thanksgiving – Borough Office closed

These meetings are held at the Borough of Camp Hill Municipal Offices, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 and are open to the public. If you are a person with a disability, please note: 48 hours notice is requested for any individual with a disability who needs an accommodation to participate in a borough meeting, program, service, or employment procedure. Individuals wishing to attend these public meetings who require an auxiliary aid service or other accommo-

COMPOST FACILITY The Compost Facility is for Borough residents only. The Compost Facility is located next to the Public Works building on S. 24th St. The facility will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 am to 3 pm, Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 am to 8 pm on Saturdays. The facility is closed on Sundays and Holidays. Yard waste such as leaves, garden debris, tree limbs, bush-


dations to participate in the meetings please contact the Borough of Camp Hill at (717) 737-3456 or via e-mail: Residents requiring TDD service should call 1-800-654-5984.


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TELEPHONE LIST Emergency ....................................911 Non- Emergency; Police .................................737-1570 Fax....................................901-0530 Fire Dept. ..........................737-4623 Ambulance .........................238-9676 Camp Hill Borough Office Telephone ...........................737-3456 Fax ...................................730-3961 Pat Dennis ..................Borough Manager Code Enforcement .......................737-3457 Sewer Billing..................................737-6532 Audrey Logar Rec. Dir.............737-4548 TDD 1-800-654-5984 Council Members Peter Robelen ......................President Richard Guerin.............Vice-President Mike Berney Steve Brodie Carl Schultz Kim Snell-Zarcone Leigh Twiford Mayor: Mark Simpson ..............737-8596 District Justice ..........................761-0583 Camp Hill Post Office ..............737-1461 Camp Hill Pool .......................909-3148 Camp Hill Public Works ...........730-3964 Penn Waste....................1-866-575-8720 Recycling & Waste Authority ......240-6489 Cleve J. Fredricksen Library.......761-3900 Humane Society ......................564-3320 Cumberland Co. Courthouse...........1-888-697-0371 Elections Bureau......................240-6385 Cumberland Co Tax Bureau .......590-7997 Tax Collector Diane Neiper .......................737-5324 2626 Lincoln St., Camp Hill 17011 Tax Assessment Office .................240-6350 Camp Hill School District.........901-2400 State Representative: Greg Rothman .....975-2235 / 783-2063 State Senator: Michael Regan .....432-1730 / 787-8524 Attorney General Office Consumer Protection .......1-800-441-2555 Contractor Problems................772-2425 PA-American Water Co. ...1-800-565-7292 PPL/Street Light Problems1-800-342-5775 Chamber of Commerce...............761-0702 Camp Hill Borough Office Hours Monday–Friday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Mailing Address: 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011

Public Works/Codes es and plants may be dropped at the facility. Items that are not accepted include grass, topsoil, sod, tree stumps, bamboo or any form of dimensioned lumber. Leaves maybe left in brown compost bags only-NO PLASTIC BAGS! Staff will load your truck or trailer on Mondays and Fridays from 7:30 am to 8:30 pm. The borough may close the facility at any time to process/haul material. It is a citable offense to drop materials at the facility when it is closed.

WINTER MAINTENANCE Plowing borough streets after a snow event is a time consuming process. Following a few simple guidelines can make the operator’s job safer and more efficient: • Pay attention to local forecasts as winter weather and road conditions can change very quickly. If it is necessary for you to drive, please do so responsibly. • Minimize driving as much as possible during and immediately after a snow event. The fewer the vehicles on the roadway allows the roadway to be cleared more quickly and efficiently. • Remove vehicles and trailers from the street prior to a winter event. This will allow the operator to clear the street from edge-to-edge. • Remove basketball hoops from the borough right-of-way. • Please keep a safe operating distance from all vehicles providing winter maintenance. • If you have a mailbox along the roadway, periodically check to ensure that the post and mailbox are in good condition. The post and mailbox must be sturdy enough to withstand snow coming off the plow blade. • Never push, blow or shovel snow into a cleared roadway. • Never attempt to stop or flag down a truck driver while plowing. • Clearing a space along the curb or edge of road before your driveway will reduce the amount of the snow placed in your driveway. • Wait until the street is completely cleared before shoveling the end of your driveway. • Operator’s will often make multiple passes on the same street. • Plow drivers cannot direct snow as it comes off of a plow. Plow blades are fixed to dump snow to the right.



To insure your safety and well-being, these are important tips for during a power outage.

DURING A POWER OUTAGE Only use flashlights for emergency lighting, candles can cause fires. Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed. Most food requiring refrigeration can be kept safely in a closed refrigerator for several hours. An unopened refrigerator will keep food cold for about 4 hours. A full freezer will keep the temperature for about 48 hours. Take steps to remain cool if it is hot outside. In intense heat when the power may be off for a long time, consider going to a movie theater, shopping mall or “cooling shelter” that may be open in your community. If you remain at home, move to the lowest level of your home, since cool air falls. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing. Drink plenty of water, even if you do not feel thirsty. Put on layers of warm clothing if it is cold outside. Never burn charcoal for heating or cooking indoors. Never use your oven as a source of heat. If the power may be out for a prolonged period, plan to go to another location (the home of a relative or friend, or a public facility) that has heat to keep warm. Turn off or disconnect appliances and other equipment in case of a momentary power “surge” that can damage computers and other devices. Consider adding surge protectors. If you are considering purchasing a generator for your home, consult an electrician or engineer before purchasing and installing. Only use generators away from your home and NEVER run a generator inside a home or garage, or connect it to your home's electrical system. For further helpful information, go to



Borough fees are due when applications are submitted to the Borough Office. Building permit plan reviews are conducted by a thirdparty inspection agency. The review period can be between 14 and 30 days; please plan accordingly. When a permit is approved and ready for pick-up, the applicant will be noti-

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WILLOW PARK IMPROVEMENT fied. Third-party fees are separate from the Borough’s and are due when you pick up your permit. Working without a permit is a citable offense and strictly enforced.

INSTANT TICKET PROGRAM The instant ticket program is intended for violators of the property maintenance code as well as other Code violations. The program is designed to combat violations such as high grass and weeds, garbage/rubbish as well as other property maintenance issues. Similar to a traffic violation, a ticket is issued immediately to a violator and/or property owner which must be paid at the Borough Office within fifteen (15) days. Failure to pay the ticket and remedy the violation will result in a non-traffic citation being filed at District Court. The instant ticket program as well as other enforcement methods of the Code Enforcement Department are in place to maintain and promote a safe and healthy environment for everyone living in Camp Hill. As always, the Code Enforcement Department thanks all residents and property owners who do their part to keep Camp Hill a wholesome community.

ANIMALS § 71-11 DISTURBANCE OF THE PEACE Any animal or bird in the custody of a borough resident which makes any noise continuously and/or incessantly for a period of ten (10) minutes or makes noise intermittently for ½ hour or more is considered a nuisance.

ANIMALS § 71-12 NUISANCES When not confined to the owner’s premises, all animals must be under physical control of their owner or custodian and constrained at all times. Any animal waste deposited on the ground other than the animal owner’s own private property must be removed immediately and disposed of properly.

WEEDS AND GRASS § 302-4 International Property Maintenance Code adapted by Borough Council and enforced by the Codes Officer under Section 302-4, requires that all premises and exterior properties shall be maintained free from weeds and/or grass growth in excess of 6” in height. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Please help keep Camp Hill a safe and sanitary community.

GRASS CLIPPINGS AND GREEN WASTE Blowing grass clipping and green waste is prohibited. This is a violation of both Borough Code and EPA MS4 Permitting. Please refrain from this practice.


Section 302-1 of the International Property Maintenance Code states that each property shall be maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. Also, pools, spas, hot tubs, fish ponds and ornamental water devices shall be kept in a clean and properly treated condition at all times as required in Section 303-1 of the IPMC. Please help us keep Camp Hill a safe and beautiful Community.

SWIMMING POOLS, SPAS, HOT TUBS AND STANDING WATER Help us fight West Nile. Please help the Code Enforcement Division to fight the threat of West Nile. Please do not allow garbage can lids, old tires or any vessel to harbor standing water as this becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

OUTDOOR BURNING § 66-7 EXCEPTION TO RESTRICTIONS ON BURNING Patio and yard wood-burning units used as chimneas, patio warmers and other portable woodburning devices used for recreational purposes, provided the following shall apply: (1) only clean wood may be used and burned, (2) patio and yard wood-burning units must be located at least 50 feet from the nearest structure which is not on the same property as the patio wood-burning unit and (3) use of patio and yard wood-burning units shall not cause a nuisance to neighbors.

IPMC § 304.3 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION Help us fight West Nile. Please help the Code Enforcement Division to fight the threat of West Nile. Please do not allow garbage can lids, old tires or any vessel to harbor standing water as this becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

BOROUGH-USE-ONLY DUMPSTERS Borough dumpsters located at Siebert


Park (by the pool and cabin), Fiala Field, the end of South 30th Street and behind the Borough Building are for Borough Department use only. Dumping in, or in the vicinity of, the dumpsters by private individuals/households is a citable offense and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent provided by law.

Sewer Department The Camp Hill Sewer Department would like to announce that Residential and Business Property owners of the borough now have the ability to receive their sewer bills via email. If you would like to take advantage of this please provide your email address when submitting your payment for your 3rd qtr. bill. As always if you have any questions, please feel free to call!


A concept plan for the stream restoration project was discussed with Borough staff and revisions are being incorporated currently. The design plans are in progress with stream details being modified to accommodate requests from the Borough staff as well as some of the unique site conditions. The design engineers conducted a “geomorphic assessment” of the stream. This will provide valuable information needed to classify and properly design the stream channel. The next stages of the process include drafting a new channel alignment and cross section that will reduce erosion, move the channel away from steep slopes, improve the flow through the park, and create instream habitat. A native planting plan is being worked on that will provide for a woody riparian habitat that can withstand periods of drought, inundation, and brief periods of elevated levels of salinity. This will likely be the subject of additional discussions with Council and Borough Staff on creating a flow bypass from Walnut Street, along North 25th Street and eliminating two

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C u m b e r l a n d B lv d . Ta s k Fo r c e outfalls. The improved stream channel will provide an opportunity for a living classroom.


Girl Scout Community 157 Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania (GSHPA) is delivering free, innovative STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education for girls through their brand-new STEM Mobile. The vehicle is outfitted with cutting-edge technology from robotics to virtual reality and offers four exciting, hands-on curricula which includes topics like coding and mechanical engineering. The mobile laboratory launched in June 2017 and is now hitting the road and driving girls’ interest up in the STEM fields. Local volunteers are already taking advantage of the STEM Mobile and encouraging Girl Scouts and non-Girl Scouts to connect and learn more about STEM. Girl Scout Service Unit 157 (Camp Hill Scouts) will be hosting a Pool Party for all current, future and potential Girl Scouts and their families on Thursday, August 17. As an extra bonus, we are excited to host the STEM Mobile at this event! Please join us at Seibert Park: the STEM Mobile will be available from 7:00-9:00 pm and at the pool party will be held 8:00-10:00 pm. Donations excepted. Staff will be on hand to register girls for the 20172018 year. To sign up and volunteer with Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania or to learn more about its STEM Mobile, please contact: Dana Little at or visit: or call 800.692.7816.

In April of 2017, Camp Hill Borough Council took action to approve two grant resolutions signifying their intent to have staff draft and submit grant applications for the development of a park at the old Schaeffer School property. Borough staff submitted the grant applications in late April and has been meeting with DCNR and DCED to discuss the grant proposals and the concept plan that was submitted. The goal of Borough Council and staff will be to secure multiple sources of grant proceeds in order to help cover the overall cost of the Schaeffer Park project. The new park will include a walking path that will the local area surrounding the park as well as a multi-purpose field, a new decorative foundation feature located in the middle of the park and new bathroom facilities. The project will also rehabilitate the current softball field that is at the present location. The hope is the Borough will hear back about the grants the latter portion of 2017 and plan on construction in 2018.

Cumberland blvd. Task ForCe The Cumberland Blvd. Task Force (CBITF) is a group of Camp Hill Borough Residents committed to improving children’s safety on the heavily travelled Cumberland Blvd./32nd Street (Camp Hill ByPass). By implementing Traffic Calming elements to reduce speed, we hope to create safer mobility for children, as well as all residents in Camp Hill Borough. The CBITF has been busy since January meeting with concerned residents, local officials and school board members to discuss ways in which we can work together to preserve Camp Hill Borough and its unique walking school district as a safe, livable and walkable community.


We have narrowed and identified Four Main Safety Priorities, all of which are elements of Traffic Calming, as defined by the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Federal Highway Administration: “Traffic calming is the combination of mainly physical measures that reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior and improve conditions for nonmotorized street users. Traffic control devices, notably STOP signs and speed limit signs, are regulatory measures that require enforcement. By contrast, traffic calming measures are intended to be self-enforcing.” All are welcome to attend the next CBITF meeting on Wednesday August 16, 2017 at 7:00pm at Borough Hall. If you have any questions, please contact us at:


The Club’s only goal is to try to preserve/improve Camp Hill’s water, air, land, flora and fauna for our children and grandchildren. CHEC meets on the 1st Tuesday on each month at 7:00 PM in Prosser Hall. The next few meetings are Aug 1, Sept 5, Oct 3, and Nov 7. New members are most welcome. Membership dues are $10 for students and $20 for adults with a maximum of $50 per family. Applications for membership can be picked up in the Recreation Office, calling 737-4548, emailing or at a CHEC meeting. The Environmental Club picks up litter on Borough streets. CHEC has “adopted” Market Street under PennDOT’s Adopt-AHighway Program and we pick up litter four times a year along its’ length. In addition, we clean a different section of the borough every quarter. We also promote recycling efforts at community athletic events, obtaining recycling can lids for School District use at spring athletic events and collecting over 3000 cans and bottles at Little League games. CHEC

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Clubs and Events also educates and encourages best Stormwater Management Practices and helps to clean up the Conodoguinet Creek 5 times a Summer (our next creek cleanups are scheduled for August 19 and September 16). In addition, we sponsor Environmental Programs throughout the year. Our upcoming programs include: September 5th, Tuesday, Borough Hall, 7:00 – 8:30 “Bag It” What starts out as a film about plastic bags ends up being a wholesale investigation into plastic and its effect on our waterways, oceans and even our own bodies. October 3rd, Tuesday, Borough Hall, 7:00 – 8:30 “Green Burials at a local Cemetery?? Come learn how you can save LOTS OF MONEY and Help Save the Planet. You mean there are other burial choices? Maybe better choices? Are they legal? What do you need to do? What don’t you need to do? Come with an open mind. November 7th, Tuesday, 40 North 19th Street, 7:00 – 8:30 Tom Benjey, author of Glorious Times: Adventures of the Craighead Naturalists will introduce you to one of the earliest families to settle in the Cumberland Valley. From their home along the Yellow Breeches, the Craighead twins became known for their pioneering work in falconry and radiotelemetry in the South Mountain Cradle of Conservation and where their sister, the Newbery-winning author of books about nature, Jean Craighead George, started her writing career. Visit the Borough website for more information For additional information or to suggest future

program ideas, call Paul Garrett at 514-3546 or

CUMBERLAND COUNTY ELECTRONICS RECYCLING Cumberland County's new electronics recycling center located at 1001 Claremont Road in Carlisle is now open to the public. The County is primarily attempting to address the lack of television recycling opportunities Pennsylvania's electronics recycling law has created. Televisions are the most difficult and most expensive of the electronics to recycle. Please be aware that there is a fee charged for this service equal to fifty (50) cents per pound. The center will accept other electronics on its acceptable items list but they want the public to know that recycling outlets for the other electronics may exist at better rates. For more detailed information and hours of operation, please visit Electronics-Recycling-Center---Accepting

JUNIOR CIVIC CLUB A HUGE Thank You to all the sponsors who supported our Memorial Day 5K! We were able to offer two $1,000.00 scholarships to women graduating this year and continuing their education. We welcome all women to join our membership as we continue our volunteer services in our community and service based organizations. Please visit our website We hope to see many new faces as we start our 81st year of club federation! ?’s call Maryellen Harner 717-514-2642


Pennsylvanians in uniform have served their nation in every conflict. Today hundreds of Pennsylvanians in every branch of the service have been injured defending their country in the past decade. The late Maj. Gen. Gerald Sajer and his wife, Helen, have been on the front-lines of aiding veteran families. They founded the non-profit PA Wounded Warriors in 2006. PA Wounded Warriors focuses on the long recovery process. PA Wounded Warriors is a true grassroots effort. Everyone in the organization is a volunteer. Many diverse organizations raise money for this necessary and worth cause. No salaries, building rent, consultant fees or professional fundraiser fees have ever been paid by Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors, Inc. and much of their printed materials, awards and other supplies are donated. If you wish to make a donation, please make the check out to: “Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors, Inc. and send to 1117 Country Club Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011. Website: Facebook Page Link:


The first annual Don’s Dash and Dip was held on June 24, 2017. This event was run by The Donald J. Edwards Jr. Memorial Foundation, which was established to continue Don’s efforts in prevention, education and research of melanoma. The fun event started in Siebert Park with a 5K or 1 mile run/walk through the lovely parks and streets of Camp Hill. We had 134 runners and walkers. The event concluded with a pool party at the Camp Hill Pool complete with food trucks. We thank our sponsors: Willow Branch financial Group, Smith Elliot & Kearns & Co., LLC, Blimpies, Computer Development Services, Service 1st Restoration, Tiogo Orchards, Stone & Edwards Insurance Agency, Peak Solutions, Blooms by Vickrey, Mid Penn Bank, Century 21 and RDJAM Co. We would also like to thank the following for their in kind donations to our event: Sutliff, Bishop Printing, Zag’s Pizza, Wegmans and Giant Foods. A special thank you to Harrisburg Road Runners Club for helping us. We appreciate the following food trucks for participating in our event and donating to our foundation: Mad Dash Grilled Cheese, Rock It Pizza and Subs, Sherri’s Crab Cakes and Farm Show Milkshakes. Our event raised over $4000!! This money will be used to place more sunscreen dispensers around the community, provide more umbrellas and to plant trees to provide shade and protection from the sun. Thank you to all the participants and we hope you join us next year for this fun community event!


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Clubs and Events


Intramural registration is currently open for our Fall 2017 Season. The intramural program is for all children born between 2010 and 2013. Head to the website for complete details and click on the registration link to get registered today!

CongraTulaTions To augusT bisH! Augy is the 3rd recipient of the Dean Zirkle IMPACT Scholarship Fund. In May of 2014, this scholarship was established to honor Dean Zirkle and is awarded each year to a student pursuing a major in music. Augy will be attending The School of Music at Ithaca College in the fall to pursue a 4-year-degree in Music Performance. Congratulations Augy! memorial day Many thanks to L. B. Smith Lincoln, their employees, and everyone that came out and test drove a car in June. We had another successful event along with beautiful weather. We hope to see you again in the Fall and if you have not participated in the past, please plan to come by. It is a lot of fun and it won’t cost you a penny! Thank you LB Smith Lincoln Ford for your ongoing support of the Camp Hill Band! gianT and karns giFT Cards Everybody has to grocery shop or put gas in their car. Did you know that selling Giant or Karns gift cards is one of the band’s biggest fundraisers? Stop by Orrstown Bank or contact Maura Caddell (574-2985/ to purchase and or have delivery of these gift cards to your doorstep. An easy way to support the band. Thank you! For more information, please visit our website



The Camp Hill Woman’s Club welcomes all ladies in our surrounding areas to join our Club. We invite you to enjoy the company of our members, become enlightened by each month’s program, learn about your community, have a fun and happy social time, promote our fundraisers, and participate in delightful activities, and so much more. Our officers for the upcoming year – 2017 / 2018: President: Rose Falco President Elect: Joann Bobincheck Vice President: Jocelyn Erway Treasurer: Amy Barrick Recording Secretary: Maryke Clark Corresponding Secretary: Joy Cruttenden The Club meets at 7:00 pm, the second Tuesday of month September through April. May’s gathering is our annual luncheon, at which time we celebrate our year, recognize the good works of our officers, as well as welcoming our incoming officers. Meetings

are held at the Camp Hill Borough Hall, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill. President Rose Falco will greet the Club at its first meeting of this year on September 12. Please discover our news by visiting the website: You can read The Grapevine, see photos of our activities, learn the history of the Club, receive details of our current endeavors, and see contact information to join. Feel free to call our Membership Chairwoman, Jocelyn Erway, for additional information: 649-3231. HOME-MADE LASAGNA EVENT: Camp Hill Woman’s Club will have its Annual Italian Night Dinner on Friday, October 20th, at 6:00 pm, at the Camp Hill Borough Hall. Tickets are $20.00 at the door.


Courtesy of the Historical Society of Camp Hill The first building in what became Camp Hill, was a log Tavern, the first Tavern in Cumberland County, established in 1737. This was not a “corner bar”. It was a place where travelers going west could rest after crossing the Susquehanna River. There were probably pens where the travelers’ livestock could be


contained for the night. Simple meals and drinks were available for purchase of course. The whiskey was distilled on site! Yes, Tobias Hendricks produced his own whiskey in what is now Willow Park! Through the years, the Oyster family built a Tavern farther west on Market Street where the Hershey Medical Center is currently located. Following the Civil War, but prior to Prohibition, there were perhaps two beer distributors in town -- one on South 15th Street, and one on the south side of Market, more or less across from N o r t h 23rd. There were two or three small restaurants that served beer by the drink. There wasn’t any “action” that could be called “night life”. Nevertheless, shortly after the turn of the twentieth century, Harrisburger, Silas Swallow came to town, built a fine house at 17th and Market Streets (where there is now a nursing home), purchased the Church at

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Clubs and Events

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NO ONE SHOULD BE HUNGRY! The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank will be giving food to all qualified Camp Hill residents in need of food assistance at the Christian Life Assembly Church at 2645 Lisburn Rd in Lower Allen Twp. Please stop by between 9 am and 12 noon on the following Tuesdays: August 8th, September 12th, October 10th and November 14th. A utility bill from your residence is the only requirement. Please stop by if your family is in need !

21st and Market for his Methodist Church friends (now home to a Baptist congregation), and turned the WCTU ladies loose! [Women’s Christian Temperance Union] They didn’t have any effect upon Camp Hill’s little restaurant life, but the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution did! Following the 21st Amendment, there were stirrings of interest in bringing alcohol back into the Borough limits. The story is told that Al, who had a bar in Enola, decided to expand and open an establishment on the southeast corner of 22nd and Market, where the tasty breakfast and lunch Ouvo is located today. It’s not clear how long this lasted, but the clientele of Al’s Garden was unexpectedly rowdy. It didn’t take long for the Borough Council to pass an ordinance against all sales of alcohol within the Borough. Every so often the matter would be revived and placed on the ballot, but never passed. During our 2017 May Primary Election, the matter was again placed on the ballot. We voted to allow alcohol to be sold within our Borough for the first time in about eighty years! The Historical Society of Camp Hill invites you to visit one of our meetings – to share some Soup ‘n Sandwich, listen to a talk or observe a display about earlier days in Camp Hill. Chat with us at a display table during a community event. Join the HSCH!

Membership brochures are available at Borough Hall’s pamphlet rack

CAMP HILL BOROUGH’S VOLUNTEERISM AWARD Camp Hill Borough is fortunate to have so many people who give back to this community and many people don’t realize who

they are or what they have done. This will be our 5th year for this award and this individual should be someone who has made one or more outstanding and significant volunteer contributions in some facet to Camp Hill Borough. All details and the application can be found at and in the Camp Hill Borough Office. All nominations are due by the November 3, 2017 deadline and it is not too early to submit one for this year.

Camp Hill Borough Resident Named as one of the Central Penn Business Journal’s Women of Influence

On June 26, 2017, Leigh Twiford was named as one of the CPBJ Women of Influence. She was recognized alongside 32 other women in Central Pennsylvania during a luncheon at the Hilton in Harrisburg. She was selected for her exceptional business endeavors and community involvement in Camp Hill Borough. As Leigh says, “I really like the energy that I feel when working with a team - either at work or on a council or as a board member. Harnessing that energy and using it to accomplish our goal is very rewarding.”


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FALL Programs & Events Mindfulness Matters: Steps to a Happier, Healthier Life* One Sunday a month from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm This series of seminars leads participants along the path of mindfulness and meditation, VSHFLÂżFDOO\ WKH SUDFWLFDO DSSOLFDWLRQ RI mindfulness techniques in our daily lives. September 24 - Understanding the Nature of Reality - Register Aug. 15. October 22 - Setting Out on the Journey Register Sept. 15. November 12 - Zentangle Workshop Register Oct. 15. More mindfulness classes on 12/3, 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, 4/22, 5/20. Gardening with Nature Series Tuesdays from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm September 26 - Naturalistic Planting Design October 24 - Small is Beautiful – Minor Bulbs Cost per workshop is $5.00. To Register call 717-240-6500 Indie Film Friday: Dope Friday, September 22 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm A critical hit and audience favorite out of the Sundance Film Festival. FROM THE USA Rated R. Sponsored by Jane and Bill Murray. Getting Started with Knitting Two Saturdays: September 30 & October 7 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm In this two-part workshop, you will learn how to cast on, knit, purl, bind Rႇ LQFUHDVH DQG GHFUHDVH VWLWFKHV DQG UHDG D knitting pattern. Ages 16 and up, please. Register Sept. 1. Cost: $7.50 for 2 classes. “Over Thereâ€? and Back Home: America and World War I Two Tuesdays: October 3 and 10 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Join John Maietta, as he honors the centennial RI QHDUO\ ÂżYH PLOOLRQ $PHULFDQ WURRSV PRELOL]LQJ to join the Allied cause in World War I. No registration necessary. Adult Crafternoon: Canvas Cutout Art Sunday, October 8 from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Every artist begins with a blank canvas, but what if the canvas itself IS the art? With a few simple tools, some tracing and some paint, you can make a three dimensional piece of art that UHĂ€HFWV \RXU SHUVRQDO WDVWH SHU SHUVRQ ages 16 and older. Register Sept. 1 Natalie D. Craumer Writers Workshop: Flash Fiction: What is it? Eight Tuesdays: October 10 - November 28 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm 3DUW SRHWU\ SDUW QDUUDWLYH Ă€DVK ÂżFWLRQ LV D genre that is deceptively complex. If you are an intermediate or advanced writer, join Catherine Jordan, author and editor, for an 8-week series Registration: Sept. 1 for NEW students and Sept. 15 for returning students. Great Stories* - One Wednesday a month (Oct 11, Nov 8, Dec 6, Jan 3, Feb 7, March 7, Apr 4, May 2) from 10:00 am to 11:30 am Join this monthly group as we explore short VWRULHV VXGGHQ ÂżFWLRQ QRYHOODV DQG JUDSKLF stories. Read and discuss two stories a month from “The Best American Short Stories of the Centuryâ€? compiled by John Updike. One-time fee of $12. Register Sept. 1. Getting Started with Crochet Two Saturdays: October 14 and 21 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm Learn how to crochet at the library! You will be instructed how to begin the foundation of your project. You will also learn the basic stitches‌.. slip stitch, single crochet, double crochet and how

WR ¿QLVK Rႇ \RXU SURMHFW 5HJLVWHU 6HSW Ages 16 and up. Cost: $7.50 for two classes.

4:30 pm to 5:15 pm Register once for all three sessions August 25, for grades 1 to 3 only.

Fredricksen Library Holiday Book Tree November & December in the Fredricksen Atrium Place a name on the 6 ft. tree for a $10 donation.

Story Time Yoga Tuesdays at 4:00 pm September 5 - Register Aug. 22 October 3 - Register Sept. 19 Children ages 4 to 6 will enjoy collaborative group play, yoga, creative movement, breath-work, and mindfulness.

Film & Discussion: Salam, Neighbor Tuesday, November 14 at 7:00 pm -867 2876,'( 2) 6<5,$ $V WKH ¿UVW ¿OPPDNHUV DOORZHG E\ WKH 8QLWHG 1DWLRQV WR VHW up inside a Syrian refugee camp, Zach and Chris plunge into the heart of the world’s most pressing humanitarian crisis. In partnership with World $ႇDLUV &RXQFLO RI +DUULVEXUJ 'LVFXVVLRQ OHG E\ Joyce Davis and other community leaders. No registration necessary. Blood Pressure Screenings by Geisinger Holy Spirit Thursdays 9:15 am to 1:00 pm &RႇHH &RUQHU - Weekdays 9:30 am to 3 pm &RႇHH 7HDV +RW &RFRD %RWWOHG :DWHU 6QDFNV Donation Station Book Donations - First Saturday of every month from 1 pm to 3 pm 7R GURS Rႇ GRQDWLRQV SOHDVH SDUN LQ WKH ORZHU parking lot nearest to the sidewalk. *The Daytime Academy is made possible by a grant from Harsco Corporation, honoring the memory of Derek C. Hathaway and his passion for life-long learning.

Pollock Children’s Library programs For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 229. Mission Transition 2017/2018: Preparing for Kindergarten One Monday a month, based on school district, at 6:30 pm during the 2017/18 school year. Help your little one prepare for a lifetime of learning by participating in this innovative program developed by our own Pollock &KLOGUHQœV /LEUDU\ VWDႇ &KLOGUHQ DWWHQGLQJ these school districts are welcome: Camp Hill (Hoover Elementary), East Pennsboro (West Creek Hills and East Pennsboro Elementary ) West Shore ( Washington Heights, Lower Allen and Highland Elementary), Cumberland Valley (Shaull, Hampden, and Sporting Hill) Register July 31. First session starts Aug 28. Sessions run one hour. Block Party for Big Kids Fridays from 10:30 am to 11:30 am September 1 – Register Aug. 18 October 9 – Register Sept. 25 November 24 - Register Nov. 10 Come join us for a morning of fun and creativity with blocks and strengthen your STEM abilities! For ages 5 to 8. Register August 18. Keva Plank Party Fridays from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm September 1 – Register Aug. 18 October 9 – Register Sept. 25 November 24 - Register Nov. 10 Keva Planks are specially designed to teach EDODQFH DQG LPSURYH ¿QH PRWRU VNLOOV For ages 8 to 12. Register August 18. Youth Chess Night Fridays, September 1, October 6 and November 3 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Ages 7 to 13. No registration required. American Girl Book Club - Grades 1 to 3 Tuesdays September 5, October 3 & October 31


STEM Exploration Lab Wednesdays from 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm September 6 – Register Aug. 23. October 18 – Register Oct. 4. November 15 – Register Nov. 1. Explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math with us. For children in grades K-5. Meet & Play (for New Parents) Thursdays, September 7, October 12 and November 9 from 9:30 am to 11:00 am Parents and children ages birth - 3 years meet once a month in a play group setting to chat and share experiences with other new parents.No registration required. American Girl Book Club – Grades 3 to 5 Thursdays, September 7, October 5 & November 2 from 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm Register once for all three sessions August 25, for grades 3-5 only. Family Play Time Thursday evenings September 7 and 21 from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm OR Friday mornings September 8 and 22 from 9:30 am -11:00 am Children have the opportunity to play with toys LQ VHYHUDO GHYHORSPHQWDO DUHDV VXFK DV ¿QH DQG gross motor, dramatic play, blocks, books, music and more! Children ages 1 to 31/2 and siblings birth to 5 are welcome. Register Aug 24. Myths, Legends, and Tales From Around the World - Fridays from 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm September 8 - Register Aug. 25 October 27 - Register Oct. 13 November 17 - Register Nov. 3 Explore myths, legends, and tales from the DQFLHQW ZRUOG DQG GLႇHUHQW FXOWXUHV WKURXJK VWRU\ music, art, or science. For ages 8 to 12. Artist Alley - Fridays from 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm September 8 - Register Aug. 22 October 27 - Register Oct. 13 November 10 - Register Oct. 27 Aspiring artists ages 8 to 12 will explore a GLႇHUHQW DUWLVW HDFK PRQWK DQG GR D FUDIW Story Time & Music Therapy by Sovia Therapy Saturdays from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm September 9 - Apples, Apples, Apples! October 14 – Going to the Zoo November 11 - Ewww! Bugs! Read aloud stories, sensory play and music run by music and developmental therapists for all ages including those with developmental delays. A parent must accompany each child. No registration necessary. Fall Story times - 6-week sessions September 18 through October 27 Register Sept 4 for Baby and Me; Sept 5 for all others - Registration includes ALL sessions: Just Baby & Me (ages 0-2)- Monday- 9:30, Tuesday- 10:15, Thursday- 9:30 & 10:15, Friday- 11:00 Twos – Monday- 10:30, Tuesday- 9:30, Wednesday 9:30 & 10:15 Threes – Tuesday- 11:00, Wednesday- 11:00, Friday- 10:15 Picture Book Time (age 4-K)- Monday 1:15 pm, Friday 9:30

Math Meets Music Mondays from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm September 18 - Register Sept. 4 October 16 – Register Oct. 2 November 20 - Register Nov. 6 A mathematical concept is blended with a musical component. For ages 5-8 (K-2) Cooking Club in Candy’s Kitchen Wednesdays from 4:00 to 5:00 pm September 20 - Register Sept. 6. October 18 – Register Oct. 4 November 22 - Register Nov. 8 Become a master chef and learn cooking techniques in our brand new library kitchen! Kids will learn cooking and food safety as well as fun recipes they can make for their families! Please let us know any allergies when registering. For ages 9-12. Meet & Play (for Grandparents) Thursdays, September 21, October 19 and November 30 from 9:30 am to 11:00 am Bring your grandchildren (ages 1 – 4) to the library for a morning of play and fun. No registration required. READ to Dogs - Thursdays - 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm September 21 - Register Sept. 7 October 19 - Register Oct. 5 November 16 - Register Nov. 2 Specially trained dogs from K-PETs will be at the library to listen to children read aloud. For readers 12 and under. Lego Club - Mondays from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm September 25 - Register Sept. 11. October 23 – Register Oct. 9 November 27 - Register Nov. 13 Children in grades 3 to 6 will build Legos individually and in groups. STEM Imagination Builders: Block Party Tuesdays from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm September 26 - Register Sept. 12 October 24 - Register Oct. 10 November 28 - Register Nov. 14 Imagine, design, construct! Building with blocks strengthens STEM abilities For children ages 3 to 6 years and their caregivers. Made possible by a Cruise into Kindergarten program grant from The 2ႈFH RI &RPPRQZHDOWK /LEUDULHV DIA! Diversity In Action Family Book Club Tuesdays from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm September 26 – Register Sept. 12 October 17 – Register Oct. 3. November 21 - Register Nov. 7 The DĂ­a Family Book Club is a reading program that engages children and families in the shared reading and discussion of contemporary FKLOGUHQÂśV OLWHUDWXUH WKDW UHĂ€HFWV RXU FRPPRQ plurality. For grades 2-5. Fredricksen Story time at Country Meadows Wednesdays, September 27, October 25 and November 29 from 10:00 am to 10:45 am Program in partnership with and held at Country Meadows, Trindle Rd. No registration necessary. Library for Lunch – Elephants can do what? Wednesday, September 27 and Friday, September 29 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. For children ages 3 to 6 with a $1 fee. Participants should bring their lunches. Drink and snack will be provided. Register Sept. 13. Family Movie Nights – Call for titles Friday, September 29, October 20 and November 24 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm See a G or PG rated movies and enjoy free popcorn! Wishing Day Saturday, September 30 from 1:30 pm to 3 pm Presented in conjunction with Macmillan 071017

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publishing’s release of Katherine Applegate’s Wishtree. Stop by from 1:30 to 3 pm and place a wish on our wish tree and learn about wishing traditions around the world.

Teen programs

Homework Helpers Club - By Appointment October through April For students in grades 1-5. For info call 761-3900 x 229. To make an appointment call Diane Myers at 761-3730.

For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 225.

Daddies Do Hair Monday, October 2 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Learn basic combing and brushing before we move on to mastering a neat ponytail, braiding and pinning a simple up-do. Led by a professional hair stylist (also a Dad). Register Sept. 18. Family Play Workshop Thursday evenings October 5 - November 9 (no class 10/26) from 6:30 - 7:45 pm OR Friday mornings October 6 - November 10 (no class 10/27) from 9:30 - 10:45 am Parents, grandparents and caregivers with their children will enjoy playtime & socialization Register Sept. 21. For ages 1 - 31/2 years and siblings birth - 5 Star Wars Reads Tuesday, October 10 at 10 am for ages 3 to 6 Crafts, games, music and highlighted books! 6WDU :DUV VFLHQFH ÂżFWLRQ WKHPHG FRVWXPHV welcome. Register Sept. 19. Library for Lunch--Fall International Festival Wednesday, October 25 and Friday, October 27 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Children ages 3 - 6 will hear stories and do some international folk dances. Bring your lunch and a drink and snack will be provided. Cost is $1. Register Oct. 11. Sherlock Holmes Escape Room Monday, October 30 at 5:00 pm, 6:00 pm or 7:00 SP 6KHUORFN KDV ORFNHG \RX LQ KLV RႈFH DQG LV testing you - can you escape before it’s too late? For children ages 8 – 12. Register October 16. Infant Massage - Mondays, November 6 & 13 9:30 am - 10:30 am Parents will learn the art of infant massage and how to massage their babies. For infants under 1 year with caregiver. Register October 23. Sponsored by PinnacleHealth Cozy Story Times - 4-week sessions November 13 through December 8 Join us for a cozy and entertaining story time for children ages birth - K and the family members they love. Register Oct. 31 for the Baby and Me and Nov. 1 for all others. Play K – 6 session series Tuesdays and Thursdays November 14, 16, 21 and December 5, 7, and 12 from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm The Play K curriculum allows children entering Kindergarten in the fall to “play .LQGHUJDUWHQ´ XVLQJ PDWHULDOV IURP GLႇHUHQW “playscapesâ€?. Register October 31. Sponsored by 7KH 2ႈFH RI &RPPRQZHDOWK /LEUDULHV DV SDUW RI Cruise into Kindergarten. Teddy Bear Sleepover Thursday, November 30 from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm $ VSHFLDO VWRU\ WLPH IRU FKLOGUHQ DQG WKHLU VWXႇHG animal friends! Children are encouraged to bring D VWXႇHG DQLPDO IULHQG WKH\ FDQ IHHO FRPIRUWDEOH leaving overnight in the library. For ages 3-5. Register November 16. Family Play Time Thursday, November 30 from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm OR Friday, December 1 from 9:30 am -11:00 am Children will play with toys in several GHYHORSPHQWDO DUHDV VXFK DV ÂżQH DQG JURVV motor, dramatic play, blocks, books, music and more! Children ages 1 to 31/2 and siblings birth to 5 are welcome. Register Nov. 16.

The Page Turners Tuesdays from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm September 12, October 10 and November 13 Page Turners is a writers group for teens ages 12-14. Beginners and writers of all genres are welcome. Join us to share your work, your struggles, your successes and lots of laughs. For teens ages 12-14. No registration necessary. The Plot Twisters Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm September 14 and 28, October 12 and 26 and November 9 and 30 Beginners and writers of all genres are welcome. Join us to share your work, your struggles, your successes and lots of laughs as we work through plot problems, editing issues and seek constructive feedback. For teens ages 15-18. No registration necessary. Teen Meetup Sunday, October 1 from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Drop by our Teen Meetup to catch up with your friends and meet new people. You can try our activity or just chill out. We will be panning for gemstones and making wire wrapped keychains, sun catchers and wall hangings. For teens 12 -18 years old. Teen Read Week - Unleash Your Story October 8 through 14 Join our celebration of teens and teen literature by contributing your own story. Submit “Page 2QH´ RI \RXU RZQ ZRUN RI ÂżFWLRQ PHPRLU RU poetry between September 17th and October 2nd. All “Page Oneâ€? submissions will be displayed during Teen Read Week October 8th - 14th. Entry forms will be available online and in the library beginning September 1st. Two winners of teen prize crates will be chosen at random from all entries. For teens ages 12 – 18. Chocolate Make and Take Sunday, October 15 from 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm Try your hand at being a chocolatier as we melt, dip and mold! We’ll have a chocolate tasting table and you’ll have the opportunity to craft your own candies to take home. For teens ages 12 – 18. Register October 1. Safe Sitter with Geisinger Holy Spirit Saturday, November 4 and 11 10:00 am to 4:30 pm Babysitter training program for ages 11-13. To register call 763-2427. You must attend both VHVVLRQV WR UHFHLYH D FHUWLÂżFDWH RI FRPSOHWLRQ There is a $30 fee which will include a manual, a backpack and additional supplies. Teen NaNoWriMo Meetup Tuesdays from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm November 7, 14 and 28 Calling all teen writers to take on the challenge of National Novel Writing Month and you could complete a novel in one month! For teens ages 12 - 18. No registration necessary. NaNoWriMo Write In Sunday, November 12 11:00 am to 4:30 pm Teen NaNo-ers - don’t miss our half-way (almost) mark Write In! We’ll have laptops for you to use, stress reliever games, lunch, snacks and lots of support. For teens ages 12 - 18 who are actively working on a NaNoWriMo 2017 novel.

3URJUDPV RႇHUHG DUH VSRQVRUHG E\ JHQHURXV VXSSRUW IURP LQGLYLGXDOV DQG EXVLQHVVHV LQ RXU FRPPXQLW\ and from the Friends of Fredricksen Library & Friends of East Pennsboro Branch Library.


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DIANE NEIPER, TAX COLLECTOR 2626 LINCOLN STREET CAMP HILL, PA 1701 717-737-5324 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.

March, April, July & August--Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Special Hours: April 27 & 28, May 3, June 28, August 28 & 29, September 27, October 25, November 15 and December 15 Closed July 26. Closed Holidays. Emergency Closings will be posted on the office door. Calls may be made to the office outside normal business hours. Leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.


Office is located next to the driveway at the address above.


Drop Box is located next to garage door. Use this for payments any time.


Checks must be made payable to D I A N E N E I P E R , T A X C O L L E C T O R . Bill MUST be enclosed with payment. If using bank bill pay services, you must also include a copy of your bill. Payments must be received by the due date. USPS postmark must be on/ before the due date.


Receipts may be obtained by providing a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a l l c o p i e s o f y o u r b i l l . When making payment in person, bring all copies of your bill. A fee of $5 must be paid for any receipts requested at a later date. A self-addressed, stamped envelope must be included with the request.


Check with your mortgage company as to their procedure for property tax payments from your Escrow account. Some require that you forward your tax bill to them for payment.


The Camp Hill School District has a per capita tax and you will receive that on or about July 1. This must be paid by all residents 18 years of age or older. In order to be removed from the per capita billing, you must provide a copy of a state driver’s license or other form of legal ID that shows your new residence. This must be delivered to the address above along with the copy of your bill. If moving after July 1, you will be responsible for that year’s tax but will be removed for the following year once legal ID is provided


You will receive your Cumberland County/Camp Hill Borough tax on or about March 1. You will receive your Camp Hill School District property & per capita tax on or about July 1.


If you need a copy of a bill the fee is $1. If you need a receipted/dated copy of a bill, the fee is $5. Checks made payable to Diane Neiper or cash accepted. You must provide a self-addressed stamped envelope for mailing or make arrangements to pick up the copy/copies at the office.

Failure to receive a tax notice does not exempt you from payment. T OF REAL ESTATE TAXES. YOU MUST CONTACT THE TAX COLLECTOR WHEN YOU MOVE IF YOU WANT TO BE REMOVED FROM THE LIST.! ! ! ! !



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OUR TEAM provides everything needed to conclude a real estate transaction.

Camp Hill Recreation would like to thank Memorial Eye Institute for their donation of a recycling container to be used at the Camp Hill Borough Pool.


2331 MARKET STREET, CAMP HILL, PA 717 763-1383

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DOGGY DAY AT THE POOL! If you are a friendly, well-behaved dog and have always wanted to go for a dip in the pool, this is your chance to “take the plunge.”

Monday, September 4th, 2017 5-6 pm at Camp Hill Borough pool $20 per dog admission for members; owners (and humans of all ages) admitted free. $30 per dog for non-pool members. For waiver please visit the Recreation Department on our website, Guidelines • One dog per owner; owners must be age 18 years of age or older and are responsible for their behavior. All minors (age 17 and under) must be accompanied by an adult. • Dogs must remain on a leash when not using the pools. • Prior to admission, all human entrants must sign a Release Waiver and show proof of rabies vaccination and proof of current dog license for their pet. Release waivers can be found on our website, • Lifeguards will be on duty, and the Humane Society will be present to provide any necessary assistance. • You must be aware of your dog’s swimming abilities. Canine life jackets are permitted. • Owners are responsible for their dogs. Please assist your dog into and out of the pool. • Owners must clean up after dogs. • Personal dog toys are not permitted. (Toys will be provided for use.) • NO HUMANS in pool, not even dog owners or ANY children. *All proceeds from event will go towards more doggy stations in Camp Hill Borough Facilities. *The pool facilities will be thoroughly cleaned prior to reopening for the 2018 season.


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Recreation Department

A Message From the Director... Dear Friends I hope everyone is having a great summer and has had a chance to catch one or more of the community events, programs or camps we offered this summer. It has been great seeing so many using the Gaga Pit that was added to Siebert Park this past spring. If you are asking what Gaga is, look for article in this newsletter about what it is and how to play. The turf and track are also being utilized a lot for some exercise and fun. If you still don’t have an access card, be sure to read the information in the Recreation Section about how to receive one. The response to the Box Lunch Review this summer has been wonderful. Thanks to Highmark, Mid Penn Bank, Service 1st Restoration, Papa Johns and Conte Wealth Advisors for their sponsorships to this program. I would also like to thank all the camp counselors, pool staff, snack shack staff and instructors for a great job this summer. The participants at all the camps and programs as well as everyone visiting the pool enjoyed themselves thanks to their hard work. There were hundreds of children who enjoyed Siebert Park Day Camp, Preschool Summer Adventures, Boys and Girls Basketball Camps, Soccer Camp, Theatre Camps, Field Hockey Camp, Lacrosse Camp, Track Camp, Science Camps, Football Camp, Tennis Lessons, Wrestling

Camp and Scuba Program. We have some great programs and events coming up this fall. Zumba, Acting Up, Art Classes and Dance are all back, so be sure to check out the dates and times if you are interested. Details about our special events including the Halloween Parade and Toys for Tots Parade, are in this newsletter. Please remember that Camp Hill Recreation programs require preregistration. All registrations must be completed online. If you need assistance please call the Recreation Office. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns about existing programs or if you have suggestions for new programs. You can reach us at 737-4548 or by email Also remember to look up us on facebook and like our page to find out the latest news and reminders. Our page is Camp Hill Parks AndRecreation. I am a one person office, so I am not always able to answer my phone when it rings. If I am not available to answer your call, please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible (usually within one business day). Thank you,

Audrey J. Logar Recreation Director

RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBERS Jon Arosell, Superintendent Patty Craig, Borough Manager Pat Dennis, William Forrey, Patty Gilroy, Jessica Gutierrez, David Hershey, Mayor Mark Simpson, Doug Snyder, Leigh Twiford, Jill Williamson

A SPECIAL THANK YOU Camp Hill Borough would like to thank the following for helping out during various events throughout the summer months. Pealer’s Flowers & Deb Keys, Penn Waste, Associated Products for their donations to Memorial Day. Col. Ward Adams for presiding over the Memorial Day Service. Lt. Col. Keith Beebe for coordinating at Memorial Day Parade start point. Lt Col Keith Littlewood and Student Cate Llewellyn for speaking at our Memorial Service. Mr. Richard Bushman for providing information and assistance to the scouts in placing of the flags for the veterans in our cemetery. Mrs. Jill Williamson for assisting in updating Camp Hill Service Members for the Cemetery Ceremony for Memorial Day. The Camp Hill Fire Police for donating their time for the Memorial Day Parade. Highmark, Mid Penn Bank, Service 1st Restoration, Papa Johns and Conte Wealth Advisors for their sponsorship to the “Box Lunch Review”. Middleswarth Potato Chips for their contribution towards the “Box Lunch Review”. Camp Hill Fire Department and Police Department for talking to Siebert Park Day Camp kids during Community Week.

LOOKING FOR A RECREATION COMMISSIONER Do you love the Camp Hill Community and our cherished events such as the annual Memorial Day Parade or perhaps it’s the annual Halloween Parade? Do you have just a few hours every season to show your Lion Pride? Have you ever wanted to learn from some of Camp Hill’s finest selfless residents like: Jill Williamson or Dave Hershey?


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Recreation Department Well…we are looking for a new Recreation Commissioner. This volunteer position is a way that you can give back to the community where you live and help make decisions about programs and projects supported by the Recreation Commission. We meet 4 times per year for about an hour and provide recommendations to Borough Council about programs and projects our residents want. If this is something you would be interested in please send a cover letter and resume to the Recreation Office by August 31, 2017.

MEMORIAL DAY PARADE, CEREMONY AND ACTIVITIES AT WILLOW PARK We would like to thank everyone who took part in the Memorial Day Parade, Ceremony and Activities. It was a big success due to everyone working together and the community coming out with their support for the annual event.

REGISTRATION IS ONLINE FOR PROGRAMS, CAMPS, RENTALS AND MEMBERSHIPS For your convenience, we have ONLINE REGISTRATION available! Of course, you are always welcome to stop by the Borough offices to register in person but you should make an account first so when you come in we can register you. Be sure to read over the Refund Policy prior to Registering as well. More details can be found on our website.

INFORMATION ABOUT ACCESS TO SIEBERT PARK STADIUM If you are interested in having access to utilize the stadium when it is not being used for an event, you need to stop by the Borough Office and fill out an application. One application per family. To enter the stadium access the Siebert Park Stadium near the Athletic House. Just swipe your card and push on the access gate. It will turn to let one person enter. If you lose your card, you need to notify the Borough immediately, so we can deactivate your card. Replacement cards, are $5.00 each.

PURCHASE A BRICK FOR THE LION’S DEN If you have not yet purchased a brick at Siebert Park, there is still time. Bricks will continue to be sold even though The Lion’s Den is complete. The funds that are collected now will go towards the up keep of the parks. If you are interested in purchasing a brick for yourself or a loved one, please con-

tact the Recreation Department at 737 4548 or

CAMP HILL BANQUET FACILITY Thomas J. Prosser Hall in the Camp Hill Borough Building is available to rent for parties, wedding receptions, meetings, etc. Our elegant community room seats 200 people, has a large kitchen, and a garden patio right outside. Reservations are requested online. You can find general information on our website and complete a request by clicking on the dark green button on Recreation Page.

ENVIRONMENT, EDUCATION, AND RECREATION CENTER This center which is located at Siebert Park in Camp Hill is available to rent for meetings, reunions, parties, etc. The EERC can accommodate up to 65 people, has a kitchen, and two restrooms. Reservations are requested online. You can find general information on our website and complete a request by clicking on the dark green button on recreation page.

RECREATION COMMISSION MEETINGS 2017 In 2017 the Camp Hill Recreation Commission will conduct its meetings at 7 PM at the Borough Building of Camp Hill Municipal Office in the conference room, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011, on the following date: October 3, 2017

SPECIAL EVENTS HALLOWEEN PARADE AND ACTIVITIES OCTOBER 24TH The Halloween parade will be sponsored by Camp Hill Recreation Department. To make this as much fun as years past, I could use some community help. If you are interested, please call or email the recreation office. There will be activities and refreshments in Prosser Hall for all the children to enjoy after the parade and the awards have been handed out. Please join the community of Camp Hill this Halloween and plan to participate in the parade and the other activities with your family. Further information will be sent home through the schools. Registration will be held from 5:00 PM to 5:45 PM in the parking lot of the Trinity Lutheran Church. NO REGISTRATION AFTER 5:45 PM


Camp Hill Borough and Centric Bank are teaming up for the Toys for Tots Children’s Benefit Parade. The Quaker City String Band – Mummers is returning this year. The purpose of this parade is to gather toys for children. We would like anyone who would like to contribute a toy to bring it to the parade or bring your toy to area businesses ahead of time. This event will take place on December 2, 2017. At 4 pm a parade will start at 24th and Market Street and heading east to North 21st Street and then turning onto Walnut Street and ending at the Borough Building. Following the parade we are planning on having our Annual Holiday Tree Lighting and Caroling. The High School Cheer Ensemble will perform for us and there will be caroling and of course we will have a special guest coming for all the children to see. If you are interested in having a group in the parade or would like to volunteer please call Audrey Logar, Recreation Director at 737-4548 or email

YOUTH PROGRAMS KIDS 3D ART (Instructor: Alison Juliana) Design, create and build works of art in a 3-Dimensional space. Learn different techniques with a wide variety of art materials and objects. Explore the use of different forms, structures and surface. Original art work will be created to take home upon completion. All supplies are included in the cost of the program. Please wear clothing that is appropriate to get a little messy! Tuesday: September 12 – October 3 Grades: 3 - 6 Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm Location: Cabin in Siebert Park Cost: $82 resident / $88 non-resident

ACTING UP FOR 3RD – 5TH GRADERS (INSTRUCTOR: JOAN BENSON) Acting Up is a fun-filled class with lots of costumes, props, music. We will be acting out skits, little plays and musical numbers. This is a high-energy, creative class which will teach the basics of theatre. The last class will be a show for parents, relatives and friends. A

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Register today on-Line visit snack and drink will be provided each week. Any questions feel free to call Joan Benson at 903-3650. Thursdays: September 14 – November 16 Grades: 3 - 5 Times: 3:15 – 4:30 pm Location: Camp Hill Borough Building Cost: $110 resident / $120 non-resident

YOUTH BASKETBALL PROGRAM (Boys and Girls Grades 3rd – 6th) Camp Hill Recreation will be having a basketball program for 3rd – 6th grade students. There will be information on our website soon and registration will be online. Practices will start late November and games will start in January and run through most of February.

2ND – 4TH GRADE BOYS AND GIRLS BASKETBALL CLINICS (Coordinators: Alison Goodwin and Dustin Chapman Camp Hill Recreation will be offering 2nd – 4th grade clinics to all who are interested. This is an instructional group of clinics. Please go to our site and look under Recreation and click on dark green button to register. Sundays: September 17 – October 29, No clinics on October 8th Times: 5 – 6 pm (Both boys and girls) Location: Eisenhower Elementary School Cost: $35.00

ADULT CLASSES BACK TO SCHOOL WITH ESSENTIAL OILS Want to start the school year off supporting your kids naturally? Get geared up and ready for school with borough resident and educator Sarah Dressler, as she shares her favorite back to school essential oil recipes, blends and DIYs. This class is FREE and open to the public; seating is also limited to 15, so be sure to reserve your seat today! Call the Recreation Office: 737-4548. Date: August 17th Time: 6:30-7:30 pm Location: Community Room

WINTER WELLNESS WITH ESSENTIAL OILS Curious about great winter wellness routines? Want to keep your family above the wellness line naturally? Join borough resident, Sarah Dressler, as she shares some simple, easy to implement natural routines for your whole family’s winter wellness! This class is FREE open to the public, and seating

is limited to 15, so reserve your seat today! Call the Recreation Office 737-4548. Date: October 26th Time: 6:30-7:30pm Location: Community Room

JACKI’S AEROBIC DANCE (Instructor: Sandy Cronin) This class provides a one hour fun class of well-choreographed routines to upbeat music. This dance workout class includes a warm up, abdominal work and vertifirm for the hips and thighs.Hand held weights (max. 6 lbs. per hand) and ankle weights (2 ½ lbs. per leg) are optional. All routines, including the booster, six aerobic dances and cool down can be geared to anyone’s fitness level. Tuesdays & Thursdays September 12 – December 14 (no class 11/23) Times: 6 pm to 7 pm Location: Hoover elementary MultiPurpose Room Cost: $154 resident /$164 non-resident Drop in - $9

CO-ED VOLLEYBALL (Coordinator: Richard Sandusky) Come and join in on the fun and exercise of recreational volleyball. Teams are picked each night to mix and match talent and encourage socialization. This program is open to adults over 18 yrs, old. We must have a minimum number of paid in full players to have the program available for drop in players. Wednesday: September 13 – November 15, 29 and December 6 and 13 Time: 8 – 10 pm Location: Camp Hill High School Gym Pay as go: $3 resident / $4 non-resident

ZUMBA GOLD® PAY AS YOU GO! (Instructor: Jenn Dusart) This has been such a hit this summer we will be continuing it this fall! These are pay as you go classes. Zumba Gold® uses Latin and international rhythms such as salsa, merengue, cumbia, and many more to create a fun fitness program for the active older adult population or the true beginner (deconditioned participant). It addresses the anatomical, physiological and psychological needs specific to these populations. Tuesdays and Thursdays: September 5 – December 14 (no class 11/7 and 23) Times: 10-11 am Location: Camp Hill Community Room Pay as go: $5.00


AARP DRIVER SAFETY CLASS This AARP Driver Safety Class teaches preventive measures to use when driving that can help save lives. Produced by the American Associated of Retires Persons (AARP) and conducted throughout the country in two half-day sessions. The total of eight hours of instruction helps refine existing skills and develop safe, defensive driving techniques. The curriculum also is designed to remind you of skills and techniques you once learned but perhaps fail to use regularly, and update you on the rules of the road. This class is offered to motorists age 50 and older. There are no driving tests or written tests given. If you do complete this class you will receive a certificate which you can give to your insurance company and receive 5% off your insurance rates. Dates: September 20, 2017 Time: 8:30-12:30 pm, Please arrive 15 minutes early for registration. What to Bring: Drivers License and AARP Membership Card Location: Prosser Hall at the Camp Hill Borough Building Cost: $15.00 for AARP Members / $20.00 for Non-members. Make checks payable to AARP

REFUND POLICY A refund will not be granted for any session $50 or less. This includes any program (one day programs, camps, or multi session programs) offered by the Recreation Department. For all sessions greater than $50, a refund will be granted according to this schedule:

Refund Request Date Amount of Refund >90 days before program 75% of program cost 60-90 days before program 50% of program cost 30-59 days before program 25% of program cost Less than 30 days before program No refund No refund will be granted for any camps after July 1st. If any program is cancelled by the Recreation Department due to insufficient participation, a full refund will be granted.

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The Lion Foundation 2017-18 Board Of Directors

Making Things Happen in Camp Hill

Officers President John N. Kennedy, Esq.

Assistant Treasurer James R. Hepfer III

Vice President Jen Branstetter

Secretary Ken Serafin

Treasurer Aaron Boor

Assistant Secretary Melissa Corbin

Staff Robin Jones, Executive Director Shari Sponic, Office Administrator

For more information on The Lion Foundation or to donate, contact us at: 2627 Chestnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 717 775-5170 VISIT US ON FACEBOOK!

Our Children, Our Community, Our Future

News to Roar About!

The impact of your donations has never been more evident than this year. As I look around I see the signs everywhere—in academic, athletic and extracurricular programs, and in the arts. I realize that it is a choice to donate to The Lion Foundation and want to assure you that your investment in our children is paying off! Each year our students take what we give them and bring back success. With that success comes confidence, future leaders and outstanding global citizens. Thank you for your continued investment in “Our Children, Our Community and Our Future.” If there is a specific program you would like to support, contact me at


Robin Jones, Executive Director

Alumni News…

August 5 – Camp Hill High School Class of 1977 Reunion

The celebration begins in the afternoon at Dennis’s house and continues in the evening at Festivities in New Cumberland. The event is $25/person or $40/couple. Spread the word and R.S.V.P. to: Craig Bartlett or Camp Hill Class of 1977 on Facebook.

October 14 & 15 – Camp Hill High School Class of 1971

Alumni from the Class of ’71 are gathering to celebrate their 45-year reunion. Tentative plans include attending the Friday night homecoming game, convening for a Saturday afternoon activity and celebrating at an evening party at the Caddy Shack. Check in with the CHHS Class of 1971 Facebook page or contact (717/418-3240) for more information.

Save the Date… August 11 – Kindergarten Party @ Camp Hill Swimming Pool 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

The Camp Hill Swimming Pool has been reserved for a free event held just for students (and their families) entering kindergarten next fall. (Note: The rain date for this event is August 12.) R.S.V.P. to Jen Chaplin by email at or by text at (717) 514-8085.

October 9 – The Lion Foundation Golf Outing @ Carlisle Country Club

11:30 a.m. Registration, Lunch and Silent Auction; 12:30 p.m. Shot Gun Start All proceeds for this event benefit The Lion Foundation. Register or be a sponsor online at: Thank you to our Title Sponsors:

February 3 – The Lion Foundation Winter Celebration @ Radisson in Camp Hill 6 pm – 11 pm Thank you to our Main Event sponsor:


and Supporting sponsor:

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Making Things Happen… BANK VISIT As a follow-up to their trip to JA Biztown where 5th graders ran a simulated town, Mid Penn Bank invited Eisenhower Elementary School fifth graders to their new Camp Hill office on Market Street to witness a real bank in action. According to the fifth grade teachers, highlights included talking about counterfeit money, fanning (and smelling) a stack of new bills, and visiting the vault to see how it worked.

DISTRACTED DRIVER ASSEMBLY Jacy and Steve Good delivered a powerful message to Camp Hill High School students last spring about the impact of distracted driving. During the HangUpAndDrive assembly, funded by The Lion Foundation, they urged students and adults to turn off their phones, even placing them out of reach— in the glove box, the back seat or even in the trunk of the car—while driving. “I wanted to share with you that your HangUpAndDrive assembly really impacted my daughter. She was anxious to tell me about the program. I almost felt as I was there as she reiterated the conversation of the couple almost verbatim. She felt it was an incredible program and was very impacted by it. Great job!” – Camp Hill High School Parent Learn more about this program at

NATIONAL QUIZ BOWL CHAMPS! The Camp Hill High School Quiz Bowl team finished 3rd in the Small Schools Nationals Championship, and 1st in the Very Small School Category, for this academic sport of the mind. Members of the team included Joseph Zullo, Ben Haas, Alex Drda, Sydney Preston and recent graduate, Colton Sanden, who finished 5th individually in the U.S. out of 533 students. The national competition showcased 96 small school teams, and 12 very small schools. “Thank you to The Lion Foundation for your generous support of the quiz bowl team’s trip to the National Championship in April. Your support made it possible for the team to travel to Chicago affordably and gain Camp Hill more success in the area of quiz bowl than we’ve ever had before.” –Andrew Gianelli, Quiz Bowl Team Coach

ANNUAL APPEAL We are grateful to all of the supporters who make a $25 annual donation to The Lion Foundation. This year, donations over $75, if made by September 30th, receive the following benefits: $75 Camp Hill School District INDIVIDUAL 2017-18 ATHLETIC PASS or POLLOCK ARTS CARD $125 Camp Hill School District COUPLE 2017-18 ATHLETIC PASS or POLLOCK ARTS CARD $175 Camp Hill School District FAMILY 2017-18 ATHLETIC PASS or POLLOCK ARTS CARD The Pollock Performing Arts Center Priority Arts Card allows early ticket purchases for Pollock Center events/classes and behind the scenes tours/events. CHSD athletic passes are good for all home regular season sporting events. Passes will be mailed directly to you! Donate online at


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YOUR DONATIONS AT WORK! GRANT AWARDS DO GOOD On May 18th, Camp Hill School District Superintendent, Patty Craig—together with John Kennedy, president of The Lion Foundation, and its executive director, Robin Jones—presented a total of $17,700 in grants to the following programs: $ 5,575 $ 1,120 $ 139 $ 212 $ 1,927 $ 1,683 $ 313 $ 712 $ 2,500 $ 991 $ 589 $ 500 $ 500 $ 900 $ 100 $ 326 $ 150

Eisenhower Honor Our Elders Program 2018 Hoover 2nd Grade Hershey Butterfly Gardens Field Trip MS Math Classroom Document Camera Mrs. Smeltzer MS Literacy Project Mrs. Bolcavage Jumpstart 1st Grade Summer Reading Camp Eisenhower 3rd & 4th Grade Summer Reading Camp 2017 Hoover Special Education Flexible Seating Hoover Recess/Hallway Transition Program Hoover Landscaping Renovation Project Eisenhower Special Education Bumble-Bee Room Enhancements Eisenhower Additional Sick Bay Reclining Couch MS School Store Reward Program MS Lion PRIDE Reward Program MS Cross Country Club Uniforms & Race Fees HS Global Scholars Recognition Program HS Science "Napoleon's Buttons" Bio Chemistry Books Summer Camps for Needy Students

"The students and teachers are significantly benefiting in the classroom, on the playing fields, on stage and in the community thanks to The Lion Foundation’s valuable funding.” – Patty Craig, Camp Hill School District Superintendent

IMPACT OF THE POLLOCK CENTER Each year, The Lion Foundation allocates approximately $300,000 from an endowment dedicated to maintaining and operating the Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center. Thanks to this investment, which grows stronger with each year, our Camp Hill arts program received a Hershey Theater Apollo Award for: Best Outstanding High School Play for Steel Magnolias; Outstanding Supporting Actress in a High School Play for a glowing performance by incoming Senior, Natalie Blanton; and, Spirit of Theater Awards for recent graduate, Tessa Eberlein, and incoming Junior, Mia Pertschi. Visit to learn more about what’s going on at the Pollock Arts Center.


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ho m e and I Mom is saffe at home sttopped worr ying SpiriTTrust Lutherran LIFE is a unique prrogr ogram of all inclusive carree – health car arree and support servicces - for for Franklin, Cumberland and Perry County rres esidents aged 55 or betteerr. The goal of the LIFE FE prrogr ogrram is ttoo kkeep eep yyou ou in your home and communityy wherre you want ttoo be.

(717) 728 w w w.SpiriTTrustLuth If you you or someone someone you yo care about have have concerns concerns abou aboutt ssafety at home and medical car ree call us. care,

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FOR TODAY’S LEGAL CHALLENGES Driven by the needs of our clients, Nauman Smith’s practical approach delivers the best possible results in the most efficient manner. A full-service firm, we offer the following legal services: Ĺœ ž—’Š’™ˆ• ˆÂ

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For more information, contact J. Stephen Feinour, a resident of Camp


Hill for over 33 years.

Gilbert J. Parthemore, Supervisor

Talk with us about making arrangements in advance. Preplanning allows you to specify your preferences and relieves your family of the burden.

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Penn Penn nn Wast Waste Waste ac accepts cepts an any y size size and any an y quan quantity titty of cardboard cardboard for for recycling! recycling! HOW HO WT TO O PREP PREPARE PARE ARE CARDBOARD CARDBOARD FOR RECYCLING RECYCLING ◆ Remove all packaging inside the box (such as packing peanuts, bubble wrap, etc). ◆ Flatten ALL boxes. If your boxes do not fit in your recycle bin or toterr, tie them together with string to prevent them from blowing away. ◆ Check the weather. If the weather calls ffor or high winds or rain, keep your recycling inside until the following week, if possible. Wet cardboard products are more difficult to process. ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆

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