Camp Hill
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newsletter M ay 2 017
Kite Festival, May 21st, Fiala Field
May is Bike Month
Camp Hill Pool Opens, May 27th
Memorial Day, May 29th
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Wee have hav ha ave a fresh fre fr resesh shh look look VISIT OUR NEW CAMP HILL LOCATION AT 2148 MARKET STREET TODAY!
97048_Layout 1 4/19/17 12:24 PM Page 3 Camp Hill 3907 Market St. 731-9604 Mechanicsburg 6375 Carlisle Pike 697-0444 + 20 OTHER CONVENIENT LOCATIONS
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98TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY PARADE, CEREMONY AND FESTIVITIES American Legion Post #43 of Camp Hill and the Borough of Camp Hill will sponsor the 98th Annual Memorial Day Parade to be held on Monday, May 29, 2017. The parade starts at 9:30 a.m. at 19th and Market Street, proceeds west along Market Street to N. 24th Street and then continues down Walnut Street to the Camp Hill Cemetery behind the Camp Hill Fire Department. The parade will feature a variety of participants including: Camp Hill American Legion Post #43, Lawnton American Legion Post #998 Color Guard, Camp Hill Marching Band, Camp Hill Borough Council and School Board Members. Numerous civic organizations will also participate, including Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scout Troops, and various youth groups. Fire Companies from many surrounding communities will exhibit their equipment and join in the parade. The Memorial Day Ceremony begins at 11 a.m. with guest speaker Lt Col Keith Littlewood. Lt Col Littlewood attended Burklee College of Music, Boston Massachusetts, and graduated from Lebanon Valley College, Annville Pennsylvania with a Bachelors of Arts in Religion in May 1987. He graduated from the Paramedic Certification Program of Harrisburg Area Community College in May of 1988, and worked as a fulltime Paramedic for Palmyra EMS, Medic 10 and Community General Hospital, Medic 3. He also served with the Dauphin County Crisis Response Team as a Team Medic. In May of 1995 Lt Col Littlewood graduated from Harrisburg Area Community College with an Associate’s Degree in Nursing. He passed his NCLEX exam in June 1995 and was granted his license as a Registered Nurse. He worked at Polyclinic Hospital in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit, and later for Community General Osteopathic Hospital in the Emergency Department. He currently works at Geisinger Holy Spirit as an Emergency
Department Registered Nurse. Lt Col Littlewood graduated from Delaware Valley University in August of 2015 with a Masters of Business Administration, concentration in Global Executive Leadership. He has completed Squadron Officers School, Air Command and Staff College and is currently enrolled in Air War College. Lt Col Littlewood has deployed in support of Operation Desert Thunder, Noble Anvil, Allied Force, Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, and supported the Hurricane Katrina response, operation Secure Tomorrow and operation Uphold Democracy. He served in the Emergency Operations Center in support of the Papal visit to Philadelphia, the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and the last two Presidential Inaugurations, as well as numerous hazardous weather events in Pennsylvania. Lt Col Littlewood was recently selected for a Command tour and will become the Commander of the 193rd Special Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron in June of this year. Lt Col Littlewood is married to the former Jodi Hoffman of Duncannon, and they have two children son Nolan and daughter Karley. They reside in Enola, Pennsylvania. We look forward to hearing his patriotic message. Also as part of the ceremony will be student speaker Cate Llewellyn, a senior at Camp Hill High School. The Drum Majors will be Colton Sanden and Casey Oberdick. Taps and Echo will be performed by Asher Smith and Emma Dardis. After the ceremony, all are welcome to come to the festivities which will be take place in Willow Park. During the festivities there will be pony rides, an air ride and games for the kids to play. We will also have various organizations and vendors selling food and items. The High School Jazz Band will perform for us at 1 p.m. We hope to see you all there.
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actions of council
Borough Council advertised the following ordinances: • An ordinance creating dumpster regulations in the Borough • The Borough Council amended their park regulations removing restrictions for vehicles in the Borough of Camp Hill parks • An ordinance creating quick ticket measures allowing for the Borough of Camp Hill codes officers to print instant citations for animal and dog violations • An ordinance creating a Human Relations Commission and Human Relations ordinance. • Borough Council finalized agreements with the School District and the Borough now will provide blackboard notifications for emergency events. • Borough Council appointed: Nadia Hankin, Isaac Wakefield, Brigid Landy and Sherry Bowman to the Borough Planning Commission.
IMProvIng SAFETY AnD QUALITY oF LIFE In oUr SMALL ToWn The Cumberland Boulevard Improvement Task Force was recently formed by a group of Camp Hill citizens who are committed to working together to identify and implement traffic calming devices in an effort to increase pedestrian and bicycle safety specifically with respect to the Cumberland Boulevard (a.k.a. Route 15 Camp Hill Bypass). The task force is made up of parents, pet walkers, bicyclists, exercise enthusiasts and concerned residents who are committed to preserving safe pedestrian mobility throughout the borough. There is a common concern shared about the increasing congestion and speeds at which motorists are commuting through Camp Hill. One resident said that she got involved because her schoolaged children use the paths and sidewalks daily to get to and from school and to connect with their friends in other neighborhoods. Sherry Bowman, one of the group coordinators, said, “Until we started meeting, I never realized how much of a negative impact the Cumberland Blvd has on my daily life–it is a major safety hazard navigat-
ing that roadway on a daily basis. This task force is a way for our community to raise concerns and recommendations for improving the roadway.” The first mission of the group was to identify and list concerns. The list of concerns and ideas quickly became very long and needed to be prioritized based on importance and feasibility. Changes to the Cumberland Blvd. impacts local and state agencies as well as commuters and businesses to the north and south. After evaluating the large list and creating a community survey (to be available soon), the group chose three initial projects that seemed manageable in scope and also had immediate buy-in from the Borough Police Department. #1 – Increase enforcement of the 35 mph speed limit #2 – Improve the sidewalk running from Siebert Park tunnel to Eisenhower school #3 – Implement “traffic calming” elements to reduce commuter speeds on the roadway Thank you to the Borough Police Department who have already begun to address #1 with an increased presence of enforcing the 35mph speed limit. We will be presenting #2 to Borough officials for review. Item 3#, Traffic Calming elements such as increased signage, planters, lighting, etc. will be discussed at our next meeting. Please visit our Facebook page for more information, meeting dates and times: Force/
Camp Hill Borough is very fortunate to have many terrific high school students that contribute to making the Borough a better place for all of us. One such student is Camp Hill High School senior Patrick Dorsey. Patrick is a Boy Scout with Troop 196 and he is in pursuit of his Eagle Scout rank. In order to obtain this rank Patrick must complete an Eagle Scout project. He came up with the idea to construct an outdoor seating area along the sidewalk in front of the firehouse. Patrick had to go before Borough Council to present his idea and to obtain approval. His presentation was great and approval was granted. The project was completed in April for all to enjoy! Thank you Patrick for your contribution to
TELEPHONE LIST Emergency ....................................911 Non- Emergency; Police .................................737-1570 Fax....................................901-0530 Fire Dept. ..........................737-4623 Ambulance .........................238-9676 Camp Hill Borough Office Telephone ...........................737-3456 Fax ...................................730-3961 Pat Dennis ..................Borough Manager Code Enforcement .......................901-0523 Sewer Billing..................................901-9534 Audrey Logar Rec. Dir.............737-4548 TDD 1-800-654-5984 Council Members Peter Robelen ......................President Richard Guerin.............Vice-President Mike Berney Steve Brodie Carl Schultz Kim Snell-Zarcone Leigh Twiford Mayor: Mark Simpson ..............737-8596 District Justice ..........................761-0583 Camp Hill Post Office ..............737-1461 Camp Hill Pool .......................909-3148 Camp Hill Public Works ...........730-3964 Penn Waste....................1-866-575-8720 Recycling & Waste Authority ......240-6489 Cleve J. Fredricksen Library.......761-3900 Humane Society ......................564-3320 Cumberland Co. Courthouse...........1-888-697-0371 Elections Bureau......................240-6385 Cumberland Co Tax Bureau .......590-7997 Tax Collector Diane Neiper .......................737-5324 2626 Lincoln St., Camp Hill 17011 Tax Assessment Office .................240-6350 Camp Hill School District.........901-2400 State Representative: Greg Rothman .....975-2235 / 783-2063 State Senator: Michael Regan .....432-1730 / 787-8524 Attorney General Office Consumer Protection .......1-800-441-2555 Contractor Problems................772-2425 PA-American Water Co. ...1-800-565-7292 PPL/Street Light Problems1-800-342-5775 Chamber of Commerce...............761-0702 Camp Hill Borough Office Hours Monday–Friday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Mailing Address: 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011
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CALENDAR MAY – AUGUST May 2017 10 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 16 – Planning Commission – 7 pm Conference Room 16 – Election Primary 17 – Camp Hill Bike Day 21 – Kite Festival – 12 – 4 pm 27 – Camp Hill Pool Opens – 12 pm 29 – Memorial Day – Office Closed 29 – Memorial Day Parade & Festivities
Police/Public Works improving our community! All are welcome to stop by and check it out and have a seat if you would like!
June 2017 1 – Business Community Relations Meeting – 6 pm 3 – Pool opens daily 9 – Box Lunch Willow Park – 11:30 am – 1 pm 14 – Council Meeting - 7 pm 20 – Planning Commission – 7 pm 23 – Box Lunch Willow Park – 11:30 am – 1 pm
July 2017 4 – Independence Day Observed – Office Closed 6 – Business Community Relations Meeting – 6 pm 7 – Box Lunch Willow Park – 11:30 am – 1 pm 12 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 18 – Planning Commission – 7 pm 21 – Box Lunch Willow Park – 11:30 am – 1 pm
August 2017 3 – Business Community Relations Meeting – 6 pm 4 – Box Lunch Willow Park – 11:30 am – 1 pm 9 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 22 – Planning Commission – 7 pm 20 – Last day pool is open before school begins 22 – School year begins
These meetings are held at the Borough of Camp Hill Municipal Offices, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 and are open to the public. If you are a person with a disability, please note: 48 hours notice is requested for any individual with a disability who needs an accommodation to participate in a borough meeting, program, service, or employment procedure. Individuals wishing to attend these public meetings who require an auxiliary aid service or other accommodations to participate in the meetings please contact the Borough of Camp Hill at (717) 737-3456 or via e-mail: Residents requiring TDD service should call 1-800-654-5984.
Eagle Scout Candidate Patrick Dorsey
As the warmer weather approaches the Camp Hill Police Department would like to remind all citizens to be alert for suspicious persons in the area. If you are outdoors cleaning up or doing yard work, please make sure your property is secure and your doors/windows are locked. Also do not invite any suspicious persons into your home or allow them to distract you in order for another person to enter your house. We would also like to remind our citizens that our annual National Night Out Event will be held on Tuesday, August 1, 2017, at Willow Park from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. We urge everyone to come out and enjoy some good food and entertainment and to get to know your police department and community members!! We are also proud to announce that the Camp Hill Police Department held a rabies and microchip clinic on Saturday, March 25 at the Borough Building. We had a great turnout and may be completing another clinic later this year. Please check our website and Facebook page for upcoming events!! Also once again we would also like to remind everyone to please make sure to remove your valuables from your vehicle and secure your vehicle, whether your vehicle is parked at your residence or any other location.
The Camp Hill Police Department urges citizens to get all bicycles registered with the Camp Hill Police Department. This is a free service and gives the police department valuable information if your bicycle is stolen or lost. The form for the license is available on our website or you can stop by the Department to obtain a form. Complete the form and return it to the Camp Hill Police Department to obtain a license number. The license number will be on a sticker which you can affix to your bicycle. Please note that the most important information on the bike registration form is the serial number of the bicycle. This allows us to enter the bicycle into the computer network to reach out to all police departments if the bicycle would show up in another city, county or state. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office.
Street sweeping began on Monday, April 10, 2017. Sweeping will take place the day AFTER your regular scheduled trash collection on the second and fourth weeks of the month. Please avoid placing grass clippings, tree limbs or any other debris in the street. This can cause damage to the sweeper and down-time for the opera-
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Emergency Task Force/Codes tor resulting in an inability to maintain the schedule. Property owners are also asked to keep trees along the curb-line trimmed to a minimum of 12 feet above the street so that the sweeper can work close to the curb without damage to the machine.
COMPOST FACILITY The Compost Facility is for Borough residents only. The Compost Facility is located next to the Public Works building on S 24th St. The facility will reopened on April 1. The facility will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 am to 3 pm and Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. The facility is closed on Sundays and Holidays. Yard waste such as leaves, garden debris, tree limbs, bushes and plants may be dropped at the facility. Items that are not accepted include grass, topsoil, sod, tree stumps, bamboo or any form of lumber. Leaves maybe left in brown compost bags only-NO PLASTIC BAGS! Staff will load your truck or trailer on Mondays and Fridays from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. The borough may close the facility at any time to process/haul material. It is a citable offense to drop materials at the facility when it is closed.
Helping to save lives one tip at a time Fact: Hundreds of people die each year in the United States due to heat waves, hurricanes, lightning, flash floods, powerful thunderstorm winds, and winter storms or winter cold. Additionally, thousands of people are injured by these weather events each year. Fact: If you are aware of what weather event is about to impact your area, you are more likely to survive such an event. To stay on top of the weather, utilize NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards receiver units that can be purchased at most electronic stores. Make sure the model you purchase has a batterybackup. The programmable types allow you to selectively screen out those county warnings you are not interested in. Most homes have a smoke detector; shouldn’t your home also have a weather radio? You should also obtain the latest weather information from commercial TV/radio, cable TV, the internet/web and newspapers.
For more information regarding: Lightning Safety Tips, Flash Flood/Flood Safety Tip and Severe Thunderstorm Straight-line Winds, please got to our website
Building permit plan reviews are conducted by a third-party inspection agency. The review period is between 14 and 30 days. Please plan accordingly. When a permit is approved, the applicant will be notified. Review/inspection fees are due when you pick up your permit. Working without a permit is a citable offense and strictly enforced.
ANIMALS § 71-11 DISTURBANCE OF THE PEACE Any animal or bird in the custody of a borough resident which makes any noise continuously and/or incessantly for a period of ten (10) minutes or makes noise intermittently for ½ hour or more is considered a nuisance.
ANIMALS § 71-12 NUISANCES When not confined to the owner’s premises, all animals must be under physical control of their owner or custodian and constrained at all times. Any animal waste deposited on the ground other than the animal owner’s own private property must be removed immediately and disposed of properly.
DISCHARGE OF LIQUIDS § 176-2 ON TO STREETS OR ALLEYS PROHIBITED It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to dump or discharge any liquid or semiliquid substance in or on any of the streets or alleys in the Borough of Camp Hill, so as to constitute a public nuisance or a menace to public health. This section shall not be construed to mean the natural drainage of surface water produced by rain or the melting of snow or ice on a building or property.
WEEDS AND GRASS § 302-4 International Property Maintenance Code adapted by Borough Council and enforced by the Codes Officer under Section 302-4,
The Club’s only goal is to try to preserve/improve Camp Hill’s water, air, land, flora and fauna for our children and grandchildren. CHEC meets on the 1st Tuesday on each month at 7:00 pm in Prosser Hall. New members are most welcome. Membership dues are $10 for students and $20 for adults with a maximum of $50 per family. Applications for membership can be picked up in the Recreation Office, calling 737-4548, emailing or at a CHEC meeting. The Environmental Club picks up litter on Borough streets. CHEC has “adopted” Market Street under PennDOT’s Adopt-A-Highway Program. In addition, we clean a different section of the borough every quarter. We also promote recycling efforts at community athletic events, educate and encourages best Stormwater Management Practices and help to clean up the Conodoguinet Creek 5 times a Summer ( May 20, June 17, July 15, August 19 and September 16). In addition, we sponsor Environmental Programs throughout the year: “Hometown Habitat” May 2 – features renowned entomologist Dr. Douglas Tallamy, whose research, books and lectures on the use of non-native plants in landscaping, sound the alarm about habitat and species loss. “Symphony of the Soil” June 6th – The movie, an intriguing presentation that highlights possibilities of healthy soil, creating healthy plants, creating healthy humans, living on a healthy planet. “Dirt” July 7, Friday, (held at 40 N. 19th St., pls. enter Walnut Street entrance) – The movie- an astonishing, humorous, substantial look at the glorious and unappreciated ground between our feet. “Bag It” August 1st –- What starts out as a film about plastic bags ends up being a wholesale investigation into plastic and its effect on our waterways, oceans and even our own bodies. Visit the Borough website for more information For additional information or to suggest future program ideas, call Paul Garrett at 514-3546 or
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Girl Scout Community 157 According to our research, “71% of girls first tried an outdoor activity at Girl Scouts.” Did you know every girl has the opportunity to develop new skills, build self-confidence, create long-lasting friends and conquer fun and exciting challenges at Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania’s (GSHPA) summer camp programs? GSHPA’s brand-new mini-camps are a great way to get girls in grades 2-5 a taste of camp with all the benefits of the outdoor experience without having to be away from home for a whole week. At mini-camp, she will enjoy an action-packed, three-day camp where she can explore the outdoors on top of trying new things like pottery, dancing, archery, and more! Any girl looking for a bigger adventure, can sign up for a weeklong Traditional Camp experience at Camp Small Valley (Halifax, PA) or Camp Archbald (Kingsley, PA). Girl Scout Camp is the perfect place to gain leadership skills and create unforgettable memories with new friends that she’ll cherish for a lifetime. To learn more about GSHPA’s available summer camp programs, please visit their online Summer Camp Guide at Also, mark your calendar for these upcoming Camp Hill Girl Scout events! Girl Scout Community Night for new and current girls, May 25 Trinity Lutheran 6:00-8:00 pm. Come learn about Girl Scouting, sign up for next year and help us make some kits for Anna’s Gift! Watch for us in the Camp Hill Memorial Day parade May 29 Girls ages 5+ come one, come all! Pool party August 17 Camp Hill Pool 8:00 pm
Bike Friendly Community requires that all premises and exterior properties shall be maintained free from weeds and/or grass growth in excess of 6” in height. All noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Please help keep Camp Hill a safe and sanitary community.
and you will be eligible to win prizes from Holmes Cycling. Bike commuters can find a similar program through PA Commuter Services. We will also be active with the schools, providing safety education and walk/bike to school incentives. Middle-schoolers can track their walking and biking during May and be eligible to win prizes from Holmes Cycling. Check with the Middle School office for details and forms. The highlight of Bike Month will be Camp Hill BIKE DAY on Wed., May 17th. We will start the day with an organized bike commuting opportunity for those who may be interested in learning about commuting to Harrisburg, or those who already do. From 3-5 pm we will be set up at Boro Hall with: • A Bike Rodeo for elementary age kids. • Bike safety checks, bike and helmet fitting, and basic maintenance help will be provided by Holmes Cycling and Recycle Bicycle. • Have unused bikes or related gear sitting around the house, bring them along for donation to Recycle Bicycle. • Bike and trail groups from around the area will have exhibits. The day will end with our region’s observance of the International Ride of Silence. This is an annual event remembering cyclists killed in traffic accidents in the past year. We ride silently from Camp Hill to the State Capital and back. Due to time and space constraints, we cannot provide complete details in this newsletter. Please check the Boro web site and calendar or like “Bike Camp Hill” on Facebook for more information. All rides and activities will take place at Camp Hill Boro Hall unless otherwise noted.
GRASS CLIPPINGS AND GREEN WASTE Blowing grass clipping and green waste is prohibited. This is a violation of both Borough Code and EPA MS4 Permitting. Please refrain from this practice.
CLEAN, SAFE AND SANITARY CONDITIONS § 302-1 Section 302-1 of the International Property Maintenance Code states that each property shall be maintained in a clean, safe and sanitary condition. Also, pools, spas, hot tubs, fish ponds and ornamental water devices shall be kept in a clean and properly treated condition at all times as required in Section 303-1 of the IPMC. Please help us keep Camp Hill a safe and beautiful Community.
SWIMMING POOLS, SPAS, HOT TUBS AND STANDING WATER Help us fight West Nile. Please help the Code Enforcement Division to fight the threat of West Nile. Please do not allow garbage can lids, old tires or any vessel to harbor standing water as this becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
CAMP HILL CELEBRATES BIKE MONTH As part of our Bicycle Friendly Community initiative, Camp Hill will once again have a full slate of activities for Bike Month which is May. Rides will include a morning coffee ride at 10 am, May 8, the Ride of Silence at 6:30 pm, May 17, and an ice cream ride at 6:30 pm, May 24. Bike Month rides will culminate with Team Camp Hill riding in the Tour de Belt ride on the Capital Area Greenbelt. Visit to register and make sure to put “Team Camp Hill” in the team area. Adult riders are encouraged to sign up for the National Bike Challenge, track your rides for the month of May,
BUSINESSES Do you want to make your location more attractive to customers who bike? Consider installing one (or more) of these custom bike
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Clubs and Events racks. Contact the boro office for cost and other details.
BICYCLE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY SURVEY To help guide our efforts going forward, we are seeking community input on the current state of walking and biking in Camp Hill and specific improvements you’d like to see. Please take a few minutes to lend your voice on this important topic. Find the survey on the Boro website or Bike Camp Hill Facebook page.
Once again the annual pancake breakfast was a success. Even though it is a lot of hard work for a few people, it is our pleasure to do the projects of the pancakes and Christmas trees. And it results in money to be spent in and about the community and for persons in need. There are many distributions throughout the community that you can always read on the back of your pancake tickets. Unfortunately this winter our trailer was destroyed. We will try hard to get another trailer so that we can once again have our Christmas tree sales. The motto of the Lions Club is "We serve" and we will continue to serve as best we can. Anyone interested in joining the Camp Hill Lions Club please reach out to Jo Bailey 761-8129 or stop by their booth at the Memorial Day Festivities.
will now provide green space for use by the general public. There are a few more actions steps before the demolition contract is complete. This includes planting grass seed and remove some of the old broken asphalt and concrete that is in the facility. The area fencing will stay up into the summer, so the grass has time to mature. During the Spring of 2017, the Borough Parks and Recreation Committee held a Town Hall meeting hoping to gather information from the public on the best way the Borough of Camp Hill can utilize this now vacant space. Many residents attended and provided insightful feedback that will be used to develop a plan to construct a new park at the facility. The ideas ranged from the creation of a recreation building to doing nothing with current site. While there are many steps ahead, the Borough is taking an active approach to this site development and wants to provide new passive and active recreational amenities to Borough tax payers. Stay tuned for further development as Borough Council and staff work to develop this site into something the whole community can enjoy.
Walking around town you may find some new additions. The Donald J Edwards Jr. SCHAEFFER Memorial Foundation has been working hard to raise funds for the eduPROPERTY UPDATE cation and prevention of Schaeffer Demolition Project coming to melanoma skin cancer. The an end. In the latter portions of 2016, the foundation will be installing Borough with the help of Lycoming Supply, additional sunscreen dispensers demolished the old Schaeffer School buildacross town. If you find yourself ing. This project, many years in the making strolling through town, playing tennis, or running the track without any sunscreen, look for our bright yelNine GREAT locations, including two near you! low sunscreen dispensers and help LEMOYNE 665 Market Street 763-8002 yourself! Regular LEMOYNE 655 N. 12th Street 909-7977 daily use of an SPF 15 or higher reduces FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY SERVICE the risk of developSign up online or call 920-5500 ing melanoma by 50%! The foundaFor add’l locations & coupons ...
The team is open to anyone ages 5 – 18 years old with the ability to swim 25 yards (one length of the pool) freestyle and 25 yards backstroke Registration: Registration form found at On-line Registration and On-line Payment Required Registration Thru May 14: $85 per swimmer Late Registration after May 14: $110 per swimmer Refunds available until June 9 Questions? or email Melissa with CHAC in subject line: tion is also installing new umbrellas at the Camp Hill Swimming Pool to help keep both guests and guards protected from the sun’s rays. The foundation has continued in providing a scholarship to a member of the Camp Hill High School graduating class who exemplifies characteristics of the late Don Edwards Jr. Lastly, the foundation is hosting a party/ 5k/ 1mile fun run this June 24th at 7pm.. For more information please visit or the Donald J Edwards Jr. Memorial Foundation Facebook page.
SAVE THE DATE! Music, running (or walking), swimming, food trucks, and fun! This summer, right at the Camp Hill Borough Pool, the Donald J Edwards Jr. Memorial Foundation is hosting a party/ run! There will be both a 1 mile fun run and a 5K! The run will start at 7pm followed by the pool party under the stars at 8pm on Saturday, June 24th right at the Camp Hill Borough Swimming Pool. Runners can sign up by searching the event on If you
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2017 Camp Hill Little Lions Football Camp May 20th 5 to 7 pm Siebert Park Stadium
This is the 8th year of our Little Lions Camp, which has always been free to all campers! This year we are doing some new and different activities to introduce our Little Lions to the game of football. Activities this year include a Pro Combine Contest (Punt Pass & Kick, Shuttle Run, 20Yd Dash, and Vertical Jump) and Flicker Ball Game. Also, we will close out the evening with an autograph and photo session with some very special guests! Please email for a registration form for students entering grades 1-7. To ensure that we can continue to offer the Little Lions Camp, we depend on your generous donations. This year, if you make a $25 donation, you will receive the Official 2017 Camp Hill Varsity Football Team Shirt. For a $100 donation, you will also be listed as a Sponsor in this season’s Football Program. All net proceeds benefit the Camp Hill Lions Football Program. Of course, we appreciate any donation. New this year, my staff and I will be holding a 4-day Football Fundamentals Camp in July for students entering grades 3-7 who want to learn more about football with a focus on offensive and defensive position specific instruction. There is more information in the Summer Camp section of this Borough Newsletter. – Frank Gay, Camp Hill Varsity Head Football Coach
Clubs and Events are like Don, and have little interest in running but love to party, join us at the pool. Entry is free but donations will be accepted at the door. All proceeds from the event will be used in the education and prevention of melanoma skin cancer.
Camp Hill History Lesson!
Let’s start with the “Welcome to Camp Hill” sign that graces the cover of the Lion Foundation’s coloring book. I’ve heard all sorts of stories as to why our corner of Cumberland County, which spun off from East Pennsboro Township, is called Camp Hill. There had been a private boarding school called the White Hall Academy on Market Street, east of North 22nd Street. This school closed during the Civil War, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania reopened it as one of the state’s 37 Soldiers’ Orphans’ Schools in 1864. So, some folks called the area White Hall. And some, White Hill, after Robert Whitehill, one of the five people who purchased 200 acre plots from the Penn family c. 1770. (Read his historical marker in front of 1903 Market Street – Myers-Harner Funeral Home.) The United States Post Office chose “Camp Hill” when we were given our own postal delivery area. Yes, there was a “camp” area just north of today’s Church of God on North 21st Street – a wooded place where religious camps with itinerant and local preachers met. The Camp on the Hill. C.H. for short. Now, do you see that fine print? “Founded 1756”. Once Upon a Time (in the 1950’s) I first noticed that fine print as I rode past on my bicycle, and was quite excited, because I would be graduating from CHHS in 1956. I figured it would be a
THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS HAVE OFFERED THEIR LAWN MOWING SERVICES TO CAMP HILL BOROUGH RESIDENTS FOR THE 2017 SEASON: Evan and Joe McCloskey • 761-3219 Justin Shover • 433-3021 Sean and Jason Talbott 805-9003 (Monica Smith, mother)
Lucas and Seth Pertschi • 730-3829 Evan Ketterer • 884-4579 Mike Ruell • 503-8980 Adam Cleland • 943-5907 Steve and Harry Bowman • 743-1060
Those listed are not Borough employees. Advertising their services in this newsletter is a courtesy, not an endorsement. Payment for services rendered is between residents and service providers.
Bicentennial Year and there would be much excitement. 1956 came and went. No excitement. Then, after I’d married and moved away (and was in Italy) Robert Crist’s History of Camp Hill was printed in 1885 – the real Bicentennial Year! And I missed all the excitement. But I’ve been reading the Crist book, among others, ever since. In 1733, this area, Louther Manor, was set aside by the Penn Family, for the Indians (who had moved away years earlier). Tobias Hendricks, Sr. established a home along Cedar Run, in the area that is now a park at the foot of Lower Allen’s Borough Offices. Hendricks’ job was to keep European settlers moving through the area. Four years later, more people and stock were moving along The Great Road (Market Street) than on Simpson Ferry Road, so his adult son established a Tavern along the stream in what we call Willow Park. Tobias, Jr. ran the first Tavern in what became Cumberland County. About 1769, the Penns bought Louther Manor back from the absent Indians, then sold twenty-some lots to settlers – five of the lots are within Camp Hill’s borders. In 1799, after Tobias Hendricks, Jr.’s death, the property was sold to John Bowman, who replaced the log structure with the handsome limestone structure we know as 2324 Market Street. Bowman operated his Tavern until 1837.
The Camp Hill Arts Alliance (CHAA) was recently formed to promote and support the CHSD Fine Arts Department. CHAA invites you to the following upcoming events: May 14 Middle/High School Spring Choral Concert TPC 2:00 pm FREE May 19-21 CHMS Presents Spamalot Jr Purchase tickets at May 24 Tri-M Music Honor Society Induction Concert Sutliff Auditorium 7:00 pm FREE
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Clubs and Events
Intramural registration is currently open for our Fall 2017 Season. The intramural program is for all children born between 2010 and 2013. Head to the website for complete details and click on the registration link to get registered today!
Registration for our Fall 2017 softball season will open soon. Please go to our website at or send an email to for more information.
CAMP HILL BAnD nEWS L.B. SMITH LInCoLn – “DrIvEn To gIvE” Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 6th! We will once again be partnering with L.B. Smith Lincoln and offering their “Driven To Give” program. Stop by the High School between 10 am and 4 pm and take a 3 mile test drive of one of their brand new cars, fill out a short survey and the band earns money! There is no sales pitch to hear, it is simply L.B. Smith’s way of giving back to our community. We hope to see you there! MEMorIAL DAY We look forward to seeing you during the parade and then we invite you to watch the High School Jazz band perform in the gazebo during the festivities in Willow Park.
gIAnT AnD KArnS gIFT CArDS Everybody has to grocery shop! For every $100 gift card purchased, you receive $100 and the band earns $5. To purchase gift cards, you can visit Orrstown Bank (Market Street and Orrs Bridge Road) or contact Maura Caddell (574-2985 or to make arrangements for delivery. We sell them all year long and truly appreciate your support! For more information, please visit our website
NO ONE SHOULD BE HUNGRY! The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank will be giving food to all qualified Camp Hill residents in need of food assistance at the Christian Life Assembly Church at 2645 Lisburn Rd in Lower Allen Twp. Please stop by between 9 am and 12 noon on the following Tuesdays: May 9th, Junes 13th, July 11th and August 15th. A utility bill from your residence is the only requirement. Please stop by if your family is in need !
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Recreation Department
A Message From the Director... Dear Friends Happy Spring! It is great to see residents outside enjoying our parks and fields this time of year. We have some exciting things coming into the recreation areas this year. We will be installing a gaga pit in Siebert Park near the volleyball court and add a new pavilion at Fiala field area along Rt. 581. Pretty exciting! In April we held the annual Bunny Eggstravaganza where over 40 children spent two hours doing various spring activities. The Recreation Department would like to thank the VolunTEENS and Recreation Commissioners. Also the Recreation Department would like to thank Karns, Giant Foods, Weis and The Hershey Company for their contributions towards this event. It was a great night! In May, the Borough will sponsor plenty of special events, and all the details can be found in this Newsletter. The first event is the Award Winning 19th Annual Kite Festival which will be held on May 21st at Fiala Field from 12 - 4 PM. Please come out and enjoy a great day with your family and neighbors. Memorial Day weekend will start on Saturday, May 29th with the pool opening at 12 pm. We’ll finish our weekend with our 98th Annual Memorial Day Parade and Festivities on May 29th. Please read all the information in the
newsletter about Memorial Day. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to check out all the special events and program information that are being offered this summer. In this newsletter are listings for all the “Box Lunch Reviews”, so be sure to check them all out. Please remember that each Newsletter covers approximately 3 months of activities and events. As with all Camp Hill Recreation programs, registration is on a first come first served basis. Please read over all registration procedures for each program carefully, so you do not miss any important deadlines. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas for new programs, please contact the recreation office by phone at 737-4548 or by email I am a one person office, so I am not always able to answer my phone when it rings. If I am not available to answer your call, please leave a detailed message and I will return your call as soon as possible (usually within one business day). Thank you,
Audrey J. Logar Recreation Director
RECREATION COMMISSION MEMBERS Jon Arosell, Borough Manager Pat Dennis, William Forrey, Patty Gilroy, Jessica Gutierrez, David Hershey, Superintendent Patty Craig, Mayor Mark Simpson, Leigh Twiford, Jill Williamson
A SPECIAL THANK YOU The Camp Hill Recreation Department and Commission would like to thank Joe Stanisic for all his years of volunteering on the Recreation Commission. He was extremely helpful over the years during the Bunny Eggstravaganza, Memorial Day Parade and Halloween Parade. He will be missed and we wish him and his family the best in their new community.
LOOKING FOR A RECREATION COMMISSIONER Do you love the Camp Hill Community and our cherished events such as the annual Memorial Day Parade or perhaps it’s the annual Halloween Parade? Do you have just a few hours every season to show your Lion Pride? Have you ever wanted to learn from some of Camp Hill’s finest selfless residents like: Jill Williamson or Dave Hershey? Well…we are looking for a new Recreation Commissioner. This volunteer position is a way that you can give back to the community where you live and help make decisions about programs and projects supported by the Recreation Commission. We meet 4 times per year for about an hour and provide recommendations to Borough Council about programs and projects our residents want. If this is something you would be interested in please send a cover letter and resume to the Recreation Office by July 3, 2017
INFORMATION ABOUT ACCESS TO SIEBERT PARK STADIUM If you are interested in having access to utilize the stadium when it is not being used for an event, you need to stop by the Borough Office and fill out an application. One application per family. To enter the stadium access the Siebert Park Stadium near the Athletic House. Just swipe your card and push on the access gate. It will turn to let one person enter. If you lose your card, you need to notify the Borough immediately, so we can deactivate your card. Replacement cards, are $5.00 each. You can view the stadium calendar on our website under Recreation/ Facilities to see when it is occupied.
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Recreation Department PURCHASE A BRICK FOR THE LION’S DEN If you have not yet purchased a brick at Siebert Park, there is still time. Bricks will continue to be sold even though The Lion’s Den is complete. The funds that are collected now will go towards the up keep of the parks. If you are interested in purchasing a brick for yourself or a loved one, please contact the Recreation Department at 737 - 4548 or
BUNNY EGGSTRAVAGANZA THANK YOU’S On April 7th, Camp Hill Recreation held the annual Bunny Eggstravaganza over 40 children spent two hours doing various spring activities. The Recreation Department would like to thank the VolunTEENS and Recreation Commissioners. Also the Recreation Department would like to thank Karns, Giant Foods, Weis and The Hershey Company for their contributions towards this event.
RESIDENTS ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY We would like to compile a list of Camp Hill Borough residents who are on active military duty. If you know someone, please call Jill Williamson at 761-1848 and let her know their name, military branch, and where they’re stationed. Jill would also like anyone who had called her in the past to please call again to update the service person’s location and if they are still active.
CAMP HILL BANQUET FACILITY Thomas J. Prosser Hall in the Camp Hill Borough Building is available to rent for parties, wedding receptions, meetings, etc. Our elegant community room seats 200 people, has a large kitchen, and a garden patio right outside. For general information or make a reservation please go to our web site:
ENVIRONMENT, EDUCATION, AND RECREATION CENTER This center which is located at Siebert Park in Camp Hill is available to rent for meetings, parties, etc. The EERC can accommodate up to 65 people, has a kitchen, and two restrooms. For general information or make a reservation please go to our web site:
CAMP HILL BOROUGH POOL RENTALS The Camp Hill Borough Pool is available to rent for private parties during the hours of 8 – 10 pm. We will also be offering birthday
parties packages from Don’s Snack Shack during the hours of 12 – 2 pm. For more information please contact the Recreation Office at 737-4548 or
19TH ANNUAL KITE FESTIVAL Camp Hill Recreation and the Keystone Kiters are teaming up for the Annual Kite Festival. This year it will be held on Sunday, May 21st, from 12 - 4 PM at Fiala Field. The Keystone Kiters will demonstrate their different kites and all children and adults will be able to make a kite with our help. We will have music, food and of course kites! So mark your calendar and come out and enjoy a relaxing afternoon with your family.
98TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY PARADE AND CEMETERY CEREMONY This annual event will take place on May 29th. The parade will start at 9:30 am and the Cemetery Ceremony will follow at 11 am. We hope many of you will join us in the Cemetery for our Ceremony. Anyone interested in being in the parade please contact the Recreation office at 737-4548. Look for the program for this event on our web page in early May.
MEMORIAL DAY FESTIVITIES IN WILLOW Camp Hill Borough will be holding their festivities in Willow Park. These festivities in Willow Park will start after the parade. There will be food, activities and the High School Jazz Band will be performing as well. If you and/or your club would like to take part in these festivities please go to the Borough website, fill out the application and mail or drop it off to the Recreation Office by May 12th.
SUMMER EVENTS BOX LUNCH REVIEWS This Award Winning Event is back again and will be in Willow Park from 11:30 - 1:00 PM. If it rains, it will be held the following Friday. We would like to invite all of you to come to the park on opening day and enjoy the great music. You may bring your lunch or buy your lunch at the park. We encourage you to bring a chair or a blanket to sit on. We would like to thank all of our sponsors in advance for their contribution. Musicians: Rhyne McCormick (Guitarist) Date: June 9, 2017 Sponsor by Service 1st Restoration
Musicians: Roy LeFever Duo (Keyboard) Date: June 23, 2017 Sponsored by Mid Penn Bank Musicians: Colette Eckert Date: July 7, 2017 Sponsored by Papa Johns Musicians: Mycenea Worley (Guitarist) Date: July 21, 2017 Sponsored by Conte Wealth Advisors Musicians: Scott Rivers (Guitarist) Date: August 4, 2017 Sponsored by Highmark
ADULT CLASSES BEGINNERS GENTLE YOGA (Instructure: Darren Ann Shartle, M.Ed., RYT-200, CPT, CHHC) Gentle yoga offers all the transformative benefits that people look to yoga for - such as stress reduction, increased flexibility and balance, calmness of mind, increased body strength and range of motion. Classes focus on stretching and breathing, and include carefully orchestrated movement, well-measured stretches, and range of motion exercises. Yoga postures are introduced in gradual steps, with plenty of time to focus on breathing and repetition, making the practice beneficial for everyone. Students are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and bring a mat. Tuesday: June 6 – July 18 (no class 7/4) Time: 11 – 12 pm Location: Community Room Cost: $40 resident / $45 non-resident Drop In: $9.00 per class
AARP DRIVER SAFETY REFRESHER CLASS This class teaches preventive measures to use when driving that can help save lives. Produced by the American Associated of Retires Persons (AARP) and conducted throughout the country in one half-day sessions. The curriculum also is designed to remind you of skills and techniques you once learned but perhaps fail to use regularly, and update you on the rules of the road. This class is offered to motorists age 50 and older. There are no driving tests or written tests given. If you do complete this class you will receive a certificate which you can give to your insurance company and receive 5% off your insurance rates. Dates: June 21, 2017, 8:30 – 12:30 pm Location: Prosser Hall at the Camp Hill Borough Building
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Register today on-Line visit Cost: Members $15 / Non-Members $20, bring your payment to class and make checks payable to AARP
JACKI’S AEROBIC STEP (Instructor: Sandy Cronin) Jacki Sorensen's Strong Step(TM) is a lowimpact, high energy, maximally effective fitness class that's fun and easy! Using a STEP to increase lower body resistance, the subtly choreographed routines have an athletic style that appeals to anyone interested in getting a head-to-toe workout. Tuesdays/Thursdays: June 13 – August 17 (no class 7/4) Times: 5 pm to 6 pm Location: Camp Hill Borough Building Cost: $132 resident /$140 non-resident Drop in - $9
CO-ED VOLLEYBALL (Coordinator: Richard Sandusky) Come and join in on the fun and exercise of recreational volleyball. This program is open to adults over 18 yrs, old. Wednesday: May 4th – May 24th Time: 8 – 10 pm Location: Camp Hill High School Gym Pay as go: $3 resident / $4 non-resident
ZUMBA GOLD® (Instructor: Jenn Dusart) Zumba Gold® uses Latin and international rhythms such as salsa, merengue, cumbia, and many more to create a fun fitness program for the active older adult population or the true beginner (deconditioned participant). Tuesdays and Thursdays: May 3 – August 10th (no class 5/16) Times: 10-11 am Location: Camp Hill Community Room Pay as go: $5.00
OPEN WATER CLASS (AGES 12 AND UP) (Instructor: Nicole Richardson) Certification courses are taught by P.A.D.I. instructors from Harrisburg's West Shore Scuba. Participant must be in good health, at least 12 years old and able to swim 200 yards. You will need to have supplies before the class and to find out the cost of items needed please call the Scuba Shop at 717-836-7699 to arrange for New or Used Mask, fins, snorkel and text book. All additional scuba equipment will be provided. Textbook cost is $80. Registration is required. Thursdays: July 16 – August 3 Times: 5:30-8 pm
Location: Camp Hill Borough Pool Cost: $207 resident / $218 non-resident
DISCOVER SCUBA (AGES 10 AND UP) (Instructor: Nicole Richardson) Have you ever wondered what it’s like to breathe underwater? If you want to find out but aren’t quite ready to take the plunge into a certification course, Discover Scuba Diving will let you try scuba to see if you like it While not an actual scuba certification, during the Discover Scuba Diving experience you’ll learn how to use scuba equipment in shallow water and get a quick and easy introduction to what it takes to explore the underwater world. You need to bring swimsuit and towel, all other equipment is provided. Thursday: June 29th, 5:30 – 8 pm Location: Camp Hill Borough Pool Cost: $54 resident / $60 non-resident
TOXIN-FREE LIVING, SUMMER EDITION Concerned about toxins in your summer adventures? Unsure where to begin? Join borough resident, Sarah Dressler, for the summer edition of her popular Toxin-Free Living class! She will share some of her favorite DIY products and recipes to support your summer adventures, as well as what products to avoid...just in time for summer! This class is FREE and open to the public, be sure to reserve your seat today, as the class is limited to 15. Call the Recreation Office: 737-4548. Date & Time: May 30th, 6:30-7:30 pm Location: Community Room
BACK TO SCHOOL WITH ESSENTIAL OILS Want to start the school year off supporting your kids naturally? Get geared up and ready for school with borough resident and educator Sarah Dressler, as she shares her favorite back to school essential oil recipes, blends and DIYs. This class is FREE and open to the public; seating is also limited to 15, so be sure to reserve your seat today! Call the Recreation Office: 737-4548. Date / Time: August 17th, 6:30-7:30pm Location: Community Room
YOUTH/TEEN PROGRAMS TENNIS LESSONS (Instructor Greg Herb) This program will assist you in learning how to play or will assist you in enhancing the skills you all ready have. Participants are asked to bring their own racquet. The program is available for beginners.
FOR AGES 6 – 8 Mondays/Wednesdays: June 12th – 28th Time: 8:30 am - 9:15 am Location: Siebert Park Tennis Courts Cost: $52 resident / $67 non-resident (Minimum 5 / Maximum 20 participants) Registration is due one week before session.
FOR AGES 9 - 14 Mondays/Wednesdays: June 12th – 28th Time: 10 am - 11 am Location: Siebert Park Tennis Courts Cost: $52 resident / $67 non-resident (Minimum 5 / Maximum 20 participants) Registration is due one week before session.
SUMMER CAMPS SIEBERT PARK DAY CAMP Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 5:30 pm Dates: June 5 – August 11 (no camp 7/4) Ages: Open to elementary children who have completed kindergarten through the summer following 5th grade. Cost per week: $154 resident / $170 non-resident Campers will enjoy sports, arts and crafts, swimming and other theme based activities. NOTICE: Please go to and read over the Parent Packet and fill out the Emergency Form. Also be sure to write down t-shirt size when you register, deadline for shirts is May 19th.
PRESCHOOL SUMMER ADVENTURES (AGES 3-5) Join us for summer fun activities such as singing songs, listening to some stories, making arts & crafts, and enjoying the summer air outdoors. The themes are available on the website. NOTICE: Please go to and read over the Parent Packet and fill out the Emergency Form. Also be sure to write down t-shirt size when you register, deadline for shirts is May 19th. Monday - Thursday Mornings: Dates: June 12th through August 3rd Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Location: Hoover All Purpose Room Cost per week: $70 res / $80 non-res.
FOOTBALL CAMP NEW! The High School Football Coach Gay, his coaching Staff and players will be working with the Camp Hill Recreation Department in offering our first football camp. During this camp the kids will on offensive and defensive skills along with the instruction of
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Recreation Department HEAD OUT Tackling. Games will be played at the end of each day. Each person that registered by July 7th will receive a t-shirt. Kids need to bring a water bottle, no Gatorade or Powerade. Wear comfortable clothing and wear sneakers or cleats. Monday - Thursday: July 17 - 20 Grades: Entering 4th - Entering 8th Times: 9 am – 12 pm Location: Stadium Cost: $110 resident / $120 non-resident
WACKY WORLD OF SCIENCE (AGES 7-11) Each day we’ll explore a different topic: Kitchen Chemistry, Rock Docs (Geology), Forensics, Space and Product Testing. Monday – Friday: July 17 - 21 Times: 12 – 3 pm Location: Camp Hill Community Room Cost: $240 resident / $250 non-resident
TAKE A DIVE (AGES 7-11) Dive into the world of marine biology and oceanography! In our half day camp you’ll dissect a real shark, participate in a fisherman’s challenge, examine the anatomy of a fish and learn the ancient technique of gyotaku or “fish rubbing”, learn to survive at sea with a homemade solar still, create a kelp forest and make your own submarine. Monday – Friday: July 31 – August 4 Times: 12 – 3 pm Location: Camp Hill Community Room Cost: $240 resident / $250 non-resident
BUILD-A-BOT LABS (Instructor: Sylvan Edge Staff)
LAB I (GRADES 1 – 3) Stretch your imagination and skills by creating a new robot each day based on fun themes, such as Superhero School and Dino World. Campers will run through the full engineering life cycle of designing their own robots, building and programming them, evaluating how well the work, then redesigning them to make them even better.
LAB II (GRADES 4-6) Experiment with advanced STEM concepts, create and bring to life sophisticated robots based on themes such as Safari Adventures and Movie Stunt Sets! These campers will test their abilities to design robots from scratch or adapt them from other models. They’ll test their robots, then redesign, rebuild and program them to make even bigger and better creations!
Monday-Thursday: August 7 – 10 Grades: 1 – 3 & 4 – 6 Times: 1- 4 pm Location: Community Room Cost: $175resident / $185 non-resident
GAME DESIGN CAMP 1 (GRADES 3 – 5) • CAMP 2 (GRADES 6 – 8) (Instructor: Sylvan Edge Staff) Introduce your kids to programming in a fun way. Your child will be psyched to come to: • A fun, kid-friendly format with visual activities and cool, interactive projects, like building video games. • Engaging, guided curriculum with kids working at their own pace. • Learning code to create characters, animations, sound and special effects. • And much more details on website. Students will need their own laptop, netbook, chrome book, etc. Unfortunately, tablets won’t work for programming Monday- Friday: August 14 - 18 Grades: 3-5 & 6-8 Times: 9 am – 12 pm Location: Community Room Cost: $210 resident / $220 non-resident
BOYS BASKETBALL CAMPS The camps will be run by Scott Barrows, CHHS Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach and his coaching staff, along with several of the High School players. All participants receive a t-shirt if registered by May 30th. Register EARLY so you don’t miss out. Lions Future Stars Camp will be offered to boys entering 4th grade through boys entering 9th grade. This camp will include skill development, competitive team games, individual contests, and sportsmanship. Monday – Thursday: June 12 – 15 Time: 9 - 4 pm Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: $148 resident / $158 non-resident Elite Lion Basketball Training will be offered to boys entering 7th through boys entering 9th grade. This is a concentrated skills camp for the serious basketball player to hone his individual abilities and improve agility through focused basketball-specific training. Monday – Thursday: June 19 – 22 Time: 3 – 5 pm Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: $110 resident / $120 non-resident
Little Lions Basketball Camp will be offered to boys entering K through boys entering 3rd grade. This camp will emphasize fun and provide age appropriate instruction highlighting skills and games to get the boys excited about basketball. Monday – Thursday: June 19 – 22 Time: 6 – 7:30 pm Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: $82 resident / $92 non-resident
LACROSSE CAMP Camp Hill Recreation with the help of Sam Teeter will be offering a lacrosse camp. He will be teaching fundamentals and small non-contact drills that involve passing and moving the ball. We have lacrosse nets, but they are limited, so register early. Entering 3rd – Entering 5th Dates: July 24 – 26 Time: 6 – 8 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: $69 resident / $79 non-resident
LIONS GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP Camp Hill Recreation with Mark Clarke, Camp Hill Varsity Basketball Coach, help will be offering a Basketball Camp. During the camp the players will work on skills, individual and small group stations and have contests/games. All participants will receive a shirt if registered by June 14. Entering 3rd – Entering 8th Grade Monday – Thursday: June 26 – 29 Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: $93 resident / $103 non-resident
LIONS GIRLS FIELD HOCKEY CAMP Camp Hill Recreation will be offering a Field Hockey Camp and it will be run by Julie Colestock and Ashley Yeager with the assistance of the CHHS Field Hockey Staff. During the camp the players will work on skills and small group stations and have contests/games. All participants will receive a shirt, if registered by July 14th. Field hockey sticks will be available for use at camp contact Julie Colestock at Shin guards, water bottles are a must and mouth guards suggested but optional. Entering 3rd – Entering 8th Grade Monday – Thursday: July 31-August 3, if needed Friday, August 4 Rain date Time: 6 – 8 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: $93 resident / $103 non-resident
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Register today on-Line visit TENNIS CAMP (Instructor: Greg Herb) Tennis Camp will be offered to participants who have past tennis experience and are familiar with the game and willing to play competitive matches. For those participants who have no past experience, it is recommended that you sign up for the tennis lessons which are listed in this newsletter. This camp is offered to participants between the ages of 12 – 16 years of age. Camp will consist of drills, match play, aerobic tennis and conclude with a tournament with prizes. Participants must bring a tennis racket to camp and water bottle. Monday – Thursday: June 12 - 15 Time: 4 – 6 pm Location: Siebert Park Tennis Courts Cost: $110 resident / $120 non-resident
CAMP HILL YOUTH WRESTLING CAMP Youth wrestling camp will be directed by head coach Chad Gallaher and the rest of the wrestling coaching staff. Camp will consist each evening of wrestling drills and skills in a fun competitive teaching style. Opportunities for live wrestling and tournament style wrestling will exist most days. All experience levels from never having wrestled before to any level of experience are encouraged to attend. Wrestling shoes and headgears are encouraged but not required. All participants will receive a shirt, if registered by July 1. Grades: Entering K—Entering 7th Dates: July 16th – July 20th Times: 6 - 8 pm Location: Hoover Elementary Gym Cost: $93 resident / $103 non-resident
YOUTH TRACK (Instructor: Dave Juktus) This is a great introduction to track where children will learn about various running and jumping events including the 100m, 400m, 800m, 1600m, relays, running long jump, triple jump, and the standing long jump. The camp will wrap up with a mini track meet to culminate the week. Participants will need comfortable clothing to move in such as shorts and a t-shirt as well as a full water bottle for each camp day.
CAMP 1 Dates: June 12th, 14th, & 15th (rain date the 16th) Times: Grades 3 – 5: 8 am - 10 am, Grades 6 – 8: 10 am - 12 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: $69 residents / $79 non-residents
CAMP 2 Dates: July 31st, Aug 2nd and Aug 3rd, (rain date the 4th) Times: Grades 3 – 5: 8 am - 10 am, Grades 6 – 8: 10 am - 12 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: $69 residents / $79 non-residents
YOUTH ELITE SOCCER CAMP This is an official camp of Youth Elite Soccer (YES) Camp, the nation’s premier professional league. This camp will be offered to ages 3 - 12 at Fiala Field BEHIND United Methodist Church next to parking lot at the end of South 22nd Street. If you would like to host a coach and get a discount, check the box on your registration form and you will be contacted and receive a refund if you do host a coach. Descriptions: Ages 3–6: Introduces children to the beautiful game in a creative, nurturing environment, gaining key motor skills for all sports. For parents of children ages 3 – 4 they are invited and encouraged to participate in the soccer and play-oriented learning. YESplay is tailored to the developmental needs of children, and even reinforces social skills. Ages 7–12: FUNdamental approach to coaching for players interested in learning and developing their soccer skills through structured sessions that promote fun, learning and education. Combines player’s physical capacities and movement skills with emphasis on key components of soccer. Mon. – Fri.: July 24-28, rain date 7/29 Times: Ages 3–4: 5:30 – 6:15 pm Ages 5–6: 6:30 – 8:00 pm Ages 7–8, 9–10, 11–12: 5:30 – 8:30 pm Cost: Instruction, shirt & soccer ball Ages 3–4: $80 resident / $90 non-resident Ages 5–6: $107 resident / $117 non-res. Ages 7–12: $152 resident / $162 non-res.
HARD KNOCKS THEATRE CAMPS (Instructor: Mr. Phil Palese) All productions will be lead by Phil Palese and he will have a number of students and adults assisting him. You will also need to fill out the emergency forms on our website also for each child registering for camp.
SESSION 1 – MUSIC MAN, JR.. Grades: Entering 4th Grade - 17 yrs. old Dates: June 12 – July 7 (No camp 7/4) Shows: July 6 and 7, 10 am and 7 pm
Location: Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center Times: Must be available 8:00-3:00 M-TTH, 8-11:30 am W&F (Pool Time Optional 11:30-3 pm) Cost: $375 resident / $425 non-resident
101 DALMATIONS KIDS FULL Shows: July 19 and 20, 10 am and 7 pm
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST JR. FULL Shows: August 2 and 3, 10 am and 7 pm
IMAGINATION STATION (AGES 5-8) THEATRE CLASSES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN More details to be announced in the coming weeks on: Monday - Friday Camp 1: June 12 – 16 Camp 2: June 26 – 30 Camp 3: July 10 – 14 Camp 4: July 24 - 28 Times: 9:30 – 11 am Location: Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center Cost per camp: $75 resident / $85 non-res. Descriptions of Classes: on our website
REFUND POLICY A refund will not be granted for any session $50 or less. This includes any program (one day programs, camps, or multi session programs) offered by the Recreation Department. For all sessions greater than $50, a refund will be granted according to this schedule:
Refund Request Date Amount of Refund >90 days before program 75% of program cost 60-90 days before program 50% of program cost 30-59 days before program 25% of program cost Less than 30 days before program No refund No refund will be granted for any camps after July 1st. If any program is cancelled by the Recreation Department due to insufficient participation, a full refund will be granted.
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Register today on-Line visit 2017 TENNIS MEMBERSHIP: Camp Hill Borough residents, property owners and business owners are eligible for a tennis membership. The tennis courts are accessible with your Siebert Park stadium track card. Season membership are effective from Jan. to Dec. of the calendar year. Memberships are activated weekly, on Fridays. Parking on the grass is strictly prohibited. When tennis membership holder leaves the courts, their guests must leave as well. Tennis court users must produce photo identification and access card when asked by the Police Department or Borough Staff. Name: Date: Address: Phone Number: Name of business and address (if applicable)
Members Names
Age (children only)
NEW SEASON PASS PROCEDURE A new season brings new ways of doing things. Beginning this season, pool memberships are now purchased through the Borough website with the exception of the grandparent plan. Visit and click on “I want to purchase a pool membership”. Individuals and families must create an ActiveNet account to begin the process. If you participated in recreation programs or camps this year or in 2016, you already have an existing account. Make sure all your family members are on the account. For those who wish to pay by check or cash, you must still visit the Borough Office. Borough Staff will assist you in finalizing your transaction. However, it is still your responsibility to create an ActiveNet account before coming to the office. Borough staff will not do this for you. Once your membership is purchased, individual cards will be created and you will be notified to pick them up. Each person issued a card will have his or her photo taken. This can be done at the time your card is picked up or the first time you visit the pool. Please discard all cards issued in previous seasons as they will no longer be honored at the pool.
2. 3. 4. Adult (18+) $15.00
Youth(17 & under) $8.00
Payment: Amount: _______________________ Check#: ____________ or Cash____________
Make check payable to Camp Hill Borough. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and debit cards accepted. Credit/debit card transactions will include a processing fee. Credit/debit card #: ______________________________________ Exp. Date: __________ Security Code: _______ Name as it appears on the card: _______________________________________
Signature: ______________________________
Membership Rate: Resident Non Resident Family* $160.00 $320.00 Adult (18+) $121.00 $242.00 Child (5–17) $105.00 $210.00 Senior (60+) $ 66.00 $132.00 Grandparent Plan (5-visit punch card)** $ 50.00 $100.00 *Restricted to household members. For purposes of this application, "household" is defined as two adults and four children five years of age and older. Each additional child (five years of age and older) is $20 more. Children include individuals up to 23 years of age who are in school. A babysitter or nanny is an additional $25. Each additional adult or senior in the household must pay the separate applicable rate. **Purchased in Boro Office not online. Non-resident–membership is available only to residents of the following municipalities Lemoyne Borough, Wormleysburg Borough, Hampden Twp, Lower Allen Twp, East Pennsboro Twp.
2017 POOL DAYS & HOURS OF OPERATION • Memorial Day Weekend: May 27–29 • Pool will open daily, weather permitting, beginning Friday, June 2nd through Labor Day, September 4th (subject to change due to school snow make-up days). When school begins for the Camp Hill School District, the pool will be closed on weekdays. • Monday thru Saturday 12 pm – 8 pm • Sunday 1 pm – 8 pm • Adult Swim (18 years & older) Mon, Wed, & Fri, 6:30 am – 8 am • Hours vary on occasion due to aquatic events. Affected dates will be posted at the pool. • Inclement weather and pool closures: call 909-3148 • Daily rate for Borough residents five years and older: ten dollars ($10) • A non-resident may pay the daily rate to enter the pool if accompanied by a member. • Visiting family members pay separately and will not be added to an existing family membership. • Membership cards must be presented at the pool entrance or the daily rate will be charged. • Discounts are not available. Rates remain the same throughout the season. Memberships are non- transferable and non-refundable. • Do not throw away membership cards at the end of the season, they will be re-used. • $10.00 to replace each lost or discarded membership card; capped at $25 for a family. • A child must be 11 years old to enter the pool grounds without an adult. Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
LEARN-TO-SWIM PROGRAM Learn to Swim lessons take place at the Camp Hill Pool and you must be a pool member to participant. Details about sessions is on our website and Registration is online.
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The P Pa atron June, Ju ne, Ju July ly & A August ugust 2017 E Events vents o of f Cle Cleve eve ve J. F Fredricksen redrick ks sen Lib Library rar ry Main: Cleve J. Fredricksen Library 100 N. 19th Street, Camp amp Hill, P PA A 17011 • 717-761-3900
Branch: East Pennsboro Branch Library 17025 • 717-732-4274 98 S. Enola Drive, Enola, PA PA 1
Hours: Mon - Tues 9-9, W Wed ed 9-6, Thurs - Fri 9-9, Sat & Sun 1-5
Hours: Mon, Tues & Thurs 10-8, W Wed ed & Fri 11-5, Sat 10-2, Closed Sun g • www.eastpennsbor sboro Trinidad & Tobago Baltimore Steel Orchestra - Thursday, June 15 at 7:00 pm This stunning group, named Baltimore’s RႈFLDO VWHHO GUXP EDQG DUH PDVWHUV RI WKH steel drum. (Rain date: Thursday, June 22 )
2017 Summer Kicko ! Celebrating a Life Well Read! Friday, June 9th - 3 pm to 8 pm Inside and Outside the library!
After Hours Big Band - Tuesday, July 11 at
Sponsored by the 7:00 pm From Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, McCormick Family Foundation and Les Brown to Maynard Ferguson and BriBri
an Setzer, the After Hours Big Band covers it all. Swing the night away with their exciting combination of big band styles.
Help us celebrate 60 years of Fredricksen as ZH .LFNRႇ RXU 6XPPHU /HDUQLQJ 3URJUDP ZLWK an all-ages birthday party! Join us for Food ouch-A-Truck, Prize Give-aTrucks, Music, To ouchways, Make & Ta akes, Quidditch Exhibition, Guessing Games, a Preview of Hamiltunes, an all-age book character themed costume parade, Friends MINI Book Sale, Free Birthday Cupcakes and much, much more! Wa atch for more details on our website!
West Shore Symphony Orchestra - Monday, July 24 at 7:00 pm Join us some great light classical works as well as the hits of Hollywood and Broadway. (Rain date TBD) Final Summer Fling & Concert with Sonia De Los Santos! ALL AGES! - Thursday, August 10 at 7:00 pm Named as one of the 5 Artists to watch at the Latin Alternative Music Conference and is highly-acclaimed for her music for all ages! And, we’ll have some fun summer activities during the concert to wrapup our Summer Learning Programs! (Rain location: inside)
10 lb. boxes of Blueber ries ON SALE NOW!
Still only $30. Place your orders by June 25th - Pickup June 29th. Order ONLINE at or in the library!
June Ju J ne e Jun Adult lt progr programs For more details orr to register reg go to or call 761-3900 x 225. Fredricksen Library BIKE RAFFLE! Tickets ON SALE NOW! Winner drawn June 9. $5 or 3 for $12.Sponsored by Holmes Cycling & Fitness Build a Better World: READ! Fredricksen’s Adult Summer Learning Program June 5 through August 10 Register starting June .LFNRႇ -XQH Bus Trip to the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington D.C. - Saturday, July 1 at 8:30 am Cost: $40.00 per person. ON SALE NOW! Cookbook Club: The Great British Baking Show* - Saturday, June 3 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. Register May 1. Community Plant Swap on the Lawn Saturday, June 4 from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Fredricksen Writes - Mondays, June 5 and 19 from 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm Register May 1 &15. Language at the Library* German - June 1 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm French - June 1 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Italian - June 8 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm Spanish - June 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Brazilian Portuguese - June 24 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Curl Up with the Classics: I, Robot* Tuesday, June 6 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Registration begins May 1.
6XPPHU .LFNRႇ &HOHEUDWLQJ D /LIH H :HOO Read! Friday, June 9 from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm Inside and Outside! See website for details! Twisted Stitchers - Stitch for a Cause Monday, June 12 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm 16 and up. Register May 15. Concert on the Lawn with Trinidad & T Tobago ob obago Thursday, June 15 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Rain date: Thursday, June 22 at 7:00 pm) Sponsored by the McCormick Family Foundation. Reprise of Hamiltunes After Hours! Saturday, June 17 from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm Email with the subject “Roles in Hamilton� for info on participating.
2017 Master Gardener Plant Clinics Tuesdays: May 2 through August 29 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm TWO BUS TRIPS - TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Smithsonian Folkliffe e Festival/W Fes ashington D.C. Saturday, July 1 at 8:30 am $40.00 per person. National Book Fe estival stival in Washington D.C. Saturday, Sept. 2 at 7:30 am $40 per person. Blood Pressure Screenings Thursdays 9:15 am to 1:00 pm &RႇHH &RUQHU - Weekdays Weekda eekdays 9:30 am to 3 pm and select Saturdays Donation Station Book Donations - First Saturday of every month from 1 pm to 3 pm
Day of Listening* Third Tuesdays: June 20, July 18, August 15 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm - Register beginning May 15 by calling 761-3900 x225.
*Daytime Academy is made possible by a grant from Harsco Corporation, honoring the memory of Derek C. Hathaway.
Fredricksen Reads: Ordinary Grace by William Kent Kruegern Tuesday, June 20 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Register beginning May 15.
Pollock Children’s Library programs
Adult Crafternoon: Quill and Swill (BYOB)* Sunday, June 25 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm $7.50 fee. Ages 21 and up. Register May 15.
For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 229.
Gardening with Nature: Integrated Pest Management Tuesday, June 27 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm $5.00 fee. Call 717-240-6500 to register. News Today: Real or Fake? Thursday, June 29 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Foreign Film Friday: Anita Friday, June 30 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm FROM ARGENTINA. Sponsored by Jane and Bill Murray.
Children’s Summer Learning Program Build a Better World! Monday, June 5 through August 6 Sponsored by Friends of Fredricksen Library and a donation in Memory of Ashley Dietrich. 6XPPHU .LFNRႇ &HOHEUDWLQJ D /LIH :HOO Read! - Friday, June 9 from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm Inside and Outside the library! Story Time and Music Therapy by Sovia Therapy – On the Farm Saturday, June 10 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
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Summer Drop In Story Times! Mondays June 12 through July 31 9:30 am to 10:00 am for under 3 years old and 10:30 am to 11:00 am for over 3 years old
Teen Meetups: Wednesdays 2 pm to 4 pm Vision Boards & Black Out Poetry - June 14 Board Games - June 21 5XEH *ROGEHUJ 0DFKLQHV - June 28
Sciencetellers: BUILDING: TALL SHIPS & PIRATE TALES Tuesday, June 13 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am (1:30 pm at East Pennsboro Branch) Sponsored by Cumberland County Library System
Teen Movie Matinees - Call for titles Thursdays, June 15, 22 & 29 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Children’s Yoga and Mindfulness Wednesday, June 14 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am Ages 6-8. Register June 1. Eco Crafts Thursday, June 15 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am Ages 9-12. Register June 1. Drop-In Story Time - June 15, 22, 29 from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm Family Movie Night – Call for title Friday, June 16 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm National Aquarium presents The Rainforest Tuesday, June 20 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am (1:30 pm at East Pennsboro Branch) Everyone is important! Wednesday, June 21 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am Ages 6-8. Register June 1. Tall Tales of the United States Thursday, June 22 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am Ages 9 -11. Register June 1. Forgotten Friend Reptile Sanctuary! Tuesday, June 27 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am (1:30 pm at East Pennsboro Branch) Sponsored by a grant from The Whitaker Science Center Fredricksen Story time at Country Meadows Wednesday, June 28 from 10:00 am to 10:45 am at Country Meadows Building 2, Garden Room, 355 S. Sporting Hill Road Mechanicsburg Block Party for Big Kids Wednesday, June 28 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am Ages 6-8. Register June 1. Keva Planks Party Thursday, June 29 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am Ages 8-12. Register June 1.
Teen programs For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 225. Unless otherwise noted on individual listing, all programs are for ages 12 to 18. Teen Summer Learning Program 2017 - Build a Better World Monday, June 5 to Monday, July 31 Details and registration online beginning June 5. For teens 12 -18 years old. Teens Create! Contest Monday, June 5 to Saturday, July 8 Info available May 1. Register June 1. Submissions due July 8. On display July 10. The Plot Twisters Thursday, June 8, 15, 22 and 29 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm For teens ages 15-18. 6XPPHU .LFNRႇ &HOHEUDWLQJ D /LIH :HOO Read! - Friday, June 9 from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm Inside and Outside the library! Social Justice Boot Camp Tuesday, June 13 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Register June 5. &RႇHH +RXVH ZLWK D &DXVH Tuesday, June 13 from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Register May 1.
Life Size Candy Land Tuesday, June 20 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Register June 5. Safe Sitter Friday and Saturday, June 23 and 24 10:00 am to 4:30 pm 3UHVHQWHG E\ +RO\ 6SLULW $ *HLVLQJHU $ႈOLDWH Ages 11-13. Call 763-2427 to register. $30 fee.
2:00 pm to 6:30 pm Register June 15. WickedTunes After Hours! Wednesday, July 19 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the Atrium Email with the subject “Roles in Wicked” for more info. Concert on the Lawn with the West Shore Symphony Orchestra Monday, July 24 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Rain date TBD) Sponsored by the McCormick Family Foundation. *DUGHQLQJ ZLWK 1DWXUH :HHG ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ Tuesday, July 25 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm $5.00 fee. Call 717-240-6500 to register.
Teen Short Story Workshop Monday, June 26 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm For teens 16-18 years old. Register June 5.
Foreign Film Friday: Good Bye, Lenin! Friday, July 28 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm FROM GERMANY. Sponsored by Jane and Bill Murray.
Video Game Day Tuesday, June 27 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
2017 Master Gardener Plant Clinics Tuesdays: May 2 through August 29 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Teen Paint Night on the Lawn Tuesday, June 27 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Register June 5.
July Adult programs For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 225.
Blood Pressure Screenings Thursdays 9:15 am to 1:00 pm &RႇHH &RUQHU - Weekdays 9:30 am to 3 pm and select Saturdays Donation Station Book Donations - First Saturday of every month from 1 pm to 3 pm *Daytime Academy is made possible by a grant from Harsco Corporation, honoring the memory of Derek C. Hathaway.
Bus Trip to the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington D.C. Saturday, July 1 at 8:30 am. $40.00 per person.
Pollock Children’s Library programs
Blood Drive at Fredricksen Friday, July 14 from 4:00 pm to 7:30 pm Call 1-800-771-0059 or visit
For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 229.
Fredricksen Writes Mondays, July 3 and 17 from 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm Register June 1 and 15.
Summer Drop In Story Times! Mondays June 12 through July 31 9:30 am to 10:00 am for under 3 years old and 10:30 am to 11:00 am for over 3 years old
/DQJXDJH DW WKH /LEUDU\ German - July 20 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm French - July 6 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Italian - No July session Spanish - July 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Brazilian Portuguese - July 29 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Games of Deduction - Viktory: Terror In Europe - Saturday, July 8 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm Register June 15. Twisted Stitchers - Stitch for a Cause Monday, July 10 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm 16 and up. Register June 15. Curl Up with the Classics: Animal Farm Tuesday, July 11 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Register June 1. Summer Concert on the Lawn with After Hours Big Band Tuesday, July 11 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Outside on the Lower Lawn Sponsored by the McCormick Family Foundation. Foreign Film Friday: Please call for title Friday, July 14 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm FROM UGANDA. Sponsored by Jane and Bill Murray. )UHGULFNVHQ 5HDGV 5LVH DQG 6KLQH E\ $QQD Quindlen - Tuesday, July 18 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Register June 15. 'D\ RI /LVWHQLQJ Third Tuesdays: July 18 and August 15
Make Ben Franklin’s Kite! Wednesday, July 5 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am Ages 6-10. Register June 19. /LJKWVDEHU &RPEDW ZLWK +RQRU Thursday, July 6 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am Ages 8-12. Register June 19. Drop-In Story Time - July 6, 13, 20, 27 from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm 6WRU\ 7LPH DQG 0XVLF 7KHUDS\ E\ 6RYLD Therapy – Under the Sea Saturday, July 8 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Brush Bot Challenge Monday, July 10 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Grades K and up. Register July 3. Sponsored by a grant from The Whitaker Science Center. What’s the Matter? Tuesday, July 11 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am (1:30 pm at East Pennsboro Branch) Candy Camp Wednesday, July 12 and Thursday July 13 9:30 am to 11:30 am Ages 5-8. Register June 19 and includes both days. Magical Nick Tuesday July 18 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am (1:30 pm at East Pennsboro Branch) What Do We Do When Things Don’t Work? Wednesday, July 19 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am Ages 6-8. Register June 19.
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How Full Is Your Bucket? Thursday, July 20 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am Ages 9-11. Register June 19.
Family Movie Night – Call for title Friday, July 21 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Adult programs
Pioneer Travel with Kit’s Interactive Theatre Tuesday, July 25 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am Recommended Ages 5 and up. (1:30 pm at East Pennsboro Branch)
For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 225.
Space Camp Wednesday, July 26 and Thursday July 27 9:30 am to 11:30 am Ages 9 to 12. Register June 19 – includes both days. Sponsored by a grant from The Whitaker Science Center Fredricksen Story time at Country Meadows Wednesday, July 26 from 10:00 am to 10:45 am at Country Meadows, Building 2, Garden Room, 355 S. Sporting Hill Road, Mechanicsburg
Teen programs For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 225. Unless otherwise noted on individual listing, all programs are for ages 12 to 18. Teen Meetups: Wednesdays 2 pm to 4 pm Movie - Call for title - July 5 Book Bingo - July 12 Make and Take Jewelry - July 19 Board Games - July 26 Teen Movie Matinees - Call for titles Thursday, July 6, 13, 30 & 27 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Curl Up with the Classics: The Bridge of San Luis Rey Tuesday, August 1 10:00 am to 11:00 am Register July 1. Cookbook Club: The Great Salad Challenge* Saturday, August 5 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm 18 and up. Register July 1. 7('[ )UHGULFNVHQ 0DNLQJ D 'LႇHUHQFH Saturday, August 5 from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm Registration recommended - begins July 1. Fredricksen Writes - Mondays, August 7 & 21 from 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm. Register July 1 and 15. Language at the Library* German - August 3 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm French - August 3 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Italian - August 10 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm Spanish - August 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am Brazilian Portuguese - August 26 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Final Summer Fling & Concert on the Lawn with Sonia De Los Santos! ALL AGES! Thursday, August 10 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Rain location: inside) Sponsored by the McCormick Family Foundation & a Donation In Memory of Ashley Dietrich.
Pollock Children’s Library programs For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 229. If I had a Hammer: Stories and Songs to Build On! Tuesday, August 1 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am (1:30 pm at East Pennsboro Branch) Play K - Tuesdays and Thursdays August 1, 3, 8, 10, 15 and 17 from12:30 pm to 2:00 pm for children entering K in fall 2017. Register July 6SRQVRUHG E\ 7KH 2ႈFH RI &RPPRQZHDOWK Libraries as part of Cruise into Kindergarten. Martial Arts! - Wednesday, August 2 from 10:30 am to 11:15 am 1st-3rd graders Thursday, August 3 10:30 am to 11:15 am 4th-6th graders Register June 19. Drop-In Story Time - Thursday, August 3. 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm Ages 3 years and up. Meet & Play (for New Parents) Wednesday, August 9 from 9:30 to 11:00 am Ages birth-3 years Final Summer Fling & Concert on the Lawn with Sonia De Los Santos! ALL AGES! Thursday, August 10 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Story Time and Music Therapy by Sovia Therapy – Let’s Go Camping! Saturday, August 12 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Block Parties @ Fredricksen Wednesday, August 16 from 9:30 am to 10:30 am Ages 3-6 years Register August 2. Sponsored by 7KH 2ႈFH RI &RPPRQZHDOWK /LEUDULHV DV SDUW RI Cruise into Kindergarten.
The Plot Twisters Thursdays, July 6, 13, 20 and 27 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm Ages 15-18.
Foreign Film Friday: Sweet Bean Friday, August 11 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm FROM JAPAN. Sponsored by Jane and Bill Murray.
Games of Deduction - Viktory: Terror In Europe - Saturday, July 8 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm For teens 15-18. Register June 15.
Games of Deduction: Garibaldi - Sat., Aug. 12 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm Register July 15.
Teen Short Story Workshop Monday, July 10 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm For teens 16-18 years old. Register June 5.
Twisted Stitchers - Stitch for a Cause Monday, August 14 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm 16 and up. Register July 15.
Teen STEM Day Tuesday, July 18 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Day of Listening* - Third Tuesdays: August 15 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm Register July 1.
Factions! A Mystery Dinner Tuesday, July 18 from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm Register June 5. $3.00 fee paid at the event.
Fredricksen Reads: The Painted Kiss by Elizabeth Hickey Tuesday, August 15 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Register July 15.
Safe Sitter Friday and Saturday, July 21 and 22 10:00 am to 4:30 pm 3UHVHQWHG E\ +RO\ 6SLULW $ *HLVLQJHU $ႈOLDWH Ages 11-13. Call 763-2427 to register. $30 fee.
Gardening with Nature: Ned Smith: Gone for the Day Tuesday, August 22 from 7 pm to 8 pm $5.00 fee. Call 717-240-6500 to register.
Mission Transition 2017/2018: Preparing for Kindergarten One Monday a month September through May 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Registration starts July 31. First session Aug 28.
Foreign Film Friday: The African Doctor Friday, August 25 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm FROM FRANCE. Sponsored by Jane and Bill Murray.
Teen programs
Teen Short Story Workshop Monday, July 24 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm For teens 16-18 years old. Register June 5. Build a Better Cupcake Tuesday, July 25 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Register June 5. Fandom Sorting Ceremony Ilvermorny Edition Tuesday, July 25 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Quidditch World Cup U.S.A. vs. Britain Wednesday July 26 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm in the Atrium For players ages 15 and up (including adults). Register June 5. All age spectators welcome.
2017 Master Gardener Plant Clinics Tuesdays: May 2 through August 29 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Blood Pressure Screenings Thursdays 9:15 am to 1:00 pm &RႇHH &RUQHU - Weekdays 9:30 am to 3 pm and select Saturdays Donation Station Book Donations - First Saturday of every month from 1 pm to 3 pm *Daytime Academy is made possible by a grant from Harsco Corporation, honoring the memory of Derek C. Hathaway.
Light and Shadow Exploration Wednesday August 16 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Register Aug. 1. Grades K-5. Family Movie Night – Call for title Friday, August 18 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Meet & Play (for Grandparents) Wednesday, August 23 from 9:30 to 11:00 am Ages 1 – 4 Fredricksen Story time at Country Meadows Wednesday, August 30 from 10:00 am to 10:45 am at Country Meadows, Building 2, Garden Room, 355 S. Sporting Hill Road Mechanicsburg
For more details or to register go to or call 761-3900 x 225. The Plot Twisters - Thursdays, August 3, 10, 17 and 24 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm For ages 15-18. Final Summer Fling & Concert on the Lawn with Sonia De Los Santos! ALL AGES! Thursday, August 10 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Games of Deduction: Garibaldi - Saturday August 12 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. For teens 15-18, and adults of any age. Register July 15. Safe Sitter - Friday and Saturday, August 18 and 19 from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm 3UHVHQWHG E\ +RO\ 6SLULW $ *HLVLQJHU $ႈOLDWH Ages 11-13. Call 763-2427 to register. $30 fee.
3URJUDPV RႇHUHG DUH VSRQVRUHG E\ JHQHURXV VXSSRUW IURP LQGLYLGXDOV DQG EXVLQHVVHV LQ RXU FRPPXQLW\ and from the Friends of Fredricksen Library & Friends of East Pennsboro Branch Library.
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The Lion Foundation 2016-17 Board Of Directors
Making Things Happen in Camp Hill
Officers President John N. Kennedy, Esq.
Assistant Treasurer James R. Hepfer III
Vice President Barbara Sexton
Secretary Alison E. A. Goodwin
Treasurer Robert E. Little, C.P.A
Assistant Secretary Jeff Haas
Staff Robin Jones, Executive Director Shari Sponic, Office Administrator
For more information on The Lion Foundation or to donate, contact us at: 2627 Chestnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 717 901-2600 X 2650 VISIT US ON FACEBOOK!
Save the Date…
Kindergarten Pool Party The Camp Hill Swimming Pool has been reserved for a free event held just for students (and their families) entering kindergarten next fall. This event will take place on Friday, August 11th (Rain Date August 12th), from 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Our Children, Our Community, Our Future
News to Roar About!
“It takes a village to raise a child.” That phrase couldn’t ring more true in our small town of Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. In that spirit, our community is very fortunate to have 25 committed volunteer Lion Foundation Board members who put in hundreds of hours to support our schools and fund programs that are no longer covered by tax payer dollars. Specifically, I would like to thank outgoing board members Bob Little, Alison Godwin, Jeff Hass, Barb Sexton and Sarah Battisti for the time they have dedicated to supporting “our children, our community and our future.” It has been a privilege to work with all of them. I also want to welcome the following new members: Jen Chaplin, Jennifer Hoover, Jaime Novinger, Lisa Reeves and Senator Mike Regan. Like the rest of The Lion Foundation’s board, each brings unique experiences and talents that are sure to make our village stronger, safer and as special as ever! Thanks to each of them and to YOU, for your continued support. See you around town.
Robin Robin Jones, Executive Director Jeff Haas, Alison Goodwin, Barb Sexton and Bob Little
Camp Hill High School Class of 1971 Alumni from the Class of ’71 are gathering to celebrate their 45-year reunion during the weekend of October 14th and 15th. Tentative plans include attending the Friday night homecoming game, and a Saturday daytime activity and evening party at the Caddy Shack. Check in with the CHHS Class of 1971 Facebook page or contact or (717) 418-3240 for more information.
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AROUND TOWN FINE ARTS FLOURISH IN CAMP HILL Each year, The Lion Foundation dedicates more than $250,000 to running day-to-day activities for the Pollock Performing Arts Center (PAC) thanks to an endowment established by Mrs. Grace Pollock. Make sure to take time to check out the current art exhibit featuring masterpieces created by students spanning from kindergarten to high school seniors, the upcoming middle school production of Spamalot, and the many classes and other programs offered each day after school hours. Learn more at
FIFTH GRADE GOES TO BIZTOWN For the past ten years, your donations to The Lion Foundation have made it possible to fund the Junior Achievement Biztown program for Eisenhower Elementary’s 5th grade students. This hands-on learning experience provides students with a taste of the “real world” as they assume roles like company executive, newspaper reporter, elected official, bank teller, scientist and builder to run an 8,000-squuare foot simulated town for a day. Join us on our Cat Chat at www.thelion with one of our 5th grade teachers, Tammy DeSanto, to learn more about this very popular and memorable school event. Congratulations to this year’s Biztown Mayor, Danny Pinzon, and District Attorney Jimmy Quinlan!
STUDENTS WHO ARE INVOLVED DO BETTER IN SCHOOL Studies show that students that are involved in extra-curricular activities do better in school and are less likely to engage in drug and alcohol related activities. Thanks to generous donations from our Camp Hill community, The Lion Foundation can support clubs that provide students with many opportunities to pursue special interests, learn new things and be part of something bigger than themselves. Middle/High School Ski and Snowboard Club
Baby Blanket Club
Archery Club
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YOUR DONATIONS AT WORK! WINTER CELEBRATION SOLD OUT AGAIN! This year’s Lion Foundation 2017 Winter Celebration turned out to be the largest to date, with 408 in attendance to help raise a net profit of approximately $95,000 in donations and pledges! During the night, The Lion Foundation and guests honored Chad Gallaher (Class of ’87) and former teacher, the late Essie Witmer, for their dedication to the Camp Hill School District and community. Capital Edition, a band comprised of many school district staff and past Superintendent Dave Reeder, filled the dance floor with great musical selections. Thank you to volunteers, silent auction donors, event sponsors and all who attended! The Camp Hill High School Boys soccer team and High School Girls basketball teams helped with setting up for the Winter Celebration this year.
Winter Celebration Sponsors Pennsylvania Ballet Academy Centric Bank The JDK Group Heritage Builders Hartman Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Cordier Auctions & Appraisals K Novinger Jewelry Design McClure Company VRAI Restaurant & Bar SOHO Legal Capitol Edition Xerox American Girl Karen Anthony Appalachian Brewing Company Armitage Golf Club Bangkok Wok Beyond Beauty Skin Therapy Black N Bleu Blooms by Vickrey The Bookworm Bookstore Burn 30 Camp Hill Animal Hospital Camp Hill Athletic Booster Club Camp Hill Baseball Association Camp Hill Borough Pool Camp Hill Fire Company Camp Hill Girls Softball League Camp Hill Mini Thon Camp Hill Outdoor Education Program Camp Hill School District CHSD Athletic Department CHHS Art Class CHHS Cheerleaders CHHS Post-Prom Committee CHHS Tech Ed Class CHHS Varsity Boys Soccer Team CHHS Varsity Cross Country Team CHHS Varsity Field Hockey Team CHHS Varsity Football Team CHHS Varsity Golf Team CHHS Varsity Boys Basketball Team CHHS Tennis Team CHHS Wrestling Team
Silent Auction Donors
CHSD High School Staff CHSD Eisenhower Staff CHSD Hoover Staff CHSD Middle School Staff The Camera Box Camp Hill Soccer Club Changes Salon and Day Spa Climbnasium Cornerstone Coffeehouse Creative Elegance Boutique CrossFit 717 Eileen Czarnecki D&H Distributors Tammy DeSanto Dickinson College DoTerra Dutch Apple Dinner Theater Eckert Seamans Cherin and Mellot, LLC Ellie Carter Photography Evergrain Brewery Sandy Fauser Fitness U Four Seasons Studio of Hair Chad Gallaher Gambino's Hair Gamut Theatre Group Giant Foods Gullifty's HHGregg Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa Harrisburg Senators The Hershey Company Hersheypark Hilton-Diminick Al Holliday Holmes Cycling The JDK Group Nate Jones K Novinger Jewelry Design Karns Kenneth and Co., Inc. Kyle Kepner Kessler's Dave La Torre & Jessica Meyers Little Black Dress Lularoe Maria Mills Golf Academy Meeka Fine Jewelry
Merry Maids Messiah Soccer Mollybee Toys Troy Morela Mountainside Ski and Sports Moxy, A Beauty Retreat Note Nerium Omni Fitness Open Stage of Harrisburg Paint & Create The Pennsylvania Bakery Perfectly Posh The Plum The Pollock Center Marc Reeves Salon 2020 Sarvis Imagery Scheffy Custom Framing Schultz's Landscaping Serenity Hot Air Balloon Vanessa Shenk Sherri's Crabcakes Kelly & Bob Shuster Ski Roundtop Sky Zone Spiral Path Farms Stanley Family Staples Sterling Optical Stratis Gayner Plastic Surgery The Studio by Absolute Pilates Sutliff Volkswagen Thirty One Tiger Rock Martial Arts Today's Home and Leisure Products VRAI Restaurant & Bar Walt Disney World Co. Weber Gallagher, Simpson, Stapleton, Fires & Newby LLP Wegman's World Cup Ski and Cycle YMCA Yards Brewing Company
Plan Ahead With The Lion Foundation Many people choose to include a charity like The Lion Foundation in their will, trust or another gift plan both for tax benefits and also to support a cause that is close to the heart. Different gifts may benefit you in different ways: • Naming The Lion Foundation in your Will can help reduce estate taxes and ensure the lifesaving work you care about will continue. • Naming The Lion Foundation as beneficiary on appreciated securities, retirement plans, insurance policies or real estate can advance the charity’s mission sooner as part of a gift that avoids probate. • Making a gift to The Lion Foundation that provides generates dividends during your lifetime can help reduce current income taxes and possibly reduce or eliminate estate tax and probate expenses. Contact an attorney or tax professional, along with The Lion Foundation, to determine the perfect plan that meets your financial needs and fulfills your charitable interests.
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MESSAGE FROM SUPERINTENDENT PATRICIA S. CRAIG Dear Camp Hill Community, Thank you for the warm welcome back to this wonderful District where I am proud to once again be part of such an incredible team! I am looking forward to a strong finish to the school year by all. I wish to personally thank Dr. Sanker for the leadership and guidance she has provided as Acting Superintendent. She has been a tremendous asset to our students, faculty, administration, and Board in providing seamless transitions. It's exciting to witness the accomplishments of our talented students at all grade levels, both in and out of school. Special congratulations to the Girls' High School Basketball team for a
thrilling run at States. It's been an exceptional year for all of our Camp Hill students. As graduation approaches, please join me in extending our best wishes for future success for the Class of 2017! Enjoy the remaining months of the school year, and please stop by to say hello. Sincerely, Patricia S. Craig, Supertintendent
CAMP HILL'S MINI THON #FTK RAISES $70,890 TO CONQUER PEDIATRIC CANCER A Message From The Mini-THON Student Leadership Team and Advisors We are once again blown away and filled with so much emo- February 26th. The Middle School students got a “taste” of tion by the amazing results of our Mini-THON: $70,890.28! Mini-THON by participating for an hour Saturday night. We As our line dance lyrics said this year, small school BIG had 13 students cut and donate their hair to make wigs for kids NOISE! Thank you to everyone who supported our mission this battling cancer. year. We added Mini Mini-THON’s at Hoover and Eisenhower This year, we had 170 HS students participate in Miniwhich were a huge success and we encouraged another genera- THON. Forty three percent of our High School students partiction of philanthropic students. Mini-THON is a 12-hour event ipated. Sean Bartlucci, and Lily Jordan, two of our Four that took place from 7 p.m. on February 25th to 7 a.m. on Diamonds students, inspired us all night long!
Stephen B. Karl, President Randall G. Gale, Vice President Arthur C. Pursel, Treasurer Gregory E. Lamay, Assistant Secretary Gwendolyn S. Browning Beth A. Ellis Laurie S. Kennedy Robert E. Latham Jill S. Williamson
Patricia S. Craig, Superintendent Tina Darchicourt, Business Manager & Board Secretary Tracey Quigley-Jones, Director of Special Education & Student Services Mark Ziegler, High School Principal Leslee DeLong, Middle School Principal Sandra Fauser, Eisenhower Elementary Principal Eileen Czarnecki, Hoover Elementary Principal
“Educational Excellence, Community Strength and Student Success”
2627 Chestnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 • (717) 901-2400 •
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MAY 5 – 3 - 7 PM May Fair 6 – 7-11PM HS. Prom, Sheraton East, Harrisburg 8 – 7:30 PM School Board Work Session MS/HS Cafe 9 – 7 PM Eisenhower Chorus/Band Concert, TPC 11 – 1 PM High School Academic Awards Program SFA 7 PM Senior Awards Dinner 14 – 2 PM MS/HS Spring Choral Concert, TPC 15 – 7:30 PM School Board Meeting MS/HS Cafe 19 – Hoover Fun Day 19, 20 – 7 PM MS Musical, TPC 21 – 2 PM MS Musical, TPC 22 - Canadensis, Grade 6 Outdoor Education Trip 26 – Eisenhower Field Day 25 – 9:15 AM MS Awards Ceremony, SFA 29 – SCHOOL CLOSED, Memorial Day 31 – Kindergarten Last Day/12th Grade Last Day
Our student leaders worked all year to bring this all to life. It took great vision, dedication, and determination. Overalls: Katy Collingsworth & Natalie Tafoya Entertainment: Captains: Maddie Chelap & Emily Morela Hospitality Captains: Jacob Nudel & Eliza Morale: Morgan Gallaher & Megan Tomalis, Abbey Sohonage Operations Captains: Anne Johnson & Natalie Blanton Public Relations Captains: Lulu Wilson & Sheridan Reid Registration Captains: Spencer Landis & Mackenzie Davis Special Events Captains: Emma Raich, Casey Booth, Miranda Blough Technology Captains: Alyssa Forester & Mikayla Vallati Advisers: Sue Smeltzer, Jackie Barr, Jeanine Dormer, Ashley Yeager, and Corrine Bauman
JUNE 3 – 10 AM Graduation, Siebert Park Inclement weather, Sutliff Auditorium, 11 AM 5 – Make Up Day/School in Session Last Day of School (grades 1-11) 12 – 7:30 PM School Board Work Session MS/HS Cafe 19 – 7:30 PM School Board Meeting MS/HS Cafe
22 – First Day of School
LOOKING AHEAD HOMECOMING FALL 2017: Bonfire – Wednesday, October 4 Homecoming 2017, Friday October 6th. We are playing the Bubblers of Boiling Springs.
Some photos courtesy Samuel Getty
CONGRATULATIONS TO: • Chad Gallaher and the late Mrs. Essie Witmer for receiving the Lion Foundation Wall of Honor accolade. Mr. Gallaher and Mrs. Witmer dedicated countless hours to organizing, directing and staffing the Camp Hill Outdoor Program. • Riley Spahr for competing in the District III Diving Competition, placing 2nd and qualifying for states. Riley
moved to the semi-final round. • Camp Hill Swimmers for qualifying for Districts including: Stella Baron, Tommy Freed, Nicole Lee, Quinn Pickering and Riley Spahr. Also, congrats to Riley Spahr for taking 4th place at the Mid Penn Diving Championships. • The Varsity Wrestling Team for competing at Sectionals with 7 students qualifying for Districts!! Those 7 stu-
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dents were: Jake Coniglio, Gus LaTorre, Brody Bezanilla, Luca Colestock, Nate Teeter, Micah Springer and David Brennan. • Gus LaTorre for placing 1st in his weight class at Sectionals. Gus's championship was the first a Camp Hill wrestler has won at this tournament since Steve Murray in 2012. • The Varsity Wrestlers who competed for Districts. Three of the students placed at Districts and moved on to Regionals. Jake Coniglio placed 7th, Gus LaTorre placed 5th and Luca Colestock placed 3rd! • Luca Colestock who went 2-2 at the State Wrestling Tournament and made it into the round of 12, one match away from placing. Luca also placed 4th at Regionals and ended his junior year with a record of 36-8. He is the only Camp Hill Wrestler to ever compile 36 wins in a single season. • The Boys Basketball Team for a wonderful season. The team ended with a tough 71-70 loss at Columbia High School in the opening round of Districts. • The Girls Basketball Team who faced Columbia for the District Final at Hershey Giant Center and captured a win 59-38 to win the District 3 Class AA Championship!!! • The Lady Lions for moving on to States, and defeating Blairsville, then for being victorious against Greensburg Central Catholic. They moved on to the
PIAA 2A quarterfinals. The Lady Lions combined to hit seven 3 pointers, and all five starters had at least one triple. • Diamond Bragg for surpassing 1000 points in her basketball career so far! And, for earning PennLive Girls Basketball Player of the Year honors! She led the Mid-Penn Conference with 21.4 points per game, 622 total points and 178 assists. Bragg finished second in the league in rebounds (332), third in 3-pointers (50), fifth in blocked shots (49) and sixth in steals (76). She also was became part of the Mid-Penn Capital all-star first-team. • Three of Camp Hill’s best studentmusicians, Mattias Blysra, Casey Oberdick and Ferdinand Pietsch for participating in the PMEA District 7 Honor Band. • April Pivonka, of the Youth Advisory Board, for being published in the Carlisle Sentinel recently for her article regarding Super Bowl Sunday and alcohol consumption. • Apollo Awards Nominees: Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Play – Maddie Beckley as Truvy Jones and Natalie Blanton as Annelle in "Steel Magnolias" Outstanding Lead Actress in a Play (honorable mention) - Jillian Batzler as Shelby EatentonLatcherie in "Steel Magnolias" Outstanding Play – "Steel Magnolias" • The 48 world language honors society inductees. Additionally, 23 seniors who received Honor Cords. And a big
shout out to Angela Burns for earning an A average in all four languages over her high school career thus far! • The Camp Hill Quiz Bowl Team who won 2nd place at the Manheim Township Academic Challenge. Colton Sanden was the 3rd best scorer among all players from all teams throughout the whole tournament. • Colton Sanden and Sydney Preston qualified for a prestigious quiz bowl allstar tournament in June in Kentucky that allows all-star teams from the 50 states to participate. • Maya Wasileski for placing 6th in the Alto I section at the PMEA District 7 Choral Festival. Maya moved onto Regionals! • Ed Hans, winner of a National Gold Key in the Scholastic Art competition for his painting. Ed will attend a ceremony at the world-famous Carnegie Hall and participate in showcase events at Parsons School for Design at the New School and Pratt Institute’s Pratt Manhattan Gallery in New York City. • Scholastic Writing Awards' Recipients: Honorable Mention – Kiana Cunningham, Gus Eberlein, Erin McHugh, Mary Michael, Sadie Schultz, Ava Spitzer and Cora Vance Silver Key – Mikayla Gibbons, Audrey Hans, Mila Ho, Eliza Kuller, Mia Pertschi and Carissa Sanden. Gold Key – Elizabeth Jones and Sydney Preston.
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NEWS AROUND THE DISTRICT • STEM Summit held for all 9th and 10th graders – Junior Achievement of South Central Pennsylvania hosted a STEM Summit at Camp Hill High School in February. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. The goal of the STEM Summit is to inspire students to pursue an academic STEM focus in the remainder of their high school courses and to help prepare them for a possible STEM job in the future. According to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, in the next five years, STEM jobs are projected to grow twice as quickly as jobs in other fields. • “Cool Schools” Highlights Hoover Elementary School on the News! Steve Knight, a meteorologist from CBS 21 News, visited Hoover Elementary School to interview some students on why our school is cool! Check out the segment on the District's website. • Kindergarten Registration for 20172018 was on April 26th! If you have a child who will be five years of age by September 1, 2017, and will be attending Kindergarten in the 2017-2018 school year, please call Mrs. Bitting, the school secretary (901-2550, ext. 2585) for information about registering your child. • James and the Giant Peach – it was impossible to leave this performance without a smile on your face. The act-
ing, the vocals, the stage, the instruments, the MS/HS collaboration… “that’s entertainment”. Congrats on a show well done! • Read Across America Week – Camp Hill schools celebrated and honored Dr. Theodore Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss. Students, read favorite books, dressed up on theme days and participated in a special assembly called “Bounce into a Good Book” that was a huge hit! • Omegaman and Friends Assembly – This special program was funded by the Lion Foundation and supports the antibullying and character development curriculum that all students receive during guidance lessons. • Students had fun on March 14 or “Pi” Day. This is a day to celebrate mathematics (because it’s 3/14 or similar to Pi which is 3.14…) This special day provided opportunities to allow students to have fun with math! • "Hang up and Drive Assembly" for grades 9-12 will be held, thanks to a Lion Foundation grant. The program will address the dangers and consequences of texting and driving. The high school is supporting this assembly in concert with the Camp Hill Police. • Elementary Students for participating in their first Camp Hill Mini-THON. The students held a penny wars fundraiser and participated in activities such as dodgeball, corn hole, latter ball,
a short play, a line Dance, followed by a closing ceremony and the big reveal. Thank you to Four Diamonds liaison, Gail Frassetta and all of the faculty who participated. • Camp Hill welcomed German friends, thanks to Frau Storey for her relentless efforts in making this program so successful. To our students’ benefit, GAPP has become a cultural fixture at the high school. Thank you to the families that have graciously opened up their homes to support this exchange / opportunity.
CAMP HILL SCHOOLS IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Patricia S. Craig Superintendent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901-2400 Mrs. Tina Darchicourt Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901-2400 Mrs. Tracey Quigley-Jones Director of Special Education/Student Services 901-2400 Mr. Mark Ziegler HS Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901-2500 Mrs. Leslee DeLong MS Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901-2450 Mrs. Eileen Czarnecki Principal, Hoover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901-2550 Dr. Sandra L. Fauser Principal, Eisenhower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901-2600
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