Camp Hill newsletter f e b r u a r y 2 019 w ww. c a m phillborough. com
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Please submit your answers to the Recreation Department by March 15th to enter into a drawing for a Cornerstone Coffeehouse gift card.
Actions of Council ACTIONS OF COUNCIL
• Approval of Vouchers for September in the amount of $1,441, 919.71 • Approved the hiring of a new police permanent police chief, Stephen Margeson. • Approved the planting of two trees at the request of an anonymous resident in Willow Park • Approved Change Order No. 3-Final to the 2017 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project for an increase in Contract Price of $9,910.00 for reconciliation of actual quantities installed by the contractor • Approved the Application for Payment No. 3-Final for the 2017 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project I the amount of $15,586.20 to Farhat Excavating, Inc. • Approved the Application of Payment No. 2 for the 2018 Paving Project in the amount of $210,986.82 to E. K. Services, Inc. • Approved Change Order No. 1 to the 2018 Paving Project for an increase in Contract Price of $30,942.59 for leveling course on Country Club Place and an increase in Contract Times of 30 days due to weather delays • Approved the Application for Payment No. 2 for the 2018 Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $44,397.45 to MacMor Construction, Inc. • Approved Change Order Nos. 1 and 2 to the 2018 Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project. Change Order No. 1 is an increase in Contract Price of $3,140.50 for additional repairs in the Logan Cemetery and Change Order No. 2 is an increase in Contract Price of $1,384.25 for utility conflicts on May Drive.
• Approval of Vouchers for October in the amount of $2,316,378.76 • Approved the advertisement of the 2019 General, Sewer, Liquid Fuels, Capital Improvement and Refuse Fund • Approved the action to ratify Note Counsel advertising an appropriate Notice for the Debt Ordinance to be considered on November 27th in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Unit Debt Act • Approved Dustin Chapman to fill the
Recreation Commission vacant position • Approval of Application for Payment No. 3 for 2018 Paving Project in the amount of $231,127.90 to E. K. Services, Inc. • Approved of Application for Payment No. 3 for the 2018 Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $178,854.37 to MacMor Construction, Inc. • Approved of Application for Payment No. 2 for the Willow Park Stream Improvements Project in the amount of $79,470.00 to Flyway Excavating, Inc.
• Approval of Vouchers for November in the amount of $932,006.29 • Approved the motion to adopt the 2019 General, Sewer, Liquid Fuels, Pool, Capital, and Refuse Budgets for 2019 • Approved Resolution 03-2018, setting pension contributions for the Borough Cash Benefit Plan • Approved Resolution 04-2018, setting member contributions to the pension plan for the non-uniform pension fund • Approved Resolution 05-2018, setting member contributions for the police pension plan • Approved the master lease for the Borough Public Works Dump Truck • Approved the motion to move forward with the creation of a combined sewer and storm water authority and to authorize the Borough Engineers, HRG and the law firm, Salzmann Hughes, to prepare recommendations for the formation of the sewer and storm water authority under the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Act and the implementation of a storm water fee • Approved the motion to approve Aiden Stever’s Eagle Scout Project, which is to repair and replace missing headstones, markers etc. in the Camp Hill Cemetery • Approved the motion to allow Lynette Pertschi, President of MSHSA, to hold a 5K in October of 2019 • Approved Change Order No. 2 (Final Adjusting Change Order) for the 2018 Paving Project for a decrease in Contract Price of -$40,238.12 • Approved the Application for Payment No. 4 (Final) for the 2018 Paving Project in the amount of $35,249.58 to
CALENDAR FEBRUARY – MAY February 2019 13 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 18 – Presidents Day – Office Closed 19 – Planning Commission – 6 pm* March 2019 6 – Walk & Bike Camp Hill Public Meeting – 6 pm 10 – Daylight Saving begins (Spring forward…) 13 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 19 – Planning Commission – 6 pm* 21 – Stormwater Fee Implementation Meeting – 6 pm 30 – Spring Fling – Business District 10 am – 4 pm April 2019 9 – Rec. Commission Meeting – 6 pm 10 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 12 – Bunny Eggstravaganza – 6 – 8 pm 16 – Planning Commission – 6 pm* 19 – Good Friday – Borough Office Closed 25 – Bike Friendly Community Meeting – 7:30 pm May 2019 8 – Council Meeting – 7 pm 19 – Kite Festival – 12 – 4 pm 21 – Primary Election – 7 am – 8 pm 27 – Memorial Day – Borough Office Closed 27 – Memorial Day Parade and Festivities – Begins 9:30 am
Note: All meetings are held at Borough Hall * Meetings are held only as needed
These meetings are held at the Borough of Camp Hill Municipal Offices, 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 and are open to the public. If you are a person with a disability, please note: 48 hours notice is requested for any individual with a disability who needs an accommodation to participate in a borough meeting, program, service, or employment procedure. Individuals wishing to attend these public meetings who require an auxiliary aid service or other accommodations to participate in the meetings please contact the Borough of Camp Hill at (717) 737-3456 or via e-mail: Residents requiring TDD service should call 1-800-654-5984.
CONTACT DIRECTORY Emergency ...........................................911 Mayor – Mark Simpson ............ 737-8596 Police Chief – Stephen Margeson Police Dept (non-emergency).....737-1570 Fire Chief – Mark Simpson EMS Supervisor – Fred Wadlinger Fire Dept (non-emergency) ........737-4623 Ambulance Membership.............737-4623 Borough Manager – Patrick Dennis Camp Hill Borough Office Telephone.................................737-3456 Fax ..........................................730-3961 TDD ..............................1-800-654-5984 Utility Administrator – Lauri Becker Sewer & Trash Billing ..................901-9534 Code Enforcement.......................737-3456 Codes Enforcement Officer – Chris Miller ...........................................ext 1014 Codes Enforcement Officer – John Brenner ...........................................ext 1023 Recreation Director – Audrey Logar Recreation Dept ...........................737-4548 Public Works Director – Sam Robbins ...737-3456 (push “6” from menu) Downtown Coordinator – Mary Beth Brath ...........................737-3456 ext 1018 Camp Hill Borough Office Hours Monday–Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 Borough Council Peter Robelen President Leigh Twiford Vice-President Mike Berney, Richard Guerin, Carl Schultz, Kim Snell-Zarcone & Zach Willard Tax Collector – Diane Neiper ....737-5324
2626 Lincoln St, Camp Hill 17011 District Judge – Elizabeth Beckley District Justice Court...................761-0583 Camp Hill Post Office .................737-1461 Camp Hill School District ..........901-2400 Camp Hill Pool ............................909-3148 Cleve J Fredricksen Library.........761-3900 Humane Society...........................564-3320 Cumberland County Courthouse Directory .....1-888-697-0371 Elections Bureau ..........................240-6385 County Tax Assessment...............240-6350 Cumberland Co Tax Bureau .......590-7997 County Recycling Authority .......240-6489 State Representative – Greg Rothman ....................975-2235 or 783-2063 State Senator – Mike Regan ....................432-1730 or 787-8524 Attorney General Office Consumer Protection .......1-800-441-2555 Contractor Problems...................772-2425 Penn Waste........................1-866-575-8720 PA American Water ..........1-800-565-7292 PPL/Street Light Problems1-800-342-5775 Chamber of Commerce...............761-0702
Police Chief E. K. Services, Inc. • Approved Change Order No. 3 for the 2018 Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project for an increase in Contract Price of $3,499.20 • Approved Change Order No. 4 (Final) for the 2018 Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project for an increase in Contract Price of $11,477.42 and an increase in contract times for substantial and final completion • Approved the Application for Payment No 4 for the 2018 Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $51,630.39 to MacMor Construction, Inc. • Approved Change Order No. 2 (Final Adjusting Change Order) for the Willow Park Stream Improvements Project for a decrease in Contract Price of -$14,010.00 to the 2018 Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Project • Approved the Application of Payment No. 3 for the Willow Park Stream Improvements Project in the amount of $63,107.55 to Flyway Excavating, Inc.
Camp Hill Borough would like to welcome Chief Margeson to the borough. Some of you may have met him at one of our community events or meetings over the last couple of months. He is a native of Wellsville, NY. Attended RIT and Alfred University, receiving a Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice and Masters of Professional Studies in Community Services Administration, both from Alfred U. He began his law enforcement career in Alfred, NY then returned to Wellsville, where he worked as an officer and later became Chief. In 1990, he came to Carlisle where he served as Police Chief for the Carlisle PD until retiring from that position in 2016. He was serving as Chief at the Dickson City Police Department from 2017-2018,
when he was appointed Chief of the Camp Hill PD in October last year. Chief Margeson resides in Carlisle with wife Debbie. They have three grown children, Katy, Kyle and Tim and two grandchildren, Camryn and Carter Margeson. “I’m very happy to be serving with the Camp Hill PD. I’ve found department members to be a great group of professionals who are dedicated to and interested in the safety and quality of life of all who live and visit the Borough of Camp Hill. Additionally, I’ve learned other Borough staff members share the same dedication and spirit of service to community. I’m very impressed with the service philosophy demonstrated by all Borough employees I’ve had contact with in the first couple of months I’ve been in Camp Hill. I’m grateful to have received a very warm welcome and reception by many Camp Hill residents. The pride and support for community in Camp Hill is immediately noticeable and only helps make the Borough a better place. I look forward to contributing to the quality of life in the Borough of Camp Hill in my capacity as Chief of Police and look forward to meeting more Borough residents.” - Chief Stephen Margeson
Street sweeping will began on Monday, April 1, 2018. Sweeping will take place the day AFTER your regular scheduled trash collection on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month. Sweeping will end when curbside leaf collection begins. Staff will sweep the borough one additional time at the conclusion of fall leaf collection, weather permitting. Please avoid placing grass clippings, tree limbs or any other debris in the street. This causes damage to the sweeper and down-time for the operator resulting in an inability to maintain the schedule. Property owners are required to keep trees along the curb-line trimmed to a minimum of 12 feet above the street so that the sweeper can work close to the curb without damage to the machine.
The Compost Facility will be undergoing some major improvements during the 2019 season.
Public Works / Codes NO ONE SHOULD BE HUNGRY! The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank will be giving food to all qualified Camp Hill residents in need of food assistance at the Christian Life Assembly Church at 2645 Lisburn Rd in Lower Allen Twp. Please stop by between 9 am and 12 noon on the following Tuesdays: February 15th, March 12th, April 9th and May 14th. A utility bill from your residence is the only requirement. Please stop by if your family is in need ! The facility will reopen on Monday, April 1. The hours of operation will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 am to 3 pm and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. The facility is closed on Sundays and holidays. Yard waste such as leaves, garden debris, tree limbs, bushes and plants may be dropped at the facility. Items that are not accepted include grass, topsoil, sod, tree stumps, bamboo and dimensioned lumber. Leaves may be left in brown compost bags only-NO PLASTIC BAGS! Staff will load your truck or trailer on Mondays and Fridays from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. The borough may close the facility at any time to process/haul material. It is a citable offense to access or drop off materials at the facility when it is closed. There will be a link on the borough’s website called “Compost Facility Improvements”. Please check this link periodically throughout the winter and summer months for updates on the improvements.
Within eight (8) hours after snow or ice has stopped falling, sidewalks must be cleared their entire length with a path no less than three feet wide. The hours between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. are not figured into this period of eight hours. Of equal importance: It is prohibited for snow, ice and/or liquids to be shoveled, blown, plowed or discharged into the streets or alleys; this is a citable offense.
The Camp Hill Arts Alliance is organized for the purpose of promoting and providing administrative, volunteer and moral support to the entire music/theatre/visual arts programs within the Camp Hill School District.
• March 1st, 6-8 pm, The Pollock Center. Refreshments, parent/student art scavenger hunt to earn prizes, art demos, and music groups
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to dump or discharge any liquid or semiliquid substance in or on any of the streets or alleys in the Borough of Camp Hill, so as to constitute a public nuisance or a menace to public health. This section shall not be construed to mean the natural drainage of surface water produced by rain or the melting of snow or ice on a building or property.
TREES § 187-8
Any tree along the streets or highways of the Borough or growing on private property but overhanging any street, highway or sidewalk that, in the opinion of the Shade Tree Commission, endangers the life, health, safety or property of the public or which is affected by any contagious disease or insect infestation shall be declared a public nuisance. The owner of the property shall be notified, in writing, of the existence of the nuisance and given reasonable time for its correction or removal. If not corrected or removed within the allotted time, the Shade Tree Commission shall cause the nuisance to be corrected or removed, and the cost thereof shall be assessed to the owner as provided by law. If you observe violations of these or any Borough code, please call the Code Enforcement Division at (717) 737-3457 or email Chris Miller at
A public information meeting is planned for Thursday, March 21 at 6 pm in Prosser Hall. Following are some matters that will be discussed at the meeting.
• Spring Choral Concert, Wednesday, May 8th, 2 pm, Sutliff Aududitorium. Admission is free.
• April 13 - 41st Annual Jazz Fest Band Festival, The Pollock Center
• April 29th; this is a presale event ONLY. Tickets can be purchased thru Jen Baney at
High School Fall Play Once Upon a Mattress March 15-17 Pollock Center Visit the Grace Milliman Pollock website at for more information.
When it rains, much of the water does not soak into the ground. If it lands on a roof, driveway or other impervious surface, the water runs along the surface, across paved areas, along curbs and into ditches. Often it then runs into stormwater inlets which are covered with a grate. These inlets are connected by buried pipes. We have about 17 miles of pipe that help convey the stormwater. Stormwater runoff can cause public safety hazards, health risks and environmental threats. Flooding needs to be prevented. The runoff also picks up dirt, trash, oil, grease, pesticides, fertilizers, pet waste and other pollutants and carries
S t o r m wa t e r P ro gr a m
Our volunteer spotlight this quarter recognizes Bob Clemm for 60 years of dedication to fire safety in the Borough of Camp Hill and throughout Central Pennsylvania. He attended Millersville State College and obtained his degree in education and later went on to obtain two Masters Degrees. He was named “Educator of the Year” in 1992 by Shippensburg University, Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa. • During his college years, Bob worked part time at the West Shore base station, which dispatched emergency calls for our area. • He became a State Certified Fire Instructor for the Pennsylvania State Fire Academy and became a very active local level instructor. He taught extensively on the West Shore and throughout Cumberland County and in that role was responsible for local fire companies adopting new methods of firefighting. • Based on his reputation and skill, Bob was frequently a guest instructor at the State Fire Academy in Lewistown. For many years in the 1980s, when the state was crippled with budget deficits, Bob devoted countless days volunteering at the Academy so that they could continue their structural burn sessions. • Bob was Assistant Fire Chief for Camp Hill Borough through most of his career. After “retiring” from active firefighting duties, he became active in the fire police operation. • Bob also maintained the fire company’s history over the years. • Bob met his wife of 52 years, Sandy, through the fire company. Sandy’s father, Robert F. McCormick was also a life member. If you would like to recognize someone, submit a short write-up to Jon Arosell at
them into our waterways. Stream banks can be eroded. Eventually the pipes connect to larger pipes and then discharge to the surface or through an outfall to a stream. Ultimately the stormwater runs to the Susquehanna River and then to the Chesapeake Bay. The State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requires the Borough to manage its stormwater as part of its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program. If the Borough does not address stormwater concerns including reducing pollutants in the next five years, DEP and EPA will likely impose fines based on the permit associated with the Borough’s stormwater discharge.
stormwater runoff but do not pay towards the stormwater system since they are exempt from taxes. The Borough chose to develop aerial imagery of all properties in the Borough from which the amount of impervious surface on each property was measured. Because we have impervious area amounts, we can determine how to distribute costs more equitably. Pennsylvania recently passed a law allowing Authorities to charge a stormwater fee. The Borough plans to use the impervious area data to determine what this fee should be for each property. This also means that properties that are not subject to taxes will contribute to the community’s stormwater needs based on the amount of impervious area on their property.
We do. There are stormwater needs throughout the Borough which need to be addressed in coming years. For example, much of our stormwater pipe is metal and has been in use for decades causing it to corrode and deform. Improvements in the next 5 years will cost about $9.5 million dollars. These improvements are needed to protect public health and properties and sustain our roadways.
Besides costs from improvement projects, there are regular operation and maintenance costs associated with the stormwater system. Currently, Borough property owners pay to maintain and improve the stormwater system through property taxes. The problem with using taxes is that a property’s assessed value does not correlate to the amount of stormwater it sends into the system. In addition, tax exempt properties often contribute significant
We could, but it isn’t equitable. For example, 74% of the taxable assessed value in the Borough is from residential parcels. But residential properties actually only have 53% of the impervious area (IA) in the Borough. If stormwater needs are paid from taxes, residential properties pay more than they should. Please come to the public meeting planned for Thursday, March 21 at 6 pm in Prosser Hall.
Help us to help you by keeping your tree branches trimmed to the required height of no less than 12 feet in height from ground level so fire apparatus and plow trucks may get through without becoming
Clubs and Events entangled with the branches! Also making sure that any branches and or ornamentals do NOT block the sidewalks or stope signs for safe passage. (Section 187-7 of the code of the Borough of Camp Hill) Also keeping basketball hoop sets out of the street and back from the curb line is also a help as well. In times of emergency, time is of the utmost importance help us to help you by maintaining your property and keeping Camp Hill a Safe and Healthy Community.
call to the contact listed below if you are interested. We are always looking for new members who share our interests in the environment and to energize our organization. Membership dues are $10 for students and $20 for adults with a maximum of $50 per family. Applications for membership can be picked up in the Recreation Office, calling 737-4548, emailing or at a CHEC meeting. We have found some additional information on recycling plastic packaging material. In addition to their own plastic grocery bags, Giant Food Stores recycle plastic bubble wrap, bread bags, and saran wrap. Please visit the Borough website for more information on the Environmental Club. For additional information or to suggest future program ideas, call Paul Garrett at 717- 514-3546 or
The Camp Hill Woman’s Club, established in 1950, is a philanthropic organization of women from Camp Hill and surrounding areas including New Cumberland, Mechanicsburg, East Pennsboro, Enola, Shiremanstown, and Harrisburg. We are women committed to helping community organizations by raising money through fundraisers to donate to several charities each year. Some charities we support include: Camp Hill HS Scholarship, PA Wounded Warriors, Bethesda Mission, New Hope Ministries, Camp Hill Fire Dept., Caitlin Smiles, West Shore Meals on Wheels, Downtown Daily Bread, Salvation Army, River Rescue, Children’s Cancer Recovery, and more.
The Club’s only goal is to try to preserve /improve Camp Hill’s water, air, land, flora and fauna for our children & grandchildren. The Camp Hill Environmental Club (CHEC) spent significant time in 2018 working on recycling efforts, stormwater issues, removing litter from Borough streets and cleaning the Conodoguinet Creek. Because of the Newsletter deadline date, we have not been able to include our plans for 2019 here so stay tuned for the next newsletter or make a
Sean and Jason Talbott (717) 343-5070 (Monica Smith, mother) Travis Lauchman • (717) 736-5672 (mobile)
Those listed are not Borough employees. Advertising their services in this newsletter is a courtesy, not an endorsement. Payment for services rendered is between residents and service providers.
On December 12, 2018, Col. Ward Adams, was recognized during the Borough Council Meeting. He is involved in many volunteer organizations in the Borough. He is the merit badge counselor for Boy Scout Troop 51 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Camp Hill. He is a lifetime member of the Camp Hill Historical Society and he has been director of the board for quite some time. He is currently the Director of Emergency Management for the Borough of Camp Hill and a member of local Emergency Management for Cumberland County. He serves as the Vice-Commander of American Legion Post 43 and for the past ten years, he has been serving on the Camp Hill Memorial Day Committee for the American Legion and the Camp Hill Borough. In this role, he has presided over the Memorial Day Services at the Camp Hill Cemetery. For all these reasons and so many more, Col. Ward Adams is named this year’s recipient of Camp Hill Borough’s Volunteerism Award.
SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Camp Hill Recreation is looking for a Recreation Intern, Siebert Park Day Camp Counselors, Lifeguards and Snack Shack employees for summer 2019. Applications available on our website.
• Must be 18 years or older • Experience in planning and evaluating programs • Experience working with children and adults of all ages • Leadership experience in a recreational setting • Microsoft Office literate (Word, Publisher, Excel) • Good communication skills and ability to work with the public Intern Responsibilities • Enrolling participants in Active Net System • Assist with phone and front desk work • Assist with Seasonal Programs and Camps • Assist with Summer Special Events and planning of Fall Events • Evaluating programs and complying information • Assist with preparing upcoming newsletter for next season • Writing Sponsorship Letters • Other duties assigned
Clubs and Events We extend an invitation to guests to attend our monthly programs and meetings at the Camp Hill Borough Hall, the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Our meetings run thru April and include a program and dessert follow every meeting. When you join, you will receive a Yearbook, member names (85 current) and a copy of the monthly Newsletter - The Grapevine. Our final fundraiser is: • Cash Bingo Event - April 13th, Noon - 4:00, Borough Hall Come join us to have some fun, meet new friends and support the cause. Application for membership is on our website at: We also have a Facebook site Camp Hill Woman’s Club. Look us up and join!
• Must be 15 years of age or older • Must be ARC certified • Loves being outside • Dedicated to working a shift
• Must be 16 years of age or older • Loves working with the public • Strong work ethic • Must be good with money and making change • Some basic cooking experience
Free introductory course
Have fun, make new friends and exercise your brain
Evening class: Mondays, 6:30-8:30 pm, April 1 – May 13 Daytime class: Mondays, 1:00-3:00 pm, April 1 – May 13 Location: Harrisburg Bridge Club 349 North 21st Street Cost: Free + $10 for the book Contact Information: Jack Rudy; • 717-580-9659 Jack is an ACBL Accredited Bridge Teacher
Look for more details on Facebook and
• Must be 18 years or older • Dedicated • Positive Role Model • Loves working with children • CPR and First Aid Certification desired, however training will be available • Available to work May 29 – August 16
L.B SMITH LINCOLN – “DRIVEN TO GIVE” Many thanks to L. B. Smith Lincoln, their employees, and everyone that came out and test drove a car at our “Driven To Give” event in October. We were able to raise $2760.00 for the band!
41ST ANNUAL JAZZ FEST Please plan to join us on Saturday, April 13th at the Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center. Middle School Jazz Bands from throughout the area will perform in the afternoon and High School Jazz bands will perform during the evening. Tickets will be sold at the door. It is going to be a fabulous day of music in our community. We hope to see you there. We would appreciate your support as a sponsor/ad patron for our festival! For more information, please contact Betsy Gayner ( GIANT AND KARNS GIFT CARDS Everybody has to grocery shop! For every $100 gift card purchased, you receive $100 and the band earns $5. To purchase gift cards, you can visit Orrstown Bank (Market Street and Orrs Bridge Road) or contact Maura Caddell (574-2985 or to make arrangements for delivery. We sell them all year long and truly appreciate your support! or
Clubs and Events THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS HAVE OFFERED THEIR LAWN MOWING SERVICES TO CAMP HILL BOROUGH RESIDENTS FOR THE 2019 SEASON: Lucas and Seth Pertschi • 730-3829 Evan & Joe McCloskey • 761-3219 Justin Shover • 433-3021 Sean and Jason Talbott 805-9003 (Monica Smith, mother) Ben Brodie • 810-6308
Evan Ketterer • 418-9005 Mike Ruell • 503-8980 Adam Cleland • 943-5907 Steve & Harry Bowman • 743-1060 Fred Wadlinger • 609-3584
Those listed are not Borough employees. Advertising their services in this newsletter is a courtesy, not an endorsement. Payment for services rendered is between residents and service providers.
2019 CAMP HILL AQUATIC CLUB Schedule is now posted. Summer registrations opens 3/26/19. For more information visit
Ages 4 to 8 years old, Born in 2011 to 2014–Intramural Spring 2019 League Saturday, April 6th through May 31, 2019. Fee $40 to $65 depending on age
Ages 8 to 14 years old, Born in 2005 to 2010–Travel teams begin games on Saturday, April 6th through June 6th, 2019. Fees: $75 to $105, plus uniform kit
CAMP HILL BOROUGH RESIDENT INDUCTED INTO MILITARY AND VETERANS AFFAIRS HALL OF FAME On Tuesday, December 11, 2018, Helen Sajer was inducted into the Military and Veterans Affairs Hall of Fame. Congratulations Helen and thank you for your hard work with the Pennsylvania W o u n d e d Warriors Inc. To read more about Helen and this award please go to Photo courtesy of
It’s Girl Scout Cookie time. Which is your favorite? We are happy to announce that Camp Hill Girl Scouts will be out and about again this year peddling your favorites! The sale runs from January 17-April 14. By participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program®, the largest girl-led entrepreneurship program for girls in the world, girls have real-world opportunities to manage money, make ethical business decisions, set goals, meet deadlines, understand customers’ needs, and have fun as they learn and earn¾preparing them to become the female leaders of tomorrow. And did you know, all proceeds stay local? If you are looking to purchase cookies and have not met a Girl Scout, please contact Dana Little at
Please contact your coach about paying spring fee online. The Camp Hill Soccer Club congratulates the Camp Hill High School Girls and Boys Soccer Teams for their 2018 District III Championships and MidPenn Capital Division Championships!
Recreation Department
A Message From the Director... Camps were very well received and we will continue to offer them this summer. We are very excited about our special events this year especially our 100th Annual Memorial Day Parade and Festivities. Details about this event and our Bunny Eggstravaganza and Kite Festival can be found in this newsletter. Anyone interested in participating please read the articles about this year’s events. Please remember that each Newsletter covers approximately 3 months of activities and events. As with all Camp Hill Recreation programs, registration is on a first come first served basis. Please read over all registration procedures for each program carefully, so you do not miss any important deadlines. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas for new programs, please contact the recreation office by phone at (717)737-4548 or by email I am a one person office, so I am not always able to answer my phone when it rings. If I am not available to answer your call, please leave a detailed message and I will return your call as soon as possible (usually within one business day). Thank you,
Dear Friends I hope all of you enjoyed a happy and safe holiday season with your family and friends. So far this winter has been a pretty calm, but I am sure we will have some true winter snow before spring comes. As you finalize your summer plans, please be sure to check out all of our summer camp offerings so you don’t miss any of the fun right here at home! All of our programs, camps and special events details can be found in here, on our website and also on our app. If you are on Facebook be sure to like Camp Hill Park And Recreation on Facebook which is another way to hear about what is going on in the Recreation Department. The Youth Basketball Program is winding down for this season. The children have been enjoying their games since January in Eisenhower Gym and most teams will complete their seasons on February 23rd. I would like to thank all the parents and coaches for their help this season. Thanks, also, to the coordinators who helped make this season possible. A special thank you to Jay Shoen who coordinates the referees and Megan Luther-Storie who helped with scheduling practices for this program. We have many camps and programs this year. Please be sure to check out the details about the camps and programs. Many of the camps like Siebert Park Day Camp, Theatre camps and Science
Audrey J. Logar Recreation Director
Jon Arosell, Dustin Chapman, Superintendent Patty Craig, Borough Manager Pat Dennis, William Forrey, Patty Gilroy, Melanie Gurgiolo, David Hershey, Mayor Mark Simpson, Doug Snyder, Council Member Leigh Twiford and Paul White
In December, Camp Hill Borough and Centric Bank joined forces to host the Toys for Tots Parade and Holiday Tree Lighting. Even though we were unable to have the parade portion of our event due to weather, we were able to have some great performances in the community room by the Camp Hill High School Band, Quaker City String Band and the Girl Scouts. We had an awesome turnout and collected a lot of toys. Thanks to all your help there were many children in Central PA that received toys.
The success of this day would not have been possible without the support of many organizations and businesses in and around the Borough of Camp Hill, especially Centric Bank. We would like to thank Petty Officer Anthony Rivera and the US Marine Corps, ABF U-Pack Moving for their contributions towards the parade as well as all businesses that collected toys. We would also like to thank Karns, Giant, Weis, Camp Hill Lion’s Club, Camp Hill Woman’s and the Junior Civic Clubs for their contributions towards the refreshments in Prosser Hall following the Tree Lighting. A special thanks to Camp Hill Marching Band, Blooms by Vickrey, Camp Hill Fire Company, Camp Hill Fire Police and Police Dept., Camp Hill VolunTEEN, Borough Council and Recreation Commission for their continued support towards community events.
A few of us drove around the whole borough, over a period of nights and picked the top three homes decorated on December 18th. The winners were surprised when we knocked on their door that night. Prizes were donated by Blooms by Vickrey. Congratulations! 1st place: 2300 Lincoln Street • 2nd Place: 2800 Laurel Lane • 3rd Place: 3127 Beverly Road • Honor. Mention: 2201 Dickinson Ave.
If you are interested in having access to utilize the stadium when it is not being used for an event, you need to stop by the Borough Office and fill out an application. One application per family. To enter the stadium access the Siebert Park Stadium near the Athletic House. Just swipe your card and push on the access gate. It will turn to let one person enter. If you lose your card, you need to notify the Borough immediately, so we can deactivate your card. Replacement cards, are $5.00 each. You can view the stadium calendar on our website under Recreation/Facilities to see when it is occupied.
If you have not yet purchased a brick at Siebert Park, there is still time. Bricks will continue to be sold even though The Lion’s Den is complete. The funds that are collected now will go towards the upkeep of the parks. If you are interested in purchasing a brick for yourself or a loved one, please go to our site for a brick form and it can be dropped off with payment to the Recreation Office.
RECREATION COMMISSION MEETINGS 2019 In 2019 the Camp Hill Recreation Commission will conduct its meetings at 6 pm at the Borough Building of Camp Hill Municipal Office in the conference room, on the following dates: April 9th, July 2nd, and October 1st
Thomas J. Prosser Hall in the Camp Hill Borough Building is available to rent for parties, wedding receptions, meetings, etc. Our elegant community room seats 200 people, has a large kitchen, and a garden patio right outside. For general information or make a reservation please go to our website:
This center which is located at Siebert Park in Camp Hill is available to rent for meetings, parties, etc. The EERC can accommodate up to 65 people, has a kitchen, and two restrooms. For general information or make a reservation please go to our website:
The Camp Hill Pool is available to rent for an evening party after regular pool hours. The Pool Parties can accommodate up to 200 people. Please go to our website: for more information and to place a reservation call the Recreation Office.
If you have a class idea or would like to look into becoming an instructor, please call Audrey Logar, the Recreation Director at (717) 737-4548 or email If this type of class is of interest to you or you are someone willing to teach this type of class, we would love to hear from you.
Camp Hill Recreation invites your children ages 3 - 9 to an evening of activities. Parents you may drop your kids off for an evening out on Friday, April 12, 2019 from 6 pm – 8 pm at the Camp Hill Community Room. The children will make a craft, decorate eggs, listen to a story, play games, etc. The cost is $11.00 per child. Be sure to check out the coloring contest found on our website. Extra coloring forms are available at the Borough Building. Pre-registration is required by April 5th and no refunds will be given.
Camp Hill Recreation and the Keystone Kiters are teaming up again for our Annual Kite Festival This event is 12 - 4 pm at Fiala Field. We are adding something new to this festival, called Grandpop Bubbles, where kids and adults will be entertained by bubbles and participate if you wish. So mark your
calendar and come out and enjoy a relaxing and FREE afternoon with your family.
This 100th Annual Event will take place on May 27, 2019. The parade will start at 9:30 AM and the Cemetery Ceremony will follow at 11 AM. We hope the community can join us in the Cemetery for our Ceremony, as we celebrate the 100th year of not only the parade but for the American Legion Post 43 here in Camp Hill. Anyone interested in being in the parade please contact the Recreation office at (717) 7374548 by May 3rd. Look for the program for this event on our web page in early May.
Camp Hill Borough will be holding their festivities in Willow Park. These festivities in Willow Park will start after the parade. There will be food, activities and the High School Jazz Band will be performing as well. If you and/or your club would like to take part in these festivities please go to the Borough website, fill out the application and mail or drop it off to the Recreation Office by May 3rd.
This Award Winning Event is back again and will be in Willow Park from 11:30 - 1:00 PM. If it rains, it will be held the following Friday. We would like to invite all of you to come to the park on opening day and enjoy the great music. You may bring your lunch or buy your lunch at the park. We encourage you to bring a chair or a blanket to sit on. More details will be in the available late spring, but for now here are the dates: June 7 & 21, July 12 & 26, August 9.
Please read Refund Policy before registering. ADULT CLASSES
A full description for all classes can be found on our website under Recreation.
This class provides a one hour fun class of well choreographed routines to upbeat music. This dance workout class includes a warm up, abdominal work and vertifirm for the hips and thighs. Hand held weights (max. 6 pounds per hand) and ankle weights (2 ½ pounds per leg) are optional. All routines, including the booster, six aerobic dances and cool down can be geared to anyone’s fitness level. Tues. / Thurs.: April 2 – June 6 Time: 6 pm – 7 pm Location: Hoover All-Purpose Room Cost: residents $154/non-residents $164 (Drop in - $9)
BEFIT BODY & MIND YOGA Instructor: Sabrina Kish Individualized yoga taught in a group setting - aka Mysore style classes. Learn how to individualize a yoga practice to your needs and desires. In this process you learn your yoga practice and can practice it anytime anywhere, even developing a home practice. This is very EMPOWERING :) Tuesdays: April 16 – June 4 Time: 6 – 8 pm Location: Cabin Cost: resident $44 / non-resident $48 Drop in: $10 per class
BEFIT BODY & MIND BEGINNER YOGA Instructor: Chelsea Parcels
Thursdays: April 25 – May 30 Time: 6 – 7 pm Location: Cabin Cost: resident $33 / non-resident $36 Drop in: $10 per class
CHAIR YOGA Instructor: Chelsea Parcels
Saturdays: February 23 & March 30 Time: 9:30 - 10:30 am Location: Cabin Cost: resident $10 / non-resident $15
This class will be focusing on recipes and super simple "busy life" tips and tricks to carry health and wellness throughout weeknights. This class is FREE and open to the public, be sure to reserve your seat today, as
the class is limited to 15. Call the Recreation Office: 737-4548. Thursday: March 14 Time: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Location: Community Room
This course is designed for persons 55+, but any licensed driver can take the course. Reach out to your insurance company to determine eligibility for 5% discount on insurance for taking this course. Dates: March 4 Time: 8:30-12:30 pm, please arrive 15 minutes before class start to complete registration, pay fee and receive class materials. Bring: Drivers License & AARP Membership Card, (Permissible to bring beverage or snack as there are no vending machines on premises.) Location: Community Room Cost: $15.00 for AARP Members with valid AARP card / $20.00 for Nonmembers. Make checks payable to AARP
Instructor: Jenn Dusart Tues. and Thurs.: February 12 – May 30, No class 5/21 Time: 10-11 am Location: Community Room Pay as go: $5.00
OPEN WATER SCUBA: Harrisburg West Shore Scuba: Ron Willis Explore the underwater world by enrolling in a PADI Open Water Scuba Course. This course is for those who wish to pursue Scuba Certification. Certification courses are taught by PADI instructors from Harrisburg’s West Shore Scuba Center. Participant must be in good health and able to swim 200 yards. Students must supply your own mask, fins, snorkel and booties. This is considered personal gear and can be purchased at the scuba shop. For more details please go to our website or call the West Shore Scuba Shop at 717836-7699. Dates: July 27 – 28 Ages: 10 and up Times: 10 am – 3 pm Location: Camp Hill Borough Pool Cost: residents $207 / non-residents $218 (E Learning costs are not included)
A full description for all classes can be found on our website under Recreation.
KIDS YOGA WITH PEACEFUL POSES KIDS YOGA Instructor: Ann Fields Yoga classes designed just for children ages 3-7! We will be exploring themes such as Snowball Yoga, Love Yoga and hopefully some Garden Yoga! All classes explore simple yoga poses, improve balance and flexibility, enhance creativity and promote love and kindness. A positive environment cultivating compassion, respect and mindfulness. Peaceful Poses Kids Yoga provides yoga mats for children or they may bring their own. A liability waiver signature is required and distributed at the first class. Parents are asked to stay during classes. You are welcome to visit our website at or email Ann at Mondays: Feb. 11, March 4, 11 & 25 Ages: 3-7 Times: 12:30 – 1:15 pm Location: Community Room Cost: $10.00 per class, cash only
Students in grades 1-3 & 4-6 will take an in-depth look at engineering and the workings behind it. You will learn simple machines first, then apply that base knowledge to design more complex machines! Everyone will get fun, hands-on experience using LEGO®. Bring a snack and drink. Thursdays: February 7 – 28 Grades: 1 - 3 and 4 - 6 Times: 3:30 -5 pm Location: Community Room Cost: resident $99 / non-resident $109
KIDS CREATIVE ART CLASSES (Instructor: Allison Juliana)
An opportunity for young art enthusiasts who are looking to enhance their artist skills. This class will outline various drawing and painting techniques as well as experimentation with a wide variety of art materials. Original art work will be created to take home upon completion. All supplies are included in the cost of the program. Please wear clothing that is appropriate to get a little messy! Mondays: February 4 – 25 Grades: 3 - 6
Recreation Department Times: 6:30 – 7:30 pm Location: Community Room Cost: resident $82 / non-resident $88
You can start registering for summer camps on Tuesday, February 26th. Go to and look under Recreation and “click” on the dark green button. You need to make an account for you and your family members prior to registering for an activity or camp. If you have an account from a prior year and forgot your login or password, please don’t make a new account, click on “Forgot your login name or password?” button for assistance. Of course, you are always welcome to stop by the Borough offices to register in person, but you will need an account prior to registering for an activity or camp. If you need help in making an account, please call the Recreation Office and I recommend you doing that prior to February 26, 2019.
Campers will enjoy sports, arts and crafts, swimming and other theme based activities. Registration will start on February 26th for all participants. You may join up for as many weeks as you want, provided the space is not already taken. For more information, please go to the Camp Hill Borough Website. NOTICE: Please go to and read over the Parent Packet and fill out the Emergency Form. Also be sure to write down t-shirt size when you register, deadline for shirts is May 18th. Monday – Friday: June 10 – August 16 (No camp Thurs., 7/4) Time: 8:00 am to 5:30 pm Ages: Open to elementary aged children who have completed kindergarten through the summer following 5th grade. Cost per week: resident $154/ non-resident $170
Details of this camp were not available at the time of this publication. Please look for details on our website in the coming months.
Dive into the world of marine biology and oceanography! In our morning day camp you’ll dissect a real shark, participate in a fisherman’s challenge, examine the anatomy of a fish and learn the ancient technique of gyotaku or “fish rubbing”, learn to survive at sea with a homemade solar still, create a kelp forest and make your own submarine. Stay for the full day camp and come face-to-face with some unique sea creatures! You’ll complete a squid dissection, bring to life genuine Triassic Triops, conduct a whale adaptations lab, and examine many weird wonders that live under the sea! . Monday – Friday: July 15 – July 19 Ages: 7-11 Time:: 9 – 12 pm Location: Camp Hill Community Room Cost: resident $240/non-resident $250
We’ve taken our after-school club programs from 2018-19 and turned them into a fun-filled, week-long camp that features a new slime every day, in addition to exploring an array of amazing science! In the half day morning camp we will make chalkboard slime and all new color changing slime and magnetic slime! In addition, we’ll build inventions like catapults, discover how electricity and circuits work by making conductive dough, and explore biology as we extract DNA from a banana and dissect an owl pellet. Monday – Friday: July 29 – August 2 Ages: 7-11 Time: 9 – 12 pm Location: Camp Hill Community Room Cost per camp: resident $240/ non-resident $250
Instructor: Sylvan Edge Staff Students will explore various aspects of engineering, beginning with LEGO© models and eventually moving to K'NEX©. They will learn about gears, wheels and axles, pulleys, inclined planes, and more! The week will culminate in K'NEX© racecars and bridges. Monday-Friday: June 24 - 28 Grades: 1 – 8 Time: 1- 4 pm Location: Community Room Cost: resident $249/non-resident $259
Instructor: Sylvan Edge Staff Students will explore the world of robotics through the use of LEGO©. Sylvan is featuring an all-new robotics program where new themes will be explored: ranging from outer space battles to baby birds chirping in a nest! Students will begin the week building predetermined robots, but will gradually begin to design and program their own ideas! Monday- Friday: July 22 - 26 Grades: 1-8 Time: 1 – 4 pm Location: Community Room Cost: resident $249/non-resident $259
Instructor: Sylvan Edge Staff Students will explore the basics of coding. Beginning with basic coding blocks and instructions, they will learn the fundamentals and use them to create their own video games and more! Monday- Friday: August 5 - 9 Grades: 1-10 Time: 12 – 3 pm Location: Community Room Cost: resident $249/non-resident $259
Camp Hill Recreation, in conjunction with the Camp Hill High School Boys Basketball program, will be offering three Boys Basketball Camps this summer. The camps will be run by Scott Barrows, Camp Hill High School Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach and his coaching staff, along with several of the High School players. Lions Future Stars Camp will be offered to boys entering 4th grade through boys entering 9th grade. This camp will include skill development, competitive team games, individual contests, and sportsmanship. Monday – Thursday: June 10 – 13 Time: 9 - 4 pm Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: resident $148/non-resident $158 Elite Lion Basketball Training will be offered to boys entering 7th through boys entering 9th grade. This is a concentrated skills camp for the serious basketball player to hone his individual abilities and improve agility through focused basketball-specific training. Monday – Thursday: June 17 – 20 Time: 3 – 5 pm
Please read Refund Policy before registering. Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: resident $110/non-resident $120 Little Lions Basketball Camp will be offered to boys entering K through boys entering 3rd grade. This camp will emphasize fun and provide age appropriate instruction highlighting skills and games to get the boys excited about basketball. Monday – Thursday: June 17 – 20 Time: 6 – 7:30 pm Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: resident $82/non-resident $92 All Participants receive a t-shirt if registered by May 29th. Register EARLY so you don’t miss out.
Camp Hill Recreation with Mark Clarke, Camp Hill Varsity Basketball Coach, will be offering a Basketball Camp. During the camp the players will work with coaches & VARSITY players on skills, contests & games. All participants will receive a shirt. Monday – Thursday: TBD Ages: Entering 3rd – Entering 8th Grade Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm Location: Eisenhower Gym Cost: resident $93/non-resident $103
Introduce your child to the beautiful game. Current players, sharpen your skills. Players will train with and learn from the State Championship team and the Camp Hill High School Boys Coach, Justin Sheaffer. Sessions are for both boys and girls and are designed to teach skills through fun drills and games. Advanced players may be asked to move up an age group after the first session. Each player will receive a Camp Tshirt, no guarantee of shirt after May 1st registration. Players should wear cleats (or sneakers) and shin guards, bring a ball, and bring water to the camp. Parents are welcome to stay and watch the sessions. Please e-mail questions to Justin Sheaffer at Rain dates if needed will be on the Friday of the week your child is participating in camp. Ages: 5 – 6 year olds Monday – Thursday: June 3 – 6 Time: 5 – 6 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $46/non-resident $56 Ages: 7 – 9 year olds Monday – Thursday: June 3 – 6 Time: 6 – 8 pm
Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $93/non-resident $103 Ages: 3 – 4 year olds Monday – Thursday: June 17 – 20 Time: 5 – 5:45 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $40/non-resident $50 Ages: 10 – 12 year olds Monday – Thursday: June 17 – 20 Time: 6 – 8 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $93/non-resident $103
If you’re looking to improve your individual lacrosse skills, have fun and meet new friends , then the best thing you can do is attend one of our Boys Lacrosse Camp. Our lacrosse camp is geared to lax players of all ability levels from experienced players to beginners. Our four-day LAX camp provides lacrosse players with lacrosse training from our expert coaches – while also stressing the importance of developing leadership skills and being a good sport. With a commitment to provide individualized development, you’re sure to develop a newfound confidence and passion for the sport of lacrosse! Monday – Thursday: July 15 – 18 Grades: Entering 3rd – Entering 6th Time: 4:30 – 6 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $75/non-resident $85
Camp Hill Recreation will be offering a Field Hockey Camp and it will be run by Julie Colestock and Ashley Yeager with the assistance of the Camp Hill HS Field Hockey Staff. During the camp the players will work on skills and small group stations and have contests/games. All participants will receive a shirt, if registered by July 13th. Field Hockey Sticks will be available for use at camp and if you are interested in buying a stick reach out to Julie Colestock at Shin guards, water bottles are a must and mouth guards suggested but optional. Monday – Thursday: July 29-August 1, if needed Friday, August 2 will be used as a rain make up day Ages: Entering 3rd – Entering 8th Grade Time: 6 – 8 pm Location: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $93/non-resident $103
Youth wrestling camp will be directed by High School Coaches & coaching staff. Camp will consist each evening of wrestling drills and skills in a fun competitive teaching style. Opportunities for live wrestling and tournament style wrestling will exist most days. All experience levels from never having wrestled before to any level of experience are encouraged to attend. Wrestling shoes and headgears are encouraged but not required. Coach Gallaher would love for anyone who has never wrestled before to give this a try. All participants will receive a shirt, if registered by June 28. Sunday – Thursday: July 14 – 18 Grades: Entering K—Entering 7th Time: 6-7:30 pm Location: June 10-13: Eisenhower Elementary Gym & June 14: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $57.50/non-resident $67.50
Instructor: Dave Juktus The Sports Explorer camp will be instructed by Dave Jutkus, the Camp Hill Elementary PE teacher. This 5 day camp will be an introduction to various sports with hopes that one or more of the sports will spark interest in our young participants. No experience is necessary as this camp is solely and introduction to various sports. The children will participate in skills, drills, and games each day that are related to each of the following sports: volleyball, basketball, lacrosse, soccer, and track and field. Participants are to show up prepared with a bottle of water, sneakers, and appropriate clothing to run and play. All equipment will be provided. Dates: June 10 - June 14 Grades: Entering 1 – Entering 3 Time: 6 – 7 pm Location: June 10-13: Eisenhower Elementary Gym & June 14: Siebert Park Stadium Cost: resident $57.50/non-resident $67.50
Instructor Greg Herb This program will assist you in learning how to play or will assist you in enhancing the skills you all ready have. Participants are asked to bring their own racquet. Mondays/Wednesdays: June 17 – July 3
Recreation Department Time: 8:30 am - 9:15 am, ages 6 – 8 (beginners) Time: 10:00 am - 11:00am, ages 9-14 (beginners and intermediate) Location: Siebert Park Tennis Courts Cost: resident $60/non-resident $70 (Min. 5 / Max. 20 participants) Registration is due one week before session.
More details to be announced in the coming weeks on: Monday - Friday Ages: 5 – 8 Dates: Camp 1: June 10 - 14 Camp 2: June 24 - 28 Camp 3: July 8 - 12 Camp 4: July 22 - 26 Time: 9:30 – 11 am Location: Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center Cost per session: resident $80/ non-resident $90 Descriptions of Classes: available on website soon.
Please go to and read over the Parent Packet and fill out the Emergency Form once you register.
Grades: Entering 4th Grade to 17 Dates: June 10 – July 3
Shows: July 2 and 3, 10 am and 7 pm
Location: Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center Time: Must be available 8:00-3:00 M-TTH, 8-11:30 am W&F (Pool Time Optional 11:30-3 pm) Cost: resident $405/non-resident $455
Grades: Going into 3rd - 5th Dates: July 1 – July 18 Shows: July 17 and 18, 10 am and 7 pm
Location: Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center Time: 7/1–16: 8–12 pm, 7/17–18: 8–3 pm Cost: resident $205/non-resident $255
Grades: Entering 4th Grade to 17 years old Dates: July 8 – August 1 Shows: July 31 and August 1, 10 am and 7 pm Location: Grace Milliman Pollock Performing Arts Center Time: Must be available 8:00-3:00 M-T-TH, 8-11:30 am W&F (Pool Time Optional 11:30-3 pm) Cost: resident $405/non-resident $455
Please read Refund Policy before registering. POOL PASS 2019 TO PURCHASE A POOL MEMBERSHIP Camp Hill Borough offers pool memberships through the Active Network program. There is no longer a paper application. To purchase a pool membership, visit There are two options to proceed. Under the “I Want To” section (at the bottom of the screen), click “Purchase a pool membership”. Or, select the Recreation Department and click the large green button in the right-hand corner labeled “Register for Activities”. Both steps will bring you to the same screen. If you have an Active Network account established, click the blue “Sign In” button. Otherwise, click “Create an Account” under the blue button. Do not create a new account if you have registered for other Borough-sponsored recreational activities in the past; in that case, you already have an established Active Network account. Simply access your existing account and purchase your membership. When creating an account, please completely spell out your address. Add all household members five years of age and older to
REFUND POLICY A refund will not be granted for any session $50 or less. This includes any program (one day programs, camps, or multi session programs) offered by the Recreation Department. For all sessions greater than $50, a refund will be granted according to this schedule:
Refund Request Date Amount of Refund >90 days before program 75% of program cost 60-90 days before program 50% of program cost 30-59 days before program 25% of program cost Less than 30 days before program No refund No refund will be granted for any camps after July 1st. If any program is cancelled by the Recreation Department due to insufficient participation, a full refund will be granted.
the account. If you have a nanny, this person must be added to the account using the following guidelines. Use the word “Nanny” for the first name and your last name for the last name. For example, the nanny for the Smith family would be Nanny Smith. For the nanny’s address, use your address. For the nanny’s date of birth, choose a date that keeps the age under twenty-three years (23) old, for example 1/1/2000. These guidelines are necessary so you are not overcharged for your membership. If you need clarification, please call the Borough Office. Once your account is established, you may proceed and purchase the pool membership that best suits your household. Active Network only accepts credit or debit card payments. For those who wish to pay by cash or check, you must still visit the Borough Office; Borough staff will assist you in completing your transaction. For those interested in purchasing the grandparent membership (5-visit swipe card), make sure your Active Network account is established before visiting the Borough Office to complete your transaction. Borough Staff will not do this for you. Once your membership is purchased, you may go to the pool. When your pool membership cards are created (usually within 1 or 2 days), ask for them at the pool front desk. Each person, with the exception of a nanny, will have their photograph taken at the pool front desk. Returning members will use their cards issued from previous years.
MEMBERSHIP RATES & INFORMATION Membership Rate: Resident Non Resident Family* $160.00 $320.00 Adult (18+) $121.00 $242.00 Child (5–17) $105.00 $210.00 Senior (60+) $ 66.00 $132.00 Grandparent Plan (5-visit punch card)** $ 50.00 $100.00
*Restricted to household members. For purposes of this application, "household" is defined as two adults and four children five years of age and older. Each additional child (five years of age and older) is $20 more. Children include individuals up to 23 years of age who are in school. A nanny is an additional $25. Each additional adult or senior in the household must pay the separate applicable rate. **Purchased at Borough Office, not
online. Create an account on the Active Network through the Borough website before visiting the Borough Office. Non Residents - membership is available only to residents of the following municipalities: Lemoyne Borough, Wormleysburg Borough, Hampden Twp, Lower Allen Twp, East Pennsboro Twp
• Memorial Day Weekend: May 25 – 27 • June 1 & 2 • Pool will open daily, weather permitting, beginning Saturday, June 8th through Labor Day, September 2nd (subject to change due to school make-up days). When the Camp Hill School District is in session, the pool is closed on weekdays. • Monday thru Saturday 12 pm – 8 pm • Sunday 1 pm – 8 pm • Adult Swim (18 years & older) Mon, Wed & Fri, 6:30 am – 8 am • Hours vary on occasion due to aquatic events. Affected dates will be posted at the pool. • Inclement weather and pool closures: call (717)909-3148 for the pool front desk. • Daily rate for Borough residents five years and older: ten dollars ($10) • Daily rate for non-residents five years and older: twenty dollars ($20) • Daily rate for guest accompanying a pool member: eight dollars ($8) • Visiting family members pay separately and will not be added to an existing family membership. • Discounts are not available. Rates remain the same throughout the season. Memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable. • Membership cards must be presented at the pool entrance to access the pool grounds. • Do not discard membership cards at the end of the season, they will be re-used. • $10.00 to replace each lost or discarded membership card; capped at $25 per family. • A child must be 11 years old to enter the pool grounds without an adult. Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
2019 LEARN-TO-SWIM PROGRAM Information will be available in the coming months on our website and in the next quarterly newsletter.
2 019 T e n n i s M e m b e rs h i p Tennis membership may be purchased by Camp Hill Borough residents, property owners and business owners. The courts are accessible with your Siebert Park stadium access card; access cards are available at the Borough Administrative Office. Membership is non-transferrable. All playing members of a household, regardless of age, must purchase an individual membership. Parking on the grass near the tennis courts is prohibited. Parking is available next to the municipal swimming pool. Membership is effective for the calendar year: January through December. Fees are not prorated; early registration is strongly recommended. Memberships are activated weekly, on Fridays. Please plan your registration accordingly. Members are required to close the security gate when entering and leaving the courts. Tennis court users must produce their access card to validate their membership when requested by the Police Department or Borough Staff. When members leave the courts, their guests must depart as well. Name: _______________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
Phone Number: ______________________________
Name of business and address (if applicable) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Members Names
Age (children only)
1. 2. 3. 4.
Adult (18+) $15.00
Youth(17 & under) $8.00
Payment: Amount: __________ Check#: ________ or Cash
Make check payable to Camp Hill Borough. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and debit cards accepted. Credit/debit card transactions will include a processing fee. Credit/debit card #: ____________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: __________ Security Code: _______
Name as it appears on the card: _______________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________
By purchasing a tennis membership, I understand and agree to follow the conditions listed above. Failure to abide by the conditions may result in suspension of privileges and/or forfeiture of membership. _______________________________________________ Print Name ____________________________________________ Signature
The Lion Foundation 2018-19 Board Of Directors
Making Things Happen in Camp Hill
Officers President Jen Branstetter
Assistant Treasurer Lisa Reeves
Vice President Paul J. Bruder
Secretary Ken Serafin
Treasurer Aaron Boor
Assistant Secretary Melissa Corbin
Our Children, Our Community, Our Future
News to Roar About!
Board Members Lydia Becker
Jennifer Hoover
Dave Berkebile John T. Brosius
Steve Karl, School Board Representative
Josceylon Buchs
Jaime Novinger-Toigo
Jennifer Chaplin
Sean Quinlan
Christine Consiglio
Sen. Mike Regan
Patricia Craig, Superintendent
Leslie Sarvis
Tammy DeSanto, CHEA Representative
Rita Steele
Doug Snyder Ron Tomalis
Chad Gallaher
Staff Robin Jones, Executive Director Shari Sponic, Office Administrator
It is hard to believe but The Lion Foundation just marked our 15th year. During this time, YOU—our donors—have had an impact on our classrooms, arts venues and playing fields when tax dollars fell short. Because of your support, WE have been able to do some amazing things during that time. Since 2003, we: • Gave out more than 750 grants allocating over $1.3 million to benefit the Camp Hill School District. • Built and fully funded the Pollock Performing Arts Center through the Grace Milliman Pollock Endowment. • Helped fund the Siebert Stadium renovation and established an endowment for future upgrades to the complex. • Established an endowment to support future needs of Camp Hill School District students. Our students, athletic teams, artists, clubs and community members benefit from these achievements. None of this would be possible without the hundreds of volunteers and donors who make pursuing our mission possible. Every donation to The Lion Foundation makes a difference for students and all of us who live Camp Hill. Thank you and Happy New Year!
Robin Jones, Executive Director
Follow @thelionfoundation on facebook and @lionfoundation on Twitter Contact The Lion Foundation for more information or to donate: 717-775-5170 or Note: The Lion Foundation operates as a 501(c)3 nonprofit, charitable organization in support of the school district, funding programs and projects not covered by taxpayer dollars.
Ways of Giving… Honorarium & Memorial Donations (10/1/18 to 12/31/18) • AFR Foundation in Memory of Anne F. Ruggaber • Nancy Besch in Memory of Dorothy Grim • Chris and Carrie Knight in Honor of Jim Knight • Burke and Barbara McLemore in Honor of Rob and Sarah McLemore • Jo Mitchell in Memory of Barb and Steve Schultz • Frederic Sanford in Honor of Elizabeth Beckley • Frederic Sanford in Honor of Karen E. Minnehan and Thomas S. Beckley • The Zerby and Marucci Families in Memory of Pat Anastasio
MAKING THINGS HAPPEN EMR Training Program Underway at Camp Hill Fire House
Actors Connect Students to Shakespeare
This year The Lion Foundation funded a collaborative effort among Camp Hill High School, the Camp Hill Fire Department and Harrisburg Area Community College to provide students with hands on job training and insight into the medical and emergency services fields while earning high school credit and valuable certifications through the Pennsylvania Department of Health Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) certification program. As part of the program, students spent several mornings a week last fall gaining skills related to ambulance services in Pennsylvania. During the spring, they turn attention to fire training. This important program is also possible thanks to support from donors including Camp Hill Borough, Capital Region Insurance Agency, Inc., Jim Novinger, Kristin Novinger and Service 1st Restoration & Remodeling, LLC.
3rd Grade IPads Make Learning Fun
The Lion Foundation recently funded seven more iPads for the third grade, bringing the total for the grade to 32. With 32 iPads to share, each third grade class now has at least 6 per classroom, allowing students to benefit from technology in daily lessons from all areas of the curriculum, including guided reading, guided math, science and social studies. Thank you donors!
Thanks to a grant from The Lion Foundation, Gamut Theatre actors visited Camp Hill High School A/P English classes last fall in an effort to explore Shakespeare in more depth. For the first lesson, Mr. Clark Nicholson, Gamut Artistic Director, led students through readings of Shakespearean monologues from The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Romeo and Juliet. In the process, he showcased the importance of sounds used in the speeches as essential to making sense of their meanings. Students discussed a wide range of poetic devices (antithesis, meter, rhyme scheme, poetic form) as well. A second lesson focused on Macbeth and the textual incongruities of Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking soliloquy.
High School Gets a NEW Physics Lab
Camp Hill High School’s new physics teacher received funding from The Lion Foundation and the Craig Zerby Science Fund to inject modern physics lab equipment into his curriculum. The equipment makes it possible for students collect and analyze data that illustrates concepts such as motion, forces, energy, momentum and periodic motion. Students also have access to new track systems w/carts and friction pads, bumper and launch kits, rotary motion sensors and accessories, and force and acceleration sensors to enhance learning in this important subject area.
During the month of February, The Lion Foundation’s Board and Emeritus Board members pledge to match all donations dollar-for-dollar. You double your donation! The Lion Foundation funds programs and activities in the Camp Hill School District THAT WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE WITHOUT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. This includes award-winning schools, well-educated children, the ability to attract and retain exceptional teachers—all elements of a community that fuel high property values. People want to move here with their children…specifically for the schools. Please consider donating to The Lion Foundation by Thursday, February 28th to leverage your dollars with this generous matching challenge. Contact The Lion Foundation (717-775-5170;; to make your pledge today!
Our Grants Make Things Happen… SHOW YOUR SUPPORT: Help with a local Eagle Scout Project
With support from The Lion Foundation, a local Boy Scout, Cannon Myers, is spearheading a community project that features an 80-foot flagpole with a large American flag waving at the top. It will be located between the tennis courts and the baseball stadium at Fiala Field. A paver patio and benches—split up into six sections to commemorate the five branches of the military and first responders—will surround the flagpole. Easily visible from all athletic fields at Fiala Field, the flagpole—one of the tallest in the area—will provide a place for Camp Hill sports teams to hold pregame ceremonies. The patio and benches will provide a place for rest and reflection for the entire community. To execute this project, Cannon is raising funds through the sale of custom, laser The Lion engraved pavers. Supporters can choose to Foundation place a paver in any of the six sections to honor a member of the Army, Navy, Air Emeritus Board Force, Marines, Coast Guard or First William Angino Responders. Pavers purchased in a family’s Anna Baldini or business’ name will form a walkway that Michael L. Berney connects the project with the path in the Nancy A. Besch middle of Fiala. Nancy L. Bigelow Brick sales for this project ends on H. Leslie Bishop* January 31st. Forms for ordering bricks are Carlyn Chulick available in the Camp Hill Borough office Alan Davidson or by contacting Cannon Myers directly at Carrie DeLone, M.D. Margaret Rushong Earley Richard Fonte, M.D. The Honorable David Freed, Esq. Betsy Gayner Lucy M. Gnazzo Alison E. A. Goodwin 2019 Camp Hill Alumni and Staff Wall of Honor Recognizes Gregory Sutliff Jeff Haas The Lion Foundation announces the recipient of the Camp Hill Alumni and Staff Wall of James R. Hepfer III Honor Award. The 2018 recipient of this distinguished honor is Richard E. Jordan III Mr. Gregory Sutliff, the Valedictorian of the Camp Hill High School Class of 1949. John N. Kennedy, Esq. After graduation, Mr. Sutliff attended Brown University under a Connie R. Kindler United States Navy Scholarship. He later spent three years serving Brian T. LaBine on the USS Soley and with the 3rd Battalion 3rd Marine Division Robert E. Little, C.P.A in Japan as a naval gunfire controller. J. Scott Massie Upon return from the military, Mr. Sutliff attended Dickinson Charles A. McInnes, RA Law School in 1959 and began working full-time as a dealer at R. Burke McLemore, Jr., Esq. Sutliff Chevrolet, eventually rising to general manager in 1962. Howell C. Mette, Esq. During his career, Mr. Sutliff became Chairman of the National Phyllis S. Mowery Chevrolet Dealer Council and joined the boards of the Pennsylvania Theodore W. Mowery Dealer's Association, the National Dealer's Association, Robert L. Myers, D.M.D., M.B.A. Commonwealth Bank, Capital Blue Cross, Polyclinic Hospital, the Grace M. Pollock* Camp Hill School District and The Lion Foundation. He also served a term on the Camp Hill Borough Council. J. William Royer* Mr. Sutliff remains a major United Way contributor. The Sutliff Family Auditorium, located Robert L. Shuster, Esq. in the Camp Hill High School, is named in his honor. The Greg Sutliff Auditorium at the Penn John E. Slike, Esq. State University Law School named in his honor as well. Henry J. Straub, C.P.A. Courtesy of the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marines, General Motors and his own wanderlust, Mr. Susan G. Sutliff Sutliff has enjoyed many travels over the years. He is married to Susan Sutliff and they have six Kurt A. Twiford children (all graduates of CHHS) and 13 grandchildren. He has lived in Camp Hill for 78 of his Kevin Williams 86 years. Peter Wilson As The Lion Foundation’s most recent Wall of Honor recipient, Mr. Sutliff will be honored during an in-school assembly and recognized at The Lion Foundation Winter Celebration on February 2, 2019. Congratulations to Mr. Sutliff on this most deserved honor!
DOWNTOWN CAMP HILL ASSOCIATION PROMOTION COMMITTEE NEWS 2019 DCHA Events – Sip, Stroll and Shop Spring Fling – A Recipe to Renew, Refresh & Rejuvenate Saturday, March 30 10am to 4pm Summer Soiree (evening event) Saturday, June 22 5pm to 8pm Harvest Hop Saturday, September 21 10am to 4pm Candy Cane Walk (expanding to a 2 day event) Saturday November 23 10am to 4pm Sunday, November 24 Noon to 4pm
The DCHA Design Committee organized a Holiday Decorating Campaign for the downtown businesses in November of 2018. Thank you to Mary Ann Metcalf for organizing the project, Sherry Bowman and Kim Hoover for selecting the winners and all of the businesses that participated. Best Decorated went to Pennsylvania Bakery. First Runner-up was Moxy, A Beauty Retreat. Second Runner-up was Underneath It All. Honorable Mention went to Smith Land & Improvement Corporation. During the month of February, we hope you enjoy the paper snowflakes hanging in the windows of the businesses. The Design Committee challenged the community to create 8,000 snowflakes to match the amount of our current population in the Borough.
The DCHA Business Development Committee is working on identifying strengths and weakness in the downtown business corridor. The Committee will be assisting the Borough with programs to improve the curb appeal of the store fronts.
Downtown Camp Hill Association Mary Beth Brath – Downtown Coordinator/Director 2145 Walnut Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011 Office: 717-737-3456 Email: Follow our Facebook Page at The Downtown Camp Hill Association (DCHA) is a volunteer main street organization that was formed to strengthen the Camp Hill Business District along Market Street between 15th and 25th Streets. If you would like to get involved or be added to our email list to receive event information, contact Mary Beth Brath at
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