Volume 24, Issue 2 n Fall 2020
Friends of the West Shore Theatre The West Shore Theatre is moving another step closer to realizing the vision so many of you shared with us. Some of you have seen the conceptual drawings. We are moving forward with the architect. We are meeting with people who are interested in using the theatre for their performances. We are getting plans and bids for the marquee, lighting, and sound (Did you know you need a separate sound system for movies and one for music and voices?). We know now. So, we are meeting with vendors to get their advice. We have had some good initial success with the fundraising and are moving forward on that front as well. Due to COVID, we have been unable to schedule any additional fundraising events but watch out, we will be coming to you before too long. We have engaged a local New Cumberlander to act as our interim Managing Director and to help us keep moving
forward. Philip Horn and his wife, Anne, have been here only 27 years from California. Philip recently retired as the Director of the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts, after 25 years. He has a strong background in the arts, facilitation, strategic planning and grants. He did his master’s work in Theatre at Michigan State University and undergrad in Los Angeles, where he was raised. He says he is glad to finally put that training to use! If you came to the Town Meeting a couple years ago you will remember him as our facilitator. We’re glad to have his help. Keep yourself up-to-date by looking at our Facebook page (www.Facebook/FriendsOfTheWestShoreTheatre, Inc.) or our Website (www.friendsofthewestshoretheatre.com). Join the movement! Sign up, and get involved by filling out the form on page 8.
The pandemic has taken a toll on our events and donations. Help us achieve our Mission Possible goal of raising $200,000 this year! Raise funds now, then join us Oct. 10 at Borough Park. Register online at VickiesAngelFoundation.org
Get the latest news!
Visit newcumberlandborough.com. To check for event date changes, visit newcumberlandpa.com.
Robert P. Kline, President Donald W. Kibler, Vice-President Kevin L. Hall Gennifer R. Richie David H. Stone Matthew S. Stoner Chad Wilson
Douglas Morrow
Joseph E. Spadaccino, Police Chief Albert M. Penksa, Manager Mark Hinton, Highway Superintendent Catherine B. Pursel, Librarian James I. Benson, Fire Chief
Michael J. Cassidy, Esq., Solicitor HRG Engineering, Engineer Hamilton & Musser, P.C., Auditor AmWINS Program Underwriters Insurance Broker of Record (pensions, life and disability) PLANNING COMMISSION Faith T. Curran, Chairperson Fred Miles, Vice-Chairperson Donald R. Bates Paul J. Aleva DJ Landis Barbara Sunderlin, Secretary F. L. Schaffer ZONING HEARING BOARD Maria D’Agostino, Chairperson Rebecca L. Parthemore John Repetz Thomas Witt, Alternate Michael J. Pykosh, Solicitor
Linda A. Ries, President Barbara Warfel, Vice-President George Labecki, Treasurer Beth Keller Gennifer R. Richie David H. Stone
POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Gerald Ahnell, Chairman Lana Forconi, Secretary David Keller
VACANCY BOARD Gerald Ahnell Borough Council
Important Phone Numbers Emergency..................................................................911 Borough Office......................................... 717-774-0404 Police Office............................................. 717-774-0400 Highway Department.............................. 717-774-7827 Zoning Officer.......................................... 717-774-0404 Tax Collector............................................. 717-774-7424 Library....................................................... 717-774-7820 Senior Citizens Center............................. 717-774-0409 Fire Department....................................... 717-774-0193 Ambulance................................................ 717-774-4200 PENN WASTE.........................................1-866-575-8720 Email.................... info@newcumberlandborough.com Website............... www.newcumberlandborough.com Codes Officer/.......................................... 717-774-0404 Commonwealth Code Enforcement
Schools Cedar Cliff High School........................... 717-737-8654 Red Land High School............................. 717-938-6561 Trinity High School................................... 717-761-1116 New Cumberland Middle School........... 717-774-0162 Hillside Elementary.................................. 717-774-1321 St. Theresa School.................................... 717-774-7464
To advertise in The Messenger, contact Jen Smith at 717.238.5751 ext. 124 or at jen@thinkgraphtech.com.
Apartment/Rental Dwelling Registration and Inspection ORDINANCE #689 The Borough has determined non-owner-occupied dwellings or Residential Rental Dwelling Units are sometimes maintained at a standard significantly less than Owneroccupied dwelling units and that such failure to maintain those Residential Rental Dwelling Unites can and does result in dwelling units which are unsafe, unsanitary and, in many instances, not maintained to the minimum standards required by the various applicable codes and laws in effect in the Borough of New Cumberland. Therefore, the New Cumberland Borough Council determines it to be desirable in the public interest to enact the provisions providing for the regular and systematic inspection of non-owner occupied dwellings or Residential Rental Dwelling Units to insure their continued compliance with applicable Borough Codes. This inspection will occur one time in a three year cycle. The property landlord is responsible to maintain the
Residential Rental Dwelling Unit in compliance with the various applicable codes and laws. This “Registration and Inspection” is now underway. For questions and additional information refer to Ordinance #689 on the Borough Website: www.newcumberlandborough.com.
Tree Maintenance and Care Requirements ORDINANCE #674 The residents of New Cumberland are reminded that tree branches and shrubs overhanging the streets, highways, avenues and alleys are to be a clear height of twelve (12) feet above the surface of a street, highway, avenue or alley. Branches and shrubs overhanging any sidewalk adjacent to the property must be a clear height of eight (8) feet above the surface of the sidewalk on or adjacent to the owner’s property. For questions and additional information refer to Ordinance #674 on the Borough Website: www.newcumberlandborough.com. Continued on page 5
Give Comfort…
Even When We Can’t Give Hugs
In a year unlike any other in our lifetime, Vickie’s Angel Foundation hasn’t missed a beat. While taking all necessary safety precautions during the pandemic, there hasn’t been a day when we were unable to respond to a call for help. But now, we need your support.
Become a Vickie’s Angel Foundation SHAREHOLDER today! SHARE LOVE $10 – $24 • • • SHARE FAITH $25 – $49 • • • SHARE HOPE $50 or more Add your name to the growing list of shareholders: Give.VickiesAngelWalk.org/share
New Cumberland Olde Towne Foundation 2020 Scholarships The scholarship judges selected the following individuals as recipients of $1,000.00 each.
Bishop McDevitt High School Lance Parthemore Business, Organization and Management Attending Gettysburg College
Cedar Cliff High School Divine D. Maboundou Nursing Attending York College of Pennsylvania
Red Land High School Allison Covert Pharmacy Attending Duquesne University Honors College
Trinity High School Caroline Dash Biology and Psychology Attending University of Pittsburgh
The scholarship judges selected the following individuals as recipients of $500.00 each.
Cedar Cliff High School Matthew Musselman Materials Science & Engineering Attending Pennsylvania State University
Red Land High School Peyton Carr Nursing Attending Mansfield University
Trinity High School Duy Le Computer Science Attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Congratulations to all scholarship recipients!
BASIC RESIDENTIAL GUIDELINES • Trash, Recycling, one bulk item and yard waste (on scheduled dates) must be curb side by 6:00 a.m. on your scheduled collection day, which will remain the same. • Bulk items that are too heavy to be lifted into a truck by two people will not be accepted. • Yard Waste will be collected on Saturday, October 17. • Call Penn Waste to schedule collection of appliances containing freon (air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, etc.) • No construction debris or electronics will be collected curb side. • Sign up for our E-News Updates at www.pennwaste. com to stay up to date on collection updates.
Codes Enforcement Residents are reminded that questions, concerns or complaints regarding issues with a property within the Borough boundaries should be directed to the Borough Office (717-774-0404) and will be investigated by Commonwealth Codes Enforcement Officer, Rob Moyer.
MS4 — DEP Regulation and Fines continued from page 3 Residents of New Cumberland are reminded that under Department of Environmental Protection Regulations in Pennsylvania, discharged pool water onto the streets and into the storm water system is illegal. Fines will be imposed by the DEP. Refer to Policies and General Information: Storm Water Pollution Prevention in the Borough Website: www.newcumberlandborough.com. Regulations state that blowing grass clippings onto the streets and into the storm water system is also illegal. Again, refer to www.newcumberlandborough.com.
New Cumberland Olde Towne Foundation St. Theresa Math Awards Each year the New Cumberland Olde Towne Foundation presents outstanding math awards to two students at St. Theresa School. These students are graduating from the 8th grade and moving on to high school.
Recognized this past June were: Alivia Holjes Outstanding Pre-Algebra Studies Jessica Minnick Outstanding Studies in Algebra 1 Congratulations to Alivia and Jessica as they continue in their future education.
FRIENDS OF THE NEW CUMBERLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY USED BOOK SALE Due to the corona virus, the Friends of the New Cumberland Library are now holding used book sales once a month. ®
The next sale will be Saturday, September 19 at Foundation House from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The future of scheduling the sales is yet to be determined. Additionally, there will be a bimonthly “Friends” meeting on Monday, September 21 at 9:30 a.m. at Foundation House. All are welcome to attend.
Cathie Heika Cell/Text: 717.554.9655 Office: 717.761.6300 CathieHeika@gmail.com www.CathieHeika.com
New Cumberland Public Library Fall 2020
Join us for our Back to School Reading Challenge on Beanstack!
Begins the week of October 12, and continues until the first week in December. Collections occur weather permitting.
Log your minutes of reading from September 1 to September 30 for a chance to earn badges and win prizes! Then watch for October’s Fall Into Reading Challenge!
Resources to Support Students & Teachers in Distance Learning Tutor.com – live homework help from a tutor! Free with your library card! Scholastic Trueflix & Scholastic Bookflix e-Books and e-Audiobooks • Tumblebooks Library Book Selection Services and Reader’s Advisory
Bring Your Library Home Virtual Storytimes on Zoom • Book Baby Storytime-To-Go Bundles • Take & Make Crafts • STEAM Kits
Visit newcumberlandlibrary.org for more information. 6
WE NEED YOU! HELP WANTED! Do you care about your community? Do you want to help our town stay friendly, safe and growing? Join the New Cumberland Olde Towne Association. Membership is only $5.00 per year. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month except in January and July. The American Legion hosts the meetings at 214 Market Street, New Cumberland. The NCOTA was founded in 1977 by several local New Cumberland business owners. The organization later grew to include churches, organizations and residents. The mission of the organization is to ensure and to continue New Cumberland Borough being a wonderful place to live, work and visit. Our main fundraiser is the annual Apple Festival. No reservation is needed. Interesting speakers are scheduled for each meeting. A light lunch ($7.50 for members and $10.00 for guests) is always on the agenda.
New Cumberland Olde Towne Association 2020 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Christine Leukus, President (2020) DJ Landis, Vice President (2020) Brian Carey, Treasurer (2020) Gary Shirley, Secretary (2020) Harry Jenkins (Expires 2021) Mary Landis, Director (Expires 2020) Carl Ford Peterson, Director (Expires 2020) Gerald Waln, Director (Expires 2020) Richard Kreig (Representing the Churches of New Cumberland) JoLynn Weist Mascaro (Representing the Business & Professional Group 2020)
About the West Shore Theatre: A group of West Shore residents have formed a non-profit organization to save the West Shore Theatre. We have purchased the theatre and have started looking for potential donors to help us rehabilitate the theatre. Name Email address Home Phone Cell phone Mailing address Best way to contact you: Email
Text to cell
May we contact you about a donation?
Maybe later
Would you like to volunteer or serve on a committee?
Voice message
No Maybe later
Find us on Facebook at Friends of the West Shore Theatre for up to date information. The Friends of the West Shore Theatre is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN # 82-5327951. The official registration and financial information of Friends of the West Shore Theatre may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
New Cumberland Revitalization The question in a lot of minds in New Cumberland is what’s happening with revitalization. With the absence of visible changes it is difficult to readily know that the initiative is still being developed. Yes, COVID 19 has set it back a few months but the 5 teams are still meeting and the Leadership Team is still meeting with New Cumberland Borough officials. While the plans for activities in the Borough Park had to be postponed until next year, there are plans being developed for even more activities and events then originally planned. Conceptual plans have been suggested for several public areas in town and are being reviewed by the teams. Things you will see in the near future are new banners (see article on Hometown Heroes Banner Program), community bulletin board, community garden, social media updates and announcement of new activities directed to wellness and healthy living. There is a need for residents to join the five teams: Economic Vibrancy; Arts, Culture and Entertainment; Housing and Property Value; Safe, Active and Healthy Community and Community Identification and Promotion. If interested contact Don Kibler @dkibler4newcumb@gmail.com. All residents are welcome.
Before setting off your fireworks, and to ensure everyone stay safe, please take a moment to brush up on Pennsylvania law.
• Consumer fireworks or sparkling devices while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance or another drug.
1. You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase, possess and/or use consumer fireworks. (The term CONSUMER FIREWORKS does not include devices such as “ground and hand-held sparkling devices, “novelties” or “toy caps”.)
• Consumer fireworks within 150 feet of an occupied structure. (An occupied structure is defined as: A structure, vehicle or place adapted for overnight accommodation of persons or for conducting business whether or not a person is actually present.)
2. A person may not intentionally ignite or discharge: • Consumer fireworks on public or private property without the express permission of the property owner. • Consumer fireworks or sparkling devices within, or thrown from, a motor vehicle or building. • Consumer fireworks or sparkling devices into or at a motor vehicle, building or another person.
Anyone who wishes to file a complaint regarding the use, or misuse, of fireworks should call the Police immediately so that they may address the issue in a timely manner. Second-hand information for things that are active is better than nothing but not ideal.
A Letter to the Friends and Followers of The New Cumberland Town Band mber as one of the more memorable ones. This year has been a year that we will all reme CUMBERLAND TOWN BAND, it was That may be good and not so good. For the NEW sadly, did not come to light. the year of so much promise and planning that, that we were just beginning to prepare for We want all of our fans and followers to know new and old but had to stop, much like a promising summer of concerts with music both 9. everyone else did with the arrival of COVID-1 the order came down that large group In March our rehearsals had just begun when a handle on the spreading pandemic. Each gatherings had to be put on hold until we got opening date until we were sure that our new announcement forced us to push back our and that our audiences would be safe members would be safe gathering for practice gathering for concerts. nd as part of Community Day in New Cumberla First our opening concert schedule for May 2, Day program on May 25. We hoped there had to be cancelled, followed by our Memorial our Father’s Day concert in New Cumberland would be better news as we looked to June and Park. However, that, too was not to occur. s the July 4 Concert at the Library, but as the week Surely, we thought we would be together for be not d woul we that knew end of the month we passed, we began to see the inevitable. By the removed, we finally set our sights on Christmas were performing anytime soon, and as programs At this point, they are still a possibility and our last two possible concerts of the year. ughly bringing the sound of live, open-air This was all very hard for us as we enjoy so thoro as you have. concerts to our public. We missed them as much next few months will hold, we want you to know While we do not know at this point what the remain enthusiastic and positive that better days that even as we look forward to next year, we are coming. be back in full force as soon as it is safe to To you, our faithful followers, we say, “We will do so.”
that you will join us when we, once again, bring We hope you will remain safe and healthy and here we come. the sounds of summer to the community. 2021 Sincerely, The New Cumberland Town Band
2020 Hometown Heroes Banner Program A Celebration to Honor Our Past and Present Members of the Armed Forces Sponsored by the New Cumberland Apple Festival Committee (NCOTA) New Cumberland will be celebrating a new banner program called “Hometown Heroes.” This program is proudly sponsored by the New Cumberland Apple Festival Committee (NCOTA) to honor our military citizens. Additional financial support has been provided by Senator Mike Regan, Navarro & Wright, Daflure Heating & Cooling, Madison Homes, and Parthemore Funeral Home, The Hometown Heroes Banner Program honors veterans (both living and deceased) and active duty members of the Armed Forces from New Cumberland Borough. Each banner will feature the individual’s photo (provided by the family of the “Hero”), name, and branch of service. The banners will be displayed on light poles on main streets in New Cumberland. Our goal is to have collected interest from up to (40) families to honor their respective Hero by October 1st, and to have the banners mounted and on display by Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2020. Up to (40) Hometown Heroes banners will be displayed throughout New Cumberland in Round 1 for a two-year period. If more than (40) Heroes names are submitted for Round 1, an additional round of Hero banners (Round 2) will be displayed for the next two-year period. If after being on display for two years the banners still look respectful, the banners may stay displayed for a longer period of time. In order to qualify as a Hometown Hero, the Hero must meet the following criteria:
• If a Veteran, must have been honorably discharged (proof of honorable discharge [such as DD-214] may be requested). • If currently in the Armed Forces, must provide proof of service • Heroes must have lived in New Cumberland Borough either before or after their military service. (Heroes do not need to have been born in New Cumberland, but must have lived in New Cumberland). The Hometown Heroes program will begin receiving applications on September 1, 2020 and continue until September 30, 2020. Applications will then be screened to ensure compliance with “Hero” eligibility criteria. Up to the first (40) applications will be paid for by the main program Sponsors. Additionally, family members and friends have the opportunity to sponsor a banner financially as a way to honor their service member or as a Memorial for their “Hero.” The cost of banner sponsorship is $175.00. For further information or to submit an application, please call DJ Landis at 717-774-6863 or email her at dhaus717@ gmail.com. An application is on the next page of this newsletter. Applications will also be available at the New Cumberland American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Program information and application can also be found at: http://www.newcumberlandpa.com/.
2020 Hometown Heroes Banner Program Form HOMETOWN HERO HONOREE PROFILE RANK: FIRST NAME: LAST NAME: BRANCH OF SERVICE: ERA: • GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR (SEPT. 22, 2001–PRESENT) • PERSIAN GULF WAR (AUG. 22, 1990–AUG. 31, 1991) • COLD WAR (SEPT. 2, 1945–DEC. 26, 1991) • VIETNAM CONFLICT (FEB. 28, 1962–NOV. 7, 1975) • KOREAN WAR (JUNE 27, 1950–JAN. 31, 1955)
• WW II (DEC. 7, 1941–DEC. 31, 1946) • WW I (APR. 6, 1917–NOV. 11, 1918) • SPANISH AMERICAN WAR (APR. 1898–AUG. 1898) • CIVIL WAR (1861–1865)
• STATUS (KIA/POW/MIA): • MEDALS (PURPLE HEART, SILVER STAR, BRONZE STAR): REQUIRED ACTION: 1) PLEASE COMPLETE THE PROFILE ABOVE, AND 2) SECURE A HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTOGRAPH OF THE HERO, AND DELIVER TO: DJ Landis, Banner Coordinator, 717 Haldeman Blvd. New Cumberland, PA 17070. REQUIRED: VERIFY & PERMISSION – • By submitting this application, you are verifying that the Hometown Hero is in truth a Veteran with Honorable Discharge; or is a currently serving member of the Armed Forces (At its discretion, NCOTA may request that you provide a valid DD-214 or some other form of proof of service). • I give permission for the NCOTA to use this information and photograph for the purpose of producing the Hometown Hero banner.
Signed: Date: ** FINANCIAL SPONSOR NAME (i.e., if you are paying for the cost of this Hero’s banner, please provide your name below. Banner cost is $175 each. Check made payable to New Cumberland Olde Towne Association [NCOTA]. Please include check with the application. Deliver to D.J. Landis).
Name: Date:
An apple on September 26th will not keep everyone safe from the dreaded COVID Virus. Keeping the public safe and staying within the mandates of Governor Wolf, the 35th Annual Apple Festival in New Cumberland had to be cancelled. It was a hard decision and one that has an impact on many service organizations, sports teams, and Boy Scouts from our community. Let’s all look forward to the rescheduled
35th Annual Apple Festival September 25, 2021 Remember to keep the date open for a great time in our beautiful Borough Park.
332 Market Street, New Cumberland, PA 17070
Eight GREAT locations, including three near you! LEMOYNE 665 Market Street 763-8002 LEMOYNE 655 N. 12th Street 909-7977 ETTERS 310 Newberry Commons 938-2233
FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY SERVICE Sign up online or call 920-5500
For add’l locations, visit:
Toys for Tots Campaign Around the corner, the Christmas Season will be knocking at our door. The New Cumberland Business & Professional Group will participate in the Toys for Tots Campaign with the U.S. Marines. Local businesses will have the drop-off boxes in their shops to collect new and unwrapped toys. The boxes will be out for collection from Mid-November until the first full week of December. New Cumberland has supported this campaign for twenty plus years and a big THANK YOU goes out to Ray Leukus for chairing the campaign all those years. New Cumberland has taken several delivery vans of toys to the Marine drop-off location for those years. Help make local area children enjoy their Christmas.
SANTA’S SECRET WORKSHOP Saturday, December 12, 2020 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. New Cumberland Library Foundation House Children will have the opportunity to Christmas “shop” for their family members. Adult and teen volunteers will help each child pick an appropriate gift for the people on their list according to their “budget”, so it will be a surprise for their family members! Be sure to have the children bring their list and cash money. Items are reasonably priced and gift wrapped! Appropriate for children 3 years and up, who are willing to “shop” with a volunteer assistant. Items priced $1.50 to $3.75 – so “budget” accordingly for their list. Cash only please.
Sponsored/Coordinated by The Womens’ Club of New Cumberland and Highland. Proceeds Benefit the Women’s Club and the New Cumberland Public Library 18
Support the New Cumberland Fire Department While the Fire Department of New Cumberland has never stopped being able and willing to answer any emergency, they have, however, have not had the opportunity to hold many of their much needed fundraisers since the beginning of April. Their expenses do not stop with the pandemic. Support them in any of their upcoming activities. Watch for information on their message board in front of the station. Send donations to: New Cumberland FIre Department 319 Fourth Street, New Cumberland, PA 17070
Food Truck Rallies The Business & Professional Group, an affiliate of the New Cumberland Olde Towne Association want to THANK all the residents, businesses and the Borough for assisting in the success of this project. A huge THANK YOU goes to Frank Kelly (Kelly Financial Services) for allowing the trucks to park on his property along with the Borough for allowing some trucks to be parked on Bridge Street. It is so great to see the hustle and bustle of business downtown. The rally ends in September but we have plans to have the food trucks back in 2021.
To advertise in
The Messenger, contact Jen Smith at 717.238.5751 ext. 124 or jen@thinkgraphtech.com.
Shop Local All of our restaurants, retail shops and service businesses have suffered greatly during the COVID pandemic. Support your local businesses in New Cumberland. Together we will survive this epic situation. Stay safe by washing your hands often, don’t touch your face, WEAR A MASK and keep your social distance.
Downtown Holiday Open House November 21 & 22 The Business Community will be hosting their HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE throughout New Cumberland on Saturday, November 21 and Sunday, November 22. Watch for plans on their website: www.newcumberlandpa.com. Plans being developed at the present time to have a fun day with keeping the social distancing ruling in place. Activities will be throughout the downtown area. Mark your calendar for these important dates for the businesses in our community. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES.
Harrisburg, PA PERMIT NO. 533
ECRWSS EDDM Postal Customer New Cumberland, PA 17070
S AT U R D AY, O C T O B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 0
8 AM to 2 PM • New Cumberland Borough Park Live entertainment and stories from three of our families Join us October 10 to help us achieve our Mission Possible goal of raising $200,000! If you are unable to join us, register, walk now, and walk where you are! Gather your neighbors for a Strut Your Mutt walk. Organize a church-to-church stroll. Hold a moonlight walk on a beautiful evening. Whether there are 5, 50, or 150 walkers, make it fun while lifting others who desperately need our support.
Questions? Call 717-774-3800.
Register online at VickiesAngelFoundation.org