Joshua Redman
Judith Hill
Jazzkaar 2019
(19.–28.04) John Scofield
Tallinna rahvusvaheline festival Jazzkaar tähistab 30. sünnipäeva Eesti jazziparemiku uute albumitega ja USA tänaste jazzitippudega: peaesinejad on Bobby McFerrin, John Scofield, Joshua Redman ja Judith Hill. Põhiprogrammis on üle 60 kontserdi.
Bobby McFerrin
Tallinn International Festival Jazzkaar celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, paying homage to the very first festival in 1990 with new albums from the cream of Estonian jazz as well as concerts of the current top jazz musicians in the USA. The main performers of this year’s Jazzkaar are Bobby McFerrin, John Scofield, Joshua Redman and Judith Hill. The programme of Jazzkaar 2019 includes over 60 concerts.