2018 Back to School Guide

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Back2 2018 You’ve all seen the commercial where the parents are doing back-toschool shopping to the tune, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” While it is meant to poke fun, essentially it is the best time of the year because there is nothing more exhilarating than learning something new. In this issue, we highlight some of the education opportunities available in our area from traditional schools to self-enrichment programs. www.northernconnectionmag.com | AUGUST 2018



Team leader, Dave Yackuboskey, with students from FIRST Robotics

CWNC’s Robotics Program is Committed to Building Innovative Students

Contributing authors: Avery Polak and Lauren Angus, CWNC Class of 2021


he STREAMM+ integrated curriculum at Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic High School provides students with the chance to explore new opportunities and prepare themselves to be future leaders in our evolving world. CWNC Robotics is one such program that is striving for excellence, as it exposes students to various areas of science and technology. The team was established in 2015 for students exhibiting a heavy interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. The mission of the CWNC Robotics program is to build students of creativity, leadership and professionalism – connecting them to a future enlightened by their STEM experiences. Aspiring to achieve these goals, the students created Team 5740, The Trojanators, a FIRST Robotics Competition Team (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). Team 5740 emulates these objectives throughout the season by learning and applying lifelong skills. Designing and building a robot requires teamwork. As a part of the team, students learn solution develStudents are working hard on the robot opment skills, project management in the Trojanator pit during a competition


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skills, problem solving techniques, leadership, as well as communication skills. Mr. David Yackuboskey, Lead Mentor of Team 5740 and CWNC Physics teacher, said, “Everyone is capable of being a leader. A leader uses his or her knowledge to build others up and to empower other students to also become leaders themselves. They delegate properly in that way. On our team we really try to practice servant leadership. It really is the key to any functioning team in any walk of life.” During the build season, the Trojanators divide and conquer to meet the rigorous timetable to build the robot. The students are divided into sub-teams based on interest and include roles such as robot designers, electrical engineers, business managers, and safety and marketing. Every sub-team is important to the overall function and success of the group. As a FIRST Robotics Competition Team, Team 5740 competes in two regional-level competitions during the season. Each regional competition provides an opportunity to qualify for the World Championship Competition, which takes place in Detroit, Michigan, at the end of the season. Teams can qualify for the World Championship by winning a regional competition or by winning various awards throughout the season. Over the past four years, the Team 5740 has been working towards a chance to attend the World Championship Competition. As a result of their determination, dedication and community outreach, Team 5740 earned the 2018 FIRST Engineering Inspiration Award. This prestigious award celebrates outstanding success in advancing respect and appreciation for engineering

within a team’s school and community. By winning this award, the team qualified and attended the World Championship Competition for the first time in school history. Mr. Matt Esser, 2018 CWNC graduating senior and one of Team 5740’s founders, said, “Our team has grown substantially over the past four years. We have not only advanced our skills in robot design, but we have also fostered a deep community impact. Through our team’s efforts to promote STEM throughout our community, we have started and supported multiple opportunities for students to explore engineering and technology.” In conjunction with the successful Robotics’ Team, CWNC has continued to add new STREAMM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Math, Medicine) classes to the curriculum including Honors Intro to Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), Computer Programming, Engineering and FIRST Class Robotics. These classes not only challenge and expose the students to new opportunities, but they also offer wholistic opportunities for formation in faith and acquisition of technical skills. For example, through the FIRST Class Robotics “Everyone is capable of elective, students are tasked with the challenge to create, being a leader. A leader build, program, wire, and uses his or her knowledge advertise a robot with the of being competitionto build others up and to goal ready and having a wellempower other students functioning robot by the end the semester. With these to also become leaders of STREAMM classes, students are formed to be leaders themselves.” in the science and technology fields by engaging in exciting, innovative opportunities. They also gain life skills including self-confidence, communication and teamwork that will last with them for a lifetime. All students involved in both CWNC’s FIRST Class Robotics elective, as well as the Trojanators Competition Team, work hard to hold true to their Catholic beliefs and strive to be the best representation of themselves while giving back to the community. They follow the philosophies of FIRST’s Gracious Professionalism and “Coopertition.” Gracious Professionalism is a way of doing things that encourages high-quality work, emphasizes the value of others, and respects individuals and the community. “Coopertition” is displaying unqualified kindness and respect in the face of fierce competition. As one example, Team 5740 extends the values of FIRST into the community by hosting an annual STEM camp for sixth-ninth grade students from local middle schools. Each Trojanator sub-team participates in the development of STEM camp lesson plans and teaches the campers about the various roles and responsibilities. Through mentorship by the Trojanators, the campers are able to build a robot in four days. The campers design a robot by using CADD, learn to code and write a program for their robot and assemble the mechanical parts needed to make the robot function. On the last day, the campers get to enjoy the fruits of their labor and take turns driving their robot through an obstacle course. Finally, with the goal of instilling a love for Robotics and STEM at an even younger age, the Trojanators worked with the Administration at Saint Kilian Parish School to create an FLL (FIRST LEGO

Team 5740 at the FIRST World Championship Competition in Detroit, Michigan

To learn more about CWNC’s Integrated STREAMM+ Curriculum and Team 5740, please visit: www.cwnchs.org. For more information about FIRST Robotics, please visit https://www.firstinspires.org/ League) team. Mrs. Cheryl Hufnagel, SKPS middle school science teacher, said, “I think that we definitely needed a robotics program here at Saint Kilian, so with the help from your robotics team, it really allowed us to start a program that not only got students enrolled that were interested but also sparked interest in students. I really think that it allowed the kids to have fun while they learned.” SKPS FLL team is in their second season and plans to attend their first competition this coming school year. The future looks bright for CWNC Robotics. The team has proven that they are committed to building students through innovation, inspiration and faith. 4 4 4

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Back2School2018 21st Century Cyber Charter School “21st Century Cyber Charter School is an excellent option for many students,” said Dr. Benjamin K. Ruby, Director of Education for 21CCCS. “We have a wide variety of students from high achievers who want to work at their own pace and not be held back, to students who are essentially semi-pro athletes who are training for events such as the Olympics, to students who were bullied at school or have a health issue.” “One of the best aspects of a cyber school is flexibility. We have scheduled live classes, but the majority of our classes are asynchronous, meaning that our school is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As long as there is an internet connection, a student can learn,” said Dr. Ruby.

We are living in a digital age, and it makes sense that students are educated in the most forward-thinking way. “There are few jobs or careers that do not utilize a computer, and we make use of technology in our curriculum. Each student is issued a laptop, and we are in the process of phasing in iPads so that in the next three years all students will have one,” said Dr. Ruby. In addition to adding new technology, 21CCCS is embracing STEM curriculum with Project Lead the Way and is creating a student library. “We are also introducing weekly enrollment, which allows a student to enroll at any time,” said Dr. Ruby. 21CCCS was founded in 2001 and has experienced 15 percent growth each year over the past four years. It is a nonprofit organization and is overseen by a board of four Intermediate Unit directors, local school district superintendents and parents. “Many of our students come to us by word of mouth because they’ve had good experiences,” said Dr. Ruby. “We have approximately 1,200 active students across the state of Pennsylvania, and we never want to lose the personal touch of students working one-to-one or in small groups with our instructors.”


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A.W. Beattie Career Center “We are going to start the school year with more than 800 students, the largest enrollment in 20 plus years,” said Eric C. Heasley, executive director, A.W. Beattie Career Center. “A number of programs are at enrollment capacity.” AWBCC serves nine area school districts—Avonworth, Deer Lakes, Fox Chapel Area, Hampton Township, North Allegheny, North Hills, Northgate, PineRichland and Shaler Area. New programs like Sports Medicine-Rehabilitation Therapy and Veterinary Sciences Technology continue to grow. “We have increased our instructional staff to meet the demand. Now we have two teachers who have experience in the veterinary field from care to major surgery,” said Mr. Heasley. AWBCC is consistently rated by the PA Department of Education as one of the top-performing Career Centers for high school students enrolled in post-secondary education, employed in their field of study or engaged in military services one year after graduation. “Our SkillsUSA and FCCLA students recently participated in national competitions and won a gold and silver medal this year,” said Mr. Heasley. In addition, AWBCC offers Culinary Art; Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning; Health and Nursing Sciences; and Automotive Collision Technology. “We continue to have more job offers than students to fill them. Many of our students in the Building Trades-HVAC programs are gainfully employed in summer internships,” said Mr. Heasley.


Blessed Trinity Academy Blessed Trinity Academy (BTA) is excited to begin the 2018-2019 school year on August 27! The past year at BTA was filled with many successes. In our academic program, BTA had students who won multiple competitions. Among them was our Forensics team, who captured the Diocesan Championship beating out 24 other schools for the title. Athletically, BTA’s teams came together to win two Diocesan Championships - one for the Varsity Boys Cross Country team and the other for the Varsity Soccer team. Students also developed relationships with the surrounding community through multiple acts of service. When students return to school, they will notice several changes to the building including renovations to Providence Hall and the library. A new makerspace area will be designated for robotics and coding, strengthening our STEM program. For more information about Blessed Trinity Academy, please call 412-486-7611 or visit https://nhrces.org/trinity.


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CCA CCA education innovations drive unique learning experiences Innovations in education happen every day at CCA because we’re preparing students to be career ready, not just graduation ready. CCA is a top, accredited K-12 public cyber charter school that provides a personalized education to all Pennsylvania students. We turn the tired American educational model on its head. We don’t believe that children can be educated only by learning the same thing, in the same room, at the same time. At CCA, education meets students where they are and lets them work at their own pace. Our individualized courses are designed to match each child’s interests, skills and educational needs. Students can learn at anytime from anywhere with a free laptop from CCA. At CCA, students learn through virtual lessons that can be accessed in real time or viewed later, workbook projects, conservatory programs and more. CCA helps students identify and pursue passions that lead to family sustaining careers. We challenge students to think about what they want to be doing when they’re 25 or 30, and we help them explore those aspirations. We offer hands-on learning experiences, such as visiting a helicopter trauma unit at an airport or observing an openheart surgery, veterinary operations, a police investigation unit, radio or TV studio. Students interact with professionals in the field and learn what really goes on behind the scenes. CCA also facilitates internship programs with local businesses so students can truly experience any career field that is of interest to them. One of CCA’s newest projects is the construction of a 6,100-square-foot interactive, integrated agriculture lab called AgWorks at CCA located at our Capital Campus and Family Service Center in Harrisburg. Integrated agriculture relies on fish to fertilize and provide nutrients to plants, fruits and produce, allowing the plants to grow and be harvested more quickly than in traditional farming. Students, with guidance from CCA teachers and professionals in the field, will learn how to operate the living laboratory, which can produce around 3,000 plants with the help of more than 400 tilapia, koi and prawn. The operation provides insight into careers in agriculture and conservation, STEM-related fields, logistics and business, marketing and hospitality. CCA also will take the lab and other learning to students across the state with its mobile integrated agriculture lab and two fully equipped mobile classrooms. Traveling statewide the entire school year, the mobile classrooms offer activities including bird and astronomy observation, book fairs, water and soil testing and art exhibits. CCA’s innovations ensure that our students interact with the real world and learn skills to make them career ready. It’s a personalized partnership between us and our students and families to ensure students are prepared for life after high school, whether that’s continued education, a job or military service. No matter where you live in Pennsylvania or what sparks your child’s interests, CCA can be the perfect fit. Learn more or enroll free today by visiting ccaeducate.me or calling toll-free 844-590-2864.

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Heart Prints Center for Early Education Heart Prints Center for Early Education is a private school offering Preschool, Pre-K and Kindergarten programs. Located at The Regional Learning Alliance Building at 850 Cranberry Woods Drive, Cranberry Twp., Heart Prints

strives to provide an early education community that is diverse, inclusive and closely connected to its families, local community, and the world. “In addition to our focus on developing the whole child, we emphasize connecting to the world through philanthropic projects. For instance, our children have baked dog treats and then have taken them to a local animal shelter,” said Julie Byrnes, Assistant Director. The mother-daughter team, Julie and Grace Byrnes, are joined by five other classroom teachers, a Yoga Instructor, Spanish teacher, and an Art Director to make a dynamic and highly qualified team. Enrollment for the fall is nearly complete, but Heart Prints also offers several other programs. Heart Print’s Story Time for children 18 months-5 years is held on Fridays from 11:15-noon on Fridays from September through May. Come Play with Me is a collaborative learning experience for toddlers 2-3 years old and their parents/caretaker. It meets on Fridays from 9-11 a.m. S.T.E.A.M. Club offers five afternoons of club programming such as Gardening, Chemistry, Explorers, Creative Arts and Cooking Clubs and is open to preschool and kindergarten children.

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Back2School2018 Katie’s Clay Studio Most things in the modern classroom are screen-based and virtual; it’s important to remember that children are primarily experimental learners—they benefit enormously from 3-D, hands on, tactile lessons that integrate their body with their mind. Katie’s Clay Studio has never lost sight of this important reality, and we continue to design innovative programming to anchor kids’ learning in the real world. We specialize in diverse mediums that give expression to any creative idea so that our programs reach every student at every age, from those with special needs to those with advanced abilities, from day care centers to retirees. Katie’s Clay Studio runs classes for school-aged students and adults alike, specializing in ceramics, canvas painting, clay, fibre arts, pallet painting and more. Our private studio room and helpful staff can be booked by schools, community centers, businesses and organization leaders by calling or emailing the studio. So, whether you’re a mom looking for a great after-school art class for your kids, a troop leader interested in the class for a new patch, a childcare center, or a retiree with a creative idea, we’re your neighborhood hotspot for all things

creative. Let Katie’s Clay Studio provide stimulating enrichment for your students’ bodies and minds this school year—let’s get muddy! www.katiesclaystudio.com for more information.


Ohio Valley Hospital For more than 110 years, Ohio Valley Hospital (OVH) has offered a School of Nursing (SON) program for those who wish to obtain a diploma in the field of nursing. Their nursing program seeks to prepare students for a future in the field of nursing with a strong educational development program.The full-time nursing program accepts 50 students annually, and provides 10 full-tuition scholarships based off pre-admission test results. The nursing program is sure to meet the individual needs of students as well as the surrounding community, with faculty who have developed educational programs based off a set of strong beliefs and values. OVH’s School of Nursing program offers several courses, such as: Fundamentals I & II, Medical/Surgical Nursing I, II, & III, Nursing of the Developing Family, Mental Health Nursing and Nursing Leadership. The campus is equipped with classrooms, nursing and computer labs, conference rooms, a library, faculty/ staff offices, a student lounge and an auditorium. During clinical rotations, students can gain experience at OVH’s medical-surgical units, critical care suite, emergency department, post-anesthesia care unit, outpatient surgical service and Geropsychiatric Unit. The 19-month program is affiliated with La Roche College. Upon graduation and after successfully passing the NCLEX exam and obtaining a Registered Nursing License, OVH students are able to enter La Roche’s RN-to-Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program.To learn more about Ohio Valley Hospital’s School of Nursing program, visit https://ohiovalleyhospital.org/schools/ school-of-nursing/.


Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School OLSH is an independent Catholic school that is a ministry of the Felician Sisters. The school welcomes all students, and students from a variety of faith backgrounds attend OLSH. Students come to OLSH from 30 different school districts, including Cranberry and other north suburbs. The OLSH faculty and staff is comprised of dedicated and talented individuals who strive 18

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to provide challenging and innovative educational experiences. They consider their work much more than a job; to them, teaching is a fulfillment of the mission of OLSH and the Felician Sisters. OLSH’s student-centered curriculum focuses on helping each student to realize his or her potential. Each department offers a variety of college preparatory level and honors/advanced level coursework, in addition to interesting and unique electives. OLSH AP Advantage Program – funded by a grant, this program features opportunities for AP and advanced course study. As the only school outside the state of Indiana to participate in the University of Notre Dame’s Teacher Investment Program, teachers of AP English, science, and math courses receive special training and resources to provide the opportunity for AP study to more students. Students interested in advanced courses not offered on site at OLSH have the opportunity to take online courses through Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth. The OLSH Writing & Learning Center is a university-style writing center where students can receive free tutoring and writing support from faculty or trained student peer tutors. OLSH offers a variety of courses in STEM or STEAM areas and has increased course offerings in science and engineering in recent years. This year several teachers will be incorporating virtual reality into their classes with tools like Google Cardboard and augmented reality software. The school counselors will be implementing Naviance, a webbased college and career readiness program. Thirty new lap top computers and a cart were added this summer for student use. Security updates, made possible by a grant, include new security cameras and an updated online content filter..


Providence Heights Alpha School The Providence Heights Alpha School was established in 1926 by the Sisters of Divine Providence. We continue to enjoy their leadership and guidance to this day as an independent, private, Catholic, co-ed day school. We teach children in PreK 4 (Continued on page 20)

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to 8th grade in our Early Learning Center and our main building. Children in all grades enjoy a rigorous curriculum with a balance between the traditional and innovative. Students enjoy differentiated learning with a strong approach of hands-on experiences and enrichment and our 40-acre campus allows for outside classes. We cover all subjects from cursive handwriting to STEM technologies as part of our school day with a variety of afterschool activities being offered. Early- and after-care options are available for all grades. We encourage and welcome parent volunteering in a variety of capacities based upon interest and schedule and work hard to build a family atmosphere. Visit www.alphaschool.org.


Right 4 You Advisors College Admissions and Financial Aid Coaches Studies show that more than two-thirds of college students change their majors at least once, while one-third of students will transfer colleges. This contributes towards students taking 4.5 years on average to graduate. Having graduated, many students are saddled with large amounts of debt and are unable to find employment associated with their major. Right 4 You Advisors’ mission is to help families to become educated consumers of higher education so that they may make the most of their time, money and energy. Founders L.N. Blackburn and Karen Corral offer families several levels of service. Comprehensive packages cover the entire college admissions process. This includes advice on high school classes, testing and activities; a personality and career assessment; good-matching college lists; reviews of college, scholarship and financial aid applications; and a personalized financial aid evaluation. Right 4 You Advisors hosts free, open-office hours at Panera Bread in Wexford and other locations. Anyone with collegerelated questions is welcome. They are offering a free workshop on August 29. Detailed information about their services, free resources, workshops and their open-office hours calendar can be found on their website Right4YouAdvisors.com or call 412-301-7871.


Wexford Acting Studio Wexford Acting Studio prides itself on being a solid training ground for those who are serious about excellence in stage performance in plays, musicals, talent shows, Shakespeare contests and the audition process. We provide students with the tools they need to be successful in the musicals and showcases which WAS mounts every fall, spring and summer. In-studio training equips our students with the skills they need to have successful performances in their own high school and community shows. Students look forward to participating in our high-production-value fall show, and they enjoy their time in class where they learn the nuts and bolts of an actor’s trade. We teach several acting techniques through exercises, games, improvisations, total immersions, dialect, scene and monologue work. We also provide our students opportunities to participate in master classes. Seasoned professional instructors provide each student with the skills needed to thrive on stage, all while having a fun time doing it. Our studio program is unique in this area, and if you are looking for a real theater school that focuses on your growth as an actor/singer/dancer, be sure to check us out!

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Art Imagined Art Imagined is a new art studio located in Wexford. It is a classroom space as well as a studio space. We offer a wide variety of art classes to both children and adults, including (but not limited to) painting, printmaking, jewelry, sculpture, pottery and drawing. Prices vary depending on class, age and skill level. The studio space will also be available during specified hours for individuals looking to come in on their own time and utilize the materials and equipment available. Grand opening celebration on September 1. For more information, visit us at: www.artimaginedpgh.com 4 4 4


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Back2School2018 School Movers & Shakers The Kerr Elementary School groundbreaking ceremony was held Tuesday, July 10. A brand-new Kerr will be constructed on the current Kerr property and site work has already begun on the lower field (the current playground). Construction will continue throughout the school year.

North Allegheny North Allegheny boy’s swimming team has been named the overall High School National Champion by Swimming World magazine for the 2017-2018 school year. The Tigers will be featured in their September issue.

North Hills North Hills Middle School educator Joe Welch has been selected as the 2018 Joe Welch Pennsylvania History Teacher of the Year by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. He is now one of 53 finalists for the organization’s National History Teacher of the Year Award that will be announced in October.

Seneca Valley Jeremy Love, a rising junior at Seneca Valley Senior High School, has been selected to participate in the 2018 Macy’s Great American Marching Band as one of the select number of students from Pennsylvania. The Band is celebrating the 92nd anniversary of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and will take an honor position in the parade on November 22. Seneca Valley earned four awards in the National School Public Relations Association’s (NSPRA) 2018 Publications and Digital Media Contest.

Mars Area

Welch is an eighth-grade social studies teacher. He will receive a $1,000 cash award, an archive of books and historical resources for the North Hills Middle School library, attendance at a 2019 Gilder Lehrman teacher seminar and recognition at a state ceremony. 24

Mars Area School District is excited to announce that Todd Lape is moving to the position of principal at Mars Todd Lape Area Elementary School, effective with the start of the 2018-2019 School Year. Lape served as principal of Mars Area Primary Center (2015-2018) and Mars Area Centennial School (2009-2015). Mars Area School Board voted unanimously to appoint Travis W. Mineard as Mars

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Travis Mineard

Area School District’s Director of Special Education. Mineard’s appoint went into effect on July 1. Mars Area incoming junior Zachary Leachman competed in the 2018 Salinas CAMTRI Triathlon American Youth Olympic Games Zachary Qualifier, held July 1 in Leachman Salinas, Ecuador. Leachman placed 30th overall and ninth among U.S. finishers with a time of 1:00.58. He was one of eight male athletes to compete as a member of the USA Triathlon (USAT) “Team USA” at the event.

Shady Side Academy Shady Side Academy Class of 2018 graduate Seungwon “Jackie” Kim of McCandless has been awarded the National Merit Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Scholarship.

Seungwon “Jackie” Kim

Aquinas Academy Aquinas Academy rising senior Margaret Maglio was selected as a US Lacrosse 2018 All Academic award winner which recognizes excellence in both Lacrosse and academics. Twelve Aquinas Academy eighth grade students competed at the State Competition of the Pennsylvania Junior Academy

of Science at The Pennsylvania State University in University Park on May 21. Nathanael Archer, Charles Dingle, Maria Figucia, Elizabeth Hardy, and Sabrina Knox earned first place awards. Nathan Anthony, Steven Giacobbe, John Griffith, Emilia Kartsonas, Anna Keverline, Sejal Sharma, and Patrick Veazey received second place awards. Classmates Rosemary Kenny and Corinne Reed served as technicians for the competition after strong second place science projects at the regional competition held at Duquesne University on February 3.

St. Joseph High School Saint Joseph High School student Ethan Schroeder received the George Washington Leadership Award at National History Day Competition on June 14. The award was sponsored by George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate, Museum, & Gardens.

Holy Cross Academy Holy Cross Academy, sixth grader David Thomas took first place at the Pittsburgh

Catholic Schools of the Pittsburgh Diocese REGISTER NOW for the 2018-2019 School Year Butler Catholic School (Butler)

Principal: Sr. John Ann Mulhem C.D.P. 724-285-4276 www.butlercatholic.org

Cardinal Wuerl North Catholic Catholic High School (Cranberry Twp) Principal: Luke Crawford 412-321-4823 www.cwnchs.org

Providence Heights Alpha School (Allison Park)

Principal: Margaret Ruefle M.ED.M.S. (412) 366-4455 www.alphaschool.org

Saint Gregory School (Zelienople) Principal: Erin Harris (724) 452-9731 school.stgregzelie.org

Christ the Divine Teacher Catholic Academy (Aspinwall)

Saint Joseph High School (Natrona Heights)

North Hills Regional Catholic Elementary Schools

Saint Wendelin Catholic School (Butler)

Principal: Mr. Mark Grgurich (412) 781-7927 www.cdtca.org

(412) 837-1056 www.nhrces.org

Oakland Catholic High School Principal: Marisa Greco www.oaklandcatholic.org (412) 682-6633

Principal: Beverly K. Kaniecki (724) 224-5552 www.SaintJosephHS.com

Principal: Mrs. JoLynn Clouse 724-285-4986 www.stwendelinschool.com

Vincentian Academy (North Hills, PA)

Principal: Mrs. Rita Canton (412) 364-1616 www.vincentianacademy.org

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Regional Science and Engineering Fair at the Carnegie Science Center. His project “Which Antacid is the Most Efficient” competed in the Behavioral and Consumer Sciences category. He is eligible to participate in the national Broadcom Masters science fair. The following Holy Cross Academy seventh and eighth grader placed competed at the state Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science. Bridget Lucas earned first place award and Brianna Cobbey, Joey Daeschner, Jackson Farrell, Colleen Kilpatrick and Ben Tarquinio received second place awards. The Holy Cross Academy Class of 2018 included 47 graduates who will be attending 13 different high schools in the fall. Receiving a Principal’s Award were Emma Fischer and Matthew Seidl, Liturgical Minister Award to Shannon Schollaert and Brian Tarbuk and The American Legion Award to Jeremy Ciaramella and Rachel Sweeny. Congratulations to Holy Cross Academy (St. Sebastian) alumna, Grace Doerfler ’12 who is graduating from Oakland Catholic High School as a Global Competence Initiative (GCI) scholar. Grace is also 2018 Oakland Catholic Valedictorian. Congratulations to Holy Cross Academy (St. Sebastian) alumna, Alexis Moskala ’12 who is the Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School Valedictorian. She also received the OLSH’s Spirit of Caring Award for more than 870 service hours.

La Roche College La Roche College has been recognized for its committed implementation of high-impact educational practices, earning its title as one of the nation’s Colleges of Distinction for the seventh consecutive year.


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CCAC The Community College of Allegheny County announced that the CCAC Workforce Development Division has joined the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Academy. As a member institution of the AWS Academy, the college has access to an authorized cloud computing curriculum developed and maintained by the academy.

BC3 Butler County Community College in early August will establish its first presence in the city of Butler by relocating its coordinator of community leadership initiatives from BC3’s main campus in Butler Township to a South Main Street building.

Saint Vincent College Saint Vincent College graduate Jacob M. Noonan was awarded the Outstanding Leadership Award by the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police upon completion of his academy training on June 11, at a ceremony held at CCAC Northside.

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