August ‘20

Page 1

Region 9

District 2C

August North Garland High School Â

Volume 8

Issue 1


ANNOUNCEMENTS We're Back! + Remind and Discord + Earn An Hour




OUR PARTNERS Meet the organizations Key Club is working with!


Importance of Volunteering





FROM YOUR BOARD D e s p i t e t h e h a r s h t i m e w e a r e g o i n g t h ro u g h , w e hope that our response to this situation can set an example for our members and community.

Hop Dong, President

H e y e v e r y o n e ! I ’ m t h i s y e a r’ s p u n n y a s s i s t a n t editor! I know that our situation isn’t ideal, e s p e c i a l l y b e c a u s e w e ’ r e q u a ra n T E E N S ( p u n i n t e n d e d ) b u t l e t ' s t r y t o h a v e l o t s o f fu n t o g e t h e r! I’ll try my best to make a great website and online services so we can all stay connected!

Isabella Ignacio, Editor

W e l c o m e t o S e p t e m b e r ! I h o p e y o u ' v e h a d a g re a t summer and have been adjusting to school well. I k n o w t h a t i t ' s q u i t e a s t r e s s fu l t i m e b u t w e ' l l g e t t h r o u g h t h i s . A s a l w a y s , t a k e c a re o f y o u rs e l f. Especially now more than ever <3

Ivy Nguyen, Editor

We're Back! After a long hiatus, Key Club is back to offer you new opportunities. Our Key Club officers have been working hard to come up with quarantine-friendly events. We have many ideas planned and can't wait to show you. Stay tuned!

Join our Platforms! If you haven't yet, join our socials! We just released a Discord, and we highly encourage you to join us there! This year, Key Club will be reaching out and interacting with our members in hopes of creating a strong community.

. . . g n i c s i n i Rem

Go to the last pages for our social information!


Fun Fact: Approximately 7% of the U.S. population believes that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. That's 16.4 million people!

Safety Procedures During this time, we should be the most conscious of our health and the procedures to maintain it. What are some methods that aid in keeping yourself healthy? Fill in the blanks.

1. W A


2. W 3.


4. S 5. B


















Submit a screenshot of your completed activity to any officer on Remind, Discord or email to to earn an hour!



The Kiwanis organization was originally built upon four moral principles: leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness. Once I became a part of the North Garland Key Club board, I realized that this year’s board not only had all these elements, but they had something more. They had perseverance. As many members know, this year has put us under some peculiar circumstance. From months of self quarantine slowly descending all of us into madness, to a global pandemic instigating paranoia, many are anxious of the future of Key Club. Even in the current situation, numerous Kiwanis organizations are actively serving others using digital letters, drawings, and other support mechanisms to aid others from a safe distance. Much like these larger model Kiwanis organizations, as an officer, I am proud to see our board working together to continue providing volunteer opportunity and service during these difficult times. From digital zoom calls to online drawing contests to create children’s books, each one of the board members is not obligated, but compelled to help others even despite the challenges we face. As many members know, this year has put us under some peculiar circumstance. From months of self quarantine slowly descending all of us into madness, to a global



pandemic instigating paranoia, many are anxious of the future of Key Club. Even in the current situation, numerous Kiwanis organizations are actively serving others using digital letters, drawings, and other support mechanisms to aid others from a safe distance. Much like these larger model Kiwanis organizations, as an officer, I am proud to see our board working together to continue providing volunteer opportunity and service during these difficult times. From digital zoom calls to online drawing contests to create children’s books, each one of the board members is not obligated, but compelled to help others even despite the challenges we face.



While other organizations continue to cancel events due to sheer difficulty or organization issues, our board chose to persevere through, even with a difficult journey ahead of us. Despite the mutual effort among board members to continue on, It didn’t come without some hardship. I distinctly remember us planning a car wash in July to not only fund our club, but also to advocate for the Black Lives Matter movement. Putting the project together was a huge endeavor. From the editing staff spending hours on flyers for promotion to the treasury department’s calculations and research on which location we

would use, all our efforts seemed to be going as planned. Just as I began to eagerly await the first project of the year, COVID-19 cases began to spike. I felt defeated. I felt that all our efforts were in vain. Even though I wanted the event to press on, not only me, but the whole board acknowledged that member’s safety was top priority and ultimately canceled the whole event. I could tell the whole board felt down, not knowing how the year would continue without being able to physically meet up with members. We all fell into a rut. Despite the situation not being ideal, we pressed on. We persevered. Everyone on our team continued to create elaborate ideas, suggesting ways to create new online experiences. I, who originally saw coordinating this year as nearly impossible, began to work around my problems. As webmaster, I upgraded the NG Key Club website, making it easy to use as I thought about user experience, and all and all, I am confident that the efforts of our staff will make this year’s Key Club experience a good one. Even with all the difficulty surrounding not only myself, but all of Key Club, will try our hardest to create new opportunities for members to continue to actively serve. Though times are tough we can persevere through this. So anyone who wants to join Key Club,, help us make a difference, help us continue the Key Club way!



works to protect children and their rights, ensuring protection for children suffering from war, poverty, disabilities, exploitation, and violence. UNICEF also advocates for the equal rights of women and girls and are working to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals, which are set to attain a sustainable future and leave no one behind.

March of Dimes

strives to prevent birth defects and infant deaths by conducting research on infant health. They are committed to preventing premature births and have launched campaigns to promote the importance of prenatal care.

Children's Miracle Network

raises funds for children’s hospitals, medical research and awareness for children’s health issues. They have raised funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America.


Importance of Volunteering Christopher Vo Imagine a world where we only did work for personal gain and always expected a paycheck at the end of the week. A world like that would mean that the homeless would not receive help, refugees would have no one to rely on, and communities would be left with too many problems that money can’t solve. We may not be able to solve the world’s problems, but we can start by helping our own communities. Volunteering is essential to building a strong and balanced community. First off, let’s talk about what community service is about. It’s not a task that’s fulfilled because it’s some kind of requirement, nor is it something a person should expect to be rewarded for. Volunteering is when a person shows benevolence by donating their time to help others. As Elizabeth Andrew would say, “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart” and that ‘heart’ is what drives so many people to do what they do and to continue doing it. Now, the activity that these volunteers do can impact another person’s life in ways they didn’t know they could. In this world, there are numerous people who need hot food on their plate or clothes on their backs and volunteers are able to make that list of people in need shorter. It may not seem obvious at the moment, but the effects of the work that you contribute can last a lifetime. Not only for the people you assist, but for you as an individual.


Participating in community service establishes important life skills such as communication and collaboration. Some individuals may already have these skill sets, whereas others have opportunities to let them grow. Having these abilities enables a person to expand their knowledge and connection of their community. Volunteering can also help us with building relationships with the different people around us; it gives us the opportunity to meet new and unique people that we wouldn’t have met had we not volunteered. These relationships can increase an individual’s confidence and self-esteem with interacting with new people. There are also those that need help with finding a purpose and being able to help others. These community services can give a sense of purpose to those who really need it. These people that have troubles in life are able to give the help that they hoped they had gotten. There are many important factors that build a person’s life, but volunteering adds an additional importance. It can affect many people’s lives, including the one that’s doing the helping. It helps improve those that need help and builds the character of the volunteers.


Contact Information President Dustin Dong

Vice President Ai Do

Vice President Chris Vo

Secretary Angela Lianthong

Secretary Obed Lastick

Treasurer Daniel Nguyen


Historian Tina Le

Editor Isabella Ignacio

Editor Ivy Nguyen

Advisor Joel Blakley

LTG Tisha Gautam

Regional Advisor Dennis Hogan


District Board Govenor Kareenna Patel

Secretary Vivian Thai

Treasurer Raj Patel

Editor Katelyn Tran

Convention Liaison Kaitlyn Roehr

Technology Producer Alina Dam




contact us for an invite link



North Garland HS Key Club

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