March 2021

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March Newsletter North Garland High School Region 9 District 2S Volume 8 Issue 8




Filled with Gratitude


Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome


Our Partners


Contact Information






HOP DONG (PRESIDENT) Hey Key Club Members! As this Key Club year comes to an end, I wanted to say thank you for sticking with our board and above all learning a positive impact behind. The volunteering work warms my heart and brings everyone closer together as a whole. Thank you!

IVY NGUYEN (EDITOR) I hope you're all doing well. We have officially entered spring, the season of exams. Yay! Fun! These next last months will be very hectic as the school year wraps up but you can pull through! We're almost there!

LEDCON LEDCON is going online on April 15th! LEDCON is a convention entirely devoted to Key Club. Booked with fun events and interactive opportunities to learn more about Key Club. Any member can attend and registration is FREE! Bling GiveAways (T-Shirt, Convention Pin, Cup, Stickers, Temporary Tattoos, Sunglasses, Handsanitizer) are only $10!

About A Helping Hand Helping Hand is a project that serves to raise awareness for children in the foster care system and advocates for foster kids who are struggling emotionally or financially. North Garland Key Club is requesting for your help. By donating items such as hygiene products, coloring books, school items, gifts, and clothing, you can participate in lending a helping hand!






04/17 -18 04/07

MST hours due Next General Meeting



Search for the names of the upcoming officer board!

Submit a screenshot of your completed activity to any officer on Remind, Discord or email to to earn thirty KC minutes!


by Hop Dong

FILLED WITH GRATITUDE My life wouldn't be the same without the people that have shaped and molded my character. They have given me everything I wanted and have helped me succeed, and for that, I am grateful. I think it is important to be humble and remember all of the people that helped you get to where you are, whether it's your parents, your siblings, or God. Being thankful is being able to let go of all ideas of self-importance, and instead, acknowledge everything in your life that has made it better. I am grateful to Key Club for assisting me in my process of improving my personal life as well as the lives of others. From one action at a time, I picked up little pieces of garbage to starting a non-profit organization with the aim of assisting the homeless with food, water, and shelter. Volunteering is a fulfilling experience for me. It helps me give back to the community while expressing my gratefulness along the way. Most people consider this activity of volunteering in Key Club a time-consuming endeavor. Why should they volunteer? Why should we involve ourselves in an experience that does not have any financial value? I am grateful to uphold a club that supports the general welfare of our communities along with the world. Volunteering isn’t just a fulfilling experience of a means to feel grateful, but it is a chance for an individual to be a


part of their community. Not only am I grateful for myself, I have a large amount of gratitude for anyone who has supported me along the way as well. For instance, the officers within the past years of Key Club have paved the way for a more meaningful life filled with purpose and passion. They have shown me the ropes to find volunteering events, create packages in support of others, and write messages to bring others joy. Being grateful gave me meaning because it allows me to capture the full essence of every moment. It takes the burden out of life while adding a dimension of beauty, and it allowed me to find contentment even in moments of crisis. Ultimately, Key Club assisted me in developing a mindset that one of the major happiness within life is volunteering, which brings a sense of gratitude. Finally, I am grateful that Key Club was ever introduced within my life through families and friends that had a similar experience as mine.

by Daniel Nguyen

IMPROVISE, ADAPT, AND OVERCOME There are two ways to handle a situation: proactively and reactively. Proactively handling a situation is to anticipate and resolve the situation before it occurs. On the other hand, reactively handling a situation is to resolve the situation after the fact. Looking back at this school year as North Garland’s Key Club Treasurer, I hope to gather what I have learned from my successes and failures and improve myself for a future run as treasurer. To perform better in my position, I can improve my ability to react to situations both proactively and reactively in order to facilitate smoother club functions as treasurer. Being a proactive reactor serves to mitigate future risks. This means that, as treasurer, I should be anticipating future problems that may occur. This often comes in the form of budgeting expenses and handling future expenses such as club projects and the website through events such as fundraisers or donations. In doing so, I can keep club funding at a reasonably healthy level to finance club activities and even become more ambitious in what the club can do while reducing future loss whenever possible. However, not every situation can be anticipated and there will be times where life just slaps you with a pleasantly unpleasant surprise; this is where being a good reactive reactor has its benefits. On my first run as a woefully inexperienced treasurer, I had a rough idea of what club expenses I should expect, but a rough idea clearly did not mean a good idea. One of the main responsibilities of the treasurer is to handle the Membership Update Center, paying the club fees of members to Key Club’s district and international levels. I had expected this. It was basically under my job description and came as no surprise. However, hidden between the lines of whatever job description I was reading were issues that I had never

anticipated. Some shockers included “surprise” expenses such as paying for a Key Club website and shirts. Others included adapting to Covid-19’s safety precautions and finding a way to collect money from members with a variety of circumstances. Perhaps the biggest shocker of all was the fact that high schoolers like myself under legal age were not “responsible” enough to handle large amounts of money and were heavily restricted on what financial actions we could take. Each and every time these unexpected situations arose, I had to react in a logical and effective manner. The website fee and Covid-19? Easily dealt with. Shirts? Questionably dealt with. Financial restrictions? Dealt with (I have my ways). This past year as treasurer has beaten into me great knowledge and wisdom: skills to react to situations in an effective manner. However, this will always be a skill I have to improve. Constantly, there are times when life will straight up play dirty and throw sand in my eyes, but it is not my job to let that stop me. Though it may temporarily stun me, my job is to fight through it and get the job done (and rinse my eyes afterwards). On my first run as treasurer, I could only be proactive in what I could expect while the rest came down to reacting to unfamiliar situations. Now having gone through that and more, I have accumulated the skills and wisdom necessary to do two things. I can proactively react to more situations and I won’t be thrown off guard as much as I was on my first run. I know what to expect and I know what to do. However, like how particles in a quantum state are superimposed and their exact nature cannot be determined until observed, I cannot determine what I cannot anticipate. When that time comes, there’s only one thing to do and I hope I do it well. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.



works to protect children and their rights, ensuring protection for children suffering from war, poverty, disabilities, exploitation, and violence. UNICEF also advocates for the equal rights of women and girls and are working to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals, which are set to attain a sustainable future and leave no one behind.

March of Dimes

strives to prevent birth defects and infant deaths by conducting research on infant health. They are committed to preventing premature births and have launched campaigns to promote the importance of prenatal care.

Children's Miracle Network

raises funds for children’s hospitals, medical research and awareness for children’s health issues. They have raised funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America.


Officer Information President Dustin Dong Vice President Ai Do Vice President Chris Vo Secretary Obed Lastick Secretary Angela Lianthong Treasurer Daniel Nguyen Historian Tina Le Editor Isabella Ignacio Editor Ivy Nguyen


Advisor Joel Blakley LTG Tisha Gautam ltg2s@tokeyclub Regional Advisor Dennis Hogan region8@tokeyclub

District Board Govenor Kareenna Patel Secretary Vivian Thai Treasurer Raj Patel Editor Katelyn Tran Convention LIason Kaitlyn Roehr Technology Producer Alina Dam





North Garland HS Key Club

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"Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

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