Feb newsletter

Page 1

Vol ume4



Tabl e of cont ent Event s Memberof t hemont h



Hot Chocol at e


Bi rt hday


Memori es



MEMBERS OF THE MONTH sharon Ji j i Mari aGarci a Hel en Tran Mari aFl ores Kevi n Le RedeatAndarge ZoraSzabo Hel en Fi sseua 4

Myf i rstt i mevol unt eeri ng att heHotChocol at eRun wasl astyearwhen Iwasa sophomore. Itwasoneoft he mostmemorabl eevent st hat Ihad everbeen t o.AsIwas hel pi ng around,Ihad qui ckl ydeci ded t hen t hatI woul d def i ni t el ygo t ot he nextyearsevental so.By vol unt eeri ng att heHot Chocol at eRun,i thast aught mehow t o work wi t h ot hers and how t o mai nt ai n good communi cat i on. February3,2018,was t hedaywhen Hot Chocol at eRun,t heeventI had eagerl ybeen wai t i ng f or,t ook pl ace.Itwasa supercol d morni ng,wi t h t het emperat urebei ng cl oset o 30 degrees.At f i rst ,Iregret t ed not t aki ng at hi ckerj acketas myat t empt st o keep mysel fwarm werequi ckl y f ai l i ng

However,Ist ayed opt i mi st i caswe woul d beprovi ded f ashi onabl eyet al so f unct i onalj acket sbyt heevent personal .Itwasahect i ct i mesi nce t herewasal otofmembersgoi ng t ot hi sevent ,i nf acti twasnotonl y st udent sf rom Nort h Garl and’ sKey Cl ub,butal so st udent sf rom ot her hi gh school s.TheDartt ri p was verycrowded atonepoi ntaswe had t o getoutoft het rai n and hop ont o abus.Lucki l yt hebuswas empt y,and wewereabl et of i t everyoneont ot hebus,wi t h some peopl esi t t i ng on each ot her’ sl ap whi l eot hersweresqui shed wi t h each ot herast heywerest andi ng. Itwasapret t ybumpyri det ot he Fai rPark whi ch wasourf i nal dest i nat i on.Oncewegott here,we al lhurri ed t ot hevol unt eert entt o getourt agsand j acket s.Af t er grabbi ng al lofourvol unt eer equi pment ,wehad t o go st and nextt o abri ghtorangeboard t hat sai d “Chocol at eTent ”.Si nce everyonequi ckl yunderst ood t he si gn meantt o go t ot hechocol at e t ent ,wehuddl ed t oget herasa t eam and began ourshortwal k t owardst heChocol at eTent . However,Ist ayed opt i mi st i cas wewoul d beprovi ded f ashi onabl eyetal so f unct i onal j acket sbyt heeventpersonal .It wasahect i ct i mesi ncet here wasal otofmembersgoi ng t o t hi sevent ,i nf acti twasnotonl y st udent sf rom Nort h Garl and’ s KeyCl ub,butal so st udent sf rom ot herhi gh school s.


HOTCHOCOLATE RUN J es l i nSant hos h|Di vi s i on2S| Nor t hGar l andHi ghSc hool TheDartt ri p wasverycrowded atonepoi ntaswehad t o get outoft het rai n and hop ont oa bus.Lucki l yt hebuswasempt y, and wewereabl et of i t everyoneont ot hebus,wi t h somepeopl esi t t i ng on each ot her’ sl ap whi l eot herswere squi shed wi t h each ot heras t heywerest andi ng.Itwasa pret t ybumpyri det ot heFai r Park whi ch wasourf i nal dest i nat i on.Oncewegott here, weal lhurri ed t ot hevol unt eer t entt o getourt agsand j acket s. Af t ergrabbi ng al lofour vol unt eerequi pment ,wehad t o go st and nextt o abri ghtorange board t hatsai d “Chocol at e Tent ”.Si nceeveryonequi ckl y underst ood t hesi gn meantt o go t ot hechocol at et ent ,we huddl ed t oget herasat eam and began ourshortwal kt owards t heChocol at eTent .

There,t hecoordi nat ort ook usi n and pl aced usatourst at i ons, t hi syearIwashopi ng t o gett he st at i on i n chargeofchocol at e f ondue.Lucki l y,mywi sh was f ul f i l l ed asIdi d gett he chocol at ef onduest at i on. Unf ort unat el y,wehad t o wai tf or atl eastan hourort wo bef orewe gott hef ondueand t herestof t hesuppl i es,meani ng cupst o putt het hi ngsi n et c,setup. Oncewegott hechocol at e f onduei nt het raywehad t o keep on st i rri ng i tso t hati t woul dn' tharden up.Theyhad t o open up t heshut t ersso t hatwe can getreadybyt het i met he runnerswoul d comet o gett hei r bowl s.Itmi ghthavet aken anot herhourorso bef oret he runnersf i nal l ycame.Oncet he runnersst art ed t o comei n,we had t o work hard and f astso t hat wecan servet hem al l .Lucki l y, t hereweret i mest hel i newasn’ t t oo l ong and so wegotacoupl e ofmi nut esasabreak t i me. Ti mef l ew qui ckl yand soon i t wast i met o cl osedown my st at i on.Oncemyst at i on was cl osed down,wehad t o hel pt he ot herst at i onst hatwerest i l l runni ng and provi det hem wi t h what evert heyneeded.Theonl y t hi ng t hatIregretaboutgoi ng t o t hi sevent ,i st hatIhad t o mi ssan AP l anguagest udysessi on,butI don’ tregreti tbecausei thasbeen oneoft hebestmoment sofmy l i f e.Ican’ twai tf ornextyeart o comeso t hatIcan vol unt eerat t heHotChocol at eRun agai n.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Mel i ndaSi savang Nhu Nguyen Karen Tat Jasmi neKaruga Muhammad Ashar




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