December ‘20 Newsletter

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December Newsletter North Garland High School Region 9 District 2S Volume 8 Issue 5




Things to Look For in 2021


Falling For Key Club


Our Partners


Contact Information






DANIEL NGUYEN (TREASURER) Hey y'all, I hope you have had a great first semester and winter break! For the past semester, I would like to thank our members and officers for putting aside their time to participate in Key Club and for volunteering to serve others. As we enter 2021, I want our members to remember to stay safe, but I also want y'all to stay hopeful for great things to come. Let's look forward to a new year with new opportunities!

IVY NGUYEN (EDITOR) Welcome back from the holidays! I hope you were able to relax and recharge over the break and enjoyed the time with your family and yourself. I also hope you ate a lot and gained some weight! 2020 has been a ride but it has taught many lessons. Carry that newfound knowledge with you as you enter this new year. I wish you all good fortune!

Key Club Shirts! The designs for our Key Club shirts have been released! What do you think? All information is available on our Discord and Remind. You can also contact an officer! Just make sure to fill out the form to reserve a shirt! Sign up for the trust fund if money is tight at the moment. Show your support for Key Club! We appreciate it.


christmas village

Ledcon is a convention entirely devoted to Key Club and what we have to offer. Any member can attend! Information will be released soon so we hope you could consider going with us!





No new events thus far!


Next General Meeting


Do you know officers?


Match an officer to a description! 1 2



5 6 7

8 9

Across 2) The Supreme Officer 4) The Fake President 5) Works hard in the shadows 6) Will hunt you down if you pay in pennies 7) Created Key Club's beautiful website 9) Creates newsletters

Down 1) Friendly and approachable president 3) The kindest officer and deserves all the love 8) Future Key Club President???

Submit a screenshot of your completed activity to any officer on Remind, Discord or email to to earn thirty minutes!


by Ai Do

It's the end of 2020 and soon the start of 2021, a new year full of hope and unknown await for North Garland High School Key Club. Every event has its highlights as unexpected events happen, but there are also things we look forward to in the new year. As a member and an officer, things I look forward to at Key Club are new members and officers and member bonding. One thing to look forward to at Key Club is its new members particularly underclassmen because it's their first time volunteering, and they're the potential future leaders of Key Club after old members graduate from high school. I look forward to their effort and dedication to the organization especially while volunteering and when socials are hosted throughout the year. Hopefully, by the end of the year, I will see all new members' beautiful faces as this year, most members are online, so seeing new members was difficult. Also, their potential as a leader when they volunteer as officers pushed them to be a leader while volunteering as they're the future of Key Club. As COVID-19 hits us this year, the interaction between members and officers are never the same.


Throughout the year, we host socials where members participate to play games as they interact with each other and get to know everyone in the Key Club family. At the same time, most community service opportunities this year are online which leads to a decrease in the interaction between officers and members. As new members are shy and new to the club, I hope they will be more comfortable in the organization as officers interact with them while volunteering. I look forward to future socials as more members will participate and get to know each other more before the school year ends. All in all, a new year is approaching and getting closer to us meaning there will be new things to look forward to. The first thing to look forward to with Key Club is its new members, especially underclassmen, and the effort they'll put into the club as they meet new people and make new friends while giving out service. The second thing to look forward to with Key Club is the officers and members interacting with each other as it is not like every other year. However, whatever we encounter, it will be part of our lives and volunteering experience

by Christopher Vo

During my sophomore year of high school, I was looking for ways to gain my volunteer hours for that school year. Looking at the different clubs that North Garland High had to offer, I saw that Key Club was the best choice; many of my friends had experience with the club there were a lot of opportunities to gain those hours I was hoping for. However, I stayed in Key Club with a change in perspective. I saw how supporting this club was to our community and surrounding communities, from helping the homeless to handing drinks for marathon runners. The excitement that I would gain with each volunteer posting cannot be compared to any other event in my life. The event that made me realize that I was going to stay in Key Club was 2019’s Hot Chocolate Run. It was a marathon that occurred during each winter and volunteers would hand out trays of snacks and hot chocolate to each runner. This event made me realize how important teamwork was with who was in charge of each supply like snacks, hot chocolate, or cups. If one person spilled hot chocolate or forgot to put something on the tray, the whole assembly line would be backed up and the runner would have to wait for their trays. Even though the event was a bit hectic, the members

of Key Club allowed the event to feel more like fun rather than it feel like work. To keep the uplifting energy, the assembly lines made a competition for which group could give the most snack trays, and although we didn’t win, it reminded me that fun can be brought into everything you do. That is when I fell in love with Key Club. After that, I put in the effort to share the same feeling that I felt at Hot Chocolate Run, trying to make most events memorable and allowing members to find their second family in this club. Though that marathon was why I fell for Key Club, I’m reminded at almost every event why this club full of volunteers is so special: it is because everyone tries their best to help the people that need it the most. The members here are able to understand that even though they are fortunate to have certain, it doesn’t mean that others are just as lucky; those that learn that spread that ideology throughout the club and maybe even outside the club for others to learn. In the end, I fell in love with Key Club because I was able to make memories with the members around me, the members are efficient, and they spread valuable lessons for others to learn.



works to protect children and their rights, ensuring protection for children suffering from war, poverty, disabilities, exploitation, and violence. UNICEF also advocates for the equal rights of women and girls and are working to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals, which are set to attain a sustainable future and leave no one behind.

March of Dimes

strives to prevent birth defects and infant deaths by conducting research on infant health. They are committed to preventing premature births and have launched campaigns to promote the importance of prenatal care.

Children's Miracle Network

raises funds for children’s hospitals, medical research and awareness for children’s health issues. They have raised funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America.


Officer Information



Vice President

Vice President

Dustin Dong Flamingbanana21@gmail

Ai Do aido102816@gmail

Chris Vo vochris102@gmail




Obed Lastick lastiobe000@

Angela Lianthong angelalianthong@gmail

Daniel Nguyen dnbusi20@gmail




Tina Le ledun000@

Isabella Ignacio ignacisa000@

Ivy Nguyen ivklan000@gmail



Regional Advisor

Joel Blakley

Tisha Gautam ltg2s@tokeyclub

Dennis Hogan region8@tokeyclub




Kareenna Patel

Vivian Thai

Raj Patel


Convention Liason

Technology Producer

Katelyn Tran

Kaitlyn Roehr

Alina Dam





North Garland HS Key Club

contact us for an invite link

"If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton

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