July ‘21 Newsletter

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NGKC July Newsletter North Garland High School Region 9 District 2S Volume 9 Issue 2









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CHRIS VO (VICE PRESIDENT) Hey Key Club! The school year is just around the corner but that doesn't mean our events stop. If anything, it allows for more volunteering opportunities opening up during the Fall/ Winter semester. So, keep doing what you're doing and follow along our socials to be up to date with the events that we post!

CLAIRE NGUYEN (SECRETARY) Hi Key Club!! I'm so excited to start a new, normal year with you all and greet all the new members. Here's to a successful year with lots of chances for volunteering and socials!

IVY NGUYEN (EDITOR) I hope your summer has been great so far and that you have been able to enjoy your time. Unfortunately, we will be returning to school a little extra early this time which means our break will be cut short. However, that also means that Key Club will be able to kick-start events a little earlier as well so look forward to what we have planned! We promise to make this year worthwhile.



Car Wash Fundraiser 07/17 Thank you to all of the members who joined us on June 17th and helped us raise $145.30! Despite the high temperatures and physical demand, you guys still worked very hard. Key Club truly appreciates your effort and collaboration.


Raider Return and Raider Rush Thank you to all the members who visited the campus on these orientation dates! Everyone worked very hard and we successfully promoted Key Club to nonmembers. Hopefully we see many new faces this school year! p.s. We made $35 from selling candy!



july riddle It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it?

Message Submit a screenshot of your completed activity to any officer on Remind, Discord or email to keyclubnghs@gmail.com to earn thirty Key Club minutes!


car wash 07/17


Growing Greens Project Clearing land of branches and other objects in the gardening center.

Upcoming In...

Time: Morning; TBA Location: Loving Green Garden







































Color Run Handing out water and tossing colors at marathon runners. Time: 8a - 1p Location: Dallas Fair Park

Code Cares Aiding seniors in outdoor yardwork. Time: TBD Location: TBA



The pandemic hit everyone hard in the year 2020-21 that many of us struggle in different areas such as school, work, and others. For Key Club, we struggled a lot with getting more people to join our organization and finding ways for our members to give their service as things were online. However, there is always the second path to volunteering as people in the community always sought to find a way to deliver their help to others who are needing help during the pandemic such as using technology to spread the word. Although the pandemic caused great difficulty for everyone, it surprised me that volunteering is possible in all ways and can happen in the worst-case scenario one can imagine. At the same time, it surprises me that there are so many opportunities to volunteer online and how North Garland Key Club started a service project during this craziness. When the pandemic first hit, everywhere was in lockdown, and volunteering was almost impossible. As an officer, I was worried about how the club would operate during this lockdown and dangerous volunteering environment. Now reflecting on the situation, it surprises me that we were able to find volunteering opportunities online and have people reaching out to us to provide us the opportunities to volunteer with many different communities. It also surprises me that there are so many volunteering opportunities online such as donation, online tutoring, answering questions to donate food to people in need, and many other options. Another thing that surprised me from the pandemic was that people are willing to give out their service to the community even in the worst-case scenario. To me, online volunteering was a novel idea and fresh as I never tried it before nor know anything about it and had a lot of questions as to how things will operate


through the computer screen. However, when we posted the first online volunteering event, it surprised me that many are willing to volunteer at the comfort of their homes. The last thing that surprised me is that our club started a project during the pandemic. At first, I thought it would be difficult to gain people's attention to the project and getting donations needed. With the help of technology, we were able to effectively communicate and carry out the service project successfully. Overall, the pandemic surprises me a lot with volunteering is possible everywhere. However, as I looked to my fellow officers, I saw that very glimpse of hope I was looking for. As bleak as the situation was, they were hard at work to ensure that the North Garland Key Club would offer the best experience it could. Inspired by their resolve, I couldn’t afford to sit by when it seemed like The pandemic opens my horizon of volunteering is you can give your service as it can be everywhere whether in person or through a computer screen; the service to the community is delivered and does make a change in some ways. Lastly, volunteering is possible anywhere and everywhere you are.



All my life, I’ve strived to be the type of person that everyone knows and can rely on. High school was always a dream to me as a kid , a place where I could better myself and my community with new friends in a new environment. Key Club, and my fellow members, have given me the opportunity to better myself and become the person I’ve always wanted to be. Getting to volunteer with my friends and help out with club socials let’s me be a part of something special. They’ve taught me important lessons in time management, hard work, and being there for others. Before I became a member, I wasn’t the type of person to step up or sign up for events. I did the bare minimum volunteering wise and never looked forward to any of it. Over the quarantine, I’ve lost my sense of time and urgency, and, admittedly, my sense of punctuality. Every day felt the same and I was getting bored. Key Club, however, gave me plenty of events and socials to look forward to. It helped me keep my sense of purpose, especially during the pandemic. Getting the opportunity to volunteer with my friends and help out the community through Key Club has encouraged me to take charge a bit more and do more for both the club and community. It’s taught me to be more responsible and reliable, which is a lesson I desperately needed, especially as a high school upperclassman. Being able to manage my schedule and balance my responsibilities is something I’m glad to have learned through the club. I was always the type of person to never push myself to do harder work and always managed to do the work that was required of me and nothing more. Volunteering with Key Club and being the Assistant Secretary has

taught me that that way of life isn’t the best for me or my peers. Writing reports, offering to help with the club, and attending meetings has given me more responsibilities to work with and has taught me that adequate work wasn’t always the best. Being able to be critiqued by my fellow officers has molded me into a harder worker for both the club and school. Striving to put out better work and use my skills to the fullest is one of the important lessons Key Club has taught me. Most of the tasks I’ve done throughout my life have been for myself; no one else had relied on me before, and if I didn’t finish something on time, I was the only one who suffered. Getting to be a Key Club member has introduced me to a delicate system where we all depend on each other with a set schedule. Having to turn in articles and reports in a timely manner so the other members can do what they need is crucial as an officer, which is something I’ve never needed to do before. As an adult, there will be plenty of projects and tasks where others will rely on me to get my work done, and being able to practice this as an officer in high school with Key Club is a great opportunity to practice for the future. Though I haven’t been in Key Club as long as my other members, it’s taught me various important lessons as an upperclassman, such as becoming a more timely person, stepping up and pushing myself to work harder, and how to balance my work along with my fellow officers. I’m definitely not the same person I was as a freshman, and I feel more prepared to mature and manage more important manners such as college and a job. Being able to improve myself and grow through Key Club has been a wonderful experience for me and I hope to better myself during the upcoming school year.


PARTNERS March of Dimes strives to prevent birth defects and infant deaths by conducting research on infant health. They are committed to preventing premature births and have launched campaigns to promote the importance of prenatal care.


UNICEF works to protect children and their rights, ensuring protection for children suffering from war, poverty, disabilities, exploitation, and violence. UNICEF also advocates for the equal rights of women and girls and are working to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals, which are set to attain a sustainable future and leave no one behind.

Children's Miracle Network raises funds for children’s hospitals, medical research and awareness for children’s health issues. They have raised funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America.


March of Dimes

Children's Miracle Network


Officer Information President Ai Do aido102816@gmail.com Vice President Isabella Ignacio IsaIgnacio108@gmail.com

LTG Tisha Gautam ltg2s@tokeyclub

Vice President Chris Vo vochris102@gmail.com

Regional Advisor Dennis Hogan region8@tokeyclub

Secretary Angela Lianthong angelalianthong@gmail.com


Advisor Joel Blakley jrblakle@garlandisd.net

District Board

Secretary Claire Nguyen cyanflower85@gmail.com

Govenor Lilian Thai governor@tokeyclub.com

Treasurer Daniel Nguyen dnbusi20@gmail.com

Secretary Ginna Galindo secretary@tokeyclub.com

Historian Amy Nguyen littlepugamy@gmail.com

Treasurer Makayla Hsieh treasurer@tokeyclub.com

Webmaster Alvin Tran alvin33220@gmail.com

Editor Anushka Ranjan editor@tokeyclub.com

Editor Alvina Tran alvina22440@gmail.com

Convention LIason Valerie Hennessee cl@tokeyclub.com

Editor Ivy Nguyen ivklan000@gmail.com

Technology Producer Noah Obuya technproducer@tokeyclub.com

Socials Email keyclubnghs@gmail.com

Website https://www.ngkeyclub.com/

Instagram @ngkeyclub

Discord Contact us for an invite link

Remind @ngkc21

Twitter @nghs_kc

Facebook North Garland HS Key Club



"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals."

~ Henry David Thoreau

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