February 2021

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February Newsletter North Garland High School Region 9 District 2S Volume 8 Issue 6




Starting A Project


Lending A Hand


Our Partners


Contact Information






HOP DONG (PRESIDENT) As you may know, the past few months have pretty rough on most families. For me, the safety of you-our member-are our top concern whatever that may be. Despite any problematic situations you may be facing, together as a Key Club Family we can conquer 2021 together!

OBED LASTICK (SECRETARY) Greetings North Garland Key Club members, I hope everyone is staying safe and warm in midst of this acclimate weather we have endured this past month and have regained access to power and electricity. Despite these overwhelming circumstances that we face, I am always inspired by the dedication to the club that each and every member provides as this organization would not be what it is today without the active participation of all our members. The proof of this can be seen by many of you guys completing the 20 hour requirement for this year and most are very close. I truly appreciate all the hard work you guys put into Key Club and in turn serve the community. As we near Spring Break, I hope all you take some well deserved rest and relax!

LEDCON LEDCON is going viral! LEDCON is a convention entirely devoted to Key Club. Booked with fun events and interactive opportunities to learn more about Key Club. Any member can attend and registration is FREE! Bling Give-Aways (T-Shirt, Convention Pin, Cup, Stickers, Temporary Tattoos, Sunglasses, Handsanitizer) are only $10!

About A Helping Hand Helping Hand is a project that serves to raise awareness for children in the foster care system and advocates for foster kids who are struggling emotionally or financially. North Garland Key Club is requesting for your help. By donating items such as hygiene products, coloring books, school items, gifts, and clothing, you can participate in lending a helping hand!





A Helping Hand


Officer Elections


Next General Meeting



Key Club has been doing themes for each meeting we conduct! Find all of the themes in the word search!

Spongebob Among Us Charlie Brown

Gravity Falls Adventure Time New Years

Chicken Minecraft Lunar New Years

Submit a screenshot of your completed activity to any officer on Remind, Discord or email to keyclubnghs@gmail.com to earn thirty minutes!


by Ai Do

STARTING A PROJECT Key Club is a student-led organization where we offer volunteer events to help students develop soft skills such as leadership, teamwork, communications, and others. Due to the pandemic this year, volunteering can be done virtually or in person. As an officer of Key Club, I went to many volunteer events as soon as the new year started. Although volunteering has never been the same during these tough times and very difficult, my favorite event was the Crocheting Project I started because I got to learn new skills, meet members, interact with members. As the year 2021 starts, I started a project with crocheting blankets to help people in Texas blizzard weather. This is my first time starting a project, so I was very nervous about what will come. Fortunately, some members are at all levels of crocheting in Key Club, so I was able to start this project and have someone to help me planning due to my little knowledge about crocheting. The planning and learning process was the most enjoyable part of the project because members and I have the power to organize what fits us the most at the time from scheduling and crocheting patterns. Learning a new skill is always an interesting process, fun, and, of course, the difficulties. At first, I started by selflearning which was very difficult because I was introduced to terms I never thought would be used in crocheting, and I was uncomfortable holding the yarn and hook. After meeting members with years of experience, I was able to


master the skills of crocheting through their guidance and help. I had fun learning how to crochet because at first, you will want to give up, but when you get the hang of the basics, you can do everything as you build upon it. Due to the pandemic and virtual volunteer events, officer's and member's interactions are less and less compared to other years. With the Crocheting Project, I was able to meet a few members that I haven’t seen since the beginning of the school year. I was able to get to know about members little by little as members express their opinions on topics while we crochet. I was able to communicate with members through creating a group chat to make sure that git the message and is on the same page which enhances my communication with members. All in all, they enjoyed volunteering for the project I started because I get to learn a new skill of crocheting, meeting members that I have seen since the school year began, and enhance my interaction with members, especially in communication.

by Angella Lianthong

LENDING A HAND Just like any other school club, Key Club consists of officers who help manage its activities. Every officer is given responsibilities that they must fulfill for the benefit of the club overall. For example, editors create articles every month, the webmaster manages the club website, and the treasurer manages the club’s money and fundraisers. Outside of these basic tasks, however, there are times when Key Club officers also organize personal projects with the intention of contributing to a particular cause of their choice. Even though these projects are not required of the board, they allow officers to experience tackling ambitious tasks and giving to their community. With our club project called “A Helping Hand”, our goal is to uplift and aid children in foster care by making care packages. This month specifically, we hope to accomplish the final planning stages of this project. With deciding a foster care home to donate to and brainstorming items to pack out of the way, we can move on to the next step. The officers participating in the project are looking forward to finalizing the items to include in the care packages and planning a donation drive to gather those items as well as a get-together where members can help pack the items collected this month. Ensuring that the care packages are full of practical items and things that everyone can enjoy is our main focus when finalizing the list. Additionally, involvement of

the members will make them aware of the foster care children’s situation and allow them to pitch in for the cause. Spreading awareness of their situation is important because we need to be mindful of these children who are in need of families that’ll care for them when their previous ones were unable to. They might be lacking hope of becoming a part of a new family or feel excluded in a society where the people they’re surrounded by don’t have similar situations and can’t empathize with them. By gifting these care packages, we wish to fill them with hope for a happier future.

We wish to fill them with hope for a happier future.



works to protect children and their rights, ensuring protection for children suffering from war, poverty, disabilities, exploitation, and violence. UNICEF also advocates for the equal rights of women and girls and are working to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals, which are set to attain a sustainable future and leave no one behind.

March of Dimes

strives to prevent birth defects and infant deaths by conducting research on infant health. They are committed to preventing premature births and have launched campaigns to promote the importance of prenatal care.

Children's Miracle Network

raises funds for children’s hospitals, medical research and awareness for children’s health issues. They have raised funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America.


Officer Information President Dustin Dong Flamingbanana21@gmail.com Vice President Ai Do aido102816@gmail.com Vice President Chris Vo vochris102@gmail.com Secretary Obed Lastick lastiobe000@students.garlandisd.net Secretary Angela Lianthong angelalianthong@gmail.com Treasurer Daniel Nguyen dnbusi20@gmail.com Historian Tina Le ledun000@students.garlandisd.net Editor Isabella Ignacio ignacisa000@students.garlandisd.net Editor Ivy Nguyen ivklan000@gmail.com


Advisor Joel Blakley jrblakle@garlandisd.net LTG Tisha Gautam ltg2s@tokeyclub Regional Advisor Dennis Hogan region8@tokeyclub

District Board Govenor Kareenna Patel governor@tokeyclub.com Secretary Vivian Thai secretary@tokeyclub.com Treasurer Raj Patel treasurer@tokeyclub.com Editor Katelyn Tran editor@tokeyclub.com Convention LIason Kaitlyn Roehr cl@tokeyclub.com Technology Producer Alina Dam technproducer@tokeyclub.com


keyclubnghs@gmail.com https://www.ngkeyclub.com/




North Garland HS Key Club

contact us for an invite link

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

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