January Newsletter

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jja n u a r anuary y

North Garland High School Issue







Acrostic poem, LEDCON, and our new historian!



Meet the organizations Key Club is working with!


Too Cold to Hold + February events


ASSESSING SOLUTIONS Article written by Hop Dong


10 OUT OF 10 WOULD RECOMMEND Article written by Ivy Nguyen


CONTACT INFORMATION Looking for someone? Contact us!

From Your Board Hello, hello! New historian here, I go by Tina here! Kinda awkward in the year to be an officer, but I hope you guys will welcome me. I s t r i v e t o m a k e K e y C l u b m o r e c o m fo rt a b l e a n d f u n f o r y o u r g u y s ! ! I f y o u s e e m e a ro u n d , say a hello or something. :D

Tina Le, Historian

It's crazy how quickly the first month of the d e c a d e w e n t b y . I h o p e 2 0 2 0 s t a rt e d o ff w e l l for you. Please hold onto the goals and p r o m i s e s y o u ' v e m a d e t o y o u rs e l f. If y o u ' v e already given up on your resolutions, r e m e m b e r t h a t t h e r e i s n o s p e c i fi c t i m e o f when you're allowed to set goals. When it c o m e s t o s e l f - i m p r o v e m e n t , t h e re a re n o ru l e s .

Ivy Nguyen, Editor

Random Fact: Did you know that cats can be allergic to people? Maybe there's another reason as to why your cat doesn't like you. . .

Member of the Month congrats to She has shown amazing leadership skills and has dedicated her time to volunteer with Key Club. For that, I am grateful to have her on the board. An has been giving lots of effort to her community by giving up her time over the weekend to help out at homeless shelters, marathons, and helping us with our projects!

- Quyen Tran, President


Create an acrostic poem using Key Club!

K _________________ E _________________ Y _________________ C _________________ L _________________ U _________________ B _________________ First two participants to submit their completed poem to remind or keyclubnghs@gmail.com earns an hour. 04


An Tran


April 23 - 26

more details coming soon!


e L a n Ti

check out her recent work on our instagram! @ngkeyclub


1 0 / 2 0


Events in February 02/19

General Meeting


Hot Chocolate Run

Updates and Announcements After School Cafeteria Marathon 5:30 am to 12 pm Fair Park - Building 1121 1st Ave. Dallas, TX 75210


Election Day Voting for the new board. After School tba



West Side Stories Art Festival

9 am to 4 or 5 pm 2101 West Clarendon Dr. Dallas, TX 75208 Check the Remind for updates and information.

ASSESSING SOLUTIONS Overall, I attempt to overcome obstacles that come across my position by listening to both sides of the conversation. After evaluating the problems that come across the path, I would give my solution towards the problems that come my way enforcing a positive outlook.But, I would make sure to ask questions to understand the problems. By having this mindset, someone would become more openminded, not immediately picking aside. In order to face the obstacle, you have to define the problem completely. An obstacle is defined as something that obstructs or hinders progress. Mentally, I would visualize my goal for motivation knowing that the obstacles will soon past. On the other hand, you have to acknowledge that the obstacle is a hindrance as well. If you don’t see the obstacle or believe it’s a hindrance, you’ll never reach your goals, blaming everything and everyone but the person responsible. The most obvious answer to how to overcome an obstacle? Work at it. But often we find ourselves putting off what needs to be done, and the more important or difficult it is, the more likely we are to put it off. The main reason that makes me push through all of the obstacles would

overcoming obstacles Written by Hop Dong, Webmaster

be the will power of committing to a focused discipline. True discipline is about making yourself emotionally commit time and effort to your benefit regardless of external factors. Over the years, I have just learned to overcome that discipline. In order to make the step of overcoming the problem easier, I would generally like to break the goals along with obstacles into smaller chunks. Since no one can leap to the top of Mount Everest in one step. For instance, if you want to learn to make more friends, then small goals could start with spending more time around people. For instance, if I had time to access the problem.

I would use the decision matrix to complete complex problems. A decision matrix is a series of values in columns and rows that allows you to visually compare possible solutions by weighing their variables based on importance. It can clear up confusion and highlight considerations that may factor into the final outcome. This applies to anything such as events, meetings, and most importantly incoming obstacles. At the end of the day, I would take time to reflect. Then, I would learn from any of my failures and celebrate my successes. We must learn from all our experiences, not just when we receive feedback.



UNICEF works to protect children and their rights, ensuring protection for children suffering from war, poverty, disabilities, exploitation, and violence. UNICEF also advocates for the equal rights of women and girls and are working to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals, which are set to attain a sustainable future and leave no one behind.

March of Dimes March of Dimes strives to prevent birth defects and infant deaths by conducting research on infant health. They are committed to preventing premature births and have launched campaigns to promote the importance of prenatal care.

Children's Miracle Network Children’s Miracle Network raises funds for children’s hospitals, medical research and awareness for children’s health issues. They have raised funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America.


10 out of 10 would written by Ivy Nguyen, Editor recommend.

I’ve been to plenty of events in my ongoing 2-year high school career, so narrowing my choices down was quite tough, but I managed to do it. My favorite Key Club events are Hot Chocolate Run and Color Run. Hot Chocolate Run is THE event North Garland Key Club pushes and hypes, so naturally, I participated. I remember waking up in the early dawn just like any other event and feeling quite loopy because of sleep deprivation. When we arrived at the event, Key Club was tasked with the Chocolate Tent,


where we had to fill bowls with snacks. I'm glad we had this position, so we didn’t freeze out in the cold. My friends and I were in the back, and we were responsible for placing chocolate pretzels in the bowls. We came up with an efficient way to carry our work out and finished our part quite quickly. For much of the time, we were standing around goofing off, documenting our experience, or laughing at our friends for getting the chocolate fondue all over their sleeves.

Karma eventually hit me and when it was my turn to pour the chocolate, no matter how careful I tried to be, that stuff got all over my jacket and a hassle to get off. The day was mainly filled with laughs and joy and I couldn't be happier. Out of all events though, I’d say that Color Run is my number one pick. Unfortunately, since our group is quite big, we had to split up and rotate positions. We wanted to throw colored powder at the runners, but we also had to run a water station. Fortunately, however, we were allowed to rotate and still got to see our friends since we were only separated by a fence. All we had to do was climb over this fence to join the other side… much easier said than done. I remember laughing so hard as I was setting up the water station, watching my friends bend down the fence to climb over from a distance. It was a very interesting sight. Although I did jump the fence myself, I didn’t get the chance to help out on the other side because I didn’t want to contaminate the water with the colored powder. After my shift, though, I rocked out. The powder we worked with was blue. And it was blue blue. At the end of our playing, we all looked like smurfs. I’m very excited for this spring when the event comes around again. Fingers crossed for any color besides blue. Although I picked these two events, any event I attend with my friends became a treasured memory. They’re the reason why I love volunteering and never fail to make me laugh these days.




President Quyen Tran

Vice President Daryca Sok

tran.quyen1233 @gmail.com

darycaasok @gmail.com

2nd Vice President Muhammad Basil basilacco @gmail.com

Public Relations Ai Do aido102816 @gmail.com

Secretary Judy Pham

Secretary Kirby Villafuerte

judypham2002 @yahoo.com

kirbypvillafuerte @gmail.com

Treasurer Yousef Hassen

Master of Hours Crystal Nguyen

yousuf.idh @gmail.com

crystalnguyen221 5@gmail.com

act Us Webmaster Dustin Dong Flamingbanana21 @gmail.com

Webmaster Assistant Karen Vong karenhvong @gmail.com

Historian Tina Le tinalebusiness202 @gmail.com

Editor John Garcia johngarc34206 @gmail.com

Editor Asistant Ivy Nguyen ivklan000 @gmail.com

Advisor Joel Blakley jrblakle @garlandisd.net

LTG Katherine Bui ltg2s@ tokeyclub.com

Region 9 Advisor Connor Rubrecht region9@ tokeyclub.com 13

District Board

Govenor Ashna Patel governor @tokeyclub.com

Convention Liason Dillion Grisham cl@tokeyclub.com


Secretary Kareenna Patel secretary @tokeyclub.com

Technology Producer Lacey Thomas techassistant @tokeyclub.com

Editor Vivian Thai editor @tokeyclub.com

Treasurer Katherine Chao treasurer @tokeyclub.com

FOLLOW US! https://www.ngkeyclub.com/



North Garland HS Key Club

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.

- Lao Tzu @loverboydustinn

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