October Newsletter

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o oc ct to ob be er r.. North G arland High School

Volume 7 Issue 5

Region 9 District 2C




Meet the organizations Key Club is working with!

Complete a word search and member of the month!




THE FEATURES OF KEY CLUB Article written by Ai Do

MY POSITION AS SECRETARY Article written by Kirby Villafuerte

Upcoming events this month.




CONTACT INFORMATION Looking for someone? Contact us!

officer messages Elma Sheikh , Historian Hey guys! You made it halfway through the first semester already. Now there's Thanksgiving and Christmas to look forward to. Keep working hard, you,ve done it for this long!

Editor Assistant, Ivy Nguyen I hope that you guys got to enjoy spooky season. The weather is getting colder so drink lots of water and get enough nutrition in order to maintain a healthy immune system! The holidays are coming around and before you know it, the semester is over!

Subject message

Key Club aims to

give l share l help l improve l impact l empower

First two participants to submit completed word search to Remind or keyclubnghs@gmail.com earns an hour. 04

Member of the Month Thuan congrats to


I would lik e to honor Thuan for hard work his and effort toward Ke Club. I am y extremely grateful th he’s alway at s there wil li n g to lend a helping ha nd whene ver we nee it the mos d t. He has b supporting een Key Club e ver since h transferre e d to North Garland. It has been f un getting to know h outside of im Key Club. I h ope that h will contin e ue to set a n e x a what it tak mple of es to be a Key Club members to others :D

- Quyen Tran, President



District Editor

Vivian Thai

What has Key Club taught you thus far? Key Club has taught me the importance of service, of course, but also how time community is absolutely priceless. It taught me how much I wanted to immerse myself in those feelings. I feel that time management can be overlooked when talking about Key Club's impact, but it has definitely taught me how crucial time management skills are. My job has many different elements, and if my time management skills were where they are before Key Club, I would definitely not be able to keep up right now.


November Events Meetings

20 3 & 17

Time: After School Location: Cafeteria

Hunger Buster

Location: Haggard Park, 901 E 15th, Plano Tx 75074


Time: tba Location: Ronald Kirk Bridge and Felix Lozada Gateway

Korean Fest


package food

Time: tba

Trinity Run


updates and announcements


Time: morning and evening shifts tba Location: Carrollton Asian Town Center *self-drive

Turkey Trot



Time: tba Location: Dallas City Hall 1500 Marilla St, Dallas, TX 75201


The T h e Features F e a t u r e s of of Key K e y Club Club

written by Ai Do


Public Relations

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” by Elizabeth Andrew. As many of you might know Key Club as a non-profit organization, and all we do is volunteering and give out our service. That’s not the only thing we do, but from volunteering many gain experiences and skills from giving out their service such as developing leadership as they are being exposed to invaluable experiences from community service. Key club for me is a place where I see it as my second home. As we volunteer and encounter many things together, we became closer and share our experiences and thoughts about life, volunteering, and many other things. When giving out service, we look out for each other, make sure everyone is on task and at the same time enjoy giving out service to people. Aside from volunteering, not only that I learned the value of helping people but at the same time, I learned new things as I was exposed to different cultures and experiences. From that, leadership was not the only thing I gained but I also learn a variety of skills such as communication, trustworthiness, flexibility and many others. Volunteering or being more active in your community is not the only thing you will gain from Key Club, but you learn a lot about many aspects of life within the organization as you gain experience from volunteering and learn skills along with those experiences. As for me, the organization was not just a second home to me but it also serves as an unplanned road of my future whereas I move forward, I gain experience and skills which will play a crucial part in my future as I graduate high school and go on to college. As for me, the organization was like a preview of future where I get an image of the future me, find a passion and along with skills I learned which will accompany me in the future as I face more obstacles. Another thing aside volunteering, we do fundraisers to donate to people to help them recover from natural disasters and we held clothing drives to help people in need. All in all, Key Club is not just about you delivering your service but help you gain, learn from experiences when volunteering and enjoy the act of helping others. With the skills you gain from Key Club, they will stay with you always be with you as you graduate high school and go on to college. Lastly, Key Club is not just a volunteering organization but it serves as a place where you will find your passion and others as you deliver your service.



UNICEF works to protect children and their rights, ensuring protection for children suffering from war, poverty, disabilities, exploitation, and violence. UNICEF also advocates for the equal rights of women and girls and are working to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals, which are set to attain a sustainable future and leave no one behind.

March of Dimes March of Dimes strives to prevent birth defects and infant deaths by conducting research on infant health. They are committed to preventing premature births and have launched campaigns to promote the importance of prenatal care.

Children's Miracle Network Children’s Miracle Network raises funds for children’s hospitals, medical research and awareness for children’s health issues. They have raised funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America.


My Position as Secretary written by Kirby Villafuerte


As the assistant secretary of the club, I am tasked with more or less the same things as the main secretary. I am in charge of leading club events, answering questions that the members have and reporting on all the clubs meetings and activities in general. While I love this position and I appreciate all of the opportunities I have been able to obtain through my position as an officer in the club, there are always some down sides to everything! To begin, I’ll talk about the things I truly enjoy about this position as secretary. As a secretary and an officer in general, I am glad to be a part of such a big club at my school! It allows me to help make sure the club continues to be successful and serve a big impact on the surrounding community as well as within the school. Being an officer also allows me to learn more information about key club and their events more than if I was just a normal member. Now that I know all the hard work it takes to run a club and take care of your responsibilities as an officer, I cannot be too critical towards other officers in the past. Now, let’s talk about the not so great things that come with the secretary position for key club. Right off the bat, the first thing that comes to mind is the constant need to write down all information regarding the club’s activities and making sure I have all the information I need to fill out the reports and submit them. To put it simply, the secretaries’ reports determine the clubs “reputation” somewhat, as we basically get ranked based on how good our reports are along with how active the club is being. In all honesty, it is truly not that hard to make a decent report, but i have to make sure my information is accurate and I have vital information attached to it such as sign in’s, hours worked for an event, who came, who lead, and so much more. I also have to balance my responsibilities as an officer on top of keeping up with my studies and having a social life outside of school and the club. All in all, although there may be a few things that I find a bit challenging or I simply dislike about being the secretary for key club, I am happy to have responsibilities. Being an officer has given vital experience in leadership and I could not trade anything in the world for such an experience. While things may have its ups and downs, I know at the end of the day this is my favorite club and there is nothing more that I want for it more than for it to continue to be a successful and popular club at North Garland High School! There are always times when things get hard, but all that matters is that I continue to push through and work hard not just for the sake of my position, but for the sake of the club.


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President Quyen Tran

Vice President Daryca Sok

tran.quyen1233 @gmail.com

darycaasok @gmail.com

2nd Vice President Muhammad Basil basilacco @gmail.com

Public Relations Ai Do aido102816 @gmail.com

Secretary Judy Pham

Secretary Kirby Villafuerte

judypham2002 @yahoo.com

kirbypvillafuerte @gmail.com

Treasurer Yousef Hassen

Master of Hours Crystal Nguyen

yousuf.idh @gmail.com

crystalnguyen221 5@gmail.com

act Us act Us Webmaster Dustin Dong Flamingbanana21 @gmail.com

Webmaster Assistant Karen Vong karenhvong @gmail.com

Historian Elma Sheikh xoxoelmaoxox @gmail.com

Editor John Garcia johngarc34206 @gmail.com

Editor Asistant Ivy Nguyen ivklan000 @gmail.com

Advisor Joel Blakley jrblakle @garlandisd.net

LTG Katherine Bui ltg2s@ tokeyclub.com

Region 9 Advisor Connor Rubrecht region9@ tokeyclub.com

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District Board.

Govenor Ashna Patel governor @tokeyclub.com

Secretary Kareenna Patel secretary @tokeyclub.com

Editor Vivian Thai editor @tokeyclub.com

Convention Liason Dillion Grisham cl@tokeyclub.com

Technology Producer Lacey Thomas techassistant @tokeyclub.com

Treasurer Katherine Chao treasurer @tokeyclub.com


follow us !




North Garland HS Key Club

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

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