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North Garland High School Issue







Wordsearch and LEDCON



Meet the organizations Key Club is working with!


ASPIRE Article written by Tina Le

2ND VICE PREZ Article written by Muhammad Basil

Hot Chocolate Run + March events




CONTACT INFORMATION Looking for someone? Contact us!

From Your Board "While there’s all these people talking, I want all of them to give that false chuckle when I win. Together we unite, holding our hands up together a s w e u p l i f t i n g o u r b r o t h e r s a n d s i s t e rs i n t h e g h e t t o ."

Hop Dong, Webmaster

" M o t i v a t i o n i s n o t g i f t e d i n a p re t t y b o w . Y o u m u s t l e a r n s e l f - d i s c i p l i n e t o d r i v e y o u rs e l f."

John Garcia, Editor

" T h a n k s t o e v e r y o n e w h o c o n tri b u t e s t o o u r s c h o o l ' s Key Club! All of your hard work helps build our c o m m u n i t y a n d n o n e o f i t w i l l g o u n a p p re c i a t e d ."

Daryca Sok, Vice President

Random Fact: Falling in love is very similar to taking a dose of cocaine... Both events produce euphoria-stimulating chemicals that signals 12 regions of the brain simutaneously.

Member of the Month congrats to

word search

Elections were this month! What positions were there? (There are 11 in total.)

First two participants to submit their completed wordsearch to remind or keyclubnghs@gmail.com earns an hour. 04

Linda Dang



April 23 - 26

more details coming soon!

LEDCON IS NEARING! Please begin preparing if you wish to go. Save some money and ask for permission. More details will be released. Money will be collected every Friday until 3/21! If there are any financial issues, please contact Quyen!




Events in March 03/18

General Meeting After School Cafeteria


Hunger Buster 10 am to 3 pm 3116 Sylvan Ave Dallas, TXÂ 7521

Irish Festival 2 pm to 5 pm Fair Park


Dash Down 6 am to 1 pm Central Market, 5750 E Lovers Ln, Dallas, TX, 75206


Color Run tba Fair Park


Check the Remind for updates and information.


article written by Tina Le


What do you hope to bring to Key Club ? What are your goals? I truly hope to bring more joy to Key Club, just to have more fun with the members. Our members volunteer at events even when they’re in a stressful or busy time, so just to make their time a bit better, I hopefully can do that. Even without being an officer, I really hope that I made someone’s event more enjoyable. For a more Officer-based hope, I just hope I can do my job well and efficiently. First time being an officer in a club, I’m not the most experienced person clearly. When starting as a Historian, it was near the start of the second semester, I had a big gap to fill for my role. High expectations from the other officers make me a bit nervous and anxious, but I really will try my very best at my job! So far, I’ve only been an officer for around a month, I hope I’ve been doing well. My goals for Key Club… Keep the members healthy and safe, make events more enjoyable, help out the community, and I want to enjoy Key Club myself! For my first goal, keeping the members healthy and safe, I’ve been trying that slowly and surely. Just making sure everyone is together, ensures that no one will be lost. Bringing snacks to share around and bringing hard-warmers to battle the cold weather slightly. Making sure everyone leaves first before I do. I really do care about the members’ health and safety, because they’re already doing so much for the community, this is the least I can do. My second goal is just a repeat, but to sum it up… I just want the members to have as much fun as they can during volunteering. Why can’t giving back to the community be fun as well? Key Club is a club that helps out the community, so our focus should be that of course. The true goal that I want for Key Club is to be able to supply as many volunteer opportunities as we can to the members. Our hour requirements are fifty hours, which can be a lot… Since we’re busy students as well. So if we give as many flexible events we can, the members won’t feel as pressured by the huge hour requirement. I really hope I can suggest some events to do, just a goal that I want to make into reality! Final goal, a more personal one, but I really want to enjoy Key Club myself! I’ll try my best to go to as many socials as I can, to meet the other members. Enjoy the volunteer events! Have fun doing scrapbook! Plus so much more. To say, joining Key Club really did make my high school experience better, I actually really like volunteering. Hopefully my hopes and goals aren’t weird in any sort of way! I’m glad to be an officer in a club that I enjoy and am proud to represent!



UNICEF works to protect children and their rights, ensuring protection for children suffering from war, poverty, disabilities, exploitation, and violence. UNICEF also advocates for the equal rights of women and girls and are working to accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals, which are set to attain a sustainable future and leave no one behind.

March of Dimes March of Dimes strives to prevent birth defects and infant deaths by conducting research on infant health. They are committed to preventing premature births and have launched campaigns to promote the importance of prenatal care.

Children's Miracle Network Children’s Miracle Network raises funds for children’s hospitals, medical research and awareness for children’s health issues. They have raised funds for 170 children’s hospitals across North America.

article written by Muhammad Basil


I am the second Vice President of Key Club, and the pros of my position would be finding events that all the members enjoy, where they can gain the benefits of going to the events while also enjoying themselves at the same time. I get to lead the members during the events as I love being a leader. It’s my job to keep everyone safe because of my position. The position also requires me to have a rationale and quick thinking if a situation or problem occurs and if it’s necessary. This also challenges me to fix my mistakes and look back on what I could’ve done better, which not only helps me improve as a leader but as a person as a whole. Being a Vice President also challenges me to work hard, be consistent, and be persistent because with any officer position in key club, you have to learn to be dedicated to your job. If one person slacks off, then it could affect the whole club and harm it. Being second Vice President has also taught me how to manage my time as I am both an officer of Key Club as well

as a junior in high school, which is arguably the year we receive the most rigorous work. Key Club has taught me how to manage my time along with my work, and this is something that is essential in life. Finally, I get to use the abilities I learn from being second Vice President and utilize it throughout the rest of my life. Although there are a lot of pros to being the second Vice President of Key Club, there are a few cons which include nervousness before events and being a leader for Key Club. As an officer we are required to lead our groups from time to time, and when I am the one leading groups, I tend to get a little nervous the day before the events and come up with scenarios in my head of bad situations that can occur during the event. Although I tend to get nervous, the butterflies go away the moment I sign in the first member. I would say that this would be my only con to my position as I have had an amazing experience with our members and my fellow officers and look forward to more.




President Quyen Tran

Vice President Daryca Sok

tran.quyen1233 @gmail.com

darycaasok @gmail.com

2nd Vice President Muhammad Basil basilacco @gmail.com

Public Relations Ai Do aido102816 @gmail.com

Secretary Judy Pham

Secretary Kirby Villafuerte

judypham2002 @yahoo.com

kirbypvillafuerte @gmail.com

Treasurer Yousef Hassen

Master of Hours Crystal Nguyen

yousuf.idh @gmail.com

crystalnguyen221 5@gmail.com

act Us Webmaster Dustin Dong Flamingbanana21 @gmail.com

Webmaster Assistant Karen Vong karenhvong @gmail.com

Historian Tina Le tinalebusiness202 @gmail.com

Editor John Garcia johngarc34206 @gmail.com

Editor Asistant Ivy Nguyen ivklan000 @gmail.com

Advisor Joel Blakley jrblakle @garlandisd.net

LTG Katherine Bui ltg2s@ tokeyclub.com

Region 9 Advisor Connor Rubrecht region9@ tokeyclub.com 13

District Board

Govenor Ashna Patel governor @tokeyclub.com

Convention Liason Dillion Grisham cl@tokeyclub.com


Secretary Kareenna Patel secretary @tokeyclub.com

Technology Producer Lacey Thomas techassistant @tokeyclub.com

Editor Vivian Thai editor @tokeyclub.com

Treasurer Katherine Chao treasurer @tokeyclub.com

FOLLOW US! https://www.ngkeyclub.com/



North Garland HS Key Club

"Die with memories, not dreams." - Anonymous

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