September Newsletter

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T abl eof Cont ent Upc oi ngev ent s 2 f ea t ur eda r t i c l es 34

s pons or s c ont a c ti nf or ma t i on

MKRun Cot t onWood F es t i v a l

Wa l kt oE nd Al z hei mer ' s S hor el i neS pr uc e Up

Cot t onWood F es t i v a l

T e x a sVeggi e F es t


MKRun L oc a t i on:Da l l a spa r k wa y T i me: S a t , Oc t ober6, 7a m –11a m


S hor el i neS pur c eUp L oc a t t i on: T Ba T i me: S a t , Oc t ober13, 8a m– 12pm

Cot t enWoodF es t i v a l


L oc a t i on1321W Bel tL i neRd, Ri c ha r ds on T i me: Oc t ober6, 12: 00pm –S un, Oc t o-


T e x a sVeggi eF es t

L oc a t i on:3505Ma pl eAv e , Da l l a s

T i me: S a t , Oc t ober27, 11a m –6pm


Wa l kt oE ndAl z hei mer ’ s L oc a t i on: T BA When: S a t ur da y , Oc t13, 2018


Gr e e k Fe s t

Shet hencal l edoutt ousbyt he numberofvol unt eer ssheneeded. Af t ert hecoor di nat orcal l edme over ,shedi r ect edmet ot hear ea t hatIwoul dwor ki n.OnceIar r i ved,oneoft heot hervol unt eer s t ol dmehow t odomyj oband hel pedmyf r i endandIunt i lweunder st oodi tenought odoi tour sel ves.Wet henmadegyr osunt i l ourshi f twasover ,andt hey smel l edamazi ng.Theot hervol unt eer swer er eal l yki ndt ous, maki ngsur et ohel pusi fwe neededi t .

Themember sofourcl ubar r i vedat t het r ai nst at i onat9: 50AM.Wear r i vedatt heeventatar ound11: 00 AM.Wedi dnotconver sewi t heach ot hermuch,whi chwaspr obabl ybecausewewer et i r ed.Oncewegott o t hevol unt eerr egi st r at i onboot h,t he coor di nat ort ol dust hatsi ncet her e wer ear oundei ght eenofus,t hey maynothaveenoughspot sopent o gi veever yoneaj ob.However ,west i l l r ecei vedhat s,apr ons,andpi nst hat woul ddesi gnat eusasvol unt eer s.We wer edi r ect edt oawai t i ngar ea, wher ewest oodunt i lt hecoor di nat or neededpeopl et odocer t ai nj obs.


De j aMa r t i n|Di v i s i on2 C2 S Nor t hGa r l a ndHi g hS c hool Theyal soshoweduswher et he t r ashcanwas,andwher et he wat erbot t l eswer ei ncasewegot t hi r st y .Myf r i endwashavi ngt r oubl ewr appi ngt hegyr os,butt he ot hervol unt eer sandIt r i edour bestt ohel pher .Wewer eal sonear t hemusi c,sowedancedandhad f unwhi l ewewer emaki ngt he gyr os.Fi r st ,Idi dal loft hest eps f ormaki ngt hegyr os:posi t i oni ng t hebr ead,addi ngt hemeat ,and wr appi ngi ti nf oi l .Lat er ,anot her vol unt eerj oi nedus,sowedi vi ded t hej obi nt ot hr eet asks:myf r i end woul dt akeoutt hebr ead,Iwoul d addt hemeat ,andt henew vol unt eerwoul dwr apt hem. Att hi spoi nt ,wewer eal lmor ecomf or t abl ewi t heachot her ,soal loft he vol unt eer swoul dt al kt oeachot her andmakej okes,maki ngourser vi cea l otmor ef un.Onceourshi f twasover , t heot hervol unt eer smadesur et hat wet ooksomef oodwi t husascompensat i onf orwor ki nghar d.Aswe wal kedt ot hebusst op,wegott ol ook ar oundandexpl or et hef est i val ,l i st eni ngt ot hemusi candt r yi ngnew f oods.Inot i cedt hatont hewayback t oourhomet own,ourcl ubmember s bondedandwewer eabl et ot al kand l aughwi t heachot her .Inotonl ygot t hepr i vi l egeofser vi ngourcommuni t y ,butIal sogott heoppor t uni t yt o havef un,connectwi t hourcl ubmember s,andmakenew f r i endsaswel l .

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