North Idaho Wellness Magazine Sep/Oct

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n or t h idah o

wellness fitness








womens wellness edition

fertility the natural way | spa directory | loving your body

North Idaho Dermatology Welcomes

Dr. Hilary Hill

State-of-the-art Medicine North Idaho Dermatology is pleased to welcome Dr. Hilary H. Hill to the team! Dr. Hill joins North Idaho Dermatology after finishing her residency at The Medical College of Wisconsin where she completed her training in general adult and pediatric dermatology, advanced dermatologic surgery and advanced dermatopathology.

Now Accepting New Patients in our offices in Liberty Lake, Coeur d’’ ’ ’Alene, Sandpoint and Moscow

2288 Merritt Creek Loop, Coeur d’’’Alene, Idaho (At Riverstone) 208.665.7546

1316 N 4th St, Coeur d’Alene, ID / 208-676-9730 / Mon-Sun 9am-9pm /

90% Say No...

How About You?

Would you choose Genetically-Engineered foods if they were labeled?

your food. PHOTO COURTESY OF Lindsay Stradtner, Life in Motion Photography

Pilgrim's Market – Helping you make more informed decisions about

October: Non-GMO Month

contents. sep | 2013 | oct


Cancer Saved Me


Understanding Modern Stress


The Power of Breast Milk


Balancing Hormones Naturally


What’s in Season Recipe Maple Glazed Acorn Squash with Apples, Parsnips and Sage


Senior Sectional


herbal infusions for women’s health


24. 42.

Spa Directory for North Idaho


in every issue. Fitness...................................................30 Nutrition .........................................................34 Ask the Expert ..................................................36 Balance ............................................................38 Health ..............................................................46 Our Healthy Kids ..............................................47 Natural Remedies ..........................................48 Oral Care ............................................................50

Spotlight on


NUTRISHOP™ of Coeur d’Alene is North Idaho’s only provide customized meal plans for each customer with purSports Nutrition and Weight Loss Superstore. Founded by chase. These meal plans include a grocery list, food choices, Toby Schindelbeck and his wife Lisa, NUTRISHOP™ carries a sample day, and supplement directions based on your inall the top brands at guaranteed lowest prices. dividual schedule and preferences. Nutrition They offer sports nutrition products like lowand supplementation are 75% of the equation calorie protein shakes, creatine, and pre-workfor getting results, so that is why they back up their great supplements with an effective and outs, as well as weight loss products, organic easy-to-follow meal plan. fruits and green blends, and vitamins. They also match or beat online pricing, and give free samNUTRISHOP™ Coeur d’Alene is located at 3415 N. Government Way, Coeur d’Alene, ID ples to try before you make your purchase. Whether your goal is to lose fat, gain lean Nutrishop of Coeur d’Alene owners: Lisa & Toby Schindelbeck. 83815, on the corner of Neider and Government, across the lot from Costco, behind muscle, compete in a triathlon, or just improve Jamms frozen yogurt and next to Elements Massage. Visit your health, NUTRISHOP™ of Coeur d’Alene can help you get there faster and safer. them on Facebook at and on Toby, Lisa and their employee Matt are all Certified the web at Sports Nutritionists, each with more than 15-years of experStop by and visit our new store and ask for a FREE tastience in the health and fitness industry. In addition to highing sample and a FREE shaker cup, and tell them that North quality supplements, the experts at NUTRISHOP™ also Idaho Wellness Magazine sent you! SPORTS NUTRITION • WEIGHT LOSS • VITAMINS • ALL TOP BRANDS • GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES

Not valid on sale items, cooler drinks, bars, with VIP Cards or any other offers. Valid for 1 non-sale protein per customer, per purchase.

One shirt per customer. Styles and colors may vary from above.

One shaker cup per customer. Styles and colors may vary from above.

3514 N. Government Way | Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815 | (208) 292-4611

On the corner of Neider & Government, across the lot from Costco, next to Elements Massage.

Nutrishop Coeur d’Alene

wellness north idaho


fitness • health • beauty • nutrition • balance

sep | 2013 | oct

Publisher Monica Lang Marketing Manager & Writer Brandon Loken Marketing Executive & Writer Holly Childers, M.S. Calendar & Directories Tammy Marshall Editor & Writer Erika Peterson ---Art Director Monica Lang Graphic Design Brandon Loken Illustrator David Van Etten ---Contributors

Dr. Toby K. Hallowitz, N.D., MSOM, LAc S. Michal Bennett, Kriss Mitchell M.Ed Holly Childers, M.S., Sarah Patterson, Margo Jordan Parker, Lic.Ac, Dipl.Ac., OMD

Erika Peterson, Miles Torres ----

The information provided in this magazine is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for the advice of your practitioner or health care provider. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Lang Design LLC., or its affiliates. Information in North Idaho Wellness Magazine is copyrighted and must not be reprinted, duplicated, or transmitted without permission. Copyright © 2013.


sep | oct 2013

Calling All Women! Don't miss this amazing escape from reality into rejuvenation at the

North Idaho Women's Wellness Convention! Set all your worries aside while being pampered and educated by local wellness providers. They will be willing and eager to help you learn ways to stress less, live healthier, learn about your body, experience balance, find passion in the moment and just feel rejuvenated!

September 20th, 2013 • 5pm-8pm CDA Inn • FREE to the Public! Healthy Appetizers, Red Wine, Table and Chair Massages and much more! Each booth will have a drawing, educational information and tons of free samples for women!!! 75+ Women Wellness Related Booths Including Massage Therapists, Chiropractic Practices, Fitness Solutions, Weight-loss Options, Skin & Beauty Care, Health Care Options, Hormone Balance and Menopause, Weight Management and Metabolic Function, Dental Care, Skin Care and Anti-Aging, Brain and Mood Health, Reproductive Health and so much more!!

Join us for a inspiring night of love, laughter, pampering and knowledge! For more info call 208.660.2619

LETTER from the publisher I seem to always find myself losing track of time during the day. Stress and life can be consuming to the point that I forget to breathe. Of course I am breathing the whole time, but to actually stop, listen, embrace and just breathe sometimes can need a reminder. Just like all women, I have so many roles: wife, mommy, business owner, friend and more. I love each and every one of these roles, but the most important role we women forget to be, is our own personal care taker. Taking care of ourselves and our wellness should no longer be looked at as a luxury, it should be a necessity. This issue of North Idaho Wellness Magazine is our Women’s Wellness Edition. All the articles are catered to the needs of women; from articles of reducing stress to the natural ways of increasing fertility. The issue also includes our comprehensive Spa Directory here in North Idaho. These wonderful local businesses let our women escape from the stressful day-to-day life and enter into serenity. So grab that cup of tea, snuggle up on the couch, read the magazine ... and just breathe.

In health and happiness,

Monica Lang

Opening at Riverstone in October!




foods cheese and Italian meats

wine cooking classes

Kitchen Supply

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Cancer saved me Written by Jim Morrison

This is cancer warrior Jim Morrison,

inviting you to climb aboard this crazy ride I’ve been on for 9 years…and counting. This is the story of an average guy who takes on one of the toughest diseases – stage 4 lung cancer. The survival rate is very low. But guess what? I have lived to complete some impossible goals. I pay my dues every day for surviving my battle against cancer. I could have chosen an easier way. I could have given in and up and allowed my foe to take its course. But no, I had to fight. I want you to know, that I fought against all odds – and so will you. What odds? What fight? 8

sep | oct 2013

What cancer? Let them call us crazy. In the meantime, you and I are going to tackle the impossible together! Lung cancer was not an event I had on my bucket list. I never thought, how cool would it be to experience Chemotherapy just once before I died, and then it took me captive. As I lay in the hospital on January 3rd 2004, the doctors continued to run tests. I felt myself becoming weaker and weaker. When my longtime family doctor, came into my room crying, I knew it would be the worst kind of news. With my wife Sandi by my side, my doctor, gave us those

words that will be burned into my mind forever: “The CT Then, I changed my attitude. I began seeing each act of scan shows a tumor in the top third of your left lung. The survival as a new goal. Along the way, cancer gave me a true X-rays show massive amounts of fluid in both lungs and appreciation for life, and for that I will always be grateful. around your heart. My doctor asked Sandi to call family Now I cherish the change that the darkness days of my members and bring them to the hospital as soon as possible. life have brought. Hey friend, “Got Goals?” The most Sandi left my room hysterical with fear that I would die important thing about a goal is simply having one. You before she returned. My doctor bent down close to my need to fight, keep focused on the day by day through this ear, tears still in her eyes. “We have maybe two hours to toughest part of your life. Even when the odds don’t look handle this or we could lose you. Your body is shutting good, you need those goals. Don’t let cancer or anything else down. Hang in there, Jim.” I remember resting back in my take them away! bed from the ICU emergency room my two-hour death Throughout my battle with cancer, I’ve often been told, sentence expired. I was overwhelmed “Jim, you are as stubborn as a mule.” with joy that I’d made it – not just for It reminds me of a story that helps me me, but more importantly for my family every day. I know it will help you. and their future. Look past your pain to There once was a farmer who owned see someone else’s. an old mule. One day, the mule fell into On January 12, 2004, the pathology the farmer’s well. The farmer heard the report was ready on the fluid removed mule praying, or whatever mules do from my lungs. My entire family when they fall into wells. After assessing Alfred Montapert says: was now gathered all around my bed the situation, the farmer sympathized waiting. Whatever this doctor’s report “The environment you fashion out with the mule, but decided that neither brought, I felt blessed by the love and of your thoughts, your beliefs, your the mule nor the well was worth the support of my family. You could cut trouble of saving. Instead, he enlisted ideals and your philosophy is the his neighbors to help haul dirt to bury the fear with a knife. The anxiety built to a peak when my doctor walked into only climate you will ever live in” the old mule in the well and put him out my room. We said our good mornings, of his misery. As dirt began to fall onto and she introduced another doctor, an his back, the mule was hysterical with I say: “You can gauge the oncologist. Then she began crying, the fear. But as the farmer and his neighbors oncologist words were; “Bad, very bad.” courage of a person, by how much continued to shovel, a thought struck it takes to discourage them.” “The findings show, non-smoker stage the old mule: Every time a shovel load of 4 lung cancer, which has metastasized dirt landed on his back, he would shake to the pericardial sac around your heart,” he said, “This is it off and step up! This he did, blow after blow.” rare, and usually does not respond to treatment as well.” Shake it off and step up…shake it off and step up…. The question had to be asked – “how long do I have to live?” shake it off and step up!” “I want it straight, no nonsense.” He drew a deep breath He repeated it often to encourage himself. and gave me my death sentence. “Based on my experience No matter how painful the blows, or how distressing the and past reported cases of the disease with no response to situation seemed, the mule fought panic and just kept right treatment? Six months, “And if you respond to treatment on shaking it off and stepping up! It wasn’t long before the and have no adverse effects? year and a half.” Lying there, old mule, battered and exhausted, stepped triumphantly looking into the eyes of everyone I cared for, I felt helpless over the wall of the well. What seemed like it would bury and empty. Could anything good come out of this? You Bet! him actually helped him…all because of the manner in “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the conquest of it.” which he handled his adversity. At the very beginning of my cancer, lying there scared, No matter what life sends you, I want you to promise not angry and depressed in my hospital bed, I set a simple goal to be discouraged. I want you to shake it off and keep going. for myself - to live for one more hour. As hours became As a cancer warrior, the best way to predict your future is to weeks, I grew less afraid, since by then I had witnessed many help create it. By shaking it off and stepping up, I have lived new sunrises through my hospital window. It’s amazing to give my beautiful daughter’s hand in marriage, I have lived what hope a sunrise can bring. How much terror had to hold my new baby grandchildren. I have now lived long filled my first night in the ICU. How helpless and utterly enough to see my son graduate from college….and then ask overwhelmed I felt. How I knew I would not be around his girlfriend to marry him. I lived long enough to actually much longer for my family. The fact at 50, I felt very much perform in my son’s ceremony – at a wedding I should never cheated by cancer. How my life was cut short, how much I had attended! For a man whose life has been measured in would miss. My future was gone. hours and days, these are amazing milestones, indeed!


The Power of Belief Written by Kriss Mitchell, M.Ed

Belief is the marriage of thought and emotion; a powerful place of agreement between the brain and the heart. When we simply think about something, there usually is not a feeling of power connected with it. We can see a spider on the wall and think that it may be a good idea to do something to get it out of the house. We either act on the belief or we don’t. On the other hand, someone else could see that spider and have heightened anxiety. Perhaps as a child they woke up one night with a large spider in their bed and that experience married the sight of the spider with the emotion of fear which produced a belief that spiders are bad and they must get away from them. When the emotion of fear was married with the thought of the spider, there became a much more powerful reaction. What this person has created is a belief about spiders that is so strong, the physical body reacts violently to it. The brain and the heart have come together in a place of agreement about the spider and a powerful belief has been created. Heart studies from many of the University hospitals around the nation have found that the heart and the brain produce electro-magnetic fields around the body. They produce measurable frequencies and vibrations which affect the world around them. According to the HeartMath Institute, the electromagnetic field of the heart is “five thousand times greater in strength than the field produced by the brain.” This field is measurable for 8-10 feet, but is thought to extend up to a mile in circumference. (The HeartMath Solution, page 33) This makes sense as we look at our example above. Thought, produced by the brain, is much less powerful than the belief produced by the heart. When the two are brought together however, the corresponding belief has much more power than the thought alone. HeartMath Institute has also shown in their studies that in developing an attitude of thankfulness, appreciation and gratitude our nervous systems come into balance. That means that our hearts beat in a coherent rhythm and the two main branches of our autonomic nervous system are synchronized. Because negative thought, stress, anger and hatred are so destructive to our physical bodies as well as our present and future life, it is important for us to understand the power of belief. In our human experience, we will be hurt and we will experience those emotions that highlight places in our lives that need healing. However, it is what we do with those emotions that impacts us long term. We must discipline our minds not dwell on them. It is important to forgive where it is necessary and then move on with our lives taking the wisdom of the experience with us. Belief is an attitude of the heart and can be used as a testimony to the goodness in our lives.


sep | oct 2013

Register today! Eight-week course offered: Sept. 18 - Nov. 6 or Jan. 7 - Feb. 25



Directory These local day spas offer services to allow

you to pamper yourself and escape the pressures of reality. Take some time for yourself and just breathe.

Coeur d’alene Advanced Aesthetics

Fratelli Salon

Anna Nails & Spa

Isola spa

608 Northeast Blvd. • Coeur d’Alene 208.676.8346 They offer laser surgery, hair removal and vein treatments.

560 W. Kathleen Ave. • Coeur d’Alene 208.765.0189 They focus as much on excellent service and cleanliness as they do on nails.

Avanti Health

850 W Ironwood Dr #302 • Coeur d’Alene 208.664.5225 Avanti Health is a multi-disciplinary practice that specializes in Chiropractic, Anti-aging Medicine, and Massage Therapy.


401 1/2 Sherman Ave, Suite #208 • Coeur d’Alene 208.755.8595 Time to refresh, restore and get yourself feeling rejuvenated inside and out! Great Massage, Esthetic, and Spa services are what we’re all about!

Day Spa 2000

4025 N. Government Way • Coeur d’Alene 208.676.0357 Known for being an impeccably well-manicured salon, and for the nearly pain-free Brazillian waxes by Lynn.

Day Spa & Wellness Center

208 W. Emma Ave. • Coeur d’Alene A place for massage and rejuvenation.

601 E. Front Ave. Ste. 103 • Coeur d’Alene 208.664.4043 Coffee and tea are served with cuts and color, hand massage and hair care. They sell Aveda.

610 Hubbard St. • Coeur d’Alene 208.930.4696 Put yourself in expert hands... in a peaceful, professional and private setting. Our comfortable boutique spa has the expertise of a major spa and the personal touch and pricing of a small one. We combine modalities for a custom experience that’s exactly what you need.

J Miller Salon

2087 Main St., Riverstone • Coeur d’Alene We offer all hair services, skin care, hair extentions, massage, eyelash extentions.

Lather Salon & Spa 1710 N. 4th St. Stc. 108 • Coeur d’Alene Hair, nails, skin care and more! Enjoy the Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna Therapy.

Mahalo Massage

1034 N. 3rd St. Ste. 6 208.691.4424 You got it, massage.

Face Techniques

6190 N. Sunshine St. • Coeur d’Alene Medical spa offering botox, juvederm, resylane, perlane and more.


North Idaho Dermatology

2288 Merritt Creek Loop • Coeur d’Alene 208.292.5946 We’re not just a Coeur d’Alene Spa, we are a full-service Skin and Cosmetic Center, featuring MD-supervised estheticians who are fully trained in a variety of products and treatments.

Renew Mind & Body Spa

Zenful Day Spa

245 W. Bosanko Ste. 3 • Coeur d’Alene 208.292.4736 They offer waxing, makeup, eyelash extensions, hair styling and more.

Spa Elegance

1802 N. 15th St. • Coeur d’Alene Renew Mind & Body Spa is an innovative wellness center that offers cosmetic laser treatments, facials, waxing, massage, acupuncture, naturopathic physicians, psychiatry, & counseling.

1801 Government Way Ste 2b • Coeur d’Alene 208.512.0827 Facials, manicures, pedicures, acrylic nails, eyelashes and massage.

Revive Salon and Spa

1859 N. Lakewood Dr. • Coeur d’Alene 208.765.9400 They offer facials, pedis and manis, pampering, Swedish massage and more.

211 East Lakeside Ave. • Coeur d’Alene 208.667.6276 Revive Salon and Spa is a full service Salon offering haircuts, color, hair extensions, keratin treatments, waxing, facials, manicures, pedicures, acrylic nails, and massage.

The Spa Coeur d’ Alene at the CDA Resort

115 S. 2nd Street • Coeur d’Alene • 800.688.5253 An absolutely full service salon that will provide just about any beauty treatment. Be it a wedding party or princess tea party, they have the right services for the right events. The place to go for an updo or a special little girl manicure perfect for any little princess. And during your entire relaxing beauty service you’ll take in the breathtaking view of Lake Coeur d’Alene (only-of course-if you don’t have cucumber slices on your eyes.)

Zi Spa & Salon

Earthly Beauty

105 S 4th St • Coeur d’Alene 208.664.1888 Organic skincare, makeup, waxing and much more!

Studio Ten20

2081 N. Main St. • Coeur d’Alene Nails, massages, eyelashes, facials, body treatments and more

Hayden Body Tech Massage & Wellness, Inc

2151 W. Hayden Ave. • Hayden 208.762.6772 They specialize in deep tissue massage and biofeedback.

Face-2-Face with Debbie

21 W. Commerce Ave. • Hayden 208.818.4544 They are all about the face. 14

sep | oct 2013

Lakeside indulgenceNorthwe st Experi ence

165. 00

Swedish Massage or European Facial, Manicure or Pedicure and a Spa lunch in our Bistro overlooking the Lake.

(800) 684.0514 S *Specials exclude all other offers. Contact Spa Reservations for details.

Hayden Creek Salon & Spa

Coeur d’Alene Massage School Now accepting students in our 625 hour Massage Practitioner Program Transfer Students and those seeking class hours for the new Idaho Massage laws are welcome to enroll

Enroll Today! 208.765.1075

w w a m assagescho 1625 N 4th Street #203 | Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814

8270 N. Government Way • Hayden 208.772.4600 With spa and hair treatments, the experienced staff at Hayden Creek will leave you feeling pampered.

Pedi and Polish

9751 Government Way Suite 9 • Hayden Parabens and sulfates will not be found in this all natural beauty boutique. They feature natural nail treatments, stylish lines & natural beauty products.

Stylz Salon & Spa

47 W. Hayden Ave. • Hayden 208.446.4947 All organic salon and spa services.

Urban Edge Salon & Spa

2149 W. Hayden Ave. • Hayden 208.719.9263 Always educated in the newest hair trends, their welcoming staff will give your hair the care it deserves.

Vosha Salon & Spa

2149 W. Hayden Ave. • Hayden 208.772.7886

POST FALLS En’ Wrapture Custom Nails and Hair Salon 2525 E. Seltice Way • Post Falls 208.262.8019 They offer acrylic nails, bling toes, manicures, pedicures, pariffin dip, eyelash extensions, facials and more.

Highlands Day Spa

4365 Inverness Dr. • Post Falls 208.773.0773 They offer foot massage, wraps, waxing and more.


sep | oct 2013

September Specials: One Hour Body Treatment Specials Mon-Thurs $70 | Fri-Sun $80

October Specials: Vitamin Infusion Facial: $65/60 Minutes Crystal Lake Hot Stone Massage: $65/60 Minutes

Treatments include Mountain Rain Shower Scrub and Wrap, Wetlands Body Refiner, Seasons Lavender Mint Cooler, Wild Rose Nourishment and Sacred Forest Massage Treatment

Spa Week October 14th-20th: $50 / 60 Minute Treatments Seasons Pedicure with Paraffin, Natural Facelift Facial, Sacred Forest Massage Treatment

1-855-232-2772 | CDACASINO.COM

Lavender Salon & Kneaded Touch 306. N. Spokane St. • Post Falls 208.215.9565

Permanent Cosmetics

750 N. Syringa St. • Post Falls 208.660.2307 Permanent make-up for the eyes, lips and more.

Slick Rock Tanning & Spa

724 N. Hwy 41 • Post Falls 208.262.9700 Their comfortable infrared sauna will provide you with an exceptional experience.

Wild Rose Salon & Spa

724 Idaho 41 • Post Falls 208.457.1400 Wild Rose Salon & Spa is your local solution for all of your salon and spa needs.

SANDPOINT Dreams in Beauty Massage Therapy

299 W. Bronx Rd. 208.263.7270 They carry a selection of essential oil health products. Specializing in massage, they also offer wedding makeup, facials and photography.

Spa at Kootenai River Inn

An Organic Approach to Beauty Specialty and Event Makeup Services, Eyebrow Artistry, Full Waxing Services, Facials, Microderm and Massage. Featuring 302 Professional Skincare Products

20% off Any Service with this ad!


117 S. 4th Street • Suite 200


sep | oct 2013

7169 Plaza St., Bonners Ferry 208.267.8511 This full-service spa offers waxing and a selection of services-including a Gentlemen Sports Facial.

A Spa on Pine

530 Pine St. 208.263.9489 They do fantastic nails. Known for their friendly and relaxing atmosphere.

The Spa at Seasons

424 Sandpoint Ave. 208.263.5616 This sanctimonious spa offers skin care, massage, nail treatments, body treatments, waxing and packages.

Su Gee’ Skin Care

Voted North Idaho’s Best Massage Therapist 4 years in a row!

324 S. Florence Ave. 208.263.6205

Wildflower Spa and Apothecary

219 Cedar St. 208.263.1103 An elegant, boutique style salon that is located in the downtown. They offer special treatments for the body and face designed to rejuvenate you and connect you with your inner spirit.

Unwind Spa

100 N. First Av. 208.263.9489

SPA & STAY These spas residing in hotels offer packages where you can pamper, relax and stay the weekend.

Purchase a 1 hour massage and receive a free infared sauna session (Expires October 31st) We accept insurance! | Resolve chronic problems Detox & supplement programs | Restore loss of function Evening & Weekend Appointments Sports, deep tissue & injury massage

Spa at Kootenai River Inn

7169 Plaza St., Bonners Ferry 208.267.8511 For those looking for a relaxing and fun-filled weekend, this resort offers packages that include spa credit, restaurant gift certificate and bonus play for the casino.

La Rive Spa at Northern Quest Resort & Casino 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights, WA 509.481.6108 The Kalispel Tribe of Indians are a people deeply connected to the Earth. They choose harmonious living with nature and the elements. This way of life and thinking flows into the many relaxing spa services they provide.

208.762.6772 2151 W. Hayden Ave | Hayden ID 83835 w w w.bodytechmassagethera

Spa Ssakwa’q’n at the Coeur d’Alene Casino

STUDI TEN20 Relax withUs!


Body Treatments • Massages Nails • Eyelashes • Facials Mention this ad for

10% OFF SALON SERVICE Follow us on Facebook for Specials! 2081 Main Street | Coeur d’Alene

Book your appointment today! 208.930.0279 *Discount on select services. Must mention ad at appointment. Expires 10/31/13


37914 S Hwy 95 Worley, Idaho 208.769.2600 A full service spa, but this majestic beauty center soars when it comes to its facials. Specifically the new Natural Facelift facial. Incorporating ultrasonic and microcurrent technologies, this facial gently exfoliates, deeply hydrates and helps erase fine lines and wrinkles for visibly firmer, more toned skin. And it uses Plant Stem Cell Serum with echinacea and butterfly blush.

Davenport Spa & Salon

10 S. Post St. 509.789.7300 Forbs Travel Guide recently ranked this spa that resides in downtown Spokane at the historic hotel among the finest spas in the world. They offer an assortment of services including massage, body renewal and facial treatments. An afternoon at this spa can be followed by a delicious dinner in the lobby, culminating in an overnight in one of the luxurious rooms.


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sep | oct 2013

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Written by Clinical Psychologist Daniel S. Hayes, Ph.D.

The human body wasn’t designed for constant stress. Constant stress is a setup for serious health issues: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and possibly even autoimmune disorders, not to mention unhappiness and the crushing feeling of being stressed out. And, while constant stress is a problem for both sexes, it’s taking an increasingly disproportionate toll on women. Recent reports from the American Psychological Association’s Stress And Gender study show that nearly one in three women rate their stress as severe, compared to only one in five men. And, while 39 percent of men feel they’re under significantly higher stress today than they were five years ago, nearly 50 percent of women are similarly burdened. Differences in physiology are partly to blame. But it’s also because many women often put their own needs on the back burner while struggling day after day to get through an impossible to-do list. They’re not sleeping well, eating well, exercising regularly, relaxing, or spending time with friends. They’re putting others first, and giving their own health and happiness short shrift. The key to understanding modern stress is to understand how the old (physical and emotional) brain and new (thinking) brain are out of sync. Back when humans were hunter-gatherers, stress was an acute, short-term, all-ornone life saver against actual life-threatening crises such as being stalked or attacked. It triggered your short-term survival response by fueling a quick burst of energy for fightor-flight when danger was detected in the environment, then — when the danger was over — switching quickly back to the long-term survival mode of hunting-gatheringrelaxing, which is, by design, the intended default setting for both humans and animals. The stress response is supposed to occur only under actual life threatening situations. But stress in modern humans is triggered not only by real, life-

Disarming Stress Program Dr. Daniel Hayes offers an eight week course, Disarming Stress, through Kootenai Services’ MyHealth program. Program participants learn to overcome stress using simple, proven ways to achieve mastery over their minds, bodies, and emotions. For more information, contact MyHealth at 208-666-3053. 22

sep | oct 2013

threatening danger but also by thoughts generated by the modern human mind. That’s why your heart pounds when you’re worried about losing face or getting fired or some other perceived, mind-created threat. And because the brain can’t distinguish very well between actual and perceived threat, our shortterm survival (stress) response has become our dominant state. Let’s say you have an argument with your spouse. During that argument you would likely experience an increase in physical and emotional arousal as well as in mind activity. Now let’s say over the next week you revisit that argument – rehashing, re-reacting, re-thinking all the things you could have said or done. Here is the key: Each time you think about the argument, you are tricking your old brain into reacting as though you were in a threatening situation. The result: a stress response. Let’s do the math… One argument, plus thinking about that argument 20 times, equals (according to the old brain) 21 episodes of threat. Your impossible to-do lists and demands add more mental pressure and additional stress responses. The good news is that with proper training you can learn to undo that process and literally re-wire your brain, finding peace and calmness even when stress and chaos are all around you. Learning better ways to deal with stress is just like learning any new skill. Although it is challenging at first, with practice you will find yourself getting better and better until it becomes second nature. Let’s get started right now, with a simple exercise you can do anywhere to lower stress levels and blood pressure, reduce symptoms of tension and worry, and bring heightened emotions back to a peaceful baseline. Sit comfortably and let your eyes unfocus. Shift your attention to the rise and fall of your chest as you inhale and exhale. Now, begin to let your belly expand as you inhale, then let it collapse passively when you exhale. Continue this “diaphragmatic breathing” for a minute or two: Breathe into your belly as it expands, hold that breath for a few seconds, then breathe out from your belly as it collapses. Become aware of how much slower, deeper, and relaxed each breath is, compared to when you started. Though very simple, this technique is a powerful and proven way to reduce stress-related chemicals in your bloodstream and -- this is the key -- shift your entire body from the fight-or-flight stress response of your nervous system to the relax-and-rejuvenate response. Dr. Hayes has nearly 40 years’ experience helping patients learn to overcome stress and live richer, calmer, more peaceful and fulfilling lives. He is ready to help you take the first step toward disarming stress.


“Human milk fluctuates to meet the baby’s needs depending on its age, the time of day the nursing session takes place, and even based on whether the baby is a boy or a girl.”

The Power of

Breast Milk The powers of breast milk

continue to amaze even the most ardent of breastfeeding enthusiasts. Evidence shows that infants who are not breastfed are at greater risk of such common childhood illnesses as ear, respiratory, and intestinal infections, as well as obesity, childhood cancers, and later-in-life heart disease. For women, research shows that not breastfeeding increases rates of reproductive cancers, like breast, uterine, and ovarian, as well as postpartum hemorrhage, depression, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. For years, the infant feeding mantra has been “breast is best”, as breast milk contains the perfect nutrition for growing human babies with a unique mix of proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates to make healthy infants, and the components of human milk that make these health claims possible are really just beginning to be understood. A major contributor to breast milk’s power is that it is a dynamic living substance, a microbiome teeming with organisms such as staphylococci and

bifidobacteria. A recent study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition identified more than 700 species of bacteria in human milk. Typically, the mere mention of these organisms incites fear and panic, but in this case, these microbes are not contaminants at all; they are intentionally secreted by the breast to colonize the infant’s gut with proper bacteria to help defend the infant against infection and to help with digestion. Beyond its microbiome, human milk is in a constant state of flux, perpetually adjusting to meet the complex needs of the human infant. The infant’s first milk, called colostrum, is high in protein, electrolytes, and antibodies to help the infant’s body transition to life outside the womb. Colostrum has laxative properties that help baby pass first stools and prevent jaundice. Also known as “baby’s first immunization,” colostrum “seals” or lines the infant’s gut to provide a barrier against foreign substances and organisms that might make the baby sick and it contains large quantities of

Written by Melissa Morgan

antibodies and leukocytes that help the baby defend itself against disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Colostrum transitions to mature milk as baby leaves the newborn period and enters infancy. Mature milk contains lactose which is essential for energy and brain development. Designer fats, such as cholesterol, triglycerides, and fatty acids are perfectly suited to growing human brains. There are enzymes present in mature milk, too, to aid not only in the digestion process, but also in the delivery of minerals such as zinc, selenium, magnesium, and iron. As baby ages and enters toddlerhood and childhood, the organisms, nutrients, and immune factors in human milk increase in concentration, so that as they nurse less frequently, they are receiving a power-packed performance milk, making breastmilk extremely beneficial even for older babies. Human milk changes not just from month to month as baby grows, it also undergoes circadian variations to support baby’s needs throughout the day. In the morning hours, human milk is higher in water volume to quench baby’s morning thirst. A woman’s breast serves up “infant coffee” with natural stimulants to help the baby start his day. The converse is true of nighttime milk: it is higher in fat and contains concentrations of melatonin to help with sleep. The full extent of its power is still unknown, but much like our continually evolving knowledge of its components,

human milk is an ever-changing, fascinating fluid that is perfectly suited to growing humans. Melissa Morgan, IBCLC, RLC, LE operates a private lactation consulting practice, providing home visits to families in the greater Spokane and Coeur d’Alene area, and offers a Lactation Clinic, breastfeeding classes, and weekly breastfeeding support group at Mother’s Haven.

Learn More at Mother’s Haven: A breastfeeding-friendly establishment, Mother’s Haven offers a full range of support for breastfeeding mothers and those intending to breastfeed. On Lactation Tuesday, women and their nurslings (pregnant mamas, too!) are welcome to attend a free breastfeeding support group at noon, followed by a full Lactation Clinic at 2:15pm if more one-on-one help is needed. Once a month, Mother’s Haven also offers a prenatal “Unlocking the Mysteries of Breastfeeding” class. A plethora of other mothering groups and classes are also available, including baby wearing, cloth diapering, infant CPR, mothering multiples, and more!


Balancing Hormones

Naturally Diet - Part 1

Hormones are produced in the endocrine glands and are

our body’s chemical messengers. They affect our metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, and mood. Hormone disruptors, also known as “xenoestrogens”, mimic both hormone building blocks and complete hormones. They are found in everyday products such as petroleum based products, anything containing parabens, for example; pesticides, plastics, processed foods, commercial beauty products (such as deodorant and shampoo), Liquid Fabric Softeners, Dryer Sheets and even non-stick cookware. By avoiding these products, cooking in glass and/ or non-coated metal pans, and never heating or storing foods in plastic, you can minimize exposure to xenoestrogens. Other sources include plastic water bottles that were heated or frozen, plastic children’s toys, and flame retardants (such as those found in children’s clothing and furniture). The food we eat also plays a big role in keeping hormones balanced. Tran-fats in processed vegetable oils (think fried foods) and polyunsaturated fats oxidize easily in the body. Oxidized fats cause inflammation and cell mutation and can result in hormone disruption. Hormone balance and overall health will benefit from reducing or avoiding conventional meats, processed foods, and bakery products (all higher in pro-inflammatory fats). Eating more anti-inflammatory fats such as those found


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Written by Dr. Margo Jordan Parker, Lic.Ac, Dipl.Ac.,OMD in healthy oils (such as cold pressed and unheated olive oil and coconut oil), cold-water fish (such as salmon), chia seeds, and grass-fed beef will reverse or prevent inflammation. Supplementation with anti-inflammatory, omega-3 fats (from cold-water fish or plants such as evening primrose or borage) may also be helpful. Common fats to avoid: vegetable oil, peanut oil, canola oil, soybean oil, hydrogenated or trans fats, margarine, and shortening. Healthier fats to choose: organically grown coconut oil, real butter from grass-fed cows, ghee, and tallow or lard from pastured animals. Leptin Regulation: leptin is a master hormone, and if it is out of balance or if you are resistant to it, no other hormones will balance well. Balancing leptin will also help boost fertility, make weight loss easier, improve sleep, and lower inflammation for optimum hormone health naturally. See the November/December Issue of North Idaho Wellness Magazine for: Balancing Hormones Naturally – Supplements – Part II Resource: *J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Nov;89(11):5762-71. Leptin levels are dependent on sleep duration: relationships with sympathovagal balance, carbohydrate regulation, cortisol, and thyrotropin. Spiegel K, Leproult R, L’hermite-Balériaux M, Copinschi G, Penev PD, Van Cauter E. Source Department of Medicine, MC 1027, University of Chicago, 5841 South Maryland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA.


Written by Trudy Samuelson

Wellness in Business

A Note from the Founder of SURVIVOR SUPPLEMENTS Hello Survivors, family and friends and those affected by cancer treatments. My name is Trudy and I am the founder of Survivor Supplements: a company dedicated to helping individuals manage cancer treatment and the consequences of the therapies we are all too familiar with: surgery, chemo and radiation. Those of us affected by cancer are bound together with a unique bond of survival. Each of us has our own story; a story that is as individual as we are, a story that is a piece of our very soul, a story that can go on to help others. Though we may be different in many ways, we have all been terrified by the reality of cancer and come face to face with frightening treatment options to save our lives. While the weapons aren’t perfect, they are our best bet. Chemotherapy sends poison through our bodies and forces us to look our cancer diagnosis in the eye every day: bald, sick and scared. Radiation seems a monotonous inconvenience, then burns our skin, weakens our bones. Surgery takes away parts of our bodies – we mourn those losses. We work to get back into life, to move forward, only to find out that the treatments that may have saved or prolonged our lives have serious consequences. Chemo can cause other, even more aggressive cancers years later, or tumors down the road can be the result of radiation therapy. It’s like making a deal with the devil. So while the treatments aren’t perfect: Hallelujah we have them. Many of us wouldn’t be here today without these conventional therapies and the skilled doctors who help us to fight our battle against breast cancer every day. But a gap still exists. In our singular focus to kill cancer, it is a gap where a person’s overall health receives too little attention, before, during and after treatment, and we are left on our own, wondering how to care for our wounded bodies. In the simplest sense, Survivor Supplements picks up where conventional treatment ends: orthodox therapies will 28

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treat your breast cancer: our supplements will address the nutritional needs of your body that arise from cancer and its treatment. Survivor Supplements are the result of years of my own personal research, my partnership with my daughter Liberty and scientist Steve Lee (who has been involved in all aspects of supplement formulation and manufacturing for over 25 years), and information and questions from other cancer survivors. As we moved through this process, we listened to you: your questions identified the goals of our products. If a question kept coming up, time and time again, it became a target; questions about managing fatigue, recurrence, chemo brain and neuropathy, to name a few. Your questions allowed us to understand the gaps that needed to be filled in modern medicine’s current approach to cancer. Although people and their individual cancers may be very different, a person’s basic health needs and the consequences of treatment are the same. So we chose to focus on commonalities; after all, a deficiency that repeats itself is a deficiency worth focusing on.​ And we didn’t stop there, because cancer is systemic disease, a disease of the whole body, and a person’s overall health is equally important. Our supplements deliver therapeutic doses of essential vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants that everyone can benefit from. There is so much more I would like to share with you: for more information please visit our website at www. Trudy Samuelson is a two-time breast cancer survivor and the owner of Mission Valley Properties, a real estate company in St. Ignatius, Montana. Survivor Supplements is a family business that started as a result of Trudy’s passion for helping cancer survivors in their journey.



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a guiding path to being physically fit.

Women vs. Weights Conquer the Weight Room… No Excuses! Written by Holly Childers, M.S.

Lifting weights is no longer just a “guy” thing.

Women have been welcome in the weight room for a couple of decades now, but we still just don’t seem to “get it”. Many women are intimidated by the equipment…not quite sure how to use it. Others may have invested the time to learn how to use the equipment but don’t know where to start when putting a program together to achieve a specific goal. It’s definitely time for us women to figure it out! The benefits of strength training are many and undeniable: higher metabolism, improved functional strength, tighter and more toned look, stronger bones and better skeletal support. Lifting weights has also been proven to be very powerful in reducing the signs and symptoms of numerous diseases and chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, back pain and depression. Misconceptions regarding women and weight lifting have been a major obstacle for women working to achieve the maximum benefits provided by a good strength training program. Let’s clear some things up and conquer the weight room!


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99% OF YOU WILL NOT BULK UP FROM LIFTING WEIGHTS. Women are built different than men in many ways, so lifting weights like the men do will not get you the same results. We naturally have much lower levels of testosterone (the muscle building hormone) and much higher levels of estrogen (a hormone that decreases the muscle building benefits of testosterone). So, you won’t bulk up from even the most hard core weight lifting program (bulky women bodybuilders typically supplement testosterone), but you will bulk up if you eat too many calories. DOING LOTS OF REPETIONS WITH LOW WEIGHT IS A WASTE OF TIME FOR MOST OF YOU. When it comes to how much effort you should put into your strength training exercises, follow the men’s lead. Women in general are not designed to push outside of their physical comfort zone, but to make improvements in anything that your body does, it has to be pushed beyond what it’s accustomed to. Choose a weight amount that is a challenge for you to complete 8-12 repetitions. Shoot for muscle failure…the point at which you can no longer move the weight. Going through the motions of completing a

ton of repetitions at a light weight is way too comfortable. Step it up and do more than you thought you could! You will always get better results in less time by lifting heavier weights. Note: having a workout partner/spotter or personal trainer is important for your safety in any effective weight lifting program. YOU CANNOT REDUCE FAT FROM A SPECIFIC SPOT BY EXERCISING THE MUSCLES IN THAT SPOT. Fat and muscle are two very different types of tissues. One cannot turn into the other. Your genetics determine where you store body fat, and when you lose fat, where it comes from. Losing fat is an overall process that requires your body to be in a calorie deficit. When your body needs energy to function and you are in a calorie deficit, it will take energy from stored fat. You have no control over where your body chooses to get the stored fat energy from… your mom and dad decided that for you. So, you can do sit-ups and crunches all day long, but it won’t lead directly to fat loss on your stomach (it’s great for core strength though!). Sorry ladies, same rule applies to the inner thighs!

STRENGTH TRAINING (NOT CARDIO) IS THE KEY TO YOUR WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS. When you do a 45 minute session of cardio (treadmill, elliptical, stair climbing, biking, etc.) you burn extra calories during the workout and for up to 4 hours after the workout while your body stabilizes back to a normal heart rate. When you do a 45 minute session of effective strength training you will not only burn more calories during the workout session, but you will also continue to burn extra calories all day long! The more muscle you have and the more that you use it, directly leads to an increase in your metabolism. An increased metabolism equals more effective weight loss! What else is there to discuss? Get into the weight room and don’t be afraid to lift weights like the guys do. It’s about time that you enjoy all of the benefits that come from a consistent strength training program done the right way! Holly Childers holds a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology and has worked as a health & fitness consultant in our area for over 15 years. She has helped many women change their lives with strength training and is currently running a successful Group Women’s Weight Loss Program called Rehab. She can be reached at 208-661-2220 or

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The Beautiful Tomato, Sun Dried 32

sep | oct 2013

The tomato crop at Peace Natural Farm this year is, well, bursting. Branches laden with large, ripe Romas, Yellow Pear, Brandywines and maybe a dozen other varieties that taste amazingly sweet, crisp, and all smack of hearty, fresh, Italian fare on a festive night. Harvesting ripe, perfect tomatoes is not easy, in fact it’s downright filling. The rich, summer smell of tomatoes is only equaled by their aphrodisiaclike taste that you cannot resist. This is why we’ve been experimenting with sun dried tomatoes - hoping to keep the sensation alive year-round. A sun dried tomato is like elegant, fresh candy. Tender like a summer apricot, sweet, salty and woefully hard to stop eating once started.

Miles is the owner of Peace Natural Farm, a small, all-natural farm in Cd’A Idaho.


he Roma is the tomato of choice when it comes to sun drying because of its sweet, slightly tart flavor. Romas were also used when, in the south of Italy where the sun dried tomato is believed to have originated, peasants, who had little if any refrigeration, would lay out and dry halved tomatoes on their terra-cotta rooftops during hot summer days so they could enjoy tomatoes year-round. The Roma however is only the beginning. A Yellow Pear, or orange Sun Sugar, or Early Oregon (or just about any other) all make perfect sun dried tomatoes. Making these little beauties is simple enough although there is one drawback - time. On average a (Roma) sun dried tomato will take 5-7 days to peak. During that time wasps will organize to claim it as their own, sprinklers will be left on by accident (blame this on your children at least), and the birds will take whatever scraps may be left. The answer to this problem is as old as cooking itself. Cheat. Making “sun dried” tomatoes in the oven is SO easy, and the results rival any Italian rooftop method. You’ll need ripe tomatoes (from a North Idaho farmer of course), a cookie sheet, parchment paper, olive oil, sea salt and fresh rosemary. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove a majority of seeds using your fingers. Lay out the halved tomatoes (face up) on a cookie sheet you’ve covered with parchment paper, then sprinkle the tomatoes with olive oil and a liberal amount of sea salt. Next either crush the leaves of rosemary in your fingers and sprinkle on the tomatoes, or simply lay the rosemary on top of the tomatoes ensuring complete coverage (I roll the rosemary leaves in my fingers and sprinkle - its well worth it). Heat your oven to 425, place the tray of tomatoes on the top rack and roast for 15 minutes (this assumes you’re using medium sized Roma tomatoes. Adjust time according to fruit size). At 15 minutes, turn the oven off and let the tomatoes rest in the oven for the next 3 - 4 hours. When done remove the tomatoes and enjoy! You’ll be surprised at the results and I swear you will want to put them on everything - salads, eggs, pasta, fresh mozzarella, roasted veggies and on and on. Your first batch will be consumed right off the tray so plan for batch 2 to be used in other dishes. You should refrigerate (these) “sun dried” tomatoes and consume within about 10 days. Beyond stellar taste, sun dried tomatoes are loaded with protein, fiber and potassium, so eat without guilt. Also, sun-dried tomatoes provide the most lycopene, pound per pound, than any other food source. Lycopene, an antioxidant found in trace amounts in our liver, adrenal glands, lungs and other organs, is said to help fight some cancers and cardiovascular disease. From now on you don’t have to go Italian “old school” to enjoy the rich, aromatic flavors of sun dried tomatoes. Simply contact a farmer to pick up some local tomatoes and rosemary, throw it all in the oven, and enjoy long term benefits and instant gratification.



promoting healthy eating, one bite at at time.

Protein just how much is enough? Written by Toby Schindelbeck

The first and most important change you will make on your quest for a lean and healthy body will be an increase in the amount of protein you consume. This applies whether your goals are to build muscle, burn fat, or just get into better shape. The reason for increasing your protein intake is simple: proteins make everything in and on your body. That’s right, everything. Fingernails, hair, skin, brain, internal organs, and of course, muscle.

5.) Men and Women Cannot Live by Food Alone Sometimes it’s hard to get all the nutrients we need by eating whole foods. Eating can be an arduous and timeconsuming pursuit; particularly for those trying to lose fat. Supplementing the diet with protein drinks is an easy way to get the calories we need through “between-meal” protein supplementation. After all, who has time to sit down to eat 6 meals a day?

TOP 5 Reasons to Drink Protein Shakes

A common question I get from women is “Why should I eat more often if I’m trying to lose weight? Shouldn’t I eat less? Won’t protein make me “bulky”? The answer is no; protien doesn’t make you “bulky”, cupcakes make you “bulky”! In all seriousness, eating more protein will make you leaner, more toned, and less “bulky”. Probably the biggest mistake that people make who are trying to lose body fat is to not eat enough protein. The human body is designed to be fed every three to four hours; that’s how our metabolism burns. By eating only twice or three times a day, you are putting your body into a fast state. When it is in this state, it is in storage mode. That means if you wait longer than 4 hours to eat, you’re body is more than likely to store the meal as body fat, even if it is a good meal. On the other hand, if you eat every 4 hours, and your meal is in the right ratio of macronutrients (which means higher protein, lower carbs and lower fat), your metabolism will be kicked into high gear!

1.) Convenience Our high quality protein powders taste great, and mixing them is a simple as pouring 4oz of water into a shaker cup, shaking it and drinking. Proteins like Pro7 and ForzaPro have no fillers, are lactose, gluten and sugar free, and they don’t clump! 2.) Keeps Metabolism Fired up! Each time you ingest protein, your metabolic rate increases slightly. Keeping a steady flow of protein going throughout your day, every 3 to 4 hours, keeps your body’s furnace naturally fired up. It’s a great weight loss tool, and great tool for keeping the building blocks of muscle surging through your body. 3.) Maintains Stable Blood Sugar Levels Unlike carbohydrates, which affect blood sugar drastically, protein keeps blood sugar levels stable and steady throughout the day. In the presence of foods higher in carbohydrates, protein acts as a stabilizer that regulates blood sugar and prevents it from getting out of hand. 4.) Keeps Nutrition Honest Rather than reaching for whatever snack is available on the road or in a convenience store, having shaker cups loaded with protein in your car, purse or workout bag prevents you from reaching for the wrong foods in times of hunger. Better to reach for a protein shake than an empty-calorie candy bar! 34

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Stop by NUTRISHOP Coeur d’Alene and try a free sample of some of our high-quality lactose, gltuen, and sugar-free proteins. Mention North Idaho Wellness magazine and get a FREE shaker cup. You will find that, once you increase your protein intake, you will sleep better, recover faster, lose fat faster, and have TONS of energy!

Toby Schindelbeck is a Certified Sports Nutritionist. NUTRISHOP in Coeur d’Alene is his 8th nutrition store since he opened his first in 1998, at the age of 19. Toby specializes in sports nutrition, weight loss, and nutrition for diabetics.


local trainers making a difference.

Marybeth McKenna at The Pilates Pathway Why did you choose to teach Pilates? “It was years ago and I wasn’t feeling well. It was something I could do and it made me feel better.”

How do I know if Pilates is right for me? “Try it. If it’s fun, you don’t hurt and you enjoy it.”

What are the benefits of Pilates? “It focuses on finding your core engagement, stability and alignment.”

Can Pilates be practiced at home? “Yes, but you won’t necessarily know if you are doing it correctly unless you have had some instruction. Plus, classes are great for learning modifications because every body is different.”

Does The Pilates Pathway offer classes at all levels? “Yes, and we often do introduction specials for beginners. All of our classes are Pilates based and we offer private instruction, equipment classes, mat classes, and Booty Barre.”

What is your advice for anyone interested in a class? “Don’t just hop into a class. If you have any medical conditions or injury’s you should consult your doctor. Our staff is also here to help. Mondays and Wednesdays, 30 minutes prior to our mat class, we offer free fundamentals. That is a great way to start and then stay for the class.”


Ask the


Paleolithic and Ketogenic diets for

weight loss Written by Dr. Toby K. Hallowitz, N.D., LAc

Obesity has become a health emergency

in Western countries as it is one of the principle risk factors for the booming rise in cardiovascular and metabolic disease. Even though weight loss has been shown to be critical for disease prevention there has been a lot of debate as to what dietary protocols are most effective for short and long term goals. The conventional strategy over the last few decades has been a low fat diet. By decreasing fat, these diets encourage the consumption of sugars and refined carbohydrates that can increase weight gain and subsequently worsen dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. There are studies which show that these low fat diets yield only modest weight loss, while subjects suffer from low long-term compliance because a majority have been shown to increase a dietary preferences for foods with a rich fat content. Over the past few years there has been an increased interest in low carbohydrate diets, the most recognizable being the paleolithic diet, or paleo diet for short. It is based upon everyday, modern foods that mimic the food groups of our pre-agricultural, 36

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hunter-gatherer ancestors. It is characterized as having a higher protein, fiber and fat intake, and a lower carbohydrate intake. During the Paleolithic period 12,000 years ago, people ate primarily vegetables, fruit, nuts, roots and meat and with no processed/refined simple carbohydrates. The human body likely developed the signal to store energy based upon the food type that was least abundant, i.e. carbohydrates, and this strategy has continued to this day. Modern-day man eats far more carbs -- including grains, sugar and fructose -- than our ancestors could have dreamed of. Too many sugars and carbs set off a cascade of chemical reactions in the body which creates hunger and craving for more sweets and ultimately results in the body storing this excess energy as fat. Dietary carbohydrates are also the primary source of a substance called glycerol-3-phosphate (g-3-p), which causes fat to become fixed in fat tissue. At the same time, high carbohydrate intake raises insulin levels, which prevents fat from being released. High sugar/carb intake also negatively alters the regulation and function of hormones needed for weight loss, such as

ghrelin, leptin and adiponectin. These hormones work to slow body fat production by reducing the conversion of complex carbohydrates into sugars, increasing metabolism and supporting appetite control. Low-carb diets, like the Paleo Diet, are usually ketogenic diets because they induce a metabolic pathway called ketosis. When very limited amounts of carbohydrates are consumed, the body needs to switch from using carbohydrates to using fat as its main source of energy. By burning fat for fuel, the body produces ketone bodies that can be used by different organs, such as your muscles, brain and heart for energy. Ketogenic diets are very effective for weight loss and reducing metabolic disease by encourage “upregulation” of the body’s fat-burning metabolic functioning and “down regulation” of fat storing systems. In fact, a very recent meta-analysis study published in May 2013 in the British Journal of Nutrition

“Low-carb diets, like the Paleo Diet, are usually ketogenic diets because they induce a metabolic pathway called ketosis. When very limited amounts of carbohydrates are consumed, the body needs to switch from using carbohydrates to using fat as its main source of energy.” found that “individuals assigned to a ketogenic diet (i.e. a diet with no more than 50 g carbohydrates/day) achieved better long-term body weight and cardiovascular risk factor management when compared with individuals assigned to a conventional low-fat diet ( i.e. a restricted-energy diet with less than 30 % of energy from fat)”. Research is showing the beneficial health significance of ketogenic diets and dramatically reducing carbohydrate consumption. However, not all ketogenic diets are equally effective, and some have the potential to be dangerous. Please join us at Pilgrim’ s Market on Sept 5th or at the Kroc Center on Sept 18th, as we discuss Pilgrim’s Wellness Clinic’s Healthy Transformation program – a comprehensive weight management program utilizing a research supported, very safe modified ketogenic diet.

About the Writer Dr. Toby K. Hallowitz, N.D., LAc is a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist working at the Pilgrim’s Wellness Clinic inside the Pilgrim’s Market. He emphasizes prevention and restoration of balance to body, mind and spirit, tailoring treatments to each patient’s unique condition focusing on evidence-based natural therapies. For info and appointments, call 208.676.0400 or visit

K2 Equestrian Center Therapeutic Riding Program for Children and Adults Smiles abound. Spirits are lifted. Goals are achieved. This is Therapeutic Riding – a healing therapy program for children and adults who are physically, mentally, or emotionally disabled. To learn more about the K2 Therapeutic Riding program, or other programs, call: (208) 762-9891 Or visit our website:

5723 E. Dodd Rd., Hayden, Idaho 83835



finding a healthy lifestyle through balance.

Cultivating Body Appreciation

Written by Laura Sferra, LCPC, RYT

A metaphor commonly used

in many spiritual traditions states that the body is a temple. Yet many individuals lack compassion or acceptance of their bodies. This struggle can lead to feelings of disgust, depression, anxiety and a distancing from one’s own body. Treating your body as a temple, a place for love and goodness to reside, can bring peace to your mind and spirit. Cultivating appreciation of one’s body can be a challenge in our western culture. We receive messages from the media and society about how our body should look and how to achieve this ideal body. On a daily basis, we see advertisements for diet products, supplements, exercise equipment and surgical procedures available to help us achieve the ideal body. Images of extremely thin women and muscular men are presented on magazines, billboards and in commercials.


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As we are conditioned to be unsatisfied with our bodies, we grow further away from appreciating all it does for us. There also appears to be a disconnect from the radiance within it. Regardless of the shape and size of our body, we can appreciate what it can do in this moment. Too often people will postpone their goals and desires until after they lose weight. Even if weight loss is necessary for health reasons, we can do what we enjoy in the body we have now. Cultivating body appreciation takes time but there are many ways to achieve this. Have compassion for yourself. Listen to your own negative body talk and begin to talk back. Write out positive statements and read them on a daily basis. Such as: “My beauty radiates

from the inside out”, “I am a divine being”, “Natures beauty is within me” or “I will treat my body with respect”. Expand your idea of beauty. Spend time in nature. View art from different periods and cultures. Consider aspects of others whom you admire and see as beautiful. Imagine the love in your heart expanding outward to the surface of your skin. Surrender perfectionism. Recognize your flaws and accept them as part of being human. Consider what the imperfect parts of your body do for you regardless of their imperfections. Remind yourself that you are “Perfectly Imperfect”. Reconnect with your body in a healthy way. Practice activities that allow you to feel good in your body, without competitiveness. Try yoga, dancing, Tai Chi- activities that bring the mind and body together in a positive way. Walk and speak with dignitiy. Treat your body with love. Write your body a love letter, get a message or take a bubble bath. Be kind to it with nurturing activities. Wear clothes that feel comfortable and accentuate the positives.

Body appreciation increases happiness in our lives. There appears to be a cycle of healthier living once there is acceptance of one’s body. The more you can appreciate it, the better you may tend to nourish it and move within it. If weight loss is a goal, it tends to naturally occur with improved appreciation. Laura Sferra is a licensed clinical counselor in private practice. She is a registered yoga teacher through Yoga Alliance and incorporates yoga into the therapy process. Laura specializes in eating disorders and weight loss in addition to general mental health issues.

Body Appreciation thru Yoga This yoga class is beginning level and appropriate for all shapes and sizes. Explore your relationship to food and your body in a supportive environment. At Garden Street School of Yoga- Thursdays from 9:30-11am. Register at:


Healthy Eating at the Pit Written by Brandon Loken

Fast and fresh are not typically two words

that go together; one is usually sacrificed for the other. The Pita Pit has taken this idea and created a dining option that is not only quick, but healthy with the customer choosing exactly how they want their pita from the choices of meats, vegetables and signature sauces. Pitas are fresh and soft and are available in white or wheat variations. Looking for less carbs? Ditch the pita completely and have yours “fork style� with all the same toppings and sauces. Protein choices range from the conventional with chicken, turkey and ham or to the exotic with choices such as prime rib, falafel and hummus. My favorite? The chicken souvlaki: greek


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seasoned chicken that is perfect with feta, red onions and their Tzatziki sauce. A restaurant is more than just the product that it sells. It is a sum of all parts of the experience. I have never walked into The Pita Pit without being greeted with a genuine smile by more than one employee. I appreciate the details like this. It helps create an atmosphere that is welcoming and fun. Compliment that business model with fresh and healthy food options and Pita Pit has certainly made a winning combination. Pita Pit also now serves breakfast pitas starting at nine am with all the same healthy choices as lunch. Fast food has suddenly become healthy food in North Idaho.




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Homeopathy Offering Alternative, Natural Solutions for the Whole Family

Are you experiencing difficulties with hormonal imbalances? Do you have questions regarding bio-identical or hormone replacement therapies?

Homeopathy is appropriate for a range of conditions that go far beyond what we normally expect from medicine. Because it recognizes the person as an integrated whole, it works on many levels; psychologically and physically. Ranked second in medical treatment around the world, homeopathy is a safe, gentle treatment for the whole family with no side effects. Working with women experiencing hormonal issues is one of my specialties. Looking forward to seeing you!

Lisa Rough,

DiHom, D.H.M., CNHP

Integrative Wellness Center 579 W. Hayden Ave. Hayden, Idaho 83835




healthy body and mind.

Inner Beauty Written by Colleen Russell

Several years ago I was in a small café and saw a

card on the bathroom mirror that read: “Warning. Objects in the mirror are more beautiful than they appear.” I took another look, and noticed that I saw myself differently. In our culture, we’re so used to looking for what’s not working, or for what’s not right about ourselves, that we rarely stop to honor the beauty of who we are. Women in particular spend a lot of time loathing themselves and their bodies. Millionaire Entrepreneur, Ali Brown says 75% of women have an unhealthy relationship with food and their own bodies. I imagine with the growing magazines for men, that the same dissatisfaction is starting to grow. To find out if you are one of them, just go into a dressing room and try on clothes and listen to what you say to yourself about yourself. I once taught a self-esteem workshop and shared this quote. “If you said to others what you said to yourself, would you have any friends?”


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In this culture, we’ve been marketed with an overwhelming number of glamorous images of what the perfect woman or man is supposed to look like. Never mind that they have been airbrushed to perfection, may have false lashes, hair extensions, silicone breast, and a team of make-up artists to make them look that way. They still influence the image we hold of ourselves. Unable to reach this kind of perfection, we beat ourselves up and our self-esteem plummets. On the other hand, I’m sure you’ve met people in your life that you thought were beautiful even though they did not possess any of the magazine qualities. Their beauty was more natural and seemed to radiate from the inside out. They have what I call, “inner beauty.” They are usually people who have been seasoned by life and have emerged wiser and stronger as a result. They may even have battle scars on the outside because of the ordeals they have been through. They may be overweight, have the wrong kind of hair, and may wear clothes that have seen

better days. But there is no denying, they are still beautiful. What makes these people beautiful is that they know who they are. Who they are is no longer defined by that status quo. They are people who have learned to follow and trust the wisdom from within. They are passionate, alive, and energized by life. They know they are here for a purpose and that their purpose is larger than what they look like. Over the years they have learned to respect and care for their bodies. One of my favorite lines from the Bridget Jones movie is, “He loves me just as I am!” Inner beauty comes not from waiting for someone on the outside to discover how beautiful we are, but comes when we can say to ourselves, “I love myself just as I am.” Inner beauty comes from being you. Colleen Russell, MATP is a transformational/creativity coach. Her passion is helping people to find their authentic selves and to live and express their creative gifts.


WHAT’S IN SEASON recipes using what’s ripe.

Maple Glazed Acorn Squash with Apples, Parsnips and Sage

I am often amazed at the intelligence and timing of nature. How, just as fall arrives, the earth brings us hardy produce like winter squash and root vegetables and apples and nuts, thick skinned and tough enough to last through winter. Over the coming weeks, fall will arrive in the Northwest. And with the blustery winds and the swirling leaves, will come the pumpkins and winter squash. Fall produce is not only hardy, it is hearty. It is meatier and denser than summer produce, and often contains more sugars. Just look at the difference between a summer squash and a winter squash. As ingredients change with the coming of fall, the cooking techniques we use, change too. The barbecue is put away, and the season of roasting, braising and stewing begins. We cook more slowly, because much of fall produce requires longer cooking times. And as the weather cools, our food cravings change as we seek the comfort and warmth of more robust and filling meals. This hearty fall recipe is deeply satisfying. Acorn squash is roasted with a bit of maple syrup until it’s soft and caramelized. A savory filling is made with fall apples, parsnips, sage, pecans and your choice of either Soy Sausage or Italian Sausage. It’s easily customized...for example if you are having guests over, some of whom are vegan, you can make some vegan and also make some with meat.

meet the chef. Sylvia Fountaine is a caterer and chef. For most of her working life, she has worked in the food industry, opening Mizuna Restaurant in Spokane, and currently running Feast Catering Co. ( When she is not catering, ironically, she can be found in her own kitchen creating and playing with food. The meals she makes at home are simple, healthy and unpretentious. Inspiration for her comes from what is in season and she tries to always make this the starting place. You can find more recipes at her blog:

Maple Glazed Acorn Squash with Apples, Parsnip and Sage (Serves 6)

Ingredients: 3 small acorn squash 2 Cups peeled and diced parsnip ( two medium sized) 1 Cup soy sausage ( or italian sausage), browned 1 Cup diced apple ( fuji or gala) 1/2 onion, diced 1 Cup (packed) chopped kale 2 T packed, chopped sage 2 T Maple syrup 1/2 Cup maple glazed pecans (recipe below) or toasted pecans 3T Olive oil Splash white wine, or hard cider kosher salt to taste Pepper fresh nutmeg Preperation: Preheat oven to 400F. Cut Acorn Squash lengthwise and scoop out seeds with a spoon. Brush insides with a mix of 1 T olive oil and 1 T maple syrup. Sprinkle generously with salt and pepper and lay skin side up on a greased baking sheet, and roast in a hot oven for 30-40 minutes, until you can pierce through skin and flesh with a fork. Remove from the oven and using a metal spatula, turn over, trying to keep caramelized edges in tact, and let cool. Place in a baking dish. While squash is roasting in the oven, brown soy sausage (or Italian sausage), set aside and wipe out pan. In the same pan, saute parsnips and onions in 2 T olive oil, on medium heat, until tender, about 10 minutes. Add apples and sage, and saute 5 more minutes, until apples are tender. You may need to add a little more olive oil. Generously Salt and Pepper to taste. Splash with a little white wine and add kale and pecans. When wine has evaporated, add 1 T maple syrup. Add sausage back in and taste for salt. Fill the squash with the apple parsnip sausage mixture and place in a 350 F until heated through (about 15 minutes)

Maple Pecans

These are also great in salads or as a healthy snack. In a small bowl lightly coat pecans with maple syrup. Add a pinch of salt and cracked pepper. Spread out on a greased baking sheet and bake 15-20 mins in a 400 F oven, mixing once after 10 minutes. Remove, let cool. While cooling use a metal spatula to unstick them from the sheet pan. I make these in big batches and use in salads or cheese plates.



solutions to your day-to-day wellness.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can improve fertility.

The number of couples having fertility issues has significantly risen over the past decade. While western medicine techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) has helped many couples to conceive, it does not address the overall health of the mother or farther nor get to the root cause of the problem. Chinese medicine aims to improve the health of mom, dad, and fetus and ensure a healthy pregnancy. Acupuncture and chinese herbal medicine can help to boost pregnancy success rates. In a review published in the December 2011 issue of the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine, women receiving Chinese herbal medicine treatments were twice as likely to get pregnant within a four-month period than those receiving conventional Western medical fertility drug treatment or IVF. Herbal medicine is often used in combination with acupuncture, massage, diet and lifestyle modifications for treating fertility. Chinese medicine is relatively noninvasive and can often offer a better success rate for significantly less cost. For female infertility, Chinese medicine focuses on re-establishing balance and reducing stress while regulating hormones and menstruation. Acupuncture treatments can improve the thickness of the uterine lining, improve blood flow to the uterus, and facilitate embryo implantation. For males acupuncture can help to improve sperm count and motility. Regular acupuncture treatments can be very helpful in regulating hormonal imbalances. Acupuncture influences the hormonal regulation centers in the brain, the autonomic nervous system, and the hypothalamicpituitary- ovarian axis. Ideally 1-2 treatments a week for approximately 3-6 months is recommended. Acupuncture can be used to enhance the success of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. It is recommend to start regular acupuncture treatments at least 2 months prior to the beginning an IVF cycle and to continue for 1 to 2 times a week until the day of the transfer, and once within 24 hours directly following an IVF procedure. Acupuncture IVF treatments can be continued if the IVF cycle is successful to prevent miscarriages and support a healthy pregnancy.


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Dr. Pamela Langenderfer is a naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist. She is the co-owner of Lakeside Holistic Health, PLLC with locations in Coeur d’ Alene and Liberty Lake, WA.


enhancing the health of our little ones.

Redesigning the Lunchbox

As food allergies and childhood obesity

continue to grow in the U.S., schools and parents are looking for affordable, practical ways to make school lunches healthier. Here are some easy tips for redesigning your child’s lunch for health, energy and focus.

1. The Creative Wrap

Replace a sandwich or tortilla with chicken salad, hummus or shredded turkey wrapped in a rice paper spring roll wrapper, blanched collard leaves or Romaine lettuce. Include some colorful veggies, nutrient-rich sprouts and flavorful spices for variety.

2. Keeping It Cold

Reuse BPA-free plastic water bottles by filling them with fresh juice (carrot and orange is yummy!) or green smoothie and freezing them. If you pack a lunch item that needs to stay cold, stick a frozen bottle in the lunchbox – by the time noon rolls around, the food will still be cool, and your child will have a cold drink to down with their meal.

3. Nuts For Coconut Written by S. Michal Bennett

Coconut Flour Blueberry Muffins ½ C coconut flour, sifted ½ tsp sea sat ½ tsp baking soda 6 eggs 1/3 C raw honey or agave nectar 1/3 C coconut or sunflower oil 1 Tb vanilla extract 1 C blueberries, fresh or frozen Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. In a bowl, combine flour, salt and baking soda. In a blender, blend wet ingredients on low until well combined. Add dry ingredients to blender and blend on low until mixed. Return to bowl and fold in blueberries. Place batter into paper lined muffin pan (I like to use the mini muffin tins). Bake for 20-25 minutes, until firm and fluffy. Cool and serve.

Do you like to include a sweet treat? Skip the gluten by substituting coconut flour baked goodies for traditional cookies or muffins. Check out one of my favorites: Coconut Flour Blueberry Muffins.

4. Go Waste Free

Switch out those petroleum-based lunch bags and plastic wrap for waste-free, non-toxic lunch packaging! My top picks are Kids Konserve ( and Klean Kanteen ( - healthy, practical and fun! Cuppow ( also makes innovative adaptors for turning jars into drinking cups or “BNTO” mix and dip containers.

5. Make It Fun

Everyone likes to “play” with their food! Use a cookie cutter or vegetable spiral cutter to turn vegetables and fruit into fun shapes. Freeze fruit with Greek yogurt in flexible shaped molds for a soft treat! As you send your child back to school, may you be inspired to find even more ways to fill each lunchbox with colorful, fresh foods to keep them healthy and smiling through any class.



REMEDIES Many common problems with the female hormonal system

Herbal Infusions for Women’s Health Written by Sarah Patterson

can be alleviated by addressing nutritional deficiencies. Plants contain nutrients in forms that are easily recognizable by our bodies, so they tend to be more absorbable than supplements. The best method for extracting minerals and vitamins from herbs, such as Calcium, Magnesium and B-vitamins, is called an herbal infusion. An herbal infusion is a strong tea that is steeped for a longer period of time to ensure complete extraction of water soluble nutrients. Below are a few of my favorite nutritive herbs for women, which can be used separately or combined for an lovely caffeine-free beverage. (I drink mine over ice in the summer). As we ease back into our fall routines, committing to a daily practice of drinking herbal infusions can restore harmony to the hormonal and nervous systems. For stubborn women’s health conditions, nutritive herbs work gently over time, but you will begin to feel abundantly nourished right away.

Red Raspberry Leaf

Nettle Leaf

Red Clover


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Red Raspberry Leaf Raspberry, or Rubus idaeus, is a simple garden plant. An infusion of the dried leaves is one of the most commonly used herbs for women’s health issues. The leaves are very high in Calcium and Magnesium, which is useful for preventing menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms. Raspberry leaf is also an astringent uterine tonic, and is often taken during pregnancy to prepare for childbirth. A strong infusion helps reduce excessive bleeding from heavy periods and fibroids. Nettle Leaf Stinging Nettle, or Urtica dioica, is another highly nutritious plant, with too many virtues to list here. Nettle leaves are an excellent source of Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, B vitamins, and a host of other nutrients. Nettles are soothing to the kidneys and bladder and act as a mild diuretic, which helps reduce premenstrual bloating. Regular use of the infusion is deeply nourishing to the endocrine system and results in smoother hormonal transitions and vibrant energy. (Not to mention youthful skin and gleaming hair!) Red Clover Red Clover blossoms, or Trifolium pratense, makes a mild tasting tea with many beneficial properties. This common weed contains phytoestrogens, compounds that behave similarly to estrogen and can address a range of women’s health issues from infertility to menopause. A daily infusion of the dried blossoms can help reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and thinning bones. Red clover is also rich in nutrients, including potent antioxidants such as selenium and zinc. (CAUTION: Large amounts of Red Clover blossoms may have a blood thinning effect. Do not take with pharmaceutical blood thinners.)

Making Herbal Infusions: Steep 4-6 Tbs. of loose organic herbs (available at a local health food store or herb shop) in 1 Qt. of just-boiled water. Let this steep for 1-8 hours and then strain through a mesh kitchen stainer. Drink as is, reheat, or pour over ice. You can use any of these herbs singly or in combination. For a different flavor, try adding peppermint leaves, hibiscus blossoms, or honey to your brew. Drink 2-4 Cups per day.

Sarah Patterson is a Certified Clinical Herbalist in Spokane, WA. She is the owner of Radicle Teas, Tinctures and Tonics and sells her organically grown and wildcrafted herbal products at local farmer’s markets. She teaches herbal medicine classes and leads plant walks in the spring and summer. For more information, please visit:


Run For The


Join Us

To bring awareness to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Inland NorthWest SIDS Foundation PO BOX 474 . Rathdrum, ID 83858 . (208) 55-SIDS1 .

DATE: SUNDAY, OCT. 6, 2013 TIME: CHECK-IN: 2-3:30PM RUN: 4:00PM LOCATION: Riverstone Gazebo Coeur d’ Alene, ID

Registration includes race packet and t-shirt $25 after 9/27 $30. Prize for both men’s and women’s winners and raffle for everyone! Additional Activities: Silent auction / Crib Bumper Drive Remembrance Ceremony 5:30 p.m. design donated by: knock - marketing and design /

REGISTER FOR THE EVENT: or download registration form



a guide to healthy teeth and gums.

Dentist is Key When Pregnant: Teeth and gums are vulnerable while carrying Written by Dr. Erin Elliott

Planning nursery themes, picking out

names, going to doctor’s appointments – the list is endless and finding time for the dentist is usually at the end of the list; however, it is one of the most important things you can do for you and your unborn child. Pregnancy is an especially vulnerable time for your teeth and gums. If you are planning to become pregnant it is best to have a dental exam prior to becoming pregnant so that any potential problems can be handled without complication. In addition, it is important to have a screening for periodontal and gum disease. Studies have shown that women who have periodontal or gum disease may be seven times more likely to have a baby that is preterm or has a low birth weight. Studies also have shown that the bacteria responsible for decay is passed from mother to child. Eliminating decay in your mouth before you get pregnant may help protect your baby. If you are pregnant it is important to visit your dentist in your first and second trimesters to control plaque and maintain good oral health. With pregnancy comes a whole host of hormonal changes which can translate to an increase in the plaque that builds up on the teeth and bleeding swollen gums. At that appointment the dentist can assess your oral condition and map out a dental plan for the rest of your pregnancy. X-rays are usually avoided during pregnancy but sometimes it is essential to have x-rays for emergency situations. Special care is taken by using a lead apron and lowering the exposure. A visit to the dentist is 50

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also recommended in the second trimester for a cleaning to monitor changes and to gauge the effectiveness of your oral hygiene. Nonemergency procedures are best performed in the second trimester while emergencies can be treated at anytime. From experience I know the cravings, the morning sickness, and the gagging that comes with the joy of being pregnant. It is important to realize that snacking on sweet foods can increase the rate of decay. If you snack between meals choose whole, sugar free foods. If that bowl of ice cream or chocolate candy bar is calling your name try to brush your teeth afterwards. If you vomit frequently during pregnancy it is important to rinse your mouth out with water. Brushing your teeth immediately after vomiting can cause your teeth to wear away. Stomach acids soften the tooth thereby making brushing more abrasive. If gagging while brushing is a problem try changing your toothpaste brand to a more subtle, bland taste and use less. Sometimes you can use none at all. It is more important to use the brush rather than the paste. Pregnancy is an exciting time. I thoroughly enjoyed my nine months of preparation for one of the biggest joys in my life. Being able to worry about one less thing by scheduling regular check-ups will make your pregnancy even more enjoyable. Dr. Erin Elliott is a dentist at Post Falls Family Dental and Sleep Better Northwest. In addition to spending time with her husband, Tom, and their two boys, Dr. Elliott enjoys playing soccer, golf, and exploring North Idaho.

Earlier this year I was faced with a decision I never

thought I would have to make. I could either continue to breastfeed my infant daughter and drastically change my diet, or I could give her a very expensive hypoallergnic formula and hang up my nursing bras for good. I had breastfed our older three daughters nearly two years each without supplementation, and had expected to do the same for our youngest, Penny. Nursing was something I had gone into motherhood hoping would go well, but, like most parenting realities, I had had no clue what I was getting myself into. I had no idea how demanding exclusively nursing a baby could be, but I was even less prepared for how powerful and rewarding it was. What had once been something I would try for a few months, soon became an almost sacred time for my daughters and I; a small quiet moment in our chaotic lives, to nourish each other. When my older daughters weaned themselves in toddlerhood, it was always with a twinge of regret on my part.

Cooking with Allergies herbalists. Her latch deteriorated, and we discovered she had a posterior tongue tie, and a lip tie. We had these cut, in hopes that her stomach and bowel issues were related to her gulping air. When this did not stop her pain, and her skin got significantly worse, I began the arduous processes of an elimination diet, slowly cutting out all my favorite foods, without any real assurance that it would make a difference. Luckily, for us, it did. Months later we would get confirmation from our allergist that Penny is severely allergic to many common foods, and was reacting to the trace amounts of those foods in my breastmilk. Once we knew what Penny was reacting to, and that there was a safe, hypoallergenic formula, I was given the choice. I could continue to live without brie, without peanut butter, without eggs benedict, without french toast, without so many of my favorite foods, or I could give up breastfeeding. I’d be lying if I said it was an easy choice, or that I do not have a date with a large chocolate milk shake when Penny eventually weans on her own, but I do not regret choosing to breastfeed her. In those moments where we are alone amidst the noise and clutter of life, how could I regret something that brings us both so much joy? Ivory Coghlan is a mother of four, who lives in Spokane. She used to be a perfect parent, then she had children. She sometimes blogs at

Allergy Free Lactation Cookies

Photo by Chelsea Slaven-Davis

So, when Penny, our fourth daughter, was born, it was a given. Of course I would nurse her. Within minutes of her birth, she was latched on, and everyone agreed that she was a pro. As the months went on though, she tested my breastfeeding knowledge and resources. I was in pain, she was in pain, and I was ready to throw in the towel. More than once, I stood in the formula aisle, confounded by the choices, and reached instead for another tube of nipple cream. I made the decision to give it another month. I called in help from friends in the Le Leche League, and saw an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant). I took her to chiropractors, cranial sacral, and

Ingredients: 1/4 cup tapioca flour 1 1/2 cups gluten-free oats 1/2 cup flax or chia seeds 4 tbs gluten-free brewer’s yeast 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 2/3 cup allergen-free chocolate chips 1/4 cup coconut oil, soft but not melted 2/3 cup maple syrup or alternative sweetener Directions: Preheat oven to 350ºF. Combine 1/2 cup oats, flax or chia seeds, tapioca flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, and brewers yeast in food processor or high powered blender. Process until oats are finally ground. Pour mixture into a large bowl and add remaining oats and chocolate chips. Stir to combine. Add coconut oil and maple syrup to the food processor and process until creamy (about 3-4 minutes). Pour over the dry ingredients and mix well. Wet hands and form cookies on lined cookie sheets. Bake for 1012 minutes, and allow to cool slightly before transferring to a cooling rack. Store in an air-tight container. (Makes 15-20 cookies)



wellness and lifestyle for our seniors.


sep | oct 2013

Top 5 Supplements for Seniors

Written by Dr. Pamela Langenderfer

Seniors tend to have special health needs.

As you age not only does your body change but so does your nutrient needs. Elderly adults usually eat less food and absorb fewer nutrients than their younger counterparts, therefore many seniors end up depleted in certain nutrients. While no pill or supplement can replace a balanced diet of whole unprocessed foods, many chronic health issues can be addressed with the right supplements. Here are 5 supplements to consider for the Senior population.

1) Organic Virgin Coconut Oil You can prevent and potentially reverse dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and many other neurodegenerative disorders by eating coconutrelated foods Just make sure it’s pure organic virgin coconut oil. Avoid any hydrogenated oil, including hydrogenated coconut oil, because hydrogenated oils are the same thing as trans fats which are pro inflammatory and promote disease. 2) Vitamin D Vitamin D helps promote good bone health by facilitating the absorption of calcium into your teeth and bones. Healthy levels of vitamin D have been linked with a decreased risk for certain cancers specifically breast and prostate cancer, and a reduction in the symptoms of depression. Things that inhibit the body’s ability to absorb vitamin D include: being over age 50, overweight, or lactose intolerant. Those suffering from celiac or Crohn’s disease may also have trouble absorbing the vitamin. 4) CoQ10 CoQ10 is one of the more universal substances found in the human body. Every cell has some amount of the enzyme, which is essential for cell repair and growth. It is also an antioxidant, provides protection to both skeletal and heart muscles, lowers blood pressure, and helps fatigue. It has also been shown to help with Parkinson’s disease. Statin medications can decrease the amount of CoQ10 in the body which can contribute to muscle pain, therefore it is important to supplement with CoQ10 in anyone who is on a statin lower drug.

4) B12 B12 deficiency can cause problems with balance, fatigue, anemia, numbness, and confusion. It can even lead to a form of dementia. Seniors need more vitamin B12 because, as a person ages, they lose their ability to effectively absorb the B12 found in food sources. This absorption problem is a condition called atrophic gastritis. When the condition develops, the stomach no longer secretes enough hydrochloric acid, which in turn means it cannot absorb enough vitamin B-12. Vitamin B12 depletion is intensified in people who are using stomach-acid controlling drugs. 5) Fish Oil The list of benefits from fish oil is long. For Seniors fish oil can help to improve depression, memory, focus, vision, pain and inflammation. It can also lower triglyceride levels. A therapeutic dose is 2 to 4g of EPA and DHA, I find most people are usually not taking enough. Fish oil is safe for most people except those on blood thinning medications. Dr. Pamela Langenderfer is a naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist. She is the co owner of Lakeside Holistic Health, PLLC with locations in Liberty Lake, WA and Coeur d Alene, ID. Visit us at our website


The VA and Long Term Care Veteran ’s Corner

Written by Connie P. Clark Certified Senior Advisor of Home Helpers


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Many veteran’s are not aware there are several long term care options covered by the VA healthcare system. The Home and Community Based Services are there to help chronically ill or disabled veterans of any age remain in their homes. You can receive more than one service at a time. These services are provided to veterans who are enrolled in the VA Healthcare System. A copay may be charged based on the VA service-connected disability status and financial information. The following is a list of some of these services. Adult Day Health Care – This is for veterans who need skilled services, case management, and assistance with activities of daily living or instrumental activities of daily living. This can also offer respite for caregivers who are experiencing burnout. Locally this is provided at the McGrane Center at Kootenai Health. Home Based Primary Care – This is for veterans who need skilled services, case management and assistance with activities of daily living. These would include therapy visits from a physical, occupational, or speech therapist, mental health services, nutritional counseling and help managing medications. Primary care visits at home by a physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant are provided if the veteran lives within a 35 mile radius of the VA hospital. Homemaker or Home Health Aide – This is for veterans who need assistance with activities of daily living (bathing and getting dressed) or instrumental activities of daily living (fixing meals and taking medications), are isolated or their caregiver is experiencing burden. These can be used in combination with other Home and Community Based Services. These services are provided by organizations that have a contract with the VA. This could be an alternative to nursing home care and as a way to get respite care at home. Hospice and Palliative Care – Hospice is a comfort based form of care for veterans who have a terminal condition with 6 months or less to live. Palliative care is a form of treatment that emphasizes comfort care but does not require the veteran have a terminal condition. Copays are not charged for this service. Respite Care – This is a service that pays for a person to come to a veteran’s home or for a veteran to go to a facility while their family caregiver takes a break. The family caregiver can run errands or go out of town for a few days without worrying about leaving the veteran alone at home. The veteran must need skilled services, case management, and assistance with activities of daily living or instrumental activities of daily living, are isolated or their caregiver is experiencing burden. This services is limited to 30 days each calendar year. They can be used in a facility or at home. If at home, 6 continuous hours is considered one day. Telehealth Care – This is a service that allows the veteran’s physician or nurse to monitor the veteran’s medical condition remotely using home monitoring equipment. There is no copay for this service. There may be a copay charge when in-home video visits are provided in addition to standard home telehealth services. For more information on other long term care benefits, please see the VA website

Hospital to Home:

The Importance of Transitional Care Written by Kat Vercruyssen

After a long or even a short hospital stay, anyone appreciates the value of sleeping in one’s own bed. No one to wake you during the night, no more pokes, prods, beeps or buzzes. Just you – snuggled up under your own covers within the familiar sights and smells of your own home. As wonderful as that sounds, there are a few things to consider regarding transitioning from a hospital back into the home. Seniors who suffer medical conditions and are often required to take different medications at varying times of the day. Sending someone from a facility where around-the-clock monitoring is prevalent, to an environment where little or no interaction occurs requires advance planning to ensure the transition home is smooth and safe. Some things to consider include: • The mobility of the senior • Medical conditions that may need monitoring • Administration of medicine(s) • Future appointments with health care providers • Nutrition Challenges in mobility should be addressed and solved before less-mobile seniors arrive home. Ensure walkways in the home are clear. Remove trip hazards and rearrange extension cords so they are not a hazard. Handrails in the bathroom can help prevent falls. Recuperating seniors may need assistance identifying symptoms in the days and weeks after coming home. Ask friends and relatives to take turns visiting the senior daily to ensure the senior’s health is on the rise and not declining. Proper administration of medications is essential for seniors required to take them even for a short period of time. Sometimes, if multiple medicines are needed, seniors may need help remembering dosage schedules. Make the senior a daily calendar with each hour depicted. Manual and/or automated pill dispensers can be used for this purpose and are the best option to aid in preventing an accidental overdose. Follow-up doctor visits are often scheduled to monitor the progress of those on the mend. Help seniors remember these appointments by calling with friendly reminders. Accompanying them to these scheduled visits further ensures these obligations are met. Seniors returning home from a hospital stay may be on a limited diet. Even if they are not, preparing and eating dinner

for themselves may seem overwhelming. Help out by grocery shopping or preparing easy-to-heat meals which seniors can make with little or no fuss. Maintaining balanced nutrition is critical for seniors who have had recent health issues. Following the above tips can help pave the way to a positive transition from hospital to home. Successful transitions help eliminate returns to the hospital which are common when transitions are not well planned. If you are unable to assist a senior in need, now might be the time to hire a home health care provider, to attend to seniors in need on a full or parttime basis performing such duties as cooking, light cleaning, running errands and simply by providing company to keep the senior’s spirits up. Kat Vercruyssen has owned and operated Comfort Keepers of North Idaho since 1999. She is a CSA (Certified Senior Advisor) and a past President of CareNet of Kootenai County.

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Written by Rose Morningstar, LMT of Body Tech Massage Therapy

The Power of Touch

Do you find yourself caring for a loved one

who is elderly and not knowing how to express your emotions with them? Or maybe you are elderly yourself and have feelings of depression, loneliness or uselessness. These are completely normal experiences as we and our loved ones age. However the issue of touch is perhaps the single most important one for the elderly, their family, loved ones and care givers. Touch is the most powerful sense of all. From the moment we are born, a gentle touch calms us and lets us know someone cares. In the beginning stages of life nurturing touch creates a bond that shapes us for the rest of our lives. Touch deprivation in old age is real. It is my goal through this article to assist in bridging the gap between the ages of loved ones in regards to how to continue expressive touch with the elderly loved one in your life, as well as how to allow yourself to benefit from the power of touch if you are elderly. Of the five basic senses touch, the one sense essential to life, is sadly the most neglected. The healing power of touch has been demonstrated by numerous studies ranging from babies whose development is stunted when they are deprived of human contact, to the elderly who enjoy better


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health when touched regularly, and patients who recover from illness more quickly when they are touched often. Touch, or the lack of it, affects us all. Healthy touch slows our heart rates and reduces anxiety. It makes us feel safe and nurtured. A lack of touch though can make us feel very lonely, depressed, ill and even aggressive and angry at the world. With this understanding it makes sense why it may be hard to allow someone to nurture you if you are elderly or have had traumatic experiences. Expressive touch has been successful in helping elderly cope with mourning for a lost loved one, attachment, and the changes in appearance as a result of aging. Used as a form of therapeutic, nonverbal communication, touch is credited with helping to diminish sensory deprivation, increasing mental coordination and reducing pain. Nurturing expressive touch can also help the elderly during times of depression by increasing cognizance and decreasing vulnerability. Touch can say, “I am here for you.” Touch can communicate connection and solace and kindness. Touch can say, “I love you. You are important to me.” Touch can say, “You are not alone”. The sense of touch is so powerful that some experts recommend elderly clients receive regular, professional massages. While massage in general is not meant to convey affection it too uses the power of touch. Gentle kneading of muscles helps release tension, improves blood flow through the body and eases the pain of arthritis. Although no direct affection is involved during a professional massage, oxytocin released in the body during the process produces the same comforting effects. In place of a full-body massage, foot and hand rubs can be just as emotionally and physically beneficial. I’d like to share with you a couple ideas I’ve used with wonderful results.

The elderly do not require strong touch. Gentle touch usually suffices. If you offer some form of massage, be aware that some elderly people have thin skin. Certain medications may even make skin susceptible to breaking. Proceed with care. • Offer your hand or arm as support to one who is getting up from a chair or in and out of a car. Even this simple form of contact can be valuable to the psyche. • If you are in a position where you are bathing or showering an elderly loved one, this can be the perfect time for a soapy back rub! • Hand massages or foot massages. Use light natural oil such as grape seed oil. You can also use hand lotion if no oil is available. Adding a bit of lavender oil can be extremely relaxing. If you have a small tub, fill it with warm water and a couple tablespoons of Epsom salts and have the person soak their hands or feet prior to your massage. The perfect nightcap! The message of touch is simple. As humans, we are programmed to form emotional bonds that strengthen our relationships. Verbal communication facilitates those bonds. Physical communication confirms those bonds. Touching someone you love often conveys a message in a way words cannot. The next time you spend time with your elderly loved one, reach out and touch them. Hold their hand. Offer a warm embrace. Chances are you may see the loneliness and worry in their face replaced by a smile… and you may notice the same happens for you.

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Diary of a Crossfit Rookie Having three days instead of one (or none) between classes, my husband and I started to relax and feel like CrossFit was no big deal. So, come week two, I was pretty confident. Over the weekend, we didn’t really stick strictly to the Paleo diet. We had pizza and dairy and even some sugar (delicious ice cream!). There is also a brewery up the street that opened a few months ago, and we hung out there Friday and Saturday nights, drinking beer and spending time with friends. In fact, we even saw faces from the CrossFit gym, and it made us feel less guilty about drinking that wonderful gluten rich brew. 5:30 came pretty early on Tuesday morning, but we threw on our work out clothes and headed down to 4th Street. We started again with squats. I am going to be the squat queen! Some weights and a few new moves…it wasn’t so bad. Ironically, at the end, we talked more in length about diet. One of the main diet tips they promote is to eat foods with more color, since they are typically more nutrient dense. My first thought was that this was rather simplistic and lacked important detailed information – years of working in the natural food industry, my arrogance was getting the better of me. It is true that for anyone making severe lifestyle changes, simpler is better. I didn’t have any room to talk. Here I was tackling an intense form of exercise, and…what had I eaten over the weekend? When it comes to health and diet changes, all or nothing only works for some. For most, habits and comfort levels are difficult to change. Over the years, I have tried to develop eating habits with balance in mind, taking something from every diet and fitness routine and incorporating it into what I feel works for me and my family (me and Young). Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn’t. I decided to put what I knew aside and give the Paleo thing a try. The final workout finally arrived, and Derek told us we would be repeating the routine from the first day – you know, the day Young and I both almost chucked our stomachs onto the floor. That morning, he threw us in with the main class for a run around the block. I hate running! And to prove it, I slowly fell back to last. One girl, who had gotten left in the bathroom, jogged up behind me about halfway around. She was super nice and said she would just run with me, since everyone had started without her. In my head, I replied that she should just run on – she would find that I was going too slowly for her anyway! 58

sep | oct 2013

Written by S. Michal Bennett Photos by Katie Carmichael

As we rounded the third corner, a homeless man called out to us from across the street. He was shuffling along with his matted beard and shopping cart full of stuff, but the sight of two young women in sweats and tank tops running along the opposite sidewalk, perked him up immediately. “Hey, nice day for a run!” he said with a little gleeful laugh. At that moment, I was grateful the girl next to me had been left behind. As we neared the final corner, she pulled ahead without apology. I had been grateful for her presence, but I also knew my running skills certainly didn’t measure up to hers.

The final workout, like the first, was 15, 12 and 9 reps of squats, pushups, pullups and up-anddowns. One problem – I had woken up with an aggravated hip injury (I had had a pain in my hip for over 2 months and was struggling with getting it resolved.). I explained to Derek, and we decided I wouldn’t do the jumping back motion of the up-and-downs. We all looked like we were poised at the starting line as we waited for the timer. And then, we were off! The 15 reps went by smoothly. When I got to the 12 reps, I was starting to struggle with the pull-ups. Stupid pull-ups! But I pushed through. When I got to the 9 pushups, I slumped a little. I had reached my finishing point from day one, and my body was screaming that it had had enough. Then they turned up the music. I am a musician and have loved good music my whole life. Maybe this means that I am more affected by music than most people, but I do believe it has emotional power. What was playing that morning wasn’t the Black Eyed Peas or Brittany Spears. Instead, the gritty rhythms and tones of “Down with the Sickness” by Disturbed flooded the gym. In that moment, I completely focused on a song I love as determination and sheer will power coursed through me. I finished my last reps with a burst of adrenaline! My final time: 5:40. Wow. I was still on a high just from finishing! In fact, everyone cut their first-day times in half. Derek was full of praises. Through the sweat, I realized that Bootcamp had shown me how quickly CrossFit can build my strength, core and endurance. Being the awkward rookie that I am, I don’t want to build up a lot of bulky muscle, but I think this just might work for me. If I could get through two weeks without hurting myself (except for the ear-boxing), I might just be able to do this. After some discussion, Young decided to sign up for two days a week. Derek warned us, “What you did in Bootcamp isn’t even a warm up for the main class.” Still, I am looking forward to pushing myself harder than I ever have before. These two weeks have proven that my efforts will be rewarded.


Follow S. Michal Bennett’s blog here!

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final thoughts

While washing dishes by S. Michal Bennett

While washing dishes My gaze was arrested By distant mountains Lazy hazy blue in the sun Set powdered pink and curious orange. Green grey misty melancholy, cloud nine Of poetry in light Infused with a message That will never be heard. Darkness overtakes The effusion of color, Snuffing out the embers Of a dying day, Covering us in Black plastic bag night.


sep | oct 2013


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