North Leeds Life Magazine. July 2014 Edition. LS7, LS8, LS17

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NORTH LEEDS Life F R E E J U LY 2 0 1 4 | LS7 | LS8 | LS17


Yorkshire Life Aquatic ‘Swims’ Around Yorkshire!

Maxine Peake’s New Play About Beryl Burton Chapel Allerton’s Big Lunch! July2014 Area B.indd 1

16/06/2014 17:24

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North Leeds Life_153x226_Chosen.indd 1 July2014 Area B.indd 2

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NORTH LEEDS Life F R E E J U LY 2 0 1 4 | LS7 | LS8 | LS17


Dear Readers,

The Leeds Horticultural Society is holding

I’m quite excited about this edition! We have some great stories. Of course, Le Grand Depart is finally here and the Yorkshire Festival leading up to it has been a fantastic success – we have more bike related news.

its Annual Show at The Grammar School at

Still in celebration of Le Tour de France,

bird man, Stan Kenyon, has died. Thousands

Leeds; the Abbey Runners’ Eccup 10 celebrates its 21st year; and Dragonfly Tattoo prepare to launch their new EP. But there is sadness too – our wonderful

The West Yorkshire Playhouse brings us Maxine

of you looked forward to reading his column on

Yorkshire Life Aquatic ‘Swims’ Around Yorkshire!

Peake’s play about the amazing cyclist Beryl

birds every month and he will be sorely missed.

Maxine Peake’s New Play About Beryl Burton

Burton – what a story! And, Unlimited Theatre,

Simon Bolderson, whose Ridgeside Brewery in

currently the Company In Residence at The

Meanwood brewed some great, award winning

Playhouse, won a NASA award for designing

beers, had also died due to a brain tumour. Raise

internet connected clothing for astronauts!

a glass of Ridgeside in their honour.

Chapel Allerton’s Big Lunch!

FEATURES Cover Photo Lizzie Coombes

A Busy Summer for Yorkshire Life Aquatic

The performance troupe that specialises in dry land synchronised swimming will be popping up at festivals all over Yorkshire.

Maxine Peake Introduces us to Beryl Burton

West Yorkshire Playhouse presents Maxine’s play about this extraordinary cyclist to celebrate Le Grand Depart.t

July2014 Area B.indd 4

In addition, Yorkshire Life Aquatic, in their

What will August bring? We look forward

fab 40’s swimsuits, will be turning heads around

to receiving your news and events. The

Yorkshire this Summer with their dry land

deadline is 1st July (9th July for advertising).

synchronized swimming; Dr Geof Banyard’s

September’s deadline is 1st August (8th August

Steampunk Review has won a national award;

for advertising).

and Chapel Allerton has a hugely successful Big

We look forward to hearing from you.


Kind regards, Carole, Jack and the team.

10 Unlimited Wins NASA Prize!


Unlimited Theatre was recently selected as Global Award Winner by a panel of NASA judges, for their project making internet connected clothing for astronauts.

16 The York Mystery

Plays Had Their Rebirth in Headingley!


Now performed every four years on the streets of York, these plays were brought back to life after 400 years by Headingley resident Jane Oakshott in 1975.

32 Chapel Allerton’s Big Lunch

Bigger Than Ever!

For the sixth year running, Chapel Allerton enjoyed a free community street party.


54 Le Grand Depart: Finally

it’s here!

16/06/2014 17:24

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Life & Style

British Festival of Archaeology Plans Over 1,000 Events EDITORIAL

Carole Carey-Campbell

0113 293 4303

DEPUTY EDITOR Brendan Campbell


Kyle Harvey


0113 274 8776

SALES TEAM he Council for British Archaeology’s annual Festival of Archaeology, the largest celebration of archaeology in the world, takes place from 12th – 27th July and Leeds Museums and heritage sites are joining in with talks, workshops, special exhibitions, guided walks and lots of family activities. This will be the festival’s 24th year, and over 1,000 events will be taking place across the UK in partnership with around 400 organisations, including community groups and local museums. Leeds Museums have lots of activities planned. In the engine yard at Leeds Industrial Museum at Armley Mills you can learn how industrial archaeology works to uncover our recent past on 13th July (11am – 4pm). Get behind the scenes in areas that are normally off limits and have a go at uncovering some of Armley’s past. Drop in to Armley Mills again on 18th July (12 - 2pm) and discover how industrial buildings are excavated and explore how technology has developed from the Stone Age to the present day. Further information from 0113

Explore how technology has developed from the Stone Age to the present day

378 3173 or armley.mills@leeds. A Family Workshop at Leeds City Museum Discovery Centre on Saturday 19th and Wednesday 23rd July (10am – 12pm) will look at archaeology in the collection which has survived years of burial –What Survives Beneath? The Curator of Archaeology will take a closer look at unlikely things that have survived. (Booking is essential, call 0113 378 2100) For full details, contact 0113 224 3732, or visit museumsandgalleries For further information on the Festival visit www.

Rachael Stafford

0113 293 4304 David Smith

0113 268 6012 07738 058 957



Whilst every effort is made to ensure that all editorial, advertising and directory listings are accurate, the publisher is not liable for any errors, omissions, statements or opinions provided. The publishers accept no liability of any nature arising out of or in connection with the contents of this magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the express permission of the editor.

July2014 Area B.indd 6

16/06/2014 17:24

E N I L T T S S N I E A B G R A U E C YO N E F G E N D I P F P O A N S LOCK k r attac cylinde in with e s s e a ks. er com n incre d a n d li y te t attac C h agains Profile highlig n o e o r v ti u a c E u h prote ing yo tinum reports AS Pla s, keep aximum t media matter . Yale’s ring m e K it Recen ff U e o r e s , e n. n sessio ted wh ins in th accreditatio is trus ed pos breakr k r u le a s a a Y m e , .uk lock r Kite our tr a 3 sta vourite cting y y fa . te o ’s r w p ld r w d wo ure an isit w As the ily sec kist v c ur fam o o t y s d n t a ares

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July2014 Area B.indd 7


16/06/2014 17:24

Life & Style



Dorothy Una Ratcliffe (often known as D.U.R.) led a rich and colourful life. Glamorous, wealthy, a socialite who loved nature and the gypsy life, she published almost fifty books, travelled all over the world, nurtured her garden, adored Yorkshire and its traditions, was a prolific collector and the inspiration behind a magnificent legacy to Leeds. Brought up in Sussex and Surrey, she was the eldest of the three daughters of George Benson Clough, a wealthy barrister originally from Scarborough: she called him the first Yorkshireman in her life. He was active in local politics, author of several books, and encouraged her early literary efforts. Dorothy and her sisters were educated locally, then sent to finishing schools in Germany and Paris to polish their accomplishments. In London in 1909, aged 22, she

of a literary magazine, ‘The Microcosm’, with articles by

married Charles Frederick Ratcliffe,

writers like Tolkien and Chesterton, and she helped him

nephew and heir of the wealthy

build up a stunning library of rare and precious books

chemical tycoon Edward Allen

and manuscripts, which was later bequeathed to Leeds

Brotherton, later Lord Brotherton of

University ‘in trust for the Nation’, and housed in the

Wakefield. He had no children, as his

Brotherton Library which he had so munificently endowed.

wife and baby had died in childbirth,

From her early years she had loved writing, especially

and Charles, his sister’s son, was

poetry and drama. She fell in love with the Yorkshire

destined to inherit the business. The

Dales, their landscape, dialect and customs, and in 1918

newly married couple settled in a

published her first volume of lyrical, romantic Dales

house near Edward Brotherton’s

ballads, ‘The Dales of Arcady’. From then on, year after

home at Roundhay Hall (now the

year, she published poems, plays, memoirs, based on Dales

Spire Hospital), and in later years

life, some in local dialect and some specially for children

moved there themselves.

(sadly she could have none of her own).

still writing (always under the same

Dorothy and Edward Brotherton

Her other passion was for the Romanies and their

got on famously – she filled the place

culture which she loved to explore and write about – she

She was an active campaigner for

of daughter and hostess in his busy

was sure she had gypsy blood. It’s easy now to judge her

the Yorkshire Dialect and Gypsy Lore

social and political life. In 1913, when

work as over-sentimental, a fanciful version of country

societies, and remained an untiring

he became Lord Mayor of Leeds, he

and gypsy life, but she felt she was writing in the old

friend to the Brotherton Library,

chose her as his Lady Mayoress. Her

ballad tradition (which she gave lectures on) and her work

to which she gave her outstanding

striking appearance caused a stir – ‘a

was widely read (often featured in ‘The Dalesman’) and

collection of Romany material.

most picturesque figure’, gushed the

enjoyed for its idealised imagery, and its dialect humour.

The Leeds Museum has her fine

papers, ‘tall and slim, in champagne

Her marriage to Charles Ratcliffe (who later took

collection of fans and miniatures,

coloured satin…with a huge stole

the name of Brotherton – and was the benefactor of the

and (poignantly) baby bonnets –

and muff of snow leopard’. But their

LGI’s Brotherton wing) proved deeply unhappy, but to

and a powerful bronze of her reading.

year in office was darkened by the

avoid scandal they divorced only after Lord Brotherton’s

Meanwhile her many books, once so

outbreak of war.

death in 1930. He left her a generous inheritance of her

popular, moulder on library shelves,

Dorothy supported him in

own and she began a new life. In 1932 she married Noel

though some of her lyrical poems have

raising and equipping, at his own

MacGrigor Phillips and together they travelled all over

recently been set to music (by Artisan

expense, the volunteer ‘Leeds

the world, often in their caravan or yacht. Their home

Harmony). Her own words can serve

Pals’, and with her fluent French

was Temple Sowerby Manor, near Penrith; a few years

as an epitaph: ‘Here lies a lover of

helped welcome Belgian refugees.

after his sudden death in 1942 she gave the house and her

rain and sun,/ Loving, and loved by

He clearly had a great affection for

beloved garden (Acorn Bank) to the National Trust. She

everyone; /Who left these beautiful

her, and they shared a passion for

married a third time, a long-term friend called Arthur

dales to find /The dales where the

literature and fine books. Over the

Vowles, and they lived in Edinburgh until his death, when

heavenly rivers wind.’

next years he financed her publication

she moved to North Berwick, where she died aged 80,

July2014 Area B.indd 8

name) almost to the end.

By Eveleigh Bradford

16/06/2014 17:24

Grid Thirteen Supports Student Design at The GSAL Kitchens and home interiors studio Grid Thirteen has partnered with The Grammar School at Leeds (GSAL) to support its art, design and

The artwork is

technology showcase of student coursework.

outstanding and it was difficult to choose the

As well as pledging funds to support the event, Grid Thirteen was involved in judging the work and identifying pieces that were considered immediately viable in the commercial market.

The winners were: Riva Graham (U-6), who plans to


study Liberal Arts at university; Philip Robinson (U-6) who plans to study civil engineering at Bath; and Naomi Pickersgill (L-6).

“We wanted to get involved with design and technology at GSAL to invest in local education and the

“The exhibition is a fabulous students’

potential of the next generation

creativity”, said John Bagshaw, head

coming through to the design

of design and technology. “Industry

industry”, said Natalie Fry, design

links are so valuable for students,

director at Grid Thirteen. “The

helping them to see the relevance of

artwork is outstanding, and it was




difficult to choose the prize winners.

their design assignments to the real world and demonstrating that there

Pictured: Riva Graham,

The winners were standout pieces

are genuine career opportunities for

Natalie Fry, Philip Robinson and Naomi Pickersgill

and I would happily give them house

talented designers.”

July2014 Area B.indd 9


16/06/2014 17:25

Life & Style


Unlimited Theatre, currently the Company In Residence at the West Yorkshire Playhouse, was recently selected as Global Award Winner by a panel of NASA judges, for their project making internet connected clothing for astronauts. In 2010, the company set up the Unlimited Space Agency (UNSA) whose mission was to inspire the next generation of scientists and space explorers, with particular emphasis on addressing the lack of girls and young women pursuing STEM related subjects and careers. UNSA took part in NASA’s global Space Apps Challenge at the Met Office in Exeter. Working with technologists, software developers, fashion design students and the astronaut Tim Peake (UNSA’s patron and the British and European Space Agency astronaut who will fly to the International Space Station in 2015), their aim was to create internet connected space clothing that was not only useful for astronauts working on the International Space Station, but also looked super cool. Features on the suit (which is sewn using conductive thread to carry power and data to the integrated devices) include a 3D printer in the pocket and a ‘wearable hug’ that squeezes the astronaut’s shoulders when a family member sends a message from Earth.

Photo: Michael Shorter

UNSA’s approach has been recognised by series of prestigious awards

Photo: Adam Burt

July2014 Area B.indd 10

“The Unlimited Space Agency is great”, said Tim Peake, “Their approach to inspiring children about science is rigorous, fun and it works!” The project won the ‘Best Mission Concept’ and ‘People’s Choice’ awards in the UK and was then selected from 671 global entries to go through to the final judging phase, ultimately winning in the ‘Best Mission Concept’ category. “It was a truly collaborative effort and is further evidence of the power of art, play and storytelling to inspire engagement with science”, said Jon Spooner, UNSA’s Director of Human Spaceflight Operations. “The support we received from the Met Office and the Faculty of Arts & Design at Exeter College was inspirational.” UNSA will develop the prototype space suit for Tim to hopefully wear on the International Space Station. The Agency is also developing an internet connected mission patch

celebrating Tim’s mission, which can be worn by supporters on Earth and activates blinking LEDs when the ISS flies over the wearer’s location. The success of UNSA’s approach has been recognised by series of prestigious awards, including The Sir Arthur Clarke Award for Achievement in Space Education & Outreach, a National Charity Award (Arts, Culture & Heritage category) and the WISE Champion Award for promoting female talent in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Unlimited Theatre is a collaboration between the artists Clare Duffy, Jon Spooner and Chris Thorpe. The company specialises in creating innovative ways of telling stories, particularly in collaboration with scientists. You can see more details of the connected space suit and the work of the Unlimited Space Agency at projects/unsa/

16/06/2014 17:25

Can Eight Millimeters Really Make a Difference? Over the last few years, it would have been nigh on impossible to miss the constant messages about making your home more energy efficient! We have been encouraged to increase insulation, invest in new, efficient boilers, and…… check those windows! In the last six months an even more efficient glazing system has been introduced – the new 36mm (as opposed to 28mm) Triple Glazing system. “We have seen a dramatic rise in enquiries and orders since we introduced the new 36mm windows”, said Karl Hunter, Partner at Adwalton Windows, one of the few window companies in the UK currently installing this higher specification. “The new 36mm windows with warm edge spacer save even more energy, reduce even

more noise intrusion and add value to your home as well!” Karl says he has noticed a significant change in the business in the past few years – customers are very focused on quality. “This is why we have invested so heavily in our products. We understand that our customers demand quality, but we are determined to

also maintain competitive prices.” Adwalton Windows have over 30 years of experience and are delighted with the progress they have made over the years. Personal service is a huge part of what they offer – the directors still make a point of visiting customers at both the quotation and installation stages. “Of course, we will continue to seek out innovative products that we know combine the elements that our customers demand – quality, energy efficiency, and value, just like the 36mm Triple Glazing that we are now offering.” For further information, contact Adwalton Windows on 0113 322 6588 or visit www. to see their full range of products, from single windows to elegant conservatories.





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July2014 Area B.indd 11

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16/06/2014 17:25

Life & Style


The performance troupe, that specialises in dry land synchronised swimming, has already kicked off their Summer exploits with public rehearsals in the fountain outside the Cast Theatre in Doncaster, as part of the Right up our Street DNweekeND Festival. Mermaids will also be popping up in Bradford on the Tour de France weekend and roaming around the streets - a silent movie style fun vintage frolic promenading in the city centre. Described by audiences as uplifting, and quirky, Yorkshire Life Aquatic’s work is playful and interactive. The concept is to reimagine public spaces - both real and virtual. They are interested in water, the farcical nature of attempting to swim on ‘dry’ land, using vintage (post war 1940s)

Photo: Lizzie Coombes

July2014 Area B.indd 12

aesthetic in their work and iconic ‘pin up’ poses. Appropriately, they made an appearance at the Leeds Waterfront Festival (28th June) with a community mermaids and pirates ‘splash mob’ project, which involved working with a group of participants and teaching them a dry land synchronised swimming routine to perform at the festival! They worked with OWL Industries, who made the costumes, and Canal Connections who taught the participants how to drive a barge as part of the project.

Mermaids will also be popping up in Bradford

Photo: Lizzie Coombes There is also an online tutorial for people to copy at home! Yorkshire Life Aquatic are also currently running the ‘Bramley Mermaids Club’, a twenty week course in the water that is a cross between aqua dance and synchronised swimming. The classes run on Monday nights at Bramley Baths promoting health and wellbeing through creativity, creating performance pieces using movement inspired by real synchronised swimming techniques and celebrating the beauty of real women and feminine role models. So far the classes have been a big hit with the members who have been learning moves like ‘Flamingo’ and ‘Swan’. Yorkshire Life Aquatic will also be performing at Beacons Festival in Skipton in August, and Bathing Beauties on The Seafront, Mablethorpe & Sutton in September. Further details yourkshirelifeaquatic.wordpress. com

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The popular Holly House Veterinary Hospital on Street Lane is celebrating being in business for 20 years with an Open Day on Saturday 12th July, 1-4pm. The celebration will also be a fundraiser for Camp Nibble, Yorkshire Cat Rescue, Whitehall Dog Rescue and St Gemma’s Hospice. Peanut the Clown will be on duty making balloon animals and painting faces. There will be real animals to meet and greet too, some rather exotic! You can also take your own pet along for a free health check with a qualified veterinary nurse, and there’s an opportunity to win 12 months free Holly House Health Club membership. The hospital now employs 30

staff in a purpose built veterinary hospital with cutting edge equipment, much of it highly specialised. “Twenty years ago we had little equipment”, said Stuart McArthur, who founded the practice. “Now we can do things like perform an ultrasound guided biopsy - and have digital radiography. “We currently have the best facilities we’ve ever had, combined with the best team. Amy Martin, our

Practice Manager, heads up a team of qualified nurses and veterinary surgeons who provide a broad and varied range of expertise, so we can provide our clients with a specialised opinion on almost any condition. “Twenty years ago veterinary practices were expected to be open 24/7, so that’s what we did. I would often sleep in the room upstairs and if clients turned up with sick and injured animals at two in the morning, they were likely to be met at the door by me in my pyjamas! We still provide a personalised, friendly, professional service 24 hours a day, seven days a week.” Holly House is at 468 Street Lane, Moortown, LS17 6HA. Tel: 0113 236 9030 www.hollyhousevets.


Stonegate Carpets specialise in bespoke stair and hall runners and rugs in both contemporary and traditional styles. We supply high quality British carpet brands including Brintons, Axminister, Ulster, Adams, Westex, Cormar, Victoria and many more. We also stock high quality woven wool remnants and runners at surprisingly affordable prices – plus a selection of stair rods and accessories. Our family business spans three generations, with more than 90 years experience and we offer a free carpet design and colour matching service. Visit our website to view our gallery and full range of services.

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July2014 Area B.indd 13

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Arts & Culture

Walks in Limestone Country and the Howgill Fells Many of you will have walked in the Malham, Settle and Three Peaks areas of North Yorkshire using

Silverlinks – Managing Life Changes

Alfred Wainwright’s guide ‘Walks in Limestone


Country’, first written in 1970. Taking the train from Leeds to Settle, then onwards towards Carlisle, many of these walks can be accessed from stations along this magnificent railway line.

ow, for the first time in over 40 years, this guide has been updated by Chris Jesty, who was also responsible for updating Wainwright’s Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells, Outlying Fells, Coast to Coast and Pennine Way Companion. The necessary revisions, due to the alteration of paths, particularly in the popular Three Peaks area, have been incorporated seamlessly into the original text, using a font devised to replicate Wainwright’s handwriting. Only when you know what these changes are from the original guide, are you able to spot them. The various routes are now shown on the maps in russet red, making them much easier to follow than previously. This is an excellent book with 34 different walks of varying lengths, including the famous twenty-four mile Three Peaks walk, and takes the walker through some wonderful scenery.

This is an excellent book with 34 different walks of varying lengths

‘Walks on the Howgill Fells’ has also been revised. First published in 1972, many changes have taken place on the 32 walks. A number of them can be undertaken using the Settle to Carlisle line from Leeds and alighting at either Garsdale Head or Kirkby Stephen. Recently, a number of walks from these books were combined in a book entitled ‘The Howgills and Limestone Trail’ to form a new 76-mile long distance trail from Kirkby Stephen to Settle. It is split into seven walking days covering approximately 11 miles per day – ideal for a week’s walking holiday. Details of accommodation for the walk can be found at www.

Silverlinks, a Care & Repair Leeds project, is a Big Lottery funded project enabling older people to manage life changes around housing. Volunteers who have already made that ‘do I go or do I stay’ decision are matched with people to share their experiences of moving, downsizing, or having adaptations carried out. Talking to someone who has faced a similar situation can help put people’s minds at ease at what can be a time of great upheaval. The volunteers are all aged over 60 and Silverlinks is always looking for new volunteers to share their experiences. Full training is given. So, if you have a few hours to spare, or know of anyone aged 60+ who is considering their future housing choices and would benefit from talking to a volunteer, please contact Barbara Bailey on 0113 200 9157 or Silverlinks will also be organising information sessions/workshops around housing and care options for later life.

John Burland





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“RIDICULOUSLY FUNNY” Libby Purves, The Times


“I HAVEN’T LAUGHED SO MUCH FOR YEARS” Janet Street Porter, Independent on Sunday


July2014 Area B.indd 15

MON 7 - SAT 12 JULY 0844 848 2700

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Arts & Culture

The York Mystery Plays, which are performed every four years, will roll out onto the streets of York and bring the medieval plays to life once more on Sunday 13th and 20th July. Performance of Mystery Plays on pageant wagons started with the Guilds in the 14th century, but the tradition was lost for over 400 years after the Plays were censored out of existence in 1567. They were brought back to life in 1975 by Headingley resident Jane Oakshott whilst still a student at Leeds University’s Centre for Medieval Studies. “Pageant staging is a very efficient way of presenting a big play to a large audience in a town with no large open spaces”, explained Jane. “Imagine a Lord Mayor’s parade where each float shows successive scenes in a well-loved story. The first float stops at Station One to play its scene then moves on to play at Station Two. And so it continues with each wagon in procession. “I wanted to prove that this lost staging method would be practical and dramatically effective. The University of Leeds’ Centenary Celebrations provided the ideal opportunity to mount a full-scale pageant production for the first time in over 400 years. People from the university and all over Leeds took part.

“In medieval York the Guilds would play a Bible episode appropriate to their particular trade - for example the fishermen played Noah’s Flood, the bakers performed The Last Supper, and the Nailmakers presented The Crucifixion. “In 1975 we kept as close as possible to that tradition: The Creation of the World was played by the Department of Physics; the technically difficult Crucifixion by the Civil Engineers – who else could you trust to crucify an actor three times in quick succession and not kill him? “Local drama groups made up a third of the 36 performing groups. Headingley was well represented with two groups: St Michael’s Church

I wanted to prove that this lost staging method would be practical and dramatically effective

July2014 Area B.indd 16

with the charming Shepherds’ play, and St Chad’s Drama Group with the Temptation of Christ. Other groups came from Roundhay, Harehills and Whitkirk. “That first production took eight months of planning – finding suitable wagons, medieval costumes for 450 actors, and wagon pushers. And, we had to ensure that every group followed certain criteria so that the production had an integral style. “We held public auditions for the donkey to carry Mary for The Flight into Egypt. But we then had to cast a Mary who weighed no more than eight stone, because the successful donkey turned out to be pregnant! “ Jane’s ground-breaking work with local communities, led to her reuniting the Guilds with their Mystery Plays in York in the 90s. Much of her work was in helping amateur actors to gain the necessary voice and confidence to perform in the city streets. Awarded the MBE in 2008, Jane is now a voice and performance coach for business and a member of Trio Literati. For further information about this year’s York Mystery Plays, visit or call 0333 666 3366.

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“We are proud to have won the support of the Arts Council”, said Jane Anthony, Artistic Director. “It shows that they agree with our vision, of work experience for young professional

Young Opera Venture, which is dedicated to taking topquality, accessible opera to local theatres and giving young professional singers career experience, has won funding from The Arts Council for a new production this Autumn.

singers and excellent opera for local communities.” Since 2012, the company has visited over 20 venues and been overwhelmed by the audience response. It’s acclaimed production of Opera Appetizers with scenes from four famous operas is an excellent introduction to opera. It is colourful, fast moving and very entertaining, and has introduced opera to new audiences all over the region. The final performances of Opera Appetizers (as part of the cultural festival of the Tour de France) will be on 2nd July at Hebden Bridge Arts Festival, and 3rd July in Barton on Humber. The company is planning a new programme of tasters. For further details, visit

Leeds College of Art ooers a range of exciting short courses. Whether you’re new to art and design or an experienced practitioner we’ll have a course for you. Our Children’s Art School also ooers vibrant and inspiring arts courses for students aged 7-18. To nd out about any of our short courses: 0113 202 8000

July2014 Area B.indd 17

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Arts & Culture

Actor Maxine Peake makes her stage writing debut with ‘Beryl’, commissioned for the stage by West Yorkshire Playhouse to celebrate Yorkshire’s role in this year’s Tour de France. Originally written in 2012 for Radio 4, Maxine adapted it for this world premiere staging. The play looks at the ext ra o rd i n a r y sporting achievements of Morley cyclist Beryl Burton. Beryl was better than good, she was the best and she was determined to stay that way. Five times world pursuit champion, thirteen times national champion, twice road-racing world champion and twelve times national champion. Her accolades include time trials, former world record holder, former British record holder, numerous sports awards, an MBE and an OBE. Beryl Burton was one of the most astonishing sports people ever to have lived – but with her down to earth, no-nonsense approach to life and success, she remains a mystery.

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This down-to-earth Yorkshire sporting heroine races onto the Playhouse’s Courtyard stage from 30th June – 19thJuly, accompanied by a series of extra events celebrating her life and the achievements of women in sport. “This is a wonderful debut play”, said director Rebecca Gatward, whose credits include East Enders, Casualty, Doctors and Sadie J for BBC, and productions like The Trial of Dennis The Menace (Southbank Centre) and A Comedy of Errors (Shakespeare’s Globe). “Maxine has completely rewritten her radio play for the stage in a very inventive, playful and funny way. She has approached it from an actor’s point of view. There is no pretense, but there are moments of spectacle.

Pictured: Maxime Peake

“This is an extraordinary story. Here is a woman who beat both the male and female records at the time and held the record for three years. She felt so bad about overtaking male title-holder Mike McNamara in a 100 mile race that she offered him a Licorice Allsort on the way! She never turned professional and juggled being a mother and working full time on a rhubarb farm with racing at weekends. She was convinced that she was nothing special and that anyone putting in the hours could be a champion! We have all felt incredibly lazy preparing for this! Why did she have this drive? Where did it come from?” Both Rebecca and Maxine are thrilled with the cast who are John Elkington, Dominic Gately, Chelsea Halfpenny and Penny Layden.

16/06/2014 17:25

Leeds Inspired recently awarded a grant to Leeds-based Peepal Tree Press to develop a project exploring memory, community history and culture in the city. Working with writer and literary activist Khadijah Ibrahiim, ‘Another Crossing’ connects multicultural communities across the city with literature, live performance and family stories. Based on the ‘Another Crossing’ poetry collection, it fuses poetry, movement, and photography in a grand performance which will premiere at the West Yorkshire Playhouse on 22nd October. Khadijah Ibrahim’s poems speak of life, family, the communities

of Chapeltown and Harehills, and of crucial moments in the development of Leeds as a place where cultures meet. With an eye for details that capture a moment, Khadijah’s poetry sings from the page, alive with the rhythms and music of Leeds and Jamaica. Over the next few months, Khadijah will work with choreographer David Hamilton, musician Chris Campbell, theatre director Joe Williams and editor Jeremy Poynting. Then, to coincide with Black History Month, together with Leeds Young Authors and poets Malika Booker and Roger Robinson, she will perform ‘Another Crossing’ and Peepal Tree will launch the poetry collection. There will be a second performance at Seven Arts in Chapel Allerton. As part of the project, people will be able to take part in free writing workshops that will allow them to explore personal memories and their own family and community histories. For further information, adam@peepaltreepress. com or call 0113 2451703

Pictured: Khadijah Ibrahim


FOR A FREE QUOTE AND ADVICE CALL JOHN: 0113 217 1940 • 07751 845 167

July2014 Area B.indd 19

16/06/2014 17:25


Arts & Culture

Headingley based Dr Geof Banyard recently picked up the award for Best Steampunk Periodical for his Steampunk Literary Review. His work explores the fictional possibilities of science and history often bordering on the ridiculous, as work like the Steampunk Literary Review shows. Now in their third year, the Readers’ Choice Awards are organised by the Steampunk Chronicle, a worldwide platform that celebrates the best of art, music, literature and design in this increasingly popular genre, which is basically science fiction that combines the Victorian vision of the future with military and heavy industry. In the past ten years, Doctor Geof has built up an extensive repertoire of Steampunk artwork, becoming a leading figure of the

Pictured: Geof Banyard

July2014 Area B.indd 20

His work was included in the Longitude Punk’d exhibition at the Royal Greenwich Observatory

genre and the UK’s foremost Steampunk artist, known for his unique posters, portraits, and comics. He is also one of the original founders of the Leeds Steampunk Market. Most recently his work was included in the Longitude Punk’d exhibition at the Royal Greenwich Observatory and he is about to have a solo exhibition on the Cutty Sark. “I like examining old design and ideology in the light of the new, which is probably why many aspects of my work tap closely into

the Steampunk movement”, said Dr Geof. “The Readers’ Choice Award is a really humbling recognition of the Steampunk Literary Review and the work I’ve been producing for the last few years.” Previously a research physicist, he approached the profession’s magazine and offered to produce regular cartoons for it. “I had drawn all my life and always wanted to make comics”, he told us. “The more I did comics the more I started to enjoy drawing Steampunk related artwork, which tied in to the physics side of things remarkably well.” At Greenwich he was approached to design 40 original labels for historical objects also in the exhibition. One of the objects was Harrison’s first marine regulator and it offered him an opportunity to present a loved object with humour. Then someone asked what else he might have and he mentioned his fictional Travelling Tea Museum – well they happened to have a real tea clipper in the Cutty Sark, wouldn’t they go well together! A fictional Tea Museum? “It’s all about capturing the air of a museum…. but none of it is true!” he explained. “It’s about the transitory nature of history. What we believe currently may be wrong. So I make fake objects but give them labels that make them look authentic. It’s all about injecting a little joyous fun into a traditionally staid situation.” The exhibition will run from July – September.

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July2014 Area B.indd 21

16/06/2014 17:25


The latest exhibition at The National Coal Mining Museum looks at how mining communities celebrate and remember coal mining. Running until 28th September, Courage, Camaraderie and Community presents a series of memorials examining the lives of those involved, and demonstrating how communities have dealt with the loss of mining, and built hope for the future. The exhibition considers disasters, strikes and lock-outs, the re-creation of banners, the commemoration of World War I, the Bevin Boys’ memorial and the colliery bands. Canadian artist Gary Blundell’s ‘Bituminous Illuminations’ will also be on display. His paintings explore

Arts & Culture

the effects of the mining industry on the landscape, reflecting his experiences both on the surface and underground. Martin Pick’s documentary photograph project ‘What’s Left’ explores the legacy of the 1984 miners strike and will be on show in the Drift Gallery until 3rd August. To accompany Courage, Camaraderie and Community, The National Coal Mining Museum is looking for community groups to showcase projects that have celebrated mining, its communities, traditions or special events during the Summer holidays. If you would like to be featured in the Summer exhibition please contact Sally Ann Burley on 01924 848806, extension 525 or sallyann.

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July2014 Area B.indd 22

16/06/2014 17:25

St Peter’s Singers Sing for Their CD! The St Peter’s Singers have started an Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign to raise money to record a CD. All being well, the project will include the recording and production of a CD (and online audio downloads), bringing their music to an even wider audience. Of course, all of this depends on sufficient funds being raised. The choir hopes to raise £4,000 to cover the costs. “We hope that people will want to make a contribution”, said Quentin Brown, project manager. “There are a number of perks and it is a great acoustic properties, reminiscent of many cathedrals. There

alongside Harris, Parry and three

To promote the campaign, the

will be two impromptu appearances during shopping

modern Yorkshire greats – Edward

choir will be bringing modern sacred

hours, then a live prom-style concert at 8pm (admission

Bairstow, Francis Jackson and Philip

music to the Victoria Quarter in Leeds



way to pre-order the CD.”

on Sunday 6th July. The high vaulted

The programme will include works by Tavener,

roof of the arcade boasts stunning

Whitacre, Lauridsen, Pärt, Beamish and MacMillan

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July2014 Area B.indd 23

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16/06/2014 17:25


Food & Drink

The lovely array of fresh produce outside the tastefully refurbished old service station on Harrogate Road just north of Pool, has been enticing people to pull in to The Local Pantry for a couple of years now. Stop and you’ll discover a little treasure trove of gourmet delights…. and it’s all local! That’s what The Local Pantry is all about. Prior to setting up, Suzannah Hepworth spent five years as a buyer with Asda Supermarkets, working with small local suppliers. The business model was designed to embrace ‘local’, offering growers and independent specialist food producers a place to sell their products.

get creative with locally sourced food. The night we went our

lovely delicate, fresh sauce that complemented the fish perfectly.

first course consisted to

To round it off we were treated

Devilled Whitebait,

to Apple Five Ways – Apple Bavarois,

Smoked Mackerel

a delicate mousse, Apple Jelly,

Pâté, squid and

Salt Caramel Apple Pie that was

bean ragu, with

scrumptious, Apple Sorbet and Apple




sauce and garlic

Overall it was a lovely meal,

mayonnaise for

with delicate but distinct flavours all

the whitebait.

happily complementing each other. If

A lovely mix of

I have one gripe it is that the diners all ate at their separate tables – at

flavours. was

other supper clubs we have attended,

followed by Whitby

sharing the meal at large tables with

Crab and Crème Fraîche

total strangers only enhanced the

Salad with crispy chorizo

experience. Apparently they did try

and roast veg. Then it was on to

that, but in Pool in Wharfedale it

– in addition to excellent local meat

line-caught Gurnard (bought that

didn’t work….hmmmm.

there are wonderful Yorkshire

morning from our friends Liz and

cheeses, fresh veg from Whiteleys

John at R. Bethell’s in Leeds Market)


in Pudsey, Howard Bakery bread,

– a lovely meaty fish that we really or drop in to

David Bedford’s eggs, Mackenzies

should eat more of. This was served

enjoy some of their lovely, locally

smoked meats and fish, Yummy

with Horsforth Asparagus, crushed

sourced food….and don’t forget to

Yorkshire ice cream, cakes and scones

new potatoes and sauce vierge – a

take some home too!

The shop is packed with goodies


Pictured: Rob Black

For full details of upcoming clubs,



baked on the premises every day, plus a whole variety of preserves, sauces, oils and chocolates. The café does a roaring trade for breakfasts and lunches seven days a week, and I have it on good authority that they do an absolutely killer afternoon tea! But, did you know they also do a monthly Supper Club? No, neither did we. As soon as we heard about it we had to give it a try and, happily for me (a non meat eater) we chose a special fish night. The kitchen is run Head Chef Rob, who previously worked for Harvey Nichols. His menus are all designed to encourage customers to

July2014 Area B.indd 24

16/06/2014 17:26

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16/06/2014 11/06/2014 12:56 17:26


Food & Drink

Simon Bolderson September 12th 1967 - May 17th 2014

Cook, the shop at Moortown Corner that brings you frozen ready meals made just like you would at home, is taking the concept one step further – they are bringing them right to your door!

Born and raised in Yorkshire, Simon studied engineering at Huddersfield University. After a successful engineering career, he took redundancy in 2009. His interest in home brewing led him to establish Ridgeside Brewing Company in Meanwood in 2010. Helped by his family and fellow home brewing enthusiast, Dean, Simon designed and built his brewery (using Hartley’s jam tanks). The brewery was opened by former chair of the British Guild of Beer Writers, Barrie Pepper. Ridgeside went from strength to strength winning many plaudits, including a CAMRA Gold award. Besides its flavoursome

Ever since Cook opened in 2011,

Graham’s customers know him

ales, the brewery is well known

people have been asking about home

and trust him and this is a safe,

for it’s community involvement

delivery. “Now we have everything in

This is a

secure, convenient way to have

– brewing a house ale, ‘Myrtale’,

delicious, ‘homemade’ food delivered

specially for the Myrtle Tavern,

safe, secure,

to your home, ready to cook straight

and supporting the campaign to

from frozen or pop in the freezer for

save the Templar Hotel in Leeds

a later date.

with a beer of the same name.

place”, Graham Harpur told us. “The website has been rebuilt with all the options you would like – you can build up a regular shopping basket, register your favourites, book a delivery slot. Or, if you prefer, you can just call us!” Cook have taken on board everything their customers have said. You can book ahead for a party.

convenient way to have

Click and Collect, or leave special instructions. Most orders are turned around within 24 hours and deliveries are made between 12 – 3pm and 7 – 9pm. “So many of our regular customers are working all day”, said Graham. With our new website they can order before they go to bed and know that it will be delivered after they get home the following evening.

delicious, ‘homemade’ food delivered to your

What’s more, if a dish is out of stock it won’t appear on the order list, we won’t substitute another that we think


“We’ve found that home delivery

His beers will live on. Indeed

is ideal for older people who may not

his Black Night oatmeal stout

be able to get out easily. Often it’s

served from the wood was the first

their children or carers who will order

beer to sell out at the recent North

and we’ll even take it right in and

Leeds Charity Beer Festival. So,

pack it away in the freezer for them.”

why not raise a pint in his honour.

The great thing is that Cook now

Sam Parker, beer writer

also has a freezer van, so you can

and Leeds CAMRA vice chair

order anything, including ice creams

remembers Simon as the ‘nicest

and desserts, and know that it will

man in brewing’. “There was never

arrive still perfectly frozen.

a dull moment when you were

Cook has also expanded its

around Simon. He always had

delivery area and currently covers

time for you no matter how busy

LS1 – LS19, LS24 – LS28, and WF1

he was. The city has not just lost a

– WF3. Just go to,

skilled engineer and brewer, but a

and enter your postcode to be directed

genuinely humble man who I was

to the Leeds store. If you’re not on

proud to call my friend.”

line, just call them on 0113 237 0377 and let Cook bring it home to you!

He is survived by wife Sally and three children.

you might like!”

July2014 Area B.indd 26

16/06/2014 17:26

Saturday Night Live Something different every Saturday

Saturday 5th July “Chocolate Orange” Jazz & pop duo 8pm - 10:30pm

Saturday 12th July

“80’s vs 90’s” Join Bobby as he takes you back to the best of the 1980’s & 1990’s 8pm - 11pm


IN CHAPEL ALLERTON • Including tacos, enchiladas and our famous handmade guacamole • All dishes freshly made to order • Daily specials • Licensed bar with Mexican beers, cocktails, fine Tequilas and South American and Spanish wines • Children’s menu available

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*Valid from 1st July - 31st August 2014. T’s and C’s apply. 03/06/2014 14:59 16/06/2014 17:26


Food & Drink

If you love quizzes, we’ve recently come across two that are an absolute must to try! Over the last couple of years, The Myrtle Tavern on Parkside Road, Meanwood, has established a great general knowledge quiz on Mondays that attracts regular players from all over North Leeds. It includes rounds like ‘Read All About It’, ‘Pictures’, ‘Connections’, ‘Alpha Links’ and a famous ‘Wipeout’ round that prevents the same teams from winning again and again, and ensures a great end to a fun yet challenging evening. Thursday evenings, however, have built up a reputation all their

own. The evening starts at 8:30pm with a quick game of Cash Bingo with an average jackpot of £100. Then it’s on to the main entertainment – a great music quiz, two games of Rock & Roll Bingo, Irish Bingo & Play Your Cards Right. You can take part in all these for just £4. Rock & Roll Bingo is superb fun! Hosted by Scott, the pub’s licensee, numbers are replaced by artists and songs. Instead of calling numbers, you hear a clip of a song and the first person to win the line and then the full house wins a cash prize. The music ranges from the 60s right through to today. Irish Bingo (with a £50 cash prize, and potential rollover) is a simple game of stand up/ sit down bingo that is hilarious and everyone loves to get involved. The music quiz is played in between each game throughout the evening. There’s a picture round, TV theme tunes, and guess the artist and song. It really gets you in the mood for the next round of Rock & Roll Bingo.

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Across all the games, hundreds of pounds are regularly won – we witnessed a £300 payout on the Play Your Cards Right game alone! On the night we attended Scott threw in an extra ‘themed’ game – ‘Hits of the Decades’ for £1, announcing that the team that sang along the loudest would win a free VIP table the following week, plus a jackpot of £100. This is a really fun evening and attracts a wide range of people, aged from 18 - 70. It’s ideal for groups of friends but, turn up on your own and you’ll be made just as welcome. And, if Scott throws in a ‘Hits of the Decade’ game, be prepared to sing!

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July2014 Area B.indd 28

16/06/2014 17:28

“Home of the Quiz” Mondays, 9pm

General Knowledge quiz, plus Dingbats round and Fun Family Fortunes quiz. Cash Prizes

Thursdays, 8:30pm

Rock & Roll Bingo, Irish Bingo, Play Your Cards Right, Music and Picture quiz

Sundays 6:30 - 7:30

Brand New Quiz, Hosted by Phil: a mixed bag of questions designed to be fun and test your brains! FREE to enter. Win a gallon of beer or bottle of wine!

0113 275 2101 / Parkside Road, Leeds LS6 4NE The Myrtle Tavern Meanwood @TheMyrtleTavern Email: July2014 Area B.indd 29

16/06/2014 17:28

Community News


News From Your Councillors CLLR DANIEL COHEN

Alwoodley Ward Late last month I was invited to a performance of the MaeCare Writers’ group, held at Saxon Court. It was nothing short of inspirational and the capacity crowd was treated to some amazing poetry, prose and creative writing performances by our more senior residents.

Local groups cover a plethora of interests


Roundhay Ward While door knocking in the local elections, I found myself discussing Britain in Europe and proposals for a referendum on EU membership. It is absolutely right to debate our relations with the bloc that accounts for more than half our imports and exports, but I worry about how little information the media gives us to inform matters. In most European countries the news includes an EU section, and people know better how the EU affects our daily lives. Here

July2014 Area B.indd 30

I do wonder how yelling from the sidelines could protect our trade

The work of the writers’ group, reminds me of a favourite saying of my colleague Councillor Peter Harrand: “The key to a healthier life, is the one to the front door”. We are incredibly lucky that in Alwoodley there are numerous local groups and organisations covering a plethora of interests – from chess and bridge to gardening, writing and amateur dramatics – but the continued success of all these groups relies on new members getting involved. If your particular penchant isn’t catered for, you can always start a group yourself. If you need help, advice, and even a little funding, your three Alwoodley Councillors are only too happy to assist, so do get in touch. And, a final reminder (in case the yellow bikes and banners dotted along the A61, and the huge amount of publicity haven’t done the trick), on Saturday 5th July, the Tour de France’s Grand Depart will zoom through Alwoodley.

it is rarely mentioned except in derogatory terms. In 1990 I was in a UK delegation to a Council of Ministers working group in Brussels negotiating Single Market Food Safety Directives. I learned much about the EU in practice, including how different countries work together to protect their own industries. I saw no evidence of lavish living. I mainly remember endless meetings, grabbing quick sandwiches and coffee, and discussions far into the night in nondescript Brussels’ hotels to promote UK interests. By the end I believed we had done much to ensure that seafood products freely traded around Europe were safe to eat - including British exports that could then be sent anywhere in Europe.

The A61 will be closed to all vehicles from around 6am until 3pm. This includes roads that lead directly onto the A61 (for a map of road closures, visit my website www. From approximately 9.15 – 10.15am a promotional caravan of vehicles will travel along the route – which, I’m told, is an amazing spectacle. Then, from 11.15am, the peloton of cyclists will pass through at speed, even though they don’t officially start racing until Harewood House. It promises to be a real spectacle and a once in a lifetime event. With it right on our doorstep, we don’t even have to (wait for it…) get on our bikes! As always if you have any problems or issues, we’re here to help. 0113 204 1094

I am no apologist for Europe - there is plenty to improve, but I do wonder how Britain willfully withdrawing and yelling from the sidelines outside the bloc could protect our trade within it. And when I hear politicians and journalists confusing things - for example by failing to distinguish the EU from the totally unrelated European Court of Human Rights, (architect Winston Churchill who wanted to protect Human Rights in the post Nazi era), I wonder what is going on. Let’s talk about Europe, but please let’s ensure everyone get the facts first. 07891 278 717/ 0113 247 6927 Lead Councillor for Climate Change

16/06/2014 17:28

July2014 Area B.indd 31

16/06/2014 17:28

Community News


For the sixth year running, Chapel Allerton’s social group cara held a free community street party on Sunday 1st June on Regent Street, as part of the national Big Lunch initiative. About 250 people attended, tucking in to a huge range of food, and enjoying several live music acts, including Tom Milner, Georgia Thursting and Alexandra Stanley. The purpose of the event is to bring neighbours together and share the food they bring along. The Regent pub laid on a low-cost BBQ with meat supplied by local butcher Neil Smith. Tables and chairs were kindly lent by the Allotments Association and St Matthew’s Church, and local restaurants Sukhothai and Siam Oriental also donated food. The occasion also offered an ideal opportunity to announce the winners of the Chapel Allerton Community Awards, designed to recognise unsung heroes from the community and celebrate favourite shops and restaurants. Hundreds of nominations were received and the winners were then voted for by the cara committee. cara is an independent, nonprofit, social community group run by local residents for the enjoyment and benefit of anyone who lives in, works in, or simply loves Chapel Allerton. Its aim is to encourage greater social interaction and raise funds for local causes. Members benefit from meeting like-minded people of all ages and a range of discounts in shops, restaurants and clubs. In addition to its monthly supper club in local restaurants, and fun evening classes (including healthy eating and photography), cara is currently preparing its stand for the Chapel Allerton Arts Festival

July2014 Area B.indd 32

The occasion also offered an ideal opportunity to announce the winners of the Chapel Allerton Community Awards

on 30th August, and following that, a big party to celebrate its fifth birthday in October. For further information, visit or email

The winners of the 2014 Community Awards were: Young Achiever: Jake Frood Best Neighbour: Helen Sanders Best Street: Quarrie Dene Court Best New Business: The Fruit Stall

Best Business: Neil Smith’s Butcher’s Best Place to Eat: El Bareto Best Place to Drink: Further North Best Member of Staff: Harriet Vaight, Chirpy Mr & Mrs Chapel Allerton: Cliff & Sue Hughes Outstanding Contribution to the Community: Inkwell

Matt Tamplin cara

16/06/2014 17:28

Moortown Community Group’s Annual Open Meeting Residents of Moortown are invited to the Annual Open Meeting of Moortown Community Group (MCG), on Tuesday 15th July, 7.30pm at the Queen’s Hall, Immaculate Heart Church, 294, Harrogate Road LS17. The agenda includes the proposed new Moortown Park (housing, public park and school facility), pedestrians and parking at Moortown Corner, the MCG website, Moortown In Bloom, the Neighbourhood Design Statement, and the Festive Lights. There will also be a look back at the group’s work of the past year, as well as future aspirations. The election of committee members and officers will

Hear about and comment on

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July2014 Area B.indd 33

the work of the group

also take place. This is your opportunity to hear about and comment on the work of the group and put forward ideas which will enhance and promote Moortown as a pleasant place in which to live. For further information, please contact 0113 266 8480, moortowncommunitygroup@, or visit www.

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16/06/2014 17:28


Community News Rotary Collects for Wheatfields

St Gemma’s Hospice is holding its annual Garden Party on Sunday 13th July, from 11am – 3pm. Come along and welcome the Hospice Sportif cyclists as they return from a 68-mile ride and enjoy something sizzling from the BBQ. There will also be plenty of craft and local produce stalls, animals and bouncy castles for children, and the return of Elvis! Enjoy a cold Pimms or beer while the children say hello to Peppa Pig and help raise thousands for St Gemma’s patients. A quarter of the stalls are stocked from donations. If you have unwanted toys, gifts, books or alcohol you would like to donate, or if you would like to volunteer on the day, please contact Nicola on 0113 218 5570 or

For one day in the year, the village of Weeton, which lies just across the River Wharfe beyond Pool-in-Wharfedale and Harewood, is descended upon by thousands who are out to enjoy the Weeton Show (LS17 0AN). This year the show takes place on Sunday 27th July, from 10am - 5pm and is a fun-filled day for all the family. At its heart are well loved craft stalls and traditional entertainment, including Punch and Judy, animal wizardry, dry stone walling, children’s activities, ferret racing and bouncy castles. Groomed horses wait

July2014 Area B.indd 34

Every year Leeds City Council gives the Rotary Club of Leeds permission to hold a collection for Wheatfields Hospice following one of its Saturday evening concerts at Leeds Town Hall. After a recent concert given by the Moscow Philharmonic State Orchestra, the team was out in force and collected over £400 from generous concertgoers. This year the team included five members of the newly formed Rotoract Club, a lively group of young people aged 18 - 30 wanting to help in the community. They are helping on a number of Leeds Rotary Club projects, including support for the charity PHAB and will hopefully also be helping with Leeds East Food Bank. Rotoract also has a lively social programme. If you would like more about Rotoract and how to get involved in such projects, contact Tony Cleminson 07779 007671,

to contest in the show-jumping arena, pedigree dogs line up for their rosettes and rare bred sheep showcase the best of local farming. The athletic can take part in the 7km Rougemont Chase - a cross country race that takes in the ruins of the medieval Rougemont Castle (home to the Harewood family until the 14th Century). Whilst those looking for a more relaxed view of the day can sip Daleside Brewery’s special Weeton Wiggle under the mid-summer sun. For more information, visit or follow them on Twitter @weeton_show

16/06/2014 17:28

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July2014 Area B.indd 35

27/02/2014 14:34

16/06/2014 17:28

Home & Garden


Allerton Grange Fields Turn Yellow for Grand Depart Volunteers have turned Allerton Grange Fields yellow with marigolds, pansies, nasturtiums and limnanthes in a series of formal flowerbeds along a section of the traffic free cycle path which connects Lidgett Lane to Talbot Avenue.

Friends of Allerton Grange Fields. “We also want to encourage people to take up cycling which has wider health, environmental and economic benefits for the local area.” The Friends will continue to maintain the flowerbeds in the coming years, introducing perennial plants and

In this exciting community led project, funded by local residents in direct response to the RHS campaign to ‘Turn Yorkshire Yellow’ in honour of the Tour de France, Friends of Allerton Grange Fields have worked in partnership with Roundhay Environmental Action Project (REAP). “We hope that the yellow beds will raise awareness of the traffic free cycle track through Allerton Grange Fields, as well as honour the Grand Depart 2014 coming to Yorkshire”, said Bhupinder Dev, Secretary of

relationship matter? planning for the future? we can help. Whether you are experiencing family-related difficulties or making a long-term commitment, our specialist solicitors can help you move forward.

creating a long lasting legacy for the Yorkshire Grand Depart, in support of the Leeds Cycling Starts Here initiative. “We’d like to thank the Friends and REAP Gardening Group for helping to promote cycling and joining communities across Leeds in turning Yorkshire yellow”, said Councillor Mark Dobson, LCC executive member for the environment. “We are proud to be hosting the event and want the city to look its best when the attention of the world is on us. Projects like this are fantastic and I’d like to thank everyone involved.” For further information on how you can get involved with the work and activities of the Friends of Allerton Grange Fields visit www.

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July2014 Area B.indd 36

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Home & Garden


Well known for its atmospheric abbey ruins, the National Trust estate of Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal is also home to a unique World Heritage Site garden.

York Gate the Inspiration for Chelsea Perennial Win The horticulturalists’ charity Perennial won a SilverGilt medal at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, with a design inspired by York Gate Garden in Adel.

tudley Royal is one of the few great 18th century gardens to survive substantially in its original form and is one of the most spectacular water gardens in England. Designed by John and William Aislabie, the early water garden is very formal, however later additions reflected the more picturesque style of gardening with features designed to look like romantic ruins. Most people are surprised to discover that the Seven Bridges Valley, quite a rugged area beyond Studley Lake, is still actually part of the garden. In the heart of the water garden, cascades and canals flow into mirror-like ponds creating a scene worthy of a Georgian period drama. Another surprise is that this is actually the river Skell, tamed to

July2014 Area B.indd 38

There are paths and trails throughout the estate, with benches to sit and admire the views and some wonderful picnic spots

create this landscape. Follies and classical statues add the finishing touches, one of which, the small Banqueting House, will be open this Summer so you can step inside and almost feel you’ve stepped back in time. There are paths and trails throughout the 800 acre estate, with benches to sit and admire the views and some wonderful picnic spots. The full route around the garden is about two miles. Follow the high ride path to surprise view, discover dramatic vistas from Octagon Tower, and then call into Studley tearoom for some refreshment. Wildlife walks take place throughout the year and there are daily water garden tours at 11.30am. For full details, visit www.

Designed by Jo Thompson, the landscaping was managed by Jay Osman and his brilliant team of apprentices from Streetscape, a social enterprise that encourages long-term unemployed to train as horticulturists, along with a host of Perennial volunteers. “It is fitting that the exhibit designed to mark this unique charity’s 175th anniversary has been made possible thanks to partnership, friendship and goodwill from across the horticulture industry”, said Alan Titchmarsh, President of Perennial. “The garden itself is lovely – a true haven of peace and tranquillity.” Richard Capewell, Chief Executive at Perennial, said: “We have so many people to thank for their help with this exhibit and our representation at Chelsea this year. The visit by The Queen really was the icing on the cake – we are all very proud to be associated with this great charity that offers a lifeline to those working in and retired from horticulture.”

16/06/2014 17:28

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16/06/2014 17:28

Home & Garden


Stan was very quiet, but the most charming and gracious of people - a real gentleman. He was brought up in the country near Skipton and read Geography at Oxford University. From there he went into Town Planning and became Chief Planning Officer for Leeds. He was well known in Leeds and Yorkshire as a first rate ornithologist and he spent his spare time and holidays bird watching - knowing exactly where to be in each season to see the first Summer visitors or Winter migrants. He had also kept a diary since boyhood of day to day changes in the weather and could tell how many weeks early or late the Spring was in any given year. He was very concerned that climate change was having a serious disruptive

effect on weather patterns around the globe. Stan was a faithful member of St Chad’s congregation and a Sidesman for many many years. He joined the church’s Green Team at its inception, fourteen years ago and proved an invaluable member. He complied a comprehensive Bird List for the churchyard and completed the RSPB Garden Bird Watch each January, whatever the weather. Stan was able to write succinctly and clearly. His most recent contribution was helping with the text of the new leaflet ‘A Walk Round St Chad’s Churchyard’ - published in early May. He enjoyed writing the monthly article for North Leeds Life and was determined to continue with this for as long as possible, which indeed he did – the last one appearing only last

month. We had numerous comments from readers who looked forward to his column every month.He will be sorely missed by many people.

Our thanks to Suzanne Dalton for her help in compiling this obituary and for religiously typing up and emailing Stan’s article to us every month.

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July2014 Area B.indd 40

16/06/2014 17:28

The 2014 Leeds Flower Vegetable and Craft Show takes place on 2nd and 3rd August, at The Grammar School at Leeds (GSAL), Alwoodley Gates, Harrogate Road LS17 8GS. This year marks the 150th anniversary of the show, which was first held in 1864. Leeds Horticultural Society aims to replicate that show, with a marquee set out in the same style, based on newspaper reports of that time. Displays of plants, flowers, vegetables and fruits will be reproduced – a snapshot of horticultural history. The Main Hall at GSAL will house over 400 classes of Yorkshire’s very best, including flowers, floral art, vegetables and fruit grown by

keen amateur gardeners specially for this event. Exhibits of domestic produce, wine and honey, photography, crafts, a children’s section, and the popular Scarecrow Competition, will be on show in the Arts and Crafts Hall. (Entries are still invited in all classes – entry forms via There will be demonstrations of spinning, quilting, lace making, embroidery, wood carving and flower arranging, and Dee Spice will demonstrate Sri Lankan cookery in the main courtyard both days. Bring your gardening queries along to Gardeners’ Question Time in the school theatre on Saturday at 2.30pm. Gardening experts Joe Maiden, Gordon Kirby, David Lister, Eric Wells and Douglas Mansion will provide the answers. There will also be guest speakers on floral art, showing skills with roses and Sweet Peas, and some surprising musical entertainment! Trade stands will include nurseries, specialist growers, garden accessories and tools, photography, paintings and prints, greetings cards and gifts.

(Applications for trade stands are still welcome.) And, Leeds Model Railways will have a fantastic display of tracks and trains. The show is open: Saturday noon–5pm and Sunday 10am – 5pm (last admission 4.30pm). Admission: Adults £6/ Senior Citizens £5. Accompanied children (U-16) free. For further information contact or visit www.


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July2014 Area B.indd 41

16/06/2014 17:28


Home & Garden

Statistically the warmest month, July is the

There are

perfect time to get out and explore some



gardens as well as enjoying your own.

is good

ready to

news for



and Peas.

Plants to enjoy in July A lot of people tell me that their gardens start to become less interesting once June is over, but there are plenty of wonderful plants to lift the spirits in July. Roses bring scent and colour with climbing varieties brimming with English cottage garden charm. Look for repeat flowering varieties for a display lasting for months. Cerise, Teracotta and Salmon Pink Achilleas sparkle in the border and make excellent partners for swishy grasses, whilst Penstemons form spires of bell shaped flowers up to a metre tall in all sorts of

Astrantia major and Lychnis coronaria are also in full bloom this month and make lovely companions

colours, including the delicious, juicy deep purple of Penstemon ‘Raven’. Astrantia major and Lychnis coronaria are also in full bloom this month and make lovely companions.

From seed to plate Many vegetables grow quickly and by July there are several things ready to harvest including Beetroot, Broad Beans, Carrots, Lettuces, Peas and Spring Onions. There is good news too for anyone who reads this list and wishes they had sown some veg – it’s not too late! Lettuce, Radishes,

things harvest Beetroot,

who wishes

– it’s not

Rocket, Spinach, Pak choi and Spring Onions will all have plenty of time to give you a crop if you plant them this month. They can also be sown in containers, which means that you don’t even need a garden to have a go!

too late!

Out and About

they had sown some veg

For many people, the Summer months represent a fantastic opportunity to seek inspiration from other gardeners. Our region has many wonderful gardens open to the public, but I also recommend choosing a smaller garden to visit from The National Gardens Scheme. Their famous ‘Yellow Book’ and website lists private gardens open for charity and these often offer surprises and wonderful ideas that you can adapt to fit your own space. Garden shows, too, yield great ideas especially if your plot is in need of a makeover and this month we have the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show (8th – 13th July) and Tatton Park Flower Show (23rd – 27thJuly).

July2014 Area B.indd 42

16/06/2014 17:28

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July2014 Area B.indd 43

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Sound & Vision

Chapel Allerton has got the blues again! Bluesfest14, Seven Jazz’s second Blues Festival, runs from 3rd – 13th July at Seven Arts and Inkwell (the old Shoulder of Mutton pub on Potternewton Lane). “We don’t often get to see the best of blues artists in Leeds”, said organiser Steve Crocker. “Seven Jazz is principally a jazz club so we’ve consulted someone who knows the blues (Leeds guitar and saxman Paul Corry) and gathered together some of the best blues acts in the country.” “We’ve got something for all tastes – a tribute to 1930’s Blues Legend, Bessie Smith, a young star of the future, Lucy Zirins, electric blues from Big Boy Bloater, country blues from Steve Phillips, and the fantastic ‘Giankillers’, featuring killer guitarist James O’Hara.” Anglo-American songstress Sarah Gillespie takes to the stage with a fresh interpretation of her heroine Bessie Smith on Thursday 3rd July, 8pm at Seven Arts. She’s joined by Kit Downes (piano), Ben Bastin (bass), Enzo Zirilli (drums). Tickets £16/£14.

Pictured: Lucy Zirins

July2014 Area B.indd 44


Wood, Richard Hawley, Tony Christie, Martha Reeves, Imelda May. Tickets £12/£10.

Steve Phillips

Steve Phillips and The Rough Diamonds (Chris Parkinson accordion, Burt Sawdon double bass, Jack Gibson drums) are at Inkwell on Saturday 12th July, 8pm. Steve is well known for being part of the Notting Hillbillies alongside Dire Straits frontman Mark Knopfler and Brendan Croker. Tickets £12/10. Lucy Zirins was voted ‘Best Newcomer’ in the British Blues Awards this year and she will be at Seven on Sunday 6th July, 1 – 4pm. There will be support from Leeds jazz/blues singer Marliena Kelli and her trio. Tickets £7/£5. There’ll be an evening of authentic Chicago blues with The Giantkillers at Seven on Thursday 10th July at 8pm, featuring James O’Hara on guitar/ vocals, Paul Corry (sax), Dean Beresford (drums), Matt Foundling (keys), and Richard Hammond on bass. This is a gathering of great players, who’ve played with some of the best – including Duane Eddy, Jamiroquai, Roy

Pictured: Big Boy Bloater

Big Boy Bloater, a wellknown figure on the blues and roots music scenes, plays Inkwell on Sunday 13th July at 1pm. His unique and powerful style has thrilled audiences from London to Las Vegas. He has played guitar with contemporary artists like Paloma Faith and Imelda May and is a much sought after session player. Tickets £10/£8 Tickets are available on the door or from jazzleeds. ticketsource. Full time students can get £5 stand-by tickets, under16s are free at afternoon gigs. See all five gigs for £45/ £35!

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July 26th and 27th sees the return of Mustardstock, the annual two day, live music charity event held in the beautiful beer garden of The Mustard Pot in Chapel Allerton. This year Nicola and her team have chosen the Leeds Children’s Hospital charity and they hope to raise over £2,000 to help the hospital provide essential care for children and their families. Mustardstock is now in its sixth year and has become a fixture on the packed calendar of events held in Chapel Allerton every Summer. This year’s festival will be bigger and better than ever and will feature breakthrough Leeds band Happy Daggers in the Saturday headline slot. Also appearing will be local artist Charlotte Haining, folk-punk

outfit Speed Dinosaurs, local indie alternative band ALASKA, celebrated folk group Heathen Kings and many more! The outside bar and food area will feature cask ales, draught beers and cider and home cooked food to keep the festival goers satisfied throughout the weekend! The Mustard Pot will be open from 12 noon on both Saturday

26th and Sunday 27th of July with bands throughout the afternoon and early evening so get your sun hat on and join Nicola and her team for some sunny, Summer festival vibes!


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July2014 Area B.indd 45

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Sound & Vision

At least the



film makers seem somewhat

EDGE OF TOMORROW DIRECTED BY: DOUG LIMAN STARRING: :TOM CRUISE, EMILY BLUNT, BRENDAN GLEESON, BILL PAXTON, NOAH TAYLOR CERT: 12A - RUNNING TIME: 113 MINS This month I cast about in vain for a film I was particularly excited about seeing. There seems to be something of a lull between high profile releases just before the Summer blockbuster season begins in earnest. And so, it was with an air of exasperated resignation that I opted for a viewing of Edge of Tomorrow, figuring as I’d reviewed a couple of more artistically and culturally worthy arthouse/indie films on the bounce (Under the Skin, Frank) I thought I can get away with devoting a few hundred words to some loud, schlocky Hollywood fare. Subsequently, what I’ve got for you this month is a reasonably passable sci-fi actioner starring Tom Cruise, so strap in and buckle up ‘cause we’re heading to Sillytown! We’re in alien invasion territory, people, and I think it’s fair to say we’re not talking Carl Sagan level science fiction here. This film relies heavily on the audience turning a blind eye to the glaring absurdity of much of the plotting and just going with it. In an unspecified near future the world is at war with an invading alien force, which they call Mimics. Something of a misnomer, that, as they don’t look or behave remotely human and therefore aren’t very mimicy. Anyway, the war doesn’t seem to be going particularly well. Cruise plays Major William Cage, essentially a PR man charged with spinning the story and convincing

July2014 Area B.indd 46

the populace otherwise. Cowardly and seemingly none-to-bright Cage has never seen a day of combat in his life and is intent on keeping it that way. However, after a run in with

self aware regarding the genre clichés at play here and even manage to inject a refreshing element of humour

a gruff general (the always brilliant Brendan Gleeson) Cage is arrested for desertion and packed off to the front. With minimal training he’s thrown into the heat of battle, briefly crosses paths with revered war hero, Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt) and is promptly killed. “Woah!” you might be thinking, “this movie’s hardly even started and they’ve already rubbed out the star! What gives?!” Well, hang on there because Cage wakes up back at the start of his first day at base and then goes through a play by play re-run of events up to when he and his squad go up against their foes whereupon, um, he gets killed again. After a few go-arounds Cage discovers that Vrataski has experienced a similar time anomaly and together, through a process of trial and error, they set about turning Cage from zero to hero and figuring out how to defeat the Mimics. Edge of Tomorrow is what it looks like when you throw a bunch of better movies in a blender and produce a muddled, inferior result. The central time loop concept was already perfected in the impeccable Groundhog Day and repeated in the still

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pretty good Source Code. The hi-tech, hardware-heavy futuristic warfare element is familiar from a slew of movies from Independence Day to Starship Troopers and, of course, James Cameron’s Aliens. Edge... even gives a nod to the latter with a ball busting sergeant played by Bill Paxton (“Game over, man! Game over!”). To be fair, it’s not a complete failure. Those behind the camera sport some impressive credentials, director Doug Liman made Swingers and the first Bourne movie and writer Christopher McQuarrie penned the screenplay for The Usual Suspects. I’m pretty sure both would agree that Edge of Tomorrow doesn’t represent their best work but they at least seem somewhat self aware regarding the genre clichés at play here and even manage to inject a refreshing element of humour. This is, after all, a big budget Tom Cruise action

July2014 Area B.indd 47

movie and it serves up everything you’d rightfully expect; does Tom get to run around a lot? Of course he does (I actually think it’s written into his contract that on every shoot there should be an opportunity for him to squeeze in a quick 5K). Is there unconvincing sexual chemistry with the female lead? You betcha! Say, can I get a training montage? Oh, hell yeah! And, as per usual, what Tom (Thumb) lacks in stature he more than makes up for in sheer derring-do. On the whole, then, Edge of Tomorrow trundles along fairly efficiently. Cruise does what he does best and Blunt, Paxton and Gleeson are all very watchable. There’s some high octane action and some welcome, unexpected laughs. So, if you’re in the mood, there’s a fair bit of fun to be had here. Just be sure to switch your brain to the off position on the way in.

SUPER DISTRIBUTION! As well as our door-to-door distribution, North Leeds Life is also available at local supermarkets: Waitrose, Meanwood Road, Meanwood Sainsbury's, Moor Allerton & Moortown Tesco, Roundhay Road Morrisons, Town Street, Horsforth Co-op, Chapel Allerton and Street Lane With a pick-up rate of over 97% we know our supermarket distribution is getting into the hands of local residents who really value our community-focused lifestyle magazines.

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16/06/2014 17:28



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Sound & Vision

This fantastic five track EP from Dragonfly Tattoo, the brainchild of songwriter/vocalist/keyboardist Vicky Whelan, is something pretty special. Deliciously dark, magnificently moody and atmospheric as all get out, it makes for an intoxicating listen. The rumbling bass intro to Mad Cat Woman sets the (somewhat foreboding) tone and as the song builds steadily with crunchy distorted guitars and crashing cymbals the vertiginous increase in intensity is like a gathering storm. The twisted country style of What You Leave Behind brought to mind T-Bone Burnett and wouldn’t have sounded out of place on the soundtrack for HBO’s True Detective. The song has a noirish quality about it and Whelan’s vocal is like a femme fatale, at once alluring and dangerous. The instrumentation is, again, top notch with a hypnotic rhythm track underpinning organ and cello which complement each other perfectly. Things are stripped back considerably on Spider Song which, with its elegant, swirling classical piano shapes and exposed, unencumbered vocal, has a sparse and spare beauty to it.

The strings and twinkling chimes that open title track, Closer to the Sun nod to trip-hop influences such as Morcheeba and Portishead and, as with elsewhere on the EP the drumming has something of a jazz edge to it. Here piano intertwines with shimmering, reverby guitar and what sounds like some kind of brass, to great effect. At a fairly epic six and a half minutes the song again shows how, as a songwriter and arranger, Whelan is particularly adept with a dynamic and dramatic crescendo. The piano led final track, Before You Leave the Road, has a striking simplicity to its structure and is vocally outstanding. Overall Dragonfly Tattoo’s Closer to the Sun EP ticks many boxes. Instrumentally, it exhibits sterling work by all involved and it boasts some very impressive production with a deep, rich resonance that draws you

There is a noir-ish quality about it and Whelan’s vocal is like a femme fatale, at once alluring and dangerous in. For a frame of reference, in terms of sound and feel, I’d consider comparable artists to be the likes of PJ Harvey, Tom Waits, maybe a little Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, a bit Tori Amos but most especially Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, so if you’re a fan of that lot you’ll find much to enjoy here. The EP is available from the group’s Bandcamp and the EP launch gig will be at The Regency in Harrogate on Friday 18th July. This really is a show not to be missed.

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@ northleedslife July2014 Area B.indd 50

16/06/2014 17:28

16th - 19th July 2014, 7.30pm Matinee performance on Saturday 19th July, 2.30pm Tickets: £12/10 and £10/£8 School group discounts available on 16th and 17th July

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Based on a conception of Jerome Robbins. Book by Arthur Laurents : Music by Leonard Bernstein : Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Entire original production directed and choreographed by Jerome Robbins Originally produced on Broadway by Robert E. Griffith & Harold Prince by arrangement with Roger L. Stevens This amateur production is presented by arrangement with JOSEF WEINBERGER LIMITED on behalf of MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONAL of NEW YORK. 12 – 14 Mortimer Street, London, W1T 3JJ Email: Tel: 020 7580 2827 July2014 Area B.indd 51

16/06/2014 17:28

Sound & Vision


tUnE-yArDs Tue 1Jul, The

Cockpit, £13.20. Jarring guitars, African yodelling & clanking great drums. Compelling tribal post-punk.

The Life Of Bessie Smith : Sarah Gillespie Quartet Thu 3 Jul, Seven Arts, £14 /£16. Critically acclaimed Anglo-American songstress Sarah Gillespie’s tribute to one of the most iconic artists in blues history, whose lucid jazz poetry, raucous humour & dark cathartic blues blazed a trail for generations of performers.

The Fringe Sisters Fri

4 July, 7.30pm at Heart, Headingley. £8/£6. :2264843.

Traditional Irish Music Evening Fri 4 July, from

9pm at The Bay Horse, Parkside Rd, Meanwood. Informal acoustic traditional Irish music session hosted by Irish Arts Foundation.

Inner Vision Orchestra

Sat 5 July, 7pm at Art@ Trinity, Boar Lane. Presented by Indian maestro Baluji Shrivastav, extraordinary group of blind & partially sighted musicians share music from Iran, Lebanon, Afghanistan, India, soulful Gospel & Blues, Indian Ragas & classical compositions.

Details: SAA-UK 244 5523,

onstage antics & their feud with the Dandy Warhols.

Opus Latin Jazz Ensemble Sat 5 Jul,

Makanitza Sun 11 July, 8pm at Cafe Lento, North Lane, Headingley, £5

Headingley Enterprise & Arts Centre, £7. 10 piece Latin jazz collective playing the music of Poncho Sanchez, Chuco Vaidez, Wayne Shorter, Sergio Mendes & many more. Think Cha Chas, Rhumbas, Bossa Nova, Salsa and Samba.

Pearl Jam Tue 8 Jul, First Direct Arena, From £73. Seattle grunge outfit. 70s sleazy retro-rock, bluesy folk-metal & upbeat guitar anthems.

Slow Club Wed 9 Jul, Brudenell Social Club, £13.20. Country-pop-sing-a-long twisted duet tunes. The Giantkillers Thu 10

Jul, Seven Arts, £10/£12. Featuring James O’Hara (guitar/vocals), Paul Corry (sax), Dean Beresford (drums), Matt Foundling (keys), Richard Hammond (bass).

The Brian Jonestown Massacre Fri 11 Jul,

The Cockpit, £16.50. A psychedelic rock band led by Anton Newcombe most famous for their role in the 2004 documentary ‘DiG!’, which details their explosive

Garforth Arts Festival – The Playground Party

Sat 12 Jul at 2pm, Garforth Academy, £25-£60. Featuring: Levellers, The Wonder Stuff, The Skatalites, Vieux Farka Toure, Ellen And The Escapades

Cosmic Dead Mon 14 Jul,

Brudenell Social Club, £5.50. Trippy, long-form grooves reminiscent of Neu! & Can & the Space-Prog oscillations of Hawkwind.

Get Rhythm - A Tribute To Johnny Cash Wed

16 Jul, Irish Centre, £10 - £13.50. 8 piece band (replicating the classic Cash, Tennessee Three, Carter Family & Carl Perkins lineup) playing songs from throughout Cash’s career. Also appearing: Patrick Duff

Owen Pallett Thu 17 Jul,

Brudenell Social Club, £13.75. Complex wonderful songs with catchy hooks & euphoric lush melodies that recall Rufus Wainwright, Philip Glass, Joanna Newsom & Devendra Banhart.

Travelin’ Band Rocks Fri

18 Jul, New Roscoe, Free. Southern Rock Band playing songs by CCR, Skynyrd, Bob Seger, Eddy Cochrane, ZZ Top, JJ Cale, & many more!

Steven Seagal’s Blues Band Sat 19 Jul, O2

Academy, 6pm, £32.80. Yes, that Steven Seagal. When he’s not kicking ass he plays blues guitar. Who knew?!

TEEN Sun 20 Jul, Belgrave Music Hall, £5.50. Cool slacker guitar & synth with glorious vocal harmonies.

Patrick Street Sun 20 July, 8pm at Otley Courthouse. Saltaire Live presents Irish super group with a pedigree going back to Planxty, De Dannan & The Bothy Band. £15/£14 in advance

Pip Mountjoy Mon 21 Jul, Oporto, Free! EP launch at Gaslight Club. The Chills Wed 23 Jul,

Brudenell. £14.30. Indie rock band formed in 1980. Frontman, Martin Phillipps’ knack for writing fantastic pop songs led to chart hits back home & a cult following around the world.

Centre Stage Wed 23 July, O2 Aacdemy. Massive music fundraiser for Martin House Children’s Hospice.

I’m very pleased with the response from my advert and would be happy to keep running until further notice. Dave Hargreaves, DH Electrical

July2014 Area B.indd 52

16/06/2014 17:28

Joel Gion Thu 24 Jul,

at The Brudenell £8.80. American rock percussionist, best known as the tambourine player for The Brian Jonestown Massacre.

Bromheads Fri 25 Jul, The Cockpit, £6.60. Energetic crunchy guitars mixed with social commentary.

Ron Pope Fri 25th Jul,

Brudenell Social Club, £14.30. New York based singer - songwriter.

Frank Brooker Quartet

Sun 27Jul, Seven Arts, 1:30pm, £5 - £7. Featuring Frank Brooker (sax, clarinet), Andy Cholerton (keyboards), Steve Crocker (bass), Caroline Boaden (drums).

Andrew W.K. Tue 29 Jul

The Cockpit, £16.50. Hard partying, foot-stamping, head-banging adrenaline fuelled rock.

Rosanne Cash Tue 29

Jul, Brudenell Social Club,

£27.50. Daughter of Johnny Cash. Often classified as country artist but her music draws on many genres.

Guitar Wolf Wed 30 Jul, Brudenell Social Club, £11. Japanese garage rock power trio Hat Fitz and Cara Wed 30 July, Belgrave Music Hall, £12/ £10. Aussie bluesman & Irish born folksinger Joanna Gruesome Wed 30

Jul, Wharf Chambers, £7.70. Thrilling noisepop five-piece.

Public Enemy Thu 31

Jul, O2 Academy, £28.75. Legendary controversial hip-hop pioneers.

Leeds Bluegrass Club

Thurs 31 July, Grove Inn, Back Row, Holbeck (off Water Lane). Live, Acoustic, Americana roots/ Bluegrass/ Country music. Resident bands & guests, picking sessions. Musicians welcome. From 8.30pm. £3. Details: John 267 0761, Kevin 267 7040

Saturday Night Live Something different every Saturday

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10/01/2014 08:42 16/06/2014 17:28

We’ve Counted Down to Le Grand Depart

Photo Courtesy of Rick Robson -

Finally it’s here! e Grand Depart, in addition to getting people on their bikes, has galvanized the artistic community, and inspired communities and gardening groups. The Yorkshire Festival has touched every corner of the county. There have been plays, film shows, school projects, amazing productions like the Ghost Peleton, and an explosion of yellow plants. Everywhere you turn there’s bunting, local festivals are springing up in celebration, and independent businesses around Leeds are sporting large bike decals signposting you to other local businesses. “Yorkshire Festival 2014 has been a resounding success”, said Gary Verity, chief executive of Welcome to Yorkshire. “The county has really entered into the spirit by being part of the excitement in the 100 days before the Grand Départ. We’ve been overwhelmed with the high calibre of projects, the numbers of people flocking to take part and the national and international media coverage surrounding the big build up. “We now know it takes 18 cyclists to pull a baby Grand up Cragg Vale in less than four hours, more than 3,000 people turned out to see the world’s first Ghost Peloton in Leeds and four times more people than expected applied

July2014 Area B.indd 54

to be part of the band-anyone-can-join for the Tour of Infinite Possibility! These are just three of the 47 commissioned projects, not to mention the success of all the hundreds of fringe events. “The festival has exceeded all expectations. The county is well and truly fired with enthusiasm to welcome to the world’s biggest sporting event and make it one to go down in history!” Now all you have to do is find a comfortable spot to watch. A number of spectator ‘hubs’ have been set up along the route – complete with giant screens, to ensure you don’t miss any of the action. These can be found on The Headrow and at Scott Hall Road Playing Fields; Otley has closed off the town centre and put its big screen in the Market Square; Ilkley’s hub is in Riverside Gardens; the Harrogate Fan Park is at West Park Stray. There are also hubs in Burley in Wharfedale, Addingham, Skipton, and many other locations along the route. Check www.letour.yorkshire. com for full details.

16/06/2014 17:28

Peddlers’ Arms – Promoting Bike Maintenance and Recycling! edallers’ Arms is a volunteer-run community bike workshop on Mabgate in Leeds. It’s a friendly, inclusive space where people can learn how to maintain and repair their bikes. They also stock second hand bike parts and refurbished second hand bikes. Last year 1,700 people visited Pedaller’s Arms! You can become a member for a modest annual fee, which gives you access to the space, tools and advice whenever they’re open, or visit on an ad hoc basis for a donation. They currently have 224 members. Pedallers’ Arms encourages people to learn by doing. Volunteer mechanics will give you as much help as you need, explaining and demonstrating what you need to do. They will not fix your bike for you, as it’s far better you learn how to do it yourself! Drop-in sessions are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 4 - 8pm, and occasional Saturdays (check the website). They also offer maintenance training courses in partnership with go:cycling, occasional women

and trans maintenance sessions, and every now and then a film screening or social event. Due to lack of space, and in recognition of the limited provision in Leeds of affordable used bikes, Leeds Bike Mill, a bike recycling and training co-op, has been set up by several mechanics from Pedallers’. It has established itself as a social enterprise and is currently looking for premises from which to work and sell bikes. They also deliver training courses in bike maintenance accredited by the CTC, which are free to the unemployed or low waged. Both organisations depend on donations of bikes both for refurbishment and spare parts. If you have bikes or parts you would like to donate, please contact 0113 245 7274,,

The Yorkshire Bicycle Show Returns! he Yorkshire Bicycle Show returns to Leeds Town Hall for a second year from 3rd – 6th July. Launched by a small group of Leeds cycling enthusiasts last September, it attracted some of the country’s leading cycling organisations and over 3,000 visitors. This year they claim it will be even better, and with the Grand Depart starting right outside their door – how can they go wrong! “The first show was a celebration of cycling in the region”, said Nathan Hughes of Leeds cycling business Restrap and co founder of the show along with fellow entrepreneur Edward Kingston. “It was a chance for bicycle businesses to showcase the great stuff they’re doing.” This year, 50 high quality exhibitors will showcase their wares – from handmade bicycle frames, to accessories, clothing and art. There will also be a packed programme of talks, events and films, and appetites will be sated with local food and beer. “We’re incredibly proud that our region is hosting the Tour”, says Edward, “and so pleased to be bringing the show back for a second year. Leeds is going to be flooded with thousands of cycling

July2014 Area B.indd 55

fans and we’re looking forward to welcoming them all to the city and the show!” Take a look at the show’s website www. for more information on opening times, exhibitors and tickets. At just £5 a ticket and with children going free, the show will be a great way to celebrate cycling in the city.

16/06/2014 17:28

Leeds Cycling Campaign Calls for Space for Cycling

In May, thousands took part in rides to celebrate cycling and call on local and national government to make it easier for everyone to cycle. The national movement, coordinated by the national cycling charity CTC, builds on London Cycling Campaign’s ‘Space4Cycling’ and includes six priorities:

1. Safe routes for schoolchildren Fewer than 1% of schoolchildren in Leeds cycle to school. Leeds Cycling Campaign (LCC) suggests safe routes to Lawnswood, Priesthorpe, and the Cooperative Academy. Pudsey Tyersal, Great Preston and Chapel Allerton primary schools also need safer routes and crossings.

2. Traffic reduction, creating streets without through traffic Areas where cars cannot cut through side streets, giving priority to walking and cycling. Bollards, planters or trees can make residential areas calmer and more pleasant.

3. Protected space on main roads and safer junctions Dedicated space for cycling on main roads and at junctions means that people can use their bikes and feel safe.

4. Safe cycling in parks and on greenways There is a lack of places where families can ride in a relaxed environment. Greenways provide some good routes – for example, Roundhay to Temple Newsam. But many of these routes are blocked.

5. 20mph speed limits 20mph speed limits save lives and make residential areas calmer. Planting trees, cutting off rat-runs, and making sharper curves at junctions will encourage drivers to be more patient and careful.

6. Liveable City Over two thirds of journeys are under five miles and almost half of these are made by car. We should aim for a city where walking and cycling are the norm for short journeys.

July2014 Area B.indd 56

16/06/2014 17:29

Life After Le Grand Depart

One of the biggest sporting events ever seen in Leeds is about to hit the city – or may have just breezed past by the time you read this – leaving behind a trail of yellow flags, empty bottles and fading cheers. What next? What exactly will be the legacy of Le Grand Depart? The big result will be Yorkshire men, women and children itching to hop on a bike themselves. A few might want to test their stamina on Holme Moss or Buttertubs, but most will be beginners, concerned about traffic, their fitness or the condition of their bike. The Sustrans vision is to create places where people come first, where you feel safe enough to walk and cycle at your own pace, and feel confident and happy. Creating that sense of happiness, or fun, is a central ethos of their work. Whether they are working in schools or communities, they want people to join the active

July2014 Area B.indd 57

travel revolution and have fun. Something we already have on our doorstep is the National Cycle Network – 1,000 miles of signed walking and cycling routes which traverse our beautiful county, many of which are free from traffic. Funded by public health teams across the region, Sustrans put together The Slow Tour of Yorkshire featuring 21 of the best cycle routes in Yorkshire to be explored at your own pace. So don’t delay. Take a look at their on-line maps and cycling reward scheme, dust off your saddle, and join the revolution! slowtourofyorkshire

16/06/2014 17:29

Health & Fitness


New Bike Parking in Chapel Allerton Councillor Jane Dowson has worked with Council officers and the cycling firm Cyclehoop to secure essential bicycle parking in Chapel Allerton.

throughout Leeds to coincide with the Tour de France. “The bike ports will make Chapel Allerton more cyclefriendly and help to provide a lasting legacy from the Tour de France”, said Cllr Dowson. “Not only are they distinctive and useful, they also send a clear message to people to leave the car at home and cycle instead.”

Pictured: Cllr Jane Dowson

Working with Cllr Dowson, the Council’s Inner North East Area Team, and the Chapel Allerton Residents’ Association, Cyclehoop has installed one of its distinctive Car Bike Ports outside Caffe Nero in the centre of Chapel Allerton. The car-shaped ports convert one car space into parking for ten bikes, conveying the message that bikes are more space efficient than cars, as well as acting as a barrier to prevent damage to parked cycles. New bike ports are springing up

The car-shaped ports convert one car space into parking for ten bikes

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16/06/2014 17:29

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July2014 Area B.indd 59

16/06/2014 17:29

Health & Fitness


Abbey Runners are putting the final touches to preparations for the Ring Automotive Eccup 10 Road Race, which takes place on Sunday 13th July from Adel War Memorial Association on Church Lane in Adel.

he Eccup 10 takes a scenic 10 mile route around country lanes and closed roads in Adel, Alwoodley and Eccup. There are also Junior races and a Family Fun Run open to all ages. “Last year the race attracted a record turnout on one of the sunniest days of the year”, said Martin Browne, Race Director. “We can’t guarantee sun, but we can promise another enjoyable race, stunning scenery and a quality technical t-shirt to all finishers.”

July2014 Area B.indd 60

Last year the race attracted a record turnout

But it isn’t just the athletes who enjoy the benefits of the Eccup 10. “Over its 20 year history, we have donated over £30,000 to local charities”, said Jim Whittaker, Treasurer. “Plus many participants raise money for their own charities. This year we are proud to be supporting Wheatfields Hospice, Hollybank Trust, and the Sylvia Wright Trust.” The Eccup 10 is part of the Leeds Athletics Network Race Series, comprising 18 races between one and 10 miles in

2014, as well as part of the 10 mile Championships for both the Yorkshire County Athletics Association and the Yorkshire Vets Athletics Association. Local sponsors this year are Ring, Yorkshire Building Society, Gordons LLP, Cintas, Hallam Solicitors, Baker Tilly and Up & Running.

You can register on the day or via races/eccup-10

16/06/2014 17:29

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July2014 Area B.indd 61

16/06/2014 17:29

Younger Life


Children’s Day – a joint initiative between the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation and Leeds Rugby Foundation will be at Headingley Cricket Ground on Sunday 27th July. This annual event is held across both the cricket and rugby grounds at Headingley Stadium. Its origins date as far back as 1922 when tens of thousands of people would flock to Soldiers’ Field at Roundhay Park to enjoy the day. In 1946, just after the Second World War, it was reported that 96,000 people attended!

In 2012 the day was relaunched by the Yorkshire Cricket and Leeds Rugby Foundations, with support from the Garry Chappelow Memorial Fund, Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Police, who also use the event to deliver their open day. The 2013 event saw attendances in excess of 6,000 people who were entertained

July2014 Area B.indd 62

by U-11 cricket, rugby and football tournaments, activities hosted by a number of Yorkshire based organisations; new sports to try, face painters, interactive education from Eureka! and Jorvik, bouncy castles and even the chance to hold a snake courtesy of Flamingo Land! “Last year’s event was a real highlight of the Summer and we are hoping to make Children’s Day 2014 even bigger and better”, said Siobhan Walpole, Leeds Rugby Foundation. The gates open at 10:30am and close at 3pm. Admission is free, as are the activities. So take the whole family and enjoy a fantastic day.

Last year’s event was a real highlight of the Summer and we are hoping to make Children’s Day 2014 even bigger and better

16/06/2014 17:29

July2014 Area B.indd 63

16/06/2014 17:29

Younger Life


Following successful auditions Grammar School at Leeds (GSAL) Year 11 students Caroline Taylor and Martha Mukungurutse, together with Iona Boyd, Year 10, have earned places in the National Youth Theatre.

MVUF Adds Sparkle to Play Area The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Thomas Murray and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Edna Murray, recently opened the Revitalised Play Area and new classroom at Meanwood Valley Farm (MVUF), Sugarwell Road, LS7 2QG.

hey will attend a two-week intensive course in London during the Summer holidays, following which they will be fully fledged NYT members until the age of 25. Over 4,800 youngsters auditioned for 560 places. Applicants attended a day-long audition, taking part in group acting workshops and performing a monologue. Martha is already a member of The Carriageworks Young Theatre Makers, whilst Caroline

July2014 Area B.indd 64

Over 4,800 youngsters auditioned for 560 places

has regularly taken part in school productions, and recently achieved Grade 8 in Speech and Drama. “The NYT is the most prestigious theatre company a young person can be accepted onto in the UK”, said Emma Stokes, head of co-curricular drama at GSAL. “For our students to be accepted against such strong competition only serves to highlight what exceptionally talented, dedicated and ambitious performers they are.”

Over the past 12 months, MVUF has added sparkle to their children’s play area by introducing new equipment, including Wobble Board and Inclined Twine that helps to develop balance and coordination, The Pinball, Noughts & Crosses and musical interactive panels, to encourage imaginative play and social interaction. The New Classroom was created by Land Securities and their contractors as part of their 2013 CSR Challenge Day. Other sponsors were the Lord Mayor’s Charity LOFFTY, BANKS Community Fund, Green Leeds Limited, R. E. Chadwick Charitable Trust, Charles Brotherton Trust, Jubilee Social Club Committee, J. Pullan & Sons Ltd.

16/06/2014 17:29

The Breeze Summer Dance Camp, run by RJC Dance and supported by Breeze Arts Festival, is offering 20 young people (aged 11 – 19) the opportunity to engage in contemporary urban dance styles, complemented by encouraging the development of choreographic ideas and moves. The camp runs 23rd – 25th July, 10am – 4pm at Mandela Centre, Chapeltown, and will culminate in a performance on Friday 25th July.

offers an authentic experience that focuses on how dance can unlock potential, creativity and style, rather than limiting dance experience to the perfection of technique. “The camp aims to build confidence and self esteem”, said Kathy Williams, Director RJC

Dance, “giving young people an opportunity to express themselves through the creative artform of dance.” To book a place, contact 0113 239 2040 or

RJC Dance, a dance organisation with youth development and education at its heart, is gifted in engaging young people from all backgrounds and

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16/06/2014 17:29

Younger Life


Samual Gibson (10) plays goalkeeper for North East Leeds Junior FC in the Martin House Harrogate & District U-11 League. During a recent game against Harrogate Railway U-11s, Samual kicked the ball out of his hands; it went the whole length of the pitch in the air, bounced in front of the Harrogate Railway keeper, over his head and into the net! It was the only goal scored in the first half and North East Leeds went on to win 3-0. “I’ve never seen or heard of a junior goalkeeper scoring a goal in all my years involved in football”, declared Charles Sinclair, North East Leeds Assistant Manager at their Presentation Night at Gledhow Sports & Social Club on 6th June. “Even though we scored over 50 goals this year, Samual’s has to be awarded Goal of the Season!”

Samual is also keeper for his primary school team, Meanwood C of E. The school team won the Leeds & Holbeck Cup this season and was runner up in the schools’ league – a successful season for Samual, who progresses to Abbey Grange Academy in September. Goalkeeping runs in the Gibson family. Samual’s brother Ciaran (19) was selected for both the England Schools U-18 FA national squad and the Northern Ireland U-17 national training squad. At 16 he made his debut in non league football and is currently signed for Evo Stik club Prescot Cables on loan to

July2014 Area B.indd 66

All Girl Fairtrade Finalists!

Congratulations to the winners of the Leeds-wide ‘Design a Fairtrade T shirt’ competition!

Samual’s goal has to be awarded Goal of the Season!

St Helens Town, where he won the Young Player of the Season. Ciaran has also been scouted by pro clubs and, after a trial at Tranmere Rovers, he was invited to train with them during the last two seasons. Samual’s father, Alan, also has a goalkeeping history, together with his two uncles, Keith and David, they were involved with Northern Ireland School Boys and the Irish FA League Clubs Coleraine, Dungannon Swifts, Coagh United and Cookstown United.

The competition was organised by Fairtrade Leeds to celebrate ten years of being a Fairtrade City. “We were thrilled to have over 300 entries from youth groups across the city”, said Joan Machin, Fairtrade Leeds coordinator, “and we were very impressed with the quality of the entries.” Pictured (clockwise from the top) are the winners: Alice Garth Cameron from 3rd Cross Gates Guides, Maddie Plant from 7th Roundhay Brownies, Aine Kelly from 2nd Chapel Allerton Brownies and Josey Eard, from 1st Chapel Allerton Brownies.

16/06/2014 17:29

Last September, newly qualified teacher Harry Shires started at a film club at Bracken Edge Primary, made up of 13 children from Year 4 to Year 6. The club quickly got into its stride and had made three short films before Christmas! These were submitted to the Leeds Golden Owl Awards, which celebrate the achievement of young people in film. They didn’t win this time but the children are determined to win next time! The club is currently filming entries for Childnet and Kids for Kids UK competitions and is hopeful that its continued hard work and determination will pay off. For Harry, who was a semiprofessional freelance videographer and has film and television credits, it was really important to create

July2014 Area B.indd 67

opportunities for the film club. So far he has managed to organise a tour of ITV Yorkshire and a meeting with the

presenters of Look North where they got to sit on the set and actually read the news! He also secured behind the scenes tours of local cinemas and a BBC Leeds tour, where they got to sit in on a live broadcast. “I am so proud of my group”, said Harry. “Together with Bankside Primary’s film club, we are hiring out Cottage Road Cinema in Headingley on 12th July to showcase all of their films on the big screen. “This promises to be a great celebration of their achievements and will be attended by local councillors, sponsors from various media companies and other special guests.”

16/06/2014 17:29

Community Notices



Cycle rides 3rd Sun of month, 11am leaving from Waitrose car park, Meanwood. Circular routes along quiet roads or off road cycle paths around north Leeds. Free. Details: 395

7364, breeze.

Alwoodley Community Association Badminton Club Friendly group

welcomes all abilities for badminton & social events Mon from 9pm & Wed from 8.30pm. Details:

Vicky 07561 292699, Phil 268 9996, acabc@gmx., www.alwoodley

Alwoodley Martial Arts Club – Karate Jutsu. Wed

6 – 7.30pm at Alwoodley Community Association, The AvenueLS17 7NZ. Family Karate. Free trial lesson.

Details: 07729 392 546

Alwoodley Tennis Club

Summer Tennis Camp Mon 28 July – Fri 1 Aug. Led by LTA qualified coaches. Children aged 8 upwards, 10am – 3pm, £18 per day or £85 per week for members (£20/ £95 non members). Numbers limited. Book before 21 July. Details: Diane 267

5252/ 0771 258 4387. www.

Charity Football Tournament Emmerdale &

Crypt 7s football tournament

Sun 3 Aug at Farsley AFC. All male teams (over 16s) - corporate, local, pub teams- welcome. Family entertainment, food, music, stalls & celebrities. Entry £75 per team. Details &

entry forms: Cheryl 245 9061, Cheryl.harrington@

Great North Run Sun 7 Sept. World’s most iconic half marathon. St Gemma’s has 75 places available. Get in touch today! Details: Becky

FREE FOR charities, churches, social clubs & non-profit community groups

Leeds English Folk Dancing Society Weds,

Meanwood Methodist Church (School Room), 7.30 – 9.30pm. Details: Derry

Fletcher 07792 319744

Leeds 10K Run Leeds Mencap has a few places for the Leeds 10K on 20 July! Get in touch today! Details:

Fahad Khan 858 2029, fahad.khan@leedsmencap., www.leedsmencap.

Hole 218 5505, challenges@

Great North Run Run with Leeds Mencap on 7 Sept! Only 2 places left! Details: Fahad Khan 858 2029, fahad.khan@leedsmencap., www.leedsmencap.

SALUTE OUR TROOPS Newspapers • Tobacco • Groceries Household • Sweets • Dairy Freshly Made Bread • Frozen Suma Organic Foods Open: Mon-Sat 7am-11pm, Sunday 8-8 FREE local newspaper & grocery delivery service (terms & conditions apply)

Tel: 0113 345 1244 12 Blake Grove LS7 3LT (Just around the corner from Inkwell Arts)

A Celebration of Music and Entertainment In support and remembrance of our soldiers from the battlefields of Flanders to the poppy fields of Helmand. Staged by ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, and featuring stirring songs and music, with wonderful military bands and professional artistes, this popular fundraising concert is now in its eighth year.

Having been enjoyed by numerous enthusiastic audiences across the North East, it now comes to the West Yorkshire Playhouse. Saturday 12th July 2014 7.30pm Tickets £20 (£15 concessions) available from West Yorkshire Playhouse Box Office

0113 213 7700 July2014 Area B.indd 68

16/06/2014 17:29

Leeds Naturist Group

(founded 1985) meets Sat 5 – 6.30pm at Bramley Baths & is open to all. Naturist swim & Russian steam bath, followed by refreshments in the studio. Identity documents required on first visit. Details:

leedsnaturistgroup@, www.

Joyce 278 9891, www.

Moortown Rugby Union Club All junior age groups (6 –17) welcome to train & play Rugby Union. Located at Far Moss Sport Ground, off The Avenue, LS17 7NT. Details:

Damian Curtis 07703 755645, clubs/moortownrufc

Leeds Tai Chi Academy

Potternewton Park Bowling Club Small but

Weekly class Mon 7-9pm at Chapel Allerton Primary School, Harrogate Rd, LS7.

Details: 07581 217074,

Like to Walk? Join a group

of walkers who meet Tues twice a month for 10 – 12 mile walks starting 10am. Details:

Richard 267 3623

Lindy Hop Dance Classes

Mon 8 – 11pm, Moortown Social Club, LS17 5LA. Beginners 8pm, Intermediate 9.30pm, Followed by social dancing. £5. Details:

friendly club. New members most welcome. Any ability, especially beginners. Social bowling & league matches Wed & Thurs afternoons. Try it first before you decide.

membership £8 (£1 juniors). Try before you join. Details:

07714 677721, stephen@

Ramgarhia Sports Centre

Adults: Circuit Training (Mon & Wed 6.30 – 7.30pm; Fri 6 – 7pm). £5 per class. Children: Cricket (ages 8-16, Sun 10am – noon); Hockey (Fri, 5 – 6pm). £2 per class. All abilities welcome. Details:

262 5657, ‘Ramgarhia Sikh Centre’ on facebook.

Roundhay parkrun Sat 8.45am for 9am start, at the bandstand near The Mansion. Free 5k timed run for all ages & abilities. Details: www.

Details: Howard 07906 841715, Sue 07748 821300

Pudsey & District Rambling Club Walks of

Cancer Centre in Leeds 10K (20 July). Limited places, £20 reg fee. Details: Tif

5 - 10 miles Sun & alt Thurs. New members welcome in this friendly, long established club with members from all over the district. Annual

Run in Purple for Yorkshire

206 8620, tifaine.carter@ www. uk

Scottish Country Dance Classes Thurs 7.30 – 10pm at Lidgett Park Methodist Church, Lidgett Place. All welcome. First class free. Good company, good music & good exercise. Details:

Irene 263 1310, glyn.cup@

Smile for Miles Sat 20 Sept. Six mile sponsored family walk from St Gemma’s, Moortown, to Roundhay Park & back. Celebrate someone special to you & raise funds for patient care. Entry £5 (children U-12 free). Free hot drink & cake! Details: 218


Spartan Race Ellington

Banks, Ripon Sun 28 Sept. This 5 Mile, 15 challenging obstacle race is a great opportunity to take on something new & raise money for Yorkshire Cancer Centre (registration £35, minimum sponsorship £200). Details:

206 8620, tifaine.carter@


July2014 Area B.indd 69


16/06/2014 17:29

Community Notices

70 Walkabout! Alwoodleybased friendly group that enjoy walks, both local & further afield. Varied programme, short medium or long walks take place at weekends, evenings & midweek. Social activities too. All welcome. Details:

Barbara Wakefield 285 7136, Sarah Barnes 261 9212, Nicky Whitfield 267 9867 www.

Yorkshire Marathon Join

Team Leeds Mencap on 12 Oct! Places limited so get in touch! Details: Fahad Khan

858 2029, fahad.khan@, www.

Yorkshire Plusnet Marathon in York 12 Oct. St

alwoodleyartgroup-leeds. com

Stainbeck Art Club 2nd

& 4th Tues, 1.45 – 4pm Meeting Room, Methodist Community Centre, Town St. Chapel Allerton. Practical & demonstrations. Also painting & sketching days out. New members all abilities welcome. Details: Rose or

Ken 266 5005


11am – 2pm at Stainbeck United Reformed Church. Bookstall, ENEHL Debt & Benefit Advice, Police Contact Point, free wifi & help available. Followed by craft club.

Gemma’s has 20 places in this sold out marathon. Great course for a first marathon or for those wanting a PB! Join Team St Gemma’s! Details:

Coffee, Cake & Chat

Zumba Classes Fri

Becky Hole 218 5505,

3.30 – 4.30pm, Northcall Community Centre, Cranmer Bank LS17. £1.50. Details:

268 9993

ARTS & CRAFTS Alwoodley Art Group

Meets Thurs 7.30 – 9.30pm at The Community Hall, The Avenue, Alwoodley, LS17 2NZ. Practical meetings, workshops, demonstrations & talks. Details: 2251546,, www.

Every 4th Sat, 10.30am – noon, Stainbeck Church, Stainbeck Rd. Cake stall, books, Fairtrade. All welcome. www.stainbeck.

Elliot’s Footprint Fundraising Summer Fete

Sat 19 July, 12.30 – 5pm at The Myrtle Tavern, Parkside Rd, Meanwood. BBQ, bouncy castle, games & stalls. Details:

Oakwood Arts & Craft Market 1st Sat during

Summer, 9.30am – 3pm on the Oakwood Square.

Oakwood Farmer’s Market Every 3rd Saturday,

9am – 12.30pm at Oakwood Clock. Celebrating its sixth year of providing local residents with locally sourced food.

Leeds Feline Friends Strawberry Fair Sun 20

July 2 – 4pm Alwoodley Community Hall, The Avenue, Alwoodley LS1. Variety of stalls plus tombola & raffle. Delicious scones, cakes &, of course, strawberries & cream!

Leeds Mencap Summer Fayre Sat 2 Aug, 12 – 2pm

at The Rookery, Woodland Lane, Chapel Allerton. Bake off, bric-a-brac, scrumptious food, a whole heap of games & lots more! Free entry. Details:

Michelle 268 9598, michelle.

Shadwell Methodist Church Coffee Morning

1st Sat 10am – 12 noon run jointly with St Paul’s C of E in Methodist Church Hall.

GROUPS/CLUBS Air Yorkshire Aviation Society Interested in

aviation, aircraft old and new, airports? Why not try Air Yorkshire - regular guest speakers, trips & social events. Details: Dave Senior

282 1818, www.airyorkshire.

club offering Bridge five nights a week for experienced players. No partner needed on Tues & Thurs. Lessons for all levels from beginners upwards. Details: Anne 203

7821, www.leedsbridgeclub. com

Friends of Allerton Grange Fields Friendly

group of volunteers working to maintain & enhance Allerton Grange Fields off Lidgett Lane, LS17. New volunteers welcome. Details:, www.

Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods Action

Mornings the Friends protect, preserve & enhance the Woods & hold monthly work parties, carrying out variety of tasks such as bench installation, footpath construction, litter picking & bulb planting. Details: www.

Friends Of Wigton Moor Woods Meets monthly at

Wigton Moor UR Church Hall, High Ash Dr. Friendly group of volunteers aiming to maintain & enhance the woods & local playground. Varied programme of activity days, tree & bulb planting, nature quizzes & walks. New members welcome. Details: or Facebook

Bridge For All! Leeds Bridge Club, Stonegate Rd, Moortown A friendly bridge

33 Years Experience

Strip & Re-covered Roof Repairs • Lead Work Flat Roofs • Stone Slating All work carried out by a genuine tradesman and fully guaranteed

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16/06/2014 17:29

Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group A voluntary group focusing on the heritage, green spaces & structures of the Conservation Area, bringing people together to value the historic environment with fundraising & social events.

Details: gvcag@yahoo.,

Greenpeace Leeds meet 1st Mon of month, 6.30pm Wharf Chambers, Wharf St, LS2 (by The Calls). Join the growing action to protect our forests, oceans & stop climate chaos. Details: Joe 07929 610773, www.greenpeace.

Human Writes in Leeds

(HWIL) meets Fri 11 July, 1pm in café of West Yorkshire Playhouse. Participants bring short pieces of their writing for discussion. Details: humanwritesinleeds.

Kaleidoscope Social Club for over 50s & unattached. Improve your social life & make new friends. Not a dating agency. Details:

217 1747/ 267 0282, www. kaleidoscopeleeds.weebly. com

Leeds Bridge Club

Stonegate Rd. Moortown. Friendly club offering bridge 5 nights a week for experienced players. No partner needed on Tues or Thurs. Lessons for all levels from beginners up. Details:

Leeds Cat Rescue

rehabilitate lost, neglected & forgotten cats & kittens. If you can offer a cat a loving home, please contact them. Details: 268

0488, leedscatrescue@, www.

Leeds Elmet Probus Club

provides a social gathering for retired men from professional & business backgrounds. Meets last Tues of month, 12

July2014 Area B.indd 71

noon at Leeds 17 Restaurant, Nursery Lane, for lunch followed by guest speaker & short business meeting.

Details: Keith Robson 230 1559

Leeds Bridge Club Moor

Allerton Sports & Social Centre (MASSC), Stonegate Rd, LS17 Beginners classes: Mon 2 – 4.15pm, Fri 7 – 9.15pm, Thurs 1.30 - 3.45pm from 30 Sept. Improvers: Tues 12.45 – 3pm, Thurs 7 - 9.15pm, Fri 10 – 12.15pm, Fri 7 – 9.15pm from 1 Oct.

Details: Gill Copeland 225 7237, www.leedsbridgeclub. com

Leeds Budgerigar Society meets 1st Tues, 8pm at Troydale Recreational Club, Troydale Grove, Pudsey, LS28 9LA. Old friends & new members welcome. Details:

Ronnie Simpson 252 0976,

Leeds Feline Friends Can

you give a rescue cat a safe & loving home well away from a busy road? Details: 216 0593, uk, www.leedsfelinefriends.

Leeds Horticultural Society meets 1st Tues,

8pm St Chad’s Centre, Otley Rd. Annual membership £12 single/ £18 couple – includes all events & admission to Leeds Flower, Vegetable & Craft Show. Details: Pat 225


Leeds Photographic Society meets alt Tues,

7.30pm St Edmund’s Church Hall, Lidgett Pk Rd LS8. New members of all ages & abilities welcome. Details: & facebook

Leeds Probus Club

for retired professional/ businessmen, meets 2nd Thurs, 10.30am – 12 noon at St Matthew’s Church Meeting Room, Wood Lane LS7 for social gatherings with speakers. Details: 266 2310

Leeds N.E. Probus Club

retired & over 50s – outings, lunches, ten pin bowling, theatre visits & more. Social afternoons with speakers 2nd Fri, 2pm at Moor Allerton Sports & Social Centre, Stonegate Rd. New members welcome. Details: Eileen 269

Moortown Community Group. Friendly volunteers

a speaker: 261 3758/ 01943 467299

7064, dongoodman48@

working to maintain & enhance the local environment including proposed Moortown Park. New members welcome. Details: 266

8480, moortownco mmunitygroup@, wwwmoortowncommun & Facebook

Moortown Social Club

Leeds Oxfam Group

National Trust in Leeds

Lively group campaigning on issues of interest to everyone concerned about global justice. Find them on Facebook. Sponsored abseil Sun 13 July from top of Parkinson Building!

North Leeds Friendship Centre Friendly group for

Otley & Wharfedale MacMillan Cancer Support Fundraising Group covers NW Leeds

Rogers 278 5495, info@

Small group campaigning for preservation of the NHS. Meets Wed 23 July at Muir Court, St Michael’s Rd. LS6. Details: Beatrice

8pm at Paxton Horticultural Hall, Kirkstall Lane, Headingley, LS5 2AB. Doug Stewart from Swanland, will give a talk entitled ‘Why do they do that?’ - The science behind why vegetables grow the way they do. Questions invited. Free entry. Everyone welcome.

meets 2nd Mon, 10am – 12 noon Parochial Hall, Fitzroy Dr. Oakwood, LS8 4AB for speaker’s meeting on interesting topic, & other Mondays for bowls or snooker. The club is for retired professional & business men. You will be most welcome! Details: 265

Cranmer Gardens LS17. Mon 7.30pm Lindy Hop; Wed 7.30pm Rock ‘n’ Roll (£2); Thurs 8pm Bingo; 1st Fri of month Northern Soul & Motown; Sat 7.30pm Free & Easy with drummer & organist plus Bingo (£1.50); Sun - Artist & bingo.

Leeds Hospital Alert

National Vegetable Society meets Tues 8 July,

meets monthly at St. Chad’s Parish Centre, Far Headingley. New members welcome. Details: Pam 258


& meets monthly to plan events. Looking for new members. Details or to book

Slaid Hill In Bloom Next

working party – Sat 12 July, 10am – 12 noon. Meet outside Dexter Pub, LS17 8RZ. Followed by lunch at pub. Go along & join this friendly group. No experience necessary. Details: Geoff or

Margaret 966 1268, www.

West Yorkshire Fuchsia Society meets 3rd Wed,

7.30pm Moorside Tenants & Residents Community Centre, St Catherine’s Dr. Bramley, LS13. Find out about growing this delightful flower & exhibiting at gardening shows. Details:

Graham Wheatley (Sec) 256 3055, Sid Tagger (Chair) 268 7868


16/06/2014 17:29

72 Yorkshire Animal Shelter

Many cats & kittens desperate for new homes! Donations always welcome. Details:

07968 817803, www. yorkshireanimalshelter.

MUSIC Alwoodley Community Choir meets Wed, 5.45 –

7.15pm downstairs in the Lord Darcy, Harrogate Rd. Friendly group of all ages & abilities, singing pops, standards, shows songs. New members very welcome.

Details: Jean 0785 5059990

Alwoodley Singers

Wanted, new members! Ability to read music preferable but not essential. Rehearsals Thurs 8 - 10pm at ACA Hall, The Ave, LS17 7NZ.

Details: Alan 294 3370

Mixed Voices Choir Mon

7.45 0 9.45pm at Tree Tops Community Centre, Shadwell

chosen_march.indd 1

July2014 Area B.indd 72

Community Notices Lane, LS17. Singing musicals, pop & light classical songs. Perform at prestigious concerts throughout the year.

Details: Anne or Tracy 07914 833394

Instrumental Jazz Workshop - alt Sat 2.30

- 4.30pm at Seven Arts, 31 Harrogate Rd. LS7. Classes for people who want to play jazz & improvise. Work towards playing 2 or 3 numbers as part of Jazz Café – in enjoyable & supportive atmosphere. £10/£8 per class. Details: Jean Watson


James Farrell Concert Band rehearses Tues 7.45 –

10pm at Dewsbury Rd Social Club. Friendly community band playing show/film music, marches & more. New players welcome. Current vacancies for trumpet/cornet, horn, tuba & percussion.

Details: 293 1779, www.

Jazz Improvisation Group meets alt Fri, 7.30

-10pm in Chapel Allerton Methodist Centre, Town St. An opportunity for amateur & more experienced musicians to play jazz to their hearts content. £5 per session.

Details: Dominic Moore dominicgmoore@hotmail. com

Leeds Guild of Singers

Confident sightreader? Like to sing renaissance & contemporary music in a small friendly choir? LGS welcomes new members in all voice groups, especially tenors & basses. Rehearsals Tues 7.30 – 9.30pm at Leeds University.

Details: secretary@

Leeds People’s Choir meets Wed 7.30 – 9.30pm (term time) at Swarthmore Centre, Woodhouse Sq. Leeds, singing songs of joy, struggle, liberation, celebration &

peace from around the world, under direction of jazz & folk singer Lorraine Cowburn. Ability to read music useful but not essential. New members welcome - no auditions! Details: www.

Matinee Band Friendly, supportive, instrumental group playing eclectic mix of music looking for new members, any instrument. Reading ability desirable but not essential. Meet Thurs 2 – 3.30pm at Quaker Meeting House, 136 Street Lane LS8. £5 per session. Details:

North Leeds Music Centre Saturday mornings

- Music for all ages at Carr Manor Community School, LS17 5DJ. It is never too late to start a musical instrument. Details: www.

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Phoenix Concert Band

Community concert band for players of Grade 6 standard & over. Rehearsals Thurs 7.30 – 9.30pm at The Grammar School at Leeds, Tebb Room in music department. To join or book the band for a concert visit www.phoenixband. or email: secretary@

Players for Pleasure offers playing opportunities to adult amateur musicians. All levels, beginners to advanced. All instruments & all ages over 18. New performers especially welcome. Friendly, informal & supportive atmosphere. Details: www.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Charity Night Fri 18 July, 8pm

at Moortown Social Club, Cranmer Gns, LS17 5LA. Featuring Alex Graham & the Concords. £8 in advance/£9 on door. All profits to Macmillan Nurses. Details:

07814 575522, barry@

Roundhay Music Music

tuition for any age, standard, instrument or style. Oneto-one, ensembles & accompaniment sessions. GCSE & A-Level tuition. Classes for 0-5 year olds. Tutors possess Enhanced DBS Certificates. Details:

269 7754, enquiries@, www.

Roundhay Ukulele Group

Meets Wed 8 – 9.30pm at The New Highwood, Brackenwood Dr LS8. Strum & sing your favourite songs (from Rock to Pop) on the Ukulele! All abilities welcome. £6 per session. Details:, www. roundhayukulelegroup. & on facebook

Seven Jazz Voices Choir

meets alt Mon 7-9pm at Inkwell 31 Potternewton Lane Chapel Allerton LS7. Fun blues, jazz, cuban & gospel

July2014 Area B.indd 73

numbers, led by jazz singer Nicki Allan. £5 per session.

Details: Jean Watson jeanwatsonlifeskills@

Society of Recorder Players – meets 2nd &

4th Sat pm in Bingley & Headingley. Different conductors take each meeting. Intermediate players, all recorders. New members welcome. Details:

Caroline 01943 467348

Singing to Raise Funds

Fairfax Singers will bring some lovely music to help raise much needed funds for your charity. Details: 01274

597024, 01943 877464 www.

West Riding Opera

has vacancies for chorus members to participate in concerts & staged opera selections. All voice ranges welcome, no audition.

Details: 01274 595978,

White Rosettes Female barbershop chorus

(four part unaccompanied harmony), 12 x national champions, rehearse Wed 7.30 – 10pm at Moorlands School, Foxhill Dr, Weetwood Lane, LS16. Details: Jan

Spencer 07852 210640, membership@whiterosettes.

Yorkshire Late Starter Strings (YLSS) rehearse

Sat, 10am – 12.30pm. Friendly, informal string orchestra made up of adult learners who play a stringed instrument. Players of all abilities welcome. Specific beginners group for those especially new to playing.


Yorkshire Clarinet Ensemble Rehearses alt

Wed, 8 – 9.45pm (term time) at HEART, Bennett Rd, Headingley. For players of Grade 5+ standard. New players welcome. Details:

Deborah Pennington 07910

414586, mpenn.dpenn@

SENIORS Chapel Allerton Good Neighbours (CAGN)

welcomes local seniors on 1st Tues every month, 2pm at Chapel Allerton Methodist Centre. Interesting speakers, refreshments & laughter.

Details: Daisy 887 3597

Chapel Allerton Town St Lunch Club Tues 12.15

– 1.45pm in the Methodist Centre. Hot Meal £4, friendship & chat. Transport can be provided. Volunteers welcome. Details: Vivienne

& Paul 268 2513, Jenny & David 266 1502, or paul_

Community Action for Roundhay Elders (CARE)

welcomes people over 60 Thurs 1.30 - 3.30pm at Brackenwood Community Centre for Social activities, friendship & trips. Details:

Fiona 07736 825382

Leeds & Bradford Friendship Group meets

1st Wed of month, 1.30pm at Pudsey Civic Hall LS28 5TA. Speaker or entertainment at 2pm. Friendship & activities for people of retirement age. Days out, dining, walks, computers, etc. New members welcome. Details:

258 5955 or 267 5657

Lunch Club & Over 55s Club Wed 12 – 3pm. Two

course meal £3.50 followed by fun activities. Northcall Community Centre, Cranmer Bank, Leeds LS17. Details:

268 9993

Roundhay Tea & Chat Club Tues 1.45 – 3.30pm

at Terry Yorath House, Devonshire Ave. Club for over 65s who would like to make new friends & take part in wide range of activities. Fortnightly optional chairbased exercise class. £1.50.

Details: Carole 269 6632

Stainbeck URC Lunch Club Stainbeck Rd. Mon &

Wed, 11am – 1.30pm (£4). Meal, friendship, gentle exercise. Transport provided. Volunteers welcome. Details:

Avril or Brian 293 5847, Angela 225 3766, www.

Wigton Moor Friendship Guild meets 3rd Wed,

Wigton Moor UR Church, High Ash Dr. LS17. Speakers, slide shows, presentations, & outings in July & December (with free transport). Try them out for just £2 (incl refreshments). Details:

Maureen 268 0815, Alan 294 3370.

SPIRITUAL Buddhist Meditation Classes 7.30 - 9.30pm

in Oakwood, Leeds City Centre & Horsforth.

Details: 265 2118, info@, www.

Christian Science Church

Sunday Services & Sunday School 11am. Testimony Meeting 1st Wed 8pm. Devonshire Ave. (next to Texaco petrol station) off Street Lane LS8. Bible based, Everyone welcome.

Drop-in Group Meditation Sun 7- 8pm

(except 3rd Sun- 6.307.30pm) at Brahma Kumaris, West Park, LS16. Experience peace & calm with periods of silence & guided meditations.

Details: 275 7727, leeds@, www. leeds

Eckhart Tolle Stillness Group meets Mon, 7.30

- 9.30pm at The Friends Meeting House, 136 Street Lane, Roundhay LS8. Share Eckhart’s DVDs & silent meditation. Cost: £3 - £5 suggested donation. All welcome. Details:

07884 332644, www.

16/06/2014 17:29

Community Notices

74 Kagyu Buddhist Group

Tues, 7.30pm Friends Meeting House, 188 Woodhouse Lane, LS2. Dropin meditation class practising calm-abiding, reflective meditation suitable for all. £4. Details: 01282 841570,,

Learn to meditate FWBO Leeds Buddhist Centre. A contemporary approach to meditation, mindfulness & the Buddhist tradition. Also classes in yoga & bodywork, chronic pain & stress management. Details: 244 5256, www.

Meditation for Beginners

Tues 12.30 – 1pm & 6.15 – 7.15pm; Thurs 12:30 – 1pm at Jamyang Buddhist Centre, 31 St Paul’s Street LS1. Details:

07866 760 460, www.

Moortown Baptist Church 204 King Lane, LS17. Sunday services 10.30am & 6pm. Range of toddler, children’s, youth, house groups & senior projects run through week.

Details: 269 3750, www. moortownbaptistchurch.

Natural Healing Centre

Healing offered Thurs by members of NFSH The Healing Trust. 7pm - 8.30pm at The Friend’s Meeting House, 136 Street Lane, Roundhay, Leeds LS8.

Roundhay Evangelical Church Sun 10.30am

& 6.30pm at Roundhay Parochial Hall, Fitzroy Drive (near Oakwood Clock). Friendly, informal & bible centred. A warm welcome for all. Monthly children’s & youth groups. Check website for special events.

Shadwell Methodist Church Sunday Services:

9.30am. Creche for under 5s & Junior Church (9.4510.30am). Coffee after each service. Celebrating bicentenary with full programme of events in July.

St Martin’s Church, St. Martin’s View, Potternewton, LS7 3LB. Sunday Service 10am – Parish Communion, Sunday Club & refreshments. Wednesday Service 9.30am – Holy Communion. Open Afternoon Tues 2 – 4pm for quiet reflection & prayer. All welcome. Details: 262 4271,

Stainbeck United Reformed Church

Details: Margaret Walker 225 1826

Stainbeck Rd. Sunday Worship 10.45am - family worship & Sunday Club followed by refreshments. Communion 2nd Sunday. Praise & reflection: Thurs 7.30 – 8pm.

St Barnabas C of E Church The View, LS17 7NA.

Weekly Buddhist Meditation Classes

Sunday Services 10am (with children’s activities) Families very welcome. Details: 265 4926, www.stbarnabasleeds. In the Church Hall: Coffee Drop-in every 3rd Wed, 10.30am – 12; Busy Bs, 10.30am – 12.30pm for good company, conversation, activities; Church Lunch, 12.30 – 1.30pm Details: 268

2591/ 226 8269

St John’s Church,

Moortown Sunday Services 8am, 10am & 6.30pm at the junction of Harrogate Rd & Ring Rd, LS17 7BZ. Everyone welcome. Details: www.

Details: 07949 972690, www.

7.30 - 9.30pm in Oakwood (Tue), Leeds City Centre (Wed) & Horsforth (Thur).

Details: 265 2118, info@ www.

SUPPORT Arthritis Care Leeds

meets 3rd Tues of each month, 7.30 – 9pm, St Chad’s Parish Centre, Far Headingley. New members welcome. Details: Pat 275


Association of Blind Asians Leeds is looking for

volunteers who could provide a valuable sighted guiding service to reduce isolation & increase independence of visually impaired people in

Leeds. Details: Sonal 210


Crohn’s & Colitis UK

Support for people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) & their families in North & West Yorkshire. Regular meetings.

Details: 0845 130 6809, Leeds@crohnsandcolitis., www.groups. Leeds

Diabetes UK Support Group meets 1st Mon, 7 –

9pm at the West Yorkshire Playhouse, except bank holidays when it’s 2nd Mon. Speakers on different aspects of diabetes. All welcome.

Details: 07840 686618

Different Strokes Invites

stroke survivors to join them, Wed 1.45 – 3.45pm, Adel Stables, Back Church Lane. Incl. an hour of exercise.

Details: Linda McLean 225 4744

IBS Leeds Friendly, informal meetings for fellow sufferers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Monthly meetings now being held. Details: matt@letscureibs. com,

Leeds Coeliac Group

Next social event Sun 20 July at Shoulder of Mutton Inn, Main St, Kirkby Overblow HG3 1HD. Glute free grill.

Details & to book: Kate Deacon 01423 871205, katedeacon@btconnect. com


Parts & Accessories for All Cars and Light Commercial Vehicles

Cheapest prices in Yorkshire Bulbs, Wipers & Batteries Fitted* Audio & Hands Free Kits Fitted* Roofbars & Roofboxes Fitted* Number Plates, Made & Fitted* *Fitting subject to vehicle inspection, fitting charges may apply 532 Scott Hall Road, Leeds LS7 3RA Tel: 0113 266 2146 • Fax: 0113 266 1226

July2014 Area B.indd 74

Special Offers In Store ‘We Are Here ‘For You’ Open 7 days • Mon-Fri 9am-6.30pm Saturday 9am-6pm • Sunday 12pm-4pm

16/06/2014 17:29

Leeds Multiple Sclerosis Society uses Armley

Leisure Centre for activity classes (transport available). MS Chat is held every two weeks. The Leeds society has over 300 members & new members are very welcome.

Details: 07895 515471

Leeds Samaritans

Confidential, nonjudgemental support 24 hours a day for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair. They listen with an open mind & in complete confidence, for as long as you need. Details: 245

6789, 08457 909090

Leeds Weekend Care Association (LWCA)

provides respite care to families with children who have complex care needs via weekend playgroups, trips for teens & one-to-one home based care. Looking for people to volunteer to join their Management Committee as Trustees.

Details: 216 5133, angela.

Little Hiccups Outreach is a support network for children with a disability and their families. Run by parents. Details:07831

230741, outreach@, www.

Marigold Wellbeing Centre (formerly Yorkshire Cancer Help Centre) is at the Day Therapy Centre, St Michael’s Hospice, Harrogate, two Saturdays a month. Support for people with cancer & other chronic conditions. Details: Karen

01937 573166, or John & Ann 274 9074. www. marigoldwellbeingcentre.

Overeaters Anonymous

Weds 7pm at Roundhay Friends Meeting House. All welcome. Details: 07729 783


The Owls New citywide informal child-minding group

July2014 Area B.indd 75

offering support, training & information, & social events. Membership £5 pa. Details:

228 8509

Parkinson’s UK Leeds meet 2nd Wed, 2pm at St Chad ‘s Parish Centre, Headingley. Support for anybody affected by Parkinson’s. Exercise classes in Otley, Horsforth, Moortown. Details: Linda

Thompson, 01943 461640

SNAPS (Special Needs and

Parent Support) welcomes any family with a child with special needs to their Saturday support group at Penny Field School, Tongue Ln. Meanwood. Take part in hydrotherapy, swimming, dance & coffee. Currently seeking new Trustees.

Details: 07964 847 775,,

Wharfedale General Hospital Cardiac Club

(affiliated with British Heart Foundation) is open to former cardiac patients & their partners. Opportunity to take part in exercise classes under supervision of qualified instructors. Meets Mon, Wed & Thurs at Wharfedale General Hospital. £3. Details: 07949

307 955, wghcardiacclub@, www. WharfedaleCardiacClub.

TALKS & DISCUSSIONS Leeds Astronomical Society meets 2nd Wed

of month with a guest speaker presentation & regular telescope nights at Quaker Friends Meeting House, Woodhouse Lane, LS2. Visitors welcome, first visit free. Details: info@,

MICA (Meetings in Chapel

Allerton) First Wed of month – interesting, inspiring & motivational talks in the area of personal development, providing you with ideas to apply to your daily life &

help motivate you. Details:

Soroptimist International

Royal Meteorological Society Yorkshire Monthly


informal public talks on all aspects of weather & climate at the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. Free & open to all.

Details: r.herbert@see.leeds., rmetsyc

Talking Allowed in Leeds (TAIL) meets Mon 14 July, 1.45pm at Veritas, 43 Great George St. Topic: Is human life a comedy or a tragedy? Details:


U3A Leeds has over 24 interest groups held in various locations. Fortnightly Tues talks, 2pm at Moor Allerton Sports & Social Club, Stonegate Rd, LS17.

Details: 07752 448834, www.

WOMEN’S GROUPS Chapel Pie WI Friendly, fun women’s group for all ages. Visitors welcome (£3). Annual membership £33.

Details: chapelpiewi@gmail. com,, Facebook at Chapel Pie WI.

Methodist Women’s Luncheon Club (Leeds

& District) Welcomes new members to their monthly meetings at Devonshire Hall, Headingley on 2nd Wed of each month. Good food & excellent speakers! Details:

Shirley 257 9381.

Roundhay WI meets

Thurs 10 July, 7.30pm at St Andrew’s Church Hall, Shaftesbury Ave. LS8 for a talk by a speaker from Caring For Life. New & interested members welcome. Lively small groups like ‘Walking’ or ‘Meet & Eat’ meet on a regular basis. Details: Hilary

266 5648

Meet 2nd Mon, 7pm at Weetwood Hall. All ladies welcome. Details: www.sigbi.

University of Leeds Ladies’ Club welcomes

women connected to the Uni as either serving or former staff members, partners of staff, or grads. Regular events. Details: uleedslc@

White Rose Ladies Speakers Club meets 2nd

& 4th Mondays, Sept – mid July, 7.30pm in Farsley Library, Old Rd, Farsley, LS28. A friendly environment in which to have fun & improve your speaking skills.

Details: Pauline Neale, 269 3542, pauline.neale@, or via www.

YOUNGER LIFE Guiding in Roundhay & Oakwood Are you aged 5-7,

7-10, 10-14, or 14-25? Or an adults over 18? Would you like to know more? Details:

lois@fifthroundhayguides. org

Harehills Movement & Music Playgroup

Parent run playgroup based at Harehills Lane Baptist Church Hall (access via Hilton Pl), LS8. Tues: music & parachute fun; Wed: movement & developmental play. 10 – 11.15am term time. £1 per family incl refreshments. Everybody welcome. Details:

harehillsplaygroup@gmail. com

Leeds Junior Chess Club

Meets Sun 5.30 – 7.30pm at Alwoodley Community Centre, The Avenue, Alwoodley. Ideal for ages 7-18 of all standards. Coaching from accredited coaches, competitive & friendly play, fun tournaments. Details:

John Hipshon 226 7759,

16/06/2014 17:29

Community Notices

76 7th Moor Allerton Brownies Seek New

welcome. £4. Details: 239


Members A number of Brownies have gone up to Guides so the group has places available. They meet Mon in LS17 from 6 – 7.15pm. Details: 7thmoor

allertonbrownies@gmail. com

Parent & Tots Group Tues (term time) 1.30-3pm Queens Hall, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, 294 Harrogate Rd, Moortown. £2 per family, incl. drink & snack. Everyone welcome. Details: Raegan, Sam

RJC Dance Gymnastics For Young People Tues 3.45 – 4.45pm (ages 6-10); 4.45 – 5.45pm (age 11+) at the Mandela Centre, Chapeltown Rd. LS7. All abilities

Approved Contractor

Gledhow Woodcraft Folk welcomes new members aged 6 – 9, Thurs 6.15 –7.15pm at Gledhow Primary School. Games, songs, craftwork & outdoor activities. Make friends, have fun & be part of a cooperative group! Places limited so book now. Details: Jo 368 1402,

gledhowleeds@woodcraft., www.woodcraft.

MISC/ Events Chapel Allerton Allotments & Gardens Summer Show Sat 12 July,

3pm at Methodist Centre, Town St. Competition classes include Flowers, Vegetables, Home Produce & Children’s Crafts. Plants, gardening supplies & homemade cards

on sale. Find out about bees. Refreshments. Auction of Produce 4.15pm. Admission £1. Children free.

Charity Champions! Enter Yorkshire Cancer Centre 16 week Corporate Challenge Be part of & you could win the coveted 2014 title & a table for 12 at September Ball.

Details: Tif 206 8620, tifaine., www.yorkshirecancercentre.

Don’t Act Your Age A

social improvisation drama group for the over 50s meets at Seven Arts, Harrogate Rd, Chapel Allerton on Tues 10.45am – 12.45pm. All welcome. Details: Ron

Wiener 266 7722

Hope Pastures Horse & Donkey Sanctuary Weetwood Lane, LS16. Visitors welcome 10am – 2.45pm. Free admission. Donations welcome. Details:

261 4344 For events & pony days visit www.

Leeds Haydn Players Sun 13 July, 3pm at Seven Arts, Chapel Allerton, A concert, including Mozart Overture Idomeneo, Haydn Symphony no.22, Haydn cello concerto in D (soloist Miriam Roycroft) & Mozart Symphony no. 31, conducted is Chris Pelly. Tickets £10

from Robin Jakeways 01943 466331, r.jakeways@, Seven Arts, or on door

Part P Registered


July2014 Area B.indd 76

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Leeds & Moortown Furniture Store Registered

charity that collects donated/ unwanted furniture & passes it on to people in need. Call to arrange convenient pick up times. Details: 273 9727,

Lipreading Classes

Wed & Thurs, 1 – 3pm at DALES (Deaf Across Leeds Enablement Service) Minerva House, East Parade Leeds. For anyone with hearing loss. £3 per 2 hour session. New class Leeds Civic Hall Wed pm. Details: Susan

Lee 07910 831646, susan@

Little Hiccups Barn Dance Fri 25 July, 7pm

– 1am at Marriott Hotel Leeds. Hot Buffet, Hoedown, Rodeo Bull and lots more... £30pp. Supporting disabled children & their families.

Details: 07831 230741

230741, CharityEvents@

Recycle for St Gemma’s Hospice Could you take a

mobile phone collection box to your workplace or local school? Once full St Gemma’s will collect & let you know how much you’ve raised towards patient care. Details:

Jenny 218 5565, jennyd@

St Gemma’s Open Gardens For a booklet

featuring all the gardens opening in aid of St Gemma’s across Leeds this Summer,

contact Jenny on 218 5565,

St Gemma’s Classic Car Rally Sat 9 Aug,10am – 3pm

at Temple Newsam. Fabulous day out for car enthusiasts in association with the Leeds MG & Classic Car Club. 100 classic cars, ‘Best in Show’

trophy, stalls, entertainment.

Details: Jenny 218 5565,

St John’s Church, New

Briggate, is looking for volunteers! Roles include welcoming visitors, explaining the history & organising events. Great opportunity to join national heritage organisation (Churches Conservation Trust) & meet people with a passion for history & heritage.

Details: 07867 974738,, www.

Wanted! Collections

Volunteers St Gemma’s Hospice is looking for collections volunteers to help with collections in supermarkets across the city throughout the year. Hours to suit. Details: Jenny Dixon

218 5565, jennyd@st-gemma.



Room at the Top is ranked second out of all of the 650 UK loft companies on for value for money, professionalism and quality. • Add a bedroom, bathroom, office or just somewhere to relax • All work done by our dedicated teams, not subcontractors • We can do everything, from start to finish • Hundreds of conversions completed all over Leeds

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Leeds, LS15 7PE (next to Mecca Bingo) Crossgates Road, Crossgates Crossgates Road, Crossgates Crossgates Road, Leeds, LS15 7PE (next to Mecca Bingo) Leeds, LS15 7PE (next toCrossgates Mecca Bingo) Crossgates Road, Crossgates Crossgates Leeds, LS15 7PERoad, (next Crossgates to Mecca Bingo) 0113 284to 0660 Leeds, LS15 7PE (next to Mecca Leeds, LS15 7PERoad, (next Mecca Bingo) Bingo) Crossgates Crossgates Crossgates Road, Crossgates 0113 284 0660 Contact Billy on 0776 0773 694 Leeds, LS15 Leeds, LS15 7PE 7PE (next (next to to Mecca Mecca Bingo) Bingo) Contact Billy on 0776 0773Crossgates 694 Crossgates Road, Crossgates Crossgates Road, 0113 284 0660 Contact Joanne on 0755 1156 670 or 0113 284 0660 Leeds, LS15 7PERoad, (next to Mecca Bingo) Leeds, LS15 7PE (next to Mecca Bingo) Crossgates Crossgates Crossgates Road, Crossgates Billy on 0776 0773 694 Contact Billy on 0776 0773 694694 0113 284 0660 Contact Joanne on 0755 1156 670 or Contact Billy on 0776 0773 Leeds, LS15 7PE to Bingo) Leeds, LS15 7PE (next (next to Mecca Mecca Bingo) 0113 284 0660 Billy on 0776 0773 694 Contact Billy on 0776 0773 694 Contact Billy on 0776 694 0113 284 0660 0113 2840773 0660 Contact Billy on 0776 0773 694 Contact Billy 0773 694 Contact Billy on on 0776 0776 0773 694 0113 284 0660 Contact Joanne on 0755 0113 284 06601156 OR 670 or Contact Joanne on 0755 1156 Billy on 0776 0773 694 Contact Billy on 0776 0773 694 0113 284 0660 Contact on 670 or 0113 2841156 0660 Contact Joanne Joanne on 0755 0755 1156 670 or 670 or Billy on 0776 0773 694 Contact Billy on0773 0776 0773 694 Billy on 0776 0773 694 Billy on 0776 0773 694 Contact Billy on 0776 694 Contact Billy on 0776 0773 694

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July2014 Area B.indd 79

16/06/2014 17:30





Our complete air conditioning packages start from just £995 inclusive! Smile Air Conditioning Solutions have been installing and servicing air conditioning systems for over twelve years for: • Homes • Shops • Schools • Offices • Restaurants • Hotels

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July2014 Area B.indd 80

16/06/2014 17:30


Loft conversions Extensions Garage Conversions Chimney breast removals Roofing Garden walls & fencing All aspects of building work undertaken No Job too small

Tel: 07809 604 417

Extension specialists Quality work assured We are a local, family-run building firm, established since 1990. City & Guilds qualified tradesmen. Call us today to discuss your project:

07801 833 873

Specialists in Extensions, Specialists in: and Refurbishments, Loft Conversions & Brick Work Building • Extensions Family-Run Business 17 Years Experience

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July2014 Area B.indd 81

The Really Useful Guides March 2011

Contact Darren Wilson M: 07813 763913 T: 01226 710342 E: W:

16/06/2014 17:30



All aspects of construction including: Extensions Internal & External alterations Gardens Walls Patios DIY work

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Tim Harwood Dry Stone Waller

From small garden walls through to large-scale restoration projects, I have a wealth of experience and expertise:

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July2014 Area B.indd 84

No job too small. For a free, no obligation quote: Call: Tim Harwood 07910 628450 To view our workmanship and latest projects visit:

When it comes to local publications you can’t beat North Leeds Life for quality, readership and content. A magazine to be proud of. Rachel Poole, Head of Sales & Marketing, Leeds Grand Theatre

16/06/2014 17:30


High Class Decorator 40 Years Trade Experience Friendly, reliable service

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16/06/2014 17:30




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IMPROVEMENT, MAINTENANCE, CARE & REPAIR General household repairs and installation of fixtures, flat pack furniture, laminate flooring, joinery and door hanging. Also kitchen fitting, bathrooms, gardens, patios and fencing.

We can help - no job too small Contact Keith to use our experienced and skilled tradesman. Tel.07860 237 619 or 0113 224 2733 Email:



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July2014 Area B.indd 87


North Leeds Life distributes 20,000 magazines per month in each of our two editions (total of 40,000 monthly). Why settle for less? Contact us for details today:

0113 274 8776 16/06/2014 17:30


Classifieds JOINERS


DAVID JOHNSON Carpenter & Joiner Fitted furniture & kitchens Covering all aspects of joinery & home improvements Photography set building specialist

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Quality joinery for over 30 years

Headrow Gallery

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Maureen Bennett Physiotherapy Ltd Maureen Bennett MCSP MHPC Olympic & Commonwealth Games Physiotherapist

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July2014 Area B.indd 88



DJF Plastering Plastering & Painting

All areas of Leeds covered Fast freindly service Clean tidy work For a free no obligation quote

Phone 07530 593563 16/06/2014 17:30

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Plumbing & Heating Services All types of plumbing, gas installations and repairs • Energy efficient central heating • Bathroom installation 11581 • Taps - Showers - Leaks Qualified staff.

Tel: 0113 282 9100 FREEPHONE: 0800 542 6007 Mobile: 07957 146 155

July2014 Area B.indd 89

Please call for a FREE estimate and friendly advice.

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Call Alex 07730 560 422

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Classifieds Home Maintenance & Plumbing Services

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Call Ray on: 07990 92 02 52 • Alwoodley, LEEDS LS17 PODIATRIST

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DON’T LET FIDDLERS ON YOUR ROOF! Local family-run business All roofing work undertaken (flat & pitched) Free insurance-backed guarantees

Call the experts on 0113 217 5983 View recently completed work at:

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0113 2934038 / 07958 977395 Proprietor: mark Johnson 21 elmete grove, roundhay, leeds, lS8 2JY

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We will beat any genuine quote • Full re-roofs and repairs • Gutters, fascias and soffits

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We will beat any genuine quote • Full re-roofs and repairs • Gutters, fascias and soffits • Flat roof specialists • All work fully guaranteed

Call Craig on: Tel: 0113 271 5545 / Mob: 07745 190 737

16/06/2014 17:30

G. HORNE ROOFING CONTRACTORS LTD “Quality workmanship at a fair price”

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Hazelgrave Roofing Your Local Answer To Roofing Problems Setting The Standards For: • Roof Repairs • Slating • Tiling • Felting • Lead Work • Joinery • Guttering • UPVC Fascias & Soffits

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July2014 Area B.indd 91


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OUR MOST SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN EVER! Whilst we have advertised with other publications, we have never experienced anything like the response levels we have achieved with North Leeds Life during our current ad campaign. I would definitely recommend North Leeds Life to advertisers who want to reach residents of North Leeds David Lawless, Green Thumb Lawn Treatment Service

July2014 Area B.indd 92

16/06/2014 17:30



T: 0113 335 0617 WORKTOPS



I’m very pleased with the response from my advert and would be happy to keep running until further notice. Dave Hargreaves, DH Electrical

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July2014 Area B.indd 93

16/06/2014 17:30

July2014 Area B.indd 94

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July2014 Area B.indd 95

16/06/2014 17:30

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July2014 Area B.indd 96

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