North Leeds Life Magazine. June 2015 edition. LS6 LS16 LS18

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NORTH LEEDS Life F R E E J U N E 2 0 1 5 | LS6 | LS16 | LS18


Leeds Waterfront Festival 2015

The Big Bookend Maps Leeds

A Gala Premiere at Hyde Park Picture House



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13/05/2015 10:51


NORTH LEEDS Life F R E E J U N E 2 0 1 5 | LS6 | LS16 | LS18


Leeds Waterfront Festival 2015

The Big Bookend Maps Leeds

A Gala Premiere at Hyde Park Picture House

Photo: Lizzie Coombes



Having just seen Opera North’s lovely production of Carousel, I find myself singing ‘June is busting out all over….’ at the top of my voice! And, of course, it is…June that is… and it’s about to bust out. Fingers are crossed for good weather this month as the Leeds Waterfront Festival has a fantastic line up and they had overcast skies last year. The Leeds Big Bookend – that rock festival for words! – has a packed programme that is well worth checking out. Plus, Bramhope Festival is boasting an international lineup; you are encouraged to try foraging; people steal scarecrows in Far Headingley; and Meanwood Futsal Club is making an impression.

0 8 18 2 2 4 6

Leeds Waterfront Festival 2015

Exciting events are scheduled

across over four miles of Leeds Waterfront.

The Big Bookend Maps Leeds

Every month we are surprised by the variety of things people are involved in around the area and the number of interesting events organised around the community. Certainly no one can claim there’s nothing to do in Leeds! As you receive this we will be busily putting our July edition together – so send us your news for the next couple of months as soon as you can. Deadlines are 1st June for news and notices, and 9th June for advertising (1st & 8th July for the August edition). We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards, Carole, Jack and the team.

19 ‘From Adam to Yves’ – The Jewish Journey on a Catwalk! A spectacular show offering a unique, historic and cultural Jewish costume experience.

41 An Environment Weekend at St Chad’s Events to celebrate ‘Cherishing Churchyards’ week and encourage visits to this lovely church and churchyard.

The rock festival for words

returns as an A-Z of Leeds’ people and places.

62 The First Film | Gala Premiere at Hyde Park Picture House A fascinating documentary about the forgotten inventor of motion pictures.


Life & Style

Leeds College of Art Printed Textiles student, Hannah Wilkinson, recently won the Designext Award at Surtex, an international student design competition that recognises exceptional surface


Carole Carey-Campbell

0113 293 4303

design work.

DEPUTY EDITOR Brendan Campbell


Kyle Harvey


0113 274 8776


URTEX® is the global B2B marketplace for original art & design—where artists, agents and licensors connect with manufacturers and retailers to create the next best-selling products in every category imaginable. Each year some 5,500 buyers/manufacturers from 49 countries converge on SURTEX to buy or license the newest designs from approximately 1,000 trendsetting artists. It’s a veritable who’s who of manufacturers and retailers seeking first dibs on the best art & design being created today.

Hannah is studying for a degree in Printed Textiles & Surface Pattern Design. Her designs were presented as a collection for the ‘work’ category, where she created designs for interior office furnishing. As part of her prize, she was given a stand at Surtex in New York to showcase her collection and network with industry professionals. It also included press, promotional materials, conferences seminars, and having her work professionally critiqued.

Rachael Stafford

0113 293 4304 David Smith

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Whilst every effort is made to ensure that all editorial, advertising and directory listings are accurate, the publisher is not liable for any errors, omissions, statements or opinions provided. The publishers accept no liability of any nature arising out of or in connection with the contents of this magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the express permission of the editor.

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Life & Style


JAMES HOLE, 1820-1895

WRITER AND ACTIVIST FOR SOCIAL REFORM Next time you climb the steps to the Leeds City Museum, look up at the proud inscription above: ‘The Leeds Institute’, overlooked by the helmeted head of Athena, goddess of wisdom, crafts (and owls). This imposing building, designed by Cuthbert Brodrick of Town Hall fame, was opened in 1868 as the new, purpose-built headquarters of the Leeds Mechanics’ Institute. One of the distinguished speakers at the opening ceremony was James Hole, who over many years had devoted himself to the cause of workers’ education. He had urged a raft of reforms to improve the lives of working people, and had been a pioneer in the Leeds cooperative movement. A distinguished writer, thinker, and activist, he had won a national reputation as ‘Mr Hole of Leeds’. In fact he came originally from

beginnings in 1847, when workers from Benyon’s Flax Mill set

Manchester, where he was born

up their own flour mill to provide affordable, unadulterated

in 1820, the son of a tailor. All his

flour, grew the mighty Leeds Industrial Cooperative Society

education, he said, was gained through

which 50 years later could claim to be the largest cooperative

the opportunities offered by his local

society in the world, dealing in goods ranging ‘from clog-irons

Mutual Improvement Society and the

and pickles to pianos and clothing’, with over 37,000 members.

Manchester Mechanics’ Institute – no

His contribution was remembered in the Jubilee celebrations.

wonder these institutions were close to his heart.

He numbered among his friends and correspondents many of the radical thinkers of the day. He was often invited

He came to Leeds in his early

to speak on his social principles, but his voice was strongest in

twenties to take up a post as bookkeeper

writing – clear, concise, backed up with statistics, practical and

with a firm of cloth exporters. In 1843

organised. Alongside articles for various journals, he published

he married, and with his young wife

‘Lectures on Social Science and the Organisation of Labour’ in

Elizabeth, the daughter of a Blackburn

1851, setting out his social and economic theories, his belief in

schoolmaster, settled in Alfred Place,

the achievability of progress and justice for the working classes.

Little London. Over the following

It was thought-provoking material.

years they moved house as their family

Other causes engaged him too, particularly working

grew, settling finally with their seven

class education and training – he believed passionately in

One of his lasting legacies was

children in Cliff Road, Woodhouse. He

education as ‘the business of a whole life’. He served for years

the village library scheme, which he

remained steadily employed, leading a

on the Committee of the Leeds Mechanics’ Institute, and, most

proposed in 1852. Boxes of books were

conventional life, but he was inspired

influentially, as Secretary (unpaid) of the Yorkshire Union of

sent out to outlying Yorkshire villages

by the new radical thinking of the time,

Mechanics’ Institutes. In 1853 he published a prize-winning

cut off from library access. The scheme

by ideas of cooperation and socialism

work on adult education which had considerable impact and

won royal support and lasted many years.

which could free the working classes and

resulted in the introduction of new practical examinations. He

In 1867 James Hole left Leeds for

empower them to improve and transform

wrote too on schooling, a political hot potato of the time: his

London, to become Secretary to the

their lives and their communities. And

essay published in 1860, ‘Light, More Light’, included a survey

Association of Chambers of Commerce.

he carried his ideas into action.

of education in Leeds and urged the vital need for a national

There he pursued further causes – the

system to provide for every child – achieved 10 years later.

preservation of common land, and (his

He was a founder member of the Leeds Redemption Society, which

The provision of decent, healthy housing was also close

last book) the nationalisation of the

aimed to set up an ideal self-governing

to his heart. In 1866 he published his prize-winning study of

railways. He died in 1895, remembered

community of workers (and did so, in

working class housing, advocating a range of practical measures

as an unassuming, kind and generous

Wales); and he was a leading light in

for the improvement of the appalling slums in Leeds and

man. While his name is mostly forgotten,

the Leeds cooperative movement. Most

elsewhere (many later put into effect), with details of model

his ideas influenced reform and still

people have heard of the Rochdale

housing schemes like Saltaire. He was himself a director of a

resonate today.

cooperative pioneers, but Leeds had its

model housing association and the Leeds Permanent Building

pioneers too, and he was one. From small


By Eveleigh Bradford

the teams was a staggering £8,500, which will go towards supporting children and adults across Leeds affected by learning disabilities. On the presentation evening, all teams were given the opportunity to showcase their activities and fundraising, as well as being awarded certificates in recognition for their efforts.

The full

Pictured: : Martin Staniforth, Leeds Mencap, with Easypay’s Sarah Shaw & Laura Whitson

“We are delighted with the support we have received from all


the participants”, said Cath Lee, CEO

raised was a

dedication and inspired by their efforts. I


this project a huge success for a second


Leeds Mencap. “We are amazed at their would like to thank them all, for making year. Without them, our partner AQL and our judges, none of this would have been possible.” If you would like to hear more about

Easypay Services were recently

(part of Yorkshire Housing) to raise as

the Leeds Mencap Apprentice, or would

crowned winners of the Leeds Mencap

much money as possible from a loan of

like to support Leeds Mencap, please

Apprentice Challenge 2015. They

just £50. As totals were totted-up it was

call 0113 2351331, email fahad.khan@

went head-to-head with Northern Gas

revealed that Easypay Services won by, or visit www.

Networks, Winston Solicitors, the NHS

raising over £5,300! The full amount

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Life & Style


Although the terms ‘up-cycling’, ‘repurposing’ and ‘free-cycling’ may have been more associated with the likes of Tom and Barbara Good of ‘The Good Life’ fame, than your typical North Leeds suburbanites, they have gained in popularity in the last few years. ost people have some notion of what is meant by these terms, even if they have never dabbled in the exciting world of ‘free-cycling’, i.e. giving stuff away for nowt! Oh the radicals! The spirit and essence of this movement (and yes it is a movement) is clear: ‘Think hard before you discard anything, because it is very likely to be of further use to you, or to someone else’. Two canny Germans first coined the term ‘up-cycling’ in the mid nineties to distinguish themselves from ‘recycling’ – ‘recycling’ being the reduction of items to lesser value, and ‘upcycling’ where an item’s intrinsic value is retained and re-purposed and not broken down. Now we like a bit of that! Up-cycling was at its most fashionable during the austerity of the 1930s and 40s when it was simply ‘common sense’. Our parents up-cycled, as did our grandparents. They had no choice but to ‘make do and mend’.

All it takes is a little imagination Almost everything was repurposed until it was no longer useful – hessian sacks became dresses, or an old door became the new dining table. Fast forward to 2015 and upcycling is tres ‘de rigeur’. It is still common sense, but has become even more important given the impact of irresponsible, rampant global consumerism. As our factories are disappearing, we are collecting and preserving things relating to industry. The industrial look is a big part of the repurposing trend – old factory furniture, massive lighting fixtures, anything relating to industry is being made into funky, household art. Let’s have a peek at some of the unique and inspiring things designers, makers, and craftspeople of all persuasions are producing. The queen of fashion up-cycling, Orsola de Castro, has up-cycled pre-consumer textile waste in both the niche and mass markets for over 15 years. Her

frocks are on the cutting edge of fashion and look a-ma-zing! Check out What can be achieved with old and previously skip-worthy defunct industrial machinery is astonishing. An old Singer treadle sewing machine makes a stylish hallway table, an old steamer trunk becomes a coffee table. Paul Williamson, designer at Black Lab, Leeds, has converted an old Avery jockey weighing scale into a jawdropping dining table for a horse mad client, and ‘repurposed’ an old fire extinguisher into a cool and edgy lamp base.

All it takes is a little imagination. It feels appropriate here to mention a 1970’s movement that is warmly remembered by many: Remember you’re a Womble! They were decades ahead of the curve, making good use of everything they found.

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There are five Open Days coming up this year. The first on Wednesday 24th June is the Foundation Degree Open Day, which focuses on the four foundation degree courses on offer: Supporting Children and Families in Social Contexts; Supporting Early Years; Supporting Learning and Additional Needs; Supporting Learning, Sport, Physical Education and Health. This will be followed by general Open Days on 1st July, 12th September, 10th & 24th October. Make sure you book your place by contacting 0113 283 7150, enquiries@ or visit www.leedstrinity.



Life & Style


With your ninetieth birthday just a couple of years away, what exactly would make you want to up sticks and move from London and a house you’ve lived in for 55 years to start a new life in Leeds? t the end of April, Anna and John Chapman, both 88 and from London, became the first residents of a luxury new scheme of independent living apartments with care and support in Roundhay. The apartments are specially designed to meet the needs of older people who want to retain their independence, but with the reassurance that specialist support is on hand 24 hours a day seven days a week. Their home in London with its internal stairs and large garden was already becoming too much for Anna, when John suffered a small stroke, followed by a fall on the stairs. “It was that that made our minds up”, said Anna. “Our daughter Sue had been trying to get us to move closer to her in Leeds for years, but John had been reluctant to move before the fall.” But John and Anna were adamant they didn’t want to move to a residential or care home. “We might be getting on a bit, but we still like to look after ourselves and get out and about as and when we want to”, said John. Their story is typical of many older people who, despite struggling with the demands of running a large home and acknowledging they need support, still want to live on their own terms. The 23 luxury independent living apartments at Southlands are completely self-contained. Each has an open plan kitchen/living/dining area, separate bedroom and en suite wet room, and the building also has a manned reception, communal lounge and dining room, a laundry and hair

Pictured: Peter Hopkinson, MD Westward Care, Anna and John Chapman - the first apartment owners - with their daughter, Sue Stent from Adel.

We don’t need fulltime care, but it’s reassuring just knowing there’s a qualified nurse on hand if we ever need one

and beauty salon. The standard of finish is beautiful and the setting, in the grounds of a Victorian mansion house with extensive gardens, is stunning. However, the real difference between Southlands and typical retirement or assisted living developments is the on-site provision of around the clock nursing and care, as well as in-house housekeeping and catering services which can be accessed as often or as infrequently as you like. “Southlands provides the perfect balance between independence and support”, says Anna. “We don’t need full-time care, but it’s reassuring just knowing there’s a qualified nurse on hand if we ever need one. Likewise, we don’t want to eat in the dining room every day, but the food is fantastic and it’s great not to have to cook when you don’t feel like it!” “I can honestly say I haven’t missed our old house at all”, said John. “I feel like we’ve left all of our worries behind. All of the stresses and strains have gone and we’re enjoying life again.” Daughter Sue Stent, who

lives ten minutes away says: “It’s wonderful to have Mum and Dad here and equally great to see them enjoying everything the area has to offer. They’re completely spoilt with the shops and cafes of Oakwood, and Roundhay Park just around the corner. “The move itself was quite stressful as they needed to discard so much of their furniture and belongings. However, now they are settled in to their new home, I actually think they are looking younger!” Apartments at Southlands are available now, with prices starting from £185,000. For further information, or to book a viewing, contact Westward Care on 0113 265 5876, or visit www.westwardcare. This is Westward Care’s third development of independent living apartments with care and support and has been developed on the back of the successful scheme launched at Headingley Hall in 2010. The company has plans to develop similar schemes in the region.

A new home with built-in peace of mind Discover how good later life can be at Headingley Hall If you believe that later life should be a pleasure, free from the worries of maintaining a home, our new luxury independent living apartments are the perfect choice. With every feature you can imagine at your fingertips, our homes allow you to keep your independence and broaden your horizons in a safe and secure environment. Imagine a life without the worry of bills or housekeeping, where the only timetable is your own. At Headingley Hall, you can follow the lifestyle you choose and make full use of our active social calendar. And, if you should need a helping hand, you can look forward to benefiting from our award winning care and support tailored to suit your needs. Welcome to Headingley Hall. Welcome home.

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Life & Style

Every year, Leeds Waterfront Festival brings the city’s waterways to life with a fantastic, eclectic mix of music, performance and art. his year’s festival is on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th June and is packed with music, creative workshops, fun family activities and boat trips. Exciting events are scheduled across over four miles of Leeds Waterfront - from Thwaite Mills to Leeds Dock, the Royal Armouries, Brewery and Granary Wharfs, and Calls Landing. Enjoy a fabulous view of the waterfront and watch performances and bands from the waterfront’s bars and restaurants, try some of the specialist street foods, browse vintage, handmade and steampunk markets. You can stroll along the canal meeting artists and buskers along the way, take a musical barge trip and catch up with The Mermaids! This year, knitters from Leeds and as far away as France a r e

Photos: Lizzie Coombes - com/photos/ lizziecoombes/

working with OWL Industries to create an extraordinary ‘yarn bomb’ on an ice cream van! This entails covering the van entirely with knitting and crochet! On Saturday, come and cheer on your team in the Dragon Boat Races at Leeds Dock – which, with a theme of ‘Folk & Ale’, will be featuring great local ales and folk music all weekend, together with fantastic street food, a market and plenty of family entertainment. At Brewery Wharf, highlights include a Summer of Disco! Karaoke competition on Saturday, hosted by Jo Jo, with a personal appearance by Disco Legend ‘Brutus Gold’. There will be an afternoon of Salsa dancing and music with Salsa Rocks Leeds on Sunday. Join in classes, enjoy the demonstrations, and dance to

the hot beats with Latin DJs all absolutely free! Thwaite Mills will host a heritage weekend of family fun and learning. Plus there’ll be arts & crafts, food & drink, boat rides and a great Steam Punk Market. To keep up to date, check the festival website - www. - and follow them on Twitter - @LeedsWFFestival hashtag: #LeedsWF2015

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Arts & Culture

ULITA, the textile archive at the University of Leeds, is currently showcasing its wonderful Indian Collection, one of ULITA’s major and particularly colourful, world collections, until 9th July.

Spring and Port Wine Comes to Adel The STARS theatre group brings a modern classic, ‘Spring and Port Wine’ by Bill Naughton, to Adel and Ireland Wood Community Centre, New Adel Lane, from Wednesday 3rd – Saturday 6th June at 7.30pm.

llustrating the variety and quality of workmanship found in Indian embroidery, the exhibition explores the techniques of white-work, quilting, counted stitch, chain stitch, mirror work, metal thread work and appliqué. Also highlighted are a variety of artefacts on which embroidery may be found, from puppets to slippers, hats and tent covers. The text associated with the exhibition draws from the Indian Embroidery publications of Professor Anne Morrell (Consultant at the Calico Museum of Textiles, Ahmedabad and former Professor of Textiles at Manchester Metropolitan University), who is a donor to ULITA and who has used several collections for her research.

Also highlighted are a variety of artefacts with embroidery

The exhibition is open Tuesdays to Thursdays 9.30am – 4.30pm, and Fridays by appointment until 9th July. It will be open by appointment during August and September and will reopen in early October. Free entry. ULITA - an Archive of International Textiles, St. Wilfred’s Chapel, Maurice Keyworth Building, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT. Tel: 0113 343 3919,

This is the story of a family adjusting to the changing times and values of the 1960s. Rafe Crompton maintains strict views on family behaviour, whilst his wife Daisy manages to keep the family comfortable by just making ends meet. But there is rebellion in the air as their four adult children start to show their developing independence. The play had a very successful run in London in the late ‘60s, running for well over twelve hundred performances. Tickets (£7.50/ £6) are available from Lottie Potter on 0113 293 9596 or tickets@

Lawnswood Community Choir, part of the Friends of Lawnswood School Association, presents ‘The


Armed Man: a Mass for Peace’ by Karl Jenkins, on


Saturday 20th June, 7pm at St. Chad’s Church, Far

invited to



f you enjoy singing, there are still a few places available to join in the rehearsal on the day. You are invited to join Lawnswood Community Choir, together with other choral singers, and invited soloists and sing along with them.

the Choir and sing along with them

Led by the nationally experienced Imelda Shirley, this rich and varied piece offers a hopeful message for a world without war. The Mass was voted ‘best piece by a living composer’ by listeners to Classic FM – you can listen to it at watch?v=Oc8bc-bA1JM Tickets for the performance (£5) are now available, together with further details, from

Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal 25 April — 29 November 2015

Discover Georgian follies transformed by some of the country's most inventive artists and designers.


Arts & Culture

This year, the Leeds Big Bookend Festival (a rock festival for words), which runs from 2nd – 10th June, will become a living map of the city – an A-Z of Leeds’ people and places.

Pictured: SJ Bradley

uthor Chris Nickson is set to guide us through the history of the city in short stories; Frances Brody tells of the Leeds Children’s Holiday Camp in Silverdale; and Steve Ward entertains us with tales from the Leeds Circus. And, there are literary rambles. AJ Kirby and Richard Smyth consider the topography of the Leeds writing scene; N.E. David asks if it’s necessary for a protagonist to go on a journey of transformation; Chris Tutton makes pathways between art and poetry; Jennifer Kavanagh describes the sights en route from being an agent to becoming an author; and Zodwa Nyoni speaks about road testing her new play, Boi Boi is Dead and going back on the road with Nine Lives. There are inner journeys to explore; the stories of addicts in recovery in the performance

Drink with a Chimp or the poetry of Mirror Mirror on the Wall. Looking further afield, Sunjeev Sahota discusses his book ‘The Year of the Runaways’, the tale of thirteen young men who flee India to start a new life in Yorkshire; Max Farrar tackles the thorny subject of how we

understand Islamism and terrorism; while Jemimah Steinfeld examines the sexual and cultural revolution taking place in China. Philippa Lester and Diane Saunders bring us back to Leeds to discover the stories of Jewish immigrants in their book From the Leylands to Leeds 17. There will be workshops from SJ Bradley; the Index on Censorship magazine is holding a Big Debate; there are evenings with Fictions of Every Kind and the Liars’ League; and ‘Stories from the Forests of Leeds’, a yearlong project that imagines the city as a forest, creating a treasury of tales from that parallel universe. The Big Bookend children’s programme will take place in November. Keep up to date via, Facebook/BigBookend and Twitter/BigBookend for all the latest information.

Pictured: Chris Nickson

Get ready for an epic catwalk costume show at the Etz Chaim Synagogue, Harrogate Road, LS17, on Sunday 21st June at 3.30pm and 7pm.

‘From Adam to Yves’ is the Jewish journey on a catwalk! This exciting, spectacular show offers one of the most unique, historic and cultural Jewish costume experiences staged to date! The characters range from Adam and Eve, Moses, the Queen of Sheba and the Pharaohs, to Hollywood stars, Anne Frank, Levi Jeans, and Tel-Aviv today. Organised by Makor, the Leeds Jewish cultural organisation, the call went out some time ago for fashion designers, researchers, dressmakers and anyone handy with a needle, together with a search for models of all ages. There has been a tremendous response, with volunteers representing all areas of the North Leeds community and including many well known characters. A massive multimedia screen will set the scene, creating a dramatic backdrop and sound effects for each story or character in the Jewish journey, along with a fascinating narration. Wonderfully colourful costumes,

a great atmosphere, surprises and comical moments will make for an extremely entertaining show. Tickets (£10/£5 advance; £12/£8 U-18 or student) available from Makor on 0113 268 0899, info@


Arts & Culture

Carla Fernandez Boix, a Catalan pianist who has won two International Competitions and established a concert career in both Spain and Holland, will be joined by flautist Felix Niel at the Bramhope Summer Festival on Saturday 4th July at 7.30pm.

Pictured: Carla Fernandez Boix & Felix Niel

elix has won several awards and performed in Europe and Asia both as soloist and with orchestras, including the Chamber Orchestra of Europe and the Halle Orchestra. Their performance at St Giles Church will include works by Bach, Brahms, Schubert and Prokofiev. The Festival also welcomes the return of Nicola Farnon who guests with the Derrick Harris Trio on Saturday 6th June at the Robert

Craven Hall. The Bramhope Players perform an event based on ‘Horrible Histories’ on Friday 19th June at the Puritan Chapel, and there will be a family film at Bramhope Methodist Church on Tuesday 14th July at 7pm. A spectacular, free family firework evening is to be held from 6pm on Saturday 25th July at the Recreation Ground in Bramhope.

Bring a picnic and enjoy the entertainment prior to the display. The Harrogate Brass Band will perform at the West Park Rugby Club on Saturday 1st August. Along with history walks and a treasure hunt around the village, there is plenty for all age groups to enjoy. For further details and bookings please contact the Parish Office on 07530 900934.


Arts & Culture

Jodie Prenger (who won the role of Nancy in Cameron Mackintosh’s West End production of Oliver! through the BBC series ‘I’d Do Anything’), and Tom Lister ride into Leeds in June as Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickock, bringing a fantastic piece of musical theatre to Leeds Grand from Tuesday 23rd to Saturday 27th June. or the last year the show has delighted audiences across the country. One of the surprises was the casting of Tom Lister as Wild Bill – wasn’t he that evil character Carl King in Emmerdale?

We caught up with Tom on the seafront in Bournemouth. “Yes, it has surprised people”, he told us. “I’m not expected to sing and dance! But I have always enjoyed musicals and was delighted to get the opportunity. This is a great show – it’s family friendly, fast, energetic and funny. In addition it has great songs and is visually stunning. Jodie is a star and we have a really talented, strong cast.” The show, which is directed by Nikolai Foster, follows the story of the famous 1953 film starring Doris Day and Howard Keel and has a great Oscar-nominated score that includes ‘The Black Hills of Dakota’, ‘The Deadwood Stage’ (Whip-CrackAway), ‘Just Blew in from the Windy City’ and ‘Secret Love’. Calamity Jane can outrun and outshoot any man in Deadwood. She travels to Chicago to recruit a star, Adelaide Adams, for the Deadwood Stage. But things don’t go too smoothly, as everyone in town favours the new girl and Calamity struggles to keep her jealousy and

pride in check. It takes her longstanding enemy Wild Bill Hickok to make her see sense, and realise her Secret Love. “The show has been going so well”, said Tom. “It’s great to watch the audience reaction every night. It’s just a great ride – fast paced and inventive with brilliantly simple but innovative set design that will really surprise people. “Having spent nine years in Emmerdale I know Leeds well and am really looking forward to getting back to my old stomping ground and my first experience of Leeds Grand Theatre.” Tickets (£22 - £40) are available from 0844 848 2700 or online at

It’s just a great ride – fast paced and inventive with brilliantly simple but innovative set design that will really surprise people




Arts & Culture

A new production of Jim Cartwright’s The Rise and Fall of Little Voice, presented by West Yorkshire Playhouse and Birmingham Repertory Theatre, will be at The Playhouse from 5th June – 4th July, following a two-week run in Birmingham.

he award-winning play about the painfully shy but hugely talented Little Voice and her faultless impersonations of great divas is directed by James Brining, Artistic Director of West Yorkshire Playhouse, and stars Nancy Sullivan (The Wizard Of Oz at The Playhouse and Les Miserables in the West End) as Little Voice, with Vicky Entwistle (Janice Battersby in Coronation Street, Madame Thenardier in Les Miserables, The Vagina Monologues) as Mari (her mother), and Chris Gascoyne (Casualty, New Street Law and until recently Peter Barlow in Coronation Street) as Ray Say, Mari’s opportunistic, tacky boyfriend. Little Voice spends day after day alone in her room listening to her musical heroines, matching them note for note, and transporting herself above Mari’s shrieks and shouts. When Ray hears her he sees his chance

for the high-life, his road to the bigtime. All he has to do is persuade her to go with him. “The Rise and Fall of Little Voice combines real humour with a heartbreaking story and the power of music to transport an audience”, said James Brining. “The relationships Jim creates are both funny and moving. Nancy has an incredible voice and Vicky and Chris have an intuitive understanding of Mari and Ray.” We grabbed Vicky’s for a few moments as they were winding up rehearsals in Birmingham. It turns out Mari is a part she has always wanted to play. “I felt I could really tap into this character, I understand her”, she told us. “There are highs and lows and the

comedy is dark and dangerous. This woman is sexy which has been quite challenging. But, I can tell you she is not the same person at the end.” We discovered that Vicky had almost decided to become a barrister but when the choice of drama or double PE came up her life plan changed! The Rise and Fall of Little Voice is designed by Colin Richmond with lighting by Philip Gladwell, musical direction by David Shrubsole and sound design by Dan Hoole. Tendayi Jembere as Billy, Brendan Charleson as Mr Boo, and Joanna Brookes as Sadie, complete the cast. Photo: Keith Pattison

A West Yorkshire Playhouse and Birmingham Repertory Theatre Company Production


By Jim Cartwright Director James Brining Designer Colin Richmond

5 June – 4 July £28 – £12 0113 213 7700 A transaction fee of £1.75 will be applied to all phone and internet bookings.


Food & Drink Pictured: ElderFlower

My favourite thing about foraging in June is the flowers! The elderflower is out, brightening up the hedgerows and neighbourhoods with its cheerful sprays of blossom, meadowsweet fills fields and damp places in parks and on the edges of woodlands with its fragrant froths of flowers, and the lime trees (so loved by the Victorians that they filled our parks with them) are abuzz with bees. o get you started, here are some ideas for the three most common edible flowers to forage in June.

The elderflower is out, brightening up the hedgerows

Elderflower: This very common hedgerow plant is very easy to identify thanks to its fragrant clusters of umbelliferous white flower heads. You should pick them on a sunny day for maximum fragrance and stay away from ones that look brown as they can smell a bit like cat pee! An easy (and delicious) thing you can make with these is fritters by dipping them in a light batter and deep frying them. Serve these dusted with icing sugar or a gooseberry compote flavoured with the blossom.

Meadowsweet: This plant used to be known as ‘Queen of the Meadow’ and you can really understand why when you smell it. It looks like candy floss and smells of honey and almonds. My favourite thing to do with these is to pair them with strawberries. Try mixing a cup of sliced strawberries with two tablespoons of sugar and the stripped flowers from two sprays of meadowsweet in a bowl, then cover and leave them overnight in the fridge. In the morning, your berries will be floating in fragrant red syrup. Spoon it over Greek yoghurt for a deliciously simple dessert! L i m e ( L i n d e n )

Blossom: Linden flowers smell so delightfully honeyed that the bees go mad for them and so should you! The flowers were traditionally used to make a tea that is wonderfully calming and de-stressing and has the added benefit of being great for gastric problems. It was my go-to herb when pregnancy acid reflux attacked: Who needs Gaviscon? Pick the flowers with their leafy bract on a sunny day and lay them out on a tray. Their shape means they dry really easily. Make yourself a cuppa whenever you feel a bit blue and taste a bit of summer all year long!

Mina Said-Allsopp To learn more about the amazing things you can forage, visit, try one of Mina’s Wild Food Walks, read her blog or watch her YouTube Channel.

Pictured: Meadowsweet

charity that seeks to reduce food poverty and food waste has been given a cash boost by a Leeds house builder as part of its initiative to support local communities. Foodcycle Leeds, which uses surplus food from supermarkets and spare kitchen space to provide tasty meals for various groups in the community, has received £1,000 from Persimmon Homes West Yorkshire to help it establish a new service in Bramley. The donation is part of the company’s Community Champions project, which will see £24,000 being donated to local groups over the next year. Two groups will be chosen every month and West Yorkshirebased charities are encouraged to

apply via www.persimmonhomes. com/charity Foodcycle Leeds was chosen because it provides a vital service for

Pictured: Foodcycle hub leaders Kimberley Wilson, Jonathan Edmondson, Ailsa Morris, Heather Jane and Lydia Taylor

the city’s most vulnerable individuals whilst also helping to reduce food waste. The volunteer-run service was launched three years ago and currently operates from bases in Little London and Chapel Allerton. “This donation means that we can continue with our plans to secure a third food hub”, said Kimberley Wilson, hub leader. “It has given us the financial security to apply for the relevant licences and train new volunteers. In Little London, we currently serve up to 90 individuals every fortnight, and we are looking at replicating this service with our third hub.” The Persimmon Community Champions initiative is a national programme where charities and groups can apply for funding up to the value of £1,000 to match money they have already raised. Nationwide the company will donate a total of £750,000.


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Food & Drink

f you’ve had the good fortune to come across the Grub & Grog lads at any of their previous appearances at food festivals or various pop-ups then you’ll know they’ve proved themselves dab hands with sarnies and stews, with a keen instinct for top drawer ingredients and intriguing flavour combos. Now comfortably installed in their permanent home at the Northern Monk Brewery’s Refectory they continue to carve out a distinctive niche that makes the venue a must visit destination for beer fanatics and foodies alike. A traditional yet innovative approach

Expertise in both food and drink

Having quickly established themselves as one of our most exciting new local breweries, Northern Monk have found themselves particularly good bedfellows with The Grub & Grog Shop, sharing as they do an appreciation for the traditional alongside an innovative and forward thinking approach. With twenty draft beers and numerous bottles showcasing the produce of the brewery on the ground floor, along with regular guest ales, The Refectory is an ideal place to while away the hours sampling the tantalising array of brews, many of which pack a considerable ABV punch. Such a session of vigorous thirst slaking is bound to work up an appetite and luckily those Grub & Grog chaps have you covered with a small, select menu of hearty fare that is simultaneously rustic and metropolitan.

As if to underline the point that those behind The Refectory possess considerable knowledge and expertise in both food and drink, all menu items are listed with a suggested beer, wine and, in some cases, even tea-pairing. A thoughtful touch. The Refectory’s succinct, no nonsense menu eschews starters or appetisers and heads straight for the main event – and with food this satisfying you certainly don’t miss the preliminaries. The seasonal root vegetable stew with organic grains was a pleasant surprise, not a traditional stew as one would expect but, with

Northern Monk and The Grub & Grog Shop share an appreciation for the traditional alongside an innovative and forward thinking approach

Photo: Liam Henry @ Nocultureicons

Photo: Liam Henry @Nocultureicons

spiced pearl barley, white sprouting broccoli, golden beetroot and carrots, an aromatic affair closer in texture to a risotto and the pickled mixed veg accompaniment was a revelation. The pan-fried freshwater fish was a beautifully cooked and succulent fillet of river trout served with creamy cauliflower mash (a prominent menu feature), seasonal greens, and with a lovely, fresh herb sauce and pickled chilli providing a tangy and piquant edge.

A substantial slab! Always partial to a serving of pork belly I must say I was delighted when presented with a particularly substantial slab cooked just so in ale with a top layer of fat more confit than crackling and served with braised red cabbage,

greens were also excellent. Aside from being a righteous flavour-fest, the food at the Refectory is also refreshingly easy on the wallet with all but one of the mains on the menu coming in under a tenner.

An understated cool With its stripped down, minimalist aesthetic exuding an understated cool, a casual, welcoming atmosphere and a diligent commitment to quality in all aspects of the enterprise, The Northern Monk Refectory’s future as a regular drinking spot seems assured. Bolstered by the great food offerings of The Grub & Grog shop they seem to be on to a sure fire winner. We’re bound to be paying another visit before long and urge you to do the same. Highly recommended!

seasonal veg, braised beans and pickled chilli. This perfectly judged take on a much loved classic dish ticked every box and then some; a superb cut of meat with accompaniments whose flavours chimed together harmoniously. Absolutely delicious. Although the suggested beer pairing of the New World IPA was unfortunately unavailable, the Faith Pale Ale, a smooth, citrusy, hoppy American Pale Ale, was a more than adequate substitution. Perhaps, due to the generous potions and the filling nature of the mains, side dishes weren’t strictly necessary but we felt duty bound to sample some. Glad we did so as the Yorkshire fries with homemade mayo could easily give the best chips the city has to offer a run for their money and the seasonal root vegetable fritters and sautéed

The Grub & Grog Shop at The Northern Monk Refectory, Marshall Street, LS11 9YP 0113 243 6430 @NMBcoRefectory @grubandgrogshop

Photo: Giles Smith

Community News


eadingley Neighbourhood Plan finds itself struggling with the inconsistencies of government planning policy. The last (Coalition) Government gave with one hand, but took away with the other. The Localism Act 2011 made neighbourhood planning possible. But new legislation, adopted in the dying days of the last government, has taken away many of the powers which neighbourhood plans could use! Headingley Neighbourhood Plan was particularly concerned with two aspects of the Neighbourhood - the use of the housing stock (which is dominated by HMOs), and the balance of Headingley Town Centre (which is dominated by

letting agencies). The Plan hoped to adopt policies which could manage these issues. There is longstanding legislation, which the Plan would use, called the Use Classes Order (UCO), which means that planning permission is needed for change of use of buildings. The UCO spells out what these are - such as shops, banks & estate agents, pubs, offices, HMOs, and so on. So our Plan could introduce policies on such change. But there is also legislation, the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO), which allows for exceptions to the UCO, called ‘permitted development’ - so HMOs can be turned back into family houses, without needing planning permission, for instance. However, the old Coalition Government, as one of its last actions, introduced a new GPDO - and this added a whole string of permitted development rights. It is now ‘permitted development’ to turn a shop into practically anything - a letting agency, for instance, or a café, or even a house. So, in the words of a Council planning officer, every shop in


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Headingley Town Centre could be converted to a letting agency - and there’s nothing the Council could do about it (let alone a Neighbourhood Plan)! This affects housing too - a shop or an office or a storage building can be turned into housing, as permitted development. So neither the Council nor the Neighbourhood Plan can influence what sort of housing is provided. All this means that in two areas of importance to our Neighbourhood Plan - we now have no powers to affect development in Headingley! For news on the Plan, please visit www. headingleyneighbourhoodplan.

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Adel Neighbourhood Forum

Calling all Twenty-Somethings! f you are in your twenties and live in Adel, Adel Neighbourhood Forum needs you!

We need to know your views to complete our age profile and feedback from residents on what you value, what you would like to change, which facilities and services are missing, and your needs now and in the future. Our questionnaire can be completed in five minutes and your views will form part of our Neighbourhood Plan. The Forum’s role is to give

residents, and those with an interest in the area, a voice on land planning and related issues. For example, do you consider that there are enough services for your age group, or would you like to walk or cycle more in a safer environment? What do you think your housing needs might be in the future? From now until mid-July we intend to bring our draft plans to local community events around Adel and invite the thoughts and views of the community - so look out for our stand. To complete the questionnaire, or for further information, e-mail Ian Bond at, visit www. or join our Facebook page

Do you consider that there are enough services for your age group?


Community News

Volunteers Needed for Grandparents Helpline For years, Barnardo’s has been helping young people find their feet through valuable services like ‘Futures’, which helps those at risk of homelessness by encouraging people with spare rooms to offer them a place to stay. t is currently looking for people with a good sense of humour and patience who are willing to either let them stay until they are ready to live independently, or provide short term, emergency care, for those hit by family breakdown or crisis. Successful applicants can be couples, single people or families. They will receive around £150 per week to cover costs, as well as training and on-going support. ‘Futures’ was set up mainly for young people leaving care and those who have been homeless or are at risk of becoming so. It has been placing people in temporary homes in Leeds for over 20 years. “Vulnerable young people who do not have the support of a loving family run the risk of sleeping rough on the streets, which is a dangerous place to be”, said Jane Smith, Manager at Futures. “We urgently need people in Leeds to consider opening up their homes to young people who are in desperate need of accommodation. “Being a supported lodging provider is a really rewarding role. You can help a young person to get back on track. Seeing them grow in confidence and then move on to live independently is

a fantastic feeling.” Barnardo’s currently has 13 young people in supported lodgings in Leeds. In order to maintain this service and continue to offer support to young people, they urgently need new providers. For further information, please call 0113 258 0888

The Grandparents’ Association is looking for volunteers to work on their helpline. Information and Support Line volunteers will answer calls from grandparents, families and professionals on issues relating to grandparents, especially where they are caring for their grandchildren on a full time basis, or they have lost contact. It is estimated that a million UK children lose touch with their grandparents as a result of separation or divorce, while 200,000 grandparents are raising their grandchildren often in difficult family circumstances and with little or no support. Volunteers will be trained and given on-going support and all necessary expenses. They will need to be able to work on the helpline from our Leeds City Centre office for two hours at a time and the Grandparents’ Association would like volunteers to commit to at least one two hour session a week. Training will take place in Leeds over the Summer. If you would like further information, please contact Judy Field, Leeds Volunteer Co-ordinator, on 0113 446 1111, or judy.field@ grandparents-association.

Time Bank Allows People to Trade Skills and Services little while ago, a group of residents in LS6 – the Headingley, Hyde Park and Woodhouse area – started a Time Bank. This is where an hour of volunteering earns you a ‘time credit’ which you can then spend on getting help with something you need from other members - for example, like language lessons, help with filling in forms, or learning how to use a computer. If you play guitar and would like to learn Spanish, you can earn time credits by giving a member guitar lessons, then spend them language lessons from another. People create online profiles on the website, list their talents and trade them with one another.

Time based currency exchanges can be traced back as far as 1832, but the time-banking movement as we know it started in the USA in the ‘80s. Time banks have been established in 34 countries, with 300 in the UK alone. Leeds Community TimeBank has signed up over 80 members since August, and organisational members include The Real Junk Food Project, Leeds Community Clothes Exchange and LeftBank, who can pay their volunteers in time credits. “Local people have a massive range of skills and services that they would like to offer to their community. The Time Bank not only puts these to good use, it also provides people with the opportunity to ask for help when they need it”, said Tamsin Macdonald, who coordinates the project. “Time Banks help people to get stuff done, pick up new skills, meet new people and feel good.” Tamsin assures new members that participation is safe and that all volunteers are interviewed and provide references. A more detailed explanation of timebanking

Pictured: Tamsin Macdonald

can be found at www.timebanking. org/. Timebanking UK is the national organisation providing advice, training and support to community Time Banks in the UK. If you’re interested in joining your local Time Bank or would like further information, please visit http://leedscommunitytimebank. or https://www.facebook. com/LS6TimeBank Alternatively call Tamsin Macdonald, Time Bank Coordinator on 07784 231303

Community News


News From Your Councillor CLLR


Adel & Wharfedale Ward Unsolicited Telephone Calls Residents are getting calls from companies selling call-blocking devices to stop unwanted calls. These callers are asking for bank details and payments and I urge you not to give these details over the phone to any company you are not sure about. Trading Standards tell me that both Argos and Amazon sell call-blocking devices at a range of prices. Any contract made with a company outside of trading premises carries a 14-day cooling

Made in Leeds TV viewers can now enjoy programmes they may have missed at their leisure

off period and if any company does not give that option do not deal with them and check their terms and conditions.

Primary School Allocation – Year Starting September 2015 I have received the following update from Leeds Education Capacity Planning: “We have allocated 9,854 Reception places for September 2015 in Leeds schools (9,774 last year, an increase of 80). 85% were for families successful with first preference schools, an increase in real terms of 113. A total of 10,224 places were available. 6% of children were given their 2nd preference, 2% were given their 3rd preference. Unfortunately 550 (5.5%) children were not able to be offered any of their preferences (placed) and were made an alternative offer (468 or 4.9% last year). Many of these parents (78%) did not follow the advice we give to include their nearest school as one of their preferences.

ver 100 hours of content is available at onview. Compatible with both Windows and ISO software, OnView will host all the shows from the channel, including news bulletins, ‘On The Aire’, magazine show, ‘The Book-It List’, and sports show ‘Talk a Good Game’. Plus a host of current affairs, sport, cookery and entertainment themed programmes and networked shows. Complete boxsets of previous series such as The Cool Beans TV comedy show will also be available.

Made in Leeds TV has gone from strength to strength since our launch in November

Of our 222 primary schools, there are currently 43 schools with places left, with a total of 370 places still available to deal with late applications and in year moves. Parents can appeal against a refusal to offer a place at their preferred school, and they can obtain free and impartial information from a national charity called ACE Education Advice through their website”

Lack of Private Hire/ Taxi Vehicles for Disabled Wheelchair Users I have written to the Council’s Head of Taxi and Private Hire Licensing and he has advised that unfortunately there is no legislation that requires private hire companies to have a ratio of adapted vehicles. The Council commissions a number of vehicles to transport disabled children to school and this takes up any spare capacity at peak times, which is regrettable for other users. Twitter @barryanderson19

“Made in Leeds TV has gone from strength to strength since our launch in November, and the new addition of the catch up service, OnView, is another step forward”, said Station Manager, Lee Ford. “Our first viewing figures gave us an amazing start with over 430,000 a week watching the channel, and these only look set to grow with OnView providing another outlet for people to watch the channel.” Broadcasting on Freeview Channel 8, Virgin 159 and Sky Guide 117, Made in Leeds transmits 24 hours a day with a schedule of locally-made shows alongside programmes shared across the Made Television network.

From the Grill.. Lamb - 3rd July Seasonal Veg - 7th August BBQ special - 4th September Join us on the first Friday of every month

at The Granary Restaurant for an evening featuring different flavours, as well as our sumptuous menu including our great tasting Steaks! Bookings available from 5pm. Call us on 0113 2303600 *special diets can be catered for.

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Normal opening Hours Mon-Sat 9am - 5pm

There’s always a warm welcome, so visit us soon!

How to find us

Entrance on Otley Old Road


Community News

The Far Headingley Village Society Annual Wine Walk is always an eagerly-awaited event and this year it will be held on Sunday 5th July from 2 – 6pm.

No News Yet Regarding Trolleybus Public Inquiry To date, there has been no report or news following last year’s public inquiry on the suitability of the proposed trolleybus on the A660. But, is a trolleybus the only way of improving traffic conditions on this road?

hree welcoming, local gardens will offer wine, soft drinks, nibbles and a gazebo to shelter from the sun (or rain!). It’s a great opportunity to meet up with old friends and make new ones. Simply stroll from one garden to another in whichever order you like. Bring the children. Get to know your neighbours. Compare their horticultural efforts with your own! This year’s hosts are: 5 Back Glebe Terrace; 6 Hollin View (off Weetwood Ave); and 59 Weetwood Lane Tickets cost £9 and include three glasses of wine (additional glasses can be purchased along the way) and are available from Bare Cafe, Sebby’s and at all the

gardens on the day. All proceeds will go to support the Paediatric High Dependency Unit at Leeds Children’s Hospital. For further information, visit or FarHeadingleyVillageSociety

North Leeds Transport Forum (NWLTF) is hosting a consultation session at St Chad’s Parish Centre on Friday 19th June at 7pm. A presentation will focus on an assembly of transport proposals, which draws on published documents, bluesky thinking and discussions with interested parties. The basic proposition is that significant improvements to public transport for Leeds, and especially on the A660, could be achieved without the scale of expenditure envisaged for the NGT trolleybus scheme. This is an opportunity for local residents to attend and give their views. Details of these proposals are available on



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Community News

Leave Leeds Tidy his year, between 20th and 29th June, Julie Abbott from Adel will join hundreds of others across the country in hosting a Blooming Great Tea Party to raise funds for Marie Curie. Last year the nationwide event raised £667,000, which would cover 33,350 hours of vital nursing care. Julie is holding her Tea Party in memory of her Dad, Frank Dowson, who was cared for at home by Marie Curie in 2009. “Dad wanted to be at home and Marie Curie were able to make that happen”, said Julie. “The

support that Marie Curie gave Dad and the whole family was brilliant. Being able to be at home was extremely important to him. The Blooming Great Tea party is a great way for me to fundraise. I know my friends like afternoon tea, and it’s easy as I can host the event at home.” All the money raised will help Marie Curie provide more free care to people living with a terminal illness in their own homes. Marie Curie employs more than 2,700 nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals, and with its nine hospices around the UK, is the largest provider of hospice beds outside the NHS. For more information and to sign up for a free fundraising pack to host your own Blooming Great Tea Party, visit or call 0845 052 4184.

Leave Leeds Tidy is an annual project by Leeds University Union to help students of Leeds University, Leeds Beckett, and Leeds Trinity who live in university halls, Hyde Park, Headingley, Burley and the surrounding area during changeover period – moving in and out of houses. In partnership with Emmaus and St Vincents, we will provide services for students to donate reusable items that they no longer want for charities, including LUU-owned Love Leeds Charity Shop.


Browse an array of stalls showcasing the best in local, seasonal and speciality food and drink.


A fantastic line-up of local bands – so remember your dancing shoes or sit back with a local beer or chilled glass of wine and enjoy the great live entertainment on offer.


This charming show tells the story of Nobby the Norfolk Horn. Expect fun facts, sheep shearing and dancing sheep in the ‘Sheep Show Hustle’.


Browse a variety of beautiful vintage stalls offering timeless styles for all ages including jewellery, clothes and soft furnishings, followed by a delicious afternoon tea in our tea tent. Practice your dance moves with Swing Dance Leeds whilst listening to tunes of the 1930’s and 40’s.


The festival has children’s entertainment galore with shows, workshops and lots of hands-on farming fun. Listen to magical stories by The Cloud Collector, try out your bush craft skills and join in our fascinating magic shows.

Adults £8 and Children £5 (under 5s are free) includes entry to the Angry Birds Activity Park and Lightwater Falconry Centre. Tickets* can now be purchased in advance at: North Stainley, Ripon, North Yorkshire HG4 3HT. So easy to find, just off the A6108, North of Ripon. Tel: 01765 635321 *Tickets do not include entry to the theme park.

8595.06 LWV North Leeds Life 226x153mm.indd 1

14/05/2015 09:55


Community News

eeds & Yorkshire Housing Association (LYHA) recently teamed up with Incredible Edible Kirkstall to launch an inspiring project in the grounds of its head office on Shire Oak Road, Headingley. It has transformed an area into a community garden that offers people a place to grow friendships and food to support those in need in the local area. The garden offers ecotherapy sessions to those suffering from depression, isolation and loneliness and aims to promote good mental and physical wellbeing through outdoor activity. People work together in groups to learn new skills, share ideas and build confidence and self-esteem. They will plant and look after communal growing areas, which will produce food that can be shared with the community. “The Shire Oak Community Garden is part of our commitment to making a difference locally and responding to issues that many of our customers are facing”, said Emily Fulda, community

Pictured: Lisa Pickard, LYHA Chief Executive, Paul Long, Incredible Edible Kirkstall, Rayan who officially opened the garden and Emily Fulda

engagement officer at LYHA. “This initiative not only provides produce, but also supports customers in learning new skills, and finding different ways to eat healthily for little cost.” Paul Long, founder of Incredible Edible Kirkstall said: “Ecotherapy makes a huge difference to those taking part and the results can be seen in the wider community. It inspires the

Ecotherapy can make a huge difference

younger generation to look after their neighbourhood and brings people of all ages closer together. This is a fantastic example of community-led, positive action, which ultimately results in brighter, safer communities for all to enjoy.” For further information, please contact Emily Fulda at

Find us online

The charity Caring for God’s Acre is promoting a ‘Cherishing Churchyards’ week in June. To celebrate, St Chad’s is holding various events on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th June to encourage visits to this lovely church and churchyard. n Saturday, the church will be open from 10am – 3.30pm for refreshments and an opportunity to view a small exhibition featuring parishioners from when the church was dedicated in 1868.

Professor Andy Heyes, Chair in Energy Technology & Environment, University of Leeds, will give a talk, ‘Perspectives on Sustainable Energy’, at 10.30am in the church. This will be an informative and entertaining review of how we got into our current fix and the energy

trilemma of providing secure, clean and affordable energy. The challenge is addressed by a shamelessly and possibly uniquely optimistic vision of our energy future in the 21st century. From 12 – 1.30pm, volunteers will be on hand to talk about their work and answer questions in the Community Orchard. Guided walks (1.30pm and 3pm) round the churchyard will focus on ways in which the maintenance encourages wildlife. Dr John Varker will give his popular guided walk on the Geology of the Church and churchyard at 2pm. The Ringing Chamber in the tower will be open from 12 noon 1pm on 13th June On Sunday, the theme of the All Age Church Service at 9.30am will be ‘Global Warming - an urgent and necessary concern for all’. Everyone is welcome.

Community News


The Far Headingley Village Society (FHVS) held its Annual Scarecrow Festival at the beginning of May and was amazed at some of the superb scarecrow folk that appeared around the neighbourhood. ow in its second year, and with a theme like ‘Heroes and Villains’, people are just getting into their stride. Wonderful characters popped up all around the area. However, believe it or not, the grand pirate standing outside The Fisherman’s Wife was stolen! As were the Minions made by St Chad’s Primary School. What were these people thinking?

But, it was the Land Girl in the window of Floral Expression that stopped a couple of people in their tracks. “I was just adding the finishing touches to the window when I overhead two ladies discussing the photos and posters and saying how much they liked the Scarecrow”, said owner Alison Ruud. “So I went to talk to them and one of them told me the story of her time as a Land Girl. She went to the country to be a milkmaid and stayed there for six years! She told me I had got the uniform pretty much right. Unfortunately after the war they had to send all their uniforms back. I asked if she had any photos of herself but all her photos had got lost. So really she has no memorabilia from her time as a Land Girl. “Another lady came by and told me she had applied for the Land Army but they only wanted rat catchers and she didn’t fancy that!” Floral Expression won

She had applied for the Land Army but they only wanted rat catchers and she didn’t fancy that!

the ‘adult’ category in the competition. The event raised £80 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and plans are already afoot for next year’s Scarecrow Festival. FHVS hopes to have scarecrows in every shop

window, or outside every shop, café and restaurant in Far Headingley, as well as all the community entries. To see more of this year’s scarecrows, visit FarHeadingleyVillageSociety

he new principal of The Grammar School at Leeds (GSAL) will be returning to her home county when she takes up her new post during the next academic year. Mrs Sue Woodroofe, currently principal of The British School of Brussels (BSB), is one of a small number of female heads of an HMC school. HMC (The Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference) is the professional association for heads of the world’s leading independent schools, to which both GSAL and BSB belong.

I’m passionate about helping young people achieve their potential

Mrs Woodroofe trained as a teacher of English and history at Durham University and worked in a wide range of schools in the UK. She was appointed secondary school deputy head at BSB in 2004 and was promoted to Head of

secondary school two years later, and after a further five years was appointed Principal in 2011. Her appointment to GSAL comes after a rigorous international search and selection process, following the announcement of the retirement of Mr Mike Gibbons. “I’ve long admired The Grammar School at Leeds and I’m very excited at the prospect of becoming its new principal”, said Mrs Woodroofe. “I’m passionate about helping young people achieve their potential and I’m looking forward to returning to my Yorkshire roots.”

Home & Garden


ummer is a time when many of our seabirds return to the coast to breed and one of the most beautiful and spectacular is the gannet. The adult is white with a long neck, black-tipped wings, a golden blush on the head and a dagger-like bill, while the juvenile is a grey-brown colour all over. The UK holds twothirds of the world’s breeding population, and they breed on cliffs and open islands around the coast in large noisy colonies, with each pair defending its tiny nest area. The parents take it in turn to brood the single egg, which hatches after 44 days. They catch fish by rising up to 40 metres above the surface of the water,

Photo: Andy Hay (

In Yorkshire, we are lucky to have the biggest mainland breeding colony of gannets

stalling briefly, and then plungediving head first with their wings closed, at a speed of up to 62mph – a truly impressive sight! The gannet is specially adapted for this behaviour, with nostrils in its mouth and many air sacs, which cushion the force of the plunge. In Yorkshire, we are lucky to have the biggest mainland breeding colony of gannets, at the RSPB’s Bempton Cliffs reserve on the east coast. A £1.3m new seabird centre was opened here in April, and the reserve was featured recently on ‘Springwatch’.

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Home & Garden

Long, light evenings make June a marvellous

It is also time to

month for gardeners, as well as providing the

Keep the

perfect excuse to light a barbeque and have


out any


that you

some friends over to enjoy being outdoors. Grow Your Own


You can still sow seeds of green beans this month, along with a selection of other vegetables including sprouting broccoli, carrots, lettuce, leeks, radishes, rocket and herbs. It is also time to plant out any courgettes, peppers and tomatoes that you have acclimatised to being outdoors by standing them outside on warm days.Carrot flies are active now so cover any carrot plants growing at ground level with fine mesh to prevent them from getting to the plants to lay their eggs. Plants ready to harvest this month include salad leaves, radishes, strawberries and onions.

Keep putting in supports for herbaceous perennials as they grow. Whilst travelling last month I met a lovely lady from Leeds called Margaret who passed on this excellent tip for supporting Sedum Spectabile (Ice Plant). Before it puts on too much growth, cover it with an upturned wire hanging basket that you no longer use. The plant will grow through it to cover it entirely but will not become top heavy and flop as it would without the support. Keep the garden well watered in dry spells, paying particular attention to seedlings, vegetables and any new plants.

The plant will grow through it to cover it entirely but will not become top heavy

plant courgettes have

watered in


dry spells, paying particular attention to seedlings, vegetables and any new plants

Be Inspired Get some fresh ideas by planning to visit gardens and shows in June and July. The Hampton Court Palace Flower Show opens on 30th June and runs until 5th July. There will be a wealth of exciting gardens, products and ideas for you to enjoy. I will be there creating a ‘Garden for Retirement’, so do please call in and say hello if you are there. Closer to home, the Roundhay Open Gardens Ideas Trail is back for 2015 and North Leeds gardeners will be opening their garden gates to welcome you on Sunday 5th July from 1 – 5pm. The REAP gardening group is coordinating the event.

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Home & Garden

n exciting programme of restoration and development is underway at York Gate Garden on Back Church Lane, Adel. The improvements include replanting some areas and constructing a new café and education centre.

design and its Arts & Crafts style”, said Adam. “The new facilities will help us develop the garden as a visitor attraction.” York Gate is designed around a series of outdoor rooms, each with its own intimate character. Visitors to the garden will see fantastic displays of Spring bulbs in the borders and containers, as well as glorious displays of annual planting in the Cutting and Kitchen Gardens. The Garden is open Sunday - Thursday 1.30pm – 4.30pm & Wednesday evenings in June, 6.30 – 9pm. Admission £5 (children U-16 free)

Perennial also recently appointed a new head gardener, Adam Bowley (previously with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew), to oversee the development of the garden and lead the garden’s team of volunteers. “I am looking forward to helping preserve this wonderful garden, in keeping with Robin Spencer’s original


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Home & Garden

he Beckett Pocket Beds, a garden which aims to encourage people to become healthier through growing edible plants, were recently launched at Leeds Beckett University. Located next to the Dry Dock on Woodhouse Lane, the range of hardy perennial edible plants and fruit trees are suitable for informal harvesting by passing pedestrians. The idea was developed by Feed Leeds, a network of individuals and organisations working to promote and support food growing for its economic,

Having the edible plants in such a public space is a great way of engaging the whole community

social, environmental and health benefits, and implemented by a group of volunteers, including a number from Leeds Beckett’s Students Union. “The Students’ Union already has a student-led food growing project on Woodhouse Moor, so there are plenty of students keen to take part”, said Mary Frankland, Volunteer Coordinator at the Students’ Union. “Having the edible plants in such a public space is a great way of engaging the whole community, and inspiring

adel adel

people to use fresh ingredients or grow their own. The project is experimental but could be the beginning for edible beds across campus (and beyond!).” “Our ultimate aim is to create an inspirational demonstration of how Leeds could become healthier and more sustainable through the creative ecological growing of edible plants”, said Tom Bliss, a Landscape Architecture lecturer at Leeds Beckett and a member of the Feed Leeds Committee. For more information, visit

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Sound & Vision

Hundreds of Bruce Springsteen fans and art collectors will be heading to Leeds on Thursday 11th June at 6.30pm to meet the man who has been photographing Springsteen and his band for the last sixteen years.

This is the first time Jo Lopez has exhibited his work outside of the USA

he ‘Man Behind The Man’ exhibition, presented by Off Beat Lounge, is being hosted at the Harley Davidson showroom on Wellington Road Industrial Estate. Twelve limited edition prints of Bruce in concert around the world will be on show. These hugely sought after, collectable prints are limited to just one hundred copies per image, in a variety of size options, all signed by Jo Lopez. It’s the first time Jo has exhibited his work outside of the USA, and the event is drawing fans from across Europe. As well as touring with Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Jo Lopez has also photographed rock legends such as Lynyrd Skynyrd, Blondie and Black Sabbath, and was the photographer behind the Springsteen image that’s considered to be one of Rolling Stone magazine’s most iconic cover photos in its forty year history. The exhibition travels the UK over the next six months…moving from Leeds to Edinburgh and Dublin, although Jo is only likely to attend the Leeds event. Anyone wishing to attend the launch night should email info@offbeatlounge. to request a place on the complimentary guest list. The Off Beat Lounge gallery near Norwich has one of the world’s largest collections of rare, limited edition fine art album covers, music-related art and photography. It is proud to be supporting the Teenage Cancer Trust with a donation from the sale of each print.

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Sound & Vision


he Magic of Motown is set to fill Millennium Square on Thursday 30th July, when Gwen Dickey, the voice of Rose Royce, will perform hits like Car Wash and Love Don’t Live Here Anymore, as well as her biggest hit Wishing on a Star. The evening will also feature the music of the Four Tops, The Supremes, Temptations, Jackson Five, Isley Brothers, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross, Lionel Richie and more. Tickets: £30/ Children (5 - 15) £15 (plus booking fee) available on 08444 539046 or online at Tickets are also available from 0113 224 3801, www., or in person from the City Centre Box Office in the Carriageworks Theatre on Millennium Square. LDM - QTR PAGE AD.pdf

Jazz in June Sun Jun 7 Thu Jun 14 Sun Jun 21 Sun Jun 25 Sun Jun 28

Victor Gutierrez Trio @SevenArts 1.30pm Jazz Jam @Inkwell 1.30pm Joel Purnell’s Red Shift” @SevenArts 1.30pm “Moonlight Saving Time” @SevenArts 7.45pm Thomas Maddison Nonet @SevenArts 1.30pm

Details and tickets





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Sound & Vision





familiar with Rock’s stand-up routines


will know


to expect


the, shall

CERT: 15 - RUNNING TIME: 102 MINS The transition from stand-up comedy to feature film stardom is not an easy one to make and is rarely achieved successfully. It can often be difficult to translate a comedian’s on-stage energy to film projects that play to their strengths. The cinematic track record to date of Chris Rock, undoubtedly one of his generation’s most talented stand-ups, bears this out with a filmography which is patchy at best. Top Five, his latest and most confident outing as writer, director and star, while not entirely successful, might go some way towards redressing the balance and hints at his potential as a filmmaker. In a role that’s certainly self-referential if not semiautobiographical Rock plays Andre Allen, a former stand-up comedian and recovering alcoholic who found huge mainstream success with a schlocky, lowbrow action/comedy franchise and is now striving to be taken seriously with his latest film; the story of a slave uprising in Haiti. As well as having to negotiate a press sceptical of his stab at credibility, Andre is also dealing with the pressure of his imminent wedding to a famous-for-being-famous reality TV star (any similarity to the wife of Top Five’s co-producer Kanye West is, I’m sure, purely coincidental). As part of his publicity rounds Andre finds himself in what I’d consider the highly enviable position of having to spend

an afternoon with Rosario Dawson’s journo, Chelsea Brown. And guess what! During the course of their interview they bond and Andre reflects on his life and his choices and could they maybe, just maybe, be falling for one another? Well, I can forgive Top Five for being

we say, rather bawdy comedy that features heavily here

somewhat predictable and formulaic, even if it is a little lighter on the laughs than one might expect. As a Chris Rock fan I find it heartening to see him taking something of a more considered approach to his film choices and, even if this one doesn’t exactly hit the mark, there’s still a fair bit to recommend it. Those familiar with Rock’s standup routines will know to expect the,

shall we say, rather bawdy comedy that features heavily here. Those with delicate sensibilities should probably head elsewhere. Ironically, with the exception of the film’s star, the rest of the decent cast all appear to be operating well within their comfort zone. Rock, however, still seems a little stiff as an actor, his screen presence a washed out shadow of his effervescent onstage persona. That said, his scenes with Dawson (for whom playing a smart, sexy and engaging woman can’t really be much of a stretch) do exhibit an easy-going, relaxed chemistry. Things are also livened up by a string of famous cameos providing some of the more amusing moments (Jerry Seinfeld “making it rain” in the strip club a particular highlight). All in all, while flawed, Top Five does have a certain charm, not to

mention a killer soundtrack courtesy of The Roots’ Ahmir ‘Questlove’ Thompson (the title refers to a running theme throughout the movie; characters being asked to name their “top five” hip-hop acts) and the look and feel of the film reflect the pursuit of honesty and authenticity at its heart. In a recent interview Rock intimated that the dumbed down, populist comedies of his cohorts such as Adam Sandler in which he’s appeared might not be the best filmic fit for him and he may feel more at home in the company of filmmakers such as Wes Anderson, Alexander Payne and Noah Baumbach. Top Five isn’t quite in that league but it suggests that, with regards to his cinematic career, Rock, a thoughtful, insightful and, above all, very funny comedian, might be making steps in the right direction.

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Sound & Vision

The Garforth Arts Festival and its grand finale, The Playground Party, is fast approaching, featuring a whole day of fantastic live music, dance, entertainment & fun for all the family. It is the culmination of the two-week long Garforth Arts Festival which is now firmly established as a part of the annual cultural calendar in Leeds. A cultural extravaganza not to be missed

Pictured: Clare Teal he festival, now in its 11th year, provides a whole range of educational projects and opportunities within the community as well as some of the best artists in the world. This year the headliners are The Brand New Heavies, delivering their unique mix of jazz, funk and soul. Supporting them will be West Country folk singer, songwriter and multiinstrumentalist Seth Lakeman, and the Afro-beat legend Femi Kuti & the Positive Force. Also on the bill is the BBC Big Band, featuring top UK jazz singer Clare Teal, and the Garforth Jazz Rock Band with more artists still to be announced. East Leeds FM will be running the second stage featuring music and spoken word from a wide range of artists from Leeds and

across the UK. There will also be visual arts, crafts and music workshops, together with magic, face painting, circus skills and a whole host of other exciting activities. All in all, the Playground Party is a cultural extravaganza not to be missed, and at only £25 for a full day of entertainment, it might just be the best value festival day in the entire UK! During the two weeks running up to the Playground Party there are numerous other events and activities … The Garforth Arts Festival has strong links with South Africa and will present ‘Sing Freedom’ on Wednesday 8th July, 7.30pm at Garforth Academy. This is Frances Bernstein’s story of her parent’s involvement in the struggle against apartheid. The Free Range and Harmony choirs (directed by Frances Bernstein) and Green Lane Primary Academy Choir

will perform some of the emotive songs that helped to sustain the movement. The Borealis Saxaphone Quartet, an award-winning chamber ensemble performs on Saturday 4th July, 7.30pm at St Mary’s Church, Garforth. ‘Lullabies - The Singing Bowl’ is a contemporary musical exploration of night sounds interspersed with lullabies from India. Sound artist Duncan Chapman creates a unique soundscape as a backdrop for Indian lullabies explored by vocalist Supriya Nagarajan of Manasamitra, on Monday 6th July, 7.30pm at Chapel FM in Seacroft,. There will also be several events at the Garforth Working Men’s Club, including ‘My Generation - A celebration of 50 years of The Who’ which is on Tuesday 30th June.

For full details please visit: www.




Sound & Vision

A fascinating documentary about the forgotten inventor of motion pictures

Photo: David Nicholas Wilkinson, Tony PierceRoberts © Guerilla Films (Le Prince) Ltd n the late 19th century, the race was on to be the first to make the leap from still photography to actual moving pictures. The likes of the Lumière Brothers in Paris, Thomas Edison in New York, and many others were all experimenting with the process and new technology, but so was a French inventor and artist, Louis Le Prince, based in Leeds. In October 1888, Le Prince produced the world’s first films in Leeds, on cameras patented in both America and the UK. Once he had perfected his projection machine, Le Prince arranged to demonstrate his discovery to the American public and the world. On 16th September 1890, just weeks before he was due to sail to New York, Louis Aimé Augustine Le Prince stepped onto the Dijon to Paris train and was never seen again. No body was ever found so legally no one could fight the Le Prince claim that he invented a camera that recorded the very

A quest to uncover the mysteries surrounding the origins of film

first moving image. As a result, several years later, Thomas Edison and the Lumière Brothers were to claim the glory and the prize and Le Prince’s name and his pioneering work was forgotten.

The First Film is the story of director David Nicholas Wilkinson’s quest to uncover the mysteries surrounding the origins of film, to celebrate a true ‘Yorkshire’ hero of cinema, discover why Le Prince’s name has gone missing from the history books and to prove, once and for all, that film was invented in Leeds. A thorough investigation of the evidence, interviews with local and international film historians and experts in patent law and criminal investigations, presented by Wilkinson, combine to reveal a compelling story of British (and Yorkshire) innovation, ruthless international competition and possibly murder most foul……

The First Film will be shown at Hyde Park Picture House on 1st July at 8pm. Tickets are £20 (no concessions), which includes a copy of Tony Earnshaw’s book Made in Yorkshire and a free DVD. All funds raised will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Society

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New Roots: Serious Sam Barrett & Fran Wyburn & Band Fri 29 May, 8pm

New Headingley Club, 56 St Michael’s Rd. Sam’s rootsy acoustic backs songs that go straight to the heart. Fran ‘great story telling with subtle inflection & rich harmonies’. £6

Admiral Fallow Tue 2 Jun,

The Wardrobe, £9.90. From voice & guitar compositions, to stomping Wilco-esque tunes & riotous cacophonies of white noise.

Sun Kil Moon Wed 3 Jun,

Irish Centre, £24.20. American folk rock from San Francisco.

Victory Heights, Wed 3 Jun, Nation of Shopkeepers, £5.50. Up & coming American posthardcore band

Lord Huron Thu 4 Jun,

Brudenell Social Club, £11. Los Angeles based alternative band.

Tristan Mackay Thu 4 Jun,

Belgrave Music Hall, £13.20. Drawing inspiration from blues, folk & soul he has been compared to Jeff Buckley, John Mayer & Eric Clapton.

Heritage Blues Orchestra

Thu 4 Jun, Howard Assembly Room, £19.25. From juke joint country blues to chain gang songs, their sound harnesses the grit of low-down Mississippi blues, urban R&B, gospel & bold New Orleans brass.

Du Blonde Fri 5 Jun, Brudenell Social Club, £11. ‘A Joni Mitchell for the anti-folk generation’ (NME), Le Trio Joubran Fri 5 Jun,

Howard Assembly Room, £19.25. Inspired by Arabic classical tradition, jazz improvisation & flamenco virtuosity, they play beautiful, mysterious, seductive Arabic music.

Don Kipper Fri 5 Jun,

HEART Headingley £6/£8.

Sound & Vision

Award-winning ensemble playing wide range of traditional musical forms, from Turkish Fas?l & Greek Rebetiko to Gypsy Jazz & Klezmer.

Evening of Inter-Celtic Music Sat 6 Jun, 8pm Inkwell,

Potternewton Ln LS7. Irish Arts Foundation presents virtuoso fiddle player Ben Gunnery, with guitarist Dave Kosky & local musicians Gemma Irving (singer/guitarist), Ian Pearson (fiddle), Des Hurley (accordion) & Toby Noble (guitar). £8/£6. Details: 278 7442, info@

Victor Gutierrez Trio Sun Jun 7, SevenArts, 1.30 -4pm, £7/5. Award-winning Spanish pianist & composer bringing the styles of Bill Evans, Kenny Barron, Keith Jarrett, Brad Mehldau. Robyn Hitchcock Tue 9 Jun, Brudenell Social Club, £13.20. Eccentric guitarist/songwriter whose sound has touches of psychedelia, sprinkled with wry humour.

The Mike Conliffe Trio & Guests Wed 10 Jun,

8pm HEART, Bennett Rd, Headingley. Original & classic jazz songs & arrangements with a wide range of influences. £5/£4 on door.

Seven Unplugged Wed 10 Jun, Seven Arts, Chapel Allerton. Featuring Brian Beckett, Leeds City Stompers, The Dom Major Band, The Sentimentalists. A not-forprofit night with the best of local talent. An Evening of Musical Comedy Fri 12 Jun,

Seven Arts, Chapel Allerton. Featuring Mrs Porter & Mr Swann, Pete Marshall & The Lomos, Skinner & Twitch, Laurence & Tiff. £7 www.

Ariel Pink Sun 14 Jun, Brudenell Social Club, £14.85. Lo-fi electronic pop sounds &

eclectic influences, from Zappa to Orange Juice, Joe Meek, 70’s funk & 60’s garage.

Inkwell Jazz Jam Sun Jun

14, Inkwell, 1.30 -4pm, £7/5. Bring your horn, voice, or just come & listen.

Curtis Eller Wed 15 Jun,

Otley Courthouse. Yodelling banjo player. Tickets: 01943 467466 www.otleycourthouse.,

OBN III’s Thu 18 Jun, Brudenell Social Club, £6.60. Straightforward, unforgiving stooges-style rock ‘n’ roll. Paolo Nutini Fri 19 Jun

Millennium Sq. 5:30pm, £46.75. Singer-songwriter with reputation for blistering, crowd rousing live performances. Also appearing: The Staves whose soaring harmonies hark back to the sweet sounds of Crosby, Stills & Nash.

Bad Manners Fri 19 Jun,

Brudenell Social Club, £17.60. Buster Bloodvessel & co. continue to give a crackin’ good show of aggressive & highly danceable good-time ska.

Solstice Festival Sat 20 Jun, Left Bank, 8:30pm - 6am, £20. Achuthan Sripathmanathan + Deepa Nair + Pandit Sanju Sahai + Mehboob Nadeem + Rakesh Chaurasia + Bhupinder Singh Chagger. Celebrate the Solstice in style with an allnight extravaganza of Indian Classical Music.

Leeds Jazz Orchestra Sat 20 Jun HEART, £6/£8. Big band classics from Basie & Ellington + new compositions from Leeds composers. Joel Purnell’s Red Shift

Sun 21 Jun, SevenArts, 1.30 -4pm, £7/5. World class tenor sax man & jazz educator leads exhilarating quartet inspired by the American jazz masters.

Sarah Cracknell Sun 21 Jun, City Varieties £22.70. Singersongwriter, best known as lead singer of the electronic band Saint Etienne.

Performing The Man Who Sold The World: Tony Visconti + Woody Woodmansey + Glenn Gregory + Steve Norman

Sun 21 Jun, O2 Academy, £23. Classic Bowie album performed by original collaborators & guests.

Gaz Brookfield Wed 24 Jun, Fox & Newt, £5.50. Nu/ anti-folk artist, winner of Acoustic Magazine’s UK singersongwriter competition with accessible songs that capture the imagination. EyeHateGod Thu 25 Jun,

Brudenell Social Club, £16.50. Southern rock / punk / blues band from New Orleans who cite Black Flag, The Melvins & Black Sabbath as influences.

Leeds Bluegrass Club

Thurs 25 Jun, from 8.30pm, Grove Inn, Back Row, Holbeck. (off Water Lane). Live acoustic, Americana roots/ Bluegrass/ Country music. Resident bands + guests: Picking sessions - musicians welcome. £3. Details: John 267 0761, Kevin 267 7040.

New Roots: iFive Fri 26 Jun, 8pm New Headingley Club, 56 St Micheal’s Rd. iFive return with their beautifully crafted songs. £6

Thomas Maddison Nonet

Sun Jun 28, SevenArts, 1.30 -4pm, £7/5. Contemporary jazz ensemble featuring the best young musicians on the Leeds scene.

Sadhana featuring Ramneek Singh & Co Fri

5 Jun, SevenArts, £10/£5. Perorming Indore Gharana; a distinctively meditative & serene style of Khayal that takes the listener on a journey to the inner depths of the soul.

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It’s been a crazy few months for Cloudy2Clear Windows. The company which specialises in repairing windows which are steamed up, broken or damaged by replacing the panes – not the frames has grown rapidly as homeowners take advantage of their services. Manager Joel Skinner feels that it’s all about service. ‘Our product is simple. If your double glazing is misted up we can replace the glass at a fraction of the cost of a new window, in any type of frame, and with a new 5 year guarantee. But it’s not just about saving people money, although that obviously helps.

Many tradespeople have struggled since last year and I honestly feel that during the good times a minority perhaps didn’t focus on customer care as much as they should have done. We make sure we turn up when we say we will, do the job the customer requires and leave their house as clean as a whistle. I often get comments back from customers on how they really didn’t expect that sort of service which, in a way, is very sad for the service industry as a whole.’ Cloudy2Clear service the Adel, Bramhope, Cookridge, Horsforth, Headingley, Meanwood, Weetwood & West Park areas and Joel is finding

that his approach is a major factor in his success.‘The truth is that it’s not just the personal satisfaction that I get from doing a good job but also it makes good business sense. I get a huge amount of business from friends and family of people I’ve

done work for, which just goes to show how much a little bit of effort is appreciated.’ So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Joel a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118 and he’ll be happy to help!

STEAMED UP DOUBLE GLAZING? Don’t replace the Frames... just the Panes!

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Health & Fitness

You may not be very familiar with Futsal but, since it was established in England in 2003, it has grown steadily. The game features the discipline of football with a small team and smaller, heavier ball. It focuses on players’ technical ability and intelligence in small spaces to produce a fastflowing, exciting brand of football that has developed the likes of Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Ronaldinho.

ocal leagues in England have enjoyed FA support in recent years and Futsal 5s leagues, run by county FAs, have brought a competitive environment to teams looking to establish themselves. Meanwood Athletic has hit the ground running. Taking the title in their first full season as a club, Meanwood has cemented its place as one of the best clubs in the city by recently taking their second title in three seasons. A resounding 10 – 4 victory over Leeds City Futsal Club secured the title with two games to spare. Formed in August 2014, Meanwood has enjoyed a meteoric rise. Competing in both the Futsal 5s competition and the @Futsal MLS

Being able to win titles at a seriously competitive level is a real buzz

Premier league, the team also strung together 16 consecutive wins on their way to their second title. The team is managed by former Leeds & Wakefield Futsal Club player David Smeathers, who has a wealth of experience playing at the highest level. “For a club that is so new, being able to win titles at what is becoming a seriously competitive level is a real buzz”, said David. “The Futsal 5s leagues are providing opportunities for players of all levels. Players who perform well at this level will be more than capable of playing at National League level.”

Join HEART Research UK in The Great North Run Heart Research UK has guaranteed places available for those who want to join their runners at this year’s Great North Run in September. Howard Fojt, from Ilkley will be joining them and running in memory of his father, Martin, who sadly died last year. He and his friend Luke Hope-Robertson aim to raise over £1,500. Visit Howard’s fundraising page at Martin was CEO of Emerald Group Publishing, who chose Heart Research UK as their Charity of the Year in 2014. Shortly after making this arrangement he died from a heart attack whilst out walking his dog on Ilkley Moor, aged just 53. Since then Emerald Group Publishing has raised over £35,000 to help fund research into heart disease. “Heart Research UK is very close to me because of what happened to my father”, said Howard. “My dad was too young to die and this charity is researching how early death through heart disease can be prevented, so other families don’t have to go through what we’ve been through.” To get your place call 0113 234 7474 or visit www.heartresearch.


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our doors to the general public. With us, you’re buying direct from the manufacturer, so you can have your choice of style, size and fabric without paying astronomical prices.” “Anyone calling in will deal with me personally and I’ll oversee everything right through to delivery.

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Health & Fitness

The Giving Voice Choir for people with neurological conditions recently welcomed Kay Mellor OBE as its Patron.

HEART, on Bennett Road, Headingley, is about to launch a table tennis club. The aim is to provide a friendly, welcoming venue for people of all backgrounds and ages, and all levels of ability. Regular weekly sessions will begin in the Shire Oak Room on Mondays from 7 – 9pm, starting 1st June, and will cost just £3 for 13 – 18 year olds (ages 13 – 16 should be accompanied), and £5 for adults. It is hoped to stretch this to at least two sessions a week, as attendance grows.

Pictured: Kay Mellor Photo: Kyte Photography

“The choir offers a way for those who have had neurological issues to come together, and improve their confidence whilst having fun and learning something new in the process”, said Kay. “Any one of us could find ourselves in the same situation, through stroke, accident or illness. Giving Voice is incredibly important and I am honoured to support them and the amazing work they do.” Wendy Neill, a speech and language therapist at Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust, who started the choir and works with the team that supports people recovering from, or living with a neurological condition, said: “The choir has gone from strength to strength since we launched in June 2014 and we are all thrilled to have Kay on board. This year we’re

Table Tennis Comes to HEART

All you need is enthusiasm

looking forward to doing even more performances and welcoming new members.” There are no auditions and you don’t need to have had any singing experience. All you need is an enthusiasm to be part of this inclusive choir. The group meets every Tuesday at Holy Trinity Church, 6.30 – 8pm. For further information, call 0113 220 8528 or email The choir is in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society, Parkinson’s UK, Carers Leeds, Multiple Sclerosis Society and Arts@Trinity.

Possible future developments include forming a table tennis league, coaching for beginners, and tournaments involving other clubs and groups. This initiative is possible as a result of funding received from the Inner North West Community Committee Wellbeing Fund of Leeds City Council, together with additional financial support from local Councillors. With their help, HEART has been able to purchase three good quality indoor tables, as well as an outdoor one. If the idea of playing table tennis floats your boat, join them on 1st June, 7pm at HEART.


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team at Leeds Beckett University is currently looking for healthy volunteers aged 60-80 to take part in a research project involving dietary supplements containing amino acids – the building blocks of body proteins such as muscle that you get by eating foods containing protein. Loss of muscle and strength is a natural part of ageing and has a number of consequences, including osteoporosis and a greater risk of falls. These risks increase greatly at age 80 and above. However, evidence from previous research suggests

Health & Fitness

that through taking a protein supplement the loss of muscle with ageing can be reduced. The purpose of the study is to understand people’s preferences for the different forms of protein supplements and to see how different protein supplements affect your appetite. Through the findings they hope to ensure that beneficial supplements can be designed in a form that people like and can be taken without limiting the nutrients that would normally be consumed in meals. There are two arms to this study – the first requires you to visit the university on three occasions for assessments

The purpose of the study is to understand people’s preferences for the different forms of protein supplements

lasting approximately two hours; the second also requires three visits, but the assessments last just one hour. You can choose to take part in one or other, or both. In both studies you will be asked to take protein supplements, after which a number of different measurements will be taken. For the first arm of the study this would include taking small blood samples. You will also be given breakfast as part of the study. If you are interested in taking part in one, or both parts of this study, and would like further information, please contact Dr Theocharis Ispoglou on 0113 812 8603, T.Ispoglou@ or Research Assistant Matthew Lees at




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Health & Fitness

et ready for the biggest, brightest, happiest and most colourful 4k Leeds has ever seen! The event, organised by St Gemma’s Hospice, takes place on Sunday 20th September 2015 at Pool Riverside Park, LS21. The Leeds Colour Run is a 4k fun run with a difference. At every kilometre point you will be showered head to toe in clouds of colour by St Gemma’s Powder Rangers, who will ensure that you pass the finish line as a multicoloured masterpiece! Run on your own, or with friends, colleagues, or family just for fun, or do it in memory of someone who brought colour into your life. The run is open to all ages – you can run, hop, skip, jog or


LISHI CHINESE FITNESS & EXERCISE Only £4 per class, 6-7pm every Tuesday at the Parochial Hall, LS6 4LF. (discounts online), • 07583 568 726

cartwheel the course. It’s not a race, the aim is to pass the finish line wearing a smile and lots of colour! And, the fun doesn’t stop at the finish line – a celebration ‘paint

party’ will follow where there will be mass colour throws, live music, food and drink. St Gemma’s is hoping to raise £30,000 from this event, so sponsorship efforts are vital and every penny raised will help St Gemma’s Hospice continue to provide care and support to those facing terminal illness. Throw some colour into your life and join St Gemma’s for their first ever colour run! To register, visit or call 0113 218 5580 for details. If you register as an individual online you will be entered into an offer of ‘raise £100 in sponsorship and claim your entry fee back!’

orkshire County cricketers were recently screened for signs of skin cancer at a special clinic at Chapel Allerton Hospital, in partnership with Yorkshire Cancer Research. The screening coincides with the death of former Australia captain and commentator Richie Benaud, who died while being treated for the disease. Andrew Gale, Steven Patterson, Tim Bresnan and Richard Pyrah all attended the dermatology clinic as part of Yorkshire Cancer Research’s Sun Awareness campaign. The charity is the official 2015/2016 charity partner of Yorkshire County Cricket Club. Throughout the Summer the two organisations will work to raise awareness of skin cancer across

the 747 cricket clubs and highlight the importance of wearing the right headgear, clothes and sunscreen while watching and playing the game. Cases of malignant melanoma in Yorkshire have increased

by 170% in the past 25 years. Cricketers are at particularly high risk of developing melanoma due to the amount of time they spend in the sun. “It’s definitely beneficial for the lads to get checked out”, said Yorkshire Captain Andrew Gale. “We’re also keen to raise awareness throughout Yorkshire and our partnership with Yorkshire Cancer Research is really helping us spread the word.” Dr Wal Hussain, Consultant Dermatologist at Chapel Allerton Hospital, said: “One of the things we try to educate people about is the importance of early detection in diagnosing and curing skin cancer and this is where the role of screening is so important. If you are worried the first step is to go and have a chat with your GP. The phrase we’re trying to promote is ‘If in doubt, check it out’.”


Younger Life

ichmond House School in Far Headingley recently introduced a bowling club to its extensive list of out-ofschool activities. Richmond House offers over 40 extra-curricular clubs and activities, providing something to suit every child. Its extensive sports facilities include rugby and football pitches, tennis courts, an athletics track, cricket square, and now a crown green bowling area! This facility, also used by the local community, will now be used by Years 5 and 6 throughout the Summer Term. “We endeavour to offer clubs that appeal to all children and recognise that the traditional, more energetic sports do not suit

We endeavour to offer clubs that appeal to all children

every child”, said Paul Oldham, Deputy Head, who runs the new Bowling Club. “We have also recently introduced orienteering and team building, which are fun, low impact, challenging activities that make the most of our extensive outdoor space. “Bowling teaches many skills including co-ordination and precision, as well as important life skills such as social interaction and following rules. As with all of our extracurricular pursuits, the aim is to allow children to develop new talents and ultimately grow in confidence and self-esteem.” Richmond House School, 170 Otley Road, LS16 5LG www.

Are you looking for a high quality, all round education to give your child the best start in life? With places still available for September, why not book an individual visit to find out how your child will flourish at Fulneck School? • Seamless education from vibrant and stimulating Nursery through to academically focused and enriching Sixth Form • Small class sizes, dedicated teachers and a broad curriculum to stretch, inspire and support all abilities • Designated Learning Support Unit for dyslexic pupils • Impressive range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities • School bus service from North Leeds Founded in 1753, Fulneck School is an outstanding independent day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 – 18. The excellent education we offer is based on traditional values and prepares young people for the modern international world.

0113 257 0235 Fulneck School Pudsey Leeds LS28 8DS

Kids Take Their Marks! Hundreds of children will head to Leeds Dock on Saturday 11th July to take part in one of the region’s biggest charity running events for children.

Children are encouraged to raise a small amount of money to help a local cause crosses the finish line will receive a goody bag and finisher’s medal. Children taking part are encouraged to raise a small amount of money to help a local cause. They can choose any charity, or support the event’s official partner charity - Sunshine and Smiles, a support network for children and young people with Down Syndrome, and their families. For full details on how to enter the Arena Group Mini and Junior Runs, or the Asda Foundation Leeds 10K, visit www.runforall. com

The Arena Group Leeds Mini and Junior Run signals the start of a great running weekend, with the Asda Foundation Leeds 10K taking place on Sunday 12th July. Suitable for children of all abilities, and organised by Jane Tomlinson’s Run For All, the runs provide children with a wonderful introduction to mass participation events. The 1.5km mini run is for children aged three to eight, and the junior run, for those aged nine to 14, covers a distance of 2.5km. Entry is free and every child who


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Younger Life

Students at The Grammar School at Leeds (GSAL) were winners in this year’s Leeds Enterprise Advisory Programme (LEAP), which gives students hands-on experience of running their own business.

Angels Can Be Hairy Too! This is the first in a series of books involving Flossie the Dog Angel!

heir company ‘High Flyers’, set up by a team of lower sixth students, created a range of travel accessories, which flew off the shelves. At the end of the year High Flyers scooped four LEAP awards – Best Company Report, Social Media, Best Presentation, and Best Overall Company. “We allocated roles according to the individual strengths of team members”, said Libby Munro, Managing Director, “from raising startup capital and choosing the product, through to producing the company report and giving

LEAP was a great way to get some business experience before applying to university

our presentation. LEAP was a great way to get some business experience before applying to university.” The other team members were Olivia Houseman (Creative Director), Phoebe Goldstone and Jaypreet Dhesi (Marketing), Immy Share (Social Media), Lucy Adler (Finance Director) Grace Hall (Sales Director), Hollie Bruce (Company Secretary), Hannah Freeman (Human Resources) and Rosie Harris (Production). High Flyers are donating their profit to GSAL’s charitable project in support of communities in Malawi.

The book (suitable for 6-9 year olds) is set in Wetherby and based in Crumbs café. Flossie may be small for a Jack Russell but she is no ordinary dog. She has just landed back on Earth for her first assignment as a Dog Angel with instructions to follow her nose; not to fly too soon; and, to remember the animal angel academy’s motto – ‘Only for the good of others’. Flossie has been assigned to look after Kate, who runs the Crumbs cafe. With the help of Kate’s mischievous ghostly Godmother, Flossie soon finds out she is there to change the lives of many others too. In this first book she helps a young boy who is having difficulties coming to terms with his deafness and runs away. Using her special powers and lots of ghostly interventions she is able to get a hearing dog for the boy. Many of the animals and the hearing dog will feature in future books, as well as the humorous characters who frequent the café. ‘Angels Can Be Hairy Too’ is available on Amazon Kindle and Kobo as an ebook.

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Younger Life

crafts, storytelling and visual arts. Its aim is to continue the classical tradition by developing the creative talent of young people, and works widely in education, lifelong learning, youth arts and the community. KalaSangam, St Peter’s House, 1 Forster Square, Bradford BD1 4AT. For full details, please contact 01274 303340, info@kalasangam. org, or visit

alaSangam’s musician in residence, Vijay Venkat, currently shares his expertise in Carnatic music, which originated in the southern India and transcends boundaries, language and religion, at the KalaSangam Arts Centre in Bradford. His infectious enthusiasm has now spread to Leeds, where he offers vocal and keyboard Carnatic lessons at Carr Manor Community School every Tuesday from 5.30 – 6.30pm. Kala Sangam is a dynamic intercultural arts organisation that aims to bring people together through south Asian music, dance,

Kala Sangam is a dynamic intercultural arts organisation that aims to bring people together through south Asian music, dance, crafts, storytelling and visual arts

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Younger Life

Mini Miner Mondays

Clarrie Box, a Y-9 student at The Grammar School at Leeds, and her younger sister Heidi, who is in Y-6 at Adel at John the Baptist, recently auditioned successfully to perform with English Youth Ballet in a production of Giselle at St George’s Hall, Bradford on 5th and 6th June. his is the first time that English Youth Ballet has included Bradford in its annual tour and that local children have had the chance to audition and dance with the company. Nearly 200 young dancers auditioned and the competition was fierce as dancers came from all over Yorkshire and beyond. Clarrie and Heidi attend the Maillot Rose School of Theatre and Dance (teacher Miss Alison Moore) at Harewood Village Hall. Two other Maillot Rose students were also awarded places – Mia Casper from Shadwell and Evelyn Somers from Harrogate, together with Olivia Wilson (9) who attends Farsley Springbank Junior School.

Almost 100 young dancers (aged 8 – 18) from West Yorkshire will take to the stage supporting the principal dancers. Tickets can be purchased through 01274 432000 or online at

This is the first time that English Youth Ballet has included Bradford in its annual tour

The National Coal Mining Museum for England is hosting Mini Miner Mondays for preschool children until 20th July. Nursery and playgroup organisers can bring their children along at 10.15am for an hour of storytelling, rhymes and craft as they explore the Museum’s galleries. The weekly sessions investigate what miners do and includes a themed craft activity. The Mini Miners team works with group of 16 – 24 people (including adults). The sessions cost £2 per child and should be pre-booked through the Education Bookings Officer. The museum has a whole host of activities for the little ones to enjoy after the session. They can explore the nature trail, visit the pit pony stables and discover a world of exciting buildings and interesting objects. For further information, visit or call 01924 848806

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Community Notices



Bramhope Bowls Club

Abbey Runners meet Tues & Thurs, 7.30pm. Based at Holt Park Active. Track Sessions at Beckett’s Park. New members welcome.

Social bowling, friendly & league matches Apr – Oct. Great social events & activities. New members welcome, whether novice or experienced. Details: Jaci 267

Details: www.abbeyrunners.

9761, Stewart 267 3311

Adel Badminton Club

Bramhope Table Tennis Club meets Mon 8 – 10pm &

meets Mon, 8pm at Adel War Memorial Hall, Church Lane, LS16. A mixed & a men’s team in Leeds & District Badminton League. New members welcome. If you have some experience go along on Monday. Details:

Chris 225 9426, Dave 267 0572

Adel Crown Green Bowling Club (next door

to Adel Church) is open for bowling Apr – Oct. New members welcome.

Details: Phil 267 6152, www.

Adel Squash Club meets

at Adel War Memorial Hall, Church Lane, LS16. A fun/ competitive way to keep fit.

Details: Jon Hodgson 07761 608598, or for Racketball John Bennett 267 0761,

Adel Tennis Club Enjoy

social or competitive tennis on 3 carpet & 2 tarmac courts. Ideally situated at AWMA sports ground next to Adel Church. All standards welcome. Junior coaching available. Details: John

Micklethwaite 267 4071

Badminton Anyone?

Friendly badminton club looking for experienced players. Fri 7.30 – 9.30pm, Trinity University, Horsforth.

Details: Sylvia 259 0113, Graham 258 4532

Tues 1.30 – 3.30pm, Robert Craven Hall. New members welcome. Details: Stewart

267 3311

Bramhope Tennis Club

Social tennis, junior & adult coaching, club nights, fun competitions or just an opportunity to play with the family. New members welcome, whether beginners or champs. Details: Roger

07887 546303, Heather 267 2207

Cookridge Rambling Club meets Sun 9.30am in car park Cookridge Village Hall. Walks 6/8 miles. Transport can be provided. New members welcome.

Details: Barbara 267 1522, cookridgeramblers@

Friends of Lawnswood Badminton Club Meets Mon

& Wed, 7-9pm at Lawnswood School during term time. Mixed abilities/gender/ages (children 11+ welcome with accompanying adult). Details:

218 5505,

Join Team YCC for Yorkshire Marathon Sun

11 Oct. Yorkshire Cancer Centre, St James’s Hospital has guaranteed places for this event. Details: Tif 206 8620,

Junior Footballers Wanted

Quality players for North East Leeds Juniors U17s for 201415 season. Training & games at Scott Hall. Details: Mark

Bramfitt 07970 863483,

Kirkstall Harriers Running Club meets Mon & Wed, 6.50pm Kirkstall Leisure Centre. All abilities welcome, must be able to run 3-4 miles. Events & challenges all over Yorkshire & UK.

Details: kirkstallharriers@

Kirkstall Abbey Tennis Club Friendly, welcoming

club with reasonable membership rates. Details:

Roger Harris, 07806 789580,

Leeds Area Disabled Swimming Club Do you

have a condition where swimming could help? LADSC meets Mon 7.15 – 8.15pm Holt Park Active. Safe & relaxed environment.

Details: Roger 267 4716, Paul 225 7035

Horsforth Tennis Club

Leeds 10K Sun 12 July.

welcomes new members for social & competitive play all year round. Details: Hillary

West 258 6021

Join Team St Gemma’s for Leeds 10K
Guaranteed places Sun 12 July – £25 each. Runners are asked to raise as much sponsorship money as possible. Details:

Guaranteed places available. Challenge yourself & raise funds for Yorkshire Cancer Centre, St James’s Hospital.

Details: Tif 206 8620, tifaine.

Leeds Softball Indoor training Wed 7 – 8.30pm at Notre Dame College, St Mark’s Ave. Softball is a

FREE FOR charities, churches, social clubs & non-profit community groups

fun, friendly sport. New players very welcome first session free! Details:,

Meanwood Cricket Club

(2nd oldest club in Leeds!) is looking for new players. Situated next to Myrtle Tavern, Parkside Rd, it runs 2 sides in Wetherby League.

Details: Rob Guthrie (1st XI Capt) 07552 6755880, Matthew Ross (Vice Capt) 07968 776263

Meanwood Park Bowling Club New members invited

to join the club. Everyone welcome to come & have a go.

Details: Margaret 274 7076

North Leeds Leopards

are looking for new players for their U15 team (Year 10) for 2015. Details: coach Lee

Baines, 07913 385533

Plusnet Yorkshire Marathon Sun 11 Oct. Run

the Yorkshire Marathon & raise money for St Gemma’s Hospice. They have 20 places in this run & would love you to join the team. Details:

Pudsey & District Rambling Club Walks

of 5 - 10 miles Sun & alt Thurs. Members from all around the district & new members welcome. Annual membership £8. Try before you join. Details: 01943

430657, pat_barnett@yahoo. com

Row, Row, Row Your Boat!

Teams of 2 – 8 can row 10 miles (20, 21 or 27 June) or 21 miles (28 June) across Lake Windermere, whilst raising money for St Gemma’s Hospice. Details: 218 5296,


Run/ Walk with the Rhinos in Leeds 10K, Sun 12 July. Run with Leeds Rhinos legend Jamie Peacock & attend post race ‘Finishers Breakfast!’ All sponsorship to be split between Leeds Rhinos Foundation & Jane Tomlinson Appeal. Details:

www.leedsrhinosfoundation. org/events/run-with-therhinos.php

St Chad’s Broomfield Cricket Club The club plays

in Headingley & runs 5 senior & 5 junior teams. Looking for new players. Details:

Paul 07795 154444, www.

St Chad’s Tennis Club Fun

club sessions & competitive opportunities. New members welcome. Details: Anne

Wallace 274 9917

St Christopher’s Cycling Club Friendly club. Rides start Sun 8.30am from car park opposite Lawnswood

Cemetery, for rides of 30-40 miles. All welcome (U-18s should be accompanied).

Details: 278 2603, www.

Try Korfball! Free tryouts

for men & women Mon 7pm at Notre Dame College, St Marks Ave. LS2 (opp Leeds University). Details:

The Oddfellows Crown Green Bowling Trophy Match Mon 15 June, 6.30pm at Meanwood Bowling Club. All welcome to play for trophy. Details: Tracey 242


University of Leeds Staff Walking Club organises at

least one walk (5-12 miles) most weekends. All welcome & no membership charge.

Details: David Shaw 285 7480,

White Rose Canoe Club meets on Roundhay

Park Lake & Fearnville Sports Centre swimming pool. Club sessions Sat afternoons & Tues pm. Catering for beginners to World Champions. Come & Try sessions held monthly.

Details: www.whiterosecc., wrcc-committee@

ARTS & CRAFTS Bramhope Arts Club meets Mon 7.30pm Robert Craven Hall, Old Lane. 1 June: Members 10 minute studies; 8 June: Practical skies for all seasons; 15 June: Practical patterns in nature; 22 June: Practical scaling up; 29 June: End of season celebration. New members welcome.

Details: Jeff 01423 508867

Bramhope in Bloom

members. You don’t need any gardening expertise, or to make any regular time commitment - just go along & do what you can, when you can. Details: Janet 07919

087745, Lynne 07767 435252

Craft Evening Every Thurs

7-9pm at The Courtyard Café 96 Town St. Horsforth Open to all. Bring your craft & have a natter. Details: 259 0301

Farsley & District Art Club Meets Mon/Wed/Thurs for drawing & painting at the studios, Westroyd Pk, New St. LS28. May 30/31 & June 6/7: Annual members’ exhibition. June 10: David Newbould demonstration in pen & wash. June 13: Saturday painting from 10am. June 24: Review of members’ paintings.

Details: www.farsleyartclub.

Friendly group interested in improving floral aspects of the village. Welcomes new

Community Notices

84 Guiseley Art Club Mon1

June, 1.30 – 4pm at Guiseley Methodist Church Hall, Oxford Rd, Guiseley. LS20, Anne Allen, Chinese Brush Painters Society demonstrates this painting technique. Non members £5. All welcome

Details: artguiseley@

Headingley Flower Club

meets 1st Fri of month, 7.30pm at St Chad’s Parish Centre Headingley. June demonstration ‘Have Passport will Travel’ is by Carys Harrison. New members welcome. Details:

Gill Young 267 9445

Life Drawing Art Group

Mon 7 – 9pm at HEART Bennett Rd. Headingley. New members & all abilities welcome to come & draw variety of life models. Details:

Laurence Limon 07856 735179

Leeds Marquetry Group meets Wed 7 – 9pm at the Polish Catholic Centre, Newton Hill Rd. (off Chapeltown Rd) Details:

Stainbeck Art Club 2nd & 4th Tues, 1.45 – 4pm Methodist Community Centre, Town St. Chapel Allerton. Practicals & demonstrations. 9 June: Practical with Norma Middleton on drawing proportions of the face. New members all abilities welcome. Details: Pam

McFetridge 268 4734, www.

Yorkshire Flower Club

Meets Wed 24 June, 2pm at Almscliffe Village Hall, Huby LS17 6EG. Demonstration: Lee Berrill ‘Celebrations’. Plant stall. Visitors welcome.

Details: 267 1886

COFFEE MORNINGS, FAIRS & MARKETS Adel St John the Baptist School Summer Fayre

Sat 4 July, 12 – 3pm at the school 141 Long Causeway. Raffle, tombola, bouncy castle. Games. All proceeds go straight to the school. Adm. £1 adults/50p children.

Coffee Morning Sat 10am – 12 noon at Headingley Methodist Church, Chapel St. Headingley. Delicious homemade cakes & lots of chat. Everyone welcome.

Coffee Morning Sat 6

June, 10.30am - 12noon in the Old Stables, Back Church Lane, Adel. Enjoy homemade scones & cakes. All welcome.

Coffee Shop Tues 10am

West Park United Reformed Church Spring Fair Sat 6 June, 10am -1pm at Spen Lane LS16 5BB. Bric a brac, art & crafts, toys, tombola. Delicious refreshments, including bacon butties. All welcome

Headingley Methodist Church Annual Summer Fair (opp Arndale Centre) Sat

20 June, 10am – 1pm. Cakes, books, toys, plants, bric-abrac, tombola, raffle, games & more! Plus delicious bacon butties!

GROUPS/CLUBS Adel Bridge Club meets

Fri, 7.15pm Adel Memorial Hall, Church Lane. Relaxed Chicago Bridge club. New members all abilities welcome. No partner needed.

– 12 noon at Bramhope Methodist Church. Delicious homemade scones. Friendly atmosphere - all welcome.

Details: Janice 230 6387 or 07713 402405

Craft Fair 1st Sat, 9am – 12.30pm at Creativities Courtyard opp Horsforth Farmers’ Market, 96a Town St. Horsforth. Details: 258

about what’s happening in your neighbourhood. Local news, events etc. Details:

Adel Crag Community Assoc. keeps you informed

Francis Garbutt 261 0846,

Cookridge & Horsforth U3A meet 1 June, 10.30am,

for Annual General Meeting.

Details: 07876 562686, cookridge, www.cookridge

Cookridge Gardening Club No meeeting in June-

August . Summer events: Sun 28 June club outing. Wed 15 July - Club Coffee Evening at Long Meadows, Bramhope.

Details: Katherine Hill, Club Secretary 2671858,

Friday Night Bridge Club meets Fri, 7 – 10pm, Robert Craven Memorial Hall, Old Lane, Bramhope. New members welcome. Tuition available for at least four players. Details: Ewart 267


Friends of Adel Woods

Friendly group looking after Adel Woods along the Meanwood Valley Trail. Monthly meetings to preserve special habitats, clear paths, put up bird & bat boxes & remove litter. All welcome.

Adel Lodge meets at Castle

Details: 285 7136, http:// friendsofadelwoods.

12.30pm in The Rose Garden in front of The Arc, North Lane.

Hancox 228 0771

Friends of Lawnswood Cemetery Action Days

Hollin Lane Allotments Bring & Buy Plant Sale Sun

on Mon 1 – 4pm, Tues & Thurs 7.15 – 10.15pm, at Robert Craven Memorial Hall, Bramhope.
New members welcome. Details:


Headingley Farmers’ Market 2nd Sat, 9am –

28 June, 11am – 1pm at the allotments on the bridle path between Weetwood Ave & the Highburys. Loads of veg & flower plants. Refreshments too!

Horsforth Farmers’ Market (sponsored

by Horsforth Churches Together) Sat 6 June, 9.30am – 12.30pm at St Margaret’s School car park.

Grove Masonic Hall Tuesday evenings. Details: David

Bramhope Bridge Club
Meets to play duplicate

Leslie 250 2378

Chippendale Society –

widely dispersed membership centred around Otley welcomes those interested in decorative arts, particularly mid/late 18th century. Lectures, study days, visits.

Details: 275 9562, www. thechippendalesociety., enquiries@

1st Sat. Help tidy cemetery, under supervision of Parks & Countryside Ranger. Meet 10am in car park, Otley Rd. Tools & hot drinks provided. Details: Ann

261 1363, Mike Simpson lawnswoodcemetery@

Grace Community Church Little Snappers Toddler Group Fri 10am – 12noon (term time) at Cookridge Village Hall (Please use side door). 0-5 yr olds plus parents/carers. Details: Zoe

Smith 07920 135920


Greenpeace Leeds meets 1st Mon, 6.30pm Wharf Chambers, Wharf St, LS2. Join growing action to protect our forests, oceans & stop climate chaos. Details: Joe 07929 610773, www.

Headingley Station Allotments West Association

Small, friendly, allotments association at Headingley Station has a couple of vacant plots. Help available! Details:

Melvyn 07792 358611,

Holt Park Tenants & Residents Association

Provides a voice for residents & tenants in the Holt Park area. Regular meetings at Ralph Thoresby School. All welcome. Details:

Horsforth in Bloom Meets Sat 6 June, 10am Horsforth Museum. Helpers welcome to plan work for Summer Judging & stall at Horsforth Gala on 27 June. Details:

258 3521

Horsforth Retired People’s Club meets 2nd

& 4th Thurs, 9.30 – 11am St Margaret’s Parish Centre. Speakers & time to socialise. Visitors & new members welcome. Details: Everett

Cooke 258 9149, Beryl Harland 258 6907

Kirkstall Community Garden Grow your own food,

learn new skills & share ideas with others. All welcome. Free access to educational resources & growing facilities. Volunteers welcome. Details:

Lawnswood Bridge Club

Tues 1pm Lawnswood YMCA. Small friendly club playing Chicago. New members welcome. Details: 285 2522

Leeds Cactus & Succulent Society meets, 7.30pm at St Columba’s United Reform Church, Headingley Lane LS6. Details: Peter Smith

07817 688110, smitpt6@aol. com

Leeds Anglo German Club meets Wed 3 June, 7.30pm at Headingley St Columba’s URC for an illustrated talk by Peter Smith on ‘Cycling Tours in Germany’ incl. The Black Forest, Moselle, Rhine, Main & Elbe regions. In German & English. Details: 268 7697

Leeds Cat Rescue

rehabilitate lost, neglected cats & kittens. If you can offer a cat a home, contact them. Details: 268 0488,

leedscatrescue@googlemail. com, www.leedscatrescue.

Leeds Combined Arts Poetry & Prose Evening

with Helen Burke Wed 17 June, 7.30pm HEART, Bennett Rd, Headingley. Helen will read from her latest collection ‘Here’s Looking at You, Kid’ interspersed with anecdotes. £3.50/£2.50.

Leeds Horticultural Society meets 1st Tues, 8pm St Chad’s Centre, Otley Rd. Annual membership £12 single/ £18 couple. Details:

Pat 225 0030, www.leedshs.

Leeds Hospital Alert

Small group campaigning for preservation of NHS. Meets Thurs 11 June at Muir Court, St Michael’s Rd. LS6.

Details: 278 5495, info@

Leeds Oxfam Group

has raised thousands of pounds over the past year. All welcome to join their programme of interesting & informative events. Details: & facebook

Spence 269 4269

Meanwood Mens’ Society: Mon 1 June:

West Yorkshire Fuchsia Society meets Wed 17 June, leedsrotaractclub

Annual Crown Green Bowls Comp, Meanwood Park, 7.30pm. Mon 15 June: AGM, Meanwood Institute 7.30pm.

Details: Colin 274 6316

Meanwood Valley Partnership Local people helping to preserve, protect & enhance the Meanwood Valley.

Details: www.meanwood

National Vegetable Society meets 9 June, 8pm

at Paxton Horticultural Hall, 186 Kirkstall Lane, Headingley, LS5 2AB, when Martin Walker, horticulturist & garden designer will talk about ‘My experience in growing vegetables’. All welcome. Free.

Paxton Horticultural Society Summer Show

Mike Smith 293 5991,

Leeds National Trust Meets

Talking Allowed in Leeds

meeting & exhibition at Morley. Details:

at St. Chad’s Parish Centre, Far Headingly. New Members welcome. Local membership £8pa. Details: 01924

892681, cmsherborne@

social gathering for retired & semi retired men from professional & business backgrounds. Meets 2nd Mon of month, 12 noon at Leeds Golf Centre, Wike Ridge for lunch, followed by guest speaker. Details: Peter

Leeds Rotaract Group 1830s professionals & students meet 2nd & 4th Wed, 7pm at Cosmopolitan Hotel, Leeds, to socialise, network & support good causes. New members welcome. Details:

Sat 27 June, 2 – 4.30pm at Paxton Hall, 186 Kirkstall Lane, LS5. As well as the wonderful exhibits of roses, sweet peas etc. there will be refreshments, tombola & a plant sale. Admission free.

Leeds Microscopical Society Sat 6 June. Annual

The 52 Club provides a

(TAIL) meets Mon 15 June, 1.45pm at Veritas, 43 Great George St. Topic: philosophy as a way of life. Details:


The Other Bridge Club

Friendly bridge played Thurs 7.15 – 10.15pm Robert Craven Memorial Hall, Bramhope. New members welcome.

Details: Sandra 01943 463332

7.30pm at Moorside Tenants & Residents Community Centre, St Catherine’s Dr. Bramley LS13 when Fred Underhay will talk about ‘Fuchsias & their Secrets’. New members & visitors welcome. Details: 256 3055

Writers Group (Leeds

Borders erstwhile writers group) Meets every other Mon at Bridget’s Bar, Victoria Hotel, Leeds. All kinds of writers. New members welcome. Next meetings 8 & 22 June, 6pm. Taster Day out to Saltaire, 20 June. Details:

vince.mihill@jobcentreplus. or text 07804 191189

Yorkshire Animal Shelter

Many cats & kittens desperate for new homes! Donations welcome. Details:

07968 817803, www. uk

MUSIC Concert by Final Year Music Students University of Leeds Sat 30 May,

7.30pm at Adel Methodist Church Hall, Gainsborough Ave, LS16 7PG. Tickets £5. Details: 267 4507,

Community Notices

86 Fairfax Singers (Burleyin-Wharfedale) Now taking bookings for fundraising concerts for charities, good causes & weddings.

Details: 01274 597024 www.

Horsforth Choral Society (Musical Director Kathryn Woodruff). Rehearses Mon 7.30 – 9.30pm in St Margaret’s Parish Centre. Currently rehearsing for Summer Concert on Fri 13 June. Songs from operas. Details: info@

Jazz Improvisation Group

with Dom Moore meets fortnightly on alt Tues & Fri, 7 – 10pm 1st Floor, Providence House, Authorpe Road, Meanwood LS6 4JB. £8 per session. Details: 07800 816

086, dominicgmoore@

Jazz Voices Choir meets alt Mon, 7 – 9pm at Inkwell, Potternewton Lane, Chapel Allerton. Led by Tessa Smith. All welcome. Sing your favourite jazz songs. £5 per session. Details: 237

0700, jeanwatsonlifeskills@

Meanwood Ukulele Club

Meets Wed 2 – 3.30pm, Meanwood Institute, Green Rd, LS6. Mixed ability group. Wide variety of popular songs. Performs occasionally. Membership £5 per week (paid each 8 weeks) or £6 per drop in session. Details:

Jessica Bowie: 07815 892415 jessica@yourukuleletutor. com

Lawnswood Singers,

long-established female voice choir, has vacancies for sopranos & altos with some choral experience. Currently preparing for Summer charity concerts. Meets Thurs 8pm at Adel

Methodist Church (behind Lawnswood Arms off Otley Rd). Details: B.D.Hawer 267

1292 or just turn up! www.

Leeds All For One Choir

meets Mon, 7.30 - 9.30pm Mary Hallaway Lecture Hall, Leeds Trinity Campus, Brownberrie Lane, Horsforth. Singing rock, pop & gospel. All welcome. Details: maria.,

Leeds Haydn Players Concert Sun 5 July, 3.30pm

at West Park URC, Spen Lane, LS16 5BB. Programme: Haydn Oboe concerto (soloist Liz Kenwood), Haydn Symphony No.70, Mozart Divertimento k136, Mozart Four Contredanses k101/250a. Conductor Chris Pelly. Tickets £10 on door

or from Robin Jakeways 01943 466331, r.jakeways@

Sinfonia of Leeds Sat 20

Jun, 7.30pm at St Edmund’s Church, Roundhay. Programme includes Liszt Les Préludes, Strauss Four Last Songs, Saint-Saens Symphony No 3 (organ symphony). Soloists Alison Roddy (soprano), James Hills (organ). Conductor Anthony Kraus. Tickets: £14/ £10, students £5.

Details: SinfoniaOfLeeds

Songbirds Choir meets Wed, 7.30 – 9.30pm at Yorkshire College of Music & Drama, St Mark’s Ave, LS2. Singing songs from classical to pop. Ability to read music preferable. Details: Tracy 07914 833394

The Armed Man: Mass for Peace by Karl Jenkins Sat 20 June at St. Chad’s, Far Headingley, £5. Join the choir to rehearse during the day from 10am or to listen at 7pm. Hosted by Lawnswood

Car Care Centre Leeds

To arrange for your free estimate call in at Unit 14, Albion Way, off Armley Road, Leeds, LS12 2EJ

or call 0113 2696966

Commemorative Graphic Prints celebrating an amazing weekend of cycling in Yorkshire. Available in A4, A3 and Special 16”x12” Giclee. For more info or to order visit

Prices start at £10

Community Choir. Conducted by Imelda Shirley, nationally experienced choral leader. Details & tickets:

Yorkshire Clarinet Ensemble Rehearses alt

Wed, 8 – 9.45pm (term time) at HEART, Bennett Rd, Headingley. Grade 5+ standard. New players welcome. Details: Deborah

Pennington 07910 414586, mpenn.dpenn@ntlworld. com

SENIORS Cookridge Luncheon Club meets Wed, 12 – 1.30pm Cookridge Methodist Church, Tinshill Rd. Good food, good company. £4.50. Details: 267


Lively Singing Group for people with dementia & their carers. 2nd Wed, 10 – 11.30am at Horsforth Live at Home, Town St. £1

chosen_march.indd 1

incl refreshments. Details: Alzheimer’s Soc 231 1727, Horsforth Live at Home 259 1511

Headingley Methodist Church Luncheon Club

(over 60s) meets Tues, 12 noon Church Hall (side entrance) Chapel St. New members welcome. 2-course hot meal £5. Please book.

Details: 275 5615, 275 1592

Meanwood Luncheon Club meets Thurs, 12.15pm in the Parochial Hall, Holy Trinity Church, Meanwood. Cost £5. Details: Anne

Matthews 268 1131

RVS MENA Community Café Fri am Meanwood

Community Centre. Activities include Tai Chi, tea & dance, knit & sew, & walking & poetry clubs. Currently seeking volunteer walkers to support group. Details: Gina

or Sarah 887 3596

OPAL (Older People’s Action in the Locality) supports over 60s in Cookridge, Ireland Wood, Tinshill, Holt Park, Adel & Bramhope. Activities include exercise classes, coffee afternoons, luncheon club, shopping trips & dropin. Details: 261 9103

OWLS (Older Wiser Local Seniors) provides activities for seniors in Headingley, Burley, Little Woodhouse & parts of Kirkstall. Membership free to 60+.

Details: 369 7077, infoowls@

St Chad’s Lunch Club

Weds 12 - 1.30pm St Chad’s Parish Centre. Tasty 2-course meal & good company £4.50. Open to all of retirement age close to St Chad’s. Transport provided. Details: Anne 274

9917, Claire 275 2917

St Giles Bramhope Luncheon Club Delicious home-cooked meal just £4.

Details: Mary Burnell 267 1742

STEP (Supporting The Elderly People) New base at 244 Queenswood Drive. Over 60 & live in West Park & Far Headingley? Go along Mon – Thurs 10am – 4pm & Fri 10am – 2pm. Drop-in café til 1.30pm. Meet friends for coffee & chat, have breakfast or lunch. Lots of groups, activities & outings. Details: 275 7988, www.stepleeds.

SPIRITUAL Adel Baptist Congregation Sunday services 10.30am

Adel Primary School, Tile lane, LS16. Informal with mixture of contemporary & traditional songs. Variety of daytime & evening groups.

Details: 275 4989

25/2/14 17:01:54

Community Notices

88 (corner Holt Lane/ Gainsborough Ave). Sunday Services 10.30am, incl Junior Church.

Worship. Crèche facilities & refreshments. 1st Sun of month: Family Parade Service - informal, friendly worship for all ages.

Bramhope Methodist Church Sunday: 10am

Drop-in Buddhist Meditation Classes 7.30

Adel Methodist Church

Morning Worship. Prayer Breakfast 2nd Sun 8.30am. Alive@9 4th Sunday, informal worship for young families. Evening Communion 4th Thurs 8pm. Morning Communion 2nd Tues.

Catholic Churches

Holy Name, Otley Old Rd (267 8257); Saint Mary’s, Broadgate Lane, Horsforth (258 2607); The Assumption, Spen Lane.

- 9.30pm Ratnasambhava Centre, 22 Back Wetherby Rd, Oakwood (Tues); HEART, Headingley (Thurs). £5. Day Course ‘The Value of Others’ Sat 13 June, 10.30am - 4.30pm. £25. Details: 265

2118, meditationinleeds@, www.

Drop in Group Meditation

Details: Parish Priest: Fr PA Smythe, Assistant Priest: Fr. Marc Homsey. www.

Cookridge Methodist Church Sun 10am Morning

(free) Sun 7- 8pm (except 3rd Sun: 6.30 – 7.30pm) Experience peace & calm with periods of silence & guided meditations. Brahma Kumaris, West Park.

Headingley Methodist Church Sunday Service 9.30am. Short Mid-Week Service Thurs 10.30am. Entrance in Chapel St. All welcome.

Headingley St. Columba United Reformed Church 70 Headingley Lane. Sunday service 10.45am. Details:


Holy Trinity Meanwood

Sun 8.30am Said Holy Communion (call or see website for venue); 10am Sung Eucharist; 11.30am Gather (relaxed cafe style). 2nd Weds 10am Holy Communion. All Welcome.

Details: 275 7885, www.

Details: 275 7727, leeds@, www. leeds

Horsforth Churches Together Civic Service Sun

7 June, 6.30pm in Cragg Baptist Church, led by Associate Pastor Geoff King, in the presence of elected representatives. The theme is “Why I like Horsforth”.

Horsforth Churches Together will be at

Horsforth Gala on Sat 27 June with free entertainment for youngsters. Details:

258 3521, www.horsforth

Learn to meditate FWBO Leeds Buddhist Centre. Contemporary approach to meditation, mindfulness & the Buddhist tradition. Classes in yoga, chronic pain & stress management. Details: 244 5256, www.



Leeds Reformed Baptist

Church Sunday services 10:30am & 6pm. Activities through week at 20 Cottage Rd, incl. pre-school, children’s clubs, toddlers & various other groups. Details:

275 8996,

Leeds Vineyard meets Sundays at Headingley Methodist Church, 10.45am for coffee, 11am start – all welcome. Details: 245 9111,

Lister Hill Baptist Church Horsforth has a new

website. Log on to see what they’re up to, including new children’s group ‘Friday Fishers’, all-age services & holiday club. Details: lhbc.

Meanwood Methodists

now meet Sunday, 11.30am at Holy Trinity Church, Meanwood. (1st Sun of month in parish hall). Details: 268


Meanwood Valley Baptist Church Meanwood

Community Centre, Stainbeck Ave. Sunday service 11am, coffee 10.30am. Details: 275


Our Lady of Lourdes Church 130 Cardigan Rd,

LS6 Sunday Mass 8.45am; Fri Holy Hour with Mass 7pm. Details: 225 9751 www.

Parish Church of St John the Baptist (Church Lane,

Adel) Sunday Services 8am, 10am & 6.30pm. Also Wed 11am. Junior Church every Sunday except 3rd Sunday- All-age Service. All welcome. Church open Sun 2 – 4.30pm, Thurs 1 – 5pm

Quaker Meeting for Worship & Children’s Meeting Sun 10.45am

Quaker Meeting House, 188 Woodhouse Lane, LS2 & Friends’ Meeting House, New Adel Lane LS16 6AN Details:

Quakers? Discover more Wednesdays in June, 6.30 – 9.30pm at Quaker Meeting House, New Adel Lane, LS16 6AZ. 4 June: Quakers & Worship; 11 June: Quakers & God; 18 June: Quakers & Faith in Action; 25 June: Quaker Decision Making. Refreshments, speakers, discussion, questions. All welcome. Details: 242 2208,

South Parade Baptist Church, North Lane,

Headingley. Lively services Sunday 10.30am (+ Junior Church) & 6.30pm.

St. Augustine’s Church

(Wrangthorn), Hyde Park Corner. Sun Service 10.30am - Holy Communion 2nd, 4th & 5th Sun. Family Service 3rd Sun; Service of the Word 1st Sun; Quiet reflection, Sun 6.30pm. Details: www.

St Chad’s Far Headingley

Transmission Meditation

Details: Parish Office 274 4322,

1173/ 01924 252728, www.

Sunday Services 8am (1st, 3rd, 5th Sun), 9.30am & 6.30pm. Parish Praise (worship for all ages) 2nd Sun, 9.30am. All welcome. Mid week services too.

St Luke’s Lutheran Church Alma Rd, Headingley. Worship Sun 10.30am, followed by refreshments. All welcome.

St Michael & All Angels Headingley Parish Church

Services: Wed 10.30am Communion Service; Thurs 8am Communion Service; 2nd & 4th Sun 8am Communion Service; Sun Parish Communion 10am; Communion Service 12.30pm; Evensong 6.30pm. All welcome. Details:

St Urban’s Catholic Church Grove Lane, LS6.

Mass times: Sun 10.30am; Mon – Fri 9.15am; Tues Mass Rosary Benediction 7pm; Sat 11am Exposition of Blessed Sacrament, 12noon Mass, 6pm (Sun Vigil). Details: 225

9751 www.dioceseofleeds.

Tinshill Free Church

(corner Holly Ave & Tinshill Lane, Cookridge) Sunday services: 10:30am & 6:30pm. Activities for toddlers right up to seniors during the week.

Details: 267 2680, www.

Free group meditation providing both a dynamic spiritual service & profound spiritual development. Leeds group meets Fri 8pm in Headingley area. Details: 270

West Park United Reformed Church, Spen

Lane LS16 5AH. All welcome.

Details: 278 5373

SUPPORT Arthritis Care meets 3rd Tues, 7.30 – 9pm, St Chad’s Parish Centre, Far Headingley. New members welcome. Details: Pat 275 7694

Dementia Café 2nd Mon,

1.30 - 3pm at St Chad’s Parish Centre. Chance to talk to people who are living with dementia. £1. Details: The

Alzheimer’s Society 231 1727

Leeds Coeliac Group

Offering support & advice to those diagnosed with Coeliac disease. Sun 28 June: glutenfree Summer Lamb Roast BBQ at the Mexborough Arms, Thorner, Leeds.

Details & to book: 07711 768850 sandra.mclean@


Community Notices

Leeds LAS (Living After Loss Through Suicide) Peer support meetings in Leeds. Details: Sue Watts, Leeds Bereavement Forum 225 3975, sue.watts@lbforum. @Leeds_LAS

Leeds Multiple Sclerosis Society uses Armley Leisure

Centre for activity classes (transport available). MS Chat every two weeks. Over 300 members. New members welcome. Details: 07895


Leeds Samaritans

Confidential, nonjudgemental support 24 hours for those experiencing distress or despair. They listen for as long as you need.

Details: 245 6789, 08457 909090

Leeds Weekend Care Association (LWCA) Respite care for families with children with complex care needs via weekend playgroups, trips for teens & one-to-one homebased care. Details: 216 5133,

Little Hiccups Outreach is a support network for children with a disability & their families. Run by parents. Details: 07831

230741, outreach@, www.

Parkinson’s UK meet 2nd

Wed, 2pm St Chad ‘s Parish Centre, Headingley. Exercise classes in Otley, Horsforth, Moortown. Details: Linda

Thompson, 01943 461640

SNAPS (Special Needs &

Parent Support) welcomes families of children with special needs to Sat support group at Penny Field School, Tongue Ln. Meanwood. Hydrotherapy, swimming, dance & coffee. Details:

07964 847 775, angie@, www.

Open Door Café For

people with dementia & their carers. Last Mon of month (ex bank hols), 2-4pm, New Headingley Club, St Michael’s Rd. Details: 231 1727

Wharfedale General Hospital Cardiac Club For former cardiac patients & partners. Exercise classes with qualified instructors. Mon/ Wed/ Thurs. £3. Details: 07949

307 955, wghcardiacclub@, www. WharfedaleCardiacClub.


TALKS & DISCUSSIONS Café Scientifique Headingley Mon 8

June, 7.30pm at The New Headingley Club, 56 St Michael’s Rd. LS6. Christopher Randall, lecturer in microbiology at the University of Leeds, addresses ‘Antibiotic resistance: Are we entering a post-antibiotic era?’ £2 on door. Details:


Celebrating Canada Day

Wed 1 July, 3 - 5pm Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Building (below Parkinson Building off Woodhouse Lane). Experts from Leeds Centre for Canadian Studies explore the significance of Canada Day. Details:


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Cheap Energy vs. Clean Technology? Thurs 18 June,

5.30 - 7.30pm Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Building (below Parkinson Building off Woodhouse Lane). Dr Dan Coffey, Leeds University Business School Do we face a trade-off between cheap energy & clean technology?

Details: sis

Edith Cavell Mon 22 June, 6 - 8pm Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Building (below Parkinson Building off Woodhouse Lane). A talk by Professor Alison Fell & Dr Claudia Sternberg, University of Leeds’ Legacies of War Project. Discussing the legacy of the British WWI nurse.

Details: sis

From Duck Houses to Eco Housing: Sustainable

Development at the University of Leeds Thurs 2 July, 5.30 - 7.30pm Marjorie

& Arnold Ziff Building (below Parkinson Building off Woodhouse Lane). A talk by Claire Bastin, Sustainability Manager,University of Leeds.

Leeds Philosophical & Literary Society Thurs 18

Leeds Decorative & Fine Arts Society (DFAS) events.html

Details: sis

meets, 1.45pm Castle Grove Masonic Hall, Moor Rd, Headingley LS6 4BP. 17 June: ‘Ocean Liner Art: Ships that shaped our lives 18001950’ with James Taylor. Guests welcome £5. Please book. Details: Ann 261 1363,


‘Leaving Limitations Behind’ Sun 14 June,

7 – 8.30pm at Weetwood Hall, Otley Rd. LS16. Free, no booking required.

Details: 275 7727, leeds@, uk/leeds


entley rothers

Sliding Sash Window Specialist

June 7.30pm in the Music Department, University of Leeds. Talk on ‘Anne Clifford’s Great Books’ by Professor Jessica Malay. All welcome. Details: www.

New Atheism: The Dilemmas of Taking on God Thurs 25 June, 5.30 - 7.30pm at Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Building (below Parkinson Building off Woodhouse Lane). A talk by Stuart McAnulla, Lecturer in British Politics & Political Science Methodology, University of Leeds. Details:

Royal Meteorological Society (Yorkshire) Monthly

informal public talks on all aspects of weather & climate at School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds. 10 June: Advances

in weather forecasting & their potential in building resilience. Free & open to all. Details: http://tinyurl.

com/rmetsyc, rmetsoc_

Talking Allowed in Leeds (TAIL) meets Mon 15 June, 1.45pm at Veritas, 43 Great George St. Details:


The Fiction Makes Us Real: An Introduction to

Canadian Literature Wed 1 July, 6 - 8pm Marjorie & Arnold Ziff Building (below Parkinson Building off Woodhouse Lane). A whirlwind tour of Canadian literature with Canadian writer Nicole Markotić.

Details: sis

Sliding SaSh


Bentley brothers specialise in the manufacture and installation of sliding sash windows and bespoke doors. Established in 1989 we are a family owned and run business using traditional joinery methods but incorporating modern draught seal technology. Bentley brothers are certified users of Accoya timber and Teknos paint systems.

Albert Works, Mount Pleasant Road, Pudsey LS28 7DY Tel: 0113 236 1384 Email: Web:

92 WOMEN’S GROUPS Adel Ladies Luncheon Club meets 1st Wed at Castle Grove Masonic Hall, Castle Grove Dr. LS6. 3 June: ‘The Geisha: A Fading Tradition’ with Jill Clay. 1 July: ‘The Good Life’ with Mrs Maureen Sutcliffe. Details: Mrs

Muriel Huntley 230 1584

Bramhope Rolling Scones WI New Women’s Institute

meets 1st Thurs, 7.30 – 9.30pm St Giles Church Hall. Make new friends, learn new skills & have a good old chin-wag! Visitors welcome. Details: Jill 07984


Cookridge WI Lively, mixed age group meets 1st Tues, 7.30pm Holy Trinity C of E School, Green Lane. Various activities, talks & outings. Everyone welcome. Details:

Community Notices Tues 16 June, 7.30pm at Whitelock’s, Turks Head Yard. LS1. Every June James Joyce fans meet for an evening of readings & music to celebrate his work, particularly his novel ‘Ulysses’, set in Dublin on 16 June 1904. All welcome. No charge.

Details: bloomsdayleeds@, bloomsdayleeds.wordpress. com

Community Action Day Sat 27 Jun, 10am -2pm at Hope Pastures (corner Weetwood Ln & Ring Rd). Volunteers needed to help with regular maintenance jobs around sanctuary (painting, fence repair, clearing & gardening). Last Sat each month a team tackles some of the major jobs. Plenty of tea/coffee! Details:

Dot Spread Sat 27 June, 12 –

Horsforth WI meets monthly, 7.30pm in St. James’ Parish Centre, Low Lane, Horsforth. Visitors welcome. Details: Pat

5pm at Wharf Chambers, 23-25 Wharf St. LS2. An independent print fair presenting work from 13 printmakers from across Yorkshire.

Leeds Ladies Coffee Club

Far Headingley Village Society Annual Wine Walk

258 7062

meets 1st Thurs. 10.15am at Leeds Church Institute, New Market St. Leeds (next to Samuel Taylor’s). 4 June: ‘Spirit of the Dance’ with Anne Drake. 2 July: ‘The Chain Isn’t heavy’ with Ann Castle. Friendly group supports local charities. £3.

Details: Joan McShane 225 1166

Meanwood WI meets 3rd Tues of month at Meanwood Institute, Green Rd. LS6. Visitors welcome. Follow them on Twitter @MeanwoodWI White Rose Ladies Speakers Club meets 2nd

& 4th Mondays (8 & 22 June) 7.45pm at Horsforth Museum. Have fun while you learn how to enjoy speaking in public. Visitors welcome. Details:

Pauline Neale 269 3542,, www.leedsladiesspeakers.

MISC/ EVENTS Bloomsday Celebration

Sun 5 July, 2 - 6pm. Host gardens: 5 Back Glebe Terrace; 59 Weetwood Lane; 6 Hollin View (off Weetwood Ave). Tickets: £9 (incl 3 glasses of wine) from Bare Cafe, Sebby’s & at host gardens on the day. All proceeds to: Paediatric High Dependency Unit, Leeds Children’s Hospital

Fun Dog Show Sun 21 Jun, 10.30am – 3pm at Hope Pastures (corner Weetwood Ln & Ring Rd). Tailwaggers Display Team, Have-a-Go Agility Course, bouncy castle, fete stalls. Entry £1/ children free. Lots of classes. Details:, www.

Have your cake....... An afternoon of prose & poetry to savour the joys of café life with Linda Marshall & Lis Bertolla Sun 21 June, 3.30pm at Meanwood Institute, Green Rd. Tea & cakes in interval (donations welcome). A

Headingley Lit. Fest. Between the Lines event.

Headingley Open Gardens 2015 hosted by Headingley in Bloom, Sun 28 June, 2 – 5pm. 12 beautiful gardens to visit. Tickets (£3/ children free) & map from Oxfam Bookshop, 9 Otley Rd. Refreshments at 5 Bainbrigge Rd.

Go Purple for St Gemma’s! Do something purple with friends, family or colleagues on Fri 12 June & raise vital funds towards providing care & support for people with life limiting illnesses. Wear purple accessories. Hold a purple tea party! Get your Go Purple! fundraising pack! Details: 218


5555, gopurple@st-gemma.

Patronal Festival Weekend

Sat 20 June. Church open 10am – 3pm. Gift Day with ‘Treasures to Behold’ exhibition. Refreshments in the Old Stables. Sun 21 June, 10am Service in Church. Cream Teas (Old Stables) 2.30 - 4.30pm. All welcome. Evening Worship 5pm with choir.


Sue Ryder is Recruiting Volunteer Collectors to

support their fundraising efforts around Leeds. All they require is the enthusiasm to make a difference to people’s lives & the ability to be a good ambassador for the charity.

Details: Roohi Lupton 203 3360, roohi.lupton@

The Great West Park Garage Sale! Sat 11 July,

9am – 1pm. Live in West Park? Set up a stall in your garden & join in the fun! Promoted by www.leedsbackintheday. who are providing advice, posters & a free map. Details

& to register: contact@

York Gate Garden (Back

Church Lane, Adel LS16 8DW) One of Britain’s most innovative small gardens. Open Sun – Thurs, 1.30 – 4:30pm. Adults £5/children free. Details: www.




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Northern Restoration specialise in all aspects of exterior cleaning and treatments for the residential and commercial sectors throughout Yorkshire.

Celebrating 5o Years in Business! We are a family business supplying a wide range of garden and landscaping materials direct from our own quarry in Bramhope, Leeds. Come and visit our display garden.

Open tO the trade and public!

We specialise in: đ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Block Paving đ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Wood Decking đ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Brickwork đ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Stone Flags đ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Conservatories đ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Tarmac đ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Concrete đ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Safety Surfacesđ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Roofs and Guttersđ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Cladding đ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Fencing đ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š UPVC đ&#x;”šđ&#x;”š Windows

CALL 0113 808 4468

Celebrating 5o Years in Business!


We are a family business supplying a wide range of garden and landscaping materials direct from our own quarry in Bramhope, Leeds. Come and visit our display garden.

Celebrating Years in in Business! Celebrating 5o5oYears Business! Open tO trade and public! â– Topsoil â– the RiveR sand

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â– plum slaTe limesTone Type 1 We are aâ– family business Our family business supplying a wide range of â– building sand â– walling sTone and landscaping materials suppliesgarden adirect wide from our own quarry in â– decoRaTive gRavels â– yoRkshiRe range of gardenBramhope, and Leeds. and visit our display garden. sToneCome paving and indian sTone landscaping materials Open tO the trade and public! from our quarry in paving â– RockeRy sTone Bramhope, Leeds sTone fiReplaces â– handmade

â– Topsoil RiveRbags. Available loose or slate in â– bulk Topsoil, sand, gravel, and sand many â– plum slaTe â– limesTone Type 1 Collect or delivery types of stone.â– Available loose or in building sand â– wallingbags. sTone Collect or delivery. â– decoRaTive gRavels â– yoRkshiRe sTone paving and indian sTone

â– sand RockeRy sTone paving Blackhill Quarry â– Topsoil â– RiveR Blackhill Quarry â– handmade sTone fiReplaces â– plum slaTe â– limesTone Type 1LS16 Kings Road, Bramhope, Leeds Kings Road, Bramhope, Leeds, LS168BG 8BG â– building sand â– walling sTone Available loose or in bulk bags. T: 0113 267 4386 â– decoRaTive gRavels â– yoRkshiRe T: 0113 2674386 Collect or delivery sTone paving and indian Sat: sTone 7am-1pm Open: Mon-Fri: 7am-5pm,

Open: Mon-Fri: Sat:7am-1pm â– RockeRy sTone paving7am-5pm. â– handmade sTone fiReplaces

Blackhill Quarry

Available loose or in bulk bags. Kings Road, Bramhope, Leeds, LS16 8BG Collect or delivery

T: 0113 2674386 Open: Mon-Fri: 7am-5pm. Sat:7am-1pm

Blackhill Quarry Kings Road, Bramhope, Leeds, LS16 8BG T: 0113 2674386 Open: Mon-Fri: 7am-5pm. Sat:7am-1pm


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