North Leeds Life Magazine. January 2016 Edition. LS7, LS8, LS17

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NORTH TH LEEDS Life F R E E J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | LS7 | LS8 | LS17


Expand Your Horizons New Leeds Fashion Initiative

Become More Active in 2016



Read our great reviews at




KITCHENS, BATHROOMS & BEDROOMS SUPPLIED AND FITTED Please visit our website for more stunning designs





JAN | 2016 NORTH TH LEEDS Life F R E E J a n u a r y 2 0 1 6 | LS7 | LS8 | LS17


DEAR READERS, Happy New Year!

Expand Your Horizons New Leeds Fashion Initiative

Become More Active in 2016

L e e ds F as hi on I n i ti ati v e , Photo: A l i c e Wi n t

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We l l , 2 0 1 5 was a p re tty tu rb u l e n t y e ar f or the worl d – throwing wars, disease (Ebola), flooding, and refugee c ri s e s at u s . S u re l y 2 0 1 6 has to b e b e tte r. A g ood s tart wou l d b e to ri s e ab ov e the hate rs , b e n i c e to on e an othe r, an d he l p whe n e v e r we c an . We rise above it all in our January edition! It’s the time of year to think about delving into new interests and educational courses; and vowing to get fit….again! The Leeds Fashion Initiative has a great launch at Leeds City Museum; Phoenix Dance Celebrates its 35th year; the Banff Mountain Film Festival return with some fabulous cinematography; and Nile Wilson sets his sights on Rio.

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Leeds Youth Opera opens its 45th anniversary year with The Marriage of Figaro at The Carriageworks in February; the Howard Assembly Room has another great programme lined up; and we do a little roundup of some of the schools around Leeds. With all the excitement around Christmas and the New Year, don’t forget to send us all your news and notices for February – the sooner the better, but definitely by 4th January (8th Jan for advertising). The dates for March are 1st and 5th February). Wi s hi n g e v e ry on e a H ap p y , H e al thy P ros p e rou s N e w Y e ar!

an d

Kind regards, Carole, Jack and the team.

4 8

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12 New Fashion Initiative

24 Phoenix Dance Theatre Celebrates 35 Years

48 Banff Mountain Film Festival 2016

ai mi n g to re i n v i g orate the re g i on ’ s f as hi on , c l othi n g an d te x ti l e s i n du s tri e s .

wi th a s p e c i al tou r.

14 Expand Your Horizons

Sculpture Park the re n own e d A me ri c an arti s t e x hi b i ts at Y S P .

Showcasing a collection of the best films f rom the g l ob al mou n tai n c u l tu re & s p orts c ommu n i ty

Launches at Leeds City Museum

C on s i de r a l i ttl e l e arn i n g an d di v e i n to a c ou rs e or two.

22 Leeds Youth Opera Opens 45th Year with Figaro! L Y O p e rf orms M oz art’ s p op u l ar c omi c op e ra at T he C arri ag e works .

26 KAWS at Yorkshire

41 Time to Count the Birds T he n e x t R S P B B i g Garde B i rdwatc h take s p l ac e ov e r the we e ke n d of 3 0 th – 3 1 s t J an u ary .


54 Make 2016 the Year You Become More Active s u g g e s ti on

s to he l p p e op l e l au n c h i n to a more ac ti v e l i f e s ty l e

62 It’s All About Education,

Education, Education!

L i f e & S ty l e


The Friends of Lawnswood Cemetery have produced a free leaflet illustrating a walk around some of the notable burials in the cemetery and copies are available in the cemetery waiting room.

EDITORIAL Carole Carey-Campbell

0113 293 4303

DEPUTY EDITOR Brendan Campbell brendan@northleedslife.

t may seem strange to consider a cemetery for a stroll, but this was exactly how it was expected to be used when it was opened in 1875. Grave plots lining the main walks were the most expensive, and plots on the path intersections sold at a premium! Thousands came each weekend to see the Ethel Preston memorial when it was erected in 1913. The fashion for graveyard walks changed after the Great War. B u t the re are re as on s to re c on s i de r. There are 53 traffic free acres with we l l mai n tai n e d, g rav e l l e d p aths on a relatively flat site. It feels secure e s p e c i al l y i n the more op e n are as whe re othe r v i s i tors c an b e s e e n . T he g rav e s of thos e who ‘ made ’ L e e ds are n ot the on l y attrac ti on . T he c e me te ry hol ds a fine collection of angels. The memorial g arde n s make a l ov e l y S p ri n g n atu re wal k wi th the i r roc k g arde n s , me adows an d orc hard are as - wi th the f ru i t tre e s i n b l os s om an d the adj oi n i n g woodl an d glades carpeted with daffodils and wood an e mon e s . The recently published, well illustrated ‘Lawnswood’s Great War Stories’ by Andrea Hetherington (founder Chairman of the Group), could also be used as a basis for a walk (available from facebook page or email). If a little more active exercise appeals – join the Friends’ Action Days held on the first Saturday every month, meeting at 10am in the Otley Road car park. The

The gardens make a lovely Spring nature walk

DESIGN Kyle Harvey


0113 274 8776


Rachael Stafford rachael@northleedslife. 0113 293 430 friendly team carries out practical tasks to improve the cemetery – edging paths, tidying graves, leaf clearing, balsam bashing, trimming shrubbery, maintaining benches and litter picking. Something to suit most physical abilities! Tools and refreshments are provided. For more information, contact friendsoflawnswoodcemetery@ or Facebook page (friendsoflawnswoodcemetery).

David Smith northleedslife@


Whilst every effort is made to ensure that all editorial, advertising and directory listings are accurate, the p u b l i s he r i s n ot l i ab l e f or an y e rrors , omi s s i on s , s tate me n ts or op i n i on s p rov i de d. T he p u b l i s he rs ac c e p t n o l i ab i l i ty of an y n atu re ari s i n g ou t of or i n c on n e c ti on wi th the c on te n ts of thi s mag az i n e . A l l ri g hts re s e rv e d. N o p art of thi s mag az i n e may b e re p rodu c e d wi thou t the e x p re s s p e rmi s s i on of the e di tor.

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L i f e & S ty l e



In 1824 a Leeds bricklayer called Joseph Aspdin took out a patent describing ‘my method of making a cement or artificial stone for stuccoing buildings, waterworks, cisterns, or any other purpose…’ adding in brackets ‘and which I call Portland cement’. Others had experimented with improved forms of cement but this self-taught Hunslet workman secured his patent and cornered the name, chosen because he felt his cement looked like the famous pale stone of Portland. Developed and improved over the years, Portland cement – the basis of concrete, mortar and render – helped to make possible the great engineering and construction projects of the Victorian age and now in all its varied forms is an essential feature of our modern world. oseph Aspdin came from a Leeds family based in Princess Street, Hunslet. His father Thomas was a bricklayer cum builder; Joseph and all his brothers followed in the trade. Joseph was the eldest, baptised in Leeds Parish Church on Christmas Day 1778. When his father died he had to look after his four younger brothers and sister. He was 33 when he married Mary Fotherby, also from Leeds, in 1811 at Leeds Parish Church, in a joint ceremony with one of his brothers. Shortly afterwards he set up home and business as a bricklayer in Slip Inn Yard (now Packhorse Inn Yard), one of the ancient narrow passages which link Briggate with Lands Lane, right in the centre of town. T he re he b e g an e x p e ri me n ti n g wi th i mp rov e me n ts to the ‘ R oman ’ c e me n t i n g e n e ral u s e at the ti me . T he re was n o mon e y f or s p e c i al e q u i p me n t: the s tory g oe s that af te r work he s e t u p hi s e x p e ri me n ts i n the ki tc he n . H e n e e de d l i me s ton e as a b as i c i n g re di e n t an d, as he e x p l ai n s i n hi s p ate n t, he s i mp l y took what he n e e de d f rom the roads , whi c h we re rou g hl y s u rf ac e d wi th broken stone. It’s said he was fined more than on c e f or p i l f e ri n g ! H e s e e ms to hav e worke d on hi s own , thou g h he may hav e kn own of the e arl i e r work of the L e e ds e n g i n e e r J ohn S me aton , who had de v e l op e d a n e w f orm of c e me n t whe n b u i l di n g the f amou s E ddy s ton e lighthouse. While Joseph had no scientific b ac kg rou n d, he had p rac ti c al e x p e ri e n c e an d p l e n ty of i n v e n ti v e s p i ri t an d de te rmi n ati on . When he was satisfied with his new cement, he had the good sense to patent it in 1824, and decided to go into manufacture. With Mary and his two sons and daughter he moved to Wakefield, where he set up a factory near the bridge – with high walls to protect his ‘secret’ process. But life did not go smoothly. Twice he had to move his factory

as the newly built railways cut through his property. His two sons, James and William, joined the business when they were fourteen, but William proved to be a black sheep and endless trouble. In 1841 Joseph published a notice denying responsibility for him or his debts.

William went south and set up a succession of cement works with different partners, always leaving a trail of debts and false claims (for example that his cement was used by Brunel to block a leak in the famous Thames Tunnel). He was branded ‘an incorrigible liar and swindler.’ Nevertheless

he had his father’s inventive streak and is credited with several improvements (not patented) in the development of Portland cement, which brought it closer to its modern form. He met with some success, his cement went on show at the Great Exhibition in 1851, and he finished up running a cement works in Germany. Meanwhile Joseph stayed on in Wakefield, running his cement business with his other son. It remained small scale and by the time he died at his home in Harrison Terrace in 1855, aged 76, it had brought him neither fame nor fortune. But as the century progressed, as cement and concrete were developed and improved to become the essential building material of the new world, the significance of his 1824 patent was recognised. In 1924 a delegation from the American Portland Cement Association visited Leeds with their British colleagues to mark the centenary and to present the city with a handsome bronze tablet in his memory – still there on a dark corridor wall in the Town Hall. Wakefield claimed him too, erecting in 1938 a plaque and a memorial gate in St John’s church, where he was buried. In Leeds a blue plaque now marks the place in Packhorse Inn Yard where he lived and worked. Such recognition would surely have been beyond his wildest dreams, part of an unimaginable future. The 1924 bronze tablet reads ‘His invention…has made the whole world his debtor’.

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L i f e & S ty l e


St James’ Safe Deposit Company Ltd is the oldest independent safe deposit centre in the North of England. Privately owned, it was established in Manchester in 1912 and offers safe deposit box rentals for the storage of personal valuables. n February 2015, St James’ opened a second centre, this time in the heart of the Leeds financial district, just minutes from Leeds Station. “ S t J ame s ’ c u s tome r n u mb e rs i n Manchester have increased significantly ov e r the p as t f e w y e ars an d we n oti c e d that man y we re c omi n g f rom We s t Y orks hi re s o i t made s e n s e to op e n i n L e e ds ” , s ai d C hai rman an d own e r N i g e l K ay M B E . “ T ran s f e rri n g c l i e n ts l i v i n g i n Y orks hi re to the L e e ds b ran c h me an s we n ow hav e amp l e room to e x p an d at b oth c e n tre s . “One reason for our growth is that many retail banks have stopped offering safe deposit services and this has left many people looking for alternative storage solutions for their valuables. St James’ provides an attractive alternative because it is an established business with a long trading history and an impeccable security record.” The Leeds centre occupies impressive former bank vaults on Russell Street (just off Park Row), in a building designed by celebrated Victorian architect Alfred Waterhouse (who also designed Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum). The vaults have been extensively modernised and are equipped with the latest security technology including remotely monitored CCTV and state-of-the-art biometric technology. The branch is open seven days a week and manned by four highly trained security staff. An external security company is also retained to ensure round the clock protection. “It was clear that there was a need for this type of service in Leeds and we have registered a large number of customers since we opened last February”, said Richard Stephenson, manager of the new centre. “Domestic burglaries are on the

Pictured: C hai rman an d own e r N i g e l K ay M B E

rise and the discrete, confidential service we provide is proving very attractive. The majority of our business comes from personal referrals and through our website.” (Richard offers prospective customers a ‘no obligation’ tour of the vaults. Photo ID required) St James’ in Leeds offers four box sizes and rental prices start from just £45. The service is confidential and private

viewing rooms are provided. There is no registration fee and customers can make unlimited visits at no additional cost. Insurance is also available at competitive rates. The company is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and complies with the 2007 anti-money laundering regulations. For further information, please visit



L i f e & S ty l e

The new Leeds Fashion Initiative (LFI) recently held a launch event and fashion show at Leeds City Museum. he brainchild of A.W Hainsworth & Sons, Leeds City Council and the London College of Fashion’s Centre for Fashion Enterprise (CFE), and led by the team behind the Leeds concept store, Lambert’s Yard, the initiative has received widespread support from a range of industry and educational partners. It aims to support emerging fashion designers with training and business support and re-establish the city as the country’s leading centre for fashion design, clothing and textile manufacture. The strategy will be developed by the Centre for Fashion Enterprise and will include plans for the first Fashion Design Incubator outside London. B u rb e rry an d A q u as c u tu m are j u s t two of the l e adi n g de s i g n e rs s u p p orti n g the p roj e c t. T he y are j oi n e d b y C hri s top he r R ae b u rn , A g i & S am, R e j i n a P y o, an d H e l e n A n thon y , who al s o hav e l i n ks to Y orks hi re , e i the r throu g h u s i n g re g i on al te x ti l e s ( s u c h as H ai n s worth) or b e i n g f rom the c ou n ty , as wi th B u rb e rry C E O an d c re ati v e di re c tor, C hri s top he r B ai l e y . “The support the LFI project is receiving from some of the country’s leading designers is fantastic”, said Adam Jagger, Retail Director for Lambert’s Yard and Project Manager for the LFI. “Obviously, Burberry lending us key looks for our fashion show was even more pertinent following the announcement

The support the LFI project is receiving from some of the country’s leading designers is fantastic

Photo: P orti a H u n t

of their new factory being built in Leeds.” The LFI has the lofty ambition of regenerating Leeds industrial landscape through collaboration, and returning it to the heights it reached in the 60s and 70s, before its ultimate decline at the hands of cheap foreign imports. It is seeking fashion industry support and the support of the region’s leading companies. Lambert’s Yard is located at 162 Lower Briggate, LS1 6LY. Further information on the LFI can be found at

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New Year, New Talent!

There are adult short courses in pretty much every creative subject you can imagine

Whether you’re new to art and design or an experienced practitioner, Yorkshire’s only independent art school will have a course for you. As well as ten degree courses, further education courses, and an MA, Leeds College of Art offers a vibrant programme of art and design short courses. P e rhap s the re c e n t ‘ Gre at P otte ry T hrow D own ’ has p i q u e d y ou r i n te re s t i n the worl d of p otte ry , an d y ou f an c y f ol l owi n g i n the f oots te p s of L e e ds p otte r an d f orme r L e e ds C ol l e g e of A rt s tu de n t, S an dra Why l e s . A s hort e v e n i n g c ou rs e i n c e rami c s c ou l d b e j u s t what y ou ’ re l ooki n g f or – the re ’ s a f u n b e g i n n e rs ’ c l as s that’ s p e rf e c t f or thos e that hav e n ’ t tri e d i t b e f ore . A n d f or thos e wi th more e x p e ri e n c e , the re ’ s a D e v e l op C e rami c s c ou rs e , whe re y ou wi l l work on i n di v i du al p roj e c ts , g u i de d b y tu tors an d b e i n trodu c e d to f u rthe r te c hn i q u e s an d p roc e s s e s .

Of course, it’s not just pottery, there are adult short courses in pretty much every creative subject you can imagine – from fashion, photography, jewellery, life drawing, and printmaking to woodwork. The courses run on weekdays, weekends and evenings throughout the year and are taught by experienced, passionate practitioners. The College also runs a Diploma in Visual Arts and Access to HE Diploma (Art & Design) courses.

These exciting three day a week programmes are ideal for those thinking about returning to education. If you’re just starting out, looking for a new direction in life, and serious about a career in art and design, this course is for you. Find out more at their open day on 24th February – to book visit www.

For further information, visit

Education is About More than a Job! Providers of Further Education Learning and Skills across the country were pleasantly surprised that talks of funding cuts didn’t materialise as suggested before the recent spending review. Spending on adult education is an investment. There is even evidence that participation in learning can lead to savings for various Government departments through reduced reliance on public services. But education is not just about gaining qualifications to get a job. It promotes he al th an d we l l b e i n g an d re du c e s s oc i al i s ol ati on whi l s t ke e p i n g mi n ds ac ti v e . A l l as p e c ts of l i f e de p e n d u p on adap tab i l i ty an d ac ti v e mi n ds . E du c ati on e q u i p s u s f or l i f e b u t, as the worl d p rog re s s e s , we n e e d to adap t to the s oc i al an d te c hn ol og i c al c han g e s i f we are to ke e p u p wi th de v e l op me n ts .


All Government services are now designed to be ‘digital by default’. How does this work for people who can’t use technology effectively or can’t afford internet connectivity at home? The Swarthmore Centre provides a range of formal and informal learning opportunities, specialising in the Arts, IT, Personal Development, Counselling and Maths & English. “We provide a wide range of subjects from Art to Hoola hooping, Stained Glass to Mindfulness, or Computing to Psychology and Counselling”, said Maggi Butterworth, Director of Swarthmore. “Courses are taught at all levels from Introductory to Advanced by experienced, well qualified tutors and run during the day, evening or weekend to suit your timetable. There’s a crèche that runs alongside daytime courses and a Counselling Service. Some courses lead to a certificate but there are also lots of opportunities to pursue study purely for the pleasure of learning.” S warthmore i s holding an Open Day f or c ou rs e s s tarti n g i n J an u ary on T u e s day 5 th J an u ary , 1 0 . 3 0 am – 1 . 3 0 p m an d 5 – 7 p m. F or f u rthe r i n f ormati on , v i s i t

Swarthmore Courses and activities from January 2016. Enrol now

Choose from a variety of short courses in the relaxed learning environment of Swarthmore: • Jewellery • Pottery • Sewing • Stained Glass • Mindfulness • Sculpture • Yoga • Alexander Technique • Languages • Painting & Drawing • I.T. • Counselling + much more To view our BROCHURE visit Or pick up a copy at Swarthmore Education Centre 2-7 Woodhouse Square, Leeds LS3 1AD

Tel: 0113 243 2210 @SwarthmoreLeeds

OPEN DAY: 5th January 10:30am-1.30pm and 5-7pm Courses starting January 2016

Leeds College of M Leeds College of Music (LCoM) is the largest music conservatoire in the UK. Founded in 1965, delivering courses in Jazz and World Music, the conservatoire now offers the largest portfolio of Further and Higher Education programmes, including Classical Music, Jazz, Popular Music, New Music, Film Music, Music Production and Music Business. I n addi ti on to i ts e du c ati on p rog ramme s , the c on s e rv atoi re de l i v e rs a wi de ran g e of s hort c ou rs e s f or adu l ts an d y ou n g mu s i c i an s f rom b e g i n n e rs to p rof e s s i on al s . F rom i n trodu c tory g u i tar c l as s e s , to we e ke n d c ou rs e s wi th p rof e s s i on al mi x i n g e n g i n e e rs i n c omme rc i al s tu di os , an d S u mme r s c hool s , the re ’ s s ome thi n g f or e v e ry on e .

As well as being able to use state-of-the-art facilities, including recording studios, Steinway pianos, Mac labs, performance spaces and a Roland keyboard lab, short

course students also have the opportunity to work with the same tutors and music industry professionals who teach degree courses, ensuring a

superb mix of specialist teaching and

personal development opportunities. Popular short courses include those for piano, guitar, voice, theory, and music production, as well as weekend courses in songwriting, arranging and orchestration. They also run courses in Cuban music, and musical theatre and opera, and, new for 2016 is an exciting new Roland AIRA

Mon 01 Feb | 1.00pm

Tue 02 Feb | 7.30pm

Thu 25 Feb | 7.30pm

Fri 04 Mar | 7.30pm





Thu 10 Mar | 7:30pm

Fri 11 Mar | 7:30pm

Sat 19 Mar | 7.00pm

Fri 25 Mar | 7:30pm






The Key Club (£8)

Belgrave Music Hall (£15)

The Venue at Leeds College of Music (£12)

Mon 14 Mar | 7:30pm

Sat 19 Mar | 7:30pm

Thu 24 Mar | 7:30pm

Mon 25 Apr | 7:30pm





The Venue at Leeds College of Music (£5)

The Venue at Leeds College of Music (£5 / £3)

The Venue at Leeds College of Music (£10)


1965 –––– ––––– –– 2015

The Stanley & Audrey Burton Theatre, Northern Ballet (£10) @LeedsMusic | #LCoM50

The Venue at Leeds College of Music (£8 / £5)

The Venue at Leeds College of Music (£8 / £5)

The Venue at Leeds College of Music (FREE)


The Venue at Leeds College of Music (£8 / £5)

Music for All Weekend. There are also Summer schools in film music, jazz, and songwriting, as well as a course for young musicians aged 10-17 in studio and songwriting, where groups write and produce their own music. Community ensembles offer a fantastic experience too – sing in a friendly Choral Society, or join the Sinfonia or Community Symphony Orchestra, which have regular performance opportunities.

Over 100 young musicians attend the conservatoire’s weekly Saturday Music School where students (aged 9–18) have the opportunity to play in bands and ensembles, refine their performance skills or develop proficiency in music technology, supported in their musical exploration by expert tutors. For further information, visit lcm. or

From introductory guitar classes, to weekend courses with professional mixing engineers there’s something for everyone

Short Courses

Learn a new skill this year and join our creative short courses in:

Ceramics Photography Jewellery Printmaking Fashion Life Drawing Portfolio Development Young Creatives and more To book visit or email

0113 202 8000

Add a Little Dance to Your Life

mind of a delusional woman.

Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD) in Chapeltown is an international centre of excellence offering specialist, conservatoire-level contemporary dance training. In addition to its Foundation, Undergraduate, and Postgraduate courses, Learning & Participation at NSCD offers a variety of evening and weekend classes for all levels, as well as Summer schools and workshops for all ages. Classes currently on offer include: Adult Technique, Choreography and Performance; Contemporary Technique; Creative Dance; Zumba; plus a variety of youth classes. It also offers

creative dance for adults with learning disabilities and runs an NSCD youth dance company. There are annual performance opportunities at Riley Theatre for most

classes, so you will be able to take to the stage and indulge your inner performer! Riley Theatre is a hub of artistic activity for dancers and dance makers and stages numerous shows throughout the year. The final performance of the theatre season is on Friday 15th January and features the UK premiere of ‘Side Effects’ by the Anton Lachky Company, a surreal performance that takes place in the

NSCD is the only higher education contemporary dance conservatoire in the North of England and welcomes all ages and abilities interested in dance. For further information about weekly classes and performances at the Riley Theatre, visit learning-participation and www.rileytheatre. com or pop into the school on Chapeltown Road.

Join us in 2016 and celebrate 30 years of NSCD New season of contemporary dance performances at Riley Theatre

NSCD is an international centre of excellence offering specialist, conservatoire-level contemporary dance training.

Full time courses: Foundation Undergraduate (BPA) Postgraduate

Dance and fitness classes for all ages & abilities

Contact us: 98 Chapeltown Road, Leeds LS7 4BH 0113 219 3000 Photo: Nicole Guarino Photography

ROUNDHAY SCHOOL All-through education from 4 to 18

Fun educational projects for the whole community

Back in the New Year Various activities for all the family to enjoy. For full course details, pricing and other information please visit: 0113 393 1200

A rt & C u l tu re


Blah Blah Blah Theatre recently announced that actor Bill Nighy was to become a patron of the company in this their 30th anniversary year. ill brings much wisdom and experience to this Theatre In Education (TIE) company, which specialises in dynamic participatory theatre and drama experiences for children and young people. “ T he atre i n e du c ati on al l ows c hi l dre n to e x p re s s the ms e l v e s i n a way that n othi n g e l s e wi l l ” , s ai d B i l l . “ I ’ v e worke d wi th c hi l dre n of al l ag e s an d seen how it can reach them. It offers an u n p aral l e l e d op p ortu n i ty f or the m to c on n e c t, re l y u p on an d l ook ou t f or on e an othe r, an d mi n u te l y e x ami n e l an g u ag e an d hu man b e hav i ou r. I t c an al s o b e e n ormou s f u n an d a c ras h c ou rs e i n hu mi l i ty ! ” Bill Nighy has just finished a Broadway run of the play ‘Skylight’. Although he is well known for his many film and television roles, his career began with theatre performances that dared the audience to challenge society’s norms. “We are thrilled to have the support of an actor of Bill’s calibre”, said Deborah Pakkar-Hull, Blah Blah Blah’s Artistic Director. “He is passionate about children and young people having the opportunity to creatively explore the world around them through stories and having a safe place to express themselves. This is at the heart of the Blah’s ethos and is of real importance, as theatre, and the arts in general, are increasingly being marginalised in schools.” Bill joins existing patron, playwright Mike Kenny at an exciting point in the company’s journey. As part of their 30th anniversary celebrations, Mike re-imagined his play Bag Dancing for a contemporary audience and it has just finished a very successful UK tour. He is currently writing Partition, a new

work based on the partition of India and Pakistan, that will form the heart of a large-scale international collaboration. Blah Blah Blah is a leading Theatre in Education company based in Leeds creating high quality participatory theatre with and for children and young people, using compelling stories to stimulate enquiry and exploration. Further information www.blahs.

Theatre offers an unparalleled opportunity for children to connect, rely upon and look out for one another

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A rt & C u l tu re


Leeds Youth Opera starts its 45th anniversary year with a performance of Mozart’s ever- popular comic opera ‘The Marriage of Figaro’ at The Carriageworks Theatre from 10th – 13th February. he Marriage of Figaro takes place on the wedding day of Figaro and Susanna, servants to the Count Almaviva and his Countess. With comings and goings similar to a Brian Rix farce, doors open and close on the activities of the lecherous Count, his wily servant Figaro and the pubescent Cherubimo who seems to be in love with and cherished by every woman he meets, much to the Count’s annoyance! L e e ds Y ou th Op e ra i s u n i q u e i n the N orth of E n g l an d. I t b ri n g s tog e the r y ou n g p e op l e wi th an i n te re s t i n s i n g i n g , an he l p s the m i mp rov e the i r s i n g i n g s ki l l s , b u i l d c on f i de n c e , an d c re ate dramati c c harac te rs throu g h op e ra an d mu s i c al the atre . T he y ou n g e s t me mb e rs c an b e as y ou n g as twe l v e . A l thou g h the y may n ot hav e l e adi n g rol e s i n i ti al l y , the y will grow in confidence singing as part of the c horu s an d c ou l d b e on s tag e f or a whol e s how. Principal roles are performed by more experienced members who have sung and performed with LYO for several years, or by undergraduates or graduates from music schools in the North of England. With many members of the company staying for several years, the public performances by this talented company are much more than amateur. You will certainly be impressed by the enthusiasm of the performers. Following auditions, LYO also creates an orchestra for each performance, from some of the top young musicians from in and around Leeds. They have a short,

Leeds Youth Opera is unique in the North of England

intensive preparation under conductor Tom Newall before performance week. The Marriage of Figaro is the first of two productions in 2016. Auditions for West Side Story will start on 28th February 2016 and the performance will be in July. For tickets, contact The Carriageworks Theatre Box Office on 0113 224 3801 or online at For further information about Leeds Youth Opera, visit www.leedsyouthopera.




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Leeds Youth Opera presents…

The Marriage

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Join the talented and innovative Leeds Youth Opera for this fabulous comedy of Manners! Continuing the plot of The Barber of Seville, we witness a single day of madness. Exploring the ‘upstairs, downstairs’ nature of society, this is a farcical romp of a show with Mozart’s glorious music. A fantastic and hilarious Operatic performance by this astonishing company.

The show runs from: • Wednesday 10th to Saturday 13th February 2016 Venue: • The Carriageworks Theatre, Leeds, LS2 3AD

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hoenix Dance Theatre celebrates its 35th anniversary in 2016 with a special tour, which opens at the West Yorkshire Playhouse from 17th – 20th February. F rom s mal l b e g i n n i n g s , P hoe n i x D an c e T he atre has g rown to b e on e of the U K ’ s l e adi n g c on te mp orary dan c e c omp an i e s an d has p e rf orme d, e du c ate d an d i n s p i re d p e op l e ac ros s the g l ob e . I ts c e l e b ratory tou r p re s e n ts a tri p l e b i l l of i n te n s e , f u n n y an d b e au ti f u l dan c e s , i n c l u di n g two b ran d n e w c ommi s s i on s . Kate Flatt’s new work ‘Undivided Loves’ picks up on Shakespeare’s timeless themes of desire, duplicity and unrequited love, fusing sound, words and dance. Shakespeare’s most intimate, mysterious and radical sonnets are reimagined to Brazilian percussionist Adriano Adewale’s vibrant score. As part of a co-commission with The Royal Ballet, Dutch/Israeli choreographer Itzik Galili reworks his piece, ‘Until.With/Out.Enough’, which explores the concept of the enclosed space that exists in our minds. The programme also features Sharon Watson‘s acclaimed ‘Melt’, and ‘Bloom’, by New Adventures

A rt & C u l tu re

Choreographer Awardwinner Caroline Finn, which explores the dark, comic moments of life through her playful, quirky and highly engaging choreographic style. Sharon Watson was appointed as Phoenix Dance Theatre’s seventh artistic director 2009, and has since reaffirmed the Company’s core values through all of its activities. She was also appointed as Chair of the steering committee bidding for European Capital of Culture 2023, championing the pride of Leeds on the world stage. Phoenix Dance Theatre will continue its anniversary celebrations throughout 2016.

We s t Yo r k s h i r e Playhouse, Leeds 0113 213 7700

A Red Ladder Theatre Company and West Yorkshire Playhouse co-production

By Anders Lustgarten

adapted from the novel by David Peace

Fri 4 March - Sat 2 April A West Yorkshire Playhouse production

By Charles Dickens in a new adaptation by Michael Eaton

A rt & C u l tu re


Yorkshire Sculpture Park presents the first UK museum exhibition by KAWS, the renowned American artist, whose practice includes painting, sculpture, printmaking and design, from 6th February –12th June. he exhibition, in the Longside Gallery and open air, features over 20 works: commanding sculptures in bronze, fibreglass, aluminium and wood, alongside large, bright canvases immaculately rendered in acrylics. The park will become home to a series of imposing sculptures, including a new six-metre-tall work, which take KAWS’s idiosyncratic form of almost recognisable characters in the process of growing up. B rookl y n - b as e d K A WS is c on s i de re d on e of the mos t re l e v an t arti s ts of hi s g e n e rati on . A dy n ami c c u l tu ral f orc e ac ros s art, mu s i c an d f as hi on , hi s work p os s e s s e s a wry hu mou r marke d b y b ol d g e s tu re s an d f as ti di ou s p rodu c ti on . I n the 1 9 9 0 s , he c on c e i v e d the s of t s ku l l wi th c ros s b on e s an d c ros s e d ou t e y e s that hav e b e c ome hi s s i g n atu re i c on og rap hy , s u b v e rti n g and abstracting cartoon figures. He produces works that are semifamiliar, with layers of contradictions and subtleties. Outdoors, with their monumental proportions, KAWS’s sculptures bring to mind dystopian cartoon characters; recognisable personalities from childhood who appear to have lost their innocence.


park will become home to a series of imposing

A l l P hotos c ou rte s y of the arti s t.

sculptures The artist has created a series of five paintings especially for the exhibition. Each measuring 112 x 92 inches, they will span the largest wall of the spacious gallery, creating a swathe of brilliant colour and complex energy. The exhibition is accompanied by an extensive publication including texts by YSP Director of Programme, Clare Lilley, and Flavia Frigeri, Tate Curator of International Art, together with events including a conversation between the artist and Clare Lilley, on 6th February, and exclusive merchandise, designed especially for YSP.


A rt & C u l tu re


eeds Photographic Society’s Winter programme starts on Tuesday 5th January with ‘The President’s Evening’. T i tl e d ‘ M y P hotog rap hy ’ L P S P re s i de n t I an Wray wi l l tal k ab ou t hi s i n te re s t i n p hotog rap hy . I t wi l l i n c l u de i mag e s f rom hi s mou n tai n e e ri n g adv e n tu re s , an d tou c h on work b y hi s p hotog rap hi c he roe s , b e f ore mov i n g on to the di re c ti on i n whi c h i t i s n ow he adi n g – p hotog rap hi n g c hari ty e v e n ts on B ri tai n ’ s hi g he s t mou n tai n s at n i g ht, s tre e t an d dron e p hotog rap hy , an d a re tu rn to s hooti n g film. The programme features illustrated talks by keynote speakers, talks by members, in-house and inter-club competitions, and evenings where members submit images for discussion and critique. Forthcoming keynote speakers include David Gill (26th Jan) conflict, news and social documentary photographer, who worked in Afghanistan from 2008 – 2015; Terry Donnelly (ARPS MPAGB EFIAP) Award winning commercial photographer, who will show some of his architecture, portrait, sport, and conceptual photography (16th Feb); and Chris Weston (15th March)

Pictured: D ron e p hoto b y I an Wray

Celebrated wildlife photographer. Chris will talk about photographing endangered species all over the world. (An entry charge of £5 applies to non-members for keynote speakers - refundable against membership). Leeds Photographic Society is a friendly group of enthusiasts who meet regularly to share and develop an interest in photography. Membership includes skill levels from beginner to enthusiast and professional. New members of all abilities are welcome. The group meets Tuesdays, 7.30pm at St Edmund’s Church Hall, Lidgett Park Road, Roundhay, LS8 1JN. Full programme details available at

ur favourite mischief maker, Mark Thomas, is bringing his 2015 sell-out Fringe show ‘Trespass’ to the West Yorkshire Playhouse on Tuesday 23rd February. I n s p i re d b y the mas s tre s p as s of K i n de r S c ou t i n 1 9 3 2 , M ark tu rn s hi s e y e to how the g ov e rn me n t has s ol d off our communal spaces, from school playing fields to public rights of way, and sets out to find space in the urban worl d whe re mi s c hi e f an d ran dom c han c e c an l u rk. How can we ‘play’ around these spaces? He suggests that people should get stuck in, have fun and create mayhem! For example, along one stretch of the Thames virtually all the property has been bought up by

corporations and developers. Because of this private ownership it is now impossible to hold any kind of gathering or make noise anywhere along there. But, when the tide goes out, there is a

stretch of beach that they don’t own – the perfect location for a punk rock gig! Our rights to public spaces have been surreptitiously eroded. Mark asks: “If the ramblers of the 1930s were here now, what would they do to open up the cities? How do we turn the skyscrapers and corporate squares into our playgrounds?” He is working with people around the country and has already staged events in Chester, Oxford, Newport and Exeter. When private ownership happens in public spaces we should challenge it. Mark figures that working together we will always achieve more than we think we can. It takes time and a lot of effort, but in the end it’s worth the fight.

dates to remember

C R AG HOUS E FA R M 2 0 1 6 January


BREAKFAST MONTH! - pre-book breakfast to receive unlimited tea & coffee! 29 - Jazz Night (7pm)

13 - Afternoon Tea (3-5pm) & Valentines Dining (7pm)



5 - Mother’s Day “High Tea for High Heels” (3-7pm) 26 & 28 - Easter Egg Hunt & Lambing Live (10am-4pm)

23 - St. George’s Day “Pie & Peas” (7pm)



13 - Gourmet Curry Night (7pm) 14 - Spring Plant Sale!

4 - Blooming Summer Soiree 18 - Father’s Day “Big Breakfast” & CFL Open Day!



8 - “Pie & Praise” (7pm) 29 - Jazz Night

1 - Yorkshire Day “Celebrating all that is Yorkshire” (7pm) ** Book Christmas Dinner!




1 - Autumn Plant Sale! 7 - CFL Chef’s Awards



17 - Fine French Cuisine (7pm) & Farm Shop Chrismtas Discount Day

**Christmas Dining Begins! 3 & 10 - Christmas Market Featuring Santa’s Grotto Charity Reg no: 519138

Crag House Farm



F ood & D ri n k


A local neighbourhood eatery on Otley Road in West Park (and in superconveniently close proximity to North Leeds Life HQ) has undergone an impressive transformation, which is proving to be a welcome (and delicious) addition to the area. he building has received a thorough and stylish refurb and the owners of this new enterprise have created a menu offering a wide range of Mediterranean cuisine, together with classic European dishes, British adaptations and seasonal specials. Y ou c an e x p e c t a p l e thora of di s he s to ap p e as e the c arn i v ore s amon g u s an d p e s c atari an s are al s o we l l c ate re d f or. Whi l e the p i c ki n g s f or s tri c t v e g g i e s are s ome what s l i mme r, the me n u i s e x te n s i v e an d v ari e d e n ou g h f or the re to b e s ome thi n g f or e v e ry on e . We began with some light nibbles; lovely home baked bread and olives intros with some delicious tzatziki and hummus, followed by starters of Frito Misto – lightly (almost tempura style) battered king prawns, scallops, squid and courgettes with homemade tartare sauce; Spicy Aromatic Duck Pastries whose confit duck filling was generous enough not to be at risk of being overwhelmed by its pastry casing; and Kalamari – again delicately battered and served in rings joined at the base looking a little like a concertina! Lavanta’s chef/proprietor Orhan Girgin has not only developed good relationships with farmers and meat suppliers in the Yorkshire Dales, but also does all his own butchering. The restaurant has a special cold room where the beef is dry aged for 32 days, and the lamb hung for seven days before butchering. And, there are daily fish deliveries from Whitby.

With such thorough meat-handling expertise, I figured it would be remiss of me not to sample the Mixed Grill. Comprising steak, Merguez sausage (homemade, of course), lamb and chicken brochette and marinated lamb chop, it was a smorgasbord of excellent meat cuts expertly prepared and cooked.

A similarly multifaceted dish for indecisive non-meat eaters was the Mixed Fish & Shellfish Platter. Filets of salmon, bass and red mullet joined fat scallops, king prawns and langoustine which must have been flash grilled – everything was just à point and meltin-the-mouth good. Perhaps it’s the fact that Lavanta doesn’t receive their meat order pre-cut that means they really don’t skimp on the portions; the fillet steak as a stand alone main was, frankly, enormous, and rich and juicy to the last mouthful. The rather meatheavy proceedings of the main courses were leavened by a refreshingly delicate salad of melon,

feta, avocado and rocket. For the desserts, the sweet and sticky Baklava served with berry compote and rose petal cream was perhaps outshone by the Kadaifi; a scrumptious serving of shredded pastry with pistachios, berries and creamed vanilla mascarpone. We were the first to arrive on the Monday evening when we visited but the restaurant steadily filled up during the course of our dinner and by the time we left there was a queue out the door. Not bad for an early weeknight and they had scarcely been open a month! With a menu that’s likely to keep punters coming back and a conscientious commitment to food quality, Lavanta is a much appreciated addition to the West Park area and seems well on its way to becoming a local favourite. Lavanta Meze Bar & Grill, 269 Otley Road. West Park, LS16 5LN Tel: 0113 274 5525, enquiries@lavantarestaurant.


January & beat the Winter Blues with 10% discount *

* off your total bill during January

PARK LANE - ROUNDHAY LEEDS - LS8 2EJ 0113 266 3307


C ommu n i ty N e ws

Mitzvah Day in Leeds in November, organised and co-ordinated by a team from the Leeds Jewish community, was a huge success – so much so that Leeds has been awarded the National Mitzvah Day Biggest Impact Award! itzvah Day was founded ten years ago, as a catalyst in building local communities. The aim was to take part in collective, hands-on social action projects that make a real difference to local issues, regardless of age, faith, affiliation, gender or socio-economic position. F rom kn i tti n g s q u are s to b e made i n to b l an ke ts an d c ol l e c ti n g f or the N orth L e e ds F ood B an k, to c l e an u p p roj e c ts i n H are hi l l s , M i tz v ah D ay i n L e e ds s howe d the s tre n g th of c ommu n i ty s p i ri t. “What a fantastic Interfaith Mitzvah Day event”, said Esther Hugenholtz, Sinai Synagogue assistant rabbi and Mitzvah Day co-organiser. “The Zone, Leeds’ Jewish Youth Centre, was abuzz with Muslim friends from several mosques, from the Hamara Centre, and Christian friends from St. John’s Church. It was heartwarming to see the solidarity of the Muslim, Christian and Jewish communities coming together to support the most vulnerable in our midst – a message of unity and love so much needed in today’s world. We collected car loads of food and toiletries for refugees, wrapped mountains of gifts for terminally ill and refugee children, made cards, knitted blankets and made new friends.”

It’s been great to see people from several mosques as well as from St John’s Church being part of Mitzvah Day

Pictured: S u s i e Gordon , R ai n a S he af , ( C E O T he Z on e ) , F ab i an H ami l ton M P , R ab b i E s the r H u g e n hol tz , R as ool B haman i ( B aab U l I l m, L e e ds ) , K e i th A c ke rman ( C E O, B ri dg i n g D i f f e re n c e ) .

“I’m already looking forward to next year”, said co-organiser Susie Gordon. “I’m sure there is plenty more we can do. It’s great being part of this community, which takes it as normal to help others. So far, we’ve collected 200 creative gifts for sick children at Leeds General Infirmary, over 100 children’s toys for Palm Cove, a huge box of toiletries, and about four car loads of food. In total, I think our Mitzvah Day event will help around 1000 people.”

“The National Mitzvah Day Award is a wonderful recognition of what we do and the way in which we expand our work year on year”, said Sara Saunders, who has been involved with Mitzvah Day in Leeds for several years. “It’s been great to see people from several mosques as well as from St John’s Church being part of Mitzvah Day. May we go from strength to strength, and make Mitzvah Day part of our daily lives.”



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C ommu n i ty N e ws

News From Your Councillors Cllr

BILL URRY R ou n day

H arol d Wi l s on c oi n e d the c l i c hĂŠ that a we e k i s a l on g ti me i n p ol i ti c s , an d p rodu c i n g an arti c l e on a damp 1 s t D e c e mb e r i n v ol v e s g u e s s i n g what wi l l b e top i c al we e ks he n c e . B u t b y mi d- D e c e mb e r we wi l l kn ow the ou tc ome of the C l i mate tal ks i n P ari s . Will there be a clear way forward that will see massive reductions in CO2 emissions that will keep the global rise in temperature to less than 2oC above pre industrial levels? Or will there be another Copenhagen, where short term interests triumphed in 2009? And is


DAN COHEN A l woodl e y

M ay I b e g i n b y wi s hi n g e ac h an d e v e ry on e of y ou a hap p y , he al thy , p e ac e f u l an d p ros p e rou s 2 0 1 6 ! The coming year is set to be an interesting one for those who take an interest in politics, local elections and local decision making. Decisions are on the way that will have a real impact on every one of us. The Boundary Commission for England has announced that it will be conducting a review of the make up of Leeds City Council. Will they look at reducing the number of councillors from 99? Will they consider reducing the number of wards in the city (currently 33), to fewer, larger wards? Will ward boundaries move and create new ones with a very different make up?

even 2OC enough to stop runaway release of huge volumes of Methane from melting Siberian permafrost, accelerating warming beyond any hope of control? There are always claims that somehow the climate is not really changing, or that disrupted weather has nothing to do with humans. But we know that 2014 was the hottest year on record, and that 2015 is likely to prove even hotter. From lost grazing on the Tibetan Plateau, to freak Hurricanes and wild fires in North America, to the most violent typhoons ever recorded in the Philippines, and rising sea levels, everything is changing. And much less obvious things are happening too, including disrupted seasons and animal migrations. Even if these could be attributed to natural events, surely we need to be more than worried? The people who produce the least carbon are the most affected. In Africa, rains have been disrupted and crops have failed. If sea levels rise, Bangladesh could well be flooded.

All will become clear over the coming year following the usual rounds of consultation that are part and parcel of decision making. What we do know is that, come 2018, Leeds will see a Council election where every council seat will be voted for on one election day. There will also be a review of parliamentary constituencies (which was put on the back burner during the last parliament). The proposal sought to reduce the number of MPs and constituencies down from the current 650. Under the last proposals, the seat of Leeds North East was changed dramatically with different parts going in different directions. What will the proposals be this time and

The people who produce the least carbon are the most affected What will happen if whole swathes of the World become uninhabitable and millions of people are driven from their homes? Let’s hope by mid December we will be celebrating a good deal in Paris. Meanwhile, Happy Christmas and 2016 to everyone! Lead Councillor for Climate Change 07891 278 717 / 0113 247 6927

when will they be implemented? This will all take place against the backdrop of ever more frantic discussions over the devolution of powers from London to a more local level. Manchester led the way with their deal, but so far Leeds has been unable to agree on what the geographical region should be with powers over transport and infrastructure. Should it be the Leeds City Region? Should it be Greater Yorkshire (an area with the population and economy larger than at least eight EU member states), and which would make us a real force to be reckoned with? It is to be hoped that a way through can be found quickly to ensure that Leeds doesn’t miss the devolution bus. If we do, we risk losing our place as one of the real UK powerhouses, a tragedy of monumental proportions. I am sure the next 12 months will give a far clearer picture of where we are heading. We are certainly living in interesting times. Have a great New Year. 0113 204 1094

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C ommu n i ty N e ws

eeds Town Hall Heritage Tours start again in January, with two tours a month on the last Saturday and last Monday of the month. T ou rs take i n the V i c tori a H al l , C l oc k T owe r, e n di n g wi th a tri p arou s e e v i e ws of the c i ty . T i c ke ts f or the p p ri v ate tou rs f or g rou p s of u p to 2 5 p

C ou rt R oom, V i c tori an C e l l s an d the n d the ou ts i de the c l oc k towe r f ac e to u b l i c tou rs c os t £ 4 . 5 0 . T he y al s o of f e r e op l e at a c os t of £ 1 1 5 .

Upcoming public tour dates: January: Monday 25th, 2.30pm & Saturday 30th at 10.30am February: Saturday 27th, 10.30am & Monday 29th at 2.30pm March: Saturday 26th, 10.30am April: Monday 25th, 2.30pm & Saturday 30th at 10.30am

Hunslet-born Alfred Mattison worked as a half-timer in a local mill. His career progressed through engineering to a clerical post in Leeds’ tramways department. A founder member of the Independent Labour Party, Alf knew many of the great socialist figures of his age. His enduring contribution to Leeds and its history was a vast collection of books, pamphlets, leaflets, notebooks and diaries, now divided between Leeds City Library and the Brotherton Library. This talk, by Malcolm Chase, Professor of Social History, offers an insight into a remarkable man. Thursday 14th January, 1pm at Leeds Central Library, details:

he Town Hall has two exhibition spaces and opening in January is an exciting photographic exhibition ‘My Leeds in Focus’, showcasing the images and stories of the amazing buildings, places, people and activities that define Leeds as a city.

Pictured: L e e ds M arke t Photo: B as i l P ary l o

T he e x hi b i ti on di s p l ay s a c ol l e c ti on of s hortl i s te d e n tri e s f rom the L e e ds C ommu n i ty F ou n dati on ‘ M y L e e ds i n F oc u s ’ p hotog rap hy c omp e ti ti on . Open January – March 2016, Monday – Saturday 10am – 4pm.

hen the festivities are over and you’ve packed the decorations away, the next thing is to dispose of your now rather sad looking tree. St Gemma’s Hospice can help! Last year their Christmas Tree Collection service collected and disposed of over 700 trees, raising £7,000 for the hospice! C hri s tmas T re e s wi l l b e c ol l e c te d f rom y ou r home on 7 th, 8 th or 9 th J an u ary an d re c y c l e d at C ou n c i l was te s i te s an d al l S t Ge mma’ s as ks f or i s a don ati on . T o take p art i n the s c he me , j u s t re g i s te r y ou r c ol l e c ti on at www. s t- g e mma. c o. u k/ tre e c ol l e c ti on . The post codes currently included in the scheme are: LS6, LS7, LS8, LS9, LS13, LS14, LS15, LS16, LS17, LS18, LS19, LS20, LS21, LS28 and LS29. If your post code isn’t available here, you can still register your interest in the hope that more postcodes might be introduced.

(Just a minutes drive from Waitrose in Meanwood!)


Showroom: 28 Monkbridge Road

C Lim

Merry Christmas

V O N y. . r O ST TI nua dealsly. p SE MO h Ja dible s ap ES RO s 4t ncre . Term P rt or i riod a St l in f ed pe al it


St Gemma’s delivers this service with support from Just Helping, Leeds City Council, Leeds Commercial Vehicle Hire and McCarthy’s Removals and Storage. All money raised will go towards funding the care that St Gemma’s Hospice provides 365 days a year to patients and their families. This is free for patients but costs over £9 million a year to provide.

Tel: 0113 230 44 24


C ommu n i ty N e ws

The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) Hollybush Conservation Centre in Kirkstall has received over £1,000 donation from the Wetherby District Footpath Group for their work to improve and maintain a footpath between Collingham and Wetherby. he volunteers started work on the footpath in 2012. Working with Leeds City Council’s Public Rights of Way team, the Hollybush team cleared, created, renewed and revitalised a long section of the path that runs alongside the river Wharfe opposite Wetherby Golf Club. T he p ath had b e e n c l os e d f or ov e r 6 0 y e ars b u t was re op e n e d f ol l owi n g a s u c c e s s f u l l oc al c amp ai g n . T he p roj e c t i n v ol v e d arou n d 2 ,3 0 0 v ol u n te e r hou rs of p hy s i c al work to p rov i de an i mp rov e d ou tdoor s p ac e whe re l oc al p e op l e c ou l d g o f or a wal k an d e x e rc i s e .

TCV was delighted to receive the donation. “It shows how much the path is appreciated and represents all the hard work the volunteers put into the project”, said Andrew Tiffany, Project Officer. “We’re incredibly grateful for the donation and will use it to support our volunteers and similar work through The Hollybush Conservation Centre.” For more information about TCV’s Hollybush Conservation Centre visit hollybush

he provision of homeless support in Leeds is amongst the best in England. St George’s Crypt offers emergency accommodation with the capacity to house 40 individuals. Leeds City Council housing officers work with The Crypt, its clients and support staff to ensure that individuals are suitably housed within 72 hours. Street Outreach services identify and visit well known homeless hotspots to direct people to The Crypt so they can receive support and accommodation. “The main problem we have is ensuring that the public is aware of the broad range of services available in Leeds”, said Andrew Omond. PR officer for St George’s. “ We do sometimes miss people and need the public to act as

signposts and direct individuals to us.” St George’s Crypt, in partnership with Leeds City Council and other agencies, helps around 2,000 individuals each year to find suitable tenancies. It is this work and partnerships that ensure people, for the most part, find suitable accommodation quickly.


COFFEE SHOP & KITCHEN 482 Roundhay Road Oakwood, Leeds LS8 2HU Opposite Oakwood Clock 0113 345 6319


ometimes it is the most common birds that reveal themselves to be the most beautiful and extraordinary, and this is certainly true of the starling. Like us, a social species, starlings are seen in small parties and large flocks, constantly on the move, constantly in communication with one other. Their plumage seemingly a drab black/brown at first glance, is actually (in the breeding season) a glossy iridescence of black, green and purple, with white spots on the feather tips. In Winter the white spots cover all their body, and young birds start off brown all over. Starlings are extremely vocal, with a wide and ever-changing repertoire

H ome & Garde n

of songs and calls. They are known to imitate other birds’ songs very accurately, and even to mimic ambient human sounds such as ring tones and car alarms! Their diet consists largely of insects and other invertebrates, but they come readily to gardens, particularly enjoying fat and peanuts. They are also experts in the air with a fast direct flight, and at dusk in Autumn and Winter they flock together in huge ‘murmurations’. As the sun sets, these vast gatherings of sometimes thousands of birds form swirling smoke-like patterns in the sky, filling the air with their noise, before dropping as one into reedbeds, trees or bushes to roost.

the same, so the scientific data can be compared year-on-year, making the results very valuable. All you have to do is watch the birds in your garden or local park for an hour, record the highest number of each species that you see at one time, and send your results to the RSPB either by post or online. You can sign up for your free Garden Birdwatch 2016 pack at The website includes details of birds to look out for, as well as suggested activities for the time you are waiting for birds to appear. You can count birds anywhere! People have recorded birds seen from high rise flats, a narrowboat, or a local park. Local RSPB reserves also have special events on the weekend – check the RSPB website for details.

he next RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch will take place over the weekend of 30th – 31st January. This annual event is the world’s biggest wildlife survey, and over half a million people took part in 2015, counting more than 8.5 million birds. The results showed an increase in most of the top 20 birds compared with 2014 results. The top bird in 2015 was the house sparrow, followed by starling, blackbird, blue tit and woodpigeon. Robins and wrens have risen up the rankings, whilst greenfinches and song thrushes have seen a decline. The Big Garden Birdwatch started in 1979 as an activity for children, when it was featured on ‘Blue Peter’. Adults were invited to join in from 2001. Thirty years’ worth of data allows the RSPB to monitor trends and understand how birds are doing. The format of the survey has stayed



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H ome & Garde n

In the cold weather most of our garden plants are dormant and there is less to do in the garden, making this the ideal time to make some plans for the year ahead. Shopping for Seed

The first step is to measure the area for the new planting. Then draw it on paper. Check each plant that you might like to include to see how tall it gets and how wide it spreads. Make sure that the colours of flower and foliage will all complement each other

M y f av ou ri te thi n g i s g rowi n g s ome thi n g f rom s e e d an d that

If you are re-planting a bed or creating a new one but feel nervous about getting the right plants, here’s how I do it:

on l y tas te s g ood b u t i t p rodu c e s l on g s te ms wi th b e au ti f u l f rothy l i me g re e n f l owe r he ads

M y f av ou ri te thi n g i s g rowi n g s ome thi n g f rom s e e d an d that e x c i ti n g f e e l i n g whe n n e w s e e dl i n g s e me rg e . T he n e x t b e s t thi n g i s c hoos i n g what to g row an d orde ri n g f rom the s e e d c atal og u e s . With vegetables I always look out for things that are unusual and not the same boring vegetable varieties that I can buy off the supermarket shelves. Why not have a go at growing purple carrots, mooli or cucamelons for a change? Annual flowers grown from seed can fill your garden with colour without costing a fortune. I love growing Cosmos for feathery foliage and pink, white or burgundy flowers that keep coming for months on end, or Cleome for its spires of unusual white or pink spidery flowers that look great mixed with deep purple Cerinthe, or Blue Cornflowers. Clary sage is great too with bright bracts which last for ages bringing cool mauves and pinks to the borders and Dill not only tastes good but it produces long stems with beautiful frothy lime green flower heads which are perfect for cutting.

Planning some changes?

D i l l n ot

e x c i ti n g f e e l i n g whe n n e w s e e dl i n g s e me rg e .

and try to include things that flower at different times of year. A final check is to ensure that they will grow in the conditions in your garden. Then you are ready to draw the plants onto your drawing putting taller ones at the back and allowing enough space for each one to reach its mature size. Tracy Foster

he Heritage Lottery Fund’s Yorkshire’s Back Garden campaign is designed to raise awareness of funding opportunities to protect and share the natural heritage in Yorkshire’s back garden. I t al s o e n c ou rag e s p e op l e to s tu dy an d e x p e ri e n c e the i r l oc al n atu ral he ri tag e , s u p p orti n g a b road v ari e ty of n atu ral he ri tag e top i c s , i n c l u di n g g e o- di v e rs i ty , re c ordi n g an d man ag i n g s p e c i e s , ri v e r p roj e c ts , an d c i ti z e n s c i e n c e , al on g s i de tradi ti on al hab i tat an d s p e c i e s p roj e c ts . HLF has already helped to fund two projects in Sheffield. The Whinfell Quarry Gardens, which maintains giant redwood trees as well as 200 varieties of alpine plants, was supported with two grants totalling nearly £60,000; while the remains of Tinsley Manor were excavated using a £50,000 grant. The HLF is particularly interested in increasing the number of grants awarded between £10,000

and £100,000. It wants to get people talking across the natural heritage sector and encourage grant applications from smaller community groups on a wide range of natural heritage topics, as well as traditional habitat and species projects. “Nature is everywhere but few have knowledge of the vital role it plays in sustaining our lives”, said Drew Bennellick, Head of Landscape and Natural Heritage at HLF. “From microscopic beetles, to fungi, bats, bees, birds and mammals, all play a part in running our planet and we can’t survive without them. HLF grants offers a great opportunity to fund projects to re-connect people with nature and explore this fascinating

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if often hidden world around us.” Our thanks to Greg Mulholland MP for bringing this opportunity to our attention. “The Yorkshire’s Back Garden campaign is a great opportunity to get local communities, particularly children, interested in natural heritage”, said Greg. “The funding granted by the HLF is vital in creating and maintaining these projects, and I recommend anyone involved or looking to start one of these projects to apply for an HLF grant.” For further information, call 0113 388 8030

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mall businesses have a unique opportunity to get one-up on larger companies with new changes that have just come into place. Last year Google changed their algorithms and they now check if a website is mobilefriendly before displaying it in search results. But according to a recent survey by CodeGuard, over half of all websites are still not mobile ready. “Businesses risk losing their spot in search results if they ignore mobile” according to Peter Gunning, of Nettl. Many websites from big companies are still not mobile friendly and making them comply could cost them tens of thousands of pounds and months of hard work. “This is great news for small businesses, which tend to be more flexible and nimbler than large enterprises. Nettl can build a new web shop in weeks rather than months.”, the new network of web design studios, want to help small businesses to start selling online and are offering up to 100 Leeds City Region startups, SMEs and entrepreneurs a free one-hour consultation and a grant of up to £500 towards the cost of a Nettl website. “These days people want to interact with local businesses online. They want to make appointments, book tables, check stock or buy something online and collect it in-store today.” said Dally Purewal of Ideas, Leeds’ only Nettl Web Studio. “Making that work isn’t always easy and knowing where to start can often be just as difficult. That’s where we come in”. Most of Nettl’s clients already have a website, although often it was built before mobile was critical and so needs upgrading. “What’s really interesting is how many Leeds businesses are looking to the future

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S ou n d & V i s i on





RUNNING TIME: 141 MINS hen it comes to director-star combos, one would be hard pressed to imagine more reliable and bankable pairs of hands than Spielberg and Hanks. This extremely watchable thriller sees both men playing to their considerable strengths; Hanks his amiable everyman quality, Spielberg his instinctive gift for storytelling. The finely wrought tale (from a s c re e n p l ay c o- wri tte n b y the C oe n B rothe rs ) i s s te e p e d i n c ol d war p aran oi a an d i n tri g u e , taki n g p l ac e i n 1 9 5 7 at the he i g ht of te n s i on s b e twe e n A me ri c a an d the U . S . S . R . Hanks plays Jim Donovan, an insurance lawyer called upon to represent alleged Russian spy, Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance) recently taken in to custody by the CIA. The aim being only to show that Abel was given a capable legal defence, essentially paying lip service to idea of justice being done. To most, though, Abel’s guilt and death penalty are foregone conclusions. Due to Donovan’s professionalism, his admiration of Abel’s character and his own

The finely wrought tale (from a screenplay co-written by the Coen Brothers) is steeped in cold war paranoia and intrigue

moral fortitude (he is being played by Tom Hanks, after all) he diligently applies himself to the case and manages to save his client from the electric chair, finding himself branded a traitor by many in the process. Up to this point Bridge of Spies runs pretty much as a compelling courtroom procedural. Things step up a gear when a US spy plane pilot is shot down over Russia and Donovan is nominated as the one to negotiate the exchange of prisoners, travelling to Berlin where the bargaining grows ever more knotty and convoluted. As a veteran of the new Hollywood that arose in the 70s and 80s, Spielberg now carries an elder statesman type of prestige and his broad experience and years spent honing his craft are brought to bear on this expertly made feature. In latter years we’ve seen the director’s films take on something of a darker hue, both aesthetically and thematically but always retaining his strong narrative sensibilities. It could maybe be said that on this film Spielberg may have absorbed a little stylistic influence from his screenwriting collaborators, something about the hazy period photography called to mind the Coen’s Inside Llewyn Davis and, naturally, there’s a distinct Coenesque edge to much of the dialogue.

It’s a class act in pretty much every regard. The performances are on point across the board with particularly fine work from Mark Rylance whose Abel is a captivatingly understated study in stoic calm and quiet dignity. Aided by sharp writing, the film’s tightly plotted structure and pacing ratchet up the tension and, harnessing these elements with characteristic directorial flair, Spielberg lures the viewer into the web of intrigue with uncanny skill. The end result is a tense, exciting, intelligent and often wryly amusing film that resonates with the audience on both a brain and heart level while containing only the merest trace of the trademark Spielbergian sentimentality.

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S ou n d & V i s i on

The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour opens at Leeds Town Hall on Wednesday 27th January, and at The Carriageworks on Thursday 28th January. ow in its seventh edition, the 2016 UK and Ireland Banff Tour will share a collection of exhilarating short films with more than 80 screenings in over 50 locations across two different film programmes in early 2016 - offering audiences the opportunity to travel the world and experience a selection of inspirational and unforgettable adventures. The festival showcases a collection of the newest and best films from the global mountain culture and sports community. The two programmes, each approximately two and a half hours in length, will be selected from over 350 films that have

been entered into the prestigious 40th anniversary edition of the Banff Mountain Film Festival, held in the Canadian Rockies in November 2015. The Tour brings together people with a wide range of outdoor passions who return every year to enjoy the community feel of a Banff screening and leave with new enthusiasm and inspiration for their own adventures. The popularity of the UK and Ireland leg of the Tour is growing rapdly. The World Tour travels the globe every year, visiting 45 different countries and being enjoyed by more than 400,000 people worldwide. The full programme will be announced in early January 2016. For a taste of the action, watch the 2015 trailer at watch?v=nSJOnw4QLx0 Book for both the Leeds Town Hall and Carriageworks programmes for £24 (£20 concessions) – only available through the Box Office on 0113 224 3801. Single programme tickets £13/£11. For further information, visit




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S ou n d & V i s i on


The Danse Society S at 2 J an , T he L i b rary , £ 8 . F e atu ri n g ori g i n al f ou n de r me mb e r of P au l Gi l marti n ( Gi g i ) , on dru ms . H i s di s ti n c ti v e s ty l e & rhythms have been the influences for many mu s i c i an s s i n c e the ‘ 8 0 s .

The National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain S at 2 J an , L e e ds T own H al l , £ 1 2 . 5 0 -

£ 3 3 . 5 0 . P rog ramme : T c hai kov s ky – H aml e t, K orn g ol d - V i ol i n C on c e rto, P rokof i e v S y mp hon y N o 5

Scars On 45 S at 9 J an , B e l g rav e M u s i c

Hall, £15.69. Indie-rock outfit from Bradford c u rre n tl y maki n g wav e s s tate s i de .

Slaves S u n 1 0 J an , O2 A c ade my , £ 1 5 . 8 5 .

E x p l os i v e c on te mp orary p u n k du o. E x p e c t l i v e mayhem, chaotic crowd-surfing & frenzied y e l l - al on g s .

Angel Haze We d 1 3 J an , B e l g rav e M u s i c H al l , £ 1 3 . 7 5 . I n te n s e l y p e rs on al mate ri al f rom thi s fierce and passionate female MC.

The Petty Heartbreakers T hu 1 4 J an , D u c k & D rake , F re e . A c e l e b rati on of the g re at T om P e tty , wi th an d wi thou t T he H e artb re ake rs .

Jeremy Loops T hu 1 4 J an , B e l g rav e M u s i c

H al l , £ 8 . 9 5 . A mode rn day on e - man f ol k b an d f rom S ou th A f ri c a.

Quadrophenia Night: The Atlantics F ri 1 5 J an , O2 A c g i g , the me n Q u adrop he S tan s al l , A b

ade my , £ 1 4 . 9 5 . C l u b n i g ht, l i v e i g ht & tri b u te to the i c on i c mov i e n i a! A l s o ap p e ari n g : D J D re w s ol u te K i n ks

Diet Cig F ri 1 5 J an , H e adrow H ou s e , £ 6 . 6 0 . A ‘ s l op p op ’ du o f rom N e w Y ork.

The Hallé Orchestra S at 1 6 J an , L e e ds T own

H al l , £ orc he s Ov e rtu - S y mp

1 2 . 5 0 - £ 3 3 . 5 0 . R e n own e d M an c he s te r tra p e rf ormi n g : Wag n e r - A F au s t re , We b e r - B as s oon C on c e rto, B rahms hon y N o1 .

Lera Lynn Tu e 1 9 J an , B ru de n e l l S oc i al C l u b , £ 9 . 9 0 . Gi f te d s i n g e r- s on g wri te r p e rf ormi n g A me ri c an a & s ou the rn f ol k.

c l e v e rl y arran g e d p op p y , dri v i n g i n di e roc k.

that i s f ami l i ar b u t al l i ts own .

Cam Penner F ri 2 2 J an , Otl e y C ou rthou s e ,

Teen Daze T hu 2 8 J an , H e adrow H ou s e , £ 8 . 8 0 .

£ 1 0 / £ 1 2 . R ou g h- he wn A me ri c an a wi th he artf e l t me l odi e s b ri n g s to mi n d a y ou thf u l S te v e E arl e . A l s o ap p e ari n g : J on Wood

The Temperance Movement F ri 2 2 J an , L e e ds

B e c ke tt U n i v e rs i ty S U , £ 1 7 . 0 5 . B l u e s - dre n c he d, s ou l f u l , l ou d & e x p l os i v e roc k ‘ n ’ rol l b an d.

Night Beats F ri 2 2 J an , H e adrow H ou s e , £ 1 1 .

U S g rou p i n c orp orati n g s ou n ds of e arl y R & B , T e x as P s y c he de l i c R oc k, U K B l u e s , F ol k & S ou l

Mingus Big Band S at 2 3 J an , H oward A s s e mb l y R oom, £ 2 2 . On e of the g re ate s t b i g b an ds . T he re are f e w s ou n ds i n j az z as e x c i ti n g as the ramb u n c ti ou s , hard- s wi n g i n g 1 4 p i e c e M i n g u s B i g B an d, F e atu ri n g a f u l l s tar l i n e - u p on tru mp e ts , s ax op hon e s , tromb on e s , dru ms , b as s & ke y b oards .

Sinfonia of Leeds S at 2 3 J an , 7 . 3 0 p m at S t. E dmu n d’ s C hu rc h, L i dg e tt P k A v e , L S 8 . P rog ramme : S me tan a’ s M a V l as t: V y s e hrad, V l tav a; C op l an d’ s B i l l y the K i d; & B ri tte n ’ s Y ou n g P e rs on ’ s Gu i de to the Orc he s tra. C on du c tor: A n thon y K rau s . T i c ke ts : 2 2 4 3 8 0 1 , or on door Beach Slang S u n 2 4 J an , B ru de n e l l S oc i al C l u b , £ 8 . 8 0 . 3 p i e c e p u n k roc k b an d s ou n di n g l i ke “ a on e - n i g ht s tan d b e twe e n T he P s y c he de l i c F u rs & T he R e p l ac e me n ts ” .

Pure Bathing Culture M on 2 5 J an , H e adrow

H ou s e , £ 7 . 7 0 . I n di e p op du o f rom P ortl an d, Ore g on .

8 p m at N e w H e adi n g l e y C l u b , 5 6 S t M i c hae l ’ s Rd LS6. Best Duo finalists in BBC Radio 2 Folk A wards 2 0 1 5 & M OJ O F ol k A l b u m of the Y e ar 2 0 1 4 . £ 1 0 / £ 8

Stroke of Genius Big Band F ri 2 9 J an , 8 p m

at T i n s hi l l & C ookri dg e S oc i al C l u b , Woodn ook D r. L S 1 6 6 P F . P l ay i n g B i g B an d S wi n g & S al s a to dan c e , s i n g or l i s te n to. L e d b y E n ri c o M arc he s i who, al on g wi th s ome b an d me mb e rs , e x p e ri e n c e d s troke . F re e wi th c ol l e c ti on f or S troke A s s oc i ati on . www. f ac e b ook. c om/ A S troke Of Ge n i u s B i g B an d/

The Drink F ri 2 9 J an , H e adrow H ou s e , £ 7 . 7 0 .

Odd g u i tar p op wi th a dark f ol k u n de rton e , drawi n g c omp ari s on s to D e e rhoof , T he B re e de rs , T al ki n g H e ads , K ate B u s h, T hrowi n g M u s e s .

Gothic Voices F ri 2 9 J an , H oward A s s e mb l y R oom, £ 1 7 . 5 0 . H i g hl y - ac b ri n g i n g mu s i c f rom the the mai n s tre am & maki n g c omp romi s i n g i ts i n te g ri ty v on B i n g e n , M ac hau t & D

c l ai me d p e rf orme rs me di e v al worl d i n to i t ac c e s s i b l e wi thou t . Works b y H i l de g ard u f ay .

Lindi Ortega T u e 2 6 J an , B ru de n e l l S oc i al C l u b ,

Gabrielle Aplin S at 3 0 J an , O2 A c ade my ,

£ 1 3 . 7 5 . C an adi an s i n g e r- s on g wri te r wi th a di s ti n c ti v e b l e n d of A me ri c a & al t- c ou n try f ol k

They Might Be Giants We d 2 7 J an , B ru de n e l l

The Cadillac Three T hu 2 8 J an , B ru de n e l l

S oc i al C l u b , 1 5 . 4 0 . T hi s S e attl e b as e d 5 - p i e c e s e rv i n g u p P e l e - e s q u e g u i tar- tap s mi x e d wi th u n e x p e c te d ti me c han g e s & c atc hy me l odi e s i n

New Roots: O’Hoolie & Tidow F ri 2 9 J an ,

The Beat S at 3 0 J an , B ru de n e l l S oc i al C l u b , £ 1 7 . 6 0 . C l as s i c 2 - T on e S ka worth g oi n g to s e e l i v e to he ar ‘ M i rror I n T he B athroom’ i n al l i ts g l ory .

Chali 2na T hu 2 1 J an , T he Wardrob e , £ 1 5 .

Minus The Bear T hu 2 1 J an , B ru de n e l l

8 . 3 0 p m at T he Grov e I n n , B ac k R ow, H ol b e c k (off Water Lane). Live acoustic, Americana roots / B l u e g ras s / C ou n try . R e s i de n t b an ds & g u e s ts . P i c ki n g s e s s i on s . M u s i c i an s we l c ome . £ 3 . D e tai l s : J ohn 2 6 7 0 7 6 1 , K e v i n 2 6 7 7 0 4 0

S U , £ 1 7 . 5 0 . A tmos p he ri c , me an & moody f ol k f u l l of hau n ti n g me l odi e s , a twi s t of e l e c tron i c a & amb i e n t s we e p s .

Italian duo who don’t fit into one particular g e n re , u s i n g dru ms wi th p e dal s , ov e rdri v e n b as s & du al p i tc h damag e d v oc al s . F orme rl y a me mb e r of J u ras s i c 5 , ori g i n al me mb e r of Oz omatl i . A l s o ap p e ari n g : T he F u n k H u n te rs

Leeds Bluegrass Club T hu rs 2 8 J an , f rom

Daughter T u e 2 6 J an , L e e ds B e c ke tt U n i v e rs i ty

S oc i al C l u b , £ 2 2 . I n n ov ati v e A me ri c an i n di e p op s te rs , b e s t kn own f or ‘ B i rdhou s e I n Y ou r S ou l ’ an d ‘ I s tan b u l ( N ot C on s tan ti n op l e ) ’ who c on ti n u e to mai n tai n a l oy al f an b as e , than ks to the i r s p on tan e ou s , f u n l i v e p e rf orman c e s , & q u i rky p op s on g s .

Zeus! We d 2 0 J an , B ru de n e l l S oc i al C l u b , £ 5 . 5 0

Otherworldly Lo-fi dream-pop.

S oc i al C l u b , £ 1 3 . 5 0 . T hre e p i e c e ‘ c ou n try f u z z ’ b an d f rom N as hv i l l e , a s ou n d that hov e rs b e twe e n radi o- re ady c ou n try an the ms , hard& - he av y roc k & tradi ti on al S ou the rn f ol k.

Citizen T hu 2 8 J an , B ru de n e l l S oc i al C l u b , £ 1 5 . 4 0 . F u z z y , g u i tar- dri v e n roc k that re c al l s B ran d N e w & e arl y N i rv an a, c re ati n g a s ou n d

£ 1 8 . 1 5 S i n g e r- s on g wri te r & i n te rn e t s e n s ati on , who n otc he d u p mi l l i on s of Y ou T u b e hi ts wi th he r g e n tl e ac ou s ti c c ov e r v e rs i on s of s on g s b y P aramore & Y ou M e at S i x b e f ore re ac hi n g n o. 1 wi th he r c ov e r of F ran ki e ’ s ‘ T he P owe r Of L ov e ’ ,.

Cheikh Lo S at 3 0 J an , H oward A s s e mb l y

R oom, £ 1 9 . 2 5 . A rare U K p e rf orman c e f rom thi s e c l e c ti c arti s t f u s i n g hi s u n i q u e mi x of f u n k, mb al ax ( a f orm of S e n e g al e s e dan c e mu s i c ) an d othe r We s t A f ri c an s ty l e s f or an u n f org e ttab l e e v e n i n g of l u s c i ou s s ou l mu s i c .

Golden Void S u n 3 1 J an , B ru de n e l l S oc i al C l u b , £ 8 . 8 0 . T he n e w f ac e of B ay A re a psychedelia, firmly rooted in melody, unafraid of e x p l orati on . H ooks that g e t s tu c k i n y ou r he ad and riffs to transport you to the astral plane. A l s o ap p e ari n g : H ol y S on




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H e al th & F i tn e s s

Nile Wilson, from Pudsey, is one of the most exciting gymnasts to emerge in recent times. He shot to fame in August 2014, becoming a double Gold-winning Commonwealth medalist at just 18. He collected a Bronze in the allround event and Silver on parallel bars. This remarkable achievement in his first senior competition, earned him a place on the Great Britain team, who then went on to finish fourth at the World Championships in Nanjing, China.

ile started training aged four at his local council-run centre in Pudsey. His potential was recognised early and he was invited to train at the Leeds Gymnastic Centre of excellence at Leeds Carnegie. It became clear to his coaches Dave Murray and Barry Collie, that they had a potential Olympian on their hands. And, confirmation came at the Junior European Championships in Sofia (Bulgaria) in May 2014, which ultimately earned Nile his place on the Glasgow Commonwealth Games, winning team. S p on s ore d b y H e rb al i f e , N i l e s p l i ts hi s 3 2 hou r we e kl y trai n i n g s c he du l e b e twe e n the L e e ds Gy mn as ti c C l u b an d L i l l e s hal l N ati on al S p orts C omp l e x i n S hrop s hi re . “2015 was a very successful year for me and winning Team Silver at the World Gymnastics Championships was a particular highlight”, said Nile. “I got some great results and loved the whole experience. Winning Team Silver means that we have successfully qualified as a team for Rio. I still have to qualify for my place in the Olympics squad so my training and preparation from now on will be key.

Winning Team Silver means that we have successfully qualified as a team for Rio “My first big competition in 2016 is the British Championships in April, then the European Championships in May. I love that feeling of being on the world stage and proving I can perform. At the moment, it’s about gaining as much experience as possible, building confidence and pushing myself as hard as I can to be the best gymnast I can be. My goal is to prove that I am ready for the Olympics.”

Te Newmple sam

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It’s that time of year again – when gyms rub their hands together with glee at the prospect of signing up loads of new members, and thousands of people try to work up the enthusiasm to really get active and fit in 2016! We contacted Jason Minott at Leeds Sport and Active Lifestyle and asked him what he would suggest to help people launch into a more active lifestyle. He came up with some great hints. STARTING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Find an activity that is right for you.


liked at school, or always wanted to try.

GET SUPPORT Join a group, club, family, or friends – there are lots of people who will be happy to help you. Having someone to go to sessions with can really help, but if you haven’t got anyone don’t let it stop you as you may meet new people there. Sessions are sociable, and full of like-minded people.



If you haven’t been active for a while, it may be useful to think about the benefits you want to experience, as well as the barriers that are holding you back and how these can be overcome. Set yourself a mini goal or challenge. It can help having something to work towards, but make sure it is achievable, and start off slowly.

START SLOWLY uild your confidence and fitness level with a number of short sessions. If you have been inactive for a long time, you may want to start with 5 – 10 minutes of activity and build up as you get used to being active. If you are new to an activity, your muscles are likely to get stiff and sore. The discomfort will ease as you get used to being active.

WIDE CHOICES We are so lucky here in Leeds because there are so many great clubs and groups to join, together with small fitness studios and individual classes – from football, rugby, hockey, netball, Lacrosse and running, to Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, and dance. You really have no excuse – there is so much to choose from!

ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS THROUGH CAREFUL PLANNING FIT Busters (Focused Inspirational Trainers) is a new personal training and fitness studio in Meanwood run by Richard Scanlon, who has 20 years experience in the fitness industry.

R athe r than j u mp i n g on the l ate s t f i tn e s s f ad, R i c hard an d hi s te am c on c e n trate on he l p i n g y ou to i de n ti f y y ou r g oal s an d work towards ac hi e v i n g the m p rag mati c al l y throu g h p l an n i n g , p re p arati on an d a re al i s ti c ap p roac h to y ou r ai ms .

individual needs. They also offer personal training for two or four clients, to give you the full benefit of the FIT Busters team’s expertise.

FIT Busters run small classes with a maximum of eight people so that the instructors can really focus on each person’s

January Offer: Experience a free stress, butt and gut buster class at FIT Busters. Just call them on 0113 07990 610218. FIT Busters, Unit 4, Providence House, Authorpe Road, Meanwood, LS6 4JB

Richard promises to give you the ‘S Factor’! “We like to concentrate on strength, stamina, suppleness, speed and spirit”, he said. “We ask you to think about what you want to achieve and together we will work on how you can do this in a realistic and enjoyable way.”

Is stress the cause of your pain? Losing weight with the power of

ADVANCED CLINICAL MASSAGE One of the most effective ways to treat injury and illness.

We have the best fitness classes. an eating plan that works. a chance to have fun with the girls. All from your local glow coach. all you need to do is contact Sarah on the details below. Classes available/running in Leeds 8, 16 and 17 Contact Sarah Shipp Tel: 01943 465676 Email: Website: Facebook: Glow North Leeds FREE FIRST CLASS then get the next 4 weekly classes for just £20* Special Offer: PLUS a FREE members’ recipe book packed with delicious healthy recipes *Excludes courses Offer ends 28/02/2016

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Much of our pain originates in the soft tissue of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Advanced Clinical Massage can help with problems causing headache, chest pain, abdominal and pelvic pain, as well as classic symptoms of back and neck pain.

Also offering Specialist Oncology Massage for people living with cancer. To book an appointment call:

0113 345 4084 / 07760 176 597 de-stress 94 Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 4LZ


When the Christmas season is over for many people it ’s time to set some New Year resolutions. After the excesses of the festive season, getting fit or weight loss may be top of your agenda. However, before you rush into a crash diet, join a gym or participate in an over strenuous exercise regime, I’d recommend setting some realistic short and long term goals. I f y ou r targ e t i s to, s ay , l os e hal f a stone, firstly figure ou t how y ou are g oi n g to ac hi e v e i t, an d b y whe n . B re ak i t down i n to s mal l i n te rme di ate , e v e n dai l y g oal s . F or e x amp l e y ou r dai l y g oal may b e to ab s tai n f rom b i s c u i ts , c ake s or al c ohol an d to i n c orp orate more f ru i t an d v e g e tab l e s i n to y ou r me al s . Y ou r we e kl y g oal may b e to l os e a p ou n d i n b ody f at an d, the re f ore , y ou r u l ti mate g oal s hou l d take s e v e n we e ks .

You should include some regular exercise in your lifestyle, a combination of aerobic and resistance training is recommended. Pick activities you enjoy doing. Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, aerobics, circuit training, and weights can all be considered. You may want to get guidance from a personal fitness trainer, to help you put together the most effective

Pick activities you enjoy doing. Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, aerobics, circuit training, and weights can all be considered. The ‘double whammy’ of healthy eating and regular exercise should help you race towards your target. Commit to your goals by writing them down, including the date you want to achieve them and then take action to start!

Patrick Douglas BSc (Hons), Personal Fitness Trainer programme to suit your needs and preferences. Patrick Douglas can help you with your goal planning, exercise routine and fitness monitoring, in fact most things exercise related.

CHIROPRACTIC TREATMENT MAY BE THE ANSWER TO BACK PAIN Alison Eaves is a chiropractor at Revive Chiropractic in Adel and finds that back and neck pain are two of the main reasons people will see a chiropractor. Headaches, shoulder, arm, hip and knee pain can also be associated with problems in the spine. Patients may have had just a few days of back pain, or have suffered for years, the aim is to get the body moving again, so you can enjoy being pain free and mobile. At Revive Chiropractic each patient undergoes a thorough assessment where the type of pain experienced and how long it has been present are discussed. Strong emphasis is placed on individual lifestyle, such as job/ working position, posture and how

you spend your free time, as these can all contribute to the problem. The spine and surrounding joints are examined for any tenderness or stiffness. And, following diagnosis, how treatment will address the problem will be discussed.

Spinal manipulation often forms part of the treatment – this is when precise movements are applied to the spine. Alison will also spend time working on the muscles, ligaments and connective tissues using massage and stretching techniques. You may also be given specific exercises to strengthen certain muscles to help your recovery and prevent injury recurring. Following half an hour of treatment, you should feel relaxed and well informed.

North Leeds Clinic, 467 Otley Road, Adel, LS16 7NR Tel: 0113 347 2801,

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NEW EXERCISE CRAZE THAT’S AS OLD AS THE HILLS In ancient China if you were not strong and healthy then you would perish and so they developed exercises and a philosophy for health and wellbeing that was very effective at combating the stresses and strains of life. This exercise system was known as Lishi (pronounced ‘Lee Sher ’) and it is the source of activities that are better known today as Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation, Qigong and Kung Fu. T he i r ap p roac h to f i tn e s s was s ome what di f f e re n t to the We s te rn way . R athe r than f oc u s s i n g on b u i l di n g mu s c l e s , whi c h ac tu al l y p u ts a g re at s trai n on the i n te rn al org an s , the y s tarte d wi th the i n te rn al an d l e tti n g that radi ate ou t. The extensive range of exercises practised within Lishi has at its core one fundamental aim – how to protect and increase energy levels

so that you can better experience life. Of course, the answer differs for each individual, but a qualified Lishi teacher will help you to boost your energy, strengthen your body and relax your mind. Lishi is a great way to meet other people who are interested in living

a healthy, positive life, and to take time out from your busy schedule to connect with yourself. Classes are currently running in Chapel Allerton and Meanwood for both adults and children. For further information and a free video course, visit www.

Rather than focussing on building muscles they started with the internal and letting that radiate out


Be prepared this holiday by knowing how to act should your child (over the age of one) or an adult choke. When choking is severe the person will be unable to talk, cry, cough or breathe.

1. Give up to five blows on the back. Hit them firmly between the shoulder blades. If this doesn’t dislodge the object….

2. Perform five abdominal thrusts - hold the child around the waist and pull upwards and inwards above their belly button. If this doesn’t dislodge the object, repeat steps one and two. 3. If the object has not dislodged after three cycles of back blows and abdominal thrusts – Call 999 For a choking baby: 1. Hold the baby face down along your thigh with their head lower than their bottom and give up to five back blows, hitting them firmly between the shoulder blades. If this doesn’t dislodge the object…. 2. Give up to five chest thrusts. Turn the baby over so they are facing upwards and place two fingers in the middle of their chest just below the nipples. Push inwards and upwards up to five times. If this doesn’t dislodge the object, repeat steps one and two. 3. If the object has not dislodged after three cycles of back blows and chest thrusts – Call 999.


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H e al th & F i tn e s s

Heart Research UK has a whole host of exciting challenges for you to consider in 2016 – including the Great North Run, London Bupa 10k, Silverstone Half Marathon, Yorkshire Three Peaks and Subway 5k series. Not to mention skydiving and global challenges like trekking the Great Wall of China, or cycling from London to Paris.

f you don’t want to leave Leeds, Heart Research UK has suggestions for you too! My Run, My Way is aimed at people who would like to create their own run. It could be a 5k, 10k, half or full marathon. Just choose a date, time, route, distance and people to run with and apply for your free fundraising pack to get started. Or, Swim the Channel, where you have three months to swim the distance of the channel, in the comfort of your local swimming pool.

H e art di s e as e i s s ti l l the U K ’ s s i n g l e b i g g e s t ki l l e r an d c ou l d s tri ke an y of u s at an y ti me . B u t, 8 0 % of thi s di s e as e i s p re v e n tab l e . Y ou c an make l i f e s ty l e c han g e s ri g ht n ow that c ou l d s i g n i f i c an tl y i mp rov e y ou r he art he al th, an d f i tn e s s p l ay s a hu g e p art. If you’d like to set yourself that Healthy Heart Challenge, just contact Heart Research UK and sign up. Call 0113 2347474, email community@ , or visit www.

Massage Can Help Cancer Patients

E a c

C b

De-Stress, a clinical massage practice in Chapel Allerton, is offering specialist oncology massage, developed specifically for cancer patients who have specific needs. On c ol og y mas s ag e c an f orm an e s s e n ti al c omp on e n t i n the he al i n g p roc e s s . I t c an c u rb an x i e ty , du l l p ai n , an d he l p to man ag e n au s e a. T he ai m i s to c re ate a g e n tl e , n u rtu ri n g e n v i ron me n t that al l ows the c l i e n t to re l ax . P ati e n ts of te n e x p e ri e n c e f e e l i n g s of i s ol ati on , whi c h c an b e al l e v i ate d throu g h tou c h. A n d, s tre s s l e v e l s c an b e re du c e d, b e n e f i tti n g the i mmu n e s y s te m an d s tre n g the n i n g the b ody f or the f i g ht ag ai n s t c an c e r. Skilful massage stimulates self awareness and reawakens a sense of control in a seemingly powerless situation. People with cancer go through an outer and inner journey, and skilful touch can facilitate their inner journey of healing. It can help to boost a client’s self esteem, and promote the confidence to become more involved in their treatment. It can also play an important part in helping a client to acknowledge the physical and physiological effects of their cancer, and ease symptoms. De-stress, 94 Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton, LS7 4LZ Tel: 0113 345 4084/ 07760 176597

A t f




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IT’S ALL ABOUT EDUCATION, EDUCATION, EDUCATION! Both Primary and Secondary schools around Leeds continually strive to improve standards and the results are steadily improving year on year. Meanwood C of E Primary was recently named The Sunday Times State Primary School of the Year 2015. And, The Froebelian School in Horsforth was ranked number 22 in the Sunday Times Parent Power national survey of the Top 100 Preparatory Schools. A recent Ofsted report highlighted a north-south divide in education naming 13 local authorities in the North and Midlands as having underperforming schools – but Leeds was definitely not one of them. As another year starts, many schools are holding open days, which are great opportunities to investigate what schools offer and how they would suit your child. As you know….. it’s all about education, education, education!

A BRIGHT FUTURE WITH GSAL SIXTH FORM Sixth Form at The Grammar School at Leeds (GSAL) offers a superb co-educational experience encompassing so much more than simply academic study. The welfare and wellbeing of each student is at its core. While the goal for most Sixth Form students is the A-level grades they need for their chosen degree course, GSAL is also aware that universities and employers look for

something extra in applicants. The school complements its A-level provision with opportunities for academic enrichment and personal challenge. The Extended

Project Qualification and innovative ‘Aspire’ programme include courses on practical or intellectual topics and voluntary service, which enhance learning

The School nurtures each

individual’s needs and aspirations

and prepare students for life after school. GSAL offers 27 A-level subjects, in any combination. It nurtures each individual’s needs and aspirations, and provides outstanding pastoral care in small tutorial groups. Expert advice from a dedicated careers and higher education team means that students leaving GSAL Sixth

Form have an impressive record of getting where they want to be. The Sixth Form centre also provides students with their own café, study area and social space, while remaining an integral part of the school. Extracurricular activities and a house system offer students rewarding leadership roles and interaction with younger pupils. To find out more about GSAL Sixth Form, join them on Wednesday 20th January 2016, 5.30 – 8pm, for their Sixth Form Options and Subject Choices Fair. Further details at

Broadening horizons

Sixth Form Evening

Wed 20 Jan

5.30pm - 8pm

• Large choice of subjects • Average class size of 12 • 81% of A level grades A*-Bˆ • 92% progressed to universityˆ • 65% went on to Russell Group universitiesˆ • Wide range of extra-curricular & leadership opportunities • Voluntary service programme • Self-contained Sixth Form Centre with café, garden and study areas ˆ2015 leavers

Now accepting applications for 2016 entry Alwoodley Gates, Harrogate Road Leeds, LS17 8GS T: 0113 229 1552 E:

Dr Simon Hinchliffe

A NEW HEAD AT BRADFORD GRAMMAR radford Grammar School recently announced the appointment of Dr Simon Hinchliffe as Head of the school, succeeding Kevin Riley who is due to retire. Dr Hinchliffe, who is currently D e p u ty H e ad, was f orme rl y H e ad of the S i x th F orm at Wol v e rhamp ton Grammar S c hool whe re he worke d f or f ou rte e n y e ars . P re v i ou s l y , he tau g ht at the U n i v e rs i ty of Wol v e rhamp ton an d worke d as a field scientist at the University of E di n b u rg h. “Simon has demonstrated that he is an inspirational and charismatic educationalist”, said Lady Morrison, Chair of Governors. “I have no doubt that he will build on the School’s many successes and lead it to even greater achievements in the coming years.” “I am hugely excited by the prospect of working with pupils and their families, colleagues and governors in my new role”, said Dr Hinchliffe. “The range of pupils’ interests and achievements at Bradford Grammar is simply astonishing. Ours is a very happy school – at ease with excellence, deeply committed to developing the whole child – and

providing a wonderful start in life for pupils. “I genuinely believe in the power of an inspiring and wellrounded education to build character and fundamentally change lives for the better. Education at BGS kindles an intellectual and emotional response from students, encourages insight and curiosity, and provides the tools and disposition to make a valuable contribution to society and the economy. It will enthuse and equip young people with the flexibility, confidence, fortitude and sense of fair play for whatever comes next in their lives.”

FROEBELIAN 22 IN SUNDAY TIMES SURVEY The Froebelian School was ranked number 22 in the Sunday Times Parent Power national survey of the Top 100 Preparatory Schools. It is the highest ranked school in Leeds and Bradford and is still the only Leeds school in the top 100. “ We are s o p rou d of ou r c hi l dre n ” , s ai d C athe ri n e D odds , H e ad T e ac he r. “ T hi s i s a te s ti mon y to the hard work an d de di c ati on of n ot on l y the c hi l dre n an d the i r te ac he rs b u t al s o the whol e s c hool c ommu n i ty who work tog e the r to f os te r a l i f e l on g thi rs t f or l e arn i n g . ” Children at Froebelian start school the September after their third birthday, beginning their education in the pre-school year. This gives them a flying start on their learning journey. The Froebelian School has maintained its place in the Top 100 ever since the Sunday Times began publishing league tables over 20 years ago. The school, established in 1913, has a proud tradition of educating children to the highest standard, whilst maintaining the close knit family community feel that makes Froebelian so special.

BRADFORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL A leading independent school in Yorkshire for boys and girls aged 6 to 18

Come along to one of our Open Events 12 Jan 2016 6.00pm

Junior School Open Evening

13 Jan 2016 9.15am

Senior School Open Morning

8 March 2016 8.45am Sixth Form Taster Morning 14 April 2016 9.15am Senior and Junior School Open Morning

Top ten best value UK independent school 2015 (Daily Telegraph)

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GATEWAYS – A TOP PERFORMING SCHOOL According to The Telegraph in August 2015, Gateways School in Harewood is the top performing girls’ high school within 25 miles of Harewood. A l thou g h n on - s e l e c ti v e i n te rms of ac ade mi c ab i l i ty , p u p i l s wi s hi n g to j oi n the s c hool are re q u i re d to take an e n tran c e e x am whi c h al l ows the s c hool to i de n ti f y the i r s tre n g ths an d we akn e s s e s an d e n s u re that the s c hool i s ab l e to me e t the i r n e e ds . The school’s intake demonstrates a wide range of abilities, be they academic, sporting or creative and its results are competitive with those of nearby independent schools.

Fulneck School’s Year Six recently visited the Palace of Westminster and was given a superb educational tour by their local MP, Stuart Andrew, visiting both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. T he v i s i t was arran g e d to l i n k i n wi th the i r c u rre n t H u man i ti e s top i c on D e moc rac y an d Gov e rn me n t S y s te ms . T he y e v e n s aw a s tatu e of f orme r F u l n e c k p u p i l H e rb e rt H e n ry A s q u i th, f amou s f or hav i n g l e ad the U K i n to the Gre at War! F ol l owi n g the tou r, the c l as s j oi n e d M r A n dre w f or a Q & A s e s s i on . The class also visited some famous sights of London, including Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus, and Camden Market where they caught some Street Theatre. They also

had time to have their photos taken on Platform 9 3/4 at King’s Cross Station. Earlier in the Autumn, Year Six had invited Stuart Andrew to school for a Q&A session, when they asked him some challenging questions about local issues and the Conservatives’ national policy. Their study of Democracy and Government Systems was further supported by a visit from Judge Greenway, who talked about law and the judiciary.

Founded in 1753, Fulneck School in Pudsey is the UK’s leading inclusive independent day and boarding school for boys and girls aged 3 to 18. It is set in a peaceful village community and settlement dating back to 1739. With a strong Christian ethos, it consists of three schools, Early Years, Junior and Senior (including Sixth Form). Next Open Morning: Friday 8th January, 9.30 – 12 midday Entrance Examination and Taster Day for Year 7 Entry: Tuesday 19th January, 9 am – 3.45 pm

A recent study by the CEM centre at the University of Durham showed that Gateways is the seventh best independent school in the UK in terms of value added for pupils from Years 7 – 11. Even more impressively, Gateways is the top school in the UK for value added in Maths and Science.

Gateways School will hold its Entrance and Scholarship Examinations on Monday 25th January 2016. For further information, please contact the Admissions Department on 0113 288 6345.

Come and discover how your child will flourish at Fulneck School

JAN Friday


JAN Tuesday


Open Morning 9:30am—noon

Entrance Exam & Taster 9:00am—3:45pm

Fulneck School

A vibrant, happy, aspirational community where we focus on one child. Yours.

Register now for Reception and Year 7 in 2016

0113 257 0235 Fulneck School



LS28 8DS

FOLLOW THE CHILD Dr Maria Montessori’s often repeated advice was always to ‘follow the child’. And today, one hundred years later, this is still the basic principle of Montessori childcare and education.

“Here, a child explores the world from his or her viewpoint. Each resource introduces a concept essential to their future life. Of course, to ‘follow the child’, we must stop interfering! Freedom to choose in this nursery creates a positive atmosphere, with no limits to learning. But, whilst the children are free to choose what excites and stimulates them, their ‘free choices’ are from carefully researched and prepared resources, which always teach a life skill.

T he M on te s s ori N u rtu ry , a b ran c h of the Y orks hi re M on te s s ori N u rs e ry , i s l oc ate d n e x t to M oortown P ri mary S c hool i n an ol d c hap e l an d f orme r s y n ag og u e , at 8 S hadwe l l L an e . R u n b y hi g hl y e x p e ri e n c e d E arl y Y e ars T e ac he r H e l e n Grati on , the n u rs e ri e s al l ow c hi l dre n to develop confidence and i n de p e n de n c e wi th re al p u rp os e . “I was always particularly taken with how Montessori methods suited each child and allowed their uniqueness

children to have the best start in life – both in learning and enjoyment.

“They are potential inventors, explorers, creators, parents! Each learns without knowing it. We ‘follow the child’, with great wonder and admiration and look forward to seeing what the amazing possibilities are!”

to flourish”, said Helen. “And, I believe with a passion that we do

this differently to other nurseries. I have set up a system that allows the

The Montessori Nurtury, Moortown, 0113 268 6141 www.

Academic Excellence Vitality & Flair

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Foreign languages, creative art, music, Foreign languages, creative art, music, gardening and exploring the world! Loving Care and Superb Education gardening and exploring the world! Foreign languages, creative art, music, Come and join us gardening for the best day ever, and exploring the world! join us for the best day after day,Come in our and outstanding nursery

day ever, after day, our Come day and join us for thein best day ever, outstanding nurserynursery day after day, in our outstanding

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C ommu n i ty N oti c e s


Community Notices

FREE FOR charities, churches, social clubs & non-profit community groups


Betty Lupton’s Ladle Laikers Female

Alwoodley Community Association Badminton Club Friendly group

Morris dancing team welcomes new dancers of any ability. Good exercise. Friendly, sociable team. Practices Wednesday nights. Details: Sue

welcomes all abilities for badminton & social events Mon from 9pm & Wed from 8.30pm. Details:

Vicky 07561 292699, Phil 268 9996,, www. alwoodleycommunityassociation. Alwoodley Community Association Indoor Carpet Bowls Section Meets Fri, 7.30 – 9.30pm. Mixed membership, mostly aged 60+ but younger age groups most welcome. Friendly social atmosphere & good light exercise. Drop in & give it a try.

Chapeltown Cougars Junior Rugby League Club seek new recruits to join pack from Y-1 to Y- 8, girls & boys, Beginners & experienced players welcome. Qualified coaches & staff, all DBS checked. Details: Sam

07475 435853, www.bettyluptonsladlelaikers.

07949975295, mumba40@gmail. com

Calling Energetic Fundraisers!

Grand Canyon Trek 14-21 May &

Guaranteed places for London-Paris Bike Ride, Leeds 10K, Yorkshire 3 Peaks, Grand Canyon Trek & more. Challenge yourself & raise valuable funds for Yorkshire Cancer Centre Appeal, St James’s Hospital. Details:

17-24 May 2016. Challenge yourself & raise valuable funds for Yorkshire Cancer Centre Appeal, St James’s Hospital. Details: Tif 206 8620, uk/events.php

Irish Set Dancing meets Tues, 8.30pm at the Irish Centre, York Rd. Lot of fun & a good workout. Open to all, regardless of age or dancing ability.

Details: Brian K. 07527 730022

• 24hr Service

An independent husband and wife run business with over 35 years’ experience offering you our support day or night and personally supervised by Phillip and Thea Thomason.

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All dances are taught. Free. Details: Aizlynn Johnston 07731 376773, Caleb Jenkinson 07585 962002,,

Leeds Area Disabled Swimming Club Do you have a condition where swimming could help? LADSC meets Mon 7.15 – 8.15pm Holt Park Active. Safe & relaxed environment. Details:

Roger 267 4716, Paul 225 7035

Leeds Softball is looking for new players & teams to join its indoor softball sessions, starting Wed 6 Jan, 7 - 9pm at Notre Dame Sixth Form College, St Mark’s Ave LS2 9BL. Perfect for beginners to learn fielding & batting. First session free, then £4. Details: LeedsSoftball@gmail. com, Leeds Tai Chi Academy Classes

incl refreshments. Details: Lorna Ramsden 293 7645, Jean Willson 01423 505006, ianrwillson@

Mindfulness Through Qigong Wed pm, St Edmund’s Church Hall, Roundhay. Mindfulness through gentle exercise in the Chinese tradition. Beginners welcome. £5/ £4. Details: Sue Dunham 0772 961 7471,

Wed (term time), 7.30 – 9.30pm at Baptist Church, Moortown LS17 6AA. Friendly group – all ages & abilities welcome. Adm £1.50 Details: 268

Mon & Wed, 7pm Chapel Allerton Primary School. New classes: Mindful Movement (for balance, co-ordination, vitality) Tues 12-1pm; and Tai Chi for health, Tues 1-2pm – both at Stainbeck Hall, Stainbeck Ln, LS7. Details: 07581 217074,

0266/ 01977 510508

Curtis 07703 755645, www.

Leeds Penguins Lacrosse Club

Loidis International Folk Dance Group meets Thurs 7.30 – 9.30pm

Leeds Folk Dance Group meets

trains Mon 7.15pm at Adel, matches Saturdays. New & experienced players welcome. Details: leedslacrosse@

Moortown Rugby Union Club All junior age groups (6 –17) welcome to train & play Rugby Union. Located at Far Moss Sport Ground, off The Avenue, LS17 7NT. Details: Damian

Moor Allerton Sports & Social Centre, Stonegate Rd (opp fire station), LS17 6EL. Dances from Europe & beyond, with & without partners. £3.50



72 North East Leeds Girls Football Team is looking for new players. Girls in Years 8 & 9. Beginners & experienced players welcome. Training Sat 10 – 11.30am at Roundhay Park with qualified coaches. Details: Krys 07757

210338, North Leeds Leopards are looking for new players for their U15 team (Year 10) for 2015. Details: coach

Lee Baines, 07913 385533 PHGC Snooker Club at Oakwood Clock Friendly, community focused club keen to welcome new members. Open Mon - Fri, 5 -11pm. Three tables, licensed bar, competitions & social events throughout the year. All abilities welcome (fortunately for most of the committee!). Coaching available. Details: 07936 669634,, Pudsey & District Rambling Club Walks of 5 - 10 miles Sun & alt Thurs. Members from all around the district & new members welcome. Annual membership £8. Try before you join.

Details: 01943 430657, pat_barnett@ Ramgarhia Sports Centre Adults: Circuit Training (Mon & Wed 6.30 – 7.30pm; Fri 6 – 7pm). £5 per class. Children: Cricket (ages 8-16, Sun 10am – noon); Hockey (Fri, 5 – 6pm). £2 per class. All abilities welcome. Details: 262 5657,

‘Ramgarhia Sikh Centre’ on facebook.

C ommu n i ty N oti c e s Roundhay parkrun Sat 8.45am for 9am start, at the bandstand near The Mansion. Free 5k timed run for all ages & abilities. Details: www. Scottish Country Dancing Mon 1.45 3.45pm & Tues 7.45 - 9.45pm at Adel Methodist Church Hall, Gainsborough Ave LS16; Thurs 7.30 - 9.30pm Lidgett Pk Methodist Church, Lidgett Pl. LS8, & St Columba’s Church Hall, Headingley Ln. LS6. All abilities welcome. Details: Irene 2631310,, www.

White Rose Canoe Club meets Roundhay Park Lake & Fearnville Sports Centre swimming pool. Club sessions Sat afternoons & Tues pm. Beginners to World Champions! ‘Try It’ sessions held monthly. Details:, Yorkshire Cancer Centre Places available in range of worldwide challenges. Trek, cycle or sled to raise funds for cancer patients at St James’s Hospital. Details: Tif 206



Tai Chi Classes Mon & Wed, 7- 8pm Chapel Allerton Primary School, Harrogate Rd, LS7 3PD. Details:

Alwoodley Bobbin Lacemaking Group meets Tues, 1.15 – 3.15pm at

07581 217074

Alwoodley Park Methodist Church Hall, The Lane, Alwoodley, LS17 7BX. Tuition given. Details: 269 5512

University of Leeds Staff Walking Club organises at least one walk (5-12 miles) most weekends. All welcome & no membership charge. Details:

David Shaw 285 7480, Walkabout! Alwoodley-based friendly group enjoys short, medium or long walks, weekends, evenings & midweek, local & further afield. Social activities too. All welcome. Details: Barbara Wakefield 285 7136, Sarah Barnes 261 9212, Nicky Whitfield 267 9867 www.

Chinese Brush Painters Society 10am – 4pm at Pool-in-Wharfedale Memorial Village Hall, Arthington Lane, Pool. Sun 10 Jan: Anne Allan’s workshop on painting flowers & birds in the meticulous (gongbi) style. Sat 23 Jan: Nick Hornigold teaches how to paint a Spring landscape. New members welcome. Details:

Anne Allan 01422 368482, mail@ Craft Café Thurs 2 - 4pm at Inkwell, 31 Potternewton Lane, Chapel Allerton, LS7 3LW. Crafts include paper crafts, pottery, jewellery & painting. People of all ages, &

abilities welcome. £3.50 adults/ £2 children.

Leeds Marquetry Group meets Wed 7 – 9pm at the Polish Catholic Centre, Newton Hill Rd. (off Chapeltown Rd)

Hill Rd (off Chapeltown Rd). Speakers on health issues, gentle exercise, arts & crafts, & chance to socialise with other people from the community. Free. Everyone welcome.

Details: 262 1013


Friends of Allerton Grange Fields Friendly group of volunteers working to maintain & enhance Allerton Grange Fields off Lidgett Lane, LS17. New volunteers welcome. Details:, www.

Oakwood Farmers’ Market Make It Free craft drop-in Thurs 12.30 – 2.30pm at Stainbeck Church, Stainbeck Rd. LS7 2PP

Roundhay Art Group Meets Mon 7.30 – 9.30pm at St Edmund’s Church Hall, Lidgett Pk Rd. Roundhay LS8 1JN. A group of principally watercolour painters who meet to share skills. Regular demonstrations by local artists. New members with some experience welcome. Details:

John Irving 293 1465 Sewing Workshop Tues 10am – 12.30pm at Inkwell, 31 Potternewton Lane, Chapel Allerton, LS7 3LW. Learn machine sewing, hand sewing & creative sewing. Make toys, accessories, clothes & home accessories. Drop-in session. £5/ £3.50 concessions.

Shadwell Art Group meets Tues, 2 – 4pm Methodist Church Hall, Main St. Shadwell. Join this friendly group for sketching & painting classes, with tuition & demonstrations. Details:

3rd Sat, 9am – 12.30pm at Oakwood Clock. Details: www. Shadwell Methodist Church Coffee Morning 1st Sat 10am – 12 noon

Christine 266 7569 & Facebook.

Yorkshire Cancer Centre Christmas

Friends of University Art & Music

Cards New range of festive designs available. Proceeds to YCC Appeal, supporting cancer patients at St James’s Hospital. Details: www.

(Leeds) founded to bring University Art & Music to the wider public is an active, lively organisation, with a regular programme of events. All with an interest in the Arts are welcome as members. Details: 226 5752, http://


Air Yorkshire Aviation Society

Friends of Wigton Moor Woods

Interested in aviation, aircraft old and new, airports? Regular guest speakers, trips & social events.

Friendly group meets monthly at Wigton Moor UR church hall, High Ash Dr. Varied programme of activity days, tree & bulb planting, nature quizzes & walks. New members welcome. Details: Debs 07943

Details: Dave Senior 282 1818, Alwoodley Chess Club meets Wed,

265 5598


Details: Paul Gelder 269 7111,, www.

2pm at Stainbeck United Reformed Church. Bookstall, ENEHL Debt & Benefit Advice, Police Contact Point, free wifi & help available. Followed by craft club.

Coffee Mornings Thurs 10am – 12 noon at the Polish Centre, Newton

monthly to preserve & enhance the 8 hectares of ancient woodland on Roundhay Rd at Oakwood. Nearly 40 bird species can be spotted + lots of flowers...famous for its bluebells. New members welcome. Details:

run jointly with St Paul’s C of E in Methodist Church Hall.

7pm at Alwoodley Community Centre, The Avenue, LS 17 7NZ. New members welcome.

Community Cafe Thurs 11am –

Friends of Gipton Woods meet

Chippendale Society – widely dispersed membership centred around Otley welcomes those interested in decorative arts, particularly mid/late 18th century. Lectures, study days, visits. Details: 275 956,www.

277867, Anne 07530 040349, friendsofwigtonmoorwoods@ Gledhow Valley Conservation Area Group Voluntary group focusing on heritage of area. All welcome.

Details:, Greenpeace Leeds meet 1st Mon of month, 6.30pm Wharf Chambers, Wharf St, LS2 (by The Calls). Join the growing action to protect our forests, oceans & stop climate chaos. Details: Joe 07929 610773, www.

C ommu n i ty N oti c e s

74 IVC Social & Events Group Leeds & Harrogate A social activities & events group for over 45s, singles or couples. New members & guests welcome at monthly Bar Nights. Details: Text

Paul 07504 760104, LeedsIVC.

Leeds Elmet Probus Club provides a social gathering for retired men from professional & business backgrounds. Meets last Tues of month, 12 noon at Leeds 17 Restaurant, Nursery Lane, for lunch followed by guest speaker & short business meeting. Details:

Keith Robson 230 1559 Kaleidoscope Social Club for over

admission to Leeds Flower, Vegetable & Craft Show. Details: Pat 225

0030, Leeds Hospital Alert Small group campaigning for preservation of NHS. Meets at Muir Court, St Michael’s Rd. LS6. Next meeting: Tues 26 Jan. Details: 278 5495, info@

50s & unattached. Improve your social life & make new friends. Not a dating agency. Details: 217 1747/

Leeds Feline Friends Can you give a

267 0282, www.kaleidoscopeleeds.

0593, mail@leedsfelinefriends., www.leedsfelinefriends.

Leeds Oxfam Group has raised thousands of pounds over the past year. All welcome to join their programme of interesting & informative events. Details: www.

members welcome.

Leeds & Harrogate Social Club & facebook

Leeds Cat Rescue rehabilitates

Monthly club night & full calendar of events – theatre, walks, badminton, films, meals, bookgroups. Details:

Leeds Caledonian Society New Details: www.

rescue cat a safe & loving home well away from a busy road? Details: 216

lost, neglected & forgotten cats & kittens. If you can offer a cat a loving home, please contact them. Details:

Robin 293 5928,

268 0488, leedscatrescue@, www.

1st Tues, 8pm St Chad’s Centre, Otley Rd. Annual membership £12 single/ £18 couple – includes all events &

Leeds Horticultural Society meets

Leeds Photographic Society meets Tues, 7.30pm St Edmund’s Church Hall, Lidgett Park Rd, LS8. New members welcome. Details: www.


Plus get a FREE ‘Milkshake’ shampoo/conditioner/ styling gel gift pack “Really pleased with my haircut; definitely one of the best I’ve ever had! 10/10 Would recommend.”


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Leeds Probus Club for retired professional/businessmen, meets 2nd Thurs, 10.30am – 12 noon at St Matthew’s Church Meeting Room, Wood Lane LS7 for social gatherings with speakers. Details: 266 2310 Leeds N.E. Probus Club meets 2nd Mon, 10am – 12 noon Parochial Hall, Fitzroy Dr. Oakwood, LS8 4AB for speaker’s meeting, bowls or snooker. The club is for retired professional & businessmen. Details: 265 7064,

North Leeds Friendship Centre

Writers Group (Leeds Borders

Friendly group for retired & over 50s – outings, lunches, ten pin bowling, theatre visits & more. Social afternoons with speakers 2nd Fri, 2pm at Moor Allerton Sports & Social Centre, Stonegate Rd. New members welcome. Details: Eileen 269 0084

erstwhile writers group) Meets every other Monday at Bridget’s Bar, Victoria Hotel, Leeds. All kinds of writers in all styles. Currently looking for new members. Details:

Otley & Wharfedale MacMillan Cancer Support Fundraising Group covers NW Leeds & meets monthly to plan events. Looking for new members. Details or to book a

speaker: 261 3758/ 01943 467299 Leeds Writers` Circle meets alternate Mondays, 7.30 – 9.30pm at The Carriageworks, Millennium Sq. Friendly, lively group of writers, fiction, non fiction, poetry etc. New members, experienced or beginners, very welcome. Details: www. Moortown Community Group Friendly volunteers working to maintain & enhance the local environment including proposed Moortown Park. New members welcome. Details: 266 8480,

moortowncommunitygroup@, wwwmoortowncommunitygroup. Moortown Social Club Cranmer Gardens LS17. Mon 7.30pm Lindy Hop; Wed 7.30pm Rock ‘n’ Roll (£2); Thurs 8pm Bingo; 1st Fri of month Northern Soul & Motown; Sat 7.30pm Free & Easy with drummer & organist plus Bingo (£1.50); Sun - Artist & bingo.

Roundhay Planning Forum works with local people, councillors & City Council Officers to influence local planning decisions & deliver key actions & aspirations from the Roundhay Ward Neighbourhood Design Statement. New members welcome. Details: https:// roundhayplanningforum/nds Shadwell Horticultural Society welcomes new members. Membership includes monthly Guest Speaker evenings Oct – Apr, quarterly newsletters, society shop & free entry to annual Flower Show. An opportunity to meet people & access expert advice. Details: Susan 273

8821 Slaid Hill In Bloom Working Party Sat, 10am – 12 noon. Friendly group. No experience necessary. Meet outside the Dexter Pub LS17 8TX. Lunch 12.30 at pub. Details:

Margaret & Geoff 268 7448, www.

National Vegetable Society meets Tues 12 Jan, 8pm at Paxton Horticultural Hall, 186 Kirkstall Ln. Headingley, LS5 2AB for illustrated talk ‘Growing for showing, large exhibition onions’ by David Metcalfe FNVS, a top showman & Northern Branch Chairman. Raffle, refreshments, free admission, all welcome.

text 07804 191189, vince.mihill@ West Yorkshire Fuchsia Society meets Wed 20 Jan, 7.30pm at Paxton Hall, 186 Headingley Ln, LS5 2AB. Members look forward to a new fuchsia year, review the last, comment on how plants are overwintering. Also discussing other pot plants they grow. Plants can be brought along for advice. Details:

Graham Wheatley 256 30556,

MUSIC African Drum Class Tues 8 – 10pm, Inkwell Arts, Potternewton Lane. Learn African rhythms on Djembe & Percussion. Beginners welcome (drum loan available) £5 per session (1st class free). Details: 07765

943107, Alwoodley Community Choir meets Wed, 5.45 – 7.15pm in Lord Darcy, Harrogate Rd. Friendly group, all ages & abilities, singing pops, standards, shows songs. New members welcome. Details: Jean

07855 059990 Collingham Training Band for beginners on wind or brass instruments, children & adults. £20 per term. Details: www.

The 52 Club provides a social gathering for retired & semi retired men from professional & business backgrounds. Meets 2nd Mon of each month, 12 noon at Leeds Golf Centre, Wike Ridge for lunch, followed by guest speaker. Details: Peter

Spence 269 4269

Daeglith Music Group (Oakwood) 3rd Sat every month. Any playing ability welcome. Details: Lois@

76 Instrumental Jazz Workshop - alt Sat 2.30 - 4.30pm at Seven Arts, 31 Harrogate Rd. LS7. Classes for people who want to play jazz & improvise. Enjoyable, supportive atmosphere. £10/£8 per class. Details: Jean Watson jeanwatsonlifeskills@ James Farrell Concert Band rehearses Tues 7.45 – 10pm at Dewsbury Rd Social Club. Friendly community band playing show/film music, marches & more. New players welcome. Details: 293 1779, www.

C ommu n i ty N oti c e s Phoenix Concert Band Community concert band for players of Grade 6 standard & over. Rehearsals Thurs 7.30 – 9.30pm The Grammar School at Leeds, Tebb Room. Details:, Players for Pleasure offer playing opportunities to adult amateur musicians. All levels, instruments & ages over 18. New performers welcome. Friendly, informal & supportive atmosphere. Details: Jazz Improvisation Group with Dom Moore meets fortnightly on alt Tues & Fri, 7 – 10pm 1st Floor, Providence House, Authorpe Rd, Meanwood LS6 4JB. £8 per session. Details: 07800 816

086, Leeds Guild of Singers Confident sight-reader? Like to sing renaissance & contemporary music in a small friendly choir? LGS welcomes new members in all voice groups, especially tenors & basses. Rehearsals Tues 7.30 – 9.30pm at Leeds University. Details:

Roundhay Music Lessons for any age, standard, instrument or style in 1-2-1, ensembles & accompaniment sessions. Help with GCSE & A-Level music. All tutors interviewed & have enhanced DBS disclosure. Details: 269 7754, enquiries@, www. Roundhay Ukulele Group Meets Wed 8 – 9.30pm at The New Highwood, Brackenwood Dr LS8. All abilities welcome. £6 per session. Details:

LS2. Singing songs from classical to pop. Ability to read music preferable.

Details: Tracy 07914 833394 Wetherby Guitar Club welcomes players of all ages & abilities. Tunes of The Shadows feature highly, though other styles also played - all to quality backing tracks. Meetings every three weeks, Thurs at Wetherby District Social Club 7.30 - 11pm.

Details: Bob Bond 07800 982156 Yorkshire Late Starter Strings (YLSS) rehearse Sat, 10am – 12.30pm. Friendly, informal string orchestra of adult learners who play a stringed instrument. Players of all abilities welcome. Specific beginners’ group for those new to playing.

Details: Yorkshire Clarinet Ensemble Rehearses alt Wed, 8 – 9.45pm (term time) at HEART, Bennett Rd, Headingley. For players of Grade 5+ standard. New players welcome.

Details: Deborah Pennington 07910 414586, mpenn.dpenn@ uk, www. roundhayukulelegroup.wordpress. com

Leeds People’s Choir meets

Seven Jazz Voices Choir Alt

Wed (term time), 7.30 – 9pm at the Swarthmore Centre, Woodhouse Sq. LS3. Open to anyone who enjoys singing. Ability to read music useful. Details:

Mondays, 7 – 9pm St Matthew’s Church Community Hall, Wood Lane, Chapel Allerton. Sing your favourite jazz tunes. Led by Tessa Smith, jazz singer & choir leader. No previous experience necessary, just a love of singing & jazz. £5 per session. Details: Steve Crocker

All sorts of games incl dominoes, tri-ominoes, chess, scrabble & bingo. Methodist Centre, Town St.

Tues 12.15 – 1.45pm in the Methodist Centre. Hot Meal £4, friendship & chat. Transport can be provided. Volunteers welcome. Details: Leeds Folk Fiddle Group is urgently seeking more violinists! They rehearse Thurs, 7pm at 1 St Mark’s Ave. Details:

Iveta 07547 112171, leeds.violin@gmail. com Mixed Voices Choir Mon 7.45 – 9.45pm Tree Tops Community Centre, Shadwell Lane, LS17. Singing musicals, pop & light classical songs. Perform concerts throughout the year. Details: Anne or Tracy 07914 833394

Society of Recorder Players – meets 2nd & 4th Sat pm in Bingley & Headingley. Different conductors take each meeting. Intermediate players, all recorders. New members welcome. Details: Caroline 01943 467348 Songbirds Choir meets Wed, 7.30 – 9.30pm Yorkshire College of Music & Drama, St Mark’s Hse, St Mark’s Ave,

SENIORS Chapel Allerton Good Neighbours Games Group Wed, 2 – 4pm.

Details: Royal Voluntary Service, 887 3597, chapelallertongn@ Chapel Allerton Town St Lunch Club

Vivienne & Paul 268 2513, Jenny & David 266 1502, paul_chaplin@

improvisation drama group for the over 50s meets at Seven Arts, Harrogate Rd, Chapel Allerton on Tues 10.45am – 12.45pm. All welcome – just go along. Details: Ron Wiener

Wigton Moor Friendship Guild meets 3rd Wed, Wigton Moor UR Church, High Ash Dr. LS17. Speakers, slide shows, presentations, & outings. Try them out for just £2 (incl refreshments). Details: Maureen

266 7722

268 0815, Alan 294 3370.

Julian Meetings 1st & 3rd Tues, 2pm

Lunch Club & Over 55s Club Wed


at St Edmund’s Church, Roundhay, LS8 1JN. Silent meditation in the Christian tradition. Details: 240

Alwoodley Park Methodist Church,

3048/ 273 5865

Don’t Act Your Age A social

12 – 3pm. Two course meal £3.50 followed by fun activities. Northcall Community Centre, Cranmer Bank, LS17. Details: 268 9993

The Avenue, LS17 7BX Sunday service: 10.45am. All welcome. Weekly activities. Details: www.

RVS Chapel Allerton Good Neighbours Dementia Café Mon alwoodley.php

12.30 – 2pm at Inkwell Café, Potternewton Lane, LS7. Also Singing for the Brain, arts & crafts, Tai Chi, & Knit & Natter sessions. Details: 887

All Nations Community Church, Roundhay meets Sun, 10.45am at

3595 RVS Community Action for Roundhay Elders (CARE) welcomes people over 65 on Thurs, 1.303.30pm at Brackenwood Community Centre. Wide range of entertainment, activities, speakers, trips & special interest clubs. Details: Andrew or

Sue 887 3595 RVS MENA Community Café Fri am Meanwood Community Centre. Activities include Tai Chi, tea & dance, knit & sew, & soon walking & poetry clubs. Currently seeking volunteer walkers to support group.

Details: Gina or Sarah 887 3596 Roundhay Tea & Chat Club Tues 1.45 – 3.30pm at Terry Yorath House, Devonshire Ave. Club for over 65s who would like to make new friends & take part in wide range of activities. Details: Carole 269 6632 Stainbeck URC Lunch Club

Talbot Primary School, Talbot Rd. LS8 1AF. Experience a different kind of atmosphere, free from denominational doctrines. Get involved in social justice programmes like feeding the homeless & caring for vulnerable people in the community.

Roundhay LS8. Share Eckhart’s DVDs & silent meditation. £3 - £5 suggested donation. All welcome.

Details: 07884 332644, www.

Kagyu Buddhist Group Tues, 7.30pm Friends Meeting House, 188 Woodhouse Lane, LS2. Drop-in meditation class practising calmabiding, reflective meditation suitable for all. £4. Details: 01282 841570,, www.


Learn to meditate FWBO Leeds Buddhist Centre. Contemporary approach to meditation, mindfulness & the Buddhist tradition. Also classes in yoga & bodywork, chronic pain & stress management. Details: 244

Christian Science Church Sunday

5256, www.leedsbuddhistcentre. org

Services & Sunday School 11am. Testimony Meeting 1st Wed 8pm. Devonshire Ave. (next to Texaco petrol station) off Street Lane LS8. Bible based, Everyone welcome.

Chapel Allerton Methodist Church Sunday Services: 10.30am & 6.30pm. Aĺl welcome. Monthly Explorers’ group for children on Tuesdays. Chapel Allerton Youth Project meets in Methodist Centre (opp church) weekday evenings.

Drop in Group Meditation (free) Sun 7- 8pm (except 3rd Sun: 6.30 – 7.30pm) Experience peace & calm with periods of silence & guided meditations. Brahma Kumaris, West Park. Details: 275 7727, leeds@

Stainbeck Rd. Mon & Wed, 11am – 1.30pm (£4). Meal, friendship, gentle exercise. Transport provided. Volunteers welcome. Details: Avril, www.

or Brian 293 5847, Angela 225 3766,

Eckhart Tolle Stillness Group meets Mon, 7.30 - 9.30pm Friends Meeting House, 136 Street Lane,

Leeds Stillness Group Mon 7.30 9.30pm at Friends Meeting House, 136 Street Ln, Roundhay LS8 2BW. Based on teachings of Eckhart Tolle. Experience the peace of joining likeminded people & periods of silent meditation. Watch footage of Eckhart Tolle talk. Small donation to cover costs. Details: 07884 332644, www. Leeds Theosophical Society Sun 10 Jan, 2.30pm Gary Kidgell (Dundee) discusses the path of spiritual transformation, relating this to Jung’s concept of Individuation & his theories relating to archetypes & symbols in ‘Archetypes & the Inner Journey’

78 Lidgett Park Methodist Church, Lidgett Place, Roundhay. Sunday Service & Junior Church 10.30am. For evening services mid-week activities, see website. Community Coffee Morning 1st Sat 10 – 11.45am. Details: www. lidgett.php Meditation for Beginners Tues 12.30 – 1pm & 6.15 – 7.15pm; Thurs 12:30 – 1pm at Jamyang Buddhist Centre, 31 St Paul’s St LS1. Details: 07866 760 460, Mill Hill Unitarian Chapel (City Sq Leeds) Sunday Services 10.45am; Contemplative service 6pm; Mid-week Recharge Wed 1.15pm - a half-hour reflection. A space of spiritual enquiry sanctuary for the soul Moortown Baptist Church 204 King Lane, LS17. Sunday services 10.30am & 6pm. Range of toddler, children’s, youth, house groups & senior projects through week. Details: 269 3750, www. Natural Healing Centre Healing offered Thurs by members of NFSH Healing Trust. 7pm - 8.30pm at The Friend’s Meeting House, 136 Street Lane, Roundhay, LS8. Details: 07949

C ommu n i ty N oti c e s Shadwell Methodist Church Sunday Services: 9.30am. Creche for under 5s & Junior Church (9.45-10.30am). Coffee after each service. Details: Margaret Walker 225 1826 St Andrew’s Roundhay URC (Shaftesbury Ave) Sunday worship 10.30am - family worship with children & young people’s groups followed by refreshments. Communion 1st Sunday; Evening service 6pm 2nd Sunday; Early communion 9.30am 3rd Sunday.

Details:; Facebook, @standrewsurc St Barnabas C of E Church The View,

Sun services 10.30am & 6.30pm at Roundhay Parochial Hall, Fitzroy Drive (near Oakwood Clock). Friendly, informal & bible-centred. All welcome. Monthly children’s & youth groups plus special events. Details: www.

Sunday Worship, 10.45am at 136 Street Lane, Roundhay LS8. Enjoy an hour of generally silent worship. Children welcome to Sunday School at same time.

Details: 293 3684, www.leedsquakers.

St. Matthew’s Church (Wood Lane, Chapel Allerton, LS7 3QF). Sunday services 8am, 10am & 6.30pm. Details: Revd David Robinson 268 3072, www. Stainbeck United Reformed Church Stainbeck Rd. Sunday Worship 10.45am - family worship & Sunday Club followed by refreshments. Communion 2nd Sunday. Praise & reflection: Thurs 7.30 – 8pm. Details: www.stainbeck.

Arthritis Care Leeds meets 3rd Tues of each month, 7.30 – 9pm, St Chad’s Parish Centre, Far Headingley. New members welcome. Details: Pat 275

St Edmund’s North Park Ave, Roundhay. Sunday services 8am, 10am (with children’s groups) & 6.30pm. Exploring faith, building community. Many groups & activities. Details: 266 4532, www. St John’s Church Moor Allerton (junction Harrogate & Ring Rds). Sunday Services: 8am &10am. Evensong 6.30pm 2nd, 3rd, & 4th, Sunday. Children’s Fun@4 service 4th Sunday 4pm. Groups & activities. All welcome. Details: www.


7694 Association of Blind Asians Leeds is looking for volunteers who could provide a valuable sighted guiding service to reduce isolation & increase independence of visually impaired people in Leeds. Details: Sonal 210 3347 Crohn’s & Colitis UK Support for people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) & their families in North & West Yorkshire. Regular meetings.

St John Mary Vianney Parish -

Details: 0845 130 6809, Leeds@, www.groups.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 294 Harrogate Rd, LS17 6LE. Masses: Mon - Fri 9.15am, Sat 10am, Sun 8am, 9.30am, 11am & 6.30pm. St Paul the Apostle Church, Buckstone Cres. Masses: Sat 6.30pm & Sun 10am.

Diabetes UK Support Group meets 1st Mon, 7 – 9pm at the West Yorkshire Playhouse, except bank holidays when it’s 2nd Mon. Speakers on different aspects of diabetes. All welcome. Roundhay Quaker Meeting for

LS17 7NA. Sunday Services 10am (with children’s activities) Families welcome. Coffee drop-in 3rd Wed, 10.30am – 12; Busy Bs, 10.30am – 12.30pm for good company, conversation, activities; Church Lunch, 12.30 – 1.30pm (details: 268 2591/ 226 8269) Details: 265 4926,

972690, Roundhay Evangelical Church

St Martin’s Church, St. Martin’s View, Potternewton, LS7 3LB. Sunday Service 10am – Parish Communion, Sunday Club & refreshments. Wednesday Service 9.30am – Holy Communion. Open Afternoon Tues 2 – 4pm for quiet reflection & prayer. All welcome. Details: 262 4271,

Details: 07840 686618

IBS Leeds Friendly, informal meetings for fellow sufferers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Monthly meetings. Details: matt@, www.letscureibs. com

Leeds Multiple Sclerosis Society uses Armley Leisure Centre for activity classes (transport available). MS Chat every two weeks. Over 300 members. New members welcome.

Details: 07895 515471

Leeds Coeliac Group offers advice &

Leeds Samaritans Confidential, non-

support to those with Coeliac disease. Regular social & food information events arranged. Fri 29 Jan: Italian Social Meal, 7.30pm at Salute, The White Swan, Church St. Rothwell, LS26 0QL.

judgemental support 24/7 for people experiencing distress or despair. They listen with an open mind & in complete confidence, for as long as you need. Details: 245 6789, 08457

Details: 277 6401, leedscoeliacgroup@btinternet. com

(LWCA) provides respite care to families with children who have complex care needs via weekend playgroups, trips for teens & one-toone home-based care. Details: 216

Through Suicide) Peer support meetings in Leeds. Details: Sue

Watts, Leeds Bereavement Forum 225 3975, uk @Leeds_LAS

Marigold Wellbeing Centre Day Therapy Centre, St Michael’s Hospice, Harrogate, two Saturdays a month. Support for people with cancer & other chronic conditions.

Details: Karen 01937 573166, or John & Ann 274 9074. www. Panpals - Yorkshire Pancreatic

909090 Leeds Weekend Care Association

Leeds LAS (Living After Loss

Details: 07831 230741, outreach@, www.


Cancer Support Group meet every 3 months, in Headingley. Supportive, friendly & informative self-help group copIng with this devastating illness. Also offers expert speakers & signposting to other agencies.

Details: panpalsyorks@yahoo.

Little Hiccups Outreach Support network for children with a disability & their families. Run by parents.

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80 Parkinson’s UK Leeds meet 2nd Wed, 2pm at St Chad ‘s Parish Centre, Headingley. Support for anybody affected by Parkinson’s. Exercise classes in Otley, Horsforth, Moortown. Details: Linda

Thompson 01943 461640 Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) Support group meets 2nd Wed, 2pm at St Chad’s Parish Centre, Far Headingley. Details: Pam Bower

258 8143 The Owls New citywide informal child-minding group offering support, training & information, & social events. Membership £5 pa. Details:

C ommu n i ty N oti c e s Café Economique aims to inform people about economic topics & possible actions so that our economic system benefits all. 7.30pm at Seven Arts, Harrogate Rd, Chapel Allerton. Tues 2 Feb: Philip Goldberg, Partner & Head of Criminal Law at Lester Morrill Solicitors, presents ‘The Past Present & Future of Legal Aid’. £4.


Leeds Astronomical Society meets

Chapel Pie WI Friendly, fun women’s group for all ages. Visitors welcome (£3). Annual membership £33. Details:

2nd Wed of month with a guest speaker presentation & regular telescope nights at Quaker Friends Meeting House, Woodhouse Lane, LS2. Visitors welcome. Details:

Support) welcomes any family with a child with special needs to their Saturday support group at Penny Field School, Tongue Ln. Meanwood. Hydrotherapy, swimming, dance & coffee. Details: 07964 847 775,, www.

meets 4th Mon, 7.15pm at the ACA, The Avenue LS17 7LT. Variety of speakers, outings, coffee mornings. Friendly group. New members/ visitors welcome. Details: Pat 225

0030, www.,

Darling Roses WI meet 2nd Sat, 11.30am at St John’s Church Hall, Harrogate Rd, Moortown. Details:

Leeds Geological Association meets Thur 28 Jan, 7.15pm Conference Auditorium 2, University of Leeds Campus (rear of Sports Centre) for a lecture by Professor Tim Wright, Leeds University on ‘When Continents Collide: Active Deformation & Seismic Hazard’. Visitors welcome. Details: www.

228 8509 SNAPS (Special Needs & Parent

Alwoodley Townswomens’ Guild

Leeds Ladies Coffee Club meets 1st Thurs. 10.15am at Leeds Church Institute, New Market St. Leeds (next to Samuel Taylor’s). Friendly group supports local charities. £3. Details:

Joan McShane 225 1166

Methodist Women’s Luncheon Club (Leeds & District) Welcomes new

Wharfedale General Hospital Cardiac Club Open to former cardiac

Leeds Philosophical & Literary Society Thurs 28 Jan, 7.30pm at

patients & their partners. Exercise classes under supervision of qualified instructors. Meets Mon, Wed & Thurs at Wharfedale General Hospital. £3. Details: Details: 07949 307 955,

Leeds Civic Hall. A talk by Andrew Morrison on ‘Thomas Dunham Whitaker: his books, his library & his legacy’. All welcome. Details: www.

members to their monthly meetings at Devonshire Hall, Headingley on 2nd Wed of each month. Good food & excellent speakers! Details: Shirley 257, www.

NSPCC Ladies Luncheon every 3rd Tues 12.30pm followed by speaker, £16.

Royal Meteorological Society

Details & tickets: Gwynneth Owen 266 1800, Joyce Graham 273 4241

TALKS & DISCUSSIONS Art History Study Group 7pm at HEART, Bennett Rd. Headingley. Lecture series on Art History & the Social History of Art with Dr Lara Eggleton. Details: Angela 01937 587948, Jonathan 07771 598435

(Yorkshire) Monthly informal public talks on all aspects of weather & climate at School of Earth & Environment, University of Leeds. Free & open to all. Details: http://, rmetsoc_


Roundhay WI Next meeting Thurs 14 Jan, 7.15pm at St Andrew’s Church Hall, Shaftesbury Ave. LS8. The talk, ‘Retirement – what Retirement?’ will make for an interesting evening. All welcome. Details: Hilary 266 5648 Soroptimist International Meet 2nd Mon, 7pm at Weetwood Hall. All ladies welcome. Details:

University of Leeds Ladies’ Club welcomes women connected to

Harehills Movement & Music Playgroup Parent run playgroup at

the Uni as either serving or former staff members, partners of staff, or grads. Regular events. Details: www.

Harehills Lane Baptist Church Hall (access via Hilton Pl), LS8. Tues: music & parachute fun; Wed: movement & developmental play. 10 – 11.15am term time. £1 per family incl refreshments. Everybody welcome. Details: White Rose Ladies Speakers Club meets 2nd & 4th Mon (11 & 25 Jan), 7.45pm at Horsforth Museum, LS18 5JB. Welcomes all women who want to improve their public speaking skills, boost self-confidence & have fun! Details: Pauline 269 3542,

Leeds Junior Chess Club Meets, www.


Details: John Hipshon 226 7759, www.

School Study Support) has places for secondary school pupils needing help with their school work. Thurs 5.45 - 7.30pm at Technorth Centre, 9 Harrogate Rd. LS7 3NB. Details: Anne

257 0827, Sam

Sun 5.30 – 7.30pm at Alwoodley Community Centre, The Avenue. Ideal for ages 7-18 of all standards. Coaching from accredited coaches, competitive & friendly play, fun tournaments.

CLASSS (Community Leeds After

Parent & Tots Group Tues (term time) 1.30-3pm Queen’s Hall, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, 294 Harrogate Rd, Moortown. £2 per family. Everyone welcome. Details: Raegan

7th Moor Allerton Brownies Seek New Members A number of Brownies have gone up to Guides so the group has places available. They meet Mon 6 – 7.15pm. Details:

7thmoorallertonbrownies@gmail. com

RJC Dance Gymnastics For Young People Tues 3.45 – 4.45pm (ages 6-10); 4.45 – 5.45pm (age 11+) at Mandela Centre, Chapeltown Rd. LS7. All abilities welcome. £4. Details:

239 2040, Gledhow Woodcraft Folk welcomes new members aged 6 – 9, Thurs 6.15 –7.15pm at Gledhow Primary School. Games, songs, craftwork & outdoor activities. Places limited so book now.

Details: gledhow.woodcraft@,


C ommu n i ty N oti c e s

MISC/ Events

St. Martin’s Community Kitchen Provides hot meals Sat


A Night at the Races Thurs 24

12 – 2pm at St Martin’s Institute, St Martin’s View, LS7 3LB. Details:


March, Queen’s Hotel, Leeds. Ideal for entertaining clients, colleagues & networking. Includes fizz reception, 4-course dinner, race entertainment with cash bets & prizes, photo booth & prizes for best race attire! Tables for ten £400, or £600 including race sponsorship. Details: Jenny

Rev David Stevens 262 4271


St Gemma’s Got Talent Sat 27


218 5537, jennyd@st-gemma.

February 2016 at Queen’s Hall, Harrogate Rd. Moortown. Show your talent while raising money for St Gemma’s! Any talent welcome. Participants are asked to raise at least £200 in sponsorship. Details:

Christmas Quiz Sat 9-Jan, 7pm

218 5570, nicolah@st-gemma.

at PHGC Snooker Club at Oakwood Clock. Non-members welcome please call to book. Tickets £6 incl buffet dinner. General knowledge quiz, sticky13, raffle & special postChristmas visit by you know who!

St Gemma’s Christmas Tree Collection Service Working with

Details: Steve 07936 669634

Just Helping & Leeds City Council across 15 postcodes St Gemma’s will collect & recycle your Christmas tree in January for a small donation.

Community Action Day Sat 30

Details: 218 5197,

Jan, 10am-2pm at Hope Pastures Sanctuary (Corner Ring Rd & Weetwood Ln). Volunteers needed to help with regular maintenance jobs. Last Sat each month a team tackles some major jobs. Details: Hope Pastures is Open every day 10am-2pm during Winter, including Christmas Day & Boxing Day.

Lipreading Classes for anyone with hearing loss. Details: Susan Lee 07910 831646 susan@ St Edmund’s War Memorial The Parochial Church Council of St Edmund’s, Roundhay would like to ascertain whether any members of the community were killed in action in any conflicts since WWII in order to update its War memorial. Information on relatives or friends who lived in the Roundhay area.

Details: David Mitchell 266 9778,


Sue Ryder is Recruiting Volunteer Collectors to support their fundraising efforts around Leeds. All they require is the enthusiasm to make a difference to people’s lives & the ability to be a good ambassador for the charity.

Details: Roohi Lupton 203 3360, Volunteers needed! Could you offer some time to help older people in LS17? There’s a range of opportunities at Moor Allerton Elderly Care (Maecare), including friendly visiting; helping at activity groups & outings; driving & IT support. Details: Wendy 266 0371


or Volunteer Officers Skelton Grange Environment Centre is recruiting volunteers to help with their environmental education sessions & practical conservation work days. Details: uk/skeltongrange


Cloudy2Clear Windows – Service With A Smile! ADVERTISEMENT

It’s been a crazy few months for Cloudy2Clear Windows. The company which specialises in repairing windows which are steamed up, broken or damaged by replacing the panes – not the frames has grown rapidly as homeowners take advantage of their services. Manager Joel Skinner feels that it’s all about service. ‘Our product is simple. If your double glazing is misted up we can replace the glass at a fraction of the cost of a new window, in any type of frame, and with a new 5 year guarantee. But it’s not just about saving people money, although that obviously helps.

Many tradespeople have struggled since last year and I honestly feel that during the good times a minority perhaps didn’t focus on customer care as much as they should have done. We make sure we turn up when we say we will, do the job the customer requires and leave their house as clean as a whistle. I often get comments back from customers on how they really didn’t expect that sort of service which, in a way, is very sad for the service industry as a whole.’ Cloudy2Clear service the Alwoodley, Chapel Allerton, Moortown & Roundhay areas and Joel is finding that his approach is a major factor

in his success.‘The truth is that it’s not just the personal satisfaction that I get from doing a good job but also it makes good business sense. I get a huge amount of business from friends and family of people I’ve done work for,

which just goes to show how much a little bit of effort is appreciated.’ So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Joel a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118 and he’ll be happy to help!

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