Traveling with your pet, first aid and a gallery of reader-submitted doggo pics
Jason with All Things Overlanding recalls the latest Orbis Expedition trip
Traveling with your pet, first aid and a gallery of reader-submitted doggo pics
Jason with All Things Overlanding recalls the latest Orbis Expedition trip
Working on the road is not as easy as the influencers make it out to be
As I was prepping this month's issue last night, I learned of a dear friend who's dog, Nikon, was in a pretty bad accident. This month's focus is on traveling with pets, and Nikon is a fixture at Wisconsin Overland and Northology events and also at our family cabin in Wisconsin Our hearts go out to Shawn and we hope that Nikon can make a full recovery His medical expenses will be great, and they are already piling up. We have never done this before, but we set up a gofundme for Nikon's expenses. If you feel moved to contribute, you can donate here, or at least share the fundraiser Thanks for listening, we hope you enjoy this dog-centric issue, and that you will hug your furry friend a little tighter tonight
Theconceptofremoteworkhasgainedmomentum andflexibilityFormanyadventuroussouls,theallure ofoverlanding,oftravelthatinvolvesself-sufficiency andexploration,presentsanopportunitytocombine workandadventureWhiletheideaofworking remotelywhileoverlandingthroughthevast landscapesmaysoundidyllic,itcomeswithitsshare ofdifficultiesandobstaclesIfacedmanychallenges asItookacross-countrytripwithafriendandspent thenextthreeweeksroamingthestateofOregon beforeOverlandExpoPNWIfyouhavenot thouroughlythoughtyoursetupout,youareinfora headacheFrominternetaccess,topoweringupyour devicesandstayingfocusedonyourtask,working remotelytakespreparationandplanning
Oneofthemostsignificantobstaclestoremotework duringatripisthescarcityofreliableinternet connectivityNoteveryonecanaffordStarlinkand noteverycampsiteguaranteesanunobstructedview tothesatellitetrainoverhead,eitherAsoverlanders ventureoffthebeatenpathandexploreremote regions,theyoftenfindthemselvesinareaswithlittle tonointernetaccessEvenduringmystintsof couch-surfing,Ifoundmyselfupagainstdatacaps andslowspeedsUnliketraditionalremotework setupsinurbancentersorestablishedco-working spaces, overlanders must adapt to the unpredictabilityofmobilenetworkcoverageThis inconsistencycanleadtofrustratinginterruptions, hinderingproductivityandcommunication
Pullmy"overlandercard"now,Icouldnotkeepmy laptopchargedforlong Livinginavehicleora campingsetuppresentsauniquechallengeinterms ofpowermanagementWithmyTCTeardrop,Ihavea batteryandsolarpaneltokeepthejuiceflowingIdid nothavetheluxuryofbringingthattrailerwithme andwasbasicallypluggininwhenIwasnearawall outletKeepingdeviceschargedandoperational becomesacriticalconcernOverlandersmust carefullyplantheirpowerusagetoensuretheyhave enoughenergytoworkonlaptops,chargeessential devices,andmanagetheirdailyneedswhile minimizingtheriskofdrainingthevehicle'sbattery
Overlandingenthusiastsimmersethemselvesin nature'sbeauty,buttheyalsocontendwiththe unpredictabilityofenvironmentalfactorsExtreme weather conditions, sudden temperature fluctuations,andnaturaldisasterscandisrupt internetconnections,powersupply,andoverallwork productivityBacktotheStarlinkthing,youwillneed aclearlineoftransmissionforyoursatellitetowork Thosetreesyousoughtforshadeintheafternoonwill annoyinglyblockyourservicewhenyousettleinto checkyouremailintheeveningHavingabackup planinplaceiscrucialtomaintainingastablework environmentandkeepingtheworkflowing
Thisisabigproblemforme,eveninmyhomeoffice Goingoutandexploringunfamiliarterrainandtaking inbreathtakingsightsalongthejourneycanmake youforgetaboutwork Whilethisenriching experienceisundoubtedlyoneoftheprimary reasonsfortakingsuchatrip,itcanposechallenges toremoteworkersBalancingworkresponsibilities withthetemptationtoexplorecanleadtotime
managementissuesforsureAddinthefellow travelersorcampsiteguests,andyouwillsoon realizeitiswaypastyourbedtimeandyounevergot thatlistcheckedoffYoumustestablishadisciplined routinetooptimizeworkhoursandleisuretime effectively,ornoworkisgoingtogetdone
Overlandingcanbeasolitaryadventure,particularly whentraversingremoteareaswithsparsehuman presenceIspentafairamountoftimesoloduringmy tripandhadmanyhoursaloneForsome,thelackof socialinteractioncanleadtofeelingsofisolation, potentiallyimpactingmentalwell-beingandwork motivationImyselffoundthistimeinvigoratingIwas abletogoatmyownpace,tostopandtakeaphoto wheneverIwantedto,tojustsitandpetmydogorto stareatthefirepitSomewouldfindthislonesomeTo counterthis,remoteworkersonoverlandingtrips mayseekoutopportunitiestoconnectwithfellow travelersorcreateonlinecommunitiestomaintain socialbondsIwasluckytobeabletogetsome socialinteractionineveryfewdaysontheroad, watchingaWelcometotheOutdoorsfilmsessionin theDeschutesNationalForest,hangingwiththe TRUKDcrewatOverlandExpoPNW,andfinally, spendinganightatcampwiththeOrbisOverlanding Expeditiongroupbeforemyfinalpushhome
Embracingthechallengesofremoteworkduringan overlandingtripacrosstheUSAcanbearewarding endeavorforthoseseekingadventureandwork-life integrationHowever,itrequiresmeticulousplanning, adaptability,andresiliencetoovercomethedifficulties associatedwithlimitedinternetconnectivity,power management,environmentalfactors,timemanagement, andisolationBypreparingforthesechallenges,remote workerscanmakethemostoftheiroverlanding experience,appreciatingthebeautyoftheUSA'svast landscapeswhilefulfillingprofessionalobligationsfrom theroad
Takecontrolofyourschedule,andmaketimefor workYourdaymaybemorefluidontheroadbutif youbuildtimeinthatisdedicatedtowork,andstick toit,youwillbelessstressedandmoreproductive
Keepalistofthetasksyouwishtoaccomplisheach daysoyouwon'tbejumpingfromonetaskto anotherDothehardthingsfirst,letthesmallertasks befillerinbetweenthefunthingsthedaybringsyou
Makethemostofthetimeyouspendatyour workstationbyinvestingintherightequipmentThat meanstheabilitytochargeyourdevices,the equipmenttokeepyouconnectedanddon'tforget sometasklighting
Jason Fletcher
When it comes to overlanding adventures, most of what you’ll see online revolves around the obvious states like Utah or Colorado Wyoming seems to be largely overlooked, but after spending a couple of weeks exploring it this July, I can say with certainty that it’s a hidden gem.
Nestled in the heart of the American West, this enchanting state boasts vast landscapes, untouched wilderness, and a sense of freedom that beckons adventurers from all corners of the globe. With each turn of the road, you’ll experience something completely new. It’s almost shocking how much the landscape varies from one part of Wyoming to the next
So, keep reading to learn more about the thrilling world of Wyoming overlanding, where off-road enthusiasts can immerse themselves in the untamed beauty of remote wilderness, experience adrenaline-pumping drives, and create unforgettable memories along the way.
Overlanding is more than just driving off the beaten path; it's a lifestyle tha encourages exploration, selfsufficiency, and a deep connection w nature. Wyoming, with its expansive wilderness and diverse terrain, embodies the very essence of this spirit Not only is it one of the most remote BDR’s (Backcountry Discover Routes) created to date, it’s also one the hardest on gear.
During section two of the Wyoming Backcountry Discovery Route, the roa became so rough that it literally shoo apart some of my gear from my DIY drawer system to my bed rack. With the punishing terrain, constant dust, potential for strong storms, and othe challenges, you’ll have to overcome a lot of obstacles to complete this journey
Whether you're a seasoned overlande or a novice looking for your first offroad adventure, Wyoming offers an abundance of opportunities to ventu into the unknown and leave the constraints of everyday life behind. Just make sure you’re prepared!
"Withthepunishingterrain, constantdust,potentialforstrong storms,andotherchallenges,you’ll havetoovercomealotofobstacles tocompletethisjourney."
Wyoming's remote wilderness is the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life As you traverse off the grid, far from the signals of civilization, you'll find yourself truly connecting with the environment and the present moment. Embrace the digital detox, let go of distractions, and immerse yourself in the natural wonders surrounding you The solitude and stillness of the wilderness have a way of rejuvenating the soul like no other.
With almost no cell signal in the prairies and mountains, you’ll truly be ensconced in a sense of solitude and silence that you can’t often experience in day to day life. If you want to get away, this is a good way to do it.
For safety’s sake, be aware that you’ll generally be without internet, so some sort of satellite communication device for emergencies (like the Zoleo or Garmin InReach) are recommended if you want a way to reach out for help or to communicate with loved ones while exploring.
"Asyoutraverseoffthegrid, farfromthesignalsof civilization,you'llfind yourselftrulyconnectingwith theenvironmentandthe presentmoment."
Wyoming's overlanding routes offer a mesmerizing tapestry of landscapes, ensuring that each journey is a visual feast. From the majestic peaks of the Grand Tetons to the otherworldly geysers of Yellowstone National Park, every twist and turn presents a new wonder to behold. Cruising through vast grasslands, crossing roaring rivers, and ascending challenging mountain passes, you'll be treated to panoramas that will leave you speechless and reaching for your camera
We often camped near running water so we had a built in white noise machine when going to sleep With beautiful sunset and sunrise views across vast mountain peaks, every campsite was a joy to stay at
Just be aware that with the changes in elevation, it can cause some discomfort for some Out of our team of four, half of us had a rough night or two with the fast changes in elevation, so just be prepared for this and do some reading on how to deal with the sickness caused by these changes. If possible, you can try to move a little more slowly, but the Wyoming BDR has a lot of elevation changes, meaning that if you want to traverse the whole thing in a reasonable amount of time (about 8-9 days), then you’ll need to drive some long days through various heights to complete it in time
"'llbetreatedto panoramasthatwillleaveyou speechless..."
Wyoming's remote wilderness is home to a rich diversity of wildlife, making it a haven for nature enthusiasts and wildlife photographers. While overlanding, it's not uncommon to spot majestic antelope roaming freely, graceful elk grazing in meadows, or even elusive wolves prowling in the distance. Respect for the animals and their natural habitat is paramount, and witnessing these creatures in their element is a real privilege
On top of the wildlife, you’re going to run into a lot of cows, sheep, and bugs. Be mindful of the animals as they like to hang out in the roads and have little regard for oncoming vehicles As for the bugs, often at higher elevation, they’re not bad, but we had a few nights where they were quite thick so we deployed a Gazelle screened gazebo to allow us to enjoy our evening without dealing with the constant annoyance of mosquitos
Overlanding in Wyoming isn't just about driving; it's about immersing yourself in the great outdoors. Remote camping in the backcountry allows you to experience the tranquility of starlit nights, the crackle of a campfire, and the feeling of being at one with nature As you set up camp in the wild, you'll learn to appreciate the simplicity and self-reliance that come with life on the road.
You’ll also get the opportunity to test out your gear and set up On this trip, I learned of a conflict with my OVS awning and my new roof top tent. Unfortunately, my awning pole on my tent gets in the way of the deployable awning, so I found out the hard way that I either had to leave out part of my tent’s awning support or not deploy my OVS awning.
You’ll also find out really quickly if your gear stays put or if you need to further work to secure and pack things in a way that keeps things where they should be. With some really rough and even off camber roads along this route, it will be a test of your packing set up
"Remotecampinginthebackcountry allowsyoutoexperiencethe tranquilityofstarlitnights,the crackleofacampfire,andthefeeling ofbeingatonewithnature."
Wyoming's wilderness isn't for the faint of heart, but the challenges it presents are well worth the rewards From navigating rocky trails to conquering steep inclines, each obstacle encountered tests your skills as an overlander and leaves you with a sense of accomplishment With preparation and the right equipment, you'll find that the challenges only enhance the overall experience, making each triumph even more satisfying.
While there’s nothing specifically challenging for most four wheel drive vehicles, from a trail standpoint, there are a lot of interesting and fun to drive sections of the roads Again, while it may not require lockers and a 6” lift, it will test your rig with a lot of vibration and off camber sections
In the spirit of adventure, overlanding often fosters a strong sense of camaraderie among enthusiasts Wyoming's overlanding community is a welcoming one, with like-minded individuals sharing their experiences, tips, and advice
One example happened when we stopped for lunch and a quick beer in Ten Sleep at the Ten Sleep Brewing Company We arrived before they opened and were sitting in their outdoor seating, waiting when a gentleman (who turned out to be the owner) approached us and said “Are you all the dirty Overlanders parked in my parking lot?” He laughed, as he was kidding, and proceeded to say that he really liked our rigs.
Turns out he’s a motorcycle guy and had a lot of knowledge on the route and he gave us some good tips and ideas for things to explore and things to avoid It was a fun interaction and nice to get the inside scoop on trail conditions and things to see off the beaten path.
Wyoming's overlanding adventures offer a unique blend of untamed beauty, thrilling challenges, and the freedom to explore at your own pace As you venture through the remote wilderness, you'll find yourself disconnected from your daily chaos, yet more connected to the earth and its wonders than ever before So, if you seek the allure of boundless horizons, wildlife encounters, and the opportunity to discover your own limits, pack your bags, hit the dirt roads, and let Wyoming's offroad escapes lead you on an unforgettable expedition of a lifetime.
Like I always say, get out there and live, learn, and discover!
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The long awaited Wyoming BDR (WYBDR) is our eleventh route developed for dualsport and adventure motorcycle travel.
"The Wyoming Backcountry Discovery Route is a multi-day off-pavement ride for dual-sport and adventure motorcycles through the most dramatic and rugged landscapes in Wyoming. Beginning in Baggs, WY, the route traces the mountain ranges to the east through the Sierra Madre and Medicine Bow Ranges, crosses west to the Wind River Range, then goes back east and north through the Bighorn Mountains, eventually ending at a remote Wyoming-Montana border. Almost every section includes some moderately technical riding, as the remote two-track flows through regions of vast high-desert, short-grass prairies, and alpine climates You will experience expansive views from the summit of two different 11,000-foot mountains, cross two major rim escarpments and pass through many other seldom visited areas and historic mining towns. This is the most remote BDR, so plan ahead and be prepared to have a true backcountry adventure."
Man,andwoman'sbestfriendsonthetrailandatcamp. Oursecondannualcommunitydogfeature.Thanks everyoneforsubmittingthesegreatpicsofyourpups!
ThisisFreyja.She’smyJeepdog,RTTdog,hiking buddyandBFF.Myfavoriteproductweuseisa lightweightharnessthathasa“handle”.I’mabletolift herupanddownthetentladderlikeshe’sasuitcase I alsolovetherechargeablelightupdogcollars.Great forseeingwanderingcampdoggosatnight.
ThisisSnickers,sheloves goingontripswithus,going onhikes,andridingdownbumpy trails.Watertanksareagreatway tohaveextrawaterforthepupstoo! Weusean8gallonWaterportonour truck!Stillfiguringoutthebestwayto getherin/outofthetent...
LeftisKona,rightisKailani.They aretrueoutdoor/overlandingdogs! Theysharetheloveoftheoutdoors andadventurethatwehave,and theirpersonalitiesshinewhen surroundedbytrees,rivers,and freshair(andnothingelse) They havebeenalloverthebackcountry; Utah,Colorado,Idaho,Montana, Nevada,California,Oregon,and Washingtonjusttonameafew. Welltravelledbabiesforsure.
KUMAisanAmericanAkita,andatonly7months, hehascampedwithmeforatotalof6weeks alreadythisspring/summer Hewillgoandsitnext tothetruckwhenhewantstogoforaride
Copperouradventurebeaglelovesallthesnackson heradventures!Sheiseverybody’sbestfriendifyour willingtosharepartofyoursandwichwhileatcamp. -JeremyByington
ThisisRamsey.He'smybestfriend...Myadventure/hiking buddy,farmdog,andonethat'snotahugefanofgetting upintheRTT,buthewilldohisbestaslongashetrusts youandyouenticehimwithtreats.Iwouldhavetosaythe RTTDoggoRampisamusthaveforlargerbreeddogsto justwalkupintoyourRTT Ramsis90#sothere'snoother wayI'dbeabletogethiminthetent.Thebestpartabout travelingandadventuringwithhimisIknowhewill experiencesoomanynewtrails,sniffs,andotherexciting thingsinhisshortlife.Watchinghimrunandfrolicinnew placesmakesmehappy.
Midgehasalwaysbeenagreatroadtripbuddy.SheneversleepswhenI'mupall nightdriving,andjustenjoyslookingoutthewindow.Itrytokeepcomfortin mindwhentraveling.SousuallyI'llhavehermemoryfoambed,withextra blankets.Especiallywithheroldage,Iwanthertobehappyandcomfortable.
BandanasaysitallforCarolina Smalldogsaregreatwhenyoudon'thavealoto extraroominthevehicle.
NikonisarescuesoIwasnotsurehowhe woulddotraveling.Butitturnsoutadventure travelingishisthingalso!Andthecompanionshipheprovidesonthoseadventuresisbar none.TokeeptabsonhimatcampIboughta smallrechargeableLEDdogtagtohangfrom thisjacketwhichmakesitaloteasiertolocate himinthedrankwithouthavingtodisturb campbyyellingouthisname.
Nikon was involved in an accident on July 31 and we here at Northology have set up a gofundme to help with his owner, Shawn, with the medical expenses... please consider donating, and if you can't, please share the fundraiser link Thank you! He is special to us!
ThisisDaisy Bestthingabouttravelingwithheris alwayshavinganadventurepartnerthatisgamefor justaboutanything!WeloveRuffwearproducts.Their coatsandsleepingbagaregreatforcoldweather campingsinceshe'sshorthaired.Greatquality productsthatlast!
ThisisMrChibbs,our9yroldrescuecattledog.Thebest partoftravelingwithhimisalwaysbeingmindfulandin themoment...weneverknowwhatcrazinessisafoot. Rumplandkeltyblanketshavebeenatravelgame changer Theydon'tholdfursandorsmell Hejustloves curlinginthem.
Overland HeisaTexasHeeler
Charlie-bestpartisthathe'salwaysuptogoforarideorhike...solong astheremightbesquirrels.Adviceistostartthemyoungridinginthecar ANDgetthemagoodharnessthattiesintothevehicle.Alotofdogsare ejectedfromvehiclesforwhatwouldotherwisebeatrivialcrash.
Wilbur,akaBean.Bestpart(s)he'sthereasonableonethatwillputhis pawdownandstopusfromhikingsofaroutwewon'tgetbackbefore dark.He'salsoanexcellenthunter,andweworryaboutdinnerwiththis dog.He'scaughtawildtroutalmostasbigashim,toomanyrabbitsto count,snakes,etc Advice-dogswillusealltheslackyougivethem Not peeingoutsideintherainisonlyanoptionifyouletitbe,forexample. MostlyappliestostubbornHoundsratherthanworkingdogs.
ThisisWinstonandLeeroyaftermakingithomefrom thelongweekendtripuptoDrummondIsland.They are7monthsoldandthemainthingistocome preparedforcleaningupthemessesthatpuppiesbring withthem.Makesuretofeedthemwithenoughtime toprocessthefoodbeforejumpingbackonthetrails. Anticipatetheirneedsinadvanceorbepreparedto cleanthemessupafterthemesshappens. Theylovedthecampingatmosphere,meetingthe8 otherdogsaroundthecampsiteandexploringallof thesmellsthatthenewinvironmentprovided.Ithink theirfavoritethingIbroughtforthemwasthe2Seat Keltyfoldupcampchair.Itallowedthemtobean oversizedlapdogafteralongdayintherigandthe lovedsleepingintheTCTeardropeachnight.
ThisisTexAZ,Liberty,DukeandCopper.They lovealltheadventureswetakethemon, anythingfromOff-roading,camping,hiking, exploringminesandabandonedbuildings.I can’tevenpackthetruckupthedaybeforewe leavewithoutthemjumpinginreadytogo.For ustravelingwith4,wehavetobesurewehave enoughwater.Firstaidkit,bootsandjackets. Plentyoffoodandsnacks.
Overlandingwithdogscanbearewardingandenjoyableexperience, butitrequirescarefulplanningandconsiderationtoensurethesafety andwell-beingofyourfurrycompanion Herearetentipstohelpyou haveasuccessfuloverlandadventurewithyourdog:
Pre-TripVetCheck:Beforeembarkingonyourjourney,takeyour dogtotheveterinarianforafullcheck-up Ensuretheyareup-todateonvaccinations,havethenecessarymedications,andarefit fortravel.
TrainingandSocialization:Makesureyourdogiswell-trained andsocializedbeforethetrip Basicobediencecommandssuch as "sit,""stay,"and"come"areessential.Socializationwillhelp yourdogfeelcomfortableinvariousenvironmentsandaround otherpeopleandanimals
SecureTravelArrangements:Investinasafeandcomfortable travelcrateorharnessforyourdog Thecrateshouldbewellventilatedandsecuredinthevehicletopreventinjuryincaseof suddenstopsoraccidents.
PackforYourPup:Bringyourdog'sessentials,includingfood, water,bowls,leash,collarwithidentificationtags,bedding,and toys Also,carryanymedicationstheymightneedduringthetrip FoodandWaterSafety:Alwaysprovidefreshwaterforyourdog andmonitortheirintaketoavoiddehydration Sticktotheir regulardiettopreventupsetstomachs,andavoidfeedingthem humanfood,especiallyitemsthatcouldbetoxictodogs.
KeepThemCool:Dogscan'tregulatetheirbodytemperatureas efficientlyashumans Duringhotweather,ensureyourdoghas accesstoshade,andneverleavetheminsideaparkedvehicle,as temperaturescanriserapidlyandbelife-threatening PlanDog-FriendlyRoutesandStops:Researchdog-friendly destinations,campgrounds,andparksalongyourroute.Some placeshavespecificpetrestrictions,socheckinadvancetoavoid anyissues
ExerciseandPlaytime:Dogsneedregularexerciseandplaytime tostayhappyandhealthy.Planstopswhereyourdogcanstretch theirlegs,goforwalks,andburnoffsomeenergy
CheckLocalLeashLaws:Differentareasmayhavespecificleash lawsandregulations.Alwaysabidebytheselawsandusealeash whenrequired
RespectWildlifeandNature:Whileexploring,bemindfulof wildlifeandthenaturalenvironment.Keepyourdogonaleashin sensitiveareastoavoiddisturbingwildlifeanddamaging vegetation
BonusTip:Beflexibleandpatient.Overlandingwithdogsmay requireadjustmentstoyourplanstoaccommodatetheirneeds Be preparedtoadaptandensureyourpupfeelssafeandcomfortable throughoutthejourney.
Remember,yourdog'swell-beingshouldalwaysbeapriority.By followingthesetips,youcancreatewonderfulmemoriesandlasting bondswithyourcaninecompanionduringyouroverlandadventure
ThisisGooseandhe’s1yearand4months.He’s beentoabout20statesandisthebesttravel buddyever!Ihighlyrecommendapetfirstaidkit andknowingvetsalongyourroutebefore traveling.Bepreparedforanythingbecauseitwill probablyhappenatsomepoint.
-CaraMcClellanThisisRocky.He'sa8mo goingonhisfirstoffroad ofAugust.He'sanexcellentrider...lovesbeing withppl.Loveshisdog&catroomies...quick learner&supersmart&sweet.Lookingfora newadventuremate...he'sakeeper!!ProductI loveforhimaretheelkantlers...asapuphe needstochewandtheysatisfythatneed! -MichelleBreenCon
For over 30 years, Tread Lightly! has been promoting responsible recreation through trail clean ups, restoration projects and education, keeping our public lands healthy, accessible and open for all to enjoy.
Whether you are an individual, a club or a business, you can join the Tread Lightly! movement. Do it today!
For more information on the impact we’re having and to join us on this journey, drive on over to
Midwest Women's Offroad Weekend, Spring Cleanup Campout, Free ADV Weekend, Keweenaw Overland Adventure Retreat, Overland the Red
EDITOR'S NOTE: We speak for ourselves and U.P.Jeeping about the following stories- tongues were planted firmly in cheek and no one should ever take us seriously. Well, maybe a litte.... Also, apologies & thanks to Hunter S. Thompson for inspiration.
Join me on an unforgettable expedition through America's forgotten landscapes, as I venture from the beer-soaked plains of Wisconsin to the rugged wilderness of Michigan, riding in a creaky, rusted-out Jeep. Our journey begins on a crisp morning, packing essentials like ice-cold beers, a dusty map, and a head full of twisted thoughts. With a loyal steed beneath us, we set off into the unknown, leaving civilization behind for the heart of chaos.
The Wisconsin backroads greeted us with winding paths through cornfields and dairy farms, where the aroma of cow manure blended with the scent of freedom. The Jeep's engine growled in sync with the American spirit of rugged individualism and reckless abandon. As we journeyed, reality blurred, and we encountered curious sights, like a herd of cheese-headed creatures dancing by the roadside. But with the road ahead, the spirit of adventure urged us forward.
Crossing into Michigan, we entered a dimension where untamed wilderness reigned supreme. The Jeep battled through mud pits and crossed swollen rivers, turning us from travelers into warriors facing the raw elements.
Ancient secrets seemed to whisper from Michigan's forests, and tall trees passed judgment on our intrusion, yet we pressed on, unyielding to the land's disapproval.
Night fell, enveloping us in darkness as we navigated with the Jeep's headlights. The forest came alive with unseen creatures, owls hooting, wolves howling, and nature itself protesting against human presence. But amid the chaos, we found moments of serenity by a secluded lake, where the moon danced on its surface, and the stars conspired with the universe.
Time lost meaning on this mad odyssey, days and nights blending in a whirlwind of sensations and emotions. We encountered strange characters – locals with tales of legendary creatures and haunted trails – blurring the lines between reality and imagination.
As we finally crossed into Michigan, the Jeep weary, I knew this journey would forever live in my mind. A maddening escapade through America's heart, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the open road and the untamed wild.
So, if you ever seek unbridled adventure, follow the trail from Wisconsin to Michigan, embrace the wilderness, and remember: fear and loathing may accompany you,but they will lead you to discover your true self amid the madness.
“Freedom is something that dies unless it's used.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
My friends, in this twisted journey of life, there are two kinds of travelers - those who cling to the safety of a path drawn out for them and those who dare to be the architects of their own destiny. I stand firmly with the latter, for it is the wild-hearted, the audacious souls who chart their own routes that truly taste the sweet nectar of adventure.
Let me tell you something, and listen closely. Following a recorded route is like navigating through a maze of mundane predictability. It's like watching a rerun of a forgettable sitcom while the world burns outside your window. Where's the thrill in that? The true adrenaline rush, the savage intoxication of living, lies in the unknown, the unpredictable, the unplanned and discovery.
Picture this: you're out there, armed to the teeth with the spirit of adventure, ready to tame the wilderness. And what are you following? A damn GPS breadcrumb trail, like some kind of mindless drone marching to the beat of somebody else's drum. It's an insult to the very essence of exploration, my fellow travelers.
Nature doesn't give a crap about your data; it dances to its rhythm, unpredictable and wild. Trees fall, rivers shift, roads crumble and then this trail you've been on for seven hours leads you straight into a dead-end like a lost soul in the desert.
But imagine being on a dusty two-track, pine scents wafting into your truck like clouds of smoke at a Grateful Dead concert, a crumpled map slipping off the passenger seat. Your heart pounding like a war drum, knowing that every turn, every bend, is a leap into the abyss of uncertainty. That, my friends, is the savage journey of true adventure.
There's something liberating about diving headfirst into the wilderness of your own creation. It's a dance with chaos, a flirtation with madness, but it's also where the most profound discoveries lie hidden. The freedom to make your choices, to embrace the untamed spirit within you, that's what sets the adventurous apart from the mundane.
But oh, the allure of safety, of convenience. They want you to follow the herd, marching in line like docile cattle to the slaughterhouse of mediocrity. "Don't think, just follow the route," they whisper, hoping to quell the rebellious spirit within you. But we are not sheep, my friends. We are the wolves, the renegades of the off-road, and we live for the uncharted territory.
Let me tell you something: the best stories, the wildest tales, they come from the unplanned detours, the moments of glorious madness when you break free from the shackles of conformity. It's in those moments that you find yourself, that you discover the raw essence of life, of adventure. But beware, for with this freedom comes responsibility. You must navigate the uncharted waters of your soul, confront your fears, and stare down the demons of doubt. It's not for the faint-hearted or the timid; it's for the fearless, the seekers of truth, and those who yearn to taste life in its purest, most unfiltered form.
So let's raise our glasses to the renegades. As you set forth on this twisted odyssey, remember this: spoon-fed adventure and recorded routes may offer convenience, but it's the unpredictable, the offbeat, the self-made paths that lead to the heart of adventure.
Let's laugh in the face of pre-packaged adventures and seek the intoxicating rush of the unknown. Because, my friends, life is too damn short to follow someone else's road map. Embrace the chaos, ride the winds of madness, and let the thrill of the untamed wilderness be your guide. Take the reins, embrace the madness, and ride the waves of chaos with a grin on your face.
In the immortal words of Hunter S. Thompson himself, "Buy the ticket, take the ride." But let it be a ride of your own making, for therein lies the savage beauty of true adventure.
Fear and Loathing in the Unknown,
The Ghost of H.S.T., channelled through human and machine, fueled by one too many drinks
Overland adventures are an exhilarating experience that can lead you to breathtaking destinations and unforgettable memories As tempting as it is to ask "who's got a good route to " or "can I get a gpx file for " seeking your own path can enhance your adventure in several meaningful ways.
New Discoveries: By venturing off the beaten path and finding your own route or destination, you'll uncover hidden gems and unexplored terrain It's an opportunity to connect with nature away from the crowds
Real-Time Information: Recorded routes are static, capturing information on the day they were made. Nature, however, is ever-changing, and roads can be subject to closures due to seasonal conditions, logging activities, or washouts By doing the research and navigating on your own, you can stay informed about current conditions
Respect for Regulations: The original data of a shared route may not be communicated with the file, you could mistakenly followed an ATV trail, seasonally closed road or a path not suitable for full-sized vehicles By finding your own route, you can research the rules and regulations, and respect land-use restrictions
Personalized Adventure: Everyone's idea of adventure is different, and what may excite one person might not appeal to another. By exploring on your own, you can tailor the journey to your preferences, seeking viewpoints, activities, and points of interest that really speak to you Freedom of Exploration: Relying on a recorded route might offer convenience, but it can also limit your freedom to roam and explore. Adapt your adventure based on your interests, time, and the unexpected discoveries you come across along the way
Escape from Routine: Part of the allure of off-road exploration is breaking away from routine and embracing uncertainty Charting your course injects an element of surprise and excitement, making every trip a unique experience all your own.
Community and Learning: Engaging in route-finding fosters a sense of community among fellow adventurers Sharing insights and experiences with others can inspire them to explore and discover new things
While following a popular trail might be enticing due to its familiarity, embracing the spirit of adventure means finding your way and creating your path The thrill of exploration, the freedom to discover new wonders, and the deeper connection with nature are rewards worth the effort So, set forth on your journey with an adventurous spirit, and may your trails be filled with awe-inspiring encounters and memories that last a lifetime. You will learn new skills and experience that can only help as you grow as an adventurer What's the worst that could happen?
Safe travels and happy exploring!
”One way to get the most out of life, is to look upon it as an adventure” – William Feather
To be able to confidently bring your furry pals on a road trip or camping adventure is one of the simple joys of life. Except it may not be so simple. Christina Goodwin and her husband have been traveling with their dog, Chibbs, and she has some advice for making things easier on you and your good doggo.
Remain as consistent as possible to your home schedule for feeding, meds and bedtime.
Create a safe space for your canine to retreat when traveling with groups. We use a ChuckIt! travel pillow bed set up in our awning room.
Night time safety with your dog is paramount. Use light up collars or leads to keep track of your pet after dark
Co-sleep with your canine or have them stowed in a vehicle at night to keep them safe from foraging wildlife and rapid changing weather conditions
When spending time in a campground use a permanent marker to write your site number on a blank dog tag and attach it to your pet’s collar.
Do your research before you leave. Understand regulations and accessibility of where your canine can and cannot go. This will help avoid on the fly decisions that might leave your pet in a warm or cold car waiting for your return.
Understand symptoms and treatment for canine hypothermia and heat stroke.
Keep a stocked and up to date K-9 first aid kit in your rig or on your animal and know how to use it. We use MyMedic and Adventure Medical kits along with the Canine Field Medicine guide.
Follow Christina, Nate & Chibbs on Instagram
Pet care advisors from The American Red Cross recommend that every owner has a first aid kit and supplies that they would have quick access to in an emergency. See their list below. There is also an American Red Cross Pet First Aid app on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store -the perfect on-the-go reference guide for pet owners to have on their smartphones.
NOTE: this list did not mention Benadryl for allergic reactions. We feel that this is something everyone should have in their kit. You don't know what your pet is allergic to until they have a reaction. Talk to your vet about the correct dosage and do not use products that have additives such as pain relievers or decongestants as these can be harmful to your pet.
A place to come, Park and Ride the Trails, setup your camper/tent and relax overnight after a fun day on the trails
"Sam and his crew are awsome they know the trails well and have good eye for what your jeep is capable of "
"Sam was awesome. Give us exactly what we wanted and then some. HIGHLY RECOMMEND him if you want to explore some awesome trails "
YourH YourHollerwoodparkollerwoodparkandbeyond andbeyond ttrailguide. railguide. justiceexplores@gmailcom
"Sam is amazing! He knows his area, his spotting, is conscientious of what he’s bringing you through and is extremely patient!! Excellent and I would give 150 stars!!! You need to be able to trust your spotter and I would follow him anywhere!!" justice explores JusticeExplores
Protecting the Keweenaw's vast landscapes. For everyone. Forever.
The first annual Broncopalooza event coincided with the 2 year anniversary of the Chicagoland Broncos Facebook group (the largest Ford Bronco group in Illinois) The event started off at Hamblock Ford in Belvidere, IL to the tune of 140 Broncos in attendance The majority being the new 6th Gen Broncos, but Classics and Sports also being represented as well. There was several show categories awarded and a Flex ramp competition.
"This event far exceeded our expectations and we can hardly wait until next year. A lot of people put in a lot of hard work to make this happen and it shows" -
Jody Cameron, aka. Bird Dog Off Road Adventures
Numerous raffle items generously donated by our sponsors were given away to some lucky attendees. The event then took a short trip over to Rocky Glenn OHV for an evening of fun playing in the mud.
Broncopalooza will return in 2024, so to stay updated on all information as it is released, please visit
Hope to see you all next year!
Thanks to all of our wonderful sponsors, donors and supporters! Please check them out!
Ford Accessories of Chicago
Wild Horses 4x4
Northology Adventures
Rockton Adventures
J Tops USA
Total Offroad & More
Metal-Tech 4x4
Auto Accents by Gina
Automotive Solutions
Great Lakes Undercoating
Jilly’s Jerky
Volcano Falls
Hair by Giavanna Marie (Studio Infinity)
ABT Electronics
Brighter Focus Photography
The Adventures of Rogers & Henderson
The Badlands Off Road Park Indiana
RCV Performance
Metal Cloak
Bird Dog Off Road Adventures
Cody the Bronco
Kona the Bronco
Hal the Bronco
Emmerson Toys, Gifts and Hobbies
"OverlandExpoPNWisanexceptionalevent for3reasons-1there'sgreatpeople everywhere Whethertheyarepotential customersornot,weallhavesomethingin commontochatabout 2thelocationis wonderful,there'ssomuchtoexploreclose byandtheviewofthemountainsinthe distanceissomethingthatnevergetsold 3 ThestaffatOverlandExpodoanamazing jobputtingtogethertheeventtobe beneficialasanexhibitororaantendee. There'ssomethingforeveryoneandit'struly worththetrip!"
Thisisnotanarticleaboutthelatestand greatestoverlandgadgetsatOverlandExpo, youcanfindallthatinfobypeoplewaymore qualified(searchOverlandExpoonYouTube andgodownarabbithole...)No,thisisapeek attheexperiencefromthevendorsideofthe equation.Iwasfortunateenoughtobeinvited toattendthePNWexpoandhavemytruck displayedintheTRUKDbooth.
Ok, exposarelong,buttheexcitementisreal Thesmilesarecontagiousasthepreparation foropeningapproaches Fromtheearlyhours ofsettinguptheirboothstothehot afternoonsengagingwithattendees,vendors eagerlysharedtheirgearand knowledge
LifeintheBoothOverlandExpocelebratesthe spiritofself-relianceand overlanding,andmanyvendors takethistoheartbyembracing in-boothcamping. Portable campingstoves,12vrefrigerators andsimple,quickmealsbecome thenorm,allowingvendorsto maintainconnectionwiththeir potentialcustomers Thisunique experiencefosteresadeeper understandingoftheircustomers' needsandkeepsusfocusedon whywearehereinthefirstplace Bigshout-outtoGeyserSystems forthehotshowerseveryday!
MeetingtheAdventurousSoulsForvendors,meetingthelikemindediswhattheylivefor.Conversationsabouttheirpassions, exchangingstoriesofadventure, andofferingexpertadvicefostersanatmosphereofcamaraderie.Iwasespeciallytouched bythefriendlinessandpatience oftheriderinstructorsattheRide WithUsnewriderexperience You couldtellthatArmenePiperwas thereto inspirenewriders,and hercalm,easytofollowinstructionhadmecirclingthetracklike Iusedto(moreyearsagothanI wanttoadmit)
-Armene, @Clutch_Motorcycle_School"TheOverlandExpoismy absolutefavoritevenueto participateat It’sawonderful eventfilledwithpeoplefrom alloverthecountrywhofind joyinwhatweoffer It’ssuch apositiveenvironmentwhere theenergyandexcitementto discovernewthingsis palpable It’salwaysanhonor tobeinvitedbyRideWithUs tosharemyloveof motorcycleridingwith others"
WhileOverlandExpoisashowcaseofindividualproductsand services,itisalsoagatheringof vendorswhoshareacommon loveforoverlanding Building relationshipswithfellowvendors iscrucialnotonlyfornetworking butalsoformutualsupportand collaboration.Late-night campfireconversations,sharing meals,andexchangingtrade secretscreatesatight-knit communitywherevendorslearn fromeachother,findnew inspiration,andpotentially partneronfutureprojects.
OverlandExpoPacificNorthwestis avendor'sdream-theplatform, theconnections,andthelasting relationshipsmade Itwaslong, hot,hardworkbutvendorsleftthe Expowithcherishedmemoriesand arenewedsenseofpurpose.The experienceattheExpoexemplified thespiritofadventure,andIwas gratefulfortheopportunitytobe abletolivethisexperience.There wasonefacetoftheshowthat trumpedallothersforme-getting toseealloftheadventuredogs.I don'tthinkIcouldimagine travelingwithoutmybestfriend.
"Thestaffat OverlandExpodo anamazingjob puttingtogether theevent...there's somethingfor everyoneandit's trulyworththetrip!"
June 20
Today, I embarked (get it, emBARKED) on an epic adventure from Illinois to Oregon with one of my humans and her friend, my former foster mom. My human calls it a "road trip," but I call it a "sniff-andscenery" expedition. We rolled away from home and I hunkered down and moped a bit, I am not a fan of riding in the truck but I am calm and quiet until we get to where we are going!
After many hours in the truck, we found a dog park in Iowa and then made it to camp in Nebraska. I alerted my human of the deer that was walking in the creek by our campsite. For hours. Later, some coyote cousins howled as it was getting dark. I was kinda scared, I am not going to lie. We may be related, but I do not want anything to do with that branch of the family. It was a relief to snuggle in the rooftop tent, I was sure no dumb coyotoes could climb the ladder. I fell asleep to the sounds of the creek.
I sniffed the shit out of this rest stop in Wyoming.
The Wildlife Management Areas in Nebraska are cool- free camping and this one had a small lake. It also had pit toilets. I guess the humans did not want to potty in the woods. Weirdoes.
June 21
We were in that truck forever today but made it to Wyoming. Thankfully the humans decided to get a hotel and I did my best to alert my humans when I heard slamming doors or Dwight from the Office doing something dumb on the television.
Myhuman snapped a pic of me the moment Iheard the coyotes. I wasbrave but concerned!
June 22
My human made a big deal at this stop. Not sure what "OMG, Tetons!!!" means. It was windy but I was tired of being in the truck so it was nice to roam around a bit and sniff more stuff.
Rolling in something interesting (smelly) in Idaho.
We made it to Oregon. The last night was not fun. The humans were crabby, my human was crying and there was something wrong with the truck. I was told to not say anything about what happened. I just want to go home right now.
June 23
We made it to the Pacific Ocean! My human said I could run free up and down the beach! Woooo hoooooo! This is the best trip ever! I sniffed so much and am so happy!
Are we there yet?
I am really starting to like this tent on top of the truck. It means the drive is over for the day and I can relax.
So here we are in a place the humans call Waldport, it is where my foster human moved to. I get to sprawl on a couch and explore the yard. I think we will be here for a few days before I have to get back in the truck again. They said we were headed to a place called "Bear Camp" on our way to "the Rogue River." Sounds kinda scary. I will let you know what happens!
(Next installment of Daisy's trip will be in the September issue.)
High zoot trailers can be vulnerable and a decent trailer and receiver hitch lock are absolutely prudent purchases. Options for these critical pieces of equipment are pretty endless, most being a subtly different version of the other, except for the Bolt lock What makes it special? How about having them keyed to match your rig's ignition key? Yeh, imagine your hitch pin lock, trailer coupler lock and maybe even the cable lock you use for your bike keyed to match your Jeep, Tacoma or other truck How is that even possible? This is where the Bolt guys have it pretty figured out
The locks are shipped to you keyless Weird, right? How do they get keyed to match your ignition? Perhaps black Magic, or a spendy trip to the local locksmith? Interestingly it may be a bit closer to black magic than anything else The short answer is you insert your key into the lock and turn it That’s the entire process Bolt claims the first time you insert your ignition key into the lock, the spring-loaded plate tumblers move up and down until they are matched exactly to your key. As you rotate your key for the first time, the position of the plate tumblers permanently sets to your key
I hate carrying a wad of keys, so the Bolt system seemed appealing. I went to their site, keyed in (no pun intended) my vehicle info and was greeted with a page of lock options I selected the hitch pin lock and a padlock for the trailer coupler A few days later they arrived and I reviewed the instructions. A simple insert of the Jeep’s ignition key into each and they were magically matched to my rig. I even tested a few other vehicles' ignition keys to see if it would undo the first effort and the locks said no
Bolt explains their lock mechanisms are a six-plate tumbler design which makes it almost impossible to pick or bump, and the lock mechanism is also protected by a plastic jacket which includes an end cap to cover the key slot Construction is largely solid stainless steel (as opposed to chromed steel) so it should be durable and rust resistant as well I’m a year into using them, including a very salty winter in the midwest and both continue to function perfectly.
Downside? Hard to imagine there is a downside to a durable lock system that reduces the amount of keys I need to carry and actually makes my life easier If I were to get nitpicky, maybe price? The Bolt hitch pin goes for $39.95, the padlock is $25.99 and a cable lock is priced at $41 99 Certainly not cheap, but I have countless dollars and a 1000 hours into my trailer build, so I’m pretty happy to spend a few bucks more to secure it, so that one is a bit of a reach
Northology Torture Tested scale rates the Bolt lock system a 9.5 out of 10 and I’ll also be adding the hood lock for my Gladiator in the near future Check them out at https://www boltlock com/
"Hard to imagine there is a downside to a durable lock system that reduces the amount of keys I need to carry and actually makes my life easier."
September 14-17, 2023 in Copper Harbor, MI
Updated to keep your dog more comfortable and better protected on big adventures, the Rex Specs V2 dog goggles help shield your dog's eyes from debris, sun and environmental hazards.
Comprehensive first-aid solution to help both you and your four-legged hiking buddy. Includes human and canine first aid essentials for hiking and preparadness.
Approximately 72" l , 3/4" w, and made from 10-11oz leather (the same thickness as my belts). These leashes are made to last. Contact Dead Miner for possible custom lengths and widths.
This mat stays 5-10 degrees cooler than room temperature to keep your pet comfortable, no refriger-ation needed. Non-toxic gel and wipe-clean shell that can be used alone, in a pet bed, or in a pet carrier
Ruffwear Knot-a-Hitch
An easy-to-use system for securing your pup at your campsite. This way your dog is free to explore while you set up the tent.
"Water resistant coatings on both sides protect from spills on the surface and moisture from the ground." It also folds up neatly and has a shoulder strap.
Coleman Pet Cooling Mat Some of these links are affiliate links and we may receive a small commission from purchases at no cost to you.TRAILS END CAMPGROUND TRAILS END CAMPGROUND Campsites & Rustic Cabins
14203 M26 Copper Harbor, MI
August 18-20 Spirit of the Northwoods Trail Ride
August 25-27 Overland Expo Mountain West
September 9- 3rd Annual Cranberry Crawl
September 29-30 Big Iron Overland Rally West Mineral, KS
September 14-17 Keweenaw Overland Adventure Retreat
September 16- KORC Keweenaw Coastal Cleanup
October 6-8 Overland Expo East
October 12-14 Rendezvous in the Ozarks
October 19-22 Overland the Red
Please notify us if you want your event listed at
A monthly feature bringing you our favorite YouTube videos from some great creators- check them out and be sure to subscribe! To watch the videos, click on the video thumbnail on the right.
road 's most
beautiful backcountry hidden gems that no one knows about." This is part 1 in the series and after our own excursion through the beautiful state of Oregon for the Pacific Northwest Overland Expo, we can't wait to see how this series unfolds!
Fueled by McDonalds and Taco Bell during furious edit sessions on borrowed wifi, Braxton presents this doozy of a recap from Overland Expo PNW. This video features camper trailers, truck campers, vehicle accessories and more from over 36 vendors. For those of you who can't make it to an expo but want to see what is out there, check out this channel!
Good grief, these cross-country trips can be a pain in the bum! And solo trips can be especially tiring. In this episode, Fletch muses on driving long hours on his way to Wyoming. "I recorded this episode of the podcast talking through some tips and tricks for not only staying alert, but enjoying these longer trips."
his fun episode shot in the both Felicia and Heather Outdoors should post more YT content!) Follow along "exploring in Marquette before we make our way west to The Keweenaw Peninsula and Copper Harbor."
Tent!" They go over the self. They also go over some alternatives to sleeping in a tent. They claim to show you "how to begin overlanding" and "give you a more honest information than other videos give." Bold statements for sure. Watch and decide for yourself!