Recap of the event and coverage of the Storytellers and Camp Northology
All the things you need to know to have a great time on the water
Recap of the event and coverage of the Storytellers and Camp Northology
All the things you need to know to have a great time on the water
Paddlesports and overlanding - the perfect adventure match
I thought I would start the commemoration of this, the completion of five years of the Northology Adventures digital magazine, by rerunning my intro in the very first issue (see right) I don’t like to say it but COVID was the best thing to happen to my business in early 2020 I had to cancel my planned events and was panicking I had left my job just a few short months before to follow my dream of working for myself. This magazine, this community, helped keep that dream alive Thanks for being here and for supporting me
As always, let us know if you have a story to share in words or photos, or want to get your message in front of this community.
“In the coronavirus age, it's been harder to get together in person so here we are hanging out in digital spaces instead of around a campfire The world we live in has changed, events have been cancelled, parks & stores have been closed and we are feeling less connected to the people and activities we love Lets change that
I had the idea to start a magazine years ago but you know how things go. Ideas get talked about and the excited what-ifs bounce around and then before you know it, its next year. Now there is time to spare and I think this can act as a distraction and a connection to the activities and community we love.
I was aware of a divide between silent sports and motor sports enthusiasts at a young age There were publications dedicated to each but they rarely crossed over These days I am seeing some crossover, but in my opinion there never should have been a division to begin with So many people enjoy both, and I hope to bring you all together to celebrate and enjoy all the activities and the awesome opportunities and stories we have here in the midwest
A wise friend once told me that success wasn't perfection I am no editor, publisher, graphic designer or writer. I am just a gal who gets crazy ideas, makes commitments and then has to figure out a way to get done what I said I was going to get done Thanks to the contributors and advertisers for your support Thank you all for gathering around this, the Northology Adventures digital campfire Cheers to imperfect success -Cindy”
Creators- Drop us a line at or submit content on our website. We love stories and photos of trips, events, gear reviews, destinations and outdoor activities Advertisers- Get in touch to learn about our current promos and how a presence here can help you tell your story to this amazing community.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I am always looking for connections I realized that all of the activities I love are connected in that they share a similar mindset and approach In whitewater canoeing, one must continually read the river for clues that reveal the best chutes, lanes and eddies Offroad travel requires reading the path for the best tire placement and lines through an obstacle Mountain biking is a continuous read and reaction, always looking a few steps ahead to be able to navigate the trail successfully All of these activities require focus, anticipation, execution, reaction and correction Being totally present in the moment, focused on the task without distraction is necessary for successful execution That mindset is also therapy To be able to leave the world behind for a short time, to relax and push all other issues, pains, fears, aside is the state of bliss I long for.
Canoeing or kayaking shares several similarities with overland travel and car camping, particularly in their reliance on self-sufficiency and connection with nature Just as overland travelers navigate through diverse landscapes, paddlers glide across varying water bodies, encountering changing currents, wind patterns, and natural obstacles Both activities require careful planning, from route mapping to packing essentials like food, water, and shelter In both cases, participants must be prepared to adapt to unforeseen challenges, such as changing weather conditions or unexpected detours, emphasizing the importance of flexibility and resourcefulness And snacks, lots of snacks
Like car camping, canoeing and kayaking offer a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the outdoors while maintaining a degree of comfort and convenience While campers set up tents or arrange sleeping quarters in their vehicles, paddlers have lunch stops and breaks, and make camp along the water's edge, utilizing lightweight and portable gear optimized for their chosen mode of travel Both experiences allow individuals to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of urban life, fostering a sense of tranquility and appreciation for the natural world Whether by land or water, these activities encourage participants to slow down, savor the moment (and a snack,) and cultivate a deeper connection with their surroundings
Additionally, canoeing and kayaking, much like overland travel and car camping, promote a spirit of adventure and exploration. Whether navigating a winding river or paddling across a serene lake, participants have the opportunity to discover hidden gems, from secluded coves to breathtaking vistas Like the thrill of stumbling upon a picturesque campsite or stumbling upon a hidden trail, paddlers often find themselves rewarded with unexpected encounters with wildlife, breathtaking scenery, and moments of serenity that can only be found in the great outdoors Through these shared experiences, canoeing, kayaking, overland travel, and car camping all offer avenues for personal growth, self-discovery, and lasting memories amidst the beauty of nature Most importantly, they offer opportunities to share snacks with friends on the trail
5x10 with new trailer body style
3,500lb de-rated torsion axle
Custom tire sizes available up to 35"
Diamond Skid Plate (option)
Lock-n-Roll Articulating Hitch
10" Electric Brakes
Floor to Ceiling full front cabinet
6'7" Sleeping Cabin
Large galley with slide-out table and cabinet
Coming in
MOOREExpo2024hascomeandgoneandit leavesmealittleemotional Soundsweird,but it’saneventI’vegonetoforthelast4years(all exceptthefirstyearoftheexpo)andit’sbeena bigpartofmygrowthasanoverlanderandas acontentcreator
WhenIfirstcamein2021,Iwasanattendee It was awesome to meet so many people in the overlanding industry and learn about things that were coming to the overlanding gear landscape
Fast forward just 4 short years and I’ve had 3 different overlanding vehicle builds, been honored to be included as a Storyteller on Storyteller Row for the last 3 years, and I’ve made so many lifelong friendships with many peoplethatit’shardtoquantify
So, let’s talk about what MOORE is, why you should come next year, and some of the takeawaysthatIleftwithafterMOORE2024
In addition to the vendors, there are over 70 interactive classes that you can attend You will learn about things like using your recoverygearmoresafely,theGAIAGPSapp and finding trails, how to cook offgrid, safety and first aid, winter camping tips, and many moretopics
Essentially, the MOORE Expo is the largest midwestern indoor (and outdoor) expo featuring premium overlanding and camping gear,powersportsequipment,offroadvehicle parts,kayaking,hiking,interactiveclasses,VIP education,andevenanoverlandingrallycalled the SMORR to MOORE Rally that allows attendees to traverse some of the beautiful trailsnearSpringfieldMissouri
Withover85Ksquarefeetofindoorspaceand 290Ksquarefeetoutdoors,thereissomuchto seethatitwouldlikelytakeyouthefull2days toseeitall Withhundredsofboothsfeaturing amazing vendors like Midland Radio, REDARC, ICECO, Rollercam, ARB, and manymore,you’llbeabletoscopeoutthebest
So, in addition to seeing the coolest new gear inpersonandmeetingsomegreatpeople,you can also up your game from an education standpoint Having the best gear is great, but notifyoudon’tknowhowtouseit
Finally, there’s Storyteller row I believe that the MOORE Expo was the first one to pioneer this idea that content creators and YouTuberscouldbebothadrawforanexpo, as well as a point of education and real world experience sharing You can meet your favorite YouTubers and see their rigs in personinonecentrallocation The2024Expo included storytellers like Matt and Cara from Ozark Overland Adventures, Rob from Revere Overland, Bill and Deb from CoddiwompleOverlandandsomanymore
Now that you know what MOORE is, you maybesaying“Thatallsoundsinteresting,but isitworththedrive?”Myanswertothatwould beyes Again,withsomuchtolookat,ifyou’re into camping, hiking, kayaking, power sports, offroading, or anything related to these topics, you’llfindalottoloveattheMOOREExpo.
“...ifyouwanttoseeitin person,touchit,andask questionsaboutit,the onlywaytodothatisvia an...eventlikeMOORE.”
One of the hardest things about buying overlandinggearisthatalotofit(likerooftop tents, awnings, and more) is large and not readilyavailableinyourbigboxretailers.So,if you want to see it in person, touch it, and ask questions about it, the only way to do that is viaanexpoorsimilareventlikeMOORE
One thing I’ve always noticed and loved about MOORE is that the vendors and manufacturers who attend are all outgoing, helpful, and genuinely interested in the hobby of overlanding and camping Don’t be shystep up to their booths and they’ll answer any questionsyou’vegot
As mentioned previously, there are classes you can attend all day So, if you ’ ve never had to recoverastuckvehicle,checkoutaclassonsafe recoveries If you ’ re a first aid newb, but want tomakesureyou’resafeonfuturetrips,attend awildernessfirstaidclassandupyourgame
Come to get first hand experience with the gear, learn from some classes, and then leave with great deals on the gear, as there are exclusive expo discounts on almost all gear that’supforsale
Idon’twanttogettoosappy,butIhonestlydo leave this event exhausted, sunburnt, often withnovoiceleftandwithaminimalamount of sleep, but I wouldn’t miss it for the world There’s just something special about running around and building relationships with a manufacturer of an awesome product, like my buddy Henry from Moon Shade, that leads to introductions to other awesome products and companies
Then I turn around, and there’s someone who follows along on YouTube who wants to talk aboutapieceofgearorapersonwhoI’veseen at several of these events who has updates on theirbuildorlife.
Next I grab a bite to eat and someone approaches in the cafe to say they really enjoyed a specific podcast and how it helped themgetoutandexploremore
Ileavethecafetogoteachaclassandruninto some other creators that are wanting to live streamthateveningorgoouttogrababiteto eatandthewhirlwindcontinues.
Again, relationships with people, brands, and manufacturers are made at events like this I love making YouTube content as it’s probably the closest thing to in-person you can get online, but even that pales in comparison to leaning on your truck bed talking to someone foranhouraboutcoolmodsthey’remakingto their vehicle or an awesome trip they took recently.
Catching up with my creator friends, meeting new folks, and spending time with people I otherwise would have never met without the MOORE expo has meant a lot and really helped me grow as a person and as a content creatorandI’mthankful
IfImissedyouthisyearoryoudidn’tmakeit,I hope to see you next year and thanks to Chris Holloway and his team for keeping this thing rolling LookingforwardtoMOORE2025!
Follow All Things Overlanding!
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A collaboration between overland travelers, content creators, influencers and the MOORE Expo is aiding the search for missing children by inviting influencers to raise awareness and funds through Storyteller Row. The collaboration exemplifies the power of storytelling and digital platforms to inspire action The partnership also engages in fundraising efforts for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and emphasizes the collective commitment to child safety and prevention of exploitation
We asked a few of the participants at MOORE Expo 2024 about their experience in Storyteller Row, what this collaboration means to them and why they are driven to contribute
“When we first were introduced to NCMEC and their mission to give every child a safe childhood it stuck a cord with us. We adopted the mission and took it very seriously trying to raise awareness and funds for the organization. But just because Moore 2024 is over doesn’t mean our mission is over- we want to continue to raise awareness and donations for NCMEC As first time storytellers we never expected to have so many people to talk to We made some amazing connections with people listening to their stories and ideas when it came to over-landing, making connections that inspired us to continue storytelling for the people that we inspire The truck build was a hit but even more so was our kitchen kit haha! Everyone was commenting on the organization and that it was cool it all fits in the tote, stove included Overall it was an amazing experience that we would love to do again to make more connections and see those familiar faces we talked to for this Moore expo. “
“...just because Moore 2024 is over doesn’t mean our mission is over.”
“We believe our world is good and we have seen good through our travels, but to deny there is not bad, would be foolish The bad can be scary and frankly heartbreaking We were honored to assist a nation wide organization like NCMEC and assist in bringing visibility to the “scary” and work together to keep our children safe from harm We were honored to be selected as a Storyteller of MOORE this year and thankful the leaders of MOORE selected a great organization like NCMEC to partner with.”
“It’s been an honor to be able to be a storyteller these last couple years and with the addition of NCMEC, the storytellers have gained additional pur-pose in the info we share Looking forward to continuing to grow awareness of both MOORE and NCMEC!”
(photo, left from Scott Madison) Thank you, Rollercam, for sponsoring The MOORE Expo Storyteller Row and for your support of the National Center For Missing and Exploited Children
“I had a great time in Storyteller row meeting some old friends and making new ones. Hopefully we can all make a difference with this year’s involvement with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children The drive down on Missouri’s beautiful backroads also makes the weekend quite a joy!”
“It was such an honor being able to raise funds for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children as Storytellers at Moore this year. Learning about the organization and the overwhelming stats was impactful to Matt and I. As content creators we rarely get the opportunity to come together to bring awareness to something this big Each of us have a voice and travel more than most If we can use our platform to showcase the latest products, then we can definitely use it to bring awareness to this organization!”
“We knew the Storytellers community has such great potential for putting some muscle behind a worthy cause We thought hard about what organization we could collaborate with to make positive changes nationwide Helping children was always at the top of the list so we made contact with our friends at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and partnered with RollerCam to create this fantastic opportunity to help a worthy cause and take advantage of the incredible reach of the Storytellers at MOORE
There are so many cases of missing children all over the United States and we can make a difference, whether it's word of mouth or social media, it fits in with everything that we do When we travel we can scan this code and and find open cases within a 50m radius of our current locaion. We all have the sticker on our rig and will talk about it, so others can scan it and that gets them to the website it gets them looking.”
Imagined and handcrafted in Athens, Ohio, Athens Overland aims to elevate your outdoor adventures with approachable and thoughtfully designed mobile habitats
Spacious and inviting – like a higher end house and not like an RV Sparrow feels like home
410 watts of solar expandable to over 1kW, 400Ah Lithium battery and 2,000 watt inverter Induction cooktop, AC and heat all useable off-grid
Independent suspension, heavy duty welded tube steel frame, rock guards, running boards and stand-on fenders Proprietary composite panels that are incredibly strong, lightweight, highly insulation and impervious to rot
We asked the Northology Community on Facebook this month a new Radio Chatter Game question. This month we received so many photos, we picked some that represented a variety of answers we received. Want to play? We post a new question each month, so join in on the discussion and have your answer potentially featured next month!
Paddle sports: most popular!
Derek asked if “Drinking around a campfire counts” and we say “yes” because in the fine words of Jimmy Fallon, "Thank you craft beer breweries for making my drinking problem a neat hobby." Cheers!
Justin W Most unique: rock hunting! Our AI interpretation of Ben’s Trucklebox truck is just my tacklebox for hobbies.” Ben WThanks so much to Chris Holloway for trusting us to take care of the MOORE Expo campers and to Ryno and Jason for the support. Special thanks to the volunteers and sponsors who made Camp Northology at MOORE Expo a truly amazing experience! Thanks for the time and expenses you sacrificed to be here, and the patience and care you bring to serve this community! We had a great time checking out all the rigs at check-in, making new friends and reuniting with old ones, the late nights around the campfire and most of all, the love we all share for the MOORE Expo and everything it stands for.
Camp Northology at MOORE Expo Team 2024Chris, Jill & Jane @1941 Adventures
Christina Goodwin @GoGoGoodwins
Nick Koch @IDIMW adventures
Bill Hoffman @hodagbill
Justin Williams @justin williams1982
Ashley Lively @ashley.lively752
Dave Zemla
Cindy Pope @NorthologyAdventures
Camp comms by MidlandUSA
Naturally occuring minerals & electrolytes
Faster hydration
Aids in digestion, hearburn & acid reflux
Helps with blood pressure regulation
Helps balance acid (pH) levels
Adventure a on the Meno River
Photo: Sarah Michals Photo: Sarah Michals Photo: Sarah MichalsThe upper peninsula is a paradise for adventureseekers With it’s vast forests, rivers, lakes, and trails, it is no wonder we head north every chance we get Add in a dash of history here and there, some charming communities and local shops that cater to the outdoorsy types, you have the recipe for a perfect adventure
Our favorite stop when heading to the UP is the Norway area and the Menominee River The folks at True North Outpost are always happy to see us and will take care of us for whatever adventure we are looking for- whitewater rafting, kayaking, mountain biking, hiking and climbing
Photo: Sarah Michals Photo: Cindy Pope Photo: Cindy PopeHow to not drown on a whitewater rafting trip
Whitewater rafting is like a thrilling rollercoaster, but nobody wants to end up doing the river dance and falling into the water Fun fact- in river guide life and lore, if you fall out of your boat and have to swim, you ’ re required to drink a beer after the trip- out of one of your river booties! But we are here to help you avoid that with some tips on how to keep your rafting adventure afloat and avoid a Titanic remake
First up- what to wear Your life jacket is not just for show - it's your safety sidekick in wild waters Wear it like it's the latest trend at an underwater fashion show And if it fits snug like a sausage casing, you ' re on the right track Keep your helmet on, even on shore The rocks are slippery and accidents can happen when getting in and out of the raft Closed-toed shoes are a must to prevent injury and loss of shoes to the river Plus, you can’t drink a beer out of a sandal, now, can you?
Next, keep your eyes and ears glued to your guide They're not just there to talk about the local geography and tell camp stories; they're your river guru, their job is to keep you safe! When they shout "paddle hard," it's time to paddle like your rafting life depends on it - because, well, it just might And if you ' re taking more dips than a chicken wing in ranch, maybe it's time to stick to dry land hobbies Unless you are hoping you get to drink a beer out of your shoe!
Photo: Sarah Michals Photo: Sarah Michals Photo: Sarah MichalsRaft &
A Wisconsin Overland even withsupportfromTrueNorthOutpostandNorthologyAdventur Norway, MI June 14-16th
Trail ride in the morning, raft in the afternoon. Camp with us all weekend. Optional
you would like to come along, join Wisconsin Overland on Facebook to RSVP and take advantage of discounts on rafting and more!
Photo: Cindy Po Photo: Cindy Pope Photo: Cindy Pope120 SQUARE FEET OF SHADE IN 30 SECONDS
The Ostrich wing awning. The original, freestanding 270 Awning, Beware of imitations. Unmatched strength. Designed, tried and tested in the African Savannah since 2008.
The REI blog says “Type 2 fun is miserable while it’s happening, but fun in retrospect. It usually begins with the best intentions, and then things get carried away. ” I guess our story should start with a description of those best intentions so that the dear reader can sympathize with and not blame the organizer of the following tale of woe on the water
My dad got wind of a kayak run a few friends of mine wanted to do. He was turning 75 that summer and asked if he could tag along. He had not been on the Wolf River in a few seasons but we were doing an easy, upper stretch and my friends love my dad. It was a no-brainer to bring him along. Cue the ominous music- the section of river we wanted to do is usually quite mild but can turn into a mess of rock gardens during dry spells This can turn into a tortuous day for the uninitiated, unprepared or old and infirm. Like myself.
“The Wolf River has long been recognized for its unique aesthetically pleasing characteristics It is a wide, boulder-strewn, natural, undeveloped stream with a rapid gradient in many locations,” says the Wisconsin DNR. Emphasis mine. At low water levels, one must carefully pick their way through boulder trains & rock gardens while taking the flow of the river into account A couple of us had set out in tandem whitewater canoes, thinking we were hot shit and would show those kayakers that the old school ways were the best ways (you know the old saying- half the paddle, twice the paddler.)
The joke was on us Our canoes were considerably wider and longer than the kayaks. Within minutes, we were stuck, scraping rocks and jumping out to maneuver our boats through the channels and the cracks. One of the canoes was swamped. Again. It was useless. Our friends in the kayaks struggled in the low water too, but had long left us in the dust and were nowhere to be seen. This Class II float was rapidly becoming Type II Fun and we decided it was time to pull the plug. Puns intended.
The decision was made to carry the canoes along the riverbank back to the starting point, the bridge still in sight from where we were stopped. Little did we know, that the rock crawling had just begun, for us and for our kayaking friends. There was no path along the river. The rocky, glacial landscape rose and fell. Without a straight line between the trees to haul the 18 foot Royalex boats, August and Chad would snake a boat through the trees for 20 feet, rest and then finagle it another 20 feet Carrie jumped in the river at one point to guide a boat up some deeper, boulder-free sections, avoiding more torturous trekking through the woods. We dragged the canoes over rocks and squeezed them between leaning cedars. Like the Voyageurs of long ago, we struggled through the woods and an hour later, we had made the 2/10ths of a mile back to the bridge.
Our kayaking friends fared far worse and had way more Type II Fun than we did. The low flow made for a slow slog, and the tales of multiple capsizes, nearly losing car keys, running out of snacks and water made us canoeists glad we did not push on when the going got tough. This is a group of offroaders and we now and refer to this as the time we rock crawled in our kayaks. After the trip was over, after everyone arrived at the take-out safely and unharmed, we could start laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. In the end, my dad had an amazing story to tell of a 75th birthday adventure, and everyone who went with came out unscathed and stronger. Maybe smarter, too. In true Type II Fun fashion, we reminisce about it and relive the tales around the campfire, but I bet they will never go kayaking with me again.
Keeping trails open is everyone's responsibility. By working together as one motorized community, we can keep our trails open, healthy and beautiful for generations to come. Do your part by riding responsibly, keeping trails clean and trash-free, and volunteering with organizations that are working to keep access open for everyone.
Do your part, support Tread Lightly! and it's mission by becoming a member at Do DoYYour ourPPart art//Don't Don'tLLose oseTTrails rails
You’ve traversed the rutted-out roads leading to what seems like nowhere and have arrived at your destination While the task of getting there is a large part of the fun of overlanding, what are you going to do once you reach that remote location that so few get to view? You can only drink so much beer during the day! �� One asset you may have for recreation at your destination that would be the envy of any outdoor enthusiast is a pristine, seldom used lake, river, or stream. Perfect for paddling!
People get into paddling for many different reasons. They love the sport, love the outdoors, love the exercise, want to embrace an active outdoor lifestyle. There are reasons galore to get involved with paddling. Maybe one of these will resonate with you and lead you to the water.
As people look into developing a healthier lifestyle, one of the key things you need to identify is a physical activity you enjoy doing If you enjoy it, you are likely to do it more often Kayaking can be great exercise if you want it to be Nothing wrong with a lazy float down the river, but if exercise is driving you outdoors, focusing on the actual paddling part of kayaking could be the activity for you.
Kayaking for Cardio: Yes, you can work on your cardio when kayaking Try being in a 14 foot kayak trying to keep up with someone in an 18 foot kayak. Believe me, you will feel the lung burn! The longer a kayak is, the faster it moves in a straight line. If not trying to keep up with a longer kayak, one way you can increase the cardio factor is by paddling in intervals Paddle hard for one minute, rest one minute Repeat Added benefit of kayaking for cardio: Lack of pounding on your ankles, knees, and hips
Kayaking for Strength: Paddling a kayak will help you get stronger. Not body builder looking strong. Think toned muscles from head to toe as you do use most of your body when paddling, making it a great total body toning activity Your abdominals, lats, biceps and forearms are all engaged when paddling, with your quads acting as shock absorbers and helping with balance. After a few months of kayaking consistently, you will see some muscle growth, maybe even a six pack! (On your abs! The one in the cooler is for enjoying after the paddle!)
“Open water is a highway to adventure, best traveled by canoe or kayak.” – Author unknown
I am sure I am not the only one who gets this way. You have been locked up in life…work, meetings, kids, parents The list of stresses in life goes on and on A great way to release some stress is to get outside! After a few days of little to no outside activity, I can feel it. And not in a good way. My body is telling me to get out. People a lot smarter than I have studied the benefits of being outdoors, and the verdict is in! Adults should be outside at least two hours per week
Being outdoors has also shown to have a positive impact on creative thinking and problem solving and decreases the
impact of symptoms of people managing ADHD. Doctors are literally prescribing time outside to help people with stress and anxiety. So not only will you do your body a favor by paddling a kayak, but you will also do a solid for your soul
Kayaking is a wonderful way to connect with the natural world and can improve your physical and mental wellbeing. Who knew having fun outdoors could be good for you? If you have any questions on the best way to introduce yourself to kayaking, please give us a call or stop by our downtown Rockford retail location Our goal at the end of the day is to help people embrace and active outdoor lifestyle.
Some of the benefits you will realize from getting outside doing an activity you enjoy are:
Improved sleep
Reduced depression symptoms
Increased motivation to exercise
Mental restoration
Boosted immune system
Social interaction
"Rocktown Adventures is a specialty outdoor retailer and outfitter. We kayak. We canoe. We stand-up paddle board We hike We backpack We ski We snowshoe We camp We embrace an active outdoor lifestyle and want to take our passion for outdoor recreation and use it to help you find yours We carry top of the line equipment from name brands that excite your outdoor passions and have experienced staff that love to share their enthusiasm for the outdoors There is an abundance of recreational assets waiting to be discovered by YOU!"
Choose paddle-friendly routes and destinations. Plan your trip to include stops near water or campsites on waters suitable for paddling I am telling you, there is nothing more magical than sipping a hot cup of coffee while watching mist move across a calm lake How could you resist a morning slipping across the glassy surface while the world wakes up?
Maps are your friend here When you search two-tracks on maps and Google for interesting features and clearings indicating possible campsites, search along rivers for access from land Research local regulations and access points beforehand to ensure a smooth transition from land to water If you have a particular river in mind to camp near, use resources such as Miles Paddled, American Whitewater or state DNR websites.
Miles Paddled map (left) has many rivers listed from IA, IN, IL, MI, MI & WI American Whitewater (right) has an index of USA whitewater rivers Both have trip reports and info on access and camping,
Always prioritize safety during your adventures Assess water conditions, weather forecasts, and your own skill level before embarking on paddling excursions Be prepared for emergencies with proper safety equipment and knowledge of rescue techniques Keep in mind that the more remote you get, the higher the risk (limited cell service, longer response times, etc ) and adding water-related activities increases risk even more.
Camping next to water is one of the great joys of life As a kid, I assumed all camping experiences were connected to water in some way or another We swam, paddled, fished and floated our way through the years of childhood summer vacations These trips shaped my life and directed my pursuits and passions as an adult.
The combination of overlanding and paddling is a thrilling way to explore the great outdoors and together offers unique and immersive experiences for adventure seekers A canoe or kayak trip is akin to an overland trip in that for either, you will be bringing with you everything needed for the duration, and provisions and gear for the unexpected This fusion of off-road exploration and aquatic adventure allows you to delve into untouched landscapes, encounter wildlife up close, and create unforgettable memories with friends and family for a lifetime
Overlanding and paddling offer unparalleled opportunities to explore remote and untouched landscapes Venture off the beaten path to discover hidden gems inaccessible by traditional means of travel Craig Lake State Park in Michigan’s upper peninsula is the most remote state park in Michigan, and has opportunities to combine car camping and canoe/kayak camping. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area trip in Minnesota has endless canoe camping with camping in nearby national forests Michigan’s Sylvania Wilderness Area boasts 50 individual sites located along eight lakes within the Wilderness Area and 48 campsites in the Clark Lake Campground The Turtle-Flambeau Scenic Waters Area in Wisconsin offers 66 remote campsites accessible by water only No matter how you want to combine camping, overlanding and watersports, you have an almost endless list of options available
There is nothing like the feeling of having your rig packed up and ready to head out on an adventure The list is checked off, the kids are eager to get on the road and you are sure you packed everything needed for a few days of fun If you already have or are thinking about adding watersports to your itinerary, you have another list to manage. There is nothing worse than getting to camp by the lake and realizing you forgot your paddle (it happens!)
Hopefully we can help you remember everything you need to get out on the water on your next adventure as we delve into the essentials of paddling gear in this article, and how to seamlessly incorporate paddling into your off-road and off-grid travel expeditions
Watercraft: Choose a watercraft that suits your needs and the type of water you'll be navigating Kayaks are versatile and maneuverable, ideal for rivers and lakes, while canoes offer more space and stability for longer trips or group outings Alternatively, paddleboards provide a unique perspective and are excellent for exploring calm waters. See our article in this issue about choosing a boat on page 52
Paddles: Invest in high-quality paddles made from lightweight and durable materials Ensure they're appropriately sized for comfort and efficiency
Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs): Safety should always come first. PFDs are essential for all water activities, providing buoyancy and potentially saving lives in case of emergencies
Navigation Tools: Carry waterproof maps, compasses, or GPS devices to navigate waterways safely, especially in remote areas where landmarks may be scarce
Safety Equipment: Pack a first-aid kit, a signaling device such as a whistle or mirror, and a rescue throw bag for swiftwater situations.
Extra power: It’s not a bad idea to bring a small, portable solar bank or power station to ensure you have power for devices in case of emergency
Dry Bags and Waterproof Containers: Protect your gear from water damage by storing essentials in waterproof bags or containers. These are indispensable for storing clothes, food, electronics, and other valuables
Repair Kit: Carry a basic repair kit for quick fixes to your watercraft or gear This may include duct tape, patch kits, and multi-tools
Waterproof Lighting: Headlamps, waterproof flashlights, and navigation lights are crucial for visibility during early morning or nighttime paddling.
Clothing and Footwear: Dress appropriately for the weather and water conditions. Quick-drying clothing, water shoes, and a hat for sun protection are essential
How Do You Doo-doo: Somebody will have to go while on a paddle trip Make sure to pack essentials (TP, trowel, waste pack-out bags and hand sanitizer) and do your business away from the water!
Watercraft Gear:
Your Boat!
Paddles (with spare if possible)
Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)
Navigation and Safety:
Waterproof maps or navigation device
Compass or GPS device
First-aid kit
Signaling devices (whistle, air horn, mirror)
Rescue throw bag
Multi-tool or knife
Waterproof flashlight or headlamp (with spare batteries)
Gear Storage:
Dry bags or waterproof containers
Waterproof phone case or marine radio
Clothing and Footwear:
Quick-drying, moisture-wicking clothing
Insulating layers and rain gear
Sun protection gear (hat, sunglasses, sunscreen)
Water shoes or sandals with secure straps
Food and Water:
Non-perishable food items
Ample supply of drinking water or water filtration system
Cooking and Eating:
Portable stove and fuel
Cookware and utensils
Biodegradable soap for cleanup
Shelter and Sleeping:
Lightweight tent or hammock
Sleeping bag
Sleeping pad
Personal Items:
Toothbrush, toothpaste, and biodegradable soap
Insect repellent and mosquito netting
Toilet paper and trowel for waste disposal
Medications and prescriptions
Repair Kit:
Duct tape
Patch kits
Spare parts for watercraft and paddles
Emergency Preparedness:
Emergency shelter (lightweight tarp or bivy sack)
Trip plan left with a trusted individual
Ratchet straps are not the best for mounting boats, opt for cam straps from NRS or Rollercam straps & tie-downs instead For bowlines like this, we use a good rope & a truckers hitch
To safely transport your boat, choose the right rack based on your vehicle's roof or hitch setup Roof racks are versatile and commonly used, but ensure they can handle the weight of your gear and boat without exceeding vehicle limits. You know how overlanders like to ignore things like weight limits!
Not gonna lie, in a pinch, the old pool noodle “rack” has served some of us well on short shuttles but we do not recommend that for any trips at highway speed Choose appropriate mounts for kayaks and canoes like J-style or saddle-style carriers for secure transport Use stacker-style carriers for multiple watercraft For paddleboards, use racks with padded arms Consider lockable mounts for added security Invest in the right rack and mounts for safe and efficient transportation
Clear Waters Outfitting, 100 Pine St Suite B, Clearwater, MN
Down Wind Sports. Houghton, Marquette & Munising, MI
Great Lakes Outpost, 4611 Ivanrest Ave SW, Grandville, MI
Rocktown Adventures, 313 N Madison St, Rockford, IL
Rutabaga Paddlesports, 2620 Rimrock Rd, Fitchburg, WI
Rebelle Rally co-driver, SEMA Businesswomen Network Committee member, 4x4 instructor & involved in women’s 4x4 events nationwide. Instructors, speakers, presenters and panelists for 2024-
Great Lakes, inland lakes or rivers?
Selecting the appropriate watercraft for your paddling destination is paramount for a safe and enjoyable experience Recreational kayaks are suitable for calm rivers or small lakes, but they are ill-suited for the unpredictable and often dangerous conditions of the Great Lakes These vast bodies of water are notorious for their rapidly changing weather patterns, strong currents, and formidable waves capable of swamping or capsizing smaller watercraft, even those of experienced paddlers.
In such unforgiving conditions, sea kayaks or touring kayaks, designed specifically for open water exploration, offer superior stability, speed, and seaworthiness. Equipped with features like bulkheads for buoyancy and spray skirts for protection against waves, these specialized kayaks provide added safety and confidence for paddlers venturing onto the Great Lakes We highly recommend using a guide service for paddling Lake Superior See list of outfitters below, right
Watercraft such as canoes, rec kayaks or stand-up paddleboards should also be chosen with careful consideration of the intended paddling environment and the skills of the paddler By selecting the right watercraft for your destination, you can mitigate risks and ensure a safe and enjoyable paddling experience while exploring the vast and aweinspiring landscapes of the Great Lakes region. See this site for more info on paddling.
Guided Kayaking: Pictured Rocks
Paddling Michigan - Uncle Ducky's
Yooper Yachts
Pictured Rocks Kayaking
Guided Kayaking: Apostle Islands
Apostle Islands Rustic Makwa Den
Camp Amnicon
Lost Creek Adventures LLC
Meyers Beach Kayaking
Open Water Open Heart
South Shore Adventures
Stevie Waters
Trek and Trail
Whitecap Kayak LLC
Wilderness Inquiry
A sea kayak is a long, slim boat designed for coastal paddling It is usually between 14 5 - 18 feet long, and between 18 to 24 inches wide The deck (top) covers the entire boat except for a small opening (cockpit) in which the person sits The cockpit has a raised lip around it that allows a paddler to utilize a spray skirt to help keep water out of the boat Sea kayaks also have bulkheads to prevent water from flooding the entire boat A sea kayak is the only type of kayak that should be used on Lake Superior
A recreational or general purpose kayak is for the casual paddler on placid rivers, ponds, or small lakes It is smaller than 14 feet long and has a larger opening for the paddler to sit in. The larger opening can make it easier for water to enter the boat, making these types of kayaks prone to swamping. Their shorter size also makes them prone to being pushed around in the wind and waves. Recreational kayaks should NOT be used on Lake Superior or used on windy days.
A canoe is an open boat that is wider than a kayak Their height makes them hard to control in windy conditions on open water Unless packed with flotation, they can also fill with water and more easily swamp Canoes should NOT be used on Lake Superior!
-NPSPFDs are required by law for each person They should be worn at all times and not stowed away Life jackets work while on It is very difficult to put on a life jacket once in the water 75% of canoe/kayak fatalities were not wearing life jackets Don't be a statistic!
A wet suit or dry suit is strongly recommended for anyone paddling on the cold waters of Lake Superior. Lake Superior never gets warm. The average summer surface temperature is is 59 degrees F / 15 degrees C. Hypothermia can occur in as little as 10 minutes. Difficulty moving is one of the symptoms of hypothermia.
Drowning is the #1 cause of death in national parks. -NPSsponsor
new for 2024 all roads taken badges
Here are three hidden gem kayak and camping routes in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin: Michigan
Route: Hiawatha Water Trail
Description: The Hiawatha Water Trail is a lesser-known gem located in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. This trail offers serene paddling opportunities through quiet rivers, secluded lakes, and lush forests. Camp at rustic sites along the trail and immerse yourself in the peaceful wilderness of the Hiawatha National Forest. “Running 120 miles from Big Bay to Grand Marais Michigan on Lake Superior’s south shore, the Hiawatha Water Trail (HWT) follows a shoreline paddled by Native Americans, Voyageurs and early European explorers. Experience some of the most scenic paddling available in the Midwest at places such as Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Grand Island National Recreation Area, Hiawatha National Forest and other public lands ”
More Info: Hiawatha Water Trail
Route: Lake Vermilion-Soudan
Underground Mine State Park
Description: This hidden gem combines the beauty of Lake Vermilion with the unique experience of touring a former iron ore mining area. Explore the lake's pristine waters, paddle through scenic coves and islands, and even visit the Soudan Underground Mine State Park to tour the mine's historic underground passages.”The park also manages the Hinsdale Island campground in Kabetogama State Forest. The campground is remote and rustic, and is accessible by water only.”
More Info: Lake Vermilion-Soudan
Underground Mine State Park
Route: Turtle-Flambeau Flowage
Description: Tucked away in northern Wisconsin, the TurtleFlambeau Flowage offers a secluded paddling experience amidst scenic wilderness. Paddle through winding channels, expansive marshes, and hidden bays while encountering abundant wildlife. Camp at one of the 66 primitive campsites along the shoreline and enjoy the tranquility of this hidden gem.
More Info: Turtle-Flambeau Flowage
Thanks to the advertisers that support the Midwest overland and adventure travel community.
Northology Adventures
Rocktown Adventures
True North Outpost
Dead Miners
Rocktown Adventures
TC Gear Shop
True North Outpost
Wind Tamer
Callie’s Lake & Campground
The Field Trails End Campground
Big Iron Overland Rally
Keweenaw Overland Adventure Retreat
Overland the Red
Momentum Podcast
Overland Radio
All Roads Taken
Northwoods Overland Adventures
Radio Chatter Game
SJ Michals Photography
Athens Overland
All Dogs Offroad
Orbis Overlanding
New Holland Overland
Rugged Bound Supply Co
Momentum Podcast
Podcast with MOORE Expo founder Chris Holloway, keeping you updated on all the 2024 expo developments & happenings
Northwoods Overland Adventures
Building a community while we we adventure & overland in our 2020
Cement Gray Toyota Tacoma TRD off-road
Overland Radio
Podcast platform with all your favorite overland personalities.
May 17-19
KORC Cleanup Campout
MAY 31-6/2
Midwest Women's Offroad Weekend
August 2-4
Patreon Free Adventure Weekend
September 12-15
Keweenaw Overland Adventure Retreat
October 17-20
Overland the Red
Please notify us if you want your event listed at
5/9 - 12, Spring Back the Byway, Stanton, KY
May 17-19 Overland Expo West, Flagstaff, AZ
5/31-6/2 Midwest Women’s Offroad Weekend, Polar, WI
6/8-Adventure Further HQ Open House & Rig Showcase, Appleton, WI
6/ 28-30 Overland Expo PNW, Redmond, OR
8/23-25 Overland Expo Mountain Loveland, CO
9/ 12-15 Keweenaw Overland Adventure Retreat, Copper Harbor, MI
9/12-15, Fall Back the Byway, Stanton, KY
9/13-14, Teton Overland Show, Idaho Falls, ID
9/ 13-15 Overland of America Expo, Jay, OK
9/27-28 Big Iron Overland Rally- West Mineral, KS
10/4-6 Overland Expo East, Arrington, VA
10/10-12 Rendezvous in the Ozarks, Ozark, AR
10/19-22 Overland the Red, Stanton, KY
Rockford Ski Club
Callie's Lake & Campground
Fresh Coast Cabins Eagle Harbor
Keweenaw Mountain Lodge Copper Harbor
Trails End Copper Harbor
The Outpost Big Bay
Northwinds Adventures, Atlantic Mine
Hungry Hippie Hostel, Grand Marais
The ReTreet House Two Harbors
Camp Lake Resort Mountain
The Field Pembine Pembine, WI
Bear Paw Outdoor Resort, White Lake