North Shore Echo, June 26, 2013

Page 1

June 26, 2013 Volume 9 • Number 26 50¢ Newsstand Price

north shore


Kids of Steel – page 2


The Reubinator Challenge – page 5

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Community coming together for Canada Day A&W CHARITY

The nation will celebrate itself on July 1, and everyone around here agrees that Kamloops is one of the best places in the country to be on our collective birthday. Taking over the entire expanse of Riverside Park, people from both sides of the river will celebrate the national holiday with a full day of culture, arts, music and festivities that begin at 7:00am with a pancake breakfast served by the local Lions Club and won’t end until the last firework fades from the night sky after 10:00pm. Throughout the day, at every turn, there will be entertainment and activities for every age and interest. Multi-cultural food booths and performers, children’s activities and facepainting, and live music on stages at both ends of the park will be going non-stop all day, but one of the biggest signature events of our local celebration is the Kamloops Arts Council’s (KAC) Art in the Park. “We are so excited about all of the new booths and events,” says Kelsey Gilker, Marketing and Membership Coordinator with the KAC. “This year we have over 85 artists.” The art booths will be showcasing everything from tradi-

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open for business 250.376.2411

Gordon Gore (right) from Big Little Science Centre making the art of science come alive for Kamloops Arts Council’s Rivertown Players. Many community groups will be showcased at Art in the Park on July 1.

tional painting, carving, pottery and photography to glass, fibre, leather and jewelry – with a host of others in between. It’s a chance for art lovers to discover the wealth of creative talent in Kamloops, but it’s also a fantastic opportunity for those local artists to get exposure without an insurmountable cost.

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age of six and works from her home in Brock. “Art in the Park is affordable, it really supports local artists.” The Canada Day event is also a great showcase for local ethnic groups, with the support of the Kamloops Multi-cultural Society (KMS), which helps to – continued on page 2

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Fibre artist Kirsten Atkins, who will be there with her oneof-a-kind up-cycled sweater jackets and dresses, says events like these make her job as an artist viable. “Festivals are a great place to sell my work, but some of them are so expensive to get in to,” says Kirsten, who has been sewing since the


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