North Shore Echo, September 11, 2013

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September 11, 2013 Volume 9 • Number 38 50¢ Newsstand Price


north shore

3 WAYS TO ORDER! 1 Come in 2 Text: 250-319-9965 3 Call: 250-376-1716

Cancelled private power contracts – page 2


Home of the Reubinator


David Page talks retirement – page 5

Located inside Robo 204 Tranquille Rd Breakfast all day!

your neighbourhood. your newspaper.

Children’s Art Fest funding leads to legacy film On September 14 the west end of Riverside Park will be taken over by booths, tents and tables for a fun-filled, creative day of artistic, musical and theatrical activities for children ages two and up. This year’s workshops include lantern-making, henna art, clay works, theatre games, rock school, jewelrymaking, drumming, hula hooping, magic fairy ballet and much more. The entire day is free for children and their families. The festival itself began in 1999, but a fairly recent longterm funding commitment led the C h i l d r e n ’s Nine Art Festival of the committee to get creative children who are a and use the part of the KAC’s Children’s Art event to fuel Festival Documentary Project a new proj- took a break from last year’s ect that will festival for a photo op. The kids document the are from all over Kamloops on involvement both sides of the river. of local children in the festival and in the arts in general. “The Children’s Art Festival had received a five-year funding commitment from Teck Cominco,” explains Jon Fulton, festival commit-

tee member. “At one of our committee meetings we decided we’d really like to use that funding for some kind of legacy project, instead of just lumping it into the overall festival budget. We saw an opportunity to show more support for film in our arts community.” They chose to fund the Children’s Art Festival

Documentary Project. Filming began at last year’s festival and will follow the same group of young people over a five-year period, documenting their evolving relationships with the arts. “The concept is to explore children’s idea of art, how it is reflected in their daily lives and how it changes over time,” explains Jon, who is also a resident of the North Shore and father to two of the children in the film. “And it has the added layer of watching a young filmmaker develop over the same period.”

Ernie’s friends moved away from the neighbourhood…

That filmmaker is 16-year-old Kora Vanderlip of Westwold. Only 15 when the project began, Kora was approached by Jon after he’d seen a film she created and submitted to the annual Kamloops Independent Short Short (KISS) film competition. “I thought it was a very interesting concept. It was a new idea to me, to set it over five years and have it specific to children and the arts,” says Kora, who plans to attend Va n c o u v e r Film School upon graduation using a scholarship she earned through a student film competition. “We thought that, in a way, it fits that I’ll be growing up and improving skills just like the kids in the film will be. It allows me to be a part of the process in an interesting way, too.” Aside from filming the group each September at the festival, the film team is also checking in on them throughout the year. “We’re filming the kids’ extracurricular arts activities, as well, like dance and music, and will be going into their classrooms,” explains Jon, who adds that the kids were all volunteers who came forward after a call to be involved was put out. “The only requirement to be involved was – continued on page 2

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