NWM - January 2022

Page 51

Learning by heart Our Pre-School mantra is about trying new things, letting children explore the world we live in, have adventures, and learn along the way, thus allowing each child to discover more about themselves socially, physically, emotionally, and academically. Provision both for those children that have been identified as having learning needs and those who are gifted and talented is vital to the early development of our children and something we track carefully with the use of a key workers allocated specifically to a child. We are fortunate to have exceptional facilities that enable Wellies are an essential part of the uniform at Rydal Penrhos

our children to thrive further. Rydal Penrhos has its own

Pre-School… Creating happy, confident and resilient children

swimming pool, Forest School, Music rooms and Dance rooms,

and young adults has never been more important for schools –

situated just a stone’s throw from the Colwyn Bay beach,

a mission we take very seriously here at Rydal Penrhos where

which is the home for our Coastal School activities and, as we

children start from as young as two years old.

say, wellies are essential!

We are fast approaching a time when our new Pre-School

Communication is another of our most important jobs. It can be

children will never have known a time without COVID-19. Most

a nerve-wracking experience leaving your child in the care

of their life so far may have been spent with people wearing

of others for the first time, but Rydal Penrhos Pre-School staff

masks and they may potentially have had some or all the

are constantly keeping parents updated on the “Evidence Me”

normal activities small children take part in restricted in some

app, which shows what the children are doing during the day

way or another.

with photos and descriptions, encouraging interaction from family members.

Rydal Penrhos Pre-School is the perfect setting for young children, an education provider, not a nursery, an environment

Pre-School children also benefit from trips out to further

where it is all about helping the children to learn. An

enhance their overall experiences and early development

environment focused on building a child’s self-esteem and

along with wrap-around care for families until 6pm, and a

confidence by making sure they feel safe and happy. We

Holiday Club run by their very own teacher Ms. Spencer.

see each child as an individual with their own passions and challenges, and we treat them accordingly.

Pre-Schoolers are part of the Rydal Penrhos family. Everyone from Pre-School up to Year 6 eats, plays, and dances together.

It is honestly hard to imagine a more joyful place to begin a

Our recent Nativity Production “Lights, Camel, Action” was a

lifetime of education than at Rydal Penrhos Pre-School. The

fine example of this and an absolute triumph!

teaching team, headed by manager Letitia Spencer, who also teaches ballet and yoga which the children enjoy enormously,

Pre-School forms the bridge between home and school

have hit every challenge and hurdle that Covid-19 has thrown

and is a young child’s first experience of an educational

at them running, they have been making life not only normal

environment. It is therefore an important stepping stone in a

for the children but wonderful – with a song in their heart, a

child’s life and there is no better place than Rydal Penrhos for

spring in their step and an awful lot of giggling along the way.

this transition. n

Learning how to learn is one of the first skills taught and from as early as two, our children begin to learn the basics: how to read, write and work with numbers, following the “Foundation Phase Profile”. But this more traditional classroom education

John Waszek is the Principal of Rydal Penrhos

is extended and enhanced using the wider school facilities for dancing, music, PE (Physical Education) and swimming as well as exploring the forest and the coast.

NWM 2022 Page 51

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