Mostyn reveals new exhibition
Artisan market celebrates birthday
Llandudno’s Mostyn Gallery is running a new exhibition.
Stella McClure has been a market trader for 20
Tarek Lakhrissi: My Immortal, is the first UK institutional solo
years. She started selling vintage on Portobello
exhibition by Tarek Lakhrissi. Taking the 2003 song ‘My
Road in London in the early 2000’s, and developed
Immortal’ by American pop group Evanescence as its title, this
a love of markets. The idea for the Colwyn Bay
is the first solo exhibition in the UK by this exciting French
Artisan Market came about as Stella was traveling
artist. This new commission consists of existing and new work
to Manchester from North Wales with her vintage
comprising film, sculpture and text presented as an installation
& custom fashion stall to attend artisan markets
across the gallery spaces. Rooted in poetry, Lakhrissi’s practice
and realised there’s nothing similar closer to home.
seeks to challenge contemporary language and narratives
“I started working on the business in autumn 2019
around minoritised communities. Tarek Lakhrissi: My Immortal,
then jumped at the opportunity to take over the
is on show until 19th September.
tender from Conwy Council for the Colwyn Bay
markets,” says Stella. “My partner Ben and I put our proposal in to the council and won the bid. We took over the Colwyn Bay markets days before the
Law firm encouraging staff to bee helpful
first lockdown!” Now they run the twice weekly
With bee populations in steep decline, staff at a law firm in North
just celebrated its first birthday. “We’re delighted
Wales are doing their bit to help create a better environment to
at how well received it has been and how many
allow them to flourish.
amazingly talented crafters and makers there are
Lanyon Bowdler, which has offices in Conwy, has given every
in North Wales,” adds Stella. “We want to emphasis
member of staff a “bee bomb”, and is holding online talks about
the importance of shopping locally, and actively
why bees need protection. Debbie Brooks, HR manager at Lanyon
encourage people to support small local businesses
Bowdler, said the activity was part of an ongoing project to keep
and make Colwyn Bay a thriving bustling town
staff connected to nature – and each other. “During the pandemic
once again.”
we have made a concerted effort to engage staff in activities they
market and monthly artisan market, which has
could do together, things like online cocktail making classes at Christmas, to give them some light relief and to help them stay in touch. The aim of the bee bombs is twofold – hopefully providing an enjoyable activity for staff to plant them, perhaps with their children’s help, and also helping to prevent bees from dying out.” As part of the project, Lanyon Bowdler is donating funds to the Shropshire Beekeepers’ Association to help volunteers continue their work to conserve the honey bee.
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