15 -24 March 2011 Issue 6 - Volume 12 CEMETERY SERVICES & MAINTENANCE
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People with disabilities must be supported Can the new team make a difference...?
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John Perry – Junior Minister for Small Business Barcastle Retail Park, Castlebar. T: 094-9026100 info@symphonykitchens.ie www.symphonykitchens.ie
Dinny McGinley – Junior Minister for Gaeltacht Affairs
By John McTigue
eople with disabilities in the northwest are beset with troubles on all sides. From social welfare budget cuts, to discrimination in the work place to their marginalisation in a society that just doesn’t step up to the mark. The Northwest Express spoke to a number of disability organisations to get an idea of the difficulties facing people with disabilities and what our government and we as a society can do to help.
Enda Kenny, Taoiseach
Some 10 per cent of the population of the northwest have an intellectual, physical or mental disability of varying degrees according to the CSO. An ERSI report on poverty in the years 2004 -2007 showed that people with disabilities were in real danger of falling into the poverty trap. The CSO Equality in Ireland Report 2006 showed that only 26 per cent of men and 16 per cent of women with a disability had a job, at the height of the boom. These figures ring true with Inclusion Ireland spokesperson, Siobhan Kane, who pointed out that even during the
Ciaran Cannon – Junior Minister for Training & Skills
Celtic Tiger jobs for people with disabilities scarcely increased at all and that as a result social welfare cuts hit them particularly hard. Recruitment of Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) has been suspended, affecting children with special needs in education and though Inclusion Ireland applauds that the number of SNAs has risen from 300 in 1997 to 10,000 today they point out “we were coming from a base of absolutely nothing.” The government has not just cut funding but has abandoned key legislative programmes. Modern Capacity
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Michael Ring – Junior Minister for Tourism & Sport
legislation is one. “The Modern Capacity Law is vital.” This deals with the legal structure surrounding the decision-making of people with disabilities. The current law governing this is the 1871 Lunacy Act. “The law, as it is, defines people with intellectual disabilities as lunatics.” The government has also dragged its feet on the National Disability Strategy (NDS), which began in 2004. A key part of the NDS was the Education of a Person with Special Education Needs Act until it was abandoned. Continued on Page 2
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People with disabilities must be supported
Continued from front page The act would have provided for an education suited to the individual needs of each student with a disability. As Siobhan Kane put it, “The National Disability Strategy is often quoted but in reality it hasn’t come to huge amount.” The provision of supports designed for the individual is a demand throughout the disability community. The family group Hope4Disability, is based in Galway and played a prominent role in protests against cuts last summer. Its members all know someone with a disability and you can hear the passion and desperation of its cause when speaking with one of its directors, Pauline Molloy. “The situation for people with disabilities is just drastic at the moment.” “It is not acceptable that people with disabilities are being treated as 2nd class citizens; they must be treated with equality and fair- ness.” Hope4Disability highlights that what little services there are, inadequate as they may be, practically vanish once a person with a disability reaches adulthood and that support needs to be provided throughout a person’s life and designed for their individual needs. “The quality of support plummets once a person with a disability turns 18.” “Our main aim is to have a person-centred service for each person with a disability, where they will have access to services that aren’t overcrowded, that provide them with proper respite, and residential care where needed, basically what an individual requires.” A vital element of care for people with dis abilities is volunteer carers. The Carers Association of Ireland esti-
mates that carers work 3.7 million hours per week, saving the government some 2.5 billion euro in wages alone. There are an estimated 160,000 carers working in Ireland and less than one in three of them receive Carers Allowance, which has been cut by €16 over the last two budgets. “For someone living on the breadline that’s a massive cut, especially considering the extra costs of caring for a person with a disability.” “We called on Fine Gael and Labour to reverse cuts to Carers Allowance but in particular we called on them to publish the National Carers Strategy which would be of immense help to carers in the country.” that “Both Fine Gael and Labour suggested they would publish that within the year.” This strategy would build a framework of support for carers and importantly would show that we “recognise the value of their service.” is small Funding for disabilities services services. and vital for the provision of those when talking to disability organiHowever sations though they were eager to argue for more inter- their funding they are perhaps ested in being taught to fish rather than then given the fish. Siobhan Kane at Inclusion Ireland said this, “What we would emphasise is not funding but supports, like SNAs, to each individual’s need. We are not looking for a charity model, but for the provision of rights as Irish citizens, through supports so they can fully participate in society and give back to society and the economy.” Partof thisself-help ethos is the Supported Employment initiative and the volunteer or ganisation, which plays a key part in this. The Irish Association for Supported Em-
ployment (IASE). The IASE provides oneto-one support for individuals with a disJohn Crossan Business Park, Bonage, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal ability, searching for jobs that match their needs and skills so they can find a job. DISCOUNTONBULKORDERS Eithne Jarett, Chairperson of IASE West Region told me about Job Shadow Day which takes place on April 20th this year, during supported employment week. The purpose of the day is to give people with disabilities a chance to spend a day in a work environment so they can see what kind of work they would like and what skills they would need to do it. “It’s an opportunity for people with disabilities to show that: yes, we can work, if you only give usa chance andwe would appeal to employers in the west to participate in this programme.” IASE have offices all over the coun tryThe and employers are encouraged to partic ipate in the supported employment initiative People with disabilities are part of our community and they have been neglected for years through ineffective government and now a lack of funding. Also selling garden Sheds, Pallets In many areas concerned groups have had and Garden Furniture, Made to order to do it for themselves. Such an example of self help is the Croagh Patrick Challenge – which takes place this week. Funding is vital. However, just as vital is people with dis that as a society we value services, educa- abilities through appropriate tion and legislation. We could start by updating the 140 year-old Lunacy Act, still in force, which defines the intellectually dis abled as lunatics. Employers interested in participating in ‘Job Shadow Day’ can contact Eithne Jarett, Chair person of the IASE West Region at 094 9620328 or go to the website www.iase.ie.
Concerns about sewage flowing into Moy River PARENTS beware. The way you react to your tod- child for these emotions. A parent might send the temper tantrums dler's or clinginess may lead to child to his room for crying or being upset, or take explained the down anxiety or behavioural problems for them the away a toy or a privilege," study's lead road and this effect may be more pronounced in author, Jennifer Engle. boys, the results of a new study indicate. When children reached 39 months, parents an "Young children, especially boys, may need their swered questionnaires about their child's current be
SOME residents from Childers Heights and Rehins Fort housing estates in Ballina have contacted North West Express with concerns about an overflow of raw sewage from Rehins Fort Estate at the edge of the town. The sewage has been leaking into a stream at the rear of Childers Heights which flows into the Moy river. According to residents of both estates the town council, fisheries board and the developer are aware of this; yet nothing has happened to date. When we called to the area at the weekend there was a strong stench at the rear of both estates and strong evidence of murky water flowing into the Moy river.
Parents' reactions to toddler tantrums key
parents' help working through angry or fearful emo- havior problems. tions. If you punish toddlers for their anger and The study found that parents who tended to punfrustration or act as if their fears are silly or shameish their children for their fears and frustrations were ful, they may internalise those negative emotions more likely to have children who were anxious and and that may lead to behavior problems as they get withdrawn at the time of the second assessment. older," explained researcher, Nancy McElwain, of Furthermore, the effect was especially pronounced the University of Illinois in the US. in boys who had been identified as having a high The study was baed on observations of 107 chil- incidence of negative emotions at 33 months. dren who were part of a larger study of children's "When parents punish their toddlers for becomsocial and emotional development and parent-child ing angry or scared, children learn to hide their relationships. emotions instead of showing them. When the children were 33 months old, mothers These children may become increasingly anxious and fathers were asked how often their child had when they have these feelings because they know displayed anger or social fearfulness in the last they'll face negative consequences," Ms Engle noted. month. The parents were also asked how they would The researchers said they were intrigued with the respond to the child's negative emotions in several finding that little boys were especially affected when hypothetical situations. they are not supported during times of fear or frus"We investigated two types of parental reactions tration. to children's negative emotions. One type of reac"In our culture, boys are discouraged from ex tion was tominimise their child's emotions, forex- pressing their emotions. If you add parental punample, a parent might say, 'stop behaving like a ishment to these cultural expectations, the outcome baby.' Another of reaction was punishing type the for boys who often experience negative emotions
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may be especially detrimental," Ms Engle suggested. According to the researchers, parents play an im- portant role in helping children learn how to regu- late and express their emotions. This study, which gathered responses from both mothers and fathers, adds to a growing body of work that suggests that are important both parents inthis process. are upset, it's better if you can "When children talk with them and help them work through their emotions rather than sending them to theirroom to work through their feelings on their own. Young children, especially little boys who are prone to feeling negative emotions intensely, need your comfort and support when their emotions threaten to overwhelm them," Ms Engle added. These findings are due to be published in a forthcoming issue of the journal, Social Development.
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Promising future for IT Sligos postgraduate research project PAMELA Boyle form Swinford, Co. Mayo, was one of the elite few to receive the inaugural IT Sligo President’s Bursary Awards. Having obtained an honours degree in Environmental Science from NUI Galway in 2009 before continuing to complete a one-year Masters course in Ecological Assessment in UCC, Pamela admitted: “The IT Sligo President’s Bursary Award has enabled me to begin research in an area which I am particularly interested in. It has also given me the chance to work in an area of research that is of increasing importance on a national and European level,” Pamela said. A major funding boost by the Bursaries for postgraduate research projects has enabled IT Sligo to increase its research capacity by more than 25 per cent in the last year. With the granted funding, ten IT Sligo staff researching in areas key to Ireland’s economic and social recovery and sustainability have taken on 10 new re-
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President of IT Sligo Professor Terri Scott is pictured with the recipients of the inaugural President’s Bursary Awards and their supervisors. Also pictured is Head of School of Science, Dr Jeremy Bird and Head of Research, Dr John Bartlett. Dr Frances Lucy and Dr Joe Gildea are missing from the photograph.
The Northwest’s budding artists
search students to investigate a range of dynamic research projects. This includes an annual student stipend of 6,500 and a
TWO Sligo teens have received international recognition for their entries in a bookmark competition organised by the European Parliament. James Mulligan, a pupil of Corran College, Ballymote and Tara O’Gorman of St Michaels Community College Kilmihils’ unique bookmarks will be on display this week. Chosen among ten finalists from hundreds of entries, the Northwest students narrowly missed out on the top prize. Waterford student, Katie Ní Urmholtaigh, was the European winner with her bookmark based on the theme “Europe sowing the seed for a better environment”.The prize consists of a trip to the European Parliament in Strasbourg in June for Katieand her whole class where they will participate in the annual Euroscola event, where teenagers from all over Europe get the opportunity to experience what it’s like to be an MEP for a day. bookmarks designed by the A selection of the original finalists will be uploaded on the website of the Euro- Ireland on www.europarl.ie pean Parliament Office in and the impressive images will also be displayed in the offices windows of the parliament’s on Molesworth Street in Dublin.
waiver of tuition fees for up to three years. With a growing reputation in the field of research, IT Sligo is
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Dara Calleary encouraged to “adopt” Sligo/Nt.Leitrim constituency MICHEAL Martin, Fianna Fail leader, has encouraged his parties TDs to "adopt a neighbouring constituency". Fianna Fails catastrophic election earlier in the month, leaves the struggling party with no TD from 25 of the country's 43 constituencies, including Sligo/Nth Leitrim. In response to these changes, sitting TDs will have to do the parliamentary work for failed candidates. In what was widely viewed as an act of betrayal, Dr Jimmy Devins resignation from national politics prior to the general election has left Sligo/Nth Leitrim with no FF TD. Sitting TD Eamon Scanlon lost his seat to Sinn Féin's Michael Colreavy. He, along with Senator Marc Mac Sharry was considered the victim of the puzzling two-candidate
strategy implemented by the FF dates have to discuss the mat- representatives as Micheál MarHQ personnel. ter with the party leader before tin is reported as favouring Ballina-based Dara Colleary, submitting their names which 'young hopefuls' to represent party . who currently represents the may incapacitate older party the struggling political entire county of Mayo must now consider the needs of Sligo/Nth Leitrim. It is as yet unclear what in volvement he will individually have in the constituency. Meanwhile, Eamon Scanlon has yet to receive confirmation if he will be 'allowed' to pursue a Seanad seat in the April election while Senator Marc Mac Sharry has already confirmed to Northwest Express that he will be actively seeking re-election to the Seanad. It is understood that Sena tors Geraldine Feeney and Paschal Mooney have not yet received the imprimatur of the party leader to contest the election. All intending Seanad candi disclosed recently NEW information has led the Gar dai to believe that a white van may be a crucial link into the disappearance Collins in Killala over of Sandra 10 years ago. Sandra Collins, 29 years, was last seen in the town of Killala, on the 4th December 2000 at approx GET YOUR MEMORIAL 11.15pm at the local take away,The Country Kitchen. As a resultof recent public appeals a number of new CARDS FOR FREE witnesses have come forward and Gardai now believe when you purchase one of our Headstones.* that a white van noticed in Killala around the time Sandra was last seen, is centre to uncovering the mys• Memorial Cards tery. • Grave Maintenance seen Gardai are appealing to anybody who may have • Unique Headstones Prestige Wedding Cars or have information in relation to a white van in Kil • Personalised Granite Plaques & Hearts Established in 2006 lala on Monday night the 4th December 2000 to come • Headstones & Additional Inscriptions The Ultimate in Luxury Travel forward and make contact Gardai. with investigating Complimentry Champagne on every Occassion *When you buy our Memorial Cards, and come back to us for our Gardai would also like to renew their appeal to any supply & erection of a Headstone, and kerbing, etc, we allow you the Available for Weddings - Formals - Hen Parties cost of the cards (up to 149 max) discounted off the cost of the individuals who may have information in relation to Private Parties - Anniversaries monumental works when purchased within 6 months of the initial the disappearance of Sandra Collins and have yet to Beauford Soft & Hard Tops - Daimlers - Stretch Limos card purchase. – Please ask for details. Terms & Conditions apply. come forward to contact Ballina Garda Station on 096 0044 7780 991 895 20560, the Garda Confidential Telephone Line 1800 0044 7738 944 526 Castlebar : 094 90 22572 / Carrick-on-Shannon : 086 8372933 111 or any Garda Station. 666 www.prestigeweddingcars.eu
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Rising cost of living set to continue for struggling families AS many Irish residents struggle to cope with dramatically rising fuel wages, severe unemployment and widespread emigration, they are also having to endure a 7% hike in the cost of groceries, an Irish Independent survey has revealed. Bread, butter, cheese, cornflakes and biscuits which compose the majority of the average Irish diet have all experienced varying price hikes. A selection of popular branded foodstuffs were selected throughout many of Ireland’s supermarkets and in comparison to 12 months ago, cost a staggering 7% more. The United Nations FAO index, published last week, shows that worldwide food prices are at a record high, most notably wheat and coffee which have doubled in a year. Cocoa has increased by 25pc in just two months, while dairy prices rose by a further 4% last month. Mr. Gill, spokesman for Bloxham stockholders revealed the internal competition amongst Irelands leading food stores has greatly minimised the impact of the rising food prices. He admitted that price hikes will inevitably be forced on to consumers unless there is a dramatic, almost immediate, collapse
worldwide. While sky-high grocery prices may trouble consumers, Mr. Gill revealed "for food companies and farmers, rising prices for grain, dairy and meat are very welcome", as they attempt to retrieve from the downturn. Further Central Statistics Office figures suggest that as a whole, Irish food prices overall have remained steadfast. Food and beverage prices have increased by 0.3pc in the last 12 months, but this average is affected by the dramatic rise of flour which is up 13pc; cereals up 6pc; butter up 7pc; cocoa up 23pc; and soft drinks up by 7pc. In order to escape the startling prices, many Irish consumers are opting for cheaper own-brand goods or availing of special offers. Although, traditionally very loyal to branded groceries, own-brand products now account for a third of weekly grocery purchases. Experts predict this figure will soar to 40pc by 2015 and 50pc by 2025.
Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund has warned that "the world may need to get used to higher food prices" explaining that although the weather was accountable for temporary increases “the main reasons for rising demand for food reflect structural changes in the global economy that will not be reversed,".
Parents urged to BUCKLE-UP kids
DESPITE the rising rate of fatalities and injuries on Irish roads a recent study has revealed that almost one-in-three children are travelling without any safety restraints. A report on the survey, which was conducted by doctors in the paediatric department of Sligo General Hospital, found the attitude of some parents towards the safety of their children as "appalling". 186 families were surveyed, accumulating to a total of 394 children. Resulting data revealed
a total of 279 children ,70.8pc, were placed in necessary restraints, but almost one-third of the children in the study (29.2pc) had no protection. Parents were then informed of the dangers and risks associated with travelling without necessary buckles and then contacted again after two months and asked about compliance. But findings show that the numbers travelling without restraint increased to 35.3pc on follow-up. The report published on the study said: "The results of this survey are worrying.The figures are based on the honest response of parents. "The overall approach is haphazard and careless." The study highlighted the fact that car collisions are a major cause of childhood deaths yet drivers remained ignorant to the importance of restraints. "In a car accident at 50kph an unrestrained child would be thrown forward with a force 30 to 60 times their body weight," authors of the findings said. "Appropriate child restraints secure the child
to their seat, preventing them from being thrown around the vehicle and, in the event of a crash, force is distributed over a larger body area, thus reducing the risk of severe injury." Previous surveys conducted in the period of 1996 to 2000 revealed that 77pc of child fatalities were found to not have been using a child restraint, or seatbelt at their time of death. In the latest study, data was collected for two months and involved parents or guardians of children from infants to 14-year-olds. This study concluded that "once-off parental education made negligible difference to an already inconsistent and haphazard approach to compliance with safety regulations". The authors pointed out that the law now states that all children should be securely restrained when travelling in cars, and guidelines are available for parents to inform them of the appropriate equipment required.
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RTE NL, the managing company of Ireland’s new digital TV network, has published a helpful guide detailing what residents must do to receive Saorview, the new digital terrestrial television service.A second guide is also available,
which explains Saorview and the principles of the service. The guide provides all the essential information on installing Saorview - either on your existing TV connected to a Saorview certified set top box - or throught a new Integrated Digital TV (iDTV). There are detailed illustrations portraying how to connect your TV/and or set top box to receive the terrestrial digital service that will be officially launched in May.The various methods to connect HDMI and scart cables are also illustrated. There is also a detailed guide to establishing other devices such as a DVD player, PVR (personal video recorder) and the various type of connections that may suit any specific set up. Saorsat, the identical service on satellite, will be launched in early summer enabling those unable to receive a terrestrial signal to experience “the next best thing in Irish television”.
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Insurance premium reductions inevitable Data released by the Injuries Board reveals the following; • 233 awards were made by InjuriesBoard.ie to claimants in Donegal in 2010 (223 in 2009) • Compensation for claimants in Donegal totalled 4.7m in 2010 (5.17m in 2009) • 48 awards were made by InjuriesBoard.ie to claimants in Leitrim in 2010 (44 in 2009) • Compensation for claimants in Leitrim totalled 1.2m in 2010 (1.17m in 2009) • 127 awards were made by InjuriesBoard.ie to claimants in Sligo in 2010 (109 in 2009) • Compensation for claimants in Sligo totalled 2.7m in 2010 (2.55m in 2009) INJURIES Board CEO, Patricia Byron has expressed her distaste at the emerging significant cost savings for insurance providers in respect of personal injury claims and the reality that hese savings are not being translated to lower insurance premiums for consumers and businesses. In terms of claim trends specific to the North West, have been revealed by InjuriesBoard.ie, a selffunded organisation who are responsible for injuries arising from motor, workplace and public liability accidents, as well as subjecting a modest charge to claimants.
On a national level, end-of-year data from InjuriesBoard.ie reveals that a total of 187 million was awarded as compensation, in 2010 in respect of 8,381 personal injury claimants. The statistics reflect a change in the composition of claims and in particular a 10% reduction in the volume of higher value, employer liability claims in 2010. Motor and public liability claims increased by 6% and 8% in the same period. The decline in workplace claims, reducing the average 2010 award by 4% to 22,271 has been attributed the
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changing trends. A recent initiative by the Injuries Board to reduce its fees to respondents by 200 (19%) and to claimants by 5 (10%) compiled with the reductions, should be interdependent on the rate of insurance premiums for consumers. Commenting, Patricia Byron, CEO, Injuries Board.ie insisted: “Our aim is to fully compensate accident victims but to reduce processing costs. This should mean savings of up to 205 per claim for insurers in 2011.This is in addition to existing annual savings of up to 100m arising from the Board’s non-adversarial model. We believe it is incumbent on insurers to pass on these benefits to hard pressed consumers and businesses rather than constantly flagging reasons why premiums should increase. “Another factor facilitating lower insurance premiums is a reduction in the number of workplace accident claims coming to the Board, not least due to lower employment in the economy, especially in sectors like construction and manufacturing. In addition, despite severe weather conditions in the first half of January 2010 we have not seen a surge of public liability claims, as some had predicted. In fact our data indicates that there were fewer public liability claims in January 2010 than in January 2009”
Ms Byron said. 2010 was an eventful and productive year for the Board in the courts. The conclusion of the O’Brien case with the Taxing Master dramatically reducing the legal costs sought against the Board and the fact that the High Court dismissed twenty one other Judicial Reviews against the Injuries Board proved fruitful for the organisation. “The clarification provided by the conclusion of these cases highlights the benefits for claimants of applying directly to the Board. By doing so, claimants can save significant legal fees, often in the region of 2,000, but sometimes as high as 5,000” Ms Byron said. The Operational Summary of 2010 portrayed that almost three quarters of awards (74%) were for injuries from road traffic accidents while the remainder were split between workplace (11%) and public place (15%) accidents. Kilkenny received the lowest number of awards per head of population while counties Longford and Limerick accounted for the largest number of awards as a proportion of population. 387,286 was the highest award of the year with 500 the lowest. The preliminary data also indicates that almost two thirds of all awards (63%) made by the Board are for less than 20,000.
Enthusiastic Volunteers required
Finn Harps FC and the ‘Walk of Dreams’ need your help!
THE “Walk of Dreams” is a fundraising imitative that aims to unite followers of soccer across the country and raise funds to enable the on-going development of local football. On Sunday, March 27th at 3pm the walk will take place in Letterkenny and Finn Harps FC and the John Giles Foundation are urging Finn Harps Fans and the wider Donegal Public to participate. The John Giles Foundation was established to utilise football as a vehicle for social change, to create community cohesion, increase participation and to develop health and education by providing financial assistance to promote football in clubs, schools and community groups across Ireland. Half of funds through the walk, raised will go directly towards Finn Harps youth Development while the other half will benefit the Foundation for community football projects in clubs, schools and community groups throughout Ireland. The John Giles Foundation is supported by 3 and the Football Association of Ireland and the ‘Walk of Dreams’ will be held in 14 locations in Ireland. Speaking of the event, soccer legend John Giles said: “I wanted to help harness the great energy of the football family and use it to come together on the 27th March to demonstrate that football forms a large and very important part of Irish community life offering many thousands of people an outlet to enjoy themselves.” Finn Harps Community Officer John Campbell echoed Giles insisting “The Walk of initiative which offers Dreams isa wonderful us all an opportunity to support vital Community Projects and Finn Harps on the same Day. The Walk will be over a distance of just 5k and a familyoccasion”. Sponsorship Cards are available from the on 074-9130070 Finn Harps Club Office or by on 087 6775100. calling John Campbell
8pm. Volunteers must be over 18 Open 9-6 Mon-Sat Tel: 048-67742796 Mob: 086-2288387 years of age in the summer of 2012, when the volunteer programme will take place. Yet tart to cut your solid fuel bills Mr.Browne added “it is not conin half with a Cast Iron Multi fined to just young people – Fuel Wood-Ferne Stove. people of all ages are welcome We have a wide range of Traditional to take part”. . and Contempoary Stoves in Matt Outlining the function of the Black. organisation Browne continued “SERVE is an overseas developOur polished enamelled stoves come in ment and volunteer organisation various colours, fittings and spare which has placed volunteers, inparts available at affordable prices. cluding a number from the Robe Pastoral Area, on its overseas programmes since 2003 to Sample Prices: Comedian and actor, Pat countries in Asia, South America Shortt pictured publicising the 7kW non Boiler Stove €320 and Africa.” work of SERVE. 11kw 8 Radiators- €510 Each parish will co-ordinate 21kW Boiler 12 Radiators €880 FOUR South Mayo parishes fund-raising activities to cover Insulated Twin Wall Liners €20/ft have united with overseas de- the cost of sending their local Prices ex VAT. 2 Years Warranty velopment and volunteer organ- volunteers, and Canon Conal isation SERVE to send a group of Eustace, PP, Ballinrobe, believes adults on a unique overseas ini- the overseas outreach project tiative in 2012. Ballinrobe, will “have a profound impact on take part.” Partry, Kilmaine and Roundfort all who parishes have launched an ap- Expressing his hopes Mr. Browne peal for any volunteers interrevealed “Our volun ested in offering their assistance teers will go and live in local communities, and, upon return to become involved. “The exact country and proj- ing to Ireland, perhaps they will ect have not yet been selected,” become advocates for equality a native of and justice.” said William Browne, all and see our large range of Stoves at our showrooms in coThe Neale, who is a full-time In a unique initiative” the first Derrylin, one mile from Teemore Cross where our staff will ordinator for SERVE time a group of parishes have deal with all your enquiries. “The skills set of the volun- come together to send a group,” teers will play a big part in de- it is expected the volunteering Should you require any of our installation team to call to your four and ciding the project.” will last for between home to offer advice or a quote to install one of our stoves, Further details of the Robe six weeks. please contact our office. Pastoral Area overseas initiative Anyone wishing to volunteer, more informa- will be outlined at all Masses in or who requires their local or- on the week- tion, can contact the four parishes end of March 12th and 13th. ganiser – Canon Eustace Information evenings will also (Ballinrobe), Fr Michael Murphy Fr John (Roundfort), Kenny be hosted on Friday, March 18th, and John in (Partry), Joe Fahy, Kil and Friday, April 22nd, Visit our website for other offers: www.dc-logs.com at maine. National School 091 781231). Ballinrobe
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email: info@theexpress.ie
Former Dragon launches student enterprise initiatives
Sarah Newman officially opens the ACE Accelerating Campus Entrepreneurship workspace in IT Sligo with IT Sligo President, Professor Terri Scott.
FORMER star of Dragon’s Den and entrepreneur, Sarah Newman, launched a number of exciting student-focused initiatives at Enterprise and Innovation Week. The self-made millionaire spoke on the subject ‘What Makes an Entrepreneur’ and encouraged students to ‘never stop learning’. She
also launched an innovative student competition called ‘Bright Sparks’. “The only person standing between you and success is you. Go out there and make it happen.The most important thing in succeeding in business is courage, have courage in your own ability and
your own idea,” Ms Newman told the IT Sligo students. Ms Newman officially opened the Accelerating Campus Entrepreneurship (ACE) Workspace, a student area that will be used by students who are engaged with the ACE programme on campus. ACE is a joint collaboration of IT
Sligo, Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Cork Institute of Technology, and National University of Ireland Galway, led by Dundalk Institute of Technology. The aim of the project is the development of new learning models for life-skilling students for the new economic challenges facing Ireland. As part of the ACE programme IT Sligo has developed an entrepreneurship module in the Department of Humanities. This module is a pilot for third year students who would normally go on work placement; instead they work on the feasibility of a business idea for a semester. The new ACE workspace is a dedicated space for these students in the IT Sligo Innovation Centre. Ms Newman also launched the student ‘Bright Sparks’ Competition, an initiative by the two IT Sligo ACE interns Cait Keaveney and Orla Mongey and the Enterprise Society. The competition is the first of its kind in the Institute and encourages IT Sligo students to submit their innovative business ideas on line at http://www.acebrightsparks.com/ .The idea to receive the most votes on line will be selected as the winner. The deadline for the competition is March 17th and prizes up for grabs include a netbook, smartphone and an iPod shuffle.
Students offer a healthy take on the take-away St Angela’s College, Sligo and Safefood announce the first ever Take Away My Way all-island Cookery Competition. The competition aims to encourage secondary school students to display their culinary capabilities while also promoting the importance of healthy eating. Secondary schools across the island received a flyer promoting the competition and teachers are encouraged to get their students involved. Amanda McCloat, Head of the Home Economics Department at St Angela’s College, Sligo and Board member of safefood explains: ‘The competition encourages students to choose their favourite takeaway food, e.g. pizza, stir-fry, curry and modify the recipe to make it healthier.’ The student is then required to cook their modified dish, take a picture of it, complete the entry form and submit it with the picture either by post to Take Away My Way all-Island Cookery Competition, St. Angela’s College, Sligo or by email to takeawaymyway@gmail.com.
In addition to the cookery competition, students can participate in the optional Take Away My Way online video competition running alongside the cookery competition. The closing date for receipt of all entries is 5pm on 31 March 2011. The entries will be judged by a panel of experts including celebrity chef Neven Maguire, who was in St. Angela’s recently to launch the competition. Finalists will be invited to compete and cook at the allisland final in St. Angela’s College, Sligo on 5 May 2011. There are great student and teacher prizes to be won like game consoles, cook books and gift vouchers - you can find full details of the prizes on the competition website www.safefood.eu/takeawaymyway. All entries will receive a Certificate of Participation. For further information, contact takeawaymyway@gmail.com or phone +353 (0)71 9135650. The College wishes the best of luck to all participating schools and students- Happy cooking!
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Sligo’s Imelda Henry to contest Seanad Éireann Election SLIGO-BASED publican and Councillor Imelda Henry will contest the upcoming Seanad Eireann Election on the nomination of The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland (“VFI”). If elected, Imelda will represent the VFI on the Industrial and Commercial Panel. Imelda is no stranger to the pub scene as her parents Mollsie and Peter ran The Blue Lagoon pub in Sligo. Indeed, Peter was a founding member of the VFI. These days, Imelda, along with her husband Aiden, runs one of Sligo’s best known pubs. Imelda’s knowledge of the pub trade and local issues isn’t restricted to her time behind the counter either as she has been a F.G. member of Sligo County Council since 2004. She is currently a member of the Health Forum West, Border Regional Authority, Border Midland and Western Assembly and the Association of City and County Councils. Padraig Cribben, chief executive of the VFI, is calling on all its members to back Imelda in her campaign for the Seanad. “It is extremely important for the VFI to have a presence in Seanad Éireann and this is something we have missed since the late Michael Howard represented the VFI on the Industrial and Commercial Panel. Our industry is experiencing some really difficult times and having a strong, hard working and experienced person like Imelda elected to the Seanad would be very beneficial.” Imelda Henry added “I am looking forward to the campaign ahead and if elected, would be honoured to represent the VFI in Seanad Éireann.”
Major Scholarships awarded to Feis Shligigh THE Royal Irish Academy of Music are offering 4 Scholarships to their new Summer Academy for Orchestra, which takes place in their Westland Road premises in Dublin between 11th and 15th July 2011. These scholarships will cover the full cost of the course (300 each) and will be awarded by the Adjudicator, who will choose the best 4 students of orchestral instruments from the Feis between the ages of 14 and 20. For more information, visit www.feis-shligigh.ie or contact Kevin Carrolll on 071-9168197.
Charlestown and Bellaghy St. Patricks Day Parade
CHARLESTOWN and Bellaghy St. Patricks Day Parade will start on March 17 at 12.30 pm from the Fire Station, with prizes to be won in many categories. The big prize on the day will be for the Best Bilingual Float where the winner will take home 250 euro. The winner of this bilingual category will be in competition for the Best Mayo Bilingual float which has a prize fund of 1000! In keeping with the theme of Irish and Indigenous, there is also a craft, country, cottage industry and fowl market in Charlestown and Bellaghy on the Friday starting from 10 am onwards.Anyone who wants to take a stand contact the committee or phone or text 0862653085 or 0862653085.
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email: info@theexpress.ie
Unfinished estates in the Northwest to receive funding THE Minister of State for Housing Michael Finneran has announced an allocation of 5 million is being made available to local authorities throughout the country to deal with immediate safety issues in unfinished housing estates.The works are being carried out to improve the living conditions of existing residents. The Minister welcomed the findings of the Advisory Group on Unfinished Housing Developments which identified approximately 400 housing developments that are particularly problematic and will be the focus of the initial action. The group deemed the issue of unoccupied and unfinished housing estates as a matter of national concern which has a serious impact on the residents in a number of estates. They recommended that a level of funding be made available for local authorities to take appropriate action and that developments are prioritised for action in each country. Thirteen estates in County Leitrim have been indentified and a total of 182,000 will be allocated to Leitrim County Council to help improve these unfinished estates. The report also found that there are 23 estates in need of urgent work in Donegal, 16 in Longford, 11 in Sligo and eight in Roscommon. The names of the estates have yet to be identified.
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Cancer main cause of death in Leitrim and Mayo MALIGNANT cancer is the main cause of death and specified illness claims in Mayo and Leitrim, according to 2010 claims from Irish Life, the country’s largest provider of life insurance and specified illness cover. Almost half of life assurance claims made to Irish Life in 2010 related to cancer. The average age of death claims in County Leitrim was 63 for men and 71 for women with the average age in Mayo 58 for men and 60 for women. Irish Life paid a total of 700,000 in respect of 12 death claims to claimants in Leitrim last year. The average payment was 58,407 for death claims and 111,376 for specified illness claims. Road traffic accidents accounted for almost one-quarter of accident related claims in 2010 and 11 per cent of total accident claims last year involved alcohol. Breast cancer, with 85 claims, was the biggest single cause of specified illness cover claims in the country. The biggest cause of claims for men was heart attack, with 54 claims, followed by prostate cancer, with 50 claims.
New TD ‘Ming’ Flanagan demands pay cut for himself
Breast Cancer Survivor reveals all
WHEN 55 year old Susan Ford was diagnosed with breast cancer after a routine mammogram she had a whole host of questions and looked in vain for a book that would answer them all. She went through a year of intensive treatment including mastectomies, breast reconstruction, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In order to help other women in a similar position, Susan has written her life changing experience, plus the results of her research in which she found many everyday factors that may protect from or contribute to cancer. “The M Word is the book I would have loved to have read when I was first diagnosed”, says Susan, “to help prepare me for the months and years ahead. It’s very positive – and it’s very frank – answering the questions women may be reluctant to ask”. Susan includes the life choices she decided to make, and her ‘coping strategies’ to get her through that year and beyond. She includes her story of how her plans to renovate a cottage in the lovely irish Nire Valley had to be put on hold. There’s also a sprinkling of humour, some gossip, a few poems, and some easy recipes for body care products ‘without the nasties’. When Susan’s consultant-surgeon read the book, he was so impressed, he offered to launch it. Since then, Susan has received numerous letters from other cancer sufferers, thanking her for her honest and straight-forward account which not only expresses just how they felt, but also helped them achieve a positive attitude towards their own diagnosis. Family and friends of cancer patients have also expressed how Susan’s book helped them understand just what their friend or loved one is going through. The M Word by Susan Connell-Ford is now available from Eason bookstores and costs 13.50.
The Biggest Loser from Sligo returns home “THE Biggest Loser” contestant Paddy Cunningham returned home to Sligo last week, a slimmed down version of the man he was when he left. The 28 year old Calry man lost six stone and 6 pounds in front of millions of viewers who tuned in to the ITV show over the last few months. Paddy took second place in the weight loss contest and intends to spend a month at home with family in Sligo before heading to Dublin to compete a five month personal training course. A job as a personal trainer would be a big move away from his old sedentary lifestyle as a radio presenter working at North and Mid West Radio and later for Ocean FM and Midlands 103 in Tullamore. He moved to England five years ago to work at a radio station there.
NEW independent TD Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan has announced that he plans to cut his 92,000 TD’s salary by 50 per cent, and is urging other sitting TDs to do the same. The independent TD finally succeeded in getting in to the Dail after 14 years of trying, although this wage cutting move will not endear him to his new colleagues in Leinster House. He has said that the country cannot afford the salaries currently paid to Dail members. The 39 year Mayor of Roscommon, who is most famous for his bid to legalise cannabis, will now have to resign his council seat after a strong volume of transfers from Labour’s John Kelly saw him jump ahead of the sitting Fine Gael TDs in the constituency.
Foxford to host walking event
FOXFORD, County Mayo. is to host its first ever walking festival in October of this year, an event that is sure to boost tourism in this historic town. Foxford Ramblers Walking Club will host their inaugural Foxford Walking Festival on the weekend of October 21 to 23 and invite all walking enthusiasts and novices alike to come and take part. The event will include three guided walks each day and there is something to suit everyone, with each walk graded from hard/moderate to easy. Sunday’s easy walk will be a family nature walk in the beautiful Drummin Wood, led by well known ecologist Dr. Chris Hurley and every walk will ensure participants can enjoy the striking scenery of the area. Children will be entertained on both days with a bouncy castle and refreshments in the Sports and Leisure Centre. There will also be an appearance from RTE’s Dale Treadwell, an ecologist who has a unique approach to teaching children and helping them appreciate the wonders of the natural world. This festival is the perfect opportunity to experience the breathtaking scenery that Foxford has to offer and the organisers are confident that this event will be the first of many.
By Linda Sherlock IT seems every time we turn on the TV or radio these days we hear the tragic news of another life lost on our nation’s roads. Every time we open a newspaper we see the tangled wrecks of cars that spun out of control for one reason or another, and took another life. We think of their families and friends in sympathy and shake our heads at another senseless loss. Road deaths are a serious problem in this country and a huge amount is being done to help prevent them, and rightly so. But what about deaths that we do not hear about, that are not splashed on the news but are part an epidemic just as serious as road deaths. Ireland currently has one of the highest suicide rates in Europe with suicide being one of the leading causes of deaths in this country, among young males in particular, exceeding both road accidents and cancer. Although the amount of money given to road safety initiatives is to be commended and is certainly necessary in this country, the significant difference in the amount allocated for road safety and that given to mental health funding is something to be highlighted. Suicide prevention receives roughly 5 million
a year while road safety receives around 40 million.
Among females, suicide by drowning is the most common method for older women. With the state of our health system in disarray and underfunded as it is, and with beds closed in understaffed hospitals all over the country, it may be hard to convince people of the need to invest in mental health, but one only has to look at the statistics to realise that this is a crisis situation that needs to be tackled. More than 520 suicides were recorded in 2009, a 24 percent increase from 2008, and these figures may be understated because of the amounts of undetermined deaths recorded each year. According to Paul Kelly, spokesperson for Console Galway, a charity that helps people who have been bereaved by suicide: “We need to create a greater awareness around positive mental health and work to de-stigmatise
IS FIVE MILLION PER ANNUM ENOUGH FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION? the issue of suicide, especially in schools. We need to reach out to people who are in crisis so they know there is help and hope out there.”
Hanging is the most common method of suicide in Ireland, accounting for three out of every five suicide deaths. It is more common among males (64%) than females (43%) There has been a lot of coverage in various media about the recession being linked to suicide, particularly in rural areas, and according to Mr. Kelly, this has been a factor: “We get phone calls on a daily basis from people who are in debt, whose houses who have been repossessed or are in danger of being repossessed and whose personal relationships may be in disarray as a result.” He added “there are huge concerns around people living in iso-
lation and people who would have been working and are now unemployed. As well as this, that cohesive community that was once the norm is largely gone in modern Ireland.” The highest risk group for suicide is among young men under the age of 35, as they account for around 40 percent of all suicides in Ireland. “I think that women can talk more openly about their feelings. Men will sit down together and talk about their interests but have great difficulty articulating distress and may think it will be seen as a sign of weakness” says Mr. Kelly.
Reach Out - the National Strategy for Action on Suicide Prevention 2005 – 2014 was drawn up by the HSE and the Department of Health and Children in order to draft an action plan to for suicide prevention. Now in the sixth year of this nine year plan, the problem of suicide in Ireland is not getting any better. The action plan is described as practical, achievable and based on best international practice. It is subject to ongoing, regular evaluation to determine whether the expected outcomes
The use of firearms is rare accounting for 5% of all deaths by suicide. However, it is more common among males than females, and more commonly used by older men (10% of 65+ years) and younger women (5% of 15-24 yr olds).
• Hanging is the most common method of suicide in Ireland accounting for three out of every five suicide deaths. It is more common among males (64%) than females (43%). • Hanging is more commonly used by those in younger age groups. The opposite is true of drowning, which is more common within the older age groups. • The pattern in the general population is reflected in male population, where by hanging is the most common method, followed by drowning. • For females, suicide by drowning is the most common method for older women. • Causes in the category ‘other’ include self-cutting and jumping from a high place. have been achieved, although it seems unlikely that these goals can be achieved when cuts to mental health funding has tumbled to 5.3 per cent of the overall health budget. There is no shortage of task forces and suicide prevention groups at a local and national level who are all doing their best to prevent this scourge, but how successful can they be in preventing a silent killer that lurks in the minds of its victims often never speaking of its intentions until it is too late. Perhaps there needs to be more
coverage in the national media with details of these groups and their phone numbers so people contemplating suicide will realise that there are people they can actually reach out to. Samaritans, a charity that is aimed at providing emotional support to anyone at risk of suicide, recently teamed up with social networking site Facebook to create a new scheme allowing users of the site to get help for any friend they believe is struggling to cope or feeling suicidal. It is hoped that through the popularity of Facebook, this part-
nership will allow the Samaritans to reach more people who need their help. People who are concerned about a friend will be able to tell Samaritans via Facebook’s Help Centre. The topic of suicide is still a bit taboo among some families in a Catholic country that only decriminalised suicide in 1993. In some cases there is still a deep shame associated with the religious, social and medical aspects of suicide and denial is quite common, even from the point of view of life insurance, which in many cases is not paid to
surviving family members if the cause of death is suicide. The surviving family of someone who has died by suicide often experience a sense of shame and can feel under scrutiny from the community. Whatever the reasons, for many families struggling to come to terms with suicide, they will never know the problems faced by their loved ones, they will only have unanswered questions. Suicide
takes so many people because many of those suffering from depression and contemplating taking their own life do not talk about how depressed they are. At Console they are trying to get a message across, says Mr. Kelly: “Life is tough, that is part of our shared humanity, but don’t get stuck in that. Talk about your problems with someone” Console 1800 201 890 Samaritans 1850 60 90 90
While some suicides occur without any outward warning signs and there are rarely simple reasons as to why someone decides to end their own life, some people who are suicidal do give a warning of some sort. Any warning signs should be taken seriously. Observable serious depression such as: • Depressed mood • Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities • Change in appetite or weight • Change in sleeping patterns • Speaking and/or moving with unusual speed or slowness • Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities • Fatigue or loss of energy • Feelings of worthlessness, self-reproach or guilt • Diminished ability to think or concentrate, slowed thinking or indecisiveness • Increased or risky alcohol or drug intake • Recent impulsiveness or risk taking • Expressed direct threats of suicide • Expressed indirect threats of suicide Making a suicide plan • Giving away their prized possessions and belongings • Making final arrangements or arranging a will • Arranging for others to take up new roles • Bringing unexpected closure to other involvements • Unexpected or uncharacteristic rage or anger
MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY “The toughest part of a diet isn't watching what you eat. It's watching what other people eat” This week I am repeating an article that that I did in an earlier issue about candida albicans because it’s a big part of the Nutron Advanced system being a success. Unfortunately with little bits of sugar slipping back into my eating habits I have to remind myself how it affects my system and makes it hard to shift those unwanted pounds. What is Candida Albicans? Candida Albicans is an opportunistic fungus (or form of yeast) that is the cause of many undesirable symptoms ranging from fatigue and weight gain, to joint pain and gas. The Candida yeast is a part of the gut flora, a group of microorganisms that live in your mouth and intestine. When the Candida population starts getting out of control it weakens the intestinal wall, penetrating through into the bloodstream and spreading throughout the body. As it spreads it produces toxic by-products that cause damage to your body tissues and organs, wreaking havoc on your immune system. The major waste product of yeast cell activity is Acetaldehyde, a poisonous toxin that promotes free radical activity in the body. Acetaldehyde is also converted by the liver into ethanol (drinking alcohol). Some people even report feeling a drunk or hungover feeling along with debilitating fatigue from the high amounts of ethanol is their system. Do You Have Candida? Everyone has Candida, and a significant proportion of us may have Candidiasis, or an overgrowth of Candida. Candida starts to cause trouble when there is some change in your body that allows it to overgrow. This change could be anything from a few courses of antibiotics, a prolonged diet rich in carbohydrates and sugar, or even something as common as a lengthy period of stress at work. So if you suspect that you have an overgrowth, the first place to look is your lifestyle to find what could have caused this imbalance. Antibiotics? Oral contraceptives? A diet high in sugar and carbohydrates? Alcohol and drugs? Stress? Or all of the above? Eliminating all of these risk factors is a crucial step in tackling your Candida problem. Many sufferers of Candidiasis remain undiagnosed by their doctors and unaware of their condition. Unfortunately, many doctors don't recognize the systemic problems that Candidiasis causes and only treat the symptoms such as vaginal infection or oral thrush. Don't be surprised if your doctor thinks it's all in your head and sends you off with a anti-depression prescription. Some healthcare professionals don't believe in Candida, so you need to find a doctor with an open mind, or see a naturopath, homeopathic doctor or kinesiologist.
What is Nutron Advanced? Nutron Advanced uses the Alcat test to identify reactions to over 200 foods, chemicals and other substances associated with inflammation that are linked to chronic health problems like migraines, aching joints, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, eczema, hyperactivity/ADD, asthma and even obesity. Their goal is to provide clients with accurate, timely and dependable test results and nutritional support services. It is not so much a diet but a list of foods that do and don’t agree with a person. To find out what foods do and don’t agree with you a simple blood test was carried out on me in their clinic in Castlebar. After ten days I went back to Liz O Malley for the results and she had a chart which identified which foods I had a mild intolerance to, a moderate intolerance to and a severe intolerance to.Then there is a green list which is completely ok for me to stick to. See attached chart.The test also showed up that there was a Candida Albicans in my system. So basically the whole idea is eat the food that agrees with your system and stay away from ones that can make you bloated and tired.
Current Pounds Weight -/+
22st 4lb
Total Lost
17/11 21st 10lb
21st 3lb
1st 1lb
21st 5lb
13 lb
20st 14lb
1st 4lb
20st 9lb
1st 9lb
22/12 20st 11lb
1st 7lb
21st 5lb
21st 2lb
1st 2lb
12/01 20st 10lb
1st 8lb
20st 8lb
1st 10lb
20st 4lb
2st 0lb
20st 2lb
2st 2lb
20st 1lb
2st 3lb
16/02 19st 13b
2st 5lb
20st 1lb
2st 3lb
20st 3lb
2st 1lb
20st 0lb
2st 4lb
If you have any questions relating to NuTron Advanced please visit www.nutronadvanced.com or contact Kathryn on 091 797803 or 087 2219692
r a e w e w t a h w are
by Rachael
e a person ch proverb encourages us not to judg “L’habit ne fait pas la mois” the old Fren y’s 21st century society we are becoming more an influential role in my by their external appearance.Yet, in toda een year old student, appearance plays and more image obsessed. As an eightshould not, it ultimately does. perception of people and although it rity culture where front page stories boast of popstars new We live, and have grown up, in a celeb nal footballers yet, older members of our society strugessio make-over’s or the latest antics of prof h are so consumed by appearance? gle to comprehend why Irelands yout addressed is our appearance really symbolic of our personalBoth the age-old question must be may provide a brief glimpse into the ideas of an individual it ce ity? I believe it is not. While appearan personality or character. is by no means an apt reflection on their“re-birth of Goths and emos” has led to many young people the l piercings The recent media craze covering fs, fingerless gloves and numerous facia following suit. Dark clothes, wrist-cuf otype for this group within our society.Yet, before have become the stere , based solely on their clothes it is branding someone a goth or an emo such terms. Perhaps the person essential to consider the meaning of d by such groups and is in not simply likes the style of fashion portrayeas the media suggests. ted isola or dal suici relatively depressed, eme stereotyping based on their Likewise, so-called hippies suffer extr g to my mind on hearing of the appearance. The first thoughts that sprinured tops and large belts. Why? word, are long floaty skirts, brightly colo and society, as a whole have Simply because this is what the media Whether the individual is actually e. sens s adapted to this particular dres ged in environmental protection an eco-warrior, a loyal recycler or enga as the designated clothes are activities is apparently irrelevant, as long criticism based on their appearance. worn.“Townies” also receive endless twenty age range, appears wearing ageteen If a person, usually within the nt top they are considered a the latest adidas tracksuit or a fluorescete such assumptions based on, escrea to st, unju ly huge is it , “thug”. I think sentially, a piece of material. are the young generation of IreMost affected by this prejudice I feel icions suddenly arise. The fact that land. If we, appear wearing a hoody susp keep us warm, or even represent a this piece of clothing is worn solely to team, is ignored.
Similarly, on nights out many of Irela the short skirts, stilettos and fake tan nd’s population are quick to condemn a world plagued by anorexia and bulimfavoured by many of my peers. Surely, in proud and comfortable of their bodies.ia we should be glad that youths are Celebrity influence has undoubtedly sion. Cheryl Cole’s ever-changing hair assisted in creating this image obsescolour and varying lengths of hair extensions cause many young girls to envy her seemingly perfect hair.Yet, we must remember she is a professional her appearance and in which she can whose whole career is based solely on sonalities such as Cheryl also have a afford to invest millions of euro in. Perfull team dedicated to ensuring she is picture-perfect, combined with the fact not been airbrushed are released, crea that it is rarely photographs that have tes While girls may crave Girls Alouds appea larger-than-life image. arance, lads also idolise the seemingly perfect physique of renowned pers onal ities, particularly sports stars. Every Saturday night as Cristiano Ron game or Fernando Torres models the aldo peels off his sweaty jersey after a all over the world vow to achieve suchnew Adidas predator boots, young lads parts professional sportsmen rely on appeal. Akin, to their female countertheir body to generate an income and are advised by the wor tain optimum fitness. Size-zero modelslds leading physicians and dieticians on how to mainmany young people to become anorexicand Victoria Beckham’s non-existent waist force or bulimic to achieve the unhealthy Eating disorders have become one of the most serious problems in our 21st target weight. with girls as young as six years old starv ing themselves to gain this much desircentury society, body. However, all the blame cannot ed “bony” rest with celebrities or indeed with the youn ourselves. While we, consciously, mus g people ing is leaving us with little choice. Celet decide to follow such trends our society and upbringbrity maga zines are present in almost every waiting room and “low-fat” alternatives prom we have become so image obsessed? oted in almost every shop and yet people wonder how We, as Irelands youth, endure cons the-new.Yet, this is not a trait we ,as tant criticism for our need to obtain the newest-ofbabies, are born with. Parents instill in the necessity of brand-names and desig young children newest Nike astro-runners for under-6 ner labels by ensuring their little precious has the branded trakkies. Of course, every pare training, the 600 Communion Dress and the escape this image obsession that is contnt wants their child to have the best but if we are to to be the first, best, richest or “coolest” inuing to engulf our country we must limit our need regularly hear the children compare theirparent. As the trainer of an under-8 football team I “Wayne Rooney boots” or “Real Madrid training tops years old children should be irrelevan” , at six or seven t to their materialistic goods and just simply, happy runn ing around with their friends. Parents ,at the end of the day, are the only source of provision that youn and should always be able to say no. g children have For me, appearance is a major part life and I suppose will continue to be of my teenage so for the next few years but I will ensure I never reac where I refuse a meal in order to pres h the stage or stay in bed because my GHD curls erve my size-six Appearance is important but is not a won’t stay in. reflection on our inner-selves. It is time that we, as a deve leged 21st century society, realised and loped priviacted on this.
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iPad2 tablet unveiled by Steve Jobs
science news & technology
Mobile 'a musthave' for children APPLE boss Steve Jobs has returned from indefinite sick leave to declare 2011 "the year of the iPad2". Mr Jobs is on medical leave from the company and there was much speculation over whether he would take centre stage at the highly-anticipated launch of the new tablet. Describing the iPad2 design as "completely new", Mr Jobs made a 30-minute presentation at the YBCA Theatre in San Francisco, which was broadcast live via video link in London. Calling the new device "beautiful", he said: "We think 2011 is clearly going to be the year of iPad2. It is going to be everywhere in the month of March." Despite rumours that the iPad2 may come in a smaller size, the new tablet will keep its original dimensions. It does, however, boast a sleeker and slimmer design than its predecessor, measuring 33% less in thickness. Mr Jobs said: "One of the most startling things about the iPad2 is it is dramatically thinner. It feels totally different." The tablet will be available in both black and white rather than its previous singlecolour design. The iPad2 will also be faster than its predecessor, with a new dual processor making it twice as quick and nine times faster in its graphics performance. Mr Jobs put rumours of a price increase to rest, revealing that the tablet can be purchased in the US for the same price as the iPad1. "We are going to keep the same exact prices as the current iPad but you get a dramatically improved product," Mr Jobs said.
Mazda cars recalled over spider webs JAPANESE carmaker Mazda is recalling 65,000 cars - because it's worried about spiders in the fuel system. A Mazda spokesman said dealers had found 20 cases where webs of yellow sac spiders were found in a vent line. The company said this could increase pressure in the fuel tank, leading to possible cracks and a risk of fire. Dealers will check the cars for cracks, clean out any webs and install a spring in the line to keep out the spiders. About 50,000 Mazda6 cars made in 2009 and 2010 are being recalled in the US, and another 15,000 in Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico. Mazda spokesman Jeremy Barnes said it was not clear why the yellow sac spider liked to build nests in the Mazda6. "Perhaps yellow sac spiders like to go zoomzoom?" he joked, referring to Mazda's advertising slogan for the car. The company said it did not know of any accidents or fires caused by the spider webs.
Eight out of 10 children have a mobile phone and more than nine out of 10 own a games console, according to a new survey. About 80% of children aged between eight and 15 have a mobile, on which they run up monthly bills
averaging £9.18, the Halifax research shows. Unsurprisingly, both mobile phone ownership and its cost increases with age, with 94% of children aged between 12 and 15 having a mobile and bills coming in at £10.45 a month, compared with 66% of eight to 11-year-olds, who run up bills of £7.02 on their phones each month. But only 21% of children pick up the cost of having a mobile themselves, with 72% relying on their parents to pay the bill. The survey showed that 91% of children have a games console, with boys more likely to have one than girls, at 95%, compared with 87% of girls. Boys also spend more on computer games and equipment each month at an average of £11.56, compared with £7.77 for girls. A further 7% of children have an
iPod or MP3 player, with 44% regularly downloading music from the internet. Children in Wales were most likely to have a games console with 100% of those surveyed owning one, while 94% of children in Wales also had a mobile phone, compared with just 75% in Scotland. Mobile phone bills were highest in London, with children there running up an average bill of £11.55 a month, while they are lowest in the South West at £7.00. TNS questioned 1,204 children aged between eight and 15 between August 26 and September 2.
Over half prefer e-reader to a book ADVANCES in technology could be eclipsing traditional reading methods after new research showed a quarter of Britons have not read a book in the past three years. In a survey carried out by discount website www.MyVoucherCodes.co.uk, only 26% of the 1,642 participants had read a book in the last three years, while 32% of those surveyed owned an e-reader. More than half (58%) of respondents, who were all over 18, said that they preferred their e-reader to a traditional book with two-thirds (67%) saying it was "easier to read" and 11% saying it was "more convenient".
Amazon said it sold more books for the Kindle than paperbacks during the last three months of 2010. The beginning of 2011 saw the trend continue with 115 e-books sold for every 100 paperbacks on the website. The www.MyVoucherCodes.co.uk survey also revealed that 42% of participants hadn't read a book in the past six months. Mark Pearson, chairman of MyVoucherCodes.co.uk, said: "It is just another example of technology advancing beyond old fashioned methods. However, many still think that you can't beat a good book."
Website 'may screen royal wedding'
PLANS to broadcast Prince William and Kate Middleton's marriage serv-
ice live on the web are being considered by St James's Palace. If feasible the screening of the royal nuptials will be featured on a website dedicated to the royal wedding which has just launched. Fans wanting the latest news about William and Kate's big day can log onto the new webpages at officialroyalwedding2011.org to learn about the preparations. On the wedding day itself the site will be the first place to read about details of the bride's dress and other information.
The home-page features the informal Mario Testino portrait photograph of the couple released to mark their engagement. It also brings together a number of the monarchy's social media accounts from the Clarence House Twitter feed, the royal Flickr and Facebook accounts, and the Royal Channel on YouTube. Content on the site includes information already released about the event such as the venue for the reception - Buckingham Palace - and details about William and Kate's
visit last week to St Andrews university where they studied. A St James's Palace spokeswoman said: "There's been lots of interest in the wedding from the public and the website will be a resource for them to go to." She added that the site will be regularly updated with exclusive content, including pictures, features and videos. The website is hosted by Google App Engine, which is designed to handle large, global peaks in web traffic.
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Topless protest against wife contest
w rldnews
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Roadblocks to catch drivers smoking WOMEN'S rights activists in Kiev staged a topless protest against a radio station's competition to 'win' a Ukrainian wife. Carrying banners saying 'Ukraine is not a brothel', the women were opposing the contest by New Zealand station Rock FM. Nine women protested topless in bitterly cold weather outside Kiev's marriage registration office, reports the BBC. The Rock FM this week announced that it's competition was won by a winemaker named Greg. The competition has caused controversy in New Zealand too, but the station said it was just "a bit of a laugh". "At the end of the day, it's up to both people if they decide to get married and return to New Zealand," said Rock FM programme director, Brad King. The competition winner is due to fly into the coal mining town of Donetsk on 23 March, before travelling to Zaporizhia, as part of a 12-night holiday in Ukraine. As part of the prize terms and conditions, the winner chooses a woman from the Endless Love dating agency in advance. The agency then arranges the holiday to Ukraine and brings the two together. The prize also includes the use of a translator and a river cruise. The women who staged the protest in Kiev were members of the group, Femen, which campaigns against the targeting of Ukrainian women by international agencies that organise sex tours.
President's old banger sells for £1.5m
IRANIAN President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's old Peugeot 504 has reportedly sold for more than £1.5m. The 34-year-old car was sold in a charity auction to raise money for housing for low-income families, according to the Tehran Times. Bidders from eight countries, including some based in Europe and the US, had reportedly bid for the car. A lawyer for the anonymous local firm which won the auction said it planned to build a museum to exhibit the car. "My client bought the car because of a personal interest in President Ahmadinejad and his spirit of anti-arrogance," he said. The Iranian president drove the 1977 Peugeot 504 when he served as the Mayor of Tehran before becoming president in 2005. Images of the white sedan indicate that it has blue vinyl and cloth upholstery, a theft-proof removable-face stereo and at least 36,867km on the clock. The vehicle would normally be worth around £1,000 on the local market.
POLICE are to set up roadblocks to catch drivers who are breaking the law by smoking at the wheel of company cars. The scheme is being carried out in Essex, England, where police and council wardens will conduct random inspections and check for evidence of smoking in cars designated for business use. Officers will hunt for cigarette butts in ashtrays and even smell the air inside suspect vehicles to check for evidence of smoking. The scheme is intended to raise awareness of the ban on smoking in company vehicles. It will take place throughout March to coincide with National No Smoking Day on March 9.
The Health Act, introduced in 2006, made it illegal for workers to smoke in vehicles used mainly for business purposes by more than one person. Those caught in the act face a £50 fine or a potential court conviction. Employers will also receive a costlier fine. Speaking to the 'Daily Telegraph', Chris Kitchen, acting head of environmental services at Tending District Council in Essex said: "We have noticed that people are smoking in commercial vehicles where in fact it's banned and we will be looking for evidence that people have been smoking. We will be looking for ashtrays and whether the vehicle smells of smoke."
Blank sex book is a bestseller A book with blank pages entitled 'What Every Man Thinks About Apart From Sex' has become a surprise bestseller. Sheridan Simove's 200-page book has sold out on Amazon following heavy promotion in student unions across Britain The £4.69 item, intended as a novelty gift, is being used by students as a notebook, reports Metro. Nottingham university student Jess Lloyd said: "I bought a copy for my mate as a joke and he started using it as a note pad for lectures. Now everyone seems to have one. It's started a real craze on campus." Mr Simove, 39, an Oxford University graduate, said: "I never anticipated that my book would be used for students to take their lecture notes in. "In a sense they are proving me wrong
by filling my book with content. But I wonder how many of them go back to thinking about sex once the lecture is over. I'd be willing to bet that answer is 100%. "After many years of hard work I finally realised that men think of absolutely nothing apart from sex. It was a shocking conclusion and I realised that the world needed to be informed of my findings. "It is very gratifying to see my book outselling many other academic works whose authors claim to have worked even harder than I to break new ground and further the extent of human knowledge. "I now intend to develop my research further and am planning a PhD at the university of life on the subject of what women think about apart from sex. I hope to publish my findings in another decade."
Human breast milk ice cream banned A London ice cream parlour has been forced to stop selling a flavour made with human breast milk. Westminster Council officials took away samples for testing and later ordered The Icecreamists to stop selling the dish, reports the Daily Telegraph. Matt O'Connor, the founder and owner of the parlour, said the £14 'Baby Gaga' ice cream dish had proved to be popular with the customers. He claims the ban is an overreaction, claiming the key novelty ingredient was screened and tested before being used. "We followed exactly the same screening process as any blood donor does, as any mother donating to a milk bank does," he said.. Westminster Councillor Brian Con-
nell said officials had visited the parlour and removed the breast milk ice cream following two complaints from the public and concerns from health and food safety officials. "Selling foodstuffs made from another person's bodily fluids can lead to viruses being passed on and in this case, potentially hepatitis," he said. "As the local authority we will support small businesses and applaud innovative ideas wherever possible, but we must protect the health of consumers." The breast milk was provided by mothers who answered an advertisement on online mothers' forum Mumsnet. The Baby Gaga recipe blends breast milk with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest, which is then churned into ice cream.
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Have you tried Moxibustion?
by Megan Fennell Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. Moxibustion has been used throughout Asia for thousands of years; in fact, the actual Chinese character for acupuncture, translated literally, means "acupuncture-moxibustion." The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of traditional Chinese medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of qi, and maintain general health. How does moxibustion work? Does it hurt? There are two types of moxibustion: direct and indirect. In direct moxibustion, a small, cone-shaped amount of moxa is placed on top of an acupuncture point and burned. This type of moxibustion is further categorized into two types: scarring and non-scarring. With scarring moxibustion, the moxa is placed on a point, ignited, and allowed to remain onto the point until it burns out completely. This may lead to
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localized scarring, blisters and scarring after healing. With non-scarring moxibustion, the moxa is placed on the point and lit, but is extinguished or removed before it burns the skin. The patient will experience a pleasant heating sensation that penetrates deep into the skin, but should not experience any pain, blistering or scarring unless the moxa is left in place for too long. Indirect moxibustion is currently the more popular form of care because there is a much lower risk of pain or burning. In indirect moxibustion, a practitioner lights one end of a moxa stick, roughly the shape and size of a cigar, and holds it close to the area being treated for several minutes until the area turns red. Another form of indirect moxibustion uses both acupuncture needles and moxa. A needle is inserted into an acupoint and retained. The tip of the needle is then wrapped in moxa and ignited, generating heat to the point and the surrounding area. After the desired effect is achieved, the moxa is extinguished and the needle(s) removed.
mal head-down position prior to childbirth. A landmark study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 found that up to 75% of women suffering from breech presentations before childbirth had foetuses that rotated to the normal position after receiving moxibustion at an acupuncture point on the Bladder meridian. Other studies have shown that moxibustion increases the movement of the foetus in pregnant women, and may reduce the symptoms of menstrual cramps when used in conjunction with traditional acupuncture.
What is moxibustion used for? In traditional Chinese medicine, moxibustion is used on people who have a cold or stagnant condition. The burning of moxa is believed to expel cold and warm the meridians, which leads to smoother flow of blood and qi. In Western medicine, moxibustion has successfully been used to turn breech babies into a nor-
Are there any precautions I should be aware of? Although moxibustion has been safely used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries, it is not for everyone. Because it is used specifically for patients suffering from cold or stagnant constitutions, it should not be used on anyone diagnosed with too much heat. Burning moxa also produces a great deal of smoke and a pun-
Why do acupuncturists use mugwort? Why not use some other herb? Mugwort, also known as artemesia vulgaris or ai ye in Chinese, has a long history of use in folk medicine. Research has shown that it acts as an emmenagogue that is, an agent that increases blood circulation to the pelvic area and uterus and stimulates menstruation. This could explain its use in treating breech births and menstrual cramps.
gent odour. Patients with respiratory problems may request that their practitioner use smokeless moxa sticks as an alternative. How do I find an acupuncturist who practices moxibustion in my area? Moxibustion is usually taught as part of a qualified acupuncture or traditional Chinese medicine degree program. Although there are no licensing or accreditation requirements associated with the practice of moxibustion, in the United States, a practitioner must have an acupuncture license to be allowed to perform moxibustion.
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Have you tried Acupuncture? By Megan Fennell ACUPUNCTURE is a major part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is used to treat a wide range of conditions including back-pain, sciatica, muscular injuries, arthritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS), menstrual disorders, infertility, sinusitis, asthma, hay-fever, skin problems, smoking addiction, stress, fatigue, insomnia, and migraine. It is a natural system of medicine which helps the body to correct itself by realignment or redirection of energy which the Chinese call Qi (pronounced “chee”). The body contains energy pathways known as meridians or chan-
nels. When a person has a disease or ailment the flow of energy in these meridians gets blocked or interrupted creating disharmony and stagnation plus the resulting symptoms of a particular disease. By inserting fine sterile needles in certain points along the meridian the flow of energy to the blocked or stagnated meridian can be restored thus eliminating the disease. Apart from restoring a person’s health, acupuncture can be used as a preventative measure against a disease. Having a course of acupuncture before the change of each season strengthens the immune system preventing cold, flu’s and
various diseases. Having the kidney energy tonified helps to strengthen bones and ligaments. Strengthening the liver Qi helps to tonify blood. In a modern acupuncture session, an initial consultation is followed by taking the pulse on both arms along and an inspection of the tongue; it is believed that this gives the practitioner a good indication of what is happening inside the body. In Ireland acupuncture costs approximately: • €50 per session • With Medical Card: € 30 per session Classically, in clinical practice, acupuncture treatment is typically highly individualized and based on philosophical constructs as well as subjective and intuitive impressions, and not on controlled scientific research. The acupuncturist decides which points to treat by observing and questioning the patient in order to make a diagnosis according to the tradition which he or she utilizes. In TCM, there are four diagnostic methods: inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiring, and palpation. • Inspection focuses on the face and particularly on the tongue, including analysis of the tongue size, shape, tension, colour and coating, and the absence or presence of teeth marks around the edge. • Auscultation and olfaction refer, respectively, to listening for particular sounds (such as wheezing) and attending to body odour. • Inquiring focuses on the "seven inquiries", which are: chills and fever; perspiration; appetite, thirst and taste; defecation and urination; pain; sleep; and menses and leukorrhea. • Palpation includes feeling the body for tender "ashi" points, and palpation of the left and right radial pulses at two levels of pressure (superficial and deep) and three positions Cun, Guan, Chi (immediately proximal to the wrist crease, and one and two fingers' breadth proximally, usually palpated with the index, middle and ring fingers).
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Packer’s piracy splits the world of cricket MAY 13. A revolutionary deal worked out in secret during the winter, has seen an Australian publisher, Kerry Packer, sign up 35 of the world's best cricketers to play in a series of international contests in Australia this autumn. The proposals have shaken the administration of the game at Lord's as well as in Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan and the West Indies. They are seen as a direct threat to official Test cricket and the first-class game. Eighteen players from Australia and 17 from other countries have signed, with Ian Chappell and Tony Greig contracted to lead the teams.
La Passionara comes home MAY 13. Dolores Ibarruri, the ferit Communist who became rewned as "La Passionara" during Spanish Civil War, has been wed to return to her homeland er 38 years in exile, most of them tit in Moscow. It was her fiery itory that inspired the Republicans to fight on against Francos conquering army. "It is better to (lie on your feet," she shouted, "than live on your knees." She must, however, carry a measure of responsibility for the anarchy and violence which led to the civil war. At 81, she is returning to politics.
Nigel Short, 11, qualifies for Chess final
MAY 29 Nigel Short, England's chess prodigy, set a new record for his sport today when at just eleven years old he qualified as the youngest ever competitor in a national chess championship. Short, from Atherton, near Manchester, learned to play at the age of six and since then has made a meteoric rise through the chess world, beating many senior players. His greatest triumph to date was defeating Viktor Korchnoi, one of the world's top players, during a simultaneous exhibition by the Russian grandmaster. Prior to today, the youngest national qualifier was the 12-year-old Cuban Capablanca, later a major chess star. Now Nigel Short seems set to follow suit.
blast past from the
Looking back at s the 1970’
Nixon is first US President to resign AUG 8. President Richard Nixon, facing impeachment by Congress for "high crimes and misdemeanours" in the Watergate scandal, today announced his resignation. He will be succeeded by his newly appointed vice-president, Gerald Ford. Ford was until recently the Republican minority leader in the House of Representatives. He was appointed vice-president after the previous incumbent, Spiro Agnew, resigned after pleading guilty to tax evasion charges. Mr Nixon was re-elected by an overwhelming majority in November 1972 after his brilliant opening of relations with China. On June 17 1972, however, five burglars were caught putting listening devices on telephones in the Democratic party headquarters. Gradually a whole series of illegal or unethical acts on the part of the Nixon White House and the Republican campaign were revealed. Mr Nixon stubbornly refused to admit wrong-doing, but the Senate investigating committee and specialprosecutors uncovered convincing evidence of Mr Nixon's involvement in covering up wrong-doing. After the Supreme Court found against him and held that he must hand over tapes of his private conversations with aides to the courts, impeachment proceedings were only a matter of time, and Mr Nixon, defiant to the last, chose to resign rather than wait for Congress to impeach him.
Britain goes onto Three-Day Week DEC 17. Anthony Barber, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, this afternoon unveiled his pre-Christmas crisis budget, designed to cope with what he described as "the gravest situation by far since the end of the war". It cut a massive £1,200 million from public spending, including axing one in five of the schools and colleges due to be built in 1974-5. There is growing speculation at Westminster that, unless the disputes now paralysing industry, involving the coal mines, railways and power stations, are settled soon after Christmas, Mr Heath will be forced to call a general election. He needs both a strong new mandate for his policies and an answer to the question "who rules the country an elected government or the unions?". The immediate crisis has been caused by the decision by miners' leaders to continue an overtime ban, without balloting their members. Coal supplies to power stations are already down by 40 per cent. Industry and commerce is to be limited to five days' electricity consumption in the fortnight to December 30 and three days a week in the New Year. Except over Christmas and the New Year, all television services will close down at 10.30pm. The mini-budget, however, was more immediately concerned with the effects of OPEC's massive oilprice increases, shown in November's £270
million trade gap. As Mr Heath said in his broadcast last week: "If we have to have oil and pay more for it, the country will have less to spend on other things from abroad". The chancellor's priority has been to cut the nation's demand for non-oil imports in order to cope with the higher OPEC prices. His measures today, therefore, included tighter hire purchase and credit controls and a ten per cent surcharge on surtax. He has also responded to criticism of the speculative property boom by raising the tax on development gains from 30 to 50 per cent. This is expected to bring in about £80 million a year, but is a less severe measure than many had expected. Mr Barber's measures did not inlude any of the expected increases in VAT or duties on drink, cigarettes and petrol. He is clearly anxious not to push the cost of living index above the "threshold" point where it would trigger automatic pay increases all round under Phase III of the government's current prices and incomes policy. The Shadow Chancellor, Denis Healey, told Mr Barber he should tax the rich and the profits of private business rather than slash public services.
Word Puzzle!
Did you know?
Here is a game that you can play to test your skill. This game will present you with a matrix filled with letters. The objective is to form words by concatenating adjacent letters. Letters that are to the left, right, on top, bottom, or on a diagonal to each other are all acceptable.
Modern toilet invented by watchmaker It is often incorrectly quoted that the toilet was invented by a Mr Thomas Crapper in the 18th century. Actually, simple toilets have been used since Babylonian times. In 1596, John Harrington invented an indoor water closet for Queen Elizabeth I. But Harrington then published a book with tasteless puns about his own invention. The toilet then dropped into obscurity for nearly 200 years. In 1775, London watchmaker Alexander Cummings patented the forerunner of today’s toilet. the standard flush toilet. There was a Mr Crapper around at the time – he happened to be a successful plumber, appropriately. The British word for toilet, “loo”, derives from the French “garde a l’eau!” In medieval Europe people had little conception of hygiene and threw the contents of their chamber pots out the window into the street below. In France the practice was preceded by “garde a l’eau!” (“watch out for the water!”). In England, this phrase was Anglicized, first to “gardy-loo!”, then just “loo”, and eventually came to mean the toilet/lavatory itself.The American word for toilet, “john”, is called after the John Harington mentioned above. In 1913, the Russian airline became the first to feature a toilet on board. The movie Psycho is said to be the first film to show a toilet being flushed.Toilet paper is thought to have been introduced in China at around 850, long before the advent of the toilet as we know it.
SAMPLE PUZZLE Here are some words that can be found in this sample matrix: any chant panel path trench Here are some words that are not valid in this puzzle: chance - uses the 'c' twice chaps - 's' is not adjacent
WIN! 25
Untimely inventions – products before their time In 1834, Charles Babbage (1792-1871) designed the Analytical Engine, the precursor of the computer. He was unable to obtain funding for it from the government, who thought it would be worthless. There are many examples of inventions that were way ahead of their time. So much so that some would not come into use for another thousand years and some would only come into general use almost 100 years after they were designed.
1. High King who died defeating the Danes at Clontarf trips over our bar bin. (5,4) 6. Let's turn up after a century to find the ancient people who came to Ireland in about 200 B.C. (5) 9. "The ----- of Roger Casement is beating on the door." Yeats. (5) 10. Object to night being over. (5) 12. Extinct dinornis seen amongst the Macroom oatfields. (3) 13. " --- thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live." Isaiah Chap. 38 verse 1 (3) 15. Sparkling wine for Irish secondary teachers? (4) 18. Old copper leads flowing water to the one in control. (6) 21. " ---- kindly Light, among the encircling gloom." Newman. (4) 23. By word of mouth in Fennor allusion. (4) 25. Steer glance away towards pretty Donegal seaside resort near Moville. (11) 26. "She bid me take love ----, as the leaves grow on the tree." Yeats. (4) 27. Dane comes over to spell out Jonathan Swift's position. (4) 28. To admonish makes Rex hot. (6) 29. "Who ---- you?" Penny Catechism. (4) 32. Race around out east, controlled by 18 across. (3) 36. Irish football fans' cheer forms part of Mayo lexicon. (3) 37. Do be a confused arrangement at home. (5) 38. Note 3 R's with nothing included is a mistake. (5) 39. A reed is broken in ancient Louth town where Cuchulainn slew his friend Ferdia in combat. (5) 40. Let Bet rub around Cavan market town and angling centre on the Erne. (9)
The first fax process was patented in 1843 by Alexander Bain, but fax machines went into service only in 1964. In 1888, Frank Sprague completed an electric railway, but electric locomotives were introduced only in 1895. Eugene Ely landed a plane on a boat in 1911, but aircraft carriers weren’t perfected for another 20 years. The first parachute jump was made from a hot air balloon by AndreJacques Garnerinthe in France in 1793. But Leonardo da Vinci had made detailed sketches of parachutes in 1485. He also sketched studies for a helicopter, a tank and retractable landing gear.The first helicopter that could carry a person was flown by Paul Cornu in 1907. Tanks were first used during World War One in Cambrai, France in 1917. The first airplane with retractable landing gear was built in 1933. Da Vinci also suggested underwater breathing methods. Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emile Gagnon introduced scuba diving only in 1943, 458 years later. Although Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, it was only in 1938 that Howard Florey and Ernst Chain found a way to produce it, demonstrating it only in 1942. Adolph Fick first suggested contact lenses in 1888, and although two companies manufactured lenses out of glass, it wasn’t until 1948 when Kevin Tuohy invented the soft plastic lens. See invention of spectacles
DOWN 1. Bale of long mixture in region of Central Plain of Ireland stretching from Kildare to the Shannon. (3,2,5) 2. "Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor ---- bars a cage." Lovelace. (4) 3.Take heed of musical sound? (4) 4. If lambs eat ivy, what do mares and does eat in Mayo at sunrise? (4) 5. One to measure with for the soldiers. (4) 6.Toothed wheel to copy colloquially? (3) 7.Taken in by Achill imitation in the extreme. (5) 8.Wash up for the Irish playwright, (1856-1900). (4) 11. Hack devil he arranged in West Waterford feature rising 230 feet above the sea near Ring. (7,4) 14. Make the water hard, but turn it loose at first. (6) 16. Short Irish lawman is not young and will rebuke. (5) 17. Puts into flexible containers, but makes a mess of it if one makes a this of it? (4)
19. Put in order once more in seaside town. (6) 20.Tilt B.R. cone. (anag.) Monaghan site of battle where Hugh O'Neill defeated the English in 1595. (10) 22.The wood nymph seen in sundry advertisements. (5) 24. Lively Irish dance seen in Bruree, Limerick. (4) 30. Named over change. (5) 31. Commanding officer joins mother in a deep sleep .........(4) 32. ........then he joins doctor to search thoroughly. (4) 33. Not an imaginary sound to 24 down. (4) 34.Toome numbers include a list of options. (4) 35. Grouse about the bed. (4) 37. "For each --- is a dream that is dying, or one that is coming to birth." O'Shaughnessy. (3)
To be in with a chance of winning, fill out the crossword and your your name, telephone number and address and post to Puzzle Time Competition, Northwest Express, Unit 3, Riverview House, Barret Street, Ballina, Co. Mayo. - Good Luck!!
55. boy (1) 56. cee (1) 57. cep (1) 58. cob (1) 59. coo (1) 60. cos (1) 61. cox (1) 62. coy (1) 63. eel (1)
64. hes (1) 65. hob (1) 66. hos (1) 67. hoy (1) 68. lee (1) 69. les (1) 70. obe (1) 71. oho (1) 72. ooh (1)
73. ose (1) 74. oxy (1) 75. pec (1) 76. pee (1) 77. pes (1) 78. sec (1) 79. see (1) 80. sel (1) 81. sob (1)
82. sou (1) 83. sox (1) 84. soy (1) 85. yob (1) 86. you (1)
46. syce (2) 47. yobs (2) 48. bee (1) 49. bel (1) 50. bes (1) 51. bob (1) 52. boo (1) 53. bos (1) 54. box (1)
37. lees (2) 38. obes (2) 39. pecs (2) 40. peel (2) 41. pees (2) 42. peso (2) 43. seel (2) 44. seep (2) 45. spec (2)
28. coho (2) 29. coos (2) 30. cosy (2) 31. coys (2) 32. hebe (2) 33. hobo (2) 34. hobs (2) 35. hose (2) 36. hoys (2)
19. bobs (2) 20. boho (2) 21. boob (2) 22. boos (2) 23. boxy (2) 24. boys (2) 25. cees (2) 26. ceps (2) 27. cobs (2)
10. hebes (3) 11. hobos (3) 12. hosel (3) 13. lesbo (3) 14. obese (3) 15. speel (3) 16. sycee (3) 17. beep (2) 18. bees (2)
1. bleeps (4) 2. cobles (4) 3. beeps (3) 4. bleep (3) 5. bohos (3) 6. boobs (3) 7. booby (3) 8. coble (3) 9. cohos (3)
Name: Address: number: Telephone
Bar codes were invented by Bernard Silver and Norman Woodland in 1948.Their system used light to read a set of concentric circles, but they had to wait two decades before the advent of computers and lasers made their system practical. (However, the bar code system in use today is the Universal Product Code, introduced by IBM in 1973. The first bar coded item sold was a pack of gum in 1974.) Modern technology… well, somewhat… Heron of Greece suggested the used of steam power in 50 BC. But the leaders of the day thought that it would cause unemployment which may lead to unrest and the invention ran out of steam. Steam technology known to the Chinese by 800 BC. Plato, in his Hero of Alexandria of 150 BC, mentioned some 70 steam inventions. But the steam engine reappeared again only in 1698 when Thomas Savery invented a steam pump.The first practical steam engine was the atmospheric machine of Thomas Newcomen in 1701. It was used to operate pumps on coal mines. In 1769, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot drove his steam tractor, officially the first known motorcar, down a street in Paris. In 1804, English inventor Richard Trevithick introduced the steam locomotive in Wales. In 1815, George Stephenson built the world’s first workable steam locomotive. Imagine how much further developments would have been had Heron’s steam power theory been put in practice in 50 BC. The computer was launched in 1943, more than 100 years after Charles Babbage designed the first programmable device. Babbage dropped his idea after he couldn’t raise capital for it. In 1998, the Science Museum in London, UK, built a working replica of the Babbage machine, using the materials and work methods available at Babbage’s time. It worked just as Babbage had intended.
Thomas Edison invented in 1877. Peter Carl Gold theinphonograph mark invented the LP record 1948.The Compact Disc was invented by Joop Sinjou and Toshi Tada Doi in 1979. It took the CD fifteen years to replace the LP.
The first true aircraft carrier, HMS Furious, was converted from a battlecruiser into a flush-deck aircraft carrier in 1917, and it was the prototype of all flat-tops. The first aircraft carriers designed from scratch were HMS Hermes and IJN Hosho, which both were launched in 1920. HMS Furious is the only aircraft carrier which did combat operations in both World Wars. She was scrapped in 1948. Douglas Engelbart experimented in the 1960s with light pens and steering wheels and a computer rat before deciding on a mouse for computer use.
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David O'Doherty at the Roisin Dubh
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The legendary comic duo D'Un- sively all over Ireland for almost believables, Pat Shortt and Jon a decade both men went their Kenny, are delighted to an- separate ways in 2000, exploring nounce that they will be reunit- independent careers in TV, ing for a one-off nationwide tour movies and music. Up until now, from January to April 2011 titled a comeback was usually given a 'One Hell Of A Do'! "never say never" response 0310 D'Unbelievables enjoyed al- when either Pat or Jon was most cult status in their heyday asked, but they both now feel with their high-energy live the time is right. shows travelling around Ireland "We have met up regularly entertaining many with glimpses over the past few years and have inside the surreal, slightly creepy often thought seriously about and downright hilarious side of bringing all these wild characters Irish rural society. D'Unbeliev- back to life," says Jon. "We both ables return during an increas- felt that now was the time, and ingly It's going to be crazy period of Ireland's we can't wait. history and with dates booked great - hard work, but great!" chimes in, "The show is in Cashel, Ennis, Killarney,Wa- And Pat 0910 terford, Cork, Dublin, Limerick, a high energy act and we're both Castlebar, Kilkenny and Galway getting on so if we were ever they are sure to delight both going to do it, we had to do it dedicated fans and first-time au- now! We are both very excited diences alike. about it and we are having great Originally formed in the late craic rehearsing together again!" '80s in Limerick, Jon Kenny and Tickets are available from Pat Shortt created their some- 30.00 on www.ticketmaster.ie times scandalous, always uproar- as well as from The Royal Box ious on-stage characters in Office on 0818 300 000. For fur D'Unbelievables to wickedly ther information please check echo those to be seen on every The Royal Theatre & Event Cen website street corner and in every pub tre on: www.theroyal.ie in Ireland. After touring exten- or www.ticketmaster.ie
DAVID O’Doherty is the stage name of David O’Doherty: comedian, writer and 1990 East Leinster under 14s triple jump bronze medallist. In receiving The if.com Award (formerly The Perrier Award) at the 2008 Edinburgh Festival, he joined a list of former winners that includes Dylan Moran, Steve Coogan and The League of Gentlemen. He is the author of several books, including co-writing the recent bestselling 100 Facts About Pandas and the forthcoming 100 Facts About Sharks. David first stepped on stage in 1998 and a year later received The Channel 4 ‘So You Think You’re Funny’ Award for best newcomer at the Edinburgh Festival. Since that time he has toured his own solo shows around the world and performed alongside comedians such as Demetri Martin, Rich Hall and Flight of the Conchords. He recently hosted the BBC's Nevermind The Buzzcocks for the first time. His latest stand up show Somewhere Over the David O'Doherty opened at the Edinburgh Fringe where it received 5 star reviews. It deals with, among other things, bicycles, Shakira and the idea of happiness. His plans for the next year are: 1.Write the greatest comedy show ever. 2. Write the greatest television show ever. 3. Write a new children's book. 4. Master and defeat both life AND death. Playing at the Roisin Dubh on Friday 11th March, visit www.roisindubh.net for more information.
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Christy Moore Plays the TF Royal
Ballina, Co. Mayo
there’ll be no end of anecdotes and hilarious stories as he connects each song with his witty personality. From the ever popular ‘Ride On’ to ‘Black Is The Colour’ to the superb ‘Don’t Forget Your Shovel’ the music is bound to have the crowd on their feet. With close to 40 years in the business, no one can hold a live audience quite like Christy Moore. His huge album production through the decades has ensured that his music now spans generations and his fans exist throughout the world.
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Intergenerational Dance Performance is created by award-winning choreographer and dancer Liv O'Donoghue. Liv is looking for people of all ages and abilities with an interest in dance and the atre to get involved in the performance. Open Audition/workshops will take place at the Hawks Well Theatre on: • Sunday March 20th 3pm children & teenagers • Mon March 21st 11.30 adults and retired people. • Fri April 8th 11.30 adults and retired people from 3pm onwards children & teenagers For more information on the open workshops contact: Nick McCall on 0719161526 / 087 229 8181 / director@hawkswell.com
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Overnight Packages to include Tickets to Show overnight accommodation in the TF Royal Hotel and Tickets to the show are available from 110.00 per person sharing. Bookings available thru 094 9023111 or reservations@tfroyalhotel.com Tickets are available on as from The www.ticketmaster.ie as well Royal Box Office on 0818 300 000. For favorites and a few new ones from the further information please check the pen of Christy Moore himself. & Event Centre website Royal Theatre Anyone who has ever experienced on: www.theroyal.ie or www.ticketmas Christy Moore live will tell you that ter.ie
Christy Moore plays The Royal Theatre Castlebar for one night only on Saturday 19th March 2011. You’re guaranteed to hear plenty of old
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Black Shadow is a Class 1 registered Connemara Stallion. Standing at 148cm. His sire Silver Shadow Grade A international show jumper and his Dam Tawin Ballinvoucher’s grand father was the legendary Killyreagh Kim. Black Shadow has been very successful as a young stallion in the show ring. He has been placed in the All-Ireland 3year old loose jumping competition and the 4year old All-Ireland Ridden Connemara Pony discovery, he has also been placed in the RDS, Clifden and has won numerous Championships throughout the country. Having developed into a super model, he is blessed with traditional bone and feather-light movement. Black Shadow is recognised as one of the up and coming young sires in Ireland who will prove in time to be a sire to produce true to type traditional and athletic Connemara Ponies. Black Shadow’s progeny all stand on correct limbs with correct free flowing movement and like himself have brilliant temperament.
Moylough Bouncer is a fully approved R.I.D Dapple Grey outcross Stallion. Standing at 170cm. His sire Grange Bouncer is a grade A showjumper and his Dam Another June Day is by the RDS champion Grey Macha. Moylough Bouncer is a successfully performance tested young stallion, on the pathway to R.I.D sire stardom. Having developed into a fabulous model, he is blessed with an abundance of height, bone and feather-light movement. Moylough Bouncer is expertly recognised as one of the most outstanding R.I.D stallions in Ireland who will prove in time to be a sire with the genuine capability and pedigree to produce true to type proper R.I.D and traditional Irish sport horse progeny. All of Moylough Bouncers progeny are well conformed, smart featured individuals with super athletic movement and brilliant temperament like himself.Young stock have won and placed throughout Ireland in the show ring
A Western Warrior is coloured Dutch warmblood stallion. Standing at 172cm. His sire Kostolany was the World Trekehnr Breed Champion in 1987 and regained the title in 2009. His Dam Jorinde is by the world famous Samber, probably the best coloured horse in the world. A Western Warrior with his world class breeding, has been very successful in the show ring throughout the country and narrowly missed out of the final of the 3 year old loose jumping in Mill Street. This is a sire with true potential in all equestrian fields. He has just started his jumping career under saddle and has qualified for the winter league final in Turlough, Co. Mayo. A Western Warrior has produced quality foals that have won in the show ring. All his progeny bring his own super-athletic movement, good looks and of coarse temperament.
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Westport Ireland's Tidiest Town 2001, 2006 and 2008
A Snapshot of
Mayo Ballina
WESTPORT, (Irish: Cathair na Mart), is a town in County Mayo, awarded the coveted title of Ireland's Tidiest Town in 2001, 2006 and 2008. One of the few planned towns in Ireland, Westport was designed in the 18th Century by James Wyatt, commissioned by Lord Sligo of the stately Westport House, as a place for his workers and tenants to live. Today Westport is one of Ireland’s major tourist destinations. Located at the south-east corner of Clew Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, the town has many picturesque features, most notably its tree-lined, flower decorated, boulevard known as The Mall with several stone bridges over the Carrowbeg river. The famous mountain Croagh Patrick, one of Europe's best known places of Pilgrimage, presents a striking backdrop to the town.This mountain, 10 km west of the town, provides a tough ascent for thousands of pilgrims each year, many of whom climb barefoot in memory of St. Patrick, who spent forty days and forty nights fasting on the summit more than 1,500 years ago. There is a small church at the summit of the mountain and climbers can enjoy magnificent views of Clew Bay, with its enchanting islands - reputedly one for every day of the week. Heritage & Culture The Clew Bay Heritage Centre, located at the Harbour is an excellent source of information on local history and genealogy. Visit this Centre for a a glimpse of times past or to check out their extensive computer database, based on church records, cemetery records, census returns, local newspapers and street directories. Westport town and the Quay area have a wide range of excellent restaurants catering for all tastes and prices, many of which specialise in seafood. The town plays host to many festivals and events throughout the year: Westport Horse & Pony Show (May/June), Westport Folk & Blue Grass Festival, Westport Sea Angling Festival, (both June),Westport Music Festival, Gaelforce West Adventure Festival (both Aug), Westport Horse Fair (Sept),Westport Arts Festival (Oct). Contemporary art and crafts are alive and well, with art galleries such as the Custom House Studio at The Quay, the Andrew Stone Gallery on Bridge Street or the Clew Bay Hotel Gallery, all open year round. A number of craft shops in the town have work by local artists on display also. Population from Census • Westport Town 5,163 - Westport Environs 312 (2006) • Westport Town 5,314 - Westport Environs 320 (2002) • Westport Town 4,253 Westport Environs 267 (1996)
BALLINA, (gaelic Béal an Átha) home of the famous River Moy, is Mayo's largest town. There is a rich variety of pubs, restaurants and nightclubs in the town, which is famous for its hospitality and excellent accommodation base. Among Ballina's key visitor attractions are the ruins of Moyne Abbey, and Rosserk Friary dating back to the 15th century and the impressive St Muredach's Cathedral stands imposingly on the banks of the River Moy. Population from Census • 10,056 (2006) • 9,478 (2002) • 6,852 (1996) The River Moy is internationally acknowledged as an exceptional salmon fishery, producing several thousand
Castlebar CASTLEBAR (gaelic Caisleán an Bharraigh) is the county town and also the administrative seat for the county. It is a busy bustling Market Town and is one of the fastest growing towns in the country. Castlebar was originally a garrison town and derives its name from a settlement around the de Barra Castle in the 11th century. A town steeped in history with
Claremorris LYING midway between Galway and Sligo on the N17 and nestled in central Connaught, the small town of Claremorris is the hub of the West, in the heart of beautiful Mayo.A beautiful town steeped in history with a totally unspoilt environment and a relaxed way of life. Looking westwards, Croagh Patrick can be seen in the distance, giving the false impression of flatness around Claremorris when, in fact it is an area of rolling drumlins, eskers, woods and impressive lakes. Amenities Claremorris has a magical mixture of natural amenities, leisure facilities and is perfectly positioned to lend itself to a happy carefree family holiday with numerous attractions. Attractions include the McMahon Park, with walks and picnic areas, Clare Lake, fishing in Lough Carra and Lough Mask and the famous Marian Shrine in Knock, which
salmon to the rod annually. The famous Ridge Pool, the salmon anglers paradise, is located in the heart of the town. Ballina is, of course, the home of the past President of Ireland, Mrs Mary Robinson, and the favourite fishing retreat of the Republic of Ireland's ex Soccer Manager, Jack Charlton. Each year in July, Ballina ignites into a frenzy of activity with its annual Festival. Over the past four years it has developed into one of Ireland's major festivals, providing a week long feast of free entertainment for the entire family - music, song, theatre, art, heritage, culture and novelty events. Foreign visitors view and experience what is best about Mayo during this spectacular week. one of the oldest buildings being Christchurch whose foundation stones were laid in 1739. Since then it has featured in the battles of 1798 and has been the birthplace of many a famous son. Castlebar is the birthplace of many historical people including: • Enda Kenny - present Taoiseach and leader of Fine Gael • Charles J. Haughey - former Taoiseach • Louis Brennen - inventor of the monorail torpedo • Margaret Burke Sheridan - world famous soprano • It is also the home place of Lord Lucan and of former EU Commissioner Padraic Flynn Present day Castlebar is a town with a good infrastructure and with businesses covering a vast spectrum of products and services.The County Library in Castlebar has a wealth of information and resources on matters of local, historical and genealogical interest. Arts, Sports and Leisure are also well sees hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.The town also hosts the Claremorris Open Art Exhibition (COE) and annual Drama and Summer Festivals. A strong community spirit prevails in Claremorris making it a very vibrant, very progressive community and a thriving market town with a strong tradition of farming, situated as it is in rich agricultural hinterland. Céad Míle Fáilte - With a leisurely pace
catered for with numerous facilities, exhibitions, competitions and festivals which include the world famous International Four Days Walks and the Guinness Castlebar Blues Festival. We also have great accommodation facilities including B&B's, self-catering accommodation, hotels and hostels. Most importantly of all is that we pride ourselves in the welcome we give to all our visitors whether here on business, visiting relatives or just here on holidays. Population from Census • 10,655 (2006) • 10,287 (2002) • 10,005 - Urban 6,585 Rural 3,420 (1996) Access The town is well serviced with good roads including the N5 to the East and North and the N60 & N84 to the South. Iarnrod Eireann provide regular daily railway services both to and from Dublin.We are also linked by regular Bus services to every part of the country. Castlebar is only 28 miles from Ireland West Airport Knock. of life and distinct cultural tradition, the real appeal of Claremorris is its people. Wherever you go in Claremorris you will find a Céad Míle Fáilte in the hearts and on the lips of everyone you meet. Their courtesy and hospitality will captivate you and draw you back year after year. Population from Census • 2,595 (2006) • 2,101 (2002) • 1,914 (1996) * Rural hinterland 10,000