Norwich Theatre Royal Arts Award Bronze Log Book

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BRONZE Arts Award Log Book Name: ……………………………………………

Before you begin...

What is Arts Award? Arts Award is a national qualification that gives young people the chance to discover, experience and be inspired by the arts. As part of your visit to Norwich Theatre Royal, you’ll get to be creative, develop skills in communication and team-work, as well as experience new art forms.

Norwich Theatre Royal

Norwich Theatre Royal is one of East Anglia’s premiere arts venues. It’s a ‘receiving’ house which means productions arrive ready-made as part of a national tour. The theatre seats around 1300 and attracts an annual audience of around 380,000 people. There’s around 100 employees working across departments such as box office, catering 2 Front of House, backstage technical, press & marketing & more!

Contents What is Arts Award?

Pages 2-5

Part A: Take part

Pages 6-11

Part B: Attend an arts event

Pages 12-15

Part C: Find your arts inspiration

Pages 16-19

Part D: Share your skills with others

Pages 20-25

Bronze Checklist Part A - Take Part in the arts - Describe: the arts activity - Inform: what you enjoyed, learnt and how skills have improved - Record: include evidence

Part B - Attend an arts event - Attend: experience as an audience member - Review: describe what you thought about it - Share: discuss your responses with others

Part C – Arts inspiration - Pick someone to find out about and say why you chose them - Research their arts career, life and work - Summarise what you found out about their artistic life

Part D - Pass on your arts skills to others - Plans for your skills share - Deliver and record a sharing activity - Review how well it went


Before you begin...

What is Arts Award? Arts Award is a national qualification that aims to inspire young people to connect with and take part in the wider world of the Arts, through exploring & undertaking challenges in an art form. You can work independently as well as participate in sessions with industry professionals to learn new skills. You’ll develop your creativity, build leadership skills and expand upon the skills you already have. Upon successful completion of the Bronze Arts Award you will be presented with a Trinity College London certificate and a Level 1 qualification. You may wish to continue your journey by moving to the next and highest levels of Arts Award - Silver & Gold. This is a nationally recognised accreditation so you can add ‘Bronze Arts Award’ to your CV, include it in your university/job applications and discuss it at interviews. This log book contains space for you to write observations and provide evidence of your journey to completing your Arts Award.


What’s next...?

How to achieve it Throughout the journey through Bronze Arts Award you should be collecting evidence of what you have done and using the pages of this log book to reflect on your experiences. You can work through this log book but feel free to make all or part of your Arts Award portfolio in digital formats or online. There is a dedicated Arts Award digital platform and app: It’s a fun and free way for you to create an Arts Award portfolio online. Alternatively you could use free online tools like BlogSpot, Comic Life or Wordpress, or upload work to social networking sites like Facebook, Flickr or Vimeo. Arts Award evidence can be recorded using a range of formats including blogs, posters, drawings, tickets, leaflets, photography, film and audio recordings. Evidence can be attached to the log book, saved on a CD or online links detailed to make it easier for the adviser (NTR education team and Trinity moderators) to find the evidence of what you have done for each part of the award.


Part A: Take Part in the arts

Explore the arts as a participant

Describe What are your ideas about the arts activities that you are going to do?

What do you want to learn from it?


Stick a ny pho tos of y particip ou ating in the arts here!

Explain which skills are going to be useful...


Part A: Take Part in the arts

Explore the arts as a participant

Inform What did you take part in?

Describe what you learnt:


Stick a ny pho tos of y particip ou ating in the arts here!

What did you find inspiring?


Part A: Take Part in the arts

Explore the arts as a participant

Record What did you enjoy?

How did your ideas develop?


Stick a ny pho tos of y particip ou ating in the arts here!

Were there any challenges?


Part B: ATTEND an arts event Explore the arts as an audience member Write about at least one arts event that you have been to:

This m ight b e wat theatr ching e/ano t he p r ther li oduc ve ve tion a book n ue or t the or pla y o u cou y a nd ld rea includ da e tha audie t as y nce a o ur ctivity .


Part B: REVIEW an arts event Explore the arts as an audience member Write about or show your thoughts about this experience. What did you like or dislike? How was it different from your expectations? How did being an audience member make you feel? Would you recommend the experience to others?

Don’t forge t to provid e evidenc e o f yo u r a u dience me mber experienc e ―keep yo ur ticket!


Part B: ATTEND an arts event

Share Share your ideas with one or more people through a blog, website, notice board, discussion, presentation or any other way you can think of to impart them. Use this space for planning/making notes:

In this space, tell us how you communicated your thoughts


Record any key discussion points here:

To share your reviews with other young people doing their Arts Award please log in to: See what other people have been doing and share your Arts Award journey too: 15

Part C: Arts Inspiration

Find Out Choose








background and career. This could be, for example, an actor, director, writer, musician, costume, set, lighting, sound designer, and perhaps they are connected to Norwich Theatre Royal. It cannot be a fictional person such as a character on stage.

Who will you choose?


Research an artist you admire

Summarise Provide a summary of your research. Include what you have learnt about their arts career & why this person inspired you.


Part C: Arts Inspiration

Presenting your findings

An artist I admire: Use this space to provide evidence of your research. This might be in the form of a collage, performance, presentation, photo gallery or written report. Don’t forget you can create a blog or film and provide web links instead.


Use the se pag es to d emons you to trate w chose hat ins this pe pired rson an researc d the m h you h ethods ave un of dertak Why no en. t includ e photo s, cuttin an d w e gs b links ?


Part D: Arts skill share

Passing on your arts skill

Skill share Think of a creative skill you can share with one or more people and lead a short activity based workshop.

You may need to consider the following:


Select the skill you are going to pass on

A description of the skill

Why you have chosen to deliver it

How you plan to share this

What resources or support you will need

Who you will be sharing your skill with

How you will get feedback about the activity

Part D: Arts skill share

Plan Why not share something you discovered in Part A?


Part D: Arts skill share

Pass on your arts skills to others

Deliver Use this space to show how you carried out your skill-sharing activity


Why no t includ e phot os as e videnc Y ou ca e? n c re a t e a blog or film and pr ovide w eb link s instea d.


Part D: Review

Sharing your exploration with others

Reflections How did the skill share go?

What did participants learn?

Is there anything you would do differently next time?


What went well? What didn’t go so well? Did you find anything difficult or particularly enjoyable? How might you develop your skills further? What feedback did you receive and how was this helpful?


Well done! You have completed your Bronze Arts Award. To receive the cer ficate, from Trinity College London, give your completed log book to NTR Educa on. Make sure you fill in each part of the log book and provide all your contact details below: Your contact details: Name: …………………………………………………………………………………. Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………...…………………. Postcode: …………………….....……… Date of birth: ……………/……………/……………. Ethnicity…………………………………………………………… School name and address: ………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………... Email: ………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………..

If you have any ques ons please contact Norwich Theatre Royal’s educa on dept.

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