Brand Book of Iliyard

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BRAND BOOK OF ILIYARD Contents 04 08 11 13 14 18 20 22 23 24 26 28 30

Introduction Mission and Vision Values Color Palettes Logo Guidelines Typography Brand Persona Tone of Voice Copywriting Social Media Guidelines Message Architecture Email Signature Imagery

brand book of iliyard



Logo Guidelines


Class A Business Center Class A represents the newest and highest quality building in the market. Class A is determined by construction and infrastructure quality, design, and professional management. This space is newly constructed, with excellent technological systems and amenities. The building is in a high-visibility location, such as part of the city, becoming a central business district. Appropriate companies are hired to maintain their impeccable look at all times. It’s spacious, has a higher ceiling and a grand central lobby. Offices in these buildings are popular among high-profile companies.

Brand Book of Iliyard


About Brand Book This brand book provides a simple, yet solid set of brand

tity, including: our name, logo, color palettes, typography,

guidelines that are flexible to use and can be easily under-

language, style, tone of voice, social media presence, read-

stood. The purpose of these guidelines are intended to

ability, grammar and more. The standards within were cre-

assist Iliyard in delivering a consistent style in everything

ated to give you a technical understanding of the compo-

that we do.

nents and structure of the brand - Iliyard.

The brand book will introduce you to the personality, appearance and voice of Iliyard. Provided guidelines describe the visual and verbal elements that represent Iliyard’s iden-

About Iliyard In developing a strong brand identity that communicates

importantly a statesman that laid the ground for the

firmly to its direct customers (organizations) and everyone

modern Georgia as we know it.

else in the business district, we generated a strong brand name Iliyard, the meaning of which is twofold.

The second part - Yard - associates to the area nearby where new business oriented buildings are being built. The

The first part - Iliya - is derived from Ilia Chavchavadze and

lingua-franca element which is represented in the English

his unique role in the Georgian society, where he is associat-

language, allows Iliyard to carry an international feel to its

ed with the growth and development of Georgia. He is and

name. In combination, we get a strong brand name that has

will always have a respected place in the Georgian culture

a regionally emotional an internationally accepted feeling.

as a successful businessman, politician, writer and most


Brand Book of Iliyard


Our Mission Iliyard’s mission is to create the most up-to-date and unique office experience for the strongly growing business segment of Georgia. We aim at elevating the lifestyles of anyone entering the building. It’s a place that provides premium workspace solutions, networking opportunities, and other business services. We believe it’s a place-to-be for prestigious organizations.

Our Vision As the Vision for Iliyard, its place in the city and the emerging business district, our primary objective is to create a brand that is going to directly associate with progressive, successful, and independent Georgia. Our vision is to create an archetype of a new business persona, a modern visionary that can achieve his or her ambitious goals in the modern world and live up to the challenges of the 21 century. A Georgian success story, an inspiration for younger generations, and an opportunity for businessmen and women to conduct their endeavors within the most sophisticated Georgian product and service that ever existed – Iliyard.


Brand Book of Iliyard

Iliyard creates a space for business opportunities, networking, and ambiance to enjoy your time.

Values Our core values define our brand persona and decisions made

Like-minded professionals meet at Iliyard, forming a communi-

throughout business and communication. Our values are

ty. We engage with our customers, partners, employees and

aligned with our target audiences’ desires and needs, we are

communities with flexibility to achieve goals.

determined to creating an atmosphere fittings these principles.

After extensive analysis and observation of market dynamics around the emerging business district of Tbilisi, we concluded

Iliyard creates a space for business opportunities, networking,

that Iliyard should not solely position itself as a building in

and ambiance to enjoy your time. We know our customers are

which fancy offices are available for rent. As a brand, Iliyard is

respectable people, who enjoy comfortable and magnificent

in a unique position to build a strong identity with a mission

lifestyles. That’s why we cover all essential and administrative

and vision to greatly contribute and lead the development

needs. We want them to feel we care about details from the

processes of the new business center that is being built on Ilia

moment they step into the lobby, while walking to their office,

Chavchavadze Avenue in Vake.

or having a fulfilling break so that they can focus on growing their businesses.



Our approach is upper-class, glamorous, charming and classy.

We strive for building a cultural and economical center on the avenue under the name of Ilia Chavchavadze, who played a major role in the creation of Georgian civil society.

Exclusivity The appeal of our business center is being a part of the exclusive community.


Color Palette

Color Palette


Gatsby Blue

Porcelain White



R:12 G:26 B:47

R:244 G:246 B:246

C:93 M:82 Y:51 K:64

C:3 M:1 Y:2 K:0

Color choices speak to the brand and influence customers. Consistent use of color strengthens the awareness of the brand and makes communication clear. A color palette is the range of colors set for the brand identity. Our primary colors are Grasy Blue, Porcelain White and Brooklyn Yellow. Gatsby Blue - Dark blue is associated with stability and intelligence. It often evokes emotions such as trust, faith, power and confidence. This color exhibits professionalism and luxury. Brooklyn Yellow - This shade of yellow is the color of success, achievement, and triumph. Associated with abundance and

Brooklyn Yellow D7A16A R:215 G:161 B:106 C:15 M:39 Y:65% K:0

prosperity, luxury and quality, prestige and sophistication, value and elegance, the psychology of this color implies affluence, material wealth and extravagance. The combination of these two colors creates a smooth balance of a professional, yet energetic environment.

Brand Book of Iliyard

Pearl Grey

Rock Grey



R:179 G:185 B:188

R:146 G:151 B:153

C:30 M:21 Y:21 K:0

C:45 M:35 Y:35 K:1

Logo Guidelines


Logo Guidelines The logo of Iliyard is the most distinctive visual element of our brand system. Our logo consists of a wordmark - company’s name and a logo mark, representing the building Iliyard itself. The lettering is created using the Perpetua typeface, which is a serif font, with a delicate structure somewhat similar to British fonts from the eighteenth century. The symbol represents the building of Iliyard and is accompanied by an elegant serif letter mark.

Brand Book of Iliyard

Logo Guidelines

Primary & Secondary Logos Our brand carries two logo applications: primary and secondary

Considering how the logo is built, it is recommended to use pri-

logos. The Centered/Vertical logo is the official version and it is

mary logo in the center of page. Although, as mentioned above,

designed for primary use. However, in other cases where space is

the secondary logo can be used in other scenarios (Emails, docu-

limited for the official logo, a justified, horizontal one can be

ments where the logo needs to be placed near the edges, etc).

used. Besides these versions there is an additional third version consistThe distance and proportions between icon, divider and word-

ing of icon only (view on next page). This version works best

mark must be maintained as shown below in both, primary and

where the space is limited.

secondary logos.

Color Usage Color usage is also very important during placing the logo. Make sure to use provided color combinations. It is recommended to use white logo on blue background whenever possible.

Brand Book of Iliyard



Logo Guidelines

Scaling Limits Print minimum sizes

Digital minimum sizes

Do: Make sure to leave enough space for the logo to breathe;

44 px.

22 mm.

Use bright or neutral backgrounds to create an engaging and charming entryway;

36 px.

18 mm.

Use a bright logo on dark backgrounds to enhance its details;

The logo of iliyard can be used as an icon too.

When possible pace use the Iliyard logo in provided primary colors of the brand.

Do Not: Icon Wordmark

Icon Only

Do not embellish the logo with embossing, drop shadows, etc. This does not look good when resized or shown on different screens; Do not rotate the logo, stay consistent; Make sure the logo is visible when applied on images;

Icon Wordmark

Do not place the logo in the focal point of the image.

Logo Guidelines


Co-Branded Logo Iliyard can enter into partnerships with other enterprises in the course of doing business. The use of the Iliyard logo must be carefully considered in these situations. Please use the guides below. Note: partners logo should not exceed the height and weight of Iliyards logo. You may use the text “Partner Logo Here” as a guide of a minimal space for partner logo placement.

Partner Logo Here

Partner Logo Here

Partner Logo Here

C:45 M:35 Y:35 K:1

Brand Book of Iliyard

Typography Typography is another critical part of our brand system. Given the characteristics of our brand, we have carefully selected the Serif fonts for Iliyard. While the lettering of the logo is created using Perpetua typeface, all written communications of Iliyard are done using the Marcellus font family. Marcellus is a set of flared serif typeface families, inspired by classic Roman inscription letterforms. These elegant fonts exude clarity and beauty for both on-screen and printed materials.




Hierarchy Always ensure a proper hierarchy of messaging. Reserve use of Marcellus SC for calling out important details and headlines. Always use Marcellus for body texts.

Marcellus Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnoplmnopqrstuvwxyz

Certain official communications require a minimum font size. For these specific documents, we use Marcellus in 11 pt font. Always ensure a proper hierarchy of messaging. Reserve use of Marcellus SC for calling out important details and headlines. Always use Marcellus for body texts. Certain official communications require a minimum font size. For these specific documents, we use Marcellus in 11 pt font.

Heading - 34 pt/40 pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIi Sub Heading - 18 pt/21 pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIi Content - 13 pt/15 pt AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIi

Brand Book of Iliyard


Marcellus SC ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnoplmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@#$%^&*

brand persona



Brand Persona

iliyard has a sophisticated taste, so do our customers A brand persona is a collection of personality traits, attitudes

the somewhat mysterious Iliyard. We appreciate service, the pol-

and values that our brand showcases to connect with a certain

ished look and pleasant temperature of the office, and attention

audience segment.

to detail. Iliyard has an image like Jay Gatsby; he appears surrounded by spectacular exclusivity, courted by powerful men

If Iliyard was a person, it would be glamorous, good-looking,

and women.

ambitious, and audacious. Prestigious people are drawn to

Our Customers


The Iliyard Business Center has two types of customers: Busi-

Our service must be responding to our customers’ desires and problems.

ness-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer. Delivering exclusive and relevant experiences to consumers is core to our brand, as they choose this place to make bold statements about the quality of their company. Below are some of our customer needs:

Legacy We strive for building a cultural and economic center on the avenue under the name of Ilia Chavchavadze, who played a major role in the creation of Georgian civil society.

Exclusivity The appeal of our business center is being a part of the exclusive community.

Brand Book of Iliyard


Brand Persona

Tone of Voice Iliyard combines magnificence and excellence, in accordance our tone of voice is reflects on our lifestyle people wish to have and would be their number one choice if they could afford it. The tone of voice should be confident, timeless, smart and formal. In every single communication, the tone is elegant and sentences are brief. We use a functional tone of voice across all platforms to deliver a clear message

Do Keep our speech brief; Use proper grammar; Be favorable.

Do Not Express uncertainty; Use obscure references to jokes or trends.


Brand Persona


Copywriting Copywriting is essential part of communication to small and large audiences. It is important to reserve consistency in tone of voice and structure. It is the act of writing marketing and other promotional materials for various channels. The tone of voice for copywriting should be proper and formal, however, keeping things slightly casual will reduce confusion and increase efficiency. Avoid vague or complicated sentences. The copywriter tells a story about the company, upcoming events, or important news concisely, considering the busy schedules of our customers. Copywriting is essential part of communication to small and large audiences. It is important to reserve consistency in tone of voice and structure. It is the act of writing marketing and other promotional materials for various channels.

Language and Grammar Our customers expect Iliyard to demonstrate high standards of both English and Georgian. Texts detail rules of spelling, punctuation and grammar. Fluent English will attract the international society. Brand Book of Iliyard

Social Media Guidelines

Social Media Guidelines Consistency is essential to ensuring that Iliyard stays credible. Every section of the social media channel is filled, including bio, pictures, videos, services, and contact information. It is important to create and share content that is relevant to the brand. Maintain a formal tone of voice throughout any social media campaigns. This will help us attract the right audience and build better relationships with them. In case of creating a new account on the mediums, make sure to use profile photo, cover photo, about page description and user name options provided in social media kit.


Do Not:

Share visual content branded with the logo;

Overshare information on services and offers;

Be consistent and reserve the guidelines of using visual style and colors;

Write long texts that are time-consuming to read;

Follow Iliyard’s tone of voice and Persona.

Avoid using too many emojis in posts and comments.

Social Media Activity Choose one day a week to post on social media, most preferably during lunch hours. Focus on visual content and a short text that will bring a customer to the website.


Brand Book of Iliyard


Message Architecture Message architecture is a set of words or phrases that con-

Key Essence + Promise + The Message

veys our organization’s messaging intent, priorities, and goals. It is a vital component of content strategy. It keeps every aspect of Iliyard’s communication aligned, and helps


Not Uncertain


Not Complicated


Not Unorganized


Not Amateur


Not Restricted

everyone in the organization deliver consistent messaging. The message architecture of Iliyard contains the following components: key essence, promise, and the message. The key essence of what we offer: Iliyard is a unique office space for professionals that strive towards progress. Promise and our vision: we aim to create a brand that is directly associated with a successful, elevated lifestyle. All the messages must be consistent, outlining brand characteristics.



Email Signature Website + Social Media + Email A professional email template is designed to reflect the company's identity and credibility. It is important to consider uniformity in tone of voice, copywriting, and imagery when sending an email. Everyone must use email signatures conforming to the same template, accompanied by a company logo and contact details. This will further build recognition among contacts. Make sure to use Serif font while typing the Email.

Name Surename Position at Iliyard

web: email:


Imagery As an upper-class brand, we must have a consistent look and feel across every element. Brand photography represents the guidelines that link visual identity together. Visual elements portrayed in illustrations, imagery, and print materials are to be minimalistic and monochromatic. Imagery should translate a our personality and make it recognizable by telling the story of how influential organizations come together in one building. Avoid distracting elements or vivid colors. Minimal and desaturated imagery gives a tasteful feeling, compelling composition. Focused objects create a sense of depth.


Brand Persona


Think of these guidelines less as a set of rules and more as a tool that that provides a range of ways to help a broad, diverse group of individuals communicate with a common voice.

Brand Book of Iliyard

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