It’s the beginning of a new year and even a new decade! The start of a fresh year is the perfect opportunity to set yourself goals, new habits and declutter your house! Now I know you’re probably thinking “that’s all too overwhelming” but I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be! Creating healthy habits and even decluttering your home can be done bit by bit! You can expect to change your whole lifestyle and home in one day, these things take time. Here are my top tips on goal setting and decluttering your home and mind for the new year!
Usually when you think of goals for the new year things like “lose 10 kgs” or “save for a home” can come to mind. But goals like these can tend to be short lived unless you have deep purpose as to WHY you want to achieve those things. You can’t rely on motivation year-round to achieve these goals, rather you need to have a bigger purpose that will drive you to move closer towards that goal each and every day. Let’s look at it this way; instead on focusing on “losing X amount of weight” you decide to be healthier because you want to be able to run around with your kids, or you want to FEEL amazing then THAT is a good purpose and reason for you to move your body each day and make healthier food choices.
Once you have decoded on your goals and PURPOSE behind those goals then it’s time to decide your new habits that will get you close to these goals each day. For example, if it’s to be healthier for your kids some daily habits would be; drink 2-3L of water per day, eat regularly and move 3 times a week. This then gives you easy tasks to tick off each day/week. If it’s to save for a new home you would want to come up with some daily saving habits you can complete. It could be simply making coffee at home in the morning instead of buying it each day, or shopping at a cheaper supermarket. In ‘Steph Pase Planners’ each week has a habit tracker so you can write down these small habits and tick them off as you go! Achieving your goals and creating new habits doesn’t have to be hard or overwhelming. Small daily habits add up to amazing results!
photocredits: ALF THE LABEL (B + C)
Clear home leads to a clear mind! Again when it comes to tackling your home- you don’t need to look at the entire picture. Complete the declutter section by section, whether that be a drawer each day or an area each week! In the ‘Steph Pase Planners’ I have a couple of easy to follow declutter and spring cleaning challenges throughout which set you small achievable tasks each day and by the end of the month you’ve made a complete transformation! To check out the ultimate organisation and motivational planner for 2020 head to I hope these tips have helped you prepare your amazing self for 2020!!
@justanothermummyblog @stephpaseplanners