Nourish april 2017 issue 69

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Photo: ©P Nielsen 1

Photo: © PNielsen 2

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4 Radiant Runes 5 Thoughtforms 6 Loving Us 8 The Ultimate Relationship 10 Choices 14 The Energies of April 2017 20 Change 24 Messengers of the Earth 28 Digize Essential Oil Blend 30 What's on our Fork 31 Forked - Meringue Crust, Pineapple Cheesecake Filling 32 Power Animal - Scorpion

Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2017 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to

36 Crystal Reading for April 38 Navigating by the Stars April 40 Navigating by the Stars Astro Cliff Notes April 44 Lunar Cycles - April - Full & New Moon 48 The Star 50

April Messages drawn from Earth Magic by Dr. Steven Farmer

52 Rune Casting For April 54 Angel Message for April


Photo: Š JBaker

"We needed the darkness, to revel in the light..." 3 years ago now, I was inspired to start building these sculptures, when the woman I loved was having bad nightmares. I envisioned something grounded, bright and colourful near her head when she slept to put her mind at ease. Months of experimenting, designing, sourcing, and learning have evolved into these, my Radiant Runes, by far the most catalytic project in my life.


Connect with Radiant Runes 4


Welcome to April!

Sometimes you get lucky and see something that blows your mind and heart wide open. The picture on the right is one of those things, and trust me the picture does not do this piece of art justice. I was pleasantly surprised to discover Radiant Runes, a Vancouver Island artist, at a Gem and Mineral show in March. The energy that these pieces gave off was indeed incredible. A beautiful, natural mix of crystals and wood, which is hand selected. Once selected, each piece becomes a work of art, which has small light strings threaded through to light up the crystals from below. Check out Radiant Runes on Facebook and Etsy; you can purchase directly from there. 10% of all profits go to the Cumberland Community Forest Society. Trust me when I say the energy is very pure, it is very fresh, and I attribute that to the gentle energy of the artist, Jon Baker. The company’s motto “We need the darkness to revel in the light.” Looking forward to selecting a piece to call mine this month! Seeing this reminded me that we need almost to take off our “eyes” so to speak, and not to see things as we always do. To look beyond face value into the depths, and indeed see something for all its potential. How many of us would notice the branches that have fallen off a tree in a windstorm and see a piece of art waiting to be created? What could we see in our world if we put down our conditions from past perception and see it with fresh eyes? I think we would see that there is so much hope and promise. Today my soul was urging me to let go of my logic and find a puddle to dance in. To throw caution to the wind and disregard that my hair does not like the rain and just go for it. To let my thoughts slip past the idea of wet socks and ruined shoes (yuk) and just enjoy the pure joy of jumping in a puddle and seeing the water splash up. The birds seemed to be in agreement with my soul and were chirping cheerfully. I could almost hear them say “puddle, puddle, puddle!” It brought a smile to my face, but alas, logic and being at work won out, but the joy of the thought stayed with me all day!

There seems to be magic afoot, and I encourage all of you to find something that brings joy to you, no matter how silly or insignificant it seems. April, the showers might be torrential, but with the showers comes the hope and promise of a beautiful spring. Soon everything will be budding and blossoming, the flowers, the trees, and even you.


Marlene Connect with Marlene at facebook 5

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Buddha 6

Since the beginning of the year, we have been asked to love ourselves, to work on being more loving to ourselves by many authors. I am sure that most of us would think “I do love myself!” followed quickly by the thought “isn’t self-love selfishness, conceited or narcissistic?” The concept of selflove can be a double-edged sword. It should not be sullied by selfishness, conceit, nor pushed aside because self-love is vital for our health and happiness. We should be striving to love ourselves as much as we love our pets or children. No conditions placed upon it, and no limits.

yourself, and understanding that the one person who can make you feel whole and happy is yourself. The more you can accept/embrace the totality of who you are – embracing all of your moods even if you don’t like the characteristics presented – you expand your capacity for love. Our emotions get triggered without much thought from us. We cannot help whether we feel angry or loving, and certainly, we can’t control other people and their perceptions, but we can accept them for what they are. When you are no longer seeking love from outside sources, you will discover you are happy to be you. You will not seek out others to fill voids because there will not be any to fill. Our world today needs people who are secure in themselves. When we fully love ourselves, we no longer desire to give our power away to others. We can stand up against anything and join with others to have our voices heard.

The very basis of self-love ensures that we are capable of unconditionally loving others and receiving unconditional love from others. Self-love is not about self-actualizing, but rather benefiting all of humanity. We are raised with the notion that love has everything to do with how we express ourselves towards others. And in turn how others express themselves towards us. Never was it brought forth to us about how we expressed ourselves towards ourselves. It meant that it was ok to have harming self-dialogue, no one bats an eye around that. It might explain why as a society we started to seek love through material items, and external relationships. We seek out better jobs, better bodies, better vehicles, better homes, better vacations, better clothes, all for the sake of attempting to fill a void that never quite gets satisfied. It is a continuous circle of thinking life will be better just as soon as I get_____.

So how exactly do we work on loving ourselves? In the words of Elizabeth Gilbert “Accept the glorious mess you are.” That is where you start. Every single aspect, and appreciate the good, the bad, and the ugly. Be nice to others but first to yourself – improve your self-talk and quiet your inner critic. Speak your truth, decline invitations, even if that means upsetting someone. If you lie to others, you are lying to yourself. Understand where you are placing your energy, on all levels, emotional, mental and physical. Do they bring your joy? If not look to change them up.

When we fall in love with someone, we enjoy this incredible rush, you all know what I am talking about. If someone could bottle that feeling and sell it, they would be very wealthy! You might think that this has everything to do with the other person, but it does not. They contribute to that feeling, however, the more we love ourselves, the more we can accept someone else’s love. We are experiencing our love reflected back to us.

Don't do something just because someone tells you to. Do you want to do it? Good, then do it, otherwise, say no. Don't wait to do what you want to do, just go for it. If you continually wait for others to do things with, you will end up with a life full of regrets. Stop comparing – appreciate what you have – life is not going to be perfect there will always be something to deal with, live your life the best you can and forget about what others are doing.

We devote a lot of energy to making relationships work. More often than not we compromise or sacrifice something to ensure the other person feels good and also to gain their adoration. Moments creep in where we get upset with the other person for not reciprocating, well, to your eyes. We want them to make us feel good about ourselves. Placing the responsibility on them to make us happy, content, and even worthy. Sacrificing in exchange for love is learned at a very early age.

Be discerning. Listen more to your gut, your intuition and less to your ego, brain. If you get a bad vibe chances are you are getting it for a reason. Don't think you can change or mold something into something it is not. You can only change yourself. Same goes for sharing your dreams, desires, listen to your gut before you share. Not everyone will have your best interest at heart and would just as soon cut you down.

Our ego gives us a false sense of being loved by convincing us that the more we do, the more we are loved, and also that the more someone does for us, the more they love us.

Meditation – even if you believe you can’t meditate, take time each day for quiet, peace comes from within and meditating helps bypass fears and touches the source of our true selves.

Given the number of people, who on any given day, are searching for love because their relationships fail, leads me to believe that we all need to start understanding just how important self-love is. How many people are in counselling because they feel unloved? How much anger is there in the world because people are waiting for love and not receiving it?

Make friends with yourself, heck fall in love with yourself. Keep in mind that self-love is not arrogance or grandiose thinking you are superior to others. It is simple, quiet and non-judging. Realize that the art of self-love cannot be mastered overnight, nor will it happen in a month or year, it is a lifelong commitment. Life is such that others, ourselves or even life events will continue to present opportunities for growth, and self-love is not immune to experiencing those lessons.

Love is not outside of you. It is what you are. It is about self-worth and creativity, and it is unconditional. Humans place labels and conditions around what love requires. The expression of love takes many forms and cannot be given to you from another person unless you have the capacity to allow it in. You have to love yourself to accept what others offer you. They can reflect love to you. However, it is still your love that you are experiencing. Hence why each person experiences love differently. Unconditional love does not mean, contrary to popular belief; that you are willing to do anything for another. It means that you want what is best for everyone involved, including yourself.

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By committing yourself to doing what is most loving for you, you bring harmony to all areas of your life. It means being present, not abandoning



The Ultimate Relationship – it is with ourselves, first, that we must learn to live happily ever after.

allow the loving energy of the Universe to come flowing through. We touch on that place of being love.

As an evolving species, it is only natural that our relationships will also evolve. Love is a manifestation of Life Force. We seek love, for it is basic to our survival. As plants turn towards the sun, so we look for the warmth of loving connections. Each of us has emerged from a sea of loving consciousness, the oneness from which each soul differentiates itself for the three dimensional experience. Deep within our awareness is the memory of the external, constant love in which our essence was bathed. The Soul, while merged into that oneness, experienced a profound, harmonious completion. Throughout our lifetime experience, it is this completion that we are continually seeking.

Unfortunately, we err again, attributing that feeling to an external source, the lover. When things don’t work out, or love is withdrawn, we assume that something is wrong with one of us. Either I am not lovable, or the other is not capable of love. We move into a place of judgment, either of self or other. Judgment and love are mutually exclusive. We cannot do both at the same time. If we are on a path of growth, gradually we awaken to the truth that no one can give what we are seeking. Not our parents, not our children, not our friends or our lovers.

The divine, constant and eternal love that we seek exists within us already. It is inherent in our Souls. We have taken on physical form so that we can experience that Universal Oneness in this dimension. Yet it seems so difficult to give ourselves the unconditional loving and acceptance that we would give readily to our children, our friends, and our partners. It is with ourselves, first, that we must learn to live happily ever after. The blossoming of a new love is a mirror for the joy that we could experience if we loved ourselves fully. We have paid lip service to this concept for a long time, but relationship struggles are the wake up calls that remind us that we are looking in the wrong place for fulfillment.

The powerful maternal connection is designed to ease the transition of the Soul into physical form. The child cries, because discomfort is a new and foreign experience. When an infant, only days or weeks old, giggles while sleeping, it is because he or she is remembering, or perhaps reexperiencing, the joyful energies felt by spirit prior to taking up residence in this tiny body. The Soul is Love. The Essence of our being is Love. Somehow in the confusion of moving between dimensions, an error in consciousness occurs. If not corrected, a lifetime of pain and struggle ensue. The error is in striving to be loved, rather than to BE LOVE.

Is this to suggest that we can live without loving relationships? Not exactly. We will not live well without a loving relationship with ourselves. And when we have this, we no longer need the love of others.

From early on we look to others to love us, to try to recreate that memory of harmonious completion. We associate this with the unconditional love of the Mother, rather than with our own Soul, because that is our earliest conscious memory of love. But the Mother cannot always be with us, and so we experience the pain of separation and loss. We think we are out of love. This is like having millions in the bank, but not knowing it, and living life as a pauper, begging in order to meet our most basic needs. Oblivious to our own inner resources, it is easy to become dependent on others.

Once we have truly learned to love and honor ourselves, there is no longer duality within us, and we become living expressions of love. We are Love. If two such beings come together, then there is a beautiful celebration of Souls. If we all do it, then we transcend all duality, and create Heaven on Earth. If you go deep into the recesses of your consciousness, you may find a vague recollection that this was the plan.

After the powerful experience of the Mother’s love for her newborn, the next big external rush comes with romantic love. Realizing that the Mother’s (or parent’s) love is not the eternal, constant force that is vaguely recalled in the depths of consciousness, hope is revived in the form of the Lover. Ah, that we could be swept off our feet and carried to that blissful place of eternal joy. And in some senses we are. Not because we are loved, but because we open our hearts, and

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, MP3’s and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to and ‘Like’ Gwen on FaceBook! 9


I have just been through a period where I have chosen to allow other members of my family to come to their own solution to an extended family issue. I deliberately did not try to influence any of my immediate family and only offered an opinion when asked and even then I tempered that down. I decided that this was the safest thing emotionally for me to do. I have long ago emotionally separated from my husband’s side of the family chain. On the other hand, I have a hard time as a Mother/wife/healer and generally compassionate women from keeping my opinion when it affects my children ( even though they are adults) and my husband to myself, so remaining neutral was not easy for me to do. But I decided to honour the fact that everyone involved was an adult and as such entitled to form their own opinions on the events that had been presented. It was interesting to watch and see how each member of my family has chosen to deal with this issue. I can see and appreciate each one of their positions and also the way they have decided to address it. And also find it really interesting how differently they have come to handling how they wish to resolve the matter at hand. Being a parent and learning to let your kids grow up and becoming adults who need to do things their way and on their terms is at times a challenge. I naturally like to be heard and have been told many times that I need to let them do things as they want too because they are adults! I think what I have learnt from actually stepping back from the emotional mind field of being the protective mother and allowing my kids and husband to formulate their own pathways is that I did a great job as a mother. I have reared strong, loving and compassionate human beings who are productive members of society and are in turn great parents to their own kids. We, my husband and I, did our best to give them a strong foundation and to teach them to be respectful, honest, and kind and I believe we succeeded. In my case, it has never been an easy thing to remain silent and to allow those I love to 11

make their own errors if I can see solutions. The one great thing about ageing is that at times wisdom does rain down upon you and if you listen to the sage advice within you, you can learn that silence can be a fabulous strength to incorporate. Sometimes you do learn more by observing and listening and not offering an opinion. Families can help you soar and fly or can cage and negate you. Learning that you have the right and also the power to not allow the family to affect you negatively is so freeing. It does not make you indifferent or not compassionate or unloving. It just means that you love yourself enough not to allow yourself to attach to the drama or negativity from a family member. You do not need to engage or comment you can remain emotionally neutral. The choose is yours. I am so happy that I can trust that my family have the tools to continue to make good choices in tough situations and to know that I also have grown by not engaging in controlling behaviour even if in my mind it is because I love and want to help my family. I love when I know I have grown my inner child and my emotional I.Q. Up a little bit. I am always open to learning and becoming a wiser version of myself. Have a great month and may the sun bless us with its presence!

NamastĂŠ Debra Rae

Connect with Debra Rae

Spring is when life's alive in everything. Christina Rossetti

Photo: Š PNielsen 12



Beloved Ones, Dwelling in the illuminated ethereal realms of Pisces during March, has been magical and revealing, but it was also intense, for we are still feeling the energies from the Eclipses and the deep inner/physical cleansing that we continue to experience. This new month of April, especially reigned by its "retrograde" energies, is an invitation to move inward before fully anchoring our soul desires - and creations - in the physical - rejuvenating ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally. For we are not going to create anything authentic unless we are pure, ourselves. We are now under the reign of the Fire element, and as our Sun is also very active, both Forces are helping us to burn all the old and rebirth into the light that we always have been and that was dimmed by the many illusions of our lower self. As some of us are deeply immersed into the process of dissolving the 3D membranes of our lower chakras, these fire frequency will also help us to do so and purify ourselves so we can be able to continue with our higher chakras/soul integration process. At a planetary level, there are many changes, as you may already be feeling, affecting us at this time as well as the collective, as the Earth's magnetic field is experiencing many changes and this together with the Moon's rays (especially during the Full Moon in Libra on April 11) will bring all the unconscious limited beliefs - and implants - to the surface. At the moment, many of us are under the process of transfiguration - inner and physical metamorphosis of our 3D personality or lower self - and we can feel deep physical sensations such as pain in our bones and spine, headaches, anxiety, loss of hair, between many other things, that releasing old imprints and beliefs have. This will be also accompanied by profound mood swings. This is the light coming from all these forces and cosmic alignments helping us shift and dissolve what is no longer aligned with our God Self Will and soul role. This Light may bring challenges but deep revelations for our soul evolutionary journey as well. If you are a stabilizer, as it is my personal soul role, you may want to "seclude" yourself and be at peace, while this phase lasts, for we know how hard it is to keep our own balance, nothing to say at these intense phases, when we assist to bring balance to All. This is why this month reminds us all to be fully grounded to Earth as well as we are also connected to the Higher realms, so we can keep our inner balance while we are affected by Earth's bifurcation intense energies and its many changes within this process. We could feel more emotional, during this month, and even depressed, especially the ones who are beginning to awake, for they shall begin the challenging inner work of releasing all this karmic baggage but this is all occurring to give us an opportunity to recognize where fear still keeps playing a major role. Fear can be disguised in many forms, it can appear in our lives in form of lack, in the form of attachment or in form of self-sabotaging. However, we always have the choice, as sovereigns beings, to choose which one to serve, if fear, or if the love, that after all, we all are. We have an opportunity, especially during Easter, to clear old beliefs about what truly ascension is, and old imprints that are impeding us to embody a higher level of consciousness. It is only after we transform ourselves and begin to embrace our True Essence and descend it into our tangible plane, that we will pass from planetary ascension to initiate ourselves at a cosmic level, which comes after our main seven initiations and complete mastery of our lower human self.

Natalia Alba

April, is a month that acts as an inter-dimensional liaison - creating the space for us to plant the seeds that in May will finally bloom, bringing harmony and unity between our Yin and Yang polarities and regeneration, while we step out of our inner realms and direct all of our inner fire - and visions - into our tangible plane. If during March, we focused on manifesting - first - from an inner place of higher clarity and wisdom, during April, gradually, we are going to surface again, descending all these inner worlds, for when May comes, be ready to finally manifest them in the physical. 15

We ended March with the Sun already in the sign of Aries. We pass now from Piscean Waters to Fire and later to feel again the power of Earth with Taurus at the end of the month. The wheel of life has rotated again and we moved from mastering and integrating all the wisdom received from our past challenges, with the last sign of the zodiac, to initiate ourselves again in this endless evolutionary soul journey, with the first sign of the zodiac, who leads us into a new cycle with the strength and wisdom regained in the depths of our being.

responsible for our own actions/creations. In contrary with what some may think, Saturn does not punish us for our lack of awareness in our past actions, but to make us more conscious of what should be shifted and transmuted so we no longer repeat the same old patterns that are not aligned with who we truly are and soul desires. By having Saturn, Venus and Mercury as well as Pluto, later on, retrograde, we are given the gift of becoming the witness of our whole life experience - past and present - and taking full responsibility of what we have manifested, until this moment.

As the Universe always confirms and shows us in our heavens when we are feeling and giving birth in our micro one, this month holds a 14 - 5 reduced - frequency. If the number five holds the essence of fire, which indicates creativity and action - in our tangible plane as well as in March - number 4 frequency reminds us that April - with its dominant masculine essence - moves us from the ethereal to pay attention to where we truly reside, as humans.

Saturn also invites to examine ourselves before going deeper into this new stage of our lives. Have we learnt and integrated the wisdom from our past challenges? Have we healed what seemed broken to our human being and restored it again by recognising that we are always whole beings? Have we seen beyond our human illusion what truly Is and accepted it? Have we stepped out of the "karmic" wheel to finally embrace our inner creator and start manifesting outcomes aligned with our soul?

But as we are impulsive by nature, sometimes manifesting without the proper discernment, the essence of number 14, which also governs this month and which corresponds to the tarot card of Temperance, invites us to balance ourselves before stepping into the unknown, for, as the winged women on the temperance card, we are still between with a foot in the ethereal and another one in the mundane. As Mercury will also remind us by the human illusion of being retrograde, while we walk in between worlds, the only true direction comes from our inner compass. For this is the only way we have to know where we are going and what we are bringing into fruition.

This is a time to see everything from a wider perspective, not from a linear one, as it is only when we move beyond what seems real for us as humans that we can realize if what we manifested was of assistance to All, or if we still have to break free from old chains and start seeing all the limitations that we impose to ourselves with the excuse that they are necessary structures for us to live in this world. Mercury, The Winged Messenger, will turn retrograde on April 9. As I always say, the human programmed fear about a Planet being retrograde is still present in a lot of people. When we embody a higher level of consciousness, when we inform ourselves properly as out there exists a lot of false propaganda - we understand that within this wise and loving Universe, there is nothing ever retrograde, this is just an illusion from Earth, there is nothing ever in slow motion within this light Universe, there are just moments to be lived from within and moments to emerge again in a new form, with a new direction to follow.

We begin this month of April by having Venus, the Planet of Abundance and Beauty, retrograde entering into Pisces. Venus in Pisces and even more together with the powerful energy of Neptune in the same sign, connects us with our inner creator, it helps us to give birth to our visions and expand ourselves into our heart desires - and spirituality - as this is a time for us to immerse ourselves within our inner senses, connecting to our souls, and listening to our own guidance - and Divine inspirations - more than focusing on the outer.

When we see the Winged Messenger retrograde from our human perspective, we are simply invited to move within and obtain more clarity so we can be fully aware of what we are giving form to from the inside. We communed with the Higher aspect of ourselves, realising were we contracted instead of allowing expansion before we are ready to rise again - renewed - holding a wider perspective of our life experience.

Venus in "slow motion" is going to give us a perfect healing energy for our relationships as well, it is going to be a healing energy dissolving everything that is impure and inauthentic in our sacred reunions, leading us to an inner synthesis, establishing a deeper connection with all the aspects of who we are and loving each one of them as unique and equal without any judgement before we can love them too in another being. As we also have the Wounded Healer Chiron, also in Pisces, it will be a great time to use forgiveness - especially with the Full Moon in Libra on April 11 - as our main tool for healing and soul integration, which is essential before fully embracing a new partnership. As the Goddess of Love revises her journey, so do we, and it may bring from our past old lovers and situations that we thought were finished. When this occurs, it is a gift, for we are being told that there are certain aspects within ourselves still active within that keep attracting what shall remain in the past.

Venus and Mercury retrograde, which is also ruled by Venus, will remind us of self-love and observe how we communicate with ourselves. It is not about what others think or say about us. Neither it is about how we communicate with others or what they understand, but about our internal dialogue toward ourselves that brings us down the most and make us think we are inferior or superior. This Venusian and Mercury retrograde period, to me is all about observing how we behave with ourselves, for this will make all the difference in how others treat us and how we also behave with them.

On April 6, we also have another Planet reminding us of the important to just be before we step a further step into the physical. Saturn, the Planet of structure and responsibility - as another form of consciousness within Creation - teaches us how to be

Do you keep telling others how much you love and appreciate them while you still see yourself unworthy of love and abundance? Do you still pretend loving yourself while you cover this with superficial things that make you feel someone you are not? Do you 16

honor the individualized aspect that Source chose to experience through you? Do you nurture your physical body as something sacred, created with Divine perfection to serve you well in your human journey?

whether you use it to construct and create new outcomes that will assist All. This earthly frequency will culminate on April 26, with a New Moon at 6 degrees Taurus, will act as a gateway - functioning as a bridge for us to ensure our new beginnings and goals into our physical lives. This Moon sets the proper energies for us to keep expanding and materializing all of our earthly needs and it invites us to ask ourselves if we are satisfied with the results of our inner creations, as well as allowing infinite abundance and new possibilities into our life experience, or on the contrary, if we still need to keep mastering ourselves to obtain the outcomes that are aligned with our highest Will. As always, the universe provides us with endless signs for us to realize where we are in our journey and the awareness to perceive, if we are allowing this infinite flow of abundance - and love - into our lives or if we are still restricting ourselves from it.

On April 11, we have a loving and balancing Full Moon at 21 degrees of Libra. This Moon comes to set the proper balance we need in both our physical and non physical reality, after all the eclipses' turmoil as well as the intense purification phase in which we are immersed. Venus retrograde in Pisces will also be reigning this Moon, and as we also have the Wounded Healer, as I call him, Chiron in Pisces, it is a wonderful time to reconnect with our Divinity, feeling its loving and infinite embrace, while we keep healing the past wounds that we are still re-creating or giving power to, and that needs to be accepted and integrated instead of denied. On April 19, with Venus already direct again, the Sun will enter into the earthly sign of Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac, ruled by Venus, offers us the gift to create our Heaven on Earth, connecting with nature, honoring our physical realm and enjoying who we are and our creations. Taurus will start opening the energetic gates for us to begin grounding ourselves as well as our desires in the physical. With Taurus comes our second initiation after Aries, into a deeper knowledge of how to manifest our desires from an energetic Plane into our dense world, teaching us our next lesson within the wheel of life, which is to master ourselves in the endless art of bringing things from our inner world into our human one.

Venus will also move, as Mercury did on April 20, into the fiery sign of Aries, on April 28. Venus, who was in Intuitive Pisces, will find now in Fire, the courage to step out of its dreamy state while it resided in Pisces, to finally discern about the relationships that we have decided to maintain and keep co-creating with in our lives.  As when Venus was in ethereal Pisces, it dreamt about the new relationships it truly desired to manifest in this new phase but also, and even more together with Neptune, it could fall into old illusions and false idealizations. Now that Venus and Mercury are in the initiator, Aries, we are invited to ignite this inner spark of our true soul desires and set strong pillars that will support our relationships in the physical.

Taurus, a sign that likes to see the rewards of all His efforts, invites us now to pay more attention to earthly matters, as they are the materialization of that which is within and that which sustains us in our lives, remembering that material things are also a part of our lives, we do not separate anymore, as instead, we choose to unify All as being equal within Creation and human life experience.

Finally, we end the month by having the second square between Saturn and Chiron on April 30. The first one of these squares took place on December 28, 2016. The third one will occur on November 2, 2017. When we have reached this phase of our ascension path, being honest is essential to keep dissolving everything that is still concealing the Truth. In a month with so many retrograde planets, and even more with Venus, having Saturn squaring Chiron, it is another cosmic reminder of loving and respecting ourselves as well as our truth.

It is a time to create, to bring forth new desires now that we are about to enter into May. A time to be reborn just as nature does, as everything is giving birth to a new way of existing and so are we. We should stay open to receive all that we have been creating from within during all these months, and be patient, as everything has been already perfectly orchestrated for us to just have faith and trust that at Divine Timing, all that is meant to come into our lives, will come.

If you are wishful to step into a New Cycle of conscious co-creation and a higher way of living, first you have to face and recognize your shadow self, accepting and embracing it as an equal part of who you are. You will only walk in integrity, in love and in service to All, when you first heal all the wounds that are yet whispering, inside yourself, to be brought into the surface, screaming in the corners of your heart, to be loved and begin to love yourself as much as you claim to love others.

On April 20, Pluto the Planet of Regeneration and Power, will also turn retrograde. This is something that will assist us to put our attention into where we put our personal power, purpose and healing process too, as Pluto brings into the light our inner shadows and the aspects of the Self that need to be healed by inner transformation. Do you use your inner power to nurture yourself and others and be of assistance in all you can? Or do you give your power away, allowing others to control, manipulate and/ or enslave you?

When we walk the talk, we take the time to look within, becoming the observers of our own shadows, and instead of blaming everything and everyone of what is causing us suffering, accept what is found within, with responsibility, for we know that all arises from the depths of our being, and transforms all that is no longer aligned, through Divine love and compassion. I wish you a grounded and blessed April, beloved companions.

Do you give your power to your fears? Or do you control them, and choose Divine trust and faith above any other form of human illusions? Your power resides in the Now, in the capacity of BEing fully present in this moment. Your power goes where you put your love and precious intention to. Therefore, choose wisely whether you waste your Divine inner Force on meaningless things, or

Natalia Alba 17

Photo: © PNielsen 18




Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Many times during these channelings, we sense appropriate times to bring you profound information. This is in order to bring you things that Humans need to know. Today is a bit different. The Human condition is the subject, and also how you think you are doing right now on this evolving planet. Dear ones, I want to create something in this room. I want to create the harmony and coherence of thought. I want to talk to you personally right now about what you're facing. For some of you, what is happening is slow, and for some, it is fast. Each of you is totally unique on your path. However, all of you are facing change. Sometimes change has already occurred in your life, and for some of you, it's still coming. This shift of the planet, the one that has been foretold by the ancients, is here. The whole reason for Kryon being here is this shift I've told you before that many channelers started around 1989, preparing you for what was coming and for the shift that you're in. We have told you that it is easy to be caught up in it, yet not understand it. The reason is because you're in a box. It's the box of self, where all you see is you. Now we are pleading for something more Old souls, you are needed to balance yourself so that those around you will have the opportunity to be changed by your balance. They can change more gracefully because the wisdom that is yours creates a template that they can emulate. There is no reason to fear the changes at hand. We told you earlier that nothing will escape this change. The things that you hold the most dear may be altered. They may alter themselves! There may be changes in your biology, readjustments, and recalibrations in your relationships, in business, in your vocation, your avocation, and in literally all you like and don't like.


We told some of you early on that in this new energy your emotions may have greater highs and lows than normal. There would, therefore, be a tendency for some of you to get help, because it might feel so different. Not just that, but immediately you may say, "What is wrong with me?" That's the profundity of a shift that involves everything. Be patient with this, since you are indeed more self-balancing than ever. Shifts are not always bad. Many shifts move into benevolence where there was none before. Sometimes it's a solution when there was none before, so I ask you dear Human, why is it that when change and shift start to occur, you go to the worst common denominator, which is fear? You've all had good things happen unexpectedly. That comes with life. Why do you expect the worst during this shift? The answer is that this one is the big one. This one starts to change your consciousness, makes you ask questions that you've never asked before. This shift allows you to awaken to new truths. Many of you are starting to become more compassionate. I'm with family. If I could envision anything for you, it would be a smile on your face, joy in your heart, and an understanding that goes beyond the reality you have grown accustomed to.

CHANGE If you take the word change, there are six letters. Let's design the polarity of it. Let's make the first three letters challenging and the three last ones positive. That's like duality.


can represent a coherence of sameness. Let us say you're coherent with life, because it doesn't change. It's always the same. Therefore there's a coherence that makes you want to stay the same. It feels good because you've figured it out. It feels good because you think you know what's next and you're more joyful in these situations of coherent belief - then something changes.

Perhaps you have a circle of friends that has always been the same, and suddenly they bring in someone new. Now the circle is different. In fact, it interrupts the way the circle was to the point where you want to quit. The coherence you had as the group that you were has changed. This is a metaphor for this planet right this minute. The coherence of everything that used to be is starting to move and often you don't like it at all. It's just like the new person in the group changed the attitude, the consciousness, and the joy of a circle you thought you knew. What do you do with it? Human nature says you quit. You've had enough. Or, you fight to keep the circle the same. That's not an old soul, dear one. That's what the eight-year-old on the playground does, because it's all they have.

happened with Joe. This cannot be good." Therefore, you start to close-up shop. The big lie: Nothing is new. Old soul, there is a tendency to judge everything by what has gone before. The illness? Most often you need to recalibrate your cells to be able to accept what is coming.

The H represents you having a really hard time with what I'll call the "great lie". The great lie is this: Everything that's going to happen in the future can be judged by what has happened in the past. You simply call upon that which was in order to cognize that which will be. Therefore, no matter what happens in the change, you see it as trouble, based on past change. Therefore, change is always negative. "Nothing good can come of this change," you say, "because when I examine the past, change never brought good things." And so the big lie is that nothing will ever be created that is different than what you know now or have seen.

Now we'll get into three positive letters and the polarity of change.

We'll say this again so you'll understand it. The future may be filled with things you've never seen. It may be benevolent in ways you can't imagine. Suddenly, you get sick and you have things happen to you that have never happened before. What's the first reaction? "Oh, I've always had a coherence of health. Why did it change? What's wrong with me? What have I done wrong?" And the big lie? Every time there is a change like this, it's bad news. You say, "Just look at what's happened in the past or what


is anxiety over it all. Anxiety will shorten a Human's life. When you take a look at the polarity of change, there are those who will understand it and there are those who will not. For some, change itself is an enemy and it's treated as an enemy, for it disrupts what was, which was understood and working. Getting past anxiety is what the old soul has the ability to do. It comes with the wisdom of knowing what is happening and relaxing with the process.


- Nothing is as it seems. If you have followed the channels of Kryon, you may have seen the story of Michael Thomas and the seven angels [The Journey Home]. In that story, the angels said to him, "Michael, nothing is as it seems here. Don't make up your mind what you think you know." That entire story is about a man who had a life surprise. Something that had never happened before happened to him. Even when he thought he had figured it out, it was totally different. It is a story about his polarity, the dark and light within his consciousness. The changes at hand on this planet have the same story. Old soul, as you sit there, are you willing to admit that you don't know everything? The change at hand is not repeated history. These things with you personally and also planetary are going to shift in ways that have not happened before. There's going to be integrity and compassion that has never happened before. Turmoil may be what you see for a while, but things are not always as they seem.


The old soul is beginning to see this issue clearly and reframe change. Many of you tend to make up your mind before anything happens what's going to happen. Not the old soul - not the balanced one. I want you to go into your mind where the issues are that bother you. No matter what it is right now that bothers you, whether it's personal or planetary, I want you to see a clean slate on a blackboard with nothing on it - nothing. It's blank because the effects of changes are not written on it yet. The effects on your issues are waiting for benevolent change. There are things that may change that are beyond what you expect. I'll tell you: You think you've seen changes lately that were difficult or that you didn't expect? Just wait. There are other things that are going to upset the applecart of normalcy on this planet and around you. Are you okay with this? It has to be. We told you this and the old soul is going to watch it like they watch a television program. Then they're going to go to bed after the program and sleep like a baby. This peace is because they know they are part of the shift and that the change is part of the recalibration of the planet. They've got it figured out. They are part of the world. They don't have to participate past being balanced, since that's the job of an old soul. It's beautiful how an old soul creates change, reacts to change, and is part of change.

G is the great gift. Can you imagine a time when, whatever you are worried about right now, eventually becomes the greatest gift of your life? You may say, "Something happened that caused me to do something I never would have done before, which put me in a place I never thought existed. I'm peaceful, and I'm with people that I love instead of having drama with others who are in turmoil." That's the beauty and wisdom of an old soul. Being able to see a gift while in turmoil is an attribute of wisdom. You've become a precog of your own

consciousness! You're able to see a benevolent outcome and where it's going even before it goes there. It relaxes you. Dear ones, things may not go where you think they may go, even if you think they will go well. Would you accept something better? Would you accept another surprise beyond the one that you have considered? An old soul will, because they'll understand that they are part of the greatest shift in humanity. This shift is one that sociologists will talk about in the future. They will talk about a time when Human nature itself started to evolve past anything it had been in history. We have spoken of this many times. Those of you who listen to me often are tired of hearing it. Let me tell you that you should hear it again and again. Dear one, don't ever get tired of hearing good news! The more you hear it, the more you'll cognize it, and the more you'll live it, the more you'll believe it. I represent the creative source right now, and you are hearing the truth. You'll get through this change! Can you relax with the truth? You'll get through it. It's a beautiful message.


could stand for so many things. Today, let it stand for beautiful energy - The energy of completion, compassion, balance, understanding, and a good night's sleep. Do you realize how well you sleep when all is well in your life? You may think all is not well in your life and I'll tell you, that's polarity. That's you deciding what's wrong instead of what is balanced and beautiful. Family, you sit in the greatest shift that ever was when it comes to humanity. You are beginning to go in the direction that will eventually create a beautiful scenario on a planet that never will war. In the process, you're going to have to slog through some things. It may take a generation or more for this to happen. The classic example of this is historic and we give it yet again: It is the Israelites who came out of slavery. Slavery was the oldest and darkest energy that you can imagine that

enslaved them and their children. It shortened their lives and their children's lives and made their lives horrible for a very long time. When the release from slavery came, you would think that this would be the most joyful thing possible, yet instead there were complaints and division. Then they marched in the desert in a circle for 40 years. And again, I tell you why: You cannot take those who have had the consciousness of slavery and take them into the glorious promised land. It won't work. A whole generation had to expire and be renewed. Even the one who led them couldn't go, not really. That's how powerful the past is to your future. Are you getting this? You cannot then take an old energy consciousness and simply reframe it overnight. I'm giving you the ABCs of this shift. That's what I do, and that's why I came, and that's why I'll continue to give you this good news in pieces and parts so that you can understand it now. It means you won't have to pass over and come back to use this information. You can use this teaching while you're alive and here as an old soul. In fact, the planet needs you to do this work now. Old soul, expect to live longer than you expect to live. Watch your language, because by habit you often verbalize your own demise. Watch the words that come out of your mouth because they really do set a pattern of the reality of who you are. Think to yourself, "There's a grand machine listening to every word, and that machine will deliver what I'm asking for." Stop and reframe that which you say to others. Let the integrity of all of this sink in. Think about what you're saying and reframe words into benevolent, compassionate things that you expect for yourself. Affirmations are the key and we have said this before: Make your own affirmations and say them out loud. Let your body hear who you are, as if you are placing an order in a restaurant. When? When will it happen? Not soon enough. There is learning and 23

recalibration here. Doesn't that make sense? You've only just arrived into this energy. There's going to be learning and there will be some who will pass over and come back and continue, but as I have said before, when you come back, you'll be aware of what's happened. You won't make the mistakes that you made before and you'll continue who you are. There'll be a sense delivered from your Akash and you will remember what you're here for. It could indeed be a while before you start to see these things manifesting on your news, yet many of you are starting to see them now in your personal life. You start small and get big. It's a great message of what really is happening on the planet. Finally, I say this: Make no mistake. You don't have to be of a certain belief for any of this to happen. Major religions on the planet teach compassion. Watch for this, for they will start to morph as well and what they will do is they will start seeing one another differently. Watch for this. There will be forgiveness - watch for this. There will be a realization that they are all on the same track with the same creator - watch for this. The process will be intrinsic. That's who you are, old soul. Let the change begin. And so it is. KRYON

Lee Carroll


Messengers of the Earth Dear messengers of the earth, We beseech you in this time to hold the earth, and it’s people in the tight embrace of love. The waves of chaos are crashing the shores disturbing the equilibrium and balance. This is as you know shaking up fear, anger and anxiety. However, this dust needs to be shaken free so that the silt that is no longer needed dissipates. You the messengers of the earth each play a part in your unique way whether big or small. Make no mistake that this contribution you make will vibrate around you and radiate out for miles. Dearest beloved ones now are the time. Now is the place. You are the now. The earth thanks you for your service and it is better for it. You’re in earth magic Mother Earth

Contact Michelle blog or email me at 25

BELIEVE No pessimist ever discovered the SECRETS of the stars or SAILED to an uncharted land, or OPENED a new heaven to the human spirit. Helen Keller

Photo: Photo:©©PNielsen PNielsen 26



Got an upset stomach? General discomfort or worse, cramping? DiGize™ may just be the blend you have been looking for! All oils in this blend are oils that aid the digestive system. Power blend!

tive (relieves gas).

Open it up and smell deep. Which scent hits your nose first? For me it’s ginger, but as soon as I pull the bottle away from my nose it’s anise that lingers. Using DiGize™ this way – aromatically – makes use of its calming properties. For many people stress contributes greatly to their digestive problems. The calming properties of the oils in this blend begin the process of relief with the first sniff. In addition, smelling an oil or blend introduces it to your body. By the time you apply it topically or take it internally your body systems know where and how to use it.

Patchouli: supports a healthy digestive system, calming.

Put a drop or two on your hand and rub on the digestive points on your feet. If you find that your skin is sensitive to hot oils, such as peppermint and ginger, dilute in a bit of organic carrier oil and then rub on your abdomen. You can also put a drop or two in a gel cap and take it internally – always useful for extreme tummy upsets. But these oils, blended together, are so powerful that you may be just fine with it rubbed on location.

For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website:

Lemongrass: supports digestion, sedative to the central nervous system, anti-inflammatory. Anise: digestion, calming, also carminative.

Enjoy this oil blend. Diffuse it, smell it, play with it! Experiment with it – what works best for you? And when does it serve you best? Keep track of when you get the most benefit from this oil, as well as any other oils you are using. You are your best resource!

Please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.



I saw a post that suggested a drop diluted in a carrier oil and rubbed behind the ears could help with morning sickness. Wouldn’t that be lovely? Simple fixes are the best! Look at the oils that comprise this blend: tarragon, ginger, peppermint, juniper, fennel, lemongrass, anise, and patchouli. Note the similarities in the therapeutic properties: Tarragon: digestive aid, smell stimulates flow of digestive juices into stomach, warmth aids in relaxing muscles, helps to clear negative energies. Ginger: digestive aid, helps to warm up the body, gets the circulation going.

Photo: © Young Living

Peppermint: digestive aid, cooling, good for headaches, Juniper: disinfectant, pain relief for gout/ arthritis, helps with oily skin/acne, brings you closer to the spiritual realm. Fennel: digestion, anti-spasmodic and carmina29

Connect with Vera

Good Source of Vitamins B6, A, D, E Good Source of Calcium, Folate, Iron, Potassium Riboflavin, Selenium, Phosphorus OMEGA-3

Source of Sodium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, Manganese Good source of Vitamins C, A, B 30

Meringue Crust Ingredients 2 Egg Whites 1/4 tsp cream of tartar 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 tsp vanilla 1/2 cup white sugar Method In a large bowl, beat egg whites, cream of tartar, and salt until soft peaks form. Add vanilla, and slowly beat in sugar until very stiff and glossy. Spread mixture into a 9 inch pie plate to form a shell. Bake at 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) for 50 minutes. Turn oven off, and leave meringue in oven for 1 hour. Cool.

Pineapple Cheesecake Ingredients 1 env. Unflavored Gelatin 1 can (8 oz.) crushed pineapple in juice, drained with juice reserved, divided 3 pkg. (8 oz. each) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup Whipping cream Method Sprinkle gelatin over reserved pineapple juice in small saucepan; let stand 1 min. Cook on low heat 3 min. or until gelatin is completely dissolved, stirring occasionally. Beat cream cheese and sugar in large bowl with mixer until blended. Gradually beat in gelatin mixture until blended. Refrigerate 30 min. or until slightly thickened. Whip up the whipping cream, then gentle fold pineapple and whipped cream into cream cheese mixture. Refrigerate 30 minutes or longer. Just before serving, gently spoon into the meringue crust, top with fruit of your choice, and whipped cream if desired, let your imagination guide you to sprinkling either some roasted almonds, toasted coconut, or some grated chocolate on top. 31


As I asked what the power animal is this month, the scorpion crawls in with their message: “Know when to take a stand or step back. We have powerful tails that came harm but when and how we use it is in our control. Like You stand up for yourself or step back is in your control whether it is words, actions or behaviour. There is a time for both and both in balance. Control your anger and do not let it get out of control. Now of transformation for you and the world there will be realising of toxic habits and things that no longer serve you. Your passion for things also will help in this time with others and can also be quite intense. So, give a lot of affection and non-sexual touching the world and others close to you need it now.� Yours in transformation The Scorpions

Contact Michelle blog or email me at 33



A Crystal Reading for

April 2017

Dear ones, this is a time for you to become grounded in your healing power. Trust that you have that which is love and can be utilized by all. Sharing this love will bring you greater joy, deeper peace, intense satisfaction – more than you dreamed possible. Each of us is a healer – your lights shine and swirl and meld and merge and oh, my…you are beings of such incredible beauty! Sit with these words and see what I see… Namasté


Photo: © VEnshaw

Contact Vera at 36

April 1st – Green Calcite: What are you waiting for? Today take the leap of faith that the Fool represents. Begin the journey that you want so badly to take. A trip, a change of jobs or lovers – this day is the day to follow your heart. Stand firm even as you dance along the new path.

Week 1 – April 2nd to 8th – Amethyst: This week sing your joy. Stop for a moment in all your daily hustle and bustle and find that within you that is joy. As the feeling wells up in you, give it voice. It may not sound pretty, my not be tuneful…let if flow. As you do your body will receive the higher vibration of the connection with All That Is, with the Everything that IS the Universe.

Week 2 – April 9th to 15th – Citrine Point: The sun warms your heart and soul. This week be outside as much as possible, allowing the shining rays of the sun to warm your body. Stand and allow the warmth and energy to flow into your crown chakra. Let it move unimpeded straight to the soles of your feet, passing through into the soil you stand on. The light will energize you, will give you the strength you need as you move through the week. Others will come to you in distress. Take a step back and be mindful that first they must receive the light from the sun through you. Then follow that with help in a more concrete form. Healers – are you prepared?

Week 3 – April 16th to 22nd – Calcite, Biotite Mica: Images and messages from your past accompany you this week. Stuck energy will begin to push out, requiring you to deal with the issues that created them. Always turn to your Higher Self for assistance – there is so much light surrounding you, do not fear this, dear ones. And when someone who you knew well long ages ago reconnects, do not shut them out. Rather, stand in your power. Be love. It’s what you are…

Week 4 – April 23rd to 29th – Unakite: This is a week for healing. Take up your wands, your oils, your crystals, your energies and prepare to work. Alone in your room? Begin to heal the planet. In a room full of children? Radiate healing energy. In a hospital? Sit and share Reiki to all. In your place of work? Be mindful of sharp words and small hurts witnessed, sending healing energy to all parties involved. On the bus? Bring the energy of the universe in through your crown chakra and send it out through your heart chakra so that all may benefit. Do not forget your friends and family….they need your healing as well.

April 30th – Smokey Quartz: Take this day for yourself. In meditation reach for those places where you feel the cold. Ask why and listen for the answer. Ask if this area is ready to receive warmth. If the answer is yes, gently allow your love to flow there. Maintain awareness and move to the next spot. If the answer is no, surround the area with light, with forgiveness and promise you will return. You feel as though you are the wounded healer, yet what you are is healing master. Move into your power. Clear away your stuck spots and vibrate ever higher. 37


Sunday Sun-Day

Monday Moon-day

Tuesday Mars-day

Wednesday Mercury-Day

Thursday Jupiter-Day

Friday Venus-Day

Saturday Saturn-day 1 BE Generous

2 DW Come See – Come Saw Venus moves to Pisces Today … Harmonize

3 Don’t give more than you can really afford … time money energy

9 Mercury is stationary (standing still and about to move inward … no large purchases or signing paperwork today

10 Full Moon


17 Great work day … get’er Done

Easter Sunday

Great day to grab onto an unseen opportunity … Lotto?

Sometimes you have to go with Duty … family affairs 23 Even playing may feel like hard work today Just enjoy the moment

4 Watch your inside voice … and your outside voice J

5 Saturn is Standing still today. It is like the moment between the inhale and the exhale … use it wisely

6 Don’t get caught up in battle positions. Stay in your own corner

7 Great day for communicating … mercury is well aspected but very slow and methodical

8 Great day for vitality … but don’t try to push structure today ... go for a Run instead

11 Unexpected surprise … make the best of it

12 Definitely keep that inside voice …. Inside … think before you speak


14 Depending on your location you may feel a little out of sorts. No impulse purchasing and don’t let your day run AMUCK

15 Venus is Standing still today … … let everyone see how beautiful you really are (inside)

18 Make sure you have a giving bag in the car with you today

19 Go for a walking meditation … listen to your inside voice

20 Pluto is Standing still - Rebirthing Mercury moves to Aries - Passionate

21 Mars moves to Gemini Great day to organize your library

22 Time to settle your busy mind down

Carry a giving bag with you today 27 It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood … Pan some down time And spring weekend getaways

Keep busy

Sun moves to Taurus Today 24 Don’t make promises that you won’t want to keep later on

25 Excellent day to get work organized – let others know what you need in order to be successful at your job

26 New Moon Get out your goal list – what can you take off the list ... and what new things need to go on the list

Don’t let yourself get hangry today … go for lunch with a friend

28 Venus moves to Aries Get passionate about life

Plan a meditation getaway .. even if just for a few hours 29 Take it easy today … not a great day to purchase any household objects – or go over budget

30 Take time out for short meditative breaks throughout the day. Keep your budget in mind today as well … don’t over commit

Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water or juice box and a couple of surprise items. Double Whammy (DW) = 2 or more hard aspects to the Moon 39


Self-made opportunities activation of jobs or money may come to the fore-front, this is a long term process lasting right through to August (and in August becoming very prominent).

Snap shot for April 5 of 8 planets are moving either out of or into a retrograde (inner spiral) this month. Mercury moves into his retrograde (inner spiral) on the 10th Jupiter continues on his Retrograde through Libra. Venus has moves all the way back into Pisces (one of her power positions) and then moves direct on the 15 th. Saturn and Pluto begin their yearly retrogrades.

Gemini may feel a surge of energy as Mars travels through your sign at the end of the month all the way through May.

This is a time of waiting and planning don’t try to push things into fruition – it will all come with time.

Double Whammy and challenging days for everyone are 2, 9, 16, 19, 29… use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Taurus’ out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.

Meditation or relaxed days – make them the best days ever 14, 17, 26, 27… Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing - moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching.

Aries and Libra. You may feel surges of energy and potential, creativity – but don’t burn yourself out. You may feel a little over the top and indulgent.

Mercury… Communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to that which travels on sound waves. Mercury moves into a retrograde this month and travels back into Aries – where there can be more verbal outbursts. Use this time to re-start any projects that failed to ignite in March.

Cancer and Capricorn’s must work to create a skilled expression of power and control. Pluto (travelling through Capricorn) is about to revisit these issues as he slows to a standstill on the 19th and then takes an inward turn – which enhances control so live and let go, the only thing you need to worry about is your own re-action to external stimuli.

Take advantage of Communication - talk it out … 2, 7, 16, 21, 25, 29

Taurus Scorpio needs to stay focused on Passion … not feeling provoked or reactive. This is a great time to set physical goals (Scorpio will need to create a balance in the goals) that require longevity … ie exercise that has a long slow result. Keep the blinders on and just keep moving forward.

Be Skilled with your Communication - Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! … 12, 19, Venus … Evokes Love, Beauty and Security. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful things (art, earthy greenery such as organic gardening, flowers, food, music, colour, gems, sparkly things, money, people) … Even though Venus is spiraling inward taking a somewhat difficult deep contemplative sabbatical. This is a great time to contemplate what it will take to create lasting harmony, peace and beauty in your life.

Leo Aquarius are free from direct impact but certainly can grab onto the extra energy surges that they will get indirectly … a little bit of work goes a long way.

Pisces and Virgo may continue to feel like they are struggling to stay within the boundaries of what is acceptable according to society. Focus this energy toward a daily meditation practice. You are in it for the long game so pace yourself. At the very end of the month you may start to feel like you can finally find the balance and harmony that you have been seeking.

Evoke harmony … Create something beautiful … 4, 13, 14, 15, 18, 23, 27 Know what you want and why … Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! …2, 9, 16, 29

Sagittarians and Gemini need to continue to focus on organization and creating structure and boundaries out of chaos. This is a great time to put structure into philosophical beliefs and or studies. Set up a regular meditation time/place/study to create more benefit.

Mars … Action, Passion and Anger, our ability to do something. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars moves from his place of power to a placement 41

that has power but can easily get out of control … Mars rushes through Taurus to get to Gemini by the end of April – get ready to run to the book store to top up your collection.

new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause. unleash your genius on the world …

Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations, the window supporting understanding and wisdom of what is beyond the physical world and our solar system. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of collective or clan/pack mentality, tune into Love not Hate. Explore ways that you can expand your boundaries.

Connect to Action with Passion … 3, 8, 19, 23

Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! … 6, 13, 21, 28 Jupiter… Growth, Wisdom, Opportunities and Expansion. Very slow moving which allows us to settle in

The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered.

and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter made a very big shift into Libra in September, until the fall of 2017. This will provide an opportunity to see both sides before we expand on our ideas and desires. We started our yearly pilgrimage to finding wisdom and growth from within at the beginning of February, we are now winding our way up the path to the top of the mountain. Jupiter has been traveling on a retrograde (inner spiral) where you can make/find your own opportunities.

Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn. Pluto continues to push for change in our old and outworn structures of dictatorship and inflexible leadership. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. Pluto will standstill at 19 degrees Capricorn – then move inward back to 16 degrees through to September .

Opportunity is knocking - are you ready? … 1, 6, 10, 15, 28 Don’t overcommit by giving more than you can really afford … 3, 18, 21, 30

The only control we truly have is to open and allow the destruction and disintegration of the old ways in order to get to the re-Birth, and move to the next level of Be-ing.

Saturn… Boundaries, Restrictions, Limitations and possibly fear, Saturn supports your ability to get organized. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, picking up speed and working with a wild-fiery optimistic energy. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries! We are moving into a retrograde this month – Saturn moves in an inner spiral which will last until the end of August. This is his last retrograde in Sagittarius have fun and focus on ways that will get you engaged in manifesting your dreams … test the edges of your boundaries.

Photo: ©experiences dusk - Makemake… who brings quantum and unexpected genius; As you explore the quantum world you can utilize this time to create greater balance on a deeper quantum level that will bring your microcosm into balance. As above So below. Traveling through Libra is also in a retro (inner spiral) supporting all the other aspects of your psyche as you travel deep within.

Eris… only desires equality! This is a strong feminine archetype who will use our ego against us. Evoke and balance and awaken the warrior within. She fearlessly moves through Aries (very slow moving). Eris is in a tight relationship with Uranus, creating a dramatic build of energy – you may find that things that are no longer working (creating discourse) suddenly change. Try not to hold on to the old ways too hard … embrace the new – in the long run they will work much better.

Go ahead, set some boundaries and get organized … 6, 11, 17, 25 Don’t forget to create healthy boundaries - You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! … 2, 9, 16, 23, 29

Haumea… Facilitator for transformation as the mother of humanitarian efforts … Haumea brings a balance back to the world with a strong goddess signature as she takes back her power on earth. Step up to the plate take on the global issues by choosing to stand up for the underdog. Take the attitude that while we will give others what they need

Uranus … The Bridge between that which we can see and what we cannot see. Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect ideas to inspire, 42

today and we can teach them to stand tall and learn how to provide for themselves in the future. She is also supporting all the other aspects of your psyche with a deep inner spiral.

thinking and experiencing internally … create a deep inner changes that will support and build thought forms that are provoking … contemplating … and beautiful. Pause!

Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest – a mother figure in our lives, continues to move forward in Taurus where you will see the seeds you have planted begin to break the surface.

New Moon April 26th at 6 Taurus 5:16 am Pacific / 9:16 am Atlantic

The New Moon is when the moon is dark and does not hinder our view as we peer deeply into our universe, and look beyond our patterns and habits by connecting to something greater than ourselves. The dynamic build toward something new, exciting & unknown.

Solar/Lunar cycles Step outdoors and connect to your early evening sky, do it again in the early morning just as the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. Connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multidimensional bodies.

Snap Shot: Journal any new ideas that may come to you while in contemplation. Ingenious ideas start to align and develop into new inventions or things that will potentially make life easier. Create a plan to structure how you might go from a thought form to manifesting as a tangible good. Don’t be displeased if things don’t come together right away, or that opportunities do not seem to be forthcoming, you will need to expect a pause before an opening surfaces to bring this idea into the external world.

As above So below. Full Moon April 10/11 at Libra/Aries

11:08 pm

Pacific / 3:08am am Atlantic

When the Moon is full - the sky is lit up and you can see the details of where you are headed. Over the next three full moons we have the opportunity to step up our in-service and collective work. There are three linked festivals (the first three full moons of starting with Aries) that connect to a spiritual high tide which we can become more useful agents and channels for distributing spiritual energy. The first Full moon in Aries provides the initial invocation as we connect to that which is ‘above’ or our higher spiritual selves. The festival of Easter is a time of renewal and rebirth – hope and regenerationstanding in collective support of the work that needs to be done.

Snap Shot: It might take a little bit of extra effort to have our actions harmonize with our words. Use your actions wisely, don’t just run around like a bull in a china shop :-). Unexpected breakthroughs in the patterns of your personal belief/philosophy may happen this month. This is a great time to re-start an artistic project that will allow you to express … You!

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.

There is a lot of internal work going on this month so don’t push too hard to externalize everything you are 43

Photo: ©Phil Nielsen

Marlene Cobb 44

April 2017’s Full Moon falls on the 10th in the sign of Libra. This full moon is known as the Pink Moon, it was called such because it heralded the appearance of the moss pink, or wild ground phlox—one of the first spring flowers. It is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon.

Full Moon

All reports with regards to this Full moon point to a feel good moon. We can accomplish much if we are willing to look at where we are out of balance and lay the ground work to bring our lives back into balance. It promises to be the moon of abundance, growth, and good fortune, however, the flip side of this moon is that you can only reap what you sow. In other words be prepared to do some work and don’t wait for it to land at your feet. Think about one area of your life where you would like to be more balanced. If you are not sure which area to pick, decide to place the intent for balance in all areas of your life. I think it is appropriate to ask the Goddess Maat to join us as she is the goddess associated with balance, fairness, harmony, and wisdom. Her gentle energy will help guide you until the next full moon in bringing balance into all areas of your life.

April 10

Prepare to work with Maat on the evening of the full moon. Diffuse frankincense essential oil or burn some frankincense incense. If you wish to have a beverage choose beer or wine. Holding a feather, Ostrich is you have one in one hand, and one of the following crystals: aqua aura, turquoise, amazonite, larimar, or chrysocolla in the other hand. I would suggest holding the crystal in your nondominant hand and the feather in your dominant hand. I want you to slowly relax your body and mind, and visualize yourself walking down 10 steps, counting each one as you step down. At the bottom you will be met by Maat who will lead you to a comfortable seat. Before you will be a large scale, as you think about each area of your life notice if the scale tilts more to one side or the other. It if tilts, pause and ask Maat to help you bring balance into that area. Listen to the advice offered, and remember be true to yourself and trust you understand what is needed to bring balance to your life. When you are ready, thank Maat for her wisdom, and guidance, then slowly walk back up the stairs and back to the now.

The New Moon arrives on April 26th and this full moon tells us to “go boldly where we have never gone before!”

new Moon

April 26

WE are going to the dark side my friends, but don’t worry they have cookies there! This dark new moon is going to illuminate our shadow self, however astrologically we are being fully supported to turn our demons into angels. It should be a gentle transformation, one which kicks some karmic energy to the curb for good. Don’t be surprised by what could come up until the full moon on May 10th shows up. I just heard “oh the places we’ll go and discovery’s we’ll make!” All of this will bring understanding, like a piece of your puzzle falls into place and you can move forward unhindered by the past. During this new moon phase we are collectively manifesting a brighter life, one which is free from guilt, shame, self-loathing and fear. Step into this new moon with courage and grace for you will walk out the other side standing a little taller, and more secure in who you are. For this new moon let us call upon Archangel Chamuel and ask that he guide us to inner peace. To help the new moon illuminate anything that holds us back from achieving inner peace and help us to heal it for all time. Across all lifetimes, past, present and future. On the day of the new moon decide how you will honor this moon. Personally the new moons are quieter for me and I like to indulge in a bubble bath meditation, complete with a few candles lite. I call this the four elements bath and include Epsom salts to represent earth, bubble bath to represent air, water is of course water, and the lite candle is fire. As we are in Taurus new moon, music is appropriate, whatever moves you and you are drawn to. Whatever you decide to do, once you are ready call in Archangel Chamuel by repeating his name three times. Know that he will be with you and ask him to help you seek inner peace. 45



For something different, I decided to draw a card for each month of 2017 and present it here. This month the card is The Star. It seems appropriate that the Star would be the card for this month, even though I pulled each card for the year in December of 2016. We have just come passed the Spring Equinox, a turning point, the crossing over into a new cycle of being. All of this after the first three months of the year which were a time of cleaning up and clearing out that which is no longer needed. The STAR follows the TOWER in the tarot deck and is the calm after the storm. The visual images of the Star show water being poured from vases, a stream flowing, the lady with one foot in the water and one on land. There is balance within the images. The water symbolises the washing away of any dark matter so that you can ascend to your highest version of who we wish to be. The girl is typically drawn naked, showing us that she is open, some would say she is vulnerable; however, I feel she is confident in her own skin and knows that ultimately she is in charge of her life. The Star does suggest that a little help from the universe is coming our way. However, there is still work involved to bring you to the level of fully seeing it actualized. Much like there is no free ride, it costs some elbow grease usually to get the job done. "Hoping to start a family" does not just happen by a thought. Think of this card as offering you the same as the newly escaped butterfly from its cocoon. A breakthrough has happened, and an opportunity to explore new horizons has arrived. Wish upon a star this month and set into motion the unfurling of yourself, favourable energies are guiding you. Listen to your heart, be genuine, clarity is yours allow yourself to be open to all wishes coming true.

Fantastic! Here's a month where your dreams and wishes can begin to come true. The Star card is all about hope and optimism, and believing you can fulfil your dreams. If you've been hoping for an improvement in your financial situation, you could receive welcome money news or positive news about career advancement. It's a happy and fulfilling time in your love life. If you've been hoping to start a family, this could be the month. This is a time of fun, laughter, reward and fulfillment, so don't be afraid to wish upon a star - sometimes your dreams do come true!

You must trust in yourself as you already have the answer that you seek.

This month’s messages drawn from Earth Magic By Dr. Steven Farmer 50


Photo: © mcobb 52

This month’s reading is most illuminating.

Often Gebo will show up when there is about to be relief from our troubles, and usually shows a time of peace and contentment in one’s life.

In keeping with most of my readings for this column, I ask the runes to show me what we may expect in the coming month.

There is an expectation however. A gift always demands a gift, nothing is truly free. We must pay it forward.

The first rune I pulled was Hagalaz. It is a delay rune and represents all things beyond our control. It is a symbol of elemental disruption, either good or bad, but seeing as how these things are mostly impersonal ones, it usually takes on a negative tone. It has no reversed meaning.

The third rune was Berkano. This rune represents birth and family. It usually presages a birth, either an actual birth, or the birth of an idea. Go into matters with care and awareness. Berkano is always indicative of a tangible result and is very helpful when a new project is being contemplated. Any schemes now in the works should be implemented.

Hagalaz shows up when we are thinking about taking a risk and the accompanying runes indicate whether that risk will pay off. This rune sometimes indicates that your future is in the hands of another. Because Hagalaz is an impersonal rune, this “another” is probably a faceless official or someone with no personal interest in you.

All in all, this was a very positive reading. First, we are being controlled by forces beyond our control, but then we see a light and change coming. The last rune shows a new beginning and a fortuitous result.

Hagalaz is a firm indicator that now is not the time for any new starts. We must step back and bide our time.

I hope this reading resonates with you and as always, I encourage you to consult your runes, if you have them, and trust your gut instincts.

As this is a general reading, I will dispense with the personal messages this rune may give one.

The second rune drawn was Gebo.

Until next month,

Gebo represents a gift, and has no reversed meaning either. When Gebo shows up in a reading, it should gladden one’s heart. It signifies a fortuitous outcome to any undertaking made during the period of this reading.

Skål til alle mine venner Phil

This glyph can indicate a partnership of some type, a commitment, either personal or business, to a long-term relationship. Contact Phil at for more information. 53

Message from the Angels April 2017 Blessings dear ones, Things are awakening, can you feel them? Bursting, zinging, pushing, thriving, there is a hum so audible you can hear it on the wind and in the stillness presented when you slow down your breath and pace. The world around you is awakening, and you too are coming into your own, your standards or boundaries only limit the potential for your magnificence. For sometime you have been standing on the edge, looking out at all around you and wanting to know, "now what?" Time to step off the edge and assume responsibility, be the leader in your life, don't wait for everything to be perfect, explore the uncharted, and expand your horizons. In fact, we challenge you to step forward with courage and confidence; the spark has been lit, seize the opportunity. You are being blessed; your life is being blessed right now, the energy that is awakening is filled with joy, contentment, swift, and focused. Know that you are in charge, and the energy is yours to use. Relax and go with it, for you have put in the work required and this is the reward. The universe opens a doorway right now and says thank you, dear light being, for all you have done and will continue to do. Accept from us this gift. You have many seen and unseen allies. Join forces with them and flourish. Life is ripe for growth, and you are long overdue for greatness. Do not allow fear to hold you back. Believe in yourself as much as we believe in you; you are truly magnificent. We cannot wait to see the riot of colour you produce for our enjoyment. Let the fireworks begin, bursting, zinging, thriving in joy and excitement step off the edge and into your power. Net at the ready‌ waiting for you to jump! The power of three Through Mcobb



Photo: © PNielsen 56

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