Nourish may 2017 issue 70

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Radiant Runes Thoughtforms Awakening to Awareness Human Nature 5 Positive Attitude Activities May Ascension Energies 2017 April Ascension Energies 2017 Five Deceptions of the Old Energy Your Divine Presence is your Birthright Roman Chamomile Essential Oil What's on our Fork Forked Power Animal - Wren Crystal Reading for May Navigating by the Stars May Navigating by the Stars Astro Cliff Notes May

Nine of Gabriel May Messages drawn from Wisdom of Avalon deck

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Rune Casting For May Angel Message for May


Photo: Š PNielsen "We needed the darkness, to revel in the light..." 3 years ago now, I was inspired to start building these sculptures, when the woman I loved was having bad nightmares. I envisioned something grounded, bright and colourful near her head when she slept to put her mind at ease. Months of experimenting, designing, sourcing, and learning have evolved into these, my Radiant Runes, by far the most catalytic project in my life.


Connect with Radiant Runes 4


Welcome to May! April flew by this year! Well for me it did anyway, perhaps your month was at a gentler pace. Ours was filled with adventures, caring, celebrating and rejoicing in the few warm sunny days we had. Living mindfully in each moment tends to bring about a grace of knowing you were busy and active, but not always knowing exactly how your time was filled. Do you ever experience that? Perhaps someone will ask you “what have you been up to?” and your mind draws a blank, even though you have barely had time to settle or sit for weeks. I have taken up keeping a journal of sorts, alright, so it is not something new I am doing – I am just trying to keep it going longer than a week or two. I have discovered this about myself, I tend to be fired up about things and run with them fully engaged until it becomes mundane, or something, because I am not doing it as often. The novelty wears off. Or, and this really plays a part for me at least, life gets busy and there is no time to do that which really lifts and excites me. It is during those times that I feel the most ungrounded and find myself not wanting to do anything. Yet life is such that we must attend to our responsibilities or end up feeling overwhelmed by all the tasks to catchup on. In journaling, I discover what really feeds my soul. I find that when I sit down to make a few notes about the day, only the best parts of the day exist. The sour notes don’t stand out and seem to slip into the background. If they are still lingering strongly, I understand that I need to work on healing and releasing them. Try keeping a journal, it might just surprise you what the important bits of life are, those worth recording. You might discover that the moments that sustain you are those which are the simplest. May should be full of fun memories to journal about as the month is just starting and my “dance” card is filling up nicely. Not to mention the flowers should be riotous as we had more than our fair share of rain in April. I am also hoping May will be warmer, I am itching to be out doors without having to bundle up, and my toes really want to be free from the confines of closed shoes. May you blossom this month along with the flowers. Take time to tend to your inner garden, nurture it with good food, good friends - laughter is the fertilizer of a life well lived, get some rest, enjoy some beverages, and watch how your life warms up from the inside out.



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A dawning is happening, can you feel it? A new awareness has been slipping in for the past couple years; now it is front and center. To each of us, this can feel different, and some might not even be aware it is happening.

themselves suddenly, which contribute significantly to our wellbeing and even stability. The earth is shifting, and its vibrational frequency is increasing, and this is fueling our awakening. Great change is afoot.

If you are going within more and exploring your existence from a new perspective, having lucid dreams, awakening at all hours of the night for no apparent reason, noticing synchronicities unfold, unexpected interactions, and divine timing, you are awakening.

If you have said yes to any of the above, or it has resonated with you on some level, you are probably wondering how to navigate this awakening. You might have even figured some things out already. It is easier than anyone thinks.

Are you struggling to have patience? Do you see number sequences frequently with repeatedly the same numbers? Do you find your voice is not encouraged as a thought is there, but it does not come out vocally? Do you forget what you were speaking about mid-sentence? Do you find that what you were once content with, no longer pleases you? Have you experienced emotional outbursts? Do you sometimes feel not like yourself? You are awakening.

During this awakening process, the more you can step out of ego thinking and into heart soul feeling, the better. It is about going within, meditation is essential right now, and yes, I keep hearing “I am bad at meditating”, “I can’t meditate” yet you can, and probably are better at it than you think. Shift your perception and toss out everything you have learned about meditation if you are struggling with it. All that is required is for you to be relatively still. Your mind is not going to be quiet; we just want it to stop flinging all the daily crap at you. When you can quiet the ego voice and all the daily chatter, the inner you awakens and can speak beautiful prescriptions to you. They might be as simple as a word, that sparks something within you. You will know when your inner voice is speaking by how wonderful it leaves you feeling.

Humanity is actively awakening. Some of you realise this and have been experiencing it for a couple of years. There are many out there who have dialogued that we would have this shift. The manual presented by those who spoke of this change building up to 2012 has not been useful. In part this was because the “shift” was so incredible, there was nothing to go on. I believe that it was so immense, and unexpected that it left everyone floundering, grasping trying to come to terms with what was next, and how to operate in this new energy. Yes, there were and are still to this day, many who keep speaking the same information. Almost like they are trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole. It will not work. I say this with full confidence because the energy is such, that nothing we experienced before is applicable now. Pause for a moment and let this sink in, we are in 2017, the “shift” happened in December 2012, or at least the beginning of the shift – 5 years have almost past. Where are you today compared to then?

Accept whatever emotion or physical feeling you are experiencing. Don’t get all wrapped up in it. Know that eventually it will pass and the more you focus on it, the longer it will last. If you are experiencing physical symptoms, please seek professional attention and follow the advice. Get off the hamster wheel. Yes, we all have a million tasks to complete before noon it seems, this leads to finishing things just to get them over and done with and off the list. We start at A and rush until we arrive at B, then move onto the next task that requires our attention. We are in autopilot mode, and autopilot is so programmed, that there is no hope to shift it unless we slow down and pay attention to the process. Notice what you are doing in each moment. Once you bring your awareness, you can begin renewing the old energy, old paradigms, and old processes. Often our autopilot is not the fastest process or procedure, so don’t get stuck in the familiarity rut. Be open and willing to look at how you accomplish things and shift them if necessary.

As an “old soul”, “lightworker” I too, found that how I use to connect with energy just was not giving me the same sense or feeling it did. I did not keep pushing it. Instead, I stepped back, and the energy started flowing. I was connecting in such a different way that to describe it would have done it a disservice. Do not think for one moment that this awakening is for only a chosen few; everyone is awakening. No, it sure does not look like that when you watch the news or listen to people sometimes. I mean where is the peace, the love, the compassion that was promised? For starters, there are approximately 7.5 billion people on earth. Not all were/are ready to open to a new energy, and even those who felt they were ready, were not really. They talked a good game, but in essence, the work to get them to the space they needed to be in had not happened. If we did a survey, we would most likely discover, with those 7.5 billion people most have never known love, peace, or compassion in its totality. How can it be expected that the energy shift would come and, “poof,” all would be heaven on earth? Hence the past few years have been this wonderful roller coaster ride. For humanity to experience the "promised peace", all the old energy, old paradigms, and old processes need to be renewed. The interesting part of awakening is that it throws us into an emotional sea, anger floats to the surface one moment, then the next we are tossed into grief, and often we are floating peacefully in joy and love. It is not all-encompassing, nor can it be predicted from one moment to the next. It is very much an in the moment ordeal, and we must roll with it. There are physical symptoms that present

Lastly, and perhaps I should have put this first, let go of all you think you know. Be prepared to feel like you are blowing in the wind, lost, but know the energy guides you. You will land exactly where you are meant to be. The new energy supports ease, and the more you can stop resisting it, the more it will support you. It is a relearning, but I promise you it is easier now than it has ever been. Take care of you, slow down, accept yourself completely (warts and all). Understand that you are creating a beautiful new life within your current life, free will still plays a role and you are free to choose. This shift truly is an inside job, you are the master creator, and as such must follow your inner compass. If it feels right, you are on the correct path. Have faith in yourself, trust, and be the love you wish to see.

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For centuries humans have spoken of “Man and Nature.” Inherent in this phrase is a separation that places humans apart from nature. In technological societies, this separation is as deeply embedded in consciousness as is the distinction between 'indoors and outdoors.' Perhaps when humans began creating dwellings that insulated them from Sun, Moon and Stars, it was then that human consciousness split itself off from its unified presence in cosmic consciousness. Now there was my world in here, and the natural world out there. Now when we venture into nature, we are visitors in a different world.

feet, and in the heavens. As significant as the physical manifestations of energy, however, is the world of consciousness to which we are just beginning to awaken. The child's ability to touch opens a lifelong journey of exploration of the physical world. The awareness of our own consciousness is but our first step in a vast exploration of cosmic consciousness. Imagine a drop of water that had a true understanding of its place within the oceans of the world. That drop would be subject to the ebb and flow of forces so far beyond even those of the vast ocean itself, whether it had any awareness of them or not.

Imagine a child, separated, in infancy, from her parents. She is raised by surrogate parents for many years. Imagine that at some point she begins to visit with those people who are her biological parents. No one tells her who they really are. All she knows is that she feels incredibly wonderful when she is with them. She may not even know them that well, but what she feels is the warmth, the love, the wisdom that flows from the superior knowledge that the parents have of her place in the world. There is also a deep biological connection, forged aeons ago and carried in genetic memory. This connection exists, naturally, whether she ever has an awareness of it or not. Similarly, the same fireball that gave birth to the galaxies, has given birth to each one of us. We are not 'connected' to nature; we are nature.

We are a drop of consciousness in the vastness of the Cosmos. The mountains and rivers are right here in our back yard. But no, we are growing in consciousness. The Earth was our playpen. Suddenly it is the galaxies that are in our back yard. Exploring our relationship with nature takes on a new meaning. I am no longer just my parent's child. No longer just a child of the Earth. I am a child of the Universe. That changes everything, and yet it changes nothing, for it has always been so. Hands can touch, eyes can see, and legs can carry us all over the Earth. But consciousness, our consciousness, is that aspect of our being that is like the drop of water in the ocean. It is separate, yet indistinguishable from the whole.

The Universe grows, unfolds, in increasing complexity. It is in humans that the Universe reveals its ability to reflect upon itself. Perhaps the Universe is at a stage in its infancy not unlike that where the baby realizes that those hands belong to him, and begins to move them with conscious intention. We are the awakening consciousness of the Universe.

So if we allow that drop to merge, to truly merge with the larger whole, we have instant access to the tides and rhythms of an Eternal consciousness...And to whatever unimaginable, mysterious forces might act upon those.

We are the Universe beginning to understand itself. What a momentous dawning! Isolating ourselves from nature would be akin to binding the infant so that he could not move, or blindfolding him so he could not see. It is a co-creative Universe. Life evolves in interaction. The child deprived of contact and interaction exhibits what is called 'failure to thrive.' A species or culture deprived of 'free play' and random interaction with the Mother similarly fails to thrive. This goes far beyond spending time in nature. It takes time, space and inner focus to begin to tune in to the rhythms, the subtle energies that surround us. Exploring the natural world opens the doors of consciousness in ways that nothing else can. Ancient memories are coded within us, and awakened when we touch base with the primeval world beneath our

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, MP3’s and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to and ‘Like’ Gwen on FaceBook! 9


NECESSARY TO MAKE being & becoming

POSSIBLE. Photo: © PNielsen

Rollo May 10



Positive attitude activities help us deal with the pressure of everyday responsibilities. Now more than ever, we are faced with different challenges and become vulnerable to stress, making it hard to maintain an optimistic behavior. The following positive attitude activities can help you cope with stressful moments and make them merry and light.

Positive Attitude Activity # 4: Listen to your favorite songs.

Studies have shown that music brings a positive state of mind by keeping depression and anxiety low. In fact, hospitals have utilized the use of music to manage pain, calm patients, ease muscle tension and ward off depression. Positive Attitude Activity # 5: Laugh.

Positive Attitude Activity # 1: Smile. This is one of the easiest and most basic things you can do to boost your optimism. Besides, it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. It's also infectious. When you smile, not only do you feel good about yourself, you also make others feel good. Positive Attitude Activity # 2: Watch videos with positive themes, or read inspirational quotes and short stories. If you have time to spare, inspirational videos and movies can help lift your spirits and bring you good vibes. If you're busy, reading inspirational quotes or motivational short stories can give you an instant pick-me-up. You can inspire others as well by suggesting them to your friends and family. Positive Attitude Activity # 3: Exercise. Increased physical activity activates or increases your endorphins, the neurotransmitter responsible for the "feel-good." It also improves you mood by hampering some symptoms of stress and depression. 13

Whether it be a joke from a video, an article or a simple "knock-knock," sometimes a good laugh is all you need. Hang out with your friends more and share funny stories that you can all laugh about. You can also find a lot of hilarious materials and happy activities from the Internet which you can also share with everyone you know.

These are just a few positive attitude activities you can try. You might want to explore others which you think can help you more or which fit your personality better. Remember that more than anything else, you can make yourself feel good. Don't worry too much about your flaws, we all have them. Just don't forget that you have strengths too. Don't be disheartened when you make mistakes, just laugh it off and keep trying. The important thing is that you never give up.

Michael Lee Artice Source:

Photo: © PNielsen 14

Spring is when life's alive in everything. Christina Rossetti


As I sat to read the energy of May, it was clear that the energy of April (Editor note: see April’s report after this one) (and June) are very inter -related. They are always connected, of course; it’s not like energy starts on the first of a month—but these months are part of a larger process that is bigger than it can seem.

The energy of April refined that internal focus. It had the energy of Anchoring New Creation, such that past patterns aren’t repeating with a new façade. This entails the inner/subtle realm changing so that a creation is different at the core. Of course, it's all about changing you. You are the new creation. May is that still point of connection as you sustain your energy to change. June will be an external catalyst that focuses you from chaos to creation. More on that in the Light Language video (above), and much more next month.

This time of Ascension is about us evolving into a more consciously connected species. Connected within the self, with the Earth, Earthly life, the cosmos, and the subtle realm. It is a natural process of evolution in which what has always been becomes known, understood and utilized. It requires moving past some comfort zones, reworking some patterns of interaction, and tuning into an internal connection that changes the future.

External Tension Creates Inner Focus The external experience is one that creates internal tension. That is the nature of change—the desire to grow, connect, feel and enjoy. "Tension" in and of itself is not a bad thing. The "tension" of wanting


to be mobile creates a desire for a child to walk. The "tension" of wanting to express creates art. It can be a joyful process.

within, and what you are preparing to express out. It is a month of preparation energy, as you prepare your inner realm for the future creation that will form. It is the moment of connection.

The phenomenon that we have been experiencing is that fear has dominated humanity to such a degree that the tension of change (growth and connection) created a lack of empathy, or a lack of connection in order to accelerate growth. As a Lightworker, you are naturally empathic, desiring a deep connection with Life and for all Life to thrive.

Focusing on the self in this instance is about empowering yourself as part of the whole. This is a big issue that we are bringing a lot of energy of resolution (re-soul-ution) to as we amplify the energy of Love into the human experience. Yep. It begins within. We are resolving past the pain of not feeling worthy into the strength of knowing we were born worthy and we deserve a joyful life experience.

What we are being called to now is to look past the obvious and into the potentials. As we connect with a loving potential, we are evolving into a greater state of connection. As we connect with a fearful potential, we are reinforcing a lack of capability. To evolve into that greater state of connection, reinforce capability. Inner strength. Inner fortitude and Love.

We are evolving into the strength of dealing with what is, and focusing toward the potentials of what will be, even as we are deeply rooted into the full experience of the present. The present moment, the space between past and future, is the power point. Again, you.

April offered some unique tensions that stretched that growth. On a collective level, it is changing. Sometimes it looks like a protest, sometimes it looks like a charity foundation, but it's changing continually. How do you sustain that momentum? May will help show the way...

Sustaining Focus with Intent In May, state the energy that you are sustaining within so that you can focus on your new creation. “I want…” from an inner perspective. What do you want within? Rather than something physical, it will be internal. So rather than “I want a relationship” inner focus is, “I want deep connection.” “I want peace.” “I want to flow Love.” “I want to share joy.”

Sustaining Focus The energy of May is shown to me as the space between, the still point of connection, the sustaining energy. I was shown the energy of May as being the center point between the inhale and exhale, as you honor the moment of inaction that feeds the system. It is this still point that provides the connection between what was and what will be. It is your present moment, the power point of your inner realm that supports your connection with the outer realm.

Lightworkers are generally the sensitives that give and give and give. That actually isn’t going to change drastically, because it is the core of who you are. What is changing is the imbalance of that. Are you giving to your detriment or the detriment of another? Are you truly helping in a moment? Is this moment preparing a healthy future potential?

The space between is the moment where you hear the whisper of Love, All is Well, and Life continues onward. Do you feel comfortable in that moment? For it is that comfort that allows the sustaining energy to flow. How do you create the comfort of All is Well? You create from peace rather than fear. You own your inner realm and support that beautiful flow.

Each moment isn’t a measure of equal give/receive. But we are in a time of learning to receive deeply and give from a wellspring of Life flowing. To do that, your inner realm is cultivated into a nourishing garden that sustains with delight. That is your inner realm. In a moment of darkness it supports growth, in a moment of lightness, it encourages growth. What do you want within, creative being?

Inner Strength


May has the energy of taking life in and letting it fuel you, letting it sustain you. It is asking you to breathe deeply of Life and let that energy circulate through you, imprint it with your energy, and release it back into the collective. What is within you? I noticed recently that I had thoughts repeating that were ridiculous. They weren't based in reality, the now moment, or the Love I want to live. I stopped, focused and shifted my thoughts.

In May, we are called to maintain a powerful inner realm that sustains life beautifully. With each breath in, you are taking Life into your being. Are you strong enough to hold your own vibrational intent? In this year of The Empowered Sovereign, it is a powerful time of refining your inner kingdom into a flourishing creative space that realigns your life with Love. It is who you are. We are learning the "how" in this configuration, with the experiences that harvest wisdom.

When thoughts are on repeat, it’s asking you to look deeper. If it’s just mind chatter, you’ll focus away from it with some easy effort toward a more productive focus. Otherwise, look a little deeper at what your inner realm is repeating to you because it's asking you to heal. Thoughts of fear, anger, hatred, confusion, etc.? It’s just coming up for release, so find a healthy healing focus. Let it out. Own your inner realm. May will ask you, what are you feeding yourself with that whisper within?

Focus within, support yourself to thrive, and emanate Love out more and more. You already deserve that loving life.

Sustaining Your Power

Copyright: © 2005-2016 Jamye Price All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.

I hope you have a nourishing May!

Jamye Price

The sustaining energy of May fuels you to keep your focus to take action in the “future” (a moment, a year from now?). It is about inner focus on the self, what you have taken in, what you are sustaining


March Review March felt smoother in some ways than the first few months of the year. The equinox had a wonderful intensity. I had to lay down a few times throughout the day just to balance the energies. I was feeling a lot of brain changes, some quite intense. I noticed occasional heart energies shifting and a general sense of strength anchoring. What I was shown was some of the changes that were occurring in the collective unconscious were drastic releases. From the human standpoint,

these will manifest as courage. For some, it may go through a stage of chaos, but renewed harmony is the opportunity that chaos offers. In the time of balance, which the equinox brings into focus, we recognize that the system of life survives through balance to imbalance to balance. Or harmony to chaos to harmony. It is as simple as your body unbalancing and rebalancing to take a step forward, thirst leading to hydrating, or an exhale leading to the next inhale. Of 18

course not all imbalances are that simple. But as you strengthen through the simple ones, change becomes more manageable. This creates a core strength within you that sustains your harmony as you interact with life. All that occurs on the world stage and directly in your life has the potential to evolve the human experience. As you live your life with profound acts of courage like loving and valuing yourself, choosing your creativity over fear, releasing obligations

that stifle unnecessarily, interacting with the systems and people with integrity, compassion, and strength—you are shifting the flow of life from the foundation that builds it. Actions are then inspired from your empowered Love. April Energies We are evolving through an exciting time of conscious interaction with the subtle realms. They’ve always been there, but humanity has been more consciously interacting with the physical realm. It has some different rules than the subtle realm. This leads us into the energies of April. April Ascension Energies are about Anchoring New Creation. Change is constant in life. We change all the time. The core difference is are we changing in ways that we truly want, or are we creating a new illusion that seems like change, but really repeats an unwanted pattern. For example, leaving a job can be a fear response or a pattern of avoidance. It could also be a true change of a pattern. How do you know the difference? Leaving a relationship or starting a new relationship can be a repeat of an unwanted pattern, or it can be a true change. How do you know the difference? To create something “new” you balance changing within and changing the external. You must change the whole of you, not just your external circumstances. The Fun of New Creation Life wants you to thrive. As you thrive, Life thrives. Your creativity is a gift of Life changing through your expression. Life surrenders to you implicitly for you to create with your free will. As you evolve to incorporate the rules of the subtle and physical realms, you are integrating beyond the binds of the physical realm step by step.

Remain gently focused on your path and changes are easily moved through." The coyote energy (or totem) is often known as the trickster, because it teaches through experiential learning that things are not always what they seem. It builds internal strength, discernment, and an openness to fun by teaching you to adapt to life. When you change deeply, your life changes deeply. When you repeat patterns, life repeats patterns. Life Compels New Creation A great way to observe what is offering real change is to begin to listen to your heart—listen to your desires, listen to your emotions. When you feel good, you’re aligned with your desires. There may be actions and time before it manifests, there may be some unexpected steps and results or even dips into not feeling good. However, that is inconsequential because your vibrational resonance is already calibrated with your desire and you know its potential on a core level. When you feel negative emotions about something, you’re desiring something that you aren’t aligned with. It’s Life’s way of saying readjust to shift your resonance so that you can align with your desires. Life won’t do that shifting for you, but it is always helping you through it. How? The natural pull of Life is Love. It is the binding force of Life. Love compels, it does not dominate. It supports and nurtures empowered interaction. As you honor the natural flow of Life, it begins to sustain through Love rather than fear and domination. Life is compelling you to change your resonance, to change

There was a beautiful animal message with this month’s video that pertains to this. As we were walking through Sedona to find a filming spot, I saw a coyote. I received a message that applies to these current energies.

Whether something seems right or wrong/ good or bad in a moment, the compelling component is what you observe to shift within. Observe your experiences and ask yourself, “What is compelling me? Why is it compelling me? What do I need to change within to align with my desires? What actions do I take to align with my desires? Am I balancing inner change and outer actions to create something truly “new.”

"What seems stable is only an illusion.

Heart Living Anchors New Creation 19

There is nothing wrong with changing jobs from a place of avoidance, it will just continue compelling you to change. A new relationship that repeats an old pattern is just another opportunity to change. Your choice is whether you want to align with your desires of your new creation or not. It’s just a choice. It requires a balance of changing from within and taking external steps. Relax into those changes. As you nurture yourself through change, you allow the journey of life to support you because you have no binds of guilt or tension resisting your change. When you are listening to your heart, you are changing from within. You are allowing the compelling of Love to lead your life. Heart living will move toward Love whether in a moment of pleasure or pain. You are compelled because it is worth the continued thriving of Life. Life continues to improve. Your loving focus amplifies your core truth of Love. You are so worth it! Summary April is a key time that is supporting us into Empowered Sovereignty. As we continue to align our focus with the heart and discover the path of our individual potentials, we create a new energy of interaction on Earth. The meek are inheriting the Earth. Meek is not weak, it is a deep strength that creates through compassion that nurtures All Life. We are anchoring a new reality, not the same patterns repeating. It won't happen overnight. This is an ancient and universal process that is natural to us. Trust your heart more. You are divinity in human form. New Creation is compelling you with Love, and Love is who you are.

Jamye Price

Copyright: © 2005-2017 Jamye Price All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for noncommercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.

Photo: © PNielsen 20




Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Love has many faces, and compassion is the new energy word we are seeing for an evolving earth. I've spent a lot of time with all of you, giving you messages about what is possible and what you can do in this new energy. The subject tonight is about what WAS in the old energy and the truths that you owned back then. We're going to call this message "The Five Great Deceptions of the Old Energy". Throughout all this, we are describing something that was, not that still is. Dear ones, it's very difficult to give you a basic premise without it sounding insulting, but Humans are starting to grow up. Even as I sit before these groups and sense your intuition, I can sense the questions you have. I can sense that the value of compassion is starting to show itself, and the very persons here in this room are starting to be elevated beyond what they were four years ago. There are new questions being asked that are wise and that don't necessarily reflect an older energy, yet the biggest thing, the hurdle of all Humans who are listening to this message, is how to get out of the bias of the old. It has tainted you, affected you, and has made you less than you really are. So I'm here to identify them so you can move past them. Some will sound familiar. I've never given these items in a package like this. This is a time of celebration because every single thing I'm going to tell you now is an old energy of the past. Yet, you must hear it in order to have a check-off list for you to say, "Not anymore, not now." 23

This is also for those of you who are beginning to realize, "Well, I know we've passed beyond all these things, but I still feel a little of it inside." Dear ones, you cannot spent a life in one paradigm only to throw it away and reboot yourselves completely within a few years. You have residuals of the deceptions that you carry with you, and maybe some of you have to hear it. When children grow up, there is such innocence and beauty in their lives. There are fables and metaphors and stories and beautiful mythology that you will often give to your children to make them feel better about themselves. You give them wonderful things to believe in, and certain seasons with exciting expectations so that they will then be ready for life in a better, more positive way. Then they grow and gradually have the wisdom to drop some of the mythology and some of the stories. They see a more a profound truth. They begin to focus on that which is life and the childish things fall away. I don't want to say the words but I have to: The old energy is filled with childish things. They are things that humanity has dwelt upon in a paradigm that was deception, because the old energy paints a picture, a mythology, and I want to give it to you item by item. Each one of these is a celebration, because it's not there any longer. The Five Great Deceptions of the Old Energy Number One: Here is a teaching of the old energy and the teaching goes like this: Everything repeats itself and, therefore, there is nothing new under the sun.

Therefore, the future will simply be more of the past, without hope of improvement. It gives a feeling of no hope when you realize there is nothing new. This is mainly in respect to Human consciousness and Human nature. When you look forward, you only have one model for reference, and that is the horror of what has happened in the past. Dear ones, indeed, this is the way it used to be. All of the things that you had to look forward to were based on things that would come around and happen again. The old energy deception says that you will never climb out of Human nature, which brought you war after war. Many will say that you may be having a nice, refreshing break right now, but then there will, of course, be another war. This is because there always has been before. The argument for the deception is this: Why would you expect something different other than what you had? Why would you feel that Human nature would change? The old energy answer? You can't expect things that go out of the circle of Human history. Everything is always the same. History repeats. The deception is in place, even today. As you look around this planet and you listen to those who are talking, what are they saying? They're expecting the things to repeat from the past! They're wringing their hands because what has happened in the past will be the pattern of the future, and they are already expecting it. Dear ones, you've turned the page and passed the marker, which the ancients gave you as prophecy. You're starting to accelerate that which is your intuition and your

wisdom, and you are beginning your evolvement into areas that you've never been before. This future before you has never been written. It is not on the track of the past at all. With every single one of these deceptions, I'm going to ask you to rewrite them in your psyche. Right now you can say, "Dear Spirit, I understand this. I know that the future has been rewritten and is filled with the purity, beauty, and compassion of new change. I know that I can steer my life into that beautiful, serene ocean that's never existed before called my future." That is the new energy that is here! You can also say, "I hereby drop the deception that the future has to be something I've seen before. What's coming is totally fresh." Number Two: You cannot get ahead. You've tried and you've tried, but there's always something that will beat you up with your goal, including yourself. You feel that there is a plateau that you will reach that is almost there. Then something always happens to rob you of what you need. The reason given for this is because the dark energy of this planet has always kept you in this box. Therefore, there's a complacency that says, "This is good enough." Friends tell you differently. They say, "This, or something better. Be more positive about yourself." You say, "Well, that's a nice thing for you, but I know the reality of the paradigm I'm in. I'm not going to be able to go above a certain level. I never can get ahead." What a deception this is! It's built in an older energy to keep you in line, dear ones. The deception is an old energy tool to keep you from seeing a larger truth. If humanity feels it's stuck, it will be! Do you know how easy you are to control by others when you never think you can get above where you are? Easy.

is that you are powerful and can create another reality. It's starting to tell you, "There are talents here for you that you've never had before in this life, that are starting to show themselves. You're on a path you've not seen yet that will take you light years ahead of where you are now. Anything that you wish to accomplish in this energy is possible, with the wind at your back." Here is something to verbalize: "Dear Spirit, I will never give verbiage to can't again. Dear Spirit, I know that there are things for me beyond which I can imagine. No matter how old I am, I know that I can go further than I ever have gone before. In fact, I'm already there, because I am part of the shift and not part of the older deceptions." Number Three: You're not worthy. Oh dear ones, even some of the most recent channels I've given landed upon this theme in a profound way. How do I do this yet again without insulting the child inside of you? How could you ever believe from anybody that you were born dirty? How could you believe this when inside of you is the grandness of the creator? It's all around you - God inside! How could somebody say, "You don't deserve God"? Would you say that to your children? Visualize your child in front of you and say, "You're born dirty. I won't love you until you do something to earn it." Would you say that to your children? Would the creator of love do this to you? How childish this deception is, yet it is the paradigm of a planet within an old energy of unawareness - in the dark - and that is where you've been.

It is no secret that there have been many who have controlled you for years. They control the planet and whole economies, and you even have names for them. They have been successful for centuries because of an older, darker energy, and because you are deceived to feel you'll never get beyond a certain point. That's all it takes resignation and fear from the public.

Humanity is so willing to believe these unGod-like things, and has gone with it so greatly and so grandly for centuries that even though it has no spiritual logic at all, it is accepted. Again and again we've told you that you come in with a bias of unworthiness, and for emphasis, everyone around you who is important tells you that's correct. Some are so biased that they believe they are not worthy of even being on the planet itself! Then the mantras begin: "God doesn't love you because you are dirty. All humanity does not deserve the love of God."

The new paradigm developing since 2012 erases that completely and says that you are beginning to awaken, literally, with a remembering Akash. What it "remembers"

Dear ones, that is a deception. It is the biggest lie from the old energy that has ever occurred on this planet. It keeps you in fear and in the dark. Children might 24

believe this deception, but not an advanced race of Humans who are awakening to the truth of who God is - and the fact that Humans have this divinity within them. This is "made in His image"! You are worthy to be here! Take a deep breath and say, "Not only am I worthy, I am very worthy." Never before in the history of humanity have you been as worthy as you are now to solve the problems of this planet and to go into a situation with no world war in the future. You will be a civilization that can start compassionate action. Ignore everything you see on the news! This is because it will drag you down. The news only reports the old energy, did you notice? All that is on your broadcasts are almost exclusively in alignment with the old energy. That is because that particular paradigm has not died for them. In fact, they are married to an old paradigm of broadcast that is slowly dying, and they will notice this soon. Old soul, you know better. You're worthy! Sit there for a moment and know that you are worthy. Every master who walked the planet has told you this - God inside! The almighty God that created this galaxy has created you in a beautiful image of itself. So you might take a moment, take a breath and say, "Unlike the old energy and the deception that I had, I no longer buy into that which I was told. I was born into magnificence because I have God inside and all that I see is made from God. I see God everywhere, in everyone, and I honor this beautiful truth. I am worthy to see it, and I am it. Amen." That was number three. Number Four: This deception is so profound and obvious that I've said it for more than 26 years. So profound it is, yet so misunderstood. Why would you ever take the almighty love source of the Universe and give it Human consciousness? God is not a Human! There is nothing more pure in the Universe than the love of God. You have no concept of how pure it is. It is beyond your reasoning, beyond anything that you could fathom. The power of love is the creative energy of life itself. Love and compassion are the pure elements of God and there is nothing else. So how is it that "modern" thought has God's history as featuring wars in heaven, or "fallen angels through disagreements with God�? Then you are told, "God is not happy with you because

you did this and that. In fact, God is about to punish you forever because you did this and that." How Human can you make God? How dysfunctional can you make God? Do you understand the mythology and the child-like consciousness believing that God acts like a Human? Did it ever occur to you that this might be a full deception? God is the creator of the Universe. God consciousness is light years from the way a Human thinks, yet so much of what you believe or have been told has God revolving around judgment, punishment, and the horror of a torturous afterlife for you and your children. None of these things are from God. All of them are from lower Human consciousness, pasted upon the idea of God. Dear ones, it is a paradigm of an older energy that creates a mythology that God is just like a bad Human father. Born magnificent and worthy, you are! The image of God, you are! That is the Human Being. You were born into a divine plan that gives you choice between light and dark, free choice to see the God within or not. Rewrite what you were told, who God is, and see it accurately. From the first breath of your birth, God is as a benevolent parent that is so divine that there is only love no matter what you do. You didn't arrive here to be punished! God gives you only help and benevolence, no matter what you do. With free choice you can do anything, but when you have the free choice to see who God is, your life starts changing and you start to see the immense beauty that has always been there of a true partnership with the Creative Source. It is impossible for God to judge you. Did you realize that Humans have made God spiritually dysfunctional and far worse to you than you would be to your own children? A Human Being would never do to their children what you believe God is doing to you. Use your wisdom and Godgiven spiritual logic and awaken to a truth that is magnificent and filled with compassion and love and beauty. Who is God? Is God the creator of the Universe and part of your very cells, or some kind of entity who looks upon you in a way that creates fear and the specter of Hell forever if you fail? It's time to see this deception and know that the truth is spectacularly different and filled with the splendor of a loving, benevolent, and personal God.

Number Five: Darkness is in control. This is related to number two, but enhanced. You have seen it in the wars and the dictators who seemingly had the full support of evil. You've seen it all through humanity when a Human chooses darkness instead of light. Low energy has always been in control, and the Human race has been manipulated for money. You have been told this all your life. The deception today it that this is still happening, that the Human race continues to be manipulated as it has all through its existence by those who were powerful and greedy and wealthy. Dear ones, the residual of this is still here, as you slowly are awakening to a higher truth. But you should know that light is winning. Darkness is no longer in control of this planet. The evidence is not subtle, and if you think it is, what happened in the '80s when you didn't get your prophesied war? What happened when you turned the corner and you did not have the Armageddon in the year 2000? What happened in the year 2012 with the celebration of passing the marker? You were told it was the end of time! Hardly. It was instead the "beginning of a new time". This is no longer an earth controlled by the dark. It's awakening way past any of the old prophecies, yet the deception of control from the dark is still ingrained in you, isn't it? Conspiracies still abound, even if the core is now missing from their source. Dear ones, you might take a moment to proclaim this new energy as an affirmation: Like all the other deceptions from the past, you might take a moment to say, "Dear Spirit, I am in control of my life. Light is in control of this planet and slowly it will illuminate the shadows, chasing the dark away like it never has before. Light is winning in this new energy." You will never think again that darkness is in control, for you will begin to see a planet starting to come into a new way of thinking, where compassion is a far greater element of interest than drama. There are those who will hear this channel and say, "Kryon is like a 'Pollyanna channel'. Everything is just fine. The planet is going to be sunny and there will be plenty of light and solutions for everything." Dear ones, that's not from me! It is the prophecy of the ancients! You are beginning a journey into light that was a message of prophecy inscribed onto 25

a multitude of rock walls and pyramids. It's the prophecy of the Precession of the Equinoxes, and the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor. It's the reason I'm here. As you pull out the new tools that you are being given, they're going to be frightening to a darkness that has been in control. There will be institutions who will fight you who continue to be invested in greed and darkness. This battle has begun, and what's happening slowly is that they will lose ground and you will then understand what I'm saying when you see it. In closing, I'm going to tell you two things: (1) The old soul has the wisdom to pull this off, (2) but the old soul will also have the challenge of dropping the bias of the old deceptions. The youngsters who are just arriving will not have this bias and it's going to show. They will look at some of you and actually say to themselves, "What is wrong with you?" They've never experienced that which is being unworthy. They have an Akash that is remembering good things. Their goals for future are bright, and they see only that they can create anything. Meanwhile, they look at you wallowing in the corner, worrying about everything, and expecting the worse. The youth have the perception without the old energy experience, so old soul, it's about time you learned how to drop the old so you can lead the way. This is what is at hand at the moment. The new energy is changing even as I channel. The battle for dark and light is at hand. We told you it was coming, that there can be no more fence-sitters and light is winning. It's very easy to say - now go discover it, for it's there to be seen! It's a celebration isn't it? All the deceptions I've discussed are past tense. None of what I've said is accurate for the paradigm after the shift of 2012. Go find it, dear ones, in love, and as you do, you'll see the beautiful hand of Spirit take your own and realize I'm right. I'm right. The center of the Universe has a consciousness of love that is the Creative Source and it lives within you every day. Can you smile with that? And so it is. KRYON

Lee Carroll


Your divine presence is your birthright Dearest Souls: The advent of your divine presence is your birthright. It is not something you need to hide, water down or dismiss as not good enough. You were born into this world a unique divine being and presence. It is simple as that!! Anything else is an illusion. You see dearest soul’s divinity just is. It is what you are now, and what you always were even before you were born and what you are when you return after this earthly life is done. Your divinity is everlasting in unfathomable love now and always. Yours in Divine presence Jesus

Contact Michelle blog or email me at 27

We know what we are, but not what we may be. William Shakespeare

Photo: Photo:©©PNielsen PNielsen 28



When I think of chamomile, I think of the small, ground-hugging little plant with a yellow or green cone-shaped flower head that smells incredibly pungent when crushed. That is wild chamomile, also known as pineapple weed. Definitely NOT Roman chamomile! Roman chamomile is also a groundhugging plant, but the flowers are daisy-like and white-petalled, about an inch across. Roman chamomile flowers are steam distilled to make the essential oil. If you’ve ever had a tea blend that’s made specially to help you sleep or relax, chances are it has chamomile in it. Chamomile is a natural sedative, very calming to the mental and emotional states. Good to use on babies and small children for teething, upset tummies and general upset states. Dilute in a carrier oil, and place on the VitaFlex or Reflexology points on the feet. Test a small area of the skin before putting on topically anywhere else on the body. If you are experiencing depression or high levels of anxiety, diffuse chamomile or take a bath with 2 or 3 drops in the tub. This may also help if you are having difficulty sleeping. This oil has a reputation for being beneficial for skin conditions. Mix with the carrier oil of your choice and rub into your skin.

hale deeply. Do this two or three times, then relax into your connection with your guides or angels. If you feel as though you are losing the connection, repeat the inhalation. There is so much information that can come through when we are relaxed and centered! And this summer? When you spot those little wild chamomile plants, reach down and gently crust the flowers, then bring your fingers up to your nose for a good sniff. You’ll find yourself smiling as you continue on your way Enjoy this oil. Diffuse it, smell it, play with it! Please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils. For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website:



Rub on your abdomen to help relieve indigestion, or make a very mild tea - a toothpick inserted in the bottle and swirled around in a cup of water is most likely sufficient. For persistent problems, start small and increase the amount used over several days until you have the mixture that works for you. It appears that any issue you are having with irritation, be it skin, emotional, mental, digestive, physical aches and pains – chamomile can help to relieve it. This indicates that it is a very powerful oil to use during massage or other healing treatments. Diffuse a few drops in your healing space to help your client relax and release the pent-up energy of his or her day (or life). Just make sure that you put a drop of peppermint oil in your mouth to keep you awake during the session! Feeling frustrated during meditation? Rub a drop of chamomile oil on your palms, cup your nose and in31

Photo: © Young Living

Connect with Vera

Source of Selenium Rich Source Vitamins K, B1, A, C High in Folate Low Calorie

Roasted Bacon Wrapped Asparagus Bunch of asparagus Precooked Bacon— not crispy 2 tablespoons maple syrup, 1/2 tsp garlic powder, salt, pepper— mixed together Divide asparagus equally into bundles, wrap in bacon and place on parchment paper covered baking sheet. Drizzle small amount of olive oil onto the bundles and rub to cover bundle evenly. Drizzle each bundle with maple mixture. Bake in preheated 450 ° oven for 10 mins 32

Blender Hollandaise By Desiree Nielsen

Ingredients 2/3 cup (160 ml) salted butter 3 eggs, yolks only 2 tbsp (30 ml) freshly squeezed lemon juice Âź tsp (2 ml) hot sauce Method Place butter in pan and heat to melt until foam begins to form. Crack eggs in bowl, yolks only. Pour egg yolks into blender. Squeeze lemon juice into blender. Add hot sauce and blend. While blender is going, take out the middle lid of the blender and slowly add melted butter.

Roasted Asparagus Bunch of asparagus Olive Oil Salt Pepper Roast in preheated 450° oven for 10 minutes. Serve with Hollandaise Sauce 33


Sing out loud, proud and from your heart When I asked what the power animal was this month, Wren came to mind. So, as Wren lands on the fence of our back yard their messages to us this month is: “Be resourceful and bold. If you are observant, you will find many things you can see you did not before and many resources for you to use. So be bold and yourself. Go for your dreams and goals. Have faith and listen to yourself and intuition. Your intuition is also a powerful resource. It will bring you into yourself. Trust your resources and your soul. Sing out loud, proud and from the heart.� The Wrens

Contact Michelle blog or email me at 35

Photo: © PNielsen 36


Photo: © VEnshaw

A Crystal Reading for

May 2017

We are rushing, sliding skimming towards summer. It’s not here yet, but the energies of the earth are quickening. Flowers are blooming, trees are almost in full leaf – one might have the feeling of running in place, trying to move forward and not feeling or seeing any progress. Patience is called for, dear ones. All is progressing exactly as it should, and in the seconds between breaths the decisions are being made, the work is being done. Namasté

Vera 38 Contact Vera at

Week 1: May 1st to 6th – Acasta River Gneiss: A dull exterior hides depth and sparkle. Look twice at those people and situations that appear uninteresting. You will find hidden depths that are so powerful, so brilliant, they may take your breath away. Always we tend to look for and move towards the glimmering, shimmering exteriors, easy to see, easy to recognize. Take the time this week, dear ones, to explore and plumb the depths of simple pleasures, quiet folk, and glory in the reward!

Week 2: May 7th to 13th – Black Tourmaline in White Quartz: Look for patterns this week – patterns and hidden messages, symbols. What appears jumbled and confusing will become clear once you step back from the situation and observe what is really going on. This week seek truth, both in yourself and in the actions of others. Beware your desire to be fooled.

Week 3: May 14th to 20th – Picture Jasper Whale: Life is what you make it. Ups and downs are part of the daily ebb and flow of life. How we respond to situations is our own choice – the situation may not be a conscious choice, but our response is. Draw on your deepest strengths, your knowing that life is to be lived – this will be the best way to get through what you are being offered this week.

Week 4: May 21st to 27th – Uvanovite: There will be deep, possibly intense healing for you this week. Look back to your past, even to past lives, for the messages you are offering yourself. We are so much more than the simple beings we appear to be, and we carry much from the past forward with us. Take time to sit where you can be surrounded by the new, green growth of spring. Breathe it in, soak it in to your pores. Allow cleansing healing to take place. (Not all healing is painful).

Week 5: May 28th to 30th – Red Flame Agate: Be gentle with yourself this week. Take some time to explore the light that is you. Beneath your strong exterior lies a river of light, pulsing steadily through all your layers. It touches everything you are, everything you do. Explore it. In meditation resolve to taste it, smell it…feel it. Become so aware of its pulse that you can bring it to the forefront of your awareness at will. This, dear ones, is your essence. Flowing Light. Know it… 39


Sunday Sun-Day

7 Excellent day to embrace Generosity & Passion

Monday Moon-day

Tuesday Mars-day

Wednesday Mercury-Day

Thursday Jupiter-Day

Friday Venus-Day

Saturday Saturn-day







Think before you speak – something hurtful could come out that will be hard to take back

Great day to combine your magnetic forces & create something meaningful

Mercury is standing still today … use your words carefully and powerfully

Nose to the Grindstone

Increased unhealthy boundaries … ‘Shields up’

Be Cautious Another day of checking your boundaries

8 Unexpected delays – watch your inside voice & work it out

9 Show your true colours

10 Full Moon

11 Great Day

Must meditate…

Work on your journal / blog / book

12 Don’t let your temper get out of control today

13 Unexpected information … great day to organized

Unexpected communication

14 If you find yourself standing in front of the fridge – check in with your emotions … are they really your feelings

15 Have a Giving Bag in hand … but don’t give more than you can afford… thoughtful giving

16 Mercury moves into Taurus – fact to thoughtful methodical communication

17 Nice day in the neighbourhood

18 Great day to get the job done

19 What you need and what you want may not click today

20 Sun moves into Gemini Great for meditation but don’t struggle with outcome








Be Consciously Engaged today

Another day for Giving Bag

Meditation a must today structure your communication and get the impact you are looking for 30

Expand your emotional boundaries

New Moon

Watch that your emotional boundaries do not get out of control

Outcome don’t let your day run AMUCK

Download the Divine … Watch your inside voice – stay positive

Another Best Day

Make sure there is a special treat included 28


Powerfully busy Day … remember you can only control yourself … move into a conscious way

Today is not a day of action …. Pause

Start something new today


Expect great things today Meditation a must

Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water or juice box and a couple of surprise items. Double Whammy (DW) = 2 or more hard aspects to the Moon 41


Double Whammy and challenging days for everyone are … 6th, 28th use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Snap shot for May Mercury moves direct on the 4th – but continue to be cautious when signing contracts or purchasing electronics until he picks up speed in a couple of weeks. Venus drives full force ahead which means that making decisions about what you need in order to create harmony in your life and communicating what you need should start to get a little easier. Don’t forget you are not the only one, take others into consideration when making those major decisions. Jupiter – Saturn – Pluto still on an inward spiral, which means that opportunity, structure and changes continue to be made an a very personal and inner level.

Meditation or relaxed days – make them the best days ever … 3rd, 7th, 13th, 17th, 21st, 23rd, 31st Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching. Mercury… Communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to that which travels on sound waves. Mercury has travelled back into Aries, he will be standing still on the 3rd building up energy (hold your tongue) … then moves forward on the 4th, he will again enter Taurus. Take care in all contract signing during this first ½ of the month. Tie up loose ends and get yourself organized. It is better to take your time with your communication, slow down – get creative and certainly think before you speak.

Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Geminis’ out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.

Take advantage of Communication - talk it out … 3rd, 23rd

Aries & Libra …Take care that you do not become to ‘I Want’ oriented, check in and make sure you are coming from an authentic place, watch for overindulgences.

Be Skilled with your Communication - Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! … 1st, 8th, 16th, 30th

Venus … Evokes Love, Beauty and Security. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful things (art, earthy greenery such as organic gardening, flowers, food, music, colour, gems, sparkly things, money, people) … Venus is picking up speed, you may need to go over some choices that you have made in the last few months. Take care that you are not being too ‘I’ oriented.

Taurus & Scorpio … Taurus continue to soak in much Sun as you can, Scorpio’s may be feeling a little tired and restless, so plan for some quiet time as it takes you a little longer to rejuvenate. Gemini & Sagittarius … Gemini may be feeling a little restless as the Sun begins to peak over the horizon for you … get ready to amp up. Sagittarians begin to feel a little more tired than usual, rely on organization as the key to a successful month.

Evoke harmony … Create something beautiful … 2nd, 17th, 31st Know what you want and why … Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! … 6th, 19th, 28th

Cancer & Capricorn … Cancer folk may feel a little disjointed this month as you prep for the return of the Sun to your sign, Capricorns are still working through deep and lasting changes as Pluto plods through your sign.

Mars … Action, Passion and Anger, our ability to do something. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars is in Gemini plan a trip to the book store to top up your collection. What until the middle of the month to make any purchases that are larger dollar items.

Leo & Aquarius … Opportunity for insight into how events in the past potentially impact them in the future. Virgo & Pisces … Both need to breaking down illusions or disillusions that have been created. This is a long on -going process so take it one step at a time.

Connect to Action with Passion … 2nd, 7th, 31st 43

Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! … 4th, 12th, 19th, 20th, 26th, 29th

wisdom of what is beyond the physical world and our solar system. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of collective or clan/pack mentality, tune into Love not Hate. Explore ways that you can expand your boundaries.

Jupiter… Growth, Wisdom, Opportunities and Expansion. Very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter made a very big shift into Libra in September, until the fall of 2017. This will provide an opportunity to see both sides before we expand on our ideas and desires. We started our yearly pilgrimage to finding wisdom and growth from within at the beginning of February, we are now winding our way up the path to the top of the mountain. Jupiter has been traveling on a retrograde (inner spiral) where you can make/find your own opportunities.

The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered. Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn. Pluto continues to push for change in our old and outworn structures of dictatorship and inflexible leadership. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. Pluto will standstill at 19 degrees Capricorn – then move inward back to 16 degrees through to September.

Opportunity is knocking - are you ready? … 7th, 17th Don’t overcommit by giving more than you can really afford … 15th, 22nd, 28th Saturn… Boundaries, Restrictions, Limitations and possibly fear, Saturn supports your ability to get organized. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, picking up speed and working with a wild-fiery optimistic energy. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries! Saturn is currently on an inner spiral which will last until the end of August. This is his last retrograde in Sagittarius have fun and focus on ways that will get you engaged in manifesting your dreams … test the edges of your boundaries.

The only control we truly have is to open and allow the de-composition of the old ways that will re-assemble into something much more spectacular … a re-Birth, moving to the next level of Be-ing. Makemake… who brings quantumPhoto: experiences © dusk -and unexpected genius; As you explore the quantum world you can utilize this time to create greater balance on a deeper quantum level that will bring your microcosm into balance. As above So below. Traveling through Libra is also in a retro (inner spiral) supporting all the other aspects of your psyche as you travel deep within.

Go ahead, set some boundaries and get organized … 23rd, 31st

Eris… only desires equality! This is a strong feminine archetype who will use our ego against us. Evoke balance and awaken the warrior within. She fearlessly and slowly moves through Aries. Eris is in a tight relationship with Uranus, creating a dramatic build of energy – you may find that things that are creating discourse in your life suddenly change. Try not to hold on to the old ways too hard … embrace the new – in the long run they will work much better.

Don’t forget to create healthy boundaries - You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! … 6th, 13th, 27th, 29th Uranus … The Bridge between that which we can see and what we cannot see. Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause. unleash your genius on the world …

Haumea… Facilitator for transformation as the mother of humanitarian efforts … Haumea brings a balance back to the world with a strong goddess signature as she takes back her power on earth. Step up to the plate take on the global issues by choosing to stand up for the

Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations, the window supporting understanding and 44

New Moon May 25th at 4 Gemini 12:44pm Pacific / 4:44pm Atlantic

underdog. Take the attitude that while we will give others what they need today and we can teach them to stand tall and learn how to provide for themselves in the future. She is also supporting all the other aspects of your psyche with a deep inner spiral in Libra.

The New Moon is when the moon is dark and does not hinder our view as we peer deeply into our universe, and look beyond our patterns and habits by connecting to something greater than ourselves. The dynamic build toward something new, exciting & unknown.

Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest – a mother figure in our lives, moves to Gemini gathering more data and information on how to nurture the seeds she planted in the Spring.

Snap Shot: Communication may be a little disconnected - what you think you are saying and what actually comes out may not be ‘one in the same’.

Solar/Lunar cycles

As you are setting your new goals this month keep authenticity a #1 priority. Unexpected progress and movement forward as you begin to formulate how you are going to manifest a very important goal on your list. Take care not to over indulge.

Step outdoors and connect to your early evening sky, do it again in the early morning just as the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. Connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multidimensional bodies.

As above So below. Full Moon (Wesak) May 10th at 20 Scorpio/Taurus 2:42 pm Pacific / 6:42 am Atlantic

When the Moon is full - the sky is lit up and you can see the details of where you are headed. This is the second of three full moons connected to stepping up our service and collective work. Snap Shot: A speaking engagement (you attend or give) may create a frenzy of inspired action. Don’t be afraid to show how empowered you feel, it may inspire others to step out of their own shadow and step up to the plate. During your Full-Moon meditation bring your pens, markers, coloured pencils and lots of paper – pick an area in your life that needs to get organized … magical things happen when you allow a downward flow of ideas onto the paper. Create a new way to organize and structure a successful venture.

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 45

Photo: © PNielsen 46


For something different, I decided to draw a card for each month of 2017 and present it here. This month the card is 9 of Gabriel, which is the 9 of Wands. Where do you feel like giving up? One of my favorite sayings is “don’t stop 5 minutes before the miracle” and that is what the 9 of Gabriel conveys to us. It reminds us to not give in, to look towards the horizon while recalling all the work and effort we have put into our goal so far. It is easy to just want to throw in the towel, but perhaps with a little pause we can generate enough steam to push forward and see our goal to fruition. Be open and watchful, for this is just a brief pause before the completion of your task. When you can observe what has been without judgement the path will reveal itself and all systems will be go. Connect with your inner being, align with your heart, dust yourself off, lick your wounds and then step onto the path and see this to the end. Archangel Gabriel is known to be a patron of creativity, as well as a helpful and supportive guide to accomplishing all our goals. (taken from the Archangel Power Tarot Cards guidebook) The number 9 represents: “Get to work Lightworker – Now! The number 9 means that you’ve completed all of the prerequisites to achieve your life purpose. Stop procrastinating, as it’s time to start taking action steps. Even baby steps are useful.” (Angel Numbers 101)

It is said that most people quit just short of the jackpot. They just can't go that extra length or make that extra bit of effort to achieve their goal or ambition. The Nine of Wands suggests that, this month, you mustn't quit, no matter how tired or disheartened you feel at not yet having what you want. There is one last obstacle or challenge in your path, but the horizon is in sight. Keep going and you will succeed in what you have set out to achieve. Be sure that your own obstinacy or stubbornness isn't creating a stalemate or impasse. Perhaps something needs to give, or there's another option open to you that you're failing to see. As we walk our path, we will meet obstacles, but we have the knowledge and strength to overcome them. You have worked hard to clear the energy field and release anything that was holding you back. Trust that all the work you have done to date has helped you to be ready to face whatever the future brings. The end of this task is close, and you will achieve your goal.

This month’s messages drawn from The Wisdom of Avalon oracle deck By Colette Baron-Reid 50


Photo: © mcobb 52

Hi my friends.

Well, so far so good. Let’s draw the last rune.

A lot has been going on around the world lately causing much stress and anxiety, so for this cast, I asked the runes to show me an overview of what we could expect in the coming months. I have never used these runes before. They are made from shed elk antler and were made by a good friend of mine, and talented Viki, Richard Hanson. Their message was very clear and I hope it will resonate and alleviate some tension.

The last rune in this cast was Jera. Jera is the rune of the harvest, and represents the reaping of rewards for efforts expended. These can be karmic as in “paying it forward.” It could be a good deed for a good deed, or it could be in payment for an outlay of time or money. Jera is also the rune of justice and legalities of every kind, and is an indicator that the subject (read us) is concerned over some legal matter.

The first rune I pulled was Eihwaz, which represents the yew tree, the vertical axis of Yggdrassil, the world tree. This is a powerful protection rune. It indicates that you have set your sights on a reasonable target and it is an achievable one. There may be slight obstacles in your path, so do not be too eager to move too quickly. Small delays do not mean the goal is beyond reach. No matter how bad things seem to be at present, because Eihwaz is in a prominent position, they will turn around for the better.

Because harvest can only happen after an expenditure of time, energy and care, Jera implies that events must happen in their own time, we cannot push to expedite the outcome. In the result position, it shows a positive outcome to the dilemma at hand, often using legal help. There is also a warning from this rune to not speak ill of others until all the relevant facts are known.

We must use foresight, perseverance, and right actions to avoid difficulties. Look ahead to your life, are there any upcoming situations which may seem questionable? If so, try to anticipate any pitfalls which may occur. As the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed, and with the power of Eihwaz, tragedies can be turned into triumphs.

Well, that was a very positive, and I believe, very insightful message from the runes. I think they addressed most of the issues in the world right now. We must keep doing what we are doing, not trying to push too hard or fast, and trust that the gods will reward our hard work with a fair and just result.

Well, that was a good start, let’s see what the next rune is. The next rune pulled was Uruz. This glyph represents a long extinct wild animal from what is now Northern Europe known as the Auroch, or the wild ox. Uruz is a rune of unbridled raw power, virility, strength, vitality, etc. It is almost always a masculine force.

I thank my new runes for their message to me and my readers, and I will see you all next month. As always, if any of you have any questions, feel free to contact me through, either the magazine, or on my Facebook page and I will endeavour to answer them.

It is considered an indictor of good health and strong natural powers of resistance. In this cast, Uruz is showing the True Will of us, that thing which we truly desire. Because of the surrounding runes, this will probably come to pass.

Until next month,

This stone rules over changes, usually sudden or unexpected ones that compel you to draw from your inner self the force of honest, raw strength.

Skål til alle mine venner Phil

These changes are often natural and should not be avoided. In Lisa Peschel’s book, A Practical Guide To The Runes, she makes the analogy of a snake shedding its skin, which I find most appropriate, considering the times we find ourselves in.

Contact Phil at for more information.

When paired with positive runes, Uruz indicates good fortune and certain success, whatever the assumed odds. 53

Message from the Angels May 2017 Blessings dear ones, “Slow down you move too fast.” That is the message for this month. Perhaps you have already noticed a slowing down in your life. It is our hope that you have, and that you have heeded this wisdom and surrendered to it. If not you might be or have been hit with a bug of some type, or some other form of chaos that has caused you to slow down, not willingly but slowed down none the less. Take a look at those around you. How many are rushing in so many directions they are lost? Dear ones, we are here to tell you, the more you rush, the less you will get done. You will not get ahead. The more you can slow down your pace and observe what is going on around you, what is being sent to you in the form of signs and messages, the more you will achieve and advance. The more you try to control everything and everyone around you, the less you will be in control. The energy right now is about co-creating. There is no “me” anymore; there is an “us”. You and the universe, your guides, your angels, God, and us who are speaking to you today. Now some of you are rolling your eyes, to you we say give it a try, you no longer have to do everything on your own. In fact, the more you can let go of that old energy the more the doorway to what you desire on a higher consciousness level will appear to you. See beyond the superficialities of life and towards the heart of things. Look at the causes rather than the effects. Look beyond the material. Explore each aspect, every nuance. It is in this exploration that you will begin to see what you are afraid of. When you can bring all that is to the light of day, you will see it for what it is. You are being called, from the depths of your being, from your soul. Resist if you must, keep staying the path you are on. Eventually, your heart will be stirred by your soul, and every part of your being will listen. Fear is what holds you back, yet we promise if you answer the call, healing, transformation, love and abundance will take place. No, the universe is not going to hand it to you on a plate. You will be shown the way forward and will be easier and gentler than anything that you have ever experienced before. Slow down, notice what is before you. Quiet your ego, lull it gently with the voice of your soul, soothe it with the confidence that you have this. Allow us to fuel your inner fire with enthusiasm so that you may step into your mastery. Start being the leader in your life and watch for those who will follow. The power of three Through Mcobb 54


Photo: © PNielsen 56

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