Nourish march 2017 issue 68

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Your Highest Purpose

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10 Decidedly Deciduous 14 Becoming Unstuck 16 March Ascension Energies 2017

18 "When the Butterfly Flaps it's Wings" 24 Surrender Essential Oil Blend 26 What's on our Fork 27 Forked - Lemon Sole with Runner Beans 27 Forked - Irish Potato Cakes with Smoked Salmon 28 Power Animal - Racoon

32 Navigating by the Stars March 34 Navigating by the Stars Astro Cliff Notes 38 Crystal Reading for March 44 Three of Ariel

Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2017 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to

46 March Messages 48 Rune Casting For March 50 Angel Message for March

Spring Equinox


Photo: © PNielsen 4

Welcome to March!

As we step into March anticipating the arrival of Spring, I relax into this moment and feel a sense of excitement. I am not sure what fills me with this sense, I know Winter is giving no quarter this year, but rather showing us that Spring does not get its day until the 20th! I am not even sure that it will give over then, it might linger a little longer this year. I pause to savour the moment and a picture of many events taking place this month that will surprise and delight us floats in. It behoves us to relax into the month without expectations of what will be, but rather just to enjoy each moment as it arrives. I was reminded of the value of having no expectations just before the end of February. I was unclear on what the power animal should be this month, so I asked my gang to bring forward the animal they would like me to communicate with. I asked, then carried on with my morning routine. Imagine my delight when two racoons came zipping into my backyard. Playing as if they were puppies! I have never seen Racoon’s play before, and I was enthralled with watching them, they stayed in my view for five minutes. It was joyful, and I silently laughed and thanked my team for coming through so quickly. I truly did not expect it. It is moments like those that delight me the most. They bring home to me just how much easier it is to wait for the right moment rather than struggling to make something happen. Life flows smoother, and I am not so tense. It might mean that sometimes things slide, and I have to learn to be ok with that, yet in the overall scheme, life truly is better. It becomes magical, filled with wonder and joy that no amount of me wanting something seems to bring. No matter what surprises await you this month, they can either delight or trouble you, know that this month signifies the return of Spring. Spring always returns with its riot of colour no matter how harsh the winter. Enjoy each awakening bud, each blade of grass that rises from the earth, return every smile that greets you, and check your expectations at the gate this month; see what wonderful delights blossom in your life. May your blessings outnumber The shamrocks that grow, And may trouble avoid you Wherever you go. –An Irish Toast Namaste

Marlene Connect with Marlene at facebook 5


Knowing that things are beyond your control and not stressing or worrying about them can be tough. Right now, many of us are experiencing polarities. At the simplest level, we can look at polarities as being feelings. There are only ever two basic feelings we experience, good or bad. All states of emotion are simply an expression of these two basic feelings. I have spoken of this before, yet in the context of polarities, it brings it home. People are either bobbing along thinking life is grand or filled with doom and gloom. With so much going on around us, and the media access we have to all news (true or false) it can be difficult to disengage. Yet, we need to disengage to a degree to figure out what our stance is and to not be sucked in by all the “media” and opinions of others coming our way. In essence, we need to be disengaged to think for ourselves and figure out what is within our control.

better. During the next while, many will be coming to terms with exactly what their truth is. It might not be pretty, but it is necessary. It is a time of becoming more aware of who you truly are. You can choose to bury your head in the sand, and not take a serious look at the polarities offered you or, and I am strongly suggesting this course of action, use the polarities to step up into your life. Use all that comes about to investigate, discover what makes you tick, and discern what you have control over in your life. Most of all strive to come from a place of joy, compassion and understanding not only with others but with yourself. Expect things to intensify. Both the light and the dark, for lack of a better way to state it. What you perceive as bad will intensify but also what you perceive as good will intensify. There is always balance during an upheaval to bring about change. All these polarities are bringing about change. Expect your perspective to start shifting. You might start changing how much you hang out with certain people even family members. You might want to stay silent and to yourself. It is important during this time to honour yourself by listening to what your body, mind and spirit want. Stay balanced so that you may anchor the light. That is all. Do everything from a place of love, experience joy in what you do, and you will be balanced.

Every day we experience duality in and around ourselves. It is not by chance or accident; it is done by creation. Either we are creating, or someone around us is creating a vortex if you will, that we are being sucked into. As we are all one, there is no separation. There is no hot without cold, no light without dark, no good without bad, and on it goes. When something comes into our awareness, it wants to be known, and it brings to us the manifestation of knowing ourselves deeper. If we look at the polarities being presented, 9 times out of 10, it is not happening to us personally. They are there to bring into our awareness what we believe. That is what is at the heart of polarity. Our truth vs. someone else’s truth. To each individual, one of the polarities is an illusion; the other is fact.

The time we are living in is indeed spectacular. All of us are on a collective journey as well as a personal one. There are many more harmonies happening than negatives. People are uniting together, realising we are all in this together. We are in a time of history that will be talked about for generations to come, and to think we get to be part of this. I think of all of us as sentinels, standing guard for those that will come after us. We are the catalysts who started this by wanting something better. Remember that. We created the polarities happening now by our desire for something better. Others want something better too, we are all striving for the same thing, just from different perspectives of truth.

What you perceive as bad, another perceives as good. It is not your job is to point it out. That usually starts an argument that neither side wins. Instead, one can choose to simply examine the polarity being presented and allow your emotions to surface. The emotions will tell you exactly where you stand, your truth in the situation. You don’t need to do anything about it except accept it, own it and continue your path.

As difficult as it may be, know that it is detrimental to your health and wellbeing to worry and stress about that which you have no control over. Instead, focus on what you do have control over, how you participate in the polarities being presented.

During the coming months, you will have many opportunities to realise what is truth to you and what are illusions. Always come home to a place of balance within yourself. What is your truth, question it, is it truth that you own or something that you picked up years ago that does not resonate with you now? How does it make you feel? Are you content with those feelings? We are being offered a chance to understand ourselves

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Fortunately, in this age of information and technology, anyone can gain expertise in the area of health. No longer do we have to put our health solely in the hands of practitioners. But unfortunately, there is such an overwhelming diversity of techniques and philosophies that it is easy to become confused or overwhelmed.

gear to suit our driving speed, so we can choose the level of functioning to suit our evolutionary speed.

Some choose to remain throughout life at a survival level. Others are content to cruise through the mundane. Some take excursions to the higher planes of understanding, and still others take up residence there. Most often, we may find ourselves cycling through all of the levels at various times. After all, we are here to learn.

We live in a culture that invites us to give away our power to the “experts”: to place their knowledge or opinions above our own inner wisdom. Ironically, from the perspective of body-mind-soul balance, harmony and growth, such a practice is hazardous to our health.

If we are functioning at a survival level in any area of life, this may ultimately be reflected in our level of physical health. Our physical survival may be compromised. A health crisis is a warning sign that somewhere we are blocking the flow of universal consciousness. If we are living consciously, working towards a sense of wholeness and tuning in to the Oneness that is like the heartbeat of the Universe, then this is what is reflected at the level of our physical body.

This is not to say that it is unwise to consult with those practicing a variety of healing modalities. On the contrary: the more we know, the more choices we have. But we have not progressed if we take our power back from the medical establishment only to turn it over to the latest guru on the infomercials.

Negative energy, struggle and pain are signals that we are not operating from that place of higher consciousness. These processes are felt at the physical level, and when repeated over time, begin to leave their mark.

We are not becoming empowered if our quest for new healing technologies is based on fear for our health. As long as we have fear or worry about our bodies, we have created a polarity within; we are out of alignment with ourselves. Sometimes we even reject those aspects that are not functioning optimally, like an animal who rejects the runt of the litter. Or we negate ourselves completely because we see illness as a weakness or a fault.

If you use inferior fuel, or do not change your oil, soon your car will function less effectively, and may even become damaged. So it is with the body: keep running toxic emotions or limited thoughts through the system and it will break down.

Health is a natural state when there is clear alignment between body, mind and spirit. Healing must be about realigning whatever is out of sync, and bringing an attitude of love, compassion and acceptance to all parts of ourselves.

Living in accordance with our higher purpose means learning to respond to situations in ways that serve the highest good of all concerned. It means making conscious choices from the highest place in our awareness. We must take responsibility for how we treat our bodies, and for the thoughts and emotions that compromise health. To receive external healing without restoring inner balance between body, mind and soul limits the effectiveness of that healing.

Hence it must begin from within. If body and mind are functioning according to the wisdom of the soul, then there is a sense of unity within the being. If we are able to access our higher self, then we are connected with the powerful healing energy of the Universe. If not, then there is fragmentation reflected at every level of our being.

We must be agents of our own healing; we must be in the driver’s seat. We can think of healers as blessed souls helping to push our car when it’s stuck. But it is our task to turn on the ignition, initiate the acceleration, and of course, to choose the path that we will travel.

When we are aligned with our higher purpose, then we become like a magnet, attracting healing experiences. When we are fragmented, even the best healing modalities may lose effectiveness. This may explain why some individuals respond better to a particular treatment, or why some are healed by interventions that scientifically have no proven value. It may also explain spontaneous healing. So what does it mean to be aligned with our higher purpose? Must we all be Mother Theresa's? Not exactly. Each human is a multidimensional being, and just as we can choose the

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, MP3’s and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to and ‘Like’ Gwen on FaceBook! 9

I’ve decided that I like Deciduous It’s an insidious sort of thing. Deciding that didn’t come all at once Rather, it sort of slid into my awareness. There I was, walking in the park Seeing the beauty of bare branches against the clouded sky Noticing the array of colour and shapes along the misty skyline And I realized that evergreen, while always and forever green Don’t present stark and clear and clean and colorful and different But deciduous are always changing Like you like me It’s a positive thing, deciduous change, I’ve decided…. © Vera Enshaw 2017 Photo: © PNielsen 10


The two hardest tests on the

spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter. Paulo Coelho

Photo: Š PNielsen 12



There are days and even weeks that fly by so rapidly, I find that even though I achieve things, often it is not the things I would like to achieve. Life and family and circumstance can become the focal point of my day/week and the ideas I may have had for how that period of my life would look like, just doesn't happen. Sometimes I can reset and start incorporating the ideas and new directions but often they go into my graveyard of unused ideas, never to be seen again. But sometimes the need to take an idea back and brush the dust off it will take space at the back of my mind and when I have time to sit in silence and contemplation will flash into my consciousness. It – the idea keeps showing up and demands to be acknowledged and to be put into fruition. When this happens I know I have to act. I know that my higher self and my guides are pushing this idea at me for a reason, and my job at that point is to reinvest my time and energy into creating that idea into a reality. We can all become stuck, living our lives in a almost unconscious manner, going along on automatic control. We have our daily routines and do them often without thought. Now this can make our life flow easier, I have no issues around creating easement in our life BUT I do with not taking the time to touch in with yourself to see how you are. How is your life? Are you living with the purpose you want? Are you moving in the direction you wish to? Are you doing things that enhance your life? There are many questions you could be asking yourself. Are you talking to your soul essence at all?

about .....and listening to the internal response of my emotional body. Asking myself whether my routine is working for or against me. Do I need to incorporate change(s) at this moment in time or down the road. I love the fact that I have a Guardian Angel and other Guides that will make themselves available to me and that they have knowledge that they are here to share. What I do not like about myself is that I do not avail myself of this rich vast field of knowledge as much as I should and often it is only when things are not flowing that I will deliberately check in with them. We all have a source of knowledge within us and learning to assess this is open to all of us to achieve. During those periods of time when I get off my unconscious routine of living and become unstuck enough to refocus on those sparks of ideas given to me from that connection we all have with the universe, allows me to become invigorated once more and makes me feel that I can fly as high as I can visualize. If you are on a unconscious path of routine, please take the time to stop. Check in with you and if you need to reprogram and add in those ideas that keep popping into your mind. Life is here for us to live and hopefully live with joy. Have a great month and remember as spring arrives we to need to invest in rejuvenation of body and spirit as well.

NamastĂŠ Debra Rae

We all have a purpose for being, do you know what yours is? To me taking the time to become 'unstuck' is so important. Taking the time to ask myself a few important questions, like How are you feeling 15

Connect with Debra Rae


When your internal experience flows more easily with your experiences, it begins to align the world around you. It requires a detachment from controlling the outside world, even as you participate with your choices. It's a fine energetic line that can seem hard to define sometimes. "Am I choosing from balance? I feel nervous! I have doubt!" It’s ok to feel authentic feelings. They don’t define you, they inform you. Is your doubt creating stagnation or refining choices? Clarity will come. PATIENCE!!!! ;o)

February had an energy influx that was assisting with entraining the brain to a more coherent internal authority. You may have noticed it in ways that are unique to you, but here are some: Improved emotional detachment from circumstances Times of “spaciness” (but in a good way—not a symptom of ungroundedness or avoidance) More sleep, with more intense and/or informative dreams Clarity of thought, less chatter Easier to meditate, especially for short periods Rote activity feels more like zoned-out action Times of emotional outburst or the need to express something previously held in Moving through emotions more quickly than before

February had some eclipse energies that helped to stir information and create a deep cleansing/reset energy for many. These eclipses felt like they had a lot to do with the gender roles and “royalty” roles. These are patterns that are up for humanity in deep ways. Hence the Year of The Empowered Sovereign. The February eclipses had the energy of bringing “the inside” out. We even see this going on with the world stage. For instance, the government is getting exposed in ways that the mainstream needs. To you, it may feel like you already knew it (and more) and that nothing really worthwhile is changing. But change is brewing. Bigly. Spend some time praying for the highest good of all involved. These are powerful times.

Areon is calling 2017 the Year of The Empowered Sovereign. Your internal authority is key to that. It consists of healthy boundaries and a healthy self-Love that support an easy flow of give/receive with Life. When to say no, when to say yes, when to take action, when to retreat…not a flow with absolute control or only good stuff, the human realm isn’t there yet.


The energy of March feels similar to February. As we establish our inner authority, we are creating vibrational harmony that speaks clearly to the subtle realm. This is the path of Ascension— conscious interaction with the subtle realms. They’ve always been there, we’ve always interacted with them, now it’s more and more conscious. We have to learn new rules. The rules of the physical realm don’t apply in the same way to the subtle realm.

tion in the moment, or it may look different to another person. Winter is a season that serves all of Life, yet not all life experiences winter in the same way (some places not at all). Surrendering Control As you embark on March, observe your interaction with your own Divine Wisdom. Nurture the progress of your understanding of your divinity through the lens of your individuality being cherished by Life and connected to Life. This creates a well-spring of flow from within you, creating an Empowered Sovereign that is less reliant on positives from the outside, and more focused on creating from the inside out – see that February eclipse energy influence! I use a simple exercise that I detail in this video to help me open to the greatest potentials of the future.

It’s not about control. It’s about resonance. Divine Wisdom is about merging the connection of the subtle realm with the individuality (separation) of the physical realm. It is about merging your understanding of the physical realm with the unknown/unformed of the subtle realm. To work with the unknown/unformed of the subtle realm, requires a releasing of much of the control of the physical realm. You still take action, you still make choice—but there is a peace within (that passes all understanding) that keeps you open to potentials.

Surrendering control of the outer realm still means you’re observing and choosing actions. You’re just doing it from the energy of empowerment rather than desperate control. Desperation may be too strong of a word many times, but you get the point. This is the time of understanding your own divinity, your subtle, infinite self.

Conscious Theta Back in 2004 I remember channeling that 12/21/2012 was about our interaction with time changing. It surprised me. This is becoming ever clearer with the information that Areon (the Lyran Council of Time) brings through. They speak in a grounded way that we are shifting our interaction with Time because it is a subtle energy. As we evolve into conscious interaction with our thoughts and emotions (our “subtle bridge”), we change our interaction with Time. It’s subtle. ;o)

The subtle realm doesn’t work with suppression, it works with resonance. We come full circle. As your inner realm vibrates in resonance with the unconditional Love of Life, your choices in the external realm reflect that Love with the wisdom of understanding the conditions of the physical realm. There isn’t a resistance that blocks your flow. You just flow. Flow a yes, a no, a stop, a go—it’s all just flow at different speeds. The appropriate pace, because your peace flows infinitely. It may feel different at times, but you have access to a well-spring within.

They’ve been speaking lately of how as a child you are mostly in a theta brain-wave pattern (not new info), yet they began relating it to this time. As we are consciously working with the subtle realms, we are beginning to actualize a conscious theta state more readily. It will come and go, yet it is becoming more consistently available. For example, being more zoned-out during daydreaming (rather than mentally churning through thoughts) creates theta access.

IN SUMMARY Use this time to continue to focus your mental realm into greater coherence with your heart. Get quiet and listen to yourself. Nurture yourself into more safety within. See the potentials that challenges may offer and choose based on your heart’s wisdom.

We are learning to use our brain in ways that support our conscious creation rather than responding to the physical realm with physical and/or mental control. This moves us from the energy of suppression into the energy of internal connection and empowerment. Yes!

Spend some time focusing your powerful heart and mind toward humanity evolving into a free and loving species. There is a lot of change occurring. It’s not an easy time. Yet you have a powerful understanding of your Divine Wisdom that is ever expanding. March will assist your growth as your water the seed of your unique brilliance within. Spring forth!

Heart-Mind Connection We are working on heart-mind connection to a new level. Your magnificent heart is your vast, timeless engine of connection. Your beautiful mind is your engine of delineation, refinement, and choice. As your mind follows your heart more, you begin to think and choose from Love. That doesn’t mean every moment is bliss and loving—humanity will evolve there; it means choice is derived from the greatest potentials that serve all of Life. That’s a big definition.

Happy March!

Copyright: © 2005-2016 Jamye Price All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.

Something that serves all of Life in the future may look like destruc17


Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There are some who are convinced that the man in the chair is simply channelling his Higher-Self. It’s much more than that, and through these many years no attempt has been made to prove it from this stage. The reason is because you have free choice. From the biggest to the smallest perceptions, your choice to accept or reject is the gift for you on this planet, and Spirit will never touch this freedom you have. What Spirit does for you and with you is an allowance to what you let it do. You can easily stop truth or benevolence with fear or unbelief. You are always in control. Here is a question that is profound for this moment: Will you allow yourself to feel the entourage pour in here for a moment? Does it stretch your belief, dear Human, to think that there are those here that you can't see stretching what you think is physically possible? Does it also stretch your belief to think that there may be physics that has "knowing" or consciousness? Perhaps you don’t know everything yet? The box that most Human Beings reside in is one of protection. You believe in what you’ve been told, and you also look at what has transpired in the past. Those two things then become your reality and determine what you expect for the future. Where in that box is the allowance for the beauty of God, which is outside of what you’ve been told? Do you think that it is possible that when you climb into the closet and shut the door, there are trillions of us who know your name and your situation? Perhaps you’ve climbed in the closet to cry and be alone, but you have no idea who is really there. This particular channel will have many directions it could go. I want to tell you what’s happening now on your planet. The last time I sat before Human Beings, I made a plea: Set aside the humanism you have for a moment as though you came in from another planet and you’ve just come across this teaching. Act as if you’re not involved in anything here on Earth and you’re simply observing. This creates within you a complete and total lack of bias toward anything you are experiencing. I want to set the stage with this axiom. When Humans project the future, they do it all based upon what they know happened in the past. In psychology, it is called Human nature. The way Human Beings behaved yesterday sets the expectation of what is to come tomorrow and beyond. If nothing has ever happened in the past that would give you a new perspective, you simply paste what has happened in the past upon the future. Let me give you an example. You’re with a beautiful six-year-old. Perhaps it’s your child, perhaps not, but you’re allied with the six-year-old. You look into his/her heart and you see nothing but innocence and love and beauty. You say to the sixyear-old, "What is it that you would really love for your future? Tell me all about what your life would be like if you could paint the perfect picture, the most beautiful thing you would want for the future." The six-year-old would look up at you and

say, "That’s easy! I want every toy I could ever have from now until the time I die. I want all the toys. Then I want to be with you. I want you to hold my hand until I die, because I’m safe. I want to go places and do things with you. I want to enjoy what I have. It would be the best! Think of all the neat and exciting toys and more toys I would have!" That is the perfect future of the six-year-old.

action; home is where you know you can be; home is life based in love; home is multiple spiritual systems on the planet who may be very different, but who give honor to all of them to worship as they choose. That’s home. You’ve seen it before and here it comes again, slowly. This morning I said to you be careful what you expect, because what you verbalized or imagine is often what’s going to be delivered to you.

Then you take a deep breath for a moment and you realize something. The child never mentioned a mortgage or health or anything else really important to the future of an adult, because the six-year-old has only had six years of life to project the future. Do you see what I’m saying? Even as an adult, you project your own future only by what you have experienced in the past. If something dramatic changes, the six-yearold will immediately project fear, no joy, no toys and the horror of being alone. The adult will do the same with adult parameters, but the expectations are the same – measuring what is coming by what has occurred in the past.

Some Help for Getting Through the Shift

Dear Human, do not underestimate the shift [2012]. You’ve been told about it from astrology and it's in the numerology of the ancients. The stars themselves look upon everything that is happening here and they know you. This shift you are in is going to start rewriting Human history and the Human future. Let me give you a premise: You’re starting to come home! Now, that is not what you expected to hear, was it? You’re starting to come home. "What do you mean, Kryon, and what is home?" Let us put this premise forward. Dear old souls in this room and listening to this, you have been through this before, and not just on planet Earth. You are children of the Universe and this galaxy knows you well. For literally millions of years, you have been a biological entity somewhere in this galaxy and that memory sits in a special place within your Akash. It's a special place that starts to awaken within you and you start to feel something. Some of you are starting to anticipate and feel this shift, as though you remember it before. It feels familiar and there’s something happening on the planet, but you can’t quite put your finger on what it is, because it doesn’t seem to be in the news or anywhere else. It’s inside, and it’s intuitive. There will be a slow awareness, a shift, a change even in society itself, regarding what it wants and what it doesn’t want. This is not necessarily all metaphysical, for this is mainstream. However, the old soul is the one who is on the front line. You are starting to receive information that feels good. That is an intuitive awareness and it represents Human evolution. That’s the first place it comes from. The second place is your universal Akash. You are starting to remember this "shift" event from your distant past on other planets. In various ways, this same shift has happened on every single planet that went into an ascension status. This was a spiritual scenario, and it’s here again. You’re coming home because home is high awareness; home is wisdom; home is peace on Earth; home is compassionate 19

Number one: I want to give you a premise that will help you to work with this huge shift in humanity. Relax into yourself and know you are your own parent. Humans often substitute something else when they move away from home. It might be another person, or the church, or something else that helps them to replace the parent energy. Humans wish to grab the hand of another person or energy, because otherwise it’s a crazy world and it’s fearful for some. What you are doing is taking the hand of God inside you. Can you do that? Can you get to an evolving place where you have the knowledge that all help comes from inside, not outside? Some of you have noticed that in this new energy there are greater mood swings. Welcome to the new earth! In these mood swings, there is a tendency, especially for Lightworkers, to immediately call for help. They ask, "Why am I feeling like I’m feeling? What's wrong?" Resist the temptation to call. Know that part of the energy of the mood swings is an enhanced ability to selfbalance like never before. I want to tell you, dear ones: There is a big, outstretched hand waiting to take your hand and it’s that beautiful higher part of you. God inside, God is inside. Number two: The end of suffering. This is the kind of suffering that you put yourself through constantly. You’re told from birth from so many areas that if you suffer a little, it's a good thing. That’s an old-energy axiom and it’s not true and never was. Your culture also tells you that you are born unworthy and you have accepted it. This brings a tendency to paste upon yourself a lower consciousness that often will morph into disease or depression. The sacred truth is that you’re born magnificent! Dear ones, you’re here to celebrate! Let your life reflect this! Free choice is about Humans doing whatever they wish to do, but they are also very attracted to other Humans who have figured it out. Balance becomes very attractive. There is a population on this planet who will look at you as a role model when you show compassion and balance, because that’s where the shift in Human nature is going, old soul. You will be on the frontline to arrive at that balance first. You are the ones who have the most experience. You have the most training. You fought your way through an earth with so much old energy and it swatted you down. You’ve been burned at the stake. You’ve been insulted because you loved God in your own way, because you knew more things than others and because you had a little magic. Now you awaken in this energy

and everything I have said is starting to occur. There are those who will see how you are handling it all and they will see that your countenance is peaceful. They may say, "Can I hang out with you for a while?" This will be because you’re not in drama about anything. You’re not reactionary, but rather you’re a creator. That is who you are, old soul, and you can reach right down inside yourself and find it. It’s there to be found. Number three: Fear. You’ve figured it out. Fear is caused by darkness, and darkness is caused by lack of light. All you have to do is turn on the light and there won’t be fear! We’ve said it over and over that Human Beings fought with each other through history because they couldn’t see each other. They didn't understand common compassion, but rather only saw the darkness of what was around them. When you turn on the light and you see the other person, you see the God inside the other one! Then you say, "They’re just like me. I may not agree with them, but they’re just like me." Then you start to see what you have in common with the others. When this starts to occur to more of humanity, you’ll stop killing each other. Many are still in the darkness and really haven't met each other. They only know each other by what others have told them about the other. When Humans turn on the light, that’s how they finally "see" the others. The light cannot be turned on when you’re afraid. The light cannot be turned on if you have already made up your mind you’re going to stay in the dark, six-year-old. What have you decided is your future? Is it the same old thing as your past? Number four: There’s an awareness of a bigger picture. The six-year-old only sees that which is immediately around him. Take the six-year-old for a ride to the store and he will enjoy the ride. He will listen to what’s on the radio in the car and will enjoy the toy that he has with him. You take him to the store and he enjoys the store. He looks around, he sees others, interesting things, foods he likes, then you take him home. The six-year-old did not see the traffic around your car or what the speed limit was. He didn't have an awareness of the rules of the road. Do you have to have a license to drive there? Where is the store? Is the store going to be open or not? Do you have enough cash to buy the products that you went for? All those things are far beyond anything the six-year-old would see or perceive. The greater awareness that you’re having and starting to have is a much larger picture of what’s going on for you, your family and your country. It starts to be a planetary awareness and begins to balance how you think. You’ve been here before – you know it. You start looking at what is going on around you and what is going on nationally and planet-wide and the energies that are different than they were 50 ago, then you begin to realize that the planet is overdue for a war. What happened? Your awareness of a larger picture is part of the evolving Human spirit. If you stay in your own little box, dear ones, then what has happened in your box is all you know and will be what you expect for the future.

Number five: I cannot stress this more. There’s a light starting to shine and you’re moving toward it, and the light is called worthiness. You are worthy of absolutely everything right now. Everything. Don’t let anybody tell you you’re not. Don’t let those who are spiritual in some big, impressive building tell you you’re not. Don’t let your parents tell you you’re not. Don’t let your friends tell you you’re not, because they’re misinformed. The truth is that you are magnificent and worthy beyond belief! Dear old soul, it's your worthiness that is going to get you beyond this constant and the repeated disenfranchisement of your life, which you are being told about over and over. Your Akash wreaks with this attribute! You never got ahead in the past, not as a Lightworker. Every time you used magic, you were punished. The magic that I speak of is spiritual common sense. But others see this as magic, since it's not in their perception. Metaphysical truths are strange and dangerous, many will say. Every time you started to open the door for what you sensed, you were beat up for it. That creates a lack of self-worth and it becomes a fear cycle. The New Physics Dear one, I want to talk a little about unrealized or odd physics. I want to talk about this carefully, and I wish to present something for you to consider. There will be many who hear this and they will roll their eyes and not believe it. Only time will show you the accuracy of what I speak, and even then you may not believe it. There are attributes of physics that you are only just toying with at the moment. No matter how big your accelerators get, you still won’t discover these things. There are two kinds of physics. There is the kind that you can manipulate and the kind that is absolute, which you can only observe. There are sub-atomic particles that are governors of each kind. That’s why we have told you from the beginning that you can change the mass of anything. This is because the unrealized laws that allow you to manipulate multidimensional physics support that. It will free you from gravity eventually, when you can design the mass of any object. Now, that represents things you can manipulate. The kind of physics that you cannot change I’ll call core physics. It's that which you can only observe. The biggest of these for you and the most confusing one is the conundrum of time. There’s a sub-atomic particle you’ve named the Higgs singlet. This particular particle is being sought after because there are physicists convinced that it shifts dimensions and time. That is a core particle that cannot be shifted. You’ve heard of time travel? That particle, when understood, will allow for this in a specific way, for you would be able to flip into another dimensional scenario and go backwards in time to observe the past in special ways. But you can't change what occurs in the observed time [can't change the past]. It is a core element of physics that remains the same forever. There are other core elements of physics. In fact, the one that my partner talked about today [in 20

the Kryon seminar] is called “the field”. These are core elements that are benevolent to that which they come in contact with or give out harmonic energy and try to pull things together. If you knew how that worked and why that worked, it would put a smile on your face, because that’s the physics that you live in right now. Important Things For Now If you started to examine the Higgs singlet, you would start to see why fractal time works the way it does. I’m going to stop getting scientific and I’m going to make this message more practical. There are those who will say time is in a circle. It is. In fact, time imprints energies on it that then often repeat. You probably have heard the saying, "Time repeats itself." It does. "History repeats itself." It does. And so, therefore, this whole idea of time in a circle or having imprinted energies on the circle is accurate. So as you go around the time circle, which to you is a straight line, you will then come upon what we will call energy markers of the past. Those energy markers may very well have the potential to create the same thing the last one did, repeating within the circle. Here it comes again, here it comes again, here it comes again. Sociologists, historians and especially fractal time theorists believe you’re overdue for a world war, dear ones. However, you’re not going to have one! You passed that potential 16 years ago. All of the prophecy of the scripture told you that you would have one. Do you see how fractal time actually influenced all that prophecy? They expected this potential to happen. However, did you notice that it did not? Against all odds, it did not happen. How many years have to go by before humanity will take a look and say, "You know, it didn’t happen"? All that prophecy, all those years, got you frightened and prepared. Much of humanity actually still expects a war. "Here it comes," people still say. If you watch your television, some science programs will say, “Well, it’s coming.” They are still watching the fractal energy. It’s very frightening. Many of your science fiction movies are based on a scenario where it already came! All this because you have the energy of "expectation" of something on the circle of time. Listen: The fractal of time has a very interesting attribute, and it's what I wanted to tell you because this is so confusing to so many. If you profoundly change something in the circle of time, you rewrite the future. In other words, the fractals that existed before that tended to repeat are voided, and you create new potentials on the circle. You might say you moved into a slightly different dimension where the prophecies of old will not take place. There is absolute truth in that, and physics will show it, and this will be discovered some day. So, why do I tell you this? It takes a big event or very different thinking to change the circle. Although the Higgs Singlet can only observe the past, Human consciousness can change it! Not to get too technical, but there are even those in

physics who believe you change the past when you change the future [retrocausality]!

is that they were correct. The fractal does, indeed, have that energy!

The Wild Card: I presented a full discussion on wild cards the last time I was with you. I listed a number of them. I gave you the rules of wild cards and told you that they are not created by Spirit. They can be inventions, persons who have changed history or ideas. What happens is this: Humans move forward with ideas or higher consciousness, allowing Spirit to then give you the wild card.

Do you know what I’m going to tell you next? A man named Edward Lorenz gave a philosophy: When a butterfly flaps its wings, something major could happen in the future. It's because little things change bigger things and bigger things change even bigger things. He is right, and a wild card is a huge butterfly.

For instance, did you notice that some of the most profound inventions came upon this planet all at once, all over the earth? What a coincidence! Centuries without flight, and then the Wright brothers only beat the French by a week or so! You can go on and on with others this way. It just seems that the earth is given the information all at once! That’s not exactly right. We don’t give you anything. Instead, we lift the veil slightly and the Humans that are able to think of these things do! That is what has happened repeatedly. So you create a wild card with your own rules and your own consciousness and your own systems when it's time to change the fractal of time – and you just did one. We told you that your recent election brought you a wild card. The definition of a wild card is something totally and completely unexpected and out of time. It then changes things from then on. You have a wild card as your president-elect [channelled December 2016]. Now I beg you, wipe away the bias. It’s hard for some! Wipe it away and listen to this for just a moment, because this is the first time and perhaps the last that I’ll ever tell you this: There are those on this planet right now who can sense the fractals in the time circle. They are called pre-cogs. They have precognition from sensing what is coming on the circle of time repeating itself.

The Butterfly Effect

Here is what I want to tell you today. A majority was expecting a certain outcome to your election. Instead, you got a wild card. Let me tell you why: If the expected had happened, the financial systems would have stayed in place exactly the way they were. The one you expected would have taken over from the other and the systems that were bound to fail would have gone right into that very place and exploded into economic dysfunction. There would have been no reason to change anything for the one you expected, because the sense was that it was all working well. Pretend you’re a visitor from space and you have no invested interest or bias at all in what has happened. You’re looking down in a metaphysical way and you’re saying, "Isn’t it interesting how this wild card is going to change what would have happened in February or March?" Are you understanding what I’m telling you?

Your government knows about them and actually employs them! They are the few who can sense what is already there, because time is in a circle. Remember? Fractal time presents elements of energy that come at you in this circle; therefore, they can be sensed and made into predictions.

Perhaps putting a stick in everything and turning it quickly is what was needed right now? This would be in order to change that specter of complete and total financial failure. I want you to see what’s going to happen, and not to fear it when some seeds of it may still occur – like a hiccup in the system when it gets too elevated. But I’ll tell you that without this wild card, it would have been "same old, same old", right to where the fruition of the problem would be. Then the pre-cogs would have been right. The fractal time potentials would have then proved themselves accurate. But instead, the main energy of the financial horror has been potentially voided because of the wild card. Remember, it was Humans with free choice and a free system that you designed who put the wild card in place.

The Big Prediction

Moving Forward

There is one prediction that stands out and it started to be seen last year or slightly before. The prediction, based on fractals, is that you’re going to have a major, potentially total, complete financial collapse in about February or March 2017.

“Kryon, what's going to happen next?” Dear ones, it's up to you. What’s the most benevolent outcome? What you say and do is like placing an order to the Universe and the field. What is the order you’re going to place in the next months? Think of it as writing your take on all this and giving it to the "universal waitress". What’s going to come to your table? Aren’t you tired of ordering that which is the lowest expectation? Aren’t you tired of expecting horrible things from other people, then getting them? What are you going to do with this? Physics is on your side, dear ones, and has your back. However, you are in control of what happens next, by what you expect.

Many of you have heard this and it’s frightening. The pre-cogs started talking about it, and then there were others who started talking about it. The closer it got, the more it was talked about. Now this also follows some logic, because the ones who study patterns of finance, stocks, investments and national debt see the pattern also. They started yelling, too, "It’s coming! Can’t you see it?" Some analysts are telling you to capture all your assets in another form, right away. Many are saying that banks will fail soon. What I want to tell you

Like other wild cards that you received before, the design is that you can continue on and this planet can grow faster because of it. It won't have to be dragged down for 21

years and years and years through a major collapse of the world economy. That’s the message of the day. Can you feel the entourage yet? Can you feel the smiles and the joy of those who know the potentials of the future you have? You are in control, yet some of you feel so out of control. I want you to consider this message. I want you to watch what happens on the planet and I want you to adjust into a way where you can get up in the morning and place your order. Remember, think "most benevolent outcome" from everything you see. Order things that are joyful and that reflect the passing of the days of the ignorance of the six-year-old. Let that instead be replaced by maturity, wisdom and compassion. I hope this helps to shed light on how things work in this new energy. There are more wild cards coming and some of them will be inventions. They will be mostly for the health and well-being and peacefulness of humanity on the planet. I’m closing now. There will be those listening to this that will walk out and say, "That’s ridiculous. I know Human nature." Dear ones, they have just placed their order! Be peaceful. Relax into yourself and be your own parent. Take the hand of your Higher-Self this day, and when you do, you’ll live longer. I am Kryon, in love with humanity and for good reason. And so it is. KRYON

Lee Carroll

Photo: © PNielsen 22



What does the word ‘surrender’ evoke for you? Does it bring images of failure, of giving up, of losing? Surrender is truly so much more. To give up is to quit. To surrender is to give over, to release that which you have been holding on to so you can create space for something different to come into your life. It is not necessarily an easy process, even though it is essentially a simple one. To surrender means releasing long held beliefs about yourself, the world, the universe. To surrender means to let go, to trust that even though you cannot see the end result, everything is going to work out exactly as it should. To surrender does not mean to give up. Oh, no. To surrender just means that you stop struggling, stop fighting blindly. It means that you trust that the vision you have is a template that you have put out into the universe. Paying attention, breathing, meditating, asking for help and opening up to receive help in the myriad ways it is offered. In this way we can see that which we were not capable of seeing before the surrender. Releasing and letting go of expectations of ourselves, others and the universe.

will be present as you move around. I have found this very powerful as it brings me back to my original purpose.

There is also surrendering to purpose. How long have some of us struggled to create a way of life, only to realize in the end that it is not the life we want, not the life that feeds us? Surrender can also be about releasing objects and memories. Surrender into the here and now. Be here. Now.

For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website: Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.

Surrender™ essential oil blend is a powerful combination of oils that can help prepare you and support you through the process of releasing. Diffuse it into your sacred space or in your bedroom before you retire for the night. A drop - in the tub before a bath. A drop - placed on the nape of your neck, on your throat, on your heart centre. A drop - on a cotton ball to be carried with you when you go out for a walk or to a meeting. Healers, take note. This oil blend can support your clients as you work with them on issues that require surrender. Rub a bit on your palms when you are giving Reiki or other energy treatments. If you do not want to diffuse it into your healing space, allow the client to draw a deep breath or two while holding the bottle before them. The frequency is such that even a small amount rubbed on an inspirational card will lend support during the period between sessions. If you are releasing, clearing out the old, use Surrender™ to help make your choices easier. Again, diffuse it into the space before beginning the process. Putting it on your heart centre means the scent 25

Are you struggling with anger, with old emotions or new frustrations? By bringing the frequency of Surrender™ into your space you will be able to open up to new ways of being, surrendering to love and releasing the fear that causes anger. Surrender. Surrender into all that you are, all that you are meant to be. Sometimes that doesn’t look glamorous. It may feel very mundane, yet know this. The core, the essence of who you are is love, always love. Surrender to that and you will open up to a beautiful world where the most mundane task takes on a joyous aspect. Surrender to gratitude, to the joy of being grateful for all that you are, all that you have. Surrender, and allow Surrender™ essential oil blend to help.



Photo: © Young Living

Connect with Vera

Good Source of Vitamins B6, B12, A, D, & Niacin Good Source of Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Selenium, Phosphorus OMEGA-3

Source of Riboflavin, Magnesium, Thiamin, Potassium, Iron, Folate, Manganese Good source of Vitamins C, K, A 26

Lemon sole with runner beans Jamie Oliver Ingredients 100 g runner beans (or green) ½ a bunch of fresh mixed herbs, such as mint, basil 1 lemon sole olive oil Method Trim the beans then, steam and slice them. Pick and finely chop the herbs, discarding the stalks. Season the fish, then place in a bowl with the herbs and 2 tablespoons of oil. Spoon out 1 tablespoon of the herby oil, and place in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Cook the fish, skin-side down, for 5 to 7 minutes and turn once, drizzling with the remaining herby oil. Transfer to a plate with the beans and drizzle with a little extra oil.

Irish potato cakes with smoked salmon Jamie Oliver Ingredients 80 g plain flour , plus extra for dusting 250 g leftover boiled, steamed or baked potatoes 1 large free-range egg yolk ½ a bunch of wild garlic or chives 7cm piece of fresh horseradish or 2 teaspoons from a jar 4 tablespoons crème fraîche 1 lemon extra virgin olive oil olive oil 240 g smoked salmon, from sustainable sources 1 handful of watercress Method Liberally dust a clean work surface with flour. Mash the leftover potatoes or push through a sieve, then season with alt and pepper. Beat the egg yolk and chop the wild garlic or chives, then add to the potatoes with the flour. Mix well. Lightly knead, then place the soft dough on the floured surface and roll out to about ½cm thick. Divide the dough into 4 and shape into rounds. Allow to chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, or until needed. Meanwhile, finely grate the horseradish (if using) and combine with the crème fraîche. Add a squeeze of lemon juice, salt, pepper and a dash of extra virgin olive oil. Preheat a flat griddle or non-stick frying pan until very hot, then cook the potato cakes in a little olive oil for 4 to 5 minutes on each side until golden, crisp and hot all the way through. Serve with slices of smoked salmon and picked watercress leaves dressed with a squeeze of lemon, extra virgin olive oil and some salt and pepper 27


Racoon’s message to us this month is to live more authentically.

“Just like us you too wear masks, ours stay the same, yours are frequently changed to suit who you are with or what is going on in your life. But if you didn’t change your mask, who would you be? That is what we are asking you. Come to terms with just being yourself, your authentic self that you hide behind your various personas, no matter what is going on, or how others will perceive you. We are looked upon and cast in different roles. Some believe we are mischievous thieves, others see us as curious adventurers, and some just find us cute without really understanding who we are. That does not change how we behave or act; we are who we are. Always. Use your intelligence to discern, that it is more freeing to be one person, than try and remember which mask to put on. Our curiosity has us trying new things, finding new places to hunt and scavenge. Allow your curiosity to lead you down different paths. Rest assured you can leave your doubts at the door; as you have all the resources necessary. Remain flexible so that you may adapt to any changes coming your way. Have fun exploring yourself, leave no stone unturned, accept the gifts you have to offer others just by being your authentic self.”





Sunday Sun-Day

Monday Moon-day

Tuesday Mars-day

Wednesday Mercury-Day

Thursday Jupiter-Day

Friday Venus-Day

Saturday Saturn-day

1 DW Make sure you have a giving bag with you today

2 Meditation a must ... great insights await


Great day to shine your light

Watch that your reaction does not get blown out of proportion

3 Let any insights you discovered yesterday settle in …

9 Mars moves into Taurus … Think Bull in a field of flowers minding his own business … don’t poke the Bull

10 Excellent day … get your To-Do list out and starting ticking them off …

11 Just Breathe your way through the day J



18 Inspiring words and art… take time to do some writing or work on your favorite artistic project

5 DW Today is a day of mixed messages. Don’t jump into any, but don’t walk away from opportunity. Take your time


7 DW


Great day for communicating … and don’t forget to walk your talk

Another mixed bag … Don’t give more than you can afford

Get Passionate not angry …

12 DW

13 Mercury moves to Aries

14 Stock up on your giving bags.

Head down and one foot in front of the other & watch your inside voice

Don’t be overly critical of yourself

If you experience an unexpected event don’t let your emotions out of control …

19 International Astrology Day

20 DW

21 DW

22 DW

23 DW

Sun moves to Aries Don’t be too hard on yourself today … find the love within

Watch your inside voice today … keep it inside … or at the least think before you speak

Don’t commit today … pause before you take action

Keep it light … no need for a deep philosophical conversation today



28 DW



Meditation a must

New Moon

Unexpected surprised … Be Prepared

The best day to get organized

Go for a walking meditation.

Full Moon

Check your local astrological community for an event near you

You may receive a special message or communication today

Set New Goals today.

15 Get organized The only control you really have is over your own reaction …

St. Patrick’s Day

Great day for meditation

Release any anxiety off your physical body … Hit the Gym or the Yoga Studio

Keep calm and carry on

Don’t let the little green men take you away from a solid day’s work 24 Its ok if the noise levels get a little out of control today … Let your hair down and have a little bit of fun

Venus Stationary Tree pose … Stand strong

25 It’s another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Go for a walk

31 Mercury Moves to Taurus Time to make beautiful Art … Music … Meditation

Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water or juice box and a couple of surprise items. Double Whammy (DW) = 2 or more hard aspects to the Moon 33


feeling provoked or reactive.

Snap shot for March Jupiter continues on his Retrograde through Libra and Venus joins him in her own retrograde in Aries where she becomes a fierce warrior. Mars moves to Taurus (think potentially raging Bull in a field of beautiful white flowers). This is a very interesting combination of energy. Venus and Mars are going to have a very special relationship for almost the next 2 months, which can be very magnetic and alluring. Continue to check “in” to make sure you are vibrating at a high level … because we will really be attracting where we are at.

Double Whammy and challenging days for everyone are 5, 7, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30 … use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe. Meditation or relaxed days – make them the best days ever – 6, 10, 25, 26, 29 … Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing - moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching. Mercury… Communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to that which travels on sound waves. Mercury moves from a soft dreamy perspective into a more aggressive outspoken way of communicating. Be sure to THINK before you speak.

Sun moves into Aries on the 20th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Aries’ out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.

Take advantage of Communication - talk it out … 2, 6, 18, 24, 29

This month Aries will be bombarded by a great deal of energy as Venus – the Sun Mercury, Uranus and Eris all travel through your sign.

Be Skilled with your Communication - Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! … 4, 5, 12, 21

(see each planet below for details)

Venus … Evokes Love, Beauty and Security. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful things (art, earthy greenery such as organic gardening, flowers, food, music, colour, gems, sparkly things, money, people) … Even though Venus is spiraling inward taking a somewhat difficult deep contemplative sabbatical – she is supported by another powerful magnetic force in your life … Mars – they will be working as one from the 10th of March to the 20th of April supporting and working together. This is a great time to contemplate what it will take to create lasting harmony, peace and beauty in your life.

Libra Cancer and Capricorn’s will feel the most tension and will need to work in a skilled fashion in order to use this tension to its greatest potential. Pisces continues to feel like they are struggling to stay within the boundaries of what is acceptable according to society. Focus this energy toward a daily meditation practice. Capricorn still undergoing re-construction as deep and lasting transformation continues to move through your life in powerful waves. Don’t try to swim against the tide.

Evoke harmony … Create something beautiful … 9, 18, 23, 25, 27, 31

Sagittarians need to continue to focus on organization and creating structure out of the chaos. If your Sun is at late degrees in Gemini – you may feel a little tired and drained – take some extra time out to regenerate.

Mars … Action, Passion and Anger, our ability to do something. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars moves from his place of power to a placement that has power but can easily get out of control … the good news is that Mars and Venus have a very special relationship this month where they support and help each other out of

Know what you want and why … Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! …7, 13, 20

Taurus needs to stay focused on Passion … not 35

what could be a bad situation. You have the ingredients to create the perfect environment infused with Peace and Harmony. Take your life up a notch!

what is beyond the physical world and our solar system. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of collective or clan/pack mentality, tune into Love not Hate. Explore ways that you can expand your boundaries.

Connect to Action with Passion … 10, 21, 25 Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! … 1, 8, 15, 23, 30

The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered.

Jupiter… Growth, Wisdom, Opportunities and Expansion. Very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter made a very big shift into Libra in September, until the fall of 2017. This will provide an opportunity to see both sides before we expand on our ideas and desires. We started our yearly pilgrimage to finding wisdom and growth from within at the beginning of February, we are now winding our way up the path to the top of the mountain. As Venus joins Jupiter on this inner journey they will heavily depend on Mars to keep things moving in external environment. One foot in front of the other.

Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn. Pluto continues to push for change in our old and outworn structures of dictatorship and inflexible leadership. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. Pluto is moving direct through Capricorn. Slowly start to release your need to control the details around you … remember – the only control we truly have is to open and allow the destruction and disintegration of the old ways in order to get to the re-Birth, and move to the next level of Be-ing.

Opportunity is knocking - are you ready? … 14, 19 Don’t overcommit by giving more than you can really afford … 1, 7, 22, 28

Makemake… who brings quantum experiences and unexpected genius; It may be time to use a deeper quantum level that will bring your microcosm into balance. Meditation

Saturn… Boundaries, Restrictions, Limitations and possibly fear, Saturn supports your ability to get organized. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, picking up speed and working with a wild-fiery optimistic energy. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries! Anyone with Sagittarius or Gemini Sun and planets will feel this energy more profusely.

Eris… only desires equality! This is a strong feminine archePhoto: © dusk - type who will use our ego against us. Evoke and balance and awaken the warrior within. She fearlessly moves through Aries (very slow moving). Eris is in a tight relationship with Uranus, even though they are miles apart they are creating a dramatic build of energy – you may find that things that are no longer working (creating discourse) suddenly change. Try not to hold on to the old ways too hard … embrace the new – in the long run they will work much better.

Go ahead, set some boundaries and get organized … 1, 10, 15, 24, 29

Haumea… Facilitator for transformation as the mother of humanitarian efforts … Haumea brings a balance back to the world with a strong goddess signature as she takes back her power on earth. Step up to the plate take on the global issues by choosing to stand up for the underdog. Humanitarian efforts may grow over the next while as Jupiter has joined Haumea. Take the attitude that while we will give others what they need today and we can teach them to stand tall in the future.

Don’t forget to create healthy boundaries - You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! … 5, 12, 17, 20, 27 Uranus … The Bridge between that which we can see and what we cannot see. Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause. unleash your genius on the world …

Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest – a mother figure in our lives, continues to move forward in Taurus where you will see the seeds you have planted begin to break the surface.

Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations, the window supporting understanding and wisdom of 36

roads to discover. Don’t let fear and emotions get in the way of finding the pot of gold at the end of a magnificent rainbow!

Solar/Lunar cycles Step outdoors and connect to your early evening sky, do it again in the early morning just as the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. Connect to our genetic/ collective habits and patterns of our multidimensional bodies.

New Moon March 27th at 7 Aries 7:57 pm Pacific / 11:57 pm Atlantic

The New Moon is when the moon is dark and does not hinder our view as we peer deeply into our universe, and look beyond our patterns and habits by connecting to something greater than ourselves. The dynamic build toward something new, exciting & unknown.

As above So below. Full Moon March 12th at 22 Virgo/Pisces 7:54 am Pacific / 11:54 am Atlantic

When the Moon is full - the sky is lit up and you can see the details of where you are headed. It is a time of completion – or looking to see what needs to be completed in the present moment in order to move forward.

Snap Shot: Collective Change. Set new goals and set the bar high! Now that we have gotten a little more comfortable with our inner landscape, it is time to dig a little deeper. This might come in the form of challenges to our belief systems that propel us to a much deeper level of wisdom. You may feel like you are on the front line of the battle of a life time … ok that sounds a little dramatic – even for me, but none-the-less, change is on the horizon … get organized, gather the facts and then get your act together it is time to step into a bigger pair of boots.

Snap Shot: Head down and one foot in front of the other. Watch your inside voice. Unexpected surprise events may occur but take care not to be overly critical about your (or others) reactions. Use this time as an opportunity to cull unnecessary distractions that have become obstacles to achieving your goals. Use your personal space as a mirror image to help you navigate your inner landscape, be sure to surround yourself with only what you need in order to feel harmonious and relaxed as you work out what needs to be changed and/or embraced in order for you to successfully achieve what you most desire. You may feel that you have found the right path, but there are still choices to be made and new

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 37

A Crystal Reading for

March 2017 We who are you are watching, waiting to see how your life unfolds. There are so many options, so many possibilities and it is always endlessly fascinating to see which one you/we choose. I/we/you are all one and the same, no beginning, no end, a beautiful circle of life and love, of beingness. Be here, today, each day. Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow a dream, today, this moment, is the only reality you have. Take it. Seize it. Run with it! And running, open your eyes to all that is around you. Above, below, within. See, hear, smell, feel. Enjoy. Find pleasure in the smallest of moments, enjoy the expansion that comes from within. You are dearly loved. We are dearly loved. And so it is. NamastĂŠ


Photo: Š VEnshaw

Contact Vera at 38

Week 1: March 1st to 4th – Picture Jasper: Look to the imagery that is all around you this week. See the symbols, read the signs. Notice the shape of a head in a tree’s branch, the colours that draw you, the songs that speak to you. Why are you humming that tune over and over? What is the message? If not in the words, in the beat? Where is the numerology in that? How many bars are you humming? Faces and shapes in clouds. Numbers on the clock face…there are many symbols this week. Take the first answer that comes into your mind, resist the temptation to question your intuition. Sit with it, be with it.

Week 2: March 5th to 11th – Fuschite: As the world begins to green again, take yourself out to enjoy it, to experience it. Smell. Stop what you are doing and just breathe in the scent of the earth coming back to life after the long sleep. Feel the green, smell the green. Wear it, if you can. Find a green stone to carry with you, and begin the cleansing process by finding fresh greens to eat. Raw if you can, steamed lightly if you prefer. Giving your body the freshest new growth brings you into synch with the world around you. Do it now, dear ones. Do it now.

Week 3: March 12th to 18th – Silver Orca: The week begins with the full moon. Go out and bathe in the clear light. Even if the moon is cloud-covered, step out and feel the energy. This March moon shines like the silver. See the Orca jumping with the joy of life, of living. Do your own dance. Be the shining light you are. Allow us all to shine. Give permission by being all that you are. There is such strength in silver, tenderness and pliability and deep, intense shine. Be the shine that lights the world.

Week 4: March 19th to 25th – Obsidian: This week the past comes knocking at your door. Listen to the messages offered but do not fall into the trap of going back. Remember to hold your space, your strength. See the past for what it is – shadows that have no power. The shine you polished last week will help to remove the dark spots from this. And in moments where you might despair, remember: This, too, will pass.

Week 5: March 26th to 31st – Nuumite: You have a core of tensile strength that you tend to ignore. This week in your quiet moments, in meditations, pull on it. View it as a tangible thing, a visible entity. If you wish, give it a name that you can call out or think in moments when strength is needed – and there could be many this week. You are able to access the strengths learned and earned in past lives. We will assist, the we that is you. You must call on us, for we have agreed that we will not interfere. When You ask for our help, then and only then can we show you the tools to use. Trust. Know that you are fully capable in every situation that arises. Trust. Know. You are dearly loved. 39



You must begin by knowing that you have already arrived. Your true nature lives as perfect as an unwritten number, everywhere at once across space and time. Richard Bach

Photo: Photo:ŠŠPNielsen PNielsen 42


For something different, I decided to draw a card for each month of 2017 and present it here. This month the card is Three of Ariel, which is the three of Pentacles. It comes through fairly clear when you look at the different 3 of Pentacles that pride of workmanship is present. It also speaks of working together with others, and part of this comes through as sharing of knowledge. Sharing of knowledge and working together become a whole. Probably my favorite depiction is the Deviant Moon card, here we have three separate artists each showing their own style. Each creating separately to create the whole, the finished product. Each of us right now in the world is creating separately but in the end we determine the whole. Our efforts, combine with the efforts of others, unseemingly, to create the world we live in.

When you do something that you love, that you are passionate about you pay attention to the details. Which is what is required right now, pay attention to the details, and if you don’t have the knowledge required reach out to others. Don’t waste your time by haphazardly living your life. It is your life, you should be creating something you love, something you are passionate about. At the end of the day, you should be proud of what you are creating and achieving. This month is about assessing if you are giving your very best or if you are just going through the motions with regards to all aspects of your life.

“Do what you love! A time of great personal growth in your career or artistic endeavors. Working with others in a cooperative manner.” “Do what you love! It’s important to follow your passions and do your very best work. There is great talent and skill present. The task at hand can be a joyful experience and may bring recognition or financial rewards. This is a time of great personal growth in your career or artistic endeavors. Working with others in a happy, cooperative manner is important. Get the input of those around you, but don’t be afraid to confidently share your ideas! Additional meaning: A labour of love. Being paid to be creative. Awareness of your potential. Being a “mentor.” The Three of Pentacles is a good omen card that suggests any changes or financial investments you make, concerning property or your home, will be positive ones.

This month’s messages drawn from Nature’s Whispers Oracle Cards By Angela Hartfield & Josephine Wall 46


Photo: © mcobb 48

As usual, I asked the runes to show me a general idea of what we can expect in the next month. So far, we have seen some very turbulent times, although the runes have also shown us that better times are ahead.

This stone is the rune of physical movement, physical shifts, or new dwelling places. Because I asked for an over view, it probably means a physical shift, a gradual development and a steady progress.

With that knowledge, I decided to use my hematite runes because I find them very grounding.

Ehwaz suggests that, whatever the issue is, we are tackling the problem in the correct spirit and should see the success we seek soon.

The first stone I pulled was Wunjo. Wunjo is a positive glyph and means joy. It also indicates a shift in our Karma and shows that the shift that we have been looking for has arrived.

Possibly, because it is reversed, it could indicate that success may be further off than we would like. I think this has been a positive reading, all in all. As in all things, we need to try to maintain an even keel. We can’t get too down over world events, or swing the other way, and let our emotions run wild.

The second rune was Laguz. This is the rune of intuitive knowledge and indicates that we should follow our intuitions closely, regarding the matter in question. For those with definite psychic abilities, this glyph shows that you are being guided by your higher powers.

The runes show that the situation will swing in our favor, as long as we trust our instincts, and understand that this will not be a short-term fix.

For people who are not as prescient, it can manifest itself as a significant event, in which case they should follow their gut instinct, or it could show up as a particularly prophetic dream.

I hope that some of this resonates with you. If you have runes, see what they have to say to you.

In all those cases, success depends on us listening to “our inner voice.”

Until next month,

When Laguz appears, it frequently indicates that the tide has turned and can show that a time of relaxing, re-evaluating, and cleansing is at hand.

Skål min ven Phil

The last rune was Ehwaz reversed. While many times when a rune is reversed, it means something negative, but in this case, we must look at the accompanying stones. Because the other two runes are positive, the message of Ehwaz is the same as it would be if it was upright. Contact Phil at for more information. 49

Message from the Angels March 2017 Blessings dear ones,

beating. Independence and freedom are yours, no one can take them away from you. It is only you who places you in the same place over and over until you finally notice that perhaps a new path needs to be carved out. One that is not known to you but will become a steadfast friend with each step you take.

Many things are coming to the forefront of your life and the lives of those around you. Decisions need to be made, and many of you don’t know which way to go. Right now, the struggle is between the intellectual and the emotional, and this is what causes you the most struggle. Some of you would rather be in the space of what was, what is known. Yet a new reality pushes against these ideals. Your logical self keeps you tethered to the here and now, knowing that not to decide means, that that which you want to see changed will remain the same. The duality that is playing out has dark and light intermingling with each other, and the old and the new competing with each other, much like the buds of spring struggling against the cold blasts of winter. Each is giving their all to reign supreme, even though, in the end, we know spring will win out eventually, and winter will lose its icy grip. But in the space between there is a pause where the reflection of what has been, must be given consideration as you prepare and become ready for the next adventure. One chapter is ending, the next ready to be absorbed. It is within this suspended period that a honing of choices takes place. Ultimately, you might not be given the opportunity to make a choice of the heart, that option will be taken from you as the need to decide quickly steps in. Given the present time you are in, we would gently remind you to be aware of what is struggling within you to reign supreme. Don’t be fooled into thinking that to do nothing will just keep the status quo, for no one is exempt. Do not avoid your inner nudges, for they are there to alert you to the fact that something is afoot. It might seem like you are standing still, soul searching to understand the situation fully, or it could be that the current path you are on is not the one for you. Your inner nudges are leading you to yourself. If you focus on what you need, decisions will come easier. There will be no struggle between your heart and mind, you will be doing what is right for you. When you can follow this simple directive, balance prevails, and the transition from the old into the new blossoms effortlessly. All changes and new understandings require courage, yet to not face them often means your heart takes a

You have arrived at a time when things are breaking down, breaking up and breaking open. The energy is working, doing its thing and your actions are required. Energy does not care if you make a choice or not, or even what your choices are, it will interact with the energy you are constantly sending out. It never stops, your personal energy stamp is in your thoughts, your words, and your actions. Clinging to one side or the other is irrelevant to the collective universal energy. Where it does make a difference is within you and your life. Always doing the same thing will create the same results. Oh, they might look different on the surface – different locations, different people, - but the root energy is the same. This is why you are being presented with some ideas that seem to have resurfaced. You thought collectively you had moved past these issues, yet they never shifted within all humans, they never left the planet. They will, have faith; spring pushing winter away with its riot of rebirth and colour. Keep being the beacon of light that you are, keep making choices that allow your light to shine brighter than ever before. We stand beside each of you and understand that you see and feel things differently. We are also here to tell you that nothing is as it seems and that you are doing wonderfully! All of you are more capable than you think. Keep holding the light, keep being courageous in making choices that are in sync with you and your soul. You have our support and unconditional love always. If ever you should feel disheartened, take a breath and ask that we come in a little closer. Ask us to provide clear signs to the solutions at hand. The power of three compassionate love for thee Through Mcobb 50


Photo: © PNielsen 52

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