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Compassionate Humanity
Tilling Your Inner Garden
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10 Balance 14 June 2017 Ascension Energies 16 Change 22 Egyptian Gold Essential Oil Blend 24 What's on our Fork 25 Shrimp Boil 26 Power Animal - Owl 30 Crystal Reading for June 32 Navigating by the Stars June 34 Navigating by the Stars Astro Cliff Notes June 40 The Empress June Messages drawn from Butterfly Oracle 42 Cards for Life Changes
Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2017 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to
44 Rune Casting For June 46 Angel Message for June
Photo: © mcobb 4
Welcome to June! During the past month, I have rediscovered my passion for quilting. It has proven to be an excellent meditative and creative pastime. I love choosing the design, then selecting the fabrics that will be cut and arranged into blocks. It reminds me that in life we slowly put together the blocks of our life by what we choose in each moment. Life brings us a variety of colours and textures each day, which we lay down beside the previous day, slowly building our quilt called life. For myself, the top is what intrigues me; I managed to stitch together five quilt tops in a short period. Once each top was complete, I sandwiched it with the batting and backing and then basted it so that it will hold together through the quilting process. If you have ever hand quilted, it takes time. You do pick up speed with practice, but it still can take hours to quilt a piece together. I like the hands-on approach and feel more connected to the piece as well as feeling I have achieved something. It is like each stitch I place infuses the piece with love from me. My stitches are not perfect, and while I could take out the stitch that goes astray and replace it with a perfect one, I don't. Life is not perfect. It is not all joy filled just by its very nature, and in life, we are not given a chance to change events that happen to us. Instead, we must keep going forward, living each day to the best of our ability, no matter what comes our way. So I chose to leave the imperfect stitches. Because when the quilt is completed, it is not the imperfect stitches that catch the eye; it is the beautiful colours, the whole piece that strikes us and captures our breath. That is what life is about! Facing the myriad of choices that each day presents to you and selecting the best option for you at that moment. Remember that hindsight is 20/20, but you cannot go back to any point in time and change it. Don't get hung up on it, instead move forward with the understanding that there will be other choices. Don't worry about being perfect, do what you love with great zeal, and stress less about what others think. Your life is yours, and you are creating a beautiful life. One that you will look back upon and see how each piece fit together perfectly, imperfections and all. This month promises to be filled with beautiful options for each of us. Choose the most colourful and see how you can enhance your life. Make it the best that you can, each moment and don't forget to infuse it with lots of love.
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In May one evening while watching TV, we heard a quiet knock at our door. My husband answered the door, and in the hall was a young lady who said she was lost. I wanted to turn a blind eye and send her on her way. However, that was not to be. The side of me that aligns with spirit, overthrew my human side that heads to the side of fear and uncertainty first and logic second. After speaking with the girl while my husband tried to find out where she belonged in our building, I discovered that she was lost on many levels. Beneath the confusion was, a bright young lady whose future was yet to be written.
the country speaking to at-risk youth. He has a rock band and speaks to youth at their level; he too contemplated suicide during and after recovery, he wondered why he was here. I would say he figured it out. It filled me with so much hope and joy, that I could feel his love and compassion through the screen. He makes an impact on the youth he speaks with and does turn lives around. I don’t know where our world is heading; each year seems to bring about issues that, while around when I was growing up, have grown as well and are no longer contained to small numbers, but are now threatening to overpower our population. I do know that somehow each of us needs to step up to the plate and do what we can. How that looks, I don’t honestly have the answer. Perhaps, it looks exactly like the other night when we answered our door. Perhaps it is that simple.
Our society has done a disservice to those who experience bouts of uncertainty. We label people as having mental health issues, but don’t offer any advice on how to help those who feel lost in that dark realm. While it is talked about more now than years gone by, we still have this fear around it. Both in being labelled with the disease and with coming into contact with people who are dealing with it.
I found this poem, written in the 1970s by James Patrick Kinney called “The Cold Within” while surfing the net. It hit home; perhaps we have not arrived at the state of “we are one.” I would like to think we have made great strides to achieving this end, but realize we have more work to be done.
I sat with this girl and struggled with my internal thoughts as to how I could help her. I wanted to help; I wanted to have the answer to exactly what one does when someone is asking for help. I kept telling her she was safe, that was all I could muster while thoughts of “what if we don’t find her home” floated through. The truth was, she had been taken to the hospital earlier in the day by the police, who incidentally still had her belongs – which meant her keys to access her home. The hospital after doing their assessment sent her home by taxi. Yes, you read that correctly, they ordered and paid (I assume as she did not have her belongings) for the taxi to deliver her to the address she supplied. This was not the first time I had heard of this happening, and while I understand that our hospitals are overflowing this girl was still in a state of confusion and should not have been left to her own devices.
“Six humans trapped by happenstance, In black and bitter cold. Each one possessed a stick of wood, Or so the story’s told. Their dying fire in need of logs, The first woman held hers back. For on the faces around the fire, She noticed one was black. The next man looking ‘cross the way, Saw one not of his church, And couldn’t bring himself to give, The fire his stick of birch.
I have said for years that we have a large mental health problem in our country, and I am sure it is not just our country, others face the same problem. It has been shoved under the rug for so long, with those in power pointing fingers to the next person saying responsibility lies with them to fix or heal the issue. Not just with mental health, but other problems as well, such as, housing, health, jobs, environment, transportation, and the list goes on. At a more personal level, most of us look the other way, believing that we cannot help or make a difference. The reality is we don’t know how to help or what we can do that will make a difference. We have not been educated, and rather than reach out, we turn away, until it happens to us or affects us in some capacity, that is.
The third one sat in tattered clothes; He gave his coat a hitch. Why should his log be put to use, To warm the idle rich? The rich man just sat back and thought, Of the wealth he had in store, And how to keep what he had earned, From the lazy, shiftless poor. The black man’s face bespoke revenge, As the fire passed from his sight, For all he saw in his stick of wood, Was a chance to spite the white.
I would like to think that we, made a difference the other night. That by offering her a place to sit, something to drink, and help to get her into her apartment, she had a better moment than the ones that lead up to her situation. That the words of comfort and wisdom I offered would leave an imprint on her mind and she would know she was worthy.
And the last man of this forlorn group, Did naught, except for gain. Giving only to those who gave, Was how he played the game.
Even if I felt my sacred space infringed upon, I am glad we opened our hearts and our home. I wish there were advertisements plastered everywhere about how to help those in distress, outnumbering those beseeching us to buy products. Sadly, there are not. Thanks to a major player, we do get one day a year to “talk”, but that is not enough. Interesting how the universe works, the next night we watched a program on TV which featured a young man who after surviving, barely, a serious auto accident, has made it his mission to travel
The logs held tight in death’s still hands Was proof of human sin. They didn’t die from the cold without They died from the cold within.” Connect with Marlene at facebook 7
Seed Of The Heart, from the Journey Of Love Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild art by Rassouli and Richard Cohn
One of the most profound examples of the process of nutrition and growth is one that most of us were exposed to in grade school. It involved a bean seed and a clear plastic cup. The bean seed is soaked overnight, then placed inside the cup, right against the side. The cup is then filled with cotton or paper towels.
However, a fundamental quality of our Universe is that nothing stays the same. Everything is in process. How sad it would be if the daffodil bulbs feared growth, and they held their potential locked inside. How deprived the world would be of their beauty! The same is true for each one of us.
With great delight we watched as the seed began to split, and new green life emerged. All that was required for this process was warmth, light and water. Instinctively the shoot knew to rise upwards, towards the sun, regardless of the initial placement of the seed.
The answer is not, however, to figure out or to know what it is you came here to do. It is to allow full expression of what is already within you. “How can I do that if I don’t know where I’m going?” you might ask. The answer is that you begin to trust your intuition, and to honour the whisperings of your own heart. Our hearts and intuition are the pathways through which Soul finds its way into consciousness.
What they did not tell us then was the deeper teaching that the bean was bringing to us. It is a metaphorical Universe, after all, and it is in the interaction between world and human consciousness that wisdom grows. What we say then as a simple scientific demonstration was actually the miracle and process of creation unfolding before our eyes.
We might now think that it was cruel in Ancient China when the feet of women were bound to keep them from growing. Yet, through unconsciousness, this is exactly what we do to the Soul, the Spirit, the Essence of human beings. We even do it to ourselves. Blocking growth results in distortion, even pain.
What the bean so elegantly reflects back to us is the process of our own growth. Our physical form is like the seed, carrying within it a potentiality. With proper care of the physical form, a few basic conditions, and an intention to allow for growth, the miracle unfolds.
If someone gave you a beautiful, exotic flowering plant as a special gift, no doubt you would do everything in your power not simply to keep it alive, but to keep it blossoming. Well, someone did give you just such a gift. It is so unique that there is only one in the entire world. So unique that there is only one in all Eternity. It is your own Essence. It is the way in which the Oneness of the Universe expresses itself in the instance of You. And your purpose in being here is to nurture that uniqueness, to allow for is expression.
If someone had a bean seed, and did not know what it was, it might sit on a shelf indefinitely. If they knew it was a seed, planted it, but did not nurture the new life, the plant would likely wilt and die. If they kept it alive, but did not transplant it when more nutrients were needed for continued growth, it would not live out the fullness of its original potentiality.
Plants push themselves up through hard soil, and grow around rocks that block their path. Even while buried in darkness, the will within them is to move towards the light. This is the power of the Universe moving forward, towards is own expression.
Simply looking after our physical form, without nurturing the inner potential, would be like carrying that seed around for a lifetime. Unfortunately, we live in a culture that emphasizes the physical first and foremost. Honoring the inner essence, the soul of our being, is often treated as an “extracurricular” activity. Consequently, potential, in the highest sense of the term, remains dormant.
You are an expression of the unfolding Universe. Set yourself free and surrender to the fullness of your being. Be the grandeur of the Cosmos. This is your time.
Any “potential” that we define within our own minds is limited, for it does not allow for the divine interplay of energies between human and Cosmos. We cannon “know” what it is that might come forth when we nurture our emerging essence fully, are more than the bean seed could “know” to what that deep inner stirring within might lead. It is the inner stirrings that we must honor. The bean seed, if it had human qualities might say, “I don’t know what is happening to me! I do not like this one bit. My whole world is falling apart and I just can’t seem to keep myself together!” If the bean seed had a partner that was not into growth, the partner might say, “I just don’t know what to make of you these days. You are so different. You’re turning into something I don’t even know anymore. You’re certainly not the bean I married!”
Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, MP3’s and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to and ‘Like’ Gwen on FaceBook for daily inspiration. 9
I am an Earth sign and there is nothing I find more balancing than to reconnect to a earth source. For me gardening is deeply satisfying. Digging in the soil and planting vegetables that I carefully cultivate and hope will provide me with food and growing flowers that I can enjoy is a Zen like experience. My mind shuts down and I just become part of the earth. I send out love and healing too Gaia and in return I feel at peace and after my aches and pain subside happy. Happiness for me occurs in the many small events that can pepper my day. The great cup of coffee that started my day or the many kisses from my dogs to driving Miss Jenny my bug with the top down enjoying the sun on my face. Very rarely is my happiness wrapped up in receiving “things”. I believe in this age of stress and pressure to just be able to survive economically/mentally and spiritually it is vital to be able to recognize and to create for oneself “Balancing and Renewal” events. These need not to have a cost or even take a lot of time, they just need to leave you feeling centered and peaceful. Passive active events are great to enable the mind to become quiet and to actively let go of the internal distress you may be holding onto. The how’s: Firstly, by taking a conscious control. Looking at where we are holding onto our physical stresses and taking the time to 'hear' the thoughts that are negative that we think. Once we recognize these things we can then choose to release them from our physical and mental bodies. (this can be a rapid and immediate relaxation or may take continue effort that will slowly work, as each person and their 'stuff' is different.)
STOP (my purpose is to have a mind that is engaged in enjoying what I am currently doing) DELETE (I choose to tell my higher self that any negative or hurtful or angry thoughts are not needed so I delete them} I actually see the delete key and see myself pressing it. I then say within my mind or out loud if I am by myself, what I am actually doing in the moment to engage myself in the 'now' of my life. I will take charge of my stress and during either gardening or walking or swimming (my balancing activities) I will allow the feelings and thoughts that I am holding onto to 'rise' ( I will visualize the energy as dark smoke ) and I will gather them up in white balls of energy within my body and then tell those balls to float free of my body/mind and to dissolve into the soil/water/ air around me. Then I go back into my pattern of deep breathing and Now awareness. I also remember that I am not perfect and that I can only do my best when I can and that I need to be as loving and gentle with myself as I am with others. We all need to add tools that work for us into our Life Tool Kit. What they are is up to the individual, as we are blessedly all different as we are also blessedly so much alike. But remembering along our journey that we are important and that we all have the ability to create a harmonious life with ease, this is our natural right and we can achieve it if that is what we wish too do. Have a wonderful month and enjoy the summer. I wish you all harmony and Balance, joy and grace, laughter and love.
Namasté Debra Rae
Choose a balancing/centering activity. Once you have engaged in the activity of choice, breath and keep breathing deeply into your belly.... this becomes a nature rhythm and helps engage the mind and body to relax. If your mind becomes busy, a method that works for me is to tell myself:
Connect with Debra Rae 11
Photo: © PNielsen 12
Good leaders develop ideas. Great leaders develop people. The best leaders develop new leaders. Bobby Umar
May Review
emotional push rather than just a thought. May was asking us to let the "breath of Life" flow easily, poignantly, and consciously at times.
Perhaps you experienced some emotional ups & downs in May, or were touched by the emotions of those around you. Irritation, perceptual insights, communication glitches, glimpses of bliss, frustration and excitement may have been part of the roller coaster ride of May. April, May and June Energies are connected in a metaphor of the inhale (April), pause (May) and exhale (June). How could a pause have felt so chaotic?!
Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, has been saying since last year that we may start to see an increase in polarization in some people, even Lightworkers. Then there was a lot of information around these times being what we have been preparing for. This has refined into a focus on the power of our prayer—our awareness and communication with the subtle realms. For a few months now they've been speaking about how the meek are inheriting the Earth—that the inherently loving, compassionate ones are coming into their time of action, the first action always being internal.
May had some indicators of that flow of ease or chaos. The ascension symptoms were interesting as well. Vision blurring and clearing, changing sleep patterns (perhaps a little less fatigue by the end of the month?) and a need for change may have felt like an 14
May amplified the focus of the internal, the space within, the pause as the inhale permeates, then exhales to renew the cycle. The overarching energy was a pause to focus on your internal motivations that are leading your life. May was asking you to slow down into a moment(s) of rest within the chaos, to allow that pause its ability to replenish and fuel you for the next up or down.
asking you to feel into the broad connection of life, the vast potentials? Is it a moment of fast movement flowing and impressing change upon you such that resistance is a wasted effort? Focus within and embrace the contraction into courage as you replenish for the inevitable expansion. The exhale is asking you to let go of that which is no longer serving you.
June Energies - Beacon of Change Like the exhale, June is a month that brings change. The internal change leads to the external change, which leads to the next internal change. The circle completes only to continue again. The spiral of Life. Go with the flow, yet consciously direct as appropriate to work with the compelling forces of Life. When the spiral is at a wide spin, it is dispersed, easy flow. When the spiral is at a point, that flow is fast and you feel an intense centrifugal force acting on you. To strain against it would entail a lot of effort. That is a time to focus within and go with the flow, for change is close.
June's focus is served by releasing that which no longer serves your highest good. What is blocking you from easing into expansion and change? You can ask yourself some simple questions to align your inner realm with the future new you. Ask yourself: What do I believe about myself that is not serving my highest good? What new (inhale) belief am I ready to be? What new foundation would I like to build upon? How can I nurture/nourish/relax (the energy of May) this change into being?
Bring your focus into the loving potentials which change challenges each being to embody. What is a challenge to you? We all have them.
Ask yourself: What do I believe about another/a situation/or life that is not serving my highest good? What new belief am I ready to embody?
May asked you to nurture those “challenges” with a deep abiding Love that inspires change from desire rather than chaos. What you discover as you focus on empowering your inner realm, is that what was challenging before is now just change. Like the artist facing a blank canvas, that "challenge" is exciting.
As you reshape your vibrational resonance, you are speaking the language of the subtle realms. Synchronicities align, ideas flow in, action flows easier. You begin consciously utilizing the huge, invisible engine of Life that builds worlds atom by atom. You can't force the invisible realm. You can't manipulate it, scare it, or deceive it into being. You become the change you are wanting to see in the world. As you resonate with that, you magnetize it to you. It anchors on Earth. The meek inherit the Earth. Those bold enough to Love in the face of the unknown become the conduits of Love's grace nourishing Life.
BECOMING CHANGE What does it take for the meek to inherit the Earth? It takes a different approach than control and domination, because that begets separation and repression. It's what humanity has mostly been leading life with, it's what you've been healing and changing through your spiritual work. On a logical level we recognize that the bullies and despots are afraid of change and afraid of themselves. If they felt safe, they wouldn't feel a need to control others into repression.
In Summary June is all about change. The external change will begin to reveal itself as the inner has been pushed and pulled into a new shape by the centripetal force of Love and empathic courage. Movement is the name of the game as you begin to deeply understand the power of standing up and standing for Love. June will show you the release that brings change as the power of your Love is released into the world.
The meek are those that Love so deeply, that they interact first from a silence that assesses a situation as to its resonance of Love. From that connection with Love, they choose interactions that have the potential to create a mutually beneficial, win/win scenario. The meek are the empaths, the sensitives, the compassionate ones—it doesn’t matter their job or relationship, they approach it all with a responsibility to something outside of the self while supporting the self to thrive.
Shine bright, dear Lightworker. You are the future of Love. Love will continue to nurture you into greater empowerment as the future yearns to embrace you. In the solstice month, embrace your day of longest light opening you to the dreamy expanse, or the shortest day contracting you into preparation for great expansion. The two opposites meet in the middle. Your heart. Earth is moved.
This often requires a relearning of healthy boundaries. Who’s going to embody and teach that? The meek, those strong enough to Love. They are so powerful that they embody a sensitivity and compassion that compels progress for All Life. As the empaths teach what healthy boundaries are, everyone readjusts into understanding (over time).
Happy June!
Jamye Price
It often requires learning to give AND receive, rather than allowing the lesson of imbalanced sacrifice to continue to teach the reflection of winners or losers. Compromise and giving won't go away, in fact they will enhance and empower as humanity begins operating from the courage of compassion rather than the contraction into fear that suppression creates.
Copyright: © 2005-2016 Jamye Price All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.
BEING CHANGE IS BELIEVING CHANGE To go with the flow of June, direct your inner change with the compelling forces of life. Is it a dispersed and dreamy moment, 15
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Every time these messages begin, there are a few moments of adjustment [speaking of a pause that occurs after the greeting]. The adjustment is for my partner, not for you. It is because truly the messages are given almost in another dimension. It's difficult for a Human Being to really switch gears and stop listening to a Human in a chair, and instead listen to a multidimensional message from the other side. However, this is where the message originates.
and the places that remembered them, will start to diminish and disappear. It's almost like the timing created an entire different physics for you for the planet. It's a fast-track grid - that is to say, you are now freshly imprinting it. When you reboot something, all that was before goes away. Then it starts again fresh and, dear ones, that is what's going on right now. The proof is what many are going to start feeling in places that used to be dark, for that will be changing and the sensitives will notice it first. Time
The message for today is a little different than before. I start again with congratulations for the Human race, for you pulled it off. This is a colloquialism [a phrase of the culture] that means you really did something amazing. Almost at the last moment, the timing of the stars brought you to the end of a profound cycle, and you went through it without another and ending war. You went through it without horror and strife or the projected termination of the planet, and yet you really don't know what you've done and today you find yourself in a brand new energy. Since 2012, many things are reacting and changing, not just you, and and that's what I want to talk about. Changes in the Crystalline Grid Let's start with one of the basics, the Crystalline Grid of this planet. I have discussed with you that this grid is a "remembering grid". I have told you that it is one that is active [always shifting] and activated by the emotions and the compassions of Human Beings. I told you that it is a fast-track grid - that is to say, if it changes, then Humans who are placed upon it will feel that change. Up until now, it has had input from humanity that is overwhelmingly negative, because that is what Human nature responds to. That is the primordial emotions - fear, suffering and horror. If you don't believe me, watch your news. It seems to be what Human Beings are most attracted to and interested in. Horror and drama are the emotions that often drive your marketing, films and books. That is Human nature we speak of, and that is starting to change. So a grid that "remembers" humanity's emotions gives you the feelings of horror in a battleground, or the sadness at a grave site. It remembers what is inputted into it. What happens to the Crystalline Grid of this planet in the new energy? Oh, I think I gave you a hint before. Dear ones, it's almost like it was rebooted and the negative and dramatic things that it remembered before,
I have started with a simple linear concept, for the Crystalline Grid is an example. It's fairly linear and you can understand it, but then there are those who have asked esoteric questions about time. Does time itself change in this new energy? Now, if you have not been part of the seminar today, this may be a difficult concept to grasp. The seminar gave the circular concept of time credibility and the knowledge was displayed in a scientific way. The circle of time is not anything that you feel because to you time is a straight line like a railroad track. You only go one way, and that is past present and future. But the reality is that it's fractalized. It goes in a circle and has energy placed on it, which it reacts to. The "fractals" are the pieces of it that are part of the whole, but which leave similar pieces of itself along the way. Fractal time may seem esoteric, since it's not how you live, but it does affect how you perceive things. As events happen on the planet, they create bumps on the road so that when you go in the circle again, you feel the bumps, or sense they are coming. This often creates that very thing happening again. It's responsible for the phrase "time repeats itself". In a certain fashion, it does. That's fractal time. This affect has been studied, and there are suspected atomic particle physics behind it [The Higgs Singlet]. So here is the question: What happens to the time fractals in this new energy? Are the bumps in the road the same, or different? What happens to the events on the timeline of the past that might trigger the future? I'm here to tell you something: The whole timeline, all of the fractals, are starting to be rebooted [freshened], and when they disappear, dear ones, time itself starts to change. Why would this be? Because Human consciousness is part of it. If you reboot fractal time, it means that the things in the past will not affect you today or tomorrow in the future, like they did in an older energy. In
the old energy, you kept tripping on them and they kept coming. This led to war after war after war. Then humanity would rest for awhile, and do it again. It happened because this was expected. This was Human nature. Many say, "It's what Humans do." Now, if this is the case and the timing of things start to be different, it means that you are writing a new timeline. You're creating new bumps, but the bumps may actually be positive ones instead of the dramatic negative ones. Fractals are that way. They are going to work the same no matter what you do, except that the old ones in the old energy won't be here. You might say you've cleaned it. Controversial? Yes. It's also controversial in physics. Time is time no matter what happens. The process of the fractals is also the same, and has been for eons. I'm telling you that it's being changed. Why? The catalyst: Consciousness of the New Human. The Volatile Effect of the "Bumps in the Road" - The Past So let's go one step further. If the fractals are changed, would that affect the reaction of Humans about the past? And the answer is oh yes! Read that again. Suddenly this may very well be the beginning of an entirely new reaction to history. Seed planting of peace between former enemies is at hand, because the past will not have the effect it used to. But the ones who will feel this the most are the young, for they never actually experienced the history. They are only reacting to it, and what they have been told about it. Where do you see the effect of history on the planet that is the most profound? The answer is the Middle East. Middle Eastern people and their current cultures do not expect the truth of what I'm telling you. I was in a large theater with my partner, sitting alone on a stage. The light was focused on him in a chair, with 900 Israelis expecting to hear a message from Kryon. Hopefully it would be about their land, but they never know what Kryon is going to say. Then I told them. I told them that they were being "tasked" or chosen to bring peace to their region first, and second to thereby create the beginnings of peace on Earth. They were tasked to create this because they were the only ones who could do it. The solution to "the situation" simply would not come from the
outside. It would not come from the west, but rather only from them. The reaction that I got, the consciousness that I could feel, was "How?" For eons this is what they all wanted! Since the 1940s when permission to return to the land and create a nation was given, that's what they all wanted. But due to actions on both sides, it just got worse. How? "How do you turn a magic switch, Kryon, so that suddenly we can have peace in this region with all those around us?" The answer was that they have already started it, and they did it on December 21, 2012. The reset has begun with the perception of the past, because the fractals are gone or being rewritten and there are going to be children who ask the question, "Tell me again, father, why it is I am supposed to hate them? I'm not truly getting it. Tell me again what happened in the past that is supposed to control me now? Tell me again, father, why we need to emulate everything that was dysfunctional in the past? Tell me, father, why we can't wipe away the past that didn't work for us? Tell me why we can't begin a process to look into their eyes and say, ‘Let's drop everything that was, and create what is?'" For a future generation, I say watch for this! There will come a time when the old leaders are gone on both sides, and there will be a lot less emphasis on who did what to whom and instead there'll be a consciousness of a clean start. The past won't drive the future. What a concept! This is the catalyst for peace in the Middle East and it would not have a chance if you had not passed this marker. Why is it that world wars have come and gone and enemies who experienced it have all come together in the past 60 years as good partners and neighbors? What is it about the Middle East that continues a very old and ancient fight and never seems to move off the peg of "who did what to whom for more than 1,000 years"? The answer may surprise you. It was the Middle East that would have brought civilization to its knees if you hadn't passed the precession of the equinoxes - the 2012 marker. It was the Middle East that would have triggered the Battle of the Armageddon that was prophesied by your scripture and other scholars of the ages, from ancient times right up to the 1980s. It was needed to fulfill this prophecy and would have played its part in the end of time.
Then, it didn't happen. Many still feel it will, for they are invested in the doom of the future, and have spent too much time cognizing that it is certain. This is why it will take the young people to bring this about, for it isn't engrained in them, as it is in the ones who spent their lives expecting it. There's more. Light and Dark Balance The light and dark balance on the planet is starting to rearrange itself and is going to create more wild cards. Wild cards are "unexpected shifts", things that are often shocking in ways that are not positive or negative, but rather are changes in the paradigm of what was. They often push the future, both in consciousness and science. There are several coming in the form of Human Beings making changes in ways and in places you don't expect. There's one that is way overdue in New York City at the United Nations. It's an old organization with wonderful ideas about helping the planet, but stuck in its own old-energy politics. What will happen there? If you don't see much soon, it may actually cease functioning. Wildcards are not guaranteed. They are timed to match the free choice of those around them. That's what makes a wild card totally unexpected events. Think of this: An organization set out to create peace on Earth may become more dysfunctional and even fail, or a wild card may come and restructure it all at great controversy and almost no funding. That's what wild cards do. You may find it in business, in banking or in politics. New ideas never tried before that are radical may exist soon. Expect these kinds of things, but they have to grow on you. There may be some starts and stops. There may be seed planters who don't make it. Then others may come in and make the seeds start growing. That means ideas that were not accepted yesterday may actually be accepted now or in the future. This is because as you evolve, you will see the new wisdom in them. This is all part of the growth process through time. So this is where you are currently in the change pattern. You are at the beginning of the growth process. All this with a new grid, with very few time fractals to undo, and with a clean slate from historic energies. Are you ready? Listen: No prophecy at all has been written about what is happening on your planet now. Zero. There are no elders anywhere or channellers anywhere at the moment giving
you good, solid prophecy about what's next. This is because you just went through the tunnel of old energy, the old prophecies, and are barely free of them. This is a new energy that you have never experienced before on the planet. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go read the prophecies. According to the best and most popular and accepted prophecies of your time, where are you supposed to be right now? The answer is "dead". Where is the earth supposed to be right now? The answer is "radioactive". No one can exist on a planet that has had a massive nuclear exchange, no matter what your movies say. It's "goodbye" to Humans on the planet. The whole idea of a post-apocalyptic earth is a fantasy. You don't live when there's that much radiation. It affects everything in the air, in the oceans and the very dust that would have been kicked up by thousands of nuclear explosions would be circling the planet and blocking the sun for decades. Dark - life gone. Dear one, that is the apocalypse that never took place. Instead, you stand here with your kids and a new planet with hope. You may wonder why I'm enamored with all of you, but you don't really know it, not yet. In a generation or two, somebody will raise a hand and say, "I couldn't help but notice we're different from those before." This is how long it takes, especially to rewrite the old consciousness of expected doom. Two generations may have to go by before someone raises a hand to say, "Look, the sun's coming out [a metaphor]. It's different." Humans are slow to change, but they may notice attitudes changing and that they have a new road to walk on. So you want to know what your task is at the moment, dear old soul? Your task is to encourage those around you using your compassion and balance. When you hear them talk about the fact that they cannot get ahead, or that things are horrible on the planet, or what the news said last night, speak up in a loving way. When timed correctly. you can say, "I'm really not onboard with that. I feel we have a positive time ahead. Things are different. Can't you feel it, can't you see it? I think we've got a brighter future. We just need to be patient with it and stop wallowing in the drama others are giving us that influences us and makes us fear everything." Listen: That is called "seed planting" and they may laugh in your face. However, the
planting of the seed that you do has a compassionate, balanced residue that sticks in their consciousness. It's attractive. They may come back to you later when you are alone and say, "Tell me, why do feel that way? I remember what you said, and I like it. I just don't know why you feel that way." Then you can tell them a little more about the precession of the equinoxes, or perhaps what the ancients had to say and that it lines up with our time. Give them some of the history of the planet that is seemingly unknown in the west, which was presented by the ancient calendars. Ask them to do some research and get them going. Tell them that there is real hope and to look around. Ask them to notice that civilization went through the change of the millennium, and now 17 years later, none of the doom and gloom took place. Tell them you believe in what the ancients said, since that's what actually has happened. Plant the seeds that there is the chance of positive change ahead. Young people will come to you sometimes confused about what their parents have told them about the future. You may be the only one who may say to a young person, "It's a lot brighter than they know, and they're still kind of ‘in the shadow' of the past." I'm sitting in front of 900 Israelis on stage, alone with my partner, and I told them: "The world for you has been in black and white. Israel has been in black and white, but color is coming." The whole idea was foreign to them, because it never had been there before. It had always been a black and white Israel. Then I told them, "It's up to you." Now I'm telling you why these things have a propensity to change in a new energy. The potential is ripe for that change, however, and the timing of it is up to the Humans who are here. Did you hear that? Spirit is not in control of your free choice or of how fast you adapt to this change. How long will this take for the Israelis and you? How do you receive this message about them? Many are going to pick it apart, discuss it on YouTube, comment how stupid it is or how absurd. This is free choice, but let me tell you something: If you see that kind of reaction, it's a Human Being who has not escaped the whole idea of doom for all. That is the consciousness of what must be rewritten first. How many decades need to go by before someone realizes that the prophecy of what should have taken place
almost 20 years ago didn't? Then perhaps they will even ask why. What do you personally expect? Dear old soul, I want you to leave this place with those questions in your mind. What do you really expect? Do you expect the sun to come out and the lighter energy to win here on your planet? Will you expect that which is unexpected in the Middle East? Can you see what the wild cards are doing and not be fearful or worried? If you're in that place, that's the first step.
going to do with all of this? Some cannot digest all of what I've said, but later you'll realize it. You'll see it and you'll understand it. Others of you get it right now. Again, you're all on different paths.
Try to cognize what is really going to happen here. There is a new planet with new consciousness and new ways starting to grow and evolve. It will eventually be the end of war. It will be the beginning of something you don't even expect is coming. Color is coming. That's the message.
Spirit knows who you are. Spirit knows your name, and you're not in the dark. You're not without support at all. How does that make you feel? From the beginning of the channelling 28 years ago, I gave you the metaphor I continue to give: I dare you climb into the closet, shut the door, and turn off the light - and try to be alone! You can't! The benevolent angels who came into this planet with you are still with you. You can't get rid of us! That's the God-in-you surrounding you with the magnificence of the other side of the veil and the Higher-Self that you carry around, pretending you don't have it, all while you think you are alone.
Personally for the individual
I am Kryon, in love with humanity.
It's a wonderful message. Do you believe it? Don't be confused because your life is not necessarily cooperating with everything I've said. The timing of your awakening and recalibration is unique to you. Did you hear that? We don't have a group of old souls all taking one pill. Each one of you is so unique and so different and will awaken and evolve at different times for different reasons. Sometimes the synchronicity of what is coming will not allow it yet, and you're jumping up and down saying, "When? Why not now? I don't get it?"
And so it is. KRYON
Dear ones, as I said before, you'll find out when the train arrives. Then you can get on it. But if you wake up too soon and go to the station as soon as you can, you're going to be frustrated that the train isn't there. Let synchronicity work for you, not against you. Be patient with all things. What do you do while you're waiting? Why don't you sit there and say, "Thank you God for loving me." Think about what kinds of positive change you can make while you're waiting. This starts to clean up the fears and the anxiety and all the things that are not compassionate and beautiful. Perhaps this is why there is a delay to begin with! Do you feel worthy? I have been accused of being a Pollyanna channel. I admit it, I am. This is because I know what's coming and I've seen it before. Free choice is the key, and you can do with it what you wish. However, I've seen it before. I know where it's supposed to go and you're well on your way. Dear ones, you just started and this is just the beginning. What are you
Lee Carroll
Insight. Intuition. Intelligence. Inner Peace. All come from within. Pay attention inward. Anna Goldstein
Photo: Photo:©©PNielsen PNielsen 20
My favorite time with essential oils is that moment when I open a bottle and bring it to my nose. Even before it arrives I begin to smell the deliciousness, and when it is fully present I take in a large smell. I feel as though I can absorb it right through my whole being. Opening a bottle of Egyptian Gold™ essential oil blend is like a kick start to my senses! This oil blend was created to assist us in accessing our higher selves, making it easier to connect with spirit, with our angels and guides. The single oils that make up the blend are each powerful in their own right. Together, they pack an incredible punch! The top note, for me is vetiver (and remember, not everyone is going to recognize odors in the same sequence). Just putting a drop of this blend on my hands, rubbing them together and cupping them over my nose transports me.
It’s fun to see how many of the single oils I can recognize each time I breathe in this delicious scent. Try it yourself! Egyptian Gold Essential Oil Blend is exclusive to Young Living Essential Oils. For more information, contact me at, or go to the YL website:
Please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.
Use this oil blend for those times when you want to go high and wide in your meditations. Touching on your soul, reaching to the deepest parts of your being with delight. You invite yourself to know yourself… There are times when we are teaching a class that we want to give our students the best support possible. Diffuse a drop just before you invite them to take the leap of faith. Small groups can benefit by having a small amount of the oil on each person’s wrist, so they are totally immersed in this amazing energy. If you are teaching a yoga class, have a bottle close at hand so that you can place one drop on your third eye just as your class is going into savasana. The individual oils are: o Boswellia carterii† (Frankincense) oil, o Abies balsamea† (Balsam Canada) needle oil, o Lavandula angustifolia† (Lavender) oil, o Commiphora myrrha† (Myrrh) oil, o Hyssopus officinalis† (Hyssop) leaf oil, o Picea mariana† (Northern Lights Black spruce) leaf oil, Photo: © Young Living
o Cedrus atlantica† (Cedarwood) bark oil, o Vetiveria zizanoides† (Vetiver) root oil, o Rosa damascena† (Rose) flower oil, o Cinnamomum zeylanicum† (Cinnamon) bark oil
Connect with Vera
(† 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oil) 23
Source of Potassium, copper, iron, manganese Rich Source Vitamins C, B6, Niacin, folate
Source of Selenium, phosphorus, omega 3 , zinc, copper, magnesium Rich Source Vitamins B12, B3
Shrimp Boil Ingredients 2 lemons, halved, plus wedges for serving 1/2 cup Old Bay Seasoning 8 cloves garlic, smashed 1 large red onion, quartered 6 sprigs fresh thyme 1 pound baby potatoes 4 ears corn, husked and snapped in half 1 1/4 pounds large shrimp, unpeeled 2 tablespoons unsalted butter Method
Hot Butter Sauce Ingredients 1/2 lb unsalted butter 4 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoons cayenne Method In a small saucepan, melt the butter. Remove the pan from the heat and add the Worcestershire sauce, the lemon juice, and the remaining 1 teaspoon salt and 1 teaspoon cayenne. Divide the sauce among four small bowls. Serve the shrimp with the butter dipping sauce.
Fill a large pot with 4 quarts of water. Squeeze the lemon juice into the water and add the squeezed lemon halves. Add the Old Bay, garlic and onion. Tie the thyme sprigs together with kitchen twine and add to the pot. Cover and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook about 5 minutes. Add the potatoes to the pot and cook until just tender, about 10 minutes. Add the corn and cook 5 more minutes. Meanwhile, slice along the back of each shrimp through the shells; remove the veins and rinse the shrimp. Add to the pot, cover and cook until the shrimp curl and are just opaque, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer the shrimp and vegetables with a slotted spoon or skimmer to a large bowl. Add the butter and about 1 cup broth to the bowl and toss until the butter is melted. Transfer the shrimp and vegetables to a platter.
Photo: © PNielsen 26
Listen to your inner voice and watch for signs that will guide you forward. Use wisdom. After being lulled to sleep by an owl hooting one night, being graced with two flying into view, and one landing to commune with me, it was evident that Owl would be the power animal this month. Owls love to sit quiet and still so that they can just observe their surroundings. Therefore, this birds message to you is that you may need to remove yourself from the noise of life and become the quiet and silent observer. Moreover, slowing down and becoming stable will allow you to access a wealth of information. Owl offers us the wisdom that we should pay attention when others are communicating with us not only to what is being said but also to what is to what is not. Pay attention to their body language, and also to their vocal intonations - volume, pitch and inflexion. Ensure to insist on being treated with the kind of respect you deserve. Whenever this bird is present, it will share its ability to see what others may miss. In other words, open your eyes and truly examine how things are. You will be surprised by what you can suddenly see that is usually hidden from your view. As an example, other people’s motives may now become apparent to you. External appearances will give way to the truth and meaning hidden beneath. Alternatively, Owl symbolism is often thought to come to those who need to let go of some part of their life that is no longer needed. With this in mind, you must listen carefully to your inner voice and allow yourself to be guided to recapture the knowledge of your true path in life. Owl’s senses can pierce through shadows, beyond fear and darkness, through to the other side that promises light, happiness and knowledge. 27
Photo: © PNielsen 28
Photo: © VEnshaw
A Crystal Reading for
June 2017
Dear ones, June is a hot month. Your senses come alive, every part of your being seems to be aware of each nuance and inflection, in voice and in energy. The summer solstice is reached this month, and powerful forces are at work, both within and without. Keeping your balance is necessary, but don’t let that stop you from exploring the deliciousness of every Thing that exists. Plants, animals, air, rain, sun, moon, earth – open to Being….. Namasté
Vera 30 Contact Vera at
Week 1 – June 1st to 3rd – Fossilized Snails: Each one of us is made from the same stuff as these snails. Just as we can see the physical remains of these long-dead creatures, so will part of us remain to be found and experienced by those who come after us. Ponder this as you begin the journey into June. Traces of your energy remain in place long after you have moved on. Does it leave a message you wish them to find?
Week 2 – June 4th to 10th – Carnelian Thumb Stone: Carnelian shouts JOY into the open spaces of your heart. Create time to exhilarate in the joy in your life. Find joy, pounce on it, hold it up for all to see. The world needs you now more than ever before. Express JOY!
Week 3 – June 11th to 17th – Dumortierite Heart: Hidden places in your heart are ready to be opened up this week. Tell someone of your admiration for them, dare to reveal to a friend that ache that has been nurtured for too long. Speak again o someone you haven’t talked to in a long time – even if you begin the dialogue on paper. Open the windows of your sacred self and let the wind blow through.
Week 4 – June 18th to 24th – Charoite: This week work on your third eye. If you haven’t done this before, take small steps. Ask for information, trust that which you receive – follow the trails to your higher self. There is a bench, and seated on the bench is your trusted Guide. Allow the revelation to take place. A those of you who are experienced take this journey, open to the fire that is your True Self. Dare to accept your Truth.
Week 5 – June 25th to 30th – Rutile on Hematite: Blazing, pulsing, shimmering – this week connect with your animal totems. Open your heart, allow them into your energy field. Get used to walking with them, prepare to listen to what they have to say. There is valuable information out in the wild for you. Squirrel, chipmunk, bear, manatee, sparrow…When you sit in silence and ask, your animal guide will make itself known. It matters not whether you are ever able to be in the wild yourself – your animal guide walks with you through city walls, apartment blocks, even in tunnels deep within the earth. In helping another to access their guides, take care to step back and allow them to make the discovery. 31
Sunday Sun-Day
4 Mars moves to Cancer Slow down and take your time
Monday Moon-day
5 Don’t be so hard on yourself. Swim with the Flow
Tuesday Mars-day
6 Nice day Venus moves to Taurus
Wednesday Mercury-Day
Thursday Jupiter-Day
Friday Venus-Day
Saturday Saturn-day
1 Great time to organize your garage or that daunting closet.
3 Best day
One step at a time
2 DW It may be hard to keep focused on work today … head to the beach for a short walk at lunch
Watch your inside voice
Take care that you do not jump too quickly into a new opportunity let it emerge organically
Jupiter is Standing still today ready to move direct
Action not Anger
16 Neptune is stationary ready move retrograde
Mercury moves to Gemini
Don’t give more than you can really afford
Watch that you are not getting the wool pulled over your eyes … it is real?
Don’t just believe it … go deeper and find the Truth
Great day
Hard work can pay off … but don’t think it always has to be that hard
Make sure you have a giving bag with you today
Unexpected surprises today … overall powerful day to get the job done and create harmony in your life
Very busy potentially productive day
Walking mediation a must
Go for it … The Stars are with you
Meditation a must Journal
Trust yourself
You may need to meet challenges head on today
24 DW
Summer Solstice
Watch your boundaries …
New Moon
Sun moves to Cancer Mercury moves to Cancer
Over all a good day to grab onto opportunity that comes your way
A very dynamic day and if used skillfully … much will be accomplished
27 DW
Nose to the grind stone … work hard
Journal your passion
Take care today… words can go deep and are hard to take back
Not too much … never too little
Mediation a must
Set and achieve those goals
Watch your temper
Balance is the key
Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water or juice box and a couple of surprise items. Double Whammy (DW) = 2 or more hard aspects to the Moon 33
Snap shot for June
Jupiter moves direct on the 10th of June Neptune joins Saturn & Pluto are on an inward spiral, facilitating the introspective energy flow of these big giants.
Virgo & Pisces … Each of you need to break down illusions (or disillusions) that have been created over the past number of years. On your quest to find the truth – you may discover what it really means to let go of ‘what you want the answers to be’ to your question(s). You are each taking a different fork in the road but in the end will find that you can only take it one step at a time.
Aries & Libra … You continue to experience a dynamic charge ... a push pull between creating harmony/balance and change. Work with the polarity is key to utilizing this energy at its highest potential, recognizing what is causing discourse in your life and allowing a much needed release.
Double Whammy and challenging days for everyone are … 2, 24, 27 … use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.
Taurus & Scorpio … get your hands dirty and plant a sustainable garden (even if it is only a small planter) make sure you have some flowers mixed in just to make sure you stop and smell the roses. Scorpio – find your groove and stick in that lane – much can be accomplished.
Meditation or relaxed days – make them the best days ever …3, 6, 14, 19, 20, 26 … Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing - moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching.
Gemini & Sagittarius … Gemini’ will be revitalizing themselves with heavy Solar Energy until the New moon, there may be a push to get your ducks in a row, gather the data and the help you need in order to have a very successful year. Sagittarius may feel your energy levels drop this month … be sure to get lots out and have fun in the Sun.
Mercury… Communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to that which travels on sound waves. Mercury hits the ground running and moves from Taurus to Gemini to Cancer all in one month. Many different types of communication and data gathering going on here. Watch your emotional communication (especially when you get all heated up) … now is the time to make sure you are walking your talk and don’t say anything you are going to regret later, it is very hard to take things back once spoken out-loud.
Cancer & Capricorn … You may notice your energy levels begin to increase and by the end of the month you will start to revitalize your energy by soaking in the Solar rays that infuse you with health and vitality. Get active and moving – hugs all around. Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Cancerian’s out there. After the New moon Capricorns might need to take a little time off and be reminded that you may need to lighten the load, delegation only works if you can let go of the need to do it all by yourself.
Take advantage of Communication - talk it out … 6, 13, 19, 20. Be Skilled with your Communication - Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! … 7, 16, 18
Venus … Evokes Love, Beauty and Security. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful things (art, earthy greenery such as organic gardening, flowers, food, music, colour, gems, sparkly things, money, people) … Venus moves from Aries to Taurus in the beginning of the month … one of her power-spots … tend to your garden and don’t forget to smell the roses
Leo & Aquarius … Both sun signs need to get outside and commune with nature along with some fresh air all month long. Leos – don’t push yourself – your energy may be a little waning this month. Aquarians may need a little more introspection than usual – use this time to re-organize and set new boundaries that will help you manifest your loftier goals in 35
while you are out there.
spiral which will last until the end of August. This is his last retrograde in Sagittarius have fun and focus on ways that will get you engaged in manifesting your dreams … test the edges of your boundaries.
Evoke harmony … Create something beautiful … 15, 20 Know what you want and why … Heartache/ domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! … 5, 13, 27
Go ahead, set some boundaries and get organized … 17, 19
Mars … Action, Passion and Anger, our ability
Don’t forget to create healthy boundaries - You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! … 2, 9, 15, 23, 29
to do something. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars moves from Gemini to Cancer, which for some will slow you down considerably (think running in knee deep water) … find a steady pace and work it out.
Uranus … The Bridge between that which we can see and what we cannot see. Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas, our higher self and collective change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause. unleash your genius on the world …
Connect to Action with Passion … 20, 28 Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! … 2, 24
Jupiter… Growth, Wisdom, Opportunities and Expansion. Very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter made a very big shift into Libra in September, until the fall of 2017. This will provide an opportunity to see both sides before we expand on our ideas and desires. We started our yearly pilgrimage to finding wisdom and growth from within at the beginning of February, we are now winding our way up the path to the top of the mountain. Jupiter is moving out of that long inner spiral so you should see those opportunities you have been planning come to fruition in your outer environment. … Good Luck �
… Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations, the window supporting understanding and wisdom of what is beyond the physical world and our solar system. Neptune starts is yearly inner spiral in as it continues to travel Pisces so take care Photo: © dusk - with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of collective or clan/pack mentality, tune into Love not Hate. Explore ways that you can expand and dissolve your boundaries.
The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered.
Opportunity is knocking - are you ready? … 3, 13, 22, 26
Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and
Don’t overcommit by giving more than you can really afford (time & money) … 11, 18, 24, 27
power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn. Pluto continues to push for change in our old and outworn structures of dictatorship and inflexible leadership. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. Pluto is utilizing an inner spiral through to September.
Saturn… Boundaries, Restrictions, Limitations and possibly fear, Saturn supports your ability to get organized. Saturn is currently travelling through Sagittarius which can potentially help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries! Saturn is currently on an inner
The only control we truly have is to open and allow the de-composition of the old ways that 36
will re-assemble into something much more spectacular … a re-Birth, moving to the next level of Be-ing.
Makemake… who brings quantum experiences and unexpected genius; As you explore the quantum world you can utilize this time to create greater balance on a deeper quantum level that will bring your microcosm into balance. As above So below. Traveling through Libra.
Eris… only desires equality!
This is a strong feminine archetype who will use our ego against us. Evoke balance and awaken the warrior within. She fearlessly and slowly moves through Aries. Eris is in a tight relationship with Uranus, creating a dramatic build of energy – you may find that things that are creating discourse in your life suddenly change. Try not to hold on to the old ways too hard … embrace the new – in the long run they will work much better.
Haumea… Facilitator for transformation as the
mother of humanitarian efforts … Haumea brings a balance back to the world with a strong goddess signature as she takes back her power on earth. Step up to the plate take on the global issues by choosing to stand up for the underdog. Take the attitude that while we will give others what they need today and we can teach them to stand tall and learn how to provide for themselves in the future. She is also supporting all the other aspects of your psyche with a deep inner spiral in Libra.
Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest – a
mother figure in our lives, moves to Gemini gathering more data and information on how to nurture the seeds she planted in the Spring.
Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 37
Photo: © PNielsen 38
For something different, I decided to draw a card for each month of 2017 and present it here. This month the card is The Empress. This month we are in the womb or creativity and should start to see things progress in our favor. The Empress card is quintessentially the mother of the tarot deck who brings the message of hope, abundance and birth of a positive kind. She is always depicted as a beautiful lady, often she is sitting but there is always a graceful flow with regards to her. You just know she is going to make things right. For me this card represents self actualization, whereby all that we have been striving for comes together from the love we have poured into it. The more we have nurtured something along the larger the blossom (reward) now. She guides us to enjoy the finer things in life, to step out of our box and try something new. Much like a mother teaching her child the ways of the world. Making this month the perfect time to bring to life something you have been wanting to try for some time. Life flows with many blessings this month, enjoy them all. Some questions to ask yourself; “What are my favorite sensual pleasures related to taste, sight, touch, smell, and sound? How can I bring more of each into my life?” “What creative projects feel ready to be birthed into being? “
You can look forward to enjoying much joy, love and abundance this month. Perhaps hard work in your job or business will start showing results. If you have been trying for a baby, perhaps this could be the month you conceive or have your child. Essentially now is the time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labors. It may be that your mother or a mother figure will offer her love and compassion if you are currently struggling with certain issues in your life. You will know that you are loved, that's for sure. If you have been struggling in a relationship, The Empress is warning you not to use emotional blackmail to get what you want. That kind of thing will only work against you, so resist the temptation if it comes up. Take time out to pat yourself on the back for what you've created and achieved so far, and most importantly, enjoy it.
This month’s messages drawn from Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes by: Doreen Virtue 42
Photo: © mcobb 44
Hi my friends.
but more that we should take a prudent and restrained approach at this time.
This month I did not look at my various bags of runes. Yes, I do have more than one set lol. The runes that chose to be used are my carnelian ones. They have a much different energy than the others.
When the question is one of business, it usually indicates that any venture contemplated now will fall through, but Berkano may also just be showing that the time for these plans need to be postponed until a later date.
As is usually the case, I wanted an over all reading that the majority of my readers could relate to, rather than a first person specific reading.
In my readings, I try to not be political, but this particular reading seems to point in that direction, especially given what I asked of the runes.
The first stone pulled was Ehwaz. It is the rune of physical movement, change, and depending on the type of reading, a shift in physical location.
To summarize, we have a shift in movement, a gradual development. We have been deceived, not only by our own intuition, but also by others we trusted. And finally, change is coming, but maybe not as quickly as we would like it.
For this reading, it better represents gradual development and steady progress. Ehwaz in this instance shows that we are tackling our problems in the correct spirit and are close to success. So far, so good, but the next rune was Laguz. Laguz is the rune of intuitive knowledge but when it is reversed it takes on a very negative meaning. It indicates that we are being mislead by previous actions and need to take immediate steps to get out of a dire situation. When reversed it shows we are being betrayed.
We must prepare and bide our time, waiting for a more opportune moment.
The last stone was Berkano reversed. This glyph is about birth or rebirth but when reversed it usually indicates domestic or family problems. It shows much friction between you and those closest to you.
Until next month,
I hope some of this resonates with you, but as always, I encourage you to consult your own runes, and glean your own interpretations. What is my truth, is not necessarily yours, and I honor that.
SkĂĽl til alle mine venner Phil
Because we are looking at this reading in a general way, you can read this to mean what is going on in the world right now.
Contact Phil at for more information.
Berkano reversed does not necessarily mean all is lost, 45
Message from the Angels June 2017 Blessings dear ones, Joyous transformation is our message this month to you. The changes we have been speaking about are far from finished. In fact, for all intents and purpose, they are just beginning in earnest. Many of you, unconsciously, have been working to this end for some time, and are advancing rapidly. You are advancing so that you may help those who are struggling with all the shifts taking place. Have patience, and the understanding that you have not learned all there is to know about this new time either. These changes will continue happening, and as more and more awaken to the understanding of exactly what changing the old paradigms means it will ease to allow new knowledge to assimilate with your being. Then the flow will start again for the next round. It is a continuous cycle, not unlike learning how to crawl or walk. As you shift into this incredible new energy, have patience. Everyone is doing the best they can while figuring out their path. We bring you the message of joyous transformation because we want you to understand that all changes can be made in joy. There is no need for struggle. It is rather simple in context but hard to place into practice; it requires stepping outside of your box (that you have created) and seeing things in a way that is unknown to you. To notice what is happening just beyond your scope of knowing. To take what you know and see beyond or rather see what is present in front of you in each moment. Not the next step, but the actual right now in your face moment. It will involve marrying your intuition; the silent best friend who has been with you since birth that lets you know things before you know. With your instinct; the part of you that does everything by rote as you learned it long ago - by your elders who were taught it that way long before you. Mingling the two will create a balance that allows your light to shine like never before. Taking all that you have learned and mastered to this point in time and mingling it with your invisible source of guidance means that you are open to having a simpler way to exist. The more you can shift and let go of the old, allows new knowledge to take form. The new supports you in a different way, one that is of ease, grace, and simplicity. Joyous transformation does not happen by itself; you must direct it, be involved. Any energy spent will see returns. The promise of well-being, flourishing and security are the rewards. A change that is joyous, and self-directed, not to be feared or avoided at this time. You are so worthy dear one of having bliss, success, happiness, serenity and peace. Step up to the challenge of choosing transformation with an optimistic viewpoint. Be present in each moment, and you will be inspired to move forward exactly as you should, be confident that you have everything you need and more. Stay positive in the knowledge that you are the one in charge of this change, not fate, you! Things will come together as if by magic, and the reality you seek will take shape. Spread this joy by sharing your optimism with others around you, inspire them to embrace joyous transformation. Small insignificant thoughts and ideas create great transformations that change not only your life but the world around you. Each time you see something with new eyes, you inspire others to do the same. Step into the light dear ones and leave your fears at the door, embrace your intuition and instinct, both have supported you unconditionally so far, see what they can do when you merge them into one!
The power of three Through Mcobb 46
Photo: © PNielsen 48