Nourish july 2017 issue 72

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You Know Best Ecology of Consciousness Gathering up Peace July 2017 Ascension Energies New Light Stardust and Starlight Vetiver Essential Oil Power Animal - Cougar Crystal Reading for July Navigating by the Stars July Change Your Life June Messages drawn from Angels of Abundance Rune Casting For July Angel Message for July 3

Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2017 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to


Wow! Welcome to July! 2017 is half over, and if you are like me you are wondering how the heck that happened! June was a full month, deeply contrasting a year ago when time seemed to be standing still. 2017 has not stood still; it has moved along at a pace that resembles a tsunami. Crashing in on a wave of busyness, then ebbing out with calm, only to come rushing in again. As I write this, two thoughts float into mind - "Summertime and the living is easy!" and "Slow down you move too fast." Life is easier in the summer, long, languid days basking in the heat of the sun. It does not matter what chores are in store for us; they are accomplished happily with smiles plastered on our faces. We enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables and venture out to places unknown or known. We dip our toes into cool waters and enjoy cooling light breezes on warm days. We want to capture all that we can and make the most of the longer days. Essentially filling our days to capacity and then some. Joy is prevalent. It is hard not to be happy when the sun is shining, and we are not constricted by layers of clothes to keep us warm. If we fill our days to the max with busyness, time races along just as fast. Soon summer will be done, the calendar will flip to autumn, and we will lament that we don't know where the summer went. Slowing down allows us to enjoy each moment to its fullest. If the heat of summer slows down your pace, all the better. Think of it like enjoying a fine wine, savouring every sip, every last drop in the bottle. Sure we can always drink it down quickly, barely tasting all the notes it has to offer and then open another bottle, but 2017 reserves will not be around in 2018. So capture all the notes and nuances this summer has to offer. Live life easier, embrace each moment with joy but take the time to slow down and truly be present in each moment. When autumn rolls around you will be glad you did.


Marlene Connect with Marlene at facebook 5


No one but you can know what is best for you. Conversely, you cannot know what is best for others. Our job is to be responsible for ourselves and determine what is best for us. Phrases like; “I know exactly what you need.”, “I know what you should do.”, “I have the answer for you.”, “I don’t think you should do this.”, “This is what you should be working on, focusing on, or pursuing right now.” are bold and presumptuous, not to mention disrespectful. We all want to be helpful when someone is going through something or trying to figure out something in their lives, and we often utter the phrases mentioned above. Or we hear those phrases from well-meaning individuals. For myself, and I am sure I am not alone on this one, those phrases send a red flag up, and often get my hackles up. On the other side of the coin, I am sure I have uttered those phrases myself when a friend is in distress. We each have the ability to discern our path and way forward. It is not always easy, and while a part of us loves to garner advice from others in the form of those phrases, it is a great disservice.

Life will offer struggles that require effort on our part to figure out how to move forward. At those times, we are being asked to go within, rest in the quiet still place of discovery, that place of right knowing, right understanding, and right action. It is not the quick fix; it often takes time to understand exactly how we want to proceed. Not always will we choose the correct course of action and that will lead us right back to square one, having to figure it out again. Having someone provide their belief of what we should be doing is the easy way out, and will not be as satisfying or fulfilling. We should never expect or trust that someone else, be they a friend, relative, coach, or counsellor will know what is best for us. It is not their responsibility to direct our journey or find the path for us. We can, however, listen to all they have to say, then consciously sift through the information and sort it out by going within and weighing the merits of that information. Does it feel best for us? Does part of it make sense while other parts sound like a bunch of hooey? 7

It is not our job to advise, educate, plot, plan or make decisions with regards to another’s journey through life. What we can offer is a listening ear, and encouraging words to support them while they figure it out. Honour and respect that they have their own internal guidance system, and help them to trust that wisdom. Remember what is right for them, will not always be right for you. Do you trust that you can make your own decisions for your highest good? It takes a bit of practice to understand how you access your inner guidance and wisdom, and the first step is to believe that you have this capacity within you. Perhaps you relied on that wisdom and it did not turn out how you expected it would, and now you shy away from trusting yourself. However, reflect on that time and see what you did learn from the experience. It might not have turned out as planned, but you probably gained knowledge you did not have before. Take time for journaling, often what happens when we journal is we start off writing what is front and centre in our life but eventually what is hidden just below the surface comes bubbling up to the top. The surprising fact is that all that surrounds the issue comes out, and from that, solutions arrive quickly. Lastly be ok with stillness and silence. Just allow every thought to flow as it wishes, and know that no matter what is going on in your life, you will figure it out. It is best to take some time and do what is for your highest good. Each of us discovers what is in our best interest and highest good by trial and error – living life. We will all take wrong turns, make mistakes, and stumble, but each time we will gather knowledge that will last throughout our lifetime, and by living life with all the joys and pitfalls, we give ourselves the greatest gift of embracing life.

Connect with Marlene at facebook


"Truth" is a beautiful word. It evokes sense of clarity, honor, justice and trust. It is indeed honorable to search for truth, speak the truth, and live our truth. Honorable, but not always easy.

However, there is a higher good that serves the entire forest, and if that good prevails, the forest thrives. There is an ecological truth which prevails, whether anyone understands, supports and protects it or not. So it is in our lives, communities and our world. There is a Universal truth, a higher intelligence that is not somewhere out there, but deep within our own consciousness. Our hearts know what Is. Souls like Ghandi, Jesus, and Martin Luther King were following their hearts.

There are many kinds and levels of truth. The simplest is the one we learned as children: truth as an accurate recounting of what we did in the past, are doing in the present, or will do in the future. After that, it is never quite as simple again. Who started the fight on the playground, or who started the war becomes a matter of perception. However, there is a higher level, a higher truth, that remains constant independent of our perception of it. It is not the truth of ego, but rather the truth of Soul.

Only when ego mind overrules the heart, is there space created for violence and injustice. Truth, in the sense of higher intelligence, has little to do with facts, and is not determined by debate or litigation. It is revealed in action. Truth is action which heals, promotes growth, and supports life. Truth is action that creates peace and is compassionate.

When we align ourselves, our lives, our society with a higher level of truth, then we not only achieve inner peace, but the potential for a peaceful world increases. Each one of us is a manifestation of the larger cosmic whole: a hologram fragment of Universal intelligence. We can access higher truth directly, instantly, whenever we choose. There is no reason that we cannot access this source, other than the fact that ego blocks it.

The heart is a compass which always points in the direction of alignment; alignment of body and mind with Soul. And Soul is that aspect of our being which connects us with all sentient beings and with our cosmic origins and purpose. The context of our lives is changing rapidly, because the Universe is expanding. Regardless of whether or not the coming of a new millennium is accompanied by energy shifts, at the very least it serves to remind us that we are not a static species. It will be a millennium that reflects a coming of age of Soul consciousness. Truth based on heart knowing will come out of the closet not only in individual lives, but in business and politics as well. The old ways will be shed, as a butterfly sheds its confining cocoon.

Ego does this, because higher truth serves the good of all, and ego feels that this is incompatible with its own good. There is a territoriality in ego thinking that precludes, often, an awareness of what would serve the greatest good of all. Consider the human body. If the mind decided to tend to the external appearance of the body, and to ignore a heart problem, the results are predictable. If the mind instead concentrated on what was most important to the total organism, and corrected the heart problem, this ultimately would serve the external appearance as well.

Dishonesty and deception will become as unacceptable as oil spills in the ocean, or stripping the Earth of her rain forests. An ecology of consciousness will move us to a new level of truth. Like the first rays of the morning sun, it will gradually illuminate all that has been in darkness. And like the first creatures to crawl out of the ocean, we will experience a new world that was always there, just waiting for us to arrive.

Ego likes to keep attention focused more on the externals of life, and often creates interference, or static, when we try to set our consciousness dial to a higher channel. Mind tends more often to serve the ego, while heart speaks for the Soul. Mind can rationalize endlessly about why ego needs should be served first. Consequently, so much of the energy that is available to humans is fragmented: little tributaries ending in isolated pools, instead of great rushing waterfalls that generate endless amounts of new energy. This is not to suggest that individuality should be surrendered. A forest filled with a multitude of different species, each strong, healthy and growing is all the more beautiful because of the diversity.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, MP3’s and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to and ‘Like’ Gwen on FaceBook for daily inspiration. 9


My father died unexpectedly just over two months ago. As I live half a world away from my hometown, it took a village of help to get me there in under four days of which two where sent in airports and planes. My family and friends stepped up to help me do this with minimum distress for which I am incredibly grateful for. I arrived home to a constant stream of family and my parent's friends coming by to pay their respects to my mum and my siblings. I spent most of that first week supporting my mother, making tea and coffee, serving up an array of food and helping to arrange my dad's funeral. One of my main concerns was to be emotionally available to my mum and to not re-engage in any sibling issues; thankfully I managed to do both. I found that my belief in two areas helped me to be mindful and also to be at peace with my dad's death. I believe in 'heaven' and also in reincarnation and in 'free will.' I know that my dad had made a choice (unconsciously) to leave when and how he did. I believe we all sign a contract before we enter this life we are in and we know our expiry date. Also, my father made quite a few choices and did some 'I have wanted to do this' events before he went in for knee surgery. He survived his operation and then two days later had a massive heart attack and died immediately. My father was a physically strong man most of his life but multiple surgeries in the last ten years had left him feeling frustrated with ongoing limitations. I know he did not, in some part of his mind, want to be a burden on my mum, so, I believe a quick, sudden demise is what he chose. Once the shock of hearing that my parent had died softened, I felt at peace over how he left as I know it was painless and his choice. I could maintain that sense of peace as I grieved with my family as I also know that my dad is around us and checking in to see how we are doing.

everyone noticed and also commented on it. For my mum, it was a symbol that her husband and partner for over 60 years was seeing that she was alright and put a smile on her face. All of this helped me maintain a sense of peace as well because I have long held the belief that our loved ones come back at times in the form of birds or insects to give us a sign that we are never alone or forgotten. I have had many ask me since I have returned home how am I doing. I can truthfully say that I am at peace with my dad's passing as I know he is there in spirit and will always be there for me. I allow the occasional tears to flow with the thought that his physical presence is no longer available, but I am blessed and strengthened by my beliefs that he can hear and see all of his family and that he is there in his own way! I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to form a foundation of belief around life and death that gives me closure and allows me to have a sense of peace. Moments of stress and grieve, and conflict are dealt with easier if one has built a foundation they can rely upon without thought during these times. If you have not already formed a belief system for yourself, I would strongly encourage you to put some time and energy into doing so, as it is a great support for your emotional growth. I was blessed to have had a healing time with my dad and to look and talk to him as an adult to another adult and to let go of my pains around my childhood relationship with him and just to enjoy our times together. Miss you dad but know you are having a drink and a joke with family and mates and watching over all of us.

NamastĂŠ Debra Rae

I woke up early in the morning on the first day back in Australia, got up and wrote my dad’s eulogy. It came quickly and easily, and I know my dad was helping me write down my words, I also know he was with me giving me strength when I talked at his funeral; this was a comfort and gave me a calmness I needed. The day before my dad’s funeral we had my dad (I believe) appear at my mums in the form of a large butterfly. This butterfly was around and behaved very unlike butterfly behaviourism's for almost a week, 11

Connect with Debra Rae

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Desmond Tutu Photo: Š PNielsen 12


JUNE REVIEW June was an interesting one. With the energies, change was in the air, it has been increasing throughout this year. June brought to light what was within. Hopefully, you found yourself observing with a bit more detachment. It’s not always easy. Don’t expect pure detachment, pure immersion or pure separation constantly. This time is about anchoring a new way and it most often comes in waves. Just keep following your compassion and strength to greater focus on Love. I’m seeing a new level of empowerment integrating that is holding the energetics of wayshowers/anchors/Lightworkers in greater support as humanity opens and awakens. It’s an interesting experience. Keep doing your internal work (May’s energy was also supporting that clarity) as you strengthen your focus to flow more strongly into the world. We are beginning to live more and more of “Being the change we are waiting for.” Keep up the great work! JULY ENERGIES July brings Time into greater focus. We are living an experience with Time. I capitalize it to add emphasis to its greater nature than just the clock, the seasons or even cycles. The path of Ascension is about coming into

more conscious interaction with the subtle realms. This is a natural progression according to Areon. The subtle realms have always been there, we’ve always interacted with them, we’re just becoming more conscious with it rather than just reacting to life. Time is part of the subtle realms. Our emotions and thoughts are our “subtle bridge” according to Areon, the Lyran Council of Time. Our thoughts and emotions are subtle, they are how we communicate directly with the subtle realms. We could call them our perceptions, our beliefs, our disposition, our intentions, our inner realm—they form how we make choices to interact with Life. As we shift our thoughts and emotions into a conscious clarity, we interact with the subtle realms differently. It requires becoming clear within yourself about your perceptions (receiving life) and your intentions (interacting/giving with life) so that you are focusing toward creating what you desire. To direct focus requires a clarity and strength of intention. That is different than just thinking certain thoughts or suppressing and directing emotions to manipulate your experience. July will bring more of your intention and clarity into focus as we learn to align our relationship with Time. 14

Integrating Time Time is a relationship. It is interacting with us rather than just something that is there—much like the Earth. You know in your core, because you are consciously aware, that we have a relationship with a living conscious Earth. The Earth responds to us, we interact with the Earth. It can seem unresponsive to some, as if it’s just dirt we can move, water we can consume; but you know a greater truth. Earth responds to us (and All Life)—we have a relationship. Time is also a relationship. It is not just something we experience flowing around us, like the past is done, the present is now and the future hasn’t happened yet. That is currently a truth here. But there are some additional subtle truths about Time that can help us shift our conscious relationship with Time into a higher Truth. I talk about two of them in this month’s video (here). Integrating Time is about moving beyond just the physical confines of Time and into the malleable, subtle nature of Time. We do this through the rules of the subtle realm—resonance. Integrating Time is about changing your relationship with Time so that you are relating to it differently. The peace that passes all understanding is becoming clearer! Rather than reacting to what is, you remain more genuinely peaceful,

knowing all is well. That keeps your energy field (your subtle bridge) more open to change, anchoring your new resonance. As you remain more peaceful, patient and grounded, you’re emanating a new intention with Life. It speaks of your strength, clarity and inherent wisdom. It is different than unconscious fear reaction, it is different than unconscious fear inaction; it is a strength of knowing all is well so that your neutrality allows a connection of opposites that create the new. Much like the atomic structure example Areon has used for years, it is the inherent pull of Life toward improvement. Peace is Patience In Action Did you experience at least a hint of more neutrality within yourself in June? It is an indicator of “the meek” inheriting the Earth. Meek isn’t weak, it is those that are strong enough within that they are not flailing around out of fear trying to appear strong. Action, yes. But from inspiration rather than fear reaction. This is where you begin to see your relationship with Time change. Your neutrality opens you to change with more ease and more speed (which is the catch22 of patience). This is why the inner work is SO important. It’s what truly changes you so that you are becoming a higher and higher frequency (density) beingness. The “I Am Becoming that which I Am Becoming.” Animal Support When we were filming the Monthly Energies, we had some animal support I’d like to share. Sorry, I was a bit jet-lagged and forgot to cover it on film. I was shown ants first. Ant energy is about patience overall. They remind me of the saying, “Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water.” They are meticulous, singularly focused and group focused simultaneously, and careful with all they do. They represent patience. Patience is foundational for changing your relationship with Time. Next a bunny came racing through where

we were filming. Rabbit energy represents abundance and dealing with fear. They multiply greatly, but they are food for a lot of animals, so they are constantly aware of their surroundings. With this, I was shown that we have a natural response that alerts us to danger, but we are also supported for survival which we can empower into thriving. This bunny message was also shown to me as not responding with fear when it’s not necessary. Many are fearful right now when it’s not actually serving improvement. Finally, I was shown doves. It was a specific pattern of two doves where one was always following the other. There was a time that only one was visible and I wondered why the pattern changed. Then the second one came in behind it again. I was reminded of the parable of the footprints on the sand. We are always supported for our growth. At times that support is obvious, at other times it seems like it’s not there because our pain is so dominant. But it’s there. Just giving us the support in a different way through that challenging time. Life is always supporting you for your thriving. Your work is to find the patience (ant) to keep building within the rules of this dimensional expression, for that is how you move beyond it. Don’t let fear overtake you, you are supported for abundance (bunny). “Behind” you is the loving support that brings peace (dove), first within you, then within your interactions, then within the human experience. It doesn’t happen overnight. Back to patience. That fear response can flush out those that have been hiding, whether out of fear or out of deception. But you are supported, by a loving peace that knows your infinite worth and capability. The Year of The Empowered Sovereign As you are Integrating Time, you are discovering your innate divinity—that you always had the keys of the kingdom within you. This is what this inner clarity and strength is about. It is abou8t [sic] recognizing your Empowered 15

Sovereignty—that royal blood runs through the veins of All Life, no matter what some have tried to distort with privileged ability and dominance. Even water, flowing through the veins of Earth, is a sacred gift of Life. Integrating Time is you, becoming a new relationship with Life. It is you, holding within you the wisdom of experience from the past. It is you, becoming the infinite potentials of the future. It is you, with the courage and power of your present moment, allowing your free will to anchor a new resonance of your sacred flow with Life. As that deluge of Love emanates from you, the world becomes nourished with Divine Love. It no longer just follows behind, supporting you; it is you. Your actions, inactions and reactions become saturated with empowering Love, as your Divine Will creates the future of humanity. Not through the old lessons of privileged dominance, but through the laws of nature. As you connect the rules of the subtle and physical realms, you are integrating beyond duality. This changes the human experience from the separation that fear creates into the connection and thriving that Love nourishes. Are you nourishing yourself? Are honoring your needs? Are you focusing your inner realms into authentic empowerment and creation? This is your Time. You are Divine. You are Sacred. It’s Time to let that Truth flow into all you do and nourish a new Loving, empowered experience anchoring in this world. Thank you for the brilliant Light you are! Happy July! You're a firework!

Jamye Price

Copyright: © 2005-2016 Jamye Price All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.



Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There's an energy here that you can touch and feel that's here by design. Old souls have come to the end of the day, the end of the teaching, and they are starting to think about what was said [referring to the seminar during the day]. Joined together in song, in love, there is goodness here; there is benevolence; there is harmony and that's what happens often when old souls come together with others of like mind. The entourage that I spoke of earlier has actually changed. It changes with you and with the attitudes, understanding and wisdom you gain while here. I want to give a channel about something called new light, and this channelling follows on with everything my partner has said earlier today. Dear ones, everything I tell you is good news. I want you to understand the reason for these channellings. The reason we do this is because there is something to say at this point in time, which is different than in any other point in time. We've spoken of this before but this message is different, and I sit in a place that needs to hear it so that the hearts start to relax and know there really is a plan. New light. What is it? Light is a metaphor and the phrase "light and dark" are metaphors for different kinds of consciousness on the planet. I don't have to explain that to Humans. Over time, you've seen the darkest of the dark and you've seen the lightest of the light. Dear ones, when you think about that which is beautiful and Godlike, and when you think of the innocence of a child, your heart lightens. It's beautiful light! The high consciousness of benevolence and beauty and harmony is the light we speak of, and darkness is just the opposite. What happens in a dark room when you light a candle? The darkness goes away. So light has always been that which will win over darkness if there's enough of it - if there's enough of it.

Darkness is low consciousness slavery, death, killing and other attitudes that have no kindness or understanding of the preciousness of life. Darkness is in those who don't even begin to understand the basic elements of love. You've seen it all, dear ones, and humanity knows what dark and light is. Years ago, this planet started to prepare for the shift. Dear ones, you have free choice, but when a wild-card started to emerge in the '80s and one of your larger governments ceased to exist, humanity turned a corner. That's when you started the shift, and that's when you disabled that which was going to be the Armageddon. If it had not been for this wild card [fall of the Soviet Union], your history would have been much different today, for that's when the planet started to shift. I want to remind you of what happened about that same time. When I came to my partner 28 years ago, the first news I gave him can still be read in the first communication [Kryon Book One]. I told him there would be no Armageddon. In those years, this went against common prophecy and was difficult to believe for many. However, that's exactly what happened. Then I started to talk about magnetic service. Many have always wondered, "Why is Kryon of magnetic service?" It's because I brought with me what I call the grid group. This is a metaphor, and it's a linear idea so that you would understand it. It's a "group" that would literally shift the magnetic grid of the planet physically. In channelling, we told you that the magnetic north would shift - what you read on the compass would shift - because the magnetics of the planet had to be adjusted to create the physics that would be the adjusted bed of new consciousness. Twenty-eight years ago, no one saw the alliance between physics and consciousness, and those who would listen to the channelling made fun of it. They didn't understand. Today, there is an entire study of 17

physics varying with consciousness and consciousness varying with physics. There's not just an alliance, but a partnership where one affects the other. We told you before, "You come from the stuff of the stars." All that you are is part of all that is, so you're not an isolated being who walks the earth totally and completely apart from it. Instead, you're part of the chemistry of Earth, the physics of the Universe, and your planet has specific attributes that are just for you. You are part of a grand, planned system. The magnetic grid had to physically move in order for the shift in consciousness that you were going to create. It did. By 2002, the grid group left and the new alignment was complete. Since you can measure the magnetic grid with a compass, you can validate all of this. Go back and check it out. Did the grid move or not? Oh, indeed it did - probably faster than anyone expected. It explains things that to this day people don't realize. Do you remember a time when the cetaceans [whales] were beaching themselves regularly all over the planet? Hundreds of them with their families would seemingly wash up on the beach for no apparent reason. Well -meaning Humans would often gather and, with great effort, tow these giant creatures back out to sea, only to watch the whales go in a circle, take their bearings, and head right back into the beach! That's because whales navigate with something called magnetite, a built-in compass in their brains. The grid had moved so much that some of the migration routes that the whales used for decades changed so much in their headings that it sent them into the beaches instead of going safely along the coast, almost like a GPS system that was giving bad directions. Did you notice that that whole episode of planet-wide beaching of whales

stopped a while ago? Now they don't do it often, since they have recalibrated the migration routes to the new magnetics. Also, the magnetic shift stopped moving to the point it had before, and an entire generation of whales relearned the paths with new headings. I'm just giving you this to show you that what I'm telling you has credibility. The shift was for you, dear ones. The physics of the planet had to shift for new consciousness to begin. We've talked about the field, and my partner spoke of it today. It is beginning to increase. The field is physics that puts together harmonious energies, and one of them is the attributes of high consciousness. You may have seen physical explanations and displays of the field in the past, but I just told you you're related to all this physics. That means that this physics is going to be your ally in a stronger way than ever before. That's two things, but there's actually more. When it comes to the things that are sacred, some are beginning to be seen more. People all over the earth are starting to be far more receptive to new ideas of who they are, and are getting out of old paradigms they were taught. It's happening all over the planet. Now, dear ones, you're not seeing these things on the news, because they are not being reported anywhere. This slow growth in perception and paradigm shift represents non-events, not the typical newsworthy items of drama and death. Sociologists will eventually see and report this, and history will record it also. These are the things that slowly change personally for Humans. I sit in a theatre in Israel with old souls who have come to hear this information, who know who they are, and who believe in the esoteric teaching that says, "God is inside each Human." It's a spiritual axiom that

states that the doctrine of behavior is inside, the prophets of the present and past are inside, and that all of the information about the return of the great prophets has already happened! Dear ones, they are all in the grid, and part of new consciousness. Have you put this together yet? The return of your own prophet is in the field! How about that? He is not returning to an empty chair, but is present in the physics of "the field". What better way to help all of humanity, not just one section of it. Now, that's far-thinking, isn't it? That's all part of the shift, the return. There's more. New Light The metaphor of new light. This term refers to light that's never been here before. Let's explain this: Today, light is more powerful than it has ever been before. Today, if you strike a match in a dark room, old soul, the match knows who you are and it becomes an enormous light. It fills the entire room. Before, in an older energy, it would have been one tiny match in a huge, dark room where nobody would have noticed. Many of you have gone through this shift. In the past, light and dark weren't equal at all. Truly, darkness reigned on this planet. I don't have to explain that to this group, do I? You struggled through it, and now the new light is here. You don't believe it yet, you haven't tried it yet, but it's starting to appear. Light is more powerful today than it ever was before. If you continue this path, light will win. However, the struggle with you is this: Many don't believe it, since for generations the situation has been the same. Are you going to let the past determine the future? Here is another attribute: Light is starting to lead the way. When you strike a match, you simply create a little light where you are, but when you turn on a spotlight or a lighthouse, it 18

illuminates everything around you. You can see where you're going because you've got new light. It's actually very new. "What does that mean in common language, Kryon?" It means that you're intuition is better today than ever before. Your intuition is what lets you walk forward into that which you think is dark. You always are asking: "Is it right, is it wrong? Is it good, is it bad? Is it for me, or not?" Imagine an intuition that lights the way so there's no question any more! Now, how many of you have tried that lately? Have you tested your intuition lately? Let's look at another attribute: Light helps the evolvement of Human consciousness. Metaphorically, this new light exposes things you never saw before. If you only have a match, you're going to wander around and fall over things and stumble. However, if you have a bright light, you'll see the things that used to be in the dark and move quickly and with confidence. You will have new ideas that have never been tried. There will be processes that have never been thought of. Things that are brand new will occur, and you'll look at them and say, "Why didn't someone think of this before?" There will be things that will work today that would never have worked before because light is exposing them. There will be new thinking, new ideas, new kinds of ways of making things work that never worked before. This is the real difference - receptivity to things that would not have been viable in the old energy. Exposure to truth and reality does that. The magnetic grid and the field will be pushing together to create harmony between Human Beings, but you hold the match, old soul. Are you going to let the match become the lighthouse or will you fall on the old paradigms of history - a dim light that you could never use because it showed you nothing new?

Are you ready for new information? Here is something I have not stated before: When you hear it, you might say, "Kryon, you can't be right about this one." The new light actually creates more of itself. Think about that. Think about you being the spotlight, and suddenly there are two lights! I didn't say it came from another Human, did I? Light creates light. More can see, and suddenly the room that you're in is brighter than anything you could do by yourself. You might say it's carried by an angel? How can light create itself? How can high consciousness multiply? It's because of the new physics. Dear ones, I want you to understand this. We knew this was coming and that's why you're seeing what you're seeing. Light can create more of itself when the Human who is creating it knows about "God inside". Have you ever seen a person laughing so hard that everyone around him starts laughing? Soon, the whole room is laughing. How does that work exactly? Perhaps it's because laughter multiplies itself through joyful energy? Think about it. The person who first laughed can then leave the room while all the others continue laughing. Was it an energy that was shared, or was it an energy that created more of itself? Light can multiply now, since it is carried by those who are aware of this great shift and what it brings to the planet. I'll give you the final one, number five.

Light lets others see you! You can't hide anymore. If you are a balanced Human Being with enough love in your heart, you can't hide it. First, others are going to ask: "I see you're different. You're not who you used to be. You're a little more relaxed than you should be. What happened?" People will ask who you are or what you've done to create a new balance in your life. What do you say? It's easy. Tell the truth: "I feel different; I have a new attitude towards the creator and who I am. It's not religion; it's a personal awareness

of who I am. God is bigger than I thought. I feel so peaceful. I feel the love of the masters has come down and they're here in me. I'm not worrying anymore, and I'm not as anxious about things. I'm learning to handle some issues that I never could handle before." If you say that to a friend or a neighbor, in this new energy they are not going to run the other way. If you told them, "Well, I've got a new religion or a new prophet," they absolutely will run the other way. This is because what you have is personal and not a system. There is nothing to join and no rules - just a new and beautiful internal compass. Light is winning and this is why we say what we say here in Israel. In this country, in this land, as small as it is with so many cultures and languages, you're going to see a shift in the situation that you didn't expect. There will be those who come along with ideas you've never heard before. There will be attitudes on both sides that will be very different than before. Along the way, you're going to think, "Where did this come from? Why didn't we have this before? Why wasn't somebody smart enough in the past to figure this out? Why is the reacceptance so different for things that were dismissed before?" When this happens, you'll know I'm right because I've seen it before with other situations that were just as difficult. With higher consciousness comes greater light, and the new light is serving you even now in its infancy.

That's the message of Kryon. Oh, there will be more, but for now, dear ones, don't be afraid of the love of God. You are an ancient culture that exposed the one God to the planet. Now expose what the one God can do in this new energy! Old souls all over the planet are listening to this. It's the same message for them. I say to them, that's why you're here. That's why you're here. I've seen it before. Collectively, you control the speed of this shift. A very few of you can make a great change with what you do personally with yourself right now. What a beautiful message this is! Doesn't it feel like it has come from the one God? With all that you know, and with all that your lineage tells you, feel it! God shines on humanity right now with a light that was never there before, because you're ready and worthy to go forward into peace. Think of these things. And so it is. KRYON

Now, let me tell you what the catalyst is - it's you! Do you believe it or not? "Kryon, I want to believe it, I want to believe it!" Good! Then why don't you show it? Many of you are going to leave here the same, but others are going to have a bigger light. This is the real issue. How married are you to the status quo and the idea that it can never change? Lee Carroll



You are stardust and starlight The universe is yours. For you are stardust and starlight, within you and around you as one. Sparkling bright in your brilliance. Beloved ones you know no bounds. So, do not dull your sparkle or light for anyone or anything. The Zenith of your soul and spirit are unfathomable, with its depths full of treasures waiting for your discovery of it’s never ending possibilities. So be bold and dare to look and find the brilliance of yourself and love.

Yours in sparkling brilliance Archangel Zadkiel

Contact Michelle blog or email me at 21

Photo: Photo:©©PNielsen PNielsen 22

One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving. Paulo Coelho



Open a bottle of vetiver essential oil and be rewarded with the warm, musky scent of the tropics. You will recognize it, because it’s in many of the scented products on the market, from perfumes to air fresheners. The original is much, much better!

Vetiver is a beautiful oil, one that has many applications. Research it, play with it – make sure that you are getting pure vetiver. Enjoy exploring this essential oil, and please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.

Vetiver is known in India as khus khus. The essential oil comes from the steam distillation of the root of the grass. The grass itself is used as thatching for water-based coolers, adding fragrance to moist air as well as providing cooling for the water. Used as a curtain on doors and windows, it helps to keep insects away at the same time as it cools and scents the rooms.

For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website:

Vetiver essential oil also provides a cooling effect on the mind, the emotions and the body. When the weather gets very warm, a drop of this oil diluted in your favorite organic carrier oil may give you relief against the heat. And when tempers rise, whether at work or at home, having this oil to diffuse may help to create a much friendlier space.



People who have difficulty sleeping can diffuse vetiver, or put a drop or two in a soothing tub before bed. I like to have an oil like this just on my hands or throat centre. Used in this aromatic manner, it can help to stabilize and balance an entire room full of children. Think what it could do for the parents! This is one of the oils that would be wonderful to use with Epsom salts in a small container to keep at your desk. Pull it out and leave open to have the aroma permeate your work space. Practitioners – consider this oil when you are working with someone who has experiPhoto: © Young Living enced trauma and is having difficulty moving forward. Diffuse into the yoga or meditation space prior to a class to help ground and balance participants. Use in massage either in a carrier oil by itself or blended with other oils that you are intuitively Connect with Vera drawn to. 25




Stand in Your personal power As I sat down to write, a cougar came into my awareness. Cougar pounces in with their message to us this month: “It is time to use your personal power. It is time to stand up for your dreams and your heart's desires. You do not need to stand up and yell and scream or be aggressive to do that. We know our power, for instance, and we are aware when to pounce. When not to pounce. When to defend and when to stand down. This is not about aggression it about our personal power and standing in it. So be like us and stand in your personal power. There is time to assert your power gently with strength, and there is time to be powerfully assertive, we can teach you both. There is power in gentleness as well. So, test out your personal power and know we are here to help you do so.�

Yours in the strength of personal power The Cougars

Contact Michelle blog or email me at 29



Photo: © VEnshaw

A Crystal Reading for

July 2017

Dear ones, we watch your struggles, celebrate your victories, salute your courage! Being who you are in each moment is not an easy task, yet you persist day by day, week by week, year by year to grow and expand into who you truly are. Assistance is yours if you but ask – and don’t get attached to how it should look! We take your requests straight from your very heart…if the result isn’t what your conscious mind is pleased with, have a look at what your heart has been asking for…. You are dearly loved.


Vera 32 Contact Vera at

Beginning—July 1st—Red Flame Agate: Take time this day to explore the fires that surround your inner self. What have you been holding back on? What have you been holding in abeyance, thinking that the time is not yet right? Look at this beautiful crystal. See how clear and flowing the center is, and how the flame that surrounds it is held in place by solid granite. And yet….notice the freedom at either end – one small and the other wide open. Which freedom will you allow your life today?

Week One—July 2nd to 8th—Brecciated Jasper: As your passion begins to flow, be mindful of the blocks that you have put in place to resist it. Although the blocks are breaking apart, you may notice momentary lapses into denial of your passion. Note also the moments of clarity that come to assist you. Take note of the resistance, thank it and allow the clarity to help move it along. What was once important is no longer needed.

Week Two—July 9th to 15th—Blue Forest Petrified Wood: Take advantage of this time to communicate clearly to others. Whether dispute or romantic conversation, pull from your ancient history in order to be truthful. Fear has no place in this aspect of your life. Denial of truth now leads to pain later. You know this. As difficult as it may be to begin the process of speaking your truth, know that the end result is the very freedom you seek. There are so many who will support you in this, both corporeal and non-corporeal. You know where your real support is – ask for it so that you may be complete. No one, from any realm, can assist you unless you ask.

Week Three—July 16th to 22nd—Royal Saharan Jasper: Blockage is an illusion. Only you can draw aside the veil of resistance to see the spaciousness of freedom. It is important to remember that what you perceive as a block is only a temporary gate, so placed to keep you from rushing forward without the foundation you require to move ahead. Take notes, breathe deep, meditate on your path without self-flagellation or aggrandizement. Excuses are coverups that will reveal the truth when you stop to look at them.

Week Four—July 23rd to 29th—Picture Jasper: This is a good week to develop your sense of humour! Laugh often, and share your laughter with others. Lightness flows this week, and undercurrents of love make it easy for you to be in the moment. Always in the moment. BE, in each moment. Perspective and humour reside in the moment. Flow.

Ending—July 30th to 31st—Ruby: Take these two days to review your month in order to see with clarity your gains – for there have been great gains! Meditate on each week – did you achieve what you set out to achieve? Where are you now in your quest? Draw a card, cast the runes or the I Ching coins, asking to see not where you are going but where you have been. Prepare for August, and the beginnings of harvest. 33


Snap shot for June

meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe.

Neptune, Saturn & Pluto are on an inward spiral, facilitating the introspective energy flow of these big giants. Mercury will be retrograding on August 13th – so if you need to buy a new car or computer equipment do it this month rather than wait until it breaks down in August when the retrograde puts pressure on you.

Meditation or relaxed days – make them the best days ever …3, 11, 20, 25, 27… Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing - moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching.

Mercury… Communication in all forms from

Aries & Libra … You may find opportunities are abundant but the time of re-inventing yourself is soon to be over - get ready to bring results in a tangible form.

old fashioned verbal & written to that which travels on sound waves. Mercury moves to Leo on the 5th and then to Virgo on the 26th . If you can hold off to by the electronic equipment the best time is between the 26th of July and the 12th of August. Purchasing a flashy set of wheels … try between the 6th and the 25th .

Taurus & Scorpio … This is another month of relaxation, fun and frivolity … ok well at the least relaxation. Get outside and warm up.

Take advantage of Communication - talk it out … 7, 20, 25 Be Skilled with your Communication - Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! … 1, 10, 18,

Gemini & Sagittarius … Peace, Harmony and a good book is all you need, time to get your library organized.

Venus … Evokes Love, Beauty and Security. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful things (art, earthy greenery such as organic gardening, flowers, food, music, colour, gems, sparkly things, money, people) … Venus moves Gemini on the 3rd where she gets all book smart and social. By the end of the month (the 31st) she moves into Cancer, this is a very dreamy, nurturing and beautiful place for her – think of Botticelli’s Venus rising from the ocean.

Cancer & Capricorn … Watch for drama … slow and steady wins the race … Happy Solar Return Cancers – continue to soak up the Sun and revitalize your energy for another year. Leo & Aquarius … End of month brings Solar Returns for all of you Leos – it is your turn to soak up the sun and revitalize your energy. Aquarians my feel like they need some quiet time… Rest Relax Repose.

Evoke harmony … Create something beautiful … 10, 15, 18, 20, 29 Know what you want and why … Heartache/ domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! … 4,13, 26

Virgo & Pisces … Both need to break down illusions (or disillusions) that have been created over the past number of years. If you feel cramped … walk it off.

Mars … Action, Passion and Anger, our ability to do something. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars moves from Cancer to Leo on the 21st, keep a steady pace until the end of the month where you may feel a little more passionate and aggressively start moving forward.

Double Whammy and challenging days for everyone are … 1, 9, 16, 26 … use short 35

Connect to Action with Passion … 4, 14, 23, 27,

Neptune … Our planet that dissolves

Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! … 1, 9, 30

boundaries and limitations, the window supporting understanding and wisdom of what is beyond the physical world and our solar system. Neptune starts is yearly inner spiral in as it continues to travel Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of collective or clan/pack mentality, tune into Love not Hate. Explore ways that you can expand and dissolve your boundaries.

Jupiter… Growth, Wisdom, Opportunities and Expansion. Very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter is travelling through Libra until the fall of 2017. This will provide an opportunity to see both sides before we expand on our ideas and desires. We started our yearly pilgrimage to finding wisdom and growth opportunities start coming to fruition … Good Luck

The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered.

Opportunity is knocking - are you ready? … 6, 11, 20, 24, 28 Don’t overcommit by giving more than you can really afford (time & money) … 1, 8, 15, 22,

Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn. Pluto continues to push for change in our old and outworn structures of dictatorship and inflexible leadership. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. Pluto is utilizing an inner spiral through to September.

Saturn… Boundaries, Restrictions, Limitations and possibly fear, Saturn supports your ability to get organized. Saturn is currently travelling through Sagittarius which can potentially help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries! Saturn is currently on an inner spiral which will last until the end of August. This is his last retrograde in Sagittarius have fun and focus on ways that will get you engaged in manifesting your dreams … test the edges of your boundaries.

The only control we truly have is to open and © dusk - allow the de-composition of Photo: the old ways that will re-assemble into something much more spectacular … a re-Birth, moving to the next level of Be-ing.

Makemake… who brings quantum experiences

Go ahead, set some boundaries and get organized … 24, 29 Don’t forget to create healthy boundaries - You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! … 6, 14, 26

and unexpected genius; As you explore the quantum world you can utilize this time to create greater balance on a deeper quantum level that will bring your microcosm into balance. As above So below. Traveling through Libra.

Uranus … The Bridge between that which we

Eris… only desires equality! This is a strong

can see and what we cannot see. Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas, our higher self and collective change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause. unleash your genius on the world …

feminine archetype who will use our ego against us. Evoke balance and awaken the warrior within. She fearlessly and slowly moves through Aries. Eris is in a tight relationship with Uranus, creating a dramatic build of energy – you may find that things that are creating discourse in your life suddenly change. Try not to hold on to the old ways too


Full Moon July 8th/9th at 17 degrees Capricorn/Cancer 9:07 pm Pacific / 1:07 am

hard … embrace the new – in the long run they will work much better.


When the Moon is full - the sky is lit up and you can see the details of where you are headed.

Haumea… Facilitator for transformation as the mother of humanitarian efforts … Haumea brings a balance back to the world with a strong goddess signature as she takes back her power on earth. Step up to the plate take on the global issues by choosing to stand up for the underdog. Take the attitude that while we will give others what they need today and we can teach them to stand tall and learn how to provide for themselves in the future. She is also supporting all the other aspects of your psyche with a deep inner spiral in Libra.

This is the second of three full moons connected to stepping up our service and collective work.

Snap Shot: Adjustments need to be made otherwise a potentially dramatic emotional moment may occur. Connect authenticity to find inspiration that is needed as you learn to make adjustments to the boundaries you have placed on your belief systems. This Full Moon will ask you to let go of your fears and re-active ways, feel deeply and allow yourself to emerge from your crystallise. Above all keep the little ego out of it :-0

Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest – a mother figure in our lives, moves to Gemini gathering more data and information on how to nurture the seeds she planted in the Spring.

New Moon July 23rd at 0 degrees Leo 2:36 am Pacific / 6:46 am Atlantic The New Moon is when the moon is dark and does not hinder our view as we peer deeply into our universe, and look beyond our patterns and habits by connecting to something greater than ourselves. The dynamic build toward something new, exciting & unknown.

For On-line Astrology Classes go to or for a consultation check out Services at

Navigating the Stars Solar/Lunar cycles

Snap Shot: Get ready to rumble …

Just before you go to sleep for the evening step outdoors and connect to your early evening sky as you consciously move into dream sleep. Do it again in the early morning just as the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously move to your waking dream world.

Set some fitness goals – take it up a notch, find new ways of getting active. The key to success for this months new goal is to only pick one activity – don’t undermine yourself by having too many things on the go. Purchasing an inspirational journal to track your progress will help to keep you motivated.

The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. Connect to the genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies.

For On-line Astrology Classes go to or for a consultation check out Services at

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.

As above So below.


Photo: © PNielsen 38


For something different, I decided to draw a card for each month of 2017 and present it here. This month the card is The Tower. In the Archangels Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Raleigh Valentine, the Tower is known as "Change your life." The Tower reminds us that life is precarious. All our foundations, beliefs, relationships, health, and careers that we care for, love and depend upon are fragile. One slight shift out of the blue can send them crashing, leaving us and our lives in shambles. Yet, the Tower is also filled with hope. For like a great forest fire that seems to destroy all the lush beauty leaving a stark landscape in its wake, it brings rebirth. A forest fire clears out the debris and opens many seeds that require great heat to begin life. Thus the Tower represents a breakdown to allow a breakthrough. It might destroy something as we know it, but in doing so provides an opportunity to re-create, rebuild something new. Just to be clear, the Tower encompasses all life experiences. It has a life long history of foretelling frightening experiences, but, it represents any experience that alters our lives; getting married, having a baby, graduating from school, getting a new job, winning a lottery. Given that, when the Tower appears it could mean we are aware of the situation that is changing in our lives and have chosen it, or it may happen when a life event brings to us an awareness that we can't deny and are forced to shift. One thing to be sure, when the Tower shows up, a life-altering event is about to happen that will change the way we live on a daily basis. The Tower is about freedom - breaking free of what no longer serves us or is not healthy or sound for us. It reminds us we have the ability to evolve and change no matter what life throws at us. It is the one card in the deck that gives us a heads up that our life is about to shift up. No matter the experience we are in for something better, even if during the change it appears overwhelming.

If you have been planning on moving home, or releasing capital from your house, you may experience some setbacks this month. The Tower card can often indicate a time of breakdown or collapse, either with the physical or the emotional aspects of your life. Try not to take on too much; everything may be a little more challenging than usual. When hopes or aspirations are dashed, it's difficult to consider that it may all be for the best, but such an attitude may well be helpful this month.

This month’s messages drawn from Angels Of Abundance by: Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue 42


Photo: © mcobb 44

Wow! Just passed midsummer’s festival and finally we are into our summer. It has been a long spring and a very tumultuous one, especially politically.

Sometimes this rune appears to indicate that one has been too caught up in the problem to be effective in solving it. This is when you should seek out that good advice and you should also try to adopt a more positive, progressive, and conciliatory attitude.

My question to the runes was, what the world could expect going forward. Their response was very precise and to the point.

When surrounded by positive runes, Mannaz shows that one should implement any new plans, but if surrounded by negative runes, it shows that the time is not right for those plans. In this case, we have a mix of positive negative runes, leaning towards the positive, so I would say it is a good time to implement those new plans, but do so with caution.

I enjoyed the reading and I hope it gives some clarity to you as well. Usually I give you one stone at a time, but this time I believe it is more productive to lay them out all at once and then break them down.

We need to remain modest and not belittle those who will not like the new direction. We must be as gentle as we can. This is not the time to say, “I told you so.”

I drew three stones as usual. These were: Gebo, Raidho reversed, and finally Mannaz. Gebo represents gift and when drawn should gladden one’s heart. It usually indicates a partnership of some type and often appears when there is about to be relief from one’s troubles. Gebo also shows a time of peace and contentment.

I hope this reading has been of some use to you, I know it has given me a lot to think about. Until next month,

Skål til alle mine venner Phil

Raidho is the glyph of the wagon and as such shows travel or movement. Because it is reversed, it can indicate a journey one must take, rather than one you look forward to. Because it is in “the course of action you should take” position, you are being advised to be extra patient with your partner/s, because this will likely be a very stressful time for all concerned. Raidho reversed can indicate an upsetting of your plans. You will probably come out on the bad end of any negotiations you may be contemplating and you should pay close attention to those around you. Mannaz is the rune of mankind. It represents interdependence and you should expect to receive aid or cooperation regarding the problem at hand.

Contact Phil at for more information. 45

Message from the Angels June 2017 Blessings dear ones, Thank you! Thank you for shining so brightly that we see you as stars. We are eternally grateful for your presence and all that you do as you walk this path, not only for yourself but for all of humanity. Your path is not always easy, we see that, yet you continue to stay the course. Each of you are collectively building a better today, which leads you into a better tomorrow. You don't always see your progress, for it is not marked with awards and accolades, but we see how far you have come. Don't get discouraged, don't lose faith, you are making a difference in your life and the lives of those around you. Pause for a moment and see not the grunge of the world but the beauty that surrounds you. See the faces of your fellow travellers. Smile and silently wish them well, and know that your kindness will be returned ten fold. You are not in this chaos alone, an army of corporeal, and unseen soldiers stand guard and fight the battle with you. The battle we speak of is not a war as you have known wars. It is a battle to stay and come from, a place of love. There will be chaos that throws you into the space of fear and ego. Allow this to happen, for it is from that space of fear that you are gifted with selfawareness. Self-awareness of what your true soul story is. When you are dragged into a drama that is not yours, return to love the moment you recognise you have taken a turn that is not yours. You will know you have strayed from your path by your feelings. Yes, some of the drama created is yours, it is your soul asking you to break free of a constricting limitation so that you may experience peace. Be willing, brave travellers, to face your unique soul path head on. Do no be afraid to shift your "dramas." All that comes to you is for your highest good, and the road to peace will be fraught with many truths that you will need courage to face. Take heart; you are not alone on this path, each individual on your planet earth is walking this same path. Each is asked to step into their authentic being, the calling of their soul. Smile and silently wish them well, for from your personal experience you know the path is not an easy one to travel. Peace is being achieved every day; you are making a difference, light is shining brighter on the dark and awakening those who have been mired down by dogma and ideals placed upon them. Their soul is calling them to awaken to their unique path. Keep being your unique selves and know that this is your time to shine brighter than ever before. Take heart if you find yourself struggling to keep balanced and centred in love, after all, you are only human, just keep trusting that you are progressing faster than all who have come before you. We stand on guard, at your side, supporting you in unconditional love, gratitude, and pride. Keep the course, dear earth angels, for this is your time to shine, and shining brightly you are!

The power of three Through Mcobb



Photo: © PNielsen 48

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