月MAY|好戲上場 Show's On
大劇院 Gr an d eate r 中劇院 P la yho use 小劇場 Black Bo x
其他 Others
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
雲門50 林懷民《薪傳》
Cloud Gate Dance eatre of Taiwan
Legacy by LIN Hwai-min
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
10:30 14:30
Let’s Go to the eater
10:30 、 14:30
Let’s Go to the eater
Claudio Pasceri × TimeArt Studio × EstOvest Festival
《優雅的慶典Ⅱ》 2023王卉欣小提琴獨奏會
Fêtes Galantes
2023 WANG Hui-hsing Violin Recital
雲門50 林懷民《薪傳》
Cloud Gate Dance eatre of Taiwan
GuoGuang Opera Company Fox Tales
Legacy by LIN Hwai-min
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
雲門50 林懷民《薪傳》
Cloud Gate Dance eatre of Taiwan
Legacy by LIN Hwai-min
2023 Focus Dance Company Anti-Neverland
Literature and Music
Dajia Philharmonic Classical Opera Concert
Cellist CHANG's Family Concert: Beef Noodles PK Pasta
Pablo Sáinz-Villegas Guitar Solo Recital
NTSO Lecture Concert Series
When Benjamin Met the Tenor
Barock Ensemble Taipei & Friends
1 mon. 2 3 4 5 tue tue. tue. 6 wed. 7 thu. 8 9 10 thu. 11 fri. fri. 12 sat sat 13 sun. sun. 14 mon. mon. 15 16 wed
劇場保養 Maintenance 劇場保養 Maintenance 劇場保養 Maintenance 4
大劇院 Gr an d eate r 中劇院 P la yho use
19:30 2023 NTT Arts NOVA
GöteborgsOperans Danskompani Skid by Damien Jalet & SAABA by Sharon Eyal
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
GöteborgsOperans Danskompani Skid by Damien Jalet & SAABA by Sharon Eyal
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
GöteborgsOperans Danskompani Skid by Damien Jalet & SAABA by Sharon Eyal
14:30 19:30
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
GayBird Keep Breathing at Zero
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
GayBird Keep Breathing at Zero
外租節目 Hirer Program 非公開 Exclusive Program
小劇場 Black Bo x
其他 Others
Portrait Taiwan
2023 e 11th Taiwan International Percussion Convention - Ondekoza
2023 Tunghai University Symphonic Band Concert
2023第十一屆臺灣國際打擊樂節— 魯千千爵士六重奏
2023 e 11th Taiwan International Percussion Convention - LU Chien-chien Jazz Sextet
Tsuei Lian 112 Tsing Hua Anniversary Concert
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
Compagnie Louis Brouillard Contes et légendes
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
Compagnie Louis Brouillard Contes et légendes
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
14:30 、 19:30
HSU Chia-wen Nora
《琴鍵上的動物王國》 涂祥2023鋼琴獨奏會
2023 TU Hsiang Piano Recital
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 mon. mon. tue. tue. wed wed thu thu 29 fri. fri. 30 wed. 31 sat. sat. sun. sun.
主辦單位保留節目異動權 Program may be subject to change.
Compagnie Louis Brouillard Contes et légendes Others
臺中國家歌劇院主 / 合 / 協辦節目 Program (co) - presented by NTT
Let’s Go to the Theater
臺中國家歌劇院「藝起進劇場」突破教室的既定框架, 創造現場體驗的學習場域,師生實地到訪劇場欣賞演出, 透過親身參與、實際體驗,探索多面向的表演藝術。
2023 年「藝起進劇場―舞蹈篇」邀請蒂摩爾古薪舞集合 作,並藉由示範演出舞作《kemeljang.知!所以?》延 伸進劇場前、中、後期系列活動,讓學生了解當代舞蹈 肢體美學,期望藉此啟發青年學子的思考力、創造力及 想像力。
NTT's "Let's Go To The Theater" challenges the boundaries of the classroom by providing firsthand learning experiences with creative spaces. Teachers and students can visit the theater and participate in engaging activities on-site to enjoy the performances and explore diverse forms of performing arts. e 2023's "Let's Go To e eater-Dancing Section" invites Tjimur Dance eatre for collaboration. The demonstrated choreographic work, kemeljang, I know it, so what? will present its forming process from the early middle to the nal stages, which gives the student a perfect chance to approach the bodily aesthetic of contemporary dance. is event hopes to ignite the power of thinking, creativity, and imagination in youth.
Claudio Pasceri × TimeArt Studio × EstOvest Festival
當代室內樂作品音樂會是時間藝術工作室創團 10 週年系 列的第一場演出,特地邀請大提琴家克勞迪奧.帕塞里來 臺與時間藝術工作室的音樂家們合力以室內樂的形式為愛 樂聽眾介紹當代音樂。演出曲目包含以微分音手法見長的 希臘作曲家 Giacinco Scelsi 作品《Ko-Lho》、芬蘭作曲家
Kaija Saariaho《Miroirs》、義大利作曲家 Salvatore Sciarrino《Ai limiti della notte》等。除了當代音樂經典之外,音樂會中也 將首演委託作曲家許德彰新創,結合長笛、單簧管、大提 琴、電聲與新媒體的全新作品。
"Claudio Pasceri × TimeArt Studio × EstOvest Festival" is the rst concert of the Time Art Studio's 10th-anniversary series. Reknown Italian cellist Claudio Passeri will come to Taiwan to join Time Art Studio musicians to present a special contemporary chamber music concert.
大提琴|克勞迪奧.帕塞里 委託作曲|許德彰
長笛|吳正宇 單簧管|王冠傑 曲目:
薩爾瓦托雷.夏里諾:《在最深的夜裡》給大提琴獨奏 尼科洛.多特:第二號奏鳴曲為長笛與大提琴,作品編號 2 許德彰:《Ring ... Tree Rings Ⅲ》為長笛、單簧管、大提琴、電聲以及 影像(世界首演)
Cello | Claudio Pasceri Composer | HUI Tak-cheung
Flute | WU Cheng-yu Clarinet | WANG Kuan-chieh
Kaija Saariaho: Miroirs for Flute and Cello
Giacinco Scelsi: Ko-Lho for Flute and Clarinet
Salvatore Sciarrino: Ai limiti della notte for Cello solo
Performer | Tjimur Dance Theatre
免費 Free Admission
特別感謝| NTT 藝友會
Presenter | National Taichung eater Special Thanks to NTT-Club
全長約 60 分鐘(含示範演出及解說,無中場休息) Approx. 60 minutes without intermission
主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change
Niccolò Dôthel: Sonata for Flute and Cello, Op. 2, No. 2
HUI Tak-cheung: Ring ... Tree Rings Ⅲ for Flute, Clarinet, Cello, Electronics and Video
Presenter | TimeArt Studio Sponsor | National Culture and Arts Foundation / SOURCE SOLUTIONS INTERNATIONAL LTD.
全長約 75 分鐘,含中場休息 15 分鐘 Approx. 75 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
中劇院 Playhouse 聆 演前導聆 談 演後座談 小劇場 Black Box 5/3 5/4 (三) (四) wed. thu. 10:30、14:30 10:30、14:30
5/3 (三) wed. 19:30
2023 王卉欣小提琴獨奏會
Fêtes Galantes Ⅱ
2023 WANG Hui-hsing Violin Recital
《優雅的慶典 Ⅱ 》2023 王卉欣小提琴獨奏會,以魏爾連 《優雅慶典》詩集為音樂會標題,緬懷 18 世紀的優雅, 開啟復古創新的樂章。從佛瑞至伊撒意、莎朗沙特,再到 普羅科菲夫,這些偉大的樂曲都是在這個年代中所孕育 出,讓人們能沉浸在音樂中滋潤於日常。
e name of the Fêtes Galantes Ⅱ 2023 WANG Hui-hsing Violin Recital comes from Paul Verlaine's poem collection Fêtes galantes. e concert is a homage to the elegance of the 18th century and the initiation of a "newtro," which means new and retro movement in music. It will feature works from Gabriel Faure to Eugène Ysaÿe, Sarasate, and finally comes to Sergei Prokofiev, who all conceived their masterpieces during this era. e concert hopes to immerse the audience in the serene music world and enrich their daily life with ceaseless melodies.
⼩提�|王卉� ��|林��
��:E ⼩��二�⼩提��鳴曲,作品 108
伊��:E ⼩����⼩提��鳴曲《�克�斯勒》, 作品 27
�拉��:《卡門》��曲,作品 25 普羅科�夫:D 大��二�⼩提��鳴曲,作品 94a
Violin | WANG Hui-hsing Piano | LIN Yen-chih
Fauré : Violin Sonata No. 2 in E minor, Op.108
Ysaÿe: Violin Sonata No.4 in E minor, Op.27, To Fritz Kreisler
Sarasate: Carmen Fantasy, Op.25
Prokofiev: Violin Sonata No. 2 in D major, Op. 94a
大劇院 Grand Theater
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
雲門 50 林懷民《薪傳》
Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan
Legacy by LIN Hwai-min
刻劃「唐山過臺灣」的《薪傳》1978 年在宣布中美斷交 日傳奇首演後,全球轟動演出 174 場,被譽為「編舞藝 術經典」,舞譜獲紐約舞譜局永久收藏。雲門 50 週年, 林懷民親自排練傑出的年輕舞者,朱宗慶打擊樂團結伴 登場,重現臺灣集體記憶裡最重要的舞作。 2023 年,傳 說重現,錯過了,沒有下次。
Legacy was created by internationally renowned choreographer LIN Hwai-min when Cloud Gate was ve years old in 1978. e work has been presented worldwide with 174 performances and is widely acclaimed as a masterpiece of choreography. Even to a westerner who has never been to Taiwan, Legacy is a moving document, an organic synthesis of modern and traditional style. e raw energy that rolls o the stage is as stunning as a cracking whip. Also it is praised as "the audience gave the company a rousing, standing ovation." In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Cloud Gate, Legacy is revived and, again, performed with the renowned Ju Percussion Group in 2023.
�劃�作|林�� 創作�問|�� �題提供|���
�傳題�|�陽孜 �樂|��〈��〉、陳�〈間�曲〉
作曲|李��〈�種���〉;陳揚〈�曲〉、〈��〉、〈��〉 現場��|朱��打�樂團 �光��|林克� ����(〈��〉獅頭)|�� 服���|傳���服�(先��服�)、林��(��)
Founder & Choreographer | LIN Hwai-min
Music | CHEN Da, CHEN Yang, LEE Tai-hsiang, Ju Percussion Group
Lighting Design | LIN Keh-hua Props Design | SHI Sung
Costume Design | LIN Ching-ju (Modern dress)
Costume | Traditional Haka clothes
$ 500 / 800 / 1200 / 1600 / 2000 / 2500 / 3000
共同重製|臺中國家歌劇院、衛武營國家藝術文化中心、國家兩廳院 專場贊助|財團法人陸府生活美學教育基金會
Co-Production | National Performing Arts Center National Taichung eater / National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) / National eater & Concert Hall Sponsor | Live Forever Foundation
Presenter | Fluteman Chamber orchestra / WANG Hui-hsing
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場休息 15 分鐘 Approx. 100 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 8 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 8 and above
全長約 90 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 90 minutes without intermission 舞作段落含焚香橋段,將有微量煙霧、煙味,請斟酌入場
This program contains incense and smoke effects. Viewer discretion is advised.
建議 3 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 3 and above
19:30 14:30 14:30
5/5 5/6 5/7 (五) (六) (日) fri. sat. sun.
※ ※ ※
(四) thu. 19:30 小劇場
Box $ 350 OPENTIX
(陸府專場) 聆 聆 7
中劇院 Playhouse
2023 焦點舞團《喧霄日夢》
2023 Focus Dance Company Anti-Neverland
「乘夢而上,彼岸未達」乘著粉色的夢飛往未知冥冥中, 我們匯集成這片喧囂汪洋閉上雙眼,卻彷如層層山路未 達。深呼吸、吐氣,準備好和我們一起做夢。
"Dare to dream and begin the journey to our destination."
Striving into a blanket of pinkness, heading to an unknown dream. Embodying the darkness, we merge into the clamour of the ocean. With the eyes closed, there are still mountains we have not reached. Take a deep breath. Get ready to dream with us.
����|��貞 技���|���
行政��|蟻�玲 ����者|��丞、伊赫� 魯斯丹
����|�百� �光��|劉��
��技���|朱�� 平面��|陳又�
Artistic Director | TSAI Hui-chen Technical Director | Goh Boon Ann
Administraion Director | YI Wei-ling
Choreographer | TSAI Po-cheng, Ihsan Rustem
Stage Manager | TSENG Pai-yu Lighting Design | LIU Chih-chen
Stage Technical Design | Daniel CHO Jian-ze
Graphic Photographer | CHEN You-wei
Graphic Design | LIAO Chen Focus Dance Company
$ 500 OPENTIX 主辦單位|焦點舞團
Presenter | Focus Dance Company
Co-Organizer | Arts Facilities Management,Taoyuan / Chiayi Performing Arts
Center / Bureau of Cultural A airs, Kaohsiung City Government
Advisor | Ministry of Culture / Department of Cultural A airs, Taipei City Government / Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government / Taipei National University of the Arts / School of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場休息 15 分鐘 Approx. 120 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above
小劇場 Black Box
Dajia Philharmonic Classical Opera Concert
迷人的歌劇經典歌曲有其重要的地位,藉由男中音廖宇 盟、女高音王嘉琳迷人的聲樂詮釋,搭配樂曲導聆介紹歌 劇作品的故事,讓觀眾能從導聆中找到共鳴,引發更多感 動的體驗。音樂會由絃樂五重奏加上男女聲樂家現場演 唱十多首歌劇中經典雋永的歌曲,領略劇中情境,推廣古 典歌劇音樂讓更多愛樂民眾領略歌劇之美愛上生活歌劇。 Charming classic opera songs have an important position. With the charming vocal interpretation of baritone LIAO Yu-meng and soprano WANG Chia-ling, together with the introduction of the story of the opera works by the music leader, the audience can find resonance from the guided listening and trigger more touching experience. In the concert, a string quintet and male and female vocalists sang classic and timeless songs from more than a dozen operas on the spot to appreciate the scenes in the opera and promote classical opera music so that more music lovers can appreciate the beauty of opera and fall in love with life opera.
大甲愛樂室內樂團 藝術總監暨導聆|鄭宥媃
小提琴|楊��、��� 中提琴|⿈�� 大提琴|柯欣吟
低音提琴|戴佩勳 男中音|廖宇盟
莫札特:〈別再拈花惹草了花蝴蝶〉,選自歌劇《費加洛婚禮》、〈親 愛的夫人,名單在此〉、〈讓我們攜手同行〉,選自歌劇《唐 喬望尼》 古諾:〈你應該是睡了〉、〈珠寶之歌〉,選自歌劇《浮士德》 小約翰.史特勞斯:〈親愛的伯爵先生〉,選自歌劇《蝙蝠》 弗雷德里克.洛維:〈我可以整晚地跳舞〉,選自音樂劇《窈窕淑女》 雷哈爾:〈雙唇靜默〉,選自歌劇《風流寡婦》……等曲目
Dajia Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
Artistic Director & Guide | CHENG Yu-jou
Violin | YANG Chu-han, KANG Chih-hua
Viola | HUANG Wen-chieh Cello | KO Hsin-yin
Double Bass | DAI Pey-shiun Baritone | LIAO Yu-meng
Soprano | WANG Chia-ling
W. A. Mozart: ‘Non piu andrai’ from Le Nozze di Figaro, ‘Madamina il catalogo è qusto’, ‘Là ci darem la mano’ from Don Giovanni
Gounod: ‘Vous qui faites l'endormie’, ‘O dieu !que de bijou’ from Faust
Johann Strauss II: ‘Mein Herr Marquis’ from Die Fledermaus
Frederick Loewe: ‘I Could Have Danced All Night’ from My Fair Lady
Franz Lehar: ‘Lippen Schweigen’ from Die lustige Witwe
Presenter | Dajia Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra
5/6 (六) sat. 19:30
※ ※
(六) sat. 14 :30
全長約 90 分鐘,含中場休息 15 分鐘 Approx. 90 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
Music: Gabriel Fauré: Violin Sonata No.1 in A major, Op.13: . Allegr
Novel: Alexandre Dumas: Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
Music: G. Meyerbeer: 'Valse infernale: Encore un de gagné' from Robert Le Diable
Novel: Alexandre Dumas ls: La Dame aux Camélias
Music: Verdi: La Traviata - Act 2
Novel: Gaston Leroux: Le Fantôme de l'Opéra
Music: Sarasate: Concert Fantasy on Gounod's Faust
Novel: Anatole France: Thaïs
Music: Massenet: Thaïs - Act 3: C'Est Toi, Mon Père
$ 500 / 800 / 1000 / 1500
Presenter | Legato / Taichung Education Foundation
Co-Organizer | Cultural A airs Bureau, Taichung City Government
主辦單位|樂聚、財團法人台中市教育文教基金會 協辦單位|臺中市政府文化局 贊助單位|台灣國際音樂家協會
全長約 120 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 120minutes without intermission
Pablo Sáinz - Villegas Guitar Solo Recital
國際古典吉他界的中流砥柱、吉他傳奇塞戈維亞的傳人, 帕博羅.塞恩斯―維耶加斯在魔幻的六弦之間激盪出西班 牙傳統文化的恣意熱情,從浪漫旋律到大師鉅作,體驗吉 他的出奇驚豔。
Soul of Spanish Guitar, Pablo Sáinz-Villegas has been acclaimed by the international press as the successor of Andrés Segovia and an ambassador of Spanish culture in the world. Since his debut with the New York Philharmonic , he has played in more than 40 countries and invited to play with orchestra, making him a benchmark for the symphonic guitar.
古典吉他|帕博羅.塞恩斯―維耶加斯 曲目:
阿爾貝尼士:〈塞爾維亞〉,選自《西班牙組曲》,作品 47 葛拉納多斯:第十首〈憂傷舞曲〉、第五首〈安達魯西亞〉,選自《十二 首西班牙舞曲》,作品 37 羅德利哥:《祈禱與舞蹈》-向法雅致敬
達雷加:〈淚〉、〈少女阿德麗塔〉,選自《阿拉伯綺想曲》 阿爾貝尼士:〈紅塔〉,選自十二首特性小品集,作品 92、〈馬約卡島 (船歌)〉,作品 202、〈阿斯圖里亞斯(傳奇)〉,選自西班牙組曲, 作品 4 希梅內斯:間奏曲,選自《路易斯.阿隆索的婚禮》
Guitar | Pablo Sáinz-Villegas Program:
Isaac Albéniz: 'Sevilla' from Suite Española , Op. 47
Enrique Granados: 'Danza Melancólica' from Danza Española No. 10, Op. 37 'Andaluza' from Danza Española No. 5, Op. 37
Joaquín Rodrigo: Invocación y Danza -Homage to Manuel de Falla
Francisco Tárrega: 'Lágrima', 'Adelita' from Capricho Árabe
Isaac Albéniz: 'Torre Bermeja' from Piezas Características, Op. 92, Mallorca (Barcarola), Op. 202, 'Asturias (Leyenda)' from Suite Española , Op. 4
Gerónimo Giménez: Intermedio from La boda de Luis Alonso
$ 600 / 800 / 1200 / 1800 / 2400 / 3000
主辦單位|藝之美有限公司 指導單位|臺中市政府文化局
贊助單位|臺北市政府文化局、財團法人國家文化藝術基金會 協辦單位|米可吉他
Advisor | Cultural A airs Bureau, Taichung City Government
Sponsor | Department of Cultural A airs, Taipei City Government / National Culture and Arts Foundation
Co-Organizer | MIKO GUITAR
※ ※
全長約 110 分鐘,含中場休息 20 分鐘 Approx. 110 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
建議 8 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 8 and above
When Benjamin Met the Tenor
布列頓的音樂中富有畫面、舞台、戲劇張力,更有少見的社 會批判性。已投身劇場多年的男高音湯發凱,尋找經典聲 樂之美在劇場中的共存與平衡,結合多媒體之互動式戲 劇演唱,演繹《當班傑明遇見男高音》特製的音樂;呈現 7 組藝術歌曲與 7 部歌劇作品選曲之劇場形式獨唱會。
Baron Britten's musical pieces are theatrically rich with imagery, stages, and dramatic tension. You can also hear social criticism that scarcely appears at the time. e tenor TANG Fa-kai, devoted to the theater for years, integrates multimedia and interactive theatrical singing, striving to nd beauty and balance between classical vocal music and theater space. is unique theater form of the recital will interpret When Benjamin Meets the Tenor with seven groups of art songs and seven operas. We are looking forward to meeting you.
男高音|湯發凱 鋼琴|謝欣容 曲目: 班傑明.布列頓:〈鳥兒〉選自《給母親的歌》、〈讓如花綻放的音樂 讚美!〉〈夜曲〉〈事實上有很多〉選自《在島上》、〈陽光照下時〉〈鏡 湖中的魚〉選自《靜湖中的魚》、〈故鄉〉選自《六首荷德琳.芙拉格 曼特的歌》、〈短箴與古董〉選自《燈飾》、《強尼》、〈生前與生後〉 選自《冬之言》、《莎莉花園》、《如樹參天》、《壯麗的小熊星系》 ……等其他曲目
Tenor | TANG Fa-kai Piano | HSIEH Hsing-jung Program:
Benjamin Britten: ' e Birds' from For My Mother, 'Let the Florid Music Praise!!', 'Nocturne', 'As It is Plenty' from On this Island, ' e Sun Shines Down', 'Fish in the Unru ed Lakes' from Fish in the Unruffled Lakes, 'Die Heimat' from Sechs Hölderlin-Fragmente, '3a.b Phrase and Antique' from Les Illuminations, Johnny, 'Before Life and After' from Winter Words, Down by the Sally Gardens, The Trees They Grow So High, Now the great bear and Pleiades ...etc.
Taichung City Government
中劇院 Playhouse 19:30
600 OPENTIX 主辦單位|愛麗絲藝術工作坊 指導單位|臺北市政府文化局、臺中市政府文化局 Presenter | A.L.I.C.E. Art Advisor | Department of Cultural A airs, Taipei City Government / Cultural A airs Bureau,
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場休息 15 分鐘 Approx. 120 minutes with a 15-minute intermission 建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above ※ ※ sat. 5/13 (六) 小劇場 Black Box 5/13 (六) sat. 19:30
張正傑親子音樂會―牛肉麵 PK 義大利麵
Cellist CHANG's Family Concert: Beef Noodles PK Pasta
2023 年親子天王張正傑要推出什麼好聽又好玩的「張正 傑親子音樂會」呢?牛肉麵 PK 意大利麵!透過大家最熟 悉、最喜歡的食物,帶領大小朋友一起共享想像力無限的 「音樂世界」。《張正傑親子音樂會―牛肉麵 PK 義大利 麵》上菜囉~ 西方義大利麵由知名美食大提琴家張正傑 領軍,對上最受小朋友歡迎的主持人趙自強介紹東方牛肉 麵,透過男女聲演唱、絃樂重奏,演繹東西方不同的音樂 風格。用臺灣人最喜歡的美食,在想像中悠遊音樂間。
Pasta is led by CHANG Chen-chieh, a well-known gourmet and cellist VS oriental beef noodles introduces by CHAO Tzu-chiang, the most popular host among children. This concert will perform different music in western or eastern styles by string quartet , soprano and baritone. We can smell the food and listen to the music simultaneously in this concert.
大提琴|張正傑 主持人|趙自強
小提琴|張芝庭、歐之瑀 中提琴|張力文
次女高音|翁若珮 男中音|林政勳
Cello | CHANG Chen-chieh Host | CHAO Tzu-chiang
Violin | ZHANG Zhi-ting, OU Chih-yu Viola | CHANG Lee-wen
Mezzo-Soprano | WENG Jo-pei Baritone | LIN Cheng-hsun
Rossini: 'Una voce poco fa' from Il Barbiere di Siviglia
HUANG Zi: Homesickness
Taiwanese Folk Song: HengChuen Farming Song, etc
$200(12 歲以下) / 300
Presenter | Pro-Art Camerata
Sponsor | Treasure Dragon Corp. / Yakult
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場休息 15 分鐘 Approx. 100 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 3 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 3 and above
《曉韵怪奇珍珠物語》 巴洛克室內音樂會
Barock Ensemble Taipei & Friends
巴洛克(Baroque)原意是指奇形怪狀、有瑕疵的珍珠,後 來用指所有不合邏輯、荒誕怪異的事物。曉韵古樂團精挑 數首 17、18 世紀巴洛克時期作曲家之作品,音樂除了涵蓋 一般對於巴洛克音樂既定印象中的精雕華麗之風格外,也 回歸「巴洛克」一字原意「怪奇珍珠」,挑選荒誕怪異的作 曲家或富有戲劇故事性的音樂作品,帶聽眾聆賞體會巴洛 克時代「人的故事」與其音樂所寓含的多元性與人生趣味!
Barock Ensemble Taipei meticulously selected several works created by composers from the 17th and 18th centuries of the Baroque period. e pieces of music cover the exquisitely crafted style, which is generally recognized as the signature of Baroque music, meanwhile tracing back to Baroque's original meaning of "deformed pearl.'
大鍵琴|蔡佳璇 古長笛|簡志賢 木笛|詹慕凡
中提琴|江婉婷 導聆|吳家恆
馬可.烏切里尼:《母雞與布穀鳥的婚禮》 亞歷山卓.斯特拉德拉:第六號 F 大調交響曲 魏志真:《放下是生命的必然?》(世界首演) 泰勒曼:三重奏序曲與組曲,作品編號 TWV 42:C1 楊尼許:第一號 D 大調四重奏,作品五 謝宗仁:《珠》為大鍵琴、木笛與古長笛(世界首演) 尚.費瑞.雷貝爾:《舞蹈特質》,搭配 1721 年劇仿詩作,刊登於《風 雅信使》
Harpsichord | TSAI Chia-hsuan Flauto Traverse | CHIEN Chih-hsien Recorder | CHAN Mu-fan Viola | CHIANG Wan-ting
Guide | WU Chia-heng
Marco Uccellini: Maritati insieme la Gallina e ilCucco fanno un bel concerto Alessandro Stradella: Sinfonia No. 6 in F major
WEI Chih-chen: Should Let Go? (World Premiere)
Telemann: Elften Lection: Introduzzione, a tre, TWV42:C1 Janitsch(1708-1762): Quartet in D major
HSIEH Tsung-jen: Beads (World Premiere)
Jean-Féry Rebel: Les Caractères de la Danse with the Parody
$ 400 / 600
Presenter | Barock Ensemble Taipei
Advisor | Cultural A airs Bureau, Taichung City Government Sponsor
National Culture and Arts Foundation
小劇場 Black Box 大劇院 Grand Theater 5/14 (日) sun. 14:30
※ ※
5/14 (日) sun.
指導單位|臺中市政府文化局 贊助單位|財團法人國家文化藝術基金會
全長約 75 分鐘,含中場休息 15 分鐘 Approx.
15-minute intermission 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above ※ ※ 11
with a
大劇院 Grand Theater
2023 NTT Arts NOVA 瑞典哥德堡
GöteborgsOperans Danskompani Skid by Damien Jalet & SAABA by Sharon Eyal
打破認知框架的瑞典哥德堡舞團雙舞作!《Skid》由比利時 編舞家戴米恩•雅勒創作,在直通樂池 3 4 度的陡峭斜坡 上跳舞,猶如希臘神話中的薛西佛斯,抵抗命運的無情墜 落;以色列編舞家莎倫•伊爾的《S AABA 》,舞者們跟著 魔幻而強大的電音起舞,光影渲染、肢體變幻、情感強烈, 交織成一部聲光流瀉的舞作。
One of Europe's foremost contemporary dance companies, GöteborgsOperans Danskompani brings together 38 young dancers from 20 countries and works with leading choreographers to create trailblazing dance pieces. In Skid, by challenging the 17 dancers to defy gravity with a dance oor tilting at 34° , Belgian choreographer Damien Jalet interrogates the relationship between humans and the law of gravity and re ects the struggle between will, resistance, collapse and resilience. In SAABA, Israeli choreographer Sharon Eyal o ers mesmerizing dance vocabulary and a style exuding a hypnotic, pulsating power that sends the audience to a hallucinatory parallel world.
��|��� �勒 ����|吉� �奇斯、卡洛斯 馬可斯 �克魯�
�樂��|���、��利� 服���|尚 �羅 �斯帕��
�光��|喬金 布里克 ���問����者|��利� 阿拉柏格魯
��|�倫 伊爾 共同創作|�伊 貝哈爾 助理��|�貝卡 �� 服���|瑪�� 嘉⻄� 基烏里(Dior 創���)
�樂作曲|�� 利奇提克 �光��|阿� ��
Choreographer | Damien Jalet
Stage Design | Jim Hodges, Carlos Marques da Cruz
Music Design | Fennesz, Marihiko Hara
Costume Design | Jean Paul Lespagnard
Lighting Design | Joakim Brick
Choreographic Advisor & Guest Dancer | Aimilios Arapoglou
Choreographer | Sharon Eyal Co-creator | Gai Behar
Assistant Choreographer | Rebecca Hytting
Costume Design | Maria Grazia Chiuri for the House of Dior
Composer | Ori Lichtik Lighting Design | Alon Cohen
$ 500 / 700 / 900 / 1200 / 1500 / 1800 / 2200
主辦單位|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
全長約 125 分鐘,含中場休息與技術換場 40 分鐘(《Skid》40 分鐘,
《SAABA》45 分鐘)
Approx. 125 minutes with a 40-minute intermission
An introductory talk will be held in the auditorium during the intermission
建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
GayBird Keep Breathing at Zero
14:30、 19:30 14:30
延續由香港演藝學院製作的原創作品《息在零地》,香港媒 體藝術家梁基爵創作《仍…息在零地》,透過與日常生活有 關的電子器材創作音樂,整個作品運用延展實境、機械手 臂、聲音裝置、電子音樂和流動影像,將舞台打造成一件大 型敲擊樂器,由樂手與 3 支機 械手臂合奏,探討人類生活 在科技世代與機器密不可分的關係。
Keep Breathing at Zero is a stage production by Hong Kong Media Artist GayBird, originated from Breathing at Zero which was rst presented by e Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. is work includes XR, robotic arms, sound installations, electronic music and moving images. He transforms the stage into a big percussion instrument which then is played by the musicians and three robotic arms. This work explores the relationship between humans and machines in the new technological era.
燈光設計|呂衍聰 影像設計|葉文華
互動媒體設計|邱裕峰 音響設計|美仕特科技有限公司
Concept, Creative Director, Composer & Robot Programmer | GayBird Cast | GayBird, Emily CHENG, Sylvia TAM, CHOW Wai-ting
Set & Costume Design | Jan WONG
Lighting Design | LUI Hin-chung Video Design | Mick YIP
Interactive Media Design | Huron YAU
Sound Design | Miso Tech Company Limited
$ 500 / 700 / 900 / 1200
Presenter | National Taichung eater
※ ※ ※
全長約 60 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 60 minutes without intermission
演出含聲響閃光,請斟酌入場 is program contains strobe and sound e ects. Viewer discretion is advised.
建議 15 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 15 and above
※ ※ ※
fri. sat. sun. 19:30 14:30 14:30 5/19 5/20 5/21 (五) (六) (日)
sat. sun.
5/20 5/21 (六) (日) 談 談 談 聆 聆 聆 12
電影配樂除了烘托情節點發觀眾的感性進而引起共鳴外, 更讓電影敘事有其整體性;巴洛克獨奏家樂團以華語電影 為主軸,錄製《映畫.臺灣》專輯,邀請 4 位臺灣在地作 曲家,以巴洛克時期配器及創作曲式新編多首扣人心弦的 暢銷電影主題曲,並邀請到知名電影史研究者陳煒智擔 任說書人,將多部電影故事統整串聯,由知名多媒體設 計王奕盛、燈光設計沈柏宏,共同打造聽覺與視覺多面 向的跨界舞台,用音樂帶領觀眾回到電影裡動人的場景。
In August 2022, Baroque Camerata recorded 13 theme songs of Chinese language movies, the album will be released under the title of "Portrait.Taiwan". Multimedia visual and lighting e ects create by WANG Yi-sheng will be used to enhance the content and atmosphere of the music, fragments of the classic movies will enhance the dramatic effects of the theme songs. Add to these, Edwin CHEN will act as a storyteller to link the whole concert. You should enjoy the picturesque music from Baroque Camerata, the performance for sure will o er you a memorable and touching time.
《月光愛人》、《主題五照片裡的家》、《酒矸倘賣無》 室內協奏曲-難忘香港電影金曲
《玉梅主題曲》、《新不了情》、《胭脂扣》、《一生所愛》 小提琴協奏曲-金馬主題協奏曲 《紅顏白髮》、《不能說的秘密》、《第 36 個故事》 大協奏曲-電影中的美麗與哀愁
Baroque Camerata
Harpsichord Concerto- Classic movies from Taiwanese directors
A Love Before Time, Dust in the Wind Theme Five- Photo of Home, Any Empty Bottles for Sale?
Chamber Concerto- Unforgettable Music from Hong Kong Cinema
Yu Mei’s Theme, C'est la vie, mon chéri, Rouge, Love In A Life Time
Violin Concerto- Concerto of Golden Horse Winning Theme Songs
The White-Haired Beauty, Secret, Taipei Exchanges
Concerto Grosso- The Beauty and Sorrows of Music
Minuet, Osmanthus Alley, Crazy For Love
$ 500 / 800 / 1000 / 1600 / 2200 / 3000
Presenter | Baroque Camerata
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場休息 20 分鐘 Approx. 120 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above
2023 第十一屆臺灣國際打擊樂節― 鬼太鼓座
2023 The 11 th Taiwan International Percussion Convention - Ondekoza
世界級鼓藝演出團體「鬼太鼓座」是於 1969 年由創辦人 「田耕」(本名田尻耕三)帶領著一群醉心傳統太鼓藝 術的青年樂手,所成立的音樂修行團體,並根據「立地 而奔、立地而鼓、立地而舞」的精神宗旨,讓太鼓擊樂 與奔跑、舞蹈等肉體鍛鍊融為一體,成為貫徹物我合一 的極限演出形式。氣吞山河的鬼太鼓座也使用竹笛、三 味線、尺八、箏等婉轉幽遠的日式傳統樂器共奏,藉以 達到陰陽調和,剛柔並濟的太極之境。
"Condensing the Yamato Spirit Ondekoza"
"Ondekoza (demon drum group)" is a world-class taiko drumming performing group. It was established in 1969 by Den Tagayasu, who led a group of young musicians passionately obsessed with traditional taiko art. The group's tenet of "running, drumming, and dancing while standing on the ground" integrates the art of drumming with physical practices, forging an ultimate performing style that unifies subject and object. The bold and majestic Ondekoza also plays with traditional Japanese instruments, such as bamboo ute, shamisen, shakuhachi, and koto, attempting to achieve a harmony between yin and yang, furthermore reaching toward the balance of hardness and softness in the state of Taichi.
鬼太鼓座 Ondekoza
$ 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 / 1500 / 1800 / 2000
Presenter | Ju Percussion Group Foundation
※ ※
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場休息 20 分鐘
Approx.120 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above
5/25 (四) thu. 19:30
(三) wed.
大劇院 Grand Theater
大劇院 Grand Theater
Grand Theater
2023 Tunghai University Symphonic Band Concert
東海大學管樂團成立於 1990 年,成立之初由戴念平教授
所指揮帶領,1999 年 9 月特聘自美國曼哈頓音樂院畢業 的許榮富老師來帶領管樂團,經過二十多年的用心指導, 演出足跡遍佈各地。純熟技巧、富含底蘊的音樂活動,深 獲各界人士的佳評。管樂團目前以輕鬆活潑又不失古典氣 息的曲目為主。親臨現場享受一場精采絕倫的音樂饗宴!
After more than 20 years of hard work, e Tunghai University Symphonic Band (TUSB) has once again performed its classics! The Tunghai University Symphonic Band (TUSB) was founded in 1990. Since 1999, HSU Jung-fu, who earns his Master's degree from the prestigious Manhattan School of Music took the position and has been leading TUSB towards a new path of adventuring masterpieces in various styles including traditional classical, contemporary and pop music. Come and enjoy a wonderful musical feast!
指揮|許榮富 東海大學管樂團 曲目:
八木澤教司:《太陽之讚歌-大地之鼓動》 真島俊夫:《鳳凰之舞-京都印象、石庭、金閣寺》 克勞德.史密斯:《華麗舞曲》
法蘭克.堤克立:《藍調殘影》 樽屋雅德:《斐伊川的奇稻田姬之淚》
Instructor | HSU Jung-fu
Tunghai University Symphonic Band
Samuel R. Hazo: Ride
Satoshi Yagisawa: Hymn to the Sun-With the beat of the Mother Earth
Toshio Mashima: La danse du Phenix impression de Kyoto
Claude Smith: Dance Foltare
Koichi Kawabe: A Guide to the Advanced Technique
Frank Ticheli: Blue Shades
Masanori Taruya: Tears of the Princess KUSHINADA flowing in Hii
Philip Sparke: A weekend in New York
$ 200 / 300 / 500 / 800 / 1000
Presenter | Tunghai University / Department of Music, Tunghai University
全長約 82 分鐘,含中場休息 20 分鐘 Approx. 82 minutes with a 20-minute intermission ※
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
Compagnie Louis Brouillard Contes et légendes
《童話與傳說》是一部有關青春期自我建構和人工智慧神 話的寓言故事。喬埃.波默拉用其擅長的說故事方式建構 未來人類與機器人共存的預想世界,探究彼此間的社會關 係。在未來,當機器人替代部分人類的社會功能,也伴隨 青少年長成,原本由「人」構建而成的社交主體,又將如 何轉變?
Different from the sensational and dramatic robot mutiny plots in sci-fi movies, Joël Pommerat's latest work Contes et légendes focuses on young adults, the emotional connection between adults and AI, family and social interactions. Pommerat brings to the stage a slightly futuristic world, exploring a future world where humans and robots coexist, and the deviation and replacement of contemporary values after the emergence of arti cial intelligence. With fast-paced scenes and humorous language, Pommerat once again dares the audience to face the complexity of human emotions.
編劇暨導演|喬埃.波默拉 舞台暨燈光設計|艾利克.索耶
服裝暨視覺設計|伊莎貝.德璠 戲劇顧問|瑪莉.布迪耶
Playwright & Director | Joël Pommerat
Set & Lighting Design | Eric Soyer
Costumes & Visuals | Isabelle De n
Dramaturg | Marion Boudier
Production | Compagnie Louis Brouillard
Co-Production | National Taichung eater
$ 800 / 1000 / 1200
Presenter | National Taichung eater
全長約 110 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 110 minutes without intermission
法語發音,中文字幕 Performed in French with Chinese surtitles
建議 15 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 15 and above
5/26 (五) fri. 19:30
中劇院 Playhouse 5/26 5/27 5/28 (五) (六) (日) fri. sat. sun. 19:30 14:30 14:30
※ ※ ※
大劇院 Grand Theater
2023 The 11 th Taiwan International
Percussion Convention - LU Chien-chien
Jazz Sextet
活躍於美國紐約的爵士鐵琴演奏家―魯千千爵士六重奏 魯千千,來自臺灣,為當代打擊樂演奏暨作曲家。她的 作品完美融合古典及當代,創造出獨具一格的爵士風格。
2020 年首張個人專輯《行》曾連續 20 週名列爵士排行榜 前 20 名,並獲得第 12 屆金音創作獎最佳爵士歌曲獎。
這次把她的爵士六重奏帶回臺灣,與觀眾一起來場爵士 饗宴!
e active Jazz glockenspiel player in New York, USA - LU Chienchien's Jazz Sextet
LU Chien-chien from Taiwan is a contemporary percussionist and composer. Her works perfectly combine classical and modern music, creating a unique jazz style. In 2020, her rst solo album, "Xing," ranked in the top 20 of the jazz genre for 20 consecutive weeks. Moreover, the album also won the Best Jazz Song at the 12th Golden Indie Music Awards. She brought her jazz sextet back to Taiwan this time and is ready to invite the audience to join an enchanting jazz feast.
HSU Chia-wen Nora
「未來人 Nora 出得了廳堂,入得了廚房,上得了床。擁 有 Nora,您就在天堂!歡迎光臨 NORA 拍賣會,我是您 的拍賣師 Torvald。」她不論是思想還是言行舉止都如洋 娃娃般柔順、乖巧,她是「XXX 的女兒」,也是「XXX 的太太」,還是「XXX 的媽媽」,她很可能是……妳。
肢體劇場結合現代偶戲探究人偶之間操控與被操控的關 係,3 米高的巨型雞罩是遊戲的帳篷、美麗的蓬裙、甜蜜 的家庭,還是……姬的牢籠?劇場演出融合動態展覽, 讓深陷其中的你不再只是……你。
"Future Human Nora is good at socializing, housekeeping, and lovemaking. With Nora, you are the KING! Welcome to the auction of NORA, and I am your auctioneer, Torvald." In the mainstream social value, how have physical appearances and movements been expected? Physical movements combined with contemporary puppetry explore relationships of controlling and being controlled between humans and puppets. A 3-meter-hight chicken cover is a joyful tent, a pretty ball gown, a sweet home, or... a cage for ladies? is theatre performance integrating with a dynamic exhibition makes you immerse so deeply that you are not yourself anymore.
藝術顧問|黃韋維 藝術總監|許䕒文 行政總監|蔡詩晴 燈光設計|許玉蕾 音樂設計|卓士堯
舞台設計|蔡世緯 舞台設計執行|溪口崙尾天赦竹編發展協會 戲偶設計|黃憲章 服裝設計|黃稚揚 影像設計|馬雨辰 主視覺設計|蔡詩晴
Art Consultant | HUANG Wei-wei Artistic Director | HSU Chia-wen
Administrative Director | CAI Shih-cing
Lighting Design | HSU Yu-lei
Composer & Sound Design | JUO She-yau
鐵琴|魯千千 貝斯|里奇.古瓷
鋼琴|早間美紀 吉他|昆特.佐托
康加鼓|伊什梅爾.維格諾 鼓|艾倫.梅爾德納
Vibraphone | LU Chien-chien Bass | Richie Goods
Piano | Miki Hayama Guitar | Quintin Zoto
Conga | Ismel Wignall Drum | Allan Mednard
$ 600 / 800/ 1000 / 1200 / 1500 / 1800 / 2000
Presenter | Ju Percussion Group Foundation
※ ※
全長約 75 分鐘,無中場休息
Approx. 75 minutes without intermission
建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above
Deputy Sound Design | Our Space Music Studio
Stage Designer | TSAI Shih-wei
Deputy Stage Design | Xikou Lunwei Tianshe Bamboo Art Development Association
Puppet Design | HUANG Hsien-chang
Costume Design | HUANG Chih-yang
Projection Design | MA Yu-chen Key Visual Designer | CAI Shih-cing
Performer | HSU Chia-wen, CHEN Ching-hao, YANG Li-jing, LIAO Ting-yun
$ 600
主辦單位| 許䕒文 指導單位| 文化部 Presenter | HSU Chia-wen Advisor | Ministry of Culture
60 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 60 minutes without intermission
小劇場 Black Box
5/27 (六) sat. 14:30、19:30
2023 第十一屆臺灣國際打擊樂節―
5/27 (六) sat. 14:30
小劇場 Black Box
涂祥 2023 鋼琴獨奏會
2023 TU Hsiang Piano Recital
臺灣旅美青年鋼琴家涂祥,特別挑選古典音樂當中十多 位作曲家所創作與動物主題相關的鋼琴作品,除了為數
最多以鳥類為題的作品外,還有蝴蝶、企鵝、猴子、驢、 烏龜、貓咪、老鼠、蛇以及瀕危物種等等,期盼在這些 以動物等主角的音樂會中,透過涂祥精湛的鋼琴演奏, 引領人們如同遨遊在動物王國的音樂綺想世界。
Praised by The New York Times for his "eloquent sensitivity" and The Boston Intelligencer for his "impeccable technique," pianist TU Hsiang has graced the audience with his creative programming and wide range of repertoire. Hsiang is currently working on the complete cycle of piano solo works by Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel. In this concert, the pianist TU Hsiang will perform thematic recitals featuring animal-themed music from Messiaen, Beach, Grieg, Liszt, Ibert, Daquin, Hanna, Mompou, Michel Dvorsky, aka Josef Hofmann, Bolcom, Godowsky, Schumann, Villa-Lobos, and Copland.
鋼琴|涂祥 曲目:
畢琪:《傍晚的隱士畫眉鳥》,作品 92,第 1 號 達岡:《布榖鳥》
梅湘:〈白鴿〉,選自鋼琴前奏曲、〈黃鸝鳥〉,選自《鳥類圖鑑》 葛利格:〈蝴蝶〉、〈小鳥〉,選自抒情小品集,作品 43 德弗斯基(約瑟夫.霍夫曼):〈企鵝〉,選自《三首印象》……等曲目
Piano | TU Hsiang
Amy Beach: A Hermit Thrush at Eve, Op. 92, No. 1
Louis-Claude Daquin: Le Coucou
François Couperin: Les Fauvettes Plaintives
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Le Rappel des Oisaeux
Olivier Messiaen: 'La Colombe (The Dove)' from Préludes pour Piano , 'Le Loriot ( e Golden Oriole)' from Catologue d'oiseaux
Edvard Grieg: 'Papillon & Vöglein (Little Bird) ' from Lyric Pieces, Op. 43
Michel Dvorsky (aka Josef Hofmann): 'Penguine' from Trois Impressions, etc.
$ 600
全長約 105 分鐘,含中場休息 15 分鐘
Approx. 105 minutes with two 15-minute intermission
建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
大劇院 Grand Theater
淬鍊 112 年清華校慶音樂會
Tsuei Lian 112 Tsing Hua Anniversary Concert
淬鍊 112 清華校慶音樂會,緣起於 110 年璀璨校慶音樂 會,於每年 5 月固定舉 辦大型的演出活動,於 110 年開 始,由音樂系主任張芳宇帶領國立清華大學音樂系,跨 出校園走向專業音樂廳之大型音樂會表演。音樂會除能 讓全清華師生及校友們齊聚一堂共襄盛舉外,更期能積 累學生的樂團實務經驗以因應畢業後的挑戰及市場需求, 並走向社會大眾,拉近古典音樂和一般民眾的距離、提 升民眾音樂素養,以提倡社會欣賞古典樂之風氣,達成 高等教育培育的社會責任。
NTHU 2023 Anniversary Concert - Tsuei Lian is an annual concert event held in June, which is derived from NTHU 2021 Anniversary Concert - Tsuei Tsan. Since 2021, CHANG Fangyu, Chair of Music Department, has incessantly strived for holding concerts outside the campus, which let students have chances to perform in the professional concert hall. Also, except for being a celebration for all faculty members, alumni and alumnae as well as students, the concert is served as a practical experience for students to work in the orchestra and prepares students to face the challenges and be highly competitive in the field after graduation. Still, the concert is also available to the public, as we are obliged to get people to know more about classical music, promote the audience's literacy in music and build up an ethos that urges people to appreciate classical music.
指揮|黃東漢 小提琴|許詠傑 鋼琴|程瓊瑩
女高音|蕭涵、王秋雯 次女高音|鄭海芸
男高音|陳培瑋、張麟彥 男中音|陳亭屹
柴可夫斯基:D 大調小提琴協奏曲,作品 35
貝多芬:C 小調幻想曲,作品 80 等
Conductor | HUANG Tung-han Violin | HSU Yung-chieh
Piano | CHENG Chiung-ying Soprano | HSIAO Han, WANG Chiu-wen Mezzo-Soprano | CHENG Hai-yun
Tenor | CHEN Pei-wei, CHANG Lin-yen Baritone | CHEN Ting-i Tsinghua University Symphony Orchestra, Tsinghua University Choir Program:
P. I. Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto, Op. 35, D major
L. V. Beethoven: Choral Fantasia, Op. 80, C minor, etc
$ 200 / 400 / 600
主辦單位|國立清華大學、國立清華大學校友總會、國立清華大學中部 校友會
Presenter | National Tsing Hua University / NTHU Alumni Association / NTHU Alumni Association in Central Taiwan
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場休息 20 分鐘
Approx. 100 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
主辦單位|歐普思音樂藝術 指導單位|臺中市政府文化局 Presenter | OPUS MUSIC ARTS Advisor | Cultural A airs Bureau, Taichung City Government 5/28 (日) sun. 14:30
※ ※
5/29 (一) mon. 19:30
排練室、小劇場 Rehearsal Room, Black Box
2023後青年工作坊—身體律動篇 Creative Aging Workshop—Body Rhythm
後青年工作坊 Creative Aging Workshop
舞蹈劇場巨擘碧娜.鮑許說:「我並不在乎人如何動,而是人為何而動。」身體是感受生活的主要媒介,承載內在的喜 怒哀樂與外在的悲歡離合,映照個人獨特的生命經驗,進而賦予舞蹈靈魂。今年後青年工作坊-身體律動篇再度邀請吳 思瑋授課,以舞蹈劇場概念為教學核心,透過基礎身體訓練,感知身體與人、物、環境之間的關係,產生對話,詮釋想 法,轉化感受與想像為肢體表達;在即興創作中,重新關注自我,進而發展屬於自己的身體語彙。
e dance theatre giant Pina Bausch said, "I'm not interested in how people move; but what moves them." e body is the primary medium for experiencing life. It beholds our inner feeling of pleasure, anger, sorrow, and happiness. It also carries us to experience isolation, connection, disconnection, and reuni cation with the external world. e body re ects one's unique life experiences and gives souls to the dance. is year, the Creative Aging workshop invited WU Szu-wei again as the lecturer. WU applies the concept of "Tanztheater" (Dance eatre) as the core teaching method and accompanies basic physical training. She hopes to encourage the participants to perceive their body's relationship with others, objects, and the environment. One can transform emotions into body expressions by initiating dialogue and interpreting ideas. Furthermore, the participants will refocus on themselves and develop their body language in improvisation.
講者|吳思瑋(聲舞團 團長暨藝術總監)
Lecturer | WU Szu-wei(Artistic Director of S. Dance)
Presenter | National Taichung eater
※工作坊以華語進行 Workshop in Mandarin
※共 9 堂課(含 1 場成果發表)恕不單堂分售
9 classes (including a nal presentation), packaged program for sale only
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
$ 5000 報名對象:45 歲(含)以上,一般民眾 Eligible registration: people aged over 45 years old. 網路報名請至「活動通 ACCUPASS」Registration on ACCUPASS
Rehearsal Room, Black Box
2023 NTT 充電夜―肢體開發工作坊
NTT Power Night Physical Development Workshop
「NT T 充電夜」是你的最佳選擇!工作坊邀請曾於德國習舞,參與碧娜.鮑許烏帕塔舞蹈劇場演出的吳思瑋擔任授課 老師,由舞蹈劇場概念出發,透過呼吸訓練與肢體開發,觀察周遭日常,開創身體語彙,激發潛能,發掘自我創造力與 獨特性。
Do you want to increase the level of Dopamine and bring yourself a sense of happiness? "NTT Power Night" will be your best choice! e workshop invited WU Szu-wei as the lecturer, who studied choreography in Germany and was once a Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch dancer. Applying the concept of "Tanztheater" (Dance eatre), WU encourages the participants to observe daily life through breathing exercises and body development. By doing so, one can realize his full potential and discover creative power and uniqueness.
講者|吳思瑋(聲舞團 團長暨藝術總監)
Lecturer | WU Szu-wei(Artistic Director of S. Dance)
Presenter | National Taichung eater
※工作坊以華語進行 Workshop in Mandarin
※共 9 堂課(含 1 場成果發表)恕不單堂分售
9 classes (including a nal presentation), packaged program for sale only
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
$ 5000 報名對象:年滿 18 歲,一般民眾 Eligible registration: people aged over 18 years old. 網路報名請至「活動通 ACCUPASS」Registration on ACCUPASS
其他 Others
NTT 充電夜 NTT Power Night
3/6、3/13、3/20、3/27、4/3、4/10、4/17、4/24,每週一 mon. 14:00-16:00 排練室 2
(一)mon. 14:00-21:00 彩排及成果發表 小劇場
排練室 2
彩排及成果發表 小劇場 18
mon. 19:00-21:00
5/1(一)mon. 18:00-21:00
排練室、小劇場 Rehearsal Room, Black Box
後青年工作坊 Creative Aging Workshop
2023 後青年工作坊 戲劇篇《表演 BAR》 Creative Aging Workshop—Performance Bar
體驗戲劇表演的奧妙,探索的同時也挑戰自我!2023 後青年工作坊-戲劇篇《表演 BAR》,邀請廣受好評知名演員蔡佾玲 擔任授課老師,課程涵蓋排練實作、肢體練習、聲音和情緒表達,並運用觀察、想像和即興練習探索文本和創造角色。藉 著認識角色、訓練換位思考、培養理解角色的能力,進而內化、豐富自我的生命能量。課程中,老師將為學員挑選文本進 行排練,逐步引導如何從文本中挖掘角色與情節的內涵,激發創造角色的樂趣與創意。
Experience the wonders of theatrical performance and challenge yourself while exploring! e 2023 Creative Aging Workshop Performance Bar invites the highly-praised actress TSAI Yi-ling as the instructor. e course consists of rehearsal practice, physical development, and vocal and emotional expression. It also encourages trainees to delve into the script and form their characters by observing, imagining, and improvising. Within this process, trainees can internalize and enrich their spiritual energy by getting familiar with their roles, practicing perspective-taking, and cultivating the ability to understand the characters. During the courses, the instructor will select speci c scripts for the trainee to rehearse, step by step, guiding them to unfold the essence of characters and plots to create playfulness and possibilities.
Lecturer | TSAI Yi-ling (Actress, Assistant Professor, Department of Drama, National Taiwan University of Arts)
主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
$ 6000 網路報名請至「活動通 ACCUPASS」Registration on ACCUPASS
※工作坊以華語進行 Workshop in Mandarin ※每堂工作坊約 120 分鐘,第 7-8 堂課為 180 分鐘 120 minutes per class, the classes 7-8 are 180 minutes
※共 9 堂課(含 1 場呈現)恕不單堂分售
9 classes (including a nal presentation), packaged program for sale only
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
��對�:45 歲以上(含)喜愛表演藝術課程之民眾。Eligible registration: people aged over 45 years old
排練室 Rehearsal Room
2023 NTT充電夜—戲劇工作坊《一起排戲吧!》
NTT Power Night —Let’s Play!
2023 年 NTT 充電夜─戲劇工作坊課程再度邀請舞台及教學經驗豐富的知名劇場演員蔡佾玲策畫並擔任講師,以介紹演員 的工作方法並建立表演自信為核心,透過聲音與肢體開發、人物觀察、場景即興等活動練習,引導學員釋放內在的表演潛 能,探索並關照自己的身與心。課程將帶領學員深入淺出地了解演員如何研讀文本與揣摩角色,以及如何在排練場溝通與 合作,並藉由劇本片段練習及成果分享,實際經歷與體驗戲劇演員演出的過程。一起來排戲吧!
Once again, the NTT Power Night Performance theater workshop invites TSAI Yi-ling, the notable actress well-experienced in theatre performing and teaching, as the instructor. e workshop will focus on the working methods of actors for building performing con dence. rough vocal and physical development, character observations, and improvisational practices, the instructor will guide trainees to awaken their potential and re ect upon their body and mind. e course will gradually guide trainees to analyze the script, understand the characters, arrange the rehearsal venue, and collaborate smoothly with the team. Scenes practices and achievement sharing will also be included in the nal phase, providing a comprehensive training course for people who want to be actors perform on stage. Let's rehearse together!
Lecturer | TSAI Yi-ling (Actress, Assistant Professor, Department of Drama, National Taiwan University of Arts)
※工作坊以華語進行 Workshop in Mandarin.
※每堂工作坊約 120 分鐘,第 7-8 堂課為 180 分鐘
120 minutes per class, the classes 7-8 are 180 minutes
主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater $ 5000 網路報名請至「活動通 ACCUPASS」Registration on ACCUPASS ��對�:年滿 18 歲,喜愛表演藝術課程之民眾。Eligible registration: people aged over 18 years old
※共 9 堂課(含 1 場呈現)恕不單堂分售
9 classes (including a nal presentation), packaged program for sale only.
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
4/7、4/14、4/21、4/28(五)fri.、5/2(二)tue.、5/11(四)thu. 15:00-17:00;6/1、6/8(四)thu. 14:00-17:00 6/15(四)thu. 15:00-21:00 彩排及成果分享會
4/7、4/14、4/21、4/28(五)fri.、5/2(二)tue.、5/11(四)thu. 19:00-21:00;6/1、6/8(四)thu. 19:00-22:00 6/16(五)fri. 19:00-21:00 彩排及成果分享會
NTT 充電夜 NTT Power Night 講師
NTT Neighborhood
惠來走走─歌劇院街區導覽 Walk Around Huilai—NTT Neighborhood Walk
臺中七期林立有華美大廈與精品百貨,卻罕有人知七期竟暗藏豐富史前遗址、文化結晶…… 千年前,古老的河流經惠來里,灌溉出燦爛文明;始於清朝的土地守護神,百年間香火不斷,至今仍是鄰里間重要的信仰 寄託;佇立喧鬧街角的公共藝術,兀自美麗,靜靜等待過客停泊欣賞。城市風景令人目不暇給,這次讓我們從歌劇院出發, 漫步於微風中,走進時光長廊,細讀散落街區的精采故事。
ere are dazzling buildings and department stores in Taichung's 7th Redevelopment Zone. However, few know that the zone possesses rich archaeological sites and cultural heritages. A ousand-year ago, the old river owed through Huilai village, cultivating a splendid civilization. Although things change with the passing of hundreds of years, an endless stream of worshipers continues to ow into the area. To this day, the site still serves as an essential spiritual comfort among the neighbors. Public Artworks stand along beautifully on the corner of the bustling street, waiting quietly for an unexpected appreciation from the passers-by. Why not explore this stunning city with a walk? Start from the National Taichung eater, wander within the breeze, trace back into the course of time, hear the mesmerizing tales scattered among the neighborhood.
※活動約 150 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 150 minutes without intermission
Presenter | National Taichung eater $ 850 網路報名請至「活動通 ACCUPASS」Registration on ACCUPASS 可累積會員點數(Valid for Membership Point Collection) 含 VVG Theater Café 好樣劇場咖啡活力早午餐(Including VVG Theater Café Brunch)
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
排練室 Rehearsal Room
會員專屬活動 Exclusive Event for NTT Members
The Musical Physical Course for Senior Students How to play with dance? How to dance along with the music?
在舞作裡,舞蹈與音樂密不可分,兩者相互碰撞、融合,創作出精采的作品。舞者需熟悉樂曲,才能捕捉到旋律的精髓, 藉由樂音呈現流動的肢體與感情;而音樂家透過不斷地與編舞家討論,洞悉舞蹈創作理念,編創出相輔得宜的樂曲。 本次工作坊邀請資深舞者周章佞與音樂家梁春美共同策劃,探討舞蹈與音樂的關係,如何與音樂延伸的脈動共舞,發掘 兩者之間的無限可能。
In a choreographic work, dance and music are indivisible. e two elements collide and fuse to create numerous brilliant creations. To capture the essence of the melodies and precisely present the uidity of body and emotions, the dancer needs to be familiar with the musical compositions. In the meantime, with ongoing discussions with the choreographers, the musicians can probe into the creative concept of dance and innovate arrangements that work with it together perfectly. By inviting the well-experienced dancer CHOU Chang-ning and musician LIANG Chun-mei as the curators, this workshop will discuss how the relationship between choreography and music can resonate with each other and open up endless possibilities for the two art forms.
5/8、5/15、5/22、5/29、6/5、6/12、6/19、6/26(一)mon. 10:30-12:30
講師|周章佞(前雲門舞集資深舞者)、梁春美(雲門舞集合作音樂家) Lecturer | CHOU Chang-ning, LIANG Chun-mei
※每堂工作坊約 120 分鐘 120 minutes per class
※共 8 堂課恕不單堂分售
8 classes packaged program for sale only.
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
Presenter | National Taichung eater $ 7500 網路報名請至「活動通 ACCUPASS」Registration on ACCUPASS ��對�:40 �(�)以上���會員,����基��Eligible registration: people aged over 40years old
其他 Others
5/6(六)sat. 9:00-11:30
角落沙龍 Corner Salon
Arts Administration Foundation Course
歌劇院為培養中部表演藝術專業人才,開設藝術行政實務專業課程。「藝術行政人才培育計畫―基礎班」在 2023 年邁入 第 4 屆,從「藝術實踐、創意落實」的概念出發,繼續為現職或未來有志於從事表演藝術行政工作者規劃專業知識課程, 以認識藝文產業輪廓;2022 年起與臺灣專業藝文團隊或組織合作「實習計畫」,學員得於專業課程結業後申請實習,前 往獲錄取單位實際參與團隊運作,應證課堂所學並累積實務經驗。
Aiming to cultivate more art performance professionals in central Taiwan, NTT organizes a series of practical courses on arts administration. With well-received popularity, the 2023 "NTT Academy Arts Administration Foundation Course" enters its fourth round. Focusing on the mindset of "Practicing Art, Implementing Creativity," the course will assist the in-service or anticipated performing arts workers to develop professional knowledge, meanwhile, map the overall structure of the art industry. In 2022, NTT collaborated with art and cultural groups or organizations based in Taiwan to initiate an "Intern Project" that equips the trainee with solid abilities. After completing the training section, the trainees must apply for art venue internships and work as actual team players to implement various onsite practices.
U-mkt (Xinfu Market), The Creative Spot Interwoven With Trend and Nostalgia in Wanhua
古蹟市場,活力重生!臺北萬華的市定古蹟新富市場於 2013 年完成修復,回復 1935 年外觀。忠泰建築文化藝術基金會 受託經營,以「新富町文化市場」重新出發,成為新興文創基地。參與開幕前籌備與後續營運規劃的楊紋昌,將從城市 規劃及地方創生談新富町文化市場的前世今生。
Revitalize an old market, and Reawaken the energy! Located in Wanhua district, Xinfu Market has been designated as the historical site of Taipei City. Xinfu Market completed its restoration in 2013, and the architectural features returned to their original condition in 1935. JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture gains the right of management and re-orient the design with the concept of "U-mkt - Xinfu Cultural Market," aiming to establish a cultural and creative site. Starting from the discussion on urban planning and regional revitalization, Wayne YANG, who engages in the opening ceremony and the following operation, will talk about the past and future of the Xinfu Cultural Market.
5/10(三)wed. 19:00
講者|楊紋昌(忠泰建築文化藝術基金會創意學院處 組長)
Lecturer | Wayne YANG (Manager, JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture)
Presenter | National Taichung eater
$ 100 網路報名請至「活動通 ACCUPASS」Registration on ACCUPASS
※講座約 120 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 120 minutes without intermission
※講座以華語進行 Lectured in Mandarin
All program in this series qualify under the Civil Servant Training Program.
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
其他 Others
Corner Salon
NTT+ 不藏私講堂 e Art of Living
5/13、5/20、5/27、6/3、6/10、6/17(六)sat. 10:00-18:00,共 6 天 主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater $ 4800 網路報名請至「活動通 ACCUPASS」Registration on ACCUPASS ※工作坊以華語進行 Workshop in Mandarin ※主辦單位保留講座異動權 Program may be subject to change. NTT 學苑 NTT Academy 22
戶外劇場 Outdoor eater
放肆夜 戶外電影《騷莎狂潮》 ursday Night Out Shine
本片曾獲紐約城市影展觀眾票選最佳劇情長片。電影描述兩位來自波多黎各,住在紐約哈林區的貧窮兄弟,是街頭優秀 的騷莎舞者。然而一場悲劇卻讓他們從此分道揚鑣。多年後,哥哥大學畢業後進入大企業工作、弟弟仍在街頭謀生。兩 人意外的相遇,讓陳年往事再次湧上心頭……這次他們將如何舞動生命,並攜手合作改變社區的命運呢?
is lm won the Audience Award for Best Feature Film at the New York Film Festival. e story is about two poor Puerto Rico brothers who live in Harlem and are both excellent Salsa dancers from the street. However, one tragedy separates the two of them. A few years later, the big brother goes to a large enterprise after graduating, while the young brother still makes a living on the street. An accidental encounter brings back the long-lost memories between them. How can the two live out their life through dance and work together to change the destiny of the community?
5/11(四)thu. 18:45
Director | Anthony Nardolillo
Actor | Musetta Vander, David Zayas, Alysia Reiner
Presenter | National Taichung eater
※影片約 95 鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 95 minutes without intermission
※英文發音 / 中文字幕 Performed in English with Chinese surtitles
※ 戶外露天放映場次,遇雨將延期或取消;且為達最佳放映品質,將 視日光狀況調整開場時間 Show time is subject to daylight illumination and will e canceled in case of rain.
※主辦單位保留活動異動之權利 Program may be subject to change.
※ 本片為輔導級 Parental Guidence Suggested
有「人間皮卡丘」稱號的盧子涵,長期投身綠能藝術創作及永續參與式教學,她從魚游動所帶來的波動發電發想,想像 舞者像魚一樣,一個舉手、彎身就可以透過壓電板產生電流,供應整場演出的電量,與國立中興大學材料科學與工程學 系合作設計「發電地板」裝置,以全程零排碳、身體造電的綠能參與式演出,回應國際永續劇場浪潮。
LU Tzu-han has devoted herself in green energy and sustainable participatory practice for years. Working with the Department of Materials Science & Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, "energy oors" were designed for this performance to allow the dancers to power the entire show through their movements, enabling a zero-carbon, participatory performance in line with the international trend of sustainable theater.
創作者暨計畫主持人|盧子涵 共同創作|張伯豪、柯昭銘 綠能裝置設計與製作|國立中興大學材料科學與工程學系賴盈至教授實驗室 表演者暨動作創作|何晏妤、楊正綸、謝宛霖 聲音綠能設計與製作| Ruben Rübe
Artist & Project Director | LU Tzu-han Co-Creator | CHANG Po-hao, KO Chao-ming
Green Energy Installations & Construction | Prof. LAI Ying-chih's Lab, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University
Performer & Action Design | HE Yan-yu, YANG Zheng-lun, HSIEH Wan-lin Green Energy Powered Sound Design | Ruben Rübe
主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
凸凸廳 Tu Tu Gallery
2023 NTT Arts NOVA
Emerging Artists Project Before Fading Away
※全長約 60 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 60 minutes without intermission ※建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above 5/13(六)sat. 14:30,5/14(日)sun. 14:30、19:30,5/19(五)fri. 19:30,5/20(六)sat. 14:30、19:30, 5/21(日)sun. 14:30 $ 400 OPENTIX
免費、自由入席 Free Admission
放肆夜 ursday Night Out 23
《舞徑》2023 巡迴放映
Ballet in Tandem Screening Tours 2023
《舞徑》2023 巡迴放映是由導演楊偉新所發起,舞蹈家周書毅所策劃的《舞徑》放映計畫。臺 灣首部芭蕾舞紀錄片《舞徑》於 2022 年受募資平台民眾支持獲得院線放映機會,並在同年 9 月 於全臺戲院放映。為延續片中關於舞蹈教學體系與芭蕾發展等主題的討論,此次《舞徑》2023 巡迴放映將聚焦在映後的舞蹈人對談,期望藉由映後座談分享臺灣舞蹈工作者的經驗與觀點交 流,提供參與者正向的訊息與啟發。
Ballet in Tandem Screening Tours 2023 is launched by YANG Wei-hsin (director of Ballet in Tandem) and planned by CHOU Shu-yi (independent dancer). Ballet in Tandem is Taiwan's rst ballet documentary. In 2022, the documentary had its theatrical run with support through crowdfunding. To continue the discussion on topics such as dance education system and ballet development, Ballet in Tandem Screening Tours 2023 will focus on the dialogue between dancers after the screening. We hope that through the exchange of experiences and perspectives between the dancers, positive information and inspiration will be shared among the participants.
5/14 電影播映
導演|楊偉新 人物|郭蓉安、梁世懷、李巧 映後座談 主持|周書毅 與談|李巧 Director | YANG Wei-hsin Cast | KUO Jung-an, LIANG Shih-huai, LEE Chiao Post-screening Talk Host | CHOU Shu-yi Guest | LEE Chiao
主辦|楊偉新 協辦|臺中國家歌劇院 贊助|國家文化藝術基金會
Presenter | YANG Wei-hsin Co-Organizer | National Taichung eater
Sponsor | National Culture and Arts Foundations
免費 Free Admission
網路報名請至「活動通 ACCUPASS」Registration on ACCUPASS
※影片全長約 140 分鐘 Screening Duration is 140 minutes without intermission
※映後座談全長約 30 分鐘 Post-screening Talk Duration is 30 minutes
《小朋友的歌劇院探索》建築篇 Tour for children Architecture
探險家強哥將帶領小朋友展開冒險!在歌劇院充滿生命力的偌大空間中,拜訪不為人知的神祕人 物,有喜愛品酒的壺中居爺爺、活力充沛的巴克斯弟弟,和溫柔婉約的大劇院夫人,一起來聆聽 他們生活在歌劇院裡的小祕密吧!
e explorer John will take the children on an adventure! In the enormous space of the National Taichung eater which is full of exciting activities, they will visit the unheard-of mysterious gures, such as grandpa Bottle the Art who loves wine tasting, the energetic little boy called Black Box, and the graceful lady of the Grand eater. Now join the tour and listen to what little secrets they are going to spill about NTT.
主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater ※活動約 90 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 90 minutes without intermission ※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
$ 180 官網導覽服務報名。
歌劇院戶外植栽區 Outdoor Space
《小朋友的歌劇院探索》戶外篇 Tour for children Outdoor Exploration
走出戶外,由博學多聞的植物博士帶領小學徒們細心勘察,觸摸樹幹表皮、觀察樹葉輪廓、品味 花葉氣味,一起完成無比珍貴的植物筆記,創造專屬探險記憶!
Turning to the outdoor space, the knowledgeable Dr. Botany will give these young disciples a tour of careful survey: feeling tree bark, observing shapes of foliage, and sni ng the scent of owers and leaves. Together, they will complete a precious botanic journal and create one-of-a-kind adventure memories!
$ 180
其他 Others
歌劇院建築公共空間 Public Space
官網導覽服務報名。 主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater ※活動約 90 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 90 minutes without intermission ※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change. 5/27(六)sat. 16:00-17:30
角落沙龍 Corner Salon
※建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above (日)sun. 14:00
聚光燈下 Under the Spotlight