December 2024
A Theater for Art & Life
來劇場,感受創意的豐沛盛宴!各種風格形式的舞台場景,多元族裔共感的展演議題,輕巧地越過語 言隔閡,用台下十年功的行雲流水,帶領觀眾翱翔悲喜、翻越高山低谷,無論音樂、戲劇、舞蹈、戲曲, 甚或是科技藝術跨領域創作,每一場演出,都是難以複製的獨特。
本期封面故事:柏格曼劇團《羊之歌》,始於一隻羊試圖脫下羊皮、開始用後腳直立行走,最終變身 成「人」的奇幻之旅──那些生、老、病、死、愛情與鬥爭,寓言式的劇情連結你我的記憶,叩問人生。
「藝起進劇場―京劇篇」由國光劇團兩位名角朱安麗、陳清河分享融合生活氣息的京劇推廣之道,讓 傳統經典巧妙轉化出現代新意,在青春學子心中播下戲曲之美的種籽;「2024 音樂劇產業國際論壇」 綜觀美國紐約、英國倫敦,到日本、韓國以及臺灣的音樂劇生態發展,針對百老匯的行銷策略、韓國 音樂劇的國際開展以及商業模式等深刻分析,發掘音樂劇產業的永續之道。
Editor’s Preface
Come to the theater and experience a rich feast of creativity! With a variety of stage settings and topics that resonate with diverse ethnic groups, the performances transcend language barriers, guiding the audience through a journey of joy and sorrow. Each performance is a unique and unrepeatable experience.
This issue's cover story features FC Bergman’s The Sheep Song, which begins with a sheep trying to shed its fleece and stand upright on its hind legs, eventually transforming into a "human" in a fantastical journey. Themes of birth, aging, sickness, death, love, and struggle weave together a fable that connects to our shared memories and questions the meaning of life.
In Let's Go to the Theater—Peking Opera Edition, two renowned actors from the GuoGuang Opera Company, CHU An-li and CHEN Ching-ho, share their approach to promoting Peking Opera by integrating elements of everyday life. The 2024 Musicals Development International Symposium takes a broad look at the development of the musical theater ecosystem, from New York and London to Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, exploring sustainable paths for the musical theater industry.
As the year comes to a close, why not step into the theater and experience its diverse charm? Let the emotional highs and lows on stage heal life's ups and downs, and inspire the strength to move forward.
發行單位|國家表演藝術中心臺中國家歌劇院 發行人|邱瑗 製作統籌|汪虹、劉宇彬、郭玲孜、余承歡 企劃製作|台灣赫斯特媒體股份有限公司 編輯總監|葉小綺 主編|葉亞薇 執行主編|蔡帷環 美術設計|林佩蓉 廣告刊登| 04-24155790 封面|柏格曼劇團《羊之歌》 封面攝影| Kurt Van der Elst
惠民路 Huimin Rd.
朝富路 Chaofu Rd.
河南路三段 Sec. 3, Henan Rd.
七 北 政 市 段 三 道 大 灣 臺 TIGER CITY Chaoma Transit Station
北 政 市 路 二 北 政
惠中路一段 Sec. 1, Huizhong Rd.
3 號門 1號門
台中大遠百 Far Eastern Top City Shizheng North 7th Rd. Sec. 3, Taiwan Blvd. Shizheng North 6th Rd. Shizheng
惠來路二段 Sec. 2, Huilai Rd.
新光三越 Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Store
府會園道 Fuhuiyuan Blvd.
臺中市政府 Taichung City Government
文心路二段 Sec. 2, Wenxin Rd.
YouBike 2.0 租賃站點 YouBike 2.0 Rental S tatio n
市區公車 City Bu s
計程車乘車處 Taxi S ta nd
「新光 / 遠百站」優化公車專用道停靠站
33(往高鐵) , 48, 73, 77, 151, 151A, 152, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 305E, 305W, 306, 306E, 306W, 307, 308, 309, 310, 323, 324, 325, 359(往文心森林)
開館時 間 Openi ng Hou rs
捷運市政府站 Taichung City Hall Station
臨停下車處 P ick - up Ar ea
停車場 Par king Lo t
捷運站 TMRT
「臺中國家歌劇院站」停靠站 5, 33(往逢甲) , 153, 155, 157, 326, 359(往東海)
60, 69, 75, 358, 658, 高鐵快捷公車 THSR Shuttle bus 161
Please visit our website for opening hour and program schedule adjustment
週一休 館 ( 劇場演出與講座照常舉行 ,觀眾可於活動開始 前 40 分鐘 由 1 號門 、3 號門 及 8 號門入館 。)
週日 、週二至週 四 11:30 -2 1:0 0 /週五至週六及國定假 日 1 1:3 0- 22:00
售票 處/ 12:00 - 20:00 顧客服務台 / 11:30 - 20:00
紀念品店 週日、週二至週四 11:30-20:00 / 週五及週六及國定假日 11:30-21:00
Closed on Mondays ( Scheduled performances and lectures are held as usual. Attendees may enter from Gates One, Three and Eight 40 minutes prior to the events. )
Su n ., T ue. -T hu 1 1: 30 -2 1:00 / Fr i .-S at., N ational H oliday s 1 1:30 - 22:0 0
Box Office 12:00 - 20:00 Customer Service 11:30 - 20:00
NTT GIFT SHOP Sun., Tue.-Thu. 11:30-20:00 / Fri.-Sat., National Holidays 11:30-21:00
A / 4 070 25 臺中市西屯區惠來路二段 10 1
101, Huilai Rd., Sec. 2, Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407025, Taiwan (R.O.C) T / 0 4 -2 251 17 77 F / 0 4- 22 51 3 229 E / ser vice@npac - ntt.o rg
好戲上場 Show's On
節目介紹 Program Introduction
聚光燈下 Under the Spotlight
柏格曼劇團《羊之歌》 一個夢 多重入口
歌劇院群像 Portraits of NTT
「藝起進劇場―京劇篇」專訪國光劇團朱安麗、陳清河 撒下京劇之美的種子
特別企劃 Special Report
匯聚專家經驗 推動定目劇發展
2024林佳鋐鋼琴獨奏會 Jardin de Lumière
2024吳珮菁打擊樂獨奏會 《Every Moment Counts》 WU Pei-ching Percussion Recital
2024 NTT遇見巨人― 賽門.拉圖爵士與巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團
Sir Simon Rattle & Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
2024 NTT遇見巨人— 動見体×王靖惇《美好如此》
M.O.V.E. eatre e Moment by Daniel WANG
小劇 場 Black Bo x
Slashie Life Mellow-Slashies String Quartet 19:30
DBDance production My Fair Lady 19:30
DBDance production My Fair Lady
19:30 2024元建築「擁抱」公益— 郭藺黎小提琴獨奏音樂會
14:30 、 19:30
李國修紀念作品《莎姆雷特》 2024 SHAMLET
李國修紀念作品《莎姆雷特》 2024 SHAMLET
2024 NTT 遇見巨人― 柏格曼劇團《羊之歌》
FC Bergman e Sheep Song
2024 NTT 遇見巨人― 柏格曼劇團《羊之歌》
FC Bergman e Sheep Song
2024 NTT遇見巨人—唐美雲 歌仔戲團《孟婆客棧:冥星雙飛俠》
Tang Mei Yun Taiwanese Opera Company Tavern by the Lethe: A Lost Actress
2024 NTT遇見巨人—唐美雲 歌仔戲團《孟婆客棧:冥星雙飛俠》
Tang Mei Yun Taiwanese Opera Company Tavern by the Lethe: A Lost Actress
孩子天堂公益親子音樂劇 《部落英雄大冒險》 e Children's Paradise Charity Family Musical Tribal Heroes Adventure 19:30 尼古拉.薩拉托斯基 鋼琴獨奏會— 璀燦普羅高菲夫 Splendid Proko ev Nikolai Saratovsky Piano Recital 19:30
Leon HUANG Pipa Recital
Soaring in the Sky
張羣禾動漫鋼琴音樂會—十年有你 CHANG Chun-he Animation Piano Concert
從對談中認識長笛的各種可能Ⅲ —長笛四重奏 Flute Quartet Lecture Concert 19:30
經典奧地利與法式風情— 2024謝若宇鋼琴獨奏會 2024 SHIEH Jou-yu Piano Recital
2024 HUANG Shih-ya Violin Recital
Zheng and Kong ling Concert
王裕文薩克斯風獨奏會 WANG Yu-wen Saxophone Recital
院 Gr an d eate r
臺中國家歌劇院主 / 合 / 協辦節目
Program (co) - presented by NTT
院 P la yho use
外租節目 Hirer Program
非公開 Exclusive Program
場 Black Bo x
其他 Others
其他 Others
Ming Hwa Yuan Arts & Cultural Group Final Bow
從對談中認識長笛的各種可能Ⅳ —長笛鋼琴二重奏 Flute Piano Duo Lecture Concert 14:30
Ming Hwa Yuan Arts & Cultural Group Final Bow 14:30 、
2024 NTT遇見巨人
Das Land des Lächelns by Franz Lehár
Children's Musical Christmas Crisis by Con Bello Symphonic Band
Children's Musical Christmas Crisis by Con Bello Symphonic Band
吳義芳60獨舞《ME / WE》
SOLO 60, WU I-fang ME / WE
吳義芳60獨舞《ME / WE》
SOLO 60, WU I-fang ME / WE
CHEN Ying-chen 2024 Flute Recital
舞台劇《謝謝大家收看》 Bravo! Bravo!
14:30 、 19:30
舞台劇《謝謝大家收看》 Bravo! Bravo!
舞台劇《謝謝大家收看》 Bravo! Bravo!
新編京劇《知己》 e Con dants
新編京劇《知己》 e Con dants
陳又誠打擊音樂會 CHEN Yu-cheng Percussion Recital 19:30
2024聖采琪惜恩傳愛音樂會 2024 St. Cecilia Orchestra Love Concert 14:30
名加室內樂系列Ⅵ《經典弦韻》 2024 Hotshot Chamber Ⅵ
富爾敦室內樂團 2024 臺灣巡迴音樂會《友情與親情》 Fulton Chamber Players 2024 Taiwan Tour Friends and Family 20:00
傳統與創新—表現主藝室內樂集 師生聯合音樂會
Let’s Play Music Together
《還有那些好想讓你聽懂的音樂》 臺灣巡迴音樂會
TimeArt Studio X Broken Frames Syndicate
中劇院 Playhouse
11/30 (六) sat. 12/1 (日) sun. 談 14:30 14:30
2024 NTT 遇見巨人― 動見体╳王靖惇《美好如此》
M.O.V.E.Theatre The Moment by Daniel WANG
2020 年王靖惇創作《如此美好》,以父親的長篇獨白, 述說與寂寞共舞的最後人生旅程,以及與過世妻子的種種 回憶。2024 年王靖惇以母親罹病 20 餘年的生命故事,全 新創作《美好如此》,在同一故事脈絡下,改以女性觀點 書寫平行的記憶。母親、女兒、與外籍看護的女兒為主要 角色,兩齣戲雖各自敘事卻互相交織,沿用了同樣的水箱 作為主要視覺印象, 並延伸探討親情與生命的難解議題。
In 2020, Daniel WANG created Wonderful, a work that narrates the final life journey of a father through a long monologue, portraying his dance with loneliness as he reminisces about his deceased wife. In 2024, WANG introduced a new piece titled The Moment. Within the same narrative context, this new work is written from a female perspective, presenting parallel yet interwoven memories with those in Wonderful. The main characters of The Moment are the mother, the daughter, and the daughter of a foreign caregiver, exploring issues of gender, family bonds, new immigrants, and life.
����|��征 ��|王�� �員|�坤君、��玲、�瑩� ���間��|王孟� �光��|��� 服���|�玉� �樂���現場��|�啟� �場��|�鴻� �覺��|��哲 平面��|�銘� ����|��佑 �作�問|藍浩� �作人�行���|林�� 行��傳|王�� �務行政|�伯� �團�理|���
Artistic Director | FU Hong-zheng Director & Playwright | Daniel WANG
Performer | YAO Kun-chun, TSAI Yi-ling, HSU Ying-mei
Stage Design | Austin WANG Lighting Design | DENG Chen-wei
Costume Design | FAN Yu-lin
Music Design & Live Performance | TAN Chi-hsu
Sound Design | TSAI Hung-lin Photography | TANG Chien-che
Graphic Design | HSU Ming-wen Stage Manager | DENG Ming-you
Production Consultant | LAN Hao-jhih
Producer & Marketing Coordinator | LIN Yu-wen
Marketing Executive | WANG Chiu-ying
Ticket Administrative | WEI Po-ken
Company Manager | CHANG Nai-hui
$ 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 OPENTIX
Presenter | National Taichung eater
※ ※ ※
全長約 70 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 70 minutes without intermission
建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
中文發音,無字幕 Performed in Mandarin without surtitles
大劇院 Grand Theater
12/1 (日)sun. 14:30
2024 林佳鋐鋼琴獨奏會 Jardin de Lumière
法國里昂國際鋼琴大賽銅牌大獎首位華人得主,新生代鋼 琴家林佳鋐並獲多項國際鋼琴大賽大獎。此場音樂會將演 出俄國作曲家斯克里亞賓兩首奏鳴曲:第十號鋼琴奏鳴曲 Op. 70、第五號鋼琴奏鳴曲 Op. 53 以及法國作曲家拉摩 兩組鍵盤組曲。曲目從巴洛克時期拉摩的作品到後浪漫樂 派神祕主義的斯克里亞賓作品,古典雋永與創新融合,旅 法十多年的林佳鋐,以獨到的視野以及精湛的技巧展現這 些作品洗鍊的風格與深度藝術內涵的淬鍊。
This concert will feature two sonatas by the Russian composer Alexander Scriabin: Piano Sonata No. 10, Op. 70 and Piano Sonata No. 5, Op. 53, as well as two sets of keyboard suites by the French composer Jean-Philippe Rameau. e program spans from Rameau's Baroque-inspired works to Scriabin's mysticism of the late Romantic period, blending classical elegance with innovation. Oscar LIN, who has lived in France for over a decade, will showcase these works with a unique perspective and exquisite technique, highlighting their re ned style and deep artistic content.
斯克里��:�十����鳴曲、�五����鳴曲 拉�:G ⼩����曲、D ⼩����曲
Piano | Oscar LIN Program:
A. Scriabin: Sonata No. 10, Op. 70, Sonata No. 5, Op. 53
J. P. Rameau: Pièces de Clavecin in G minor, Pièces de Clavecin in D minor
$ 300 / 500 / 800 / 1200 / 1800 / 2500 OPENTIX
主辦單位|芙爾達表演藝術國際經紀企業社 贊助單位|史坦威鋼琴、東和樂器
Presenter | Fortune Art Enterprise
Sponsor | Steinway & Sons / Kawai
全長約 110 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 110 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
小劇場 Black Box
12/1 (日)sun. 14:30
Slashie Life Mellow-Slashies String Quartet
斜槓醇弦四重奏由 4 位同時在醫學領域及絃樂演奏都出 類拔萃的醫聲室內樂團首席所組成,自 2021 年起推出了 一系列斜槓人生音樂會。除了系列二、系列四、系列七 的經典絃樂四重奏,還包括系列一鋼琴五重奏,系列三 豎笛五重奏、系列五絃樂五重奏、系列六低音管五重奏。
2023 年在第一屆灣聲國際音樂大賽―絃樂四重奏大賽進 入決賽並獲得優選獎。此次系列八將帶來許多臺灣作曲 家的作品及臺灣民謠改編曲。
e Mellow-Slashies String Quartet will perform many string quartet pieces composed by Taiwanese composers in their series 8 concert.
大劇院 Grand Theater
12/3 (二) tue. 19:30
2024 吳珮菁打擊樂獨奏會 《Every Moment Counts》
WU Pei-ching Percussion Recital
深入鑽研 6 支棒子演奏技法至今,正好滿 30 年的吳珮菁, 以六棒木琴演奏精湛技藝享譽國際樂壇,18 歲即擔任朱 宗慶打擊樂團首席,經常受邀擔任世界各國木琴大賽評 審,與國際頂尖樂團、演奏家合作演出,並以獨奏家身分 活躍於國內外演出舞台,足跡踏遍美、歐、澳、亞四大洲, 煥發出珍珠般的耀眼光采,藝評讚許其為「世界級的擊樂 家」。睽違 10 年,歷經沉澱與昇華,吳珮菁將再度舉辦 打擊樂獨奏會,這不僅是十年一刻自我淬鍊的見證,更是 對世界發出珍惜每一刻的深情呼喚。
小提琴|張智欽、蕭浩明 中提琴|吳育弘 大提琴|鍾孝文
李哲藝編曲:《望見春風》、《碎心花》、《夜來香》、《鼓聲若響》、 《無樂不作》
江維中:《舊情綿綿》幻想曲 林煒傑:《五首臺灣民謠》
Violin | Kim CHANG, Herbert HSIAO Viola | WU Yu-hung Cello | CHUNG Hsiao-wen
LIU Chih-shiuan: The Sound of Spring Arr. by LEE Che-yi: Desire to the Spring Breeze, The Evening Primrose, When Drum Beats, Broken-Heart Flower, Seize the Day LEE Che-yi: The Temple Square Arr. by SHIH Ching-ju: She's Our Darling (Taiwan children's song)
CHIANG Wei-chung: Fantasy on the eme Unforgettable Love LIN Wei-chieh: Five Taiwanese Folk Songs for String Quartet
WU Pei-ching, who has been delving deeply into the techniques of playing six mallet percussion instruments for thirty years, is internationally renowned for her exceptional skills on the marimba. At the age of eighteen, she became the principal percussionist of the Ju Percussion Group and has frequently been invited to serve as a judge at marimba competitions worldwide. She has collaborated with top international orchestras and musicians and has performed as a soloist on stages across the Americas, Europe, Australia, and Asia, radiating with a brilliance akin to that of a pearl. Critics have praised her as a "world-class percussionist." After a decade of reflection and refinement, WU Pei-ching will once again hold a percussion solo concert. This event not only marks a decade of self-cultivation but also serves as a heartfelt call to the world to cherish every moment.
����|朱�� ��|�珮� 協�|朱��打�樂團、余曉� 曲目: ���:《戀棧》 ��.科�利�諾(余曉������):《��師》 劉��:《��斯��》 林金丞:《巴黎���》 ��量:《�平�主》
Artistic Director | JU Tzong-ching Performer | WU Pei-ching
Co-Performer | Ju Percussion Group, YU Hsiao-yi Program:
CHANG Chiung-ying: Ma Olah
John Corigliano(arr. by YU Hsiao-yi): Conjurer
LIU Wei-chih: The Night of Lilith
LIN Chin-cheng: Notre-Dame de Paris
Pius CHEUNG: Princess Changping
$ 600 / 900 / 1200 / 1500 / 1800 / 2000
Presenter | Physician's Chamber Orchestra of Taiwan / Chamber Music Society of Taiwan
※ $ 500 OPENTIX
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 100 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
Presenter | Ju Percussion Group Foundation
全長約 110 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 110 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
小劇場 Black Box
12/3 (二) tue. 12/4 (三) wed. 19:30 19:30
DBDance production My Fair Lady
從不同時空、年代、背景、角色等層面進入舞蹈藝術、 文化,透過歷史塑造出不同的人、事、物,以「女性」 的視角刻劃出不同女性角色之美。從「甄宓、李清照、 宋代女性、鳳凰」,藉由 4 位不同女性角色,試以漢唐 古典舞與古典舞身韻的身體語彙,對「美」的描繪與表 達融於作品,以當代的手法,詮釋出不同角色的獨特性, 發展出對女性突破性及蛻變,創造出作品中不同女性的 人物性格及其別樣的審美感官。
Entering dance art and culture from different time and space, era, background, role and other levels, shaping different people, things and objects through history, and depicting the beauty of different female characters from a "female" perspective. From "ZHEN Mi, LI Qing-zhao, Song Dynasty women, Phoenix", four different female characters are used to try to use the body language of Han and Tang classical dance and classical dance body language to integrate the description and expression of "beauty" into the work, using contemporary technique interprets the uniqueness of different characters, develops breakthroughs and transformations in women, and creates the characters and unique aesthetic senses of different women in the work.
大劇院 Grand Theater
12/4 (三) wed. 聆 19:30
藝術總監|賴珆緽 行政總監|郭芃妤 編舞家|潘莉君、賴珆緽、蘇家賢、卓玨 製作人|賴芳榆 燈光設計|莊又霖 平面設計|呂佳穎 演出|賴芳榆、秦瑀謙、鄭苡柔、王芃茹、蔡珮薰、李芷安、林希盼、 謝昀眞、邵郁軒、顏羽霜、唐妍蓁、陳渝安、莊茹聿、廖峯陞、陳法恩、 謝帛諺
Artistic Director | LAI Yi-chen Administrative Director | GUO Peng-yu Choreographer | PAN Li-jun, LAI Yi-chen, SU Chia-hsisen, ZHUO Jue Producer | LAI Fang-yu Lighting Design | ZHUANG You-lin Graphic Design | LU Jia-ying Performer | LAI Fang-yu, QIN Yu-qian, ZHENG Yi-rou, WANG Peng-ru, CAI Pei-xun, LI Zhi-an, LIN Xi-pan, SIE Yun-zhen, SHAO Yu-xuan, YAN Yu-shuang, TANG Yan-zhen, CHEN Yu-an, ZHUANG Ru-yu, LIAO Feng-sheng, CHEN Fa-en, XIE Bo-yan
$ 600 / 800 OPENTIX
主辦單位|非舞不可舞團 Presenter | DanceBook
※ ※
全長約 60 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘
Approx. 60 minutes with a 15-minute intermission 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
2024 NTT 遇見巨人―賽門.拉圖 爵士與巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團
Sir Simon Rattle & Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks
巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團(BRSO)成立於 1949 年,為世 界各大媒體讚譽為世界十大交響樂團之一,也是古典樂 迷一生必聽的樂團之一。2023 / 24 樂季起,賽門.拉圖 爵士接任首席指揮,此番來臺巡演以 3 套德奧經典曲目 宴饗古典樂迷,臺中場次則以「完全布拉姆斯」登場, 由韓國「鋼琴詩人」趙成珍擔綱獨奏的降 B 大調第二號 鋼琴協奏曲及 D 大調第二號交響曲。
The Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks (BRSO), founded in 1949. Acclaimed by major global media as one of the world’s top ten symphony orchestras, it is a must-hear in a lifetime for classical music enthusiasts. Starting from the 2023/24 season, Sir Simon Rattle has assumed the role as the BRSO’s principal conductor. For their tour in Taiwan, they will present three sets of German and Austrian classic repertoire to delight classical music lovers.
�揮|�門.拉圖爵士 ��|�成珍 樂團|巴伐利�����樂團 曲目:
布拉�斯: � B 大��二���協�曲,作品 83 D 大��二���曲,作品 73
Conductor | Sir Simon Rattle Piano | Seong-Jin CHO Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Program: Brahms:
Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 83 in B at major Symphony No. 2, Op. 73 in D major
$ 900 / 1800 / 3000 / 4600 / 5800 / 6800 / 8000(藝文支持票) OPENTIX
主辦單位|臺中國家歌劇院 共同主辦|國家兩廳院、衛武營國家藝術文化中心
Presenter | National Taichung eater
Co-Presenter | National Concert Hall / National Kaohsiung center for the Arts(Weiwuying)
Accommodation Partner | Grand Hyatt Taipei
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘
Approx. 120 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
To maintain the quality of the performance, please do not applaud between movements.
For latecomers or those leaving during the performance, please follow the instructions for entering and exiting the venue.
建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
小劇場 Black Box
12/5 (四) thu. 19:30
2024 元建築「擁抱」公益― 郭藺黎小提琴獨奏音樂會
2024 KUO Lin-li Violin Recital
小提琴演奏者郭藺黎以悠揚清澈的絃音結合鏗鏘有力的 節奏,創造出動人心弦的天籟之音,「擁抱」每一個相遇、 「擁抱」每一個族群,讓愛與善無限地循環。此次音樂會 門票收入將全數捐贈予「中華民國無喉者復聲協會」,幫 助更多全喉切除患者透過復聲訓練再次適應並融入社會。
The concert will feature violinist GUO Lin-li, whose melodious and clear tones combined with powerful rhythms will create a captivating celestial sound. The event aims to "embrace" every encounter and every community, fostering an in nite cycle of love and kindness.
12/6 (五) fri. 12/7 (六)sat. 聆 19:30 14:30
2024 NTT 遇見巨人― 柏格曼劇團《羊之歌》
FC Bergman The Sheep Song
亞維儂藝術節、荷蘭藝術節及阿德雷得藝術節競相邀演節 目,比利時柏格曼劇團的《羊之歌》巧妙融合喜劇、悲劇 和超現實主義,是一個無台詞的寓言故事,講述一隻綿羊 艾維斯渴望成為人類,走上了「追尋人性」的旅程。見識 了複雜的人類世界,牠,還能純真地回到草原上嗎?
Invited to the Avignon Festival, Holland Festival, and Adelaide Festival, the Belgian theater company FC Bergman’s The Sheep Song cleverly combines comedy, tragedy, and surrealism in a wordless animal fable. It tells the story of a sheep named Avis who yearns to become human. One day, it embarks on a journey to seek humanity. After a series of encounters and trials, the simple-minded sheep witnesses the complexities of the human world. Can it return to the meadow after all?
由柏格曼劇團成員史蒂夫.艾爾茨、喬埃.阿格曼斯、托馬斯.維斯特拉 騰、瑪麗.芬克與德里斯.德.溫、約納斯.維米倫共同創作 燈光設計|肯.希歐科 音效設計|森揚.揚森 服裝設計|喬埃爾.米爾伯根 音樂設計暨現場演出|弗雷德里克.勒魯―羅爾斯
小提琴|郭藺黎 鋼琴|林佳蓉 曲目:
帕格尼尼:第一號隨想曲第 9、24 首 貝多芬:小提琴奏鳴曲第 5 號 F 大調,作品 24 巴赫:第一號無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲 維歐當:第五號 A 小調小提琴協奏曲,作品 37
Violin | KUO Lin-li Piano | LIN Jia-jung Program:
N. Paganini: Caprice for Solo Violin, Op. 1 No. 9, 24 Beethoven: Violin Sonata No. 5 in F major, Op. 24 J. S. Bach: Violin Sonata No. 1 in G minor BWV 1001 Vieuxtemps: Violin Concerto No. 5, Op. 37
$ 300 / 500 OPENTIX
主辦單位|燈角樂團 協辦單位|元建築投資事業 贊助單位|元鉅建設 Presenter | Dengjiao Co-Organizer | O. N. E. Architecture Investment Co., Ltd. Sponsor | Yuan-Ju Construction Co., Ltd.
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 100 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
By FC Bergman: Stef Aerts, Joé Agemans, omas Verstraeten, Marie Vinck with Dries De Win, Jonas Vermeulen Lighting Design | Ken Hioco Sound Design | Senjan Janssen Costume Design | Joëlle Meerbergen Music Design & Live Performance | Frederik Leroux-Roels
$ 600 / 900 / 1200 / 1500 OPENTIX
主辦單位|臺中國家歌劇院 製作單位|東尼浩斯劇院
共製單位|荷蘭藝術節、盧森堡大劇院、米蘭小劇場-歐洲劇場 由比利時聯邦政府之避稅基金與比利時聯合銀行提供之卡夫卡影業避稅 基金所贊助
Presenter | National Taichung eater Production | Toneelhuis
Coproduction | Holland Festival, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, Piccolo Teatro di Milano - Teatro d'Europa
With the support of the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government, Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter powered by Bel us Accommodation Partner |
全長約 90 分鐘,無中場休息;不開放遲到觀眾入場 Approx. 90 minutes without intermission 包含性暗示、暴力、裸露與吸菸場景;建議 16 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Contains sexual innuendo, violence, nudity, and smoking scenes; recommended for audiences aged 16 and above
12/7 (六) sat. 12/8 (日) sun. 14:30 / 19:30 14:30
李國修紀念作品《莎姆雷特》 2024 SHAMLET
《莎姆雷特》是一齣失控爆笑的情境喜劇,運用戲中戲中 戲的形式,描述一個三流劇團「風屏劇團」將原本預計演 出莎士比亞的經典悲劇《哈姆雷特》搞到走鐘,甚至演員 們如哈姆雷特王子一樣,幾近崩潰瘋狂!在全臺巡迴演出 的過程中,團員間的人事糾紛越演越烈,在意外與陰謀的 干擾下,勾心鬥角的團員們竟在舞台上藉機公報私仇,結 果造成演員忘詞、走錯位、沒帶道具,連舞台布景也狀況 百出,台上演員們只能靠著臨場即興,隨機應變企圖挽救 舞台上的失控場面,卻仍失敗連連。眼看整齣戲就要分崩 離析,劇團也面臨解散危機,所有人才驚覺事態嚴重,直 到最終場演出前一刻,決定齊心振作要讓這齣戲走向完美 結局。未料,夢想終究只是夢想,現實總事與願違,但「風 屏劇團」依舊堅稱 : We Shall Return! 我們還會再回來!
SHAMLET, a hilarious situation comedy, tells the story in the framework of "a play within a play" about a third-class theater company, Fong Ping Theater Troupe, who goes on a tour with Shakespeare's classic tragedy Hamlet but eventually turns it into a chaotic mess after everything goes out of control. During the tour around Taiwan, the disputes among members of the troupe got worse and worse. ey wheel and deal against each other and even take revenge on the stage. After a series of accidents and intrigues, performers forget their lines, make mistakes in blocking, or go on the stage without props, and even the stage setting begins to act up.
原創編導|李國修 藝術顧問|王月 監製|亮哲 導演|黃毓棠 製作人|陳品瑜 演員|曾國城、鍾欣凌、唐從聖、朱德剛、陳大天、吳怡霈、亮哲、 宋偉恩、林育品(阿喜)、蕭東意、楊閔、周羿、林詠傑、唐靖誠、陳佳揚、 林毓桐、林邑帆
Original Text & Director | Hugh K. S. LEE
Artistic Consultant | Moon WANG Executive Producer | LIANG Che Director | HUANG Yu-tang Producer | CHEN Pin-yu Performer | ZENG Guo-cheng, JHONG Sin-ling, TANG Cong-sheng, JHU De-gang, CHEN Da-tian, WU Yi-pei, LIANG Che, Wayne SUNG, LIN Yu-pin, SIAO Dong-yi, YANG Min, JHOU Yi, LIN Yong-jie, TANG Jing-cheng, CHEN Jia-yang, LIN Yu-tong, LIN Yi-fan
$ 800 / 1200 / 1400 / 1800 / 2400 / 2800 / 3000 / 3400
Presenter | Liang-Tang Cultural and Creative eater / Kuang Hong Arts
Management Incorporation
全長約 180 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 180 minutes with a 15-miunte intermission
《衡》2024 黃勝宏琵琶獨奏會
Leon HUANG Pipa Recital
琵琶音樂從古至今積累了許多作品,淬鍊出多元且迥異的 各式風格,演奏家黃勝宏藉由本次音樂會,以自身學習歷 程中所接觸的經典作品詳加演繹,介紹給觀眾。節目包含 琵琶古曲經典曲目、近代、當代,更有由二胡作品改編而 來之新作品。藉由此場音樂會,提供中部地區愛樂者、學 習者一場親近音樂,欣賞傳統器樂的音樂會。
Pipa music has accumulated many works from ancient times to the present, and has re ned diverse and di erent styles. rough this concert, performer Leon HUANG performed detailed interpretations of the classic works he came into contact with during his learning process and introduced them to the audience. e program includes classic pipa music, modern, contemporary, and new works adapted from Erhu works. rough this concert, we provide music lovers and learners in the central region with a chance to get close to music and appreciate traditional instrumental music.
團長暨琵琶|黃勝宏 鋼琴|梁詠侑 榮譽團長|廖木春 指揮|張毅宏 聞韶軒絲竹室內樂團 曲目: 古曲:《月兒高》 古曲、曹安和傳譜、劉德海編:《陳隋》 劉德海:《一指禪》 劉天華(劉德海改編):《燭影搖紅》 吳祖強、劉德海:《草原小姐妹》 江南絲竹(劉德海改編):《新中花六板》 顧冠仁:《花木蘭》琵琶協奏曲
Director & Pipa | HUANG Sheng-hung Piano | LIANG Yung-yu
Honor Director | LIAO Mu-chun Conductor | CHANG Yi-hung Wind-Sough Classical Chamber Orchestra Program:
The Moon High Above
Sounds from the Chen and Sui Dynasties
LIU De-hai: Yi Zhi Chan
LIU Tien-hua (arr. LIU De-hai): Flickering Candle Lights
WU Zu-qiang (arr. LIU De-hai): Little Sisters of the Grassland
Chinese Jiangnan Sizhu Folk Music, (arr. LIU De-hai): New Zhonghua Six Clappers
GU Guan-ren: Hua Mu Lan Pipa Concerto
$ 800
Presenter | Wind-Sough Classical Chamber Orchestra
全長約 90 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 90 minutes with a 15-miunte intermission ※
Soaring in the Sky
《翱響》曲目包含海頓的《雲雀》、德沃札克的《美國》、 維拉-羅伯斯和劉韋志的作品。作曲家們以音符描繪 「鳥」的姿態:優美的鳥囀、喋喋不休的鳥語,及飛翔天 際的景象。讓聽眾隨著旋律走進音樂家描繪的風景,融入 音符並幻化成翱翔天空的雲雀。由醞釀、探索到現在,賦 格室內樂團走了 5 個年頭。每次的演出都是展現對作品的 詮釋及人生的體現。期望此音樂會帶領觀眾感受音樂的深 度與廣度,並享受其浩瀚無垠的魅力。
Soaring in the Sky presents string quartet repertoire: Haydn's Skylark, Dvořak's American , Villa-Lobos and a piece by LIU Wei-chih. The composers depict the posture of "birds" : graceful chirping, chattering, and the wings gliding across the sky. Following the melody into the scenery painted by the musician, the audience can easily blend into the notes and transform into a skylark soaring in the sky. This year marks the fifth year of the Fugue Chamber Ensemble. Each performance displays the reflection of life. We hope this concert will lead the audience to feel the depth and breadth of music and enjoy its boundless charm. 12/8
12/9 (一) mon. 19:30
張羣禾動漫鋼琴音樂會―十年有你 CHANG Chun-he Animation Piano Concert
謹以此音樂會獻給在這 10 年間曾出現過的所有人,以及 彈奏過的所有曲目。
The most beautiful anime piano music for you.
小提琴|康芝華、蔡依璇 中提琴|廖培雅 大提琴|曾玟瑜 曲目:
海頓:《雲雀》,絃樂四重奏作品 64 號之 5 德沃札克:《美國》,第 12 號絃樂四重奏作品 96 號 克萊尼格:《大白鳥》
維拉-羅伯斯:第 3 號絃樂四重奏 劉韋志:《翱翔的共鳴》
Violin | KANG Chih-hua, TSAI I-hsuan Viola | LIAO Pei-ya Cello | Charlotte Wen-yu TSENG Program:
Haydn: Lark, String Quartet in D major, Op. 64, No. 5
Dvořák: American, String Quartet No. 12 in F major, Op. 96
Kleinig: Great White Bird
Villa-Lobos: String Quartet No. 3 LIU Wei-chih: Resonance of Soaring
$ 300
主辦單位|康芝華 指導單位|臺中市政府文化局
Presenter | KANG Chih-hua
Advisor | Cultural A airs Bureau, Taichung City Government
全長約 90 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 90 minutes with a 15-miunte intermission
鋼琴|張羣禾 曲目:
大島康祐:《天琴座》,選自《命運石之門 0》第 8 話片尾曲 志倉千代丸:《駭入了命運石之門》,選自《命運石之門》片頭曲 八木沼悟志:《只有我的超電磁砲》,選自《科學超電磁砲》 第 1 季第 1 首片頭曲
麻枝 准:《最珍貴的寶物》,選自《天使的心跳》第 10 話片尾曲 清浦夏實:《旅的途中》,選自《狼與辛香料》 第 1 季片頭曲 新居昭乃:《甜蜜的黎明》,選自《狼與辛香料》第 2 季片頭曲 cinema sta 、野村陽一郎:《以愛之名》,選自《進擊的巨人》第 3 季第 2 首片尾曲等
Piano | CHANG Chun-he
Steins; Gate 0 eme Song: Lyra (Ep. 8 Ending)
Steins; Gate OP: Hacking to the Gate
To aru kagaku no railgun OP 1: Only My Railgun
Angel Beats! : Ichiban no Takaramono
Spice and Wolf OP: Tabi no Tochuu
Spice and Wolf 2 OP: Mitsu no Yoake
Shingeki no Kyojin S3 Part 2 ED: Name of Love, etc.
Presenter | CHANG Chun-he
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘
Approx. 120 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above ※ ※ $ 100
小劇場 Black Box
12/10 (二) tue. 19:30
從對談中認識長笛的各種可能Ⅲ ―長笛四重奏
Flute Quartet.Lecture Concert
這系列音樂會以「從對談中認識長笛的各種可能」為主 題,透過不同形式的演出,包括長笛與豎琴二重奏、長笛 與鋼琴二重奏、長笛四重奏與長笛獨奏,展現長笛的多樣 性與深度。本場由 4 位旅法長笛家,以對談的形式進行演 出,取代傳統的音樂會導聆,藉此縮短觀眾與演出者之間 的距離,並引導觀眾從不同角度欣賞音樂。透過這種親 密而深入的交流,觀眾將能感受到古典音樂的平易近人, 並深入了解演奏家的心境與創作意圖。
This concert series, themed "Exploring the Possibilities of the Flute through Dialogue," showcases the diversity and depth of the flute through various forms of performance. Featuring flutist CHANG Wei-shu, based in France, and pianist FAN Zhen-ling, based in the United States, the concerts will take the form of lecture concert, replacing the traditional concert narration. This approach guides the audience to appreciate the music from different perspectives. rough this exchange, the audience will be able to experience the accessibility of classical music and gain a deeper understanding of the performers' mindset and creative intentions.
中劇院 Playhouse
12/12 (四) thu. 19:00
孩子天堂公益親子音樂劇 《部落英雄大冒險》
The Children's Paradise Charity Family Musical Tribal Heroes Adventure
《部落英雄大冒險》是一部融合歷史與文化的音樂劇,故 事從臺灣部落的古代生活開始,展示了狩獵與採集的日 常場景。隨著時代進入新石器時代,部落開始養殖和農 作,生活方式也逐漸轉變。劇情進展至外族入侵,部落 面臨挑戰,最終通過和平對話達成共存。音樂劇加入了 文藝復興與巴洛克時期的音樂元素,展現西方藝術與文 化。隨著荷蘭人來臺,歐洲文化與音樂的影響逐漸顯現, 最終呈現出多元文化共存的美好結局。
Tribal Heroes Adventure is a musical that blends history and culture. The story begins with the ancient life of Taiwanese tribes, showcasing scenes of hunting and gathering. As the era progresses into the Neolithic period, the tribe starts practicing animal husbandry and farming, gradually transforming their way of life. The plot advances to the point of foreign invasions, where the tribe faces challenges but ultimately reaches coexistence through peaceful dialogue. The musical incorporates elements from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, displaying Western art and culture. With the arrival of the Dutch in Taiwan, the influence of European culture and music emerges, culminating in a harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures.
��國⼩ 609、612 �、�裂克����團、銅�重�團 曲目:
光����重� �者|郝旭烈 曲目:
�卡爾:《����》、《�爾人��禮》 貝夫汀克:《�率―����》 村���:《彼�の光》 �札�(�格爾��):《⼩星星》12 首��曲
La Lumière Flûte Quatuor Lecturer | Caesar HAO Program: C. McMichael: Salt of the Earth, A Gaelic Offering H. Beeftink: Frequency
Takatsugu Muramatsu: Far Away Mozart(arr. Paul Engel): 12 Variations on Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman, K. 265
布�傳���:《�手�》、《���》、《⼝����》 ⽊村利人:《��拍手�》 王拓�:《��界�見玉����》 陳復明:《�樂�堂》等
Producer & Scriptwriter | JIANG Chang-yi, LEE Uan-rung
Hui-wen Elementary School Class 609, 612, Sileq Aboriginal Cultural Art Group, BRASSMEN
Bunun Folk Song: Hand in Hand Song, Blessing Song, Jew's Harp Ballad
Toshihito Kimura: Happy Clapping Song
WANG Tuo-nan: Let the World Hear the Sound of Yushan
CHEN Fu-ming: Happy Paradise, etc.
300 / 500 OPENTIX
主辦單位| 銅好重奏團 BRASSMEN、臺中市惠文國小
協辦單位| 喜裂克文化藝術團
主辦單位|張維紓 Presenter | CHANG Wei-su
※ $ 800 OPENTIX
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 120 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
Co-Organizer | Sileq Aboriginal Cultural Art Group Presenter | BRASSMEN / Hui-Wen Elementary School
全長約 90 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 90 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
小劇場 Black Box
12/12 (四) thu. 19:30
2024 謝若宇鋼琴獨奏會
2024 SHIEH Jou-yu Piano Recital
本次音樂會集結奧地利經典、法式風情,以融合歐洲多國 音樂,展現出西方古典音樂不同的音樂語言與風情。莫札 特與舒伯特的鋼琴作品,皆以如歌聲般的優美旋律著名, 精采且動人。德布西的音樂,在華麗的技巧與法國獨特的 和聲中,顯得神祕且朦朧。以鋼琴獨奏方式呈現,再加上 鋼琴家親自導聆,使觀眾更能體會奧地利經典與法式風情 之美。
Bringing together Austrian and French classics, this concert features a fusion of music from various European countries, highlighting the diverse musical languages and styles of Western classical music. The piano works of Mozart and Schubert are celebrated for their beautiful, song-like melodies—both captivating and emotionally stirring. Debussy's compositions, characterized by their intricate techniques and distinctive French harmonies, evoke a sense of mystery. Performed as a piano recital, with the pianist providing insightful guidance, this concert offers listeners the opportunity to fully appreciate the elegance of Austrian classics and the allure of French music.
中劇院 Playhouse
12/13 (五) fri. 19:30
尼古拉.薩拉托斯基 鋼琴獨奏會― 璀燦普羅高菲夫
Splendid Prokofiev Nikolai Saratovsky
Piano Recital
俄羅斯新生代多項國際鋼琴大奬得主尼古拉.薩拉托斯 基,其中「俄羅斯總統獎」得以表彰他的音樂成就。本 次音樂會將演奏俄國作曲家普羅高菲夫著名的 4 首鋼琴 奏鳴曲。普羅高菲夫的鋼琴奏鳴曲不但囊括所有鋼琴演 奏高難度的技巧之外,更是具音樂性且創新聲響膾炙人 口的卓越精采作品。
Nikolai Saratovsky, a rising Russian pianist and multiple international competition winner. He has won countless awards, including the prestigious Russian Presidential Award in recognition of his musical achievements. In this concert, he will perform four renowned piano sonatas by the Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev. Prokofiev's piano sonatas are not only technically challenging but also musically innovative and widely celebrated for their exceptional brilliance.
曲目: �札�:D ⼩���曲,作品 397、G 大���曲,作品 455 �布⻄:《�畫》
舒伯�:�興曲,作品 142
Piano | SHIEH Jou-yu
Mozart: Fantasie in D minor, KV 397, 10 Variation in G major, KV 455
Debussy: Estampes
Schubert: Impromptu, Op. 142, D. 935
$ 500
Presenter | Yilan Philharmonic Orchestra / SHIEH Jou-yu
※ ※
全長約 95 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 95 minutes with a 15-minute intermission 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
��|�古拉.�拉�斯基 曲目: 普羅高菲夫: 鋼琴奏鳴曲第五號,作品 38 鋼琴奏鳴曲第六號,作品 82
鋼琴奏鳴曲第七號,作品 83
鋼琴奏鳴曲第八號,作品 84
Piano | Nikolai Saratovsky Program:
S. Proko ev:
Piano Sonata No. 5 in C major, Op. 38
Piano Sonata No. 6 in A major, Op. 82 for piano solo, the rst of the ree War Sonatas
Piano Sonata No. 7 in B- at major, Op. 83, "Stalingrad"
Piano Sonata No. 8 in B at major, Op. 84
※ $ 300 / 500 / 800 / 1200 / 1800 OPENTIX
主辦單位|芙爾達表演藝術國際經紀企業社 Presenter | Fortune Art Enterprise
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 120 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
小劇場 Black Box
12/13 (五) fri. 19:30
2024 黃詩雅小提琴獨奏會 《詩音雅樂的剎那》
2024 HUANG Shih-ya Violin Recital
本場音樂會帶領大家一同欣賞魏拉契尼、塔悌尼、佛瑞及 法朗克的經典曲目。由青年小提琴家黃詩雅及知名鋼琴家 黃楚涵,為大家帶來浪漫的音樂饗宴。
This concert will lead everyone to appreciate Veracini, Tartini, Fauré, and Franck famous piece, and will be performed by young violinist, HUANG Shih-ya, and renowned pianist, HUANG Chu-han.
大劇院 Grand Theater
12/14 (六) sat. 12/15 (日) sun. 聆 14:30 聆 14:30
�拉��:�一� G ⼩�⼩提��鳴曲,作品 1 ���:《�����》,G ⼩�⼩提��鳴曲 ��:《月光》,B ⼩�,�⼩提����,作品 46-2
��克:A 大�⼩提��鳴曲
Violin | HUANG Shih-ya Piano | HUANG Chu-han Program:
F. M. Veracini: Violin Sonata No. 1 in G minor, Op. 1
G. Tartini: Devil’s Trill Sonata, Violin Sonata in G minor
G. Fauré: Clair de Lune, Violin and Piano in B minor, Op. 46-2
C. A. Franck: Violin Sonata in A major
$ 800 年代
主辦單位|黃詩雅 Presenter | HUANG Shih-ya
全長約 95 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 95 minutes with a 20-minute intermission 建議 5 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 5 and above
2024 NTT 遇見巨人―唐美雲歌仔 戲團《孟婆客棧:冥星雙飛俠》
Tang Mei Yun Taiwanese Opera Company
Tavern by the Lethe: A Lost Actress
唐美雲歌仔戲團 2024 年度大戲《孟婆客棧:冥星雙飛 俠》,延續電視劇既有的人物、背景設定,開展全新的故 事,敘述冥界「孟婆客棧」老闆萬千帆負責調查密室失 蹤案,失蹤者為即將喝湯轉世的冥星歌劇團團長,千帆 為尋找失蹤的貴客穿越到書中武俠世界,令人哭笑不得 的武林歪傳就此上演。歌仔戲鑽石三角唐美雲、許秀年、 小咪,以及國光劇團當家老生─唐文華再度跨刀參演。 劇中客棧的「古怪員工組」將重現「電視版」原班主演, 由蔡振南、方馨、許富凱及方宥心等人一同演出。
Tang Mei Yun Taiwanese Opera Company's 2024 production, Tavern by the Lethe: A Lost Actress, expands on the characters and settings from the original television series, creating a brand-new story. The new version follows WAN Qian-fan, the tavern owner in the underworld, as she investigates a mysterious disappearance in a locked room. The "Diamond Trio" of Taiwanese opera—TANG Mei-yun, HSU Hsiu-nien, and Hsiao-mi—will collaborate again with TANG Wen-hua, the leading laosheng from GuoGuang Opera Company. The original quirky staff from the tavern, including TSAI Chen-nan, FANG Hsin, and FANG Yu-hsin, will also reprise their roles.
������作人|��� ��|�君� * ��|陳�星、�珮� 服���|⿈�� ����|王�� ����|王�盛 �光��|邱�昕 作曲��曲|�君� ����|陳�� �員|���、��� *、��年、⼩�、���、��、���、���、 林�儀、�玫�、杜��、李嘉、�品�、���、梁��、陳柏�、 劉��、江予�、陳�������仔�團(* 為國立傳���中�國光 �團支���)
Artistic Director & Producer | TANG Mei-yun Director | DAI Jun-fang*
Playwright | CHEN Jian-xing, LIAO Pei-yu
Costume Designer | HUANG Wen-ying Stage Design | Samuel WANG
Video Design | WANG Yei-sheng Lighting Design | QIU Yi-xin
Music Design & Conductor | JI Jun-da Vocal Composer | CHEN Xin-han
Actor | TANG Mei-yun, TANG Wen-hua (Special Cameo)*, HSU Hsiu-nien, Hsiao-mi, TSAI Chen-nan, FANG Hsin, HSU Fu-kai, FANG Yu-hsin and Tang Mei Yun Taiwanese Opera Company
*Support by GuoGuang Opera Company
$ 500 / 800 / 1200 / 1600 / 2000 / 2500 OPENTIX
企業夥伴 Corporate Partner |
全長約 160 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 160 minutes with a 20-minute intermission 臺灣台語發音,中英文字幕 Performed in Taiwanese with Chinese and English surtitles
12/14 (六) sat.19:30
木樓合唱團二十五週年 《傳藝.無限光芒》
A Voice for the Ages
《傳藝.無限光芒》由藝術總監暨指揮彭孟賢親手製作, 盼藉合唱團之口唱出一時代的聲響,成為文明核心,深植 音樂文化意識,帶來社會和諧與文化發展的力量。全場音 樂會將演唱近 10 種語言,連結世界,塑造各個時代的文 化特質,透過專注於音樂的傳達,讓心靈正向力量得以永 恆無限。木樓合唱團走過 25 年,期望持續傳藝,締造合 唱音樂新紀元,歌手、藝術家將他們的夢想聲音化,維持 傳統,除去包袱,創造新的聲音,讓新的聲音帶來心的 訊息,在旋律及和聲當中,打破邊界,再造音樂新生命。
A Voice for the Ages is personally crafted by Artistic Director and Conductor PENG Meng-hsien. The concert will feature performances in nearly ten languages, connecting the world and shaping the cultural characteristics of various epochs. With a 25year journey, Müller Chamber Choir hopes to continue the legacy of artistry, forging a new era of choral music. Singers and artists realizing their dream through voices, maintaining tradition while creating new sounds. These new voices convey messages of the heart, breaking boundaries in melody and harmony to breathe new life into music.
藝術總監暨指揮|彭孟賢 鋼琴|王乃加
烏斯伯格:《何�人�?》 ���:《三�鼓》�
Artistic Director & Conductor | PENG Meng-hsien
Piano | WANG Nai-chia
Müller Chamber Choir
Francis Poulenc: Quatre petites prières de Saint François d'Assise
Ola Gjeilo: Northern Lights
Pärt Uusberg: Mis on inimene?
Sydney Guillaume: Twa Tanbou, etc
$ 300 / 500 / 800 / 1000 OPENTIX
Presenter | Müller Chamber Choir
Sponsor | National Culture and Arts Foundation / Department of Cultural A airs, Taipei City Government
全長約 130 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 130 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
小劇場 Black Box
12/14 (六) sat. 14:30
2024《空靈箏語》林意君音樂會 Zheng and Kong ling Concert
此音樂會分成 4 個主題:傳統箏曲、箏重奏、旅遊創作、 空靈鼓與古箏。其中《緬之憶》為林意君以及羅靖怡作 曲,樂曲創作的起緣是 2 位老師在 2019 年一同在緬甸旅 行,而後 2021 年 2 月緬甸發生了嚴重的政變,2 位老師 特地譜寫了這首曲子,希望藉此能傳送祈福的樂音給緬甸 的子民,也祝福著緬甸,期許人民繼續過著無憂無慮的美 好生活。
e concert is divided into four themes: traditional guzheng music, guzheng ensemble, travel-inspired compositions, and compositions featuring the steel tongue drum and guzheng. Among them, Memories of Myanmar was composed by LIN Yi-chun and LO Jingyi. e inspiration for the piece came from a trip the two musicians took together to Myanmar in 2019. In February 2021, following the severe political unrest in Myanmar, they composed this piece with the hope of sending blessings through their music to the people of Myanmar, wishing them well and hoping that they may continue to live a carefree and peaceful life.
古���靈鼓|林�君 古�|羅��、陳錦�、�⼩�
���� ( �冠仁�� ):《⼩河�水》
Guzheng & Steel Tongue Drum | LIN Yi-chun
Guzheng | LAO Jing-yi, CHEN Chin-hui, JUI Hsiao-han
Traditional repertoire: Three Variations on the Plum Blossom
Traditional tepertoire: High Mountains and Flowing Water
Traditional repertoire: Four-Section Brocade
Traditional repertoire(arr. KU Kuan-jen): The Little River Flows
HO Zhan-hao: Fragrance of Jasmine
LAO Jing-yi & LIN Yi-chin: Memories of Myanmar
ZHOU Tao-tao: Namaste
Suite for Guzheng and Ethereal Sounds
$ 500 / 800 / 1000 OPENTIX
主辦單位|林意君 協辦單位|適然箏樂團 Presenter | LIN Yi-chun Co-Organizer | Natural Zither Orchestra
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 100 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
小劇場 Black Box
NTSO 講座音樂會系列 神奇的「七」 Ⅳ―史特拉汶斯基七重奏
2024 NTSO Lecture Concert Series Ⅳ -
Wonder of 7
NTSO 2024 再度邀請楊照策劃講座音樂會神奇的「七」, 以七重奏為題,七重奏在室內樂演出上具有獨特的地位, 在樂史上留下幾首完成重要聲音表現的作品。這次的講 座音樂會就將為大家呈現這「七」的神奇之處。同時將 從深厚歷史知識傳統,為大家介紹幾位絕對值得認識的 作曲家及他們所處的時代,系列Ⅳ將欣賞史特拉汶斯基 的七重奏。
NTSO invites YANG Zhao to plan the Lecture Concert 2024 with the theme "Septet". The septet has a unique position in chamber music. The serie Ⅳ will discuss and perform Stravinsky's Septet, K. 80.
�劃�主�|楊照 單��|田永年 ���|⿈�� �國�|王�� ⼩提�|�睿� 中提�|��珠 大提�|鍾�� ��|何�� 曲目: 史�拉汶斯基:�重�,作品 80
Planning & Lecturer | YANG Zhao Clarinet | TIEN Yung-nye Bassoon | HUANG Hsin-yi French Horn | WANG Chi-zong Violin | CHANG Ray-chou Viola | HSIAO Hui-chu Cello | CHUNG Jen-yu Piano | HO Hsiu-hsien Program:
I. Stravinsky: Septet, K. 80
主辦單位|國立臺灣交響樂團 指導單位|文化部
Presenter | National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Advisor | Ministry of Culture
※ ※
全長約 90 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 90 minutes without intermission 建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above
12/15 (日) sun.14:30
王裕文薩克斯風獨奏會 WANG Yu-wen Saxophone Recital
薩克斯風家王裕文返臺教學滿 20 年,非常具有特別意義 的一場音樂會,曲目都是非常動聽的薩克斯風名曲,適 合各年齡層的愛樂者前來欣賞,是一場不能錯過的薩克 斯風饗宴!
Saxophonist WANG Yu-wen celebrates 20 years of teaching in Taiwan with a special concert. The program showcases a selection of beautiful and iconic saxophone pieces, offering a musical experience for listeners of all ages. This is truly an unmissable feast for saxophone enthusiasts!
�克斯�|王�� ��|陳�瑩 曲目:
石川亮�:《��狂�曲》 朱利�.卡��:《���》 �橋�樹:《石榴石》 ���夫:《�希���尾�》、《��》 �水大輔:《�一個�使》、《命�》 �里科內:《��堂樂�》 皮�佐拉:《告�諾�諾》、《自由�戈》、《�魚》
Saxophone | WANG Yu-wen Piano | CHEN Yen-ying
Ryota Ishikawa: Taiwanese Rhapsody
Giulio Caccini: Ave Maria
Hiroki Takahashi: Garnet-O
Toshio Mashima: Gershwin's Cocktail, Seagull
Daisuke Shimizu: Next Angels, Fate
Ennio Morricone: Cinema Paradiso
Astor Piazzolla: Adios Nonino, Libertango, Escualo
※ $ 500 OPENTIX
主辦單位|王裕文 Presenter | WANG Yu-wen
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 100 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
小劇場 Black Box
12/17 (二) tue. 19:30
從對談中認識長笛的各種可能Ⅳ ―長笛鋼琴二重奏
Flute Piano Duo.Lecture Concert
這系列音樂會以《從對談中認識長笛的各種可能》為主題, 透過不同形式的演出,包括長笛與豎琴二重奏、長笛與鋼 琴二重奏、長笛四重奏與長笛獨奏,展現長笛的多樣性與 深度。由旅法長笛家張維紓與旅美鋼琴家范珍綾以對談的 形式進行演出,取代傳統的音樂會導聆,藉此縮短觀眾與 演出者之間的距離,並引導觀眾從不同角度欣賞音樂。透 過這種親密而深入的交流,觀眾將能感受到古典音樂的平 易近人,並深入了解演奏家的心境與創作意圖。
is concert series, themed "Exploring the Possibilities of the Flute through Dialogue," showcases the diversity and depth of the ute through various forms of performance. Featuring utist CHANG Wei-shu, based in France, and pianist FAN Zhen-ling, based in the United States, the concerts will take the form of lecture concert, replacing the traditional concert narration. is approach guides the audience to appreciate the music from di erent perspectives. rough this exchange, the audience will be able to experience the accessibility of classical music and gain a deeper understanding of the performers' mindset and creative intentions.
��|��� ��|�珍綾 主�|郝旭烈 曲目:
德布西:六首墓誌銘 勒克雷爾:給長笛的奏鳴曲 維多:組曲,作品 34
戈貝爾:敘事曲 白瑞:似曾相識主題曲
Flute | CHANG Wei-su Piano | FAN Chen-ling
Lecture Speaker | Caesar HAO
Debussy: Six Épigraphes Antiques
Leclair: Sonata for Flute, Op. 9
Charles-Marie Widor: Suite for Flute Op. 34
Gaubert: Ballade pour Flûte et Piano
Barry: Somewhere in time
Presenter | CHANG Wei-su
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 120 minutes with a 15-minute intermission ※
12/20 (五) fri. 12/22 (日) sun.
聆 19:30
聆 14:30
2024 NTT 遇見巨人―
Das Land des Lächelns by Franz Lehár
輕歌劇《微笑之國》是奧地利作曲家雷哈爾繼《風流寡 婦》之後,於 1929 年發表的作品,講述一段浪漫的異國 戀情。第二幕的詠嘆調〈我整顆心都是妳的〉是全劇最膾 炙人口的曲目。導演王嘉明將時空移植到當代,不再強 調東方和西方的二元,音樂上由編曲暨音樂設計林芳宜打 造全新樣貌,以龐克搖滾與新世紀音樂對比,在聖與俗、 道德與慾望的辯證中,揭露微笑的假面以及愛情政治學。
The operetta Das Land des Lächelns by Austrian composer Franz Lehár, following his success with Die lustige Witwe, was premiered in 1929 and told a romantic story of love across cultures. The aria 'Dein ist mein ganzes Herz' from the second act is the most celebrated piece in the entire operetta. Director WANG Chia-ming has transplanted the story into a contemporary setting, moving away from the dichotomy of East and West. Musically, composer and music design LIN Fang-yi has crafted a new interpretation, incorporating elements of punk rock and new-age music. rough the dialectics of sacred and profane, morality and desire, the truth behind the smiles and the politics of love is unveiled.
�揮|��� ��|王嘉明 �曲��樂設計|林�� ����|⿈�� �光��|王�� ����|林�� �作��|��� �樂�合唱��|徐嘉琪 ��|梁又中 �城王子|林�吉 古斯�夫|��� �|賴珏� 昌 & 李希登�爾斯伯�|温�� ����|�東� NTT ╳�� ��合唱團
Conductor | CHANG Chih-yuan Director | WANG Chia-ming
Composer & Music Design | LIN Fang-yi Stage Design | HUANG I-ju
Lighting Design | WANG Tien-hung Stage Manager | LIN Tai-jung
Producer | CHAO Hsia-hsien Vocal Coach & Chorus Master | HSU Chia-chi
Lisa | LIANG You-jhong Prinz Sou-Chong | Claude LIN
Gustl | CHANG Yin-chi Mi | LAI Chueh-yu
Tschang | WEN Ing-jie Obereunuch | Kurt HSIAO NTT & CHEN-YUNG FOUNDATION Choir
$ 600 / 900 / 1200 / 1500 / 1800 OPENTIX
Presenter | National Taichung eater Accommodation Partner |
全長約 125 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘
Approx. 125 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
德語發音,中文字幕 Performed in German with Chinese surtitles
大劇院 Grand Theater
12/21 (六) sat. 12/22 (日) sun. 14:30 / 19:30 14:30
遇見巨人―明華園總團 文學跨界作品《散戲》
Ming Hwa Yuan Arts & Cultural Group
Final Bow
高中國文課必讀,鄉土文學作家洪醒夫短篇小說《散戲》 搬上舞台!明華園戲劇總團攜手編導黃致凱,以喜劇風格 重新編寫笑中帶淚的感人篇章,藉由一齣《陳世美與秦香 蓮》的戲中戲、一次比一次樓歪的荒謬演出,帶出民國 五、六○年代,歌仔戲從風光到流浪野台,受影視產業衝 擊而措手不及,台上台下交織成悲催又可笑的時代大戲。
Taiwan's high school Chinese literature course staple, Final Bow, a short story by nativist literature author HUNG Hsing-fu, is coming to the stage! Ming Hwa Yuan Arts and Cultural Group, in collaboration with director HUANG Chih-kai, has reimagined the story in a comedic style, creating a piece that evokes both laughter and tears. The production features a play-within-a-play, moralchallenged fable CHEN Shimei and QIN Xianglian from Song Dynasty, with progressively absurd performances bringing out the rise and fall of Taiwanese opera from its golden age in the 1960s and 70s to its later outdoor itinerant stages, impacted by the burgeoning film and television industry. The onstage and offstage events intertwine to create a tragic yet comical drama of the era.
阿珠�(女團主)|��鳳 ��(�⾹�)|陳昭� 阿正|��� ��(�主)|⿈錦� 阿�(陳��)|李��
�旺(�昭)|陳子� ��(國�)|�玉珊
順仔(王朝)|林⽊� 金�叔(��)|邱��
Performer | SUN Tsui-feng, CHEN Jhao-ting, SU Yun-he, HUANG Jin-wun, LI Yu -jhen, CHEN Zih-hao, GAO Yu-shan, LIN Mu-sen, CIOU Yi-fong
$ 600 / 900 / 1200 / 1500 / 1800 / 2200 / 2500 OPENTIX
Presenter | National Taichung eater
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全長約 190 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘
Approx. 190 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
Performed in Taiwanese with Chinese and English surtitles 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
12/21 (六) sat. 12/22 (日) sun. 14:30 14:30
吳義芳 60 獨舞《ME/ WE》
SOLO 60, WU I-fang ME/ WE
吳義芳 60 獨舞從自我延伸至他人,打破與再塑人生旅程, 以自身見證舞者生命長遠延續的可能性。邀請同世代的重 量級藝術家好友們共同製作:藝術教育家暨編舞劉淑英 共同全新編創;劇場設計大師王世信與燈光設計黃祖延、 服裝設計教母林璟如,打造舞蹈劇場畫面;特邀國際跨 界影像設計李明道、舞蹈攝影大師劉振祥共創視覺意象。 舞蹈從身分角色破題,劇場形式轉繹現實與夢想的平衡, 以吳氏特有的肢體美學,探索熟齡生命內在能量之美。
WU Yi-fang's solo performance at 60 extends from self to others, breaking and reshaping the journey of life. Through his own experience, he bears witness to the possibility of a dancer's life extending far beyond the norm. Collaborating with prominent artists of his generation, this production explores the beauty of mature life's inner energy, expressed through Wu's distinctive bodily aesthetics.
共同�創|劉淑�、�義� 獨���|�義� �作人|蟻�玲 �團�問|�君� 服��問|林�� ����|王�� �光��|⿈�� �樂��|余�甫 ����覺平面��|李明� 平面��|劉�� ����|李�貞 �團�理|��� ����助理����作|��儀 �行�作|葉亮圻
Choreographer | LIU Shu-ying, WU Yi-fang Performer | WU Yi-fang Producer | YI Wei-ling Dance Company Consultant | MI Jun-ru Costume Consultant | LIN Jing-ru Stage Design | WANG Shi-xin Lighting Design | HUANG Zu-yan Music Design | YU Huan-fu Image and Visual Graphic Design | Akibo Ming-dao LI Graphic Photography | LIU Zhen-xiang Stage Manager | LI Zhong-zhen Dance Company Manager | PAN Mei-lian
Stage Design Assistant and Prop Maker | PUN Wing Executive Producer | YEH Liang-chi
$ 1200 / 2000
主辦單位|風之舞形舞團 協辦單位|有傘的孩子國際藝術舞蹈學院 指導單位|臺北市政府文化局 贊助單位|國家文化藝術基金會、研華文教基金會
Presenter | Wind Dance eatre
Co-Organizer | e Umbrella International Institute of the Dance Academy Advisor | Department of Cultural A airs, Taipei City Government Sponsor | National Culture and Arts Foundation / Advantech Foundation
全長約 75 分鐘,無中場休息
Approx. 75 minutes without intermission
建議 10 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 10 and above
12/23 (一)mon.19:30
《遠行 Voyage》 2024 陳映辰長笛獨奏會
CHEN Ying-chen 2024 Flute Recital
「隨著耳邊的優美旋律,帶領我們一同遠行,踏上一趟 未知的旅程。」時代的變遷,使人與人的距離縮短,不 再受地理位置的限制,隨時都能藉由科技獲取需要的知 識與資源,然而音樂也是如此,我們能透過不同時代與 不同國家的作曲家所創作的音樂中,了解到作曲家們獨 特的音樂風格與寫作時的情感描述。想藉由不同國家的 作曲家們所創作的長笛作品,帶領觀眾一同感受各風格 多變的長笛音樂,就如同旅行般,一同遨遊於長笛音樂 的奇幻旅程中。
"With the beautiful melodies by our ears, guiding us on a journey to the unknown." e changes of the times have shortened the distance between people, no longer con ned by geographical boundaries, and always able to access the knowledge and resources needed through technology. Similarly, music is also no exception. Through the compositions of composers from di erent eras and countries, we can understand their unique musical styles and emotional descriptions during composition. rough ute works created by composers from different countries, we aim to lead the audience to experience the diverse styles of ute music together, akin to traveling together on a fantastical journey through the world of ute music.
��|陳�辰 ��|陳�� 作曲|徐�� 曲目:
��:《羅�史》,作品 37 卡爾.�林:《���������曲》,作品 55 �爾�.舒爾�夫:���鳴曲 卡爾格.�勒�:《��短�》 �羅.��爾�:�首�念⼩品 徐��:《��》為��獨�
Flute | CHEN Ying-chen Piano | CHEN Yung-li Composer | HSU Ching-tung
Saint-Saëns: Romance, Op. 37
Carl Frühling: Fantasie for Flute and Piano, Op. 55
Erwin Schulho : Flute Sonata
Karg Elert: Sinfonische Kanzone
Paul Schoen eld: Four Souvenirs for Flute and Piano
HSU Ching-tung: Metamorphosis for Flute Solo
Presenter | CHEN Ying-chen
全長約 75 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 75 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
Saint-Saëns: Le carnaval des animaux
J. McBride: Snow in a Silent Wood
Alan Stein: Snow Day Celebration!
Georgy Salnikov: Children's Suite
Yosuke Fukuda: ジングル・ベル in Swing
$ 400 / 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 / 1500 / 1800 OPENTIX
Presenter | Con Bello Symphonic Band / DO SHOW Cultural Co., Ltd.
全長約 90 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 90 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 3 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 3 and above
小劇場 Black Box 大劇院 Grand Theater
12/26 (四)thu.19:00
CHEN Yu-cheng Percussion Recital
打擊樂家陳又誠在本次獨奏會安排多首近期他喜歡的擊 樂作品,同時也邀請他的夥伴一同詮釋打擊樂室內樂。 曲目包含電子音樂、獨奏作品以及協奏曲。
CHEN Yu-cheng will present you series of percussion solos, chamber, and concerto.
12/27 (五)fri. 12/28 (六)sat. 12/29 (日)sun.
19:30 14:30 / 19:30 14:30
打�|陳又� �士鼓|洪�辰 ��|��� ��|��� ��|羅�� ��提�|徐子昀 曲目:
�可.伯�:《����》 ��.��:《住⼝》
吉�孝�:《狂�曲》 北⽖�夫:《並列》 ��.瓦倫:《�人����歷史當中》 �那.帖利�:《��鼓協�曲》 ��斯、卡列�:〈����曲〉,�自《�士�曲》
Percussion | CHEN Yu-cheng Drum | HUNG Jui-chen
Piano | TSAI Yi-chen Flute | CHANG Wei-su
Clarinet | LUO Zhi-yuan Bass | HSU Tzu-yun
Michael Burritt: The Fragile Corridor
Andy Akiho: Stop Speaking
Takayoshi Yoshioka: Rhapsody
Michio Kitazume: Side by Side
Ben Wahlund: In the History of Man
Werner ärichen: Concerto for Timpani and Orchestra
Carlo Willems, Geert Callaert: 'Introduction and Dace' from Jazz Suite
$ 600
Presenter | Triplex Percussion Group / CHEN Yu-cheng
※ ※
全長約 60 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 60 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 4 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 4 and above
舞台劇《謝謝大家收看》 Bravo! Bravo!
忠偉事業有成,家庭和樂,和偉忠一樣是個電視人、到 了高鐵半價的年紀,遇上長江後浪推前浪、婚姻關係更 年期,連往事都只剩回味……面對歲月風暴來襲,該怎 麼迎接人生的秋冬?這不只是王忠偉的故事,也是你我 身邊熟齡男女的心事。人生如戲,不論演什麼角色,都 有機會獲得掌聲、也可能落漆被噓,經過努力,就值得 一聲「謝謝大家收看」!
WANG Chung-wei is known as the "tyrant in the television world." He has always had the power to control everything he wants. However, when he became a father, he found himself feeling small. Now, Chung-wei must face the fact that he is getting old. But he looks at his elderly mother, who has always been full of humor throughout her life. He realizes that as long as his heart remains young, stays open to the unexpected world, and illuminates the world with his indomitable spirit, the future could always be full of hope.
��|王�� 主��員|于子�、�子乾、王��
�員|王��、��拉.��吉、���(兩�)、盧學叡 ���員|邱�� ����|王� ��|王�� ��|陳��
����|陳� �光��|盧�� 服���|林恒正 �樂��|邱玠� ����|徐�君 ����|��嵐 動作��|⿈�� 行���|�正� �行�作|曹�� ����|��� ��助理�⼩���行|王浩�
Excutive Producer | WANG Wei-chung
Lead Performer | YU Tzu-yu, KUO Tze-cheng, WANG Wei-chung
Performer | Chelsea WANG, Damula Chuyoji, CHENG Mu-tsen, Afalian Lu c Puppeteer | CHIU Mi-chen Playwright Coordinator | WANG Jung
Playwright | WANG Shih-chun Director | Alfred CHEN
Stage Design | CHEN Hui Lighting Design | LU Chian-ann
Costume Design | LIN Heng-cheng Music Design | Steve C. CHIU
Video Design | HSU Yi-chung Sound Design | CHANG Chin-lan
Movement Design | HUANG Hsiao-ting
Marketing Supervisor | Vivian CHANG Associate Producer | Mark TSAO
Stage Manager | CHENG Tzu-han
Director Assistant & Prop Assistant | WANG Hao-chuan
Rehearsal Assistant & Sound Effect Executive | CHEN Hsin-yu
$ 800 / 1000 / 1200 / 1400 / 1600 / 2000 / 2200 / 2600 / 3200 / 3600 udn
Presenter | Ginstar Cutural & Creative Productions / udnFunLife / e Front
Row eater
全長約 110 分鐘,無中場休息
Approx. 110 minutes without intermission 建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above
中劇院 Playhouse
2024 聖采琪惜恩傳愛音樂會
2024 St. Cecilia Orchestra Love Concert
聖采琪弦樂團秉持著創立初衷「以音樂傳遞愛、希望、和 平」團隊精神。2024
年末最終場演出,聖采琪優秀演奏 者,以室內樂重奏、協奏曲形式與觀眾見面,曲目包含貝 多芬、舒伯特、德沃札克經典絃樂重奏作品;以及變化多 端大提琴聲部,演奏經典改編名曲,最後由絃樂團與協奏 者演出多首絃樂小品,以溫馨充滿感恩的心。
In the final performance at the end of 2024, St. Cecilia United String Orchestra performers will meet the audience in the form of chamber ensembles and concertos. The repertoire includes classic string ensemble works by Beethoven, Schubert, and Dvořák; as well as varied cello parts, playing classic adaptations of famous songs, and finally the string orchestra and concertinas performed a number of string pieces, with a heart full of warmth and gratitude.
�揮�⼩提�|金�先 ⼩提�|�惜�、王�喬、�昕叡 中提�|⿈��、�昕�、⿈聿� 大提�|��瑾、洪��、�人� ��|何�� �采琪聯合�樂團 曲目:
貝多�:《街頭��》,� B 大���三重�,作品 11 �沃札克:《�國》,F 大�� 12 ��樂�重�,� 1、4 樂�
舒伯�:D ⼩��樂�重�,� 1 樂�、《���》
喬��.�雷�:��曲 布利斯(金�啟��):《�主�牲��》 鮑伯.�利普斯:《⻄���者》�
Conductor & Violin | JIN Zhong-xian Violin | Rosie CHANG, WANG Yan-ciao, Winstone WU Viola | HUANG You-lin, Stephanie WU, HUAN Yu-yan Cello | Saibrina CHIANG, Brilliant L. HUNG, Amber SHIH Piano | HO Hsiu-hsien
St. Cecilia United String Orchestra
Beethoven: Gassenhauer, Piano Trio No. 4 in B at major, Op. 11
Dvořák: American, String Quartet No. 12 in F major, Op. 96 mvt. Ⅰ , Ⅳ Schubert: String Quartet No. 14 in D minor, D. 810 mvt. Ⅰ , Ave Maria
Joanna Borrett: Panache
P. P. Bliss (arr. KIM Han-ki): Saviour! Thy Dying Love Theme
Bob Philips: Danza Espanola, etc.
主辦單位|財團法人天主教上智文教基金會、財團法人天主教會台中教 區、聖采琪聯合弦樂團
Presenter | Populorum Progressio Institute / Catholic Taichung Diocese / St. Cecilia United String Orchestra
※ 12/27
全長約 110 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 110 minutes with a 15-minute intermission 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
12/28 (六) sat. 12/29 (日) sun. 14:30 14:30
The Confidants
人生在世最難能可貴的,莫過有個心神相守,患難與共的 摯友,吳兆騫、顧貞觀和納蘭性德便是這樣的至交。歷經 多少磨難,他們的友情該如何面對人性的考驗?一場「江 南科場案」,一首金縷曲,這齣京崑雙奏的《知己》是李 寶春挑戰深度人物的代表作品,特邀溫宇航雙主演,鍾耀 光與朱紹玉聯手,呈現京崑融合西樂,悅耳的視聽感受。
The most valuable thing in life is having a confidant—a friend who shares your heart and soul, standing by you through hardships. This deep bond is seen in the friendship between WU Zhao-qian, GU Zhen-guan, and Na Lan Xing-De. After many trials, how will their bond survive the test of human nature? Set against historical backdrop of the "Scandal of the Jiangnan Provincial Examination" and the poem "Jin Lu Qu" (Ballad of the Golden Threads), The Confidents fuses Peking Opera and Kunqu. A signature work of Maestro LI Bao-chun, it showcases his skill with complex characters. Co-starring WEN Yuhang, with CHUNG Yiu-kwong and ZHU Shao-yu, the performance blends traditional opera with Western music, creating a rich, engaging experience.
�������|李�� 作曲|鍾�光 唱���|朱�玉 ����|��� 服���|��� �光��|李�� ����|王�盛 領銜主�|李��、溫��
Director & Peking Opera Adaptation | LI Bao-chun
Composer | CHUNG Yiu-kwong Vocal Design | ZHU Shao-yu
Stage Design | CHANG Wei-wen Costume Design | TSAI Yu-fen
Lighting Design | LEE Chun-yu Video Design | Ethan WANG
Lead Performer | LI Bao-chun, WEN Yu-hang
$ 500 / 800 / 1200 / 2000 OPENTIX
贊助單位|台泥企業團 Presenter | C.F.Koo Foundation Sponsor | TCC Group Holdings
全長約 180 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 180 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
小劇場 Black Box
12/28 (六) sat. 19:30
富爾敦室內樂團 2024 臺灣巡迴音樂會《友情與親情》
Fulton Chamber Players
2024 Taiwan Tour Friends and Family
來自美國的富爾敦室內樂團致力為觀眾呈現非凡的古典 音樂,長期結合優秀音樂家推廣各項演出與教育計畫。本 次將由創辦人臺裔小提琴家鄧丞修與保羅.豪爾及中提琴 家艾美.赫斯以友情與親情為主題,帶來多首精采室內樂 的曲目,包含貝多芬、馬悌努、傅克斯、巴洛威、德沃札 克的作品,帶給愛樂觀眾最高水準的藝術呈現。
The Fulton Chamber Players is a classical music ensemble uniting world-class artists to present exceptional programs. This time, the founder, Taiwanese-American violinist Addison TENG, along with Paul Hauer and violist Amy Hess, will deliver an exciting chamber music performance centered on themes of friendship and family, showcasing several captivating ensemble pieces.
小劇場 Black Box
12/29 (日) sun. 14:30
2024 Hotshot Chamber Ⅵ
本場音樂會特別邀請青島「耶胡迪梅紐因學校」3 位優秀 教師來臺,為觀眾獻上充滿古典風韻的絃樂四重奏。呈現 貝多芬、莫札特與海頓的經典作品,展現 3 位古典大師的 創作精髓。海頓被譽為「絃樂四重奏之父」,莫札特以其 優雅與情感深度聞名,而貝多芬則賦予了這種形式更具戲 劇性與力量。本次演出透過 4 把絃樂器的對話,帶領觀眾 走入古典樂派的輝煌時代,透過教師群精湛的技藝與詮 釋,為聽眾帶來一場純粹而深刻的音樂饗宴。
This concert features three distinguished teachers from "The Yehudi Menuhin School Qingdao", presenting a string quartet performance steeped in classical elegance. The program showcases the timeless works of Beethoven, Mozart, and Haydn, highlighting the artistic brilliance of these three classical masters. Haydn, known as the "Father of the String Quartet," Mozart for his elegance and emotional depth, and Beethoven for bringing drama and power to the form. Through the dialogue of four string instruments, this performance invites the audience into the golden age of classical music. With the teachers' superb skill and interpretation, it promises a pure and profound musical experience.
⼩提�|�丞修、�羅.�爾 中提�|��.赫斯 曲目:
巴洛�:�⼩提��希伯來悲� 馬��:3 首為⼩提��中提��牧�,作品 313 �克斯:E 大��樂三重�,作品 61,� 1 � 貝多�:C 大�三重�,作品 87 �沃札克:C 大��樂三重�,作品 74
Violin | Addison TENG, Paul Hauer Viola | Amy Hess Program:
A. Barlowe: Hebraique Elegie for Two Violins
B. Martinů : ree Madrigals for Violin and Viola, H. 313
R. Fuchs: String Trio in E major, Op. 61, No. 1
L. v. Beethoven : Trio in C major, Op. 87
A. Dvořák: Terzetto for Two Violins and Viola, Op. 74
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘
建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above ※ ※
Approx. 100 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
⼩提�|王�楊、徐立� 中提�|�雷 大提�|林�� 曲目: 貝多�:D 大��樂�重�,作品 18,第 3 號 �札�:D 大��樂�重�,作品 575 ��:《��》,� E 大��樂�重�,作品 33,第 2 號
Violin | WANG Bo-yang, Vicki HSU
Viola | CAI Lei Cello | LIN Min-yuan Program:
Beethoven: String Quartet in D major, Op. 18, No. 3
Mozart: String Quartet in D major, K. 575
Haydn: Joke, String Quartet in E- at major, Op. 33, No. 2
主辦單位|名加大提琴合奏團 贊助單位|名加牙醫專科協同醫療中心
Presenter | Hotshot Cello Choir
Sponsor | Hotshot Specialist Union Dental Center
全長約 85 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘
Approx. 85 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above
Tenor | FU Wei-tsung
The Expressionism Ensemble
SMGSG String Orchestra
SMGSH Recorder Ensemble Program:
Gerhard Schwertberger: Buenos Aires Con CuCu
Allan Rosenheck: 'Olvera Street' from Los Angeles , Impressionen aus New York Vivaldi: Recorder Concerto in C major, RV 443, Allegro molto HUANG Zhen-yu: Leaning on the Railing Alone, etc
$ 800
Presenter | Vincent Music & Arts
Co-Organizer | Stella Matutina Girls' High School
全長約 110 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 110 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
12/31 (二) tue.19:30 小劇場 Black Box
TimeArt Studio×Broken Frames Syndicate
時間藝術工作室致力於推廣多元音樂藝術,自成立以來便 以創新思維舉辦當代音樂推廣系列音樂會。2020 年,工
作室匯集過去經驗,舉辦巡迴演出,主題聚焦二戰後的當 代音樂,從經典作品延伸至全新委託創作,展現承先啟 後的精神。今年時間藝術工作室與德國當代樂團 Broken Frames Syndicate 攜手推出全新系列,繼續以創意與熱情 傳遞當代音樂之美。
TimeArt Studio is dedicated to promoting diverse musical arts. Since its establishment, it has organized a series of contemporary music concerts with innovative approaches. In 2020, the studio consolidated its previous experiences and launched the tour, focusing on postWorld War Ⅱ contemporary music. The program featured significant works from music history, extending to newly commissioned pieces, highlighting the spirit of connecting past and present in contemporary music. In 2024, Time Art Studio will collaborate with the German contemporary ensemble Broken Frames Syndicate to present a new series titled continuing to convey the beauty of contemporary music with creativity and passion.
大劇院 Grand Theater
12/31 (二) tue. 1/1 (三) wed. 19:30 14:30
2024 2025 NTT 跨新年音樂會 2024—2025 NTT New Year Gala
周而復始的時序,你會感傷時光流逝,還是歡喜迎接新 年?瘋戲樂策劃揮別 2024《Goodbye Until Tomorrow》、 迎接 2025《Hello Sunshine!》音樂會,兩套曲目,雙倍享 受,陪伴你除舊、布新。瘋戲樂攜手音樂劇歌手程伯仁、 張世珮、倪安東、瘦瘦(曾威豪)、蘇志翔、顏辰歡、金 仁馨等豪華陣容,帶來精心挑選的西洋、華流、日韓經典 歌曲,每一首歌都訴說著不同的故事,每一首歌都將把你 帶進無限的感動與歡樂中,帶領大家一起勇敢又深情地告 別 2024 年,用音樂點亮 2025 新年新夢想!
As seasons cycle endlessly, do you feel melancholic about the passing of time or joyfully welcome the new year? Studio M presents a farewell to 2024 with the concert Goodbye Until Tomorrow and welcomes 2025 with Hello Sunshine!. ese two consecutive performances will guide you through the delicate art of bidding farewell to the past while embracing the dawn of new beginnings. Studio M, brings a selection of classic Western, Mandarin, Japanese, and Korean songs. Each song will take you to bid farewell to 2024 bravely and passionately, and to light up new dreams for 2025 with music!
�間��工作�×Broken Frames Syndicate 當代樂團 曲目:
�琳.���洛�:《十三種��》(��首�) ��.�基:《Radio Music》(��首�) �皇龍:《�間��間》為⼩提�、單��、大提������重�曲 �昭�:《Swell II》 為 5 ~ 10 ��樂��作 ( �界首� ) ���:��創作(�界首�)�
TimeArt Studio×Broken Frames Syndicate Program:
Pauline Oliveros: 13 Changes (Taiwan Premiere)
John Cage: Radio Music (Taiwan Premiere)
PAN Hwang-long: Time and Spaces, Quartet for Violin, Clarinet in B- at, Cello and Piano
TUNG Chao-ming: Swell Ⅱ (World Premiere)
HUI Tak-cheung: Commissioned Work (World Premiere) , etc
Presenter | TimeArt Studio
Sponsor | Ministry of Culture / Goethe Institut / Lien Violins / COMING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD.
全長約 90 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 90 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
�員|金仁�、倪�東、��珮、��(���)、�伯仁、�辰�、 ��� 樂手|���(中��克斯�)、���(�中��克斯�)、��鳳(⼩ �) ��|�孟� ��|陳�� Fangas Nayaw ����、�樂��暨製作人|王希� ����|��� ����|���作�����司 �光��|大竹(吉拉事�) ����|陳星奎(���作) ����|⿈�� 服���|��� �作人|邱��、李奇 �作��|李奇 行政��|邱��
Performer | CHANG Shih-pei, CHENG Bo-ren, KIM In-hyoung, Niaws, Anthony Neely, SOSO Tseng, YEN Chen-huan Musician | CHENG Wen -feng(Trumpet), LIAO Chuang-ting(Tenor Saxophone), Ruby PAN(Alto saxophone)
Playwright | HSU Meng-lin Director | Fangas Nayaw
Music Director | Owen WANG Stage Manager | CHOU Hsien-hsin
Stage Design | Ridge Studio Lighting Design | Big Chu(Zilla Design Co.)
Music Design | CHEN Hsin-kuei(Feblow Production)
Video Design | HUANG Yong-hsin Costume Design | Linggi TSAI
Producer | Baba CHIU, LEE Chi, Owen WANG
Artistic Director | Owen WANG Production coordinator | LEE Chi
Administrative coordinator | Baba CHIU
$ 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1300 / 1700 / 2200
Presenter | National Taichung eater
全長約 90 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 90 minutes without intermission 建議 3 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 3 and above
華、英、日、韓語發音,無字幕 Performed in Mandarin, English, Japanese and Korean without surtitles
2024 一書一世界。島知讀:閱讀與工藝市集
One Book One World 2024: Island Knows Everything – Reading and Craft Fair
滿懷節慶感的冬日氛圍,島作將帶來「島知讀:閱讀工藝市集」,現場除了日本、臺灣兩地的書店及出版社,並有工藝作 者出店及數場講座,帶領大家重新認識寬廣的閱讀世界。講座將從書籍發想、寫成、製成到銷售,邀請臺灣及日本編輯、 作者一同加入,領略一本書的生命之旅;市集品牌將分享各種好物集結選書、工藝作家令人仰慕的書寫、料理家喜歡的 食譜,透過各行業選書人推薦,每一張桌席都是精采的書展,並加入精選飲食、工藝品牌,邀您來趟閱讀與生活探險之旅! is winter, Island Craft Fair presents the vibrant "Island Knows Everything – Reading and Craft Fair." Alongside bookstores and publishing houses from Japan and Taiwan, talented craft artists will open their stores and host lectures, guiding participants on a journey back into the world of reading. e event will feature talks that explore every step of a book's journey from conception, writing, and production, to sales. Editors and authors from Taiwan and Japan will share their insights, o ering a deeper understanding of the life of a book. Market brands will also join in, inviting you to discover new reads through recommendations from a wide range of book experts across di erent industries. Embark on this adventure of reading, crafting, and living, and broaden your literary horizons!
12/7(六)sat. -12/8(日)sun. 10:30-17:30
主辦單位|實心裡生活什物店.島作 協辦單位|臺中國家歌劇院 指導單位|文化部、享讀福爾摩沙
Presenter | Island Craft Fair
Co-Organizer | National Taichung eater Advisor | Ministry of Culture / READ FORMOSA
免費 入場
臺中國家歌劇院 5F National Taichung eater 5F
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
會員專屬活動 Exclusive Event for NTT Members
歌劇院會員限定―「結繩・季飾」歲末花藝工作坊 Exclusive Event for NTT Members
Knotting & Seasonal Decorations: Year-End Flower Arrangement Workshop
歌劇院在歲末規劃獨特花藝課程──「手綁草繩花圈」及「好運綠植注連繩」,用情感編織花藝、用心意裝點創作,作 品除承載對未來的美好期待,也將成為迎接新年的象徵。好友相約這段專屬自己的時刻,一同手作花藝,讓作品成為四 季美好的陪伴。
NTT is excited to present a year-end flower art course: “Hand-tied Straw Rope Wreaths and Good Luck Japanese Shime-nawa.” This workshop beautifully intertwines floral design with heartfelt emotions, creating meaningful decorations. Each piece will embody hopes and wishes for the future and serve as a warm symbol of welcoming the New Year.
12/8(日)sun. 13:00-17:30 場次一:13:00-14:30 手綁草繩花圈、場次二:16:00-17:30 好運綠植注連繩
Presenter | National Taichung eater
$ 2000 網路報名請至「ACCUPASS 活動通」Registration on ACCUPASS
※活動約 90 分鐘 / 單堂 Approx. 90 minutes for a class ※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
角落沙龍 Corner Salon
Sustainability Practitioners Behind the Stage
山峸製作設計創辦人袁浩程,以改善臺灣劇場藝術創作者的工作生態為目標,將有限的資源最大化,開啟他的劇場永續 之旅:打造共享倉儲空間,協助不同團隊重複使用布景道具,並且透過二手租借的服務,延續道具的生命。除此之外, 袁浩程也與學長合作經營山峸二手書店,書店中的小型劇場,可作為演出的發展與實驗場域,在有限的空間中創造無限 的想像。
YUAN Hao-cheng, the founder of Ridge Studio, embarked on his journey to promote sustainability in the theater with a mission: to improve the working conditions of Taiwanese artists and maximize the use of limited resources. His innovative shared storage space enables di erent theater teams to reuse set props and screens, while his second-hand rental service has extended the lifespan of these materials. YUAN has impacted the Taiwanese theater community through these e orts, fostering a more sustainable environment.
12/11(三)wed. 19:00
$ 100 網路報名請至「ACCUPASS 活動通」Registration on ACCUPASS 講者|袁浩程 / 山峸製作設計 創辦人 Lecturer | YUAN Hao-cheng / e Founder of Ridge Studio 主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
※ 講座約 120 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 120 minutes without intermission ※講座以華語進行 Lectured in Mandarin
※ 本系列講座提供公教人員進修時數認證
All program in this series qualify under the Civil Servant Training Program.
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
歌劇院戶外植栽區 Public Space
《小劇龍的戶外探索》 Tour for Children
HOHOHO !歌劇院戶外探險隊出發!耶誕節即將來臨,兩位馴鹿小精靈邀請大小朋友, 在涼爽的冬日、舒服的暖陽, 一起走進歌劇院綠色祕境! 打開全身感官,探索這片綠地樹林的各種植物,觸摸樹幹表皮、觀察樹葉輪廓、嗅聞花葉氣 味,尋找隱身與人類共存的迷彩花花獸們,最後一起跟著屏風獸、聖誕老公公坐在草地上,享用耶誕小點心及創作聖誕 小卡!
Christmas is just around the corner! Step into the mystical green space of NTT and awaken your senses as you explore a vibrant forest lled with diverse plants and animals. Uncover the hidden camou age ower beasts, blending seamlessly with their surroundings, and discover how they coexist with us. Finally, relax on the grass with the beast of partition and Santa Claus, indulge in festive snacks, and let your imagination run wild as you create your own Christmas card!
(六)sat. 15:00–16:40
主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater ※活動約 100 分鐘 Approx. 100 minutes without intermission ※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change
$ 500 網路報名請至「ACCUPASS 活動通」Registration on ACCUPASS
角落沙龍 Corner Salon
2024-2025 NTT+ 音樂劇人才培育工程 第一階段讀劇呈現 2024-2025 NTT+ Musical Playwright Incubation Project
歌劇院以 2 年期程規劃音樂劇人才培育工程,包含「劇本創作孵育」及「製作發展」兩階段。第一階段共 5 件作品入選, 分別為:吳子齊《無驚》、陳家寶 《Planet》、王絲涵×張嫚芯《愛的小部五曲》、汪鈞翌×徐啟洋《夜奔》及陳治 廷×施怡安《美的生存遊戲 Beauty Game》;並由韓國編導暨 CJ 文化基金會藝術總監趙容新擔任編劇顧問,與導演陳 侑汝、張仰瑄、孫自怡合作,並由製作循環工作室製作讀劇音樂會,邀請觀眾感受臺灣原創音樂劇的多元和精采。
NTT has launched a two-year musical theater talent cultivation project, divided into two stages: "Script Creation Incubation" and "Production Development." In the rst stage, ve works were selected: WU Tzu-chi's Wu Jing, CHEN Jia-bao's Planet," WANG Ssu-han and ZHANG Manshing's Five Little Stages of Love, WANG Jun-yi and HSU Chi-yang's Fleeing by Night, and CHEN Chih-ting and SHU Yi-an's Beautiful Game e project is guided by a team of esteemed directors, including CHEN Yow-ruu, CHANG Yang-shuan, Carolyn Sun, and CHO Yong-shin, the Korean scenarist-director from the CJ Culture Foundation, serving as the project consultant. With PROJECT ZERO presenting script reading musicals, audiences are invited to experience the richness and creativity of Taiwan's original musicals.
Under the Spotlight