August 2024
A Theater for Art & Life
「若你們能始終溫柔地相待,那麼,所有的時刻都將是一種無瑕的美麗。」詩人席慕蓉的詩句,揭示「唯 有珍惜,不負相遇」的生命境地。本期的藝術家、劇團,正是懷抱著對不同族群的關懷,用創作傳遞愛 的信念,溫柔相待。
音樂劇《Once, 愛是唯一》訴說城市裡的男女,各自懷抱音樂的夢想,知音相惜、滋長愛苗的故事,劇 中的音樂像是電影剪接師和導演,串聯牽引台上台下的悸動;丹麥倒影劇團《夜燈》則是用光和聲音說 「黑夜的故事」,啟發孩子用不同感官和想像去體驗黑暗;不想睡遊戲社《陽光隱身術》邀請 0 至 18 個月的小觀眾們進入劇場,和照護者共同經歷一段充滿色彩、溫柔又美好的旅程;隨著木業沉寂 20 多年, 全新打造的「林班道」,結合木業與手作、一系列活化廢棄小學的活動策展,用藝術讓南投車埕變得不 一樣。
藝術有如海納百川,包容獨特、尊重多元,提供最大的想像空間,任你悠遊。且與動人的表演藝術在舞 台相遇吧!體驗難能的心靈激盪,發現生命如是美好。
Editor’s Preface
The artists and troupes featured in this issue embrace diverse groups with a caring attitude, conveying the belief in love through their creations and treating the world with gentleness.
The musical Once narrates the story of a man and a woman, each harboring their own musical dreams, who find understanding and nurture love through their shared passion. The music in the play, much like skilled editing and directing, interweaves the emotions of those on and off stage. Teater Refleksion from Denmark presents Night Light, using light and sound to tell the story of the dark night. This performance inspires children to use different senses and imagination to experience darkness in new ways. You Are My Sunlight by Sleep No Playground invites young audiences aged 0 to 18 months into the theater, offering them and their caregivers a vibrant journey of colors. The newly established Grove Taiwan Business District combines woodworking and handicrafts, transforming Checheng in Nantou with the power of art.
Art offers boundless space for imagination. Let’s meet with the moving performing arts in the theater! Experience the profound spiritual impact and uncover the beauty of life. August 2024
發行單位|國家表演藝術中心臺中國家歌劇院 發行人|邱瑗 製作統籌|汪虹、劉宇彬、郭玲孜、余承歡 企劃製作|台灣赫斯特媒體股份有限公司 編輯總監|葉小綺 主編|葉亞薇 執行主編|蔡帷環 美術設計|林佩蓉 廣告刊登| 04-24155790 封面照片提供|愛樂愛城文化傳媒有限公司
朝富路 Chaofu Rd.
河南路三段 Sec. 3, Henan Rd.
惠民路 Huimin Rd.
路 北 政 市 路 二 北
Shizheng North 1st Rd.
惠中路一段 Sec. 1, Huizhong Rd.
路 七 北 政 市 段 三 道 大 灣 臺 TIGER CITY Chaoma Transit Station
Shizheng North 7th Rd. Sec. 3, Taiwan Blvd. Shizheng North 6th Rd. Shizheng North 5th Rd. Shizheng North 3rd Rd. Shizheng North 2nd Rd.
3 號門 1號門
惠來路二段 Sec. 2, Huilai Rd.
新光三越 Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Store
台中大遠百 Far Eastern Top City
臺中市政府 Taichung City Government
府會園道 Fuhuiyuan Blvd.
文心路二段 Sec. 2, Wenxin Rd.
YouBike 2.0 租賃站點
YouBike 2.0 Rental S tatio n 計程車乘車處 Taxi S ta nd
市區公車 City Bu s
33(往高鐵) , 48, 73, 77, 151, 151A, 152, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 305E, 305W, 306, 306E, 306W, 307, 308, 309, 310, 323, 324, 325, 359(往文心森林)
開館時 間 Openi ng Hou rs
捷運市政府站 Taichung City Hall Station
臨停下車處 P ick - up Ar ea
停車場 Par king Lo t
捷運站 TMRT
「新光 / 遠百站」優化公車專用道停靠站 Please visit our website for opening hour and program schedule adjustment
「臺中國家歌劇院站」停靠站 5, 33(往逢甲) , 153, 155, 157, 326, 359(往東海)
60, 69, 75, 358, 658, 高鐵快捷公車 THSR Shuttle bus 161
週一休 館 ( 劇場演出與講座照常舉行 ,觀眾可於活動開始 前 40 分鐘 由 1 號門 、3 號門 及 8 號門入館 。)
週日 、週二至週 四 11:30 -2 1:0 0 /週五至週六及國定假 日 1 1:3 0- 22:00
售票 處/ 12:00 - 20:00 顧客服務台 / 11:30 - 20:00
紀念品店 週日、週二至週四 11:30-20:00 / 週五及週六及國定假日 11:30-21:00
Clo s ed on Mo nda ys ( S che d uled pe rf or mance s and lectu res a r e held a s u su al
A tte n dee s may e n te r fr om G ate s O ne, Th r ee and Eight 40 minute s p r io r t o the eve nt s. )
Su n ., T ue. -T hu 1 1: 30 -2 1:00 / Fr i .-S at., N ational H oliday s 1 1:30 - 22:0 0
Box Office 12:00 - 20:00 Customer Service 11:30 - 20:00
NTT GIFT SHOP Sun., Tue.-Thu. 11:30-20:00 / Fri.-Sat., National Holidays 11:30-21:00
A / 4 070 25 臺中市西屯區惠來路二段 10 1
101, Huilai Rd., Sec. 2, Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407025, Taiwan (R.O.C) T / 0 4 -2 251 17 77 F / 0 4- 22 51 3 229 E / ser vice@npac - ntt.o rg
好戲上場 Show's On
節目介紹 Program Introduction
聚光燈下 Under the Spotlight
音樂劇製作人陳午明談《Once, 愛是唯一》 近乎完美的觀劇體驗
幕後掃描 Backstage View
CHICAGO e Musical
CHICAGO e Musical
14:30 、 19:30
CHICAGO e Musical
CHICAGO e Musical
狂美《久石讓的燦爛樂章》交響音樂會 2024再現
Symphonic Concert: Score Selections from Joe Hisaishi
狂美《久石讓的燦爛樂章》交響音樂會 2024再現
Symphonic Concert: Score Selections from Joe Hisaishi
13:30 19:30
2024夏日放/FUN時光 焦點劇團 ×夏綠瓦蒂劇團《最後一個星期日》
Focus Company×Chaliwaté Company Dimanche
2024夏日放/FUN時光 焦點劇團 ×夏綠瓦蒂劇團《最後一個星期日》
Focus Company×Chaliwaté Company Dimanche
2024 NTT+×勇源 音樂劇線上: 新起之秀 2024 NTT+ × CHEN-YUNG FOUNDATION Musical Online: New Talents
CHANG Kai-min 2024 Piano Recital
2024羅明芳獨唱會《Sonnet》十四行詩 Sonnet
惠青春 那年屬於我們的盛夏
Hui-Youth at Year Belonged to Our Splendid Summer 19:30
2024 Traveller Chamber Music A Musical Odyssey
2024 TMAF Orchestra Concert
《氣韻》2024聞韶軒絲竹室內樂團 年度音樂會
Qi Yun 2024 Wind-Sough Concert
2024夏日放/FUN時光 嚎哮排演 《別叫我成功:藝術界歸來的兒子》
HaoxHsiaoTroupe Tales of Success : the Return of a Prodigal Son 14:30
2024夏日放/FUN時光 嚎哮排演 《別叫我成功:藝術界歸來的兒子》
HaoxHsiaoTroupe Tales of Success : the Return of a Prodigal Son 14:30
2024夏日放/FUN時光 嚎哮排演 《別叫我成功:藝術界歸來的兒子》
HaoxHsiaoTroupe Tales of Success : the Return of a Prodigal Son
19:30 《用愛擁抱》高雄愛樂室內合唱團 2024慈善音樂會 Embrace with Love KPCC Charity Concert
19:30 國防部示範樂隊113年度音樂會 2024 Annual Concert of MNDSO 19:30 《無論如何》 sowieso
臺中市安和國中音樂班第18屆成果發表會 Music Paradise
柯容軒大提琴獨奏會 CelloKoko Cello Recital
2024 Musicals Development International Symposium: e Innovation and Future of Musical 10:30
2024 Musicals Development International Symposium: e Innovation and Future of Musical
14:30 、 19:30
Teater Re eksion × Andy Manley Night Light
Teater Re eksion × Andy Manley Night Light
14:30 、 19:30
音樂劇《Once, 愛是唯一》
Musical Once
音樂劇《Once, 愛是唯一》
Musical Once
臺中一中天籟國樂校友團30週年 暑期音樂會 e 30th Anniversary Concert of TCFSH Tian-Lai Chinese Orchestra Alumni Association
2024 NTSO國際青少年管弦樂團 臺泰交流行前音樂會
2024 NTSO International Youth Orchestra Taiwan- ailand Exchange Concert
2024 St. Cecilia Orchestra Star Love Concert
2024 Taiwan Tour ─ NHK Symphony Orchestra
高雄市管樂團《動畫楽ノ祭》 日本動漫交響音樂會2
Japanese Anime Symphonic Concert 2
關於信仰,與我們所愛的這片土地 2024 Choral Festival Ⅲ: Ode to Formosa
十週年紀念音樂會 拾光迴廊 A Fabulous Adventure of 100 Cellos
臺中國家歌劇院主 / 合 / 協辦節目 Program (co) - presented by NTT
《炫技·幻想·帕格尼尼》 Virtuosity Fantasy Paganini
NTSO講座音樂會系列神奇的「七」Ⅲ —聖桑為鋼琴、小號及弦樂的七重奏 2024 NTSO Lecture Concert SeriesⅢ Wonder of 7
台中愛和平慈善音樂會 Taichung.Love.Peace Charity Concert
外租節目 Hirer Program
非公開 Exclusive Program
《VALO首部曲 阿米巴》
VALO - Amoeba
《VALO首部曲 阿米巴》
VALO - Amoeba
10:30 、 14:30 、 17:30
2024夏日放/FUN時光 丹麥倒影劇團×安迪.曼利《夜燈》
Teater Re eksion × Andy Manley Night Light
10:30 、 14:30 、 17:30
2024夏日放/FUN時光 丹麥倒影劇團×安迪.曼利《夜燈》
Teater Re eksion × Andy Manley Night Light
《箏詠》周莉菁古箏演奏會 CHOU Li-ching GuZheng Solo Concert
《聞笛》 Immersion into Recorder 19:30
2024 St. Cecilia Orchestra Midsummer Love Concert
10:30 、 14:30 、 19:30
2024豆莢寶寶兒童音樂會 《敲敲戰隊總動員,出擊!》
2024 Bean Babies Kids Concert Ciao Ciao Super Rangers, Ready Go!
10:30 、 14:30
2024豆莢寶寶兒童音樂會 《敲敲戰隊總動員,出擊!》 2024 Bean Babies Kids Concert Ciao Ciao Super Rangers, Ready Go!
2024夏日放/FUN時光─新藝計畫 不想睡遊戲社《陽光隱身術》
Emerging Artists Project Sleep No Playground
You Are My Sunlight
10:30 、 14:30 、 19:30
2024夏日放/FUN時光─新藝計畫 不想睡遊戲社《陽光隱身術》
Emerging Artists Project Sleep No Playground
You Are My Sunlight
10:30 、 14:30
2024夏日放/FUN時光─新藝計畫 不想睡遊戲社《陽光隱身術》
Emerging Artists Project Sleep No Playground You Are My Sunlight
《大師與他的第一樂章》 小提琴協奏曲精選音樂會 e Master and His Mov. Violin Concerto Selection Concert
音樂家的無聊人生製作《春花的葬禮》 e Mourning of Primroses
音樂家的無聊人生製作《春花的葬禮》 e Mourning of Primroses
Unknown Soul
Program may be subject to change.
大劇院 Grand Theater
7/31 (三) wed. 8/1 (四) thu.
8/2 (五) fri.
8/3 (六) sat.
8/4 (日) sun. 19:30 19:30 19:30 14:30 / 19:30 14:30
CHICAGO The Musical
《芝加哥》是百老匯最著名的音樂劇之一。1975 年於紐約 首演後,便受到各界關注,1996 年重回百老匯後,一舉奪 下各項大獎,包括 6 座美國劇場最高榮譽⸺東尼獎,及 葛萊美獎「最佳音樂劇專輯」之榮耀。全球累積超過 3,200 萬名觀眾、32,500 場演出見證,巡演全球 36 個國家、500 餘座城市。自此,《芝加哥》的紙醉金迷便不曾落幕, 2016 年創下於百老匯連演 20 年之紀錄,成為在百老匯演 出最久的「美國原創」音樂劇,全球票房更是高達 16 億 美金!
25th Anniversary Tour, first time touring 3 cities in Taiwan 7 years since last Taiwan tour
Broadway's longest running American musical 6 Tony Awards
Grammy's Best Musical Album
Toured over 36 countries, over 32,500 shows Live musicians recreating the Jazz Age CHICAGO the Musical is one of the most well known Broadway musicals, premiered in 1975, and revived in 1996 to critical acclaim. Over 32 million audience members worldwide, toured over 36 countries, 500 cities. It has dazzled audiences ever since then, celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2016, and having reached USD 1.6 billion in box office worldwide!
中劇院 Playhouse
8/3(六)sat. 8/4(日)sun.
聆 13:30 / 聆 19:30 聆 13:30
2024 夏日放/ FUN 時光―焦點劇團× 夏綠瓦蒂劇團《最後一個星期日》
Focus Company × Chaliwaté Company
不久的未來,地球將分崩離析! 故事從一家人平凡的週日家庭時光開始,即使天搖地動、 狂風暴雨,仍荒謬地試圖維持正常生活;3 名記者記錄著 地球上最後存活的物種,滅絕將在眨眼之間。透過物件、 偶戲、影像、聲音、默劇、肢體演出,誇張地呈現人類面對 生態浩劫及失控的自然力量,劇情看似荒誕滑稽,卻在捧 腹大笑之餘,覺察氣候變遷將對人類帶來的巨大影響。
In the not-so-distant future, Earth will face its doomsday! e story begins with an ordinary Sunday family time, amidst this chaotic scenario, the protagonists absurdly attempt to maintain normalcy. Three journalists document the last surviving species on Earth, knowing that extinction is imminent. rough objects, puppetry, imagery, sound, mime, and physical performances, the exaggerated portrayal depicts humanity facing ecological disaster and the uncontrollable forces of nature. ough seemingly comical and powerless, amidst the laughter, the audience becomes aware of the signi cant impact climate change will have on humanity.
作曲| John Kander ���作�| Fred Ebb
協同創作、�創������排| Bob Fosse
Music | John Kander
Book & Lyrics | Fred Ebb
Book Original Direction & Choreography | Bob Fosse
$ 800 / 1400 / 2100 / 2800 / 3400 / 4000 / 4600 / 5600
(輪椅� 1700)
$ 900 / 1600 / 2300 / 3000 / 3600 / 4200 / 4800 / 5800
(輪椅� 1800)
udn 售票
Presenter | udnFunLife Co., LTD
※ ※
全長約 140 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘
Approx. 140 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
建議 13 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 13 and above
��創作暨導演|��.�雷�、⻄卡.杜利耶、珊�琳.�洛� ��協作|多馬斯.�修�爾、��拉.貝�、克��汀.�洛�、 朱�.�奎�、索�.勒�、丹�斯.羅伯�
Original Text & Director | Julie Tenret, Sicaire Durieux, Sandrine Heyraud With | Julie Tenret, Sicaire Durieux, Sandrine Heyraud, omas Dechaufour, Shantala Pèpe, Christine Heyraud, Julie Dacquin, Sophie Leso, Denis Robert
$ 600 / 800 / 1000 OPENTIX
主辧單位|臺中國家歌劇院 指定住宿|
Presenter | National Taichung eater Exclusive Accommodation Partner |
全長約 75 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 75 minutes without intermission 演出內容部分含吸菸畫面,敬請斟酌入場 is Program contains scenes of smoking. Audience discretion is advised. 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
小劇場 Black Box 8/5 (一) mon.19:30
張凱閔 2024 鋼琴獨奏會
CHANG Kai-min 2024 Piano Recital
鋼琴家張凱閔近幾年來在國際樂壇上逐漸受到矚目,不 僅在比賽中有獲得不錯的成績,也受邀到世界各地演出 獨奏、室內樂以及協奏曲,今年他更入圍了里茲國際鋼 琴大賽。這次的獨奏會是睽違 6 年再次回到臺中舉辦, 他將會演奏貝多芬,斯克里亞賓,以及布拉姆斯偉大的 第三號鋼琴奏鳴曲。
Pianist CHANG Kai-min, a rising star in the international music scene, has recently been making headlines. His remarkable talent has led to success in competitions and exclusive invitations to perform solos, chamber music, and concertos across the globe. This year, he was among the select few shortlisted for the Leeds International Piano Competition, a testament to his global recognition. is anticipated recital, a rare occurrence in Taichung after six years, will feature the monumental and emotionally charged Piano Sonatas by Beethoven, Scriabin, and Brahms, promising a feast of unforgettable music.
小劇場 Black Box
8/6 (二) tue.19:30
2024 羅明芳獨唱會《
Sonnet》 十四行詩
本場音樂會由國內首屈一指的優秀聲樂家女高音羅明芳擔 綱獨唱,曲目以十四行詩為體材,分別有義大利的佩脫拉 克與英國的莎士比亞之詩。包括作曲家孟德爾頌、舒伯特、 布拉姆斯、卡斯特諾沃 - 泰德斯可、皮才第、李斯特等的 十四行詩歌曲作品。本場邀請美籍華裔鋼琴家、聲樂藝術 指導及藝術顧問,現任教於天津茱莉亞學院朱蕙心院長擔 任鋼琴合作。
This concert Sonnet will feature soprano LO Ming-fang, one of the nation's top vocalists, as the soloist. The program is centered around sonnets, including poems by Italy's Petrarca and England's Shakespeare. The repertoire includes sonnet-based songs by composers such as Mendelssohn, Schubert, Brahms, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Pizzetti, and Liszt. The concert will also feature Katherine ZHU, dean of the Tianjin Juilliard School, as the collaborative pianist.
女高音|羅明芳 鋼琴合作|朱蕙心 曲目:
歌德詩 舒伯特:《愛人來信》 布拉姆斯:《愛人來信》 孟德爾頌:《愛人來信》 莎士比亞詩 卡斯特諾沃 – 泰德斯可:〈當我眼極渴切的要看到我心〉、〈你在我身上, 看到了什麼時令〉、〈當我死時不要再為我悲哀〉 佩托拉克詩 皮才第:3 首佩托拉克十四行詩等
貝多�:�首⼩品,作品 33
斯克里��:� 3 �鋼琴�鳴曲,作品 23
布拉�斯:� 3 �鋼琴�鳴曲,作品 5
Piano | CHANG Kai-min
Program: Beethoven: Bagatelles, Op. 33
Scriabin: Piano Sonata No. 3, Op. 23
Gubaidulina: Chaconne
Brahms: Piano Sonata No. 3, Op. 5
Presenter | CHANG Shu-hua
全長約 90 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘
Approx. 90 minutes with a 15-minute intermission 建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above ※ ※ $ 500 OPENTIX
Soprano | LO Ming-fang Piano | Katherine ZHU Program: Goethe Sonnets
Schubert: Die Liebende schreibt, D. 673 Brahms: Die Liebende schreibt, Op. 47 Mendelssohn: Die Liebende schreibt, Op. 86 Shakespeare Sonnets Castelnuovo-Tedesco: ‘Betwixt mine eye and heart a league is took’ ‘That time of year thou mayst in me behold’ ‘No longer mourn for me when I am dead’
Sonetti del Petrarca
Pizzetti: 3 Sonetti del Petrarca, etc.
$ 500 / 800 / 1200 OPENTIX
主辦單位|中原風雅頌室內樂集樂團 Presenter | FYS Chamber Group
全長約 75 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 75 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 10 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 10 and above
大劇院 Grand Theater
8/7 (三) wed. 8/8 (四) thu. 19:30 19:30
交響音樂會―2024 再現
Symphonic Concert: Score Selections from Joe Hisaishi
有著「東方電影配樂大師」美譽的久石讓,透過筆下揮灑 的音樂魔法,總能在每部影像作品中,讓觀眾感受到不同 張力的聲音美學。此次,狂美精選多部久石讓歷年創作之 最,透過大型樂團的磅礡演繹、愛樂電台資深主持人邢子 青深度導聆,以及各場次專業演奏嘉賓的精采詮釋,盼與 樂迷來場輝煌燦爛的音樂共振。
Con Bello Symphony Band selectes a number of Mr. Hisaishi's best creations over the years. Though the majestic performance of largescale orchestra, the in-depth guided listening of HSING Tzu-ching, the senior host of PRT, and the brilliant interpretation of professional performers in various sessions, Look forward to having a brilliant and glorious music resonance with our fans in the concert hall.
小劇場 Black Box 8/7
惠青春―那年屬於我們的盛夏 Hui-Youth That Year Belonged to Our Splendid Summer
屢獲全國學生音樂比賽佳績的惠文高中國樂團,113 年 8 月將在臺中國家歌劇院舉辦年度成果音樂會,以室內樂 (國樂合奏、絲竹室內樂合奏)的形式演出,除了表演參 賽的曲目外,也邀請特別來賓一同演出,希望讓觀眾有耳 目一新的音樂饗宴。
Prepare to be captivated by the Hui-Wen High School Chinese Orchestra, a frequent champion in national student music competitions, as it presents its annual achievement concert at NTT this August. The concert will be a harmonious fusion of various chamber music genres, including performances by Chinese music ensembles and silk and bamboo chamber music ensembles. As a special treat, we have exceptional guests who will add their unique flair to the performance, promising the audience an enchanting and diverse musical journey.
指揮|林明琦 臺中市立惠文高中國樂團、臺中市南屯區大新國民小學管樂團 曲目:
艾德.亞堅齊亞諾:《會唱歌的垃圾桶》 佚名:《海的絲綢之路》
�作人�說書人|劉可� ����揮|��� �聆|邢子⻘ �覺��|呂�� 狂����樂團 曲目: 《���女》動畫�� 《�王���》���曲 《�行者:禮儀師�樂�》 〈���往日〉,�自《��》 〈生命���〉,�自《���物�》�
Producer & Srtoyteller | LIU Ke-chieh
Executive Producer & Conductor | HSIEH Wei-min Guide | HSING Tzu-ching Graphic Design | LU Chun-ting Con Bello Symphonic Band Program:
Highlights from Spirited Away The Great King Four God Story Depratures e Bygone Days When I Remember is Life, etc
$ 400 / 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 / 1500 / 1800 / 2200
Presenter | Con Bello Symphonic Band / DO SHOW Cultural Co., Ltd.
全長約 140 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 140 minutes with a 20-minute intermission 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above ※ ※
鄧雨賢 ( 黃新財改編 ):《滿面春風》 劉文祥:《思想起》等
Conductor | LIN Ming-chi
Taichung Municipal Hui-Wen High School Chinese Orchestra, Da Shin Elementary School Wind Orchestra Program:
Ed Argenziano: Stinkin' Garbage Anonymous: Sea Silk Road TEN Yu-hsien(arr. HUANG Shin-tsai): Overjoyed LIU Wen-hsiang: The Melody of Memory, etc.
$ 600 / 800 OPENTIX
主辦單位|羅伊嵐、臺中市立惠文高級中學國樂團家長後援會 協辦單位|臺中市立惠文高級中學國樂團
合辦單位|臺中市南屯區大新國民小學管樂團 指導單位|臺中市立惠文高級中學
Presenter | LO Yi-lan / Taichung Municipal Hui-Wen Senior High School
Chinese Orchestra Parents Support Group
Co-Organizer | Taichung Municipal Hui-Wen Senior High School Chinese Orchestra
Co-Presenter | Da Shin Elementary School Wind Orchestra
Advisor | Taichung Municipal Hui-Wen Senior High School
全長約 90 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘
Approx. 90 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 5 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 5 and above
小劇場 Black Box
8/8 (四) thu.19:30
2024 旅人室內樂集《音樂巡禮》
2024 Traveller Chamber Music A Musical Odyssey
2024 旅人室內樂邀請了旅美的鋼琴家江伯泉、來自洪都 拉斯大提琴家莫伊塞斯.莫利納(Moisés Molina)以及小 提琴家熊書宜,一同詮釋柴科夫斯基:鋼琴三重奏,作品 50、蕭斯塔科維契:第二號爵士組曲中的華爾滋、以及南 美探戈大師皮亞佐拉的《布宜諾艾利斯的四季》,讓樂迷 能同時欣賞 19 世紀經典浪漫與 20 世紀熱情奔放的多變風 格。
In the summer of 2024, Cellist Moisés Molina will join the Traveller Chamber music with pianist CHIANG Po-chuan and violinist HSIUNG Shu-i. Together, they will perform Tchaikovsky piano trio in A minor, Op. 50, Shotakovich‘Waltz’ from Jazz Suite No. 2 and Piazzolla The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires.
��|江柏泉 ⼩提�|�書� 大提�|�伊塞斯.�利� 曲目: �科夫斯基:��三重�,作品 50 �斯�科��:〈�爾�〉,�自�士�曲� 2 � 皮�佐拉:《布�諾�利斯���》
Piano | CHIANG Po-chuan Violin | HSIUNG Shu-i Cello | Moisés Molina
Tchaikovsky: Piano Trio in A minor, Op. 50
Shostakovich: ‘Waltz' from Jazz Suite No. 2
Piazzolla: The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires
Presenter | HSIUNG Shu-i
Sponsor | Hegu multi media
※ ※
全長約 95 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 95 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above
8/9 (五) fri. 8/10 (六) sat. 8/11 (日) sun.
2024 夏日放/ FUN 時光―
談 19:30
談 14:30 14:30
嚎哮排演《別叫我成功:藝術界歸 來的兒子》
Tales of Success: the Return of a Prodigal Son
自稱鄭成功第 N 代傳人的中部某開臺聖王廟主委鄭萬里, 因面臨都更拆廟迫遷,靈機一動計劃舉辦大型國姓藝術節 吸引全臺注目,上演以鄭成功為主角的音樂歌舞大秀。沒 想到戲劇系畢業的兒子鄭馬豪,聞風從臺北回鄉,希望主 導這齣戲來證明自己、獲得父親認可。然而觀念不合的父 子兩人在籌備過程中衝突不斷……眼看藝術節即將展開, 他們是否能「成功」呢?
CHENG Wan-li, the chairman of a sacred temple in central Taiwan who claims to be the descendant of Koxinga, faced with the temple's demolition due to urban renewal, had a brilliant idea to organize a large-scale Guoxing Arts Festival to attract national attention. The festival would feature a musical extravaganza portraying the story of Koxinga. Unexpectedly, his son CHENG Ma-hao, a graduate of a drama major, returned from Taipei upon hearing the news, hoping to take the lead in the play to prove himself and gain his father's approval. However, the father and son, with di erent ideologies, encountered constant con icts during the preparation process. As the arts festival is about to unfold, will they be able to achieve success?
共同創作暨演員|蕭東意、黃建豪 編劇暨作詞|王健任 作曲、編曲暨作詞|張清彥 演員|黃建豪、蕭東意、林玟圻 Ctwo、曾思瑜、楊宗昇、鄭錡雯、姜淑 惠、王國讚、葉峻廷、陳垣希
Co-Creator & Performer | HSIAO Tung-yi, HUANG Chien-hao Playwright & Lyricist | WANG Chien-jen Composer, Arranger & Lyricist | CHANG Ching-yen Performer | HUANG Chien-hao, HSIAO Tung-yi, Ctwo, ZENG Sih-yu, YANG Zong-sheng, JHENG Ci-wun, JIANG Shu-huei,WANG Guo-zan, YE Jyun-ting, CHEN Yuan-si
$ 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 / 1500
主辦單位|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
全長約 150 分鐘,含中場休息
Approx. 150 minutes with intermission
華語、臺灣台語發音 Performed in Mandarin and Taiwanese 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
Grand Theater
2024 大師星秀音樂節交響音樂會
2024 TMAF Orchestra Concert
延續往年令人驚豔的演出,TMAF 持續探索年輕音樂家的 更多潛力,經過頂尖樂團首席、活躍國際舞台的音樂家密 集指導,由指揮大師史拉特金帶領 TMAF 管弦樂團演出 布拉姆斯《大學慶典序曲》、艾爾加《謎語變奏曲》及德 弗札克第七號交響曲。為人津津樂道的傳統亦將承襲,師 資與學子比鄰而坐,給予最直接的示範與指導,進而同台 創造音樂。
Just like the incredible performances of the previous years, TMAF continues to explore the potential of young musicians through intensive coaching from the principals of leading orchestras and world-class musicians. The TMAF Orchestra will be led by Leonard Slatkin performing Brahms' Academic Festival Overture, Elgar’s Enigma Variations and Dvořák's Symphony No. 7.The highly heralded tradition will continue, with faculty sitting next to the students demonstrating and giving them the most direct guidance, creating music together.
台北大師星秀音樂節管弦樂團 曲目:
德沃札克:D 小調第七號交響曲,作品 70
Conductor | Leonard Slatkin
Taipei Music Academy & Festival Orchestra
Johannes Brahms: Academic Festival Overture
Edward Elgar: Enigma Variations
Antonín Dvořák: Symphony No. 7 in D minor, Op. 70
$ 300 / 500 / 800 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 / 3000 OPENTIX
主辦單位|台北大師星秀音樂節 協辦單位|臺中國家歌劇院 指導單位|文化部
Presenter | Taipei Music Academy & Festival
Co-Organizer | National Taichung eater Advisor | Ministry of Culture
Main Sponsor | Powerchip Cultural Foundation / Chen-Yung Foundation
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 100 minutes with a 20-minute intermission 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above ※ ※
Grand Theater
《氣韻》2024 聞韶軒絲竹室內樂團 年度音樂會
Qi Yun 2024 Wind-Sough Concert
聞韶軒絲竹室內樂團成立至今已 28 年,培育了不少臺中 在地的菁英演奏家,多年來持續不間斷的舉辦年度音樂 會,皆獲得非常好的迴響。本場音樂會將挑戰跨界合作, 邀請 2019、2023 年合作的客席指揮倪恩輝,以及知名男 高音吳家馨及本團青年竹笛演奏家林宗佑,與指揮張毅 宏帶來多首風格迥異的大型曲目;更邀請近年於國際作 曲比賽獲獎的謝惠如,譜寫全新創作曲《行川》,期待 聞韶軒開創嶄新美好的下一個黃金年代。
Wind-Sough has been established for 28 years. It has cultivated many elite performers in Taichung. is concert will challenge crossborder cooperation, inviting guest conductor GAY Moses who has cooperated with us in 2019 and 2023, the well-known tenor WU Chia-hsin and young Dizi player LIN Tsung-yu, and conductor CHANG Yi-hung, bringing many pieces with di erent styles; we also invited Hannah HSIEH, who has won international composition competitions in recent years, to compose a new composition Flow, looking forward to Wind-Sough ushering in a new and beautiful next golden era.
��團�|�⽊� 團�|⿈�� �揮|���
���揮|倪�� �|林�佑 男��|��� ��軒�竹�內樂團 曲目:
馬聖龍、周成龍:《杵舞石音》 陳能濟:《交響詩:赤壁》
Honor Director | LIAO Mu-chun Director | HUANG Sheng-hung Conductor | CHANG Yi-hung Guest Conductor | GAY Moses Dizi | LIN Tsung-yu Tenor | WU Chia-hsin
Wind-Sough Classical Chamber Orchestra Program:
MA Sheng-long, CHOU Cheng-long: Stone Pestle Dance
CHEN Ning-chi: Battle of the Red Cliff
HSU Wei-ting: Sayun
WANG Yun-fei: Hangzhou Paradise Dizi Concerto
Hannah HSIEH: Flow (Commissioned Work, World Premiere)
$ 500 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 OPENTIX
主辦單位|聞韶軒絲竹室內樂團 Presenter | Wind-Sough Classical Chamber Orchestra
※ ※
全長約 95 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘
Approx. 95 minutes with a 15-minute intermission 建議 12 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 12 and above
Presenter | National Taichung eater 本活動以華語、英語、日語、韓語進行,提供中、英、日、韓同步 口譯 Events in Mandarin, English, Janpnese, and Korean with simultaneous interpretation provided in all four languages. 主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
※ ※ $ 500 保證金:每人每日全程保證金 500 元,每日活動結束後退還保證金。 ACCUPASS 活動通
2024 慈善音樂會
Embrace with Love KPCC Charity Concert
2024 年,高雄愛樂將透過音樂和歌聲回饋社會。合唱團 將把門票收入捐給慈善活動。讓愛傳遞給有需要的人。音 樂會以愛為題,臺中場次將邀請濤韻男聲合唱團共襄盛 舉,一同高歌。合唱團將以四聲部混聲和純男聲的形式為 觀眾帶來不同風格的合唱音樂。
In 2024, through music and singing, to give it back to society. KPCC will donate the ticket revenue to charitable event, distribute love to those in need. The main theme of the concert is LOVE. In Taichung, we will invite ManLody Males Singers join and sing with us. The concert will present different style of choral music in both four-part mixed choir and men's choir.
�揮|���、��� ��合作|�昀�、��嘉 ���樂�內合唱團、濤�男�合唱團 曲目:
陳小霞 ( 劉聖賢編曲 ):《無言花》 張雨生 ( 姚建弘編曲 ):《姐妹》 契爾考特:《小爵士彌撒》 納維魯德:《我們是一體的》 陳明章 ( 蔡昱姍編曲 ):《伊是咱的寶貝》等
Choral Conductor | CHOU Hsin-chieh, WU Chia-hsin Collaborative Piano | WU Yun-fang, CHANG Yu-chia Kaohsiung Philharmonic Chamber Choir, ManLody Male Singers Program: Traditional Indonesian Batak folksong(arr. Ken Steven): Alusi Au CHEN Xiao-xia(arr. LIU Sheng-xian): Speechless Flower
Tom CHANG(arr. Enix YAO): Sister B. Chilcott: A little Jazz Mass J. Narverud: Sisi ni moja CHEN Ming-chang(arr. Tsai Yu-shan): She is our darling, etc
$ 600 / 800 / 1000 OPENTIX
主辦單位|高雄愛樂室內合唱團 協辦單位|衡山基金會
合辦單位|濤韻男聲合唱團 指導單位|高雄市政府文化局
$ 100 OPENTIX 8/12 (一) mon.19:30
Presenter | Kaohsiung Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Co-Organizer | Heng-Shan Social Welfare Foundation
Co-Presenter | ManLody Male Singers
Advisor | Bureau of Cultural A airs, Kaohsiung City Goverment
全長約 80 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 80 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
8/13 (二) tue.19:30
113 年度音樂會
2024 Annual Concert of MNDSO
國防部示範樂隊成立於民國 43 年 5 月 1 日,由前國防部 軍樂隊及裝甲兵司令部軍樂教導隊合併編成。樂隊平時 負責執行中樞、各部會之典禮演奏、外賓訪華軍禮及各 項國家重大慶典等軍、典禮勤務;公勤之餘,組成管、 絃、打擊、重奏等各種形式之樂團,聘請專業教授指導, 展現多方位演出風格,提升自我音樂素質。本次演出以 銅管重奏團呈現,並以龍年為發想延伸許多經典曲目; 期許帶給觀眾不一樣的聲響效果。
The MNDSO was established in May 1 st of 1954. It was a combination of Ministry of National Defense Military Band and the Cavalry Headquarter Military Band. The MNDSO is responsible for numerous important Government Ceremonies, Foreign Prime Minister Military Salutes, National Holidays, and President Galas. The performance is centered around a Brass ensemble, drawing inspiration from the Year of the Dragon and featuring many classic pieces. We aim to provide the audience with a unique auditory experience.
�揮|⿈�� 國����樂� 曲目: 馬�爾.�爾�曲:《�布果》�曲 ��提�斯.����斯�曲:《侏����》 丹�爾.�拉吉�曲:《龍年》 克里斯.哈�爾:《銅��》、《��三��》 佐��昭�曲:《�物獵人》 勞倫斯�曲:《盧斯��魯�拉》�曲 喬�.�羅�曲:《�靼人�曲》
Conductor | HUANG Jen-hsien
Ministry of National Defense Symphony Orchestra
Arr. by Marcel Saurer: Overture To e Opera Nabucco
Arr. by Vikentios Gionanidis: Jurassic Park
Arr. by Daniel Drage: The Year of The Dragon
Chris Hazell: Three Brass Cats, Three More Cats
Arr. by Sato Hiroyuki: Monster Hunter
Arr. by P. J. Lawrence: Ruslan and Ludmilla Overture
Arr. by Georges Moreau: Polovtsian Dances
主辦單位| 國防部勤務大隊示範軍樂隊、國防部 Presenter | Ministry of National Defense Symphony Orchestra / Ministry of National Defense, R. O. C.
全長約 115 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 115 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
中劇院 Playhouse
中劇院 Playhouse
8/15 (四) thu.19:30 8/14 (三) wed.19:30
臺中市安和國中音樂班第 18 屆 成果發表會
Music Paradise sowieso
德文 "sowieso" 類似於英文 "anyway",帶有「無論如何…」、 「不管怎樣…」、「就這樣…」的含義,這場音樂會的概 念由此而生。也特別委託巨彥博為此譜寫一曲《無論如 何》。在人生的旅途中,有真假難辨的事情、遇見了荒謬 又現實的情境,這種幽默或重量或許會讓人冷笑一聲,或 許嘆息一聲,又或許讓人更加堅定。在這段路上,「sowieso 就是要…」的空間是樂團期待讓聽者得出的答案。
The German word "sowieso" is similar to the English word "anyway," carrying the meaning of "regardless" or "in any case." The concept of this concert is derived from this notion. It also specifically commissioned composer Chamber CHU to compose a piece titled sowieso. Throughout life's journey, there are situations where truth and falsehood blur, encountering absurd yet real circumstances. This humor or gravity may provoke a wry smile, a sigh, or even a firmer resolve. In this journey, the space of "sowieso" is where we anticipate the listener to derive their own answers.
Music Paradise 意味著將在青春的黑膠唱片上,雋刻屬於我 們的軌跡,由許榮富老師帶領安和國中的同學演出,將承 載了音樂和專屬的記憶,刻痕記錄著,由唱針讀取並旋 轉進入第 111
樂章……當音樂響起,彷彿置身雲端,被 燈光照亮的舞台,就是我們的樂園,轉眼航駛向浩瀚的夢 想,一望無際的大海,一顆顆音符激起浪花,旋律跌宕, 潮汐起伏,水幕揭開夏樂之宴。
Music Paradise symbolizes etching our journey onto the vinyl records of youth. Led by HSU Jung-fu and performed by students from Anher Junior High School, the show carries the music and unique memories etched into the grooves. e stage, illuminated by lights, transforms into our paradise, sailing swiftly towards vast dreams.
�中���國中�樂� 111 ��樂團 曲目: 侯賽:《波斯序曲》 加蘭特:《與白鯨航行》 羅伯特.史密斯:《水手與海洋之歌》 樽屋雅德:《斐伊川奇稻田姬之淚》 田村修平:《序幕馬戲團》
��|�碩� ���|陳品卉 單��|���
���|陳�� �國�|王于� ���作曲|��� 曲目:
弗朗西斯.蒲朗克:木管六重奏 戈登.雅各:木管六重奏 布朗姆:木管六重奏,作品 45 巨彥博:《無論如何》給木管五重奏與鋼琴(委託創作首演)
Flute | CHANG Shuo-yu Oboe | CHEN Pin-hui
Clarinet | CHUANG Wei-ling Bassoon | CHEN I-wen Horn | WANG Yu-zu Piano & Composer | Chamber CHU Program:
Francis Poulenc: Sextet for Piano and winds, FP 100
Gordon Jacob: Sextet
$ 600 / 800 / 1200 / 2000
Presenter | Ensemble gigoren
Sponsor | National Culture and Arts Foundation
顏尼歐.莫利克奈(大島滿改編):《新天堂樂園》 理查.羅傑斯(吉姆.克裡斯滕森改編):《真善美》電影組曲 中島真一(鄉間幹男改編):《最高到達點》 綾瀨啟一郎(鄉間幹男改編):《偶像》
Conductor | HSU Jung-fu
Taichung Municipal Anher Junior High School Grade 111 Symphonic Band Program:
Hosay: Persis Overture
Rossano Galante: Sailing with Whales
Robert W. Smith: Songs of Sailor and Sea
Masanori Taruya: Tears of Princess Kushinada Flowing in Hii
Shuhei Tamura: Prologue Circus
Ennio Morricone (arr. Michiru Oshima): Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
Richard Rodgers (arr. Jim Christensen): Selections from Sound of Music
Nakajin (arr. Goma Mikio): The Peak
Ayase (arr. Goma Mikio): Idol
eodor Blumer: Sextet, Op. 45 Chamber CHU: sowieso Sextet 全長約 100 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 100 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 120 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
$ 100 / 200
主辦單位|臺中市立安和國民中學、國立臺灣藝術教育館 指導單位|教育部
Presenter | Taichung Municipal Anher Junior High School / National Taiwan Arts Education Center Advisor | Ministry of Education
小劇場 Black Box
8/17(六)sat. 8/18(日)sun.
14:30 / 19:30 19:30
10:30 / 14:30 / 17:30
10:30 / 14:30 / 17:30
2024 夏日放/ FUN 時光―丹麥
Teater Refleksion×Andy Manley
Night Light
入夜了,寂靜的世界會是什麼模樣?丹麥倒影劇團以物件 劇場創造出夜裡的魔法世界,2017 年愛丁堡國際兒童節 首演。演出在黑鳥的歌聲中揭開夜晚序幕,當奈特先生將 世界萬物逐一哄睡後,一個好奇的孩子遲遲不睡覺,想知 道是誰在照顧夜晚?他遇見身穿黑衣的奈特先生,展開一 段神奇的旅程,穿過漆黑而美麗的夜晚,直到黑鳥再次歌 唱,迎接新的一天。
As night descends, what does the serene world appear like? The Danish Teater Refleksion creates a magical world of the night through object theater, premiering at the 2017 Edinburgh International Children's Festival. The performance unfolds with the song of the blackbird, unveiling the night. While the night deity lulls the world into sleep, a curious child refuses to rest, pondering who tends to the night. Encountering Mr. Night, clad in black, they embark on an enchanting journey through the dark and beautiful night, until the blackbird's song heralds the dawn of a new day.
��|���.��� �員|��.�利 技��行|��.�爾� ���布��作|瑪��.阿加� ���布��作助理|���.⻄格加� �樂��|丹�爾.帕登 �光��|��斯.��斯 技��工作��行|��.�爾凡.勞�、 ��.�爾 ���作| Scottish Government's Edinburgh Festivals Expo Fund 共同�作| Imaginate and Red Bridge Arts
Director | Bjarne Sandborg Cast | Andy Manley Running Technician | William H. Nielsen Puppets & Set | Mariann Aagaard Puppets & Set Assistance | Amanda A. Sigaard Music | Danel Padden Lighting Design | Anders Kjems Technique & Workshop | Morten Meilvang Laursen and William H. Nielsen Commissioned | Scottish Government's Edinburgh Festivals Expo Fund Co-produced | Imaginate and Red Bridge Arts
$ 800
主辦單位|臺中國家歌劇院 指定住宿|
Presenter | National Taichung eater
Exclusive Accommodation Partner |
全長約 40 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 40 minutes without intermission 建議 3 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 3 and above (and adult company is advised).
本演出有少量英文口白,無字幕 e performance includes a small amount of English dialogue without surtitles.
本演出不開放遲到觀眾入場 Latecomers will not be admitted.
8/16 (五) fri.19:30
CelloKoko Cello Recital
美國舊金山歌劇院大提琴手柯容軒,與臺裔美籍鋼琴家 洪鈺晶,兩位茱莉亞音樂院同窗好友將攜手合作,帶來 舒曼、布洛赫、皮亞佐拉、葛拉祖諾夫與布拉姆斯的經 典大提琴之作,與聽眾們一起探索內心的情感世界,激 發想像力與撫慰心靈。
KO Jung-hsuan (CelloKoko), cellist of the San Francisco Opera, has performed throughout the United States, Europe and Asia. She and her pianist Fantee Jones will be performing a varied program of works by Schumann, Bloch, Piazzolla, Glazunov, and Brahms.
大提�|柯�軒 ��|洪鈺晶 曲目: 舒曼:幻想曲,作品 73 布洛赫:《猶太人的生活》 皮亞佐拉:《華麗的探戈》 葛拉祖諾夫:給大提琴的兩首樂曲,作品 20,第一首 布拉姆斯:第二號大提琴奏鳴曲,作品 99
Cello | KO Jung-hsuan Piano | Fantee Jones Program:
Schumann: Fantasiestucke, Op. 73
Bloch: From Jewish Life
Piazzolla: Le Grand Tango for Cello and Piano
Glazunov: Two pieces for cello and orchestra, Op. 20, no. 1
Brahms: Cello Sonata No. 2 in F major, Op. 99
$ 900 / 1200 / 1500 OPENTIX
主辦單位|柯容軒 Presenter | KO Jung-hsuan
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全長約 90 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘
Approx. 90 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
8/17 (六)sat. 8/18 (日)sun. 14:30 / 19:30 14:30
2024 夏日放/ FUN 時光― 音樂劇《Once, 愛是唯一》
Musical Once
榮獲東尼獎最佳音樂劇等 8 項大獎、葛萊美最佳音樂劇專 輯獎,音樂劇《Once, 愛是唯一》改編自 2007 年的同名 音樂愛情電影,講述一名失戀的都柏林街頭藝人,心碎的 歌聲吸引了年輕的捷克女孩注意,兩人透過音樂訴說著愛 與失去,毫無保留地唱出浪漫、脆弱、憂傷和甜蜜。本次 臺灣巡演為 IP 授權,於 2023 年首演的全新國際巡演版本, 打造全新的舞台,更以強烈劇場感的絢麗燈光,烘托音樂 的渲染力,邀請參與原版倫敦西區與紐約百老匯首輪製作 的實力派男演員、甫獲 2023 年奧立佛獎最佳演員的亞瑟. 達維爾(Arthur Darvill)和伊內絲.德.克拉克(Ines de Clercq)擔綱主演。
Musical Once has won eight Tony Awards, including Best Musical, and a Grammy Award for Best Musical eater Album. Adapted from the 2007 romantic musical film of the same name, Once portrays the story of a heartbroken street musician in Dublin whose sorrowful songs catch the attention of a young Czech lady. rough music, they express love and loss, singing with raw emotion, capturing the essence of romance, vulnerability, sorrow, and sweetness. The Taiwan tour is an IP-licensed, brand-new international tour version that premiered in 2023. It features a newly and meticulously crafted stage design, with brilliant theatrical lighting that enhances the ambiance and ampli es the emotional impact of the music. e tour stars Arthur Darvill, the acclaimed actor who recently won the 2023 Olivier Award for Best Actor and who starred in the original productions of Once in London's West End and New York's Broadway, alongside Ines de Clercq.
�曲|�倫.��、瑪琪�.��洛瓦 ��|��.�生 �員|�瑟.��爾、伊內�.�.克拉克� 12 ���者
Book | Enda Walsh
Music & Lyrics | Glen Hansard, Marketa Irglova
Director | Dean Johnson
Lead Actor | Arthur Darvill, Ines de Clercq and 10 performers
$ 800 / 1200 / 1600 / 2000 / 2400 / 2800 / 3200 / 3600 / 3800 OPENTIX
主辧單位|臺中國家歌劇院 指定住宿|
Presenter | National Taichung eater
Exclusive Accommodation Partner |
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全長約 130 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘
Approx. 130 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
英語發音,中文字幕 Performed in English with Chinese surtitles
建議 12 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 12 and above
中劇院 Playhouse
8/17 (六)sat. 19:30
勝利雙軌育才,展現臺灣城市活力。勝利體育致力提升 音樂風氣,於 2021 年成立交響樂團,培育音樂人才。每 年推出 3 場音樂演出,涵蓋多種音樂風格。透過創新表 演與傑出演奏家豐富的舞台經驗,以協奏曲及樂團合奏 形式呈現各經典曲目,也帶來更多元的音樂體驗。本次 特別邀請知名指揮家林天吉老師與音樂家李齊、宋光清 老師一起同台演出,為藝術文化譜寫濃厚樂章。
Victory Dual Tracks Cultivate Talent, Showcasing Taiwan's Urban Vitality. In addition to its efforts to enhance the musical atmosphere, Victory Sports established a symphony orchestra in 2021 to nurture musical talents. Three music performances are held annually, covering a variety of musical styles. Through innovative performances by outstanding musicians, diverse musical abilities are cultivated. This time, renowned musicians from Taiwan, LI Chi and SUNG Kuang-ching, along with distinguished conductor LIN Tien-chi, will perform together, nurturing the seeds of Taiwanese music and enriching the artistic and cultural landscape with vibrant melodies.
�揮|林��、林�吉 ⼩提�|李� ��|�光�
�利��樂團 曲目:
�東�� �瓦�:��⼩提�協�曲《�》 �瑟夫.�克:�樂⼩�曲 雷��� 伯�斯坦:����曲 勞� ���:��協�曲 ��斯 巴�斯:帕格��主題����曲
Conductor | LIN Ching-chun, LIN Tien-chi Violin | LI Chi Trombone | SUNG Kuang-ching
Victory Symphony Orchestra
Antonio Vivaldi: Four Season Summer
Josef Suk: Serenade for Strings
Leonard Bernstein: Candide Overture
Launy Grøndahl: Concerto pour Trombone
James Barnes: Fantasy Variations on a eme by Niccolo Paganini
$ 300 / 500 OPENTIX
主辦單位|勝利交響樂團 Presenter | Victory Symphony Orchestra
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全長約 120 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 120 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
中劇院 Playhouse
8/18 (日)sun.14:30
講座音樂會系列 神奇的「七」Ⅲ 聖桑為鋼琴、 小號及弦樂的七重奏
2024 NTSO Lecture Concert Series Ⅲ Wonder of 7
NTSO 2024 再度邀請楊照策劃講座音樂會神奇的「七」, 以七重奏為題,七重奏在室內樂演出上具有獨特的地位, 在樂史上留下幾首完成重要聲音表現的作品。這次的講 座音樂會就將為大家呈現這「七」的神奇之處。同時將 從深厚歷史知識傳統,為聽眾介紹幾位絕對值得認識的 作曲家及他們所處的時代,系列Ⅲ將欣賞聖桑為鋼琴、小 號及弦樂的七重奏。
NTSO invites YANG Zhao to plan the Lecture Concert 2024 with the theme “Septet”. The septet has a unique position in chamber music. The serie Ⅲ will discuss and perform Saint-Saëns’s Septet for Piano, Trumpet & Strings.
中劇院 Playhouse
8/19 (一)mon.13:30
Peace Charity Concert
為增進校際互動與學子視野,凝聚美聲傳達愛和平的慈善 心聲,期盼讓臺灣的好聲音與愛樂者共享,創造友善共 好的臺灣願景。本次演出陣容堅強,均為國內外各級合 唱藝術節比賽獎項肯定的演出團隊,天籟饗宴翹首可期。
To enhance school interaction, broaden students' horizons, as well as convey love and acts of charity. e concert will be held to celebrate the beautiful sound of music with all music lovers.
�劃�主�|楊照 ⼩�|�中� ⼩提�|�承�、��平 中提�|��� 大提�|��� ��提�|李⻘� ��|�明� 曲目: ��:為��、⼩���樂��重�,作品 65
Planning & Lecturer | YANG Zhao Trumpet | Skye CHANG Violin | TSAI Cheng-han, TSUI Yen-pin Viola | CHIU Tsung-yu Cello | CHANG Wei-li Double Bass | LEE Ching-fang Piano | WU Ming-ching Program: Saint-Saëns: Septet for Piano, Trumpet & Strings, Op. 65
主辦單位|國立臺灣交響樂團 指導單位|文化部
Presenter | National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Advisor | Ministry of Culture
全長約 90 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 90 minutes without intermission 建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above ※ ※
�東排��希�合唱團、嘉義��阿里�國中合唱團、�竹����� 學堂⻘�年合唱團、��學堂⻘年合唱團、��布����國中濁�合 唱團� 曲目: 排���:《�禮��律》、《只��你知�》 ����:《��佐��》 布���:《�念�》、《布�》、《拍手�》 ����:����曲�
Hope Choir (the Paiwan in Pingtung), Alishan Junior High School Choir (the Tsou in Chiayi ), Atayal School Youth Choir (the Atayal in Hsinchu), Minhe Junior High School Choir (the Bunun in Nantou), etc Program:
Paiwan Songs: Papucekelj a senai, Heiyuin Tsou Song: Goddess of Spring Bunun Songs: Miliskinm, Bunun, Kipahpah ima Atayal Song: Atayal suite, etc
主辦單位|中華藝傳奇偏鄉藝術教育交流協會、嘉義皇家扶輪社、臺北 永康扶輪社 協辦單位|新竹市樂麗扶輪社、新竹市凱蒂扶輪社 指導單位|文化部、教育部、原住民委員會
Presenter | Interchange Association of YI-CHUAN-CHI Rural Art Education / Rotary Club Of Chiayi Royal / Taipei Ever Young Co-Organize | Rotary Club of Hsinchu Le Li / Rotary Club of Hsinchu Katie Advisor | Ministry of Culture / Ministry of Education / Council of Indigenous Peoples
全長約 185 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 185 minutes with a 15-minute intermission 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
Grand Theater
8/20 (二)tue.19:30
30 週年暑期音樂會
The 30th Anniversary Concert of TCFSH
Tian-Lai Chinese Orchestra Alumni Association
2024 年是臺中一中天籟國樂校友團成軍 30 週年,本場演 出透過多首樂曲呈現出豐富多元的中國音樂文化,以及 臺灣獨特的宗教活動和平埔族文化。其中包含幾首團員 心中的經典曲目,例如《馬卡道狂想曲》。17 歲那年的 演出曲目,在 2024 年仍然感動著彼此,對音樂的熱情與 執著也始終如一,這是一場新舊交織的國樂演出,歡迎 前來聆聽!
In 2024, as the 30th anniversary of the Tian-Lai Chinese Music Orchestra, our upcoming concert will present a diverse range of Chinese musical culture, as well as Taiwan's unique religious rituals and indigenous cultures of the Plains Indigenous Peoples. The program includes several classic pieces cherished by members of Tian-Lai, such as the Makao Rhapsody. e repertoire we performed at the age of 17 still moves us deeply in 2024, and our passion and dedication to music remain unwavering. is concert is a blend of old and new in Chinese orchestral music. Welcome everyone to come and listen!
�揮|��� 女高音|劉千碧 �中一中��國樂�友團、臺中女中合唱團 曲目:
《風采》、《望月聽風》、《難忘的潑水節》、《陝北三韻》、《繞境隨想》 《馬卡道狂想曲》
Conductor | CHANG Yi-hung Soprano | LIU Qian-bi
TCFSH Tian-Lai Chinese Orchestra Alumni Association, TCGS Choir Program:
Tang Capriccio, Wind Singing in the Bright Moonlight, Unforgettable Songkran, Three Tunes of Northern Shaanxi, Ritual Procession Reflection, Makatto Rhapsody
$ 500 / 800 OPENTIX
Presenter | TCFSH Tian-Lai Chinese Orchestra Alumni Association
全長約 90 分鐘,含中場 10 分鐘
Approx. 90 minutes with a 10-minute intermission
建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
8/20 (二)tue. 19:30
《箏詠》周莉菁古箏演奏會 CHOU Li-ching GuZheng Solo Concert
《箏詠》是以古箏吟誦、彈唱為主題的古箏音樂演奏會。 帶領聽眾透過箏樂形式,將古箏演奏與現代時尚完美無 瑕結合,獨特新穎的表演,更貼近與聽眾之間的心靈交 流。以詩詞吟誦、歌詠、饒舌、念白、舞蹈等多種藝術 結合。有現代創作樂曲、臺灣民謠、異域風情、黃梅調 樂曲……,更揉合流行元素,跳脫一般聆賞箏樂的模式, 充滿創意、突破和挑戰,使古箏的內蘊更精采,舞台效 果也更活潑生動。聽箏、詠歌一起遨遊箏音的美妙世界。
The concert is themed around guzheng playing and singing. Various forms of performance lead the audience to experience a fusion of guzheng music with modern fashion. is unique and novel performance aims for a deeper spiritual communication, merging multiple arts such as poetry recitation, singing, rapping, monologues, and dancing.The concert is full of creativity and breakthroughs, making the connotation of guzheng more exciting and the stage e ects more lively.
�樂��暨導聆|林東河 古�|���、陳錦�、陳��、王�� 打�|李仁皓 ��|徐�� �、�|何�� 塤|��� ��|�鐀� 曲目: 崔安強:《思想起》 黃好吟:《台灣燈會》、《心海》 徐瑋廷:《願嫁漢家郎》、《十八相送》、《雲山》 任潔:《西涼沙影》
Music Director & Guide | LIN Tong-ho Guzheng | CHOU Li-ching, CHEN Jin-hui, CHEN Ying-xiu, WANG Guan-ting Percussion | LI Ren-hao
Piano | HSU Wei-ting Flute & Xiao | HE Zu-yi Xun | HSU Yu-hong
Dancer | CHANG Gui-fang Program:
CUI An-chiang: Remembrance
HUANG Hao-yin: Taiwan Lantern Festival, The Sea of Mind
HSU Wei-ting: Willing to Marry a Han Husband, The Butterfly Lovers-Farewell for 18 miles, Yunshan Mountain
JEN Chieh: Xiliang Sand Shadow
CHAO Mo-chia: The Song From Yue
$ 500 / 800 / 1000 OPENTIX
主辦單位|周莉菁 Presenter | CHOU Li-ching
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全長約 140 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 140 minutes with a 15-minute intermission 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
大劇院 Grand Theater
8/21 (三)wed.19:30
2024 NTSO 國際青少年管弦樂團
2024 NTSO International Youth Orchestra
Taiwan-Thailand Exchange Concert
2024 NTSO 國際青少年管弦樂團臺泰交流行前音樂會由 2023 年贏得第二屆西班牙利里亞國際指揮大賽金牌的廖 元宏擔任指揮,率領由臺灣及泰國學生組成的 NTSO 國 際青少年管弦樂團演奏羅西尼《塞爾維亞理髮師》序曲 及柴科夫斯基 E 小調第五號交響曲,並攜手臺灣青年大 提琴家陳南呈共演德沃札克 B 小調大提琴協奏曲。
The 2024 NTSO International Youth Orchestra Taiwan-Thailand Exchange Concert will be conducted by Brian LIAO, the winner of the 2nd International Conducting Competition "Llíria City of Music", leading the NTSO International Youth Orchestra to perform the Rossini's Il Barbiere di Siviglia Overture and Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No.5 in E minor, together with the cellist CHEN Nan-cheng to perform the Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in B minor by Dvořák.
�揮|�元� 大提�|陳�� NTSO 國�⻘�年��樂團、�中�大里�大元國⼩��合�團、�中 �⻄��⻄�國⼩��團 曲目:
羅⻄�:《塞爾��理�師》�曲 �沃札克:B ⼩�大提�協�曲 孟�爾�(林��、⿈���):《�������》 林��、⿈���:�����曲 �科夫斯基:E ⼩��五���曲,作品 64
Conductor | Brian LIAO Cello | CHEN Nan-cheng
NTSO International Youth Orchestra, Taichung City Da-Yuan Elementary School Recorder Ensemble, Taichung City Situn Elementary School Recorder Ensemble
G. Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia Overture
A. Dvořák: Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in B minor, Op. 104, B. 191
F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy (arr. LIN Chin-yow & HUANG Shih-hsiung): Auf Flügeln des Gesanges
Arr. LIN Chin-yow, HUANG Shih-hsiung: Taiwanese Folk Song Suite P. I. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64
中劇院 Playhouse
8/21 (三)wed.19:30
2024 聖采琪仲夏傳愛音樂會
2024 St. Cecilia Orchestra Midsummer Love Concert
聖采琪弦樂團今年籌備了國際音樂文化交流、青年人才培 育計畫,實踐團員自我成長精進機會,體驗多樣貌的弦樂 音樂,是個充滿活力及潛力的音樂團體。今年樂團傳愛系 列中的「仲夏傳愛音樂會」演出,將以浪漫樂派作品,展現 音樂中的愛。
The 2024 St. Cecilia Orchestra's "Midsummer Love Concert" will be grandly performed in Taichung on Aug 21. Through communication and inheritance between teachers and students on the same stage, the team's strength is demonstrated through romantic music works, allowing the audience to hear the love in music.
�揮|金�先 ⼩提�|���、葉�� 中提�|��琳 大提�|��瑾 �采琪聯合�樂團 曲目: ���:《�索三重�》 ��:�三��樂�重�《皇�》,作品 76 �沃札克:�二� G 大��樂五重�,作品 77,�一樂� 、《��》 洛伊�:《��》 �札�:⼩�曲,作品 525 �克�:�三�⼩�曲,作品 69 �瓦�:� 10 首 B ⼩�協�曲,作品 3,RV 580,為�把⼩提�、大提 ���樂團
Conductor | JIN Zhong-xian Violin | HSIAO Chien-yu, YEH Szu-fan
Viola | TSENG Ching-lin Cello | CHIANG Wan-chin
St. Cecilia United String Orchestra Program:
Jean Francaix: Trio a cordes
Joseph Haydn: String Quartet No. 3 in C major Emperor, Op. 76
Antonín Dvořák: String Quintet No. 2 in G major, Op. 77, mvt. I, Going Home
Darren Lloyd: Dreaming
W.A. Mozart: Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K. 525
Robert Volkmann: Serenade No. 3, Op. 69
Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto in B minor no. 10, Op. 3, RV 580, for Four Violins, Cello and Strings
Ⅰ . Allegro
Ⅱ . Largo
Ⅲ . Allegro
主辦單位|國立臺灣交響樂團 指導單位|文化部 贊助單位|財團法人裕元教育基金會、財團法人台灣閱讀文化基金會、 財團法人新港國小林昭元教育基金會
Presenter | National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra
Co-Organizer | Taichung Club of Kiwanis International Advisor | Ministry of Culture
Sponsor | Yue Yuen Education Founation / Taiwan Reading and Culture Foundation / Lin Chao-Yuan Education Foundation of Xin Gang Elementary School
全長約 130 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 130 minutes with a 15-minute intermission ※ $ 100
$ 500 / 800 OPENTIX
主辦單位|財團法人天主教上智文教基金會、財團法人天主教會台中教 區、聖采琪聯合弦樂團 Presenter | Populorum Progressio Institute / Catholic Taichung Diocese / St. Cecilia United String Orchestra
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 120 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
Grand Theater
2024 聖采琪星空傳愛音樂會
2024 St. Cecilia Orchestra Star Love Concert 8/22 (四)thu.19:30 8/22 (四)thu.19:30
聖采琪弦樂團秉持著創立初衷「以音樂傳遞愛、希望、和 平」團隊精神,自 2018 年創立以來六週年,已擁有近百 名團員。2023 年以無指揮的絃樂團演出達成團隊演出經 歷里程碑;今年的國際音樂文化交流,邀請紐西蘭 ASQ 弦樂四重奏成員舉辦音樂營活動。2024 年的「星空傳愛 音樂會」將以浪漫樂派作品展現團隊實力,讓觀眾聽見音 樂中的愛。
e 2024 St. Cecilia Orchestra's Star Love Concert will be grandly performed Taichung. Through communication and inheritance between teachers and students on the same stage, the team's strength is demonstrated through romantic music works, allowing the audience to hear the love in music.
Immersion into Recorder
就是木笛室內樂團榮獲 113 年彰化縣傑出演藝團隊,今 年特別規劃《聞笛》巡迴音樂會。演出曲目涵蓋現代音 樂、文藝復興音樂,另精選臺灣客家歌謠、閩南歌謠, 在鄧雨賢的《四月望雨》的音樂聲中,為音樂會畫下愉 悅而輕鬆的句點。
Just Recorder Chamber Orchestra won the 113th Changhua County Outstanding Performing Group Award. This year we have specially plan for our tour concert. Our new trip will include modern music and Renaissance music. Moreover, we also select local Taiwanese Hakka ballads and Minnan ballads. At the least but not the last, our member will bring everyone the wonderful music, April Rain by TENG Yu-hsien, and we believe that is going to brings a pleasant and relaxing end to the concert.
�揮|李�� ��|劉�� 打�|梁珮� �是⽊��內樂團 曲目: 馬�爾:�五���曲 ���(��照��):《���》 奈���:《綠�子��曲》 �格:�六����曲
�揮|金�先 ⼩提�|���、葉�� 中提�|��琳 大提�|��瑾 協�曲合�:⼩提�|�惜�、王�喬、何��、�主� �采琪聯合�樂團 曲目: 馬汀:《������》、《三把⼩提����曲》 ��:�五� D 大��樂�重�《��》,作品 64 孟�爾�:�一���曲 C 大��
Conductor | JIN Zhong-xian Violin | HSIAO Chien-yu, YEH Szu-fan
Viola | TSENG Ching-lin Cello | CHIANG Wan-chin
Violin | Rosie CHANG, WANG Yen-chiao, HO Ye-ting, HSU Chu-chen
St. Cecilia United String Orchestra Program:
Peter Martin: Air and Dance, Divertimento for Three Violins
Joseph Haydn: String Quartet in D major No. 5 The Lark, Op. 64
F. Mendelssohn: String Symphony No. 1 in C major, etc
$ 500 / 800 / 1000 OPENTIX
主辦單位|財團法人天主教會台中教區、財團法人天主教上智文教基金 會、聖采琪聯合弦樂團
Production | Catholic Taichung Diocese / Populorum Progressio Institute / St. Cecilia United String Orchestra
全長約 120 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘 Approx. 120 minutes with a 15-minute intermission ※
�����曲(駱正���):《��落水》、《一支��》、《�� �色》、《皇�不負��人》 羅��克:〈����〉、〈�⽊�林〉、〈��塢〉,�自《加��曲》 �力�大:《一��司》 ���(林����):《�月��》
Conductor | LEE Chin-chuan Piano | LIU Yeh-lan
Percussion | LIANG Pei-tzu
Just Recorder Chamber Orchestra Program:
Steve Marshall: Symphony No. 5
KUO Chin-yuan (arr. KUO Kun-chao): Red Rose
Arr. Knight: Greensleeves to a ground
Sören Sieg: African Suite No. 6
Hakka Ballad Suite (arr. LUO Jheng-rong): Rainy Moment, A Shoulder Pole
Song, Feature of Hakka, The Emperor Pays Off His Hard Work
Rosenheck: 'Beach Walk', 'Redwood Forest', 'Hollywood' from California Suite
Elizabeth Alexander: A Piece of Cheese
TENG Yu-hsien (arr. LIN Yi-xiang): April Rain
Presenter | Just Recorder Chamber Orchestra
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場 10 分鐘
Approx. 100 minutes with a 10-minute intermission
建議 5 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 5 and above
大劇院 Grand Theater
8/23 (五)fri.19:30
2024 臺灣巡演─ NHK 交響樂團
2024 Taiwan Tour NHK Symphony Orchestra
NHK 交響樂團擁有近百年傳統,與歷代指揮傳奇合作 無數,包含指揮帝王海伯特.馮.卡拉揚(Herbert von Karajan),自 2022 年起,由指揮巨擘、葛萊美獎得主法 比奧.路易西(Fabio Luisi)接任首席指揮。本系列演出 將攜手活躍於世界樂壇之臺灣知名小提琴家黃俊文,呈 現布魯赫 G 小調第一號小提琴協奏曲,也將為樂迷獻上 韋伯《魔彈射手》序曲及柴科夫斯基 E 小調第五號交響 曲等經典名曲,讓臺灣樂迷盡情馳騁於無盡自然風情與 濃厚浪漫情懷之中。
With a history and time-honored traditions spanning nearly a century, the NHK Symphony Orchestra holds a revered place in the global music community. Fabio LUISI, a virtuoso conductor and Grammy Award winner, assumed the position of the orchestra's Chief Conductor in 2022. This performance will invite Taiwanese violinist Paul HUANG, a sought-after figure in today's international music scene. The concert series features Max BRUCH’s Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Carl Maria von WEBER's Der Freischütz overture, and Pyotr Ilyich tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 5 in E minor, among other classic works.
�揮|���.路易⻄ ⼩提�|⿈�� NHK ��樂團 曲目:
�伯:《��射手》�曲 布魯赫: G ⼩��一�⼩提�協�曲,作品 26 �科夫斯基:�五���曲
Conductor | Fabio Luisi Violin | Paul HUANG NHK Symphony Orchestra Program:
Carl Maria von Weber: Overture to Der Freischütz
Max Bruch: Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op. 26 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64
$ 500 / 1000 / 1800 / 2200 / 2800 / 3200 / 3800 / 4200 / 4800 / 5600 / 6600 / 8600
指導單位|文化部、臺流文化黑潮計畫 主辦單位| NHK 交響樂團、國家交響樂團 協辦單位|日本台灣交流協會、臺中國家歌劇院 臺中場藝文支持|中美醫藥集團
Advisor | Ministry of Culture / Taiwan Content Plan Organizer | NHK Symphony Orchestra / National Symphony Orchestra Co-organizer | Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association / National Taichung eater Special anks | Chung Mei Pharmaceutical
全長約 105 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 105 minutes with a 20-minute intermission 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
小劇場 Black Box
8/23 (五)fri. 8/24 (六)sat. 8/25(日)sun.
19:30 10:30 / 14:30 / 19:30 10:30 / 14:30
2024 夏日放/ FUN 時光─新藝計畫 不想睡遊戲社《陽光隱身術》
Emerging Artists Project Sleep No Playground You Are My Sunlight
在我們所處的視覺世界裡,色彩好像無處不在,卻並非絕 對。有研究發現,當顏色改變時,人們感受世界的認知也 會改變;與新生命攜手展開旅程的路途上,父母親就像是 在不同光譜間穿梭,渴望與孩子相連,也時時變身,回應 想像、期望與責任。《陽光隱身術》想創造一個劇場裡共 在的場域,邀請您與寶寶一同踏入劇場這座小小村莊裡, 感受這段以詩歌、色彩流光與溫柔肢體遊戲編織而成,既 崎嶇也溫柔美好的奇幻旅程。
In our visual world, colors seem omnipresent yet not absolute. Studies reveal that as colors change, so does our perception of the world. Embarking on the journey with new life, parents traverse different spectra, yearning to connect with their child while constantly transforming to meet the expectations, hopes, and responsibilities. You Are My Sunlight aims to create a shared space within the theater. We invite you and your baby to step into this small village of the theater, experiencing this whimsical journey woven with poetry, owing colors, and gentle physical play, both rugged and tenderly beautiful.
��|林�� �光��|��� �������|��� �樂��|王�� �創��者|王珂�、彭浩�、���
Director | LIN Hsin-yi Lighting Design | JIAN Fang-yu
Stage & Device Design | WU Zi-jing Music Design | WANG Yu-jun Creator & Performer | WANG Ke-yao, PENG Hao-qin, ZHUANG Kai-wen
Presenter | National Taichung eater
全長約 40 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 40 minutes without intermission 建議 18 個月以下幼兒及其主要照顧者一同觀賞 Suggested for ages under 18 months and their primary caregivers to participate together
8/24 (六)sat. 14:30 大劇院 Grand Theater
日本動漫交響音樂會 2
Japanese Anime Symphonic Concert 2
高雄市管樂團去年推出日本動漫交響音樂會,場場好評完 售。今年秋季帶著此系列節目第 2 彈重返舞台,並將與動 漫知識型 YouTuber―孫沁岳 3 度合作。期待與觀眾們一起 重溫,再次回到童年天馬行空的想像與悸動。
e Kaohsiung City Wind Orchestra launched the Japanese Anime Symphonic Concert last autumn, receiving rave reviews and selling out every performance. e highly acclaimed series will return to the stage with the second episode. The KCWO will once again collaborate with Yorke SUN, the Anime Expert Youtuber. We look forward to share those wonderful memories with our audience, as we journey back to the boundless imagination and thrill of childhood.
中劇院 Playhouse
8/24(六)sat. 8/25(日)sun. 10:30 / 14:30 / 19:30 10:30 / 14:30
2024 豆莢寶寶兒童音樂會
2024 Bean Babies Kids Concert
Ciao Ciao Super Rangers, Ready Go!
豆莢寶寶為了搶救瀕臨危機的神奇古老音樂神木,要跟傳 說中的「敲敲戰隊」團結合作,用音樂的魔法克服重重 困境,展開一場超級大作戰! DoReMi 將如何帶著小朋友 與敲敲戰隊們一起用音樂的魔法,克服重重困境,化解 擊樂村危機?一起與豆莢寶寶展開冒險吧!
Bean Babies, in order to save the endangered mystical ancient music tree, must unite with the legendary Ciao Ciao Super Rangers. Together, they will use the magic of music to overcome numerous obstacles and embark on a super showdown! How will DoReMi lead the children and the Ciao Ciao Super Rangers to use the magic of music to overcome various challenges and resolve the crisis in Percussion Village? Join us as we venture into the concert hall with the Bean Babies!
�揮|王戰 主�人|��� ����樂團
《犬�叉》�《�龍珠》�《��王》�《����人》�《����》� 《������》�《���者》�《JoJo �奇��險》�
Conductor | WANG Chan Host | Yorke SUN Kaohsiung City Wind Orchestra Program:
InuYasha�Dragon Ball, One Piece, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, NARUTO, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, etc
$ 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 / 1500 / 1800 OPENTIX
Presenter | Kaohsiung City Wind Orchestra
※ ※
全長約 140 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘
Approx. 140 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
建議 6 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 6 and above
����|朱�� 朱��打�樂團2助理����|陳�� �������|呂�� ����|陳� 服���|陳明� �光��|�品� ����|余�� ����|鍾品喬 �覺��|��寧 朱��打�樂團2
Artistic Director | JU Tzong-ching JPG2 Assistant Artistic Director | CHEN Hong-yuch Playwright & Performance of Instructor | LU Chi-kuan Choreographer | CHEN Ching Costume Design | TAN Meng-chit Lighting Design | WU Pin-fang Stage Design | YU Ray-pei Stage Manager | CHUNG Pin-chiao Visual Design | TSAI Yu-nin Ju Percussion Group 2
$ 400 / 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 OPENTIX
主辦單位|財團法人擊樂文教基金會 協辦單位|臺中市政府文化局 合辦單位|臺北市藝文推廣處、國立臺灣博物館 指導單位|文化部
贊助單位|瓷林、全科科技、双燕樂器、豪聲樂器、安益集團 Presenter | Ju Percussion Group Foundation Co-Organizer | Cultural A airs Bureau of Taichung City Government Co-Presenter | Taipei City Arts Promotion O ce / National Taiwan Museum Advisor | Ministry of Culture Sponsor | Cilin / Alltek Technology Corp / K.H.S. Music / Hau Sheng Wooden Instruments / Interplan International Corp
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 100 minutes with a 20-minute intermission 建議 3 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 3 and above
大劇院 Grand Theater
8/25 (日)sun. 14:30
2024 合唱大聯盟Ⅲ:加冕讚頌―
2024 Choral Festival Ⅲ : Ode to Formosa
當人們對一件事物有著堅定的信念,即是一種信仰,無 論是對音樂、土地,還是對文化的共同記憶。莫札特與 蕭泰然老師都是有著堅定信仰的人,信仰帶給他們力量, 也讓他們的音樂有著充沛的能量。近年來,國際經歷疫情 與戰爭的紛擾,希望以《加冕彌撒》為大家的共同努力留 下紀念,也期盼以《玉山頌》及《來自福爾摩沙的天使》 感激、歌頌這片土地帶給我們的養分及力量。期望藉由 這 3 部作品,呈現對光明未來的堅定信念。
In recent years, the world has been troubled by the turmoil of pandemics and wars, and we hope to commemorate everyone's collective efforts through Mozart's Coronation Mass. We also hope to express gratitude and celebrate the nourishment and strength that this land has brought us through maestro Tyzen Hsiao's Ode to Yu-Shan and Angel from Formosa. It is our hope that through these three works, we can present a firm belief in a bright future.
大劇院 Grand Theater
8/26 (一)mon.19:30
《100 把大提琴的美麗冒險》 十週年紀念音樂會―拾光迴廊
A Fabulous Adventure of 100 Cellos
《100 把大提琴的美麗冒險》是一場以大提琴合奏樂團為主 的音樂會。「100」並不全然是指樂團人數,而是形容樂團 當中的大提琴數量眾多、壯闊龐大之勢,並以此數字代表 「圓滿」之意。本樂團雖由大提琴單項樂器組成,但演出曲 目多元、音樂會主題多元,不只演奏古典樂曲、電影配樂, 亦與本國作曲家、樂團合作。今年為樂團成立的第 10 年, 希冀以「『拾』光迴廊」作為主軸,邀請作曲家陳泰吉把過 去 10 年來音樂會中精采的樂曲重新編曲,透過大提琴分部 合奏的方式以嶄新面貌呈現,並透過和臺灣琵琶演奏家莊 雪曼跨界合作,帶給觀眾耳目一新的視覺、聽覺饗宴。
A Fabulous Adventure of 100 Cellos is a concert featuring a cello ensemble as its main focus. The "100" does not necessarily refer to the number of musicians, but describes the ensemble with numerous cellos, using this number to represent a sense of completeness. Although the ensemble consists solely of cellos, the repertoire and themes of the concert are diverse, including not only classical music and film scores but also collaborations with local composers and ensembles.
獨唱|賴珏�、陳�、林�吉、羅�� �中�������樂團、�中����內合唱團、�中���女�合 唱團、�中�����合唱團、�中一中��中女中�友合唱團、中� �學大學合唱團、�中一中合唱團、�中女中合唱團 曲目:
�札�:C 大�《加冕��》,作品 317 ���:《來自�爾����使》,作品 61、《玉��》,作品 61-1
Artistic Director, Conductor | CHUANG Pi-hua
Soloist | LAI Chueh-yu, CHEN Yu, Claude LIN, Julian LO Taichung Artist Festival Orchestra, Taichung Artist Chamber Choir, Taichung Artist Women's Choir, Taichung Artist Civic Choir, TCFSH and TCGS Alumni Choir, CSMU Chorus, TCFSH Chorus, TCGS Choir
Mozart: Coronation Mass No. 15 in C major, K. 317
Tyzen Hsiao: Angel from Formosa, Op. 61, Ode to Yu-Shan, Op. 61-1
�作人|��凌 �揮|林昌龍 �琶|��� ��|楊明明 主�|江�� ��大提��內樂團、��大提��內樂團、���內重�團 曲目: ��羅.馬斯卡�:《�間騎士》間�曲 皮阿圖羅.馬奎�:� 2 �丹��曲 ��斯�.穆索斯基:《��會�畫》� ��.帕�貝爾:D 大�卡�
Producer | SU I-ling Conductor | LIN Chang-lung
Pipa | CHUANG Hsueh-man Piano | YANG Ming-ming
Host | CHIANG Yu-ting
Gong-Jue Cello Orchestra, Hsin-Hsien Cello Orchestra, Kaohsiung Chamber
Pietro Mascagni (arr. Renaud Guieu):Cavalleria Rusticana Intermezzo Sinfonico
Arturo Márquez: Danzón No. 2
Modest Mussorgsky(arr. Blaise Déjardin):Pictures at an Exhibition, etc
Johann Pachelbel:Canon in D major
Presenter | Taichung Artist Chamber Choir
※ $ 300 / 500 / 800 / 1200 OPENTIX
全長約 80 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 80 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
※ $ 600 / 800 / 1000 / 1200 OPENTIX
主辦單位|弓爵大提琴室內樂團 Presenter | Gong-Jue Cello Orchestra
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 100 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
Black Box
8/27 (二)tue.19:30
《大師與他的第一樂章》小提琴 協奏曲精選音樂會
The Master and His Mov.Ⅰ
Violin Concerto Selection Concert
超越 AI 的永恆經典,古典音樂大師們的舉世鉅作。誰說 協奏曲不能只聽第 1 樂章,此時前奏響起,讓你像三秒膠 一樣屏息聆聽 : 「大師與他的 Mov.Ⅰ 」。旅德小提琴家雷 怡蕙與鋼琴家杜憶慈,紀念歸國 10 週年,為樂迷們帶來 世界小提琴協奏曲名作,並首度於臺中舉辦個人獨奏會, 重現浪漫樂派前後期作品。
An eternal classic that transcends AI, a world-class masterpiece by classical music masters. Who said that you can't just listen to the rst movement of a concerto? When you hear the prelude, it will make you hold your breath like three-second tape: "The Master and His Mov.Ⅰ ".
⼩提�|雷�� ��|杜��
布魯赫:G 小調第一號小提琴協奏曲,作品 26,第 1 樂章 康戈爾德:D 大調小提琴協奏曲,作品 35,第 1 樂章 柴科夫斯基:D 大調小提琴協奏曲,作品 35,第 1 樂章 孟德爾頌 : E 小調小提琴協奏曲,作品 64
Violin | LEI Yi-hui Piano | TU Yi-tzu Program:
Bruch: Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 26, G minor, mvt. Ⅰ Korngold: Violin Concerto, Op. 35, D major, mvt. Ⅰ Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto, Op. 35, D major, mvt. Ⅰ Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto, Op. 64, E minor
主辦單位|櫟聲音樂劇場 指導單位|臺中市政府文化局
Presenter | SaliArtSudio
Advisor | Cultural A airs Bureau, Taichung City Government Sponsor | CHIMEI
全長約 100 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘
Approx. 100 minutes with a 15-minute intermission 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
Black Box
8/29 (四)thu. 8/30 (五)fri. 19:30 19:30
音樂家的無聊人生製作 《春花的葬禮》
The Mourning of Primroses
19 世紀誕生的 4 位天才音樂家,她們擁有極高創作天賦、 看似光明的前程,卻因為命運的無情、出於愛的無私奉 獻,抑或遭受社會的隱形阻礙,在本該綻放的時刻就此長 眠。音樂家的無聊人生團隊這次將更大膽實驗古典音樂會 的無限可能,邀請劇場導演共同合作,搭配燈光、影像、 現場演奏,引導觀眾走入 4 位女性作曲家宛若鮮花般美 麗卻短暫的音樂歷程。
Four talented musicians born during the 19th century had exceptional talent and seemingly bright futures. However, the ruthlessness of fate, their sel ess love, and invisible obstacles in society forced their talent into dormancy at a moment when it should have blossomed. Musician Seacow Production takes a bold approach to experimenting with classical music. is time, the team collaborated with a theater director to deliver a live stage performance featuring spectacular lighting e ects, inviting the audience on a journey into the music of four female composers whose lives were as beautiful as flowers yet brief.
�念��、��創作���|�� ��|��� �樂|林�� ⼩提�|�恆碩 大提�|上�彩門 �員|徐��、陳��、陳�� 曲目: 芳妮.孟德爾頌:藝術歌曲選集、鋼琴三重奏,第 4 樂章 克拉拉.舒曼:藝術歌曲選集、給小提琴與鋼琴的三首浪漫曲、鋼琴三重 奏,第 3 樂章 娜迪亞.布朗熱:為大提琴與鋼琴而作的小品 莉莉.布朗熱:為小提琴與鋼琴而作的小品等
Concept, Script & Piano | HSU Wei Director | Andy CHOO Soprano | LIN Fang-yu Violin | CHANG Hen-shuo
Cello | Simon ompson Performers | HSU Shin-yen, Elva CHEN, Ellis CHEN Program:
Fanny Mendelssohn: Lieder (Selection), Piano Trio, Op. 11, mvt. Ⅳ
Clara Schumann: Lieder (Selection), 3 Romances, Op. 22, Piano Trio, Op. 17, mvt. Ⅲ
Nadia Boulanger: 3 Pieces for Cello and Piano
Lili Boulanger: 2 Pieces for Violin and Piano, etc.
$ 1100 OPENTIX
主辦單位|音樂家的無聊人生工作室 贊助單位|財團法人國家文化藝術基金會、塔木德酒店集團 Presenter | Musician Seacow Studio Sponsor | National Culture and Arts Foundation / Talmud Hotel Group
全長約 160 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 160 minutes with a 20-minute intermission 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
小劇場 Black Box
8/31 (六)sat. 9/1 (日)sun. 14:30 14:30 8/31 (六)sat.19:30
《VALO 首部曲―阿米巴》
VALOI - Amoeba
阿米巴代表了生命中最原始純真的初心。透過它的眼睛, 看見美麗新世界。在宇宙起始之初,陰陽離子撞擊所誕 生的原始生命,即將展開一段穿越水火地風的旅程,找 到生命中最亮的那一道光。《VALO 首部曲―阿米巴》將 呈現舞鈴獨步全球的扯鈴演出特技,更融合舞蹈、戲劇、 新馬戲、科技藝術等,打造虛實交錯的舞台幻境,媲美 百老匯音樂劇的演出創作,帶給觀眾一個充滿想像和驚 奇的舞鈴世界。
The amoeba signifies the purest, untainted, original heart of life, through the eyes of which we see a beautiful new world of life. In the primordial chaos of creation, Mother Earth created the amoeba out of converging lights and forces. As the new amoeba basked in the moonlight, the people celebrated its arrival. Yet not all were pleased: volcanic fires and torrential winds lunge to challenge the newcomer. Undaunted, and under the gentle guidance of Mother Earth, the amoeba faces these challenges, bearing the hopes and loves of all creation.
Unknown Soul
音樂的流動即逝與無形感染力,存在每個當下,其精神 串接世代、穿透疆域,終將回歸自然與人。醫師鋼琴家 張邦彥與小提琴家熊書宜博士,連袂演出德奧與法式風 情,邀請觀者一同在現今科技世代中,喚醒亙久常存的 底層靈魂。
The piano and violin hold positions of utmost importance in the history of music. Music exists intangibly just in every moment. Its spirit connects generations and penetrates borders, ultimately returning to humanity. We invite you to awaken the souls in this hi-tech era, by hearing romantic music played by psychiatrist CHANG Pang-yen and violinist Dr. HSIUNG Shu-i.
�������|劉樂群 �作人|�國� 作曲|楊�� ����|徐�君 �光��|車克� ����|陳�珠 ����|�照� 服���|��� �鈴�場
Director | LIU Le-chun Producer | PANG Kuo-hua Composer | YANG Xiu-yun Image Design | HSU Yi-chun
Lighting Design | CHE Ke-qian Stage Design | CHEN Chiung-chu Prop Design | WU Jhao-siang Costume Design | CHAN Ya-jhen Diabolo Dance eatre
$ 600 / 1000 / 1400 / 1800 / 2200 / 2500 TixFun
Presenter | Diabolo Dance eatre
Sponsor | National Culture and Arts Foundation
全長約 115 分鐘,含中場 20 分鐘 Approx. 115 minutes with a 20-minute intermission
��|��� ⼩提�|�書�
巴赫 (布����):D ⼩����曲
布拉�斯:G 大�� 1 �⼩提��鳴曲,作品 78
��克:A 大�⼩提��鳴曲
Piano | CHANG Pang-yen Violin | HSIUNG Shu-i
Bach (arr. Busoni): Chaconne in D minor, BWV 1004
Brahms: Violin Sonata No. 1 in G major, Op. 78
Franck: Sonata in A major for Violin and Piano
※ ※ $ 350 OPENTIX
主辦單位|燈角樂團 Presenter | Dengjiao
全長約 110 分鐘,含中場 15 分鐘
Approx. 110 minutes with a 15-minute intermission
建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above
排練室 Rehearsal Room、小劇場 Black Box
2024 NTT+ × 勇源―音樂劇線上:新起之秀
2024 NTT+ ×CHEN-YUNG FOUNDATIONMusical Online: New Talents
歌劇院每年安排全方位音樂劇課程,邀請業界資深講師規劃歌唱、舞蹈、戲劇表演等專業課程,引導學員經由專業訓練, 邁向音樂劇演員的職涯開端。不只強化學員音樂劇的表演技巧,更深化對音樂劇產業的認識。
Every year, NTT organizes a comprehensive musical course led by a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals. ese instructors, pro cient in singing, dancing, and theater performance, are committed to guiding participants toward successful careers as musical actors. is course enhances participants' musical performance skills and deepens their understanding of the musical industry, fostering con dence in their abilities.
7/23(二)tue. - 7/27(六)sat. 10:00-18:30、7/30(二)tue. - 8/4(日)sat. 10:00-18:30
舞蹈指導|薛定洲 客座講師|高天恒 e Acting Director | CHANG Yang-shuan Singing Instructor | CHANG Yu-mei
Dance Instructor | Albert HSUEH Guest Lectrurer | KAO Tian-heng 主辦|臺中國家歌劇院
Presenter | National Taichung eater 贊助單位|財團法人勇源教育發展基金會
Sponsor | Chen-Yung Foundation
$ 12000(歌劇院會員享 9 折優惠)NTT members enjoy a 10% discount on course fees.
網路報名請至「ACCUPASS 活動通」Registration on ACCUPASS 表演指導暨成果編導|張仰瑄 歌唱指導|張玉玫
戶外劇場 Outdoor eater
放肆夜 戶外電影《天外奇蹟》
※ 本課程經錄取後資格無法轉讓,已繳費用不予退費,建議全程參與 Full attendance is required for the course, and the fees will not be refunded in case of absence.
※本工作坊以華語進行 Workshop in Mandarin ※ 課程期間之膳宿、交通,由學員自理 Participants are responsible for arranging their accommodation and transportation during the courses.
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
放肆夜 ursday Night Out
ursday Night Out -NTT Cinema Up
退休的氣球推銷員卡爾爺爺,個性孤僻、脾氣暴躁,是個夢想家,他準備把握最後一次高空飛行的機會,用數千個氣球 讓自己的房子飛上天,去追尋兒時失落的夢想。直到某日遇上 8 歲的小童軍小羅,開始重新審視自己的生活,兩人結伴 前往仙境瀑布,展開一場大冒險……。本片榮獲第 82 屆奧斯卡金像獎、第 67 屆金球獎最佳動畫片和最佳原創配樂獎。 Grandpa Carl, a retired balloon salesman, is a dreamer, though he is a loner with a bad temper. He is ready to seize the last chance to y high in the sky, so he ties thousands of balloons to his house to ful ll his lost childhood dream. One day, he meets an 8-year-old scout named Russell and begins to recall his whole life's memories. e two go to Paradise Falls to embark on a colossal adventure. is heartwarming animation, Up, was not only a box o ce success but also a critical one, winning the 82nd Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, the 67th Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, and the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score.
8/8(四)thu. 19:00
導演|彼特.達克特、鮑伯.彼得森 演員|愛德華.阿斯納、克里斯多夫.柏麥、約翰.拉岑貝格爾 Director | Pete Docter, Bob Peterson. Voice Actor | Edward Asner, Christopher Plummer, John Ratzenberger.
主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
免費、自由入席 Free Admission
※ 影片約 96 鐘長,無中場休息 Approx. 96 minutes without intermission
※英文發音,中文字幕 Performed in English with Chinese surtitles
※ 戶外露天放映場次,遇雨將延期或取消;且為達最佳放映品質,將視日 光狀況調整開場時間。
Show time is subject to daylight illumination and will be canceled in case of rain. ※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
歌劇院建築公共空間、後台空間 Public Space
2024 兒童夜訪歌劇院
NTT Kid's Night, Kiss Good Night
月夜裡,歌劇院化為充滿魔法、彎來繞去的星球,忙碌的後台空間變身為巨大迷宮,每一扇門、每一條地道,彷彿都能 通往魔法空間。
但,這座迷宮裡,有幾扇門?有幾條地道,又有幾個彎星人呢?他們在做什麼,彎星球的交通工具又是 什麼?他們睡在哪裡? 趕緊戴好探險頭燈,跟隨彎星人出發! 各位地球人,彎星地道即將為你開啟,歡迎登陸、展開探 險之旅!
Under the moonlight, NTT's space transforms into a celestial realm, gracefully curving like a distant planet. What was once a bustling backstage area now unfolds into a vast maze, where every doorway and passage seems to beckon toward an enchanting kingdom. But how many portals and tunnels weave through this labyrinth? And who is the curly man wandering within its twists and turns? What mode of transportation does it take, if any? And where does he nd rest? Now, put on your headlight and follow the footsteps of the curly man. Greetings, citizens of Earth! e curly tunnels await your exploration. Please land and embark on your adventure!
8/9(五)fri.、8/30(五)fri. 19:30-21:00
主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
$ 650
網路報名請至「ACCUPASS 活動通」Registration on ACCUPASS
角落沙龍 Corner Salon
※活動約 90 分鐘 Approx. 90 minutes without intermission
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change
打造三度空間的音樂劇時刻:英國芬恩.羅斯影像設計專業工作坊 Professional Visual Design Workshop
榮獲多項大獎肯定的音樂劇《冰雪奇緣》及熱門舞台劇《哈利波特與被詛咒的孩子》影像設計芬恩.羅斯,首度受邀來臺 參加歌劇院音樂劇產業國際論壇,並為劇場影像設計者舉辦一場工作坊。結合理論與實務,透過羅斯的設計理念與技術操 作教學,以及知名劇場作品分析,引導學員實際進行影像設計創作發想,開啟劇場影像設計之路。
Join us for a practical and insightful workshop led by Finn Ross, the visionary video designer behind the award-winning musical Frozen and the acclaimed stage play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. is is Ross's rst visit to Taiwan, and he will share his design mindset, practical instructions, and an analysis of well-known theater works. e workshop is speci cally for aspiring theater image designers to inspire their creative ideas for visual design and to open up new paths for theater visual design.
8/9(五)fri. 14:00-18:00
講者|芬恩.羅斯(英國弗雷工作室 共同創辦人及創意總監)
Instructor | Finn Ross (Co-Founder and Creative Director of FRAY Studio in the UK)
主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
$ 1000 網路報名請至「ACCUPASS 活動通」Registration on ACCUPASS
※ 對象:年滿 18 歲,以影像創作為核心之專業人士,或相關科系之在校生。
Admission requirement: over 18 years old and focus on image creation, or students in related majors.
※本工作坊以英語進行 Workshop in English
※提供中英文逐步口譯 With interpretation in Mandarin.
※參加者需自備筆電 Participants need to bring their laptops.
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
排練室 Rehearsal Room
NTT+ 音樂劇平台 Musical Orchard Research & Exchange
Japan Musicals Performance Workshop
日本梅花歌劇團藝術總監謝珠榮受邀參加歌劇院音樂劇產業國際論壇,並專為喜愛戲劇、舞蹈、歌唱之表演工作者辦理一 場工作坊。課程包含肢體訓練、表演練習及階段排演,謝珠榮將帶領專業表演者,發揮想像力並極具效率地培養演出默契, 實際演練舞台上各種可能發生之狀況,朝向舞台新星邁進。
Tamae HSIEH, the artistic director of the Konohana, has been invited to return to Taiwan to participate in the NTT Musicals Development International Symposium and conduct a workshop for performers who love theater, dance, and singing. e course includes physical training, performing practice, and stage rehearsal. HSIEH will lead professional performers to use their imagination and e ciently cultivate a tacit understanding of performing, and practice various situations on stage, in so doing, pave the way to becoming bright new stars on stage.
8/12(一)mon. 14:00-17:00
講者|謝珠榮(日本梅花歌劇團 藝術總監)
Instructor | Tamae HSIEH (the artistic director of the Konohana) 主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
$ 1000 網路報名請至「ACCUPASS 活動通」Registration on ACCUPASS
※ 對象:具表演、舞蹈、歌唱等相關背景之專業人士;具 2 年以上表演經驗者優先 Professionals with backgrounds in performance, dance, singing, and related fields are welcomed. Preference will be given to those with more than two years of performing experience.
※ 本工作坊以日語進行,提供中日文逐步口譯 Workshop in Japanese.With interpretation in Mandarin.
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
角落沙龍 Corner Salon
NTT+ 不藏私講堂 e Art of Living
臺劇開麥啦!溫柔的戲劇革命,從小人物故事開始 Taiwanese Drama Is On Fire! e Gentle Revolution of Drama Starts From Being Touched by the Stories of Ordinary People
近年來臺劇掀起一波波追劇風潮,而大慕影藝執行長林昱伶一手推動的《我們與惡的距離》、《做工的人》等劇集更是 深受歡迎。大慕影藝的每一部作品啟發社會反思,透過小人物故事,探究民生議題,進而強化與觀眾間之連結。本場講 座,林昱伶將分享觀看戲劇的角度,以及如何創作深入人心,引發討論的劇集。
In recent years, Taiwanese dramas have set a wave of drama-watching trends. Dramas such as The World Between Us and Workers, spearheaded by LIN Yu-ling, the director of Entertainment, have risen to prominence. The works of DaMou Entertainment, which delve into livelihood issues through the stories of ordinary people, have not only captured public attention but also sparked resonance, fostering a strong connection with the audience. In this lecture, LIN will share her perspective and approach to drama, discussing how these narratives deeply re ect people's hearts, in uence society, and ignite meaningful discussions.
8/14(三)wed. 19:00
講者|林昱伶,大慕可可股份有限公司 董事長 Lecturer | LIN Yu-ling (Director of KOKO Entertainment)
主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
$ 100 網路報名請至「ACCUPASS 活動通」Registration on ACCUPASS
※ 講座約 120 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 120 minutes without intermission ※講座以華語進行 Lectured in Mandarin ※ 本系列講座提供公教人員進修時數認證 All program in this series qualify under the Civil Servant Training Program. ※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
2 號門廣場 Gate 2 Outdoor Plaza
放肆夜 ursday Night Out
放肆夜 戶外音樂會
ursday Night Out -Outdoor Music Concert
週四星空下的「放肆」時光,在 2
號門戶外廣場,欣賞東海大學音樂系的精采演出。邀你放開日常煩惱瑣事,肆意隨著 音樂輕鬆搖擺!享受週四的音樂之夜!
On ursday Night Out on a starry summer night, you can enjoy the fantastic performance by the Music Department of Tunghai University in the Gate 2 Outdoor Plaza. Release your everyday tri es, swing your body to the music, and immerse yourself in the dreamy music night on ursday!
8/22(四)thu. 19:00
演出者|東海大學音樂系 Performer | Department of Music, Tunghai University 主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
免費、自由入席 Free Admission
※演出時間約 50 分鐘,無中場休息 Approx. 50 minutes without intermission
※露天演奏,遇雨取消 Show time is subject to daylight illumination and will be canceled in case of rain.
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change
歌劇院建築公共空間 Public Space
《小朋友的歌劇院探索》綠色篇 Tour for children - Green eater
探險家強哥將帶領小朋友展開冒險!在歌劇院充滿生命力的偌大空間中,拜訪不為人知的神祕人物,有喜愛品酒的壺中 居爺爺、活力充沛的巴克斯弟弟,和溫柔婉約的大劇院夫人,一起來聆聽他們生活在歌劇院裡的小祕密吧! e explorer John will take the children on an adventure! In the enormous space of the National Taichung eater which is full of exciting activities, they will visit the unheard-of mysterious gures, such as grandpa Bottle the Art who loves wine tasting, the energetic little boy called Black Box, and the graceful lady of the Grand eater. Now join the tour and listen to what little secrets they are going to spill about NTT.
主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater
$ 350 網路報名請至「ACCUPASS 活動通」Registration on ACCUPASS 8/24(六)sat. 10:30-12:00
※活動約 90 分鐘 Approx. 90 minutes without intermission ※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change
角落沙龍 Corner Salon
NTT+ 駐館藝術家 Artists-in-Resdience
NTT TouchDesigner Workshop 2024
此次工作坊由歌劇院駐館藝術家葉廷皓特別規劃,攜手 TouchDesigner 官方講師 Ben Voigt ,以及資深多媒體互動開發者 陳品辰共同講授;為期 2 天的工作坊,第 1
天「初階工作坊」透過案例分享與基本操作教學,帶領新手踏入創作新手村; 第 2 天「進階工作坊」以實用技巧與高階功能示範,幫助資深使用者提升專案效率,增進開發功力。
is workshop, led by Ben Voigt, the o cial lecturer of TouchDesigner, and co-taught by 2024 NTT artist-in-residence YEH Ting-hao and senior multimedia interactive developer CHEN Pin-chen, all renowned experts in their elds, is designed for both newcomers and experienced users. e two-day workshop includes:Elementary Workshop (Day 1) covers case studies and basic operation instructions, providing a solid foundation for newcomers. Advanced Workshop (Day 2) is a practical masterclass, demonstrating skills and functions that will directly improve your projects' e ciency and development skills.
8/24(六)sat. - 8/25(日)sun.
講師| Ben Voigt、葉廷皓、陳品辰 Lecturers | Ben Voigt, YEH Ting-hao, CHEN Pin-chen 主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 協辦單位| TouchDesignerTW、噪流 執行單位|瀰音藝術 特別感謝| NTT 藝友會、Derivative Presenter | National Taichung eater Co-Organizer | TouchDesignerTW、噪流 Presenter |瀰音藝術 Special Thanks to NTT Club / Derivative
$ 1000 網路報名請至「ACCUPASS 活動通」Registration on ACCUPASS
凸凸廳 Tutu Gallery
※建議事先安裝 TouchDesigner It is recommended to install TouchDesigner in advance ※ 本活動紀錄之影音資料將用於資料保存或日後宣傳 e audio and video data recorded in this event will be used for data storage or future publicity.
※主辦單位保留活動異動權 Program may be subject to change.
NTT+ 駐館藝術家 Artists-in-Resdience
2024 夏日放/ FUN 時光― 2023-2024 歌劇院駐館藝術家葉廷皓《幻象的殘響》 2023-2024 NTT Artist-in-Residence YEH Ting-hao Reverberation of Illusions
這是一場現地創作的音像音樂會!《幻象的殘響》以臺中國家歌劇院凸凸廳為創作場域與舞台,以音像創作形式,結合 沉浸式投影與多聲道喇叭配置。巧妙運用音頻分析與演算法,使聲音驅使影像律動,演算法則以影發聲,在聲音與影像 交互影響下,觀眾彷彿進入一趟奇幻旅程,沉浸於聲音與影像中,開啟多重感官的聯覺⸺看見聲音,聽見色彩。
Reverberation of Illusions transforms the Tutu Gallery of the National Taichung eater into its creative site and stage, employing audio-visual composition and combining immersive projection with a multi-channel speaker setup. In the interplay of sound and imagery, the audience embarks on a fantastical journey, immersing themselves in sound and visuals, igniting a synesthetic experience across multiple senses seeing sound, hearing colors.
8/31(六)sat. 14:30、19:30,9/1(日)sun. 14:30,9 /6(五)fri. 19:30,9 /7(六)sat. 14:30、19:30, 9/8(日)sun. 14:30
主創藝術家|葉廷皓 音樂製作人、現場編程、合成器暨吉他|鄭各均 特別演出|小事製作、Sonia Calico、姚仲涵 製作單位|瀰音藝術有限公司
Lead Artistic Creator | YEH Ting-hao
Electronic Music Producer and Musician | Sonic deadhorse
Special Appearance | Les Petites Choses Production, Sonia Calico, YAO Chung-han Production | Di usound.art
主辦|臺中國家歌劇院 Presenter | National Taichung eater 特別感謝| NTT 藝友會 Special anks to NTT CLUB
※ 演出全長共約 75 分鐘,無中場休息,含「演後座談」、「DJ session」及「狂歡場」。Approx. 75 minutes without intermission.
※ 建議 7 歲以上觀眾觀賞 Suggested for ages 7 and above (and adult company is advised).
※演出片段具眩光、閃爍畫面與較大的聲響效果,請斟酌入場 is Program contains strobe and loud sound e ects. Audience discretion is advised.
Under the Spotlight
淡江大學資管系畢業,曾任職資 策會,擔任工程師。目前擔任活 性界面製作執行長、Vocal Asia 執行長、神秘失控人聲樂團團 長。自大學時期演出兩部音樂劇 後,此後長年浸淫其中,引進重 製的音樂劇 LPC,創下臺灣中小 型音樂劇至今最長連演紀錄。
音樂劇製作人陳午明談《Once, 愛是唯一》
文|賴韋廷 攝影|陳書海 照片提供|臺中國家歌劇院 聲光科技、絢麗效果,逐漸成為音樂劇舞台標配的今日,榮獲 諸多指標性大獎肯定的音樂劇《Once, 愛是唯一》卻有別於此。
這部作品以傳統的場景調度、樂手即演員的編制,搭配不落俗 套的故事取勝,且聽音樂劇製作人陳午明解析其魅力何在。
(上)《Once, 愛是唯一》講述失戀的都柏林街頭藝人,與年輕的捷克女孩 相遇,兩人透過音樂訴說浪漫、脆弱、憂傷和甜蜜。
(下)本次臺灣演出為 2023 年首演的全新國際巡演版本,不僅打造全新的 舞台,更以強烈劇場感的絢麗燈光,烘托音樂的渲染力。
近年,音樂劇幾乎成為臺灣劇場顯學與主流,尤其 2022 年呈現爆發之勢, 臺灣原創音樂劇加上國外 IP 授權及直接引進的製作,光是當年 3 至 6 月的 劇碼演出數量,就相當於 2018 一整年。當音樂劇數量與類型提升至一定規 模,便代表競爭激烈,觀眾更能大飽眼福與耳福。
大滿貫音樂劇首度來臺 帶來全新版本
今年夏天,曾榮獲奧斯卡、葛萊美、東尼獎、奧利佛獎等大獎榮譽的 《Once, 愛是唯一》(以下簡稱 Once)將以 2023 年的全新製作國際巡演 版本來臺。「這齣劇 2011 年首度在百老匯上演時,我就是觀眾。」聊起 Once,音樂劇製作人陳午明直言:「它是當時大半年看下來,最傑出的音 樂劇之一。」
「當時,我在紐約 20 天,就看了 23 齣劇。」陳 午明是重度劇迷,也是臺灣音樂劇的造浪者之一, 他引進重製的外百老匯音樂劇《I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change》(簡稱 LPC),於 2021 至 2024 年演出 323 場,不少人為之瘋狂、一看再看。閱劇 無數的他,提起 10 餘年前的觀劇體驗,陳午明仍 津津樂道。
Once 最初是一部以愛爾蘭都柏林為背景的小品 音樂電影,電影在勇奪多項國際大獎後,又以主題 曲〈Falling Slowly〉贏得奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲獎, 因而聲名大噪。看過電影後,陳午明極為喜愛,得 知將改編為音樂劇後,心中更是萬分期盼,「很好 奇,卻也擔心可能流於一般改編。」結果卻令他大 感驚喜!
一入席如走進酒館 未開演已入戲
「10 年前的版本,走進觀眾席,就像來到愛爾蘭
小酒館。」舞台的陳設如同開放式的 吧檯,演員早待在台上,吉他、手風 琴、短笛等隨意演奏,談笑歌唱;吧 檯是真的在賣酒,「我跟著其他人走 上舞台買酒,演員還跟我打招呼。」 一時間觀眾都忘了方才還在趕路,惦 記著哪些瑣事,很自然地入了戲,參 與了故事場景。
無獨有偶,2023 年全新製作的版 本,也藉由生動的開場情境,讓觀眾 一入座就入戲。舞台設計成樂器行, 整面牆掛滿吉他,男主角一開場就自 彈自唱,在視覺與聽覺都宣示音樂的 重要性。
樂手即演員的編制,固然考驗樂手 的表演能力,但搭配舞台場景,讓主 角之外的演員們隨情境轉換,有時是
音樂家演員輪番上場,一邊演奏吉他、小提琴、大提琴、手風琴、曼陀林琴和爵士鼓等樂器,一邊搭配劇情發展, 時而劇中人、時而場外客,展現比電影更加豐富飽滿的角色人物內心世界。
伴奏樂手,有時是穿梭劇中的配角,更顯出導演手 法高明。
「不採用高科技也能有絕佳的舞台效果,在 Once 裡,桌椅換個方向就轉場,搭配演奏音樂,配角便 順暢地轉換身分,使視覺與聽覺巧妙地動態結合。」
他最佩服 Once 在表現形式上的抉擇,不為炫技, 也不追逐科技潮流,而是力求準確連結故事核心。
以音樂推動劇情 更貼合故事核心
Once 講述城市裡的陌生男女,各自懷抱音樂的 夢想,男方始終堅持音樂路,女方則幾乎被生活消 磨殆盡,當兩人相遇,夢想召喚夢想,心意相投, 彼此鼓勵向夢想邁進。因此,音樂是這故事的重中 之重,「電影是運用剪接來切換時空,而 Once 音 樂劇的剪接師就是音樂,能轉換場景、連結時空與
記憶,是感情的催化劑。」他分析, 現今音樂劇的類型眾多,相對於演 員、劇情與聲光效果,音樂不見得一 定是最令觀眾印象深刻的元素;然而 Once 音樂劇版,不但具備以音樂推 動劇情的特質,表現形式比電影版更 貼合故事核心。
正因當年如此驚豔,得知下半年將 在臺灣看到已在北京、上海、深圳等 地獲得好票房與口碑的 Once 全新版, 陳午明坦言相當好奇,他說:「在表 現形式之外,故事讓我印象深刻在於 人事物的底層,彷彿都墊上了一層孤 寂的感覺。」全新版能否演繹出那份 孤寂?臺灣觀眾拭目以待。
Backstage View
「無獨有偶」推薦丹麥倒影劇團《夜燈》 鄭嘉音:讓孩子換個