Jesuit missions from Telč to northern Bohemia and to the Jizera Mountains in the second half of the 17th century
A b stra c t
Michaela Ramešová | Štěpán Valecký | The text deals with Jesuit missions to the north of Bohemia in the second half of the 17th century with an emphasis on the missionary activities of the house of the third probation in Telč. With regard to the process of re-Catholicization in the second half of the 17th century, Frýdlant (Friedland) and Liberec (Reichenberg) represented a specific region, as is evident from Jesuit sources about missions to the local region. Missions from Telč to northern Bohemia, which took place regularly in the second half of the 17th century, played a significant role in the process of re-Catholicization of the area. The Jesuits of Telč often headed to localities near the borders or in mountainous areas, where non-Catholic religions persisted. It is probable some of the transitions to Catholicism were only of formal nature. Unlike in the past, however, the missionaries focused exclusively on non-repressive ways of converting to the faith to prevent further emigration. Their focus was on helping with the parish administration, confessions, and promoting Catholic customs. Missionary work also included acts of charity and caring for one’s neighbor.
ke y w ords
K l í čová slova
Northern Bohemia
severní Čechy
Liberec Region
Frýdlant Region
17th century
17. století
rekatolizace Fontes Nissae | Prameny Nisy