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S A units in Liberec in the years 1938–1945

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This study contemplates the establishment, development and organization of the Sturmabteilung (SA) strike units in Liberec, the capital of the Sudetenland. Based on archival sources and periodicals, it provides a general overview of the people who decided to join the SA, what their training consisted of, and how wide was the range of activities typical for strike units. As political soldiers, members of the SA fully supported the NSDAP and participated in political events that were closely linked to National Socialism. However, their activities in collections, public works of all kinds or their own sports activities cannot be overlooked. In conclusion, the study deals with the deployment of SA members as the part of the Wehrmacht and in the rear, where they participated in the training of German men for war, until the formation of the militia, which included not only the last in the homeland SA-men, but also all their material.


ke y w ords

K l í čová slova



Reich District of Sudetenland

Říšská župa Sudety

National Socialism

nacionální socialismus

Second World War

druhá světová válka

Stormtroops (SA)

Sturmabteilung (SA)



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