Welcome to our 2025 Brochure!
The Education Space has grown for the fifth successive year, with over 350 schools choosing The Education Space as its preferred school support partner.
Our customer retention rate is one of the highest in the industry at 98% and in 2024 we hit a record high in new service level agreements. Our success is attributed to being a schools’ owned company that works in the sole interest of its school members.
The last 12 months have been one of the most challenging for our school members. Schools are having to manage more with less resources. We have supported a number of our schools to balance their budgets through strategic financial reviews and worked with senior leaders in reshaping the school structure to service a reduced cohort of pupils. If your school is facing a budget deficit or you are considering a restructure, please do contact our team to find out more about how we can support your school.
This year we are introducing a new Safeguarding Service, supporting our schools to meet their statutory responsibilities. This is a comprehensive package of support that includes a Safeguarding Audit and training for your DSL.
For further information about our services or to purchase a new service please call our Business Development Team on 020 8249 6900 or email
Iqbal Vaza Chief Executive Officer
The Education Space is the ethical partner of choice that keeps the child at the centre of everything we do.
We care about our clients and work hard to help you achieve your aspirations. We engage with our clients to help develop our products and services to ensure that what we offer is created for schools by schools.
Who We Are
The Education Space is part of the NPW Group, a not-for-profit mutual organisation, owned by our members.
We provide a range of operational, transformational and innovative services to schools and colleges so they can focus on improving the lives of children and young people.
Our services are agile, allowing us to offer bespoke packages that meet an individual client’s needs.
Our Services
Our History
NPW was formed in 2012 from the Newham Council school traded services teams and we have been delivering these services for a combined period of 30 years. We pride ourselves on providing high quality, costeffective solutions.
The Education Space currently supplies and delivers in excess of 850 SLAs across our service offering to schools in London and surrounding areas.
Our Members
All clients with service level agreements can be company members. The Board is accountable to company members for the direction and performance of the company. The benefits include attending General Meetings, having a say in how the company is run, the opportunity to join the Board, and being part of a wider network of schools and colleges. Our members also enjoy reduced fees on selected training courses and discounts on room hire at Francis House.
Our services cover the core school office functions from HR to clerking. The school management support service ensures the school is meeting all its legal requirements and also has a team available around the clock in case of an emergency. We also offer bespoke school consultancy services that focus on how schools become financially sustainable and effective in the current climate of uncertainty and constant technological change.
[The Education Space’s] IT team is immense and a credit to the organisation.
- EssexPrimarySchool
Technical support on-site and remote
Strategic support
Project implementation
Hardware and software procurement
Empowering schools through the use of technology
Technology is embedded everywhere in life, from how we work, communicate, obtain information and advance the world. Schools are reliant on technology throughout, from teaching and learning to back-office administration.
For technology to be a productive asset to education, it must be implemented correctly, starting with a clear strategic vision right through to installation with ongoing support for staff and pupils.
The Education Space provides an IT support service that allows schools to utilise and advance teaching and learning in the modern world.
From strategic planning, project work and day-to-day support, you can be confident that technology investments return outstanding outcomes through The Education Space.
The Education Space links people with technology and offers bespoke strategies, ensuring that the brand of teaching and learning the school provides is not lost. With our extensive partnership network that includes Cisco and Google, we are well placed to ensure the technology works for you.
Contract types
Technical support on-site and remote (helpdesk)
Strategic support
• Project implementation
Hardware and software procurement through our exclusive partner pricing
Digital signage support
• Telephony
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
Procurement: hardware and software on a quote basis
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
“We have had fantastic value for money and [The Education Space] has been very understanding of the school’s needs going beyond what was expected and patiently educating us all.
- DersinghamPrimarySchool
MIS helpdesk and advisory service
Expert MIS and financial support
Bespoke training and consultancy
Reporting and data analysis
Helping deliver positive outcomes through effective data management
The Education Space MIS Support team provides high quality, specialist MIS support and training to help schools utilise the full capabilities of their MIS solution. Our aim is to deliver enhanced outcomes, meet statutory obligations and enable informed strategic decisions through effective data analysis and reporting.
Leverage the experience and expertise of the MIS Support team to support effective school operations and strategic school initiatives.
Partnering with The Education Space provides schools with access to a dedicated MIS team offering specialist advice in areas such as assessment, school finance, reporting and analytics, and statutory returns. In addition to the comprehensive day-to-day operational support, via our online/telephone helpdesk and remote support, the MIS support team can help schools to upskill their entire workforce and provide advice on the best use of MIS software to achieve enhanced outcomes.
SIMS/FMS and Bromcom support
• Training manuals, guides and resources
Bespoke consultancy and training
Database updates and patches
• Onsite support visits
Priority Ofsted support and assistance
Reporting and data analysis
• MIS updates in line with statutory changes to pay scales
Contract types
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work customised to your requirements
Bespoke training and consultancy
• Service Level Agreement: annual agreement providing high quality support on an ongoing basis
“I am so, so pleased we have [The Education Space] working with us and that we have someone so good for Oliver Thomas. The support you have given me as a new headteacher has been phenomenal.
- OliverThomasNursery
Bursar helpdesk and advisory service
Expert financial support
Bespoke training and consultancy
Reporting and data analysis
Experienced Bursar Support, ensuring expert management of school finances
The Education Space is pleased to offer expert Bursar Support as a customisable service, subject to your requirements. The service is delivered by former School Business Managers with the knowledge and experience demanded by the position. The service can be used as a stopgap prior to an appointment or as an ongoing solution.
Leverage the experience and expertise of our Bursar team to support the effective management of your school finances.
Partnering with the Education Space provides schools access to expert bursar support, whether short-term cover or as a permanent solution. Our service can be used to supplement and support your existing School Business Professional whether through training or simply providing additional expertise and/or a critical friend.
Our Bursar Service is delivered by former School Business Professionals who understand the pressures of the role, the service offers support and guidance in a way that goes beyond a traditional bursar service.
Contract types
Finance support and guidance
Budget setting
• Monthly running and processing of salary actuals.
Monthly clearing of salary suspense & salary commitments.
Year-end Consistent Financial Report (CFR) completion.
Reports for finance committee
Completion of the Payroll pack
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work customised to your requirements
Bespoke training and consultancy
• Service Level Agreement: annual agreement providing high quality support on an ongoing basis
“Thank you so much for taking the time today to assist us! You went the extra mile and made a difference in helping us begin to resolve a problem.
- RonaldOpenshawNurseryEducationCentre
Payroll and HR admin
Recruitment and advertising
Fully integrated HR & Payroll system
Employee self service
A payroll service that understands education
In the busy world of education and developing children and young people, the last thing you need to be worrying about is staff being paid accurately and on time. The responsibilities of education establishments are so varied it is not always possible to ensure you have someone with the relevant expertise in each area, so forming a partnership with specialist support providers is vital.
We take the strain and cost out of the employment relationship. From recruitment through to pay and departure, we can be there for you every step of the way. The HR/Payroll SLA for schools provides you with access to an industry-standard payroll bureau and the reassurance of working with experienced professionals who know the education sector.
The Education Space offers you easy access to our dedicated HR and payroll advisors. With decades of experience, our staff take responsibility for staying up-to-date with payroll and contract law so you don’t have to.
We help schools to save time and stay legally compliant, through effective recruitment and employee administration. We ensure your staff are paid accurately and on time, taking the complexity out of the employment relationship with our industry-leading recruitment and payroll system.
Contract types
Fully managed to self-service payroll options
Online HR/Payroll system
• Unlimited recruitment and advertising
Reporting pack
Advice and guidance helpdesk
• Visa sponsorship and right to work advice and guidance
Employee self-service access
Disclosure and barring service
• Single Central Record guidance and support
• Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
Bespoke training and consultancy
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
“The Education Space provide helpful advice to schools that support the efficient management of internal systems. Staff are always at the end of the phone offering useful HR guidance and support to ensure compliance.
Strategic HR services
Organisational change management
Casework advice and guidance
Grievance and disciplinary support
Employee relations help to protect your most valuable asset - your workforce
Good employee relations provides an open and honest communication between management, their employees and trade unions. Employee relations strengthen the employer/employee relationship by identifying and resolving workplace issues. We have been able to successfully support schools on a range of complex employee relations issues which include disciplinaries, grievances, sickness absences, performance management, change management and employment tribunals.
Good employee relations ensure there is a healthy and productive work environment which is ultimately beneficial to pupils.
We support school leaders and managers by providing an important link between management, employees and the trade unions. You will also receive support from The Education Space with effective consultation and negotiation on a range of individual and collective employee relations matters. This helps to enable an early resolution to problems and ensures that they are resolved with appropriate risk management.
Our service offer to schools is unlimited and includes on-site visits, as well as telephone and email advice. The Education Space has a long-standing, professional working relationship with the teaching and support staff unions in order to negotiate on behalf of schools.
Contract types
• Unlimited casework advice and guidance
Helpdesk and email support
HR policies and procedures
• Trade union negotiations
Organisational change management
Bespoke training and consultancy
• Strategic HR services
Grievance and disciplinary support
• Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
Bespoke training and consultancy
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
On behalf of the whole board, we appreciate your professionalism, service and excellence.
- KeirHardiePrimarySchool
Governance support
Professional clerks
Training and consultancy
Company secretarial services
Ensuring your governance is effective and legally compliant
All schools and academies are required by law to be compliant with government regulations. High quality, effective and ethical governance is key to the success of every school and trust, for the future of children and young people. The complexities of governance are developing all the time and the risks associated with getting this wrong carry high penalties.
The Education Space is positioned to be the first point of contact to guide you through the minefield of ever-changing governance rules and support you in achieving strategic leadership, rigorous accountability, sound structures and legally compliant meeting protocol.
Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and high quality support service that is agile and continuously evolving to meet your needs.
Our business model sets us apart from other providers. Our back-office team of Governing Board Support Officers (GBSOs) is your main point of contact, working in tandem with our team of 40+ professional clerks. Your allocated GBSO supports your meeting preparation and follow-up, while your allocated clerk attends your meetings to advise on procedure and take minutes. This model offers strong support to ensure legal compliance.
Contract types
Bespoke training and consultancy
Training and development
Clerking services
• Specialist advice and consultancy
Company secretarial services
Clerking for panel hearings
• Online and face-to-face meeting support
Governance review
• Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
Subscription and on-demand clerking options
“I have been on many [training courses] and found this to be the best. The venue is so much better and the people are nice and helpful. I was very happy there and would certainly recommend colleagues to use [The Education Space] in the future.
- Eleanor Smith School
First aid training
IT and curriculum consultancy
Inset sessions
Governor training
Providing cost-effective CPD solutions for your whole workforce
Continuous professional development is a vital part of any school’s function. Working with multiple training providers or sourcing a particular course can prove challenging so The Education Space has created a comprehensive suite of training and consultancy services, covering all aspects of CPD and regulatory requirements.
The Education space is proud to offer a wide variety of accredited and industry specific training courses in conjunction with our well-renowned training partners. Our provision covers the following areas; Health and Safety, First Aid, Well-being, Safeguarding, Governance, MIS, GSuite, Data Protection, Educational Visits, School Management Support, Human Resources, Social Media and many more.
All our scheduled courses are advertised on our online client portal : clientportal.theeducationspace. Here you can book onto a course and also register to receive our weekly training brochure and newsletter. To book a bespoke training package please contact our Training Team who are on hand to discuss and ensure your requirements are met on 0208 249 6900.
Contract types
• Bespoke training and consultancy
Classroom-based sessions
Whole school sessions
• Webinar sessions
Inset training
Blended learning
Bespoke training sessions
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
Subscription service
Brunch and Discussions are high quality and informative, making sessions interactive and using real life examples.
- Newham PRU
DPO support
Data health check
Whole school training
Bespoke consultancy
Ensuring compliance in a datadriven world
Individuals have a right to privacy and to have their data treated in a way they would reasonably expect. Therefore, it is imperative that organisations understand the data they hold, protect and process to comply with data protection legislation. Good practices in managing data can increase both confidence and trust in an organisation and minimise risks for the organisation and individuals.
Ensuring compliance with data protection legislation is an ongoing process and is not a ‘one-off’ project. It’s about creating a culture of compliance which sits at the heart of your organisation. The practical realities of creating and implementing data protection best practice can seem overwhelming and can be difficult to keep up to date in a rapidly changing world.
The Education Space has a skilled and experienced Data Compliance team, dedicated to working with the education sector. Our team supports over 70 organisations and has trained in excess of 1000 education professionals in the past 12 months.
The Education Space provides a DPO service for schools, taking away the burden or any potential conflict of interest when appointing internally. The service includes regular risk-rated compliance checks, access to an advice and guidance helpline, document toolkits and access to forums for school to meet and keep abreast of education sectorspecific news.
Contract types
DPO support
Health check
• Whole school training
DPO training
Helpdesk only support
• Bespoke consultancy
Termly user groups
FOI Support
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
• Bespoke training and consultancy
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
I cannot thank you enough for your patience in helping us unpick what is a very difficult and murky case; with lots of ‘what ifs’..
- DersinghamPrimarySchool
Managing critical incidents
Educational visits support/EVOLVE
Dealing with difficult parents
Prevention through planning and effective incident management
Risk management is an essential part of everyday school life for planned events such as educational visits, however, operating a school day-to-day also throws up many unexpected incidents for school leaders, from challenging parents and carers to dealing with an epidemic. This means having someone to call on with experience, expertise, skills and the confidence to provide you with the assurance you need and to support you through those challenges at any time during the day or out of hours as required.
The service offers a 24/7 critical incident management service for emergencies and a helpdesk for your everyday queries.
By choosing The Education Space as your support partner, you will have access to a highly respected and qualified team of experts with links to many specialist partners to help meet any of your school management needs.
Our team has a wealth of experience working across hundreds of schools, which has exposed us to many different scenarios ensuring we can provide support and guidance on all issues including educational visits, risk assessments FOI requests and mediation/ parental complaints, saving you time and stress by utilising our single point of contact for your school management queries.
Contract types
Mediation/parental complaints service
Freedom of information requests
• Guidance and support helpdesk
EVOLVE/EVOLVE+ for educational visits support
Risk management and risk assessment
• Managing critical incidents, emergencies and business continuity
Dealing with difficult parents
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
• Bespoke training and consultancy
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
Monitoring visits
Food hygiene review
Support for special dietary needs
Support with complaints
Ensuring food safety and nutritional compliance
An important requirement for schools is to ensure that the government’s mandatory food safety and school food-based standards are achieved at all times on their premises. The job of the catering provider is to ensure a high quality and safe service is provided, maintained and improved as required.
People (children and adults) fall ill every day from the food they eat. Bacteria and viruses found in food can cause food poisoning, serious health problems or worse. Schools have a responsibility to ensure that food standards and individuals’ needs are being met.
The client catering support service offers an independent, quality inspection of the provider’s services to ensure that the government’s standards are adhered to. The inspection will cover the 4c’s (cooking, cleaning, chilling and cross-contamination), food storage, transportation, training and other key areas.
We will also check the menu and ensure it is correct and suggest any changes or improvements.
Contract types
• A helpdesk service via telephone and email
Two monitoring visits per year plus detailed reports
Food hygiene review, including health and safety matters within the kitchen area
Monitoring of special dietary needs and allergens
Support with complaints from parents, pupils or others regarding catering
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
• Bespoke training and consultancy
• Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
Monitoring visits
Cleaning contract support
Conflict resolution
Coaching and briefing
Ensuring a hygienic work environment for people on-premise
Keeping schools clean is now more important than ever. Teaching is a high-energy job and those who are being taught spend a large proportion of their day at school. A clean work environment helps to ensure that teachers and pupils have a safe and healthy work environment.
Keeping schools clean is a simple way to enhance learning, improve job satisfaction for teachers, reduce illness and fight allergy symptoms. Schools function to their full potential if they are clean and hygienic; ensuring providers who are carrying out the task of cleaning are using safe and green cleaning products, and are compliant with the regulations.
The client cleaning support service offers an independent quality inspection of your provider’s services, ensuring that the specifications are being met. Where the required standards are not being met, these are identified and actions recommended to ensure that these are followed through.
Schools can only function properly if they are clean and hygienic, and those providers who are carrying out the task of cleaning are using safer, greener cleaning products and are compliant with the regulations.
Contract types
A helpdesk service via telephone and email
• Two monitoring visits per year plus detailed reports
Cleaning contract management and support
• Conflict resolution Coaching and briefing
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
• Bespoke training and consultancy
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
Fire safety inspection
Report and action plan
Training and consultancy
Support for policies and procedures
Plan & prevent to ensure schools are meeting their obligations
Fire safety in schools is so important for the simple reason that large numbers of people (children and staff) come together in one place and a single fire can affect all of them.
Schools contain and store many combustible items and therefore Fire Risk Assessments are extremely important as well as being a legal requirement for schools to safeguard the lives of everyone on-site and the school premises.
Our service provides a qualified inspector to conduct an assessment of the school premises, liaising with an appropriate on-site designated staff member.
A detailed report will be issued with a RAG rating for the fire risks on the premises together with an action plan showing and recommending preventative measures.
The service provides ongoing support, advice and assistance as required to cover any fire-related queries.
Contract types
A helpdesk service via telephone and email
A comprehensive inspection of premises
Full report plus an action plan
• Fire-related awareness sessions or training
• Support and guidance on policies and procedures
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
Bespoke training and consultancy
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
Full compliance health check
Detailed report
Support and advice service
Safety Management System
Protecting your learning environment
It is vital that teachers, governors and school leaders understand, and can respond effectively to, the range of situations facing children and young people today.
An important responsibility for headteachers, school business managers and other senior leaders is to ensure their school is compliant and up-to-date with the latest legislation and statutory guidance. Ensuring that you are up-to-date with changes to the legal and regulatory compliance framework for schools has increasingly become a full-time job.
School safety is important to protect staff and pupils in a school from incidents of abuse or any form of violence. School premises need to be a safe learning environment and this ensures the overall development of each child.
Health, safety and welfare is an important part of school life and keeping children and adults safe is essential within our teaching and learning environments. It is important that children learn to understand and manage day-to-day risks, whilst enhancing learning and innovation. This also protects the well-being of employers, visitors and the public.
The health and safety service is important and helps schools establish and fill gaps around process, rules and procedures in order to function effectively and ensure everyone is connected so that the school meets its statutory obligations and other requirements.
Contract types
Full compliance health check
• A detailed report with preventative measures
Providing support, advice and assistance
Helpdesk via telephone and email
• Relevant briefing or training
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
• Bespoke training and consultancy
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
Monitoring visit
Helpdesk advice and guidance
Due diligence checks
Framework providers signposting
Helping you achieve value for money in your procurement process
Schools have a duty to make sure they obtain the best value for money from any contracts they enter into. Your school could save money by using existing arrangements/frameworks or teaming up with other schools to increase your purchasing power. Procurement will ensure that the money is spent in a way that is fair, open and good value for money. This also means that any procurement decisions must be fair and open.
Procurement and contracting are essential parts of a school’s daily operation and carried out with the right support it can save schools money. The Education Space Procurement and Contracting Service will partner up with a lead in your school to ensure you get the best deal for goods and services.
As a not-for-profit, schools owned company we will work for the benefit of the school and ensure value for money is delivered.
Helpdesk service to provide advice and guidance on day-to-day and operational issues via telephone and email
• An annual visit to monitor the school’s procurement arrangements.
Remote due diligence checks to ensure that the school is following appropriate procurement procedures
• Liaison with appropriate framework providers
Provision of a procurement toolkit and a template procurement policy
Contract types
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
Bespoke training and consultancy
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
Management of radioactive sources
Collaboration with CLEAPPS
Helpdesk and support service
Link between RPS and RPA
Safely managing your hazardous materials
Radiation protection, also known as radiological protection, is defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as “The protection of people from harmful effects of exposure to ionising radiation, and the means for achieving this”.
Radioactive sources are used as part of the national curriculum in science and/or advanced level physics in most secondary schools and colleges.
The Ionising Radiations Regulations require that all radioactive substances are accounted for, stored properly, handled safely and monitored regularly.
The Radiation Protection Officer will ensure that you have a Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS), especially if the school has radioactive substances. The RPS ensures that the radiation sources used in schools are a valuable resource for teaching the fundamentals of ionising radiation to students through hands-on experience. A partnership agreement will be formed between the RPO an RPS to ensure that radiation sources in science lessons can provide benefits for both teachers and students.
Contract types
Monitor the management of the school’s radioactive sources
Deal with emergencies in collaboration with CLEAPSS
Act as the link between the school RPS and RPA (CLEAPSS)
Provide advice, support and assistance
• Ensure that any RPA advice is passed onto the schools as required
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
Bespoke training and consultancy
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
Safeguarding Audit
Designated Safeguarding Lead Training
Safeguarding policy review
Support for allegations against staff
Protecting Pupils, Supporting Schools: Safeguarding Excellence You Can Trust
The safeguarding responsibility of schools has evolved significantly over recent years. Within an increasingly challenging climate, an embedded safeguarding culture is key to ensuring that pupils and staff can thrive in a healthy and safe school environment.
The Education Space safeguarding support services help leaders to protect their school community by ensuring compliance with statutory safeguarding requirements. Our package of proactive and reactive expert support allows schools to be confident that they are effectively and robustly managing safeguarding for their pupils and community.
Our Safeguarding team is experienced at managing both rudimentary and complex safeguarding matters. Years of practical experience, complemented by an array of qualifications, certifications and professional registrations, mean that they understand the quintessence of safeguarding best practice and can ensure that this is reflected in your school.
We recognise that safeguarding carries significant risk to schools, staff and pupils. With The Education space, our safeguarding support isn’t standardised advice or online guidance, it’s tangible support from safeguarding experts, and it always reflects the distinct needs of your school safeguarding landscape.
Contract types
• Safeguarding Audit
Designated Safeguarding Lead Training
A helpdesk service by telephone and email
Safeguarding policy review
• Support for allegations against staff
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
Bespoke training and consultancy
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
The service we received for the design and implementation of our new website by [The Education Space] was first class. Very professional.
- KeirHardiePrimarySchool
Website design and updating
Social media management
Branding and photography
Training and support
Control the narrative through effective engagement
Effective communication with all stakeholders is more vital than ever in the modern world. Education establishments excel at ensuring compliance when it comes to using their websites. However, the creative use of both social media and your website to communicate your school vision is an effective way to ensure classrooms are full and the best teachers are leading them.
Finding time to manage and actively engage through online channels is difficult when your focus is on delivering top-quality education to our future leaders and business owners, whilst operating a tight budget.
The Education Space offers you access to your very own Social Media Team, at a fraction of the cost. You can gain access to a suite of social media posts that guarantees regular posting/ updates on social media without you needing to lift a finger.
A bespoke website and an effective social media strategy helps you to promote the fantastic work that happens at your education establishment, setting you apart and driving parents and pupils to want to attend your school, whilst attracting the best staff to want to work there too!
Contract types
• Bespoke website design and build
Template website build
Website support and security management
• Logo design and retrace
Photography for website/social media
Social media support (Bronze, Silver, Gold)
• Social media subscription
Website/social media training
• Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
Subscription Service: monthly payment for access to Social Media/Website content
Exploring the use of VR (Virtual Reality) and unplugged activities for use within the curriculum is something we can use in the classroom.
Google for Education training and support
Computing curriculum support
Subject leader support
Cross-curriculum planning
Enabling children to understand the changing technical world
Identifying and training the right person to be the computing lead for your school is often a challenge. Our expertise provides you with the peace of mind that the person you chose is fully supported by a computing curriculum specialist, which will promote confidence to deliver an integrated computing curriculum and the opportunity to join a network of like-minded teachers.
Our Curriculum Advisors have over 10 years of experience in teaching and leading the computing curriculum, including a wealth of experience in middle management across all phases.
Our team delivers a comprehensive and bespoke service that supports you to meet the National Curriculum requirements, enhancing teaching and learning throughout the curriculum.
We work closely with schools’ computing subject leads and senior leaders, keeping them up-todate with local and national developments. Our sessions give staff, governors/trustees, pupils and parents, the confidence to engage with computing throughout the curriculum.
Contract types
Google for Education training and support
Bespoke computing curriculum support
• Bespoke cross-curricular planning
Team teaching and modelling
Monitoring visits
• Learning walks Assessment support
Subject leader support
Online safety workshops and planning
Bespoke project: one-off piece of work personalised to your requirements
Bespoke training and consultancy
• Service Level Agreement: annual agreement to support on an ongoing basis
Ensuring you cover all the bases for a smooth transition to becoming an academy
The planning and preparation required for converting to an academy requires controlled project management, to ensure that all requirements are delivered on time. Schools need to consider how stakeholders should be consulted, and the impact including building and land transfers, and TUPE requirements.
As an experienced provider of conversion services, we will project manage your transition to an academy, supporting you throughout the process of forming into a MAT, or joining an established MAT.
To date we have supported 21 projects. We have developed our support, in consultation with schools, initially assisting with TUPE arrangements during conversions to providing a fully comprehensive project management conversion service. By partnering with The Education Space, you will work with our team of consultants, that will oversee each stage of your project.
Through a strategic approach to development, growth and natural maturity, we aim to support schools to reduce your ‘challenge curve’ as they expand, ensuring they remain financially sustainable.
Contract types
Bespoke project designed and agreed in advance
Application forms submitted, requests from DfE for supplementary information responded to and documents signed and returned to the DFE within deadlines.
Project funding secured from the DfE for Academy Conversion; Trust Start-up Grant and Sponsor Capacity Funding.
Co-ordination of Staff and Public consultations and submission of reports to the Governing Body.
Custom Data Analysis
The Education Space MIS Support team can offer bespoke analytics driven from live MIS and finance data, using the latest data visualisation tools, to offer greater clarity for school leaders.
Enhanced Finance Support
The Education Space MIS Support team can offer enhanced on-site and remote finance support, performing key finance routines on behalf of a school, to assist and support school business manager function in schools.
Nova Timetabling
Our experienced and fully accredited support team is able to design and implement a complete end to end timetable solution. The support team will work in conjunction with key school staff in order to analyse requirements and restrictions before designing a bespoke solution from conception to students in class.
Peer Governance Review
We carry out a governance review for each partnership, comparing and contrasting what works well, and the good practice that could be shared.
Stress Management
When partnerships are formed, new roles with greater responsibilities are created. Schools and partnerships have a responsibility to help staff manage any stress involved in their new role.
We work with schools to reduce stress absence, support vulnerable members of staff and staff with high levels of responsibility or prominent roles within an organisation.
We use the latest data visualisation tools such as Microsoft Power BI to bring your current MIS and finance data to life. As part of an ICFP consultancy project we produce an interactive and intuitive dashboard for senior leaders or governors, tailored to your individual school, to present key ICFP metrics, recommended DfE budget metrics and aggregated national benchmarking data. This dashboard is used to assess the performance of your school, as compared to regional and national averages, and produce a final report outlining our finding and recommendations.
Commit to educational success and financial security
ICFP is a management process that helps effective schools to plan for future improvement and financial sustainability. By measuring and benchmarking curriculum, staffing structures and finances, the data is used to create a 3- 5 year plan.
The integrated plan addressing vision, education and finance seeks to deliver all round success and a strong evidence-based narrative that will provide direction and confidence for the future.
ICFP balances the relationship between three areas: curriculum and teachers; education support staff and resources; overheads and operational costs.
Question: What are we doing, how much of it and what does it cost; are we doing it well with quality and efficiency? Is it having a positive impact?
Analyse: The current financial position, understand the teaching resources and identify any expected changes to the school community.
Benchmark: Comparison with a personalised group of similar schools, identify any outliers and review.
Improve: Identify The curriculum you wish to provide; link to budget planning; use the plan to implement your vision for the future.
As cloud and collaborative solutions are prominent and deliver better overall value, The Education Space is offering a strategic service to reframe ICT services in schools.
The service is offered from the consumers’ service perspective rather than a ‘server refresh’, and will assess current reliability and capacity risks to ensure delivery in a logical manner with outcomes for students and teachers in mind.
“I’ve had good conversations with several LAs but it was The Education Space that came forward with detailed figures and insights.”
- Vanessa Pittard, Formerly Assistant Director, Department for Education
The Education Space is investing in a vision to equip the children of today with the skills of tomorrow through collaborative learning. Educating the four C’s (Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration) is at the heart of The Education Space’s Digital Strategy for delivery of ICT services to its customers.
The Education Space is committed to providing services that deliver maximum value through the use of technology. Our vision is to reduce spend on operational ICT and shift the budget towards education improvement, leading to better outcomes for children. This will also alleviate the added pressure of a potential reduction in budgets, due to funding formula changes.
Phase 1 - Understand
We will assess current services and risks, to understand what is being used and how, to enable risk reduction and better interim performance.
• A report on shared data within your school to provide information on current access and use of data to enable decisions on data cleansing
An audit of applications that are being used and their purpose to provide visibility on usage/potential duplication.
Phase 2 - Define
We will define a course of action using information collected from phase 1.
A review of shared data
A review of applications and their usage
Initial CPD and SLT buy-in session provided by The Education Space Certified Google Trainers
A review of any automated processes (account/group creation).
Phase 3 - Implement
We will implement platforms using the design created from phase 2 and reduce capacity and performance risks by migrating documents into Google Drive.
CPD for staff in preparation for using Google Docs and Drive and Classroom
Implementation of G Suite accounts and groups as per the permissions defined in phase 2 and automation considered
Creation of a folder structure as defined in phase 2
Roll out of drive file stream to enable Google Drive to be accessed on Windows Machines
Migration of files and folders from on-premise infrastructure to Google Drive
Consider application audit and alternatives if required.
Migration of emails if available.
This will produce the following outcomes:
Reduce reliance on on-site server based technology
An opportunity to review backup costs and scale down as required
Reduce risk of data loss by placing documents on a well-protected and supported resilient platform
• Children benefiting from using Google as a collaborative platform
• Teachers benefiting from using Google Classroom as a learning platform
• No longer require on-premise storage disks, with Google Drive offering unlimited capacity for free.