Class Rep Handbook 2024

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Table of contents / Clár na n-ábhar

How the Students’ Union Works? / Conas a oibríonn Comhaltas na Mac Léinn?

Role and Function of a Class Representative / Ról agus Feidhm an Ionadaí Ranga

Key Duties of a Class Rep / Príomhdhualgais an Ionadaí Ranga

Contacting your classmates / Teagmháil a dhéanamh le do pháirtithe ranga

Speaking / Óráidíocht Phoiblí

Dealing with Personal Issues / Plé a Dhéanamh le Fadhbanna Pearsanta 17 A guide to Chomhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn / Treoraí do Chomhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn

19 Elections to the Students’ Union Executive Committee / Na Toghcháin don Choiste Gnó

CÉIM Shared Learning / Foghlaim Roinnte CÉIM

ALIVE 22 Union of Students in Ireland / Aontas na Mac Léinn in Éirinn

23 Class Representative Schedule 2024/2025 / Sceideal Chomhairle na nIonadaithe Ranga, 2024/2025

My SU Council Meetings / Cruinnithe Chomhairle an Chomhaltais

Welcome / Fáilte

Hi all, my name is Tom Forde and I’m your Vice President/Education Officer for 2024/2025. Congratulations on becoming a class rep and the spokesperson for your class. I’m delighted you’ve put yourself forward and I’m very excited to work with you this year.

As a rep you have many roles, whether that is being the spokesperson for your class, working with academics as well as, working with the SU. You are the link between the union and the students and that is why your voice is so important to us.

Your other role within the union, is holding the exec team accountable and mandating us to do what you feel is best for your student experience. We can’t meet every student and you are best placed to give us an accurate reflection on what the students want but more importantly need.

Of course, there is something in it for you:

• You get your class rep training as well as other training throughout the year.

• You gain experience and skills to enhance your CV

• Get a free Class Rep hoodie.

• Alive Cert

This year more than ever, we really appreciate your time and input. Each of your unique viewpoints help us to get the most accurate view of how students are feeling. I hope to be able to give back as much as I am getting so if you need anything, don’t hesitate to get in contact.

I look forward to seeing you at our SU councils, College Councils and whatever other events you may be at and I’m excited to work with you and see how we can improve the student experience.

Tom Forde

Vice-President/Education Officer /Leas-Uachtarán/ Oifigeach Oideachas

University of Galway Students’ Union /Comhaltas na Mac Léinn, Ollscoil na Gaillimhe (086) 385 3658

Coiste Gnó

College Convenors / Tionólaithe na gColáistí

The College Convenors are by far the best resource made available to the Class Reps. Get to know your Convenor, they’re here to help you resolve any issues your class may be having. If you are ever in the situation where you may be afraid to tell a lecturer a certain issue contact your Convenor or even the Education Officer. At the end of the day, we work for you and we have no problem talking to a lecturer.

It’s important to note that although we are here for advice, lecturers would very much rather see you, the Class Rep. No lecturer will penalise you for doing what your class wants, that is your job and why you were elected class rep.

Jean O’Boyle

Ella Hogan

To Be Elected

Paschal Walsh

Postgraduate Representatives:

Convenor of the College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies | Tionólaí Choláiste na nDán, na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta & an Léinn Cheiltigh
Convenor of the College of Science and Engineering | Tionólaí Choláiste na hEolaíochta agus na hInnealtóireachta
Convenor of the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences | Tionólaí Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais & na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte
Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law | Tionólaí Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bheartais Phoiblí agus an Dlí


Fáilte go Comhaltas na Mac Léinn Ollscoil na Gailimhe / Welcome to University of Galway Students’ Union!

University of Galway Students’ Union is the representative body of students within University of Galway. Our main aims are to represent our students, defend their interests and work on their behalf both within University of Galway and nationally.

You are now part of the Class Rep System which is the backbone of University of Galway Students’ Union.

SU Structure / Struchtúr CMLOG

The membership of the Students’ Union is defined as all registered students of University of Galway. This means that you are a member of the Students’ Union and so are all of your classmates! You can have your say as a member and one of the best ways to do this is through being a Class Rep and through Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn. Always remember it’s not THE Students’ Union - it’s YOUR Students’ Union! It belongs to you, the students of University of Galway.




How the SU Works / Conas a oibríonn Comhaltas na Mac Léinn?

A. Sabbatical Officers / Na hOifigigh Sabóideacha

The four Sabbatical Officers have full-time paid positions and are directly elected by all students in the University. They are; President (Faye), Vice President/Education Officer (Tom), Vice President/ Welfare and Equality Officer (Chloe) and Vice President/Irish Language (Julieanne). These officers have definite objectives to look after different aspects of your well-being; from giving you advice if you fail your exams to making sure students views are represented at every level.

B. College Convenors / Tionólaithe na gColáistí

Each of the 4 College Convenors act as a kind of manager for the class reps in their College. A College Convenor will help to guide the Class Reps in a College if some issue is too daunting for one Class Rep to tackle on their own, or if it is a problem affecting more than one class which requires teamwork from a number of Class Reps. They represent their Colleges Class Reps and students on the Executive committee. The objective of the Faculty Councils is to discuss individual issues specific to your department whilst Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn discusses the University wide issues. Sitting on their College executive is perhaps the most influential part of a College Convenor’s job. At College Exec, some very important suggestions are made, and outcomes determined that will be specific to courses and problems in that College, and as the College Convenor is a student in that College, they can often have more of an impact than any Sabbatical Officer would to look out for the interests of these students. College Convenors then report to their Class Reps on the progress they are making.

C. Executive / An Coiste Gnó

Members of the SU Executive give reports to Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn . You can see the members listed on our website and in this handbook. They were elected to their positions to help so never be afraid to approach them.

D. Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn (formerly SU Council)

Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn is where decisions are made by Class Reps and other SU Officers on what actions the Union should take or what stance the Union should take on an issue. Voting is done on things called “motions”, which contain a “mandate”, which basically tells one or more of the Officers of the Students’ Union to do something. If members of Council vote in favour of a motion, then it becomes Union policy.

Role and Function of a Class Representative / Ról agus Feidhm an Ionadaí Ranga

What is a Class Representative?

With the ever-increasing number of students attending University of Galway, it is important that there is active representation for the student body so student’s voices can still be heard. It is also hard for the Officers to make contact with the entire student body, so this is why Class Reps are a vital component to the Union.

Class Reps are elected by their classmates to represent their fellow students’ views to the college. They play an integral role in representing students, helping students overcome problems and maintaining the quality of courses. Class Reps act as a point of contact between the Class, Lecturers, Course Co-ordinator and the Students’ Union.

Class Reps sit on course board meetings at college level in which they act as the voice of the students, ensuring that the college takes into account the requirements of students in any decisions that are made. Basically, Class Reps liaise with both the Students’ Union and the University staff to ensure all problems are solved and that a high level of course quality is continuously maintained.

How to express the views of your class?

For you to be able to express the views of your class you first of all need to know their opinions. You should never assume or guess what their views will be. Consultation can be a simple process and here are some ways of findings out the opinions of your class:

• Discuss topics on a Class Group social media page.

• Class surveys on google forms, survey monkey or even Padlet.

• Discuss it in your virtual classroom at the start or end of class.

• Have a virtual coffee morning/office hour.

The Key Duties of a Class Rep

/ Príomhdhualgais

an Ionadaí Ranga

Gathering student opinion:

To effectively represent the views of your class you first of all need to know what those views are. You should never assume or guess what the students’ opinions will be. Consultation can be a simple process and here are some ways of collecting feedback from your class, via a short questionnaire on survey monkey or google forms, ask the group after a class or contact them via email or in a Facebook group.

Managing class issues:

It is difficult to predict what issues you and your class will face over the year, it could be course workloads, timetabling issues, lecturing issues, etc. It comes down to you as the Class Rep to try and find a solution for this issue, which could be resolved quickly by just contacting the Lecturer, College department or a Students’ Union Officer.

Dealing with personal matters:

As a Class Rep it is a good idea to make yourself aware of the various student support services available within University of Galway, so that if one of your classmates has a personal issue you are able to direct them to the right people. As a Class Rep you may be the first person a classmate confides in, it is important that the student is reassured and listened to. It is also important that you are aware of the boundaries, acknowledge if necessary that you are not a trained counsellor, and that you refer the student to appropriate supports.

Representing your class at Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn

All SU Council Members must attend Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn Meetings, if you cannot make Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn or a Faculty Council please email the chair to send your apologies. The Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn is the backbone of the Students’ Union. Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn Meetings are hugely beneficial as they keep you in the ‘loop’ regarding what is going on around University of Galway, as well as providing you with a feedback mechanism and discussion forum on various issues affecting those you represent.

The business of the meeting is conducted over a period of two hours and has a pre-set agenda (all members are eligible to put an agenda item forward). Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn happens three times a semester, with another two faculty councils held each semester also. All Students’ Union campaigns, activities and collaborations are discussed at these meetings. It’s also a chance for you to mandate your Students’ Union on anything from political issues to improvements in the college.

Representing your class at course board meetings:

A significant role of a Class Rep is to attend Course Board Meetings that are scheduled between Course/Class Co-ordinators and Class Reps. During Course Board Meetings, Class Reps communicate the views and opinions of their class and work in partnership with the staff, ensuring that the requirements of students are given due consideration and taken into account. The key to success at these meetings is to ensure that the student voice is heard, acknowledged and acted upon.

Keeping your class up to date and providing effective feedback:

As a Class Rep, it is really important that you keep your class informed of what the Students’ Union is doing. All Class Reps must ensure that their class is made aware of the issues that arise at Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn and anything that will affect the class. Also feedback to the students you are representing, on course board meetings or any other meetings held with regard to the class is essential. It is also vital that you give feedback on your work in relation to issues raised to your classmates.

Correspondence and keeping records:

Remember that you are committing yourself to a statement once it is in writing. Ensure the details of your documents are accurate and written in a respectful manner. If you need someone to check over a document to ensure it cannot be misinterpreted, email it to the Students’ Union, clearly marked as a draft document. Advice will then follow as to whether amendments or clarification is necessary prior to you sending it to the relevant member of the academic staff.

It is important to keep a record of what action you have taken so that you can follow up on any issues. The best way to keep records is to communicate through email and save a copy of all correspondence to a folder.

Providing services:

At your own discretion you may choose to provide extra services to your class including organising class parties or social events such as coffee mornings or nights out. You might also decide to arrange class hoodies.

Academic Integrity / An

tIonracas Acadúil

Academic Integrity is important because it means you are using your own work and not someone else’s, you are giving credit to other people or their work. If you are using essay mills or other paid websites you are engaging in contract cheating and it can stunt your academic growth.

How to avoid breaching Academic Integrity

• Make sure to cite any sources you are using and not to pass work off as your own.

• Do not engage in contract cheating by using essay mills or websites such as Chegg. com

• If you’re unsure whether you’re breaching academic integrity, please contact your lecturer or course coordinator.

Open Book Exams

An open book exam allows you to use study materials, internet and books while doing your exam. This can take place either in a normal exam setting or it can also be used for an online exam/assessment instead of traditional formal written exams.

The DO’s of an open book exam:

• Make sure you study and prepare in advance

• Organise your notes, make sure you bookmark them for easy access

• Prepare your summaries in advance

• Remember to reference.

The DON’Ts of an open book exam

• Don’t copy and paste anything

• Don’t use someone else’s answer

• Don’t forget references

• Don’t use essay mills or websites like Chegg.


Plagiarism is the act of copying, including or directly quoting from the work of another without adequate acknowledgement – this includes in online exams.

How to avoid plagiarism

• If the information you’re using is not your own – reference

• Avoid copying and pasting information

• Use your own words to answer the question

• Don’t share your information with class mates.

Contacting your classmates / Teagmháil a dhéanamh le do pháirtithe ranga

Contacting your classmates / Teagmháil a dhéanamh le do pháirtithe ranga

There’s endless ways to contact and meet people. You can address them in class, organize a party gathering or meet up. You can set up groups on WhatsApp, Discord, or Teams. Do give people the option to join groups and ensure they know they’ll be sharing contact details if they join.

Contacting your classmates through YourSpace

You can now contact students via YourSpace. If you click the class rep button on the lefthand side of your option menu, it will allow you to email those registered in your class.

Exam Tips / Leideanna Scrúduithe

Before the Exam

• We all learn differently, try different study methods and find out what works for you.

• Focus and systematically work through each topic, question by question.

• Do past exam papers and practice questions.

• If you need help with a topic - reach out to your classmates or your lecturer.

• Know when your exams are - check out your personalised timetable on the University of Galway exams website.

• Know what type of exam you will be sitting - open book, MCQ, 2 hour written paper etc. if you are unsure – ASK

During the Exam

• Take time to settle yourself and BREATHE

• Read all questions carefully.

• Leave time to review your paper at the end.

• Set time allocations for each question and move on once the time elapses.

Minding Yourself

• Take regular breaks during study.

• Avoid burn out, sleep well, keep active and allow yourself to take time off.

• Eat healthy

• Set personal goals.

• Take each day as it comes - don’t be disheartened if you have a bad exam or study isn’t going well.

Public Speaking / Óráidíocht Phoiblí

As a Class Rep, one of your many functions is to inform your class of all the up and coming events and activities of the Students’ Union and indeed your own course activities. This involves getting up at the beginning or end of the class to address them. This can be intimidating at first (whether in person or online!) but with time it gets easier and you earn the respect of your classmates.

The following are some hints to help you to effectively communicate by way of a public address to a group of people.

Preparation: Always go through what you have to say in advance.

Knowledge: Always ensure you have all the information you need.

Relevance: Make sure what you have to say is of interest to the group.

Posture: Posture is one of the first things you say about yourself in public speaking. Learn to stand up straight, look trustworthy, confident, and assured. Give your speech in a mirror and pay special attention to your posture. Who you are addressing and where you are, will determine your posture within the group. Where and how you present yourself, will determine how people perceive you and what you are saying

Voice: When speaking to a group it is important to consider the following in order to achieve your goal of getting your message across:

1. Speak at a suitable audible level.

2. Speak clearly.

3. Speak slowly without being to deliberate.

4. Avoid monotone, vary your pitch and tone.

5. Don’t be afraid of pauses.

Gestures: The use of gestures and facial expressions can considerably help you in the execution of your public address. Some of the options outlined below can help with your ability to attract the attention and maintain the open line of communication with the group.

Eye Contact: Include everyone and maintain eye contact at all times.

Smiling: An excellent way to keep a group’s attention. Hand movements: To emphasise a point or elaborate but should not become a distraction for the group from the content of what you are saying so don’t overdo it.

Public Speaking Online

• Make sure your camera is turned on (if your internet allows)

• Make sure your sound/microphone is working

• Be prepared and to the point (people’s attention span is shorter)

• Have a clear background and make sure you have good lighting.

• Test your technology beforehand

Dealing with Personal Issues / Plé a Dhéanamh le Fadhbanna Pearsanta

As a Class Rep it’s your job to keep informed on various services available so that if one of your students has an issue you should be able to direct them to the right people. Many students are merely unsure of both their problem, and how to deal with it. As a Class Rep you could well be the first person they tell.

Quick Pointers

• Don’t presume you know how they’re feeling, even if you think you do.

• Listen to them.

• Don’t be judgmental.

• Don’t give advice.

• Don’t feel you should know all the answers.

• Don’t tell any of your friends, this will only hinder matters.


It’s not your brief to deal with individual personal problems. You are not a counsellor and don’t ever feel obliged to deal with people on a personal level. When someone does have a problem, the best thing to do is refer them to one of the Student Counsellors or the SU Welfare and Equality Officer.

Services available to students

It’s important that you’re aware of the services available to students. There are two main types of services available to students, services within the college, and external voluntary organisations. You may not be familiar with them all so if in doubt ask an officer in the SU!

Student Service Email Phone

Accommodation Office 091 493 540

Chaplaincy 091 495 055

Counselling 091 492 484

Disability Support Centre 091 493 541

Health Unit 091 492 604

Crèche 091 493 739

Career Development Centre 091 493 589

CÉIM 091 493 570

Student Support Officers

College of Medicine, Nursing, & Health Sciences / School of Law - Student Advisor

• Ann Marie Gilchrist -

College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies - Student Advisor

• Dr Rosemary Crosse -

College of Science and Engineering - Student Advisor

• Kelly Moore -

School of Business - Student Advisor

• Teresa Lydon -

School of Law – Student Advisor

• Ann Marie Gilchrist -

More info and appointment booking links here:

A guide to Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn / Treoraí do Chomhairle an Chomhaltais

Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn (SU Council) is a forum of students elected by their class to represent their interests to the Students’ Union (SU). Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn consists of all the Class Reps and the executive officers of the SU (the officers elected each March) and is chaired by the SU Council Chairperson. Each class ordinarily elects anything between one to four reps, depending on the size of the class. Class Reps mandate the executive officers to follow through on Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn decisions, policies etc. Essentially, the executive officers work for, and are accountable to, Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn. If we’re not doing our jobs, call us out on it.

What does Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn do? / Céard a dhéanann Comhairle an Chomhaltais?

• Oversee the work of the Executive officers

• Act as an open forum for student issues, where issues of concern to students can be raised and action taken

• Represent each class and College to the Students’ Union

• Communicate information between the Executive officers and the various classes and Colleges

• Elect student representatives to various university committees.

The whole point of Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn is to give the executive officers the best possible insight into what issues are affecting the students. Issues can then be brought to the attention of the executive officers and be dealt with as quickly as possible. If we’re not made aware of issues, we can’t fix them. The executive officers also report to Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn on what they’ve been up to in the course of their work, and what developments have occurred recently in the SU and the university as a whole. Each executive officer presents a report at each Class Reps meeting, which allows the Reps to question the officers on how well or not they’re performing their duties. As mentioned earlier, the Class Reps can mandate the Students’ Union to undertake specific policies or do certain things. These Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn decisions can only be reversed or changed by a Students’ Union General Meeting or referendum of the entire student body.

Bring up an Issue at Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn / Ceist a ardú ag Comhairle an Chomhaltais

An issue can be brought forward to the Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn via the SU Council Chairperson. The Chairperson will be happy to put it on the agenda for you. Make sure to contact them at least a week before Council to have your item put on the agenda. The Chairperson would also be happy to help you write a motion for council, and you can contact them at


motions / Rúin Nós Imeachta

If you find that a motion has been debated enough, you can use these motions to move along the council. You are within your right to call any of these motions during council. Once you ask for a procedural motion it must be seconded by another registered class rep or a member of the exec and the vote for the procedural motion will be put to the council. The motions are as follows:

9A: That the question now be put.

9B: That the question not be put.

9C: That the question be taken in parts.

9D: That the question be taken at another time (next Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn).

9E: A vote of no confidence in the Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn chair’s decision.

9F: A vote of no confidence in the chair. (If passed the chair will step down for that meeting and the Vice President/Education Officer will take over for that session). One quick note, you must vote whether or not to have the procedural motion before the vote on the actual motion takes place.

SU Online Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn etiquette guide :

IT Platform

• SU Council meetings will be hybrid. Please check that your microphone and camera are working prior to taking part.

Use your name

• If you need to change your name in Zoom, click on the 3 dots in the right-hand corner of your profile, click ‘Rename’ and type in your name.

Arrive early

• Please join the session a few minutes before it is due to start. This will ensure there are no disruptions to the session. This way the session can start and finish on time as there is a limited amount of time.

Keep microphone muted

• When in the main room, please keep your microphone muted unless you are speaking. This is to avoid background noise and feedback which can be very distracting to others in the session. You can unmute your microphone when you are speaking in the main room or when you are in a breakout room.

If your camera is on

• Please make sure you have an appropriate background and that the lighting is not too strong. If you have internet bandwidth problems, you may find you need to temporarily turn off your camera.

Be respectful

• Please be respectful of others in the session. Please listen and give everyone a chance to speak.

• Please also refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking during the call, this includes the use of E-cigarettes.

Chat function

• Please use the chat function as a form of feedback to the group and not to have a private conversation with a fellow participant in the session. If you have any queries of a personal nature, please send a private message to the chair or a full-time officer Recording is prohibited

• For privacy and GDPR reasons, there is to be no recording of the session or photos or screenshots taken without permission from the group.

Elections to the Students’ Union


Committee / Na Toghcháin don Choiste


As a Class Rep, you are in one of the best positions to lead your Students’ Union for 2025/2024. You have been the backbone of the SU all year, leading the SU and making sure that we listen to you. We think it’s already time you think about replacing us! All officer positions are up for election and the elections will be taking place in March.

The full-time officers – the President, the Vice-President / Welfare and Equality Officer, the Vice-President / Education Officer and the Vice-President / Irish Language Officer – will all be elected on Thursday 13th of March 2025. Nominations for these positions will open on Wednesday 26th of February 2025.

The part-time officers will all be elected on Thursday 6th of March 2025 with nominations opening on Wednesday 19th of February 2025.

For more information the Students’ Union elections please contact

Peer learning for 1st year students

Want to meet people in your course, get to grips with coursework and have some fun? Come to CÉIM! You’ll meet weekly in small groups with students from your course and trained student leaders from higher years of your course. You’ll be able to ask questions, take part in fun mini activities, discuss coursework and learn together. The content of CÉIM sessions is entirely student led.

CÉIM is currently offered to 1st year students in the following courses:

Biomedical Science • Biotechnology • Computer Science and Information Technology

• Engineering • Geography • Genetics & Genomics • Law • Political Science and Sociology

• Social Sciences (BASS) • Science • Spanish • Psychology

Why attend CÉIM?

• Transition successfully to University of Galway

• Make friends in your discipline

• Succeed academically

• Develop study skills

• Practice transferable skills

Impact of CÉIM

• Regular CÉIM attendees on average achieve higher grades (11-31% higher) than irregular and non-attendees

• 91% of 1st year students surveyed in 2023/24 say CÉIM helped them meet others on their course

What 1st year students say about CÉIM

‘I received important study techniques and time management skills.’

‘A great way to get to meet others in my course.’

‘The environment was consistently friendly, welcoming and non-judgemental’

 

CÉIM was initiated by University of Galway Students’ Union in 2013 and is run as a partnership between students, academic staff and the Students’ Union.

ALIVE is University of Galway’s Student Volunteering Programme

ALIVE works with schools, charities, community organisations and within University of Galway to provide volunteering opportunities in a wide variety of roles. We help University of Galway students to volunteer in the area of their choice which suits their individual needs, interests and time commitments.

ALIVE is here to offer students information, advice, guidance and support throughout their volunteering experience. We also reward student volunteers’ efforts with the University of Galway Presidential Award for Volunteering, the ALIVE Certificate.

Apply for the University of Galway Presidential Award for Volunteering, the ALIVE Certificate for being a Class Rep.

University of Galway and the Students’ Union want to thank you for your commitment to your class – celebrate at the end of the year at the ALIVE Ceremony – where all University of Galway student volunteers party! You can earn an ALIVE Certificate from University of Galway to recognise the time you give to your class for volunteering as a Class Rep. All you have to do is tell us what you did as a Class Rep and how that volunteering made an impact!

How do I get my University of Galway Presidential Award for Volunteering, the ALIVE Certificate?

Apply online today! Fill in your Certificate application online at www.yourspace.

For further information contact ALIVE:



The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is the national representative body for the 354,000 students in third level education on the Island of Ireland. USI are a membership organisation – our members are our affiliated Students’ Unions around Ireland, North and South. USI is not made up of the officers alone, it is made up of every student in every affiliated college in the country – it’s your union, it’s your national voice! USI works for:

• An education and training system open to all, irrespective of any consideration of national origin, race, sex, sexuality, creed, political beliefs or economic circumstances, so that each individual can realise their full potential in the service of the Irish people.

• An education and training system that through the development of art and literature, natural and social sciences truly serves the interests of the people of Ireland.

• The right of students to a decent standard of living, with the right to adequate financial support, proper housing and future prospects of employment in Ireland.

• The defence and promotion of all democratic and human rights.

• The provision of student services for the benefit of the membership on the principle that control of student services should lie with the membership.

USI is run quite like a local Students’ Union on a national scale. Instead of class reps, we have SU sabbatical officers who represent your college in USI National Council, just like you represent your class at . Every member SU sends a certain number of delegates to Annual Congress (which is USI’s main decision-making body) at a ratio of one per 1,000 students and you could be one of your college’s delegates. •


• Registration Opening/Closing dates:

• Academic Calendar:

• Exams:

• Fees:

• CAO Dates:

• Graduations/Conferring:

Class Representative Council Schedule 2024/2025

Sceideal Chomhairle na nIonadaithe Ranga, 2024/2025

Semester 1 - 2024


Mon 7th Oct

Tues 15th Oct

Tues 15th Oct

Weds 16th Oct

Weds 16th Oct

Thurs 17th Oct

Mon 21st Oct

Tues 5th Nov

Tues 5th Nov

Weds 6th Nov

Weds 6th Nov

Thurs 7th Nov

Mon 11th Nov


6pm-8pm 6pm-7pm 7pm-8pm 6pm-7pm 7pm-8pm 6pm-7pm 6pm-8pm 6pm-7pm 7pm-8pm 6pm-7pm 7pm-8pm 6pm-7pm 6pm-8pm

Semester 2 - 2025


Tues 21st Jan

Tues 21st Jan


Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn 1

Weds 22nd Jan

Weds 22nd Jan

Thurs 23rd Jan

Mon 27th Jan

Tues 18th Feb

Tues 18th Feb

Weds 19th Feb

Weds 19th Feb

Thurs 20th Feb

Mon 24th Feb

Mon 24th March


6pm-7pm 7pm-8pm 6pm-7pm

7pm-8pm 6pm-7pm 6pm-8pm

6pm-7pm 7pm-8pm


7pm-8pm 6pm-7pm 6pm-8pm


College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

College of Business, Public Policy and Law

College of Science and Engineering

College of Arts, Social Science and Celtic Studies

Postgraduate Council

Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn 2

College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

College of Business, Public Policy and Law

College of Science and Engineering

College of Arts, Social Science and Celtic Studies

Postgraduate Council

Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn 3


AMB-1021 Colm OHeocha

Theatre Arts Millennium






AMB-1021 Colm OHeocha

Theatre Arts Millennium






AMB-1021 Colm OHeocha

Theatre Arts Millennium


College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences

College of Business, Public Policy & Law

College of Science & Engineering

College of Arts, Social Science and Celtic Studies

Postgraduate Council

Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn 4

College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

College of Business, Public Policy and Law

College of Science and Engineering

College of Arts, Social Science and Celtic Studies

Postgraduate Council

Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn 5

Comhairle Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn 6







AC001 O’Flaherty Theatre Arts/Science Concourse






AC001 O’Flaherty Theatre Arts/Science Concourse

AC001 O’Flaherty Theatre Arts/Science Concourse

Union of Students in Ireland

University of Galway Students’ Union is a proud member of the Union of Students in Ireland Ball bródúil d’Aontas na Mac Léinn in Éirinn is ea Comhaltas an Mac Léinn, OÉ Gaillimh

Aontas na Mac Léinn in Éirinn UniversityOfGalwayStudentsUnion @UniOfGalwaySU

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