NUI Galway Students' Union Annual Report

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NUI Galway Students’ Union Annual Report 2015 | 2016

Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn, OÉ Gaillimh 2015 | 2016

Highlights - Buaicphointí C a m p a i g n s - F e a c h ta i s Review - Súil Siar

Designed by –



Presidents Foreword Focal ón Uachtarán

C éim



Mission Statement/Highlights Ráiteas Misin/Buaicphointí


SU Council Comhairle an Chomhaltais


Sin Newspaper Nuachtán Sin




Executive Committee 2015/16 Coiste Feidhmiúcháin 2015/16

Life Skills Scileanna Saoil


Fundraising Tiomsú airgid


Entertainment & Events Siamsaíocht agus Imeachtaí


Campaigns Feachtais


Elections Toghcháin

Students’ Union Services Seirbhísí Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn


Incoming Executive 2016/17 Coiste Feidhmiúcháin 2016/17



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Phelim N U I G a l w ay S t u d e n t s ’ U ni o n Annu a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 5 / 1 6

This year was very much a year of repairing and rejuvenating; we faced many challenges here at NUI Galway Students’ Union, all of which, I am happy to say, we faced with vigour and valour. The discussion around the funding of higher education is something we have actively pursued and contributed to. We will continue to build on the political engagement fostered by the Students’ Union this year and last year in the Marriage Equality referendum. This year, NUI Galway Students’ Union registered the most students to vote in the 2016 general elections and held a hustings of all Galway West candidates where students actively engaged and questioned candidates both on their views and their parties’ views around education, mental health, student fees etc. Conversations around the value and purpose of higher education in our country have been proceeding with energy. Against the backdrop of the national campaign, ‘Education Is’ and #MakeASmartVote, under the auspices of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), of which we are proud members, we contributed very constructively to this discussion. In the coming months and years, the value of education from our point of view needs to be the fore of any discourse around third level education. Relations between the Students’ Union and the University had been strained of late, but thankfully, through several joint initiatives and resolutions to contentious issues, we are in a position to proceed in a more harmonious environment, which will ultimately benefit our members. This year saw the launch of the Students’ Choice award for teaching excellence. Dorris Devilly (faculty of German) has shown immense dedication to her teaching and has truly inspired many of her students.

Our CÉIM and EXPLORE initiatives continue to go from strength to strength and are a source of justifiable pride for us. We are particularly thankful to Amber and Orla of our office for the work they do on these initiatives to ensure their continued development and success. We also gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the University in bringing these initiatives forward. We engaged very constructively with the local community and its key stakeholders in Galway this year. Working closely with An Garda Síochána, Galway City Council and local representatives has proved very fruitful. With the assistance of a Galway City Councillor, we successfully lobbied for a vitally important safety audit of the city’s waterways, following a series of tragic drownings. We are now part of a collaboration to help improve water safety and awareness of this issue around Galway. This is not only important for our students, but rather for all the people of, and visitors to, our city. We are also sponsoring a key piece of equipment to be used by the emergency services in search and rescue operations.


Presidents Foreword Focal ón Uachtarán

After 4 years in the Students’ Union, my time is now coming to an end. I will forever look back on the union with pride and be thankful for everything it has taught me. It has been difficult at times but facing those challenges head on knowing I had the support of the students empowered me immensely. I commend this annual report to you, and I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the vice-presidents and the executive committee for working to make NUI Galway a better place for students, the Students’ Union staff Chris, Joanna, Lorna, Amber and Orla for their incredible counsel and support through the many challenges/initiatives we’ve faced over the years. My time in the Union is almost over but I know that there is more to come and I look forward to seeing the many fruits of the Unions work next year and indeed in the many years to come.

Le dea beannachtaí,

Phelim Kelly NUI Galway Students’ Union President 2015/16

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Mission Statement/Highlights Ráiteas Misin/Buaicphointí

Mission Statement | Ráiteas Misin NUI Galway Students’ Union was originally established in 1911 as the Students’ Representative Council. This council was short-lived, but the re-establishment of the body was proposed in 1913. The council was firmly established by the mid-1920’s, and in the 1960’s was formally developed into the university’s Students’ Union, then known as Comhairle Teachta na Mac Léinn. Founded in 1964 the function of the Union as per the Constitution shall be “to represent its members and promote, defend and vindicate the rights of its members at all levels of society”. “An injury to one is an injury to all”

After consistent lobbying efforts, an ‘on balance’ favourable budget to students was revealed. Following difficult negotiations with University management the Students’ Union remain in control of their commercial operations, being one of the few remaining SU’s nationwide to do so. The Union successfully lobbied Galway City Council for a safety audit of the city’s waterways following a series of tragic drownings – this was regarded as an important strategic step to make the city safer, not least for our own members and now is part of a collaboration to address water safety in Galway City with many organisations as well as the council. Following very serious revelations regarding gender equality at the University, the President and Vice President continue to robustly challenge the University on issues surrounding this at several Údarás na hOllscoile meetings. Following the decision to establish a Gender Equality Taskforce, upon which there was no intention to include a student, the President and Vice President of the SU indicated at Governing Body that the Union would not be supporting the Taskforce unless there was a student. A student was then added to it. After the imposition of a new policy regarding deferrals, there was much disquiet among students – the SU lobbied for this policy to be relaxed, which was acceded to by the University. Added more than 2,000 NUIG students to the Electoral Register to vote in the 2016 General Elections which is the most out of any other Institution/Union in the country. Raised €22,500 for the SU Charities Irish Cancer Society and the Galway Rape Crisis Centre through events such as the Croagh Patrick Climb, Table Quiz, Christmas Day and Pet Farm Visit & Cake Sale. The students of NUI Galway voted via Referendum that the Students’ Union will now actively support decriminalization of Drugs for personal use. NUI Galway Students’ Union hosted the national Pink Training which is the largest LGBTQ training event in Europe which saw more than 350 students across the country learning about key issues and building a support network for LGBTQ students.


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Elected 416 Class reps (which is the highest in the last 3 years). Working alongside Gigsoc (NUI Galway’s LGBTQ Society), we held the first ever Trans* Awareness week and were the first institution in the country (and possible the UK) to raise a Transgender flag on campus. NUI Galway SU teamed up with USI and SIPTU on a workers’ rights campaign to highlight key issues in the workforce and to educate students on their rights be that in part time employment and beyond. The campaign also sought to increase the minimum wage in Ireland to that of a living wage and is ongoing. NUI Galway Students’ Union won Best Large Delegation at the Annual USI Congress in Clare for our contributions throughout the event. President Phelim Kelly was short-listed for the Junior Chamber International Galway Top Outstanding Young Person Award for his work on the Marriage Equality Referendum and the General Election. The Students’ Union continues to actively campaign for Safe, free and legal access to abortion in Ireland and to Repeal the 8th Amendment to Bunreacht na hÉireann. The Students’ Union voted via referendum to condemn the direct provision system which is inhumane and denies asylum seekers their basic rights and calls for its abolition and replacement with a system which respects the human rights of asylum seekers. In line with policy supported by the Migrant Rights Centre and other concerned NGOs Gigs during the year included: Al Porter, David O’Doherty, The Dirty Circus, Kevin McGahern, Fred Cooke and comedy hypnotist Michael McCoy. NUI Galway Students’ Union won two awards at the Student Achievement Awards Ireland – the Community Awareness Award for EXPLORE and the Student Engagement Activity of the Year for CÉIM. NUI Galway Students’ Union was part of the delegation chosen to represent Galway at the European Youth Event in Strasbourg in May. This is a two day gathering of 7,000 young people to discuss key youth issues. The Galway delegation will be representing both the Galway European Youth Capital 2019 bid and the Galway European Capital of Culture 2020 bid. NUI Galway Students’ Union reached the final stages of the Online Marketing in Galway Awards for the Social Media Category and the People’s Choice Awards.

Mission Statement/Highlights Ráiteas Misin/Buaicphointí

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Executive Committee 2015/16 Coiste Feidhmiúcháin 2015/16

Vice President/Education Officer Leas Uachtarán/Oifigeach Oideachais

President : Uachtarán

Vice President/Welfare Officer Leas Uachtarán/Oifigeach Leasa

Rebecca Melvin Phelim Kelly Jimmy McGovern

Oifigeach na Gaeilge

Laoighseach NI Choistealbha

Societies Chairperson Cathaoirleach na gCumann

Patrick O' Flaherty

Convenor of the College of Science Tionólaí Choláiste na hEolaíochta

Tara Ward

4 N U I G a l w ay S t u d e n t s ’ U ni o n Annu a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 5 / 1 6

Equality Officer Oifigeach Comhionnais

Catherine Ryan

Clubs’ Captain Captaen na gClubanna

Eoin Mangan

Convenor of the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences Tionólaí Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais & na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte

Aoife Bell

Mature Students’ Officer Oifigeach Mic Léinn Lánfhásta

Postgraduate Officer An tOifigeach Iarchéime

Robert Forde Cian Moran

Students’ Union Council Chairperson Cathaoirleach na Comhairle do Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn

Cathal Sherlock

Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law Tionólaí Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bhearais Phoiblí agus an Dlí

Convenor of the College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies Tionólaí Choláiste na nDán, na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta & an Léinn Cheiltigh

Jasmine Shaw

Convenor of the College of Engineering & Informatics Tionólaí Choláiste na hInnealtóireachta agus na Faisnéisíochta

Niall Gaffney David Newell

The Students’ Union Council had another very busy year with a massive 416 Class Representatives elected to represent the students of the five different schools in the University. The Students’ Union Council plays an important role in reviewing and directing the work of the Students’ Union. The 33 SU Council meetings held during the year gave Class Reps an opportunity to raise issues affecting their class. All Class Reps received intensive skills training at the start of the year and also got their coveted Class Rep hoodie! Class Reps gained excellent experience during the year to enhance their CV’s and also expanded their network by working closely with other students and University staff members. The SU Council Chair, Cathal Sherlock, worked closely with the SU VicePresident/Education Officer, Rebecca Melvin, to ensure the system worked smoothly throughout the year. Each of the five College Convenors acted as chairperson for their College Class Representative Council and made sure that every class had a Class Rep.

SU College Convenors 2015/16 Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies Convenor Jasmine Shaw Science Convenor Tara Ward Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences Convenor Aoife Bell Engineering & Informatics Convenor David Newell/Tim Murphy Business, Public Policy & Law Convenor Niall Gaffney


SU Council Comhairle an Chomhaltais

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5 Sin Newspaper Nuachtán Sin


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Sin is Galway’s only student newspaper with 12 issues - one per fortnight – published over the academic year and a circulation of 6,000 copies. Sin is student and campus focused, celebrating the achievements of NUI Galway’s students, athletes, artists, writers and staff. 2015/2016 Team: Editor in Chief: Jessica Thompson News: Niamh Cullen Features: Jenna Hodgins Lifestyle: Sorcha O’Connor Entertainment: Neil Slevin Sport: Aonghus Ó Maicín Special issues were published throughout the year, including a Halloween issue, a Christmas issue, a Valentine’s Day issue and one issue with an Elections supplement in the run-up to the Students’ Union Elections. Each of these issues had its own unique design, with matching graphics and images, courtesy of designer, Shannon Reeves.

2015/2016 Highlights: Even more volunteers, with over 60 new aspiring journalists joining our ranks in September. More participation at Sin meetings. A Freshers’ Guide in issue one provided information and advice from the more seasoned students of NUI Galway. An SU Election Special was published as a supplement in issue 10. This included interviews with election candidates, as well as articles that provided all the relevant information on voting. There were several incredible stories to cover, GiGSoc’s Be Brave, Be You campaign; #RockTheRegister, in which USI smashed their target of 10,000 registered student voters; USI’s #MakeASmartVote campaign; the General Elections; USI Congress and many more. Sin is published in association with the NUI Galway Student’s Union, but retains editorial independence.

In March the campus was engulfed in the usual election fever for two weeks of elections. Thirty seven students put their names on ballot papers seeking election to the 2016-2017 Students’ Union Executive. Three polling stations and an online Remote Vote option were available for students to cast their vote. Colm Jordan oversaw the elections ensuring a fastidious adherence to procedure and regulations. Despite a high number of candidates and two referenda, the turnout to elections was disappointing. A review of regulations is scheduled for the coming year to address the low voter turnout. The successful candidates in all fifteen elections were: Position



Jimmy McGovern

Vice President / Education Officer

Cathal Sherlock

Vice President / Welfare Officer

Daniel Khan

Oifigeach na Gaeilge

Clíodhna Nic Giolla Chomháill

Equality Officer

Megan Reilly

Mature Students’ Officer

Damian Duddy

Postgraduate Officer

Cillian Moran

Societies Chairperson

Patrick O’Flaherty

Clubs Captain

Caitlin Jansen

SU Council Chairperson

Aaron Reeves

Convenor of the College of Arts, Social Ciarán Mac Choncarraige Sciences & Celtic Studies Convenor of the College of Science

Christopher Mc Brearty

6 Elections / Toghcháin

Convenor of the College of Medicine, Lorcán Ó Maoileannaigh Nursing & Health Sciences Convenor of the College of Business, Diarmuid Ó Curraoin Public Policy & Law Convenor of the College of Engineering Tim Murphy & Informatics The overall turnout figures were: Full-time Officer Elections 2,549 Part-time Officer Elections 1,167

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7 E xplore


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Facilitating innovation on campus EXPLORE is a dynamic model for enabling innovation and supporting engagement on campus. Launched in 2012 as a unique partnership between the Students’ Union and the University, EXPLORE is Ireland’s first student-staff innovation initiative. It provides seed funding and a support framework for students and staff to collaborate as equal partners and bring an innovative, new idea to life during the academic year. To date, over 600 students and staff have delivered 100 new ideas, not only on campus, but also nationally and internationally. In just four years, EXPLORE has proven that it can break down traditional hierarchies in higher education and provide hands-on opportunities to innovate. 2015/16 at a glance: Around 110 students and staff collaborated on 22 projects All five Colleges at NUI Galway took part in EXPLORE, as did staff working in both academic and support/administrative roles 65% of projects involved undergraduate students and 45% involved postgraduate students, while 10% involved undergraduate and postgraduates working together Three well-attended training sessions were run for participants during the year Funding was secured for EXPLORE from the Galway University Foundation and Galway County Council EXPLORE won the Community Awareness Award at the Student Achievement Awards Ireland 2016.

Supporting the first year experience CÉIM is an academic peer support scheme initiated by NUI Galway Students’ Union and piloted in collaboration with the College of Engineering and Informatics in September 2013 with the objective of improving student transition, success and retention for 1st year students. The programme was piloted with BA in Law students in September in 2015, and will be rolled out further in the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies in 2016/17.

CÉIM in numbers since 2013:

CÉIM is based on the well-evidenced Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) or Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) model used in over 30 countries. Student leaders from higher years facilitate regular study sessions (weekly or every two weeks) for small groups of 1st years, creating peerled learning communities where it’s easy to ask questions.

99% of Engineering leaders completed the programme

CÉIM supports students to: - Transition successfully to university - Develop social networks - Become independent learners - Practice transferable skills - Succeed academically - Complete their studies

980 first year Engineering and BA in Law students have been offered CÉIM peer learning 604 hours of peer learning have been provided 89 second and third year leaders have received intensive leadership training 4,800 hours have been volunteered by CÉIM leaders have

CÉIM attendance nearly doubled between Semester I 2013/14 and Semester I 2014/15 to just under 40%. The percentage of 1st year students who self-reported never attending CÉIM in Semester 1 dropped from 30% in 2013/14 to 6% in 2014/15. Students who attended CÉIM regularly in 2013/14 on average had overall end-ofyear results 7% higher than students who attended irregularly or not at all. This figure increased to 9% in 2014/15.

8 Céim

80% of 1st years said that CÉIM helped them settle into university and make friends in Semester 2 2014/15. ‘You’re free to ask any question you want even if you think it’s a stupid one and no one judges you.’ 1st year student 2015/16 ‘I wanted an opportunity to develop my leadership and organisational skills. CÉIM has lived up to my expectations, I feel far more confident now.’ CÉIM Leader 2015/16 “Peer learning is not an activity that is traditionally associated with Students’ Unions. We’re delighted to be leading the way in this regard in Ireland. CÉIM is proof that there is a lot to be gained by students’ unions, university staff and higher year students partnering to support 1st years as they transition to university.” Phelim Kelly, President NUI Galway Students’ Union CÉIM won the Student Engagement Activity of the Year Award at the Student Achievement Awards Ireland 2016.

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9 Life Skills Scileanna Saoil

The Life Skills Programme saw the Students’ Union running courses throughout the year to allow students the opportunity to enhance their life skills away from their academic studies and also improve their employability. The programme continues to go from strength to strength with almost 500 students completing 12 different courses. Child Protection Training was offered in partnership with the ALIVE volunteering office. A 20 week free Irish language course was also held this year which was hugely popular with students looking to learn Irish or improve the Irish they had. The SU worked with the Emergency Services Training Institute to bring more Occupational First Aid, Manual Handling and Cardiac First Responder courses to Campus. These classes gave students vital lifesaving skills to allow them to deal with emergency situations. The College Bar staff and suppliers ran two very popular Bar Skills Courses to equip students with the skills needed to work in a busy pub and help them gain employment. In semester one and semester two Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) courses were again run on Campus in conjunction with the HSE to equip students with the skills to recognise the danger signs for someone who is a suicide risk. The Students’ Union worked with The Coffee Company to run one day barista training courses in semester one and semester two with all the course proceeds donated to the Students’ Union nominated charities for the year. College Bar Security Personnel ran a very popular Self Defence class for students again this year. A series of sign language courses were held during the year which gave students the basic skills needed to converse in sign language with deaf people. The Students’ Union also worked with Galway One World Centre to bring their popular Anti-Racism training course back to campus. Students got to de-stress and improve their flexibility at the SU Yoga classes which are now held all year round.


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NUI Galway Students’ Union ran a selection of unique charity events this year raising €22,500 for our chosen charities: Galway Rape Crisis Centre and The Irish Cancer Society. Galway Rape Crisis Centre offer emotional and practical support to survivors of rape, sexual violence and abuse via a help line, face to face counselling, and training and education services. The Irish Cancer Society aim to improve the lives of those affected by cancer. The year of fundraising kicked off with the return of the SU Big Fat Table Quiz in October which saw each of the SU Officers setting tricky rounds of questions for teams of students to try and answer to win the cold, hard, cash prize! The Quiz was so popular that it came back for another round in April and raised over €500 for the SU charities. The SU Education Officer Rebecca Melvin organised our inaugural Pink Ladies Night at the start of November. Guests were treated to a Pop-Up Beauty Salon, Pink bubbles, a Chocolate Fountain, Rugby players getting waxed, DJs and a raffle which all raised over €700 for charity. Christmas came early again to NUI Galway with our massive Christmas Day fundraiser in the College Bar in partnership with Electric Garden & Theatre on Thursday 19th of November raising an amazing €11,000 for Galway Rape Crisis Centre and the Irish Cancer Society. There was a traditional Christmas dinner, Christmas carols, crackers, advent calendars, cheesy Christmas tunes with DJ Byrno and lots of prizes for the best/worst Christmas jumpers along with a whole lot of other early Festive merriment! In December students got to take part in The Ultimate Study Break again with the Big Fat Charity Cake Sale AND Wooly Ward’s Petting Farm Visit during study week. Campus was invaded by rabbits, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, chicks, hens, turkeys, geese, ducks, sheep, goats and Kuzco the Llama. There was also plenty of cake, tea, raffle prizes and tunes from Flirt FM. The event raised over €630 for Galway Rape Crisis Centre and the Irish Cancer Society. The Gourmet Tart Company, Saol Café and our wonderful volunteers all generously donated tasty treats for the event.

SU Officers, staff and volunteers took to the streets of Galway on a cold, wet and windy Saturday in February for their annual Charity Collection Day during which they convinced the good people of Galway to part with their spare change – over €1,400 worth of it! In February we held our Shave or Dye fundraiser in the College Bar with students and staff again volunteering their heads and even beards to raise funds for the SU Charities. The Grafton Barbers were on hand to shave or dye with MC Steve Bennett keeping the crowd entertained as the event raised over €1,800 for charity. On a very snowy, windy and sunny Saturday in February the brave students of NUI Galway and members of the NUIG Mountaineering Club took part in the SU Charity Croagh Patrick Climb and raised €1,667 for charity.

10 Fundraising Tiomsú airgid

Our SU Charity Comedy gig featured comedians Kevin McGahern and Fred Cooke in March in the O’Flaherty Theatre with all proceeds going to the SU Charites from a hilarious night. The year of fundraising ended with a Big Bang Party in April in conjunction with the Science Class Reps which added €310 to the total raised for charity. Rock Soc very generously donated the proceeds from the raffle at their Witless battle of the bands event to the SU Charities too. The course fees for our Life Skills Barista Courses and our Bar Skills Courses also went in to our charity fund as the course providers donated their services and expertise for free! Other Charity Events: SU Officers and Staff took part in the NUI Galway 8k run in October in aid of mental health charity Jigsaw. The SU hosted the opening and closing parties for the NUI Galway Movember campaign which each year sees men donating their faces to grow/try to grow moustaches to raise money to support men’s health. The NUIG Tribes Mo Men team raised over €3,400 for this important campaign. NUI Galway students and SU staff members also got up early to take part in the 4am Darkness Into Light Galway 5k walk/run for Pieta House which took place in Salthill in May.

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Fundraising/ Tiomsú Airgid


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Fundraising/ Tiomsú Airgid

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11 Entertainment & Events Siamsaíocht agus Imeachtaí

Freshers’ September 2015 Freshers’ events this year included another massive week of Orientation which included the first ever Outdoor Cinema at NUI Galway, a Silent Disco, DJs, photobooths, karaoke, Clubs day, Societies day and the ALIVE Volunteering Fair. The Freshers’ Fair was back with student friendly companies, freebies and yummy food from market stalls welcoming students to campus. 12,000 copies of the free SU Diary were snapped up by students in less than two weeks! Freshers’ Gigs included comedy with Al Porter, tunes from Red-Tape, DJ’s, karaoke and the Freshers’ Silent Disco in the College Bar. Working and Travelling Abroad Fair The fourth NUI Galway Students’ Union Working and Travelling Abroad Fair took place at the end of January in Áras na Mac Léinn. This FREE Event brought together J1 Visa Companies, travel companies, volunteering/adventure companies, internship and training companies to help NUI Galway students plan their summer. There were also delicious market stalls to keep bellies full as summer plans were hatched! Comedy Over the year NUI Galway students again had a chance to see award winning comedians on Campus at a fraction of their usual ticket price with all gigs just €5! The year’s comedy kicked off with an amazing sell out gig from fabulous comedian Al Porter as part of our Freshers’ events in September. In October comedian David O’Doherty brought his show “We Are All in the Gutter, But Some of Us Are Looking at David O’Doherty” to a sold out O’Flaherty Theatre. Michael McCoy Comedy Hypnotist came back to NUI Galway twice this year in November and February with his sold out SeX -Rated Show for SHAG Week. Also during SHAG week The Dirty Circus came back to the College Bar with their own special brand of Comedy, Burlesque, Cabaret and Sauciness! Our SU Charity Comedy gig was held in March in the O’Flaherty Theatre with all proceeds going to the SU Charites. This joint gig featured Kevin McGahern and Fred Cooke who both kept the laughter flowing. Outreach Projects In November Galway reached the final four cities hoping to be named European Youth Capital for 2017 and the Students’ Union was heavily involved in the bid application. After reaching the final two Galway wasn’t selected but the Students’ Union is involved in the Galway for European Youth Capital 2019 bid. The SU is also involved in Galway’s bid to be named European Capital of Culture in 2020. NUI Galway Students’ Union members were part of the delegation chosen to represent Galway at the European Youth Event in Strasbourg in May. This is a two day gathering of 7,000 young people to discuss key youth issues. The Galway delegation will be representing both the Galway European Youth Capital 2019 bid and the Galway European Capital of Culture 2020 bid. Rugby NUI Galway Students’ Union partnership with Connacht Rugby continued in 2015/16 with students benefiting from huge discounts on tickets for all of the Connacht home matches throughout the season.


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Entertainment & Events Siamsaíocht agus Imeachtaí

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12 Campaigns Feachtais

NUI Galway Students’ Union ran many campaigns throughout the 2015-16 academic year. Ranging from welfare campaigns, mental and sexual health weeks etc. to exam resilience campaigns, LGBTQ awareness and more. Welfare campaigns included the NUIG #littlethings Mental Health and Wellbeing Campaign in October. It highlights that there are things that you can do for yourself and others that will have a positive impact on how you feel and how you cope. Various events were held on campus to raise awareness and promote positive mental health organised by societies, clubs, the SU and Student Services. Galway mental health services were highlighted to all students in the event they should ever need them. Sexual Health and Guidance Weeks (SHAG) were run in both the first and second semesters. These campaigns saw many students get actively involved with their sexual health. Students were given information on STIs and how to prevent them. Students were shown how to accurately put on a condom and how important that is in terms of protection and contraception. There was also a comedy hypnotist gig and a saucy cabaret by the Dirty Circus during the week. For Valentine’s Day hundreds of Rolo’s and Roses were distributed to students. Consent workshops were also run throughout the academic year by the #NUIGSafeCampus team and Condom Wednesdays continued this year with the Welfare volunteers distributing free condoms every Wednesday. In November the SU Equality Officer, Catherine Ryan, organised a Social Inclusion Week Campaign. Teaming up with the various societies on campus events held during the week included a Culture Night, a Trans* Safe Space in the SU Office, film screenings, a ban the R word campaign and a delicious French breakfast. Also in November the SU in conjunction with GigSoc held the first ever Trans* Awareness Week at NUI Galway. During the week the Transgender flag flew proudly outside Áras na Mac Léinn and events included panel discussions and workshops on Trans* issues, a rememberance ceremony and a trans* ally campaign. NUI Galway Students’ Union was heavily involved in the #MakeASmartVote campaign in the lead up to and during the General Elections. Throughout the year the SU held a massive voter registration campaign adding more than 2,000 NUIG students to the electoral Register and many NUI graduates to the Seanad electoral Register. In February the SU also held a hustings for all Galway West – South Mayo candidates for the General Elections. NUI Galway SU teamed up with USI and SIPTU on a Workers’ Rights Campaign to highlight key issues in the workforce and to educate students on their rights be that in part time employment and beyond. The campaign also sought to increase the minimum wage in Ireland to that of a living wage and is ongoing. The Students’ Union office hosted its first ever Art Exhibition in April when the Secret Cartoonist exhibition was removed over night from the Arts Millennium building by the University Security staff despite the exhibition being given permission to go ahead. The exhibition of the “University President” cartoons was to raise funds for the High Court actions being taken by NUIG staff with regards to gender discrimination in the University. The University eventually backed down and allowed the exhibition to be re-hung in the original agreed location after the SU Office had been turned into an impromptu gallery for the day of the launch!


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13 Students’ Union Services Seirbhísí Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn

The College Bar The College Bar continued to grow from strenght to strength this year. SU Card Offers, Class Parties, charity fundraising, events, signature pizzas, an extended carvery menu..the list goes on.

• Society Events: 136

As always, the profits earned from any Students’ Union services are reinvested in the Students’ Union to further develop and expand what we do for you. What makes the Students’ Union services unique is the money you spend on campus stays on campus. The College Bar contributes €30,000 to the Student Projects Fund every year making it the biggest single contributor to the fund. The College Bar also contributes €30,000 directly to the Students’ Union regardless of it’s profit levels.

• Students’ Union Events: 43

Did you know?

• Live Sport on the Big Screen: 48

Student Employment – over 50% of our staff are students and in the College Bar, over 85% of our staff are students.

Over 18 weeks of term we hosted the following: • Charity Fundraising Events: 23 • Class Parties: 127 • Club Parties: 91 • Departmental & Postgrad Staff Parties: 128

Students’ Union Shop The Students’ Union shop continued to provide discounted newspapers, cheap water & fruit and all of your stationary needs again this year. Once again the Students’ Union shop picked up a national award winning the “Best Confectionery Department” Award in the ShelfLife Magazine Awards for the best sweet temptation section ever! Cafés Smokey’s Café, Caifé na Gaeilge and the Wall Café are still the top spots to relax over coffee between lectures. Students asked for Gourmet Tart Company sandwiches to be brought back, so they were – as well as some tasty additional products! Smokey’s Café and The Wall Café remained open all year long to cater for students and staff who spend more time on campus than off campus. SU Card The SU Card enjoyed its sixth birthday at the start of the year. It’s a great way to get better value and it’s our way to thank students and staff for supporting us. Throughout the year the IT system is our outlets has been developed to ensure students can use their SU Cards in all Students’ Union outlets. Some highlights of the SU Card in 2015/16 • 1,940,000 points awarded • 1,700 free dinners • 10,800 free teas/coffees • 9,000 active accounts in 2015/16


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Reinvesting in You

Sponsorship of Student Events Over the course of the year we support many of the good causes run by the different charities, clubs and societies on campus. Lockers The Students’ Union rents lockers in various locations across campus. 1,639 sutdent lockers were rented this year. Travel Cards & ISIC Cards A massive 2,396 students purchased Student Leapcards and ISIC cards through the Students’ Union in 2015/16. Secondhand Books The Secondhand bookshop service continues to go from strenght to strength. We sold 1,568 of your books this year. Students’ Union Cloakroom The Cloakroom is run and managed by the Students’ Union. Cloakroom staff are all students and the service is provided free of charge to students during term time. Students’ Union Diary 12,000 free Students’ Union diaries were distributed in the first semester. The diary is a useful resource for students and contains information on exam dates, campus facilities and Clubs & Societies.


Incoming Executive 2016/17 Coiste Feidhmiúcháin 2016/17

Oifigeach na Gaeilge

Clíodhna Nic Giolla Chomháill

President Uachtarán

Vice President/Education Officer Leas Uachtarán/Oifigeach Oideachais

Vice President/Welfare Officer Leas Uachtarán/Oifigeach Leasa

Cathal Sherlock

Daniel Khan 086 3855502 086 3853658 086 3853659

Equality Officer Oifigeach Comhionnais

Mature Students’ Officer Oifigeach Mic Léinn Lánfhásta

Postgraduate Officer An tOifigeach Iarchéime

Jimmy McGovern

Damian Duddy

Cillian Moran 0044 7763572693 086 2283856 091 524810 087 7690784

Societies Chairperson Cathaoirleach na gCumann

Clubs Captain Captaen na gClubanna

SU Council Chairperson | Cathaoirleach na Comhairle do Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn

Patrick O’Flaherty

Caitlin Jansen 086 8523417 089 9754741 087 2697232

Convenor of the College of Science Tionólaí Choláiste na hEolaíochta

Convenor of the College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences | Tionólaí Choláiste an Leighis, an Altranais & na nEolaíochtaí Sláinte

Convenor of the College of Business, Public Policy & Law | Tionólaí Choláiste an Ghnó, an Bhearais Phoiblí agus an Dlí

Convenor of the College of Engineering & Informatics | Tionólaí Choláiste na hInnealtóireachta agus na Faisnéisíochta

Diarmuid Ó Curraoin

Tim Murphy 087 0655357 086 0260500

Christopher Mc Brearty 087 6565387

Megan Reilly

Lorcán Ó Maoileannaigh 087 7687892

Aaron Reeves

Convenor of the College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies | Tionólaí Choláiste na nDán, na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta & an Léinn Cheiltigh

Ciarán MacChoncarraige 087 0544499

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