NUI Galway Students' Union Annual Report 2009-2010

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Donna Cummins Emma Conway Emmet Connolly Sinéad Dolan Jason McGarry Anunt Singh Gill Oisín Ó Higgins Padric Harley Joanna Brophy Chris Newell

Layout & Design

Sarah Small Small Designs © NUI Galway Students’ Union 2010




President’s Foreword


Part Time Officers’ Reports


Back To Education Campaign


Coiste Gnó 2009 / 2010 Class Reps Update Fees Campaign





SIN Newspaper

Welfare Campaigns Freshers Fortnight College Week

SU Sessions

14 16




SUCS Update

Year in Pictures



Coiste Gnó 2010 / 2011




Foreword President’s

A chara,

Welcome to the inaugural annual report of the Students’ Union. It has been a challenging year for students. The registration fee underwent its thirteenth increase since it was introduced fourteen years ago and confidence in the grant system was further eroded as the employment control framework resulted in even longer processing delays. Finally, the budget of 2010 severed the Back to Education Allowance striking a further blow to those students who are in most need of financial support. Our graduates were also in for a rocky road as recruitment freezes resulted in the recession being disproportionately severe on the young. These changes were reflected in the work load of the SU and turbulent times have increased our readiness to react to any given situation. The aforementioned changes stem from the national economic state and we have gradually seen those changes impact on the standard of education on our own campus. Universities transferred costs of the library and computer services to the “non-tuition” charge to help offset the decrease in their core grant allocation and a further drop in funding is expected next year. Real threats to class sizes, tutorials, student facilities and the existence of courses are with us.

September and with over 8,000 sign ups in year one, we’re confident of its continued success. The opening hours of the Shop and Smokey’s increased and a greater emphasis is now placed on our catering environmental procedures.

My deepest gratitude to the Students’ Union Executive for their drive and dedication. Also, a special word of thanks to the SU staff - Chris, Joanna, Natasha and Claire who have been incredible.

We look forward to the continuing achievements of the SU in the many years to come. Beir Bua,

Donna Cummins Uachtarán

The core of the Students’ Union is of course the class representative system and this year, the numbers increased by 50%. We are extremely grateful to the class reps for their continued vision and support this year. The fees campaign of 2008/2009 was rewarded in October when, after intense lobbying, the Green Party refused to accept third level fees in a programme for government. It is difficult to understate the treacherous battleground that heralded this victory and it is a reminder of the growing strength and cohesiveness of the student movement. Securing a transparent account of the student registration charge with a student consultation process is something we are also proud to have established this year.

Jason Byrne, Neil Delamere, David O’Doherty, Calvin Harris, The Coronas, The Hardy Bucks, an inaugural Clubs Ball and The Freshers Ball were all involved in entertaining the masses of 2009/2010. College Week raised €20,000 and an emphasis was placed on providing high value and high quality entertainment in the evenings. Mental Health Week, Healthy Living Week and Shag Week were particularly well organised by the Welfare campaign this year. Equality Week succeeded in heightening awareness of the need for improved disability access on campus. The Hub will undergo a major transformation this Summer and we hope this will finally provide a common room for students. As a result of an SU campaign, the reading room opening hours were extended from 11pm to 1:30am and the library increased their Summer opening hours. As part of our goal to provide better value for students, the SU Card was introduced in


Coiste Gnó

Comhaltas na Mac Léinn 2009-2010

Donna Cummins

Emmet Connolly

Emma Conway

Oisín O’Higgins

Anunt Singh Gill

Sinéad Dolan

Shane Hayes

Padraic Harley

Jason McGarry


Oifigeach na Gaeilge

Clubs’ Captain

VP/Education Officer

Student Development Officer

Societies Chairperson

VP/Welfare Officer

Equality Officer

Postgraduate Officer


Part Time Officer Reports Anunt Singh Gill

Oifigeach Forbartha Mac Léinn Student Development Officer

There were many events carried out this year with the involvement of the Student Development Officer. Beginning from the start of the year with Freshers Fortnight with many fun filled days to the biggest event of the year College Week where over €20,000 was raised for charity. The Volunteer Fair at the beginning of the year in September was a huge succes with over 70 charities at the event, this was the largest amount of charity groups at the fair compared to previous years showing that the Volunteer Fair is a valuable event for these charities to get a chance to interact with students. Many students as well as members of the public attended, showing the great deal of interest in volunteering and making a difference in ones own community even in these recessionary times. People of all ages are willing to give up there time to a worthy cause, and the overall turnout at the event was around 1000 people. Many of the students who volunteered for many of these charities were involved in societies in NUIG and were given the chance to apply for the Alive Certificate, commemorating their involvement and time given to various charities or societies, such as the Slainte socs Teddy bear hospital or the Best Buddies group. The Alive certificate ceremony was a huge success with over 900 certificates given out to students which was an increase in last year’s numbers. Attending the event were honoured guests including the Mayor of Galway and NUI Galway’s president Jim Browne. Overall the events that were run this year were a huge success and with larger amounts of people in attendance the next year is going to be even a better.

Oisín Ó Higgins Oifigeach na Gaeilge Irish Language Officer

This year saw many changes for students in NUI, Galway. They saw the defeat of the attempt to re-introduce 3rd level fees, the new College Charity week, and the continued fight for students and their interests. It also saw the campus in Carraroe become a major issue. For the first time ever, the Carraroe Acadamh started to get the representation that the students studying there deserved. They had their first class reps there this year, who served as a link between the Students’ Union and the students of the Acadamh. This year also saw the first Students’ Union full-time election to have ballot boxes in the Carraroe Acadamh, as well as part time ballot boxes, as had happened for the first time in the election of 2009. For the first time ever the students of Carraroe had their voices heard by the Sabbatical officer candidates, who canvassed the Acadamh campus, promising further representation, ensuring that for the years to come, the representation of students from the Acadamh will continue to be an issue for the Students’ Union.

The inclusion of the Carraroe campus is the first step towards the inclusion and proper representation of the other Acadamh campuses by the Students’ Union. A 3 year plan is being drafted with the incoming Oifigeach na Gaeilge to outline how this should be achieved by future Oifigí na Gaeilge.


Sinéad Dolan

Oifigeach Comhionannais Equality Officer

The Equality Officer this year spent a lot of time working with the USI Equality campaign. She brought a group of delegates to Belfast in November for Pink Training, an LGBT educational weekend run by USI every year. She also attended various USI conferences as part of the national campaign, representing NUIG students on a national scale and learning from other Equality Officers, and how they were dealing with things. She worked extensively with Laura Finlay, USI LGBT Rights Officer, and Linda Kelly, USI Equality Officer [who didn’t know we had an equality officer until this September], on issues which affect our students, such as fighting against the blood ban, and lobbying for better treatment of International students. These battles are continuing, as are the Disability Rights campaign, and Gender Equality, but groundwork has been laid for future officers to involve themselves more actively in these campaigns for many years to come.

On campus, the Equality Officer ran two main campaigns this year, the first being an equality week in the first semester, where students spent a day blindfolded to simulate blindness, among other things. The second campaign, run in the second semester, was Rainbow week, which was run in conjunction with GiGsoc, our LGBT society, and which promoted gay rights. This week’s biggest success was the alternative weddings which went on, where students married friends or anyone they wanted in ceremonies outside Áras na Mac Léinn. These symbolic marriages were not only taking place in NUI Galway, but also in DIT, Trinity, UCD, UCC, as well as many other universities and I.T.s around the country. The alternative weddings were part of the ongoing fight for full gay marriage in this country. As part of that aim, a ‘Come Out to your T.D campaign was also organised, encouraging LGBT student’s to inform their own TDs that they are gay, voting, and not willing to be silent about it any more.

Padraic Harley

Cathaoirleach na gCumann Societies Chairperson

In the Academic Year 2009/2010, Societies Day took place on September 23rd 2009 with over 6000 people joining the numerous societies (now totalling over 100). Societies with the most members included Film Soc, Comedy Soc and Food & Drink Soc. Áras na Mac Léinn had been renovated over the Summer making it more student and society focused by including several new rooms in which to hold activities.

The Societies Office and Socsbox moved to the centre of the Áras making it highly accessible to all. Soc's Music Week took place in November from the 16th to the 19th. This highly anticipated event had a special collaborative concert involving the NUI Galway Orchestra, Traditional Society and Choral Society. Rotaract Soc also held their annual fashion show Socs in the City in the Bailey Allen Hall. The 1st to the 5th of March was Theatre Week. Boasting a large array of acts from both internal and external groups, it included an adaption of The Breakfast Club by John Hughes and Starchild by Oscar Wilde.

The Societies Awards took place on March 31st in the Galway Bay Hotel. ArtSoc was voted Best Society with Skeptic Soc being Best New Society and LawSoc being Best Academic Society. ArtSoc's Auditor Tadhg Tynan was voted Best Individual at the Awards. He had helped organise several events for both ArtSoc and various other Societies. Due to this, among many other qualities, Tadhg was also elected as the Societies Chair for 2010/2011 the previous week. NUI GALWAY STUDENTS’ UNION | ANNUAL REPORT

Part Time Officer Reports Jason McGarry

Oifigeach na nIarchéimithe Postgraduate Officer

The Academic year 2009/10 began with the election of the Postgraduate Officer of the Students Union in early October. The reason for this late election was due to the lack of a candidate standing for election purposes in March 2009. Jason Mc Garry was elected on the 15th October and was “delighted” to be voted in as a part-time officer of the Student Union Executive Committee.

In late October, the Graduate Recruitment Fair was held in the Bailey Allen Hall. It was the largest recruitment fair ever to take place in the West of Ireland; with over 64 exhibitors and more than 2,400 students attending the event throughout the day. Certain firms, like KPMG, gave talks during that week providing detailed information to graduates regarding future employment opportunities. In Semester II, the Bailey Allen Hall was again the location for a very interesting exhibition. This time it was the Graduate Studies Fair. Held annually in 2nd term, this event offered the perfect place to start exploring postgraduate options available at NUI, Galway and elsewhere in Ireland.

On a less studious note, the Post-Grad Ball; which was organized by the Micro-Biology department, was held in March in the Galway Bay Hotel. By the end of March, it was election time again and Ciara Staunton was voted in as the Postgraduate Officer for the academic year 2010/11. Ciara held the position of Education Officer in 2008 and will no doubt be an excellent addition to the Students’ Union Executive.

Shane Hayes

Captaen na gClubanna Clubs’ Captain

One of the key achievements for NUI Galway Clubs this year was the organising of the first of what will hopefully become an annual NUI Galway Clubs’ Ball. The ball which was held in January was a great success and highlighted the achievements of our clubs this year, as well as providing a high-profile event to attract new members to the clubs scene. The Clubs Captain also helped oversee the construction of the new astro-turf pitches in Corrib Village. The Students’ Project Fund allocations in June also saw significant funds going towards clubs and sport facilities in NUI Galway in general- a testament to the Clubs Captain’s encouragement of clubs to apply to the fund and lobby for financial support. Another priority this year was the continuing reform of the Sports and Recreation Unit’s grant funding for clubs as well as the overseeing of the Kingfisher gym and Sports Centre on behalf of the thousands of NUI Galway clubs’ members. A significant victory was won for students by the Clubs’ Captain in this regard when club members who are also members of the Kingfisher gym were no longer charged €2 per use of the clubs facilities in the Sports Centre. Overall, this was a successful year for Clubs with the NUI Galway Hurlers winning the Fitzgibbon Cup for the first time in decades while continued investment in club facilities was overseen by the Clubs’ Captain and the Students’ Union.


Class Reps Council

This was a great year for class reps, with numbers increasing over 40% from 280 in 2008/09 to 390 in 2009/10. The various reforms of the Class Reps Council that began several years ago are still being put into effect and altered as each year presents the Students’ Union with new challenges and can require a different approach towards the class reps system.

The seven Faculty Class Reps Councils are now firmly established as the day-to-day meetings at which each class rep attends twice a semester, while the Union Body forum has been examined in terms of making it more effective and getting better attendance. Full Class Reps Council has been utilised much more this year than in previous years, reflecting the wish by the SU officers to get clear mandates and opinions from as many reps as Class Reps voted to introduce a ban on facebook on Library computers to reduce the length of computer queues. possible on issues that are of campus-wide and national concern – for example the parking charge, the Facebook ban, the free-fees position of the SU, and how our votes were cast for the national Union of Students in Ireland (USI) candidates.

We had close contests for almost all the elected positions in the class reps system this year- Academic Council reps, Union Body reps, Council Chairpersons and so on – which shows a healthy level of engagement and activism among the class reps. We also held a successful class reps training day in October with speakers such as Peter Mannion, the President of the USI. A second day of training was held in semester two Class Reps were presented with a Class Rep for those who missed out the first time. We have Manual as part of Class Rep Training brought in more practical but important changes to the class reps system this year, including the redesigning of the class rep hoodies, a new shortened and concise reps handbook, much better time management with meetings, more social events for reps, and more professional presentations by the SU officers at meetings.

Class Reps presented copies of maths tables to the University management Team as part of the parking charge campaign.


BTEA Campaign

In Budget 2010 the Government decided that those returning to third-level education on the Back to Education Allowance would no longer be entitled to claim a student maintenance grant. This scheme was put in place to assist the long-term unemployed and others in receipt of social welfare payments in order to re-train them so they could seek employment. The government’s proposal, which they plan to come into effect from September 2010, would see potential students unable to return to college because of a lack of NUI Galway mature students attend the Aontas Adult funds. In many cases the cut Education Day represents a loss of €7,000, or 25% of their total income, for those trying to get back into education. The Students’ Union organised a grassroots campaign in January to address the issue, and alongside the USI, organised protest marches, lobbied every member of the Oireachtas, held several meetings with various ministers, held public meetings, gained valuable media attention and ultimately, a delegation of three NUI Galway students addressed a Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Science in May. At the time of print we are awaiting the results of this meeting, with many government and opposition TDs and Senators giving serious thought to trying to reverse the cutback, having been made aware of the severity of it by the efforts of the NUI Galway Students’ Union and the grassroots activists in the BTEA campaign such as Michelle Mitchell, Owen Ward, and Naoise McDonagh. NUI Galway Students protest ourside Leinster House





From September 2008, the Students’ Union launched a relentless battle against the proposed reintroduction of Third Level Fees. Thousands of students from NUI, Galway joined forces with other third level institutes in a strong campaign that was coordinated by USI. This was considered a tougher battle than previous years when the “fees kite” featured. The severe economic downturn coupled with a cut in third level funding resulted in a cabinet with non committal support. However, student enthusiasm was unwavering as hundreds marched on Kildare Street, TDs were intensely lobbied and a relentless media campaign (local and national) was launched. In September of 2009, a cabinet decision was imminent as Minister O’Keefe gave his recommendations featuring options including a graduate taxation system (New Zealand model) or a loan system (Australian model). The Opposition parties launched a weak proposal endorsing a graduate tax system whilst Labour and Sinn Féin stood by the student movement. Whilst the first year students of 2009 initially looked as if they would escape any proposed fees, it became clear that the governments desperation to cut spending would strike an imminent and disastrous blow to the third level sector.

During this time, much criticism was levelled towards the freeze imposed on the student maintenance grant, the 67% hike in the registration fee as well as the governments inability to justify extraordinary salaries for University management. NUI Galway SU initiated the “Pledge against Fees” which was adopted nationwide and involved students writing to their TDs to inform them that they would not vote for a government that endorsed the reintroduction of fees. Finally, in October of 2010, the Green Party agreed a partnership for government which included support for not reintroducing third level fees. It is of course remembered that with a registration charge of €1500, this country doesn’t enjoy “free fees” and the fight against fees is one that will never be over.


Above: Clippings from the Galway Advertiser at the time surrounding the fees campaign



The 2010 Students’ Union Elections for full time officers recorded the highest turnout to date. Almost 3,000 students turned out to vote in a race which seemed to be a close call but ultimately resulted in decisive mandates for the winning candidates. Seventeen candidates were nominated for the three full time positions – Seven for President, five for Vice President and five for Vice President Education Officer. The Part-time Officer positions were also heavily contested this year. Nine candidates were nominated for six positions which resulted in every position on the Executive Committee being filled before the new Students’ Union year.

The election campaigns brought the usual barrage of posters, t-shirts and enthusiastic volunteers in addition to an increase in the number of facebook and website campaigns. The Political Discussion Society facilitated the hustings for both sets of elections and David Geary was back to lend a steady hand as Returning Officer. Voting in this year’s elections was easier than ever due to the implementation of an electronic system for administering the Register of Electors. Voters could use either of the polling areas in An Bhialann or Áras na Mac Léinn by simply having their ID cards scanned. The improved efficiency made voting extremely easy since voters didn’t have to endure long queues. The new system also made it very easy to arrange polling stations off campus in Acadamh na hOllscoile and CSI. The counting of votes in both elections took place the following day in Áras na Mac Léinn. Ballot Boxes were secured overnight in the Students’ Union offices with a live camera feed to the Students’ Union website. Friday morning counting ensured all election staff and candidates were all well rested for the nervous wait ahead.


The count in both elections went smoothly with no recounts required. The newly elected officers for 2010 / 2011 are:

President: Peter Mannion

Vice President / Welfare Officer: Emma Conway

Vice President / Education Officer: Emmet Connolly Equality Officer: Robin Allen

Oifigeach na Gaeilge: Melissa Mannion

Student Development Officer: Darragh O’Connor Postgraduate Officer: Ciara Staunton

Societies Chairperson: Tadhg Tynan

Clubs’ Captain: Eric Coleman – Brockie



Sin continued grow this year and employed a Part-time Editor in August. Mairéad Ní Chaoimh brought a wealth of experience to the position of Sin Editor and together with an army of volunteers produced some excellent issue of Sin.

The highlights of the Sin year include: •

• • • • •

• • •

A record number of contributors to Sin this year- over 90. 12 issues of Sin Newspaper and one pull-out supplement.

The SIN Team 2009-2010 attracted a huge amount of traffic — Between September 1st 2009 and May 25th 2010 there were 14,373 visitors to the site and 73,920 page views.

Two writers were nominated for the Smedia National Student Media Awards - Richard Manton and Lisa Ní Shuairc.

Major stories covered throughout the year included the deaths of the four NUIG students in a road crash, the Fitzgibbon Cup win, UL Alliance, the parking controversy, College Week and Bailey Allen controversies and the banning of Facebook. Richard Manton carried out a special investigative report on the registration fee.

New additions to the paper included the Societies Questionnaire, the Career Doctor, Sex and the Single Student, Budget Baking, the Sin wall, more out and about pictures, Head to Head, Youtube, and articles as Gaeilge. For the first time Sin Volunteers were presented with ALIVE Certificates for their contribution to the paper. Sin joined Twitter and Facebook!



Special: thr in this issu ee pages e: the Breakf of coverage insi de plus pho ast Club, the Oscar tos. grade s, Berlin, inflation. kayaking, Hardy Buc the J1 visa ks,


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UI Galwa y's hurler s have won the tzgibbon Cup for the first time in 30 ars.




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Past Issues of SIN


Welfare Campaigns Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week was held in October to highlight the importance of maintaining and understanding mental health issues. The week itself was geared at looking at some of the most common of issues facing students such as personal pressures, stress and depression. Information on services and supports available to students was provided by the Counselling Service, who was very visible throughout the week. Information about the growing problem of eating disorders was also highlighted with help from Body Whys, an organisation that focuses on helping those battling eating disorders. Throughout the week students were asked to “take a break, chill out and relax” by enjoying loads of different events. For those needing a good laugh, there was a Fr. Ted marathon and in the evening some hilarious movies. Students were also treated to the comedic talents of award winning comedian David O’Doherty who played to a packed out O’Flaherty theatre. During the day there were art classes to help relax students during their mid terms.

David O’Doherty visited NUI Galway for Mental Health Week

There was also a lot of music to be heard on campus with the choir outside the library to some classical soothing tones in Aras na Mac Léinn. The SU Sessions were also held in An Bialann with the music provided by the group Ka Tet. Students also got to chill out by having a free cup of tea and decorating some ridiculously tasty cupcakes. They were also asked to submit their top tips on how best to de-stress themselves, with the winners winning some fabulous prizes. Drumming workshops during the week allowed students to drop in and vent their frustration.


Welfare Campaigns Healthy Living Week

Healthy Living Week arrived on campus last November. It is a campaign designed to encourage both staff and students to shake off their old habits and develop a new and healthy outlook on life. Over the six days there was something for everyone throughout the week.

The Saturday Market fair took over the campus for a few days with traders selling healthy and nutritious snacks as a nice treat. The Eco Bus made its first visit to NUI Galway and was parked outside Áras na Mac Léinn for a couple of days providing some scrumptious treats. Students Med students conducting a 50 cent clinic during and staff across campus were treated to free fruit Healthy Living Week courtesy of the SU Shop. They were also treated to some delicious free cereal bars and if anyone wanted one, they got a nice free hug too. Cheap smoothies and healthy meals were on sale all across campus giving everyone a chance to kick start a new healthy lifestyle.

To combat the winter blues the drumming workshops were held again on campus. For those brave enough to go out into the cold winter air, there was a Fun Run all across campus. The 50 Cent clinic gave everyone a chance to have their blood pressure to be taken and their BMI read with the proceeds going to charity. A massive table quiz was held in the College Bar with a nice cash prize. The Sign Language classes started during the week for anyone who wished to learn how to sign. Galway’s walking and Cycling Strategy Forum took place during the week giving students a chance to More 50 cent clinic have a say in the new plan being developed for walkways and cycle routes for Galway. The week culminated with ASIST training for students. This training educates students on suicide prevention and listening skills.


Welfare Campaigns SHAG Week

SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance) Week is one of the most important campaigns of the year. The aim of this campaign is to educate students on sexual health, offer them practical advice and guidance. Volunteers handed out over three thousand SHAG packs across campus in the first few days. SHAG packs were also distributed in the Acadamh in An Cheathrú Rua. Each SHAG pack contained a condom, an information card on where to get screened for sexually transmitted infections and advice on contraceptives from the Crisis Pregnancy Agency.

There were plenty of different events on throughout the week. The Marie Keating Foundation paid another visit to the campus offering advice to everybody. There were also dating workshops and advice for students on everything they ever needed to know about sex but were too afraid to ask. Tantric yoga classes were held during the week and for the more adventurous student, there were burlesque dancing workshops for those who wanted to unleash their inner Dita Von Tease. The SHAG Week Pyjama Party was one of the biggest events of the week. Students were treated to free sweets, think contraceptive cupcakes, lots of music and a fantastic chocolate fountain. There was also speed dating with DJ Byrno and Paul Hannon with the guys giving out prizes for the best chat up lines, amongst other things. The Shagadelic Shag Week table quiz was also held during the week with the money raised going to charity.


Welfare Campaigns

Road Safety interactive Shuttle

The Road Safety Authority made their first visit to NUI Galway with their Interactive Road Shuttle. The Interactive Shuttle was open to both staff and students and contained cycling and motorbike simulators. It also had an enclosed driving simulator to test reaction times and driver ability. The shuttle also had driving theory tests and questionnaires on specially designed computers to really test your ability to remember the rules of the road. For those who went on board, the Road Safety Authority gave out high visibility gear and information on the rules of the road. Over the course of the week, over a thousand people had been on board the shuttle.


Freshers’ Fortnight

Freshers’ Fair 2009

The 2009 Freshers’ Fair was another resounding success for the Students’ Union. Over 3,000 free Freshers’ Packs were distributed and thousands of students visited the Fair to collect freebies Students also had the chance to let off steam on the Giant Inflatable games and Flipsave provided plenty of entertainment with games consoles and competitions. Once again St. Nicholas Market was on hand to provide a wide range of food for all tastes.


Freshers’ Fortnight

Number of SU Free Diaries distributed 12,000 Number of Freshers’ Packs distributed 3,000

The 2009 Freshers’ Fair was another resounding success for the Students’ Union. Over 3,000 free Freshers’ Packs were distributed and thousands of students visited the Freshers’ Fair to collect lots of freebies or let off some steam in the giant inflatable games. Flipsave generously provided plenty of entertainment with games consiles and competitions. St. Nicholas Market was once again on hand to provide a wide range of food for all tastes.

During the fortnight a two day Freshers’ Fair saw the distribution of over 3,000 Freshers’ Packs, 12,000 free SU diaries and more freebies than you could shake a stick at! Student friendly companies attending the Fair included Bus Éireann, Zenith Hairdressing, Big O Taxis, Microsoft, NTL and the Student Travelcard Company. The giant inflatable games of Gladiator Jousting, Giant Table Soccer and Laserquest were back along with the traders from Galway’s famous St. Nicholas’ Market. Students attending the event at Áras na Mac Léinn could pick up some sushi, get their hair done and then have a go at Sumo Wrestling!

Other events held during the fortnight included the ever popular free speed dating hosted by the legends that are DJ Byrno and Paul Hannon. On the night over 200 Freshers came looking for love and some laughs. A sold out gig by comedian Neil Delamere with support from John Lynn provided more laughs as 360 students were entertained in the O’Flaherty Theatre.

This years Super Sweet Freshers’ Ball had a School Disco theme which saw the College Bar decorated with Leaving Cert papers. The best dressed school girl and school boy of the evening were taken by limo to the night’s second venue in the Warwick in Salthill whilst the others students had to take the less glamorous “Bus Scoile”. A UV wonderland awaited their arrival in the Warwick with a school disco, balloon modelling, stilt walkers, face painters and performances by Disconnect 4 and Blasterbra.

The SU Sessions returned during Freshers’ Fortnight featuring a memorable performance by Kilkenny band Saving J in An Bialann. The Officer Treasure Hunt challenged students to chase around Campus finding the nine SU Executive members with big prizes for the winning teams. The Freshers’ Fortnight Socs Day, Clubs Day and the Volunteering Fair proved popular as ever with large attendances at all three events. NUI GALWAY STUDENTS’ UNION | ANNUAL REPORT

College Week

College Week 2010 will be remembered for the return of top class entertainment to NUI Galway. The Coronas and The Chapters kicked off College Week on Monday in The Radisson’s Live Lounge. Jason Byrne entertained on campus with another hilarious performance. However, the highlight of College Week 2010 was the sell out performance by Calvin Harris. The King of Electropop played to 900 students in The Black Box.

College Week also had the usual on campus antics such as the Dunk Tank, Scavenger Hunt, Mini Trialthlon and soccer competition. The College Week Auction again proved immensely popular amongst University staff. For the second year running, students volunteered in their droves to defy logic by walking barefoot across burning coals in the Firewalk. Once again, the biggest winners from College Week were the nominated charities: COPE Galway, Peter McVerry Trust, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland and Habitat for Humanity all received €5,000 from College Week.


Calvin Harris with two lucky students

A brave College Week Firewalker

College Week Nominated Charities

Some of the College Week Triathlon Participants

Volunteers present charities with the funds raised during College Week


SU Sessions

The SU Sessions are a free weekly music event hosted by NUI Galway Students’ Union in An Bialann every Tuesday evening. The second year of SU Sessions again saw the cream of signed and unsigned musical talent from across the country performing on Campus in an intimate, alcohol-free setting.

This year funding from the Student Projects Fund allowed the SU Sessions to invest in their own sound equipment and engineer to add to the live experience of these gigs. The Sessions also branched out this year with a couple of well received lunchtime gigs in the Hub featuring hotly tipped bands O’Emperor and The Ambiance Affair. 2010/11 will see a third year of new, innovative sounds on Campus for the enjoyment of all. Tuesday 15th September (Freshers’ Fortnight)

Saving J

Tuesday 22nd September (Freshers’ Fortnight)

Sara Lou

Tuesday 29th September (Socs Fest)


Peakin Trippers

Tuesday 6th October (Equality Week)

The Dead Flags

Tuesday 13th October (Mental Health Week)

Ka Tet

Tuesday 20th October

The Mysterious Chords


Tuesday 27th October

Paul Hourican

Tuesday 3rd November (Healthy Living Week)

Dharma Rose

Tuesday 10th November


Tuesday 17th November (Music Week)

Oisin Dillon



Tuesday 1st December (World AIDS Day)


Tuesday 8th December


Thursday 14th January (Lunchtime Special in the Hub)

O Emperor.


Tuesday 19th January

A Band Called Wanda

Thursday 21st January (Lunchtime Special in the Hub)

The Ambience Affair Tuesday 26th January

Bobby Noonan


Tuesday 2nd February (Green Week)

Karl McHugh

Tuesday 9th February (Múscailt Festival)

21 Outs

Tuesday 16th February (SHAG Week)

Identity Parade

Tuesday 23rd February

Mugger Dave

Tuesday 2nd March



Tuesday 23rd March

Dharma Rose

Tuesday 30th March

Pearse McGloughlin

Tuesday 20th April (Study Week)

Arms that fit like legs Tuesday 27th April (Exams)



SUCS Update

The past year has been exceptionally busy for Students’ Union Commercial Services. New staff appointments, renovations, and awards have ensured a fast pace for SUCS. The year started brightly for SU Commercial Services with the introduction of the SU Card. Launched in September, the SU Card allows students and staff to earn points on every transaction in a Students’ Union outlet. Points can then be converted to a cash balance and used to purchase other products. Card holders can also avail of daily offers such as 2 for 1 pizza and €5 lunches. The SU Card has signed up over 9,000 users in its first year.

SUCS was the recipient of two significant awards this year. The Excellence Through People Award was presented at a ceremony in November. ETP is Ireland’s National Standard for human resource management. The SU Shop also won a National Convenience Store of the Year Award. The SUCS Team welcomed two new staff to its ranks this year. Yvonne Kiernan joined the team as Catering Manager and Kieran Lyons was appointed Head Chef. Both Yvonee and Kieran come bring vast experience in he catering world and their introduction to the team has already resulted in excellent food and different offerings. The product range and facilities in SUCS outlets continues to develop. College Bar Pizza is becoming a firm favourite amongst students and Smokey’s Café now offers a microwave for students to heat their own food.

SUCS continues to support student life in NUI Galway by contributing €30,000 to the Student Projects Fund and keeping all profits on campus. In addition, 40% of SUCS staff are current NUI Galway students. TUAIRISC BHLIAINTÚIL | COMHALTAS NA MAC LÉINN, OÉ GAILLIMH

ne New Appointment: Yvon ager Kiernan, Catering Man

SU Card Monthly Competition Winner

aff Liam Buckley with the SU Shop St

Smokeys Cafe

ETP Award

New Appointment: Kieran Lyons, Head Chef

SU Shop Award Winning Display



The SU Year in Pictures

USI Congress

Queue for Calvin Harris tickets

Class Reps

Number of Class Reps 397 Number of Class Reps Meetings 37 There was a huge increase in the amount of Class Representative involvement across Campus this year with over 397 reps attending 37 meetings throughout the year and lobbying the Union and the University on behalf of their classes.

Firewalk crowd

International Sports Day

College Week Charity Dunk


Charity collection

Congress 2010

Freshers’ Fortnight

Fees Campaign

Number of SU Free Diaries distributed 12,000 Number of Freshers’ Packs distributed 3,000 Freshers’ Fortnight welcomed all of the new (and returning!) students to campus in September. During the fortnight a two day Freshers’ Fair saw the distribution of over 3,000 Freshers’ Packs, 12,000 free SU diaries and more freebies than you could shake a stick at! The giant inflatable games were back along with the traders from Galway’s famous St. Nicholas’ Market. Other events held during the fortnight included the ever popular speed dating, the legendary Super Sweet Freshers’ Ball and a sold out gig by comedian Neil Delamere.


Life Skills Programme

As part of a new initiative a number of courses were run by the Students’ Union during the year to allow students the opportunity to enhance their life skills away from their academic studies. Number of students trained up in CPR 60 CPR classes for students were run on a monthly basis throughout the year in association with local heart charity Croí. These classes gave students vital life saving skills to allow them to deal with emergency situations. Number of students receiving Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training 60 Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) courses were run on Campus in conjunction with the HSE to equip students with the skills to recognise the danger signs for someone who is a suicide risk. Number of students attending sign language classes 50 A series of sign language courses were held during the year which gave students the basic skills needed to converse in sign language with deaf people.

Fees Campaign Cake

Election Count

Mental Health Week

Freshers’ Fair

Shag Week Cupcake

International Food

Bear Literary Evening

Socs Day

SIN Christmas Party

The SU Sessions

Number of SU Sessions held 21 The SU Sessions are a free weekly music event hosted by the Students’ Union in An Bialann every Tuesday evening. The second year of SU Sessions again saw the cream of unsigned musical talent from across the country performing on Campus in an intimate, alcohol-free setting.



Number of Voters for Full Time Elections 2,927 A total of 26 candidates contested the 9 positions on the Students’ Union Executive for the 2010/11 academic year. This was one of the most hotly contested elections in recent years and a record number of students turned out to vote in the full time and part time elections. Congratulations to the nine incoming Officers who were successfully elected by the student body and will take up office on July 1st. They are: Peter (SU President), Emmet (SU Vice-President/Education Officer), Emma (SU Vice-President/Welfare Officer), Melissa (Oifigeach na Gaeilge), Robin (Equality Officer), Darragh (Student Development Officer), Ciara (Postgraduate Officer), Tadhg (Societies Chairperson) and Eric (Clubs’ Captain).

Mental Health Week

Firewalk Participants

Postgrad Party

Human Chess Participant

Comedy Gig Crowd

Freshers’ Fair

USI Congress


College Week

Number of Calvin Harris Tickets sold out in 90 minutes 850 Amount raised for charity by College Week events €20,000 The newly branded College Week offered students a chance to take part in fun, nonalcoholic events on Campus all with the aim of raising money for four very worthy charities – COPE Galway, Peter McVerry Trust, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland and Habitat for Humanity. Big ents made a comeback with a sold out gig by Calvin Harris along with performances from The Coronas and Jason Byrne. Fundraising events such as the mini triathlon, the Firewalk and the 5 A Side Competition proved popular as ever with students looking for a challenge. University staff also played their part in the fundraising efforts by taking part in the 3rd annual auction for staff. Altogether the week’s events raised a staggering €20,000 for charity with a lot of fun being had in the process!

Calvin Harris

College Week Trampoline


Calvin Harris Crowd

Sports Day

Triathlon Bikers

Freshers’ Fair

Shag Week Cupcake

College Week Volunteers

SU Sessions

College Week Collection

Freshers’ Fair


Coiste Gnó

Comhaltas na Mac Leinn 2010/2011

Peter Mannion

Emmet Connolly

Emma Conway

Melissa Mannion

Darragh O’Connor

Robin Allen


Oifigeach na Gaeilge

Eric Colman - Brockie Clubs’ Captain

VP/Education Officer

Student Development Officer

Tadhg Tynan

Societies Chairperson

VP/Welfare Officer

Equality Officer

Ciara Staunton

Postgraduate Officer




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