Students' Union Elections 2023 | Toghchain CML 2023

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Toghcháin CML

SU Elections 2023 Toghcháin 2023



✓Vice President/Education Officer

✓Vice President / Welfare and Equality Officer

✓Vice President for the Irish Language

Nominations Open: 10:00am Wednesday 15th February 2023

Nominations Close: 5:00pm Wednesday 22nd February 2023

Election Day: Thursday 2nd March 2023



✓Leas-Uachtarán / An tOifigeach Oideachais

✓Leas Uachtarán / an tOifigeach Leasa agus Comhionannais

✓Leas Uachtarán don Ghaeilge

Osclófar Ainmniúcháin: 10:00rn Dé Céádaoin 15 Feabhra 2023

Dúnfar Ainmniúcháin: 5:00in Dé Céádaoin 22 Feabhra 2023

Lá an Toghcháin: Déardaoin 2 Márta 2023

The deadline for submission of nominations is very strict, so don’t leave it until the last minute!

/ Clár na N Ábhar

What’s it All About?........................................................................4 Céard atá i gceist leis? Students’ Union Full Time Positions..........................................7-11 Toghchán na nOifigeach Lánaimseartha Why Should You Run?....................................................................14 Cén fáth ar chóir duit dul san iomaíocht? How Do You Run? ...........................................................................15 Cén chaoi ar féidir leat dul san iomaíocht? Running A Campaign .....................................................................16-17 Feachtas a rith Busting The Myths .........................................................................18-19 Na scéalta gan bhunús a dhíbirt The Rules ..........................................................................................20 Na rialacha Voting Information ..........................................................................21 Faisnéis vótála

What’s it all about?

The Students’ Union is an independent body whose function is to represent its members and promote, defend and vindicate their rights in the University and elsewhere. Every student, on payment of the student levy, is automatically a member of the Students’ Union. As a result you are entitled to avail of all the Union’s services. Those services range from advice on welfare and education to the Students’ Union Shop and the College Bar. In addition to those services, the Students’ Union represents you on all university committees. It also works with the university to ensure your voice is heard and that any concerns you have are raised. Students’ Union officers advise, lobby and speak on your behalf from orientation through to graduation.

The Executive is made up of three full-time officers and a number of part-time officers who are nominated and elected each year by you, the members.

The Students’ Union Executive is responsible for providing you with information and advice covering the whole spectrum of student life from academic issues to issues regarding accommodation and equality.



“The mission of the Union shall be to represent its members and promote, defend and vindicate the rights of its members at all levels of society. ”


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Life Skills
Skills grinds REGISTER SU LOCKERS BOOKSTORE SU SU Second Hand ENTS Students’ Union SU LOCKERS 5 Cárta Chomhaltas na Mac Léinn SU CARD Check your account at SU Swipe Card 2022.indd 1 23/08/2022 08:07

Students’ Union

Full-Time Positions

There are four full-time officers of the Students’ Union

1. The President

2. The Vice-President / Education Officer

3. The Vice President Welfare and Equality Officer

4. Leas Uachtarán don Ghaeilge

Full-Time Officers work full-time and take sabbatical leave from their studies if they have not completed their course. They are paid an annual salary of €27,000 (gross) and work full-time hours.

Full-Time Officers must be available to work from Monday 19th June 2023 to Friday 28th June 2024.

Full-Time Officers are required to be Garda vetted.

What do the officers do?

The responsibilities of each officer are outlined in the Students’ Union Constitution.

Students’ Union Officer Positions



i. S/He shall act as Chairperson and shall have responsibility to uphold this Constitution and the terms of reference of all Union companies.

ii. S/He shall be responsible for liaising with the appropriate staff members of the Union, the Union’s companies and with University management.

iii. S/He shall have responsibility for the day to day finances of the Union in conjunction with the senior staff member and shall report to the Finance Committee on those issues.

iv. S/He shall also be responsible for ultimate coordination of Students’ Union campaigns

v. S/He shall be required to act as a member of the Boards of Directors of companies owned by or related to the Union.

vi. S/He will represent Union members on University committees.

vii. S/He shall be the Chief Executive Officer and chief spokesperson of the Union.

viii. S/He shall be the principal delegate to the National Council and Annual Congress of the Union of Students in Ireland.

ix. S/He shall also be required to give a mandatory report on work carried out at each Executive meeting.


The President co-ordinates the activities of the Students’ Union and works with University Management to achieve the best academic environment and quality of life for NUI Galway students. The President is responsible for the Union’s finances, co-ordination of Union campaigns and acts as the chief spokesperson of the Union. The President sits on a wide range of university committees including Údarás na hOllscoile, Finance Resource Committee and Standing & Strategic Planning Committee.

The President is also appointed to the boards of the following companies for the duration of their term:

• Students’ Union Commercial Services Ltd: A company owned by the Students’ Union which manages Sult, Students’ Union Shop and Smokey’s Café.

• Students’ Union Publications and Promotions Ltd. A company owned by the Students’ Union responsible for producing Students’ Union publications.

• College Campus Radio Ltd: A company responsible for Flirt FM

• Cumann Céimithe na Gaillimhe Aonad Sláinte do Mhic Léinn Teo: A company responsible for managing the Student Health Unit.

• SCML Teoranta: A company owned by the Students’ Union to manage any commercial arrangements which may arise.


Vice President / Welfare and Equality Officer

1. Shall have responsibility for providing information and educating the general student body on welfare and equality issues and to this end shall initiate campaigns on relevant and pressing Welfare and Equality issues, in collaboration with relevant officers.

2. Shall also provide a confidential listening and referral service for members of the Union

3. Shall represent members on various University committees.

4. Shall also organise and chair the Welfare Forum.

5. Shall also be required to give a mandatory report on work carried out at each Executive meeting.

6. The Welfare and Equality Officer’s actions will be informed by the 9 Equality Grounds, being:

i. Gender

ii. Civil status

iii. Family status

iv. Sexual orientation

v. Religion

Membership of the Traveller community

The Welfare and Equality Officer assists students with problems in areas of accommodation, childcare, study, health, finances and social welfare. They work closely with on-campus accommodation companies and residents associations.

They sit on a wide range of university committees including Safety Committee, Discipline Committee and the University Centre Planning & Management Group. The Welfare and Equality Officer also organises the Welfare Forum and a variety of high profile campaigns such as Mental Health Week and SHAG Week. Dealing with individual student queries is a large part of the Welfare Officer’s job.

The Vice President / Welfare and Equality Officer sits on the following committees:

• Discipline Committee

• Financial Aid Fund Allocation Committee

• Health Unit Board of Directors

• Crèche Committee

STUDENTS’ UNION CONSTITUTION vi. Age vii. Disability viii. Race ix.
Students’ Union Officer Positions


Vice President / Education Officer

i. S/He shall have ultimate responsibility for the coordination of the CRC in conjunction with the relevant staff members.

ii. S/He shall provide a confidential listening and referral service for all Union members.

iii. S/He shall represent members on various University committees.

iv. S/He also has responsibility for keeping the Executive and general student body informed on relevant educational issues.

v. S/He shall be responsible for dealing with individual requests from students.

vi. S/He shall also organise and chair the Education Forum.

vii. S/He shall also be required to give a mandatory report on work carried out at each Executive meeting.

The Education Officer assists students in areas such as grants, exams, the library and computer facilities. They work with University Management to improve academic services for students. They sit on a variety of university committees including Academic Council, Academic Standing Committee, Discipline Committee and Academic Planning Resource Committee.

The Education Officer also co-ordinates the SU Council and organises the Education Forum. Dealing with individual student queries is a large part of the Education Officer’s job. This year, the Education Officer also plays a central role in implementing NSTEP, the National Student Engagement Programme.

• The Vice President / Education Officer sits on the following committees:

• Academic Council

• Exam Appeals Committee

• Library Committee


Leas Uachtarán don Ghaeilge

/ Vice President for the Irish Language

i. Shall have responsibility for promoting the Irish Language to the general student body and to this end shall initiate campaigns on relevant Irish language issues.

ii. Shall represent members on various University committees.

iii. Shall organise and chair the Coiste Gaeilge, having at least three meetings per academic year.

iv. Shall follow the goals as set out by the Irish Language Strategy for the Union, and develop this as appropriate.

v. Shall support the work of Irish language societies on campus.

vi. Shall also be required to give a mandatory report on work carried out at each Executive meeting.

The Leas-Uachtarán don Ghaeilge protects and promotes language rights within the university. They work with other officers of the Union to help promote Irish and ensure it is included in all aspects of work. They also work with University Management, University Irish Language Officer and relevant committees to ensure that Irish Language rights are being upheld by the University. Furthermore, they also work to make sure that Gaeilge students’ voices are represented across the University and city.

The Leas-Uachtarán don Ghaeilge is also the chairperson of the Coiste Gaeilge of the Union. This is a group of Irish Speakers who want to promote the language in different aspects and campaign for language rights. The role of this committee is also to make sure that the Irish Language is centric in the Union’s work.

The Leas-Uachtarán don Ghaeilge sits on the following committees:

• Coiste Straitéasach na hOllscoile

• Meitheal Phlean Teanga Chathair na Gaillimhe

• Standing & Strategic Planning Committee


Why Should You Run?

You will directly impact on the student experience

The Students’ Union has a huge impact on the lives of students. Whether it’s fighting for longer library hours over Easter so that you can complete that all important dissertation, or being part of a national campaign for student rights – as a Students’ Union Officer you have the ability to greatly affect the lives of students.

You will help fight for thousands of students

One of your most important roles will be to represent students. From diverse issues such as learning & teaching, to students being treated as equal citizens in the community, you will ensure that the student voice is heard loud and clear.

You will be a leader of a unique organisation

As a Student Leader you will be one of the nineteen people responsible for leading the Students’ Union. You will have the opportunity to shape the direction and work of an organisation in a way you may never have again. Complete with professional staff to support you, you have a great opportunity to make some big changes.

Employability and Experience

Being involved in the management of an organisation with over 18,000 members before you leave college puts you in a great position. You will develop skills in leadership and organisation and learn about finances, democracy, education, event management and a whole host of other skills. From negotiating agreements with the University to giving presentations to thousands of students; from leading campaigns to create positive change, to working as part of a team of leaders; these are skills which will help you out in the incredibly tough job-market and make you stand out from the crowd. The roles are really what you make of them; if you are elected you get the chance to make the role your own.

No matter which role you go for, you’ll gain experience of chairing meetings, leading campaigns, managing budgets, communicating and team building.


How Do You Run?


Are you a registered student and have you paid the student levy? If you can answer yes (and chances are you can!) then that’s it. You are eligible to seek nomination.

Choosing a Position

The first thing you need to decide is whether you want to run for a full-time or part-time position. A full time position means you’ll have to take a year out from your studies if you are not due to finish this summer. However, part-time positions are flexible and can fit around your studies.

Secondly, take a look at each role and the full job description. All positions offer varied responsibilities and experience. Think about the skills you might have that would make you a good candidate for a position. Talk to the current officers about their experiences in the role and what they have experienced.

Nominating yourself

To nominate yourself you simply log on to Yourspace and follow the simple steps. That’s it! You don’t need anybody else. Just make sure you don’t leave it until the last minute. The system is automated and will close at exactly 5:00pm on Wednesday 22nd February.

As part of the nomination process, you will be required to submit a picture of yourself for the ballot paper. It’s a good idea to use the same picture that you will use on your promotional material, so students recognise you when they are voting. The picture must be of you! Animations, sketches, logos etc will not be accepted.

You will also be required to accept the Officer Terms and Conditions of Officership which you will be required to adhere to if you are elected.


Running a Campaign

To be successful in an election you will need to convince the electorate that you are the best person for the job, and that you understand students and will represent them on issues that matter to them.


Your election campaign starts the minute you make the decision to run. Don’t waste time – tell your friends that you’re running and start planning. Although printed material is not allowed to be distributed before 6:00pm on Sunday 30th February, there is lots you can do online. But be careful. If you start your general promotion too early you might lose momentum before election day. There is also the challenge of keeping your message fresh so voters don’t get tired of you. But don’t leave it too late either!

Campaign Team

To run a good campaign it is advisable that you get a team together to support you. Your team will provide valuable support to you during the election week. Ask your friends to give you a few hours support and arrange times that suit them. Some people might not want to help with canvassing, but they might be able to help with postering. Get whatever help you can! The more people you can communicate with, the better chance you will have. Ask one of your friends to be your Campaign Manager. It will be their job to handle logistics and manage your campaign team.


Your manifesto outlines your policies, plans and ideas for what you would do if elected. Talk to your friends and classmates about what they would like to see the Students’ Union do. Think about what your plans are and how you would go about implementing them. You don’t need to think of all the details, but it’s probably best to avoid promising everything without having some thought behind your ideas. Don’t let anybody talk you out of an idea that you think is worthwhile and doable. Your manifesto should be exciting and should set your goals for the year, not your first day. Above all, make sure your manifesto is relevant to students.

Your manifesto should also include something about yourself and why you are the best person for the position you are seeking. Include a photo so people know who you are. For consistency, it is a good idea to use the same photo that will appear on the ballot paper.

Speak to Students

Talking to students is the number one method for convincing them to vote for you. Posters, flyers, t-shirts and gimmicks will only do so much. You need to get out and canvass voters. Most election candidates will tell you it’s the hardest part of an election, but it’s also the most important part. Take some time to think about what you want to say to voters. The most obvious question you’ll be asked is why anybody should vote for you, so make sure you have an answer ready.


Talking to students does not mean shoving a flyer in their face: it means dialogue, asking questions and communicating your policies and ideas. Don’t forget to balance the need to engage with the need to be efficient – you will need to reach a lot of people in a short space of time. This is where slogans can come in handy, especially if it jogs someone’s memory when they are looking down a long list of names on a ballot paper. Lecture shout outs are also a great idea for speaking to a lot of students, but you will need the lecturer’s permission first.

Students want to know what you plan to do and how it will affect them. Simply saying “vote for me” is not enough. You need to say why. Referring to something you are already doing (before you’ve even been elected) or something you have already done is a great way to show that you mean what you say.

Posters, leaflets and other promotional material

Make sure your promotional material is eye-catching and gives a clear message to students. Check that there are no spelling or grammatical errors and that your name appears clearly! It sounds obvious, but be sure to factor in some time to get feedback (and free proof reading!) from your friends.

T-Shirts are always very popular, especially during full-time elections. Be realistic when ordering T-Shirts. Count how many people you actually have on your campaign team and avoid overbuying. Remember that T-Shirts are only effective when they’re seen, so try to recycle them amongst your campaign team and friends who are actually on campus during election week. You can make your own T-Shirts very cheaply, or you can have them professionally printed. Advertees is a local T-Shirt printing company who support many students’ union activities with great deals. Check out www. tees. ie

Social media and websites are also great promotional tools and unlike postering and flyers, websites and social media pages are permitted to go live before the start of the campaign. Just remember not to overdo it. It’s very easy to bombard people, especially on social media, which might lose you more votes than you gain.

Talk to SU Officers

If you are considering running for a position why not talk to the current officer? They can provide insight in to the job and answer some questions you might have.

Think Outside the Box

Every campaign is different and every candidate is unique. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and try something that will help your campaign stand out. This could be anything from a campaign video to something novel which hasn’t been tried before.


Busting the Myths!

Most students avail of, or benefit from, a Students’ Union service every day. Whether it’s having a pint in Sult or getting help appealing an exam result, the Students’ Union plays a bigger part in students’ lives than most students realise. However, many students are not aware that the Students’ Union is a democratic organisation and that it is run by ordinary students who are elected each year.

Here are a few myths and misconceptions about running in an election and being a Students’ Union Officer.

“You need to have been involved in the Students’ Union before you can run in an election”

No you don’t! Many Students’ Union officers’ election campaign is their first involvement in the Students’ Union. Full training and handover is provided to ensure you get up to speed before you start.

“I’m not popular enough to win”

It is not about popularity! You have the same time as everybody else to engage with students. Students will vote if they are motivated to vote. It’s up to you to provide ideas that will motivate them. Hard work trumps popularity in any election.

“You have to spend a fortune on a campaign”

Not true! The electorate will respond better to honest hard work than ostentatious gestures. Most candidates print posters and flyers, and with a little time spent contacting printers, you’ll be surprised what you can get for your money. Use your materials wisely and you will keep your costs to a minimum. Think about what clubs and societies do on societies day. A few packs of cheap lollies can go a long way to breaking the ice with potential voters.


“Students’ Union Officers can’t achieve anything in a year”

Officers can definitely achieve considerable success within a year – whether it’s lobbying the University for improved services or organising major events, their influence can be felt throughout all aspects of university life. Of course there are some things that you may not fully achieve within your term, but that doesn’t mean they cease to exist!

“The election is a gruelling slog”

The election is an introduction to what the job involves. You need to communicate with students and assess their needs. You need to think on your feet and be able to multi-task. It doesn’t need to be a slog if you are clear about what you are doing. Get a good night’s sleep every night and take time to eat. It will be a busy time, but it will also be an exciting and enjoyable time.

“I’m not an experienced campaigner”

By the end of day one every candidate is an experienced campaigner! Students want to meet someone who they want to be their student representative and give far more thought to who someone is and what policies they have then how firmly someone can give a handshake!


The Rules

The rules governing elections are outlined in Schedule 1 of the Students’ Union Constitution. The main rules regarding publicity are contained in Schedule 1, Section G. A copy of the Students’ Union Constitution is available on the Students’ Union website.

If you’re not sure whether something is permitted or not, just ask. Contact


Section G: Publicity in connection with Elections and By-Elections

1. Sponsorship or endorsement by a commercial entity is not permitted in any form. Sponsorship or endorsement includes, but is not limited to:

• Branding, names or logos appearing on promotional material or t-shirts.

• Gifts, vouchers or passes for commercial entities.

2. A candidate shall not distribute, nor cause to have distributed, any promotional material until 6:00pm on the Sunday before the election. Lecture Addresses are also prohibited until that time.

3. Each candidate, or their nominee, must attend a daily meeting with the Elections Committee during election week.

4. Any candidate who does not comply with the provisions of this Section of the Constitution shall be deemed ineligible for election to any post on the Executive Committee of the Union for that set of elections.

5. The Elections Committee will interpret the Election Regulations as they see fit and the decision of the Elections Committee is final.

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Voting takes place online from 10:00am to 8:00pm on Thursday 2nd March. All registered NUI Galway students can vote. Simply visit one of the campus polling stations or log on to Yourspace.

Students’ Union Elections are conducted under the Single Transferable Vote Proportional Representation System (electoral Act of Ireland 1923, Amendment Act 1963)

21 UniversityOfGalwayStudentsUnion @UniOfGalwaySU

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