BA. Arch Programme Brochure (2021-2022)

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I am delighted to welcome you, either as new or returning

As we begin this education journey with you, we have

The NUS Master of Architecture (M Arch) programme

The strategic objective of the M Arch programme

students, to NUS Department of Architecture (DOA). With

worked to achieve better clarity in our studio direction

is Asia’s leading design and research course for

is to prepare students for a professional career in

the pandemic still raging, this new Academic Year (AY)

and pedagogy. Our programmes focus on design, which

architecture. Our concurrent two-year professional

architecture amid a rapidly changing global context,

will continue to be disruptive and a great challenge to us

we see as evidence-based problem solving skills that

degree programme cultivates a comprehensive and

and to equip them with knowledge and experiences

all. Renovations of SDE3 are still on-going, and hopefully

has the potential to transcend the confines of everyday

deep understanding of Asia’s and the equatorial region’s

developed from within Singapore and through regional

we will be able to move back to SDE3 towards the end of

experience. The required modules in our programmes

design opportunities and challenges. Students acquire

and international perspectives. Facilitated by a team of

AY2021/22. In the meantime, our studios will continue

open doors to different domains of knowledge, which

knowledge as designers, intellectuals and citizens

world-class academics and practitioners, the M Arch

to be scattered with hot desking arrangements. I hope

in turn inform design decisions. The elective modules

who can then go on to shape and influence the built

programme focuses on research-driven thinking and

we can persevere and adapt to the studio condition with

further expand and enrich students’ knowledge in their


methods through six research clusters: Research by

COVID-19 safety guidelines and measures. Regardless of

chosen topics of interest. By creating and navigating

the disruption, we at DOA, pledge to do our best to deliver

a path through the entire curriculum, you will then be

The M Arch design studio is supported by a rigorous and

an excellent learning experience for you, as you journey

empowered to pursue your own aspirations and interests in

expansive curriculum of graduate-level electives and

with us through the year. The pandemic has led us to


core professional modules. Conducted over a duration of

The programme allows students to expand design

four semesters, through the Design Option Studios and

intelligence and creative practice research at an

question a number of the essential values at the heart of

Design, History, Theory and Criticism, Technologies, Urbanism, Landscape Studies, and Design Education.

how we operate in society, such as gatherings, community,

The values that we champion in our programmes relate

the graduate level design thesis, this curriculum trains

advanced level, and to further discourse within the

work and living patterns, nature, technology, and digital

both to architectural and spatial form, and pertain to

students to think critically and materially; and to produce

discipline of architecture. A series of seminars,

capacity. These values are, and should be, expressed in

current social conditions, environmental responsibility,

independent work of individuality, rigour, and vision.

symposiums, guest lectures, internship opportunities,

spatial terms, which you shall explore this year.

well-being and health, urban liveability, memory and

exchange, and field research work, complement this

identity, and relationship with nature. At this moment,

Directing their own learning experience, M Arch I

AY2021/22 also marks the beginning of a common

these issues are particularly relevant, poignant and ripe

students embark on a selection of options studios and

curriculum structure for the undergraduate degree,

for reflection, research, re-affirmation, and redefinition.

aligned electives. During their second semester of

With this, our graduates are poised to become design

designed for the School of Design and Environment

A number of design studios planned for the new academic

M Arch II, students concentrate on independent and

leaders for Asia, and for the world.

and Faculty of Engineering. This new approach

year are addressing these issues directly, and we await

individual design thesis, covering a wide variety of

to undergraduate education aims to focus on

with anticipation the innovative answers and outcomes

disciplines as well as cross-cultural dimensions. Core

interdisciplinary learning and allows students to craft

that they will generate.

professional and technical modules will support the

E R I K G. L’H E U R E U X

student’s advanced learning.

Dean’s Chair Associate Professor, Vice Dean

multiple pathways in their education and future careers. Architecture education has often been interdisciplinary;

We are turning the coming year’s challenges into

however, the new curriculum will usher in a structural

opportunities for robust spatial responses to future

approach to undergraduate education to prepare you for

conditions. However, we are also mindful of the mental

a fast-changing world in the future. You will be exposed

challenges the coming year might bring to your studies.

to fundamental modules that will offer exposure in

We care about your well-being and we are open to meet

professional skills, values, methodology and pedagogy in

and help you, should you face stressful situations during

design and engineering. In the upper years, you will also be

your studies. I invite you to come talk with me and we can

able to pick up some minors or a second major, which will

face the issues together. I am confident that we will rise

enhance your career resilience. While the new curriculum

above our challenges and work to create design solutions

is applicable to first year students, we will also take the

that will address pertinent issues of importance for

opportunity to assess our curriculum, and make changes

current and future communities. My colleagues and I,

to the structure and learning outcomes of different

look forward to working together with you, and bringing


our passion, creativity and intelligence together with

advanced design programme.

Master of Architecture Programme Director

yours, in this education journey. I wish you an exciting and rewarding new academic year.

H O P U AY P E N G Professor and Head of Department



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