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(813) 854-4946 August 2009 • nuYou

Just South of Tampa Bay Downs Race Track Road, Oldsmar

Publisher Staff

Letter From The

Wow .... thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been in the magazine publishing business for over twenty-two years and I have never had as many compliments on a magazine as I did last month with the first edition of nuYou! It was truly a fantastic feeling having people come up to me saying how much they liked nuYou Magazine. It’s almost made me nervous hoping that issue number two can turn out as good as the first issue! I must congratulate Tracy Allen who does a masterful job with our graphics. Her staff of Ricki Gajewski and Eric Thomas make nuYou look as good as any national publication that can be found in newsstands from New York to California. I also have to sing praises to Nancy Verzi who did a fantastic job selling ads. She has put the nuYou name out on the streets and without her this publication would not be here today. Tom Peak also assisted in ad sales along with Andrew Serra. I must also thank our contributing writers who help make the content of nuYou what it is. Without their knowledge and insights, we would not have the quality content that make nuYou the unique and informative magazine that it is. You can pick up copies of nuYou Magazine at numerous hair salons, nail shops, clothing stores, spas, gyms, restaurants and food stores around Tampa Bay. You can also find nuYou in every CVS Store located in Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough Counties .... just look for the big white rack next to the front door! I hope you enjoy the August 2009 edition and if you are interested we are always looking for salespeople and advertisers. NuYou reaches a vast variety of people and deals with numerous topics, so we truly have something for everybody. Please give me a call .... it’s a great part-time job and a lot of fun!

Paul Allen

PUBLISHER - Paul Allen

COLUMNISTS: Dr. Bart Rademaker Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Anthony Calandro, PHD Jeri A. Graham R.T.(R ) M • Wendy O’Lenic Dr. Mary Riggin • Jessica Hope Paul Allen • Dino • Tracy Allen Debi Cianci • Caryl Dennis • Jenny Butler Nancy Peritore • Marilyn Moss, MS Sales Manager: Tom Peak 813-477-3150 MARKETING / SALES: Debi Cianci - 727-919-1743 Andrew Serra - 352-302-3077 Nancy Verzi - 727-403-0003 Ricki Gajewski - 727-409-7821 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHY: Jack Watson DESIGN: Tracy Allen • Erica Thomas Ricki Gajewski DISTRIBUTION: Al Swetay

nuYou Magazine TM

850 Dunbar Avenue • Oldsmar, FL 34677 (813) 814-1505 - office (813) 814-1256 - fax © 2009 NuYou Magazine is published monthly by PAC Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. There should be no reproduction of content without publisher’s expressed written consent. Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors in ads beyond the cost of space occupied by the error; any slandering of an individual, business or group as we mean no malice or individual criticism at any time; any promises, claims, coupons or lack of fulfillment from advertisers who are solely responsible for content in their ads; any incorrect information found in any editorial content. Publisher is also to be held harmless from: failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond their control; all suits, claims or loss of expenses; this includes, but is not limited to, suits for libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement and/or unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph or company name or logo. Publisher does not promote excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Any information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your health-care professional regarding matters relating to personal health. Publisher does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions expressed in articles and advertisements.

nuYou • August 2009

Magazine 6


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18 20





August 2009 6

Staying Fit & Taking Care of Your Body


Hair, Skin and Cosmetics


Clothing & Accessories - From Head To Toe!



You Are What You Eat!

22 24 26 27




29 30 31 32 33 34

EVERYBODY’S A PSYCHIC - By Caryl Dennis IS YOGA RIGHT FOR ME? - By Wendy O’Lenic More than a body - By Anthony Calandro, Ph.D. LOOKING FOR LOVE? - By Jenny Butler HEALING WITH SINGING BOWLS - By Jessica Hope HOROSCOPES


Wellness of Mind & Spirit

August 2009 • nuYou

• Health / Fitness

on the cover how to stay young in the sun: By Bart rademaker, M.D. Truth is – we all crave the sun, our body needs it. Sunlight affects or circadian rhythm – otherwise known as our internal clock or biorythm. It affects our hormones, our metabolism our moods and even melatonin release for the sleep cycle. But too much sun is not good either causing sun damage, dehydration and even cancer Where is the balance and what should we do? Vitamin D is critical for bone health and the major source of it is through the sun by the stimulation of a simple chemical conversion in our skin thus creating active vitamin d. but on the other hand, sun damages skin – specifically ultraviolet light causes dna damage and enough of this will ultimately cause cancer. Before skin cancer presents itself, excess sun causes all sorts of problems ranging from the breakdown of tissue, collagen, cells, blood vessels leading to tough thick skin, wrinkles, dark spots, broken capillaries and much more – all of which make you look old. The best time to maintain your youth is right now and all the time and here is how you do it! Even before you put the sun tan lotion on – these are the things most people don’t know: Don’t stay in it too long and don’t get burnt! There is a clear association of skin burns during childhood and the development of melanoma – one of the most feared cancers of the skin. Use your best judgment, anything longer than an hour of full exposure to the sun or overheating should be a concern. Moderate your time or simply wear protective clothing. Hats work, so do umbrellas. Remember: skin burns can actually occur within 15-30 minutes without sun protection. Proper hydration internally and externally: not only will the UV light damage your skin, overheating too is a problem - drinking enough water maintains a healthy functioning skin and controls your skin temperature. A good habit is to bring a water spray in your cooler and intermittently cool down your skin. Supplements: Most supplements ingested don’t get to your skin despite what anyone tells you. The truth is – take your antioxidants, take vitamin C and E and most importantly take your omega 3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that the right amount of omega 3 fatty acids either in fish form or as a supplement will significantly protect your skin from the sun. There are many

August 2009 • nuYou

more benefits to omega 3 fatty acids that make it a must in our diet! Also regularly use skin products that do contain antioxidants because these will reduce sun damage. are you ready to apply lotion the right way?: most lotions only protect against UVB and not UVA which is the one that actually causes DNA damage. Therefore use products that contain one of the following items: titanium dioxide, zinc oxide or avobezone. There are also natural products that will protect against UVB (later articles on this) and deliver different types of antioxidants. Lotions should be applied at least 30 minutes before exposure, 1oz for the average body, 1/4 -1/3 teaspoon for the average adult face and with a minimum of an SPF of 25. Studies show that most people apply less than 1/2 of the required amount and do not reapply enough. You must reapply every 2 hours (every 1hour if around the water, swimming or on a boat) if not, the damage to the skin is even worse! Final word before you go out in the sun: Hooked on sunbathing? Scientific evidence published in medical journals describe how sunbathing can be addictive by the release of endorphins in the skin. These are “hormone like” products that generate “euphoric like” experiences. This explains why we might feel better when out in the sun. Too much lotion is not good either and there are concerns about these products causing damage to your skin as well. Like most things, moderation can be a smart choice! Bart rademaker, M.D. Medical Director of Rejuva Med Spa and Center for Plastic Surgery. Board Certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery Over 10 years of experience in the Tampa Bay area. Expert to various media outlets. Trained at Mayo Clinic and Medical College of Wisconsin. Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for humanitarian endeavors.

• Health / Fitness


SUCCESSFUL EXERCISE PROgRAM By Marilyn Moss, MS President and Owner of Kick It Up Boot Camp of Tampa Bay

Does this sound familiar? “I planned on starting an exercise program, but I was just too tired and too busy.” Or maybe, just when you were about to start your program, your boss gave you an unexpected project or your kids really needed you. If all this sounds too familiar, ask yourself how many of the busiest and most successful people in the world find time for regular exercise. Are you busier than Barack Obama who exercises 45 minutes per day six times per week? Okay, if you are not a Democrat, how about President George W. Bush, who also made exercising a very big priority. Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio works out on a daily basis and even leads walks through the city. I am not saying this to make you feel guilty, rather to get you thinking about how important it is to take time to exercise. What do they know that you don’t? They know that if they exercise on a regular basis, they will be healthier, feel better and have less stress due to an increase in endorphins associated with regular exercise. They also know that they will sleep better and decrease their risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Simply stated, they know that they will be healthier and more productive and that the time spent exercising will be more than offset by their increased productivity. If you are not committed to your health you can stop reading here... But if you are ready to take action, keep reading because the following ten simple secrets can change your life. #1. SeT gOaLS aND WrITe THeM DOWN Studies have shown that you greatly increase your chances of success if you write down your goals. A 1979 Harvard study determined that the 3 percent of graduates who wrote down their goals ended up earning 10 times more money than the other 97 percent combined. Exercise is no different. If you want to succeed, you need to write down your goals so that when you don’t feel like exercising, you will remember why you need to do it.

#2. TraCK YOUr PrOgreSS A study out of Loughborough University in Leicestershire, England found that keeping records helps you achieve your goals. Write down what you do every day. It is easy to get off your plan and not realize it. Tracking your progress on paper will help keep you focused. #3. MeaSUre YOUr PrOgreSS Don’t just keep track of your exercise, measure its success. Whether it is the scale, body fat testing, blood tests or a pair of pants, you need to find a measurable way to determine how you are doing. #4. MODIFY YOUr PLaN IN aCCOrDaNCe WITH YOUr reSULTS If your progress checks show that you are on track with your goals, stay the course. If you are not achieving the success you had hoped for, then modify your plan and ask yourself, “Am I truly working my program and keeping my commitment?” #5. HaVe a CONTINgeNCY PLaN IN PLaCe Be realistic and know that from time to time, events will supersede your regular exercise program. Identify those times so you can plan around them. You should be exercising 3-6 days a week depending on your goals. So if you are organized and have a plan with written goals, you can schedule around your most hectic days. #6. MaKe YOUr gOaLS COMPaTIBLe WITH YOUr aCTIONS If you have little goals, then you need only little actions. If you have larger goals, such as losing a lot of weight, running a marathon, or living young well into your 80s, then a greater amount of effort and time will be required. You will become frustrated if your goals and lifestyle changes are not compatible. However, in compatibility you will find success. #7. CHOOSe a TIMe OF DaY THaT WOrKS BeST FOr YOU If you are a morning person, you

should exercise then. If you are an evening person, you need to plan your workout at that time of day. Even though it sounds simple, too many people attempt to schedule exercise at the low point of their day, and it just doesn’t work! #8. Be aCCOUNTaBLe TO SOMeONe Whether it is a friend, a relative or a trainer, have someone to whom you are accountable. Studies show that it takes 21 consecutive days to initiate a change in habits. It takes two to five years to permanently ingrain serious lifestyle changes. Therefore, you need to take change seriously and get help along the way. #9. DON’T LeT NaYSaYerS DISCOUrage YOU Sometimes well-intentioned friends and relatives can get in the way of your progress. They won’t take you and your goals seriously until you take yourself seriously. People will also question how your changes are going to affect them. Always remember that your first commitment is to yourself. #10. HaVe FUN!!! Find something that you enjoy and go out there and Kick It Up! At Kick It Up Boot Camp of Tampa Bay, we commit to you as soon as you commit to yourself. We change it up everyday to make getting fit fun while incorporating games (each with a specific fitness objective), a variety of stretches, and strengthening exercises as a part of our workouts. We hold you accountable. If you miss your commitment to be in class, we follow up with you and remind you of your commitment to yourself. We help you set your goals and establish a tracking system to monitor your progress. Kick It Up Boot Camp is the only Personal Touch Boot Camp© that incorporates your goals and your likes and dislikes so that you can maximize your success. Add life to your years and years to your life! For further information you can call Marilyn at (813) 435-1575, email us at, or visit

nuYou • August 2009


The skin is the largest organ of our body. It regulates our body temperature and helps get rid of excess water and salts. It covers the internal organs and protects them from injury. It also prevents the loss of too much water and other fluids. Certain cells in the skin communicate with the brain and allow temperature, touch, and pain sensations. What is it about having some color to our skin that can make us feel so good? As a female this is one thing that has always been a big part of my life. I was always trying to be tan and darker then the next person. Now that I am in my forties, I am seeing the results of this. Now I am trying to correct the damage I have done. The concern now is skin cancer. I never thought of this as a serious issue until I started looking into it. It is very scary to think that you could die from this. Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers. In the United States it accounts for nearly half of all the cancers out there. More than one million cases of non-melanoma skin cancers are found

in this country each year. The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that over 68,000 cases of new melanomas will be diagnosed this year in the United States alone. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a life time. What is the difference between non-melanoma and melanoma? Nonmelanoma usually occurs in either basal cells or squamous cells. These cells are located at the base of the outer layer of the skin or cover the internal and external surfaces of the body. Most of the non-melanoma skin cancers develop on areas of the body that have been exposed to the sun. Common areas are the face, ears, neck, lips, and the back of the hands. Depending on the type, they can be fast or slow growing. They rarely spread to other parts of the body. Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer. It develops in the cells that produce melanin. Melanin is the pigment that gives our skin its color. Early stages of melanoma are almost always curable. Although only a small percentage of the skin cancers are diagnosed as melanoma. They are far more dangerous and case the most deaths from skin cancer. Skin cancer can be found early if we watch for the signs and symptoms. You need to notify your doctor if you no-

Jeri Graham R.T. (R ) M tice any changes in your skin. This is a very important role that we must take very seriously. Skin Cancer can be prevented. The best way is to lower the risk of melanoma is to avoid intense sunlight for long periods of time. Learn to practice sun safety. The ACS recommends that you use a sun screen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. The ACS is working to deliver health information to the public. They are trying to educate and be an advocate with lawmakers at both the state and federal levels. If you have any questions or concerns about skin cancer do not hesitate to go to the internet. Keep in touch with your doctor with any questions. The American Cancer Society has great information. The only way we can beat it, is to take action to prevent it. If we do not we will pay for it the older we get. The american Cancer Society risk factors for non-melanoma and melanoma skin cancers include: • Unprotected and/or excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation • Fair complexion • Occupational exposure to coal tar, pitch, creosote, arsenic compounds, or radium • Family history • Multiple or atypical moles • Severe sunburns as a child

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August 2009 • nuYou

(Adjacent to Town and Country Hospital)


• Health / Fitness

Weight Loss Secret Revealed! Statistics show that the weight problem in America is on the rise. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) more than one-third of U.S. adults were obese and more than two-thirds were overweight in 20052006. With all the diets currently available and the rate at which people are trying them, you’d think that we’d be the most svelte people on the planet. But alas, we are not. In fact the problem is getting worse. Diets don’t work. We are getting fatter and fatter, and it’s happening younger and younger. In my own personal experience over the past 25 years, I’ve been able to lose and gain many pounds. It seems a diet can be quick to take the weight off ; but also quick to put it back on, and then some! This ends in frustration for most people -- including myself. As an acupuncture physician, I’ve looked at the issue of weight loss many times over the years, and have finally found a sound answer. The answer lies with the fat-burning hormones in your body. Finding the correct problem is the only way to solve the stubborn weight epidemic. The issue isn’t really the weight itself. In fact, the weight is only an indicator or symptom of the real problem. For many people, it’s really a hormone malfunction that is caused by the even bigger problem of our food supply. Hormones in the body are dependent upon a functioning communication system. The endocrine (hormone) system acts like a big feedback loop. Hormones are released by the gland into the blood stream and travel through the blood to the target organ or gland. This communication turns on function. The gland that sent the message expects an answer in return. This is required for optimal function to occur. If the communication is broken or slows

down, the body’s systems won’t get correct information which is required for proper functioning. This problem can lead to weight gain and belly fat. Basically, the body’s fat-burning mechanism malfunctions. Your organs have endocrine receptor sites that receive the hormone message. Each receptor site is keyed to a single hormone, and will receive only that special type of hormone message. A hormone imitator called an endocrine disruptor can block the receptor site but not supply a message to the organ. With the site blocked by the disruptor, the correct message never gets to the organ. The disruptor is like breaking off a key in a lock – until it is removed, the true key cannot open the lock. Once this issue is identified and fixed, the body will be able to burn fat efficiently. This is necessary before any solution can have a long-term effect. Our hormone receptor sites can be affected by toxins in our environment and food. For the past several decades, various types of toxins have become commonplace in our commercial farming and food processing practices. Coincidentally, during the past several decades, I’ve observed various types of chronic diseases increasing. The EPA has done extensive research regarding endocrine disruptors in our environment. If you do a search on the Internet, you’ll find many articles regarding the issue of environmental toxicity and what has been labeled “endocrine disruptors”. They include the use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic hormones, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, and a variety of other toxins that can be found in our environment, including our water. In farming, the chemicals used in fields to kill pests are absorbed into the ground. Then, the root structure of the plant absorbs the chemicals, which then become part of the cell structure of the plant. Washing your fruits and vegetables is not enough handle the toxicity of the pesticides. This is why I suggest

By Dr. Mary riggin

buying organic when possible. Hormones and antibiotics fed to cattle and chicken in commercial farming are absorbed by the animal’s tissue. This means that every time we eat anything “out” or processed or boxed, the chemicals used in the farming and processing of that food is passed to our bodies. This overload of chemicals over time can create a problem with hormone communication. Doesn’t it make sense that the issue of stubborn weight could lie in our food supply? This made sense to me, but I wanted to find out firsthand how this would affect my own body. Several years ago, I stumbled across an advanced acupressure technique developed by a doctor in the Washington, D.C. area. When I first started working with it, I worked specifically with my thyroid gland to address the gradual weight gain I was experiencing in my late 30’s. The concept of a sluggish thyroid was new to me, but I could see the connection to weight issues. I also understood that food and environmental toxins could be blocking hormone communication. According to the ancient practice of Oriental Medicine, this would result in stagnation. Stagnation is simply an area of the body that has reduced energy and blood flow. This results in glandular or organ malfunction and eventually disease. So I worked on my own thyroid to test the technique. During the initial series of treatments, the weight gain stopped! As a bonus, a life-long issue with constipation was resolved. Oh happy day! I continued to work on improving my health using this amazing technique, and now, at 46, I have gone from a size 16 (and growing) to a size 8 or 10 (depending upon the cut). In next month’s issue, I’ll discuss the dietary and behavioral modifications that I initiated over time, and some steps you can take to start creating a leaner, healthier body!

Dr. Mary Riggin is a licensed acupuncturist (FL) doctor of acupuncture (RI) and clinic director of Healing Touch Oriental Medicine in Clearwater. She has been in practice since 1996, served as President of FSOMA and was appointed to the FL State Board of Acupuncture by Gov. Chiles and Gov. Bush. She is a free-lance health writer, conducts natural health classes as a volunteer, produced and hosted the 7-time award winning cable TV program “Health Options” and currently produces and co-hosts Burn Fat Talk every Wed at 9:06PM on WTAN 1340AM. She can be reached at or (727) 669-6000. 10­

nuYou • August 2009



• Health / Fitness

r e umm

August means lots of sunshine and if you get burned nothing helps healing like aloe. If you have an aloe plant in your backyard, cut off one of the thick leaves and slice thin strips. The juice from the leaves is what helps your skin, so place the strips directly on your burned skin. Aloe is rich in plant sterols that reduce pain, inflammation and itching along with speeding up skin healing by over 33%. If you don’t have aloe plants, buy aloe vera gel in stores. They work, but not quite as well as Mother Nature’s real thing! If you get stunk by a bee or wasp this summer here is something you need to know .... do not use tweezers to remove the stinger. Pinching the stinger pumps additional venom into your photo from skin and that can increase swelling by up to 25%. Take a credit card or fingernail and try to scrape the stinger out, that way the stinger won’t force additional poison into your body. Dress correctly ... that’s right try to wear loose fitting clothes that can breathe. Wearing a 100% cotton shirt will keep your body much cooler than a 100% polyester shirt. Make sure you also wear polarized sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. Make sure that you stay hydrated during these hot summer months. The average person needs to drink at least two quarts of water per day and more if out in the hot sun. Your body sweats during any type of exercise to keep you from overheating, but if the fluids, salts and electrolytes lost through sweat are not replaced, the body loses its ability to cool itself. That leads to cramping, dehydration and heat exhaustion. Don’t wait until you are thirsty

August 2009 • nuYou

to rehydrate if you are outside in hot conditions - and don’t think grabbing a soft drink does the trick. Some sports drinks work, but nothing is better than a tall glass of cool water! If you’re going out into the sun make sure you use sunblock. However, does sunblock go bad with time? The answer is yes .... once a bottle has been opened, the ingredients start to lose their effectiveness. There is also a chance that if the bottle was left out in the sun, bacteria developed. So throw that old bottle away, go to the store and shell out $6.95 for a new bottle of sun screen .... and make sure you use it when you are outside! Wet your hair before jumping into a chlorine-filled pool. If your hair is wet, it won’t soak up as much chlorine and you can protect your hair. This is especially important for dyed hair. Do you seem to get hotter after you eat dinner in the summer? That is a fact, especially if you eat a lot of red meat or fatty and starchy foods. It takes the body longer to digest those food types and that creates body heat. You are better off eating smaller meals more often and eat food that is easier to digest like salads, fish and fruit. There are a few things you can do to stay cool during the summer months. Some of these tips are easy and have no costs, while others could be pricy .... a) check your home’s insulation. The better the insulation, the cooler your house will be in the summer and the warmer in the winter. b) clean or replace all ventilation system filters every month. This allows your air conditioning unit to work at top efficiency. c) close the window shades or curtains on the sunny side of your house. d) install and use ceiling fans to circulate air and cool down rooms. e) if you can afford it, replace all singlepane windows with newer double-pane windows. This will stop cool air from escaping and stop hot air from getting into your home.



nuYou • August 2009

• Beauty

LaSer HaIr reMOVaL AND YOUR HEALTH By Nancy Peritore

Laser hair removal is a procedure that we typically think of as cosmetic. Never having to shave gives us great convenience allowing time for more important things in life, but it also has a multitude of health benefits. Laser light energy is non-ionizing which means it does not cause cell mutation and is safe for almost everyone. There are three major health benefits that are achieved when you remove your hair. The first I call self poisoning for the sake of humanity (wearing antiperspirant). The second is dangerous chemical absorption in your body. Lastly, you are reducing your chances of infection; there are many deadly antibiotic resistant bacterial strains in the world today. Patients who have had their underarms treated report that their body odor is now almost non-existent. This is wonderful because the use of antiperspirants has been linked to breast cancer. The reason odor is reduced is simple, the odor causing bacteria live on the hair. When hair is present this gives the bacteria ample surface area to cling to, causing embarrassing body odor. I am shocked at the way people in this society react to body odor. Many of my close friends are well... Granola kinda sums it up, Many of them express their frustration about natural underarm products not working for them, they knowingly put poison on their bodies every morning in an effort to avoid offending others. My own mother, diagnosed with terminal, stage 4 breast cancer 10 years ago, a survivor, finds body odor so offensive that she avoids her local health food store because many of the shoppers have B.O. She perceives the people as filthy. I asked her if she understands the dangers of aluminum and she does but she will not accept that wise people have made a health decision that unfortunately offends her. She, knowing the dangers, expects that the people around her should wear poison. I was so excited to tell her about my discovery. I have been removing other people’s hair since 1996 and I am here to tell you that you do not need to wear aluminum any more. I personally wear a natural non-carcinogenic brand of deodorant, I’ll admit that about once a month I feel like I need something stronger and I will sneak some poison. (I work with the public and I do not want to offend anyone!) The shaving creams and gels we use may contain parabens and formaldehyde which our largest organ, the skin, absorbs daily doses. Until recently it was thought that parabens where safe due to their low toxic profile. However, new research has shown that the build up

August 2009 • nuYou

of parabens in the body and their interaction with other commonly used chemicals may lead to hormone disruption and can lead to an increased cancer risk. Formaldehyde is a carcinogen and a disinfectant commonly found in shaving creams. Avoiding these products reduce the chance of getting a dangerous disease. Laser Hair removal is great! Last but not least, there are several deadly strains of bacteria that we are all at risk of coming into contact with. The two we hear about most often are MRSA and Necrotizing Fasciititis (or The Flesh Eating Bacteria). How do you prevent getting these bacterial diseases? The National Necrotizing Fasciititis Foundation says *The single biggest preventative measure is keeping the skin intact! Shaving leaves the skin vulnerable to these bacterial diseases and leaves you at risk. Any bodily contact you have with an infected person can be deadly. For more info go to www. MRSA, the staphylococcus aureus bacteria is a type of drug-resistant bacteria that infects the skin, heart or central nervous system. In recent years, a more virulent strain has emerged that can infect healthy people. An article in the Journal, “Clinical Infectious Diseases”, suggests that cosmetic body shaving were responsible for the spread of a bacterial skin infection among players on a college football team. Dr. Elizabeth Begier, lead author of the study, said there are other ways of helping to control MRSA. “You may not notice it, but when you are shaving, you create micro-abrasions,” The researchers recommend discontinuing the practice of body shaving to decrease the risk of infection. According to Dr. Sternberg, some MRSA infections occur in the pubic area which is often related to one shaving his/her pubic hair. “During shaving, the skin can be nicked and this may allow infection to enter the site.” Waxing also carries the same risks. All you have to do is Google and the stories are endless. Laser Hair removal is a safe alternative to shaving and waxing if done by a properly equipped, trained, experienced practitioner. I have a 12 year old daughter who begs to shave and I let her but we have constant debates over the Razor vs. Laser argument. The shaving risks are deadly now, I don’t want to take any chances with my children. For more information on locating a pre-screened well trained, experienced, properly equipped quality Laser Hair Removal provider, please contact us by calling 1-800-LaserHair or visit our website www.1800LaserHair. com


• Beauty


by Debi Cianci

Hello everybody! This month I want to talk about drying your hair. Your hair always gets wetter during the summer months due to swimming, trips to the beach, getting caught in a rain-shower or just plain sweating. Most of us use a blow dryer and there are plenty of styles and types of blow dryers out there. I feel the very best type of dryer to use is a ceramic dryer. The moisturizing heat from the ceramic helps protect and add shine to your hair. The “Chi Dryer” has a low emf system (electro magnetic field) and is good for the environment. A ceramic dryer also adds shine and protects your hair from dry heat. The ionic technology generates negative ions that break down water molecules rather than boiling them like a conventional dryer. That means 50% faster drying time and less hair damage. The unit is lightweight and fairly inexpensive. If you “googlesearch” chi hair dryers on your computer, you’ll see numerous places where you can purchase a dryer that fits your personal needs. Before blow drying, you should add a root lifter or mousse when your hair is still damp. Make sure you always apply leave in conditioner to the shaft of your hair, not the roots. I have a great product from “Hair Detailers” called “Biker Lube”. It contains ingredients including aloe, camellia, honey and sun screen. It also helps with tangles and protects your hair from all type of heat. To see the complete “Hair Detailers” line, go to Whatever product you decide to use, make sure they don’t contain wax base ingredients, like a few inexpensive products. These tend to build up on your hair shaft and are hard to remove. You want natural, beautiful, shiny hair and wax products tend to coat hair shafts and hide that natural shine. Remember to only wash your hair 2-3 times per week and use your dry shampoo hair

products once or twice a week. You don’t want to wash out your natural oils. This may change with your lifestyle and if you are in a chlorine treated pool or salt water, you might wash more often. Your hair does take a beating during the summer months here in Florida. Last, but not least, talk to your hair-stylist about your hair cut. Maybe you could use an update and if your thinking of going short, make sure you get the right cut for your face. Summer is the perfect time to get those locks trimmed! Don’t be afraid, change is good for your mental and physical health! Enjoy life! Debi

CHI’s Rocket $139.95 Reg. $200

Bio Ionic idry Nano-i5x pro-dryer $164.95 Reg. $175

Wigo Lite Tourmaline $79.99

Revlon 1875w Ion Hair Dryer $32.94 Debi Cianci is a licensed Hair Stylist with 25 plus years experience. She is a color specialist and currently works at California Beauty Studios in Clearwater, Florida. To learn more about Debi’s qualifications and abilties or for a free consultation about a new style or color call 727-224-4979 14­

nuYou • August 2009

GOOD-BYE FACIAL wRINKLES! Last month I went to a seminar that was put on by Ms. Cynthia Rowland who is a pioneer in the field of “facial fitness”. Cynthia believes that exercise will tighten the muscles in your arms, belly, chest, buttocks and thighs .... she also says that facial muscles are no different! When you think about it, she’s 100% correct. Why wouldn’t muscles located in your face do the same thing that other muscles in your body do? Cynthia teaches a system that features eighteen different exercises that will tighten and lift your cheeks, jowls, eyelids, forehead and neck muscles. They are easy to do and a fantastic alternative to plastic surgery or botox injections. Cynthia represents “Facial Magic” and they sell a line of merchandise that includes: Daily Lift, Deep Cleansing Gel, Daytime Skin Nutrition, Overnight Sensation, Under-Eye Nourisher and a Lip Pumper that is something to see! If you would like more information check out and see everything Cynthia has to offer! By Paul Allen August 2009 • nuYou



nuYou • August 2009

• Fashion

SUMMER FASHIONS BY DINO Hello darlings .... Summer is here in full blast and that means you can break out those cute little sundresses! Full of color, easy to wear, cool and comfortable and most importantly not very expensive! These sleeveless beauties can be found in almost every store you visit from your local mall to exclusive Rodeo Drive Boutiques to area Wal-Mart Stores. They are just everywhere! I sat my little tushy behind my computer screen and did some on-line research and you will just love what I found .... numerous sites with dresses all under $100! Here are a few samples and I just know you will be thanking me over and over again ...... kisses and hugs till next month!


UNDER $100

Plaid Halter $24.99

Smocked Tube Dress $50.00

Christine Chiffon $30.50

American Eagle Plaid $44.00

Green Pattern Dress $64.99

Embossed Cotton $98.00

Strapless Smocked Kimchi Blue Chiffon Bohemian Floral Silk Shift Dress Floral Maxi Urban $97.00 $98.00 $39.00 $78.00


nuYou • August 2009

August 2009 • nuYou


• Fashion


A Look at Paul Allen’s Favorite Fashion Designer I don’t wear t-shirts. I shirt stylist. Two years later, he might put one on relaxing around became the designer of the the pool or working in the yard, newly formed Relax Sportswear but I just don’t wear t-shirts. I wear Division for Pierre Cardin. In button down, long sleeve shirts six years he turned the Relax with a pocket and collar. I roll up Division into a huge success and the sleeves and I have an estimated in 1978 founded Alan Flusser 100 shirts in my closet. I don’t Designs. remember exactly when I bought In 1980, Mr. Flusser was it, but a few years ago I purchased a nominated for the prestigious green paisley print shirt and every Coty Award, the Fashion time I wore it I received multiple Industry’s Oscar. He was compliments. I thought the shirt nominated the next three years was different because of the 60’s and won the award in 1984. style bold print and I loved the way That moved Alan to a different Paul Allen with a few of his favorite Alan Flusser shirts the collar had two buttons that plateau and his name started attached to the shirt. I looked at the “catching fire” nationally. In embroidered name tag and it said Alan Flusser. 1987 he designed the wardrobe for Michael Douglas in One day I was at SteinMart shopping and I saw the movie “Wall Street”. He also designed the clothing another cool looking, paisley print shirt. It was similar for Al Pacino in the movie “Scent of a Woman” and for to my favorite shirt and low and behold, it was another Christian Bale in “American Psycho”. In 1988, he was Alan Flusser creation. Today, I own over placed as a permanent member on twenty Alan Flusser shirts and I love the “International Best Dressed List”. In them all! I did a little research and Alan 1992 and 1996, Flusser created the onFlusser is quite an interesting guy. camera wardrobe for NBC’s Bob Costas He was born in 1945 in during the Summer Olympics and he West Orange, New Jersey and at the was named to the list of best-dressed age of sixteen was a champion golfer television personalities. with a one handicap. He competed Alan has won awards for his efforts on the national amateur golf circuit on behalf of his work for world wide and played varsity golf as a freshman peace and he has published four at Rollins College. He decided not books including the 1996 book, “Style to pursue golf as a profession and and the Man” that made him the best finished up his undergraduate years at selling author in modern menswear Temple University. He acquired licenses history. He has also written numerous and spent time in the real estate and articles that have appeared in the insurance fields but decided to pursue New York Times, Esquire Magazine, his lifelong passion for men’s fashions. The Atlantic Monthly, Gentlemen’s In 1971 he went to work for Quarterly and Men’s Health Magazine. Phillips Van Heusen Company as a Today, Mr. Flusser is married with two children and has a store that occupies the entire fourth floor on 48th Street in New York City, next to the Rockafeller Center. His designs are found worldwide and they can be The under the collar button found locally at all SteinMart Stores. - a feature found on most Wow, I didn’t realize that Flusser’s Alan Flusser was all that .... I just liked his shirts! He’s quite an interesting guy. Here are a few photographs of me and my Alan Flusser shirts. Now you all know what to get me for Christmas !!! by Paul Allen


nuYou • August 2009

August 2009 • nuYou


on the cover

• Food & Nutrition

COOL, SMOOth AND FRUITY! The hottest month of the year is August and everybody is looking for ways to cool off! Here are a few great tasting, fruity and healthy drinks that can keep you cool. We have selected only drinks that use fruit including: peaches, limes, pineapple, grapes, apricots, bananas, raspberries and oranges. Our recipes include no alcohol but it’s amazing what a little rum can add to these tropical delights! You will need to chill many of the juices before you start and you will need your blender in order to mix the ingredients together and create a smoothie ....

DOUBLe PeaCH SMOOTHIe - You will need 1 cup of peeled, sliced peaches, 1 cup of chilled peach juice, 1/2 cup of vanilla low-fat yogurt and three ice cubes. It takes about four minutes to make two large portions. Combine the ingredients inside the blender and mix until everything is smooth. This fantastic concoction has about 160 calories, 1g of saturated fat, 3g of cholesterol and a total carbohydrate count of 36g. graPe SMOOTHIe - This drink is a heart-healthy drink that is low in fat and tastes great! You need 1/2 cup of chilled grape juice, 1/4 cup of plain low-fat yogurt and 1 cup of frozen seedless red grapes. Put contents into blender and blend until mixture is smooth. The drink contains 228 calories but only 2g fat, 4g cholesterol and has 51 total carbs. PINeaPPLe-CITrUS SMOOTHIe - This goodie is high in vitamin C and is also a good source of potassium. You need 3/4 cup of chilled orange/tangerine juice blend, 1/4 cup carrot juice, 1 cup frozen canned pineapple chunks and 1/2 frozen banana. Combine and blend everything until it is smooth. This drink has 285 calories, 0 total fat, 0 saturated fat, 0 cholesterol, only 40g sodium and 72 carbs. aPrICOT-raSPBerrY SMOOTHIe - These two fruits go together quite well and taste wonderful! Take 1 can (appox 6 oz) of chilled apricot nectar, 1/2 can of apricot halves in light syrup (use as much syrup to suit your personal taste), 3 ice cubes, 1 tablespoon honey and 1/4 cup frozen raspberries. Combine all ingredients (except the raspberries) and blend until mixture is smooth. Add your raspberries last and blend until they are broken up but not completely blended in. This smoothie has 262 calories, 0 fats, 0 cholesterol, 12g of sodium and 68 total carbohydrates.

OraNge SMOOTHIe - The original smoothie and in my humble opinion, still number one! Take 1 cup vanilla low-fat milk, 1/4 cup frozen orange juice concentrate, 2 tablespoons of orange marmalade and 3 ice cubes. Combine into your blender and blend until smooth. This will produce one large serving with 360 calories, 5g of total fat and 73 total carbs. KeY LIMe SHaKe - Ok ... this one isn’t great if you’re on a diet, but it sure tastes good! You need 4 scoops of vanilla ice cream, 1 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of frozen lime concentrate and one teaspoon of freshly grated lime peel. Once again, you’ll need a blender and you’ll combine all ingredients and blend until they are smooth and frothy. You’ll get two servings that will contain 361 calories, 14g total fat, 52g cholesterol and 56 total carbs. You can reduce all of these by using low fat ice cream and 2% milk.

Well, there you have it .... six great ways to enjoy a wonderful tasting smoothie and stay cool at the same time! Good for adults and kids alike! NuYou did research and found most of our information on and from Good Housekeeping magazine. Have a great month and keep cool! by Paul Allen


nuYou • August 2009

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• Food & Nutrition

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August 2009 • nuYou

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• Food & Nutrition




money Saver This whole meal is a money saver! Most of the ingredients that it calls for you can find in your cabinet already!

LIGHTEN up! Trade the Peanut sauce for a Light Ranch Dressing, add some “Bacos” brand bacon bits then sprinkle 2% milk shredded cheese for a low fat, low calorie meal.






I had planned on grilling my chicken on a traditional outdoor grill, however, on the day of this recipe it was raining. So I improvised; I grabbed my indoor electric grill, mind you this was a gift from my sister-in-law and I had never used it before, but the results were brilliant! The chicken was cooked perfectly and in the flash of an eye. Remember, where it says meat spices, you can use whatever you prefer. I like my McCormick Grill Mates brand. They have several different flavors to choose from depending on what you are grilling. Everyone has a favorite and I say go for it! This recipe is so versatile. Trade some of the ingredients for others. Use steak or turkey instead of chicken, lettuce and tomato instead of the broccoli slaw. The possibilities are endless. Tracy Allen


nuYou • August 2009

• Food & Nutrition

1) Sprinkle meat seasoning over chicken and place on the grill. Cook chicken until no longer pink inside.

4) Bring all of your cooked ingredients together to assemble the wraps. Start by spreading a layer of peanut sauce on the tortilla. Then sprinkle the broccoli over the sauce and 2) While the chicken is cooking, spray a medium sized skillet with cooking spray and cook the broccoli slaw over medium heat until desired tenderness is achieved.

3) In a small sauce pan combine the peanut butter, soy sauce, minced garlic and ground ginger cooking over low to medium heat until smooth stirring or whisking often.

get THE KIDS involved! Let the kids help assemble and roll the wraps. This is something nearly any kid can do and gives them a chance to feel useful.

adding the chicken. Approximately two strips will do. Starting on one side, roll the tortilla as tight as possible without tearing it. Put a toothpick on each end and then slice down the center.

Check back next month for another healthy alternative to the everyday dinner. If you would like to submit a recipe for consideration send it with complete instructions to tracyallen@ - The idea behind this monthly column is to provide a healthy alternative and to make sure it’s easy for an every day cook, like myself. So, keep in mind your dish will be prepared by me before we print it to ensure it’s practicality.

August 2009 • nuYou


• Food & Nutrition

Claims of the Acai Berry

...Fact or Fiction? By Jenny Butler

An açaí (ah-sigh-EE) palm is a species of palm tree native to both Central and South American that is cultivated mainly for its fruit and superior hearts of palm. The renowned acai berry, plentiful in the Brazilian jungle, is a grape-sized, deep-purple berry that grows atop the tree. Recently, the açaí berry has received a lot of attention, being touted and marketed as a dietary supplement. Companies sell açaí berry products mainly in the form of tablets and juice. Marketers claim that acai photo from provides an increased energy level, improvement in sexual performance, and a high antioxidant content that has been said to aid digestion, improve the appearance of the skin, and provide a naturally deep and restful sleep. However, the acai is most commonly marketed as a weight loss product. Much attention was drawn to the berry when Dr. Mehmet OZ, a frequent guest on Oprah, announced that after a fourteen day scientific test: “Our ruling is that IF you use the right brand of acai, the possibilities for increased energy and rapid weight loss are extremely high. Also, we are happy to report that there

were no acai berry side effects detected during this test. Remarkably, four of our twenty people in the test lost over ten pounds in four days.” Many products on the market today emphasize the detox effect of the berry stating that the body is full of unwanted waste and toxins that are begging to be released and that the berry will detoxify and clear the system, leaving you feeling purified and energized. Acai Berry Breeze, Natural Acai Berry, and the Acai Berry Ultimate are just some of the products that are available today if you are interested in adding the supplement to your diet. It is important to state that this article is for informational purposes only and does not advocate in any way the use or non-use of the berry. Equally important and quite the converse to what is reported above is the fact that many of the inhabitants of Brazil, the native land of the berry, think this is all “much ado about nothing.” They say they have been eating the berry all their lives and have found nothing particularly beneficial from it. They liken the berry to a black cherry or blueberry. So, Fact or Fiction…. It’s up to you to decide.

There are many, many outlets for acai Berry Products. Here is where you can find more information about the ones mentioned in this article


nuYou • August 2009

• Food & Nutrition

New miracle drug: water

By Bart rademaker, M.D.

Proper ingestion of water prevents fatigue, reverses impaired thinking, reduces aches & pains and even helps with constipation! 75% of the American population is dehydrated. By drinking half your weight in ounces each day, it will improve the circulation in your body, bring more oxygen to your brain, remove toxins and slow down the aging process. Your body craves water! Take care of your body and give it what it needs. Your body will not disappoint you – so ask yourself before you go out:

fatigue, headaches, constipation, joint pain, flu like symptoms, and morning sickness. Dehydration causes a decrease in the removal of toxins and inhibits the immune system. This in turn increases the risk of DNA damage in cells and persistent toxins circulating within the body cause disease. Sometimes chronic dehydration shows up as allergies, depression, heartburn, arthritis, back pain, hypertension, kidney damage, high cholesterol, diabetes and cancer. During the summer months, we are even more at risk of losing water – notice all the people gOT WaTer? that die of heat exhaustion – particularly the young and the elderly. This occurs because dehydration …as busy people with too many concerns leads to the inability to properly control body in our lives, we ignore certain necessities of life, like temperature as you lose the ability to sweat and drinking enough water until it becomes a problem. then overheat which can cause death through heat Truth is, our body consists of about 75-80% water stroke. content and even the slightest decrease creates Digestion of food generates water and serious problems. interestingly, 37% of Americans have a thirst Mild dehydration causes our metabolism mechanism that is mistaken for hunger. People eat to drop by 3%. A 2% drop in fluid levels causes when they really should drink. In fact, once you fuzzy short term memory, trouble with basic math are thirsty, you body is in a dehydrated state. Drink or difficulty focusing on a computer. A 5% drop throughout the day and avoid the thirst and eat causes 25-30% loss of energy and finally a mere 15% less! drop can cause death! Water is part of the Water being so rejuvenating process. Proper The final word on water – ubiquitous, what does hydration helps the antioxidants Not all water is equal. water really do? Besides circulate in the body to remove being the cornerstone of Distilled water has no minerals and will free oxygen radicals. These all life, here are some of the cause a variety of problems if consumed radicals are directly linked specific functions of water – so you want to avoid this. Most bottled to the aging process and by in our body: water is simply tap water and these reducing them; we also reduce It transports all companies are not regulated, make how fast we age. our nutrients, hormones, The irony is that we sure you know what you are paying for. and waste products Furthermore, the going green movement spend so much money on throughout the body. Water advises against using plastic for two preventing the aging process participates in generating reasons – plastic is not degradable and or treating ailments from energy and controls our certain plastics produce various unhealthy fatigue, the flu, aches and pains, body temperature. It assists by-products you will want to avoid (more impaired thinking, hunger and in digestion, lubricates in a later edition of this magazine). If you constipation with all sorts of joints and determines our designer drugs – when really can, drink filtered water. blood pressure. Signs of the answer is simple: water loss may include: Water is a miracle – think about it, 80% got Water – Drink it! of our world is made of water. Drink your water, and find that without the use of designer drugs, so many of your ailments are miraculously gone!

August 2009 • nuYou


Did you ever… • “have a feeling” that something was wrong with a loved one, then find out later you were right? • “dream” (whether awake or asleep) of a deceased loved one, and it felt “real” somehow? • experience “déja-vu” – the feeling you’ve been there before, doing the same thing? • see a ghost or other phenomenon you couldn’t explain? • have a dream that came true? • “feel” that you shouldn’t do something, but did it anyway, only to discover your feeling was correct? • “know” who was on the phone before you answered it (without caller ID)? If you have experienced any of the above, you have had a psychic experience – also referred to as intuition, “gut instinct”, extra-sensory perception (ESP), telepathy (mind reading), clairvoyance (clear-seeing), clairaudience (clear-hearing), clairsentience (clear-feeling), medi-

August 2009 • nuYou

umship (communication with the dead), remote viewing (psychically viewing a specific target), or simply dismissed as “coincidence”. We are all born with an innate psychic capacity; however, just as we are not all Mozarts, we are not all destined to become professional psychics. Little children often express psychic behaviors (you probably know, for example, of a child who had – or has – an “imaginary friend”), only to be subjected to the disapproval of a parent or other withdrawal of support. Also, after they start school, these kids often suppress or forget their gifts, as they undergo stimulation of the left (linear, logical) side of their brains and/ or realize that not everyone can do or see the things they can. All ancient societies had “seers” believed to be capable of perceiving or manipulating extrasensory information, who were responsible for divining the future or interpreting “omens”. Many people believe that Jesus was the most gifted prophet of all time. Not only could he foretell the future, he also had the ability to heal. Numerous other prophets (psychics) – Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah, for example – are written about in the Bible, yet many churches today deny or even condemn psychic talents. In the late 19th

By Caryl Dennis

• Harmony

Everybody’s Psychic

and early 20th centuries, seances became very popular. Beginning in 1927 at Duke University, J. B. Rhine studied and documented “psi” phenomena for decades. Psychic abilities have in fact been demonstrated in thousands of controlled studies around the world; the literature on the subject is vast. In the mid-20th Century, the U. S. Department of Defense sponsored a then-secret “spy” protocol called Remote Viewing, which strove to develop teachable methods of gathering intelligence data psychically. We constantly hear of the crucial need to exercise in order to enhance our physical abilities. The same is true for our psychic abilities, as well. Take a psychic development class (which I highly recommend, because of the encouraging feedback one gets in a “live” situation), watch a video, do the exercises available on my website (and many others – do an Internet search), or read one of the many books on the subject. It’s all about focus, intention, attention, and practice, practice, practice! Psychic ability is a natural gift we all have – exercise it to realize your full potential. Most importantly, be open to and support the children in your life, as they explore and manifest their abilities. Remember – Everybody’s Psychic! Caryl Dennis has been a Professional Psychic for over 19 years and is the author of 8 books and research projects. 727-441-2270 Website: Email:


• Harmony

iS YOgA RIGHT FOR ME? By Wendy O’Lenic

Yoga has become very popular in the United States in the past few years. It is a way of life in Asia but most Americans thought it was just the weird hippy people that did yoga poses while they were high on drugs. When the Beatles were seen doing yoga, America followed. Now it is like Starbucks; you see yoga studios popping up on every corner. But it is very scary for the average person to begin a yoga class not understanding the many different styles and levels of technique of yoga. An important piece of information to take with you to your first yoga class is: How qualified is my teacher? Don’t be intimidated to ask your instructor:Who did you train under? How many years have you been teaching/practicing yoga? Are you a Registered Yoga Alliance Instructor? You can also tell if your instructor is good by his/her alignment cueing. Do they walk around the room adjusting everyone safely and recommending modifications when necessary? Is the room clean, quiet, warm, and comfortable? Does the studio supply props for participants that need them? Why do yoga? There’s a short answer and a long answer to that question. The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better. Practicing the postures, breathing exercises and meditation makes you healthier in body, mind and spirit. Yoga lets you tune in, chill out, shape up -- all at the same time. Specifically, research shows that yoga helps manage or control anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain, blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, headaches, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, stress and other conditions and diseases. Yoga also improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina, reduces stress and tension, boosts self esteem, improves concentration and creativity, lowers fat, improves

circulation, stimulates the immune system, and creates a sense of well being and calm. The Many Styles of yoga: No style is better than another; it’s simply a matter of personal preference. More important than any style is the student-teacher relationship. Here are just a few of the different styles of Yoga: Beginner Yoga Basics This is a wonderful place to begin. It creates a strong foundation using the Iyengar principles of alignment & approach to modifications for all levels. Yogalates or Yoga Fusion This class integrates the fluid asana practice of Yoga with core building Pilates exercises allowing us to feel taller, stronger and more flexible. Hatha Yoga Practice where the root and essence of various postures are explored through alignment, breath, gentle flowing movements and meditation. Power Yoga Free-form version of Ashtanga, Power Yoga is a unique combination of dynamic breathing and strong, flowing movement which creates a high-heat, high-energy workout. ashtanga Yoga A set sequence of postures for an invigorating and heat-producing practice that detoxifies the system realigns the body and energizes the spirit. Bikram Yoga Bikram Choudhury’s yoga is considered the hottest of all yoga. This style is practiced in a room heated to over 100 degrees. Integral Developed by Swami Satchidananda, the man who taught the crowds at the original Woodstock to chant “OHM” Integral classes put almost as much emphasis on pranayama and meditation as they do on postures.

LIyengar This style of yoga is noted for great attention to detail and the precise alignment of postures, as well as the use of props such as blocks and belts. Teachers must complete a rigorous 2-5 year training program for certification. Kali ray TriYoga Kali Ray TriYoga, founded by Kali Ray, brings posture, breath and focus together to create dynamic and intuitive flows. Kripalu Called the yoga of consciousness, Kripalu puts great emphasis on proper breath, alignment, coordinating breath and movement, and “honoring the wisdom of the body”. Kundalini Kundalini yoga in the tradition of Yogi Bhajan, who brought the style to the West in 1969, focuses on the controlled release of Kundalini energy. Sivananda Sivananda is one of the world’s largest schools of yoga. Developed by Vishnudevananda and named after his teacher, Sivananda yoga follows a set structure that includes pranayama, classic asanas, and relaxation. Viniyoga Viniyoga is not so much a style as it is a methodology for developing practices for individual conditions and purposes.

Wendy O’Lenic is a consummate fitness trainer in over eighteen fitness modalities. She holds a BA in Dance from the University of South Florida with a minor in Exercise Physiology. She is certified in Yoga, Pilates, Personal Training, Aerobics, Weight Management, with A.F.A.A.,AAAI/ISMA, Stott Pilates, Polestar Pilates, Physical Mind, and is an Elite member of IDEA as a nationally recognized Yoga / Fitness Trainer. She has been working in the Health and Fitness industry since 1978 and has held a number of key positions in the Fitness and Health field in the Tampa Bay area. In 2001, she established Wendy Fit Inc. providing in-home personal training Pilates and Yoga Instruction. Additionally, she is the star of the show “Yoga for the Healthy Mind and Body” on Bright house channel 340. please visit the website at or e-mail us at 30­

nuYou • August 2009

• Harmony Being in the mental, as well as the physical health business, it seems that most of our focus tends to be directed on exercise and nutrition alone. Those things are important to the size and shape of our bodies, but isn’t there more to us than that? What were we before we started exercising? What will we be when we don’t (or can’t) do the intense training anymore? Within our physical body, every one of us has a spiritual and emotional being. It is who we truly are. To be a totally complete person, one who is inwardly aware and outwardly successful, is the true meaning and purpose of life. Yes, success in our careers and business is important, but it is equally important to be successful in our relationships with others, and more importantly our self. Is fame and glory worth more than learning to love and to be loved? In a spiritually and emotionally balanced person all things are possible. When we are tuned into our Higher Self, our spiritual connection to God, we are aligned with the infinite power of the universe. As we learn to develop balance in our spiritual and emotional self, we are more capable of developing balance within our physical body. The things that keep us from achieving outward success in our lives are always things of the inner person. What I'm explaining here is an energy field that develops a constant physical/emotional state in the human entity. It is the subliminal program from which we create our reality. All the supplements and exercise in the world cannot remove the feelings of unworthiness, loneliness, being unloved, rejection, failure; or any of the negative emotions so many people bury inside. To become a complete person is to reconnect to our spiritual self. Then we can heal our wounds and go on to create absolutely anything. On one level of consciousness or another we create every part of our reality by the choices we make. A primary principle of the universe is that what ever we focus our energy on, we begin to manifest. If we live with

August 2009 • nuYou

anger, we develop lines on our face and liver problems. If we live with fear, we have kidney and joint weakness with bags under our eyes. All emotions, apparent or hidden, affect our tissue somewhere. There is always an internal affect, and usually an external effect. It’s amazing what a little love can do to remove wrinkles and extend our lifespan. Perhaps by now you are wondering how someone might begin his or her spiritual journey. An important part of your spiritual growth is to make time each and every day to pray and meditate; also spending time with other like-minded seekers is a valuable asset. Learn to create time and space for sharing insight with one another. Take the time to get out into nature and connect with life again. Don’t wait to start living. Waiting for something better to come along is one of the biggest delusions we create for ourselves. In these hard times we must look within and be grateful for what we have. Living a life of gratitude is the key to creating abundance in all areas of our lives.


• Harmony

Looking For L♥ve? By Jenny Butler

SPCA Tampa Bay: 9099 130th Ave. Largo - 727-586-3591 Humane Society of Tampa Bay: 3607 N. Armenia Ave. Tampa - 813-876-7138 Humane Society of Pinellas: 3040 St. Rd 590 Clearwater - 727-797-7722 Suncoast Animal League: 1030 Pennsylvania Ave. Palm Harbor - 727-786-1330 Find a complete directory listing at

People adore their pets - and for good reason. Creatures large and small bring love and offer a special kind of companionship. While human friends provide great social support, the benefits of pet ownership are abounding. Yes, getting a new “best friend” can have many advantages, both social and medicinal. Pets can offer love and companionship, and they can be one the best antidotes to loneliness. It’s hard to be in a bad mood when you arrive home and a loving puppy enthusiastically greets

you at the door, or when a super sweet and soft cat, awaiting your attention and affection, rubs up against your leg. What can be more mood enhancing? Pets can be there for you in ways that people cannot. Eventually, you will find that both responsibility and pride of ownership play an important part in loving an animal, and as a lasting dependency and friendship naturally develops, you will have created a friend for life. Just as you rely on humans to help you make your way in life, you also can rely on your pet. Admittedly, there is a power found in “talking” out your problems; no one will argue with that, but this can be problematic because there may be a lack of social support from your friends. Sometimes your friends just can’t be there for you at 2:00AM when you are having trouble falling asleep. A dog or a cat is ever-present and as we all know: Pets don’t judge us, they just love us! The therapeutic use of pets as companions has gained increasing attention in recent years for a wide variety of reasons. The benefit of exercise and the impact a daily walk will have on your health can be very positive. Whether you walk your dog because he needs to get out or whether you need the exercise, the result is the same. Walking is a great way to manage stress and improve your attitude. (And hey- you may even shed a few pounds!) These few minutes alone allow you to think without distraction and put your day in perspective, while “Buffy” gets to enjoy the outdoors. Also, there have been numerous documented studies that conclude that animals definitely reduce stress in humans, and some have found pets reduce stress more effectively than supportive friends and relatives. Animals seem to bring about a nurturing instinct. You are safe and accepted with your animal and you can just be yourself without the complexity of interaction that a human may bring. Of course, for various reasons not everyone should be a pet owner, but for most the benefits of pet ownership outweigh the added work and responsibility you may incur. So, my advice: reduce your stress, add love to your life, and help out a furry friend. Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places? The love of an animal is unconditional. Join the 71 million families across the nation who own pets. Can they all be wrong?


nuYou • August 2009

and the power on the body, mind, and spirit! Healing with sound is an ancient method that is finding its way back into our lives. Singing bowls, ancient in origin, are new to us with their intricate sounds and have been hidden away for centuries, they have only recently entered the Western world. Technology can unravel part of their mystery and prove that their sounds have a profound effect on the brain, brain waves, heartbeat, blood pressure, and nervous system. People who bathe in their mysterious sounds tell how the bowls have a powerful effect: stress is reduced and a feeling of well-being is increased. Used in the right way, singing bowls bring one in contact with the inner self and the world of the sacred, where all the seeds and potentials of present and future growth are available for those who choose to enter. Different things vibrate at different rates or frequencies. These things can be perceived as, sound, light or color or solid matter. There is even a "hum" to the Earth, known as the Schumann Resonance. The lowest-frequency (and highest-intensity) mode of the Schumann resonance is at a frequency of approximately 7.8 Hz. This particular frequency just so happens to be associated with the Alpha waves in our brain, which are most associated with our meditative state. "When your alpha is within normal ranges we tend to also experience good moods, see the world truthfully, and have a sense of calmness. During our waking state, the normal frequency of our brain waves is that of Beta. Sound tools entrain the brain to move into the deeper Alpha and Theta brain wave frequencies. These are the frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind and intuition. Modern

August 2009 • nuYou

medicine can now measure and thus confirm the practice of sound as a means to promote healing. Thus, sound is a type of energy medicine that creates the sacred space in which people can heal from stress disorders, pain, depression, the emotional roller coaster and more. The cells of the person’s body sense the vibration of the bowls, which stimulates them to vibrate at their optimal rate. The energy blocks in the body occur at places of trauma or stress. The bowls’ vibrations pull the tangled blocks down and out the body. During singing bowl sessions it is not unusual for people to experience whirling sensations in various places on their body. These areas will be found to correspond to the chakra energy centers of the subtle body. The importance of the chakras in general health is becoming more widely known. When sessions are given on a regular basis a stair-step effect is realized: each session brings one to a higher level -They will recapture their essential radiant self. Sound therapy can unblock pathways to allow the body to heal and strengthen on its own. The healing sessions can also help with relief from stress-related conditions, strengthen willpower; overcome addiction’s and captures joy in life.

• Harmony

Healing with singing bowls

It is an integral part of healing the effects of chemotherapy, reduces pain and discomfort from fibromyagia, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. After sessions clients may experience improved memory, clarity, vitality and the ability to take action. Many report a deep sense of tranquillity, sleep more soundly and are more aware of surroundings. Sound healing affects the cellular expression of wellness. It is like a cellular message the sound re-patterns the cells. There are various types of bowls used for vibrational medicine one choice are crystal bowls. They are made of 98.9%crystal. Clear quartz integrates the balance of our own electromagnetic energies. Another choice is Tibetan Singing bowls they are traditionally constructed of seven metals: gold, silver, mercury, copper, iron, tin and lead. The ancient bowls actually come from various Himalayan regions including Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan, so they carry that sacred energy. Dr. Mitchell Gaynor has been using sound, including Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls and chanting in work with cancer patients for many years. The medical director of the Deepak Chopra center in California, Dr. David Simon, found that the sound from Tibetan bowls as well as chanting are chemically metabolized into ’endogenous opiates’ that act on the body as internal painkillers and healing agents. In fact, mainstream medical teaching facilities like Duke University and the University of North Carolina have added programs that link body, mind, and spirit to the treatment of cancer. Jessica Hope Jessica is a Practitioner of Vibrational medicine Studied under Jovita Wallace, Being In Balance Sound Center (Nutley, New Jersey) Reiki Master and teacher Owner of Vibrational Awakenings


• Harmony

Horoscopes LeO - July 23-aug. 22 It’s time to batten down the hatches, for a summer storm is heading your way. Clear skies can turn gray when a far away star blinks, so turn on the lights when you can’t sleep. Helping others weather this storm will show them you care and make you feel better in the bargain.

SagITTarIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Join a gym or go climb a hill. You need to get your body’s attention before you can communicate with it again and that is going to take a little effort. There is no better day then today to begin so Sagittarius, climb a mountain or go ride your bike.

arIeS - Mar. 21 – apr. 19 Your planets are starting to move toward a new alignment, and soon you should see the change. These new possibilities won’t be neon signs; they’ll be more subtle so keep an eye open. Give it a bit of time and look toward real estate or possibly local business.

VIrgO - aug. 23-Sept. 22 You need time to digest new information. When you do the planets are usually there waiting. You’ve reflected upon others criticism and gotten from it what you could. Today that new understanding is aligned with your planets and good things will happen.

CaPrICOrN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Now is the time for you to be more fluid then stiff. Fluidity is in your nature but practicality comes easier so you resist. When the day comes that the practical becomes impractical, it’s time for you Capricorn to learn how to dance.

TaUrUS - apr. 20-May 20 Most Taureans haven’t seen this much action since the last time the Stock Market went Bull. You need to move quickly, the stars say it’s hot, but only a flash in the pan. Don’t hesitate, these days an ambitious Taurus has to get it when they can. Close the deals and move on.

LIBra - Sept. 23-Oct. 23 Libra, this is your time for making dreams come true. Keep your health, wealth and happiness in balance and you can’t go wrong. For you, balance must rule or success quickly fades. When Libra maintains balance you allow the universe to react positively with you.

aQUarIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 The heavens look over you because what they show you, you see. From these profound lessons in the stars, Aquarius is changing and growing, becoming you. Soon, the right friends, relationships and job will transform you in a wonderful way.

geMINI - May 21-June 21 It’s cosmic nap time for dear, sweet Gemini. The playground of life is a jungle and best to watch from the safety of the safari lodge. Like everything else this will also pass, but give it a few days, because your planets are in the way of an elephant stampede.

SCOrPIO - Oct. 24-Nov. 21 You are probably very vulnerable recently and those that know you can easily sense it. Sometimes those you love are the ones that hold you back the most. Be careful, love is a wonderful emotion but it can also be used as a tool to control.

PISCeS Feb.19-Mar. 20 You may be caught gazing at the stars and questioning everything. All you’re getting is a busy signal or worse, a celestial prerecorded message. Don’t waste your time redialing. Let the circuits clear and as soon as the blockage is gone your call will be answered.

CaNCer - June 22-July 22 Dearest Cancer could easily be going through an epiphany of life. You’ve seen through one level and now notice what was below the surface. The right conjunction of planets can create a magnifying effect. All of a sudden the intricacies of life are more apparent.


nuYou • August 2009

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